#sorry to the newsboys of tumblr
hacksawboy · 6 months
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hi postblr i got one of my postal posts (my only postal post if you dont count the postal/saw/manhunt one) rb'd here once but im not sure if theres anyone here other than like 3 people. we shall see
also heres the full img... yes they did post this, they have 68k followers currently 😭
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fireylesbianhell · 1 year
This World Won't Ever Forget Us
Javid Bonnie & Clyde Au? tumblr made me do it. woo!
Based on the fic "Bite The Bullet" by and Orphan Account and a post made by @/spacestamps!
For Jack Kelly, it simply started as a way out.
He didn’t mean for anything more significant; he figured all he had to do was get a job or two done and hightail it way out west; away from ugly old Oklahoma to somewhere, oh good god, somewhere better than here.
He had his eyes set on a little place called Santa Fe. Seemed endearing, and god knows New Mexico was far enough away from here.
Jack Kelly wasn’t a wise man - hell, he was a little orphaned 21-year-old with no money, barely a plan, the clothes on his back, and a hijacked car.
Ah, speaking of that hijacked car, the sirens behind him got more worrying as they got louder.
Revving slightly and pushing the pedal almost as far as he could go, breaking several traffic laws without even trying he blasted off down the dusty old roads, tattered shirt rippling in the pushing force of wind trying to slow him down. He saw a parting in the roads and smiled traffic coming up, and the good thing about the car manufacturers out here today was almost all these damn cars looked about the same.
He turned into the trafficked area and did his best to blend as he weaved through the exits and cut off a few now very angry civilians. He found a tail in a near-identical car that suddenly left him and the police were none the wiser as they sped off when he slowed;
Time to figure out where the fuck he was.
Jack cruised a bit, the adrenaline not gone but not as rampant as before. He passed apartments, bars, dusty old hair salons, and-
A quaint-looking diner called ‘The World’, with a bright peeling paint emphasizing the dreadful rundown look of the place.
He pulled in with a casual tumble, grabbing his ragged worn-out trench coat from behind him, and a simple little newsboy cap he found pawned from manhattan. Something about history or whatever, he turned out pretty quickly when he heard the cheap ass price.
Strolling in, the first thing that caught his eye- or, well, his ear first, then his eye- was the berating of some poor waitstaff.
“David! Getcha’ sorry ass over here!” sneered some sorry ugly-faced man in an even uglier bowler hat and- No, jack was sure he wasn’t seeing doubles- the wonder twins of ugly old' lane were harassing’ some unfortunate soul named ‘David’
Speak of the devil, some poor guy about his age skimped out with a poor look on his face, about the likes of a kicked kitten trudged his way out, a similar looking cap and a neat little blue shirt and vest combo- he wasn’t poor, by the looks of it, and held a clean air to him.
Jack found himself a seat, trying to law low of course in case Lucy Law strolled their way in after snuffing the dead end, but keeping a keen eye upon the waitstaff, who looked about in for a hard time with the look the disgustin’ doubles were sharin between themselves.
“Hey David, didn't we tell ya to keep these counters clean?” the one on the left scowled
“Yes, Morris.”
“And,” butted in the other one with a snarl, “What do we have here?”
Morris and wonder twin two pointed to a small splotch of a coffee stain, which looked pretty fresh. David sighed, grabbing a rag nearby and starting to soak it before-
“Hey! We’s ain't finished, kid.” Butted in Morris again. Smiling a sinister smile, he nabbed the rag from David’s grasp as the other twin corned him from the back.
David, God bless his soul, looked like he was trying to decide whether to soak the two in and out, or take a nap on the floor for a good century. His remarkably blue eyes looked dampened, and his hands were fidgeting and fleeting with emotions trying to grasp for control in the shit of a situation he was in.
Jack decided to choose a new spot at the bar, taking a seat two empty from a properly dazed lookin old fellow who was drooling into his eggs and potatoes.
“Excuse me, fellas-” he cut in as the twins were about to go on a spiel. The two looked at him with disgust while David looked with the relief of a man who just found a spring in the desert.
That paused him, letting out a fumbled smile before continuing
“I, ahem, just would like a coffee please.” nothing he intended on paying, mind you. He needed his money to go elsewhere, then a flirtin’ with the poor, pretty boy also stuck planted into Oklahoma to get away dime free wouldn't hurt nothing.
The other twin - Oscar, he gathered from the peachy little pin fallin' off his apron - sneered again, looking sad he didn't get to berate his poor employee anymore
‘Yeah, whateva. David! Get on it, and I better see that man served, this counter cleaned and this floor spotless when I get back or Snyder’s gonna be getting a really bad report.” he called behind him and trailed off after his brother.
Sighing once more, David looked up and met Jack’s eyes. he gave a pitiful smile to jack. 
“Thank you, sir. Now what would you like?” he said formally, that twinge of tired defiance laced his voice as it turned into an artificial customer-service mode. 
“No problem, at all. Were the wonder twins givin ya problems?” he leaned over the counter slightly. Hints of genuine concern laced Jack’s voice, which not only surprised David but himself as well. He was a romantic, yeah, but he never thought he was This bad.
The waiter paused, a bit taken aback before sighing yet again- he was on a roll now, - and letting down his coffee pitcher slightly. Grabbing a cup and pouring out the coffee he continued,
“Yeah, it’s my first day on the job here. And Oscar and Morris are…very strict. I’m already miserable but, money’s money, at least I get to see more than two places in this dead state. It’s up to three now.” he joked dryly, meeting Jack’s eyes as he placed the coffee down in his hands. 
He grabbed a towel, turning but keeping a side towards jack as he started to clean. Jack took a slow draw of a slip. Wow, what a guy. Surprisingly similar too. He placed the cup down, giving a chuckle and flashing his winning smile out to him. 
“Yeah, well, I feel ya. I’m gettin’ outta this hellhole though, mark my words.” 
David smiled back shyly, turning more. “Oh, I will. Say, I’ve never seen you round here much. New in town?” 
Jack chuckled again, “no, oh do I wish. But I got a car and a plan, how hard can it be?” 
David’s head slowly turned up, like gears were calculating in his head. His mouth set to open like he was about to say something before- 
“Dave! What did I say bout’ these counters!” Morris snarled out, stomping over to the two. He gave jack a downright nasty look before David grumbled and suddenly cut through the noise of the twins speaking over eachother 
“I’m taking a smoke break. When I get back in I’ll do it.” David said with a surprising edge of sass in his voice, despite how ready he seemed to pass out. 
He tossed the towel over his shoulder and grabbed a small pack of cigars from his pocket, leaving through the front of the diner, and back out toward the opposite parking lot. 
Jack fumbled, seeing Morris steam in his spot until he shot a look at his brother. Oscar nodded and followed him out. 
That can’t be good. 
Jack waited for a moment, hearing the yelling rise. Yeah, definetly can't be good-
He shot from his seat toward the exit as the old man beside him seemed to wake up a bit, (the bastard was even eyeing his coffee up)
he sharply turned the corner and what jack Jack found was a bloody-nosed David with a look in his eyes that could have knocked Jack out.
It was so cooly fierce, determined but not in a stupid way. This kid may not have the brawns but, those eyes were dangerous, and Jack loved it. 
But when David spotted Jack, he looks fleeted away for one of relief, followed by fear as he ducked away from another fly-by of Oscar’s fist. 
Jack ran up and clocked the guy behind the neck, gettin' him real good before flying in front of Dave and landing a kick in Oscar’s left thigh again. 
He reeled back and swing wildly, catching Jack’s cheekbone and giving it a bruiser. Jack cried out a yell and turned to see Dave on the other side that Oscar wasn’t looking from and got him in his bottom back, completely knocking the wind out of the guy from his side, probably achin his ribs for good measure too.
Oscar doubled over in a wheeze and Jack took this as an opportunity to grab Dave’s hand and bolt away. 
They got a good way to Jack’s car before he paused and said 
“Wait, wait- where are we going?!” he blurted, looking David in his furiously blue eyes. 
“Don’t know, don’t care, get me out of here. Far out of here. I don't care, you have your car and your plan- well I want in on that too. Please.” he grabbed and pulled forward both of Jack’s hands, eyes pleading yet forceful. 
“Wh-woah there, hold on- I can't just let ya- do you- how- don’t you have a home? A family?” he blurted again, quickly as he heard more yells from inside the diner, likely the boys of satan troubling up again. 
“I…they won’t care, it’ll be easier on them with one less person to care for. They don’t need my money if they don’t need to spend it on me.” he reasoned. his conflict was evident yet his drive to get the hell out of dodge was clearly winning out. 
Jack paused again- he felt for him, he really did, and good god did he want to run away with this boy. But, he had to be reasonable. he wasn’t exactly just planning on taking a drive mind you.
Dave must've seen this look before cautiously saying “if it makes you feel better, ill leave some money and a note saying Im safe’n all.”
Jack nodded before slowly starting “I don’t exactly have a very safe plan, though-“
Hearing a door open and a subsequent yell, Jack was cut off and panicked. David took this to jump in the car and shove jack in beside him. he got the memo pretty quick and backed out if there like a madman on wheels.
Hightaling it once more, this time he just happened to have a cute boy in his car. 
that had no idea he was a criminal.
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outoutdamnspark · 2 years
Welcome to the Shatterdome
Part of my Echos in the Deep Submas/Pacific Rim crossover - written for @antidotesprout​ because they drew THIS AMAZING SKETCH of the twins in jaeger pilot suits~
{I originally posted this as a reply on the sketch post itself, but uhhhhhh tumblr mobile kept eating it. Or not letting me take it out of my drafts. So if you managed to see it before, no you didn’t. 😭}
Reader Insert Character momentarily introduced near the end; this au will be polyamorous Emmet x Reader x Ingo  - no blankshipping!
CW: none.
(There is a moment of platonic brotherly hand-holding. Shippers DNI.)
“Raleigh, this is Hercules Hansen, an old friend from the Mark-1 glory days.”
Herc reaches out to shake Raleigh’s hand, grip firm and voice warm as he says, “I know you, mate, we rode together before.”
“We did, sir,” Raleigh agrees. He returns the handshake with quiet respect, a faint, nostalgic smile creeping up his face. “Six years ago, my brother and I. It was a three-jaeger-team drop.”
“That’s right; Manila.” The older ranger’s face falls. “I’m sorry about your brother…”
Raleigh looks down and away; the smile fades, eyes no longer focusing, and he can almost feel the echoes of electric pain sizzling along the circuitry scars covering his shoulder and side. “…Thank you, sir,” he murmurs, and unlike so many other times he’s had to say it, this one, he means.
Herc nods, mercifully knowing when to let a conversation thread die.
It’s as if the universe knows they all need a shift in mood, somehow, because the silence only rings for a moment before there comes a distraction in the form of a flash of white in the corner of Raleigh’s eye.
Herc must see it, too, because he turns to look and the smile returns - this time, in amusement.
“Well I’ll be damned,” he chuckles. “Small fucking world.”
From the side there approaches a towheaded man in a pale grey shirt under a short white jacket; he strides towards them unnervingly fast, taking too-long strides and swinging his arms beside himself as if to further quicken his pace. His face is split into a wide, nearly uncanny grin.
He stops abruptly just a bit too close to the trio, and looks from Pentecost, to Herc, and then finally to Raleigh with a gaze so pale a blue that his eyes look almost white.
“Ah, Mr. Trewyn,” Pentecost says with a nod. “Good to see you made it.”
“Marshal Pentecost,” he says by way of greeting, his voice oddly monotone. His grin stretches further, crinkling at his eyes.
Pentecost, not surprisingly, seems utterly unfazed by the man’s strange mannerisms. He simply makes a half gesture with one hand, tilting his head in acknowledgement.
“Gentlemen, this is Emmet Trewyn, San Diego. He and his brother Ingo held the California coastline six consecutive times. 0% civilian casualty rate.” He glances over at Raleigh. “Other than you, Mr. Becket, they make up the last of the Mark-3 pilots.”
Emmet brings his hands up to hover in front of his chest, pressing his fingertips together and splaying them out wide. “I am Emmet,” he intones. “You are Hercules Hansen and Raleigh Becket. I remember you from Manila. Verrrrry fun battle, yep.”
“Fun’s a word for it, sure,” Herc says, laughter in his voice. “Good to see you again.”
Raleigh lets out a quiet, amused huff of his own. “Spectre Arachne, right?” He holds out a hand for Emmet to shake. “I didn’t actually get to meet you face-to-face. Better late than never, huh?”
Emmet eyes Raleigh’s hand warily, leaning back a bit. “Spectre Arachne, yep. That was us.”
He does not move to return the gesture, so Raleigh lets his hand fall limply to his side.
“Holy shit, you’re Herc Hansen!”
The group is spared any further awkwardness from Emmet’s touch-aversion as yet another person comes bounding up to them - this time a girl, probably somewhere in her early teens, with blue-black hair beneath a black newsboy cap that’s just a little bit too large for her head. She slides to a stop next to Emmet, bright red scarf trailing behind her, and grins up at Herc with stars in her eyes as she bounces on her heels in excitement. “Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!“
Herc grins right back, holding out his hand, which the girl takes with gusto. “Always a pleasure to meet a fan, little lady.”
The girl absolutely beams. “I saw the news coverage of Sydney the other day! Striker Eureka was so cool!” She pulls back as the handshake ends and brings both her hands up near her chest, happily flapping out the excess energy.
Emmet, on the other hand, stands pouting behind her. He tilts his head at the girl and bends slightly at the waist to try and catch her eye as he gives her what is unquestionably a kicked puppy look. “I am Emmet. I am also a ranger. Why do you not think I am cool?”
She doesn’t even bother looking back at him, just rolls her eyes skyward in the way only a teenager can do. “You’re too much of a dork to be cool, Uncle Em,“ she scoffs.
(Raleigh very nearly doesn’t suppress his sniggering in time.)
Emmet lets out a scandalized gasp, pale eyes shooting wide. “Rude!” he accuses, throwing his hands up incredulously. “Rude niece! Disowned!”
Pentecost ignores Emmet almost entirely, sparing him only an unamused glance before turning away to leave the man to his dramatics. 
“Miss Akari here,” Pentecost says with a subtle kind of pride, “is the final part of our research division; youngest kaiju expert in the field.” He gives the girl - Akari - a quick, pleased nod.
Herc lets out a low whistle. “Expert, huh? That’s impressive,” he says, tone nothing but encouraging.
Akari flushes and ducks her face into her scarf, bashful despite the elation in her eyes - like she’s reminding herself it’s okay to accept the praise. “A-ah, well, you know, it’s ah…” she starts, laughing nervously. “See, every new kaiju that comes through has been different, right? New attacks, new defenses; it’s almost like they’ve been evolving, or-or maybe learning from the ones that we’ve successfully killed. Adapting. But that doesn’t make any sense? Cuz, like, evolution takes aaaaages, and the kaiju just… take a single generation!”
She tugs her scarf down, stimming excitedly with the soft fabric, bunching it up in her hands and twisting it around her fingers.
(Behind her, out of her line of sight, Emmet contradicts his own earlier actions and watches his niece with a proud, proud smile.)
“Newt thinks they’re all clones, but I feel like that can’t be right, either - at least, not like, natural clones, because then we wouldn’t have such drastic physical differences, and especially not so soon,” Akari continues. She looks between the three men that aren’t her uncle with eyes that shine with all the passion of a hyperfixation. “So it’s gotta be something else, maybe - or if it’s not then maybe there’s a pattern of some kind! - so I’ve been working with Dr. Gotltlieb to try and make a predictive model on what traits we might see in upcoming specimens. That way, we might be able to keep from getting blindsided anymore and find a way adjust our own battle strategies and out-evolve them!”
She pauses for breath - and then stills. Akari seems to realize that she’s just been babbling, because she quickly tenses, hands fidgeting with her scarf, and ducks her head to hide beneath the shadow of her too-big cap. “I, uh, yeah.” She clears her throat. “And-and then, you know… stop them for good.”
(Emmet silently reaches out and pats her shoulder comfortingly.)
Unwilling to let Akari feel ashamed for something so genuinely impressive, Raleigh looks over to Pentecost with a crooked smile. “Oh I like her.”
Pentecost simply hums in agreement; Akari flushes even redder under her hat.
Doing as Herc had done before him, Raleigh reaches out his hand, careful to keep it in her line of sight since she’s still looking down. “Nice to meet you, Akari; I’m Raleigh.”
Akari’s head snaps up so fast Raleigh’s sure he hears a click. She stares at him, mouth dropping open in first confusion, then realization, and then glee. “Raleigh, like… Raleigh Becket?” she gasps, awestruck. “Like, the Raleigh Becket?”
Raleigh chuckles. “Only one I know of,” he jokes.
She squeals. With more strength than her slim frame should be able to contain, she grips his hand with both of her own and vigorously shakes it, all the while looking up at him with open delight. “Ohmygosh, you’re actually Raleigh Becket!”
Hand still clutched in hers, he leans down slightly so that he’s a bit more at her much-shorter level; the girl is tiny compared to the four grown men around her.
He tilts his head in Emmet’s direction, seeing the other man tilt his own in curiosity at the gesture. “Take it easy on your uncle, yeah?” Raleigh stage-whispers to Akari in faux conspiracy, smile creeping just a little wider. “Arachne had our backs like a badass when we all dropped together in Manila.”
Akari’s eyes somehow get bigger.
Emmet, close enough to hear Raleigh’s poor excuse for a secret, lets out a triumphant - though monotone - “SEE?!” which Akari completely ignores.
“You guys fought together!?”
Delighted, disbelieving, she whirls around to the side, opposite the group, back in the direction she and Emmet had come from, and calls, “Dad! Dad, why didn’t you tell me you rode with Gipsy fucking Danger?!”
For a third time, everyone looks up to see yet another person making their way over.
It’s another man, dressed in a charcoal grey turtleneck under a long black duster jacket. He looks almost identical to Emmet, save for a few minute differences, and Raleigh can only assume this must be Spectre Arachne’s second pilot; he feels the pang of long-worn sorrow as he remembers that they’re a pair of brothers.
The man - presumably Ingo - has the same tow-colored hair, with the same angular sideburns framing his face. His hair is slightly longer, though, and looks to be pulled low and back. His gait is also much slower than Emmet’s had been, steeped in weariness, and his shoulders hunch where Emmet’s do not.
Most notably, in contrast to his brother’s openly-cheery expressions, Ingo’s face is pulled into a stern, heavy frown - almost to the point of scowling.
As he gets closer, Raleigh can see that the man’s right eye is tightly closed, and for a moment he wonders if it’s blind, or possibly missing - especially once he’s near enough for Raleigh to see the telltale lines crossing his skin.
Two angry red circuitry scars - the same as the ones that decorate Raleigh’s left side - crackle lengthwise from the man’s hairline and down his right temple to just past the cheekbone. A third deviates from the others to cut a path down through his eyebrow, though thankfully only clips the outer corner of his eye on its way to join the rest, and not directly through the center.
Ingo steps up next to Akari with a quiet, affectionate, “language, little one,” and plucks the hat from her head, fitting it over his own. He tugs the brim down until his right eye is bathed in shadow before slowly blinking the eye open. It’s intact save for the faint pink line down the outer corner where the scars line up, missing the pale iris by far too small a margin. His pupil takes an unnaturally long time to adjust, and Raleigh realizes that, while Ingo likely still has sight, there is definitely some nerve damage left behind.
Ingo looks up from where he’s ruffling Akari’s hair and gives them all a polite nod. “Good evening, Marshal!” he says brightly. “And to you as well, gentlemen!” It’s strange to hear such a warm greeting coupled with such a dire looking expression, but with the way his eyes crinkle happily and the corners of his lips curl haltingly upward in a faint smile, Raleigh guesses there’s probably some sort of partial facial paralysis there, as well.
Pentecost acknowledges Ingo with a cordial, “Good to see you still in one piece, Ingo.”
The man, now indeed confirmed to be Ingo, appears to take amusement in that, because the creases of his eyes grow deeper as he replies, “Such as it is.”
Before Herc and Raleigh can get out a greeting of their own, Akari grabs her father by the hem of his coat and tugs on it excitedly. “Daaaaaad!” she play-whines. “You know famous people and you kept it to yourself?”
Emmet mutters a huffy, “We’re famous, too…” but once again, is mostly ignored.
Ingo blinks down at his daughter in silent confusion, brows creasing together so tightly that the thin slivers of his near-white irises seem to glow in the shadow of his hat.
He looks back up at the people around him. The faint, cat-like smile he’d apparently struggled to create a moment ago disappears, replaced instead by what looks to be a true frown. It pulls the rest of his face down with it, leaving him looking uncomfortably distressed as he shifts his gaze from Raleigh to Herc and then back again, not a hint of recognition in his eyes. “I… do?” he says, quiet and lost.
Ingo turns to face his brother, who, in perfect sync also turns to look at him. They stay that way for a moment, locking eyes, not saying a word as some sort of silent communication passes between them.
Raleigh recognizes it, is sure Herc and Pentecost do, as well. It’s something all pilots with a soul-deep drift compatibility are wont to do: a mental sifting back and forth of the shared memories they’ve left inside one another’s heads. He used to do it sometimes with Yancy without even realizing it.
(It still hurts sometimes, even with years behind him, to feel that emptiness where his brother once was when Raleigh unconsciously tries to reach for him during his lowest points.)
In unison, the Trewyn brothers blink.
“…Manilla,” Emmet finally murmurs in a perfect, robotic monotone.
Ingo blinks a second time. “Ma-? OH!” 
It’s like the light finally reignites behind Ingo’s eyes, because he whirls back around to face the group again with another feline smile - this one actually tugging enough at his lips to expose the tiniest glint of teeth. “Gipsy Danger and Striker Eureka, yes!”
Ingo straightens up a bit more, his spine audibly cracking as he rolls his shoulders back. He reaches up with the hand not resting on his daughter’s shoulder to grip the bill of his cap, tipping it in proper greeting. “Forgive me,” he says, face as apologetic as he can make it. “Please do not take my lapse in memory as a slight against you,” he says, tone expressing what his face cannot. “I sustained a head injury during my and Emmet’s final mission together.” He appears to wince. “My memory has been… hm. Unreliable, these past few years as a result.”
He lowers his hand from his cap to his temple, brushing his fingers gently over the scars; the moment his hand is at his side again, Emmet wordlessly snatches it up in one of his own and grips it so hard his knuckles turn white. Akari presses herself into her father’s other side.
“No offense taken, mate,” Herc - ever tactful - says kindly, pointedly not acknowledging the rest of the Trewyn family’s sudden anxiety. “Better a little banged up than the alternative, ey?”
Raleigh nods in agreement.
He’s about to tell Ingo that, to be fair, this is their first in-person meeting and not just through voices over a comm, but before he can, Pentecost speaks up and any further discussion is quickly laid flat.
“Sorry to cut this short, everyone, but we still have a schedule to keep.”
He leans to the side a bit, ducking his head to gently catch Akari’s attention. It works, as the girl lifts her face from her scarf and looks up at him.
“Miss Akari,” he says. “Shall we?”
She pauses, then nods. Leaning more heavily against her father and giving a final, soft nuzzle into his coat, she straightens up and steps away.
Ingo, in turn, gives her shoulder a brief squeeze before letting her go.
She maneuvers her way around Herc to join Pentecost at his side, while the marshal turns to look at where Mako stands a short distance away, Herc’s dog Max at her feet, speaking with another person Raleigh doesn’t yet know.
“Miss Mori,” the marshal calls, and both she and her companion, who is dressed in what looks to be a set of black mechanic’s garb, immediately look up.
Mako steps quickly over to the group; the second person follows more slowly, keeping several paces behind.
Raleigh watches their approach, absently waving farewell to Herc as the older man says his goodbyes and takes his leave, Max trotting happily beside him. He hears Ingo begin to do the same, wishing his daughter luck with her presentation, but Pentecost actually stops him before Ingo can finish.
“Just a moment if you would, Ingo, Emmet.”
Mako stops in front of Raleigh, and from over her shoulder, Raleigh spots the second person make their way to Pentecost’s other side, facing the Trewyn bothers.
“I’ll show you to your jaeger now,” Mako says quietly.
Raleigh holds up a hand, asks her to excuse him for a moment. He pivots to catch up to Pentecost before he can get too far away, hearing the tail end of the marshal introducing the new person to Emmet and Ingo but unfortunately not in time to hear the person’s name.
“… is Miss Mori’s right hand in the Mark-3 restoration program. You have them to thank for your presence here.”
“Marshal!” Raleigh calls, catching Pentecost’s attention, as well as a raised brow.
Just as Raleigh catches up, Pentecost looks back over at the person beside him - Mako’s ‘right hand,’ evidently - and dismisses them with a quick, “If you’d be so kind.”
(Akari seems to take this as her cue to leave as well, speeding off in a separate direction to parts unknown.)
The person whose name Raleigh doesn’t know eyes him warily for a moment, but gives the marshal a sharp nod of acquiescence and steps away, closer to the brothers. “Follow me, please,” they say quietly, motioning for Ingo and Emmet to do so. “Your jaeger is this way…”
Raleigh waits for the three of them to depart before giving Pentecost his undivided focus.
“You still haven’t told me what I’m doing here…”
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starlitink · 2 years
Awwwwww, thanks! You're my favorite Tumblr little sister.
Also, sorry I didn't respond - NYC WiFi is surprisingly shitty, and my phone died.
I did have a fun time in NY! I got to infodump to my mom about the actual Newsboy's Strike, and I did do a fair bit of squealing when we walked across a cobblestone street (because that was the same street the newsies walked on!!! Eeeeeeeeeee!)
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evoxyr · 4 years
Hi! sorry if this is a bother but is there a specific tutorial you followed to learn how to create your own meshes? because every single one i found or someone else linked isn't exactly a tutorial for beginners and requires you to basically already know what your doing.
“how did you make your hairs from scratch? did you follow a tutorial? what was your process? I want to try but I don’t know where to start”
hello friends! :) tbh there was no one specific tutorial… honestly, i spent a lot of time frankenmeshing to get familiar with the processes and blender but never actually released much
but unfortunately, i definitely don’t recommend starting to create meshes from scratch as a beginner because i know i tried and it did NOT end well alkfjsdalkf
diving into blender without knowing what you’re doing is VERY frustrating, i know from experience LMAO so i’m listing tutorials/resources under the cut from beginner to from-scratch meshing that i know are helpful, have been helpful to my friends, or that i realized after messing around to learn something would’ve helped me a TON 
there’s some i’m missing i can’t find for the life of me rn so i’ll add to this later on too! also feel free to send me any tutorials you feel helped you :)
items with an *asterisk are ones i’ve personally used or wish i would’ve had when i started
i’d recommend starting with frankenmeshing clothing first! and then move onto frankenmeshing hair :) so clothes and beginner tutorials will be in this section, and hair tutorials will be in the next!
*blender guru’s blender beginner tutoriali didn’t use this tutorial in particular (thought i would have definitely saved me a lot of time) but blender guru on youtube has really good videos on blender for complete beginners! here is his full playlist of tutorials for 2.7! you probably only need the first one or two just to get your bearings in the program as you won’t really need to use much of materials or lighting for making sims cc
@teanmoon‘s blender cheat sheetpretty self-explanatory!
basic mesh shortening tutoriala good first project to do in blender imo
@deetron-sims‘ frankenmesh tutorialdespite not fully using this, i referred to it a few times when i’d get stuck lolit also contains stuff for normal maps and shadows! i don’t create LODs this way usually, i normally decimate a little bit for each LOD that isn’t LOD 0 (unless LOD 1 looks like trash, in which case i will import my LOD 0 onto there)
*edge split tutorialmarch 18, 2020: here is my version with updated pictures!okay so the pics are broken, but it’s pretty self-explanatory! if you ever get a weird shadow at the ends of your clothing after removing doubles, you need to do this!! i always remove doubles and do this :) i could attempt to redo the tutorial with pictures on tumblr if requested!
*@theslyd‘s multiple mesh tutorial aka making things bgc as wellnot for hair! (cut layers for hairs are for hat compatibility!) but definitely helpful for clothes… had to figure this out for myself so knowing this ahead of time would’ve been really really good
*@deetron-sims‘ specular tutorialthis is a meshing list but i needed to include this because it is a massive pet peeve of mine LMAO i know some people just import blank speculars and specular masks, which works, BUT if the item underneath (ie. tights or if you’re using a shiny mannequin) has any sort of specular or shine at all, then it will show through! you need to create a specular mask based off the alpha of your texture and then import in the blank specular itself if you want no shine to come through! i don’t create my speculars the way this tutorial does, but it works all the same :)
*texture location templatei would definitely recommend getting comfy with uv_0 mapping as a beginner! it just moves around textures really so you wouldn’t mess up morphs/weights :) the template also helps you understand why some cc conflicts with each other! because they’re placed in the same area, the game reads both textures for both items together
various hair frankenmesh tutorials@okruee‘s video tutorial@simandy‘s written/picture tutorial (part 1 and part 2)another video tutorial (was told by @inkyblick, “i literally followed that // and i’m a dumbass with blender // but if I could do the thing, so can they”)
*@blogsimplesimmer​’s hat chop tutoriali would recommend using @pralinesims‘ daydreamin hat set to do hat chops! they’re smaller which makes sure most hats fit! typically when i do hat chops, i use about 5-6 hats per chop in blender to make sure everything fits right…
what i usually use…horizontal chops: praline’s low (with extra fluffy hairs, you may have trouble with the low one, which is fine if you must omit because it’s rare you get a cap that low anyway) and regular caps, base game newsboy cap, get to work CapSurgical, discover university grad cap and bike helmet (i make sure the straps at the back of the head don’t clip out of the hair!)slanted chops: praline’s backwards and lifted caps, base game BaseballBackwards, base game CapPuffy, base game KnittedKuffi, ugly seasons CapKnitBrim
making sure that my hairs work with all of those hats, i haven’t run into a problem with any particular hat yet in game!
hair meshing tipswatch @aharris00britney‘s speed meshes! (or anybody else really, sometimes you can pick up some stuff and learn new tricks!)
quick uv_1 tutorialhaven’t used this myself but it looks rly helpful
also *@teanmoon‘s uv_1 and weight guides really help you understand what those things are for!!
*joint list for sims 4 skeletonsi use this for when i’m weighting my hairs! i don’t weight transfer at all because i can never get weight transfers to work right for me
*@tsminhsims​‘ easy weight assignment for hair (1 / 2 / 3)i use this to weight my hairs :) i’ve made adjustments since as now i understand what affects where now but it’s a good starting point!
ALSO! i would recommend doing uv_1s and weights from scratch for practice on ea hairs before going in and doing on a from-scratch mesh so that you can know how to do it (since you could get frustraed by spending all that work on a mesh and not being able to get in game)
*blender tutorial - hair with curvesthis is the technique i use for my hairs, albeit adapted a little for myself after getting the hang of it! also you only really need to watch the first 10 minutes of the video as the rest is about lighting/texturing which we don’t need for sims 4
*@tekri​’s tutorial on meshing from scratch in mayai’ll be honest, i really really tried this… buut i cannot work in maya at all LMAO the blender parts of this could be helpful for you though! there’s vertex painting, weights, uv_1, and hat chops! :)
the reason i suggested getting comfy with uv_0 mapping is because i haven’t exactly used a uv_0 tutorial myself, but rather understood how it worked and just went from there :) it’s kinda tedious but honestly the simplest part of the whole hair making process imo
other tutorial masterlists
@ridgeport’s cc making tutorial list@simlaughlove‘s tutorial page@tekri​’s guide lists4s forum tutorial list
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Long ass post ahead. TL;DR I found an old set of questions and decided to answer them again 7 years later because why not.
1: What are you wearing?
2014: Some Shorts and a shirt I accidentally stole from my brother.
2021: Panic! at the Disco shirt and some running shorts
2: Ever been in love?
2014: Oh yes, sadly...
2021: pfft.
3: Ever had a terrible breakup?
2014: Not technically, but I once had my homecoming date hook up with another girl.
2021: hahahahahaha. Yes.
4: How tall are you?
2014: like 5 foot 1, maybe 2? I dunno.
2021: 5’4”, apparently
5: How much do you weigh?
2014: How about no...
2021: Who’s to say ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
6: Any tattoos?
2014: Yes! I got one on my left shoulder blade not too long ago. I often forget I have it, actually lol.
2021: I’m up to five, and six is planned.
7: Any piercings?
2014: I do. I have double lobe piercings, and my left ear at the top. No non-ear piercings. Those seem uncomfortable to get, tbh.
2021: Uh...double lobe, helix, forward helix, tragus, nose, and septum.
8: OTPs?
2014: Marshall and Lilly on HIMYM. I mean, I think that's what this is asking. Right?
2021: I’m still not 100% sure what this means but I’m doubling down on Marshall and Lilly.
9: Favorite show?
2014: I'm still recovering from the ending of How I Met Your Mother, but I also love Criminal Minds, and the Big Bang Theory.
2021: HIMYM, Criminal Minds, Stranger Things, and Masked Singer.
10: Favorite bands?
2014: I pretty much love anything, so I'll try to shorten it to Love and Theft, Newsboys, t.A.T.u, Beast, and Fun.
2021: My Chemical Romance, Panic! at the Disco, twenty one pilots, Maroon 5, Relient K.
11: Something you miss?
2014: Going to the park and just lying in the grass with my friends or crushes. I know, I'm Cheesy.
2021: Not having responsibilities or bills to pay.
12: Favorite Song?
2014: ...why do they even bother asking this? Tbh, “I'll Be” by Edwin McCain, and “Hello, My Name is” by Matthew West
2021: “you should see me in a crown” by Billie Eilish and “no body, no crime” by Taylor Swift
13: How old are you?
2014: Nineteen. I feel old.
2021: ...twenty-six.
14: Zodiac sign?
2014: Aries, barely.
2021: (not) shockingly, I’m still an Aries.
15: Quality you look for in a partner?
2014: Just someone who's willing to go on cheesy dates at the park, and love me for who I am. And a Christian. Yea, I'm one of those people. Sorry...
2021: dude just someone who’s gonna stick with me.
16: Favorite quote?
2014: It's actually a verse. I love Jeremiah 29:11. It's actually part of what's tattooed on my shoulder; right below a cross.
2021: “it do be like that sometimes”
17: Favorite actor?
2014: Uhhhhh. Matthew Gray Gubler, or David Tennant. I love them both :)
2021: Matthew Gray Gubler.
18: Favorite color?
2014: Green, or pink. Depends on the shade and whatnot.
2021: pastels. mostly green.
19: Loud music or soft?
2014: If I'm alone in the car? loud. Anywhere else I enjoy my soft music.
2021: If I’m by myself loud but if there’s others I like to keep it low enough so we can still talk.
20: Where do you go when you’re sad?
2014: My Room, or the park not to far from me. I like parks, if you haven't noticed.
2021: My room
21: How long does it take you to shower?
2014: Uh, probably about 10 minutes.
2021: Either 10 minutes or 45 minutes. There is no in-between
22: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
2014: About 30 minutes. I like to sleep tbh.
2021: Maybe 20 minutes at the most. Cutting off all my hair really took some time off my getting ready list.
23: Ever been in a physical fight?
2014: heck no.
2021: hell no.
24: Turn on?
2014: Cute shy smiles, and geekiness. I love someone who I can be comfortable with.
2021: dorks with a lame sense of humor. I am all about the dad jokes.
25: Turn off?
2014: Those guys who try to make you uncomfortable, or act like they're super cool. I guess that would be douches, huh?
2021: the “oh you should smile more” men.
26: The reasons I joined Tumblr?
2014: I was trying to find a place where I could post stuff without my parents seeing it tbh. I like having a place where like 2 people actually know me.
2021: Because where else can I release the true psychotic chaos within me?
27: Fears?
2014: Being abandoned. And darkness, for sure.
2021: Finding out people only stayed in your life out of obligation and not out of their own choice. And spiders.
28: Last thing that made you cry?
2014: The guy I liked totally looked past me and started telling me about this other girl, after I told him how I felt (not RIGHT after, it had been about two months...but still).
2021: My mom manipulated me into showing up to something I didn’t want to because “I should really go visit family”
29: Last time you said you loved someone?
2014: My best friend and I say I love you after we hang up the phone Lol.
2021: Other than normal parent “Love You”’s, it’s probably been about 3 years.
30: Meaning behind your Tumblr name?
2014: I'm short, totally socially awkward in new situations (and with old friends, now that I think about it) and Idk about the fox. I just like foxes, I guess...
2021: There is no meaning. I like pancakes, space, and dragons.
31: Last book you read?
2014: If you don't count my English Lit book, then it was probably "Only the Good Spy
Young" by Ally Carter, but I don't remember.
2021: oh geez. It was probably “George” or “Rick” by Alex Gino
32: The book you’re currently reading? 
2014: Nothing yet. I do have that last Gallagher Girl book to read though. I'll probably start it this weekend.
2021: Nothing. But I never got to that last Gallagher Girl book...
33: Last show you watched?
2014: The Big Bang Theory.
2021: The Masked Singer
34: Last person you talked to? 
2014: My dad lol. We were watching the NFL draft.
2021: Guy friend of mine. I went to his place for dinner and some video games.
35: The relationship between you and the person you last texted? 
2014: Good Friend
2021: hahahahahahahaha. We’re just friends.
36: Favorite food?
2014: Cajun. Blame my grandparents, that's what they cook a lot lol.
2021: Pasta
37: Place you want to visit?
2014: I wanna go to Alaska. Even though I know it's super cold.
2021: Europe. Specially Spain or France.
38: Last place you were? 
2014: I honestly left home like twice today, to bring something to my brother at the High school, then to bring him to a friends house. He has a better social life than me.
2021: Friends place to hang out. We played Stardew then ordered wings and watched a movie.
39: Do you have a crush?
2014: Yes. See question 28 lol. Also, there's this other guy who I got close to last year, but I haven't spoken to him in weeks, and it's killing me.
2021: See guy referred to in 34, 35, and 38.
40: Last time you kissed someone?
2014: Never. I have never kissed anyone. Well, besides like a kiss in the cheek from family. Yeah...
2021: wow it’s probably been about three years.
41: Last time you were insulted?
2014: Recently lol. I guess... I don't really pay attention, or care...
2021: I don’t know. Probably recently.
42: Favorite flavor of sweet?
2014: I'm just gonna act like this doesn't exist, cause idk what it's asking.
2021: Chocolate.
43: What instruments do you play?
2014: I can play the French Horn and Mellophone! I also want to learn the flute, but I can't unless I have something to practice lol.
2021: French Horn, Mellophone, and Ukulele. Still want to learn the flute.
44: Favorite piece of jewelry?
2014: My purity ring. If I forget to put it on, I can seriously feel the emptiness, and it bothers me...
2021: My septum ring! I feel like it’s the first piercing I got for myself, and not just something I thought others would like on me.
45: Last sport you played?
2014: Maybe Soccer? Idk.
2021: pfft. Sports.
46: Last song you sang?
2014: “I'll Be” by Edwin McCain. But I really don't sing well, so it doesn't happen much, unless I'm alone.
2021: “You Belong with Me (Taylor’s Version)” by Taylor Swift and I 100% sang it to my dog.
47: Favorite chat up line?
2014: I don't have one
2021: It’s been 7 years and I still don’t have one.
48: Have you ever used it?
2014: Since i don't have one, no.
2021: Nah.
49: Last time you hung out with someone?
2014: I hung out with my future roommate before I left college yesterday.
2021: When I went to the previously mentioned Guy’s house earlier today.
50: Who should answers these questions next?
2014: Well, I guess any of my followers can choose to, if they want.
2021: Bold of you to assume anyone’s actually going to see this.
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newsboys-of-1899 · 4 years
Hello! This blog was a brilliant idea! Are there any existing photos of the newsboys where they have been identified? Thank you!
Hey, sorry for the late reply. I only just saw this question.
Assuming you’re talking only about the newsboy strikers and not newsboys in general, the only photo I have of a striker where they are mentioned by name is David Simmons, president of the newsboy union:
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If you’re looking for just any newsboy, not necessarily ones who took part in the strike, there are lots of pictures in my photos tag (link to my Wordpress site since Tumblr isn’t letting me search tags right now).
A newspaper article at the time alleges that a photo was taken of Kid Blink with his floral horseshoe at the rally, but if such a photo exists, I have never found it. If anybody has that photo or any other photos of the strikers, please do send them my way.
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All's Well That Brings Ducklings
This is in a response to a prompt by @all-the-lovely-newsies! (read it on ao3)
Notes: Hi! Ily and I adore this ask so much. I had SO MUCH fun with this one you do not even know
I’m... really sorry tumblr went and ate your ask when I was trying to work on a response for, but I did get it! The idea was: “Newsies of your choice find baby ducks and try to sneak them into the Lodging House”
I'm not sure if this is the best but I loved writing it. Davey is autistic and can go nonverbal sometimes in this, but they don't really have words to describe that about him (bc, y'know, 1899) This is just gen and focuses on the friendships between the characters. Javid are together in this universe, and it's sort of alluded to but not the focus of the story
I was sort of imagining this as musical/Live versions and then Boots appeared bc I love him
I really hope you like it? <3
"This isn't going to work, Race," Boots hissed from his place on the floor, glaring at the boy who had a cigar half-peeking out between his lips.
Davey, shockingly, had been sucked into their shenanigans and had seemingly been struck silent for the past several minutes.
The ducklings stared up at them, wiggling as the group of newsboys tried to hold them without letting any of them fall. Boots had three in his arms, trying to precariously balance them, two of them had taken nest in a cap set next to one of the boys, and Davey was cradling one close and stroking it soft, repetitive motions.
There were nine total.
None of them were quite sure how they'd gotten that many ducklings in tow or how exhausted the poor mother with nine babies must be.
"Course it will, are ya stupid?" Racetrack whapped the other boy lightly over the head with his cap, scowling. "We'll be fine, just watch."
Boots stubbornly glared and Racetrack, incredibly keen not to get a sharp kick to his shins, was not going to bring up how overly excited and gleeful the younger boy had appeared when they'd found the ducklings. Boots was scrappy enough, and Race didn't want to have a slew of the littles mad with him for a week 'cause of his inability to keep his mouth shut.
Davey had gone silent. Race was a little thrilled by that- and come on, Jack couldn't be that cross with anything that made Davey so happy he couldn't talk. The Jewish boy stared, eye wide, slowly stroking a little duck in a way that made Race feel he'd probably have his hands fluttering the way he did when he got too excited if he wasn't preoccupied petting the duckling.
"It's so soft," Race thought the last thing he breathed might have been.
He shot a look up to the building. Davey's earlier attempts to protest: "It won't work Race! ...You can't just sneak ducks into the building. What if they make a mess? You don't have any room for pets- Race..." had been abandoned.
"It'll work," Racetrack said presently instead, insistently.
He scooped up one of the ducklings, trying not to grin. This was going to be fun. Besides, who wouldn't want baby ducks in their stuff?
Sneaking the ducklings into the Lodging House was a complicated business. Race's initial plan was to climb up and deposit them through the window, but Davey had shot that down quickly and adamantly. So instead, he began the dangerous trip of sneaking up through the house, hissing sharply to one another while Boots kept ferocious lookout. Ducklings, it turned out, were not very good at being directed places. While the three of them had ended up home earlier than the rest of the boys, it still took more than half-an-hour of wrangling ducklings and guiding them with hats and a box lid up to steps just to reach one floor.
Davey stammered, "This isn't working. It's- it's stupid and we're going to get caught, Race, what if Jack's-"
"Jack ain't gonna be mad with you Davey, he likes you too much. 'Sides, we ain't gonna get caught in the first place." Shooting a glance around the stairwell, Race dropped and scooped a few of the ducklings into his cap and bolted. Balancing the ducklings was a precarious business, but while they chirped at him in protest and Davey yelled "Race!" he did manage to get them in one piece up to the bunks. He swiftly deposited them onto the nearest pillow, ran for the door, and shut it tightly behind him.
Davey shot him a sharp look.
"Race, I swear," he stopped whatever he was saying to carefully nudge one of the ducklings back towards its siblings before Dave's face returned to his anger.
"What? It ain't like this way was working much better," Race shot nack sneakily.
"Just shut up and-"
"Stop pushing!" Boots scolded on of the ducklings before glaring balefully at one of the larger ones. "You're stepping on my toes!"
"Shut up you bums," Race hissed. Boots stuck his tongue out on the step below him, Race could sense it. "Boots..."
Almost petulantly, Boots retorted, "I haven't even done anything!"
Eventually, trying to appear as inconspicuous as possible the boys tried to tuck the ducklings into their coat pockets or cupped hands and make it upstairs and out of sight. A handful of the other boys noticed, giggled and watched or snorted. One of the twins gaped for a moment before lighting up and darting away in a way that may have Race a little fearful in anticipation for what the duo would do next.
They did make it with only a few odd looks as the boys slowly began to shuffle in for the night.
Finally, finally they made into one of the dorm rooms. The boys burst in, waving ducklings close to the bed and several of them being deposited onto the pillows. Race kicked the door with his foot. The door slammed shut behind him, and he sent a surveying glance around the room.
"We have them all?" He checked. "Boots?"
"I got mine!"
A blink before a decisive nod.
"How many are in here?" Race squawked. He let his gaze run along the floor. The ducklings were clustering beneath one particular bunk. Boots was close down next to them, and, hesitantly as though he was afraid of imposing himself too much or something Davey seated himself on the edge of the mattress. He started to count- bundle of feathers, check, the chubby one, the black one, the-"it would be easier to count if they would all stay still!"
Davey dropped his gaze, eyes flicking between the ducks as Race muffled a groan. He twisted around and tangled his hair in his hands. Davey's voice was clear and level when he spoke up smoothly. "We have all nine."
He paused before a confused, "Why-"
He was cut off by a high series of chirps from when one of the baby ducks "Shush shush shush shush shush," Race nearly fell over as he dropped to the duckling's side, trying to cover its mouth. "No," he tried.
The duckling didn't seem to care about Race at all. He huffed.
"Alright, you've been quiet more than ten minutes so I know you'se up to something. Race?" Something thumped below- the drop of a bag perhaps- and then, footsteps.
"Uh, nothing?" Race's voice went high and cracked. He winced. Oops.
Well that was more than unconvincing. Race bolted, lurching forwards and knocking someone's stuff over with a thud in the fray.
"We're fine, Jack," and Race really wanted someone to teach Davey to lie because the poor boy sucked at it.
It was probably more than a miracle they'd made it this far.
Race started scooping up ducklings, desperately trying to wave some underneath the bed. "C'mon, c'mon!" He hissed.
The door swung open. Jack opened his mouth, probably to say something, but froze in the doorway, face slowly falling into one of absolute befuddlement as he stared at the scene of feathers and ducklings and fumbling newsboys.
Davey was the most sheepish of the lot of them. "Oh! Uh, Jack," He lowered the duckling into his lap, fiddling with the edges of the mattress uncertainly, seeming entirely bashful. Race was frozen, a deer in the headlights before he straightened up in the picture of wide-eyed, oblivious innocence while Boots, for the most part, looked incredibly smug and innately pleased himself.
"Hiya Kelly," Boots greeted with an easy grin.
Jack gaped at them a moment. Finally, trying to sound stern, he asked, "Why-" and Racetrack practically preened at the way he could see Jack fighting painfully hard as the corners of his lips twitch to keep himself from smiling. "Are the pillows and the lot of you covered in baby ducks?"
"Ducklings are quite good for the health o' pillows, Kelly, dontcha know? Woulda thought after all your years of being a newsie you would of known," Racetrack leered, knitting his fingers behind his head. "It's the best way too keep em in good shape as long as possible. After all, 's common knowledge for those with brains like Mouth."
Davey wrinkled up his nose, looking half like he wanted to argue before being distracted by the little bundle of yellow and black markings quacking in his lap. His eyes stretched comically wide as he stared in awe at the tiny creature and quickly forgot whatever scolding he seemed to want to give the other boy.
Race smirked.
This was coming to be a lot easier than he anticipated.
Jack stared a moment. He gestured wildly, making a strangled sound before: "What. Happened?"
"It was Race's idea," Davey blurted, panicking. His eyes flew up to Jack's and stretched wide, flashing with insecurity.
"Davey Jacobs," Race gasped. "I am hurt, I am offended, I come here and give you room on someone else's bed outta the goodness of my heart and this is the thanks I get? An' anyhow, Boots was the one-"
"No I was not-"
"Don't you dare, you little-"
"I wasn't-"
"You was the one who said we should in the firs-"
"Alright enough!" Jack cut them off.
One of the ducklings tumbled and landed on its tiny chest with a squeak before fluffing up and fumbling upright. It tilted its head up at them.
The ducklings chirped and Jack seemed to be losing the battle to keep himself from grinning. Forcing a sigh, he said in weak half-protest, "How did you drag Davey into this?" Davey was entirely preoccupied softly dropping his hand to stroke the duckling, who quacked crossly at the boy if he paused a millisecond too long.
"They're soft. And small. And I think Race would have accidentally killed one if he didn't have supervision," Davey rattled off matter-of-factly, before blinking at Jack with the ghost of the smile.
Jack snorted while Racetrack squalled an indignant, "I would not!"
"When are we taking 'em back?" Jack sounded exasperated and far too tired for their antics. Racetrack folded his arms harshly with a huff.
"C'mon Jack, look at them!" Jack jumped, taking a half-step back as he suddenly found a duckling shoved up eye-to-eye with him. Boots stared up at him, eyes stretched wide and Jack held his hands up in a calming gesture.
"Aight, aight, don't get yourself all worked up into a tizzy," Jack swiped at his mouth before he took a deep breath. Squatting down, "You know you has to take them back, right? They need their mom. We can't raise a bunch of ducks. Sides, you know what Weasel and any of the fella will have to say. We can't just take in a bunch of baby birds."
Boots glared before dropping one of the ducks into Jack's cupped hands. Jack blinked, sputtered before he straightened up.
"Can we at least keep one of the little ones?" Race asked.
Jack held the duckling gingerly out in front of him, wavering and almost as though he was afraid of breaking it. "They's all little one's. Where the he- where did you even get them from?"
"Race found them on his way back from the tracks! They musta got lost or something," Boots explained. ""cause they was all wandering around quacking like no tomorrow."
Jack set the duckling back by Boots who nodded proudly. Jack wiped his hands on his pants before standing back up and turning to Race with a sigh. "Their mother's probably looking for them," Davey murmured, knitting his brow thoughtfully.
"Do we have to take them back? C'mon, Jack, don'tcha think it'll be great to see the boys reactions. Albert? Oh! OH, Elmer and Romeo?" Race wheedled before pouting like he used to when they were kids. Jack just huffed and shoved Race's shoulder lightly.
"They has a home too, Racer, and don't be an idiot. Who knows what a mess these things could make?" Jack argued.
"Just for the night. Then we'll take 'em back in the mornin."
Boots shouted in delight, bouncing in a way that lead to a flurry of protested squeaks from the ducklings before he quite seriously apologized. Race lit up, and Davey muffled a laugh behind his hands. Jack's eyes went fond at the edges as he huffed and clicked the door shut behind him. Shaking his head, he crossed over to crouch down and watch Boots chatter away eagerly, nodding along. He shot a look up at Dave, who smiled softly back at him and crooked a grin in response.
This was his family- wild, loud, and unpredictable. He wouldn't change it for the world.
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Y’all I just typed up a really long post about stuff I found about the real newsboys strike that I was going to use for my research paper and TUMBLR FREAKING REFRESHED AND I LOST IT ALL SO HERE’S SCREENSHOTS OF THE ARTICLES I FOUND FROM “THE SUN” THAT ARE DATED AROUND JULY 28-31, 1899 BECAUSE I TYPED THEM UP TO MAKE IT EASIER TO READ BUT APPARENTLY THAT’S NOT HAPPENING
Kid Blink admitting to selling boycotted papers: [article dated July 28, 1899]
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Race’s real name is in fact “Ed” not “Anthony” (Sorry Alexa) [Article dated July 31, 1899]
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Newsboys in Rochester went on strike against the World and the Journal around the same time (and they had a leader named “Ike”): [article dated July 31, 1899]
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I will reblog this with updates when I find more stuff, but this is what I have so far. 
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amalgamatedclothing · 2 years
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Great 1920s fitting this morning! Sorry we’ve been quiet for this past several days but we’ve been working on four big projects and can’t wait to share with you soon. #1920sfashion #mensvintage #costumedesign #vintageclothing #authenticvintage #newsboy #sleevegarter (at Amalgamated Costume and Design Studio) https://www.instagram.com/p/CbIYcI-u-ZG/?utm_medium=tumblr
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i-got-personality · 6 years
38 through 48 for the newsies asks?
Sorry I didn’t see these sooner, and thanks for asking!
38.    Which newsies character do you think you are most similar to and why?
I mean, I kind of have to say Crutchie. Everyone always says I’m the fandom’s Crutchie equivalent, and I myself have to admit that I sort of am.
39.    Which newsies character do you think you could be friends with and why?
I think I’d be pretty good friends with a lot of them! Probably Jack though, he reminds me a whole lot of my absolute best friend and we’ve been friends since we were one year olds so I guess I get along pretty well with that kind of person. I think I’d get along with a lot of the newsies though!
40.    Why do you like newsies?
I like it because it’s a fun, inspiring story with fantastic music, incredible choreography, and a wonderful and creative fandom!
41.    How did you first discover newsies?
I’m not sure exactly when it was, but I watched the 1992 movie when I was really little and I’ve loved it ever since. I only found out about/fell in love with the stage show a couple years ago though.
42.    Have you ever seen the stage show?  If not, would you like to?  If so, how many times?
No, unfortunately, but I’d absolutely love to!
43.    How often do you watch the movie?
Depends on the movie. I watch the live filmed show multiple times a week because it’s on Netflix, but I watch the 1992 movie every couple of months because sadly I don’t own it.
44.    Has newsies impacted your life in any way?  How?
It’s impacted my life in a lot of ways, as it’s kind of what inspired me to start using Tumblr and it’s been such a big part of my life for such a long time!
45.    Do you do create any kind of fanwork?  Where can it be found?
I make fanart, headcanons, the occasional fanfiction and now moodboards! It can all be found on here and on the Newsies Amino.
46.    Do you have a crush on any of the newsies characters?  Which one(s)?
Not really, apart from platonic crushes on all of them.
47.    Which song do you like to sing?  If you’re feeling really brave, record a clip of yourself singing it and post.
I like to sing a lot of them! My favorite is probably Santa Fe (Prologue), because I always sing it with one of my friends and we’ve gotten really good at the harmonies, but I also love Carrying the Banner, King of New York, Letter from the Refuge, Seize the Day, pretty much all of them. I’ve also posted a horrible cover of me singing Letter from the Refuge on here before while I had terrible allergies so I can’t hit any of the notes!
48.   What other things (books, musicals, etc) would you recommend newsies fans check out?
This isn’t really a book or musical but CHECK OUT THE DRUNK HISTORY NEWSBOY REVOLT IT’S AMAZING
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leoswritingcorner · 6 years
runnin’ wild (chapter two)
okay. i’ve given up on DA, for posting my stories. from now on, they’ll be featured on here, and I’ll be making a page on my tumblr, and folder for them. DA is dead to me for now.
BUT UHH, i did not forget this story. In fact, more inspiration struck for this, than ADH so here we gooo! more awesome babes to come along soon!
Jamie claps a hand over her mouth and coughs. Tears spring in her eyes, as she pulls away from the bar. Vergil is quick to catch the shot glass that teetered over the counter edge.
“What…” Jamie wheezes. “What in the world is that?!” She warily eyes the giant unnamed bottle of liquor that Vergil had just poured from. The younger man grins and pours himself some into a new shot glass.
“Moonshine.” He replies easily.
Jamie blanches. “Moonshine?!” She repeats in a whisper, and looks around the speakeasy quickly, as though her father may materialize on the spot at any moment. “Where’s Lucky?” She asks. Vergil downs his shot and winces, letting out a ‘woo damn!’ and points to the back room, wiping his lips with the sleeve of his shirt.
“What is she thinking?” Jamie sighs, taking her purse as she heads into the backroom. The sounds of steam hissing and copper whistles greet her as she swings the door open, Lucky hoping around different rubber tubes, fanning a large still.
Jamie spots Lucy stirring a large pot, where a very pungent odor wafted from. “This is the big surprise?” She speaks up, placing a hand on her hip.
Both Lucy and Lucky freeze, their heads slowly turning to face her. Lucky looking more sheepish than the wide and bright smile Lucy had on her face. “Hey, Jamie…” Lucky greets, wiping her hands on the sides of her pants. “Um…ya see, this…” She clears her throat and blows out a breath. “Wow. There just ain’t no way to really lie about this.”
Jamie pinches her nose. “You think? There’s a large still here in the middle of the room and Vergil is ready to serve moonshine.”
Lucy shrugs. “You’re the one who said the runners are skipping over us. We have to make do somehow.”
“But moonshine?” Jamie questions, now covering her mouth and nose fully with both of her hands. Again, she looked over her shoulders to see if Sheriff Jameson appears from thin air. She speaks in a more hushed tone as she went on “It’s bad enough you’re running a speakeasy during the prohibition.”
Lucky sighs, casting her eyes heavenward. “I know. But it ain’t so easy to just waltz out of all of this and start living on an honest wage. Half the shops here have gone outta business. The only thing holdin’ up this Godforsaken town is that coal mine. Don’t ya think I’d love to be living more honestly? To be back Savannah, maybe going to college or helping my grandpa with the ranch? But I’m stuck here, Jamie.” Lucky finishes. Shaking her head, she pulls on the newsboys cap. “Sorry.” She mutters, passing by her friend and out to the main hall.
Lucy covers the pot she had been stirring. “It’ll end up fine. Somehow in the end, we always end up on top.” She says. Jamie watches as the door shuts.
“I don’t know this time, Luce. But I really hope you’re right.”
“What do yah mean there was no runners, Kenneh?!” Eric bellows into the phone.
Stan cringes and looks to Kyle. The redhead stays quiet and takes another count of the dwindling supply of alcohol.
“You’re lyin’! You just got there late and missed them! Cause you were with that stupid French whore!” Eric’s ranting continues. A glass comes flying out of the office and shatters against the wall. The echo of the phone slamming down rings through the tiny building. Much like a rampaging storm, Eric all but bulldozes his way into the room.
“Son of a fuckin’ bitch!” He shouts at no one. He turns his attention to the shelf of alcohol and sees the remaining five bottles. “What the hell are we supposed to do with that?!” He gestures wildly to the shelf, stomping a foot. A few harsher words leave his mouth before he pulls his hat off to scream into it.
“So.” Stan starts after Eric begins to catch his breath. “What’s going on?”
Eric frowns. “Apparently, the runners are skipping over South Park entirely.” He gets out through gritted teeth. At that, both Stan and Kyle pause.
“What? Why?” Kyle asks.
“I don’t know, Kahl!” Eric snaps back. “I bet that stupid bastard Sid has something to do with it, though.” He adds, crossing two large arms over his chest.
Kyle shakes his head. “You can’t blame him for every little thing.”
“Yes, I can!”
Stan holds up his hands. “Listen, I’ll head down there and talk to him. I’ll see if he’s gotten the same news or not.”
Eric only waves him off, before storming back into his office.
If this was Sid’s way of trying to run him into the ground, he had another thing coming. Punch n’ Pie was his, and the only thing that kept a steady inflow of cash…though Eric preferred much more than what he was getting. Maybe he could dip into Kyle’s paycheck a bit more. Kenny’s too. He was poor enough as it is…
The sight of a white card laying on his desk catches his sight. That card had not been there before, he knows. Snatching it up, he reads the find red ink letters on it.
‘We can help. More liquor, more patrons, more cash. All for an easy price. Call us, ask for L.’
Eric looks around his office. The window was shut firmly, just as it had been before. No sign of anyone else stepping foot inside. It’s unsettling, but Eric finds himself tucking the card away into his coat pocket for later.
Lucas winces and forces himself to hold in a cough. Vergil lifts a brow.
“Shit.” Lucas wheezes, letting out a whoop of a cough, his shoulders hunching over. Vergil nods in agreement.
“Mighta made it stronger than it used to be.” He explains. “But it’ll get the job done. Pretty sure these miners don’t care. Long as they get drunk.”
Lucas tugs at his collar and nods. “It sure will.”
“What the hell are you doing here.” Craig’s voice speaks up. Lucas and Vergil turn to the doorway, to see Stan Marsh standing there, a tired look on his face.
“I just wanna talk with Sid.”
This time, Vergil frowns and comes around the bar. “The hell ya want with my brother?” He demands. He may not have had as many muscles as Stan, or Craig placed together. But he did have height and that had to have count for something. He holds himself high and crosses his arms.
Stan sighs. “I want to ask him a question.”
“What kinda question?” Vergil asks back. Stan rubs the bridge of his nose, swearing under his breath.
“Is he here or not?”
Vergil opens his mouth, only to let out a grunt as Lucky jabs her elbow into his side. Her wig and hat placed on neatly as she looks up to Stan. “What’s your question, Mash?” She asks, toning her voice down.
Stan never met a man so short before, but Sid Day demanded attention when he wanted it. He stood there, eyes narrowed, and chin lifted high.
“The runners.” Stan says. “Did they stop supplying you, too?”
Lucky scoffs. “Oh, now’s when y’all are just getting the news?”
At that, Stan swears again. “Well that answers my next question…”
“That if we were paying them to stop supplyin’ y’all and only us?” Lucky asks back with a dry laugh. “Stan, we barely make enough to even buy a can of tuna, let alone pay off the runners. Tell that asshole he ain’t gotta worry about me. Worry about himself.”
Stan stands there for a moment, a smile coming to his face. “Good to know. How are you gonna hold up?”
Lucky shakes her head. “Like I said, worry about yourselves.”
Stan leaves, and Craig shuts the door with a decidedly loud thump. Lucky rubs her eyes and groans. “C’mon, Verg. We still got more jugs to fill up.”
Heading to the backroom, Lucky slows to a stop when she spots a white card sitting at the end of the bar counter. “Where’d this come from?” She asks, picking it up.
“Uh.” Lucas says, blinking his eyes a bit.
Lucky stares at him. “Ya didn’t see where this came from? Or who even left it?”
“I think you…might’ve made this, well, too strong. Cause I’m seeing five of you.” Lucas says. Lucky shakes her head and reads over the card.
‘We can help. More liquor, more patrons, more cash. All for an easy price. Call us, ask for L.’
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comica-blossom · 6 years
Tagged by: @emneisin
Rules: answer 30 questions then tag 20 ppl to do the same
Nickname: Rubby
Gender: Female
Star sign: Gemini (or Cancer, it depends idk)
Height: I think exactly 5′0, it’s been awhile 
Time: 10:35pm
Birthday: 6/21/99
Fav bands: Starbomb, Ninja Sex Party, uhhh Fall Out Boy I guess, DEFINITELY the Newsboys
Fav solo artists: CHRIS AUGUST, Ramon Ayala, Shakira (lol I’m sorry I’ve been listening to a lot of Spanish songs lately) Alejandra Guzman, Melanie Martinez
Song stuck in my head: the frickin Ducktales 2017 theme song in both English and Spanish has been stuck in my head literally all week including “Pobre Secretaria” by Daniela Romo, “Recuerdame” and “Un Poco Loco” (yes songs that are in Coco)
Last movie I watched: The Shape of Water
Last show I watched: The Office
When I created my blog: I made it in around 2011 cause I remember Wreck it Ralph just released but I actually started using it around 2014 I think...
What I post about: whatever I’m into tbh like lately I’ve been posting way too much Ducktales and whatever my best bud sends me cause that’s all that’s been on my mind lately
Last thing I googled: “stock photos suicide”
Other blogs I have: none
Why I chose my url: well “comica” means comical in Spanish and I’m indeed comical and it sounded like a cute nickname, the “blossom” part is literally cause my favorite powerpuff girl is Blossom okay and it sounded cute with “comica” attached to it
Following: 738
Followers: 513
Fav color: RED
Avg. hrs of sleep: oof idk like 3 hours or 10 hours, it depends, I’m a mess
Lucky number: umm 3 I guess
Instruments: I used to play the violin in middle school, does that count?
What I’m wearing: some dumb Mario pjs cause I sold my soul to Nintendo
Number of blankets I sleep with: 1 like all the time, more blankets are added if it’s below 55F outside
Dream trip: tbh at this point just Florida.... but since I’m going soon then um obviously Shibuya, Japan cause I’m a filthy weeb
I tag: @scrubl0rdkek @mwooo @mettamaxie @tedious-insanity @fandomstuffdoeshappen @keycarrots @justsomegirlreading @lechepop @flippityflapjack @1ightsen @the-redhair-girl @perks-of-being-a-weeaboo @velka-art @superevilgenius @hetaliamatsu @zoestanleyarts @verybeer @tragicillustrator @tricia-morvill @pizdecsuqa
I don’t have that many mutual friends on tumblr so I also tagged some of my favorite artists and people I just wanna get to know better. You guys don’t have to do this if you don’t wanna!
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ensignauthoress · 6 years
I was tagged by @flamefatalis Thanks!
Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag 20 people you are contractually obligated to know.
Nicknames: ea (I suppose), Mickey, Mack, Mackie – no one on here has really given me a nickname, though when I was on Howrse a friend called me “Twistette” (because my username was TwistersIndigo).
Gender: Female
Starsign: sorry, I don’t believe in this
Height: 5′7″
Time: 3:09pm
Birthday: October 25th
Favourite Bands: off the top of my head it would have to be Skillet, Imagine Dragons, and Newsboys.
Favourite solo artist: it’s funny, because I listen to more solo artist than bands... they would have to be... Owl City, Peter Hollens, Lindsey Stirling, Ivan Torrent, Jonathan Thulin, and Eurielle.
Song that’s stuck in your head: The Hobbit Theme/My Dear Frodo – I’m not quite sure what the name is, but you get the gist, lol.
Last movie: The Hobbit Trilogy – Extended Edition
Last TV show: Agatha Christie’s Poirot
Why did you create this blog: I can’t remember. I was either drawn in through FF.net or dA.
What do you post/reblog: usually funny things and sayings that apply to me and my personality. INFP things. The occasional geological thing like gemstones that are ridiculously beautiful and, rarely, volcanoes. Anything to do with The Hobbit, books, and cats. Anything to do with my aesthetic, too. Mountainside cabin retreats are lovely, aren’t they?
Last thing you googled: “How to structure a novella”.
Other blogs: @at-a-waves-length, but I haven’t done anything on it for a year. I don’t know when I’ll get into roleplaying again, since the girl that got me into rping it no longer on tumblr (like, anywhere) and she seems to have disappeared from the internet altogether. Like, she disappeared over the 7 month period where I couldn’t get on tumblr because my college internet locked me out. And all the other rpers I used to rp with deactivated their accounts too :P
Why the url: for a while I was known as ‘notestryder’, but after a while it started to bug me because I felt it didn’t embody my interests anymore. I chose ‘ensignauthoress’ because it suits me more, and I will always be fond of Star Trek.
I follow: 69
Followers: 137
Lucky number: 7
Instruments: I don’t play anything right now, but my mom tried to get me to learn the piano, violin, bass guitar, and acoustic guitar over the years. Playing instruments have never held my attention long enough – but I think I’m still able to play the bass.
What are you wearing: a dark grey t-shirt (it says “Of course your opinion matters, JUST NOT TO ME” on the front) and a pair of pink plaid pajama pants.
Dream job: to be a well-known author, because I want to spread optimism and punch the fantasy authors – the ones who think they’re “honouring” J.R.R. Tolkien by writing dark and gritty fantasy because they think Tolkien’s works were dark and gritty (I’m lookin’ at you, George R.R. Martin) – in the face.
Dream trip: To go to the Swiss Alps and stay in a lodge or chalet during a terrible snowstorm that leaves you stranded there for a week ^^
Favourite food: anything smothered or drowned in cheese.
Favourite song rn: I think it’s a tie between Peter Hollen’s and Tim Foust’s cover of “Misty Mountains”, Eurielle’s “Lúthien’s Lament”, and “Arwen’s Promise” (also by Eurielle)
Last book you read: the last book I finished was The Life and Diary of David Brainerd by David Brainerd and Jonathan Edwards. Right now I’m reading The Way of Shadows by Brent Weeks – which is turning out to be absolute crap.
Top 3 Universes: The Hobbit/Lord of the Rings; Murdoch Mysteries; Hawaii Five-0
Tagging: @ohifonlyx33, @passanstow, and anyone else who wants to do this!
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thesuperwhovian · 7 years
11 Questions Tag Game
I was tagged by @babygirl06301 Thank yoooooooou. 
Post the rules
Answer the questions given
Make 11 questions of your own
Tag 11 people (or less lol)
1. Top 5 fictional characters of ALL TIME?
 You sure started off with a hard question. It’s so hard for me to pick just 5 fictional characters considering i obsess over just about everything. Here we goooo. 
Jon Snow: He is by far the best character of all time. Considering how much I love Game of Thrones this one probably isn't a shocker to the people who know me. Jon goes through a lot of pain and suffering through the show and it shows when he is trying to protect something he truly believes in. Besides his good looks and his loyalty, something about him is inviting and before you know it you are cheering on the little bastard from the north... Or... Aegon, yah know whoever he is. 
Dean Winchester: Alright so this one is probably not a shocker either, but Supernatural was the first show I ever fangirled about seriously and Dean was the first fictional character I really fell in love with. His character development is seriously top tier. What I really love about him is that he’s not afraid to tell people how it is. He speaks his mind and that is one quality I wish I had myself.  When he’s hurting he tries to push everyone away and play it off like it doesn't matter but deep down he genuinely cares about everyone. and plus he’s got a badass demeanor is what originally made me love him. 
Katherine Pierce: In The Vampire Diaries, Katherine was always hated by every character in the show and fans of the show. But to me, Katherine showed some courageous qualities that made her interesting to me. She's evil as fuck, but honestly thats what is so good about her. She doesn't take anyones shit, she is almost always betraying someone, but yet everyone in the show would keep working with her or trust her. She caused a lot of issues, but it made the show fun to watch. Plus there were moments where she would do the right thing and you couldn't help but relate to her. 
Spike: I have gone on and on about this character in the past. Spike is such a damaged soul, but just like I mentioned before about Katherine, His character benefits from it. As the show goes on his character goes though alot of development and I think the reason why I loved his character so much was due to his raw emotion. Spike mentions that he is love’s bitch etc. He knows that he has all these feelings but yet as a vampire he shouldn't feel this. Despite the fact that Buffy the Vampire Slayer was a show about vampires, i related to his character more than any others. 
Wonder Woman: Considering that it was the first successful solo female superhero movie should be enough, but Diana is legit amazing. She doesn't back down from anything, she doesn't let people tell her she cant do something. Besides her kickass costume, her passion and curiosity for humans is what really shines through. Sure she does look badass and she's strong too, but her true power comes from her heart. Which speaks to me on another fucking level. 
2. If you could have literally any animal as a pet, what would you choose?
Any pet? Hm, Like, if I could own a Lion and not have it rip my face off that would be so fucking cool. Imagine cuddling with a lion. Like... If it was the sweetest Lion and you could feed it, play with it. Omg. How much fun. I love exotic animals. 
3. Given the opportunity, what musical artist would you want to sing/dance on stage with?
The fucking goddess herself. DEMI LOVATO. I love her so much and being able to sing the same songs that have touched my heart over these years, on stage, with her?! Omg what a fucking privilage that would be. 
4. What is the most ridiculous holiday you can think of (whether already in existence or not)?
5. What do you feel is the most overrated piece of technology?
Okay this is actually hard for me, considering I love technology. I’d have to say the Apple Watch. I know I know, you may be saying “But Morgan, dont you have an Apple Watch?” Yeah I do, I spent $300 on it and barely use it. 
6. What are a few features your dream house would have?
Honestly? I never really thought about the house I would own. I suppose having a beautiful house would be ideal right? Id seriously like a working 2 door garage.... So I wouldn't have to keep my car outside in the winter, plus I'm sick of brushing snow off my car... 
7. When you think of yourself, what color do you assosiate with yourself?
Red, I feel like I have a fiery spirit but yet sometimes I get in a little slump where all I feel is pain like flames... LOL OKAY WHAT DID I JUST SAY. 
8. Llamas or alpacas?
9. Top Hat or Newsboy Cap?
Newsboy cap, my grandpa used to wear one everyday. 
10. Mountains or forests?
Mountains intrigue me. Especially if you go hiking, some of the prettiest sights I've ever seen were from hiking up mountains. 
11. How easily do you get scared (i.e., would anything relatively creepy scare you, would you have to watch some pretty heavy stuff to get nightmares, or something in between)?
I honestly used to be so hard to scare. I used to go see scary movies with my friends all the time back in the day, but now I seem to get scared easier. I’ve gone through haunted houses and thought I would pass out because I wasn't sure what would happen. I suppose that is because I’m not in control of what will happen. 
I do like to watch Ghost Adventures and anything that falls along those lines. After watching the show I always have a weird feeling. I tend to look over my shoulder more or out of the corner of my eye, thinking I see some shit. Then that feeling goes away like a day later. IM FUCKING WEIRD I KNOW. 
My Questions:
1. What was the reason you decided to start your Tumblr?
2. What are your top 5 music artists? 
3. What was the first tv show that changed your life? 
4. If you would wear one outfit for the rest of your life what would it be? 
5. Marvel or Dc?
6. Do you have any hidden talents?
7. What is your #1 ship? and why?
8. What is your dream job? 
9. Dinner and a movie or take-out and Netflix?
10. Android or Apple?
11. When are you the happiest? 
Again, thanks for tagging me @babygirl06301. Im not sure if anyone would like to do this, but il tag y’all anyway! @shewhohangsoutincemeteries @stevebarnacles @musicismysecondlanguage @kingpadackles  @letsgetdowney @loserasss @p4nd4m0nium @angelsandaliensspndw @theinternetaddictedmoron
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vegandoughnut · 5 years
PART 3: Meow You've Done It
"Oh hey!" Says Anekke with a bright grin. "Welcome to Furistas Cat Cafe!". Kitt could feel the wave of fake hit her like a bullet. Anekke must be having a really bad day to be masking so hard. The Special Guest walks in with their premade ID tag, looking like a vampire with their shocking paleness, long jet black wavy hair, cat skull sweater under a faux fur jacket, black skinny jeans and hightop boots. It was the lead singer of Kitt's favorite band back in high school.
She felt her entire body start to tremble. Star struck? Kitt? Noooo. But it was happening.
"Here's the catering box you ordered, um, Gary Nygard"
"Thanks a lot wow it's ready fast" he says, his manner much friendlier than his stage persona, something only fans who watch the band's interviews would know.
"Kitt" Anekke calls. Kitt snaps out of her stupor and walks up to Gary Nygard. Pradeep pauses mid smoothie-blend to glare.
"Hey welcome, let's see your tag, oh, yes, we've got a cat you'll love. Sandra, she's a silly one"
"Perfect" says Gary Nygard, with an approving hand gesture. Kitt tries her best to hide her nerves as she guides the goth daddy himself to the big velvet high back chair near the window towards the middle of the cafe. It was a nice private spot that also gives one the view of the whole cafe. Kitt picks up Sandra, a very fuzzy Siamese mix, and hands her over to Gary Nygard who immediately dotes on her, scruffing her fuzzy fur and smiling. It was bizarre to see an otherwise spooky dude melt like butter when handed a cat.
"Sorry" Kitt mutters after realizing she was standing there in front of him for too long.
"Oh don't apologize darling. It's all good fun" he says, before sitting in the chair and reclining with the cat. He shrugs out of his jacket, the sleeves of his sweater oversized and cozy.
"Can I get you anything?"
"Yes actually" he says, looking up directly at her, his icy grey eyes lined with kohl. He was even prettier in real life. Kitt felt like melted caramel. Then he glances back at the chalkboard menu on the wall. "Hmmm.... well" he deliberates, stroking his chin. "Start me off with the Fall Special. I wouldn't mind a few extra chocolate bits and raisins on top. I've never had pumpkin ice cream before. America is full of surprises"
Kitt realizes she lost the ability to speak, nods frantically then darts over to the bar.
"Is it just me, or is it just getting worse and worse in here?" Says Pradeep.
"You feeling okay Pradeep?" Kitt asks.
"Better than ever" he says sarcastically. "What does he want?" He asks.
"Guess!" Kitt says.
"Our Fall Special. That black licorice waffle with the pumpkin ice cream, chocolate chips and raisins on top. The stereotypically halloween themed entrée, right?" Pradeep replies with a smirk.
Kitt bites her lip and resists a huge grin. She gets behind the counter to help.
"Who's watching the cats?" Asks Harper, immediately.
"Carl" says Kitt, more roughly than she intended. "The sooner his plate is ready the better"
A stream of customers enter. Some, the ones in dark clothes and sporting Tumblr hair cuts, are pretending not to glance over at Gary Nygard. Their faces look curious or desperate, but show no signs of recognition. Kitt notices this and chuckles to herself.
"Dweebs" she says under her breath, as she closes the lid on the black liquid batter in the waffle maker.
Stephen walks onto the cafe floor in his slacks, tucked shirt, suspenders and newsboy cap, his authority easily palpable in the room. Someone turns up the calm jazzy music on the speaker.
"Ah, finally, some crowd control" Anekke mutters to Kitt.
"It's about time" says Kitt.
"Maybe I should sneakily stay for a whole shift. I need the money. Maybe Stephen forgot I was supposed to go home. Maybe today will be worth it. I want to see how this sh*tstorm unfolds" Anekke says, preparing a smoothie for a guest. She blows some of her blond bangs off her forehead like a kid in a movie. Humbert hands a guest their smoothie and salad.
In moments, Kitt has the Fall Special order in her hands on a grey, cat-head-shaped ceramic plate, and brings it over to Gary Nygard. She carefully sets it on the dark chest table next to his chair, moving the copy of Emily The Strange there out of the way.
"Such attention to detail" says Gary Nygard.
He swipes his card as fast a mouse on the clerk tablet. Kitt avoids looking at the screen.
"Thank you, sweetheart" he says, his characteristic Scandinavian accent and deep voice rumbling through Kitt. A chill sets into her bones, setting off a contrasting fiery feeling. She returns to taking orders from seated customers while Carl greets incoming guests and gets more and more red in the face trying to keep up with the name tags and the cats running around.
Stephen is locked in an animated but quiet conversation with someone near the door.
Carl sighs heavily with relief after seating and cat-pairing the last guest to walk in. He watches Stephen speak with an unknown man by the door. Uh oh. What's going on?
He steps over the Kitt.
"Hey, uh... Keisha"
"Who in the hell is Keisha?"
"Sorry, K-"
"I'm Kitt. You okay Carl?" Kitt asks, eyeing him as though he had just sprouted a worm. She tucks a loose burgundy dreadlock behind her ear from which an Egyptian cat goddess earring dangled. What was that one called again?
"Um. Do you think I'm doing okay? I mean, I see Stephen talking over there. Who is that guy he's talking to? Just kind of self conscious...."
"You're doing great actually. And I don't know who that guy is. Probably some company person or licensor. I don't know. Could be someone from inspection. In any case, you should greet our Special Guest every few minutes" Kitt says, tugging the sleeves of her dark grey cardigan to cover her hands so that only her long delicate fingers stick out. Carl snap's out of zeroing in on her metallic copper manicure.
"Okay, um, weird question. Don't freak out--" he begins, feeling his face redden with every passing second. He scratches at his small beard. A nervous habit.
"Please, nothing HR worthy okay?" Says Kitt, loosening the scarf around her neck as though it had just gotten warmer in the cafe. "What is it?"
"Do you happen to know if there are.... like....sanitary napkins...."
Kitt's eyes widen with shock, her whole face looks taken aback before dissolving into a gentle expression of understanding.
"You know I would've never known--- I" she shakes her head, scattering her locks. "I'll be right back"
Carl watches her walk to the back of the cafe and down the stairs to the storage and lockers. He gets back to tending to the cats as the jazzy music plays over the speakers, the music slightly unclenching the knot that formed in his stomach. He wondered if lowkey outing himself to Kitt was a good idea.
At the counter, Pradeep dries a washed ceramic mug using an organic cotton kitchen towel.
"Did you see that?" He asks Anekke.
"What? Carl talking to Kitt? Are you jealous?" She replies, rolling her eyes.
"Jealous? That guy's about as interesting as a thumb tack"
"Weird analogy but I guess it works. Did you get that one from Carl too?"
"Enough with that name, you two. It's making the tea cold" Humbert cuts in, appearing next to them like a sneaking gnome. He wiggles his eyebrows, winks and grins. Pradeep and Anekke paste on twitchy, disingenuous smiles quickly before Humbert can make things anymore awkward and creepy.
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