#spoiler tagged bc I'm not sure if he counts as spoilers or not
phoenixiancrystallist · 8 months
Forspoken Photo Dump 119: Visoria; Inner Visoria, Part 8
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system-to-the-madness · 5 months
Setting The Record Straight - Gojō Satoru x Reader
MAJOR SPOILERS FOR CHAPTER 236 – set after chapter 236 Pairing: Gojō Satoru x Reader (can be read as any gender, no pronouns used) Genre: hurt/comfort – angst to fluff Word Count: 1 923 Warnings: death, canontypical violence Summary: Following his victory over Sukuna, Gojō comes to comfort you, who thought he had died. A/N: like… two weeks late but whatever. Also: tag for @nnasv (I'm not sure if you wanted to be tagged for this, all the stories or another one; if i made a mistake, please let me know!) And @un-lawliet bc 💕
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The moment the screens displayed Gojō Satoru’s death, you turned around and left. You knew the chances that Gojō would make it unharmed had always been slim, but watching the man you loved against better judgment die in front of your eyes, was not something you were prepared for. No matter how much time you’d have to mentally prepare for it, you’d never be able to watch it. So instead, you turned around and left the room, the others in so much shock, they barely noticed how you closed the door behind you. But you made sure to shut two more doors between yourself and them before you allowed the first whimpers to slip past your lips. Your knees buckled under your weight, the world seemed to have lost its balance, as you stumbled forwards, barely managing to hold onto the armrest of a small couch. Staring down at the unnervingly soft fabric underneath your hands, you watched as tears dripped from your cheeks, creating small spots of darkness where they hit the cushion.
You couldn’t believe he was gone. Rationally you knew he was, the slice that took his life having also buried itself deep into your heart, leaving a bleeding wound that would leave ugly scars. And what you thought was almost worse, was that Gojō had expected this to happen, he had known it would happen. Otherwise, why would he have kept everyone at a distance with his infinity when he was bidding his goodbye just a few hours ago? You remembered Yūji’s almost offended expression when he noticed he couldn’t hug his teacher to wish him good luck. Even though you knew it would be futile, you had reached your hand out for Gojō’s anyway, hoping he’d somehow acknowledge these unspoken feelings that had fluttered between you for months now. But your fingertips had met the unyielding barrier of his cursed technique, and he had walked away from you, not sparing you another glance. You knew he had been focusing on the task ahead, but now, now that he was gone, you wondered if maybe you had just imagined him showing the same interest in you that you had developed for him. Either way you wished you could have said a proper goodbye.
Now the pain over having lost Gojō made you topple over, and you let yourself drop to the deep cushions of the couch. It was ridiculous to feel this way, you thought to yourself as you hugged your knees to your chest. You had lost friends before, but it had never hurt this badly. And Gojō was nothing more than a friend, right? No matter how much you had wanted him to be more. There had never been any confessions, agreements or promises. Gojō was your friend, even with the lingering glances and touches, the late-night talks, and his relentless teasing. He was nothing more than a friend. Then why did it hurt so much more than any other time you had lost a friend?
You cried for hours, until you had no more tears left, until your face was red, your eyes bloodshot, your voice hoarse, and your body limp with exhaustion. Whatever was happening outside, whatever havoc Sukuna was causing since Gojō’s deaths, you didn’t know, and a part of you didn’t even care anymore. Tomorrow you could go back to thinking about bringing an end to Sukuna, but not tonight. Tonight, you’d grieve your friend, and come tomorrow morning, you’d think about a way to avenge his death.
By the time the screens in the observation room flickered to black, you were fast asleep, curled against the backrest of the couch you had found in what had to be an old waiting room of sorts. Fast asleep, haunted by nightmares, you were oblivious to the panic of the other sorcerers when they couldn’t follow Sukuna’s battle anymore. You slept through the sound of the door to the building springing open, and the sorcerers jumping to their weapons to defend themselves against whatever evil had invaded the observation room. Not even the shouts of surprise at the realization of who had just dragged themselves back to safety tore you from your sleep, nor did the cries of relief at this unexpected reunion.
When he opened the door to the waiting room, in which he had been told you had hidden away, Gojō Satoru was determined to finally talk to you about all the things he had refused himself to admit ever since he had realized just how deep you had dug yourself into his heart. Since he had met Yūji, he had known that in the end it would come down to a battle between him and Sukuna, and he had refused to give you the hope for a relationship, when he might die so soon. Now that he had died – and refused to stay dead – it was about high time he got to talk to you about his feelings and  where he wanted your relationship to head, to find out if you had the same in mind. Standing in the doorway, glancing at your sleeping figure on the sofa across the room, he realized all the talking had probably time until tomorrow morning.
When Inumaki-kun had told him that you had just left and hidden away, he had known that he had to be gentle and give you time, but the way you were resting now, curled in on yourself, shivering from the cool air, made his heart ache worse than he would have expected. Quietly he closed the door, and crossed the room, while shrugging out of his jacket. Your breath was irregular, muscles twitching under your skin as you lay with your back to the room. Carefully Gojō spread the jacket over your body, hoping the material might help you warm up, then he crouched down next to you. It wasn’t hard to guess that you were having a nightmare, and Gojō wondered if he was to blame for whatever your mind replayed to you right now.
Reaching out, he placed a hand on your shoulder, gently shaking you. “Hey, come on, wake up,” he whispered, leaning a little closer to you. “You’re having a nightmare, wake up.”
Even though you didn’t jolt awake, he could tell the exact moment you woke up, from when your breathing changed. Sleepily you turned your head, and Gojō could swear his heart stopped for a moment, when he saw how red your eyes were from crying. He had done that. He was to blame for the pain you had gone through. No matter how exhausted he was, he was ready to kill Sukuna all over again for killing him and making you cry because of it.
He froze. You never called him by his given name. But it sounded so sweet and warm, he wanted to beg you to say it all over again. And again. And again.
“Yeah, I’m right here,” he whispered, and reached up, brushing a strand of hair out of your sleepy eyes, only to see them filling with tears.
“This is a good dream then,” you mumbled, reaching out and taking hold of his shirt.
“This is no dream, I promise,” Gojō answered, realizing you had to assume you were still asleep. “I’m right here with you.” Quickly he moved to sit on the edge of the couch beside you, brushing more of your hair out of your face, and adjusting the jacket he had thrown over you.
You stretched out your legs and moved closer to the cushions of the backrest to make room for him at your side. “Stay with me?”
A small smile spread over his face, and he leant down, pressing his lips to your forehead in a gentle kiss. “For as long as you want me to.”
When you tucked at his shirt, he moved to lay down beside you, wrapping his arms around you. Satisfied he found you snuggled closer into his embrace, your back to his chest, and intertwined your hand with one of his. Softly he nudged his nose into your hair, deeply inhaling the tender scent that clung to it.
“I just wish, you’d still be here when I wake up,” you whispered so quietly, Gojō had to strain his ears to even hear you.
“Careful what you wish for,” he chuckled, brushing his lips against the shell of your ear. God, he wanted to kiss you so badly, pepper kisses over your face and neck, press his lips against yours, wanted to find out how sweet they’d taste. But while you were half asleep and had not really realized he was not just a figment of your imagination he could hardly do any of that with good conscious. You’d get enough of a shock tomorrow morning when you woke up anyway.
You didn’t answer any further to his teasing, and a while later your breathing evened out, signaling him you had fallen asleep in his arms. Once he was sure you wouldn’t jolt back awake, he closed his eyes as well. He was tired, so, so tired. When had been the last time he had given into his exhaustion? He couldn’t remember. But now that he felt your warm body so securely pressed to his, that Sukuna was a problem of the past, that Megumi and Yūji were both saved… the temptation to just loose himself in the warmth and comfort of the moment was overwhelming and he closed his eyes. After all this time, wasn’t even he allowed to rest for a little while?
Satoru got brutally startled awake by the sound of the door slamming against the wall. Instinctively he raised his hand to shield his eyes from the bright light that suddenly lit up the room when Megumi’s voice called from the doorway.
“Yūji made breakfast,” he announced, sounding rather annoyed that he had been sent as a messenger.
Satoru turned his head, taking a look at the boy in the door. He was badly beaten up, there was no doubt about that, but the gleam in his eyes told Satoru that he at least had lost none of his spirit.
“The food’s fresh, so if you spend too much time making out, don’t complain when it’s turned cold.”
And with that Megumi was out the room again.
Making out?
Satoru blinked confused, when he suddenly felt something warm brush against his face, and when he turned his head, he found you were already looking at him, brushing his hair out of his forehead.
His breath hitched as he noticed just how close you were laying to him, your face only inches away from his, your eyes soft as you watched him comprehend the situation.
“Surprise,” he mumbled. “Not dead.”
Instead of answering him, you just smiled, your eyes continuing to roam over his face until they stopped on his lips. His breath hitched again. For a few seconds you stared at his lips before your eyes moved up to meet his again. Satoru swore you had to hear his heartbeat echo through the room. And then you leant in, just close enough for there to be a tiny gap left, leaving the decision to Satoru. For a moment he wondered how mad Yūji would be if he’d let the breakfast grow cold, but then he decided he could probably deal with one or two upset teenagers after he had set the record straight with you, and closed the remaining distance to your lips.
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coveredinsweetpea · 2 years
body shots [eddie munson x reader]
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A/n: I wrote a very similar fic to this one about another character a while ago but I'm a sucker for this trope so I had to write one for Eddie too!! (kinda insecure!eddie for this one)
Summary: you're the popular girl. what happens when at a party you decide to finally approach Eddie, after you've liked him for years? (spoiler alert: jason is at this party) 3.1k
Warnings: yeah, none really. bullying maybe, and jason (he deserved his own warning), does licking Eddie's chest tattoo need a warning? and also alcohol consumption, but that's it really :)
also im reposting it rn bc it refuses to show up in the tags????? im gonna scream ugH
"Come on, Eddie," you smiled. As much as you'd have liked to just grab his hand and drag him to the middle of the room with you to dance, you knew better than that. So you kept your distance, looking at him longingly and hoping that this wasn't actually the colossal mistake that it was shaping up to be. "Dance with me"
"I-" he sighed and leaned his head to the side. "I can't- I'm not one of you guys"
"What does that mean?" you pouted.
You could tell this was consuming him, and it made you feel annoying, but you got so far. It took all your confidence to approach him and now you weren't going to back away, not without a blunt rejection to help you move on.
"I saw you dancing earlier with your friends, I'm not like that. I can't just like... do that"
"The only difference between you and my friends, Eddie, is that they wanted to dance with me. Why do you keep saying that you can't? You can say that you don't want to, and that's ok, you know?"
"I-" he started to speak but then shut his mouth and looked away. 
He was fiddling with the Megadeth patch on his vest - it had been sloppily sown into the material and judging by how Eddie tugged at it, by the end of the night, it would definitely come off entirely. 
You waited for him to answer. You saw him nervous, his eyes scanning the room and his lips dry as he chewed them. You didn't want to push him but god you didn't want to leave without him either. 
"I don't know, Y/n, I don't even know what I'm doing at this party. I wasn't even invited, I came with a friend and he disappeared a while ago. No one really wants me here"
"I do" you beamed and stepped into his line of sight. "I want you here"
"You're just like-" Eddie laughed as he looked away, "The nicest person ever so that doesn't count"
"I am a nice person, yeah, thanks for noticing" you giggled, "But I'm not nice enough to take time out of my day to walk around and make sure everyone feels welcome, you know?"
Eddie frowned a bit and his smile faltered. "Then why are you here?"
"Because I like you? And I thought this was going to be much easier, but I feel like I already annoyed you"
Too many questions came into his mind at once. What exactly did you mean, you liked him? No, that couldn't be it. His cheeks were on fire and it was that goddamn thing his heart did whenever he got nervous. It was a rare occurrence so he didn't really know what to do. Still fidgeting with the patch, he shifted his weight from one leg to the other - trying to figure out what to say. He couldn't really say he liked you too, could he? He did, he adored you, and you sounded so honest when you said it, but his brain refused to let him believe it. Eddie, don't be a dumbass, he told himself. But even so, he didn't want to let you leave thinking he dislikes you.
"You're not annoying," he eventually said. "But you don't mean that, Y/n, you don't really like me"
"Why do you say that?" you frowned.
"I mean, you don't know me, do you? We talked like 3 times in the 5 years we've known each other, what's there to like?"
Oh, the hypocrisy, he thought to himself. What an idiot you are, Eddie.
Now it was your turn to get nervous. The couple of beers you had earlier only helped so much. "I don't know, Eddie, if you want me to list the things I like about you, you best believe I'm gonna start with the fact that you can climb on top of the tables in the cafeteria and make a scene in front of the whole school, but now that it's just me, you can barely get a word out"
"Eddie, I think you like me too. I think that if you didn't, you'd have told me to fuck off before I even got a word out"
"You can still do that. So, you know what? That's it. You either tell me to leave you alone, or you come dance with me. Right now. Whatever you want, I'll respect your decision"
Again, there were so many things he wanted to say. He felt like an idiot, he came off as an idiot, but still, there you were, all a smile, a hopeful smile, waiting for him to get his shit together.
"Does it really have to be dancing?"
"No!" you beamed and grabbed his hand into both of yours, "We can do whatever you want! We can go taunt the football team and drink them under the table. Or we can bully the DJ, get him to play whatever we want"
Eddie shook his head amused, "Yeah, sure. Both sound good to me"
"Ok, good, but first, let's get a drink, you know, while we plan"
"Of course, yeah"
As you guided Eddie through the sea of dancing people, you got too lost in your thoughts, too happy about how the evening was turning out, too eager to sit down with him and just talk; too distracted to notice the commotion. You didn't notice Jason to the side, or the people he shoved away in order to get to you. You only noticed him when he spawned himself in front of you, making you nearly bump into his chest. 
But you saw him in time and abruptly stopped, bumping back into Eddie instead. This, you didn't mind.
"Hey there, beautiful" Jason grinned, licking his lips as he looked down at you. "Thought you left"
"Yeah, I didn't" you said and tried to walk past him. You managed to get a step in before he stopped you, and it was enough for him to see you were holding Eddie's hand.
"Oh! Oh, what's this? Is this who you're hanging out with now?" Jason laughed and pointed at Eddie who looked like if he could teleport himself out of there, he would. 
You squeezed his hand harder into yours and moved to stand closer to him.
"Yes, and I don't see how it concerns you"
"Don't be like that, I thought we had history"
You didn't have to look at Eddie to know what face he made.
"Jason, if you think that you showing up at my house to pick up Chrissy and hitting on me while she gathered her stuff means we have history, then I'm sorry, but you need professional help"
"Ouch," he frowned. He wasn't really offended, your words just made him want to push you further. "You don't have to be like this, gorgeous" he said and went to grab a strand of your hair. But he didn't get to. Eddie's hand flew up just in time to grab his wrist and stop him from touching you.
"Watch it, man," Eddie said calmly.
"Oh, the freak speaks!" Jason chuckled, forcing his hand out of Eddie's hold. "Careful, Y/n, he might put a curse on you"
"Jesus, Jason" you rolled your eyes. "Can you stop wasting my time? Please? If you have something you wanna say, just say it"
He didn't like this. Bullying wasn't so fun when you held your ground. Out of options, Jason turned to Eddie. The weak link, he thought.
"I just have one question," he grinned, walking impossibly close. "Was she your first kiss?"
"Oh my god" you scoffed, and forced yourself in-between them. Had Eddie not been this quick to react, your fist would've connected with Jason's nose, most likely knocking him out.
"Hey, hey, hey, stop, it's ok!" Eddie said as he pulled you away. 
"No, it's not!"
"Why do you care what he thinks?"
"I don't give a shit what he thinks, but I won't let him talk to you like that, Eddie!"
He softened up. "Y/n, it's alright, I pro-"
"Hey, Munson!" Jason interrupted him, "What's it like being the pussy of this relationship? It's so very clear she's the one wearing the pants, you wimp"
"Listen, man" Eddie sighed, "I have no idea what you're trying to achieve, it's obviously not working. Stop bothering people, no one cares what you have to say. But if you really are so dead set on embarrassing yourself, next time I'm not gonna stop Y/n from hitting you, alright?"
"Oh, so you need a little girl to fight your battles for you?"
"I don't know, man" Eddie shrugged, "How many girls would fight your battles for you?"
You didn't even get a chance to cheer before Jason erupted.
"That's it, you freak!" he screamed and lunged at Eddie.
Thankfully, and much to your surprise, Eddie dodged the hit and was ready to at least try to parry the second blow when one of Jason's friends got in-between them. 
"God, Eddie, where did that come from?" you giggled. You were both too absorbed with one another to pay attention to the crowd that had formed around you.
"I mean, you said it yourself" Eddie grinned, "I'm unhinged, it's just you I can barely talk to"
"Hey, loser!" Jason yelled again, and this time, interrupted yet again, both you and Eddie turned around rolling your eyes. 
"I figure-" Jason continued. "Why get myself in trouble by kicking your ass when I can just watch you embarrass yourself?"
"Yeah" Jason's friend butted in. "Why don't you take your sweet little girlfriend and go put on a show for us?"
Eddie blinked in confusion and you sighed. "What are you talking about?"
"How about you two go and do some body shots, hm? I think everyone wants to see this, isn't that right?"
The crowd erupted into cheers, chanting for you and Eddie.
"You have serious problems, Jason" you shook your head in disbelief.
He, smug as ever, walked up to you and lowered his tone so that only you and Eddie could hear. "I wanna see Munson throw up when he has to take his shirt off"
"Jesus, there's no chance we-"
"Why not?" Eddie cut you off. "I don't mind"
"Eddie, we don't have to-"
"What?" he grinned. "You don't wanna do body shots with me?"
A proud and devious smile crept up on your lips, "After you, then"
"Ok then"
Eddie grabbed your hand and led you to the bar. The crowd parted so that you could pass while you could barely manage to hide the enthusiasm that was threatening to burst out of you. 
Once at the bar, Eddie nonchalantly grabbed two shot glasses and a bottle of tequila. "Who goes first?"
"I don't know" you laughed, still in shock with the sudden turn of events. 
"Ok, then" Eddie smiled after pouring the drinks. He set the bottle aside and took off his leather jacket and vest. He was calm and confident, not showing any signs of the shyness that controlled him earlier. With his eyes trained on yours, he fisted the back of his collar and elegantly pulled the Hellfire Club shirt over his head. 
They shouldn't have surprised you, the tattoos scattered across his chest, but they did. They made your mouth water. You wanted to touch them, to touch him, but you had to snap out of it. Not now, you told yourself.
After fixing his hair, Eddie climbed on top of the bar and sat down. "Where do you want it?" he asked, waving the salt around.
"I can't decide" you laughed and snatched it from his hand. "Lay down"
He did so. He grabbed a slice of lemon and leaned back on the bar, his whole body on full display for you and everyone else in the room.
Girls that would have never otherwise looked in his direction were now gawking and giggling to one another, while Jason sat to the side and cursed everyone left and right.
"Whenever you're ready" Eddie announced.
"Can I.. can I do something?"
"Whatever you want, sweetheart"
You took a deep breath, and pushed yourself up on the bar too, threw one leg over his body and straddled his hips. Your hands found his waist and his' found your thighs as you sat and wondered where to put the salt. 
Not wanting to seem unsure of yourself, you took a deep breath and poured it over the tattoo on the left side of his chest. You were fairly satisfied with your decision, but still felt like you were missing out. So, in the spur of the moment, you dropped some onto his abdomen as well, and then looked up at him. "The lemon"
Eddie nodded and placed it between his teeth.
As you lowered yourself and started licking your way up his abdomen, you looked up - he was looking at the ceiling, but his chest was violently rising and falling. It was good to see him flustered as well. 
As your tongue made its way across his chest, over the inked skin above his nipple, you felt his whole body tense under your weight.
With the salt on your tongue, salt that somehow managed to taste sweet now that it came off of his skin, you pushed yourself up and downed the shot. The alcohol burned its way down your throat and it wasn't lemon that you wanted to use to drown the bitterness. But those were the rules, so with your heart beating out of your chest, you closed the distance between your lips and gently grabbed the lemon slice with your teeth.
Your eyes fluttered close, but not before catching a glimpse of the smile that curled his lips. Eddie didn't easily let go of the lemon, and you didn't really want to fight him for it either. Your lips were touching and your bodies were pressed together, you wanted this more than anything. But with all the people watching, you gathered yourself and bit down on the lemon, snatching it from between his teeth.
Your friends cheered you on and you burst into laughter as Eddie started to sit up. He wrapped an arm around your waist and helped you off the bar, settling you on your feet. 
"I want another one" you said as you threw the lemon peel away.
"No one's stopping us, sweetheart, but now it's your turn"
"Fair enough"
Eddie seemed somehow uncomfortable when you started taking your shirt off, and the fact that he tried to look anywhere else other than your breasts burned a whole into your chest. It also had you rubbing your thighs together; hot, crazy and polite? You were in deep.
"Ok" you shook your head after throwing your shirt onto the floor and climbing on the bar. 
You were about to lay down just like he did, but Eddie stopped you with a firm grip on your waist. He kept you at the edge of the bar, and placed himself between your legs. 
Your feet met behind his back and you leaned back with the salt still in your hand.
If he had been sweet enough to let you choose where you wanted the salt to go on his body, you decided it was time for a change. Without asking for his opinion, you poured it all over your cleavage, feeling your core tighten when most of the salt rolled between your breasts.
Without leaving his spot between your legs, Eddie leaned to the side and picked up a slice of lemon. With his free hand, he grabbed your chin, "Open up"
You obeyed without a single ounce of doubt.
He placed the lemon between your teeth and then used his thumb to help you close your mouth around it.
You kept your head up as he leaned down and started licking the salt on your chest. He was shy at first, but it took him only about a second to grab your waist to hold you in place as he sank his tongue between your breasts. He licked your skin, whether there was any salt there or not, he didn't care, he licked and he kissed and then made his way up your chest. 
When you were face to face and it was time for him to take the shot, you watched him closely as he did so, and right before he went in to grab the lemon, you leaned your head back exposing your neck.
Unable, and unwilling to restrain himself, Eddie let his lips trail up your jugular, along your jaw, and then cupped your cheeks with both his hands as he snatched the lemon from your teeth. 
He barely sucked any of the juice out before taking it out of his mouth and throwing it away. He was too eager to wrap his arms around you again and pick you up. 
The crowd was alive. Everyone was screaming and chanting his name. You didn't surprise anyone, he did. "Eddie! Eddie! Eddie!"
"You're not one of us, huh?"
"Shut up" he laughed and handed you your shirt. 
You both got dressed as everyone kept watching, and after taking your eyes off of Eddie for just a second, when you saw him again, 3 girls had surrounded him.
Not in the mood of any more games, you walked over to them.
"... maybe like give us your phone number?" one of them giggled, twirling a piece of hair around her finger.
"I'm sorry, ladies, the train has left the station. This bad boy's taken"
"Yeah sure, but you know, if things don't work out...". Her wink was what sent you.
"Nah, I've been waiting for this since 9th gr- ah, there she is!" 
Much to the girl's disgust, Eddie wrapped an arm around your shoulders and waved at them as they left, rolling their eyes.
As soon as they were at a safe distance, he pulled away from you and fanned his face and neck.
"Did they make you nervous?"
"No" he shook his head. "You did"
"When can I expect you to use that charm of yours on me too, then?" you giggled and wrapped your arms around his waist.
You could tell it was getting difficult for him to breathe so you decided to pull away but he stopped you. "I'm trying," he said. "Words just don't come to me when you look at me like that"
"Like what?"
"Like this" he shook his head. "I don't know... I'm sorry, I'm-"
"Stop it, don't be sorry, I take it as a compliment"
"How about we go get some alcohol in me so maybe I can start complimenting you using actual words?"
"Sure" you laughed. "Let's go"
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peachsayshi · 9 months
deadass started reading ‘the way you love me’ after seeing the news abt gojo and i ended up pulling an all-nighter on it 🧍‍♀️ i wasnt intending on smut I just happened upon it bc of the ‘gojo satoru needs a hug’ tag on ao3 but now im a little bit obsessed and i just wanted to pass along a hug of support to a fellow gojo luvr<3 and also ask if u could maybe write something bittersweet with him bc im still grieving immensely.. can be canon compliant or an au or a lil fix-it blurb i just need to feel Something JSJSJD …..💔💔
➳  minors / ageless / blank blogs dni /this blog is 20+ for follows
⥽ notes: nonniee!! ahhh, first off I'm sending you such a big hug after reading the leaks (because it's what we all deserve right now).I love this string bean so much :c he's the reason why I started writing fanfics again :c thank you so much for taking the time to read my gojo fic! I really appreciate the feedback & support xo here's a little bittersweet blurb xo
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ tags: angst/fluff; canon doesn't exist here; in which gojo wins but at a cost; reader has a little anxiety; in which you are both healing together; mentions gojo as a dad; manga spoilers
the image of him on the ground, tattered up like a torn up doll, has your body springing upright from your mattress. your legs go numb as your throat tightens with a discomfort that has you struggling to catch your breath from witnessing the soul of your lover descending into an unknown abyss where you couldn’t follow.
why did he look so real?
the visual sends tremors down your spine, making your heart bang heavily in your chest as your ears ring. you instantly reach for him; your hand desperately seeking out his warmth, but instead your are met with the cold touch of your pillow.
the space beside you is empty, and your heart whispers a low, and petrified: no.
you kick off your bedsheets to stand on your two feet and even though the abrupt gesture makes you a little lightheaded, you catch your balance as you swiftly walk out of your bedroom.
it’s just a dream…
one quick turn to the kitchen is where you find him.
you reach your arm around to pinch your skin just to make sure that you are awake...
...that everything around is what is real.
gojo angles his neck towards you, his gaze softening at the sight of you and a small smile tugs at the corner of his lips.
"I thought you were asleep," he addresses, the gentle tone of his voice prompting you to march right up to him.
the front of his brows pinch with concern when you reach for his tee and bury your nose into his chest to breathe in the cozy scent of spice and citrus.
a scent that always smells of coming home, of safety, of love...
hot tears prick your eyes; it was just a bad dream, you remind yourself, just a bad dream.
you tilt your chin up, sighing with ease when you meet those familiar irises, all the while thinking that he's still as breathtaking as ever.
you love that he's letting his hair grow out, the snowy length just grazing the base of his neck while the shorter, front layers frame his face nicely.
it's cute seeing him experiment with different looks in this very new process of self discovery - a stage which he was robbed from entirely in his youth.
his once striking, prominent eyes are now soft and muted, a hint of grey glazing over the sparkling blue. the tear in his right pupil reminds of you of that fateful night three years ago, when the weight of the world hung heavily on the broad shoulders of the man before you.
his perfect hands return the gesture of your touch as they seek out your waist, and the simple contact makes your lashes flutter with relief.
he may no longer be the strongest jujutsu sorcerer, the possessor of six eyes, the untouchable with an infinity that garnered his protection...but he is still forever your satoru.
the last three years had you counting every single blessing, with the roots of your happiness blooming all over your home. it's in the gold band that sits comfortably around your ring finger, in every single photograph which has been thoughtfully framed and the bundle of joy sleeping quietly in her bed just down the hall.
yet, despite all of is, you can't shake off the vile cursed king who haunts you like a ghost, especially when you think about the true cost of that battle. if things had taken a turn for the worse then the last three years wouldn't even exist, and everything around you would have been a simple fabrication-
"hey," gojo squeezes your waist to grab your attention, a worried pout forming on his pretty pink lips, "why do you look so upset, angel?"
you swallow the hard lump that's been stuck in your throat since you've woken up. "I had a really bad dream," you proceed to explain, but your voice wavers instantly as a single tear trickles down your cheek, "I had a dream that I...that I lost you..."
your husband arches his brow, but you feel him relax against your touch as a cheeky grin lights up his face. "but I'm right here" he teases with a playful tone that instantly triggers you to feign annoyance.
"Ugh, obviously, satoru..." you scold, gripping your digits against the material of his shirt.
you try to pull away from him, but he simply secures his arms behind your lower back to keep you looped into his frame.
you don't deny the comfort of his embrace, and instead fold by circling your own limbs around his waist as you rest your cheek against his chest.
"I meant losing you for good, as in...never seeing you again..."
"ahh, I see..." your husband acknowledges.
"it scared me, satoru. it really did," you vent with a tiny sniffle. “I thought you were really gone for a moment…”
he draws small, soothing circles with his index finer on your lower back, allowing you to hold onto him for as long as you need while you softly let out your small sobs as the quiet settles around you.
“I can promise you one thing..."
"what's that?"
he releases you for only a moment to cup your cheeks. his face is full of love, showered with devotion that helps wash away your distress. he carefully wipes the rogue tears that fall from your beautiful eyes, before arching forward to tap the tip of his nose against yours.
"you're not getting rid of me that easily" he smiles tenderly and lightly pecks your lips.
his words are laced with confidence, dripping with a strong level of assurance that only satoru gojo can deliver.
it’s lighthearted but full of meaning, because the last time he said that sentence was right before walking into battle.
you curl your fingers around his wrist, parting your mouth this time when he searches for a second kiss. your ears burn when he firms his hold on your jaw, a low flame igniting in your belly as he glides his tongue across yours and releases a satisfied hum in the process.
the kiss is a little extra sweet tonight, like you're savoring the saccharine syrup of the ripest candied berries-
"hmph, 'toru?" you mumble into the kiss, your mind slowly leaving the shrouds of darkness as you rest your forehead comfortably against his. "were you…were you eating the treats that I got for 'ume?"
"what?" he dramatically scoffs in disbelief, "no..."
"satoru..." you reprimand.
"you really think I snuck out here just to eat izumi's candy?"
a tiny giggle escapes you, "you taste like I'm biting into sugar granules..."
"that's cause I'm made of only good things, sweetheart" he smiles as he nuzzles his nose against yours.
for whatever reason that answer brings you immense comfort. despite how much of him has actually changed, you're happy to know that satoru is still himself in many, many other ways.
"I now see where our daughter gets her exceptionally cute charm from," you concede with a roll of your eyes.
"mhmm," satoru agrees with a level of pride that makes your heart swell.
you know just how much that little girl means to him.
he straightens his back, his hand still cradling your face as he calmly strokes his thumb back and forth over your cheek. "feeling a bit better?"
you exhale, "yeah, a little-"
"you want to head back to bed?"
you nod your head, tilting it only slightly for you to kiss the inside of his palm.
“c’mon, let’s get you tucked in”
you’re not quick to let him go just yet, and satoru has to fight back from smiling like an idiot when you lock your arms around his waist.
he stays entangled, draping his own across your shoulder as he leads you back into the bedroom.
you don’t have to tell him where the source of your pain stems from.
he knows it all too well himself.
as a matter of fact, it’s now ingrained at the very core of satoru's soul because even he can’t deny the severity of what happened.
that night stripped him of everything he's ever known, of everything he’s ever believed himself to be…
but he doesn't care about the loss. he doesn’t mull over the depths of his sacrifice when the exchange of his divinity for his mortality meant the reward of living out the rest of his life with his one true love by his side.
it’s a decision he would have made a thousand times over.
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TBB S3 Episodes 4+5 thoughts
ngl I had a good bit spoiled for me bc I forgot to block the spoilers tag 🤦🏻‍♀️
A Different Approach
genuinely so happy that my man is back
his voice is a little weird tho ngl
yk when the ship is sparking like that on the inside, I don't think you should be flying it
I love batcher so much
they are 100% going to be going back for the other prisoners by the end of the season, I'm calling it
not sure if I feel bad for Nala se or not
fuck hemlock fr
yeah what's up with Omega's blood sample
creepy ass city
crosshair is seriously wondering what he's gotten himself into lmaoooo
his voice is back to normal thank god lol
so fucking funny watching this 10yo try and barter with the spaceport person
omg crosshair is hilarious, he's missed all of Omega's normal hijinks and he's so fucking confused
is that Bossk???
def not bossk
not the troopers
oh fuck
crosshair is freaking out back there
crosshair called Meg's dad count: 1
this captain has me stressing
fuck you
love that crosshair was about to fight a man for her
fuck not batcher
oh just punch the kid already
dad crosshair is so hot oml
babes freeing all the animals will get you caught so fast
just shoot the captain already
that "finally" did things to me 😶‍🌫️
oh omega you badass
I mean that's one way to deal with the captain but damn
where are they???
and hunter.
I really don't like hunter tbh
"never stopped searching" but you were so willing to leave crosshair
ugh the camera angles 😫
The Return
she has Lula!!!
omg pabu is so pretty
genuinely why does crosshair, a clone of a man played by a Māori actor, whiter than I am
omg AZI you don't tell him his accuracy was 53% 🤣🤣🤣
does crosshair know tech is gone??
nvm he's gotta know with that reaction after echo mentions him
all of them look so pretty in the sunset
wrecker gave him his armour back 😭😭😭
the sound I made at crosshair in his old armour is ungodly
lay off him hunter
did batcher just find maydays body???
batchers efficient I'll give her that
not the helmets 😭😭😭😭
watch as those sensors actually did something other than warn about the raiders
I actually hate hunter
call him out babe
echo is eldest daughter-ing rn
can't believe the sensors actually worked
"and I don't even see any blood this time!" true sibling behavior
also the look on Omega's face as he says that 🤣🤣
I love the ice vulture symbolism with crosshair so much
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callsigndragon · 2 years
A Rebel In My Soul | Chapter 7: Six-feet's never felt so far
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Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Fem!Mitchell!Reader
Word count: 5k (told you it was long)
Warnings: okay so you've read the title. it's about Iceman's funeral. swearing, fluff, mentions of someone wanting to have kids (idk), drunk rooster, alcohol, mentions of rebel's mom (it's sad, i can't say more bc spoilers), mentions of Carole's passing, mention of terminal illness (unknown bc it's never said in the movie), mentions of period, several mentions of death, DEATH OF A MAIN CHARACTER, lots of crying, angst, lots of angst. i cried writing this chapter. Hangman's pov again.
Summary: Y/N "Rebel" Mitchell is one of the best aviators of her generation. She grew up hearing the adventures and stories of Maverick, her father, that he used as bedtime stories. She became an aviator with her best friend Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw and now both of them have to come back to the Top Gun Academy for an important mission. Only the best of the best is called for this mission, including the southern idiot called Jake "Hangman" Seresin. Both of you had hated each other since day one. Now, having to work together once more, you count the days for this mission to be over, not only to never see Hangman again, but to also cut all connections again with your father.  
Taglist: @theprettytragic @thatoneweirdhorsegirl913 @shrimping-for-all @inky-sun @popcrone818 @blue-aconite @milestellerwife @chaoticassidy @smoothdogsgirl @nemtodd-barnes1923 @bregarc @alanadetigy @starkleila @plutotcles @bradleysgirl
(If you want to be tagged comment here or send me an ask)
IMPORTANT A/N: I'M REALLY SORRY FOR ALL THE SAD FEELINGS YOU'RE GONNA HAVE WHILE READING THIS. I sobbed while writing it. I wasn't sure if I was gonna write Iceman's death or make him live but I needed this for the development of Fahrenheit's character (special thanks to @blue-aconite, for commenting my previous post about the character's call sign).
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After all the events from the day, the only thing you want is to take a long, relaxing shower. Once you get home, you see Rooster’s Bronco and hear some loud music coming from the inside. You open the door, taking off your shoes and walking inside to see your friend weightlifting in the homemade gym you and Rooster organized in the corner of the living room. He’s covered in sweat, jaw clenched and eyes fixated on the wall. Rooster’s in a bad mood.  
“Hey, I'm back” you speak a bit louder than the music coming from the speakers. He leaves the dumbbells on the floor and turns off the music.  
“I’m sorry, Y/n. I saw you running out of the room but I had to make sure that they were okay” he explains, coming closer to you and hugging you.  
“Don’t worry. I understand. Someone had to be there” you pat his back. “I saw them in the infirmary. They’re okay”  
“Yeah, I was there when they got in. They’re okay” 
“...why do you smell like Bag man?”  
You tense a bit in his arms. Shit, you should’ve taken it off when you got home. “Mine was wet and I had to drive so...” 
“Well, he’s sharp, at least.” He strokes your hair, still a bit wet. “I saw you in the locker room with him. He told me to leave”  
You move your head back enough to look up at him. “He kicked you out?” you question, surprised by what your friend is telling. He nods, moving to seat on the sofa.  
“Yeah, he didn’t talk but he gave me a look like saying ‘I got this, leave’” you sit next to him. “Was he nice?”  
“Yeah, Roos. He helped me. He’s a good guy when he wants to” 
He looks at you, frowning and bouncing his leg up and down. “What?”  
“Y/n, I think he’s trying to make a move here” Rooster explains, voice low as if his words were a secret.  
“I mean, I suspected something. He’s been trying to act nice with me, he apologized every time he fucked up and went out of his way to get me a coffee this morning.” you smile a little at the thought.  
Rooster groans and it scares you a little. “I’m gonna get out of here because if I have to see that smile again, I will throw up” says Rooster while moving to his room. You follow him, unsure of why your friend is acting like this.  
“What’s wrong with my smile?” you question, getting close to him with your hands on your hips. 
“You’re falling in love with Bag man”  
“I-I am not falling in love with him” you retort back instantly. A tiny part of your heart knows that he’s telling the truth. But admitting to be in love with someone is something really scary. You don’t think you’re ready for that.  
“Look into my eyes and tell me I'm lying”  
You stare at him, knowing well that awful at stare duels. You usually last very little time because Rooster has such an intense stare that you have to look away. However now you can’t even look at him in the eye. He grins, celebrating his victory.  
“I’m taking your bike” he says while entering his room and closing the door to get changed.  
“Leave your keys so I can take the Bronco later!” you say moving to your room. Rooster opens his door, shirtless, looking at you with a suspicious expression.  
“...where are you going?”  
“Everyone is meeting to celebrate that Phoenix and Bob are okay. I just came to take a shower” 
“Oh yeah, that’s right” he turns to leave but it’s stopped by your next words.  
“Jake told me to meet there later”  
“I knew it! You’re meeting with Bag man. Wait did you say Jake?”  
“It’s his name” you shrug.  
“You never call him by his name”  
“Well and he has never helped me through a panic attack before but here we are! Maturing and forgiving. We should learn a few things about that”  
He rolls his eyes. “Next thing you know, she’s inviting Maverick to her wedding with Bag man” he says, leaving the room to get his shirt and the car keys. He comes back, throws you his keys and leaves saying something along the lines of “please use protection, I don’t need to have a mini–Bag man running around”  
You go straight to the shower. The hot water relaxes your body but your mind is working faster than ever. You don’t know if you’ve ever felt something like this before. It’s a strange feeling, however. It's a new, warm and tender feeling but, at the same time, it feels familiar. As if it has always been there. It had been growing with the years, until it was big enough for you (and everyone else) to notice it.  
It’s always been him; it seems.  
You can’t lie to yourself anymore. There’s a feeling there. Call it whatever you want, but it’s there and it gets only stronger by the minute.  
You don’t realize how much time you’ve been until the water turns cold and it pull you out of your thoughts. You get out, put on a towel and grab the brush to untangle your messy hair.  
You find yourself thinking again about him. Well, about his body. How he hugged you, the tone, muscular arms that engulfed you in, how he applied the right amount of pressure to stop your terrible shaking-self.  
You look at your bed, Jake’s jacket laying in its full glory. You are tempted to wear it again, just to see his reaction. Maybe with that beautiful sundress that it’s been hanging on your closet for a while now. And some sneakers. Yeah, cute outfit.  
After drying your hair and applying some light make up, you get dressed and grab Rooster’s car keys, ready to leave. You hop in the car, smiling when the smell of Jake’s jacket fills your nostrils.  
Yeah, you’re completely head over heels for him.  
When you get to the Hard Deck, however, you smile fades away. Coyote and Hangman are trying to get a very drunk Rooster from the floor. He’s only been here for an hour; how did he get so drunk?  
“Rooster?” you come closer to the three men and he giggles when his intoxicated mind realizes who you are.  
“Reeeeeebel you’re so pretty tonight. Oh my god, are you wearing make up?” he asks with slurred words.  
“How did he end up like this?” you look at Jake, who has a sorrowful expression.  
“Tequila” answers Coyote. “He got here and asked for the whole bottle. He said he had argued with Maverick before and well...”  
“Oh gosh. I’m so sorry. Can you guys take him to the car? I’ll drive him home”  
“I don’t wanna go hooome” whines Rooster while hugging Coyote. Poor guy.  
You move closer to Jake. “I’m sorry I have to leave so soon...”  
“Y/n, it’s not your fault”  
Coyote looks at the both of you, smiling because his friend is having a normal conversation with you. At last.  
“Hey, give me the car keys’ and I’ll get him home” offers Coyote.  
“He came with Fanboy” explains Jake, as if reading your mind. “He lives close to your house; he can let Rooster there”  
“Yeah, and I'll get home walking. It’s just a few minutes, I don’t mind. And you just got in, you should get a drink and enjoy the night. In fact, it’s the first time I've seen you with that dress and it looks really good on you. My friend here would be so glad if you stayed so he can watch you all night”  
Your eyes widen and you look at Jake who is shooting daggers to Coyote. If looks could kill...  
“Okay, then.” you give Coyote the keys and accompany them to the car. “Thank you so much, Coyote”  
“I would say it’s my pleasure but Hangman’s the only one here benefiting from this” he says while turning on the engine and leaving the both of you. Once you stop seeing the car, you realize something.  
“Rooster didn’t give me my keys”  
Jake snorts. “You two are like kids, I swear. Don’t worry, I’ll drive you home”  
You nod, linking your arm with his. “I’ll buy you a beer, then” 
“Only one more, though. I have to get the princess home safe and sound.” 
You hit his arm. “Shut up”  
“You look good in my jacket, darling” he whispers so close to you that you can feel his breath in your neck.  
“If you don’t shut up...”  
“Oh, but I like you all flustered” you hit him again, harder this time. “Auch! Okay, okay. I’ll stop” he laughs. 
After you get two beers, you go outside the noisy bar. The two of you sit on one of the benches. It’s dark outside, only a few lanterns here and there to light the area. The salty scent of the sea and the sound of breaking waves wrap you in a comfortable feeling. It's the kind of night in which secrets are revealed and feelings are confessed.  
“Rooster told me about Maverick.” confesses Jake while looking at the water. “He told me about the papers. He did it to him first, and then to his own daughter”  
“You can’t trust this man when he’s drunk. But yeah... Neither of us knows why. I have an idea, though. Because of a conversation I heard when I was a child” you tell him. First secret of the night.  
“You don’t have to talk about it, Y/n”  
“I need to. I’ve never told anybody about this” you state.  
“Then I’m all ears, sweetheart” he says, giving you a reassuring smile. 
“Carole, Rooster’s mom, said once that she didn’t want her son to become an aviator like his father” you let out the most well-kept secret of your life. You heard it when you were almost ten years old. But you couldn’t tell that to your best friend. He wanted to be like his father so bad... How could you tell him that his mom didn’t approve it?  
“You think that Maverick pulled his papers because of her?”  
“It’s just a hypothesis but it’s the best one I got over the years” you say, sipping from your beer. 
“But he got mad at him. Why did Maverick think that doing the same to you would have different results?” 
“Here’s the other part of the hypothesis: Carole didn’t want me to become an aviator either”  
“And why did she thought she had anything to say about it?”  
You smile, a bit sad at the thought of that part of your life that you’re going to trust him with. Only your closest friends know.  
“Carole raised me as her own daughter. My mother left me and Maverick when I was only two years old. I don’t even know her name”  
Jake leaves his beer on the table and grabs your hand in his. “I’m so sorry to hear that...”  
“Don’t be. When I was old enough to know about my mother, Maverick gave me a box full of pictures and things he had collected for me. I never opened it”  
“Why? Weren’t you curious to know about her?”  
“I didn’t want to know anything about a woman that thought it was okay to leave a two-year-old kid. If she didn’t want me, I wasn’t gonna want her either” you reveal. It was, probably, the easiest decision you had ever made. Not knowing her implied not having to know why did she left you, if she ever missed you. If she had another family.  
You didn’t want to know.  
“And Carole raised you and Rooster alone”  
“Yes, she did. I spent more time in her house than in mine. Maverick spent a few months taking care of me but he was called for another mission and Carole took care of me. And then another mission came. And another, and another... I don’t blame him, though. We know how this is. You don’t have a choice” you feel Jake’s thumb caressing your knuckles and your body shivers at the touch. “Carole raised me. She taught me how to braid my hair, everything related to periods, how to put make up on, how to walk on high heels... Well, I've never learned how to walk properly on those, actually.” you laugh.  
“She loved you like you were hers”  
“Bradley and I used to say that we were siblings. Everybody knew we weren’t but for us... we were. We were raised by the same woman”  
“And you lost her, too”  
You take a deep breath. Yeah. Rooster lost his mother, but you lost yours, too. And only God knows how much you miss her.   
“She became sick. It was really quick, actually. I don’t know if that’s better or worse. One day she was smiling and wearing beautiful dresses and then the next... she was gone” you don’t know when the first tear fell from your cheek, but Jake quickly wipes it away. He gets up and walks around the table to sit beside you and pull you close to him.  
You find yourself in Jake’s hugs for the second time today, but this one is warmer. You can feel his heartbeat against your cheek. Is steady and calm.  
“I’m sorry you had to go through all of that, Y/n” 
You hug him closer. “Life sucks, I guess. Now you have to tell me about your family. Spill the beans, cowboy”  
He chuckles and strokes your hair. “Well... Both my parents are alive. I have four sisters. I'm the only boy among the Seresin’s siblings. My older sister has two kids and I love them with my entire soul”  
You move your head back to look at him. “You’re the cool uncle?” 
He smiles shyly. “I love kids, okay? Tell anyone and I’ll deny it”  
“So you want to have kids”  
“A few, yeah. I want to raise them in my family’s ranch.”  
You stop hugging him, even if you don’t want to, because the position you two are in is hurting your neck. You move back a bit, Jake’s hand instantly moving to search your own. It’s like you two cannot stay away from the other.  
“You want kids. You know how to listen when your head is not up your ass. You’re a gentleman when you want to...” he laughs, shaking his head at your words. “Honestly, how are you single?”  
He looks at you like you hung the moon and the stars. “Maybe I was waiting for the right person” he says, leaning closer, his eyes moving from yours to your lips.  
You move closer to him, your heartbeat so loud that you can hear it in your ears. “Did you find them?”  
He moves his hands to your cheeks, one thumb moving over your bottom lip. “Yeah, I did” he whispers, his breath fanning over your features. You close your eyes, ready to feel his lips on yours.  
And then the phone rings.  
You pull away with a groan, taking your phone out of your pocket. Maverick.  
“Okay, that’s the biggest timing I’ve ever seen” he laughs, getting his drink.  
“He never calls me. It must be important.” you press the green button on the screen. “Yes?” 
“Iceman’s gone”  
If a minute ago your heart was beating faster than ever, now it has completely stopped working. You freeze, unable to respond or do anything. Uncle Ice is gone? He said he was okay. Did he... did he lie to you?  
Of course, he did.  
“Y/n? Are you still there?” you hear Maverick talking to you but it sounds so far away your mind doesn’t really process it.  
The phone falls from your grip, Jake catches it before it falls to the ground. “Hey, are you okay?”  
“Hangman is that you?”  
“Yeah, sir. Rebel is here with me. She’s in shock. What did you tell her?”  
“Admiral Kazansky has passed away. It was like an uncle for Rebel.” 
“I understand, sir. I’ll take care of her” he hangs up, putting the phone in his pocket and moving you to his lap. “Come here, darling. You seem to be unable to catch a breath today.”  
“He told me he was okay... I wanted to v-visit him but I didn’t have time” you choke on your words, tears falling down your face. Jake inhales deeply and pulls you impossibly closer.  
“Let’s get you home, okay? I’ll stay with you if you need me” you nod, and he takes you to his car. He only stops holding you when he has to walk around the car to sit behind the wheel, but he grabs your hand after that.  
When you get home, you hear snores from Rooster’s room. You would give everything in the world to be asleep right now, but closing your eyes today will be difficult.  
“Let’s get you out of this dress, you’re cold” says Jake in a sweet tone. Honestly, if your poor heart survives today is because of him.  
Jake accompanies you to your room, making you sit on the bed while he moves around the room looking for everything you need. He comes back with an old hoodie and some shorts and leaves them on the bed. “This will make you feel warm in a minute. I’ll go to the bathroom to look out for something to clean your face. Call me when you’re changed, okay?”  
“Jake” you call his name, your voice hoarse for the second time today.  
“Yes, honey?”  
“Thank you. For everything. I owe you a big one”  
He kneels before you, taking your hands in between his. He brings one of them to his lips, leaving a kiss in your palm. “Hey, you don’t owe me anything. But I'll have one of those beautiful smiles if you insist”  
You smile a bit. It doesn’t reach your eyes, and Jake’s hand drops yours to caress your cheek. “He’s in a better place now, right?” you question, tears flooding your eyes.  
“I’m sure he is, sweetheart. He’s putting everyone in his place up there.”  
You nod, wiping your tears away. He kisses your forehead and goes to the bathroom. Every time he kisses you, your heart skips a beat. You wish you could enjoy that feeling, embrace it and also, deal with all the unsaid words between Jake and you. Because he said that you were the one. He really just poured his heart out there for you to take it, and what had you given him in return? Tears. You need to let him know in a way that you return his feelings, whatever they are. 
“I found your micellar water” he says, entering the room again once you got changed. He has two cotton pads on his hand, and you look at him wondering how the heck does he know what micellar water is.  
“You know about makeup?”  
“Four sisters, remember? I even went once in a midnight run to the store to buy some tampons” he says, pressing the cotton pad against your skin and removing your makeup.  
“You have the whole package” you say, closing your eyes. “Honestly, though. You’re too perfect”  
He stops cleaning your skin and scoffs. You open your eyes to look at him. “I’ve been a jerk half of my life. Too proud to even admit when I was wrong. I’m not that good”  
“Well, you’re good now” you say, this time you’re the one holding his hands. “You’re good for me. And that’s all that matters, Jake”  
He smiles a bit. “I want to kiss you so bad. But I’ll wait because I don’t want you to remember our first kiss in the future and bringing so many bad memories.”  
You sigh. “You’re really something else.” you get up, taking the cotton pads and throwing them to the bin. “You should go home and rest. I’ll see you at the funeral”  
“I’m not leaving you” Jake states.  
“No buts. You need someone and the chicken nugget you have for a friend is completely passed out. I’m staying with you”  
“...did you just call Rooster chicken nugget?”  
“It’s McNuggie for me” he says with a serious voice.  
You burst into laughter. Honestly that’s the funniest thing you’ve ever heard someone call him. Jake laughs too. You really needed to laugh a bit.  
“I’ll go to McNuggie’s room and get you some clothes.” you say, leaving your room to go to Rooster’s. He doesn’t even move when you open the door. You grab a t-shirt and some grey sweatpants from his closet and leave quickly, not wanting to disturb his sleep. Even though you know he won’t notice it.  
“Here. You can change in the bathroom”  
He nods and goes change. You hear Rooster’s phone ringing. It’s Maverick again delivering bad news? You grab your phone from the nightstand, where Jake left it before. Several messages from Phoenix and Bob, who knew about Iceman being the closest thing to an uncle you’ve ever had.  
You also see a message from Iceman’s daughter. Snowcone, as you and Rooster used to call her when she was little. She was like her father in many aspects, but she chose to be a WSO instead of a pilot. Her call sign is Fahrenheit. Their companions gave it to her after a few weeks in the academy. Everyone knew she was the Admiral’s daughter. And they also knew about Iceman, how he was cool and cold. But he melted every time his little girl did something that made him proud. Also, she is the warmest person you’ve ever met. You always thought that she and Rooster would end up together. You haven’t talk to her in a while, you thought she was away on a mission. Maybe she was just focusing on her father.  
You open Fahren’s conversation. It’s a short text. She wasn’t one to beat around the bush.  
Fahren: He wanted you to have a good memory of him, Reb. He knew he was dying and he didn’t want us around when the time came. He only let my mom be with him. You know how he was. Always taking care of his girls.  
You: This man... How’s your mom? 
Fahren: Relieved. Sad. Tired. She just wanted him to stop suffering. He did.  
You: It’s hard... You’ll be okay. Both of you.  
Fahren: I know. Rest. I know you haven’t had a good day.  
You: Thanks. I’ll see you tomorrow.  
Rooster busts into the room with teary eyes. Oh shit, Maverick told him.  
“I-it’s true? Uncle ice...”  
You nod and get up to hug him, your own tears falling again. Jake leaves the bathroom and sees the scene. In his mind, Jake is questioning how you two got such a bad luck in life.  
“Hangman? What are you wearing my clothes”  
“She was with me when Maverick called. I couldn’t leave her alone” explains Jake, moving closer to pat Rooster’s shoulder. “I’m sorry for your loss, Bradshaw.” 
He nods, wiping his tears. “Thanks, man. I’m going to make some coffee; do you guys want?”  
“Yeah, I don’t think I can get any sleep anyway” you admit, walking to the kitchen followed by the two men.  
The three of you sit quietly around the kitchen isle, every single one of you submerged in their own thoughts. The only sound in the room is the coffee machine heating up the brown liquid.  
“If someone told me that Hangman would be seated in my kitchen at midnight with my clothes on, I would have never believed them” says Rooster giving a mug to you and Jake.  
“It’s kinda weird I’ll give you that” retorts the other man. “Do you guys have good memories with the Admiral?”  
You look at Rooster, an instant smile spreading over. “Yeah... a lot” you tell.  
“You know his daughter is a WSO?” Rooster asks Jake and he nods. “We call her Snowcone. And the three of us were always causing havoc when the Kazanskys invited us for dinner. One time, this girl over here sneaked in the Admiral’s office and stole one folder that had ‘Top Secret’ in big red letters”  
“Oh no, not that one” you cover your face, trying to disappear.  
“So, she walks around the house reading the papers and there was like a map in there. She goes up to Snowcone’s room to grab her crayons”  
“Oh, you didn’t" Jake says looking at him.  
“He went on a meeting next day and when he had to show the map to the rest... it had a cute little drawing of Iceman and Maverick in pink aircrafts”  
Both men laugh at the image of a tiny little y/n painting pink aircrafts in a map. You smile at the memory. When you saw Iceman the next week, he wasn’t angry. In fact, he hung the drawing in his office, among other ones that his own kids had drawn before. He even had one from Rooster.  
“He was a good man. Very patient, too. Had to be to deal with Maverick’s ass during all these years” Rooster says.  
“Yeah... and with our asses” you laugh again. 
The three of you stay all night in the kitchen, remembering the most interesting adventures you had while growing up and making Jake part of your small family. He sits there, listening in awe to all the pranks you used to pull on him and Maverick during the years. He eventually tells a few stories of his own, Rooster warming up to him and asking a few things. You know that they can be good friends, and it melts your heart that he is making the effort to be in the same room with him because Jake is now an important part of your life.  
And if Hangman was willing to stay up all night hearing stories about Iceman and Maverick to cheer you up, he would be part of Rooster’s life too.  
Several hours later, you find yourself in full dress blue uniform in front of the mirror. Taking deep breaths, you go to the living room where Rooster and Jake are waiting for you. Jake went to his house a few hours ago to get his uniform. He looks really good.  
“You ready, darling?” asks the man you were staring at.  
“As ready as I'll ever be”  
They both nod, Rooster going to the door. You walk with Jake towards his car. He has offered to drive both of you to the cemetery.
It took Jake twenty minutes to drive there. There was no music, no small talk, nor even a breath could be heard during the ride. Jake was worried, actually. Last night, Rooster and Rebel never once stopped talking, having lots of stories to share with him. Now, it seemed like they would never talk again. He realized that wearing the uniform and going to the funeral makes it all more real. And it made it hurt more. 
Jake also felt bad because all the events that had happened in the last 24 hours had brought him closer to Y/n that he could ever thought possible. She had shared a lot of her, her secrets, her childhood stories, she even stayed around when he said that she was the one for him. If Maverick hadn’t called, they would even have kissed.  
Jake knew that he shouldn’t be grateful for all that, but he was. Because of that, he was able to be with her in her vulnerable moments. He gained her trust. And he had to stop himself several times from kissing her. It wasn’t the moment for that, as Jake confessed to her. He had given her enough bad memories for a lifetime. If they were to make new memories together, he wanted them to be happy, beautiful ones.  
Once they arrived to the cemetery, all the Dagger squad was there. Even Maverick. Y/n walked immediately towards two women who, he supposed, were the Admiral’s wife and daughter. She hugged them close, the older woman crying for what it seemed the hundredth time that day.  
Rooster told Jake that Iceman asked Maverick to nail his wings on his coffin if he ever passed before him. It was a sign of respect. Jake’s chest tightened at the idea that maybe soon enough he will be nailing his wings in someone’s coffin if the mission wasn’t successful. He didn’t want to think of that.  
He stood next to Phoenix who seemed to be waiting for the appropriate time to ask why did he drive Y/n and Rooster here. After a few moments, the two joined them and the funeral began. He knew he wasn’t supposed to, but he took Y/n’s hand in his whenever he could. She seemed grateful to have a grounding touch.  
Once that the Admiral’s coffin was underground, Fahrenheit got closer to the tombstone. The formalities had ended, everyone was in small groups, greeting old friends and talking about the late admiral. Nobody was paying attention to her, except the Dagger squad. Fahren stood in front of her father’s grave, her knees buckled, falling to the ground. She began to cry; her agonizing cries being heard by every single soul present at the graveyard. Rooster ran to her, kneeling down and holding her between his arms. She held onto him for dear life. It seemed that the admiral’s daughter had tried to be brave for him until the very end. Not only for him, but for her family too. She had to take care of the family now. She didn’t know how to do it without her father.  
Y/n, that had been talking to Penny until she heard Fahren cry, also ran to hug her friend. Fahren, Rooster and Rebel had lost a father. Biological or not, it didn’t matter. Iceman took care of them in the same way. Jake had come to that conclusion after all the stories he heard about him. Maverick had been the funny and cool paternal figure, also the one that would always be there whenever they needed him. Iceman had been the mentor. He had taught them mathematics; Maverick had taught them how to drive a bike. Iceman, Maverick and Carole had raised those kids. They were alone, now, with broken hearts, open wounds, and unhealed traumas. 
Carole had died long ago.  
Maverick deceived them soon after.  
And now, Iceman, the only similar thing to a relative they had left, was gone, too.  
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zukotheartist · 3 months
Atla live action spoilers
I hope there are some native speakers out there that have translated this but for now I haven't checked the tag and I do study mandarin (tho my level is 1.nothing%💀) so I tried to use my dictionary app to understand some stuff and so far im at the first 2 lines from the right page of this spread lol
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Oh and btw, these are traditional characters! I only really study simplified ones so im really at sea rn ajskdkeke
I can't even translate the sentences as a whole😭 (tho in my defense i can't see like 5 of the characters) but what i got so far:
First sentence to the RIGHT:
來 = to arrive
臨 = to arrive, overlook, to face, just before, just about to
的 = auxiliary
甩 (?? Not too sure if it's this one) = to throw, to fling, to swing, to leave behind, to throw off
Can't see
當 = to be, to act as, manage, withstand, when, during, ought, should, match equally, equal, same, obstruct, just at, on the spot
看 = see, look, read, etc
The first two together 來臨 = to come closer, to approach.
And i THINK 當 followed by 看 means "wait and see".
No idea how to string that together into a sentence tho (fr, im a begginer🤷‍♂️) but I guess the general idea is: Zuko's closer to leaving behind something? His banishment possibly? And he just has to wait and see.
Second sentence (first on the LEFT of the page with the 2 drawings):
暴 = sudden, violent, cruel, to show or expose, to injure
風 = wind, news, style, custom, manner
雨 = rain
Can't see a lot but I think it's 的
Can't see
Can't see a lot but maybe it's 生 or 上
籠 (??not too sure) = cage, to cage, to cover, basket, to embrace, to manipulate through trickery
暴風雨 all together is rainstorm/storm/tempest.
生 = student, to be born, to give birth, life, to grow, raw, uncooked.
上 = up, upper, above, previous, first, to climb, to get onto, to go up, to attend, on.
As for the 7th one, there's another lóng (this is the pīnyīn) which is 龍 but as you can see, it misses the upper part of the character (龍 vs 籠). However, the reason is I'm pointing it out is bc im still not too sure about that character and this particular lóng has a different meaning, dragon or imperial. Also, if paired up with 生 it creates an idiom: 生龍 = lively dragon and animated tiger = vigorous and lively.
So the second sentence mentions a rainstorm and caging something or manipulating someone or... yeah idk ajsksksks
That's it. I wasted like an hour between looking up the characters, trying to translate and making this post loool but it was really fun🥹 (even if i didnt achieve much lol) and ill slowly try to get through the rest. Honestly, im gonna count this as semi-studying🫡😂!
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the-one-who-lambs · 2 months
AO3 Questions Tag Game!
I was tagged by @bamsara (on my main @onethirdofimpossible but most of my readers follow me here for cotl stuff so I'm posting it here)
I tag @i-eat-deodorant and @megsiepoo!
Under the readmore because this is long as shit
1 – How many works do you have on AO3?
2 – What’s your total AO3 word count?
213,360 words published
3 – What fandoms do you write for?
Previously: Pokemon (no longer online), Steven Universe, a few Deep-Sea Prisoner games (Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea, The Grey Garden, Ice Scream)
Currently: Cult of the Lamb
4 – What are your top five fics by kudos?
The Care and Keeping of Eldritch Gods. Until the rewrite of RL/FG is done, this is my magnum opus
Present My first ever CotL fic. This was the first time I'd written fic in like four years and I was dusting off my writing muscles...
Smitten soft narilamb....
Cat(nip) Boy wrote this for shits and giggles in my early fandom days. The One Who Waits on catnip
How Narinder Takes His Tea First part of the old RL/FG series. Though I'm remaking it as a longform multichap fic, I'm keeping up the old series because of the memories + I don't want other people who saved the old one to lose it.
5 – Do you respond to comments?
All the time! I was able to respond to literally every single comment back in 2022, but as last year went on, I realized I probably can't realistically do that anymore. It's a blessing and a curse.
6 – What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
We already knew how this would turn out. Title not given directly in my answer in case of spoilers. My readers saw it coming because I had built up to it, but I took my time writing the gradual reveal in the last chapter to make sure it landed the way I wanted it to.
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And one more comment I won't post here bc (for anyone who wants to read it) spoils the ending but shoutout to the person who physically felt the shock lurch through their body when the realization hit them after the slow build-up.
As much as I love angsty stories with happy endings, what gets me more are stories that are happy at face value, with endings that are heartwrenching because of the underbelly of what lurked beneath that facade.
7 – What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
The Risen Lamb and the Fallen God. Bit a spoilers below if you're avoiding that
The original wedding fic (as part of the original series) is up, but it's going to get a good polishing in the rewrite. Lambert and Narinder are going to have a private first dance, Thenana and Narinder are going to have a deeper conversation, Ratau's interactions with Lambert are gonna be shown rather than just told, Aym and Baal will be revived.
8 – Do you get hate on fics?
Mostly no. There was one time last year that I was compared to another writer in the fandom and slowly asks evolved into "your own concepts are being done better by others" and shit, and the other writer got hate messages as well, and... well, it was a whole thing. Don't wanna talk too in detail about it because I don't wanna beat a dead horse but cotl writers have unionized so we got the last laugh I guess
9 – Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
lol ya it's on remainderofreality. What "kind?" uh. experimental because I'd never tried the genre before this fandom and it kinda shows but that's okay.
10 – Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Honestly, I'm not really into crossovers! Unless it's Webber in cotl. He can stay, he's cute.
11 – Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yeah. It was actually the first fic I posted online, ever. In middle school, I wrote a whole ~100k-ish word self-insert pokemon fanfic, which I wrote by hand in like five composition notebooks, so I never posted that online. But after that I decided to post shorter one-shots for pokemon online, and a few months later I found one of mine reposted without credit. Plagiarized entirely, basically. It scared me and I deleted everything I had posted online, and I don't have extra copies of the works now. :(
12 – Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope, but I'd be okay with it if I was asked beforehand and proper credit was given!
13 – Have you ever co-written a fic?
Yeah! Of Duty and Devotion is basically a glorified roleplay between me as Aym, @i-eat-deodorant as Baal, @checkplzjuliet as The Lamb, and @surfdudeboy as Narinder. I also wrote Hide and Seek, a cute little Bishop family one-shot, with @lordiedams (hi Damien I miss you).
14 – What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Narilamb. I haven't focused on a ship for this long, except maybe Rupphire back in the day, but I'm fixated so much more on CotL than I was for SU.
15 – What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Honestly, Of Duty and Devotion lmao. I'm much more focused on my own projects and so are Pavi, Surf, and Juliet. I do want to finish it though.
16 – What are your writing strengths?
Pacing, diction, syntax, getting the intended point across and doing it well. Once I commit to doing something, I don't usually let myself "give up" on it, hence why I barely have any unfinished WIPs. That's a skill honed with tons of practice, though. I have massive ADHD, and I'm bad at finishing things, but when it comes to writing by god I'm gonna do it.
17 – What are your writing weaknesses?
I often struggle to get to a point where I'm totally focused in on what I'm writing. It does happen once or twice a month, but honestly, I'm usually so busy with life stuff that I don't get to do that most of the time! I wish I had more time to make room for my hobbies, but alas. At least summer is coming up, and I'll be able to do that more often, hopefully!
18 – Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
It's possible to do it naturally for sure, but I rarely see it done well in fic. I've never attempted it...... or, wait, have I? I guess Thenana's sign language counts, huh? ...I feel like I need to do more research about this topic to answer the question properly.
19 – First fandom you wrote for?
Pokemon <3
20 – Favorite fic you’ve written?
The Risen Lamb and the Fallen God or The Care and Keeping of Eldritch Gods.
Risen/Fallen (and the enemies-to-lovers narilamb dynamic) was like the first thing that I did to make a "mark" on this fandom, and I didn't expect it to inspire so many people for sure! But, the first iteration of the series was so rushed. I wrote the whole thing in just over three weeks and averaged one chapter published every day and a half. Now that I have a better grasp on the characters after playing with them for a long while, I get to see my improvement, and I get to see so many friends I've made along the way sticking with me, the revamped "director's cut" version is definitely on track to be my favorite work.
However. It has yet to surpass Care and Keeping. As the oldest of four kids in my family, I based so much of Shamura on my experiences as an eldest sibling, and many of the experiences the younger bishops had in their formative years on our own childhoods. I based Narinder's childhood off of brother #1's (brother who is two years younger than me), Kallamar's childhood on my own, Heket's childhood on my sister's (five years younger than me), and Leshy's off of my youngest brother's (ten years younger than me). This story wasn't just an exploration of the Bishops and their dynamic/relationship pre-canon, it's also a testament to my own love as an eldest sibling... and all the anxiety associated with that, too.
Thanks for tagging me! Back to working on my presentation...
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fireemblems24 · 1 year
Chapter 8 of Scarlet Blaze
Spoilers for up to Ch 8 beneath the cut. This chapter fucking sucked.
Also, I know I tagged this as SB, but be warned this was pretty critical of it. If anyone is actually still browsing tag and thinks I should remove it, I will.
Hell, yeah, Dimitri was taking names.
This plot is . . . kinda stupid. I feel like Edelgard is just running back and forth the whole time, accomplishing nothing.
LAMO, Omg, she just straight-up blamed all the deaths from the previous battle on . . . Claude 😂
Edelgard really be like "Why did Claude make me hit him!"
I'm pretty sure the writers didn't intend for SB to read like a Monty Python skit, but Edelgard has less self-awareness than Sir Lancelot when he kept apologizing for slaughtering the wedding party because at least that he was aware enough to apologize.
Oh, Randolph. So how many times does he die this time?
So, like, does Shez want people to get executed if they flip sides? He's like, geeze, how dare Claude and Dimitri forgive people.
Shez is like "I don't understand a word you say Edelgard, but I'm helping you slaughter your way across Fodlan because you may rub off on me!" More "SB is a comedy in disguise" fuel.
I wish I picked F!Shez for every route. I like her VA a lot more. Plus, I've seen this personality on a male character in the countless number of shonen anime and manga I've watched/read, but not as much in a woman. And unlike M!Byleth who's gorgeous, M!Shez is alright, but not super hot or anything.
So Lindhart mentioned that the Kingdom and Alliance can rally against the Empire because of the relics and crests. And like, I don't see how killing Rhea will make that power vanish and people not desperately want it. I feel like so much of Edelgard's spiel is an edgelord's power fantasy with no basis in reality.
This soldier is like "Dimitri labeled everyone who sided with his uncle as guilty in the tragedy of Duscur!" Lamo. Except it's true. Would've been interesting if it wasn't and see how Dimitri handled that. I sometimes wish he got more grey situations bc the writing in Hopes so far he's just . . . the good guy. Like straight-up the hero, no questions. Which, I love because at heart that's what Dimitri is, but I wish the writing would corner him anyways.
Oh, fuck. It's Sylvain. Oh fuck. I don't want to fight him. That sucked.
Count Rowe is being a backstabbing moron. I love how it's always the evil ones that side with Edelgard. It's an underrated thing no one talks about.
And now I have to fight Rodrigue :( Feels bad, killing Blue Lions+ members for the crime of defending themselves.
Ok. It's an unquestionable fact that when you find yourself fighting Annette, you are the villain. This is just truth.
Pretty sure this is heading to a temporary truce between Claude and Edelgard. Which, Claude's (and the Alliance's) funeral, I guess, lamo.
Petra's asking Shez about mercenaries. Questions if Shez would work for the enemy if they offered more money. Aww, damn. You don't have an option to say yes. :(
At least it's somewhat based in trust on their employer (and to get future ones) and not just mindless fangasming. I wouldn't want that in GW or AG either.
This is their only support.
Hubert has a letter from the opera company and wanted to talk to Dorothea, so he's giving it to her in person.
Ohhh, he's bringing up how Dorothea hates violence, but stays and fights in the war rather than returning to the opera.
Glad this is finally getting addressed. Letting Dorothea talk.
It's part wanting to fight alongside her friends and part wanting to represent commoners in Edelgard's army. But also to score a rich husband.
Honestly, much better than whatever the fuck their Houses final support was.
So other popular ships got amped up (Dimilix, Dimidue, Marihilda - strangely not Sylvix though). So did the gay get turned up here?
Ferdinand is up late and Hubert wonders why. Ferdinand is studying the law to try and get his father arrested.
Oh, Ferdinand brought up the fact Hubert's father died. Putting Hubert to the question about executing his own father and mad he didn't judge his father in public
Hubert argues that his father would never have been found guilty.
God, that was SOOOOO much meatier than "I wanna serve Edelgard the best!" "No I wanna!!!!"
Monica took over the "pathetic Edelgard simp" to Hubert's "competent Edelgard simp" so Ferdinand could finally fucking get to run.
Ferdinand so far is 10000% the best part of SB (I'd say Petra competes, but I like her better in AG so far).
Shez thinks Ferdinand is faking enthusiasm. Not like that. Lamo. He's just overcompensating for his father's failure.
Ferdinand feels powerless and useless. I wish he was the MC.
Shez just wants to help Ferdinand feel better.
Ferdinand wants to surpass his father.
It's a repeat of his stuff with Edelgard and Hubert, but it's by far the most compelling part of SB.
Hubert is checking on Petra to make sure she feels comfortable and temps her with staying in the Empire, but Petra's like "naw."
Worth noting that Brigid is still under the thumb of the Empire. So Petra's a hostage basically forced into this war in order to secure the freedom of her country.
And they can't even go public yet, fearing the citizens get pissed off. Man, the Empire must be full of bloodthirsty land grabbers.
Go Petra! She low-key threatens Hubert and forces them to uphold their promises. Nice seeing her have a backbone.
Ferdinand sung to Petra to ask her to spar. It's really cringe. Like, realllllly cringe. I would've been embarrassed if I wasn't playing alone.
He thinks this is some Brigid custom, but song and dance is only involved with religious ceremonies. Petra calls him out for finding her country so silly.
It's a mistranslation
Petra owned Ferdinand in this support and we are here for it.
Talking tea. Can relate.
Lysithea was ready to eat the food and bail. Nice.
But Ferdinand wanted to ask her about joining the commoner class. Lysithea insists she's fine with it and wants to.
Ferdinand doesn't know any de-nobled nobles who are happy. Lysithea know he only knows ones who got kicked out, he's not wrong.
Then he's like, you can't join them! Then you can't change anything anymore. But like what is he fighting on Edelgard's side for?
She, of course, doesn't have a future.
Bernie's enjoying her socially isolated life when Monica needs her help with something because there's no one else around.
You can have Shez agree she shouldn't come, and he says he'll slow them down, lamo. Bernie is offended.
They need to rid bandits out of a cave.
So his Duke is part of it. And he's had problems finding the Fetters of Dromini because of a TWSITD spy. It's also related to whoever kidnapped Monica.
So all I get is Shez, Monica, and Bernie. Only Shez has even looked at a battlefield and the other two are level 1 an 2. I can make 1 an adjunct, but not both. Ugh. Gotta go level at least one up.
Oh, hey, Myson.
I forgot how good of a unit Shez is lol.
Seems like Bernie actually has a decent mom. Bernie just wants to hide in the caves though. Monica advises against it.
This one is easier since they're both leveled up already.
Everyone is fangirling over them. Dorothea assures Manuela that time hasn't tarnished her beauty, but she doesn't buy it.
They wanted Shez as a bodyguard because he's not a crazed fan. I wish real life celebrities would just whip out daggers on ridiculous fans.
This one's more entertaining than the last one. Random thieves are fans and if you defeat them with whoever they're a fan of (Dorothea or Manuela) they join you, lamo. Good both of them are already leveled up too.
Aww, Hanneman showed up to rescue Manuela.
The bandits were swarming the town because of the war. It's nice to see more acknowledgement of how Edelgard's war is screwing over the common folk.
Glad to see Hanneman get a nice little shout out despite getting demoted to NPC. Dorothea and Shez basically told them to get a room, lamo.
Edelgard is the least effective conquer I've seen in fiction.
"Defeat Dimitri" - How about, no.
I see "persuade Mercedes." Does that mean I need to bring Jeritza? Because it's not like Hubert or Edelgard are masters of persuasion.
"Defeat Dedue." I hate this. Monica's like, "If Dedue's here, then Dimitri is too." Even SB ships them.
Haha, they flipped sides to Dimitri after he was like "I don't want to kill you, please fight for me instead." And like, no shit?
Aw, shit. Now I have to fight Dimitri.
Oh, now I get to fight Ingrid too. Guys, I'm having so much fun right now. It doesn't help at all that SB is boring as fuck.
Oh, shit. Fuck. What the fuck. Ingrid just died. 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Oh shut the fuck up, Edelgard. "Oh, this is so painful." IDK maybe stop trying to conquer everyone who doesn't kiss your ass. You too, Monica. "Oh, she was loyal to the end."
I'm beginning to remember why I hated Edelgard so much in CF. She's such a self-righteous idiot incapable of taking responsibility for her shitty actions AND has no sense of self-awareness.
Dimitri and Dedue sound so sad 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Dedue and Dimitri both taking the credit, meanwhile prissy ass is like "oh, wow, so sad these people died. No idea why."
Shit, Dimitri just mentioned Glenn. He sounds so broken up. Glad Dedue is giving Ingrid the credit for her own choices and actions.
She died defending everyone she loved.
I bet Edelgard will find a way to blame Rhea for Ingrid's death rather than take any responsibility for all the death she causes.
Only Dorothea fucking cares about Ingrid.
"We are nowhere near achieving our goals in the Alliance or in the Kingdom." - Edelgard. I can't fucking understand how some people argue she's isn't an Imperialist.
At least she's admitting she's fucking stupid with her army leadership inabilities.
I'd tell Edelgard to go fuck herself, but that implies a level of pleasure she doesn't deserve. #JusticeforIngrid #StoptheImperalists
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ryanthedemiboy · 1 month
20 Questions for fic writers
(I was tagged by @annachibi )
Note: i'm combining answers for all three of my pseuds/both accts
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 56 :)
Ana's response: "18, I'm not very prolific haha"
That's so much! iirc the average person has like 2 fics under 3k total!
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 231,440 :D
3. What fandoms do you write for? Right now it's Fullmetal Alchemist. I may or may not go back to Marvel at some point. And I may move on to another fandom at some point :)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? Four of the five are from my Ed is Dying series c: #1, 6, 7, 3. The fifth is an HP fic I wrote in 2016.
5. Do you respond to comments? Yes! It's extremely rare that I don't; only if I have nothing to say.
Ana's answer: "Yes, just about every one! Sometimes I don't if it's been multiple years since I wrote the thing and I don't have much to say back, since I figure some people don't necessarily want the author to respond anyway."
I promise you, almost everyone wants the author to respond! And the ones who don't just aren't going to check them xD
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Oh this is an excellent question. I have to be careful here, because spoilers. The end of the first fic in my spn series ended in a suicide that was unclear that he survived (he did). And then I have the death fic for my Ed is Dying series written, that's angsty af. There's also a fic I wrote recently on my semi-secret AO3 acct that doesn't seem angsty but it really fucking is.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Uhhh... I need to go look.
I forget if Out of the Box (MCU non-sexual age regression) had a happy ending, but basically the whole fic was gentle happiness. Same with Cas and the Bee Bag (spn. This is 9 years old)
I do not appear to have any other fics that are happy. Interesting, neutral, enjoyable, positive, sure. Not happy 😂
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not thus far
9. Do you write smut? Sometimes
10. Do you write crossovers? Not usually. It's very rare that I will. The main one I can think of is unpublished, idk if I even have it tbh — I had to write a crossover fic with A Scarlet Letter for my English class in 11th grade. I chose Doctor Who xD I believe that remains the only fic i've written for doctor who.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that i'm aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes! It was a blast. I forget why, but I asked my friend not to list me as a co-author.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship? Riza/Al, I think.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? My spn series. I am so many levels of uninterested, and even if I did, i'd have to rewrite it from scratch bc it's not up to par, anymore, and is extremely insensitive in parts (in particular, I have Cas using bible pages as the rolling paper for his weed. He is not xian. That's just what I remember off-hand). All that said, i would love to finish it.
16. What are your writing strengths? Emotion. Hitting the reader where it hurts.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Anything with happiness 😂
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I have done it both ways. And both are kind of cringey for me, when i've written them in the past.
Generally, the best way is to use italics to signify another language, and specify that language, as long as the POV person understands it.
19. First fandom you wrote for? HP
20. Favorite fic you've written? Talk about a good question. Probably one of the kink fics i've written. I love how i've had the characters be with each other, and shown their love for each other. I also love some of the drabbles i've made — it's hard to get a fic to exactly a word count, and getting an entire fic in so few words is a massive challenge, and very rewarding.
I'm not going to tag anyone, but if you want to do this, go for it!
Blank questions to easily copy/paste (incl on the app) below.
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 2. What's your total AO3 word count? 3. What fandoms do you write for? 4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? 5. Do you respond to comments? 6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? 7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? 8. Do you get hate on fics? 9. Do you write smut? 10. Do you write crossovers? 11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? 12. Have you ever had a fic translated? 13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? 14. What's your all-time favorite ship? 15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? 16. What are your writing strengths? 17. What are your writing weaknesses? 18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? 19. First fandom you wrote for? 20. Favorite fic you've written?
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minheeskitten · 6 months
"2k is long" is also nonsense i'm so sorry 😭 2k is barely anything if you're trying to introduce an AU and actually flesh in a setting and especially if you're trying to show different personality traits 😭 your fic are mostly AUs with really well thought out lore, and it needs the word count to breathe and establish everything. if someone's attention span is too short to read more than - what - 2 pages? that's their problem, not yours! fwiw, my fic lengths range with the shortest starting at around 5k and the longest getting close to 30k and i have never had anyone leave a complaint about the length! people are more than willing to sit through 10k+ just to get to the smutty stuff, and they usually end up enjoying the rest of the fic as well. do not worry about it! you're doing just fine 🩷
I don't often look at the length of a fic unless im updating someone on how long its getting. My shortest wip is 100 words. And. Ive posted it to here bcs i feel it'll never be finished.
If it does get finished eventually then i will post it as a fic but. Until then it sits in my drafts.
My fics almost always include worldbuilding to at least 3k now. Though not all of them were like that.
Do you want in on a secret? I don't think out the world for my aus. It fleshes itself out. I think on what may happen n go from there. The story writes itself. I am just a vessel for the words and visions.
I am absolutely terrible at worldbuilding if im doing it consciously.
Its why i have visible headcanons for idols. But i just can't put them into words haha.
The most i think through is 'what sort of details would enhance this and make it better to read'
And then thats where i go from!
Siren!ivan was originally supposed to be more non-con than it is rn. The consent is not proper consent tho but thats bcs. Well. Siren wants what he wants and he will convince dann to give it to him.
Though. Thats a little bit of a spoiler. It is going to be tagged accordingly. Don't worry ill tag fics right.
The fic i thought through the most, probably is one ive not even started wtiting. The dissection fic. I gotta do all sorts of research so i can make sure its accurate and well done.
Which unfortunately means i gotta look at anatomy from a more medical standpoint. Need to go find a book for that..
The first fic i put out actually has a very strong plot hole. That i told myself id patch before posting it but. I didn't.
That plot hole was the reasoning as to why ivan was doing that to hwon. It has a very weak reason and i could absolutely fix it now. But. Not this year.
I write ab 5k minimum most of the time haha. I prefer letting the story fill itself out n then helping fine tune details. Its why i really can't tell you how long a fic may be.
So far my longest fic is 16k words. Published. Theres more unpublished. That's for the abandoned but not orphaned one.
I may return to it eventually. That's why i didn't wanna orphan it.
All of my fics stop at a point they organically would have stopped at. When i feel it can't really take another scene. I end it. That usually leaves spaces for part twos to them as well!
But i like exploring aus as i write them.
Fun fact! I write aus bcs im worried that if i do anything else i may accidentally copy someone else's idea.
I do get inspired by the other kd writers. Oh gods do i get inspired.
Lee, lunar, eve, even erin, who encourages the hwonicide. They all inspire me in their own ways. Does that usually come in the form of a prompt to note down asap? Yeah.
But other ways are helping with details for fics. And they are all very welcome to chat ab fics w me. I don't steal ideas. Not without permission and changing it to be my own.
I have a prompt that is inspired by eve's fic Clear My Mind (eve is karmacumover btw!)
But it is different. I may show her the prompt itself if she wants to see it haha.
But i love working on fics. Even if I can't be proud of them as a 'look i made this!' i can still look at the work and go 'yeah. Thats good.'
Thank you lee for helping me figure out how to do that. It was amazing to be able to step back and go 'thats a good story' if i removed myself from it.
The lee im referring to here is intenselysalmon. So she knows who im referring to.
One day. One day my goal is to be proud of how much I've written. Of what I've written.
Its a goal i think is far away. But the more i talk to other writers. The more i realize.
Im not as bad at writing as i think i am.
Honestly id never even considered myself a good writer, until i asked writers like lee and erin their feedback on my works. And they both said i write well. Maybe a little dialogue heavy but. Thats fine i can work on it.
Im doing my best. And im trying to ensure i continue getting better.
The more i talk to other writers and see how they talk ab my writing. The more i go. 'maybe im too harsh on myself' but. As they say, you are your own worst critic.
Honestly i never even considered my work good enough to do much with. But. Lunar still offered to possibly do a collab or fic trade. And i keep thinking on it. Maybe.
It makes me think they find me a better writer than i find myself to be.
Then i see eve, reacting to some of the xlips of airen!ivan ive put out. And she's reacting as i would for any of lee's clips. I find lee an amazing writer. It seems eve thinks of me that way too.
Im trying to wrap my head around it. But the reason i am so harsh on myself is. Anxiety and self doubt. And i need to work through them.
Thats the first time ive admitted that.
I will work through my weaknesses, and be better than before. Slowly. It takes time. I have to be patient.
One day. One day i will be able to proudly say 'im a good writer'
Its not today. But. It will be an eventuality.
Moots mentioned in this post:
Lee (@intenselysalmon )
Erin (@kurenaiwataru )
Eve (@karmacumover )
Lunar (@kingdoms-babygirl )
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subdee · 7 months
Tagged by @hxhhasmysoul thanks again munen!
I will tag: @nangke @syncopatedid @autumnxsunflower @trashsketch @applepi00 @mariposahxh. Only if you want to!
Favourite colour: these days, purple
Last song: Replacements - Answering Machine. Unless you count the baby music that plays from the baby toys, then it's Itsy Bitsy Spider
Last movie: I said it briefly on here, but it was "Barbarians" on Halloween. I went in blind after seeing it on an online best-of spooky movies list so all I'll say is it was seriously messed up and I still think about MANY of the scenes, especially when I have to go down to the unfinished part of my basement. It's been so long since I've watched a real horror movie (not a parody) that I forgot they can be genuinely disturbing.
...I'll say one more thing, it's a horror movie directed especially at women. I mean it's a horror movie about things that women, more than men, are likely to find upsetting and scary, especially in the beginning.
Other stuff I watched this year: I'm still on my Great British Baking Show kick! Currently on season 8, after the switch from BBC to Chanel 4 and after they changed the presenters. This show is terrible because it just makes me crave sweets - and I always crave sweets when the weather gets colder - and as a rule, there's nothing like that in the house. Like I'll eat some strawberries or part of a cantaloupe or an apple slice with honey because that's the only sweet thing we have. Anyway, I like the new presenters.
Shows I dropped this year/didn't finish: The Marvelous Ms. Maisel. We'll probably get back to it, but it was too hard to watch while also scrolling my phone / making the baby's food for daycare / cleaning the baby bottles / etc. during the one hour of free time I have every night before bed.
Currently reading: the BNHA manga as it releases each week, that's about it.
Currently listening to: the local jazz radio station, the records I have in my house. Carole King - Tapestry was the last one. And Andre 3000's new record with the funny tracknames.
Currently working on: STAINING THE BACK DECK, oh my God we've spent the last three weekends on this. But it needed to be done, it had 30 years of mold on it.
Current obsession: I was gonna say the baby, BUT ACTUALLY. I started watching the Scott Pilgrim anime and I'm four episodes in. The show tricks you into thinking it'll be a rehash of the comic by being a beat-for-beat recreation of the first volume - including the visual gags! - until suddenly, it's completely different LOLOLOL I had to get my comics off the shelves, and reread them to be sure that yeah, no, that's definitely not how it happened before. Gonna avoid the show tags bc spoilers, BUT HERE ARE MY PREDICTIONS:
It's a smart move for the show to switch the metaphor from Scott fighting the evil exes (your new girlfriend has baggage that makes you feel insecure, you have to deal with your insecurity by winning a fistfight against each ex to prove you are worthy of her) to RAMONA fighting the evil exes (you have to deal with your own past and put it behind you before you can move on). Because like, yeah there is a metaphor when Scott fights the exes, but it's an annoying one that centers the feelings of an insecure dude over the feelings of the girl he's dating.
.... though I'll miss the focus on the mundane in the original comic, how much it reminds you that Scott is a loser but he's like, trying to improve. Like you know he's a loser from the jump because he doesn't have a job and he's a mooch and he's dating a high schooler, but briefly you think he might be kinda cool because he picked up Ramona, but then she tells him he has to get a job AND HE CAN'T so you're like... oh. Yeah this guy actually is a loser. But (as Ramona says) perhaps he's a loveable loser? He does keep landing these great girls ...
And we can still do that exact same speculation without Scott on screen, as Ramona learns more about him in the course of her investigations, so that's pretty clever... I wonder if Ramona will actually like him if she ever manages to rescue him :p.
Anyway since this show is now a whodunnit...
As of episode four, vegan boyfriend #3 seems superficially like the person who kidnapped Scott, but it's too early for him to be the real kidnapper.
The next most obvious suspect is Wallace, because it's clear Young Neal didn't actually write the movie script, and only Wallace (probably) knew what Scott said to him that morning, before he went to the party and met Ramona.
Why would Wallace do it? To get Scott out of the apartment and become a movie star, maybe...
But I actually think Wallace is ALSO too way too obvious, and he's being set up as the person you'll suspect all the way up until the final reveal at the end...
I think it's probably Giddeon, in the end, again, actually. Like we know he has all these cameras set up to observe Scott and research him, right? Maybe he noticed Ramona was using his head as a shortcut and started his research early...
Why would Giddeon do it? Maybe part of a ploy to make himself appear sad and pathetic so Ramona will feel sorry for him and he can get close to her to date her again? Maybe he knew Scott would beat all the other ex-boyfriends (as written in the movie script) in a straightforward series of fistfights so he's trying a different approach?
Either way, I doubt the storyline with Giddeon is over. Even if it is, though, I'm really enjoying that this remake throws the original script out, because it's fun to speculate and fun to play spot-the-differences. Like maybe it IS Wallace, you know? Why not!
Though it is a shame that this is no longer a show about being a loser and 'leveling up' your life - the videogame conceipt is more of an aesthetic choice now and less of a thematic metaphor - and about the Canadian indie band scene.
On a final note, I know we're supposed to not like the scrubs - or would he be considered a fuckboy these days? - like Scott, but I always found him pretty relatable, personally. Especially because I was dating a woman when the comic came out, like, the idea that you landed this great girl but you need to fix yourself before you can date her... it resonated. :P
Anyway. Don't tell me how it ends XD I'm too obsessed to not finish this mini-series quickly, but I also only have an hour of free time a night.
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boykisserbuckley · 7 months
twenty questions for fic writers
tagged by @tawaifeddiediaz thank u beloved rat <3
how many works do you have on AO3?
what’s your total AO3 word count?
what fandoms do you write for?
just 911 right now!
what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
find me in the dark — delayed concussion for buck after buck begins caffeine daydreams — college + coffee shop au, buck as a student & eddie as a barista kiwing me softly — buck finds out he's allergic to kiwis nobody ought to be alone on christmas — eddie invites buck for family christmas when he learns he plans to spend the day alone i (don't) wanna get better — eddie finds out about buck's unhealthy coping mechanisms (self harm tw for this one)
do you respond to comments? why or why not?
i try to, and i definitely respond to names i recognize, but i usually end up forgetting or getting overwhelmed by the number of comments on a new fic and then never go back once it slows down and then i feel bad...
what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i literally don't write unhappy endings lmao but i do have one (outlined but never properly written) where buck's dog dies. like that's the fic. the dog dies
what’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
all of my fics end happy <3 but probably nobody ought to be alone on christmas bc (spoiler alert) they have their first kiss in the light of the christmas tree and its DISGUSTING how fluffy that fic is
do you get hate on fics?
haven't yet but who knows what'll happen
do you write smut? If so, what kind?
do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
nope. i have some au ideas but not crossovers
have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i know of but i've read some that are. suspiciously close to my own
have you ever had a fic translated?
have you ever co-written a fic before?
i attempted to and then we both forgot <3 it will not be finished <3
what’s your all time favorite ship?
buddie for sure
what’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
SO many. bad birthday fic...mystery spot fic...mega [redacted] fic...so many
what are your writing strengths?
idk lmao i think characterization, in terms of like. keeping accurate to canon characters. and angst/whump being delicious but not overly unrealistic
what are your writing weaknesses?
that i'm fucking incapable of writing anything fast ever in my Life. and also repeating myself/repeating specific words too much and then i have to edit a lot
thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
love it when reading but i don't speak any other languages so i don't do it myself
first fandom you wrote for?
voltron rip
favorite fic you’ve written?
find me in the dark is my baby, my true love, etc. i hated it the entire time i was writing it but by the time i was done i was convinced i was god
i'll tag @renecdote @nymika-arts @deareddie @lovebuck @bigfootsmom and @icarusbuck
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okeylokiyuh · 1 year
rules: just answer the questions, hehe.
first creation and most recent creation of 2022? it was a dad!park sunghoon fic called wrong since kindergarten and ahh reading back on it makes me giddy asdfghjkl i need to write more dad fics! and my latest creation of 2022 was 11:21 PM which was a halloween-kinda (yes late in december) piece for treasure jihoon!
one of your favorite creations of 2022? all my works are dear to me (except the ones that i say are outright trash but hey only i can say that!!!) so i can't really chose a favourite
one creation you're really proud of? it would probably be this enhypen jake drabble (hi, i'm jaeyun) bc sdjfhs i so want to be confessed to in the rain like this TOT
a creation that took you forever? this question is a slap on the face bc there's only ONE DANG WORK that took me ages TuT and that would my treasure hyunsuk smau; happy anniversary to me TEN BLOODY MONTHS ALL THE WAY FROM FEBRUARY TILL DECEMBER 2022 omg i suck big time for that
a creation from 2022 that received the most notes? that would be this seventeen mingyu drabble i wrote after coming across these fancalls he had (+ ash made sure to remind me of this man continuously) and thus we came to 2022's post with the most notes; kick you or kiss you!
a creation from 2022 you think deserved more notes? ngl it would this enhypen niki's oneshot; residence checks. this one made me cackle when i had the idea initially, it still makes me cackle when i read it and if you check the reblogs, you'll see everyone else who cackled 😭
a new fandom you joined and a creation you made for it? ok look it's not recently i joined the seventeen fandom, but it certainly is the first time i started writing for them and it's all @ethereal-engene's fault 😤 that being said, may i present seventeen's mingyu (yes again ik) brother's best friend
a creation you made that breaks your heart? this treasure junkyu drabble called love to me. it's based off true events, and i was in junkyu's position, so yeah enough said, really
a 'simple' creation you really love? 21:57 is personally one of the simplest yet impactful works i came up with ngl (spoiler: mentions of heetiddies, yes it's about enhypen heeseung)
a creation that was inspired by another one? idk if this counts but this treasure's yoshi oneshot 'more fun with you' was inspired by a french conversational activity i did on duolingo
some of your favorite content creators from this year? oof finally i can answer this question without much thought! they would be @milkybonya @kyufilms @/ethereal-engene @acaiasahi @renhaissance @wynn @liliansun @intotheneozone @koakyuu @koishua @sultrybaby @jaesvelvet (+ so much more tbh i just have goldfish memory and can't remember them)
tagged by : @daegall (thank you very much for the tag, my child <3)
tagging : anyone, really <3 (feel free to ignore, no pressure)
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mackenzielovee · 1 year
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I posted 4,384 times in 2022
That's 3,617 more posts than 2021!
3,725 posts created (85%)
659 posts reblogged (15%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 4,079 of my posts in 2022
Only 7% of my posts had no tags
#ask! - 3,291 posts
#anon - 2,152 posts
#ambivalence hcs - 1,337 posts
#&lt;3 - 525 posts
#ss&lt;3 - 219 posts
#xoxo - 110 posts
#rafe cameron - 99 posts
#rafe fic - 99 posts
#rafe obx - 99 posts
#rafe cameron imagine - 99 posts
Longest Tag: 92 characters
#pls help me the creative juices arent flowing but i can't move forward until this is written
My Top Posts in 2022:
ambivalence epilogue: falling - rafe cameron
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a/n: omg wish i could tell you how nervous i am about this shit lmao i really hope you guys like this , pls leave me a comment as always and let me know what you think! sorry its so long oops
Summary: Rafe Cameron gets everything he's ever wanted in twenty short minutes.
Warnings: swearing, underage drinking, mentions of blood, mentions of a car accident, many poorly researched little things that i won't put here bc spoilers
Word Count: 9.3k
series masterlist
my writing
You yell out for him the second you enter the foyer of Tannyhill, shopping bags in one hand and keys in the other. He'd given you a key months ago, under the pretense of watering the plants in the kitchen during the days that everyone is at work. Rose had raised an eyebrow at him and Ward had rolled his eyes, but they didn't protest. They love you too much.
Rose steps out of the kitchen and into the hall, smiling when she sees you.
"Hey, Rose," you smile, walking toward her.
"Hey, girl. Come on in. He's out back, he said he'll be in soon."
You follow her into the kitchen and set your shopping bags down on the counter, placing your hands on your hips and giving her a look.
"His project, again?" you question.
"Oh, yeah. Ward and I have been officially banned from the entire backyard."
You laugh, "At least you know what he's doing. He won't tell me."
Rose smirks, then raises her hand to her mouth and acts like she's locking it up. You take a deep breath and shake your head, failing miserably at persuading intel from her.
"Sorry, honey. Swore me to secrecy," she smiles sadly.
"It's okay, I get it," you sigh.
She chuckles at your dramatics, then steps to the fridge and pulls out a drink for you and one for herself. After ten months of being with Rafe, you still can't get over how he keeps the fridge stocked with your favorite things, even though you've told him a million times that it's unnecessary.
"So, what's in the bags?" she asks.
"Midsummers prep," you take a deep breath, reaching for one of the bags, "I picked up the necklace Mom ordered for me, and I had to get Scott a tie bar. Oh, and look at what I got for Rafe."
You reach into the bag and pull out a box, handing it to Rose. Her eyes widen when she opens it, glancing up at you with a sappy expression.
"Y/N, these are beautiful. Does he know that you got these made for him?"
You shake your head, "It's a surprise. He hates the cufflinks he has now."
"He's going to love them," she gushes, "You should see the way he's freaking out over his tie. It hasn't arrived yet, and I think he's about to go into cardiac arrest."
"It's over a week away," you laugh.
"Try telling him that."
See the full post
859 notes - Posted January 5, 2022
parenthood: an ambivalence continuation
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okay i'm probably more excited than i should be :) i decided to make this into a whole series (thank you to those who recommended/agreed) and i'm so excited because i don't have to let go of these two (three) yet! i hope you enjoy this, i know i will <3
be sure to read ambivalence for background + all of the post-epilogue blurbs to catch up if you haven't already!
part one: fully invested
part two: playing defense
part three: it's a...
part four: resilience
part five: unconditional
part six: new beginnings
part seven: ingenuous
part eight: resolution
part nine: growth
part ten: bliss
part eleven: inclination
part twelve: lucky
part thirteen: invidious
part fourteen: rectify
part fifteen: real life
part sixteen: dissension
part seventeen: complications
part eighteen: a balancing act
part nineteen: rivals
part twenty: intemperance
part twenty one: muddy waters
cotton candy mouth
a wife’s intuition
thanksgiving day
Mini Drabbles
connor clinging to y/n and wanting rafe to leave
See the full post
1,011 notes - Posted April 7, 2022
tutoring — rafe cameron
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a/n: this is the filthiest thing i have ever written. all thanks to my girls @r0und3bitch and @lovedetlost , i love and adore both of you , thanks for being you !
warnings: all of them. im serious. SMUT (PinV sex, dirty talk, daddy kink, manipulation of reader, degrading language, dom/sub dynamics)
     It was supposed to be an innocent night. You’d told Rafe to come over to help you study for your finals, given that he’s a math whiz and you aren’t. He’d entered your apartment with textbooks and a pencil behind his ear, but the smirk is what gets you. 
He’d helped you with four problems before, somehow, you found yourself perched in his lap, your dress bunched at your hips by his large hands. Your clothed core grinds against his as you cup his cheek, kissing him like it’s your last time. 
You break the kiss and moan against his lips, rutting your hips into his faster. He combines the fistfuls of fabric into one hand, then uses his free one to palm your ass as he guides you. 
“Fuck,” he mumbles, “You’re supposed to be studying, baby. Tucking that pretty lip between your teeth while I tell you you’re doing a good job. You like when I tell you you’re doing a good job?”
“Mhm,” you whine, “I like—I want—”
Rafe’s cruel, low laugh brings a tint to your cheeks, the kind that makes you feel embarrassed. He notices as you slow your movements, leading him to rut his hips up into you. When you let out a loud, uncontrolled moan, he smirks. 
“No wonder you needed my help,” he teases you, “Just a dumb little girl, huh? Don’t worry, sweetheart. Daddy’s gonna take care of you.”
He kisses you again before you can say another word, seemingly doing his best to try and swallow you whole with the aggressive way he takes your mouth. You’re too lost in his kiss to notice his fingers loop through your underwear and yank it off, dropping the soaked fabric onto the couch beside him. 
“Daddy,” you plead, sitting back on his knees as you take in his swollen lips. 
“Don’t worry, baby,” he repeats, “I’m gonna take real good care of you. You see, good girls don’t make their daddies wait. Good girls also do their studying before playtime. Now, I know you worked that pretty little brain extra hard on our math problems, so that counts. But you’re not gonna make Daddy wait, are you?”
You bite down on your bottom lip as you shake your head, your eyes wide and pouty as you lean forward. 
“No, Daddy, m’sorry,” you mumble. 
He brings you in for another kiss, “Don’t be sorry, honey. Come here.”
You sit up on your knees again and let him guide your hands down to his belt buckle, where he nods for you to undo it. He sits up just enough for you to pull him out, eyes widening slightly at the length and the girth of him. You swallow and shake your head after a second, knowing you can’t make him wait any longer. 
“Spit on it,” he demands, “Don’t make me ask again.”
You nod, “Yes, sir.”
You lean forward and let your spit fall from between your lips, watching how it floods Rafe’s already leaking tip. Slowly, Rafe guides your hand over him, helping you rub your spit down his shaft. 
“That’s it,” he grins, “Good fucking girl. Get me all ready for you.”
“More?” you ask him, looking down at his wet, hard cock.
“Yeah, baby, more,” he nods, brushing hair from your face and tucking it behind your ear. 
You spit on him again, rubbing it up and down with both hands this time instead of one. Rafe throws his head back on the couch cushion as you stroke him, drawing even more precum from his tip. 
“Fuck,” he moans, “That’s so good. Take your dress off, come on.”
You do as told, removing your hands only for a moment to pull your dress over your head. He grins as you do exactly what you’re told, nodding his head slightly in approval. You bask in the slight nod of praise, wanting more from him. Your hands return to his cock and he grunts when you squeeze him, twisting your wrist and watching his face contort as you do.
“Shit,” he grunts, “You wet for me, baby? You think Daddy can just slide right in? Or do I have to work you open? Make you take me?”
You shake your head slowly, knowing that he knows how wet you are purely by the way you’re leaking on his jeans. 
“I can take it, Daddy,” you whimper.
He smiles, “Gorgeous, filthy thing. C’mere. You talk a big game for such a little girl.”
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1,017 notes - Posted July 25, 2022
a series of attempts — bucky barnes
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Bucky comes to you with everything — everything but his true feelings. He likes his sweet, little, innocent girl. Until you choose not to play the game anymore.
warnings: swearing, manipulation on bucky's part, kissing, smut (at the end, you'll see it coming — dry humping, kissing allusion to more)
     You’d never pegged yourself as one of those people who went to bed early. You’d never been too particular about it at all — you went to sleep when you wanted and that’s that. Although you had your share of late nights, getting older and settling into a steady job brought out the most adult-like tendencies in you. 
Which is why you find yourself ready to assault whoever is on the other side of your front door, brutally pounding on it and then switching to the doorbell when that attempt deems unsuccessful. 
“What the — Buck,” you groan, letting your face fall into your hands, “Seriously?”
He smirks, “Hi, sweetheart.”
Even at three o’clock in the morning, you feel your heart soar at his raspy, tired voice. When you look up at him again, you take in his appearance. He’s been beaten up pretty bad, but the blood dripping from his knuckles tells you that the other guy looks worse. Of course he does. Bucky doesn’t play around. 
“What happened to you?” 
He laughs now, stepping closer to the threshold of your home, as if he expects you to step out of his way so he can enter. Instinctually, you do, naturally letting go of every feminine instinct you possess when he’s within ten feet of you. 
“Comes with the job. You should know that by now. Clean me up?”
“Uh — yeah. Come in,” you reply, stepping aside so he can enter. 
He smirks as he passes you, taking in your little outfit with no subtlety whatsoever. His eyes wander down the front of your tank top and once he’s past you, he tosses his head over his shoulder to check out your legs in your sleep shorts. You swallow down your objection, feeling the need to please him, especially in his state, and follow him into the kitchen. 
“Well?” he turns to you, looking handsome as ever in his bloodstained button-up. 
You freeze, “Well, what?”
When he chuckles, you feel yourself shrink. Bucky’s always had a way of making you feel small, but not necessarily in a bad way. You almost feel as if your brain shuts down when he’s around, like you automatically know that he’ll do all the thinking for you. That he’s there, so you’re safe. Provided for. If only you were spoken for. 
“You’re playing nurse, baby. Tell me where you want me.”
He watches your throat constrict, but says nothing. Instead, he just allows the smirk to grow on his lips. 
“Hop up on the counter,” you say, your voice hoarse, “Let me get my kit.”
He watches as you hurry off to collect your first aid kit from your bathroom. You grab it from under the sink, then take a quick glance in the mirror. It’s fine. It’s Bucky. Just relax. 
But it’s impossible for you to relax around Bucky. He’s been dangling himself in front of you for the better part of two years; teasing you and haunting your dreams all while you refrained from confessing just how much you love him. 
You’d given up on anything happening between the two of you when he hooked up with your best friend at your birthday party last year. To make matters worse, you’d been the one to catch them — in your home, no less, but thankfully not your bed — and you’d cried for days. Not that Bucky knew that. He knew you were pissed, sure, but he didn’t know why. And the why is the most important part of it all. 
You stop when you pick up your lip gloss tube, then toss it back down on the counter. Yes, Bucky checks you out from time to time, but he always has. You just assumed that based on his lack of attempting anything, he didn’t find you appealing enough. That thought alone could make you tear up. 
You hurry away from the mirror and back to the kitchen, freezing in the doorway when you take in the sight in front of you. Bucky’s button-up rests folded up in his lap, leaving his perfectly carved, tan chest on display. That smirk spreads across his lips again, and sometimes you swear you could just smack it right off. 
“Sorry—” you blurt, “I couldn’t find the kit.”
“Here I was thinking you were getting all prettied up for me,” he teases. 
You let out a weak and unconvincing laugh as you open up the kit beside him, removing the materials you need. 
“It’s three in the morning,” you remind him, “You get what you get when you show up at this hour.”
He laughs like he can’t help himself, then turns to you, so close you can feel his breath, “I always like what I get, no matter what time it is.”
You recoil when the scent of alcohol hits your nose, and you realize all too quickly what it means. 
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1,578 notes - Posted July 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
loveless — bucky barnes
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synopsis: hating Bucky Barnes is easy. Sleeping with him and keeping the feelings away proves to be much more difficult.
warnings: swearing, slight mention of anxiety symptoms, SMUT (oral: f&m receiving, PinV sex, unprotected sex, breeding kink, slight orgasm denial, degrading language (not to reader), kissing)
     His eyes are darker than usual today. 
That’s the first thing you notice as you sit across the table from him, glaring at him with a clenched jaw. He’s glaring right back, neither of you trying to pay attention to your boss as he goes through the quarterly figures. 
“Got it, Barnes?” Tony’s voice brings both of you out of your hateful gaze. 
You watch as Bucky clears his throat and looks over, nodding his head, “Yeah. Got it, boss.”
“I’m sure you do. You looked very engaged,” Tony mutters sarcastically. 
Bucky laughs at that, “Oh, I was. In fact, Y/N’s got some ideas to increase sales this quarter. She was telling me about them last night—”
“When I was working late,” you cut in, not wanting to give the wrong impression, despite knowing Bucky’s actively trying to make you look bad, “Bucky came into my office to drop off the expense reports, and—”
“And, we got to talking,” Bucky takes over, “Tell him your great ideas, Y/N. I especially like the strip poker idea. For charity, of course.”
“That’s enough,” Tony glares at Bucky, “Y/N, any real suggestions?”
You swear your blood stops in your veins, because no, you didn’t have any real suggestions. In fact, part of this job makes you feel like you’re drowning, and the ability to think outside the box is far out of your reach when you can barely think inside of it. 
“Um,” you stutter, listening to Bucky chuckle victoriously across from you, “Sir, I—”
“No, then. Great. Let’s move on. Rogers, how are things on your end?”
Your eyes close under the embarrassment and you're sure you look about as incompetent as anyone can get. After a moment, you look over to Steve, who’s preparing to speak. He gives you a compassionate smile, which you return. He’s always been nice to you. Your first day on the job, he walked you all the way to Tony’s office. He brings you coffee from the breakroom frequently, and he always backs you up in meetings when he can tell you’re nervous. Your favorite part about it all is that he doesn’t have to do any of it. 
Bucky rudely clears his throat, earning your attention back. You narrow your eyes, trying your best to show your annoyance in one glance. He just smirks and raises his elbow up on the arm rest, waving his metal fingers at you. 
     Once the meeting clears, you take your time collecting your things. Bucky escapes without a second thought while Steve hangs around, giving you a gentle and reassuring smile when you stand from your chair. 
“Strip poker, huh?” he teases. 
You roll your eyes, “I never suggested that.”
Steve laughs easily, leading you out of the conference room. He holds his arm out, allowing you to walk through first, and the blush that rises to your cheeks doesn’t go unnoticed, you’re sure. 
“I know you didn’t. Bucky’s brain is… unique.”
He watches you smile as he walks by your side down the hall, where you spy Bucky himself, leaning against the wall and flirting with Tony’s intern. Your eyes roll once again as he leans in closer, grinning like a fool as she smiles up at him with hopeful eyes. You’re sure he’s loving it. 
“It sure is,” you mutter, “How’s Sam?”
“He’s good, you know, he’s spending some time with his sister and nephews…”
Steve’s voice trails off in your head as you pass by Bucky and his beloved intern. You catch his eye as you pass, glaring at him. He smirks, his eyes shamelessly checking you out even while he’s in the middle of flirting with another woman. 
“Excuse me, sweetie,” Bucky mumbles, pushing himself off the wall and following behind you. With a smirk, you start swaying your hips a little bit as you walk just to fuck with him. You hear a groan from behind you, which widens your smirk greatly. “What are you two gossiping about up there?”
Steve sighs, “Do you have to be a dick every second of your life?”
“Makes things more interesting,” Bucky shrugs, “Hey, great idea in the meeting today, Y/N. I really enjoyed that panicked look on your face at the idea of disappointing Tony.”
Before you can muster up a response, Steve stops and turns around, setting his wide palm on Bucky’s chest. 
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1,865 notes - Posted July 14, 2022
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dawning-day · 1 year
RONAN LYNCH IN A TIME LOOP SAY MORE AT ONCE (but only if you want to no pressure the all caps is just my enthusiasm and also my brain being broken by those tags and that concept)
apologies in advance for what this turned into <3
so for context of me personally i absolutely adore a timeloop au in any context in general like there is something so funky so fresh about the whole idea of a guy getting worn down by time while everyone around him is experiencing something for the first time?? to be so jaded but still have to wait for the other people to go through surprise/shock at something that's already gotten old for the guy who's seen it more times than they can count????
so that's already delicious but Most Specifically i am a fan of the version of the time loop that is "a guy who has to go back and re-do the worst thing that ever happened over and over until they fix it" both from the perspective of (a) the lingering doubt of no matter what they change does it ever actually make a difference? is there anything that could be done that would Matter enough or is fate always going to lead them to the same place and we are doomed to repeat our mistakes ect ect but also (b) the thing about the worst thing that ever happened to a guy is that uhhh it sucks? like having to relive any period of time repeatedly is already concerning but when it's a moment that fundamentally defined the subsequent period of life ? to have so much urgency but still be repeatedly brought back to square one !!! and to have to see that worst thing over and over and knowing they failed !!!!!!!!!!!! terrible !!!!!
and if that wasn't already a bucket of laughs the most very absolute worst part is always when the person has to waste so much of their very limited time the loop resets and then they're all alone again??? to not have one person in the entire world who understands what they're going through and to have any progress they've made immediately get undone, but to do it all again anyways because fuck what other choice is there ??
all of this to say. ronan lynch. bc i'm not sure if you noticed by now but these freaks are literally all ride or die for each other from MINUTE ONE like ronan walked up and said hey i pulled this bird out of my dreams and no one blinked? like mild spoiler the third book and holy fuck especially the fourth one really lean into the?? fantasy side of things?? kind of?? (it will make sense in retrospect i promise) but never not one single page are any of these books about them not believing each other. there is an inherent irrevocable acceptance that when one of them has A Problem it is Their Problem and that's part of the reason they are soooo <333333
but yeah you'd damn better believe if ronan sat down and told those freaks this was his 18th wednesday in a row they would believe him without question or cause there would be none of that wasting time on that stupid trope of "ronan knowing everything the other person's about to say and that's why they believe him" nonsense. they are his family and they are fundamentally there for one another when it matters. when it doesn't matter. everything in between.
so ronan's time loop is just immediately about the finding solutions part??? about gansey sneaking Meaningful Glances at adam across the table because they both know ronan's more unhinged about this than he's letting on. maybe blue convinces them to go to fox way to ask maura and calla and persephone to read his future and the first time blue has ever seen those women look Genuinely Scared is when they have to tell him point blank that they don't see one. not that it's blurry or that the signs are unclear but that ronan lynch fundamentally does not have anything other than the Now.
ronan lynch the dreamer the dreamed afraid to go to sleep not because of what he can do when he dreams but because this time being awake is the scary part??? because he doesn't know where or when he'll be when he wakes up???? to have something so. core to who he is. be so fractured. and his family not really being able to help but being so willing to try anyway????
anyways sorry i didn't realize i had so many thoughts about this hi tldr i wanna humble that maniac sooooo bad
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