#spn x rpf
luci-in-trenchcoats · 3 months
Home Sweet Not Home
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Summary: The reader wakes up in bed next to a familiar but oh so strange man...
Pairing: Jensen x hunter!reader
Word Count: 1,400ish
Warnings: none
A/N: Hooo boy enjoy this one!
You felt warm when you began to stir awake. There was a heavy blanket on you that was nice, not out of the ordinary for Dean to pile an extra one on the bed while you were sleeping. You rolled over in bed, smashing your face in a bare chest.
“Morning,” Dean mumbled. His voice wasn’t as deep and you wondered if he was coming down with something. You blinked open your eyes, resting your hands on his chest, running them down briefly before you cocked your head.
“Where’s your tattoo?” you asked carefully, putting your hand on his pec, ready to use your nails in the shifter’s flesh as a distraction. But this Dean was chuckling, nuzzling his cheek against yours.
“S’on my shoulder like always, silly,” he said, yawning and sighing softly. “You okay? You’re tense.”
You shifted your head up, noticing the white headboard, eyes darting around to see soft light colored walls, a large balcony door and a window overlooking a grassy backyard and pool.
“What the…” you said, standing and hopping out of bed, glad that you were at least in the t shirt and shorts you remembered falling asleep in. You went over to the door and pulled it open, Dean out of bed and moving to the other side of the room, hitting something on a white thermostat looking thing.
“Honey,” he said, walking over as you stood on the small balcony, leaning over the railing to look at a patio and some trees. “Y/N. Everything alright?”
“Where…” you asked, Dean sighing.
“We’re in Austin,” he said, running his hand gently over your head. You turned to look up at him, spotting him in a pair of navy boxers that he normally wore.
“Austin?” you asked, his arm sporting the tattoo he mentioned before but it wasn’t an anti-possession one.
“Okay,” he said, gently resting his hands on your shoulders and pulling you back into the very nice bedroom, soft carpet under your toes. He sat you on the bed and kneeled down in front of you. “The doctor said this might happen so that’s why he gave us the list of questions, remember?”
You had no idea what the hell was going on but you just shrugged, this guy very kind for a shifter if he was one.
“Okay. What’s your name?” he asked with a smile.
“Y/N,” you said.
“Your full name, sweetie,” he said, still smiling.
“Y/N Y/L/N,” you said, the smile wiping off his face.
“That’s your maiden name,” he said, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear. “S’okay. We’ll keep going. What’s today’s date?”
“Um,” you said, thinking for a moment, Dean cocking his head when you answered.
“That’s right,” he said, forcing a smile on his face. “Does your head hurt, honey?”
“My head? Why would my head hurt?” you asked.
“We were in a car accident two days ago. They were concerned you had a concussion. Last night was the first time you were at home. Do you not remember any of this?” he asked.
“Dean, I don’t-”
“Dean? You know I love a good joke but now is not the time, Y/N,” said Dean. You swallowed hard, Dean putting a hand on your head. “What’s my name?”
“I…” you said, looking around the room for any kind of clue. Something had happened after your witch hunt obviously. Same name, different person. You were still Y/N where ever you were but a different version, paired up with a different Dean that apparently wasn’t named Dean. You were well off if your yard was anything to go off of so you definitely weren’t hunters. “I’m just tired. Sweetie.”
“Nice try. What’s my name?” he asked again.
“Honestly?” you asked. He nodded, curiously looking up at you. “I don’t remember.”
“That’s alright,” he said, very good at hiding the flash of concern that showed up on his face. “Do you-“
A phone started to ring, Not Dean ignoring it in favor for paying attention to you.
“Do you remember how we met at all?” he asked.
“Working a job,” you said, his face twitching up.
“That’s right,” he said, tilting his head.
“I’m sorry. I’m just...messing with you,” you said, the man pouting. He opened his mouth but a doorbell rang somewhere, the man getting to his feet.
“I’ll be right back. Stay here,” he said, walking over to a closed door, grabbing a pair of sweatpants and a shirt from the floor as he went. The second he was out of the door you started to look around, trying to find clues about who he was. You could always make a break for it but in pajamas you didn’t think you’d get far, especially with this guy’s sweet husband thing he had going on.
You walked through an open door to a bathroom, cutting through it to find a closet. You sighed, wishing you’d found something with a name until you jogged back to the nightstand, a wallet on top.
“Yes,” you said, ripping it open and pulling out a Texas license. “Okay. Jensen Ackles. 6’ 1”. Organ donor. Well that’s nice and all but I still know nothing.”
You started to dig through the wallet, mostly credit and reward cards, some cash and a business card with a doctor’s name and number. There was a faded picture of him and a woman that looked exactly like you, the worn edges saying it was probably at least five years old.
You put the wallet back when you heard him coming, sitting back in your spot on the bed, trying to seem relaxed.
“Who was at the door, Jensen?” you asked innocently, Jensen lifting his chin.
“Kid up the street. Girl Scout cookies. I ordered you some thin mints,” he said, padding around to the side of the bed, arms crossed. “Don’t pull shit like that again. It’s not funny. You know how freaked I was after the accident.”
“I’m sorry,” you said quietly, his face briefly looking hard before he started to drag his toes through the carpet.
“I get this feeling you’re lying to me,” he said, looking you in the eye. “I’ve known you forever, kiddo. You have that look on your face.”
It’d be easy to lie and make something up. It’d be easy to fake a concussion too. Telling the truth would probably get you thrown in an institution.
Jensen tilted his head and walked over to you suddenly, grabbing your underwear and pulling the band down an inch.
“Hey!” you barked at him, kneeing him hard, Jensen falling to the floor.
“You don’t have a tattoo,” he said, getting to his feet slowly, pressing his thumb against your hip, wiping over your anti-possession one. “That’s real.”
He backed away from you, looking you up and down.
“You would never hit me like that because you know I don’t touch you like that and…” he said, tilting his head as he stared at your leg. “You don’t have a scar on your thigh. What…”
“Jensen...take a breather for me buddy,” you said, Jensen shaking his head. “I can explain.”
“Am I nuts? You’re not my...did I die in that accident? Is this some-“
“Dude! Chill. You’re not dead,” you said, Jensen eyeing you suspiciously. “You’re fine. I’m the one that’s…”
“Not my wife?” he said, closing his eyes. “This is one of those freaky weird dreams that seems super real. That’s what it is. You definitely aren’t-“
“Uh, I’m Y/N,” you said. “Hate to break it to you.”
“I was going to say, Reese,” he said. “You know, the character you play on a tv show. Now would be a great time to tell me this is a very in-depth prank.”
“Me? On TV? I have done some crazy stuff but that…” you said, Jensen nodding his head at you. “You’re freaking out.”
“Just a little,” he said. You hummed.
“I guess I have to give you the civilian talk,” you said.
“The what?” he asked.
“Just take a seat, Jensen.”
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Grandpa Ackles
Summary: Y/n was enjoying her husband’s new style post Supernatural, that is until a certain pair of glasses come onto the scene. How will Jensen feel about her teasing? 
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Reader
Word Count: 1.7K+
Warnings: Language, age gap (implied), unprotected sex (don’t be silly..)
Author’s Note: This baby was born from a little razzing session I had with @winchest09 and @deanwanddamons regarding those glasses Jensen wore. It quickly turned into this mess that I forgot about in my drafts. I hope you enjoy it. As always I would love to hear your feedback xoxo Alex
Check out Alexandra’s Library for more works by yours truly!
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The love and support of the Supernatural fandom had been the spark that helped Jensen to come out of his shell. From singing at conventions to releasing his album and everything in between. He was far more at ease now than he had been back in 2005. But the truth was she hadn’t seen him blossom more than since the series finally wrapped. From getting to grow out his hair and the relentless press junket for The Boys, he’s been getting to show off his creativity and style like never before. Most of the time she was behind him all the way, but today’s choice had her questioning the man she had married. 
They were currently on set with Entertainment Weekly doing yet another interview. Y/n had followed her husband across Europe and now Los Angeles to support him in his recent endeavor. Now she found herself standing behind the cluster of monitors that showed each camera angle. Naturally, she was focused on Jensen, but not for the reason one would expect. 
It was like a train wreck, something she couldn’t look away from no matter how hard she tried. Her husband had first slipped the blue-tinted glasses onto his perfect face when they were about to walk out of the dressing room. At first, she had thought they were sunglasses and she was rightfully confused about him putting them on at that moment, but he walked right onto the set with them still in place and that’s when it hit her. They were a statement piece for his outfit. 
God, she loved her husband but she was seriously questioning his choices. The black-framed glasses were ever so slightly to big for his face. The lens appeared prescription strength in the way that they distorted his eyes to appear larger than reality. Sure, he wore reading glasses periodically at home but never had they made it into any sort of interview or red carpet before. Though he wouldn’t admit it to her, she knew it made him self-conscious about his age, especially considering the difference between them. So she would tell him how much she loved them, which wasn’t even the tiniest bit of a lie. Those glasses framed his face well and made him look refined. These on the other hand, well, as much as she tried to love them, it simply wasn’t happening. 
The interview lasted roughly an hour before they were back in his dressing room to pack up their things. Once he had cleared out the dressing room they hopped into a car to take them back to their hotel. Y/n waited with bated breath for him to remove the glasses, but he never so much as acknowledged them. Jensen conversed politely with her until they made it back to their suite. She plopped down onto the edge of the bed, watching him as he began to unpack his bag from the day. 
“Are you going to tell me why you keep looking at me like that?” He questioned finally, his one eyebrow quirking at her. 
“I-” Y/n chewed on the corner of her lip while she tried to find the words. “What is with the glasses?” 
“What do you mean?” Jensen crossed his eyes, playfully attempting to look at the specs without taking them off.
“Did you lose a bet…” her words trailed off, earning her a frown from her husband. 
“You don’t like my glasses.” It wasn’t a question.
“I don’t… not like them,” she tried with a smile but her husband knew her better than that. Jensen crossed his arms with a warning look, asking her to tell the truth. “Okay fine, they look like a bad 70’s accessory. I’m sorry, baby, but they are not it.” 
“These are Gucci,” he defended. Y/n hid her mouth behind her fingers, stifling a smile at his knee-jerk reaction to her opinion.
“I know this, and I love you, but just because you are playing, as you call him, a grandpa, doesn’t mean you need to dress like one.” Y/n made air quotes with her fingers as she talked. She knew she was digging herself a hole but damn it if she couldn’t stop talking. 
“Whatever, I need to change,” he scoffed as he began undoing the buttons on his shirt. The blatant roll of his eyes told her he was over this conversation but that didn’t stop what slipped out next. 
Y/n cupped her hands around her mouth and whispered, “Start with the glasses.”
Jensen froze, his eyes narrowing at his wife. She smiled at him, her tongue peeking out between her teeth. Before she could blink he darted towards her, his arms encompassing her as he tackled her into the bed.  A shriek left her mouth as the couple barreled into the plush furniture, quickly dissolving into giggles as he pinned her to the mattress.
“Careful, Jay, don’t need you breaking a hip.” Her words came out between snickers. She was quick to realize how worked up she had gotten him. 
“Funny, you weren’t saying that two days ago,” Jensen encompassed her with his form, one hand on either side of where her head lay. 
“Guess that was before I realized how close you might be to needing help from a little blue pill…” She let the words hang in the air, watching her husband’s jaw drop. 
“You gonna regret that,” he mumbled, dropping his voice as he cocked his head. 
“Promise?” Y/n bit her lip, a final challenge before Jensen dove in, capturing her lips with his own. Immediately she melted into the comforter, her hands moving to finish his job of undoing his top. Her work was distracted as the actor trailed his pillow-soft lips down her jaw and neck, using his tongue to suck the tender flesh into his mouth. A moan fell from her lips as he nipped her collarbone, the action egging him on. When she finally popped the last button, she hurriedly pushed the thin fabric from his shoulders. 
Jensen sat back on his legs, working open his belt and jeans as Y/n lifted her dress over her head. He let out a low whistle, letting his eyes roam down the expanse of her body, now just in a pair of panties. 
“I’m waiting, Grandpa,” she smirked, raising her arms above her head to emphasize her breasts for him. 
“Damnit woman,” he grunted, now in a hurry to rid them both of their offending bottoms. Once they were both exposed to the other, Jensen leaned back over her, again capturing her lips with his own in a heated kiss. He sucked her lower lip between his teeth as his hands ran down her curves. The action set her nerves aflame, warmth amalgamating low in her belly. 
In a second, his warmth was gone, and his large hands were flipping her onto her stomach. She rose to her hands and knees without a second thought, knowing that Jensen was not going to do her the courtesy of prepping her for him. The woman got no warning before her husband entered her from behind, his cock stretching her in every delicious and agonizing way. Her chin dropped to her chest as he set a grievously slow pace where she could feel every inch of him. 
“Fuck, Jay. Faster, please?” The words were a breathy plea on her lips. 
“What was that, baby?”
“I need more,” she reiterated. Jensen ran his fingers through her hair before gently tugging on the strands, pulling her frame up and flush against his own. His arms wrapped around her torso, the new muscles she loved so much dwarfing her body as he drove into her, faster with every thrust. His grunts were low, but deafening from their proximity to her. The sound was like music to her ears, each one helping to push her closer to the edge of oblivion. 
“Look at you, so wrecked from taking me like a good girl,” Jensen breathed out, his praises earning a whimper from his lover. “Do you think you deserve to come?” 
“Oh, fuck.” It was the only thing her brain could formulate at the moment. She knew this was a torture of her own creation. Y/n had pushed him to prove himself, knowing full well what would come of it, and damn it if she wasn’t regretting that now. The thing was he absolutely would deny her if she didn’t grovel. And it wouldn’t be the first time either. 
“I can’t hear you.”
“Nobody can fuck me like you. My body is yours.” It was the truth and had been since that first night together so many years ago. He had thoroughly ruined her for anyone else and still to this day proves that he knows her body better than herself. “I can’t come without you.” 
“It’s a start,” he murmured, his game punctuated with every thrust of his hips. His left hand traveled up to her throat, applying light pressure just above her collarbone. 
“Please.” She was nowhere near above begging him for release. 
“Since you asked nicely,” Jensen finally relented, using his opposite hand to press against her clit. The combination of sensations sent her over the cliff like a switch had been flipped. She squeezed her eyes shut, fighting the overwhelming sensations he continued to deliver until he too finished, rutting against her as he spilled himself inside her. 
His grip against her loosened and he let her back against the hotel comforter, taking care to keep her steady on her trembling legs. Y/n rolled over onto her back, staring blankly at the ceiling as her breathing evened out. Her husband joined her, resting his head against her stomach. Mindlessly her fingers came down to run through his long blonde locks. 
“Still think I need the blue pill?” He asked and she could feel him smile against her abdomen. 
“Fuck you,” she huffed out a laugh. 
“I think you just did.”
“Ugh, fine, you win this one, Ackles,” Y/n playfully pushed her husband from her side. “But next, time don’t expect me to cave so easily.”
“Oh?” One of his eyebrows shot up on his forehead and immediately she regretted her words. The actor was on her before she had a chance to blink, ready to prove himself as many times as it would take. 
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Forevers: @440mxs-wife @akshi8278 @emoryhemsworth @ever-mischief @foxyjwls007 @hobby27 @jbsgirl4ever11 @jensengirl83 @katbratsupernaturalwhore @leigh70 @lyarr24 @maggiegirl17 @maliburenee @muhahaha303 @mrsjenniferwinchester @sexyvixen7 @spnwoman @suckitands33 @stoneyggirl22 @supernatural3002 @traceyaudette @xlynnbbyx 
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impala-dreamer · 6 months
Trouble On Set
A Short Story
~Jensen and Jared have a habit of messing with costars, but what happens when one of them fights back?~
Jensen x Reader (ish), Misha, Jared / Dean x Carrie, Sam, Castiel
2,963 Words
Warnings: Pranks and Drama and Adult Behavior. Fluff.
Impala-Dreamer’s Masterlist  ~  Patreon  ~ Published Works
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Dean raised his hand once more, ready to strike, and Carrie cringed in fear, shrinking down into a tiny thing, like a flower retreating from the frost.
“Please, don’t!” Her voice was weak and trembling just like her fragile frame. Blood trickled down from the cut on her lip, bruises blossomed beneath her smooth skin.
Dean froze, his fist hovering in the air above his head. He caught his breath and crumbled inside, green eyes going wide with sadness. “I- I didn’t mean to…”
Sam rushed past his brother, nearly knocking him to the side as he fell to his knees to check on Carrie. She lunged forward into his big arms, finding a bit of comfort as they wrapped tight around her.
“It’s OK,” he whispered, “I got you.”
She looked up from Sam’s shoulder to Dean, her eyes huge with shock and betrayal. “Dean, I-”
A loud, blistering pop of air ripped through the room, accompanied by a rotten smell so foul that Carrie could not hold back her disgust.
“Dean, I- I-” The smell permeated her senses and her gag reflex activated. “Oh god-”
Jared laughed, his giant body shaking, still wrapped around Y/N. She gagged loudly and tried to pry herself out of his grasp.
“Oh my god!” Y/N held her breath and shoved at Jared’s chest, finally pushing him away.
Above them, Jensen looked down with a wicked smile. “Jesus, dude, what’d you eat!” He waved a hand in front of his face as the smell finally reached him.
“You’re disgusting,” Misha added, standing off to the side on his mark. “So gross.”
Jared stood up and shrugged as he adjusted his jeans, yanking them up back into place. “Hey! Shit happens!”
Jensen burst into a loud cackle that bent him clean in half. “Did you shit yourself?”
Y/N tried to stay calm, keep herself professional, but the smell seemed to be getting worse. “Wow.”
“Think something died in your ass, dude,” Jensen went on, hands on his knees as he laughed.
Jared took it all in like he was winning an award, smile beaming as the crew reset.
“OK! Settle! Let’s go again.”
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Dean raised his fist high, his jaw twitching with anger.
Carrie shrank down and away, terrified and aching from his previous blow. “Please, don’t!” Her voice trembled, her hand shot up to hide her face from his wrath.
Dean froze, his fingers unfurling as he looked down at her, pain and sadness filling his freckled face. “I- I didn’t mean to…”
Carrie stared up at him, tears flooding her pretty eyes.
Jensen licked his lips slowly, seductively, and raised an eyebrow at Y/N.
Sam rushed past Dean and dropped down to his knees next to Carrie. She fell forward into his big arms as her breath became labored with heavy sobs.
“It’s OK,” he whispered, “I got you.”
Jensen bared his teeth and ran the tip of his tongue across the edges, licking his chops like a wolf as he stared at her.
Carrie looked up from Sam’s shoulder and a tear fell from her eye. “Dean, I-”
Again, Jensen used his tongue, this time flickering it quickly between his teeth, then rolling it suggestively. He smirked as Y/N shivered, distracted by his movements.
“Dean, I-”
Another slow, long roll of his tongue.
“I, uh…”
Jared leapt to his feet and went over to Jensen, continuing a conversation from before the first take. Misha pulled out his phone, and Y/N simply stayed on the dirty studio floor, wiping real tears from her face with the hem of her shirt.
“You OK?”
Blue eyes were wide with genuine concern, but Y/N waved Misha off. “I’m fine. Thank you.” Her smile was weak but managed to help calm her frustration.
“OK, people. Let’s go again! Take ten…”
And so it went.
After five days of filming the first of her seven episode run, Y/N had messed up nearly every shot she was in, whether by design or fear of having it ruined. Jared and Jensen were terribly wicked, making her break constantly, tripping her, making faces at each other or her, farting- it was almost unmanageable. Through it all, Y/N tried her best to stay calm and keep going. It was a huge thing- landing a spot on such a great show, but she didn’t know if she could do it for much longer. The frustration was boiling up inside of her, and- not to mention- she felt unwanted and severely disliked. Everyone always talked about how nice Ackles and Padalecki were to guest stars, how playful and loving the set was, how the cast and crew were like family. Y/N sure as hell wasn’t feeling like family. More like the black sheep no one wanted to talk about. Or to.
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Dean raised his hand once more, ready to strike, and Carrie cringed in fear, shrinking down into a tiny thing, like a flower retreating from the frost.
“Please, don’t!” Her voice was weak and trembling just like her fragile frame. Blood trickled down from the cut on her lip, bruises blossomed beneath her smooth skin.
Dean froze, his fist hovering in the air above his head. He caught his breath and crumbled inside, green eyes going wide with sadness. “I- I didn’t mean to…”
Sam rushed past his brother, nearly knocking him to the side as he fell to his knees to check on Carrie. She lunged forward into his big arms, finding a bit of comfort as they wrapped tight around her.
“It’s OK,” he whispered, “I got you.”
She looked up from Sam’s shoulder to Dean, her eyes huge with shock and betrayal. “Dean, I-”
Jensen looked up at the ceiling, refusing to meet her gaze. He puckered his lips as if whistling, completely ignoring her.
He tongued his cheek and sighed, seemingly annoyed by her acting.
“I… um…”
Y/N cleared her throat and grit her teeth, determined to make it through the take.
“Dean- I’m so sorry.” Carrie let loose a stream of loud tears, pouring them into Sam’s shoulder. “I’m sorry!”
“And...cut! We got it. That’s dinner, people.”
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Y/N stepped out into the cold Vancouver night, totally uninterested in dinner or anything other than collapsing into her bed back at the hotel. She needed a shower, a drink, and a call back home to her best friend. The job she’d been looking forward to for weeks had turned out to be a nightmare.
Finally alone, she closed her eyes and lifted them towards the dark sky, taking a deep breath to calm her nerves. Things were not what they had seemed.
Boots echoed behind her and Y/N startled, turning to see Jensen walking towards her, a kind smile upon his plump lips.
“Hey.” He stopped a few feet away and tucked his hands into his pockets, rocking back on his heels nervously.
Y/N’s anxiety spiked and her stomach tightened. “Hey.”
He licked his bottom lip slowly, green eyes flashing over her face. “Great job today. Made it through that scene nicely.”
Confused, Y/N swallowed down her annoyance and nodded. “Thanks. You too.”
“It’s not easy to cry like that,” he complimented, voice smooth and sweet. “I’m impressed.”
Her eyes narrowed on him, not sure what was going on. “Thanks?”
“Really,” he pushed with a smile, the apples of his cheeks burning pink under the lot lights. “You did great.”
Y/N couldn’t respond; her thoughts twisted in utter confusion. She stared at Jensen as if he were some alien being sent to drive her insane.
He tipped back on his boot heels and took a deep breath, prepping for something. He cleared his throat and locked his knees. “So anyway… I was wondering if you… wanted to come get a drink with me? We’re pretty much done for the day. I think they’re just reshooting Jared’s scene with Misha next, so you and I could sneak away.” He held his breath and dug his front teeth hard into his bottom lip, waiting for her answer.
It was not what he expected.
Y/N’s jaw dropped and she blinked furiously at him, stunned. “Excuse me?”
Jensen laughed timidly. “There’s a bar we like to go to downtown. We can… go hang out? Get a buzz on?” He shrugged and smiled.
Y/N snapped. “Are you fucking kidding me?”
He jolted. “What?”
“I said, are you fucking kidding me?” she spat, turning towards him with rage pulsing from her form. Jensen took a step back but she came closer. “You… you have been fucking with me all fucking week!” Her voice echoed down the alleyway, giant metal buildings amplifying her rage like a blow horn. “You’re so mean! You… you and Jared have been fucking up every take for me! You tripped me twice, I slammed into a wall yesterday; you’re making disgusting remarks and faces at me while I’m trying to cry. You’re ruining this for me!”
Jensen’s hands lifted from his pockets to surrender, his palms facing her in the dark. “Whoa. It’s not… we’re not-”
“You’re not? You’re not! You’re gonna get me fired! Do you even care about anyone but yourself? This is a huge deal for me and you’re going to ruin it. I’m gonna get fired because you can’t keep be fucking professional and Jared can’t stop eating burritos for lunch!” Y/N caught herself, gasping for a breath while her pulse raged in her ears. “Fuck!”
Jensen shook his head in shock and lowered his hands. “Y/N, it’s… really not what you think. Fuck, I’m so sorry.”
“You’re sorry? Oh, he’s sorry!” She spun around, telling the world. “He’s sorry he’s going to get me fired, everyone! Jensen Ackles is sorry! That makes it all better!”
He stood, dumbfounded and guilty, his shoulders falling low, his eyes filling with hurt. “Wow. I’m… really sorry.”
Y/N took a deep, shaking breath and turned her eyes away, not wanting him to see her cry. “Yeah. Thanks for the apology.” She crossed her arms and spun on her heel, turning her back on him. “Think I’ll pass on drinks.”
Jensen tried to say something, to find some way to smooth things over, but his voice died in the back of his throat, his mind empty and unsure. “Yeah,” he mumbled, backing away. “OK.”
She heard him walk away and she did the same, stalking towards the parking lot.
From the shadows, a dark figure emerged, black hair a mess, trenchcoat flapping gently in the breeze.
“You know he’s just fucking with you.”
Misha’s voice called to her and Y/N turned to see him leaning against the corner of the building, clearly having heard and seen everything.
“You usually lurk in the shadows like that?”
He laughed and shrugged. “No, but I’m usually in the right place at the right time.”
Y/N shook her head. “Not me. I’m clearly in the wrong place, wrong time, wrong profession.”
Misha pushed himself away from the wall. “Nah. You were really good today.”
“Was I?” she snit, sarcasm coating every inch of her. “Sorry. I’m just- they’re torturing me and I don’t know why.” Her voice cracked. “They fucking hate me. What did I do?”
He laughed.
“Oh, that’s funny to you?”
He shook his head. “They don’t hate you, Y/N.”
She huffed. “I highly doubt that, but thank you.”
Misha came closer and lowered his voice. “You know, they only torture those they like. Especially Jensen. He’s only like that with people he… really likes.” He emphasized the last like as if he were the grade school gossip and Y/N scoffed.
“Yeah, right.”
He grinned and shrugged. “Believe me or don’t, but it’s true. At least with you around, I’m getting a break.”
Y/N’s shoulders scrunched up high as she processed the new information. “He… likes me?”
Misha nodded. “Yup. He’s like a kid on a playground,” he told her. “If he dips your pigtails in ink tomorrow, don’t be upset. It’s like his mating call.”
Y/N cracked the first smile in days and hummed devilishly. “Hmm…”
“That’s a scary hmm,” Misha laughed.
“It is,” she agreed, turning to meet his gaze. “Maybe we can use this,” she said, lowering her voice to a harsh whisper. “Maybe we can prank him back.”
He laughed. “Yeah, that never works. I’ve tried.”
Again, Y/N’s brain turned in circles as her plan pieced together. “Hmm…”
Misha leaned back and watched her think. “Oh, this is gonna be good.”
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Carrie walked into the kitchen, her face covered in bruises; a tiny butterfly bandage above her eyelid holding together a deep cut. She tiptoed down the steps and skirted the perimeter, eyes ever on Dean who sat alone at the table. He nursed a beer, two empty bottles haphazardly lined up next to it.
“Rough night?” she asked, her voice cracking with nervous emotion.
Dean didn’t look at her. He lifted the bottle to his lips and took a long sip, his eyes closing as the brew flooded his tongue. He came up with a heavy breath. “Rough life.”
She nodded and took a step towards him. “Yeah. I don’t doubt it.” Bare feet were sticky on the tile as she went to him, stopping at the edge of the table. “Do you wanna-”
“Talk about it?” he snapped, cutting her off, looking up with pained, red-rimmed eyes. “No. Do you?”
Meekly, Carrie shook her head. “No.”
She started to turn, meaning to leave him alone to wallow, but Dean’s hand shot out to grab her wrist, pulling her down to him. He looked up, a little drunk, mostly guilty.
“Why are you still here?” he whispered, tears choking his deep voice.
Her bottom lip trembled as his grip tightened. “W-what do you mean?”
Dean sat up, drawing closer to her, gaze digging into her soul. “Why are you still here? I almost killed you.”
She swallowed hard and leaned down, breath passing over his lips like a warm breeze. He closed his eyes but the kiss never landed. She pressed her cheek to his and whispered in his ear. “Because I can’t leave you…”
Dean’s eyes welled with tears.
Y/N’s whisper continued as the camera zoomed in over her shoulder on Dean’s reaction. “Because all I can think about is taking you out back and sucking your big, juicy cock over and over until you die of dehydration.”
Jensen choked on his own spit, so shocked by her words. He coughed to clear his throat and the scene was dead.
Y/N pulled back and stared down at him, daring him to say anything. Jensen was stunned, looking up with wide eyes.
She winked.
He shivered.
“Back it up! Reset!”
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Carrie tiptoed down the steps into the kitchen, bruised and battered from the night before. She saw Dean and shivered, body tensing up as she walked the edges of the room
“Rough night?” she asked, voice shaking.
Dean ignored her and lifted the bottle to his lips. “Rough life.”
Carrie took a step towards him. “Yeah. I don’t doubt it.” She floated towards him, nervous but needing to help. “Do you wanna-”
“Talk about it?” he growled, looking up at her.
Y/N let her eyes go soft and parted her lips. The tip of her tongue shot out to slowly drag across her bottom lip. Jensen swallowed hard.
“No,” Dean snit. “Do you?”
Carrie shook her head. “No.”
She started to leave but Dean reached for her wrist, pulling her down to him. He looked up and gasped.
Y/N puckered her lips into a perfect circle and Jensen couldn’t think of anything else but her mouth wrapped around his cock.
“W-Why are you... s-still here?” he whispered, chest heaving, eyes gazing over.
Carrie’s lip trembled “What do you mean, Dean?”
Y/N spoke his name with half a moan and Jensen squirmed in his seat, feeling his dick grow.
“Uh…Um...Why? W-why are-”
Thrice more, Jensen mucked up the scene. Staring at Y/N, he couldn’t get any words to properly form, let alone a tear to fall. She licked her lips, batted her lashes, sucked her fingers, moaned in his ear. The closer they got to finishing the scene, the harder she teased him, and in the end, he could barely stand.
Dean stood quickly and Carrie backed away, afraid he would strike her again. Her wrist was snagged in his hand, his grip unbreakable.
“Let me go!” she demanded, twisting in his grasp.
Dean walked her backwards until she hit the countertop, her breath pushing out in a shocked huff.
He kissed her silent, releasing her hand only to hold her cheeks, push his breath into her, his pain, his guilt.
“I’m sorry.”
She licked his kiss from her lips and closed her eyes. “I know.”
“Cut! We got it!”
Jensen dropped his hands from Y/N’s cheeks but didn’t back away right away. She bucked her hips forward and he groaned deep in the back of his throat. He was hard against her, his erection straining in his jeans.
The crew carried on their business and slowly, Jensen backed away, clasping his hands in front of his crotch.
“You figured it out,” he said with a faint laugh.
Y/N tongued her cheek and looked away, over his shoulder. “I had a little help from an angel,” she confessed.
Jensen dropped his head. “Damnit Misha.”
Y/N lifted her eyes to his. “Damnit, nothing.” She cocked her head and leaned close. “Wanna go get that drink now?”
Jensen’s lips puckered and he let out a slow breath. “Hell yes.”
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2023 Forever Tags (Always Open! Send an Ask!)
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princessmisery666 · 1 year
Please don't leave. Jensen Ackles and reader
Please Don't Leave
Summary: Friends to lovers to friends, that can work, right? 
Warnings/Genres/Troupes: angst, fluff, Jensen in his thicc Soldier Boy era (that’s a warning in itself!)
W/C: 4.3k
Characters: Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki. Small Parts/Mentioned: Karl Urban, Jack Quaid, Gen Padalecki.
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x reader (you - no descriptions of body type or ethnicity).
Notes: For the purpose of this fic, Jensen is not and never has been married. 
A/N: This drabble got way out of hand. 
Betas: @deanwinchesterswitch // any mistakes belong to me.
Graphics: Title card Jensen photo credit - https://twitter.com/_AlanaKing_ Soldier Boy image from Variety. Fly video belongs to me.
Master Lists: Dean Winchester // Main // Made Up Fic Titles
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“Help me understand,” you implore. 
The first domino to set off the chain reaction was in the form of a famous and beautiful actress, Mae Nova, sliding into Jensen’s DM’s—a  very detailed offer with an accompanying photo that you saw by no fault of your own. How is irrelevant. Why is the issue. Why didn’t he delete it or immediately set her straight? 
“You’re the one that wanted this, Jay,” you say when he remains silent. “You're the one who pursued me, convinced me we should try and turn the ten years of friendship into something more.” 
“I know.” He sighs, pushing a hand through his longer hair. “And I don’t regret a second of the last six months we’ve been together…” he doesn’t say it; however, the ‘but’ demands attention like a flickering light.
“But you're having second thoughts?” 
“No!” he denies vehemently, finally looking you in the eye. “Don’t put words in my mouth.” 
“Well, one of us has to!”
He shakes his head, exhaling loudly. “I’m sorry,” he repeats, sounding like a broken record. His heart rate is running high, and his chest heaves with every breath, but his vocabulary appears to be running low.
You tsk, fighting back a scathing comment about needing a script writer to make him talk. But it wouldn’t be fair. He’s not a man who runs from his emotions. He’s just trying to make sense of it all like you are. You have to remind yourself he’s not Dean Winchester. He doesn’t look much like him anymore either; longer hair, beard growing almost wildly, no plaid in sight in the Soldier Boy wardrobe at the back of the fancy trailer. 
Is that where the lines blurred? Working together for so long on Supernatural, have you both confused the other for your characters and their feelings toward the other?
“You can stop saying your sorry. I forgive you,” you say, and he turns a watery gaze your way. It almost breaks your resolve, but you realize it’s down to you to be the strong one. “I just need to understand why? Why didn’t you reply and tell her you're in a relationship? You’ve done it a hundred times before.”
“I don’t know.”
To make matters worse, Mae had landed a role on The Boys and would be working alongside Jensen.
“Jensen, you spent fifteen years of your life devoted to Supernatural, ten of those with me around. I think you were scared of the end, afraid of losing such a big part of yourself.” 
“I was,” he agrees, in a whisper as if you speaking the words is the reason for his realization of it being the truth.
“Maybe us being together was a knee-jerk reaction?” you suggest, “a way to cling onto the past.” You take a deep breath, and your chest tightens as if begging yourself not to say the next part. “Maybe you need a clean break, see what the world looks like without Supernatural… without me.” 
“What? No.” He looks offended but can’t hold eye contact and doesn’t offer anything further.
You can’t keep going around in circles, so you make a decision, sitting down at the small table and firing up your laptop.
“What’re you doing?” he asks, rushing to look over your shoulder, perhaps worried you’ll take it upon yourself to reply to the woman. “Searching for flights back home?” Jensen says, panic clear in his tone. Harshly he slams the laptop shut, and you look up at him. “You can’t leave.”
“Give me a reason to stay.” 
“Me, us!” he yells, “we can work this out.” 
You stand up and gently press your lips to his. Jensen’s hand automatically goes to the small of your back, guiding you around the chair to better press himself against you.
The kiss is natural and unhurried, but there’s too much tension in his body, and you know it’s because he feels it, too. This is your last kiss. 
A little breathless, you pull back. “I don’t wanna fight, Jensen.” 
“Me neither.” 
“So let me be the bad guy,” you say, heart aching but trying to hold it together. “Let me walk away before the wound is too big to save our friendship.”
He grimaces as if tasting something bitter but nods once, “I’m sorry.”
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It’s been a long day. All Jensen wanted to do was take a shower and crash, but Karl convinced him to go for dinner with the cast and crew. 
The conversation is light, everyone enjoying their food and making small talk. It’s nice enough, but it’s incomplete because you're not there. 
He wishes it was you beside him instead of Mae. The seating arrangements have no rhyme or reason. It just happened that way. But still, he almost resents that she’s the one next to him. So much has happened in the weeks since he last saw you. He wants to share it all with you, and wants to know how you are - if you’re struggling with his absence as much as he is with yours. 
“Okay there, Ackles?” Jack asks, “You're a world away.” 
“Yeah,” he lies, sitting up straighter and smiling. “Just thinking…” 
Karl must know the look of a man missing his significant other because he asks, “About your girl?”
“Yeah,” Jensen admits, sighing heavily. He hasn't told anyone you broke up, and there’s been no speculation in the tabloids.
“Tell us about her. You never did tell us about your first date,” Jack says, “we all know you met on Supernatural, but not the story of your first date.” 
Jack’s an awesome guy, sweet and kind, he doesn’t know the reminder is like a kick in the teeth, but Jensen obliges. 
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Jensen hurried across the lot, a coffee in each hand, the brown paper bag containing two cinnamon rolls dangling from his mouth. He was late, and Jared would give him shit for it, but it would be worth whatever Jared threw at him if it improved your morning.
Your latest Instagram post was a photo of a fly swimming in your coffee with the caption: “It was my last coffee pod. This just topped off a crappy weekend😭. #HappyMonday”. You were one hundred percent a coffee snob. You made it in a particular way using a fancy - and stupidly expensive - machine. You wouldn’t settle for the coffee on set. You’d rather go without. However, Jensen knew when you didn’t get her morning beverage, you’d be grumpy all day, and he hated to see you without a smile.
He headed for the makeup trailer, knowing that’s where you’d be. He kicked the bottom of the door gently as a way of knocking, then waited. 
He didn’t expect Jared to be the one to open it. He wasn’t due in makeup for another half-hour, but his lanky frame filled the space of the open door. “Look who decided to show up,” Jared jeered playfully. 
“Shut up,” Jensen mumbled around the bag, walking past him.
You were already there, looking through clothes on the rack, but stopped to smile at him. “Morning, Jay.”
“Here,” he said, handing over the coffee that was for you. “Hi, hey, morning.”
Confusion wrinkled your brow, but you took it. “Um, thanks.” 
“I saw your Instagram, and I know how cranky you get without your coffee, and you said you had a shit weekend, so I wanted to try and make it better,” Jensen vomited words without thinking. “I don’t like seeing you upset, and you’ve been down a lot lately, and I just thought maybe this would help, some, a little, maybe.” Breathlessly he shrugged and prayed the floor would open up and swallow him.
Your smile beamed, and you lifted the cup to your nose, inhaling the aroma, and hummed contentedly, “Mmm. You even got my order right,” you said and stepped closer to him to place a kiss on his cheek.
“That’s cause you're always posting about it on social media,” quipped Jared.
You tutted, rolling your eyes at your co-star but kept your eyes locked on Jensen. Dropping back down from your tiptoes, you said, “Thank you for this. It means a lot that you thought of me.”
“It’s nothing,” he lied. It was everything, and as your kiss dried on his cheek, it reminded him of your evening plans. “I know you’ve got a long day ahead, especially with your date later.”
As part of a charity event, you had agreed that they auction off a date with you. The auction had been silent, so you had no idea who had hired you for the night. Though the studio had assured you they had vetted the winner, you’d asked that he and Jared be in the bar next door in case of emergency.
“Oh god,” you groaned, “don’t remind me. I wish I never agreed to that stupid silent auction.” 
“Ah, don’t be such a downer,” Jared said, winking. “You never know. He might be the man of your dreams.”
Oh god, I hope not. Jensen thought. He’d already had to watch you be in a relationship with Chad, a man who neither deserved you nor treated you well. He couldn’t bear to watch you be with someone else again. He wanted to be next in line, and he would treat you as you should be, like a Queen. He just needed to work up the courage to tell you.  
“I doubt it,” you sighed, and Jensen swore your eyes flicked to him and away again. “Besides, who said it’s a man who hired me?”
“C’mon, you two,” Zara, the makeup artist, said, waving them toward the door, “out! I’ve got to get this one ready.”
Amongst a chorus of goodbyes, Jared and Jensen left. “What is it with you when you’re around her?” Jared asked as soon as the trailer door was closed. “You’re a bumbling idiot, and she’s starting to notice.”
“Yeah, she asked me what’s wrong with you. Thinks she’s done something wrong ‘cause you either avoid her or barely speak to her.” 
“I know, man,” Jensen groaned, scrubbing a hand down his face. “Ever since you put it out there that we could be more than friends, I can't stop thinking about it. I don’t want to blurt it out at the wrong time, so I try to be careful about what I say, but I just end up tripping over myself.”
Jared clapped him on the back, “You just need to fake some of that Dean Winchester confidence.”
“You better find a way to be around her ‘cause you’ve got a date with her tonight.”
“The silent auction,” Jared explained, “I paid for the date with her for you.”
“Jared, what? No!”
“I think Gen will have an issue if I show up for a date with her, and are you really going to leave her sitting on her own?”
“No, but Jared, I can’t,” Jensen panicked, “I’m going to make a fool of myself.” 
“You’re an actor. Just act normal.” Jared suggested before walking off.
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Seeing you through the restaurant window, Jensen wanted to hug Jared so tight to thank him he’d crack a rib. But he also wanted to punch him so damn hard in the arm it’d be limp for a week. Why had he agreed to this? Okay, he hadn’t agreed. He’d totally freaked out, drank two beers, took three shots of whiskey, and then forced himself into the waiting car.
He was going to mess this up. He knew it. He was a fumbling, mumbling idiot around you, and dread settled firmly in his gut as he watched you scanning the menu. He regretted the whiskey and allowing Jared to talk him into this. 
He swore he was having an out-of-body experience as his feet took him closer to you. You glanced up when he got to the side of the table, and your face glowed with a smile. “Come to check in on me?” you asked, rising and pulling him into a hug. 
He held you a little tighter than he usually would, savoring the moment before releasing you and taking a seat. “Not exactly checking up on you,” he said, “this wasn’t my idea, but Jared brought you for me.” 
“The silent auction, Jared was the highest bidder.” 
Confusion took over your features. “Why would he do that? I mean not that I’m not grateful, I’d much rather be here with you, but I don’t understand.” 
He realized it was now or never. “‘Cause he knows how I feel about you,” he admits, holding his breath for a reaction. 
“Care to elaborate?” you ask after a long silence.
“The truth is, I like you... a lot.” 
“I like you too.” 
“No,” he shook his head, “you don’t get it. I cherish our friendship and don’t want to lose it, but it's more than that. My feelings for you go beyond friendship, and I want to see if we could be more.” 
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“I was so nervous,” Jensen chuckles. “I felt like I was auditioning for the rest of my life.” he contemplates it for a moment, “maybe I was.” 
“Well then, it’s good she reciprocated,” Karl laughs. 
“It took her a minute,” Jensen remembers, “but yeah, she came around.”
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Your phone rings as you slot the key into your door’s lock. You’re juggling coffee, a pile of scripts to read, dry cleaning, and a bag of groceries. You have no hope of answering without dropping everything, so leave it to ring. You assume it’s Jared checking in on you after seeing the photos on TMZ. Jensen and Mae were pictured at a restaurant in Ontario. 
The phone stops as you enter the kitchen and set everything down on the countertop. 
Gen had already checked in to make sure you were okay, and you’d been anticipating a call from Jared to yet again invite you out to the set of Walker to meet one of the crew he was insistent you’d “hit it off with.” You’d politely declined, having already been on a date that had been pleasant and ended with a goodnight kiss, but you’d told the Padalecki’s it had left you feeling guilty as if you were cheating on Jensen. You needed time to let that feeling pass and allow the wound to heal completely.
You set about emptying the bags of groceries, and your phone rings again. You shuffle the contents of your bag, looking for the device, sure that it will cut off to voicemail before you find it. 
“Hello,” you answer, pressing it to your ear. 
Jensen’s voice freezes you to the floor, and you hold your breath. It’s been more than a month since you left him in his trailer, and you’ve only exchanged a few text messages. Why is he calling now? Does he want to be the one to confirm that he and Mae are together?
He says your name when your silence stretches. 
“Um, yeah. Hey, hi,” you say, clearing your throat to rid yourself of the shock.
“You sound out of breath,” he notes, “is this a bad time?” 
“No, no, I just wasn’t expecting it to be you,” you explain, “caught me off guard.”
“Who were you expecting?” he asks, sounding accusatory.
“Jared,” you sneer, unable to stop the ire you feel.
“Sorry,” he says, and the apology tightens your jaw with the frustration it evokes. “I should have called sooner.”
“I haven’t called you either.” 
No one is to blame for the lack of communication. You both needed some space, so you were both right not to call. 
Neither of you speaks for a moment, and you debate whether to tell him you're busy so you can end the call and be done with the awkwardness. But he obviously put his awkwardness aside to call, so you might as well rip the stitches out and reopen the wound if that's what this is about. 
“Why are you calling now?”
“I need you to know that me and Mae aren’t together,” he says, firm and direct. 
You try to interrupt, “Jensen, it’s fine.” but he determinedly continues. 
“The picture they posted was cropped,” he explains. “The whole cast and some of the crew were there. The photo made it look like it was just the two of us, and that’s not the truth.”
“Even if it was, it’s okay.” It’s not okay, and from the moment you saw it, you’ve felt nauseous. Still, you assure him, “You’re free to do what you want. You don’t owe me an explanation.” 
He sighs, and you can hear the scowl in his tone, “It’s important to me that you know.”
You think it’s sweet that he’s taking the time to explain himself, even if it’s not what you expected. But Mae was never the problem. The situation she presented only shone a light into the crack that you had both been ignoring. Yet the information that Jensen has shared is a welcomed relief in the wake of the storm, but it’s just the eye. More questions are coming, questions that will likely only cause more hurt and confusion.
“Why?” you ask, “why do you want me to know?” 
“Because I wanted it to be you next to me…” he pauses. 
You're not sure if he wants you to say something or read between the lines, but you can’t let yourself trust the spark of hope that jabs your heart like a pinprick. 
“Even if we’re just friends,” he adds. 
That pinprick pierces the thin shell you’d managed to build, and it feels like a thousand jagged pieces of glass lacerate your heart, and you chew your top lip to stop the emotion from escaping in a sob.
There’s a loud bang on his end of the line, and someone calls out, “We’re ready on set, Mr. Ackles.” 
“I gotta go,” he says. 
“Okay,” you say, and immaturely add, “Bye, buddy,” before hanging up. 
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The party has been a monumental success. You helped Gen, along with a professional party planner, to pull it off.
“So you really had no idea?” You ask Jared once everyone seems to have greeted him and wished him a very happy fortieth birthday. Technically it's not his birthday for another four hours, but the surprise party had needed that early element to make sure it went off without a hitch. 
“None,” Jared says, smiling. “I was fully prepared to fly home tomorrow to spend my birthday with Gen and the kids. I was looking forward to it, actually. I didn’t want a big fuss,” he chuckles, looking around the room, “but I’m glad you helped Gen make a fuss. It’s nice to see all the old faces.”
“Not all of them,” you note sourly, commenting on Jensen’s absence. “He wanted to be here, but you know how tight filming schedules can be.”
“I know,” he nods with a tight, sad smile. “It would have been good to see him. For me, at least.” 
“It’s my birthday. I’m allowed,” he teases.
“It would have been nice to see him,” you agree before Jared can start in on the lecture. “I think. I don’t know. It’s weird and painful, and maybe I'm better off not seeing him until it’s not weird and painful.” 
He laughs, pulling you into a hug. “Sounds like you have it all under control.”
You mingle with old friends from Supernatural and new friends from the Walker set. The crew member, a camera operator named Vince, is as cute as Jared promised him to be, and you find yourself tucked in a corner talking with him as the night continues.
You hear the cheerful reunion before you see it. People applaud and shout greetings as Jensen crosses the room and embraces Jared in a tight hug. They hug for a long time, whispered words exchanged between brothers, and you see Jared’s eyes tear up. His night is complete now that Jensen is here. 
A few people greet Jensen with hugs and shakes of his hand, but his eyes never seem to focus on them. He distractedly looks around them and seems disappointed when he sees the next person waiting to greet him.
You mostly manage to keep your focus on Vince, but you can see Jensen in your peripheral. You don’t react, but you notice when he finds you. He stares for a long moment, maybe hoping you’ll feel his eyes on you and look at him, but you don’t, and he doesn’t approach.
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You're doing nothing wrong, but an uneasiness sneaks up on you. It’s not that you feel like you're somehow betraying Jensen. It’s that you're betraying yourself by denying how you feel. It wouldn’t be fair to start anything with anyone new right now. They’d be a rebound. 
Vince seems to notice your focus has shifted and politely parts ways with you.
You spy Jensen across the room, catching up with Brianna, and head for the bar, needing something more potent than wine to make it through the rest of the night.
If possible, Jensen seems to have grown broader, arm muscles bulky beneath the material of his shirt, and you're definitely a fan of the Soldier Boy look. He looks good with a now-trimmed beard and long hair. The sight sends an ache of loneliness through your chest, remembering how it felt to be wrapped in those arms. 
A shot turns into two, and when the bartender steps away to refill your wine glass, you feel the air next to you shift. You don’t have to turn to see who it is, the cologne gives him away, and as it arrests your senses, he nudges his shoulder into yours. The familiar heat of his body makes your chest tighten. You so desperately want to turn and embrace him, but you know your fragile emotions would crumble under the weight. 
“Whiskey, neat,” he tells the bartender, his voice deep and gruff. He turns his body towards you, one arm resting on the bar, and you sip your drink, silently wishing it was hard liquor again instead of wine.
“Hey,” he says when you don’t look at him.
“Hi,” you respond blandly.
“How are you? You look good.”
“So do you. Really. You look incredible,” you say, without actually looking him in the eyes. 
“I hate having to do the diet and exercise thing, though,” he chuckles, “it was so much easier when all I had to do was wear flannel.”
You laugh, but it's bittersweet because everything was easier when he was wearing flannel. “How’s it all going? Stepping into the shoes of a new character?”
“Daunting, but fun.” Jensen talks, and you do all you can to listen and engage but can’t bring yourself to fully meet his eyes.  
He says your name so delicately it feels like a caress that sends a shiver through you. You close your eyes and know what he’s asking before he pleads, “Please look at me.”
His eyes have always been mesmerizing, and you know if you gaze into them, the spell will be cast, and there will be no escaping him, even when he’s miles away again. He waits for a beat, but your eyes remain firmly shut, and he closes the space between you, demanding attention. 
His exhale wafts through your hair. It’s too close because it's not close enough, and you feel the heartache rising in your chest.
“It was good to see you, Jensen,” you flash a smile in his general direction, picking up your glass.
“Wait,” he says, grabbing your wrist as you turn your back to him. “Don’t leave.”
You freeze in place and turn to look at his hand cuffing your wrist. Slowly you raise your gaze from his hold to his face, preparing yourself for the enchantment of his eyes, but his sad expression is downcast. His chest heaves with a deep breath before he finally looks at you, despondence turning to tentative hope.
“I know I should have said it back then, but I’m saying it now.” His voice is nearly a whisper beneath the muted conversation and ambient music, but it’s clear as a bell to your ears. “Please, don’t leave.”
You turn back to face him, and he takes two deep breaths before he finds the words.
“The last couple of months, I’ve been miserable without you.” He admits, “I’ve had to fight myself to eat, to work out, to do anything that didn’t involve staying in my trailer with a bottle of whiskey. I know that things are weird, but I realized my hesitance had nothing to do with the ending of Supernatural. Yes, I was scared. But I was scared of how easy it was with you, how much I cared for you, how quickly I realized that I am head over heels in love with you.”
You choke out his name as tears well in your eyes, and he steps forward to swipe the first droplet from your cheek.
“I was ready to tell you I’m in love with you, and you were booking flights home,” the heartache of the reminder dims the light behind his eyes, and he drops his gaze to battle whatever emotion he’s feeling. “That scared me more than anything. I didn’t want to say it in the heat of the moment or on the phone, and I was terrified you didn’t feel the same. It doesn’t matter if you don’t. I need you to know that I love you.”
You don’t have words, unexpectedly wishing you had a script so you don’t say something stupid. Then, just as surprisingly, you realize you don’t need words. You take a half step forward and kiss him. Jensen responds immediately, a hand caressing your cheek and drawing you closer as the other slips around your waist to tug you flush against him. 
You tangle your fingers in his hair, and he groans into your mouth. His kiss gets you drunker than any alcohol ever could, and after a moment that could have been a minute or an hour, you feel lightheaded. 
Jensen chases you as you pull back, placing swift kisses on your lips and pressing his head against yours.
“Damn, I’ve missed you,” you sigh.
“Well, don’t get used to it,” he says, “I’m never letting you leave me again.”
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Tagging Dean Winchester and Supernatural List. Sorry if you don't like RPF.
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Master Lists: Dean Winchester // Main
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mxssingmemories · 10 months
Go Fish, Bitch
Pairings: Jensen Ackles x teen!reader, a little bit of Jared Padalecki x teen!reader as well
Summary: When Jensen gets bored, he tends to cause chaos. Today, he brings Y/N into the chaos, and she loves it. In which a card game commences, and Jensen loses by a long shot.
Warnings: None. Pure, tooth-rotting fluff.
Word Count: 870 ish.
A/N: Hello lovelies! I'm going to try to start writing for the SPN cast, I honestly really love their dynamic. As always, requests are open :) Feel free to send in any asks/requests/random thoughts!
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Standing at the door to Y/N's trailer, Jensen knocked twice. Another boring day on the set of Supernatural meant he had nothing to do. He'd already teased Jared and Misha and filmed his scenes, so for once he could say he had nothing to do.
A minute later, you opened the door.
"The hell do you want, Jense? You know I love you and all, but I'm really trying to do my homework." you grumbled, despite the goofy smile on your face. Truth be told, Jensen was one of your favorite people. Seeing as you were 16 and still in school, Jensen and you loved playing pranks on the rest of the cast. If you asked Jensen, you were the only one who had his sense of humor.
"I'm bored out of my mind, kiddo. I've filmed my scenes and Jare and Misha kicked me out, I literally have nothing to do."
"Fine," you sighed, "come on in." Opening the door, Jensen walked in, plopping down on the couch while you shut and locked the door.
"So, how're you doing today?" he asked, turning on the T.V.
"Please don't make me think about my life." you groaned, laying back on the couch. "what do you wanna do, anyways?"
"Well, I kind of brought cards..?" he said sheepishly, and a smile found its way onto your face.
"Fuck yeah! Ever played Go Fish?" you asked excitedly.
"Okay, first of all, language. Second of all, obviously, I'm not that old." he rolled his eyes, taking the pack of cards out of his jean pocket.
"You shuffle and I'll deal?" you asked, grabbing the hoodie in the corner of the room and doing your best to clean off the kitchen table. He nodded, and you set out a bag of chips. You both sat down, you dealing the cards and Jensen grabbing the bag of chips like it was a lifeline.
"Okay, I'll go first since you so rudely took my focus away from my homework. Any fives?" Jensen groaned and handed you his five, already prepared to lose the game.
"Any twos?" you asked with a smug grin on your face. At Jensen's shit-eating grin, you begrudgingly drew a card from the pile.
"Do you, my fair lady, happen to have any nines?" You sighed as you handed him your card. You both had 5 cards left-the game could go either way.
"Okay. Any threes?" You handed him another card, and he laid down the match with a proud expression on his face. "Aces?"
"Nope. Go fish, bitch." Jensen gasped, pretending to be offended. He drew a card.
"How dare thine disrespect me like that!" he exclaimed in a posh accent.
"Well, British guy, do you have any Kings?" Jensen threw his King across the table.
"Queens?" He once again threw a card at you. You decided to test your luck.
"Any twos?" He muttered some version of a curse word as he threw the card at your face. You had two cards left, and he knew he was screwed.
"Any fours?" He shook his head, and you drew a card with a sad expression on your face.
"Do you have any Aces?" he asked, hopeful. "Nice try, Jens. Nope! Go fishin'."
"Do you have any sevens?" you asked, and he once again handed you his card. "I'm really good at this," you mumbled, once again left with only two cards.
"Do you have any jacks, Jay?" you asked, your grin only getting wider when he handed you his card.
"Do you...Jensen Ackles... have an eight?" "Fuuuuck!" he exclaimed, hurling his card at you.
"I WIN!" you yelled, getting up and doing a victory dance that could only be described as terrifying.
"Y/N, you probably just alerted the whole crew of your little victory," Jensen sighed, throwing his head in his hands dramatically.
"Well excuse me if I'm a little excited about my win. I've been having a rough day, you can't rain on my fishy parade."
Jensen accepted the loss, and gathered the cards, putting them back in the box. He smiled as you practically dragged him to the couch, throwing yourself on top of him to get in your self-proclaimed "spot".
"Watch yourself, squirrel, or I'll throw you right off the couch!"
"Yeah, yeah. Whatcha wanna watch?" you questioned, grabbing the remote off the floor where it fell during your scuffle.
"Brooklyn Nine-Nine?" he asked hopefully, and did a happy dance as well as he could from his position. You put on his favorite episode, the one where Jake tries to join a bike group to find out evidence.
You both end up falling asleep curled up on the couch, and when Jared comes to get you because you missed a scene, he audibly 'awws' when he sees the scene. Quickly taking a photo and posting it on his Instagram to make the father-daughter fans happy, he wakes you two up gently.
"Y/N, honey, you missed your cue. The directors are calling for you, c'mon."
At his call, you rush out of the trailer, homework long forgotten.
Jensen may or may not finish it for you, but if asked, he will definitely deny it. It's a dad's duty, right?
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Is this the one where they are married too?
Destiel prompt #XX
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Please Don't Leave
Summary: Friends to lovers to friends, that can work, right? 
Warnings/Genres/Troupes: angst, fluff, Jensen in his thicc Soldier Boy era (that’s a warning in itself!)
W/C: 4.3k
Characters: Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki. Small Parts/Mentioned: Karl Urban, Jack Quaid, Gen Padalecki.
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x reader (you - no descriptions of body type or ethnicity).
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sofreddie · 6 months
Resigned 5
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Summary: Jensen and Y/N enjoy their Mate Leave, getting to know one another better. But Y/N still struggles to adjust to life as a mated Omega.
Characters: Alpha!Jensen x Omega!Reader
Warnings: A/B/O Dynamics, Omegas are second-class citizens/mistreated, Angst, Fluff
WC: 3210
A/N: It only took a year to get to the next chapter! I'm so sorry about that. Life, inspiration (or lack thereof), and so many reasons why writing has been quite difficult lately. But at least I'm still doing the doing!
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
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"All I ask," he pleaded, taking her hands in his own, "Is that you be mine. Give me and us an actual, real chance together."
A hint of a smile graced her lips as she leaned in and kissed the corner of his mouth, "Okay, Jay," she agreed, and she felt the swell in his heart as she spoke his name for the first time. "Together."
When they went to bed that night, Y/N was expecting her Alpha would want her. But Jensen surprised her, wanting to settle into bed and hold her close. She relaxed as his warmth and scent surrounded her, feeling her walls coming down. She enjoyed being close to him and his solid but careful touch. She gave in to her Omega's need to be held and comforted, ignoring her mind telling her it was not that simple.
"Tell me about you, Y/N," Jensen's voice broke their stillness. "About your life."
"I don't know what to say," she sighed. After she told him the truth, she was sure he'd want nothing to do with her. But her Omega and their bond pushed her to respond. "A traditional family raised me, and when I presented, they tried to arrange a mate-" Jensen growled under his breath at that, and Y/N buried herself deeper into his chest with a whimper. He shushed and soothed her with his hands running over her back and sides, so she cautiously continued.
"I've never behaved like an Omega should, and I didn't want to be married off to some random Alpha just because that's what I was supposed to do," She huffed in anger at the memory. "So they disowned me. I went on my own and went on the strongest suppressants I could find."
"So it's just been you?" Jensen asked in concern. When she nodded, his heart broke. "How long?"
"Ten years," she sniffled and shook her head. "I've had friends and some boyfriends," she admitted, and Jensen fought back the bristle. "But I never really fit in anywhere or with anyone."
"That's because you were supposed to be with me," Jensen insisted, leaning over to cup her cheek, smiling when she leaned into his touch. Though her heat and his rut were mainly passed, their bond drew out the need. It didn't help that she was completely free of any suppressants or blockers, her body ready for him with his gentle but warm touch.
"Sleep, Omega," he insisted, a hint of command underlining his tone.
She couldn't protest, curling further into him and hiding away in his comforting scent. It started to scare her how much she truly needed and wanted him.
When she woke in the morning, she was alone. Jensen's side of the massive king-sized bed was empty. His scent permeated everything, especially the soft, silky sheets against her skin. She didn't want to get out of bed, but if Jensen was awake, she needed to get up, too.
She threw on some sweats and a tee and made her way to the kitchen, seeing Jensen sitting at the counter on a stool, his laptop open in front of him.
"Good morning," she smiled warmly, pouring herself a cup of coffee and pulling out the items to make a quick breakfast.
"Morning," he replied, shifting in his seat. His scent was tinged with worry and concern.
She looked at him suspiciously, "What's going on?"
He deflated quickly, starting to understand that they couldn't hide much from each other. A sixth sense began to develop between them.
"Nothing," he tried, but her narrowed gaze made him huff a breath. "I was just completing the paperwork for our mating," he explained, and she nodded. "Did you know your Dad put a mating fee on you?"
Her eyes widened as she stared at him in shock, "A…mating fee?" she clarified.
Jensen sighed and shook his head, "Yeah, I guess after you declined the arrangement with that other Alpha, he was out the dowry. He never officially reported you as disowned, just as a wayward Omega." She scowled at his words. A Wayward Omega was essentially a disobedient runaway. "Since we mated, he's demanding a mating fee, a reimbursement of the dowry he lost."
"Jensen," she swallowed hard. "I swear I didn't know-"
"I already paid it."
He smiled as he came around the counter, wrapping her in his arms and kissing her head. "I already paid it, Omega. This morning, he signed the paperwork to relinquish his rights as your Alpha."
She started to sob, and Jensen held her tighter, his concern growing. "I swear, Alpha, I didn't know. I wouldn't do that."
"I know."
He wasn't sure if she was aware, but he never thought she'd have set him up, maliciously kept it from him, or even sought out his money. He just genuinely wondered if she knew. But now, he was sure she was clueless about it. She didn't even know she was listed as Wayward. He was suddenly even more grateful to have found her when he did. Her sobbing grew until Jensen was forced to bark an Alpha command just to get her to calm down.
"I'm not angry, Y/N," he gently explained. "So why are you so upset, Honey?"
She took a deep breath and met his eyes. "Not only did you claim me, but you bought me," she complained, her lip quivering. "You own me in every way someone can be owned," she answered.
He encouraged her to rest against his chest, his arms holding her tight. "The world may see it that way, Y/N. But I don't. You're not just something to be owned."
"I don't understand," she continued, pulling from his embrace entirely, her frenzy taking control. "I don't understand why. Because I'm a bad Omega, I've been nothing but trouble. I've been rejected by my job, home, and society."
Jensen watched as she completely unraveled before his eyes. He could understand the meltdown; so much was happening in her life. Not to mention the overwhelming emotions flowing between them from their bonding. She was spiraling out of control, and he needed to reel her back in.
"Y/N," he called to her, taking her into his arms when she stopped pacing. "I will never reject you," he promised. "We belong together, and I'd do anything to keep you by my side, including paying some damn extortionist fee." Her breath hitched, but her body softened into his hold. "But I won't force you to be with me or to reciprocate if you don't want this." It would kill him to let her go, but he'd have to let her go if she wasn't happy with him or couldn't believe she could be.
She knew she belonged to the Alpha when she was eventually claimed, and his responsibility was to provide while hers was to maintain the home and kids. Just because he happened to be kind and wealthy shouldn't have changed that for her, but somehow it did. It made her feel like she was taking advantage, even if she wasn't. She didn't feel like she deserved any of it, especially him.
She could see the worry in his eyes, feel his concern through their bond, and she felt awful for doing that to him. She could feel his love for her, the truth of it, through their bond. Her emotions were everywhere, and she struggled to reconcile everything.
"I'm just scared and angry and lost, Jay," she spoke, tucking herself into him. "I'm sorry."
"We're good?" he asked, pecking her lips when she nodded.
"Now let me make you breakfast, Alpha," she smiled, turning towards the stove.
"You don't have to do things like that for me," Jensen spoke, but she turned on him with a warning glare, a brow raised for emphasis.
He raised his hands in defense, backing out of the kitchen to sit back on his stool. He grinned as he watched Y/N work. Honestly, it was nice to have someone taking care of him. He'd been alone so long he almost forgot what it was like.
Completing the paperwork, he closed the laptop and pushed it aside just as she placed a plate of eggs, bacon, and toast in front of him. His stomach rumbled, and he dug in, not realizing how hungry he was. He scarfed it down in no time, making Y/N laugh as she took his plate and refilled it before sitting beside him with her own.
Y/N was excited and nervous as she scrambled through the large kitchen of the home she shared with her Alpha, Jensen. For the past two weeks, they had spent every waking moment together, enjoying their Mate Leave - and enjoying was most certainly the proper word. Jensen had kept his promise, treating her with love and respect; his eyes and smile were always filled with light and excitement just for her. It made it easier to hold up her promise to him, to give them a genuine try and chance.
It certainly helped that the sex was amazing. Y/N didn't know it could be so good and that a partner could be so attentive. Jensen was awakening her to her most primal desires. Her Omega was thoroughly satiated and more than eager for her Alpha at any given time. At first, it wasn't easy. She was torn between her utter defiance of being an Omega and trying to be everything an Omega in this world was supposed to be for their Alpha. It took a few days and Jensen's constant encouragement for her to find that balance. Once she did, everything clicked in place.
Today, however, was the last day of their mated leave. Jensen had to return with Jared to Vancouver in the morning and insisted on Y/N coming with them. Their bags were already packed, and she spent most of her day in the kitchen, creating a lavish meal. In less than an hour, her Alpha's parents would be coming to meet her.
Glancing at the clock for the umpteenth time, she rushed to put the final touches on the platters of food ready to be consumed. With a nod and a smirk, she approved of her work, hoping to make the best impression. Although they were true mates, she felt others wouldn't accept her. Or, more importantly, that they wouldn't allow her the freedoms her Alpha had.
"Looks and smells amazing, Omega," Jensen spoke as his arms wrapped around her waist from behind, holding her closely.
"Thank you, Alpha," she beamed up at him.
He leaned down, capturing her lips in a kiss that curled her toes. She couldn't stop the whine as they pulled apart, a knock at the door breaking their little bubble. He chuckled and stole another peck before taking her by the hand to answer the door.
Y/N stood silently by her Alpha's side as they greeted Jensen's parents. She could feel how elated her Alpha was, his family together in his home. She did her best to remain quiet and smile gently but quickly grew overwhelmed.
Being off her suppressants and blockers made the bond between her and her Alpha light up in neon. But with other people and scents around, she was worried she couldn't handle it. Determined to make her Alpha happy and proud, she swallowed down her insecurities and worries as best she could.
She watched with rapt attention as Jensen's father, Alan, removed the collar from his Omega, tucking it away. She rubbed absentmindedly at her neck. True to his word, Jensen never made her wear the collar. Although, they hadn't been back out into the world again, having spent their leave in his Austin home.
His mother - Donna, she learned - was lacking in sores or redness or any indication of extended collar wear or abuse. She looked over her shoulder and smiled warmly at her Alpha once the collar was removed.
It was completely different from anything she'd known or understood. Growing up, her family was very traditional. Omegas were not allowed to be individuals but were raised and trained to belong to an Alpha. Once she learned that her father had selected an Alpha for her to be given to, she ran from that life and those traditions, hiding as a Beta.
After her time with Jensen and enjoying the easy-going dinner with his family, she wondered if these people were more of a light in the darkness. A possible hope that things might change in the future. After dinner, Jensen took his father to the backyard to enjoy drinks and talk. Y/N focused on cleaning up as his mother came to assist.
"So, how are things going?" Donna asked with a gentle smile. "You settling in okay?"
"Um, yeah," Y/N nodded, a bit of anxiety creeping in. "Jensen's been a good Alpha."
"He better be," she responded, scoffing as she loaded the dishwasher. "If he doesn't, you tell me, and I'll put him in his place."
Y/N's eyes widened at Donna's words, making the older woman chuckle at her shock.
"We raised Jensen to be an honorable man and a good Alpha. Jensen is different," she explained. "So is his father. To them, an Alpha's job is to provide and protect. Jensen works with different organizations to try and fight Omega laws and the OE."
"But why?" Y/N finally voiced. "They're Alphas. Why would they care about how Omegas are treated?"
"Because they understand that we're all people, and our genetics shouldn't dictate otherwise," she said with a little edge. "Have you never been around people who treated you like a person?"
"No," Y/N sighed, shaking her head. "I hid as a Beta. Before that, my family was rigorous and traditional regarding Omegas. I didn't want to be owned." Her hand ran over the claiming mark at her neck as the memories swept her away, darkness filling her eyes.
"Omega, you okay?" Jensen's voice had her snapping back to reality, her hand dropping as she met his questioning gaze.
"Yes, Alpha. I'm fine," she flashed a tight smile. Donna exchanged silent looks with Jensen and his father behind him.
"That'll be the new bond," Alan piped up as he moved to hold his wife. "Can feel every little thing," he said as he smiled at her.
"Ah, to be young and newly mated," Donna swooned. "So, how did you meet?" she asked giddily. "Tell me everything."
Jensen and Y/N exchanged a worried look, awkwardly casting their eyes to the floor. Jensen rubbed the back of his neck and couldn't meet his mother's eyes.
"I was in a rut," he began, quickly recanting their meeting, his scent souring with shame. The more he thought about it, the more angry he became with himself for letting it get so bad. He had dreamed his whole life of finding his mate, and when he did, he'd scared her half to death and practically forced himself on her. Even though they'd reconciled and were moving past it, he didn't think he'd fully forgive himself for how they bonded.
After an extended and uncomfortable silence filled with disapproving glares from his parents and ever-growing scents of anger and disappointment, Donna finally spoke.
"Well, you'll spend the rest of your life making it up to her. Won't you?" she pointedly asked with a raised brow.
Jensen swallowed hard and nodded, "Yes, Ma'am. I promise," he grabbed Y/N's hand, squeezing it for emphasis and looking at her so she knew he truly meant it and promised her as well.
The rest of the night went much better, the aggression and awkwardness fading. Y/N was more than surprised at his parent's reaction. He was their son and an Alpha, yet they berated him for his actions. Their scents were full of protectiveness over her. She was amazed at their attitudes and freedoms and how they treated her. It gave her even more hope for the future.
Even so, she was grateful when they left, leaving her alone with her Alpha again. While feeling better about being Jensen's Omega, she still had many concerns about what lay ahead for them. She knew Jensen could feel her turmoil, and as he sat beside her on the couch, she knew they would talk about it.
"What's wrong, Y/N?" Jensen's tone was soft and pleading. He knew that she and his parents immediately hit it off, liking each other. But something was making her incredibly uncomfortable.
"Nothing, Alpha," she quickly replied, her face falling as Jensen gave her a look. She sighed, relenting, "I don't know how to be Omega. I'm trying to be a good Omega, but the only thing I know about good Omegas is being submissive and quiet. But you're not happy with that either."
"Hey," he soothed, wrapping his arm around her and tucking her close into his side. "I don't want you to be anyone other than yourself. We talked about this."
"I know," she admitted, dropping her head with a sigh. "I'm trying. And I don't want to disappoint you or your parents."
"Something else is bothering you."
She wanted to deny it and tell him everything was alright. She rubbed at her claiming mark absentmindedly as she carefully thought over her words. Chewing on her lip, she turned to face him, dropping her hands into her lap and taking a deep breath.
"I'm nervous about the move to Vancouver," she exhaled a relieved breath. "I've been on my own before, but not as an open and claimed Omega. I'm worried that without you there, I'm going to mess up, or something's going to happen."
Jensen shushed her and brought her into his arms once more, soothing away the growing panic crashing over her.
"You'll like Vancouver," Jensen spoke as he rocked her. "It's more progressive. Omegas still have to wear collars, but laws are changing rapidly."
"I'm sorry," she wiped away the tears that streamed down her face and dripped off her chin. "Other than my time with you, being an Omega has been hell. It's hard to suddenly feel so caged and restricted, to think of every step I take and everything I do in terms of whether it will get me in trouble or not. Honestly, I feel great about you and us," she insisted, cupping his cheek. "It's everything else that has me going crazy. And I know you'll do everything possible to make me feel equal. But that doesn't change the world or how it sees and treats me."
He didn't argue. Knowing she was right and not understanding how to improve it, he pulled her into his lap and settled back into the couch, holding her close and tucking her into the crook of his neck. He knew his scent would help calm her. In that moment, he wanted to take on the world, to force it to realize how wrong it was to subjugate anyone in such a way. Weren't we all just people?
But he was only one man. Even with the help of friends and family, how much change could any of them do? Regardless, his precious Omega was more than worth at least trying. If somehow he could, he would change the world for her.
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k-slla · 9 months
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Welcome to my Masterlist!
All my work is entirely fiction and I mean no harm to Jensen or his family. I truly adore them .
Some works will contain ADULT CONTENT and they will be marked so.
All kinds of feedback is appreciated so if you enjoy, please like, reblog or comment :)
Requests - CLOSED
Dividers created by @cafekitsune ❤️
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Broken hearts
Us together
At your Mercy (18+ ONLY)
Just some fluff
To the Sky (18+ ONLY)
Hello, goodbye
Wish You Were Here
You let go of me, so let me go
The Best Kind of Stress Relief (18+ONLY)
Always and Forever
Like A Wrecking Ball (18+ONLY)
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The road so far (Currently on hiatus)
Watching Over Me
Dreams do come true (18+ ONLY)
New Traditions (18+ ONLY)
In The Cold Of Winter
Darkness Within You (18+ONLY )
Stuck with me
Part Of Me I've Lost
Birthday Wishes (18+ONLY)
Minute Past Midnight (18+ONLY)
You'll forever be my always (18+ONLY)
Too Good to be True
Call It Fate
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With You At Last
Lover, please stay (18+ONLY)
Fate, Or Something Like It 1 & 2 (18+ONLY)
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Masterlist will be regulary updated!
If you'd like to be tagged in any upcoming stories, please let me know! :)
I do not allow my works to be reposted/published on Tumblr or on any other sites.
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 8 months
Imagine...Tailgating With Your Family
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Pairing: Jared x daughter!reader (with Uncle Jensen)
“Dad,” you groaned as he tugged you along through the parking lot. “Oh my God. Dad.”
“Am I embarrassing you?” he teased. “Come on, you used to love tailgating the games last year.”
“Well now I actually go to this college so you know, odds are I see someone I know,” you said.
“You want to sneak a beer while mom’s not looking or not?” he asked.
“Oh mom doesn’t care,” you said. “She says don’t be a dumbass is all.”
“I’ll be on as good of a behavior as you are,” you said with a smile.
“Had to be a little smartie,” he mumbled, throwing his arm around you, pulling you into a noogie.
“There’s some cute boys over there. Want me to say hi?” he laughed.
“I will murder you,” you said, your dad chuckling as he stopped at the back of the Ackles’ truck.
“Who we murdering?” asked Jensen, sipping on his beer from his lawn chair.
“Father. Potentially,” you said.
“You just let me know when and where, kiddo,” said Jensen.
“Dude,” said your dad, taking a beer out of the cooler.
“Eh, I’m joking. Mostly,” said Jensen, your dad rolling his eyes as he handed you a beer. “Oh. Look at the rebel.”
“Uncle Jay,” you said. “You literally gave me my first-“
“Ahhhhhh,” he said, Jared crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow. “Your child is delusional.”
“Well I knew that,” said your dad, digging through the back of the truck and tossing some sunscreen at you.
“Don’t complain when you get a sunburn then,” he said.
You groaned as he smirked, heading over to the grill close by.
“You do burn pretty easy, kiddo,” said Jensen.
“I know, I know,” you said, rubbing some cream into your skin. He stood up and got the back of your neck and shoulders where you’d missed a few spots. “Where are the kids?”
“Bathroom trip. You know that guy over there is checking you out,” he said.
“No he isn’t,” you said, cracking open your beer. You took a sip, Jensen chuckling as he walked over towards the grill. “Tell dad I want a hotdog please.”
“Mhm,” he said.
You felt a poke on your shoulder and you spun around, staring straight at Billy Dalton’s bare chest.
“Hey, Padalecki,” he said with a smirk. 
“Hi,” you said, forcing your head to stay up and not at his shirtless chest. 
“You mind if I borrow some of that sunscreen?” he asked.
“Sure,” you said, handing over the tube.
“Thanks. I didn’t think you were much into football,” he said.
“My family’s always been super into UT football since we moved here,” you said.
“I thought you were local,” he said.
“I had an untraditional childhood,” you said with a smile. “But I’ve been here since middle school.”
“Me too. I was always too tiny to play football at my school if you can believe it,” he said.
“Really? I totally thought you were a jock...and that sounded so bad.”
“It’s cool, Padalecki. I played baseball and I got a 4 on my AP English test. Complete package right here,” he said.
“Seriously? No one in my school scored a 4,” you said.
“Life was very interesting being the dorky cool guy,” he said. “Trying to leave that behind now that we’re in college and all that.”
“You’re an English major, right?”
“Education. I’d like to be an English teacher though,” he said.
“My grandma was an English teacher,” you said.
“Seriously? That’s awesome,” he said. 
“Hey, Y/N,” said your dad, wandering over with a smile and a hot dog for you. “Who’s your friend?”
“This is Billy. He’s in my English 203 class,” you said.
“203, huh. You must be a reader then,” said your dad.
“Mhm,” you said, your dad still smiling at you. “Thanks.”
“Hey Billy. How old are you?” he asked.
“Twenty and you’re a freshman?” asked your dad.
“I had to take a year off after high school. My dad was in a bad car accident over that Fourth of July that year. I stuck around home to help out,” he said.
“Well that’s a very selfless thing to do,” he said with a nod. “Y/N, you can go hang out with your friends if you want.”
“Mhm,” you said as he walked away. “Sorry about him. He likes to you know, be a dad and harass his children.”
“That’s cool. Mine’s the same way. Thanks for the sunscreen, Padalecki,” he said as he turned to go. “You uh, want to grab lunch after class Monday?”
“Cool. See ya, Padalecki,” he said. You smiled and turned around, your dad and Jensen sipping on a beer at the back of the truck with shit eating grins. “What?”
“I smell a boyfriend incoming,” said Jensen.
“She knows what she’s doing,” said your dad with a smirk.
“I will tell mom and Aunt De what you two got up to last weekend unless we never discuss this again,” you said.
“How is she so scary for being so tiny,” said Jensen.
“I learned if from you two,” you laughed, throwing your head back. “Shit, I forgot to get the sunscreen back.”
“Take it from two previously twenty year old boys. He kept it on purpose,” said your dad.
“When was that? 300 B.C.?” you asked.
“Why don’t you go get back my sunscreen or I’ll tell your parents what you got up to last night,” said Jensen with a smirk.
“I thought you were staying over your friend Sara’s,” said your dad. 
“Of course I did,” you said, shooting Jensen a look. He sipped on his beer and smiled. 
“Oh yeah. Of course she did,” he said, knowing very well you called him and asked him for a ride and to crash in their guest room when you partied a little too hard the night before.
“I hate you both,” you groaned as you headed back towards where Billy was with his friends.
“Love you too, kiddo. Now hurry up. Game starts soon.”
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impalaimagining · 1 year
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How about something with Jensen teasing you during a panel and you know you’re in for it that night after SNS? 😏
Jensen Ackles x Reader
672 words
Warnings: implied smut
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He’s been throwing glances your way all morning, and the mid-afternoon main panel is no different. Sitting front row has never felt more like you’re in the spotlight. Ever since your photo op, you’ve been the target of his affectionate teasing.
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The shirt you were wearing had holes in it, and Jensen wrapped his arm around you a little too closely during your first photo op. You stepped away and his finger ended up inside your shirt, running along your ribcage.
“Oh!” Jensen tried to pull his hand back, but just ended up getting more tangled in the frayed fabric, the sound of cloth ripping echoing through the air as the song playing on the speaker came to an end. “Shit…” He muttered. “Uh, come over here.”
Jensen pulled you to the side of the photo op room, only after he literally tore your shirt half off ina  room full of people.
“Sorry.” You mumbled, looking at the floor. “Should’ve picked a different shirt.”  Jensen chuckled. 
“You mean you don’t like me undressing you in public?” He smirked.
Son of a bitch.
“Uh, um… I…” You stammered, making Jensen’s grin grow and a low laugh fell from his lips.
“You’re fine, darlin’. I’m sorry I ruined your shirt. Give Clif your name and room number and I’ll have another one sent to your room.” Jensen squeezed your shoulder. “Or… wait.” He held up his finger to the handler across the room, who rolled her eyes and huffed visibly. Jensen led you to the merch table in the middle of the vendors’ room. “Hi.” He smiled at the woman behind the table, piled high with t-shirts. “She’s gonna pick a shirt,” Jensen looked down at you, where you were still tucked into his side, his arm around your shoulders, “and whatever else she wants, and it’ll be on my tab. Call me over after this round of photo ops and I’ll pay for it.”
“Jensen, you-” you started, eyes wide in shock, but Jensen cut you off.
“Ah.” He closed his eyes. “I don’t wanna hear it. I fucked up your shirt, I’m gonna buy you a new one.” 
“Y- you don’t have to do that.” You tried again, but Jensen just raised his brows. “Fine.” You sighed. “Since you’re buying it, why don’t you choose it?” Jensen smiled and nodded, eyes glancing over the endless sea of t-shirts laid out in front of him.
“That one.” He said definitively, almost proudly.
His - well, Dean’s - face made up the entire front of the shirt, and the name “Dean” sprawled down one side while “Winchester” snaked down the other. 
“And a coffee mug, and a pint glass.” Jensen added, and you looked up at him with furrowed brows. “For when I take you out for a drink and then coffee the next morning.” He whispered with a quick wink. Your heart pounded in your chest as the woman handed you the bag of merchandise. Jensen squeezed your shoulder again, apologizing one more time before you went separate ways. 
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Jensen’s eyes scan the crowd and find you almost immediately. A grin spreads across his lips when he sees you’ve changed into the Dean Winchester shirt. He continues to let his gaze land and linger on you as he answers questions, regardless of whether not they pertain to anything about you. Then there’s a question about coffee.
Instantly, Jensen’s stare is fully on you. He mentions the way he drinks his coffee, and then he says something that makes your heart leap.
“If I’m lucky, I get to share my morning coffee with someone. If I’m even luckier, my morning coffee gets cold sitting on the counter while me and someone get back in bed.”
The wink Jensen sends in your direction is enough to send someone straight to the hospital, but lucky for you, it just sends you to Jensen’s hotel room. The next morning, his coffee never even makes it into the mug; the two of you stay tangled in the sheets.
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Forever Tags: @atc74 @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce @beththedemonhunter @blacktithe7 @caswinchester2000 @chelseadanielle19 @countrygal17a @danathewitchywoman @deansgirl7695 @deanwanddamons @elizzysnow13 @ellen-reincarnated1967 @emoryhemsworth @esoltis280 @essie1876 @feelmyroarrrr @foxyjwls007 @heartsaved @hillface89 @holyfuckloueh @hunterpuff @in-deans-arms @ladylachesis @lilredniki @linki-locks11 @mottergirl99 @mrswhozeewhatsis @notyourtypicalrose @plaid-lover-bay25 @riversong-sam @sandlee44 @sea040561 @shaelyn102 @smoothdogsgirl @snackles87 @soulmates8 @speakinvain @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @spnbaby-67 @supernatural3002 @superromjin @tumblr-tidbits @vicmc624 @voltage-my2dlove @wayward-gypsy
Jensen Tags: @adoptdontshoppets @akshi8278 @cherrycokegirls1 @clarewinchester @dean-winchesters-bacon @deanandsamsbitch @deansgirl215 @fandom-princess-forevermore @iamabeautifulperson18 @lessons-of-red @mereka18 @princessofthefandomrealm @shamelesslydean @torn-and-frayed @yoursmilemakesmeloveyou
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impala-dreamer · 6 months
Smokin' In The Green Room
A Short Story
~Settle in for a pre-show party as you relax with Jensen and Rob in the Green Room before a concert.~
Jensen Ackles x Reader. Rob Benedict x Reader, Cameos by Louden Swain
1,757 Words
Warnings: NSFW. Drug Use. Spit Roast. Smut. Comedy
Impala-Dreamer’s Masterlist  ~  Patreon  ~ Published Works
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The Green Room is quiet; the rest of the band has yet to come back from dinner, and everything is still.
Squashed on the couch between Rob and Jensen, you linger in a drifting haze of lust and drugs, inhaling hit after hit off of Jensen’s fancy joints. He’d rolled them himself; a fact that he announces every five minutes lest either of you forget how talented he is.
The drugs are strong.
The room alternates pulsing and spinning in your head and things seem fuzzier and funnier the longer you sit there.
“You know what’s ridiculous?” you say, laughing to yourself as Jensen passes the dutchie over your head.
“What’s that?” he asks, nuzzling into the crook of your neck as he exhales.
The smoke swims around your face and you suck in a lingering wisp, coughing as it burns your lungs.
“Is that they didn’t have more sex. I mean- Dean- he used to have a lot of sex, ya know?” You turn to face him, concern tightening your features. “And then it just- stopped. Why’d it stop, Dean? Why?”
Jensen laughs, his head falling back against the sofa. “I wish I knew.”
Rob inhales deeply, joint pinched between two guitar-calloused fingers. “Chuck didn’t want to watch anymore. Too much porn.”
“So much porn!” you laugh. “Oh man- could you imagine you on HBO? Jesus fuck.”
“We wouldn’t have lasted.” Jensen says honestly.
“Are you kidding me?” Getting up and spinning around you sit on your knees on the couch. “Do you know what I’d give to have Dean Winchester buck naked fucking and- hell, saying fuck?”
Jensen bites back a smile and his hand lands on your knee. “You wanna see that?” he asks, tone losing all laughter and taking on an intoxicatingly delicious edge.
Your heart skips too many beats and your mouth waters. “I so do.”
Something in his face turns; his brows furrow, eyes narrow, face seems to drop into place. In an instant, he is Dean Winchester.
“You wanna see me fuck, Sweetheart?” he says, voice dark and graveled just like Dean’s.
Breathless, you stare at him, leaning in without realizing it. “I would watch that on repeat every fucking day all fucking day forever.”
His hand slides up your thigh. “And what if you couldn’t see it?”
A frown turns your lips. “Why not?”
“What if you were the one being fucked?”
Heart in your throat, your stomach flips. “Oh god. Yes. Fuck.”
Jensen’s fingers slide higher and his free hand reaches for you. You lean in and he cups the back of your head as his plump lips graze over yours. His kiss is deep and rich and made for television.
Pulling back, you laugh softly. “You kiss different than Dean,” you tease.
Jensen is back and he smiles. “Who’s better?”
Staring at his shining lips, you grab a fistful of his henley shirt. “Oh, you. For sure.”
Beside you, Rob squirms a bit, turning in his seat to see you head on. He clears his throat but your kiss doesn’t end, Jensen seemingly more enthused when he realizes you’re being watched.
“Uh, guys?”
Finally coming up for air, you turn to find Rob staring, cheeks flooded with a pink blush.
Ideas swim in your head.
“I’m sorry, Chuck. You feeling left out?”
He has no time to answer. Quickly, you lean to the side and peck his lips; Jensen’s hand on your back pushes you over, urging you on.
Rob’s beard tickles your cheeks and he sighs into your mouth, his tongue curious yet timid.
“Mmm you taste like honey,” you moan, nearly falling into his lap.
He blushes again and licks his lips. “I-I just had some tea.”
You smile and grab a handful of salt and pepper hair. “You’re cute.” A lick across his lips closes his eyes and Rob opens up for you, moaning softly as you nibble on his lips. “And so sexy…”
“Yeah?” He melts at your touch, blue eyes wide and watery.
“So much.” You readjust on the sofa, turning fully so that your Jensen has full view and access to your plump ass. “Wish you could just snap those fingers and whip off my clothes…” Rob exhales deeply against your nearing lips. “Slam me up against the wall…” Your hand slides firmly down his chest and he bucks his hips as it approaches. “Fuck me senseless…”
He swallows hard. “That’d be amazing.”
Jensen brings a hand down hard over your ass. “Yeah. It would.”
Your whimper pushes into Rob and he lifts a hand to your cheek, holding you softly as the kiss deepens. He’s more sure now, more excited and hums against your lips as your hand cups his growing dick.
“Fuck…” One hand slides back to tangle in your hair, the other reaches for your tits, plucking at each nipple while you rub him through his jeans. “This is- yeah. Wow.”
“Would be even better,” Jensen says; hand pressing up against your covered pussy. “If she wasn’t so… clothed.”
You lift your lips from Rob’s kiss and look back over your shoulder. “You tryin’ get me naked, Ackles?”
He grins. “You bet.”
“You can just ask,” you tease, leaving Rob and standing up from the couch. “I’ll always do whatever you ask…” Slowly, your shirt leaves your body and you toss it in Jensen’s laughing face. Your pants slide off easily and you step out of them, standing before the boys in your bra and panties.
Rob’s jaw drops and Jensen shimmies in his seat, stretching out his legs and rubbing a hand down his thick thigh.
“What about the rest?” he says, voice darkening as his desire grows.
“Oh, this?” you tease, fingers hooked in the straps of your bra. “You… want me to take it off?”
He bites his lip hard and nods. “Now.”
Two snaps later and your bra falls to the floor. Forearm baring your tits, you lick your lips and enjoy the sight of them both staring and hungry.
Rob moans and presses a hand down over his erection, trying to look cool and failing miserably.
“You boys like?”
He nods quickly, eyes like a vast ocean. “So much.”
Jensen smirks and nudges him in the arm. “You should see the rest. In fact-” Green eyes dig into yours with authority and pride. “Show him.”
Instantly, your arm falls and you peel away your panties, eyes locked on Jensen.
Rob sucks in a deep breath. “Wow.”
Your cheeks burn under their gaze. “Thank you.”
Jensen opens his arms and you rush to him, stumbling a bit over your jeans as you go. You fall into his lap and he wraps his hands around you as his tongue dips between your lips.
Locked in his kiss, you reach for Rob with your right hand, grabbing hold of his collar and dragging him over.
You leave Jensen for a split second, giving Rob a wet kiss to keep him occupied.
“Want you both,” you whisper, rolling your hips over Jensen while your fingers sneak down to tease Rob. “Want you both inside of me.”
Jensen cups your tits and pinches hard. “I think that can be arranged. What do you say, Robbie?”
Rob licks at your lips and then sits back, spreading his knees as he reaches for his belt. “Let’s go.”
His zipper slides down and you pounce, leaving Jensen’s lap and falling to your hands and knees. Immediately, you take Rob’s stout cock in your mouth, slowly dragging your tongue across the thick head.
He jerks his hips and moans, his hand landing softly on your head. He follows your rhythm with gentle pulses of his fingers against your scalp and you hum over him, lips vibrating and happy.
Behind you, Jensen makes himself ready. He knocks his jeans down to his ankles, catching them on his boots, and settles in on his knees, hands capturing your ass. He gives you a squeeze and you push back against him, gasping as the tip of his cock nudges your hole.
“Fuck, Jensen, please…”
Rob grunts and pushes your head down onto his cock again; all signs of shyness have permanently vanished. “Keep going,” he growls and you do, taking him in as deep as you can and swallowing hard. “Fuck yes.”
Jensen’s blunt nails dig into your hips as he lines up and scores, sinking his thick cock deep into your dripping cunt. He groans, tips his head back and closes his eyes, savoring the tight clamp of your muscles around him.
When you push back, he starts to move, thrusting hard. Each slam of his hips sends you further down Rob’s cock and your eyes roll back into blackness.
Jensen fits a hand around your waist and rubs hard circles on your clit. Your legs start to shake and you scream around Rob’s delicious shaft.
“Fuck yes. Fuck me hard, Jensen. Fuck.”
The drugs have taken away any care of time or space. Anyone could walk into the room right now and get the show of the century, but you can’t seem to care. Let them hear you gag as Rob spills a hot load down your throat and you scramble to drink it down. Let them see you shake and whimper as you cum on Jensen’s cock. Let them watch as he pulls out and paints your lower back and ass in creamy white.
Let them see.
The Green Room is quiet as the rest of the band returns from dinner. A thick cloud of smoke lingers in the air and Billy swats it away as he walks in.
“What the hell guys, you coulda waited for us.” He breathes deeply and coughs as he takes a seat in the armchair across from Rob.
Borja follows, blinking into the fog and sniffing the air. “Why… does it smell like sex in here?”
Stephen eyes you suspiciously and you shrug, hands up, feigning innocence.
“Jensen rolled the joints! He’s very talented. Everyone tell him how talented he is.” The group watches in amused shock as you bounce up from the sofa and rush to the door, paranoid and giddy. “Have a great show, guys. I’ll be watching. Uh… break all your legs or whatever!”
The seat you leave behind is far from empty and Mike reaches down, retrieving your bra from the cushion.
“Uh, Y/N? I think this is yours.”
Busted, you catch the tossed bit of lingerie and grin as you back away. “Oops? Have fun!”
Rob laughs. “Already did.”
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2023 Forever Tags (Always Open! Send an Ask!)
@aditimukul @agirlwithdemonblood @akshi8278 @alwayskeepfightingsweetheart @babysimpala @beardburnsupersoldiers @charred-angelwings @chenshemesh1 @cosicas-cuquis @djs8891 @deans-baby-momma @deanwinchesterswitch @deansyahtzee @feelmyroarrrr @foxyjwls007 @hobby27 @iamsapphine @idreamofdeanie @ilsawasanacrobat @impalaspixie @iprobablyshipit91 @jackles010378 @justcallmeasmodeus @kazsrm67 @kittenofdoomage @k-slla @leigh70 @lyarr24 @mariekoukie6661 @maggiegirl17 @pandaxo79 @peachy-vans @pizzagirlxnsfwx @rachiem4-blog @roseblue373 @sacriceria @samwellwinchesterthebrave @sexyvixen7 @spideysimpossiblegirl @spnexploration @stevekempscocktails @the-wounded-healer05  
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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hunterscabin · 1 year
Safe With Us
Summary: The reader is an actress on Supernatural. When a routine fight scene causes you to panic and run off set, Jared and Jensen comfort you. In doing so, they learn about the abuse you’ve been suffering at the hands of your boyfriend, Nicholas.
Pairings: Jared x Reader; Jensen x Reader; OC Nicholas
Warnings: Mentions of physical and sexual abuse; feelings of helplessness; language 
Word Count: 2.2k 
Author’s Note: If your or someone you know is suffering from domestic abuse, The National Domestic Hotline can help. You can find more information and resources on their website athttp://www.thehotline.org/. If you are afraid your internet usage is being monitored, you can reach someone from The National Domestic Hotline by phone at 1-800-799-7233 or TTY 1-800-787-3224. Click HERE for domestic violence resources for those living outside the United States.
Sufferers of sexual assault can seek help through RAINN, the nation’s largest anti-sexual violence organization. They can be reached via a live chat on their website, https://www.rainn.org/, or by phone at 1-800-656-4673. Click HERE for sexual assault resources for those living outside the United States.
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Suddenly, Jared brought his arm above his head, his palm open flat ready to strike you. You immediately cowered, turning in on yourself and away from him.
“Hold!” Rich called from behind the camera. “Everything okay, Y/N?”
“Sorry. Reflex.” you called out, still hunched over trying to collect yourself. It took a moment, but you were finally able to stand upright.
“I don’t remember rehearsing a slap,” you remarked, more to yourself than to the surrounding crew.
“We didn’t rehearse an actual hit because he won’t be following through. Sam is simply threatening your character.” the stunt coordinator explained.
You nodded slowly in understanding. You were still rattled, but you figured it best to just continue with the scene. Filming was almost finished, and it was only a matter of time before you could go back to your trailer and decompress.
“Sorry,” you repeated to Rich, your eyebrows furrowed in apology.  
“No worries,” he reassured. “We’re still rolling. Everyone back to one.”
You made your way to your mark where Jared was already repositioned.
“You all right?” he asked, noticing your lingering anxiety.
“I’m fine,” you lied with a forced smile.
The crew settled and Rich called out, “Action!”
You and Jared began the fight sequence. You expertly maneuvered through the first few steps, deflecting a body check and pinning Jared against the doorframe. It wasn’t until his hand unfurled from your grip and reached over his head that you froze. Panic swept through you, and the whole room started spinning.
“Get it together, Y/N,” you thought as you closed your eyes and attempted to steady your breathing. You were trying to calm your shaking hands when Rich slid out of his chair and approached you.
“What’s going on, Y/N/N?” His voice was quiet and concerned.
“I think I just need a minute.” Your eyes remained fixed on the floor. Jared and Rich exchange a worried look.  
“I can do you one better than a minute.” Rich turned to the crew and yelled, “Seems like a good time to break for lunch. Everyone back in an hour!”
“Thank you,” you muttered, expertly dodging the comforting hand Rich was extending toward your shoulder. Before he could say anything, you were nearly running off set. Rich caught Jared’s gaze and nodded after you in silent suggestion that he should follow to make sure you were okay. Jared understood and was right behind you as you burst through the soundstage doors.  
“Y/N. Talk to me!” Jared urged as he chased after you.
“Jared, please. I just need a minute.” You didn’t even turn around to acknowledge him. You were too focused on the nervous energy coursing through your entire body. You picked up speed as your trailer came into view, but your quickened pace was no match for Jared’s long legs. He was somehow at your door before you, blocking the entrance.
“Jare,” you exhaled. Your tone was urgent and laced with a profound sense of fear and defeat.
He knew immediately that whatever was going on was serious, so he proceeded carefully. You were extremely independent, and he knew that you didn’t easily accept help or comfort.
“We don’t need to talk,” he compromised, “I just don’t want you to be alone right now.”
Knowing he would never relent, you conceded with a sigh and nodded your head for him to open the door. Once you were both inside, Jared moved to sit on the couch, never taking his eyes off you. As he watched you flit about your trailer, he tried to determine what was bothering you. You hadn’t been yourself for several weeks. It was a regular topic of conversation between him and Jensen. Honestly, the majority of the cast and crew had sensed that something was off, but no one had confronted you. Despite your positive and outgoing nature, you were never very open with your feelings. You were one of the strongest women many of them knew, but your resiliency was built upon a near refusal to let others in. You had grown up in a family not unlike the Winchesters and had been taught from a young age that any sign of weakness was unacceptable.
“Can I get you something to drink?” you asked, filling up your teakettle.
“Coffee would be good,” he replied, acknowledging that you were trying to keep busy. You pulled a pod of his favorite brew from your cabinet and placed it in your coffee maker.
“Milk and sugar?”
“Just milk, please,” he answered, getting up to join you in your kitchenette.
“Oat milk okay?” you asked, surveying the limited contents of your refrigerator.
Before Jared was able to reply, you grabbed the carton and turned around, not realizing that he was now right behind you. Your face collided with his chest and the milk immediately slipped from your hand. You both made an attempt to catch the falling carton, but it hit the floor with a thud. The cap came flying off and milk spouted up, showering you both.
After a moment of surprise, you looked up to see Jared smiling. You let out a small laugh.  
“Sorry about that,” you said, reaching for a nearby hand towel. 
“No use crying over spilled milk,” Jared quipped and you both chuckled. You handed Jared the towel, and he began wiping his face and shirt.
Your outfit fared worse in the whole debacle, and you absentmindedly removed your nearly soaking flannel. You froze the second your top layer hit the floor. Distracted by the universe’s small gift of comedic relief, you had completely forgotten that underneath, you were only wearing a tank top. You quickly reached for a sweater draped on the chair beside you and scrambled into the long sleeves, but it was too late. 
“Y/N,” Jared gasped, barely above a whisper. He slowly moved toward you and placed a gentle hand on your arm. He grimaced when you instinctively flinched at his touch. You turned to face him, using every fiber of your being to maintain a stoic face.
“What happened?” Your nervous hands had been unable to zip your sweater, and Jared gingerly pulled one of the open lapels away from your shoulder exposing a large bruise. “Oh, Y/N/N,” he whispered. You remained still as he moved your sleeve down a bit more. “Did Nicholas do this?”
“Yes.” You were both taken aback by your quick and straightforward answer.
“Some of these bruises look old, Y/N/N.”
“It’s been going on for a while.” There was no use in continuing to cover up the truth.
“Honey,” he breathed, still taking in the green and purple hues covering your exposed arm.  
“Jare, I’m…” you were interrupted as your trailer door swung open.
“Hey, Y/N/N, Rich told me what happened, and I…” Jensen stopped cold when he saw you. You immediately pulled away from Jared and shrugged your sweater back onto your shoulder, zipping it up to your neck and wrapping your arms around your stomach.
“Y/N.” Jensen’s voice was worried but stern. It didn’t take him long to piece everything together. “Nicholas.” he seethed through clenched teeth. The anger of his realization propelled him forward, and just as quickly as he’d barged in, Jensen was gone.  
You gazed up at Jared, and after an unspoken exchange, he turned to go after his friend.
“Jensen.” Jared called as he barreled down the steps of your trailer. “Jay. Stop.”
Jensen spun around. His face was knotted with rage. “I’m gonna kill him, Jare. I’m gonna fucking kill him.”
Several crew members stopped briefly at the commotion, but Jared waved them off with a tight smile.
“Slow down.” Jared reasoned. He grabbed Jensen by the shoulders. “I know how badly you want to hurt him. Hell, if he were here, I’d kill him myself, but it’s not going to help anything. What Y/N/N needs right now is for us to be there for her.”
Jensen saw the pleading in Jared’s eyes and took a deep breath to center himself.
“You know she’ll never admit it, but she needs us, Jay.”
“You’re right.” Jensen conceded after a moment, and Jared patted his shoulder in reassurance.
You heard the door push open and were immediately overcome with guilt when you saw the boys’ expressions. Jensen had tried to collect himself as he and Jared walked back to your trailer, but he was still visibly worked up. Jared’s eyes were sunken with pity. It was painful to see the hurt they felt for you; you never wanted to put your suffering onto someone else.  
“I’m sorry,” you breathed, “This is why I didn’t tell either of you. I knew you’d be upset, and I just couldn’t bear...” your confession was interrupted as Jensen pulled you into his strong arms.
“You have nothing to apologize for, Y/N/N.” he assured you.
“I’m still sorry.” you admitted, your words muffled in his shirt. His heart sank at your misplaced guilt, and he tightened his hold on you, one arm wrapping further around your waist while his other hand cradled your head.
“I know, sweetheart,” Jensen soothed “I know.” He kissed your forehead before resting his cheek against your temple. He continued to hold you while the three of you stood in apprehensive silence. In the comfort of his embrace, the hesitation and doubt you had in telling the boys about the abuse began to fade, but in its place, a terrifying vulnerability crept in. You had always been able to take care of yourself, but you were starting to understand that your current circumstances were beyond your control. You needed help, and the realization left you feeling exposed and dismayed. Jensen recognized the shift as your entire body tensed, and he guided you to the couch. He took a seat next to you, and Jared pulled up a chair directly in front of you.
“Y/N/N, we knew something was wrong.” Jared confessed, drawing a hand down his face. “We just didn’t want to press the issue. You’re so private, so…” he trailed off, struggling to find the right phrasing.
You knew he’d be too kind to bring up your faults at a time like this, so you offered some assistance, “Closed off? Stubborn?”
“Something like that.” he said with a humorless laugh.
“It’s clear that you’ve been going through something, Y/N/N, but we had no idea.” Jensen enveloped your hand in both of his. “I would have never guessed that he would be capable of hurting you like this.” He let out a deep sigh. Jared and Jensen remained quiet giving you the space to open up if you were ready. Their patience was rewarded when you broke the silence.
“I thought I could handle this on my own.” you began, your voice starting to break. You had been strong up until this point, but you could feel your defenses falling in the presence of their comfort.
Jared grabbed the seat underneath him and pulled it closer to you. He placed both hands on your neck, his thumbs wiping the silent tears that were now rolling down your cheeks. He leaned further in and placed a gentle kiss on your forehead. Still holding your face he pulled away to look at you. He could see how scared and hopeless you felt, and it broke his heart. “Y/N/N, darlin’, you do not have to do this alone,” his voice was quiet but firm, “We’re gonna get you away from him.”
Jensen took the hand on top of yours and moved it to your back, rubbing comforting circles. With his other hand still holding yours, he gently squeezed your grip. He leaned toward you and pressed a long kiss into your temple.
The love and concern you saw in both of their eyes sent you careening over your emotional edge. You let out a loud sob as the abuse you’d kept hidden and suppressed crawled out of the shadows and came for you. You told them everything, recounting the night he first hit you. How he struck you across the face, apologizing profusely after he realized what he’d done. How it happened a second time after he picked a meaningless fight. How he eventually stopped apologizing and started getting better at hitting you in places where no one would see. How he became more and more violent. How he started forcing himself on you when you would no longer agree to sleep with him.  
“Oh, sweetheart.” Jensen couldn’t take it anymore. He hooked an arm under your legs and laid them over his. He pulled your waist into him and held your face to his chest, kissing your forehead as he gently rocked you. “I’m so sorry, Y/N/N.”
Jared moved to sit next to you while you broke down in Jensen’s arms. Sobs racked your body and both men felt their own eyes begin to sting. They allowed you your moment of catharsis, neither of them being able to begin to understand the pain and suffering you’d been through. Once your sobs quieted, Jared took up your hands in his and rubbed his thumbs over your wrists.
“Y/N/N, baby girl, please look at me.” It took several seconds, but after a shaky breath, you found the courage to glance up at him. “You are safe with us,” Jared assured you, “He will never hurt you again. Ever.” An unwavering focus had replaced the sadness in his eyes.
You nodded, squeezing Jared’s hands as you nuzzled into Jensen’s chest. You knew in that moment they would do anything and everything to protect you, and for the first time in months, you felt a wave of peace and relief wash over you.
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runawaydr3amerao3 · 14 days
Fic Rec: 'Dreams' by @sam-is-my-safe-word (SPN/RPS, Demon!Dean/Jensen, Explicit)
Guys, it's another deliciously hot Jensen-character smut-fest from my bestie. This time it's literally Jensen getting fucked by a character of his own making. It's Dean! But not even just that, it's Demon Dean with all his magnetic nastiness. I mean, if we die, we die, right?
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And this is just chapter one. Can be read as a standalone, in my opinion, but I know chapter two will be just as delicious when it's written as well. I can reveal that that's when regular Dean will come in to make it all better. Ain't he a doll?
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So go read now or subscribe for updates later, but don't miss it. 💖
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janicho88 · 11 months
When It All Falls Apart -Chapter 8
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Pairing- Jensen x ex!Padalecki Reader
Word count- 2,736
Warnings- Some language. Dealing with a breakup. Sad reader. Angst, If I missed something let me know!
A/N- I'm hoping the tags work this time, I typed them all out this time instead of copying them like the last two chapters. A little off canon, SPN ended after 10 years. We still got all the characters in during that time though. Thank you to @writercole and @leigh70 for your help with this. You two are amazing!!
Summary-Y/N Padalecki loved acting on Supernatural.  Working alongside your older brother and your boyfriend, but after ten seasons the guys have chosen to hang up the guns.  Now the three of you are moving on to other projects, but that’s all that needs to change right?  While you have moved to Austin to be closer to your family and boyfriend, Jensen is working elsewhere.  Distance is only the start of your troubles.
Series Masterlist
Once you arrive back in Austin after the 4th of July family trip, you have some cleanup to do.  There are now two trips worth of dirty clothes in your room, the car is a mess, and you should see what else you managed to collect in your suitcase.   You spend the rest of Tuesday evening working on those things.
Wednesday morning, Gen and Jared leave for L.A.  They have meetings out there with the studio for Walker today and tomorrow.  A few last minute things have to be hammered out before filming begins two weeks from today. 
When it’s time to get lunch for Tom, you go through the cupboards, but don’t find much that interests the two of you.
“Buddy, I think we might need a grocery store trip,” you tell him with a frown.
“Do we have to?” he whines.
“Unless you want to eat radishes for lunch.”
He shakes his head with such disgust you can’t help but laugh.  After grabbing your purse, the two of you are off to the store.  As you are pushing a cart down the first aisle, you pass the bakery section.  
“That cake looks good, doesn’t?” you ask your nephew who is riding in the front of the cart.
He just nods his head.  You pick it up and set it in the cart, along with some fruit that Gen isn’t growing in the garden, and a gallon of milk for Tom.  Going down the snack aisle, Tom sees the boxes of goldfish crackers.
“Those are Unca Jensen’s favorites.”
You look at where he’s pointing, and a sad smile appears on your face.  “You're right buddy, they are.”
“We should get some for when he comes over.”
“I don’t know if he’ll be over anytime soon though.”
“How come?  I miss him.”
“I get that buddy, I really do.”
“Why don’t we see him anymore?  I used to get to see you and him when you were workin’ like daddy.”
“He’s really busy right now.”
“Can we try and call him later?”
Looking at Tom giving you the dang puppy dog look he inherited from Jared, you find it very hard to say no.  But, you know you aren’t going to be able to dial that number.  
“I’m sorry buddy, but he can’t talk right now.  Maybe he’ll be able to when your dad gets back.”
He looks like he might tear up, so you let him get the box of goldfish to give to Jensen the next time he sees him.  Walking further down the aisle, you see a bag of cheddar popcorn, you throw that in the cart, then some pretzels.  Passing by the freezers, a new tub of ice cream joins the party.  Standing in the checkout, a few candy bars. 
Loading the car, you realize you really didn’t get much in the way of actual food for Tom’s lunch.  You stop and grab fried chicken and some mashed potatoes on the way home.  There’s plenty to have leftovers for dinner too.
The next day, the two of you take a trip to the park.   The pizza and ice cream you picked up on the way home was totally Tom’s idea, after you may have mentioned it to him.  Back at the house, there is pizza, breadsticks, cheese fries, popcorn, pretzels, cake, Oreos, and some fresh baked cookies spread out on the table in front of the couch. Tom picks out Hercules and the two of you settle in to watch and pig out.
About halfway through the movie, you look over at your nephew still munching on popcorn.  “Hey Tom, do me a favor and don’t tell your parents we ate all this. Okay?”
“Okay, Aunt Y/N.”
The movie is over and you are working on cleaning up all the food when the front door opens.  You quickly get Tom behind you as you are slowly moving forward to get a peek at the entrance when your brother comes into sight.
“Hey gang!” He greets you both.
“Jare, I didn’t think you were coming back until later tonight.”
“The meetings went quicker than anticipated, and we found an earlier flight.”
“Great,” you tell him, slowly looking back over your shoulder.
Gen comes walking up behind you, having entered from the back and gone through the kitchen.  “Did we have a party guys?  There’s a lot of food here.”
“Guess what we had to eat?” Tom excitedly tells her everything he had the last two days.
“Really Tom? Thanks a lot buddy.”
“I only got one ice cream from the place, but Aunt Y/N, got two.”
“One was a drink.”
“It was ice cream.” Your nephew counters. 
“I’m going to finish cleaning up.”  You move back to the kitchen before anyone else can say a word.
Mess cleaned up, you are up in the bedroom laying on your bed with the bag of popcorn and the cookies when Gen knocks on the door.
“Hey,” you greet her.
“Hey, yourself.  Can I join you?”
“Sure, it is your house after all.”  You move to sit back against the headboard as she walks in.
She sits down beside you and grabs a cookie.  “I don’t know if I should be worried that you are taking your nephew through this breakup binge with you, or mad that you didn’t ask the pregnant lady to join?”
“It’s not a binge, it’s nothing.  Just some snacks.”
“It’s not you.  The crazy baking and cooking.  I saw all the food you cleaned up in the kitchen today.  When Jay first left to shoot the movie and you started staying here, you did something like this for a few days.  But it wasn’t to this extreme.”
“Gen, it’s…”
“Don’t tell me nothing.  This breakup is hitting you harder than you want to admit.  Honestly, I’m not sure you even realize it.”
She waits for you to say something, but you remain quiet.
“You haven’t gotten the rest of your stuff out of his place yet.  I think a part of you is still trying to hold on.  I know you were together a few years, but I don’t want to see this drag you down.”
“I didn’t want to tell mom we broke up, because that made it seem really real.  So will cleaning my stuff out of his house.   I still wake up some mornings and hope it was all just a nightmare, and I’ll call him up and he’ll tell me I was crazy for even dreaming that.”
“You tried to work it out, but decided ending things was the best option for you.  The more you fight moving on, the more it’s going to hurt you.” 
“I don’t know why it’s hitting so hard.  It's not like I saw him much the last few months anyways.”
“Yeah, but now you know you won’t be together when he comes back.  It’s hard, but sweetie you need to move forward.”
You sit there a minute, “yeah I guess I do.”
Gen sits with you watching How to Lose a Guy and eating the snacks, until Tom calls her away. You know she’s right, but it’s hard to close this chapter of your life.  
After dinner the next night, you ask Jared if he has a minute to talk.
“For you little sis, I might have two.”
“You’re hilarious, Jare.”
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He takes a mock bow before sitting on the couch across from you.
“I need to get the last of my stuff from Jensen’s place, but I really don’t want to go alone.  Do you think you could come over with me tomorrow?”
“Yeah, of course.”
“And um, Tom was asking about calling him some time.  I don’t think I can do that.”
“Understood.  I can take care of that sometime.”
The next morning the two of you take your SUV and Jared’s truck over to Jensen’s.  You have an empty suitcase and duffle bag with you, plus you think you have another bag at his place.  Walking in the door, you pause and take a look around.  Chances are this will be the last time you are here.  It didn’t really feel like your place, but maybe you just never gave it a chance to.
“Want me to break some of his stuff while we’re here?” your brother asks, standing behind you.
“No, Jare.  Behave.”
“Where do you want to start?”
“I don’t know.  Maybe upstairs with my clothes.”
He follows you up to the master bedroom.  As you get your clothes out he starts stuffing them into the suitcase.  When he fills one, he takes it outside and loads it up.  The bathroom things you have left here are next.  Then there are your boxes sitting in the guest room.  Since you never unpacked them, you don’t have to worry about repacking.  Walking around the house you pick up a few things here and there that are yours.  You water the houseplants as you move around.  When you are fairly certain you have everything, you come meet Jared back in the living room.
Looking around the room, the case of the last DVD you watched together is still laying in front of the tv.  You go over and pick it up, turning to Jared. 
“I never thought him leaving for work would turn out like this.”
“I know.  I’m sorry.”
“Not your fault.”  
He doesn’t say anything, just comes over and gives you a hug.  
“I’ll meet you outside okay?”
“Yep,” he responds, taking the last bag out with him.
Standing at the kitchen counter you remove Jensen’s house key from your keyring and set it with the garage remote on the counter.  Looking around the house one more time, you whisper “bye Jens.”
Setting the alarm, you lock the bottom lock on the inside of the door, and use the keypad to lock the deadbolt outside.   Jared pulls out of the drive first and with one more look behind you, you turn and follow him back to the house.  
He helps you unload your things back at the house, some of the boxes stay in the garage, some of the bags need to go upstairs.  That night you are thinking about what Gen said about moving on.  Getting your things out of Jensen’s place was the first step.  The next was going to be leaving your brother’s house.  When you started spending a night here and there with them, it wasn’t meant to turn into living with them.  You really should get out of their hair. 
Monday morning you call a realtor and schedule a meeting for later that afternoon.  When you go in you explain what you are looking for, and some of the areas around town you would be okay with moving to.  Amy, who you will be working with, tells you she will put a list together and get back with you soon. 
Gen asks that evening what kept you busy all day, you tell her you had some errands to run.  You don’t want to mention moving out yet, slightly worried they would talk you out of it easily.  Jensen and Jared might not be on the best of terms because of you right now, but there was no doubt in your mind they would get past it.  Once again the two of them would be hanging out, you didn’t want to be here for that.  You couldn’t be. 
You were outside with Gen late Wednesday morning, when your phone went off.  Amy was calling to let you know she had some places to show you.  She told you to let her know when you were ready to look at them.  
“Are you free this afternoon?” you ask.
“Let me check,” you catch her a little off guard at wanting to go out and look so quickly.
“I’ll be free after 2:30. I can meet you at the first place then?”
“That will work.”
She gives you the address before hanging up. The first place is the closest to Jared and Gen’s, Nalle Woods of Westlake apartments.  They only have 2 bedroom units available right now, that doesn't matter too much to you though. The place just wasn’t you.  Stopped at a red light on your way to the next location, you take a look around.  The restaurant you and Jensen had your first Austin date at is just up ahead.  
The second stop is a condo on Lennox Drive, but it requires a 12 month lease minimum.  You aren’t sure if you want to commit to a place for that long right now.   Leaving there you drive by Lady Bird Lake.  You and Jensen had enjoyed going there and walking the trails. 
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The Ridgeview apartments you looked at next were nice, but they didn’t come furnished.  Since you had sold your furniture before moving you would need to start all over again there. 
Signs for the Austin Zoo catch your eye on the drive to the next place.  It brings back memories of the time you and Jensen took your nephews and niece there for a day. 
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Turning on the radio to distract yourself you leave the station on Prime Country when you hear Garth singing.  The next single bedroom apartment is newly listed, you have hope it will work out. The drive takes you past Peter Pan Mini Golf, where you have had a few date nights.  This apartment you stop at is another unfurnished one, and the more you have seen today tells you that isn’t what you want right now.
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The last place you check out is an apartment building on Congress Ave.  You can lease these apartments for as short as a month.  That seems more like you are looking for right now.  They come fully furnished, even having housewares and linens.  There is a pool, gym and laundry room for tenants to use.   The downside is they are a little cramped, but if it’s just you what’s the problem?
You thank Amy for her time and let her know you need to think some things over but would get back to her soon.  Leaving the last apartment, you drive over the Congress Avenue bridge.  Jensen had brought you out here one night to see the bats, and you had been freaked out at first as they all flew out.  
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So much of this town just screams Jensen to you, it is going to make your fresh start a little hard.  Apparently, the radio agrees with you, LeeAnn Womack comes on singing, “Little Past Little Rock.”
“I had to leave my life in Dallas
That town will always be you
In every crowd, on every corner,
Every face I'd see you
So with nothing more than a tank of gas
I drove away without looking back…”
“I know exactly how you feel LeeAnn.  He’s everywhere here.  I’ll even have to drive by his house every time I go to Jared and Gen’s.”
“Don't know where I'll go
Or what I'll do
I'm a little past Little Rock,
But a long way from over you
These headlights on the highway
Disappear into the dark
And if I could have it my way
I'd go back to where you are…”
“I’d just like to go back in time, maybe I could have changed my schedule and gone with him.  Maybe then things would have worked out differently.”
“Too late to change my mind
I've got to keep my heart out of this
And both hands on the wheel
I'm learning more with every mile
Just how leaving feels
It's a lonely stretch of blacktop
Out into the blue
Don't know where I'll go
Or what I'll do
I'm a little past Little Rock,
But a long way from over you…”
“Austin just might be my Dallas.  He’s the main reason I came here.  Maybe I should be leaving here and heading back to L.A.  It wouldn’t be the first time I lived away from my family.  It would be a clean start.”
As you pull back in the driveway at your brother’s place, you are thinking more and more that getting out of town is going to be the way to go.  You can’t right away because of Walker, but maybe you could see about them reducing your role in the future.  Today has given you a few things to think about.
Thank you for reading!
Chapter 9
SPNForevers- @winchest09 @flamencodiva @whatareyousearchingfordean @waywardbeanie @deanwanddamons  @emoryhemsworth  @atc74 @sandlee44 @akshi8278  @fantasydevil2002 @writercole @440mxs-wife   @nervousfandom @lunarmoon8 @thoughts-and-funnies @downanddirtydean @katelyn--renee​ @that-one-gay-girl​ @lyarr24 @pineapleavocado @siospins2​ ​ @ariesbabe1993​  @graciebear73  @stixnstripesworld​ @spnbaby-67  @treat-winchesterswith-kindness @charmed-asylum​ @winchestergirl2 @jawritter @hobby27 @amyzombie1013​  @sexyvixen7 @leigh70 @krazykelly @nancymcl @candy-coated-misery0731 @kmc1989 @supraveng
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@woodworthti666 @spnfamily-j2 @stoneyggirl2 @creative-writing92 @kaz11283 @deans-baby-momma @let-me-luv-you @senjoritanana @itzabbyxx @djs8891 @tmb510 @perpetualabsurdity @mellyie @fiftyshadesgrl @jessicalynnann
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jensengirl83 · 10 months
You’ll Accompany Me- Chp 15
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Jensen x reader
Word Count- 1737
Warnings- We’re still on the angst train, language, a tiny bit of fluff if you squint
Y/N sighed as she walked through the front door of Jensen’s house. He had broken her heart and left her in tears on the kitchen floor the last time she was there. Now, she had to stay there for the rest of her pregnancy. It was a better option than staying in the hospital for months, but she honestly wondered just how much better it would be. Could she stay in her ex-boyfriend’s home and not be tortured by the heartbreak she endured? Or could they manage to get along enough for her to have the baby and then move back out? Only time would tell.
She made her way over to the couch to sit down while Jensen, Jared, and Gen brought in what she had asked for from her apartment. Her eyes never left Jensen as he moved around the room, putting down the boxes of her things in the living room to be moved to their designated spot later. It wasn’t a question of if she was still in love with him. Of course, she was. But, he had truly destroyed her when he walked out on her that day, and she didn’t know if that could ever be forgiven. She wouldn’t keep him from being in their child’s life if that’s what he wanted, but she didn’t know if he could ever be a part of hers again. Not in the romantic sense.
“You okay, baby?” Jensen asked her when he noticed her staring off into space.
“I’m fine, Jensen, and I’m not your baby anymore. So, please stop with the pet names,” she murmured, her heart hurting with the use of his term of endearment.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered, hanging his head and walking back out the door to his truck.
“Y/N, take it easy on him, okay? He still loves you and feels like shit about what he did,” Jared stated, making her a little angry.
“Really? And this isn’t hard on me? He doesn’t have to come back to the house that I left him in with his heart shattered on the floor. He did that to me! I get that he feels bad, but this isn’t a picnic for me, either,” she shouted, her temper getting the best of her.
“Hey, she doesn’t need this right now,” Gen chimed in, coming to sit by Y/N, “Let’s all calm down and take a deep breath. No one is saying this isn’t hard for you, Y/N. Jared just meant that Jay is letting this eat him up on the inside. You both have a lot of healing to do, and maybe it’s best to try and move past all this together.”
“I’m trying, Gen. I am, but I’m still hurt. When I look at him, I can still see his face when he left and went to Dee’s that day,” she whispered, wiping a tear away that escaped, “I promise I’ll try not to be so hard on him, but I can’t promise I’ll ever be able to take him back.”
“Hey, no one is asking that of you. We just want you guys to be able to live with each other in peace. You don’t need the stress of arguing with him all the time. Me and Jared are genuinely worried for you and the baby. He just doesn’t know how to express that appropriately,” Gen chuckled, giving Y/N a hug when she joined in.
“Yeah, what she said,” Jared huffed with faux annoyance.
“Thanks, guys. You’re right. We can’t possibly make it these next months at each other’s throats. I’ll be nicer,” Y/N rolled her eyes but a small smile on her face.
“Is everything okay?” Jensen asked, noticing Gen hugging Y/N on the couch. No matter how angry she was with him, he still loved her with everything he was and couldn’t stand the thought of her hurting.
“It’s fine. Gen was giving me advice on how to handle these months I have ahead of me,” she said, Jensen nodding and turning to walk away.
“Hey, Jay,” Jensen turned around to see what she needed, “I’m sorry for earlier. I didn’t mean to be so harsh. I want to get along.”
“No need to apologize. I want to get along too, Y/N,” he agreed with a smile, but his face fell as soon as he turned around.
He wanted to get along. That wasn’t the problem. The problem was that he wanted to have her back in his arms, in his bed, and not just sexually. He wanted all of her again, but he knew he didn’t deserve it. He had hurt her deeply, and he had to deal with the consequences. He could only hope that she would forgive him and they could try again one day. But, if not, he would still be there for her, always. She was the love of his life and now the mother of one of his children. Even if they never reconnected romantically, there would never be another woman for him. She was it for him, and he prayed that she would think of him like that again in the future.
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Y/N was sitting in the bed in the guest room watching tv. She had insisted on not being in the master bedroom. It was hard enough being in the house for now. She couldn’t imagine sleeping in the same bed that she had shared with him. That was asking for it. So, there she was, in the guest bedroom of her ex-boyfriend’s house, her mind racing with all the memories of how she ended up there.
She knew that Jensen hadn’t wanted any more kids, but she still didn’t understand his reaction. Sure, she was terrified when she found out she was pregnant, but he had been irate. He had said that he had reacted that way because he was scared, but she had difficulty swallowing that explanation. She had been afraid, but she hadn’t exploded. She hadn’t been so upset that she ruined their entire relationship. She wiped at the tears slipping down her cheeks and took a deep breath. She had to quit thinking about all this if she was ever going to be able to live with him.
She looked around her room at all the things Jensen had put away. He had insisted that he unpack all her things for her so she didn’t have to and would be comfortable. She knew he was trying, but it just wasn’t enough. Not now, anyway. Maybe, one day, she could let it all go, but it wasn’t right now. A knock on her door made her jump, ending her reverie.
“Hey, how are you feeling?” Jensen asked, poking his head in the door.
“I’m good. Just watching some tv.”
“I- uh, I brought you something to eat,” he stuttered, opening the door and walking in with a tray,” I made you grilled cheese and soup. Chicken noodle, not tomato. I know you don’t like tomato soup.”
“Thank you, Jay,” she said with a genuine smile.
“You don’t have to thank me. I’m doing my job. I’m here to take care of you both,” he muttered, rubbing the back of his neck. His tell that he was nervous.
“Jay, you don’t have to be nervous around me. I know we aren’t a couple now, but we were friends for sixteen years. Am I still hurt? Yes, but I’m not going to yell or bite your head off,” she chuckled, patting the bed for him to come sit down.
“I don’t want to make you uncomfortable,” he sighed, sitting beside her on the bed and giving her the food.
“I’ll let you know if I’m uncomfortable, Jay. Walking around me like you are on eggshells makes me uncomfortable.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Stop apologizing for everything, too,” she laughed.
“I’m so- Look, I should be apologizing to you all day, every day, Y/N. I fucked up,” he sighed.
“You did, but make it up to me by being my friend again. That’s what I want,” she smiled, making his heart flutter.
“I’ll try, I will, but it will be hard,” he admitted.
“Because I’m still in love with you. I don’t want to be just your friend anymore. I want us again.”
“Jensen,” she sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose, “I know you love me. I love you, but I can’t let it go. Not right now, maybe not ever. I know you said you’re sorry, and I appreciate that. But you don’t fully realize how you broke me that day. You left me to go stay with your ex-wife when I told you I was having your baby. How am I supposed to just let that go? How am I supposed to know you won’t leave me again when it’s something that scares you?” she sniffled, the hurt washing over again.
“Y/N, I don’t know how many times to say I’m sorry and that I royally fucked up! Do you want me to get down on my knees and beg? Grovel at your feet? I’ll do it! Just tell me what I have to do!” he pleaded, his eyes welling up with tears.
“Give me time, and don’t pressure me. I’m going to have to work through this on my own. And I can’t promise I’ll ever be able to be your girlfriend again. But you have to give me time to figure it out on my own, okay? Please?”
“Okay. I won’t bring it up again,” he groaned, standing to leave.
“Jay, don’t be like that. I’m sorry you didn’t get the answer you wanted right now, but please, don’t be like that with me. I’m asking as your friend, don’t make this harder on either of us.”
“I’m sorry, sweetheart. I’ll take you as my friend rather than nothing at all. Forgive me?”
“Of course, Jay,” she smiled.
He didn’t say another word. He leaned down to place a kiss on her forehead and walked out the door, shutting softly behind him. She threw her head back on her pillow and groaned. She hated hurting him, but she just couldn’t move past her own hurt at that moment. She sat up, took a bite of her sandwich, and rolled her eyes. Living with him was going to be a lot harder than she had anticipated.
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