#sounds fun owo
citrine-elephant · 9 months
ugh, i want a (simulated) irl experience of a resident evil style campaign that i can feel on every single inch of my body
i wanna see how long i can "survive" until i collapse lol
immediately dies via ganado neck hug
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tootditoot · 4 months
The Plague of Time
The wind brushed the raven-black hair of Fléu as she waltzed through the meadows that was painted in rustic light brown. She hopped over the roaming insects in the meadow and carefully side stepped the twigs upon her path. Fléu would even twist and turn as if she was a ballet dancer and the land was her ballroom. Her dress that was adorned with embellishments and ornamentations depicting vines and branches graciously flew with the wind as her floppy silk hat, with a peacock feather in its rim, covered her from the rays of the harsh sun.
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When the sun would set, she would then again return to her cottage, but not after collecting and picking daisies from nature’s gardens.
“Ever so pretty and blossoming! A shame that one cannot retain their beauty once pluck from its stem!” Fléu proclaimed jovially to nobody as she stored each daisy flowers into a basket.
But alas, such days of spring and summer never last. Winter came the next morning, and so the meadows withered and hid under a thick blanket of snow. She; however, persisted: Through the lens of her bird mask, she gazed upon the fields she used to roam in the summer, now covered in snow. Fléu thought to herself: “Why of all lands from the north to the south, did the winter chose to scourge mine?”
Thinking of a way to remove the snow from her fields, she went back to the cottage and boiled water in a huge pot.
Fléu watched as bubbles of all sorts popped up in her pot. “Aha! Surely this shall drive away the winter’s icy grips from the land of mine!”
She went outside again, now dragging a huge pot of boiling water behind her. “Begone, O Winter! I offer not but an inch of mine harvest unto you!” Fléu shouted at the field of snow before throwing her boiling pot at the snow-covered field, but such a pot of boiling water was not able to melt the fields entirely. “Hmph!” Her cheeks puffed red, seeing the failure of the plan that she had devised, she went back to her cottage stomping the snow on the way in.
As she paced back and forth within the living room of her cottage, she began to ponder:
“What else is there to drive away winter but the heat of the great orb that floats upon us all?”
She glimpses outside her window and observed the sky, surely enough, the fiery orb she spoke off was hidden beneath the winter clouds much like the landscape covered beneath winter’s blanket.
“Eureka!” Fléu slammed her table. “I shall not go outside to spite winter’s arrival!” She patted herself on the back for the brilliant plan she thought off. “Now then winter! We shall see who dominates this realm!”
She sat on the chair next to the cottage’s window to witness the snow melt from her fields; just waiting, and waiting, and waiting, and waiting, and waiting… until her eye lids finally had enough of spitefully looking at the winter storm and shut itself to rest.
Not but a moment passed and she shook herself back to life. “Ah! Winter! You think I would missed a moment of your demise?! Think again!” She said as she rubbed the glass lenses on her mask, she took a glance of the window, but something was strange. She couldn’t see a speck of snow outside. How long has it been since she was asleep? Days? Months? Years? It can’t be, she only closed her eyes for a mere moment and yet, winter suddenly vanish as if it was just thin air.
Her mind was riddled at first as she gazed off into the once again blossoming meadow, but it felt somewhat strange to her that winter suddenly disappeared without a trace but she shrugged it off. Kicking down her cottage door in excitement, Fléu waltzed again to the meadow she once knew and loved, but something was different, she could not help but notice the meadow’s grass was taller and much rougher than before, but as she walked deeper within the meadow it finally hit her.
“My meadow that was sweet and luscious! Who had defiled you and laid waste upon my land?!” She looked around, half of her meadow was now turned into a wheat field and could not have been more confused. Where did this wheat field come from? When was the land plowed? Many questions rang about in her mind as she scanned her land, but none could answer her queries
Thinking what may have caused this, Fléu’s thoughts were interrupted when she spotted something in the corner of her vision. On the far end of the field, she saw two moving silhouettes heading back into a dense forest path. Fléu shouted at them: “Halt! Halt I say!” The silhouettes stood still at her call.
As Fléu tore a path in the wheat field with haste to them, the closer she got, the more it became apparent they were fellow human beings, the first of whom she saw was a man who sported an unshaven beard and wore a ragged shirt and a hay-made hat while the other was a woman who wore a hole-torn dress and a cap. Both of their faces were scribbled with curiosity and a hint of fear as Fléu stepped forward to them.
“Who art thou?” Fléu said in the poshest of voices.
The man hesitantly stood in front of his companion, puffing up his chest, he replied: “We are but humble farmers, Madame, we mean no offense to you.”
“And what of this then?” Fléu gestured to the wheat fields behind her. “Surely you must know that this wheat field that was once a meadow belonged to me, yes?”
“T-that would be ridiculous, Madame!” The woman spoke up. “This wheat fields were passed unto us through our grandfather, the only meadow we know of is two acres away!”
“Fatima! Keep your voice down.” The man took of his hay hat and bowed sincerely to Fléu, “Pardon my sister for her ill-manners, Madame, but what she tells is true. This wheat field had always been a wheat field for decades.”
Fléu adjusted her bird mask as she heard of this. She couldn’t be mistaken, just before winter had arrive, this wheat field wasn’t here before, hell, there was no wheat field to begin with, only her grassy planes and meadows, just what had happened?
“Excuse me, Madame,” The girl who her companion introduced as Fatima tilted her head at Fléu: “Not to be inquisitive, but may I ask why you wear a bird mask whose beak curls up at the end?”
Fléu chuckes at her comment. “Merely allergic to pollen, that is all. I love a flare of dramatics too.” She clears her throat. “Anyway, was it, by chance, winter yesterday?”
“Winter yesterday?” The man replied with his eye brows raised. “Winter isn’t yet to come until a few months.”
Now that is strange, in Fléu’s perspective, snow was falling heavily yesterday, but now they say that winter hasn’t come yet? She stood fazed at the siblings as she tried to make sense of it all.
“Uhm, Madame?” Fatima waved a hand in front of Fléu’s face.
“O-oh, yes?” Fléu jumped at her gesture.
“You seem aghast, would you like a cup of tea in our place? It’s not quite far up, our home is by the forest.” Fatima smiled at her and her brother nodded to Fléu.
Seeing that she could not bring back half of her meadow again, she accepted their invitation and tailed behind as she followed them into a dense forest path.
As she followed them silently, she noticed the forest path seemed to be well-maintained, she notes that they regularly brush off the fallen leaves from time to time as well as trim the bushes in the path’s edges to provide a clear way for carriages.
After several minutes later, Fléu had finally arrived to their home. Their house was made of wood and cobble with a roof made of clay tiles and a little chimney to top it all off. This was indeed what Fléu imagined when she thought of a farmer’s houses.
“Please, do come in.” Fatima opened the wooden door wide for Fléu as she gestured her to enter. She stepped in and the two followed suit.
“Do make yourself at home, I’ll prepare some herbs for the tea.” Fatima said before retreating into their home’s kitchen. 
“Pardon me, Madame, but I believed we had not made proper introductions.” Fatima’s brother spoke up from behind her. “I am Retinento.”
“Oh yes,” Fléu had almost forgotten to ask this man’s name after their encounter. “Call me Fléu, a pleasure to meet you.”
Retinento bowed. “Likewis-.”
Retinento and Fléu jumped at the thunderous barks.
“Those darn wolves.” He scorned as he walked to open the door again. “If you’ll excuse me, Madame Fléu, I must check if our chickens from the back haven’t been pried open yet.”
Fléu watched as Retinento made his way outside to do his rounds.
“Must be hard living in the edge of the forest.” Fléu thought to herself. Not after a minute, Fatima appears again holding a tray with a wooden teapot and three tea cups placed neatly next to each other.
“Hmm?” Fatima looks around. “Did my brother went off somewhere again?”
“He said he was going to check the chickens in the back”
Fatima nodded as she placed the tea set on a table. “Wolves are getting quite active in this parts for some reason, but they never really dare to step near our house, so he’ll be back in a jiffy.”
She poured a cup of tea unto each cup and offered out one to Fléu.
“Here, I’m sure you’ll love it.”
“Thanks.” Fléu grabbed hold of the cup. She could smell the scent of the fresh ingredients used even through her mask. She lifts her mask to drink. “Lavender and a hint of rosemary” Fléu noted as she drank from the cup, it was intoxicating to say the least.
“How is it?” Fatima asked, a nervous smile creeping around her face.
“Terifically refreshing!” Fléu replied as she drinks from the cup, making sure to tilt it at an angle where not a single drop would remain in it.
Fatima sighs in relief. “Thank you, we don’t often get guests around these parts, so this is the best we can offer.”
The door then swung open, revealing Retinento with his clothes somewhat muddied.
“By the grace of God, there’s more wolves than ever before!” He complained. “Lucky for us that they shy away from stepping out of the bushes. Just sling a few rocks at them and they scatter as fast as they appeared.”
“Oh dear, I do hope they do stay in there, else the daises would get trampled by their paws.” Said Fléu.
Fatima chuckles. “That would be a shame indeed.”
“Ah!” Retinento looks outside their house’s window. The sun has begun making its way to hide behind the hills once more. “I am sorry to interrupt, Madame, but it seems it will be dark soon.”
Fléu looks through the window as well. “It would seem so.” She stands up, brushing her skirt. “Well, I better get going then.”
 “Leaving so soon?” Fatima interjects.  “Can’t she stay here for a while, brother? I can prepare a haybale to rest on for tonight.”
“Oh no need, I have disturbed you long enough.” Said Fléu “But rest assured, I will be returning for another cup of your tea!”
They bid her farewell, Fléu gleefully skips back to her cottage hidden within the wheat fields. The trip back was uneventful, though there were some howling in the distance, it was not close enough to set her alarmed.
She finally arrives home. The familiar room of her cottage untouched and unmoved. The chair that she had sat on when she was waiting for the passing of winter was still there as she had left it, no cob webs nor any sign of deterioration whatsoever. “Oh!”Fléu looks around the room. “There should be a basket of daisies lying around here somewhere!”. She scours around. “A bunch of glass bottles on the shelf… a dozen books with torn pages inside a cabinet… A bundle of candles on the bed… AHA!”. Her hand reaches under her bed, the familiar texture of a whicker basket greets it. Pulling back, she is happy to find that her daises are still lush in their color and texture, as if she had just plucked it yesterday. “This would be a lovely gift for those two! We are technically neighbors since we share this wheat field that was once my meadow after all.” She thought to herself. In her enthusiasm, she spent the night arranging and rearranging the daises, all night, trying to get that perfect bouquet pattern, until her eyes could no longer keep up once again with her wild spirit.
She woke up, slump across her table, a basket of daisies that were beautifully assorted in a basket, laid in front of her. “Oh yes! The gift!” She jumped out of her sit quickly and grabbed the basket. Exiting her cottage in joyful anticipation. “Oh sweet tea! How I yearn for you again!”
In her haste, she failed to notice that the wheat fields that had surrounded the area had withered away, patches of weeds began to sprang more and more the deeper she went.
The forest path that she had walked alongside Fatima and Retinento the other day had seemingly been consumed by bushes and fallen leaves. Fléu would slow down her jog into a walk by then. “Huh” Fléu looks around, the air was seemingly different than when was here yesterday, and a single question ran through her mind: “Were the trees always this tall before?”
It would not take long for her to reach the sibling’s humble abode.
“Fatima? Retinento?” Fléu shouted as she approaches their house. The clay roof that once covered their house laid in ruin, cracked and falling apart, as the cobbled walls did as well. The chimney had fallen entirely to the side, and their door was ajar, with scratches adorning it. Only the faint glimmer of a cup remained at the front of the shambled doorsteps, with the fragrant hint of lavender and rosemary. Fléu stood there motionless as a gust of wind blew the daisies in her basket. Time had flown past like a gust of wind yet again.
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bucket-of-amethyst · 2 years
Rejecting Hermitopia as the canon name, gonna call it Hermitshire in the AU cus it sounds better damnit
We should cancel that Grain fellow :////
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alexandraxsuoh · 2 years
What Type of Princess are You?  
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The Lost Princess
You are the lost princess. Often daydreaming in her own world, she is harbouring grief and regret, and is the middle child. She has probably lost someone she deeply loved, or has seen many things she wants to forget. This can make her vengeful and ruthless: or kind and fiercely protective. Towards her enemies she can be a deadly weapon. Hiding behind a sweet facade for the people she rules over, many do not know of her deep sadness. She is not the sort of princess to underestimate.
Tagged by: @whitecrowns-blackthrones​ (Thanks Rose!)
Tagging: Steal it ~
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dr3c0mix · 5 months
Small little zombie boys fanfic Owo
You were hiding from screw in the food court during a game of hide and seek, you know Bo ran off in the westward side and ribs hid in the vents while soda was in the other side of the food court who was trying to use the broken soda machine, you heard the rusty doors open doors open, it looks like ribs was found as he walks in next to screw, you dig closer under the order desk, while soda scurried like a cat under a table “round you!” Screw runs to soda and helps him up as they leave the room, not catching your scent. Around an hour later, you hear the zombos trying to find you outside the food court, they sounded worried, anything could have happened while they were busy finding bo! A rouge zombie, or any other monsters, suddenly bo takes a sniff of the air, your scent! He rushes over to where he scented you and peered over the counter, staring into your eyes, he then calls the other zombies over and they help you get out from under the counter, while you and the others walk back to the base, Bo scolding you, screw and soda checking you for injuries, while ribs is in your face, when you get back, your forced into a cuddle pile
Don’t make fun of me this is my first fanfic
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chronicbeans · 1 year
Wally Darling with a Villain Reader (part 2)
I saw some people request this so here you go! OwO
TW: Kidnapping, Possessive and Obsessive Behavior, Unwanted Hugs/Cuddles
🍎 You have been sitting in the basement for a long time, now. Well, at least you THINK it has been a long time. It is pitch black, besides the candles, which only light a small portion of the basement. Wally said that, for whatever reason, electricity doesn't work in Home's basement. He also said that, since the candles use flames, it would warm you up more than electric lights, anyways.
🍎 Either way, it is dreadfully cold. You are wrapped up in a million blankets, with pillows surrounding you to work as a mattress or sorts, yet you are still cold and uncomfortable. Is this your punishment for annoying people? You really don't know. Wally hasn't explained anything to you, yet.
🍎 Speak of the Devil and he shall appear. Look who's walking down the stairs to see you! It's Wally Darling, the star of the show! You don't even try to run anymore, because he always closes the basement door too quickly to give you a chance. Once that door closes, it is always pitch black, again. Not only that, but you are also pretty sure Home is working alongside him. Once, when you said something bad about Wally keeping you locked up, a pipe above you began leaking in response, some weird, black substance staining your blanket.
🍎 Wally walks over you, with you only being able to see him again once he is right in front of you. His grin is as merry as ever and his eyes still holding that unnerving look as when he first brought you here. He pulls up a pillow, sitting cross legged on it as he speaks, his voice holding his signature monotone "Isn't this so fun? I get to see you everyday, you get to sit back and relax in here. I also get to watch how our neighbors are reacting to you disappearing! How exciting!"
🍎"Wally... this isn't fun. Please, let me go! I don't know what I did to make you so upset, but-!" He shushes you, placing a finger to your lips to keep you quiet. "You did... nothing. Nothing to upset me." You can tell it's a lie everytime he says it. His smile always grows a bit darker when he does, almost like he is straining to keep it together. However, he then pulls away, continuing "Why is it fun when you whisk me away, but not the other way around? That doesn't sound very fair, neighbor. I am having fun. Home is having fun, too! Are you still cold? Do you need more blankets?"
🍎 You don't answer his question, instead asking "Is... is anybody even looking for me? Do they care?" He pauses, seemingly thinking. He then shakes his head "No. I don't think they are... Let me tell you a secret, little villain." He crawls over, grabbing a hold of your upper arms, saying "Don't let Home know this, okay?" You weakly nod, at this point just wanting him to get away from you as soon as possible. You aren't going to lie... As much as you like to seem brave, Wally looks a bit frightening in the glow of candle lights.
🍎 He leans close to your ear, whispering "I don't think our neighbors have even noticed you are gone, yet... it is kind of like... you never existed." Your heart sinks. You watch as he pulls away, still holding your arms as he says "I'll be here, though! We can play games. I can show you how to draw. I can give you some paper to write on. The others don't matter, right? You'll be safe and happy here, I promise. A good neighbor never breaks a promise. Pinky swear!" He grabs your hand, linking your pinky to his in a forced promise. "I can even keep you warm and safe, here. If the blankets don't work, I'll come down every hour to give you a long, warm hug!"
🍎 As if to demonstrate, he wraps his arm around you tightly, burying his face in the crook of your neck. To be fair, he is surprisingly warm, but it is still extremely uncomfortable. You have made it very clear to him, numerous times, that you like to have personal space. Usually whenever you took him to the forest, you just grabbed his hand and dragged him there, then sat next to him on a log with a foot between you two. Meanwhile, he grabbed you from behind like some horror movie villain, dragged you into his basement, and now won't stop finding excuses to hug you close.
🍎"Get off of me... I'll be fine on my own. These blankets are cozy enough." They really aren't. You just want him off of you. "Nope! You are my captive, now! You gotta do as I say, and I want hugs! Just a few more minutes." Your eyes widen. That is a very... uncharacteristic thing for Wally to say. Then again, he has been acting strange ever since he took you here... but he usually still listens to you when you say to let go.
🍎 You get an explanation once he says "I love playing villain! I can see why you like it, now. You get to be mean and not listen to people. While you like to break things, say mean things, and trip people... I like to keep you here and cuddle you for as long as I want! After all, from how you spoke to me during the times you took me away, you seem like you really need them. If you won't accept them or ask for them yourself, I'm going to make you. Nobody else is willing to give you them, after all, because you are MY villain."
🍎 He finally pulls away, causing you to instinctively scoot away from him. "You are crazy. Like... There is something WRONG with you. Why won't you just let me go home? Even if people do start looking for me, nobody is going to even THINK to look inside your house! Much less your basement, which people don't know about! What even is this place? It's so dark. It seems to go on forever..."
🍎 Wally lets out a small "humph" noise, tilting his head "That's just another little insult, isn't it? Kind of like you saying my paintings look bad. I'm not crazy! If I am, I'm crazy for you! I don't seem to act like this around anyone else and you won't leave my head. As for this place... I honestly don't know. It came with Home. I haven't seen all of it." There is a muffled knock from upstairs, followed by an equally muffled "Wally! I gotta delivery for ya!"
🍎"Oh! My paints must have arrived! I'm working on a gift for you! How about you just get some sleep, okay? Oh, and don't try screaming. I've found that nobody can hear anything from down here, for some reason... I really picked the jackpot with this hiding place!" He then hurries upstairs, leaving you in the darkness, once again.
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apomaro-mellow · 8 months
Matchmaking Harringtons 5
This one's a little shorter as we gear up for the final part!
Steve woke up on a warm day near the end of June to see his mother sitting at the table, making calls while his father was out back, doing inventory on his grill supplies.
He went over to the pantry to get some cereal, listening in on his mother's very loud conversation. She was inviting people... family... Aunt Elaine?...
By the time Steve got his bowl, cereal and milk and spoon, he figured that his parents were making preparations for a 4th of July barbecue. Smiling to herself, Diane hung up and made a note in her planner.
"So, the family's getting together for the 4th. It'll be us, your Aunt Elaine and her family for sure. I still need to call the rest. But your grandparents will be there too."
"Okay, sounds fun." A nice cookout with family that he hadn't seen since last summer.
"Oh and they're just so excited to meet Eddie."
Steve sputtered and milk dribbled down his chin. "You told them about Eddie?! About how I-I'm...?"
"No, not yet. But I told Elaine that you might have someone special to introduce everyone to, you know, if Eddie wanted to come and I don't know why he wouldn't..."
"You know why he wouldn't", Steve said.
Diane put on an exaggerated pout and batted her eyelashes.
"Mom...", he sighed.
She let out a little whimper like a sad puppy.
"You are a grown woman", Steve pointed out. "And you're setting a bad example for your son."
Jonas came in, shielding his eyes with his hand as he walked by. "I heard the pouting from outside, whatever it is, just give it to her."
"You're enabling her", Steve said.
"I bet Eddie gives you everything when you show this face. You inherited it from me", Diane said.
Steve let out another heavy sigh. "Alright, I'll ask him if he wants to come."
"You're bringing Eddie to the barbecue?", Jonas asked.
"Apparently everyone will want to meet him, despite not knowing of his existence yet."
"It's not like we're asking him to come to cotillion-"
"Which he's years late to", Steve said.
"Or to escort you to a debutante-"
"I still think your dad's sore that Steve didn't go to one", Jonas said.
"And why would Eddie be escorting me? Why am I not escorting him?"
"You know, we had a similar question regarding your wedding", Jonas said, completely missing the 'cutting' motion his wife was making.
"My what?!"
"Just as a hypothetical", Diane said quickly.
Steve played with his cereal. "You guys get me a boyfriend...you want him to meet the family...why does it feel like you've got a church picked out for August?"
"Who said we got you a boyfriend?", Diane asked at the same time Jonas said, "Who'd get married in August?"
"Eddie told me how you guys 'orchestrated' this whole thing", Steve said. "Thanks for the vote of confidence."
"It had nothing to do with your confidence Steve. We just wanted to help however we could", Diane said.
"So...you guys really like Eddie?"
"Like him? He's great", Jonas said. "A little odd, but that's what makes people interesting."
Diane smiled. "He has such interesting opinions, I could talk with him for hours. Actually, who does his hair? I would love to take him to the salon and-"
"Whoa there, if I didn't know better, I'd think you two were in love with Eddie", Steve said as he stood and took his empty bowl to the sink.
"Oh, is it wrong to adore our son's boyfriend?", Diane teased.
Steve kept his back to them, his silence betraying the redness in his face right now. He didn't point out that his parents were never this welcoming towards any of his past girlfriends. He knew there was something different about Eddie, and they knew it too. He was definitely 'long-term, introduce to extended family' material.
Part 7
Tag Team
@tartarusknight @swimmingbirdrunningrock @estrellami-1 @potato-of-the-lord @dragonmama76 @m-owo-n @sticknpokelightningbolt @somegirlsomewhere @tinyplanet95 @samsoble @runniem @hallucinatedjosten @nburkhardt @littlewildflowerkitten @noctxrn-e @subversivecynic @larawrmonster @suikatto @platinum-sunset @imacowboy3 @tiny-enthusiast @netflixisacopingstrategymom @honorarybrit81 @manda-panda-monium @krazyperson @adaed5 @lololol-1234 @mrsjellymunson @uwujinniee
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paper-mario-wiki · 6 months
If you want a relatively easy setup for a server with DNS adblocking, I've been using technitium for years. Mostly to give devices in my house a .owo TLD, but the ad blocking is very good.
That sounds fun!! Tho I plan on just using Pi-hole. I got the super cheap $15 board cuz I plan on havin it only do one thing, but having access to any TLD I want sounds cool. Thanks for the tip, I'll look into that at some point!
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see-arcane · 3 months
Do you have any writing tips that work for you?
I acknowledge that the first draft's probably going to suck.
There are probably holes in it and the same sentence repeated ten times and enough typos to make the dictionary gain enough sentience to cry in despair. That's fine. That's how first drafts are supposed to be. Future drafts exist to fix that. me @ me: Do Not Worry About the First Draft.
If I don't have to write in cold blood, I do not do it.
Unless I'm writing something on the clock for a job, I am writing for me, me, me. Scribbling is my hobby. My beloved terrible sandbox to play in. If I am not having fun building X Sandcastle, I pivot to Y Sandcastle. Because sometimes it's not always a matter of, 'Oh, you just want to get through the boring part to get to this neat scene!' Sometimes a story just loses its flavor in the moment. And if I'm not having a good time with it, oftentimes I'm writing garbage I'll end up deleting anyway. Not worth throwing that time away. No Fun? No Write.
I get inspired! (positive)
Reading or watching something with the Vibes I want for my current project gets my brain battery going. Sometimes I'll even catch myself going into 'parrot mode' to break through a writer's block by going, "Well, if it was happening in X Universe and using X Style of storytelling, what would it sound like?' And then I'm off.
I get inspired. (spite. loathing. hatred and bile unending.)
Being inspired to make something new in the footsteps of your most beloved storytellers: uwu🌸
Being inspired to make literally anything without inhibition, be it a story or a bowel movement, because either one would be a step up from the flaming legacy of horseshit inflicted on you by a Particular Piece of Media: owo 🔪
I can't stop. I can't stop.
I have two Word documents open right now. I have ten notebooks in use. I cannot go one (1) day without writing unless I am physically paralyzed with illness or pain, and even then I am thinking of Things I Will Write once I'm upright. My Muse is the most giving one around, but said giving is hitting like a waterfall and I am perpetually flattened into the Earth's crust by the sheer abundance of WRITE WRITE WRITE blasting into my head at all hours.
But on that note, one of the best things for my writing?
Forcing myself not to write.
Taking a break that involves Absolutely No Creation of Text is vital. Reading. Drawing. Watching a new movie. Making a meal that takes more effort than 'dumping some Cheerios and an apple in a bowl to eat next to the computer/notebook.' It all helps me unplug and not go insane with making scene after scene after scene. Writer Brain needs to cool off with Non-Writing things or it'll catch on fire*.
*Read: Lead to full burnout on a story that I genuinely wanted to work on. What a waste.
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weirdmarioenemies · 1 year
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Name: Starcatcher
Debut: Insaniquarium
“Starcatcher” is such a magical sounding name! The magic of a shooting star, now harnessed by a creature? How delightful! It must be full of magic and made of dreams and it probably even poops diamonds.
Actually, it is a stupid little doofus idiot! And please know that when I make fun of this creature I mean it 100% affectionately, because I love it and I love it exactly the way it is and would change nothing! It does poop diamonds, though. I’ll get to that.
So! Starcatcher is a “Fish”, and it’s easy to think of it as more of a cephalopod with its dangly tentacles, but it only has the four, all in a line! This is, in fact, a relic of a simpler time...
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A time when it was an arthropod, in the original version of the game! Basically the same, just with a more vacant stare, and some crabby legs. Starcatcher would end up being a victim of Reverse Carcinization, evolving away from a crab-like body plan! I think it’s for the best it was changed, though. Insaniquarium Deluxe would introduce our friend Guppycruncher, a much more blatantly arthropodian creature, who inherited the scuttley style of legs, and Starcatcher would get new appendages that fit its rounder, softer body. And of course its OwO face!
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That OwO face would become more of an 0w0 face, and is really one of the wackiest things about its anatomy! Starcatcher eats stars. Starcatcher’s name indicates that it Catches stars. And I’m sure you have seen the massive gaping hole in Starcatcher’s head. It’s noticeable. And that’s how it eats! Stars fall into that hole, and are eaten. That flower pot hole is a dang mouth! Then is the cutesy cat smile just for show?
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It is not! When a Starcatcher begins dying of hunger because its gaping mouth hole has not been filled with celestial objects, its smile becomes a frown! So it IS a mouth, just not used for eating! At least not for eating stars. Maybe in the wild it forages on the bottom of the sea, and catches detritus in the top mouth? Whatever the case, it poops diamonds, and that makes it economically valuable.
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Where do Stars come from, anyway? Space? No! That would make sense! They come from Fish. Regular Guppies drop Money, of course, but Star Guppies drop Stars, and that’s Better! Also highly unnatural, but don’t tell anyone. If an adult Guppy eats a Star Potion, it will become a Star Guppy! But an immature Guppy will instantly explode and die upon trying to eat the potion. It is not appropriate for children! But yeah, Star Guppies drop Stars that Starcatcher catches, and Starcatcher makes Diamonds which are even better than better.
Anyway, I would not be surprised if Starcatcher was an entirely unnatural being, since it seems to die almost immediately if it is not fed the byproduct of mad science. What a life this thing lives! The little doofus idiot. Wonderful creature!
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For something more fluffy and funny
Imagine the AUs playing fucking DnD with Husk as the DM (because he was around the time DND got invented and I can see Husk being a good DM).
There is also a rule that there can only be ONE (maybe two depending on how big the party size is ) bard because Husk knows if that rule doesnt exist he's gonna have so many vicious mockery rolls its gonna give him a headache.
As for classes, now this is just me assigning peeps classes based on vibes and if they would play or not. If people have their own suggestions, please do share owo. (also please note I am baby DND noob, so most of info is coming from Baldur's Gate 3's wiki)
Canon Alastor-Bard, that is if anyone can get him to play and make him promise not to do something insane like teleport them into the world of DnD. (College of Lore branch). Sidenote: he only got bard because of that one animation where Alastor cats vicious mockery just insult Lucifer's height wheeeze. also because if you told al could hurt people with magical insults, he would go for it let's be honest.
Canon Vox-Artificer, since it seems up his ally but again this is a case of, can you get him to play it, probably more willing than canon Al, but would also rage quit if he fails dice rolls. (Artillerist branch)
Swap Alastor-He gives Cleric vibes. Probably more willing, but you would have to walk him through stuff. Probably ends up the team mom against his will. (Life Domain branch)
Swap Vox-Torn between Fighter or Paladin, leaning more towards Fighter. Probably not so willing, but would if his Alastor was. Would probably leave others for dead. (Champion Branch for Fighter, maybe Oath of Devotion branch for Paladin).
Secretly Married Alastor-Rogue, like Canon, would need to be talked into it, but may lean towards more willing just to humor it. Takes a lot of the notes and rolling the highest perception checks (Arcane trickster branch)
Secretly Married Vox-Sorcerer, like his partner, doing it to humor it (and also because sorcerer class sounded cool to him). Is hyping up his Al and somehow skating by on his rolls (example if the roll success require is like 15, he barley just makes it with the help of his modifiers). Also storm sorcery branch
Dadstatiocradio Alastor-Bard, because he does not trust his canon part to not pick fights with vicious mockery. May know more about the game thanks to his Charlie or not, who knows, but is the most willing to join in I say. (College of Valour branch).
Dadstaticradio Vox-Okay this one is hard, but like, he gives Enchantment branch wizard vibes tbh. Maybe just me tho. Also the most willing. Would threaten to cast fireball to make everyone shut up.
Radio Guard Alastor-Torn between Bloodhunter and warlock (Fiend branch because haha get it his deal with Lucifer). Probably legit only joined because Husk needed another sane player and or he was bored and was just "Fuck it". Is the one who takes it a bit more seriously and trying to gather the most information.
Radio Guard Vox-Ranger, because he thought it would be fun. Like Dadstaticradios, he is the most willing to join. Prides himself on headshots when he can get them in campaigns. ( Hunter branch maybe).
Blueberry-Warlock, really only joins after some convincing (and the promise of canon Alastor will be nice to him). The running joke and just confirmed campaign canon is Husk is Blueberry's patron who helps guide him around. (Husk Patron branch /j, Archfey tech).
Highschool Al and Vox are Dms with Husk since idk what they would be tbh.
May do a part 2 since this just,,,Vox and Als hfkdsjf
-⚔️ anon
I know the vicious mockery animation you're talking about it KILLS me I love it
I know very little about DnD as much as I want to learn but I love all of this so much, the overwhelming amount of AUs we have gathered makes for so much chaotic content when they're grouped together. You're so creative w these ideas
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crescencestudio · 1 year
Devlog #31 | 05.29.23
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Hi everyone!
I am once again bringing you a monthly update. As some of you may know, I recently announced I am participating in Otome Jam this year. With that said, this devlog will be a bit unique in that it will include updates for both "intertwine" (very general updates) and "Alaris" (our usual program of updates) \o/
Ah, the section that made me sad every time I looked at it for the past two months (kidding, I'm being dramatic). As you all may know, I'm creating a project for OtoJam, "intertwine."
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“Would you choose me in every lifetime?”
With another creative project and my dissertation, I was nervous this month that Druk's route was going to make little progress in the writing department yet again.
Intertwine has very much given me the creative boost I needed to combat my burnout/rut, and I was able to make a lot of progress on both projects (and my dissertation!). Intertwine script is currently sitting at 15k words and is in the final developmental stage as we speak. I was able to write up a little under half of Druk's script and it currently sits at 20k words!
There are still a couple of scenes I need to go back and write in, but I'm confident they will be easy to write because they're more fun/juicy scenes. Additionally, the remaining half of Druk's route will be pretty action-packed, which is much easier for me to write than the more subtle plot beats. So I'm quite confident I'll be able to finish Druk's route by our next update, which also means Alaris will officially reach the halfway mark for the script!!! AAA. I also wrote 10k words for my dissertation, so I wrote like 50k words this month YAY I WAH
Regarding the art front, most of my attention has been on intertwine this month due to time constraints. I've finished the base sprite, most of the GUI mockups, and some CGs!
We also got this beautiful logo from puchi for the game, and I'm excited to soon show you all more progress pictures ^^
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Promo art feat. Vân and Game Logo
For Alaris, Vui continues to hit it out of the park with the backgrounds. I have previews of the Dawn and Dusk Court for you all, and they are beauty! I'm so excited to receive more Fae related BGs from him, though I may not be able to show as many to you all because spoilers from here on out <\3
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Dawn Court
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Dusk Court
Additional Notes
The remaining soundtracks for Alaris were completed this month by Peter as well! I still am in the process of reviewing them as they're moreso in the draft stages, but they're sounding beautiful so far.
Intertwine will also be featuring voice acting, and with auditions closing soon, we’ll be selecting a voice for Vân as well in the near future ^^
No market research this month, but I did read the Villains Are Destined to Die manhwa and that art and Callisto are so yummy
Anyways, I think that's enough from me, so that is all for this month's update! Stay safe, and see you all next month <3
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dragondart · 1 year
Fuck it. How the boys would text except none of these are good and I’m making fun of all of them:
Sky: He doesn’t respond to anything in group chats unless he is directly asked to, instead he just reacts to everything with the heart emoji. That being said he’s the king of DMing you to talk about drama in the group chat well it’s happening. Responds to things with gifs.
Four: You’re either getting a single emote response or an essay, nothing in between. Also sends 100 texts every time he talks because he presses send whenever he’s done with a sentence. You have to mute him for your own sanity.
Time: Texts in complete “teenage internet lingo” from the 2000s. Think things like ROFL and LMK like he’s still using a flip phone and trying to save on letters. He’s also likes using one letter words and mixing numbers in (C U 2nite).
Wind: Texts just like Time but bump the timeline up to the 2010s. Just look up the Danny Gonzales video “The Tea”, that’s what he sounds like. He does ironically to make fun of Time but he’s not sure it’s working.
Warriors: Types like he’s writing a professional email all the time. It’s extremely off putting. Likes really old school memes and doesn’t get why Legend keeps telling him to stop sharing them.
Twilight: Types mostly normal but has early 2010s tumblr-isms peppered in. Stuff like pupper and smol bean. He also unironically uses the OwO emotes.
Wild: Like Wind his texting style was meant to be a joke but unlike Wind he can’t actually stop it anymore. He now unironically says poggers and cap. He also keeps saying nonsensical shit in hopes that it becomes some sort of inside joke or meme.
Legend: *read at 2:30am.* *Sends a meme to the group chat and says nothing else.* He also has a horrid habit of calling people to talk unprompted and he will hit you with the “I know you’re online answer me” text if you ignore him.
Hyrule: Types like a tiktoker. Also is a tiktoker. If he’s not doing that he’s playing Pictionary with the sheer amount of emojis he’s using. Keysmashes.
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oloreandil · 2 months
owo writer truth or dare
hello ! thanks for asking these !!
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction?
a high school classmate introduced me to tumblr and fandom as a concept (i was on fandom facebook accidentally answering all the quizzes, but didn't know that people like. talked to each other ???). and then she showed me her fanfiction.net account, specifically so i could read her angst titanic fic, which made me go ":000 i could do that omg" and i haven't looked back
🕯️ ⇢ on a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? why is that?
10 !!!!!!! love love love editing it's so fun !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love formatting, i love saying little sentences out loud to see how they sound, i love seeing the finished product after i've polished it lovingly... i love worldbuilding editing more than i love writing, in some aspects ? which in turn is why i love to beta and translate fics so much
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
OUGH just one ??? sorry i'm cheating but:
@notsuchasecret has many fandoms but i fell into their haikyuu fanfic, especially their Sugawara. ao3 link here
if you read bnha and also read in french: i cannot recommend @tasha-lemon enough, we should give more love to non-english fics and she makes absolutely incredible AUs !! ffnet link here
and also i cannot NOT mention @neallo (ao3 link here, death note), @lightyaoigami (ao3 link here, death note), and @quicktimeeventfull (ao3 link here, death note)
as for specific fanfics:
The Lost by unscrypted which was written for me about my bleach blorbos and i cried <33
Reaching Past The Wall by tenser, free! fanfic about Rin being trans. the impact this had on me is immeasurable
we suffer under the same condition (love) by siwona (@transkurootetsurou on here) is SOOOOO good. dimilix with just. poignant writing
EDIT: fuck i forgot hey, is it alright if i keep calling out to you? by flickercity. THEE bokuto manifesto of all times. to me. uncontrollable tears 100/10
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urlsaremeaningless · 1 month
collection of funny things people I know have said
Feel free to change pronouns as needed <3 have fun! please reblog this if you enjoy it.
Take a chill pill, Shakespeare.
A thigh between your gaps
Let's get...creative?
Stereotypical emos
Bitch, your face is mean
Once upon a time, [name] killed me.
Starved by lack of microwave.
I need new kangaroo.
At least, I didn't break it in your room!
[Name], you precious baby--AH SHIT.
Unfortunately, [name] was feeling horny
I would start ship wars
I tried the force. Shit didn't work.
It's worse than shade. It's truth shade.
I fell in love with a fucking lesbian!
Hi, my name’s [name]. Back on my Bullshit like every day
Yeah, no, don’t worry I know the extension of that lawyer.
Then, I guess, he shoots himself in the head?
The EMT...No, not EMS.
I like Fiji better than smart water.... wait, is it cheaper?
I have a question…I forgot my question
Yes, but only because I think the knowledge of death would be a burden you couldn’t handle
That's why murder is the best solution
Passive aggressively calls u a gamer (derogatory)
it's part of the process before the eyes are eyes and the eyes are just skin
Horny outweighs ethics
[name] has been ratatouille'd into doing crime
what is a casket but tupperware for a body
she doesn't have a thing for murder, she has a thing for time management
What's the opposite of OwO-ifying?
dinos care not for ur turn-based combat
This is indeed a choice we have made.
I’m murdurable. I’m filled with murder potential
Not my circus, not my monkey
absolutely your monkey
my only ideas are crime
...why do you say these things to me?
everyone knows in our group I'm the muscle… the looks…and the brains….really you guys are extras and I'm the main act
I...I don't want to answer that. I...I plead the fifth?
All words are made up
I don't use 'b' for 'bitch,', I use 'bitch' for 'bitch
They let you out of the closet but you cannot rent a car
[Name] you're really killing me here, my life is being shortened by a minute every time you do that
Wow, these people don’t know how milkshakes work…. Idk how we’re gonna get the boys to the yard.
I expected you to have more knowledge about cannibalism but that's on me
that's just how my voice is. I sound like a liar
You are the glass half full to my glass is fucking empty
I like cults but in the ‘I absolutely hate them’ sorta way
I fucking hate you, you're one of my best friends, but I also fucking hate you
You have to give him some credit for not pulling out a ukulele
I wish I spoke another language. I don't wanna talk about this in English anymore, bro, what the fuck.
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occasionalsnippets · 1 month
Mc no matter how far away can instantly return to their counterpart with a slight pull on their soul, the first time (few times) they tried it, their counterpart ended up staying at home cause they got very sick for a few days, and it was very disorienting for Mc, (it was bad for both of them)
Mc tried to help their counterpart when they were drowning (mostly looking for things for them to grab on to and advice on not drowning), when their counterpart finally got out of the river, they helped find their way 'home'
You look down at the paper that your counterpart presented you. "Uh... you want me to help pick your school extracurricular activities?" Your counterpart just nodded their head, So you find yourself an hour and a half later sitting down with your counterpart crossing out activities through process of elimination. "What about band or theater? I did those when I was in high school, and that was fun" They just hummed and put it into the consideration box next to art 1 and computer science.
Your counterparts' parents are out again, leaving their 5 year old kid behind, how neglectful. Your counterpart stopped humming, and the sound of color pencils stopped a moment later, snapping out of your thoughts. You wandered back over to them, looking at what they drew. It was a good-looking drawing (for a 5 year old). "This is pretty good!" Your eyes look beside the drawing of your counterpart only to see a drawing of yourself? "Is this me?" They nodded and asked if you liked it and if you can hang it up
You can move some items, like papers, hair clips, pens, pencils, and other relatively light weighing stuff
the writings might pretty OOC. Sorry if they are
And using Band and Theater as Mc's high school electives
mc older sibling arc owo
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