#sorry this took so long to answer </3
Whenever I'm in the Commons it's just people talking about divorce
commons around like 1am EST is peak for people watching
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brother-genitivi · 1 year
Hey so that post about being touch-starved for Destan 👀 how does she react to the first time Sebastian holds her, then? Are they perhaps both touch-starved?
I'm kissing your forehead for this ask beCAUSE YOU GET ME. Yes, they are both 100000% touch starved.
When he first holds her, she freezes like a deer. Because no one's really held her in a very long time.
Carver would give her hugs all the time, but they both grew up and apart. By the time they grew closer, he was a Grey Warden and Kirkwall needed a Champion. Destan's father, not her mother, was the hugger. Bethany has been dead for years now.
She hugs her companions, but no one holds her. Not before Sebastian. So she freezes, and for a while, she doesn't know what to do. She doesn't want to draw away and she doesn't want to move. Eventually, Destan melts into the hug and cries.
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wrymbloods · 2 years
1, 2, 4, 5, 6 from love for kame/estinien please!
tysm vale ily !!!! 💗💗💗💗
Who said “I love you” first?
im thinking of having it so that kame says it first ,, i just think it'd be sweet because of how much she struggled with coming to terms with her feelings and dealing with her thoughts of like, being the warrior of light means she has to give herself to other people so it would be selfish of her to focus on herself,, so when she finally lets herself have these feelings for estinien and they become a couple it would be like a sign of how far she has come where shes comfortable enough to be the first one to say i love you
What are their primary love languages?
kames is quality time and i think it suits for estiniens to be acts of service <3
How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?
they pretty much never engage in pda because of how reserved they both are however in private they can be very affectionate ,, probably the most pda they show is small things like kame holding onto his arm or estinien placing a hand on her head etc
Who initiates kisses?
kame is most often tugging him down for kisses however i feel like estinien would also often just kiss her on the top of her head just cause he can
Who’s the big and little spoon?
because of their height difference it just makes it easier for kame to be the little spoon however they dont often cuddle facing the same way so idk if there is a big/little spoon when you cuddle facing each other? idk ,,, most of the time when they cuddle it involves kame pressing her face into estiniens neck or estinien with his face pressed to her stomach
Send me ship questions.
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marvelsswansong · 6 months
Imagine corio seeing a woman flirt with r he’s so confused cuz he’s used to disgusting men after her only
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no but like seriously 🌞👉👈
Corio isn't oblivious to the fact that there is a price for dating someone as beautiful as you. Namely, that others - doesn't matter if they're complete strangers or close working colleagues - will secretly want you, with some of them even being bold enough to try and entice you.
This is all much to his annoyance, as he tries being very public about the fact that you're his. Think constant arm around your waist, aggressive kisses in public, loudly calling you 'darling' from across the room. But that doesn't seem to deter everyone.
Especially not the types of men in the Capitol.
If he's feeling calmer that day, he might just stop at glaring at the man whilst pulling you away by the waist, or knocking the breath of you by suddenly grabbing your face and kissing you fiercely for the crowd of men to see. If he's in a sour mood, or it's been a hard week, you have to be careful to keep an eye on the blonde in case he flies into a fit of rage and his mind starts to scan the room for whatever is sharp and capable of causing damage.
"Sometimes I feel as if I have to babysit you." you would tease after one particularly harsh night, where you and Corio get thrown out of a house party after he smashed another man's face into the wall and then proceeded to twist the man's arm to the point of almost breaking a bone. Granted, the man had been extremely aggressive towards you and making very inappropriate comments, but it'd been rather awkward to see the stranger be carried onto an ambulance whilst the head of the household ordered the both of you out.
Chest heaving and knuckles still bruised from the impact, he'd just kiss you again, his tongue tasting of copper.
"Can't help it. You're too pretty." he whispers, and all your criticisms of him would fly out the window.
But Coriolanus is always less guarded when it's a woman around you. After all, you have so many best friends who are women, you spend so much time around grandma'am and Tigirs, and so on. He just associates women being around you with platonic love and comfort.
So when you leave him to go get some drinks at the bar, a fancy upper east side bar you've been begging to go to, he's too busy searching the room for potential men who approach you to notice the red haired woman beelining towards you. She bumps into you 'on accident', pink champagne spilling over the tip of the glass just a bit - a light splash on your jeans, but nothing too bad.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry." she quickly says, grabbing a nearby napkin to hand it off to you. Coriolanus watches the interaction from the back of the club, the specifics of your conversation with her unintelligble over the loud music, but he doesn't think anything much of it. Even when the auburn haired woman's fingers brush against yours whilst exchanging the napkin.
He watches as you smile politely at her, probably telling her that it's okay, before turning around to the bartender to make an order. The woman next to you continues to talk to you through out the exchange, which again doesn't raise any red flags to Corio.
After all, women are very friendly by nature. It's normal that someone, especially a stranger who feels bad for spilling a drink on you, wants to continue to talk to you.
You don't think much of it either on your end, other than thinking that she - Clara, she tells you her name after a soft giggle - is very nice.
It's only when the drinks arrive and the woman stops you, lightly sitting you back down and brushing away the hair from your eyes, that Coriolanus starts feeling rather odd. The sudden wide eyes on your face and the red haired woman's smirk, before she slides you a piece of paper from her back pocket and lets you go, raises a lot of questions in his mind.
His top options? Something along the lines of bribery or illegal drugs. Or maybe she's using you to get something from him. Or maybe she wants something from your family.
What he doesn't expect, is for you to come back totally speechless, fingers deftly hanging onto the small piece of paper. You look somewhere between embarrassed and shocked, refusing to meet your boyfriend's eyes as you sit down next to him. He frowns at that, patting his lap instead.
Normally, you'd sit on his legs without a second thought. This time though, you hesitate.
"What'd she want? Drugs? Mone-" he growls, only to be cut off by the stranger.
"So you weren't lying. You do have a boyfriend." the red haired woman cuts into the conversation, now sitting on the velvet chair across from you. Coriolanus swears his jaw almost drops when the woman laughs seductively, winking at you whilst uncrossing her legs.
"You can sit on my lap instead, honey."
"I, you- I just-" Coriolanus starts speaking in an attempt to swear or scare her off, but his mind totally blanks.
You've never seen your boyfriend this flustered. His pale complexion breaks into a dark shade of red, his usually stern gaze darting back and forth between you and the woman, his speech stuttered and jumbled. It's YOU who ends up having the composure to let her down gently, holding out the paper with her phone number out towards her and informing her that you love your boyfriend very much and you're not that interested.
She pouts at that, and it makes your boyfriend's jaw clench so hard his face aches.
"Aw... alright, darling. But keep the paper. You know, just in case you wanna play."
With a wink and a hair flip, she disappears into the dark crowd of sweaty bodies and loud music. It's only then that your boyfriend snaps into action, taking the paper into his hands and shredding it to pieces.
"She called you darling." he snarls, angry. "Only I get to call you darling."
You just giggle, kissing away his sour expression, before tugging at his sleeves.
"Come on, forget about it. Let's just dance." you say, the alcohol in your veins still making you feel buzzed. He complies, never being able to say no to you, but the entire night, he can't help but hold you very close and glare at everyone who approaches you or even looks at you.
Regardless of their gender.
Now, he has to protect you from everyone, he thinks.
BONUS SCENARIO (later in the night)
You've had one too many drinks and yell into Coriolanus' ear that you really need to go to the bathroom. You clutch your handbag and stumble into the corridor, leaving your boyfriend alone by the bar. A stunning blonde woman slides into the empty seat next to him, glossy lips parting to ask a question.
Thinking she's going to hit on him, he raises his right hand, stopping her on the spot.
"I'm not interested, sorry."
The woman scoffs at that, ordering a tequila shot and almost glaring at him.
"Neither am I, genius. I was just wondering if you knew the name of the cutie who just went to the bathroom."
The moment you come back, he practically drags you out of the bar and hails a cab back to the apartment.
He's had enough of women trying to steal you from him. At least for that night.
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a/n: hope you guys like this small type of blurbs too in between major fics hehe
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artistmarchalius · 4 months
can you tell us more about broppy capture au?
Sure! Here’s a little somethin’ somethin’:
So, Branch didn’t confess his feelings to Poppy at the end of Word Tour, he felt like it needed to be its own thing and that Poppy deserved to be in the moment after saving the world. He thought there’d be plenty of time to confess later. They still have a good connection though now that they’re better at communicating.
They’re out in the hot air balloon on another adventure when a strong wind knocks them off course towards the woods near the base of Mount Rageous and they get stuck in a tree. They aren’t able to shift the balloon on their own so when they see Velvet and Veneer (who are out hunting for Trolls to use) they ask them for help, but instead V&V capture them.
V&V now have a Troll to use each (His and Hers Trolls) and because Velvet is more trigger happy with the spray bottle, Poppy deteriorates quicker than Branch.
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glasspunkart · 6 months
Hello creator-chan I was wondering if we could see more interactions with jaegers transformers pls if no then ok
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Maybe the cross might help them
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galedekarios · 12 days
do you have any favorite baldur's gate 3 mods that you'd recommend? sorry if you've been asked this before, i tried searching your blog but tumblr search is awful and doesn't always show everything lol.
appearance edit enhanced: allows you to edit ocs, companions and hirelings
customizser compendium: adds several npcs head & hairstyles to the cc
de-accessorized npc hair: adds npc hair & variants to the cc
sk's more cc colour options: i use this mainly bc it gives the white lashes back to drow ocs that larian removed after early access
gale's wizardly updo: my favourite hair mod for gale
no abs for companions & pc: you can pick and choose which ones to use, i personally use it for gale
datamined karlach: i use it to give vanilla karlach her facial scars back
myshka comes to camp: lets you adopt myshka
summon tara, gale's beloved tressym: spawns a spellbook that adds an option to summon tara as a familiar
extra gear: adds a lot of beautiful armour variants, cloaks and circlets
trip's accessory collection: adds glasses, monocles, piercings, etc to the cc
more mage gear: what it says on the tin
cambion and gith armour: i use variants of this for karlach and lae'zel
epilogue camp clothes: spawns the epilogue camp clothes wardrobe
paladin and cleric gear: adds armour variants with various decals
delfinitions armour: adds the battlemage armour for gale
basket full of equipment: adds lots of armour pieces to the inventory
purchaseable camp clothes: lets you buy camp clothes at various vendours in the game
eilistraee cleric & paladin gear
cleric camp outfit: adds clerical camp outfits
tutorial chest summon: really helpful bc many mods spawn in the tutorial chest and with this mod you can summon it at any point on the game
no party limit: allows you to take more companions with you than the set limit of 3
spawn any item: also what it says on the tin
emotes & poses: great for screenshots & edits
hugs: adds the ability to hug your companions & npcs
piercing improved physics: adds physics to piercings & earrings
kisses: adds an options to trigger various kiss cinematics, great for screenshots & edits
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trashyshrew · 1 year
big admirer of your work! you asked for drawing suggestions–would love to see your take on lawlight snuggled up together relaxing in bed or something! absolutely starved for soft content of these two
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hxhhasmysoul · 1 month
i saw you mentioned that killua has an addictive personality. would u write more on that topic? i agree with you but i dont know how to articulate it for myself hah
I could point to the obvious thing, the chocrobos and sweets in general. Sugar is addictive in real life but like which all such substances some are more vulnerable to them than others. And Killua seems to have developed a chocolate habit.
But I think his tendency towards gambling is far more telling.
Killua loves rivalry, he loves competitions and he will try to gamify stuff he does with Gon. But at least in their competitions with each other Gon can work as a safety valve because he's also obsessive and self destructive and Killua's care for Gon would curb his risk addiction. That and the fact that with Gon they get into really life threatening situations and the self-preservation Killua's family forced into him, kicks in too.
But when the stakes are not life threatening, when it's money... Killua can't handle money. He loses all of their Heaven's Arena winnings on internet auctions. Then Bisky has to drag him away from the slot machines in Greed Island.
When there's no threat to his or Gon's safety, Killua has absolutely no breaks and because Gon leans on him for the planning and for knowledge about the world, considering Gon's much more sheltered childhood, Killua's on his own to control himself and he absolutely can't.
Maybe needing to provide for Alluka will also work as a decent safety valve for the gambling. Maybe he will be more careful with the money he needs for her.
But I don't think he sees that he has this problem. He's always been rich and capable to make quick and easy money. He's also capable of roughing it for a while, and Gon was too. But I doubt he'd want to put Alluka in that situation. Maybe being with her will make him realise he needs to work on this.
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lokh · 1 month
what do you think toshiro's version of laios would've been like if he was still with the group during the shapeshifter shenanigans
there have been a few speculations in the tag and among the fans and they are all very good SO i am going to take this opportunity to insert a bit of my shipping bias as i like in my interpretation LMAO agdsfgdfgv
i noted that in actuality shuro seems to have a very good grasp on laios' character??? this is most obvious in the manga later on but even seeing how he criticises laios in their fight... iirc nothing he says is actually untrue or wildly exaggerated, and while he does express frustration over something he feels like laios Should have control over (noticing his cues), he is also aware that laios isnt being malicious and that hes Just Like That. what i mean to say is that while i think his version of laios may seem more pushy and in-your-face, i dont think it will be overwhelmingly so. if its post-fight, i think the idea of laios (and marcille) being willing to do anything to get falin back made a big impression on him, as well as the idea that they need to eat and rest in order to succeed in their goals, so those aspects would be prominent in his version. he seems pretty observant, so i think for the most part the physical traits would line up, but i think there would be specific things that stand out to him that would appear strangely striking on his version of laios (like. idk something about his eye colour or the subtle contrast of his armour and chainmail. he seems to have a weird sense of aesthetics if extras are anything to go by lmao). if hed actually been paying attention all those times laios had gone on about what the hell ever, then it might be even MORE hard to tell apart his version since he would also have a good grasp on what laios should know. so either his version of laios is pretty difficult to pick out, OR despite the character being accurate his appearance is too. stylised lmao (exaggerated features or something) OR!! they just get him to pull out his monster gourmet guide thing and are able to tell from there. iirc everyone was surprised at its appearance so its possible toshiro had also never seen it before
IN MY IMAGINARY SHIPPING SCENARIO............ lets say that his laios isnt able to be picked out immediately and that the monster guide thing also doesnt immediately occur to anyone. what the real laios Specifically notices is how close this other laios keeps getting to shuro. and hes like. ??? why is he getting so close to him, theres no way i get that close to him??? but no one else seems to be picking up on it as weird, so hes having a small crisis like do i REALLY get that close to him???? and now that hes on the outside he notices shuro subtly leaning away and he feels both a wave of shame and..... protectiveness??? (JEALOUSY??????) and he immediately steps in and grabs him like Hey!!! cant you see hes uncomfortable???? weve been through this already!!! and like. ok i cant believe im doing this again but i need to separate this into different endings
a) the whump route: i dont think shuro ever envisioned Actually Telling laios about his frustrations outside of being basically cornered into it. has he ever spoken up against what was expected of him?? has he ever been confrontational???? i think part of what held him back from expressing his frustrations, along with the cultural norms, could be fear of what the reaction would be. if he had done the same in any other aspect of his life (his family, his inheritance), i think he would expect disappointment, disapproval, more proof that he doesnt add up to expectation. to be honest i dont think he Truly believes that laios is the type of person to react like this. but it was strong enough to prevent him from acting and i think would be projected onto his image of laios. maybe fake!laios says something dismissive like Well if it really bothered him hed say something right? what, he cant even stand up for himself? cmon, shuro, prove that you cant handle it just like everything else. and thats pretty much the fastest giveaway that it isnt really laios. of course this would be a HUGE tonal departure from what the actual episode/chapter was, so:
b) the dumbass route: both laioses break into fisticuffs, and, yes.... barking. and so they speedrun the entire encounter as the shapeshifters true form appears and, after laios points out that thinking too hard about others versions of you can tear apart groups and peace of mind, they pointedly do not speak of it again. they think about it though. a LOT
c) the normal route: both laioses argue normal like and the group ends up being able to tell them apart because the fake laios goes on a little too long about how theyre all here for falin and everyones like ok its not like he DOESNT love his sister but.......... the rest of the scenario probably goes like canon, though then i would want to see what everyone Else thought of shuro
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sleepis4theweak · 9 months
I have a drawing request! The 2012 gang(including April and Casey) meet the villains of rise or vice versa. I wanna see their reactions lmao
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jesterjaxx · 2 months
hear me out..
djs good vibes are so strong he causes the two worst people to get better
do you agree
No no i see your vision
DJ went "i can fix them" and he was right
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karniss-bg3 · 8 months
Writing Prompt: seeing the sun again when the shadow curse is lifted? Maybe getting to see the (Spoiler?) fly across the sky? I imagine he’s light sensitive, but is he more in line with running from it or curious enough to watch it happen?
End of Act 2 spoilers.
Kar’niss wandered through the Shadowlands with moon lantern in hand, searching for more of his Queen’s followers. He paused when he noticed something soaring high above the barren tree line, a streak of radiant light that nearly split the sky in two. He squinted in confusion and took several hesitant steps forward to get a better view. Once his eyes adjusted to the sight he saw a flash of white, feathered wings that carried the beautiful figure on the wind, dressed top to toe in regal armor.
“What’s this, Majesty? One of your divine faithful?” Kar’niss hissed.
As the figure soared across the sky, Kar’niss noticed a shift in the air around him. The ground beneath his pointed legs shivered and cracked, lines drawn across the earth to make room for fresh seedlings to sprout. The drider’s face contorted while he staggered away from the new growth, his body turning around to bear witness to the forests steady transformation. Blackened trees groaned and swayed, their natural brown hues bleeding back into the bark like spilled ink over paper. Withered branches sprouted plump, vibrant green leaves that spread down the length bringing the once empty canopy back to life. The scents of death and decay were replaced with bright floral scents which hit Kar’niss’ nose violently, his head jerking back in response to the potent aroma.
“M-My Queen, what is happening? Please, speak to us!”
The dark clouds that had consumed the sky for so long began to part and fade away allowing the first rays of sunlight to kiss the landscape in what felt like an age. The moment his light sensitive eyes were exposed to such brilliance it made him recoil and hiss in anger. He backed up toward a cluster of revitalized trees, using their branches to offer him a form of shade. He clutched the moon lantern close to his breast, his body riddled with anxiety and a touch of fear. His ear twitched when he heard the sound of shadow creatures perishing nearby, their anguished screams enough to put him on high alert. Who was responsible for this? It must’ve been the Absolute, no one else could conquer such a curse in his mind.
Distracted as he was he didn’t catch the beating of wings nearby. His moving about had attracted the attention of the mysterious figure flying above, a stunning aasimar recently freed from captivity. Dame Aylin hovered inches above the ground, sword drawn and sights set on the baffled drider nearby. Kar’niss turned his head and caught sight of her, a lump forming in his throat.
“Majesty? Have you finally come to us?” His voice cracked, gaze focused on what he believed to be his Queen in the flesh.
She frowned at what she deemed a pathetic creature. “I will be your end, abomination.”
Kar’niss sucked in a sharp breath of air as if he’d taken a direct punch to the chest, his body turning to face her. “Wh—What? B-B-But my Queen, why?! We’ve served you faithfully, done all that you’ve asked. Please!”
Dame Aylin didn’t respond, her arm jutting to the side brandishing an intimidating blade of divine make. Her wings beat, carrying her toward the stunned creature with every intent to take his head. She swiped the blade in a fierce arc, the sharp metal cleaving across his chest straight through the chitin. This opened a painful wound and blood spilled free inciting a tormented screech from Kar’niss.
“Augh! Majesty, please! What have we done??” Kar’niss cried out as he tried to back away from the assault, his hand fumbling to reach for his sword.
Dame Aylin saw him reach for the blade and responded with a swift strike, the blades clanging together and with such force that it ripped his weapon from his hand. It spun out of his hand landing in the brush nearby, out of reach. Kar’niss’ lips quivered, his heart pounding in his chest cavity, his thoughts split between the burning slash in his chest and the heartbreak of losing the Absolute’s favor. He tried to retreat to put distance between the violence and himself but he wouldn’t be able to escape a foe as fierce as an aasimar.
She jumped into pursuit, flying over the hurried drider to land right in front of him. She swung once more landing a cut across the side of his face, narrowly missing the target of his neck. He skittered frantically until he backed up into a stone wall, a part of the many ruins peppered across the landscape. He was cornered and even though he could climb the wall he knew escape wasn’t possible. Perhaps he deserved this fate, surely he did something wrong to displease her, this was all his fault.
Kar’niss began to sob as he lowered his body to the ground, cupping his hands over his face in defeat. “Unworthy, we were...unworthy. Please forgive us, Majesty,” he wept.
Dame Aylin hovered above the distraught beast, her eyelids falling half mast, cold and uncaring to his plight. “This will be a mercy,” she began as she raised the sword above her head. “Not what you deserve, but what you shall get.”
He seemed ready to accept his face, terrified as he may have been. Neither heard the fast approach of footsteps, someone running with all of their might toward the confrontation. As Dame Aylin prepared to deliver the final blow someone slid to a stop in front of Kar’niss, their arms opened wide as if to protect him from the strike.
“Aylin, stop!” They cried.
The aasimar squinted but stayed her hand. “Tav, what are you doing? This beast is of the Absolute, he must be eliminated.”
Kar’niss panted, his fingers fanning out across his face to allow him a view of what was happening. He could scarcely believe what he witnessed, still tucked against the foundation of the building so tight it made his abdomen ache.
“He is, that’s true. But like many others he was abused and brainwashed by them. He’s endured endless suffering at the hands of so many. Under the protection of the artifact I think he could have a fighting chance to change. If you kill him then you’re punishing him for being a victim,” Tav explained.
She furrowed her brows beneath her helm, her wings steadily beating to keep her aloft. She’d sigh while lowering her blade, returning it to its sheath. “I do owe you for setting me free. If you wish to vouch for the drider then I will not argue. Just be wary, his mind appears volatile and unpredictable. Do not let your soft heart put you and your companions at risk.”
Tav nodded and lowered their arms. “Yes, I understand. Thank you, Aylin.”
She shifted her gaze between Tav and the cowering drider. “There is much left to do. I shall leave you with your new...ward.” Using her wings she ascended back into the sky, flying off and leaving the pair alone.
After she departed Tav breathed a sigh of relief. They turned to face Kar’niss who was in dire straights, trembling and visibly upset.
“Kar’niss, are you alright? You’re bleeding,” Tav said.
Kar’niss was unresponsive, his fingers curled into his face, his body tightly tucked against the wall. Moisture had collected over his face dripping from his chin, the heavy sound of his shaken breathing audible. Tav scowled and took a careful step closer.
“Let me help you. I promise you’re safe now. I’m sure you’re confused and I will explain everything soon. For now let’s focus on tending to those wounds.”
When Tav came close the drider whimpered and tried to back away although there was no room left to do so. “She...she has abandoned us. We were unworthy, an abomination, imperfect. We are nothing now.”
“You are not nothing. You are my friend, remember? The woman you saw was not the Absolute. She is an aasimar called Dame Aylin. She is on our side, but I realize you may not understand that yet.”
Kar’niss’ upper lip curled, his shaken hands sliding away from his face causing the blood on his cheek to smear. “What? She was not with our Queen?” He paused to let the information process. “Th-Then Majesty has not forsaken us?” Tav bit their lower lip. They knew it was a tender subject to tackle and a path they must tread carefully. They wanted to help Kar’niss and that meant giving in to his delusions, at least until they could form a stronger foothold elsewhere.
“No, She hasn’t forsaken you. Majesty wants you healthy so please, let me tend to you.”
The drider seemed to relax, many of his nerves tamed with the idea that he still had a purpose to serve. He’d issue a single nod to show it was alright to approach and Tav did exactly that. Rooting through their bag they retrieved supplies to tend to him, grabbing a rag and dousing it in water from their canteen. They dabbled it over the wound on his chest, wincing at how deep the cut appeared. They were just grateful Aylin hadn’t done more damage before they arrived.
He exhaled as Tav did their work, taking time to look around the changed woodland. Tall, healthy trees, vibrant flora, thick blades of grass, sparkling streams of water, the area was near unrecognizable now.
“The darkness has faded away, the land transformed. We no longer have need of Majesty’s gift.” He bowed his head, a pang of sorrow hanging in his words. “She no longer has need of us.”
Tav looked up at their forlorn companion, reaching to rest a gentle hand on his shoulder.
“Where one purpose ends a new one begins. Stay with me, Kar’niss. I promise you’ll have no shortage of things to do. We need you.”
He blinked quickly after such a statement. He felt something swell within his chest that out classed the throbbing from his injury. He didn’t know what to say, the very idea anyone needed him almost felt surreal to him. His pedipalps curled and gave the faintest wiggle of intrigue, his tongue swiping across his lips to combat the growing dryness.
A new purpose, a new beginning, a speck of hope all for himself? Perhaps dreams can come true.
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ethmaron · 7 months
me again....if youre still doing open ship art requests this is my formal timbart request >:3
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figuring out a date or something
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themeeplord · 1 year
Hey there, meep!! Do you think, when the cryptid boys get scratchies around certain spots near their horns, that they will start to kick their leg like a dog or will they fall over and purr like dragons do in httyd?
Eyo! :3
I know Naff said they wouldn't be so animalistic, buuut my brain says otherwise~
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My horns and frills boys would definitely fall over and start wagging their tail if y/n started scratching them around the base of their horns and behind their frills!
It's not something that automatically happens though. They can control their reaction (it doesn't mean they're faking it, they just have multiple ways of showing that they find something pleasurable. But they always melt and purr from y/n's affectionate touch).
They only do it if they're in the mood for it and it also really depends on what mood the moment calls for. Sometimes a more intimate and smooth reaction from them fits the moment better~
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partyswirl · 1 month
if requests are open..... could i mayhaps ask for some cobalt blue x cigar,,,,,
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if im being honest i havent watched tdos in like a year,,, is this them
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