#sry theyre a lil
driftsart · 5 months
Prowl will always be my chunky princess it’s find💞
He's already Jazz's chunky princess lmao 💀
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bl00doodle · 1 year
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My sonknux fanchild..... her name is apple !!
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fetabathwater · 7 months
so like. i was surprised they actually killed a significant amount of kids in avp2. and then i like looked it up and its like OH it did get a higher rating lol. but as a side note. 'predators' the third movie was actually enjoyable, and i wished the whole gang in the predator 2018 survived. just bc like. i actually liked how they wanted to keep the son safe yknow. like nebraska fist bumping and carrying rory. nettles and the space alien dog. its just. like silly at the same time. also the thing between coyle and baxley lmao.
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yumenosakiacademy · 8 months
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realpokemon · 2 years
hiii ok so. kind of a ranty question but idk who else to talk to abt this. so like. ive never had a pokemon battle. i grew up with some pokemon in the house (common pet ones; herdier, glameow etc.) but when i was a kid and everyone else was getting their 1st pokemon and battling and doing the gym challenge nd stuff i was a lil neurodivergent mf and SO scared of getting one and it getting hurt or sick or not being responsible enough to take care of it. so like i just kinda stayed at home while all the kids i knew travelled or had lil battling tournaments at school or w/e.
anyway flash forward however many years and now i’m in my early 20s and just like. thinking every day abt what itd be like to have a battle or even do the gym challenge?? but like im 23 and have a full time job and like i Know u can makw pretty decent money battling nd stuff but idk ugh. i just dont know where id even start and it just feels weird like. quitting my job to go do the thing everyone does when theyre literally 12 lmao. UGH now im reading this all and its so dumb im sry
-battle virgin anon
if you head down to a local night pokémon school i think they offer part-time side jobs for just like. watching the battles and healing pokémon after they faint and stuff, just potions and revives and stuff. might be a start to actually watch some battles go down before breaking right in since ur a late bloomer
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enden-k · 5 months
You got any food suggestions? Breakfast, lunch or dinner. Or a snack I don't really care, just something you'd highly recommend.
ohhh sry for seeing this late
what i love eating as part of my breakfast or in between when im craving smth sweet is greek yogurt, with some fresh sliced fruit (rn i use strawberries) and some of my grandparents dandelion/linden honey (theyre beekeepers and this one is sooo tasty) to sweeten it. the greek yogurt and 🍓are quite sour so i love the combo of a lil sweetness
u can lit put anything there like oats(?) or even cereal, whatever fruit u wanna eat or not, syrup (sometimes i use rice syrup to sweeten a bit) instead of honey if u want it sweeter. i dont like candy or sweets and rather eat fruits or this when i crave a lil sweetness, idk if this is smth of ur taste tho.
i can share some simple dishes of my home cuisine like bauyrsaq or pilaf or quick random dishes i do after work if u want smth savory
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farfallasims · 1 year
love your content sm !!! sry if you answered this question before but where do you get your poses from theyre always soo good looking
Thank you so much! As for poses, I'll give you a lil list of my favorite creators!
Most Used/Favorites | Helgatisha, MelBennett, KatVerse, & RoseLipa
Honorable Mentions | SimmerBerlin, StarrySimsie, & Quiddity-Jones
Hope this helps x
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yuukei-yikes · 1 year
Um hiya vinnie,I've liked kagepro since i was like 13 so um do u have any prn hcs for the mekadan? If thats ok 2 ask
ayano: she/her but in a deeply transgender way
kido: they/them but also...why not a lil bit of he/him. transmasc kido my beloved...
seto: he/him also in a deeply transgender way.
kano: he/they/it YEAHH WOOO YEAHHHH also transmasc btw if u even care. but i could also transfem ray him he has the range tbh
mary: she/they, doesnt rly care much though. that sonic comic thats like knuckles what are ur pronouns. (saeru: SETO WHAT ARE MARYS PRONOUNS seto: we usually just use she but they dont really care)
momo: she/it, probably a bunch of neos too. the more the better. transfem btw. that whole thing distances her and shintaro even more as kids bc he doesnt understand it very well. meeting ayano helps
takane: they/she/he/it. idk if its bc theyre a favorite or they just have that much gender. canon blue hair and all you know. so nonbinary it makes you look stupid
shintaro: he/him. hes the diversity hire and the only cis person in the dan. ive seen transmasc shintaro hcs and like ofc its awesome but to me it just changes his whole foundation... if a boy, to me he is cis. if trans shintaro...ok hear me out. transfem shin COME ONNN COME ON COME ONNNN C ok yeah that rly self indulgent hc aside, cis 💔 also has a hard time understanding...everyone else. when finding out ayano is trans his brain breaks. he especially cant understand the nonbinaries hes like JUST PICK ONE !!! sry cis shintaro is so funny he keeps wanting to act like a victim for it (confusion and self hatred shed feel in a transfem hc...oughoigh ok sorry ill move on)(puts down the stress ball with shintaro face printed on it)
hibiya: HE/HIM BABY TRANS💗💗💗 gets his first binder from the dan as a gift. kido teaches him to put it on. weehhh wehhhhh sniff sniff but also transfem egg hibiya would be so awesum too😳 both are good. but he is so deeply transgender either way
haruka: he/she. demiboy or demigirl whichever but so epic and genderfluid :) when he is a girl and she is a boy
konoha: it/its cuz unauthorized fucking thing /pos /pos /pos but when it was around, the dan used he/him sort of in the same way they use she for mary lol (kido: indicative but not exclusive to your gender identity. konoha: stop swearing at me)
hiyori: she/her, transfem. no one knows. knew she was a girl since like 0 seconds old. in my sick twisted mind the way hibiya and hiyori become friends in a route like the novels for example, where they didnt rly speak much before their trip together is cuz hiyori finds out hibiya is trans and decides he HAS to be her friend but doesnt Actually tell him that she's trans. probably only tells him after meeting the dan bc thats the whole lgbt community so she's like damn okay
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monkiebois · 2 years
In your consequences AU (I hope this is ok t ask about), does Nezha ever feel… threatened by MK and Mei? As in “Dad has two babies to take care of, he does not need me around.”
ur good dude :) (also i kinda said more then needed hahaaa sry. i like talking about them"
hmmmmm not really? cause while wukong is the parent nezha fuffils alot of the parental beside him and macaque.
so all three of them have duties/ A job and this is just a general HC.
macaques a mercenary and wukong and nezha are sometimes called up to heaven. so they tend to all have something other then hyperactive chidren to take care off.
so the three of them switch around responsibilities and that includes the two hyperactive/hyperpowerful babies in the house. Nezha is that older brother that changes diapers, cooks when the parents cant, help out with sorting any bills and stuff. nezha has HUGE sense of responsibility.
and so while he does realise that he has to share his dad he doesnt mind all that much, cause now he has little siblings. when theyre still young and even when theyre older nezha enjoys reverting to his younger form and be...well a child and relax. when swk cant pry his attention away from something to be with nezha, mei and mk can.
nezha in his younger form is still nezha, but ynow just a lot more laid back and kinda silly. he doesnt have as many walls up.
the only one he does get jelous and annoyed by is macaque. ar first he truly wonders why his mother wants to keep that dumpster cat around but eventually warms up to the guy where its just playful banter instead of "stay the fuck away from my father"
also wukong and nezha have had a lot of time togetor so even if that thought came intrusivly he knows, because wukong has made this clear often. he loves nezha, there will never be a time where he will "not need him around" something wukong always makes sure his children knows is that there will nver be a time he does not need them anymore.
"no matter what happens, no matter who comes into our lives, no matter who joins our family. I will love you all unconditionally. and if there ever comes a time when you need me I will not hesitate to pull you into my arms"
so yeah if nezha ever DOES feel that way which yeah he has trauma, he has issues, intrusive thoughts happen he just changes into his kid form,plops his head on his mothers arm. she asks him whats wrong.
"you....hhnmmnneed mefkjdsjnsdf"
"lotus your gonna need to speak up"
lil nezha looks up at his mother, tears forming at the corners of his eyes.
"you dont need me anymore...."
suddenly nezha is pulled into a tight bear hug off the ground and spun around then pulled in close tightly.
"my family has grown nezha, so has yours. those are your siblings. mac-
"hahokay, well they arent only my family. xiaojiao and xiaotian love you as much as i do. also i locked my elbows your not going anywhere"
"huh?!?!? BABA!!"
"i love you too lotus, and i forever will"
to summarize, somtimes but only because of what hes been through. he dosnt actually believe it so whenever those thoughts come he just lets swk scoop him into her arms and tell him she loves him.
he doesnt often because now instead of only swk he has little siblings to love him and he loves them.
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dateamonster · 4 months
what’s powering this whole Angel/demon system? Are humans a part of it? Is god harvesting humans for sin and regret?
tbh i prefer to leave the more like blatantly theological aspects a lil ambiguous for funsies and to leave things open to interpretation but the gist is that, regardless of what the objective Truth may be, angels are beings who believe themselves to be the messengers, architects, and when necessary, soldiers of capital g god.
but new orders havent been coming in for a looong time, so angels, being sort of singleminded beings by nature, have just sort of been retreading the same ground over and over since bible times. studying the scripture, spreading messages of love and light, polishing up the ol holy swords in preparation for the day they are called to use them at last, etc etc etccc. its like if you combined a nun with a doomsday prepper. theres also the matter of the angel hierarchy that dictates who exactly does what to keep celestial society running on like an internal level but thats the basic vibe.
angels mostly exist within the celestial realm but they have outposts in the mortal realm as well (because demons started setting up shop there and they didnt want to be shown up). while angels are only supposed to go to earth for business purposes, theres not always a whole lot of oversight on their activities and in modern times there are plenty who are just kinda. living normal lives amongst humankind.
and in the other corner, demons. contrary to common belief, they are not all or even mostly fallen angels. theyre their own thing, occupants of the infernal realm and dealers in human misery and avarice. back in ye olde days it was just you know every once in a while one of these funney little guys with pop in the mortal realm to fuck with humans or trick them into selling their soul for a piddling bit of magic or whatever, but over time they industrialized and now hell is a massive sprawling enterprise with a highly competitive and highly confusing economic system and no clear idea who is at the top.
its an mlm. its just literally a really big slightly more evil than normal mlm scheme.
angels and demons have had beef from the very beginning, not least of all because team infernal keeps bringing those angels who cant stay the path over to their side, but also just about every non-infernal beastie in existence thinks devils are kind of a bunch of little yuppie shits. actually, neither side is particularly well liked by the rest of creature-kind come to think of it.
btw shouldve mentioned earlier but humanity in this world is like. vaguely aware of the paranormal and such. angels are more of a rarity because one of the many many rules they abide by forbids them from doing anything that could bring harm to humans (gods specialest little guys) which over time, following several Incidents, has been expanded to mean "dont reveal yourself to humans or ideally even interact with them unless absolutely necessary", meanwhile demons whole deal kind of requires direct interaction. they might keep the horns under wraps until theyve got your signature for obvious reasons, but at this point everyones got a cousins best friends uncle who did some shady shit at a crossroads and came back with a crazy story and a blurry photo of some cloven hooves or smth.
tldr god is not rly a factor here. demons deal in mortal souls for power and promotions back in hell and angels intervene wherever they can. otherwise everyones just kinda doing their own thing. its more in line with like the pop culture tradition of angels and demons as fantasy creatures of a kind more than anything specifically religious, though i think its sort of impossible and tbh kind of boring to try and avoid all the source mythology.
anyway this whole post is barely legible sry lol ill try and make a more coherent lore post on this someday
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rottedhellbeast · 9 months
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we refer to ourselves both as a collective n as one, the latter is just for convenience
a lil bit of backstory, were alters who were formed from trauma due to proshits and radqueers exposing us to horrific shit and grooming us as teens, which is why this blog exists, to call them tf out.
other thn that, we dont owe you any info about ourselves or our trauma
this blog is anti-radqueer, antiship, anti-transid, anti-transrace/transabled/etc., anti-endo (this isnt a syscourse blog as well so keep that shit to a minimum), vehemently and annoyingly queer n nonhuman
were pro good faith identities and flags even if theyre contradictory becuause theres bigger fckin problems in the world
if our posts make it in your proshit radqueer tags, grow the fuck up n move on
were dyslexic n dont do grammar/we shorten words sry if its hard to read, got no spoons 4 that shit like ever
our entire aesthetic is 2000's edgy hot topic ass horror shit, this is intentional
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fereldenshero · 2 years
KYLE DO KYLE FOR THE ASK GAME DO KYLE PLEASE (or stan… or both maybe… 👉👈) /nf
character headcanons meme
kyle ♥
sexuality headcanon: he is gay . to me. remember when he was shocked, appalled, etc at the concept of kissing girls. That is a gay boy who is in denial. also cmon post covid kyle is so fruity gender headcanon: HE IS TRANSGENDER !!!!!! To me. to ME he is transmasc a ship i have with said character: STYLE ♥♥♥♥♥ im sry ive been a style girlie since i was 11 i cant help it a brotp i have with said character: kyle n kenny !! they r so bff coded to me a notp i have with said character: besides the obvious [coughs in cartmans direction] id have to say kyle/tweek and kyle/craig. sry i just am not very much into their dynamics </3 a random headcanon: i think he continues to play basketball throughout middle school and high school <3 my lil nerdy jock boy i love u general opinion over said character: HES MY BEST FRIEND IN THE WORLD !!!!! I love him so bad he is so beloved and special
stan ♥
sexuality headcanon: bisexual with a preference for girls gender headcanon: NONBINARY !!!! augh. shakes you around. nonbinary they/he user but TBH i am getting into the idea of him using any a ship i have with said character: well. yknow <3 style <3 a brotp i have with said character: stan n kenny :D kenny is just so best friend coded i can put him with so many people a notp i have with said character: mmmm id say maybe stan/butters but theyre not necessarily a notp, im just not quite a fan a random headcanon: he is vegetarian 4 life to ME. autism be damned tho that boy can work a grill to make burgers for his friends but he goes bleagh ptoey the whole time general opinion over said character: He is my best friend . He is just like me . We are kindred spirits and he is everything to me
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stachekeery · 25 days
ok i feel like i complain abt this a lot and idc as much now that i understand the buddie craze and if i think of it in terms of the ronance / robin with . that one girl who is literally her carbon copy (see i cant even rmbr her name) yes i understand the frustrations but see the thing with that scenario is i feel like ronance fans arent mad at the actor or the character themselves theyre annoyed with the duffers which valid the duffers suck! and also the frustrations is more valid with ronance stuff (sry) bc we understand that its not cable tv we have less time and we know s5 is the last so if ur gonna make ronance happen dont waste ur time with some other ship
but with 911 and buddie its like. is bucktommy endgame? prolly not! 911 just got picked up by a new network which btw renewed for another season so the chances of buddie happening are high! so idk maybe just enjoy bucktommy? enjoy boykisserbuck ? enjoy buck having his gay firsts ? like this is why ppl hate buddie shippers bc its so . u hate any pairing of bucks that isnt eddie like maybe calm down a lil. cuz like actively tweeting several times "i hate tommy" and reading bucktommy ff just to point and laugh is crazy to me. like atp ur experience of fandom isnt enjoyment its hating anyone that isnt u
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miyhhowrites · 6 months
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When requesting please make it as detailed as possible, if not there might be some changes(,,>﹏<,,)
Note! I only write y/n x cc not cc x cc, :<
I dont write smut since most of the prsk characters are minors.. i also dont write poly relationships since i dont really know how it works..
If you send a request even though its closed ill decline it(sending suggestions even if requests are closed are okay)
If you request something and it takes too long for me to upload, i am currently doing it! I just need a lil bit more time...·°՞(≧□≦)՞°·.
Since im a small writer and needs ideas ill try to do your requests, i am the type of person to do everyone's requests(even if it takes long)
If you do send requests, remember to specify it, would it be a full fanfic or just headcanons, if you wont i'll decide :DD
If your going to request w kokoa and tendo, i will make it platonic or familial, sry but theyre sadly canon :<
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yumenosakiacademy · 1 month
[grabs ur face n holds it] listen here. u Cannot live ur life being anxious &/or paranoid all the time. nor not living urself 2 the fullest. even if jus online. theres always stuff 2 b anxious over, believe me i kno im speaking as some1 whos Always worrying or feeling uneasy, but sometimes u jus.. gotta say Fuck It We Ball.
ppl dont like u? oh well bc ur 2 swag 2 epic ur power lvls 2 high. they can go fuck off n thtll leave more room 4 the ppl who Do like u. ppl will Not Like U all the time but u kno what? u can Not Like Them back too. see how they like Them apples. fuckin Up Theirs.
take ur finger. yea. the 1 in front of u. on ur hand, yea. oh, the 1 right in the middle, yea not the others, sry. put the other 1s down u dont need those unless ur gonna do a bitchslap. now keep tht middle 1 up! yea! raise it high! 🖕 middle finger tht say Fuck You! 🖕a powerful weapon indeed. say it w me now. "fuck" ("...fuck") "YOU" ("...you") "I DO. WHAT I. WANT. EAT SHIT." ("i.. do what i want..? ea- um.")
ppl think ur 2 chatty? ur brain is so huge- TOO huge king. ur words endless. they cant handle u bc theyre 2 smallminded. or annoying. ur enjoying hearing urself speak or type. n i applaud u, my liege! talk ur shit. spout ur facts. indulge in ur lil jokes n rambles. talking is an immaculate form of putting ur thoughts in a legible form. n sometimes, u can get others in on the action! ppl will Like what u hav 2 say! reply in kind! strike a convo n talk abt weird shit!! oh, what words can lead 2.
u think ur personality is 2 weird? EVERY1S weird, my guy! normies think theyre the standard but whoever said THEY were the golden children? who gav Them the fuckin right?? r u having fun? no, look at me. u havin fun? u fuckin around 4 the fun of things? then thts all tht matters!! fitting in is 4 fucking squares. adhering 2 what others want is 4 Losers! shutting up or conforming is 4 ppl who Suck!
throw thy fucks 2 the wind!! live freely!! do as u like!! where art thou whimsy, king? hath thy buried it 2 remain "uncringe"? do thee worry abt thy image day in n out? hush thy voice 2 appease the masses? RISE RISE RISE !!!!!
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