#sponsored trip
metropolitant · 8 months
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movedtodykedvonte · 11 months
I think it’s be funny to have a Spider-Man that is genuinely just a kid, not like a teenager or a kid who understands the gravity of his abilities but a kid who does heroics simply because that’s cool to a kid.
The gimmick is that the villains think it’s a gimmick and Spider-Man(?) fucks with them by acting like a kid to make ‘em feel bad or embarrass them only for them to realize he’s a literal child due to a forced team up where they like offer him a brewski afterwards and he’s legitimately like “Mr I am 9 years old, I just do this cause my aunt can’t take me to the park every afternoon.” And they grill him on adult things and he sits there just blanking cause he’s fucking 9.
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respectthepetty · 8 months
Y Journey is a trip
Watching Y Journey: Stay Like a Local is such a trip (pun intended) because it's government-sponsored. [The Tourism Authority IS the Ministry of Tourism and Sports]
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It reminds me of Step by Step on so many layers that I wonder if Director Tee and Dee Hup were actually approached with this idea because it is wild that the government is using BL couples to promote tourism in a country that is LGBT-friendly, yet denies its queer citizens several legal rights.
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However, I think the creative team behind it, Half Toast lead by Oil Savit who has directed and written other queer shorts, took the time to check the required boxes (tourism, sustainability, food security, and environmental protections), while also presenting social commentary on this predicament.
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We aren't going to get kisses from these couples since we are barely getting shoulder touches, yet four of them are established pairs known for higher heat, and all the actors have been involved in higher heat scenes.
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It's almost like Half Toast wanted to present the acceptable-to-society version of these pairs (aka watered down) while still presenting couples who are very well known for their unacceptable-to-society behavior within their shows. Like a wink-wink, nod-nod to each other since their bosses probably have no idea.
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Because these shorts aren't couples who just happen to be queer enjoying all the country has to offer. These are queer couples who aren't out to their parents, yet instinctively give their boyfriend food without thinking about what that looks like to their parents.
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These are queer couples who are worried how their parents will respond to knowing the friend they brought home isn't just a friend.
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So although we are getting this palatable version of queer couples, I'm going to give the production company kudos for not going full Hallmark with this task.
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I love a Hallmark movie as much as the next basic bitch, but Hallmark tends to put every person regardless of race, ethnicity, sexual identity, etc. into the same story, so none of the characters actually feel Black, Hispanic, queer, etc. It just happens to be a Black person in the movie, yet they show none of the Black experience. Yet Half Toast seems to be presenting some of the queer experience in these shorts.
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It's nothing revolutionary, but the company really took the government's check (and a big corporation's), cashed it before the government could take it back, and said "let's be kind to the gays."
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While heavily encouraging people to "create a sustainable future together."
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So up next, openly gay actor Fluke Natouch will introduce a man to something he has never tried before.
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Don't forget this is government-sponsored, so the savory treat will be food.
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Not him.
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But hopefully the creative team will continue to sprinkle a little queer experience on top of this government-sponsored tourism ad.
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Because they already cashed that check!
This is the gay agenda.
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twinksintrees · 3 months
the ada goes to the zoo
Kunikida: makes the perfect schedule, a gorgeous itinerary for the whole day. optimized travel routes, perfect amount of snacks distributed, a lunch stop is planned, he has an emergency bag with band aids and water and backup snacks for anyone who needs it.
now of course, the schedule falls apart immediately as everyone runs off to do their own thing. so here’s what everyone else does
Dazai actually sticks with Kunikida, keeping with his planned route, just slowing him down and pestering him the whole time. he’s 100% a little whiny baby who would complain about getting tired or hungry every two minutes.
Atsushi and Akutagawa buddy up (idk why Akutagawa’s here if it’s an ada trip but i want him here so he is now) and they both move at a snails pace, both of them staring at everything just absolutely transfixed. the big cat’s section would intrigue Atsushi greatly, and i think he would chuff at the other tigers.
Ranpo and Poe run off together and Ranpo stops at every little snack stand and souvenir station and Poe buys him absolutely everything.
Yosano wanders on her own, going along casually but definitely lingering if there’s a butterfly/garden exhibit
Fukuzawa finds the big cat’s section and stays there the entire time. Atsushi visits with him and sits for a bit before moving on with Akutagawa.
Kenji and Kyouka pair up and Kenji drags her to the petting zoo barnyard area, he excitedly tells her everything he knows about all the animals
The tanizaki siblings pair up, ig they just wander i don’t have anything specific for them
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slowsweetlove · 8 months
Eddie confirmed for Broadway.
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Oscar winner Eddie Redmayne reprises his Olivier-winning performance as the Emcee alongside Gayle Rankin as the Toast of Mayfair, Sally Bowles. Broadway pre-sale access at kitKat.club
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lilapplesheadcannons · 11 months
Yiling Limnid
Mo XuanYu blinked the sweat away from his eyes. He must have been hallucinating in the heat and exhaustion because surely the sign that looked like it was painted by a child on a wooden pallet couldn't really say what he thought it said.
He was jolted by a bony elbow to his ribs. Xue Yang waved his bandaged hand in front of his eyes.
"Hey, hey, are we on the right path? What does the sign say?"
Mo XuanYu screamed into his ear.
Xue Yang leapt away like a frog that was the current world champion in high-jump.
"Whatchu did that for?" He grumbled while rubbing his left ear. "What's a Lim-nid?"
"I don't know. Maybe a demon?"
Xue Yang brightened up.
"We can't be very far behind then. Let's go." He grabbed XuanYu's arm and dragged him forward.
Stumbling on loose stones, Mo XuanYu questioned his decision not for the first time. After all, would the Yiling Laozu accept them as sacrifices and exact vengeance on the Mo family and Chang clan? Combined, he and Xue Yang didn't reach 100 cattys. The Yiling Laozu would probably use them as toothpicks. But what choices did he have? After he had punched Mo Zianyu and scratched Aunt Mo's face, he was as good as dead if he dared to return to Mo Manor. In fact, he was sure he'd die if Xue Yang left him behind.
He met Xue Yang when he ran out of the Mo mannor, remarkably unscathed because everyone was taken aback by his sudden lashing out. Mo XuanYu was sitting in a corner alley in the market, soaked to his bones in the rain like an alley cat. He was too hungry to move but too ashamed to beg. Suddenly, he felt a kick to his back. It was a child closer to his age, looking angry and scary. Xue Yang planned to rob the little white-face, but he was completely caught unaware when the boy started sobbing uncontrollably. Instead of getting money, he had to spend some from his own hidden stash to buy a bun for the brat. He wanted to leave, but Mo XuanYu looked ready to start crying again if he was left behind. They have been travelling together since.
The bright idea of travelling to Yiling and bidding the Yiling Laozu to avenge them came from Xue Yang. Every time he looked at his left hand, he wanted to tear Chang Ci'an into pieces. So the boys walked across land to travel to Yiling. Their last stop was the Yiling market itself, where a cantankerous looking woman pointed out the road they needed to take to reach the burial mound. The village was soon left behind, and the road was pretty much empty now.
Mo XuanYu weighed their options. They could still return if they wanted. He opened his mouth hesitantly,
Xue Yang whipped back his head to look at him. His eyes were glittering.
"You got scared, didn'tya? Sissy! Go back if you want to!"
"I NEVER SAID I WANTED TO GO BACK!" Mo XuanYu screamed. His eyes were stinging. Again.
Xue Yang looked apprehensive. He had a lot of experience with Mo XuanYu's tears in the last few weeks. Besides, he didn't really want XuanYu to leave.
"Then what?"
"There's a stone in my shoe. I just wanted you to slow down."
Xue Yang grumbled, but he also waited patiently as Mo XuanYu took of his right shoe and shook an imaginary pebble out of it.
"Come on, let's go. We are almost there."
He was right. They could hear faraway murmurs and laughter. Did the dead talk among themselves just like the living?
The hilly road took a sharp turn. Even Xue Yang's heart was racing despite his bravado. In his grip, Mo XuanYu's hand twitched but never slipped away. To pluck up extra courage, they stomped ahead. It was only early afternoon. Surely, the ghosts and spirits wouldn't attack them before dark?
They were confronted with a small crowd as they turned the corner. It was mostly old men, sitting or standing in old men fashion. Few were smoking. Rest stood around a duo playing Go. People were giving contradictory advice and muttering encouragement. The old geezer was obviously winning because he smiled like a smug Bodhisattva with wrinkles. The younger guy looked ready to throw hands.
Behind them, there was a small shopstand manned by a child not older than 5. There were water jugs and glasses on the stand. A banner marked "Frsh Limnid" behind the child lazily fluttered in the wind. He looked at the boys hopefully.
"Limnid? It's extra fresh. Only 5 coins."
The boys gathered their slack jaws off the floor. Disappointment and relief flooded Mo XuanYu simultaneously.
"Did you mean lemonaid?"
"Yeah, limnid. I need to sell another 10 glasses, or Xian-gege won't take me to his nephew's birthday party."
"Forget about that." Xue Yang screeched like a pterodactyl that was just kneed in the groin by an offended brontosaur. Ashamed, he lowered his voice. "We must have taken a wrong turn. No, how can that be? It was a straight road. That dumb broad at Yiling must have given us wrong directions to the burial mound. Wait till I get my hands on her!"
Someone cleared their throat politely behind them.
"Er, this IS the burial mound."
They turned around. More than his words, the man's appearance proved that this place was truly the burial mound. Despite their recent growthspurt, he towered over both the boys. His eyes were milky white, and his face was greenish-pale. Black vein marks ran on his throat.
"G-ghost general!"
Both of the boys took a step back. The young man grinned sheepishly. Behind him, a sudden cheer declared the conclusion of the game. The winner, whom everyone called Uncle Four, puffed up like a prized rooster.
Xue Yang found his voice.
"We demand to meet the Yiling Laozu!"
The ghost general scratched his head.
"Wei-xiong should be up from his afternoon nap soon. Why don't you wait for him?"
As if to answer him, Mo XuanYu's stomach grumbled loudly. Xue Yang's secret stash had finally given out. They each had half a bun this morning and nothing else since. Mo XuanYu blushed at the face of the angry look Xue Yang was giving him.
The ghost general grabbed them by their shoulders.
"Let's get you two to jie and granny first. You two need food. The Yiling Laozu won't run away."
"No limnid?" The child looked disappointed.
"Sorry, A-Yuan. But your rich-gege will be here tomorrow. You can make him buy all your stock then."
The boys allowed the fierce corpse to gently steer them forward. After all, how much worse could it be?
(It, in fact, ended up being much, much worse. A scary looking lady made them scrub themselves raw, and everyone snickered when she asked them if they washed behind their ears. Granny apparently went suddenly deaf every time they claimed they were full and kept piling up rice on their bowls. The Yiling Laozu laughed himself silly when Xue Yang's voice broke again. They had to share a bed with A-Yuan at night because his "rich-gege" was back sooner than expected, and A-Yuan kept throwing his legs over their stomachs in his sleep. Uncle Four offered to teach them Go and beat them blind every time. Before they got the Yiling Laozu to commit to their cause, an angry purple man came to collect him and A-Yuan for a birthday party. The Yiling Laozu pointed at Mo XuanYu and whispered to him. The purple man yelled some more and asked Mo XuanYu to get ready to go with them. Xue Yang tried to stand up to follow, but the angry lady knocked on his head and told him to sit still so she could finish changing his bandage. But this is not the place for these stories.)
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wretchedlittlething · 4 months
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Just because it's a road trip day doesn't mean I can't wear cute panties
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krash-8 · 5 months
ok so I get the schools football team is great and you can afford to spend thousands of dollars on signs that glow when they play and shit but can you go back to not charging kids for pads. or at least stocking the dispensers that do
#rant in tags sorry lol i hate it here#anyways#I don't generally take change with me when i go to the bathroom mid class#believe it or not#and half the time the dispensers are empty or broken anyway#“but then kids will just take them all” 1) how would anybody casually walk out of the restroom with 50 tampons#2) i think youd live#use that money you're always bragging on for something thats NOT showy sports gear or a fucking ten thousand dollar chandelier#hate rich schools because they have so much money they dont even bother spend it right#dont even get me started on the band#i like band !!! band is cool !!!! however my former high school had a great band#and they didn't BEG THEIR MEMBERS to sponsor THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS EACH FOR#on top of what they already have#AND THEY HAVE A LOT.#tbh ive never met more spoiled kids than the band ones at my school in my life#“we didn't get to have 5 field trips to amusement parks this year. just four. of COURSE im upset; they dont fund band enough”#that kid got jumped on by three art kids and a teacher when that came out 😭😭😭#they just expect this shit#do they notice what its taking from everyone else#i have a teacher whos worked with this school for like 25 years. which is remarkable as this school isnt very old. or this town#compared to my other schools at least#and every day she goes on about How Much She Hates what theyre doing#but she wont leave because she likes to teach#shes watched the school slowly transfer more and more of its budget to showy extra things#and give less and less to necessities#more money does not help.#not only is there nothing more they can take from some families without driving us out‚ but they'll just keep wasting it.#theyre spoiled fucking rotten and you can't give them anything because itll never go where you want#out of tags but yeah i hate them and something needs to be done about the district#school problems
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maple-leaf-in-autumn · 8 months
someone stop me from listening to Stalemate from the Death Note Musical literally all day
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seventh-district · 8 months
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it’s finally getting cold enough that i can bring my cardigan collection back into rotation without feeling like i’m gonna melt into a puddle the second i step outside!!!
#Seven.txt#my face#i have rematerialized back out of the void to once again make my once-in-a-blue-moon selfie & life update post#i’m running on 4 hours of restless sleep and the single banana i ate for lunch earlier today. let’s do this#hrrrrg i hate the lighting in my bathroom but i refuse to take pictures in the absolute Mental Illness Disaster Zone™️ that is my bedroom#anyways. got diagnosed with Mystery Pain Syndrome at the dentist today. so now i take ✨steroids✨#the less funny explanation is that my tooth still hurts with pressure nearly a month post-root canal and That’s Not Good#so we’re trying some new medications to see if that fixes it. and if not then who knows. root canal pt.2 the sequel. or extraction. sigh#and so the Dental Saga continues. todays visit went quite well in spite of the unforeseen mystery pain delaying the tooth-shaving plans#we had some time to kill so he managed to fill some of my other tiny cavities while i was there today so that’s good#okay moving on. what else. uhh. OH they finally came out and ran the fiber to the house last week!!! now i’m just waiting on one more-#-guy to come and finish the interior install and the long awaited fast internet will finally be mine eheheheheeeee#now i can feel my hours upon hours of unedited gameplay footage breathing down my neck :)#man i’ve got so much stuff piled up right now. i’m drowning in Tasks and it’s a lil overwhelming but i’ll handle it all! eventually#uhhhhm my current writing project is coming along well! i’ve never put so much time and effort into a oneshot before in my life#its a labor of love though and i think i’m gonna be really proud of myself (and the fic) once it’s complete#even if no one reads it bc it’s so goddamn self indulgent and kinda lowkey throws canon out the window but like. fuck it!#if i want Astarion to write a song on piano and perform it for me while mentally taking me on a trip down memory lane. then so be it#fr though i’ve never written anything quite like this and i rlly want to do it justice. even if its unrealistic i still want it to be Good#in other news i received word that one of the chickens i sponsor at my local Gentle Barn has passed away so i had a lil cry abt that#i feel so bad for his little tiny chicken wife. they obviously loved each other and it’s like. so sad when one half of an old couple dies#like. she pulled him out of his depression after his 1st wife died. now who’s gonna be there to pull Her out…#anyways let’s not get all sad about that again. in happier news my cat who i presumed died/got killed has returned home uninjured!!!#after that huge stray dog chased her into the woods i thought we’d never find or see her again#but then the morning after i started grieving her she showed back up hungry as hell yet completely unharmed like the enigma that she is#so that’s one definite highlight from earlier this month. uhh what else. rapid fire summary of the past few weeks let’s go-#Jersey turned 10! Bullet turned 10! my 6 year Veganniversary happened! i’m approaching 700 days on DuoLingo!#i’ve written more than 20 thousand words! i’ve been facing some fears! fighting my OCD! taking care of myself! (kinda!)#anyways things are far from being all sunshine and roses around here but i’m trying to focus on the good stuff for the most part#for now tho i have a headache and have reached 30 tags so it’s time to go shovel some mashed potatoes into my mouth :)
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puffywiz · 1 year
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I was replaying Pokémon Moon to prepare for this RP my friends and I do on and off before I got steamrolled into playing the new Fire Emblem lmao. But before that I was doing some designs for Guzma post game. In our RP we integrate characters from all the regions so when Guzma (bug autism) met Steven Stone (rock autism) he started developing a crush and it’s very pure and wholesome. Guz is gonna go on a trip to Hoenn in our game so I wanted to give him some new Pokémon and some new digs (peep his cool new pinsir megastone 🦂)
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mothladders · 8 months
Since I keep getting dms asking!
No I don’t sell any kind of content except like art commissions.
I do, however, like to eat food, buy cute clothes and video game stuff. So if ya wanna shoot me some buckeroonies, I use the same user for my venmo -finger guns-
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torahtot · 1 month
also u know when u find out someone is rich rich riiiiich & everything falls into place abt them
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lattebiscotti · 10 months
i think we should recreate and then there were none but with influencers. i think we can crowdfund this
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tamaharu · 11 months
the WORST part of this trip besides the heat is that the time is spread so disparately compared to what im interested in. we spend maybe an hour and a half in an interesting museum and then we walk and look at the exterior of buildings for three hours. girl.
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Do you ever think but then suddenly just- stop? Like in my brain its like:
'Yo omg look at that bird holy shit its do pretty do you think i could draw it? Nah i succ at drawing but maybe i could practice but nahh to much work but what if i learned german or maybe bake some of my muffins today i would love to bake- woah the birds looking at me aaaand its gone. I wish i was a bird i could fly and eat seeds and chirp and-
'Crashes onto the floor like an apple in 19-whatever the fuck onto Isaac Newton's fucking skull'
Does everyone do that or is it the newrodrivergentle shit fucking with me.
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