#spoilers are in the tags so beware etc
dimension20stuff · 3 months
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I made a moodboard for naddpod campaign 2 finale
32 notes · View notes
fox-guardian · 1 year
finished night vale year five and I am. Full of feelings.
23 notes · View notes
yumeka-sxf · 5 months
Now that I've finally read through the entire novelization of CODE: White, I'm ready to share a full summary of everything that happens - basically spoil the whole movie for those interested 😅
But before I get to the summary, a few notes:
I didn't translate every line from the novelization as that would have taken way too long. I go into more detail for scenes I was particularly interested in (like Twiyor scenes), or scenes that were easy to translate. But I still made sure to mention everything that's important to the story. If I gloss over some parts more than others, it's either because they were difficult to translate, or I didn't think they were that important. But even so, the "summary" still ended up being way longer than I anticipated!
I have not seen the movie myself yet, so everything in the summary below is based on the novelization only (of which there were two versions released, with slight differences between them). Obviously the novelization is an accurate adaptation, but there is a chance that a few things are different between the novelization and the actual movie, and/or the novelization may have left out some dialogue or minor scenes.
And lastly, it goes without saying but BEWARE OF MAJOR SPOILERS BELOW! Not only that, but please be considerate of where you share these spoilers. Remember to properly tag this post if you reblog it and think twice before you share any of this information on other social media. Most people don't want to be spoiled to this degree!
The movie starts with an introduction to the characters – we see Twilight carrying out a mission where he has to disguise himself as someone's wife. Meanwhile, Yor is doing an assassination mission. They both come home at the same time and are greeted by Anya. Bond has a vision of Anya and Loid getting sick from Yor's cooking, so Anya suggests that Loid cook instead.
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At Eden, Henderson tells the students about the cooking contest and how the principal will be the judge. Loid is on the roof, reading Henderson's lips. A falcon flies overhead and drops him a note with an F cipher. He goes to meet with Sylvia at one of the WISE hideouts. She informs him that she has another big mission for him, but when he objects that he couldn't take on something so big in the midst of Operation Strix, she hands him a photo of a man and child. She explains that the man is Major Depple of the Army Intelligence Department who has a lot of important people backing him, and since they hadn't made enough progress with Operation Strix, the higher-ups decided to pass it onto him.
As Loid leaves, he bumps into Fiona. Her hat gets blown away with the wind and he reaches to catch it, just as Yor and her coworkers are across the street. From where Yor sees them, it looks like Loid is kissing "the mysterious woman." Loid and Fiona have a fake conversation – he compliments her hat, she says it was made overseas, etc – while they're actually doing their secret "spy talk" (like they did when she first visited him at home). He tells her what's happening with Operation Strix, and she tells him that she had tried to warn him that it shouldn't have been left up to ordinary citizens who don't know anything, and that she should take on the wife role. Meanwhile, Camilla and co. tell Yor about the three signs of cheating: one, an increase in travelling; two, a change in clothing taste (to match the taste of his new lover); and three, suddenly giving gifts (because he feels guilty).
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Later that evening, Yor is still feeling anxious about Loid's possible "lover." When Anya gets home, she tells them about the cooking competition. Loid recalls from his data that the principal's favorite is the melemele pastry. If Anya could get a stella from the competition, that could help get him back into Operation Strix. He says that he read in the school newspaper that the melemele in Frejis is supposedly the best, so they should go there and try it for themselves via a family vacation over the weekend. Yor thinks back to the "increase in travelling" sign of cheating that Camilla told her about. Loid tells her that only families are allowed at the Frejis restaurant they're headed to, so she decides to go, though she's still conflicted about whether this is actually a sign of cheating or not.
They have some family time on the train to Frejis, though Loid still makes Anya study. They play cards and get food (Anya has a corn dog, Yor has a sandwich, Loid has a hamburger). After coming back from the bathroom, Anya notices a key by one of the sinks. Bond is with her, and through him she sees a vision of the future – in the vision, she goes to car 8 and opens a trunk with the key while overhearing two men mention that it's a key to a treasure of the Republic.
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Back in the train car, Loid brings up Anya's terrible handwriting while Yor mentions that they had practiced handwriting the other day. Loid says that Yor's motherly side is really coming out, which causes Yor to get flustered and makes her think that it's not her skills as a mother he could be dissatisfied with but perhaps her skills as a wife. She gets even more flustered when she notices a couple across the way kissing and starts nervously moving her lips, to which Loid asks if something's wrong. She stammers that her lipstick didn't warm up and is itchy, then says she's going to look for Anya since she's taking a long time.
Meanwhile, Anya and Bond find the luggage compartment and locate the trunk from Bond's vision. When Anya goes to grab it, Bond tries to stop her. At first she thinks that she shouldn't just do whatever she wants with other people's stuff, but then she remembers that the men in the vision said it was a treasure of the Republic, a treasure that could possibly help achieve world peace. She opens the trunk and is disappointed to find just a chocolate in it. But when she hears the two men, Domitri and Luca, open the door, she gets startled and accidently knocks the chocolate out of the trunk. It bounces off of Bond's nose, and when she tries to grab it, it falls into her mouth. She hides when Luca and Domitri come in to look for the trunk.
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They describe the ship sticker on it, and when they find that it's been opened and the chocolate stolen, they say they're going to kill whoever took it so the secret won't get out. When Anya accidently makes a noise, the men take notice. Domitri takes a flower out of his pocket and points it towards the dim light in the car, saying that his "flower fortune telling" will tell him who's hiding. They then notice Anya escaping into car 7 and give chase. They lock her in car 6, but when she starts screaming for Papa and Mama, Yor breaks open the locked door. She asks Anya who the two men are and Anya says that they're chocolate thieves who were being mean to her. Yor beats them up (after telling Anya to cover her eyes) just as the train arrives at Frejis station (Anya seems to feel bad that she sicced Yor on them when she was the actual chocolate thief). When they get off the train, Loid says that they should start heading to their destination (as Yor starts building a snowman). After they get their luggage and leave, Luca and Domitri emerge from the car they were in and say they need to contact the colonel.
The shop that has the melemele is called "Restaurant Rubble and Bonds." Since pets aren't allowed in the restaurant, they leave Bond outside when they go inside to eat. After ordering food along with the melemele, the waitress tells them that they're getting the last melemele. Bond watches them from the window, but then a waitress comes over and feeds him the special pet plate, which he happily eats. As the Forgers are eating, Loid tells Anya that she shouldn't eat with her hands, and that using a knife and fork are proper manners. Yor watches and notices the turtleneck sweater Loid is wearing, which makes her realize it's something that he never wears. She then thinks of Camilla's second sign of cheating, a change in clothing taste. The chef comes over and tells them how the war in Frejis was mostly fought in the sky, and the aircraft displayed at the front of the station belonged to a two-man team famous for shooting down planes during the war.
There's a brief scene where Yuri overhears his coworkers at the SSS talking about Frejis, and he of course wants to go since he knows Yor is there now. But the boss won't let him, so he makes a bit of a scene.
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Back at the restaurant, the chef continues to talk about the war and how he lost everything at that time. His decision behind making a restaurant catering to families was so people could experience the homemade food that he remembered his mom used to make. Loid can't help but relate the chef's backstory to his own. The melemele is finally ready and brought to the table.
Just as Anya is about to dig in, Colonel Snidel and some other soldiers enter the restaurant. The waitress and chef try to tell them that only families are allowed, but Snidel says that the military have authority in this area, even when it comes to food, and could close down the restaurant if they wanted to. They order the melemele, and when they're told that there isn't any left, one of the soldiers takes the melemele from Anya. Loid politely tells the soldiers that his daughter was really looking forward to eating it and if they could possibly order a different dessert. Snidel asks if they're tourists that came here to eat the melemele. Loid replies that they travel around trying delicious food. Snidel challenges Loid to a competition – if Loid wins, he'll give them back the melemele. The competition involves trying the three cakes that were placed on the table and correctly naming every type of sugar in them. Even though Loid correctly names them, Snidel also mentions the exact number of grams, making his answers the most accurate. Everyone's bummed that Loid lost, but he says that they could try coming back again. However, the chef tells them that they won't have more until Monday, which is when the Forgers have to be back in Berlint for the cooking competition. Yor asks the chef that if they provide their own ingredients, would he make it for them, and he agrees.
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The Forgers go to the Frejis marketplace to get the ingredients from the list that the chef provided. Having already memorized the list, Loid moves at super speed to every shop and quickly finds most of the ingredients. When he goes looking for the orange syrup, a man from a cosmetic shop asks if he'll buy one of the many lipsticks there for his wife. He picks one out, mentioning how back on the train Yor had said that her lipstick wasn't working out and if this one is a nice color. She's embarrassed at first, but then agrees that it's a nice color and accepts…but then she's reminded of Camilla's last sign of cheating: suddenly giving a gift (meanwhile Loid is just thinking how putting on the happy couple appearance is part of the mission). With all three signs of cheating having taken place, Yor says that she's going to the bathroom and dejectedly walks away. Loid wonders if she's just tired from the trip and if she'll be okay. Anya then calls Loid over to a shooting game booth that has the orange syrup as one of the prizes. After attempting the game and failing, Anya reads the booth owner's mind and realizes it's rigged. Loid gets suspicious as well and is able to masterfully shoot down the orange syrup while also exposing the owner's scam.
Loid is ready to look for the last ingredient, but then Anya runs off to ride the mini train. Yor rejoins them, having put on the lipstick while she was in the bathroom. Loid says it suits her and asks if she'd like to get a drink somewhere. They go to a café booth where Loid orders coffee. But Yor, thinking how she needs to confirm the whole cheating thing with Loid and can't open up without the help of alcohol, orders several cups of heated wine. She finally gets drunk enough to ask Loid if he has a lover.
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From the train, Anya looks over to see Yor grab Loid's scarf and pull him to the ground. Anya freaks out about "Papa and Mama flirting." They're both on the ground now, with Yor hovering over Loid before she finally passes out. She wakes up on a bench, where Loid asks if she's okay. She apologizes for what she did, but thinks that Loid will definitely want a divorce after what happened. When Anya reads her mind, she thinks of what Becky told her about divorces and how they cause families to fall apart. She then hears the ferris wheel attendant calling for people to ride, saying that it'll be a happy, "flirty" experience. Anya tells Loid and Yor that she wants to ride the ferris wheel, but then ushers them onto the gondola without joining them, much to their surprise. She tells them to get "flirty," to Loid's dismay. Yor tells Bond to look after Anya.
Yor realizes that she must look really bleak right now and it's making Anya worry. Loid asks if she's okay and she again apologizes for her behavior earlier. Loid replies that she's been acting weird for a while, causing Yor to finally admit that she saw him with his "lover"…someone with a large hat. Tears start welling in her eyes, so she covers her face with her hands to hide them. Realizing that the person she's referring to was Fiona, Loid explains that she wasn't a lover, just someone who needed directions to the art museum. Feeling embarrassed about her mistake, Yor looks away from Loid and out the window. She sees Anya and Bond below, the former waving happily at her. Yor waves back before mentioning if Loid could want a divorce, to which he light-heartily replies "no way." Yor says that she's lacking in a lot of ways, not just as a mother but as Loid's wife. Loid then takes her hands in his, looks straight into her eyes and reminds her of the promise he made via their marriage proposal.
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He says the marriage vows again before stating that he has no intention of breaking his promise. As Loid gets closer to her, Yor's face reddens and her heart races until she finally breaks – she smacks Loid on the cheek, sending him flying out of the gondola (which had reached the ground). But he adjusts himself in midair and lands gracefully on his feet. Yor grabs their belongings from the gondola and hurries out. Upon seeing Loid's swollen cheek, Anya panics that Papa and Mama were fighting and the Forger family is over. Loid and Yor object to this, with Loid saying that they weren't fighting. Anya then says that they were flirting, but they object to that as well, faces red with embarrassment. Anya just grins at them.
The clock tower bell chimes, signaling 5 o' clock. When Loid muses that it got so late already, Yor apologizes that it was due to her passing out from drinking too much. Loid asks if she and Anya will go back to the hotel while he gets the remaining ingredient, cherry liquor. He thinks to himself how it's something rare that would not likely be sold at a store, so he'd have to get it through illegal means, which means that Yor and Anya can't accompany him.
Snidel gets out of his military vehicle in front of a flying battleship. He's greeted by several soldiers who tell him that route negotiations with the Arbo Republic have ended and adjustments to Type F have been completed. Snidel suddenly shoots and kills one of the operations leaders, claiming he's a traitor who leaked military information to WISE. Luca and Domitri then arrive and inform him that the microfilm was eaten.
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Meanwhile, Sylvia meets with a bunch of WISE agents at their Berlint hideout. She tells them that they lost contact with their Frejis agent, suspecting that Snidel has taken action. She says that if the microfilm reaches the Arbo Republic, it could lead to an all-out war between the East and West. She doesn't think their agent had gotten the microfilm, but she knows Twilight is currently in Frejis, so he may be their only hope. She orders a couple of the male agents to meet with Twilight at Frejis and get the microfilm. However, Fiona interrupts and requests that Sylvia leave the mission to her instead. Sylvia objects, but Fiona is already leaving the room and on her way, thinking over and over to herself "A mission with senpai, a mission with senpai, a mission with senpai…"
Back at Frejis, Loid looks everywhere for the cherry liquor – he sneaks into a moonshine factory and even the wine cellar of a wealthy man, but still can't find it. He calls Franky at his tabacco shop in Berlint, inadvertently interrupting Franky's flirting with a pretty girl. He asks Franky if he can get the cherry liquor and that he needs it by tomorrow morning. Franky says he'll try but it would take him half a day to even get to Frejis, but Loid had already hung up.
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At the hotel, Yor unpacks while Anya admires the hotel amenities ("Hotel TV!" "Hotel toilet!" "Hotel bed!") She then takes her toys out of her bag – among them are crayons, a sketchbook, a rubber duckie, and a toy gun. She pretends to shoot Bond with the gun, then points the gun at Yor and asks if she's the "boss." At first Yor is uneasy about partaking in Anya's game, but then she gives in and pretends to be the boss who wants the treasure. This makes Anya even more fired up and she says "Let's battle, polite lady boss!" The three of them continue playing.
Loid returns to the hotel and finds Anya's drawings of the ferris wheel and shooting game booth on the table. Anya's sleeping on the sofa while Yor puts a blanket over her. Loid says that he's going out again because he found the liquor at a neighboring town. Since it's a bit far, he's taking a car that he's borrowing from the hotel. Anya wakes up and calls Loid a liar since he said he would be back soon but came back so late. He apologizes, but then she reads his mind as he thinks about the fact that if Anya doesn't get a stella soon, Operation Strix and their family will be over. Anya says she wants to come along with Loid, but when he turns her down, she sadly goes back to the bedroom with Bond. When Loid starts to leave, asking Yor to take care of Anya, Yor asks him how many seats there are in the car he borrowed. He answers five. She then asks if they can all go together, since it's a family trip.
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In the bedroom, Anya hugs Bond while thinking about the sad state of the family. Bond suddenly has a vison of the cherry liquor behind the cash register of a store at the plaza. At first Anya wants to tell Loid about it, but then she thinks that her secret would be revealed if she did (Loid would say "How did you know that? You can read minds? And Bond can see the future?") After realizing she can't tell him about it, she looks towards the window...
Meanwhile, Yor tells Loid how happy it made Yuri to be with her all day for special occasions like birthdays and family outings, and that it's the same with Anya. Loid thinks back to how happy Anya was when they were doing things together on the trip, such as playing trump, playing in the snow, and eating at the restaurant. He picks up the toy gun on the table and thinks back to how grateful Anya was for being able to play "spy" at the old castle. As he returns the gun to the table, Yor tells him how Anya was looking forward to so many things on this family trip, like eating sweets and playing together. She says she understands Anya's feelings since she's made Yuri feel lonely before. She tells Loid that Anya was really looking forward to being with him and how lonely it is to be separated from your family. She asks again if they could all go together to get the liquor at the next town, even though it's passed Anya's bedtime. When he starts thinking of the possible harm of bringing Anya with him, he pushes those thoughts aside and agrees with Yor.
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Suddenly, room service knocks at the door. When Yor says that she didn't order any, Loid looks through the peep hole and sees Fiona disguised as a maid. He then says that he forgot to order a large bathrobe and steps outside. In the hotel corridor, he asks Fiona why she's here. She repeats "room service" while actually saying "it's a mission" in spy talk. Loid says that she can talk normally since it's just the two of them, and asks if she could be quick since he's also on a mission. She starts blabbering internally about how she's alone with him – LOVE!
Back in the room, Yor hears a noise from the bedroom, and when she goes to look, the window is open and both Anya and Bond are gone. Meanwhile, Fiona explains the mission about the microfilm to Loid. When she mentions Colonel Snidel, Loid thinks back to his encounter with Snidel and the military back at the restaurant. Yor suddenly comes out of the room and tells Loid that Anya ran away through the window. She had left a note behind, but when Loid goes to read it, the handwriting is extremely messy – he can make out the word "sorry" (misspelled).
Anya and Bond arrive at the shop in the plaza from Bond's vision. She buys the bottle of liquor and happily walks with Bond back to the hotel, thinking that now the Forger family will be okay. At the same time, the military is looking for girls that match Anya's description, using a picture that Luca drew of her. Bond starts barking when he notices Luca and Domitri pull up in a car behind Anya. Anya and Bond try to run away, but Luca pulls Anya into the car. Bond bites Luca's arm but gets pushed away. As they drive off with Anya in the car, they run over a can in the road that hits Bond in the head. Bond howls sadly as he watches the car disappear. Back at the battleship, Snidel says that it will depart as soon as they get the microfilm.
Loid and Yor run through town calling for Anya. They find Bond collapsed on the side of the road. Loid asks if he's okay and if Anya was with him. Bond barks and tries to gesture about what happened, but Loid and Yor can't understand him. However, Loid notices something in Bond's mouth – Luca's armband that he had bitten off. Loid recognizes it and is in disbelief that Anya got caught up in the military.
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Then Fiona, still disguised as the hotel maid, pulls up in a car nearby and calls to Loid saying that he dropped something. In "spy talk" however, she says that he should prioritize getting the microfilm over Operation Strix. Loid thinks for a minute, then says loudly (so Yor can hear) "Ma'am, I would like to ask a favor…"
Meanwhile, Anya is brought before Snidel. Upon seeing him, she shouts that he's the guy who ate her dessert. He says that more important than the melemele, she ate their chocolate. She then states that he's the boss of those thieves. Luca and Domitri reprimand her for not using polite speech in front of the colonel. Snidel asks if she's been to the toilet since. Anya reads his mind as he thinks about how they hid the microfilm in the chocolate, and it's better to wait until she poops it out before killing her. Anya then realizes that the chocolate she ate on the train had the "treasure" inside, and if she poops, she'll be killed. Anya then nervously says that she's so cute that poop has never come out of her body, but then admits that she's lying upon seeing Snidel's cold gaze. Snidel instructs Luca and Domitri to take Anya with them and inform him if she poops. Anya begins holding her butt and starts shaking in fear. Domitri asks if she has to go, but she says she's just cold. She knows she mustn't poop or she'll be killed, but the more she thinks about it, the more she has to go!
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Back at the Frejis plaza in front of the station, Loid boards the old fighter plane that was parked there. He's able to operate the communication device and listen in on signals from Snidel's flying battleship. He manages to catch some of Luca and Domitri's conversation with Anya, including them saying that she's in this mess because she ate the microfilm. Upon realizing that Anya ate the microfilm, he breaks into a cold sweat, but quickly regains his composure as he gets off the plane and meets with Yor, who was waiting worriedly outside. He tells her that he thinks Anya is with the military, since he heard from the radio signals that they seem to have taken custody of a girl around five years old. Yor asks why Anya would be with the military. Loid knows that he didn't have any time to come up with an explanation, so he cuts the power cable on the plane and climbs back into the cockpit. As the propellers begin spinning, he asks Yor to stand back and tells her that he'll return soon. Yor thinks back to the two men who attacked Anya on the train and realizes that they might have been from the military, but she can't tell Loid about that or he'd know that she beat them up. She recalls what she said to Loid earlier: that they should all go together because it's a family trip. As the plane leaves, Yor jumps onto it and forces open the door at the bottom. Loid continues to pilot the plane into the Frejis sky, unaware that Yor is also on board.
Back at the WISE hideout, Sylvia thinks to herself that "the fate of the world depends on getting that microfilm…we're counting on you, Twilight."
Back at the battleship, Anya is trying hard to resist the urge to go to the bathroom. She moves her body back and forth to try and hold off the urge, which only makes Luca ask if she has to go. She says no and that she's just doing a dance she learned at school.
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Meanwhile, Fiona infiltrates the Frejis air traffic control so she can communicate with Loid on the plane. She tells him the location of Snidel's battleship. Loid compliments her on being able to get the information so quickly, causing her to say that she's ready to be his lifelong partner anytime and asks again if he'd let her have the wife role for Operation Strix…but the communication line had already been cut.
Back at the battleship, Anya is still doing her "dance" to resist the urge to poop, but she's practically at her limit (Luca and Domitri had also prepared a duck-shaped potty for her). She's sweating, tearing up, and her stomach is rumbling. When she feels her consciousness wavering, a bright light suddenly fills her eyes. She finds herself standing in a beautiful meadow filled with colorful flowers and poop shaped clouds overhead. She hears a voice and looks up to see a divine-looking old man surrounded by light. He has a poop shaped crown and he's holding a staff with a poop shaped top. He tells her that he's the god of poop.
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He says, "You've fought well, warrior Anya. You've tried your best to protect world peace but...enough is enough." He puts his hand on her shoulder. She can feel his compassion flowing through his palms. "Relax your butt and rest, warrior Anya. Let's go to the peaceful garden of the toilet!" Anya tries to fly through the sky like the poop god, but ends up falling into the ocean. However, she's saved by waves of toilet paper that lift her towards a temple lined with statues of the poop god. A toilet is enshrined in front of the statues. The poop god gives a shout, and the toilet paper carrying Anya turns into a giant duck potty. The poop god waves his staff and the duck speeds out of the water, heading towards the bathroom above the alter. The lid of the toilet opens with another shout from the poop god and the duck moves faster. Finally the duck bursts into a ball of light and Anya falls, laughing, into the shining toilet.
Back in reality, Anya finds herself on a bed in a room on the battleship. After hearing her mutter to herself about "what's the god of poop?" Luca excitedly asks if she's ready to poop and puts the duck potty on the bed. As soon as Anya looks at the duck, she comes to her sense and says, "no, I'm good." While Anya stays with Domitri, Luca reports to Snidel that Anya still hasn't pooped yet. Snidel tells him to cut open her stomach. Luca is taken aback by this and tries to protest, but after Snidel presses him, he reluctantly agrees to do it.
Meanwhile, Domitri is trying an exorcism ritual to get Anya to poop – he makes her lay on the bed with a banana, corn, and a pineapple along with coffee beans between them, all the while singing a song about "yellow three." When Luca returns, he asks Domitri what he's doing. Domitri replies that according to his coffee fortune telling, "yellow three" is lucky. Luca then tells him Snidel's orders and asks if Domitri would do it. Since neither of them want to, they decide via rock-paper-scissors, and Domitri wins. Anya reads Luca's mind about how he's going to cut open her stomach while Domitri holds her down. She starts shaking and thinks of Papa and Mama.
Meanwhile, Loid flies the plane close to the battleship and contacts them on the radio. He says that his plane is in a state of emergency due to a fuel system failure and would like to request an emergency landing on the battleship. When one of the soldiers tells Snidel that an unknown aircraft is requesting permission to board, Snidel demands that they shoot it down. Loid steers the plane out of the way of the sudden hail of bullets while Yor, still hiding in the back, hangs on as the plane starts shaking violently.
Back on the battleship, Domitri holds Anya while she screams for Papa and Mama. Luca approaches with a knife.
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Back outside, Loid desperately steers the plane to avoid the gunfire from the battleship, including homing missiles. In the back compartment, Yor isn't able to see what's going on, so she thinks to herself that Loid's driving is…rough. Loid manages to dodge the missiles, but one of them explodes next to him, causing the fragments to fall on the plane and damage the left wing. He knows that crashing is inevitable, so he steers the plane towards the battleship. The impact of the plane crashing into the battleship shakes the room where Domitri, Luca, and Anya are in. They all lose their footing and fall, causing Domitri to let go of Anya. She then runs away and through the hallway while they give chase.
Loid jumps out of the cockpit with his bag of spy tools and onto the battleship as the plane crashes. He thinks to himself that he first needs to confirm where Anya is and heads through a narrow passageway. Meanwhile Yor makes her way out of the back part of the plane only to be greeted by a huge gust of wind. She's surprised to be on the outer part of a battleship. She peeks inside the cockpit to look for Loid, but he's not there. She remembers that Loid said Anya was with the military, so she must be on the battleship somewhere. The opening to the bottom of the battleship is too narrow, so she decides to go via the top, breaking into a fast sprint.
The soldiers find the plane wreckage and Snidel gives orders to search for survivors. When one of the soldiers tells him that there's a woman running along the outer part of the battleship, he thinks he's joking. But then he looks at the monitors and sees Yor for himself. He commands that they kill her, since she decided to come aboard using that plane, that makes her an enemy. The turrets at the top of the ship begin firing at Yor, but she swiftly dodges them. One of the soldiers readies a grenade, but she takes off her coat and throws it at him, causing him to lose his balance and fall backwards. When the soldier falls through the deck onto the catwalk, the grenade falls from his hand. Yor gets away just as the grenade explodes, causing the area around the hatch where the soldiers were firing to burst into flames. The soldier watching from the monitor shouts "Explosion on deck 3A!" When she encounters the soldiers, Yor politely says that she came to pick up her husband and daughter, but the soldiers were already unconscious from the explosion. She heads further into the ship. The fire continues to spread through the battleship. Snidel commands the soldiers to go put out the fire, and when asked what to do about the woman, he says to send out Type F.
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Meanwhile, Anya is still running away from Luca and Domitri (while still holding her butt). She manages to elude them by slipping into a room without them noticing. She listens by the door, and when she hears that they went off to look for her elsewhere, she breathes a sigh of relief. As she turns around, she notices a toilet in the back of the room. Tears start welling in her eyes…after a long and painful battle, she finally won.
Loid hides in a small room while soldiers are running through the corridors. He wonders to himself what the explosion was and if the plane crash could have possibly damaged the ship's hull. He peeks through a gap in the door and notices an officer who appears to be a captain based on the number of stars on his badge.
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After giving orders to the soldiers, the captain walks towards the door. Loid pulls him in, knocks him out, and gags him. He then steps out of the room, now disguised as the captain, wearing his clothes and donning a mask with his face.
The sound of sirens are blaring through the battleship. Yor notices the soldiers desperately trying to put out the fire and apologizes to them. She again says that she came to get her husband and daughter and asks if there's anyone who knows where they are. One of the soldiers looks up and shouts "It's that woman!" The soldiers begin firing at her, but she jumps out of the way, grabs a nearby fire extinguisher and throws it at them, knocking them down like bowling pins. She's confused as to why they're shooting at her, then thinks that they could be part of the bad guy group that attacked Anya on the train. She picks up two knives that the now unconscious soldiers dropped. She then thinks of Anya being in trouble, without anyone protecting her, and her face becomes clouded with anxiety as she tightly grips the knife in her hand.
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Meanwhile, Anya happily bursts out of the bathroom with a refreshed look on her face, toilet paper rolling down her feet…only to bump right into Luca and Domitri. Domitri stands proudly with toilet paper around his feet, boasting about his toilet paper fortune telling. Anya's face goes pale. Snidel is informed by one of the soldiers that the child has been secured, and he commands that they bring her to him.
As she continues looking for Loid and Anya, Yor arrives at the entrance to the air cell and pries open the heavy door. She's met with a blast of hot air. The fire has spread all over the spacious room. As she goes further in, she feels a murderous intent behind her. As soon as she starts to look over her shoulder, gatling guns begin firing at her. She jumps out of the way as bullets are showered on her. She goes further down in the air cell just as a gigantic figure appears, slowly moving towards her with heavy footsteps. She politely asks who he is, but Type F doesn't answer. He reaches towards her but Yor kicks him to the ground, only to have more bullets fired at her that she subsequently dodges. She pulls out the knife and pounces on him, managing to knock off his helmet. She asks him to stop attacking but instead he presses his forehead against the knife, making a very inhuman metallic sound, breaking the knife. The arms of his cloak, that had been engulfed in flames, burn off to reveal that he wasn't holding gatling guns, but his arms themselves are guns. The rest of his cloak burns off, revealing a body made entirely of weapons. After he calls Yor an "intruder," she readies the other knife, realizing she has no choice but to fight him.
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Meanwhile Loid, still disguised as the captain, gives orders to the soldiers to help them put out the fire. When one of the soldiers asks where the hostage is, Loid questions him and he explains that she's a child about five years old and that officer Domitri took her to the bridge.
At the bridge, Anya is tied and gagged in front of Snidel. Snidel is upset that they missed getting her poop, but Luca says that it could still be in the sewage tanks. Snidel says that it could also still be in her body, which makes Anya even more afraid. Snidel tells them to keep her in the room downstairs and he'll "take care of her" once all the chaos on the battleship is over, while also ominously adding that he brought an extra big knife to enjoy kebobs. He then orders them to go into the sewage tanks and find the microfilm or else he'll cut them like kebobs too.
After leaving Anya in the room, Luca and Domitri grumble about how they're in such a mess because of some greedy kid, and Luca groans that he's still sore from being bitten by the stupid dog. Suddenly Loid, still disguised as the captain, gets the jump on them and knocks them out. He wonders why Anya isn't here since this should be the only bridge on the ship. He enters the room where Snidel is and says that he's going to report on the status of the firefighting operations, but Snidel dismisses him, saying that he's busy now.
In the room below, Anya can read Loid's mind but she can't move or talk due to being tied up and gagged. She realizes that she's tied to a telephone pipe that leads to the room above, so she slams her head against the pipe to get Loid's attention. Just as Loid is deciding to back off so as not to make Snidel suspicious, he hears the banging in the pipe and notices a hatch right below it. He realizes that Anya must be under there, so he pulls off one of the buttons on his uniform and pretends he's going to pick it up when it rolls near the hatch. However, Snidel says "wait, captain" and asks him when he began to smell like...a city. Snidel then immediately shoots at Loid, who manages to dodge, but the bullet grazes the face mask that he's wearing. Snidel continues to fire at Loid, who hides behind a console in the room. Snidel asks if he's the traveler from Rubble and Bonds and says that he shouldn't underestimate the nose of a gourmet like himself. Realizing he's been found out, Loid tears off the captain's mask. Snidel and the other soldiers begin exchanging gunfire with Loid.
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Back in the air cell, Type F continues to shoot at Yor, his gatling gun arm having now turned into a grenade launcher. She narrowly dodges his attacks and grabs a fire extinguisher set (with an axe) from the wall. They end up crashing down through the floor, with Yor slamming the axe onto his chest as hard as she can. However, this only reveals a firearm magazine in his chest hatch. The magazine sends bullets into the gatling gun. He aims at Yor again but she jumps away in time. As they stare each other down in the flame filled room, she wonders what she can do against an enemy who can't be damaged by knives or axes.
Meanwhile, Loid continues to exchange gunfire with Snidel and his soldiers. Snidel opens an attaché case with a gas mask and grenade that he calls "Type G." Anya reads Snidel's mind about the grenade being a poison gas grenade that he's been developing and wants to test out. She starts panicking, trying desperately to break free from her binds so she can warn Loid about the poison gas. An image of Loid covered in wounds as he tries to save her flashes in her mind as she thinks "It's Anya's turn to save you!"
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Snidel pulls out the pin from the Type G and throws it over to the console where Loid is hiding…just as Anya breaks free. As the rope suddenly breaks, she falls and rolls across the floor, hitting her head against a console in the back of the room. A green light illuminates on the console. Suddenly, the windows in the bridge open and gas starts getting blown all over, much to the confusion of Snidel and the soldiers. Loid uses this opportunity to make a move.
As the gas eventually leaves the room through the open windows, Snidel's men are shocked at what they see through the dissipating gas – their leader Snidel wrestling with…another Snidel! One Snidel tells them to shoot the imposter while the other says that he's the real one. Loid (disguised as Snidel) thinks to himself that since Snidel is the only one with a good nose, he just has to fool the others. Snidel brandishes his knife and threatens to tear off Loid's "imposter skin" and turn it into pork scratching. But Loid gets the upper hand and manages to grab Snidel and cause him to lose his balance, saying that his "imposter" skin isn't so flimsy that it could be cut off by the likes of Snidel. He wraps his left arm around Snidel's neck and tightens his grip, causing Snidel to drop the knife in his hand.
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The soldiers are still confused about which is the real one as Snidel's body falls to the floor. Loid says "Do you think I'd lose to a fake," fooling the soldiers into thinking he's the real one. He tells them that they're to head to the Arbo Republic as soon as possible and that they're abandoning the ship. He commands them to use the land route instead. Carrying the body of the real Snidel, the soldiers leave with shouts of "all personnel abandon ship!" When he's finally alone, Loid takes off his Snidel disguise.
Meanwhile, Type F's right arm is overheating but he tells Yor it's no use waiting until he runs out of bullets. Even though his chest plate was torn off earlier, all Yor has left is a broken knife…until she feels around in her pocket and pulls out the lipstick that Loid had bought her. She lowers the knife and tells Type F "this is your last warning, please stand aside. I only came here to get my husband and daughter." But Type F just says that they should all perish together along with the future of the East and West. He then readies another round of bullets. Yor dodges and makes a wide circle around him, dragging the lipstick along the floor. She slashes at his chest with the knife, causing the knife to break. As he jeers that a knife won't work on him, he looks confused for the first time when he notices a line drawn around him with the lipstick, leading up to his chest. She says that she heard that lipstick is half oil. He tries to shoot at her again but it's too late…the flames along the railing run down the lines of lipstick, igniting the weapons embedded in his body, causing him to explode. After confirming that he's been destroyed, Yor continues on her way.
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Back on the bridge, Loid opens the hatch to the door where Anya is and jumps down. She's overjoyed to see him as he asks if she's okay. She clings to him and buries her face in his chest. Just then, something falls out of her pochette – the cherry liquor. She tells him it's what Papa was looking for and he realizes that's why she ran away from the hotel. Upon realizing this, he can't help but smile, and Anya smiles too when she reads the thoughts he won't say. Just then they hear a loud explosion. Loid holds onto Anya as the ship shakes from the explosion. "Anyway, we better get out of here" he says.
Meanwhile, Yor opens the hatch at the top of the air cell and makes her way to the outer part of the airship where she sees Loid and Anya. They're both surprised to see her. "Mama!" Anya says as she runs to Yor, who gently hugs her while asking if they're both alright.
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Loid asks the same of Yor while also asking why she's here. After hesitating a bit, she admits that she came on Loid's plane and that since it was an "outing," that they should have gone together. She then asks if the people on the airship are actually the military. Loid pauses since he can't tell her the real explanation, but then Anya speaks up about how she ate their important chocolate on the train and that's why they were after her. Loid thinks to himself about how they must have hid the microfilm in the chocolate, but he can't tell that to Yor. So he says that chocolate theft is rampant in cold regions because people believe it will keep them warm...they'd even steal from a military ship. Yor believes him and comments that there's a lot of scary people in the world. They both scold Anya for what she did: Loid asks what the heck she was doing eating that by accident (while in his mind he's glad that she's safe) and Yor says that she shouldn't do whatever she wants with something that belongs to someone else. Anya guiltily says "sorry" and they both can't help but smile at her. They hear more explosions and Loid says that they need to get off the ship. Anya points towards the window and they realize that the ship is heading right towards the city of Frejis. Loid begins operating the device on the console. Yor asks if he knows how to operate it and he says that he knows how from when he did it as part time work when he was a student. Yor is impressed, but Anya knows he's lying.
Down in Frejis, people notice the large, burning battleship descending towards the town and begin running all over in a panic. On the battleship bridge, the ceiling blows off, causing an extremely strong wind to blow. Loid realizes that the propulsion system and lifting platforms are dead, and wonders if it's even possible to make a safe landing or even change course. Behind him, Yor and Anya are holding onto each other while the latter shouts "You can do it, Papa!" Loid says not to worry since the rudder is still intact. However, when he grips it, he can hardly get it to move and the ship is still losing altitude. Debris from the broken ceiling rains down on his head, causing him to lose his balance. Just then, he feels something on his right hand…Yor's hand. And on his left hand, Anya's. "Please let me help, too" says Yor, "Anya too!" says Anya. Working together, the three of them are able to move the rudder little by little.
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The Frejis clock tower looms before them but they're able to steer the ship so that it narrowly avoids colliding and only grazes the side of the clock tower. The ship continues to lose altitude, heading towards the surface of a large frozen lake. Yor hugs Anya close to protect her as the ship shakes violent from the impact of the landing. The battered ship glides along the surface of the water at high speed, whipping up a cloud of steam. The frozen water crashes onto the ship, putting out the fire. On a hill not too far away from Frejis, Bond and Fiona stand near Fiona's car and watch with bated breath as the battleship crashes into the lake. "Senpai…" "Borf, borf, borf!"
Back at the ship, the Forges escape from the collapsed bridge and onto the roof. They look in wonder at the pretty scene before them of the glittering ice particles shining against the city lights like diamond dust. Suddenly, water that had collected on the deck roof pours onto them like a waterfall, leaving them soaked. They're perplexed for a moment before Anya bursts out laughing with a "waku waku splash!" Then Yor also laughs. As he watches the two of them laughing, Loid smiles softly.
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Suddenly Anya sneezes and Loid notices something in her mouth. Loid realizes it's the microfilm, smaller than a fingernail. He wonders if it had somehow gotten stuck in her teeth. When Yor asks what it is, he clutches the microfilm in his hand and replies with a smile, "it's a return ticket."
The next morning at Berlint, Yuri listens to the news at his desk at the SSS: "The flying battleship that landed in Lake Frejis last night appears to have been an accident during a training flight. The committee has announced that it has already begun interviewing the manufacturer and the military." He remembers that Frejis is where Yor said she was taking a trip to and he wonders if she's okay. His lieutenant then opens the door and requests some documents. Yuri asks why the SSS has to be the ones to clean up this incident, and the lieutenant replies that if the people found out that the military was behind it, that would be troublesome. After the lieutenant leaves, Yuri muses to himself how it seems that WISE intervened in the incident though there's no solid information. He wonders how they could have possibly done it, then thinks "it must have been him…Twilight."
At the WISE hideout, Sylvia reads the newspaper headline which states that there were no survivors of the battleship incident. She compliments Loid, saying that even though the SSS put out the fire so to speak, he managed to not leave a trace of the Forgers' involvement. Loid replies that yes, the Forgers were just enjoying a normal family vacation. He takes out a wine bottle from his bag. Sylvia peels off the label, revealing the microfilm. She then tells him that he's back in charge of Operation Strix, much to Loid's surprise. She hands him a photo of Depple at night with a strange woman and says that his affair was exposed and he was disowned by the father of his wife. Loid smiles slightly when he notices that the woman with Depple in the photo is a WISE agent – in other words, he had fallen into their trap.
Afterwards, Loid meets up with Yor, Anya, and Bond at the park by a fountain. Yor asks how his patient was and he replies that it wasn't a big deal considering they called him out of nowhere. Anya asks Loid why there's no fish in the water and he flatly replies because it's a fountain. She then calls to Yor, taking her hand and leading her to the fountain. As Loid watches them happily talk about something, and Bond following along and enjoying himself, Loid lets out a sigh, but his expression is surprisingly soft. He thinks that even though he's able to continue Operation Strix, he can't let his guard down and needs to keep focusing on acquiring stellas. Anya reads his mind and is overjoyed that the Forger family isn't finished. Loid says that they should go home now since Anya has to "train" to make the melemele for the cooking competition tomorrow. Even though they weren't able to eat a real melemele, they at least have the ingredients for one. Anya asks to hold Loid and Yor's hand as she happily chants that she's going to make a yummy pastry. When Yor says that she'll help too, Loid and Anya politely turn her down. They then head home together.
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At the Eden classroom, the students are preparing their cooking ingredients. Becky says that she's going to make an orange layer cake that she learned from training with her pastry chef. She asks Anya what she's going to make. When Anya replies "melemele," Damian overhears and comments that it's an old pastry. Anya tells him that if she makes something good, she wants him to have it too. Damian's face reddens as he shouts that he'd never eat anything she makes. With a shocked face, she asks if he really hates it that much. This makes Damian's face redden even more as he shouts that he'd vomit if he ate her food. He runs off with Ewen and Emile following. Becky comments that he's the worst while Anya thinks that the friendship scheme is a failure. Just then, Anya and Becky turn towards the direction of an explosion sound.
Later that day, Anya shows Loid and Yor a note from school saying that the school kitchen broke down so the competition was postponed and the judge was changed to the vice principal due to scheduling conflicts. Anya laments that since it's not the principal, the melemele won't work. Loid thinks for a moment and says that he remembers reading in the school newspaper that the vice principal is crazy about the berry pudding from the southern region. He asks if they should go, and both Yor and Anya agree. Loid opens a map and points out the southern region. He says it's warm there so they shouldn't need a lot of luggage. Anya is excited about going to the ocean and wonders what playing cards she should bring while Loid thinks it would be a good opportunity for her to learn how to swim. Upon hearing all the talking, Bond comes over from where he was sleeping and gives a happy "Borf!"
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Meanwhile at Frejis station, Franky trembles in the cold and shouts "Hey Loid, I bought the cherry liquor!!!"
Afterword: Congratulations if you've read this far! When I first started this project, I honestly didn't think I would write this much for a "summary" 😅 I thought it would just be a few paragraphs tops. But as I translated, I was like "oh, this is interesting, I should write it down!" And I just kept going with that and didn't want to stop! Some may wonder why I would want to spoil myself to this degree, but for me, reading about the movie (in a language I'm not fluent in) is still no replacement for actually seeing it for myself - the novelization doesn't convey every line of dialogue, character action/expression, voices, etc. But now that I know what to expect, I can get myself hyped for the scenes I'm looking forward to seeing while also not getting my hopes up for something I won't see. I don't care to do this for most things, but I'm the opposite when it comes to my hyperfixations like SxF! I'm also not going to give my thoughts on the movie until I see it for myself. But I will say that based on the novelization, even though I thought a few things could be better, overall I think it will be a ton of fun and can't wait to see everything in full animated glory!
Again, please remember to be cautious about where you share spoilers and to properly tag posts on social media. And if you end up sharing large portions of this summary elsewhere, a shoutout to my blog would be nice...I spent many hours working on this!
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morallyinept · 2 months
hi can you recommend the best way to break into the fanfic world on here? i'm new, yay, and don't know how the tagging system or anything works
thank you in advance!!
Hello Lovely Non! 🖤
Oooh! Exciting!! YAY! 🎉🎉 Firstly, welcome, welcome. How wonderful it is that you wanna write and share something with us all, that's so cool! ✨️
Look, Dieter's excited too!
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I suppose the best way to break in, is to take the leap. I know, groundbreaking advice Jett, right? Hehe! 😆
From experience, these are all things I've learnt and had guidance on myself during my time on wacky Tumblr, so here are my pearls of wisdom for ya...
So you've written the fic. WOO! 🎉 Now what? Well, firstly, have a treat. Some cake or vodka, or both. You've earned it. 🍰
Then, when you're no longer hungover and throwing up cake, do these things:
And make yourself a banging banner of some kind, or use a picture/GIF. I'm personally more likely to be drawn to a fic to read if there's a cool banner, or you've made a mood board or have a GIF. Kinda sets the tone, you know? We love a bit of the ol' aesthetic. Like a bookcover, we're immediately drawn in with our eyes. Be creative, go nuts. Use the free trial of Canva to go design crazy.
Check it through for grammar and spelling as much as you can.
You can always have someone beta read it for you. And look at your formatting to ensure you don't have massive spaces between your paragraphs etc... When I copy and paste into Tumblr, it screws up the formatting from Google docs, just to test my already thin thread of patience further, no doubt... 😑 It's not a massive deal, but I guess presentation is a hook in itself, right?
Beware of glitches when saving your drafts on Tumblr too. The app especially loves to auto-post it when you hit save, 🤬 so double check you're saving it in draft, not in post, before you're ready to post it to the world.
Everyone has their owns tastes and comforts when reading fic, and quite rightly so. Variety is the spice of life. 🌶 And look, you'll NEVER please everyone. So don't even try. But what is important is that you give the reader a choice to read it or not.
⚠️🚫🔞👉🏻👌🏻 Ensure you list any trigger warnings.
Look, there's this age old debate that continually surfaces on whether we should list every single trigger or warning in our fic, or should we just... not? 🤔
The simple answer is, it's up to you, ultimately. Not everyone does this or feels the need to do this. I mean, published books don't, right?
HOWEVERRRRR. And it's a capital letter however. There are so many people who won't want to read stories about certain topics. Age Gap, Anal, Noncon etc...
Kinda looks like a sandwich to me... I'm hungry 🥪
I personally won't release a fic without listing all the triggers as I don't want any of my readers to encounter something that could be triggering for them later on. Yes, to some degree it can give away "spoilers" but it's up to you as the writer ultimately about how much you want to give away. If you fic contains Age Gap, you can simply write "Age Gap."
Use the Read More/Keep Reading divider.
It looks like this on the app:
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Some people write a paragraph or two before they place it on, others hide the whole fic and just leave the intro/warnings etc... on show. How you do it is up to you, but please, please use it!
Nobody likes to scroll through a whole chapter of 10k+ words trying to get to the next post... nobody. Cue ranty Anons in your mailbox if you don't. We've all been there and made that mistake. 😬
Plus, using this will also hide any explicit or triggering content from immediate view. People more than likely won't read your fic if you don't have one of these on it.
# Tagging
Tagging - to tag or not to tag?
Tagging is a massive topic, but essentially it boils down to two types of tagging.
Tagging using a # which is at the bottom of each of your posts, and tagging people in your posts by using the @ and then their username.
So say, for example, you've written a Joel Miller fic.
Oh, hey Joel... we're talking about you handsome, not to you.
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You can tag it "joel miller" or "joel miller tlou" or "joel miller x reader" etc... People can follow the tag, so they'll see your work in it if they're following it.
If you search the tag on Tumblr it'll tell you how many people are following that tag too, so you'll know which ones are more popular and will be seen by the most eyes.
Currently (as of writing this response) the 'Joel Miller' tag has 225k followers! 👀 So if you write a Joel Miller fic, you deffo want one of your first 5 tags to be that one!
Someone's popular, eh Joel?
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@ Tagging
He loves it really.
☝🏻Note that the first 5 tags you use are the ones that Tumblr actually uses to make your fic show up in those tags too. You can put up to 30 tags on a fic and yet Tumblr only counts the first 5. Dumb, I know. 🤦🏻‍♀️ The rest is just for your own use to find it again on your blog.
If you search your own blog using "Joel Miller" everything you've ever posted with Joel Miller will come up. So you can use your own tags or words for yourself too. I use "Jett's fic recs" for example, when I re-blog someone's fic so I can find it again.
⚠️ And you can use tags to highlight triggers too, for example you can write "tw blood" for a blood warning. (tw = trigger warning) People can block tags so certain things don't show up in their feed as a way of shielding themselves from content they don't want to see/read. So if I've blocked "tw blood" I won't ever see your fic, even with all the other tags you use.
So be mindful of how you tag, not only for yourself, but for others too.
And essentially tags are how some people choose to comment and interact with you. Some people write mini fics in the tags! It's really quite fun. Just remember, there's a limit of 30 tags per post and put your best 5 first.
You can also tag users! You can offer up a tag list to users who you think might be interested in reading your fic (feel free to tag me, I'd love to read it!) A lot of writers have a bunch of regular readers who they'll tag @ username on their works. They're called tag lists. Readers may reach out to you to ask to be tagged too.
There's no shame in hyping your own work - you wrote it, be proud of it! 🙌🏻
Others choose not to do this and instead create a side blog for notifications of their works. It's up to you how you choose to do this, but if you tag specific people, chances are they're going to read your work because they want to.
You can tag up to 50 users on a single post, I believe. (Or at least it's 50 users and 50 links when I do my fic rec lists) I think it varies if you're on app or desktop. Someone will correct me if I'm wrong... but there is deffo a limit.
Reblog your own work for time zones.
So, I'm in the UK and the majority of my followers are in the USA, so when I'm in bed snoozing away, they're awake and reading smut at work.... 😏 So I'll schedule my fic to release at various points in the day and night so everyone can see it on their feed.
Keep it circling too, I'll go back and re-blog older works when more people follow me so they don't miss out. And as a writer, you'll want people to love your older works as much as the new.
And finally, some basic etiquette...
Please don't be disheartened if your fic doesn't get the traction you want right away.
It does not mean that your writing isn't good. We all started in the fandom with 0 followers and 0 reblogs. Its important to remember to write, first and foremost, for your own enjoyment. The right people will find you and love your work, it just takes a bit of time.
You can jazz your fic up with dividers and GIFs. Just ensure you give credit by @ tagging the person who made the divider you're using, if you choose to use one, and use the GIF search function on Tumblr for your GIFs, as they auto tag and credit the creator of the GIF for you. And that way, everyone stays happy. ✌🏻
And finally...
Interact with your comments and reblogs. People took the time to read your work, even just a simple thank you back is always appreciated and well received.
Re-blog, re-blog, re-blog what you love!
The like button is for bookmarking only. It does absolutely nothing to make posts get seen like it does on other socials. Re-blogging is what gets yours and others work seen and put on people's feeds on Tumblr. If you want people to re-blog your own work, you'll need to give back and re-blog theirs too. Tumblr is all about sharing in the form of re-blogs.
Love you! 🖤
I'm so excited you're here and can't wait to read your fics! 🤗
Apologies if any of this you may already know, I just wanted to share what I've learnt in abundance.
And if you have further questions, feel free to reach out. I'm no expert, but I'll try and help if I can.
And if anyone else has any tips/hints/advice etc... feel free to share in the comments.
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itsdefinitely · 11 months
Hello! Welcome!
I'm making a new pinned post because yesterday I decided to go through EVERY post on my blog and give it a universal tag. Including, but not limited to:
#definite's ted talks #definitely art #definitely a reblog #definitely a friend #definitely an ask #definitely self promo #definitely something
Besides that, things are tagged according to fandom.
I'm an artist and art will be posted here. Asks/art requests are always open, but i'm very slow at answering them so please be patient. I don't draw anything NSFW/Suggestive
I do my best to ID images (it'll always be in the alt text). If something needs a TW, please tell me. I also use tone indicators sometimes
Reblog account: @itsdefinitely-not
Some things I like (beware of spoilers):
Beetlejuice The Musical
Good Omens
The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe
Adventure Time (Fionna & Cake and Distant Lands included)
Generation Loss
Hermitcraft and the Life Series
Just Roll With It (the podcast)
I don't scroll through my followers and check these, but I don't want you here if you're one of the following:
lgbtq+phobes, nazis, TERFs, proshippers, etc etc
Beetlebabes (falls under proship but thought I'd specify)
Spankoffskicest (leave.)
If you are here to harass me or someone else or just spread negativity
Just generally don't be a jerk, please
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sinnersfinale · 6 months
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rules + things to know under cut + VERSES (includes special tags, PLEASE CHECK if you plan on interacting or wish to just read along.) url change ! @focalors-official -> @sinnersfinale BEWARE!! THIS BLOG IS NOT SPOILER FREE!! THIS BLOG'S CONTENT RELATES EXCESSIVELY TO THAT OF THE 4.2 ARCHON QUEST.
hi! i'm sofa, and this is a rp blog for focalors! not furina, but as from the 4.2 archon quest, the second and last hydro archon, focalors.
my responses may not always be very quick, since I myself run quite a few ( A TON. ) other blogs! mod is a minor !
dni if you are transphobic, homophobic, etc. i would rather not. i don't really.. accept those kinds of people? So please dni.
Also! I would like if no nsfw is brought up. Im ooooooookay(?) with suggestive comments, but you are allowed to flirt with Focalors.
Don't flirt with the mod though, that'd be kinda weird since I'm a minor and all that.
I don't do preassumed relationships, so if you do want to ship focalors with someone(ex, an oc or different character), there either needs to be a development arc, or background that would make it plausible.
Im also welcome to starters, crack, and anons ^^ you can just self assign yourself a sign off but if it’s already taken I’ll tell you
uhhh if there's anything more to add, i will add it !!
~hydro dragon hydro dragon don't cry~ -> neuvillette interactions
~oh my dear perfect creation..~ -> furina interactions
~dearest citizens~ -> any other fontainian citizen
~fellow archons~ -> self explanatory..?
~people of teyvat~ -> anyone else
~drop the curtains~ (ooc)
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this is a contest for canonically confirmed polycules or polycules that have a lot of hints to a possibility of them being canon, even if the authors might not have intended that way!
Beware of spoilers!! Some of these only become polycules later in the media they're from, and some of the descriptions describe a tragic fate for the polycule, so keep in mind there will be spoilers
rules can be found here
bracket can be found here
honorable mentions can be found here
links for all the match ups as they go live can be found in the MASTERPOST. it will be updated each round, but i will also tag every round to make them easier to find
help me w descriptions for the honorable mentions!
Round 2 part 2 finished.
Round 3 will go live on May 19th!
(#canonround2 or #pollycule if you want to search for the polls)
#canonpolyculeshowdown - for relevant updates and the polls
#pollycule - (yes double L) specifically for the showdown polls, to make it easier to find. doesn't include the prelims cause I only thought to add this after, sorry
#canonpropaganda - for, well, propaganda. ill post asks, reblog posts and maybe reblog reblogs
#honorablemention - for the ships that did not make it in (i will still make a post introducing all of them)
#tournamnt poll - the generally agreed on tag for blacklisting purposes. let me know if i forget to use it! i cant edit polls but it will remind me for the following round
#canonroundN - N being the number of the round we're in. so, for example: canonround0, canonround1, canonround2, etc. from the quarterfinals onwards, they'll also include the specific tag (#quarterfinals, etc). Check the post's tags for that ome if you want to look at all polls from that round!
list may be updated as needed.
if you submitted something that did not get in, nor was it posted as an honorable mention, and you wish to know why, feel free to send an ask.
Nathan/Vlad/Ursula (Hunger Pangs)
Rilla/Arum/Damien (Penumbra Podcast)
Nathan/Gabriel/Annalise (The Bastard Son and the Devil Himself)
Ben/Ryn/Maddie (Siren Freeform)
Arthur/Guinevere/Lancelot (High Noon Over Camelot)
Quanxi/Pingsti/Cosmo/Long/Tsugihagi (Chainsaw Man)
Wu Zetian/Li Shimin/Gao Yizhi (Iron Widow)
Caleb/Astrid/Eadwulf (Critical Role)
Sadie/Walt/Anubis (The Kane Chronicles)
Rajan/Wolfgang/Kala (Sense8)
Princess Glisselda/Seraphina/Lucien (Seraphina)
Tess/Jacomo/Margarethe (Tess of the Road)
Logan/Jean Grey/Scott/Emma (X-Men)
Uzui/Hinatsuru/Makio/Suma (Demon Slayer)
Megaera/Thanatos/Zagreus (Hades)
Dianda/Simon/Patrick (October Daye)
Haruka/Michiru/Setsuna (Sailor Moon)
Asmodeus Alice/Clara Valac/Iruma Suzuki (Mairimashita, Iruma-kun!)
Aizo/Yujiro/Hiyori (HoneyWorks)
Kyle/Rogelio/Lonnie (She Ra)
Dashawn/Steve/Jose/Cupe R III/Otto/Arturo/Gregory/Quackers McQuack (Bojack Horseman)
Fluorite (Steven Universe)
Miss Piggy/Kermit/Gonzo (Muppets)
Sherlock/Watson/Mary (Sherlock Holmes movies)
Ichika Hoshino/Saki Tenma/Shiho Hinomori/Honami Mochizuki (Project SEKAI)
Tree Trunks/Mr. Pig/Alien Husband (Adventure Time)
Daniel/Sam/Jack/Teal’c (Stargate SG-1)
Mukai Naoya/Saki Saki/Nagisa Minase (Kanojo mo Kanojo/Girlfriend Girlfriend)
Eddie/Venom/Anne/Dan (Venom)
Peter Quill/Aradia/Mors (Guardians of the Galaxy)
George/Gilda/Thomas (Design for Living)
Leif/Thorn/Kale (Leif and Thorn)
Kieran/Ray/Gemma (Trigonometry)
Eugene/Rapunzel/Cassandra (Tangled the Series)
Jack/August/Rina (The Wicker King)
La’gann/Coral/Rodunn (Young Justice)
Syenite/Innon/Alabaster (Broken Earth)
Enrique/Hypnos/Sofia (The Gilded Wolves)
Max/Jack/Anne (Black Sails)
Pyrrha/Commander Wake/Gideon the First (The Locked Tomb)
Neptune/Venus/Jupiter (We Know the Devil)
Quincey/Jack/Arthur/Lucy (Dracula)
Amber/Reese/David (Adaptation)
Will/Tessa/Jem (The Infernal Devices)
Kieran/Cristina/Mark (The Dark Artifices)
Winter/Moon/Qibli (Wings of Fire)
Camille/Nyra/Dendro (Muted)
Sasha/Anne/Marcy (Amphibia)
Neal/Peter/Elizabeth (White Collar)
Turtle Heart/Melena/Frex (Wicked)
Emiya/Saber/Rin (Fate Stay/Night)
Sofiane/Victor/Luisa (Mortel)
Taylor/Theo/Josey (3)
Jack/Emma/Izzy (You Me Her)
Keiko/Miles/Kira (Star Trek)
Jade/Dave/Karkat (Homestuck Epilogues)
Anzu/Kazuki/Junta (Romantic Killers)
Shikimori/Izumi/Ai (Shikimori is Not Just Cute)
Camina/Michio Pa/Josep/Serge/Berthold/Oksana (The Expanse)
Breq/Mercy of Kalr/Seivarden/Ekalu (Imperial Radch)
Roguish Semiotician/Infamous Mathematician/Player Character (Fallen London)
Alphonse/Seth/Listener (Bittersweet)
Storm/Helen/Mira (Love and Luck Podcast)
Nicky/Joe/Andy/Booker/Niles (The Old Guard)
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jasperthehatchet · 7 months
🦎 My name is Hatchet! I'm an adult human who uses any/all pronouns
🌞 I'm an anarchist, passionate about disability rights, inclusivity, queer trans nonbinary and intersex rights, indigenous rights, environmentalism, prison abolition and restorative justice, and all those wonderful things <3 as well as fighting against racism, antisemitism, police brutality, fascism, capitalism, colonialism and oppression/bigotry of all kinds
*** Tags with resources and donation links include: #palestine, #sudan, #armenia, #congo ***
🌵 Hobbies: sewing, mending, upcycling, painting, embroidery, bookbinding, dream-journaling, thrifting, cooking, jewelry making, basket weaving, and various other punk crafts as well <3 basically I was put on this earth to Make Stuff. I'm also a collector of shinies and trinkets like dice, coins, shells, rocks, crystals, rings, keys, thimbles, bells, etc. Any shiny trinket you can think of I probably collect it
Hobbies I'm looking into starting: paper making, paint/ink making, stone/wood carving, leather working, terrarium building, gardening and lino printing/stamp making :)
🌻 I am very active on Pinterest for art inspiration, if you'd like you can follow me here (or search @juno_monsoon)
1. I block empty blogs
2. Minors: I have no authority over you but please beware. This is not really an NSFW blog but I do reblog stuff about sex/kink positivity
3. You can dm me or send me asks whenever, i encourage you to reach out if you want to talk about hobbies, politics (in good faith), crafting, art, music, fandoms, or whatever! Just don't be a jackass
4. I don't respond to being tagged in chain posts
5. DO NOT repost ANY of my art or creations please and thank you
6. I tag critical role spoilers with #critical role, #critical role spoilers, #cr spoilers and #critrole spoilers
7. Spam liking/reblogging is perfectly fine I don't mind it at all. Go nuts
8. Things I've made/mended are tagged with #hatchet mends things and #hatchet makes stuff
- you are a terf, swerf, radfem, transmed/truscum, "gender critical" or exclusionary in any capacity whatsoever
- you're "anti men" or into that "i hate men" nonsense. It's not cute, its annoying and shitty. No anti-masculinity nonsense here
- you're antisemetic. If you're weird towards/about Jewish people in any way you will be swiftly blocked. I mean it. You need to be okay with hearing about leftist antisemitism and how deep it runs in leftist/pro-palestine circles if you're gonna follow me
- if you're islamophobic, weird towards/about indigenous people/cultures, or or even just racist/xenophobic in general, that will not be tolerated and you will be blocked immediately
- if you're (loudly and annoyingly) anti-porn, anti-kink or anti-fetish in any capacity. It's okay if you're personally uncomfortable with those things for any reason obviously just don't make it other people's problem
- you're against: xenogenders, multigenders, aro/aspec people, mspec people, mspec lesbians/gays, intersex people, non binary lesbians, he/him lesbians, she/her gays, amab transmascs, afab transfems, or any identities or labels that "don't make sense" or are "contradictory". Queerness cannot be sorted into any boxes and labels don't matter so if you're gatekeepy or gross about identities you don't understand then this blog isn't for you
- you're fatphobic. If you're in any way fatphobic or infantilizing towards/about fat people? Blocked. Don't be weird about people's bodies.
- you're not normal towards/about deformed or disabled people. If I see any kind of ableism or weirdness about any disability or disorder? Blocked. Don't be weird about people's bodies.
- if you're a blog that promotes or romanticizes dangerous things like eating disorders, self harm or anything like that you will be blocked immediately AND reported.
- I hate reblog bait and guilt tripping posts. I don't care what they're about, if I see that on your blog or my dash I'll block you because I think those posts are annoying as hell. Also of you think suicide baiting and telling people to kill themselves for ANY reason is okay, get blocked. No exceptions to this.
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rainbow-cheshire · 9 months
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☆ƒσʀєνєʀ ναℓєηтιηє συтƒιт ∂єѕιgηѕ + ∂σσ∂ℓєѕ☆(spoilers for forever valentine!)
more doodles for forever valentine by DJCarnation on ao3 as promised! and i did more outfits based on the fic because they just sound too good not to draw (makes me wanna wear some of these) (also zoom in to see the details on the makeup!) i also drew some of my favourite scenes so beware for spoilers below:
↖️kokichi noticing saishu tends to cover his mouth when in deep thought and he subconsciously copied it
↙️kokichi being a gremlin and steals pizza
↗️saishu giving kokichi the bracelet and then after a hug they kissed (i'm gonna guess under the veil because it would be so cute)
💙if you are planning to repost my drawings/edits, etc either ask for permission in the comments/private message me, or mention my username in the caption AND tag me, or else i will ask you to remove the post for stealing thank you💙
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chipistrate · 9 months
About time I update the intro post Hey Hey! I'm Chipistrate (chip-uh-strate, like chip and illustrate) but you can just call me Chip, I use they/xe, and'm sapphic aroace!
Art tag is #Chipillustrates and talk tag is #Chip Chatter
Also currently EXTREMELY fixated on fnaf, so beware the insanity ahead<3 (so sorry to my ahit moots and followers, ily and ahit still I prommy)
Few things of note:
1. I'm 100% a-okay with fanart! 2. I prefer if you don't DM me unless it's urgent or we're mutuals/friends, if you wanna ask a question then my inbox is open! 3. Also; MY INBOX IS OPEN! I like rambling and answering questions and talking about theories and AUs and characters and really just anything fnaf/other interests related, etc. You can plop almost anything into my inbox and I'll most likely answer it! (it can take a bit sometimes, so sorry! I promise I read every ask I receive!) only thing I ask is to not put anything NSFW in there 4. I do take art requests, but there's never a 100% guarantee I'll draw what you ask! (if your a mutual then you can request AU characters and OCs!) 5.I love all of my mutuals and you're all very cool and I love you all very much even if we don't talk a lot!! I always say 'hey' when I see you in my notifs even though you can't hear me 6. Not a spoiler free zone, but I try and tag anything spoilery! 7. I talk in tags a lot 8. the fnaf kids are my favorite fnaf characters so sometimes I might be a little silly about them 9. I'm just a silly goober all around so if joyous whimsy isn't for you then you might not like it here
AUs and art examples under cut to save space
List of my AUs + small descriptions + their tags
-Year 1/#Fnaf Year 1 AU: first year of Glitchtrap/Mimic1 infecting the Pizzaplex, centered around the characters reactions to everything and character dynamics, like Cassie and Dr. Rabbits dynamic and Vanessa getting used to her new job as Head of Security. Same year as Tonys death, and the most interesting new cast member to note would be Lucia; now 21 and part of the Mega Pizzaplex' security team, investigating the strange disappearances that she believes to be connected to the Mimic. -Welcome to Balloon Circus/#Fnaf Welcome to Balloon Circus: 3 star fam return to the Pizzaplex lot 3 years after Ruin to fix M.X.E.S after they suddenly shut down, and upon arrival, instead find a giant circus. There's a big post with a poster and TONS of information here if you're interested!! -Quests Continuation/#Fnaf Quest Continuation: takes place after the Disassembled Ending. Gregory quite literally stumbles into another Pizzaplex unlike the one from SB, now much smaller with uncorrupted animatronics, Bonnie as one of the band members, Foxy still around, and no security guards out to get him. He hesitantly accepts the band members help in finding his old friend, Cassie, so he can be reunited with her and not keep living on the streets, because after finding him for the first time, the band members are VERY adamant that he cannot go back to that living situation, considering the terrible condition he was in. -Endpoint Security/#Fnaf Endpoint Security: Security Breach swap AU featuring newly uninfected Vanessa as the protagonist and a very much so still infected Dr. Rabbit as the antagonist. Vanessa, barely even remembering having this job and now locked in the Pizzaplex until 6am without any of her keycards or tools, is now accompanied by Dr. Rabbit talking to her through her new fazwatch as she goes on a scavenger hunt he set up just for her to find her keycards and tools to help her survive the night until the doors open, though Dr. Rabbit makes it clear that 6am won't be the end of this shift for her. -Back at it again/#Fnaf Back at it Again: Post PQ ending. Vanessa keeps her job as head of security and Gregory takes up an internship as a security guard, position secured by Vanessa’s recommendation, and the two use their job ranks to continue looking into the mysteries of the Pizzaplex and put Mimic to an end once and for all, aaas well as steal whatever they need to take care of Freddy back home when no one's looking. -Painted Tears Trilogy/#Fnaf Painted Tears Trilogy: Silver Eyes Trilogy inspired AU centering around the MCI looking into the disappearances of Charlotte Emily and Evan Afton, two of their now missing childhood best friends.
(Yeah I dunno how to write short AU descriptions, if you want more info about any of these then my inbox is open!)
Here's some examples of my more recent pieces/what you can expect from me when it comes to art:
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Tried to keep it simple this time around, Thanks for reading and enjoy your stay!
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staryarn · 1 year
Alright I've had enough What is Lor? You've posted enough, I'm intrigued
LOR stands for library of ruina, project moons second game. It'd also my catchall tag for project moon because changing all the posts to that is a lot of effort and I'm a mobile user.
Project moon has three games out: Lobotomy corporation, Library of Ruina, and the newly released Limbus Company (each with a lot of world building)
Lobotomy corporation is an scp manager (monster management etc), Library of Ruina is a deck building game (/ card game), and Limbus Company is a dungeon crawler rpg (I think?? Also a gacha but is f2p / free to play friendly)
Both lobotomy corporation and Library of Ruina share most of the same cast while Limbus company has a completely new cast (though the whole game isn't out yet so I have no idea if anyone from past games show up but I hope they do).
In both Lobcorp and LOR you have Angela and the 9 Sephirah (Maluth, Yesod, Hod, Netzach, Tiphereth, Gebura , Chesed, Binah, and Hokma) as well as Roland in LOR. (I'm not about to name 9ff all of the reverberation ensemble but theyre the general antagonists of that game)
In Limbus company you have Dante, Vergilius, Charon , and the twelve sinners (Gregor, Rodion, Sinclair, Yi Sang, Ishmael, Heathcliff, Don Quixote, Hong Lu, Ryōshū, Meursault, Outis, and Faust).
All of these games take place in a place called The City. The city has 26 districts (A-Z but Z isn't on the map). The city has a place called a wing (megacorp who runs a district) which have nests (towns) , feathere (people inside the nests), and backstreets (the place the nest doesn't encompass. Also where syndicates control. Each being the Five fingers ( The Thumb, The index (hands out prescripts), The middle, The ring, and The pinky). Each syndicate has subsidiaries but I'm not getting into that). ) There are also Fixers (hired mercenaries). Theyre graded from 9 (lowest) to 1 (highest) and then given a color (color Fixers are higher than 1). Theyre given these ranks by the Hana association (big association that hands out fixer titles etc).
Notable Color Fixers are The red mist, the blue reverberation (guy in my icon), the purple tear, and the black silence. (The vermillion crost exists but I'm not mentioning that bc spoilers. Also the Red Gaze but that's for limbus company)
In Lobcorp you're tasked with managing your abnormalities (scp) to make power (and I won't spoil how that goes)
In LOR you're tasked with fighting people (in receptions) and turning them into books so Angela (head librarian) can learn more about the city
In Limbus company you're tasked with finding and retrieving Golden Boughs (leftovers from the seed of light)
This is the like, easiest way I can explain them without slapping spoilers all over the place and trying to explain them in full.
(Library of ruina cast shitpost meme)
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(+ the startup text / information that limbus company gives you when you download the game)
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Beware of spoilers but here are videos that probably can explain it better than I did (roughly two hours in length if you watch them all but you can scale it down by watching the last two)
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sickmachete · 1 year
below the cut is info on my new tagging system [it's a bit long, so beware]
MAIN TAGS #my art ↪ tag for any art i post that's my own #artists ↪ tag for other peoples' hannibal fanart #a.misc ↪ tag for unrelated art #txt ↪ tag for all of my own text posts #q ↪ tag for when ive queue'd posts #asks ↪ tag for asks [i will also add a tag with either your name or a specific emoji for you] #saved ↪ tag for the stuff i really like and wanna go back to :-) #nbc.h ↪ tag for hannibal posts that feature content from the actual show [ie: screenshots, gifsets, or videos] #h.bts ↪ tag for photos/videos of behind the scenes content #h.misc ↪ tag for other peoples' text posts about the show [ie: shitposts, character metas, etc] #f.c ↪ tag for frederick chilton bc i love him #w.g ↪ tag for will graham #h.l ↪ tag for hannibal lecter #h.d ↪ tag for hugh dancy [ie: behind the scenes or stuff unrelated to hannibal] #m.m ↪ tag for mads mikkelsen [ie: behind the scenes or stuff unrelated to hannibal] #misc ↪ tag for random stuff i like and wanted to reblog #blood ↪ tag for blood bc i love blood #video ↪ tag for hannibal video edits/amvs etc #video.misc ↪ tag for video edits/amvs about other shows/movies #gif ↪ tag for gifs of nbc hannibal because theyre great references for my art <3 #ref ↪ tag for pictures/gifs i really like and want saved for potential art refs #merlin ↪ tag for any merlin content #merlin spoilers ↪ tag for anything big plot wise just in case people havent seen merlin [ie: character deaths etc] #firefly ↪ tag for any firefly [the tv show] content #tv time ↪ tag for when i liveblog movies and tv shows [though ill also tag the actual movie/show too]
now. why do i have a frederick chilton tag in the main tags section you ask? well, i was going to only have tags for hannibal and will because theyre the mains and i cba to always tag everybody atm. however. chilton is my favorite failwife so i had to include one for my own personal use ASJDHFGH
if i do tag a character though itll follow the same format of first initial of first name dot first initial of last name, ie: CHARACTER / ACTOR TAGS #w.g.dogs ↪ will graham's dogs #w.g ↪ will graham #h.l ↪ hannibal lecter #h.d ↪ hugh dancy #m.m ↪ mads mikkelsen #f.c ↪ frederick chilton #f.l ↪ freddie lounds #j.c ↪ jack crawford #b.c ↪ bella crawford #a.b ↪ alana bloom #a.h ↪ abigail hobbs #b.k ↪ beverly katz #g.m ↪ georgia madchen #b.d.m ↪ bedelia du maurier #mt.v ↪ margot verger #mn.v ↪ mason verger #f.d ↪ francis dolarhyde #r.mc ↪ reba mcclane #r.stag ↪ ravenstag
feel free to send me an ask if you need me to tag anything specific !!
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We’re almost there angels! I’ll be tagging any season 2 things like I have been with #good omens spoilers that is the only tag I will use (for the next few days) but just warning y’all that I will literally reblog any new gifs posts etc I see and I will try my best to always tag but sometimes get caught up in excitement so beware my blog will not be spoiler free for season 2 nor any ineffably romantic angel demon things
See everyone in the tag tomorrow! :D
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bipbopdepmop · 7 months
i'm anton. i am just a silly little guy who might be lurking in your walls at any given time. (/j)
pronouns: he/they. mostly he, but we silly as they too :3 this blog posts/reblogs MCYT. specifically hermitcraft and the life series. (there's some other stuff too but not nearly as frequent). also lots of memes n stuff i sometimes reblog hermittshipping / trafficshipping. beware. dni if proship or just. generally gross
we subscribe to the philosophy of (see below) here!
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passive aggressive blinky by @/stiffyck &lt;3
additional sideblogs:
@crookedgrifter <- homestuck sideblog. go read homestuck @/davejade-daily <- we draw/post homestuck jade harley/dave strider. i am a mod on this! note: it is kind of dead. oops. @/impulsesvdoodles <- i forgot to link this here. i run this as well. there's another blog that i have that im not linking here. if you see it in the wild, it is me! not a fake.
feel free to:
send an ask! standard be nice, don't send weird things, etc. spam like/reblog. go nuts, i'll see it and go wow, they had fun! i'm glad they liked that Thing so much. send art requests. will not draw nsfw/suggestive. will draw hermitcraft and/or life series! probably not ships though. = i don't really tag triggers, peruse at your own risk.
masterposts: alien cowboys au (silly au by @/stiffyck, @/bigb-enthusiast, and me!) link only works on desktop..
media filtering list: here so you can filter non-mcyt posts and/or spoilers for certain medias!
tags (that i never use) and more below the cut!
major tags! warning, my tagging system has fallen by the wayside
#reblog <- this tag is new. to find any reblogs from before nov 9 2023, search #rebop #my art <- this tag is new. to find my old art (anything before nov 9 2023) search #bipbop art #my writing <- i write. sometimes. #talk <- random posts, talking, whatever. this tag is new as of nov 9 2023. to find my old posts, search #bipbop rambles #asks <- ask tag. this tag is new. to find anything from before nov 9 2023, search #ask bipbop #liveblogging <- is what it says on the tin. sometimes stupid comments about the video i'm currently watching
tags i use mostly for myself!
I forget these all the time so this is staying here AKSJLALDJ
#for later <- things containing information i want to be able to dig up later #rotates in brain <- things that I love forever and want to be able to see again #art to scrutinize <- art for me to stare at later and try to figure out what's going on there in an attempt to study how to draw an stuff :D #videos of all time <- any sort of video or clip that I liked and wanna be able to find again. idk. #shenanigans <- for my frieeends yay!! #posts of all time <- famous tumblr posts or things that were funny
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rebloggingrexan · 1 year
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heyo! i’ve got over 2000 Dracula Daily posts, all tagged by date! so this is my spoiler-free post where all the dates are easy to get to. (and this is my extra ginormous Dracula Daily masterpost WITH SPOILERS and more; and links to fun tags like “dracula meta” and “dracula is a comedy”)
Draculadailytracker, Cattuladaily, ourgoodfriendjonathan, and draculadailyreactions are good Dracula blogs to check out too!
for Dracula Daily posts, the format here is "#dd (date) (month)," (i also use simply “#dracula daily,” but seriously beware spoilers. EVERYTHING is there) so the start of Dracula Daily and a glut of paprika memes would be "#dd 3 may," but on this post, to make things pretty, i'll just list them without the "dd" at the start. September, October, and November only use their first three letters in the tags, though, e.g. #dd 3 oct
(right now as of June 2023, there are a few scattered dates without posts, or with fewer posts than i’d prefer, but i’m working on that! some empty days will get filled when a given day rolls around and scheduled posts get reblogged :) )
you can sign up for the Dracula Daily emails HERE and you can check out past installments HERE!
(please glimpse through my “dracula important” tag to get some information on racist instances in the story as well as other places/ways that may be more convenient to read the story)
• 21 April • 25 April • 28 April • 30 April (one queued for 2024 lol)
• 3 May • 4 May • 5 May • 7 May • 8 May • 9 May • 10 May • 11 May • 12 May • 13 May • 14 May • 15 May • 16 May • 18 May • 19 May • 24 May • 25 May • 26 May • 27 May • 28 May • 30 May • 31 May 
Rest of months under cut!
• 5 June • 6 June • 13 June • 17 June • 18 June • 24 June • 25 June • 29 June • 30 June 
• 1 July • 8 July • 18 July • 19 July • 20 July • 22 July • 24 July • 26 July • 27 July • 28 July • 29 July • 30 July
• 1 August • 2 August • 3 August • 4 August • 6 August • 8 August • 9 August • 10 August • 11 August • 12 August • 13 August • 14 August ��� 15 August • 16 August • 17 August • 18 August • 19 August • 20 August • 21 August • 23 August • 24 August • 25 August • 30 August • 31 August
SEPTEMBER (a busy month!! hold on!!!)
if you want some audio readings to help stay caught up, scroll down the archives of Cryptic Canticles’s Dracula Daily audio readings to get to any dates you may need
(note: in the tags, all months starting here and on use shortened versions with only their first three letters: sep, oct, nov)
• 1 Sep • 2 Sep • 3 Sep • 4 Sep • 5 Sep • 6 Sep • 7 Sep • 8 Sep • 9 Sep • 10 Sep • 11 Sep • 12 Sep • 13 Sep • 17 Sep • 18 Sep • 19 Sep • 20 Sep • 21 Sep • 22 Sep • 23 Sep • 24 Sep • 25 Sep • 26 Sep • 27 Sep • 28 Sep • 29 Sep • 30 Sep
OCTOBER (another busy month!!)
NOTE: OCTOBER 3 IS THE LARGEST ENTRY, OVER 50 PAGES. MAYBE START READING AHEAD IF YOU WANT. and again, you can scroll through the Cryptic Canticles archives to listen to any dates you need
• 1 Oct • 2 Oct • 3 Oct • 4 Oct • 5 Oct • 6 Oct • 7 Oct • 8 Oct • 11 Oct • 14 Oct • 15 Oct • 16 Oct • 17 Oct • 18 Oct • 19 Oct • 20 Oct • 21 Oct • 22 Oct • 23 Oct • 24 Oct • 25 Oct • 26 Oct • 27 Oct • 28 Oct • 29 Oct • 30 Oct • 31 Oct
• 1 Nov • 2 Nov • 3 Nov • 4 Nov • 5 Nov • 6 Nov • 7 Nov • 9 Nov :)
• prep (posts of people hyping Dracula Daily before it starts!)
• after (recaps, epilogue-ish non-November-7-specific posts, etc.!)
• ddn (posts that don’t really relate to any specific day and aren’t spoilery)
• other (Dracula-related posts that don’t directly relate to the story but may be spoilery for people who haven’t read it yet! like The League of Extraordinary Gentlefolks's posts. also basically a “miscellaneous” tag for posts i can’t otherwise figure out huehue.)
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moonvalse · 5 months
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independent; private & slow portrayal of the 'TAV' character from baldur's gate 3. // written by clémentine, 33 +, she/her. --- bio can be found here.
BEWARE! mentions of death, child abuse, murders, violence (all forms), gore, blood, identity theft, dehumanization, ptsd, dissociative state, more tba.
Don’t be a dick. Real life is already hard enough.
20 + only. I’m a full-grown adult so yeah.
Sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia etc. won’t be tolerated. The list is extensive, but you get the point: don’t be a terrible person.
I’m slow. Don’t take it personally, really. I try my best but I can’t promise you that I’ll be as fast as (chain) lightning.
I finished the main plot and am currently on my dark urges run. Don’t worry about me if we wind up discussing this specific aspect of the plot because I don’t mind spoilers.
I’m Klém (Clémentine) , 33+, she/her —- nice to meet you. English isn’t my first language, so please be patient too! I’m a nurse, so my schedule is erratic but I’ll try to be around as much as I can.
credits for the icons (psd+border) : somresources !
credits for the banner:  feypacts.
Anything from one-liners to novellas is fine to me. I just love writing. 
I only write with mutuals. I’m OC-friendly & love them. I love other Tav so please, don’t be afraid to gush about your muse with me. I know it can be stressful for some but it’s not my case - still, I respect if it’s a problem for other Tavs to interact so no hard feelings here. We’re all here to have fun.
Do not force me to ship or smut. It’s a big no-no. I believe in chemistry. I also believe in plotting so if you want a relationship with Rhys (romance, friendship, enemies etc…), please approach me. My DM are always open. I’m not against writing smut but only with people I feel comfortable with. 
I love plotting but sometimes, life gets in the way and I have zero time and/or energy. It’s not you, it’s a ‘me’ problem. Just give me some time.
Speaking about ships — I usually follow my partners’ wishes. If they only ship with one version of my muse, I shall return the favor. If they don’t, fair game. I’m not too bothered about it but I want my partners to feel comfortable so I’ll follow your rules on this matter. 
18+ content might occur and will always be tagged. Keep in mind that many dark themes will be explored on this blog BUT they’ll always be tagged. If you need a specific tag for some content you don’t want to see, you can always send me a message so I can tag it appropriately. I’m usually good with tags but mistakes/oversights could happen so yeah.
I do not ship kiddos with adults, that’s a given. Incest is also a big no.
Sometimes I use icons, and sometimes I don’t. Life is full of surprises!
Thank you for reading my rules (:
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