#sorry for being slow today
slimey-wallz · 1 month
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My Spanish teacher gives out these cute little "yay you did it!" Stickers, and I couldn't just throw them away!!
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over the limit
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shkika · 1 year
Actually, I'm going to brain blast at you now. When playing saint's campaign I went to get the echo in Moon's zone, and she refused to speak to me before I got it. She wasn't asleep like other creatures in echo zones. She said, "You feel it too, don't you, strange one?" Implying that she knew there was an echo above her. And. MAN. She knows there's an echo above her. Does she know what it is? What it used to be? And if she does, she must feel unimaginably bitter about it. All that work and strife, and they didn't even ascend properly? The echo itself even seems to reflect disappointment at Moon's state- even ascended, nothing pleases her creators. It also implies that iterators are cognizant enough to see and collect echoes in their robot form, which, again, MAN. Suppose they could find a way to travel around and get karma the way scugs do? There's something insanely poetic about toiling and toiling away in a locked room over the problem, when the solution is literally a quick walk down the hall.
The echo dialogue is EXTREMELY interesting actually!! Especially when it's implied Moon doesn't know if echoes are real in earlier campaigns!
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Moon calls them horror stories. Now this could mean two things in my opinion.
She always knew and forgot with the collapse. Later with the added energy to her structure she can actually recall.
She either recently met one or overheard it or just has been made aware they exist in some form of way.
I'd rather lean to the latter just because we know she's capable of recalling things through pearls. Just like she remembered a lot about about SOS by giving her the essay. It's just limited how much. If she remembers the concept of echoes and the horror stories though, she would have remembered... if they're real or not.
We don't for CERTAIN know what she means by "feel it too", but I'd say she knows its an echo.
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I don't think she'd be necessarily bitter towards the echo, because it didn't manage to ascend. She's always had the concept or vague knowledge about the myth that not all ancients manage. It's what she means by the ancients "taking a gamble" and leaving. The void fluid has always been considered a risky alternative way to ascension. Moon knows not all of them get to!
Now if she heard the dialogue... of the echo itself.. and what is says about her.... sheeeeesh. No uh... now THAT would make her mad if you ask me.
And yes I believe iterators would be able to see echoes! Though I don't know how... iterator karma really works?
But aside that, the whole tragedy of those robots is that they are stuck. They can't live without their massive cans and facilities, because that is them. They can't move they can't do anything about their situation and they cannot even seek a way to end their life to escape. They truly are stuck. The puppet is a really small part of an iterator and I don't think it can survive without the rest.
Not for long at least!
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tswwwit · 1 year
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Consider it a WIP! I really wanna continue it, I've just been struggling with how to structure the next chapter. I know where I want said chapter to end up, it's getting there that's giving me hell.
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bllakcat · 11 days
okay so today, i was about to walk the 3.8 kilometers to work. of course, just before that it starts to thunder. it starts to pour rain, hails like you've never seen before. me vc : that's okay, i'll just take the bus! > the bus app doesn't work, doesn't accept my card, & that is the only way to pay for the ride. i am struggling from heat, sweat but LUCKILY the app starts to work & i get there in time.
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cutechan555 · 6 months
**the anthro squirrel speaks, celebrating a succesful portal spell** "HAHA! It worked! THe portal worked! Now! Who are you two? **looks to noise and peppino**
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<< The start
Tipo >> guy / fella (Spanish)
Che diavolo >> what the hell (Italian)
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zaacoy · 11 months
being pelted with drawing ideas at a pace so rapid I could not hope to keep up with is both an inspiring blessing and a horrible curse
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mitamicah · 9 months
I am continuing to have friends and family way cooler than I am :’D
Yesterday I met up with a friend who has a strong relationship (I’d say it sounds very queerplatonic and beautiful) with a finnish person so my friend has been visiting Finland a lot
Oh and then they casually mentioned having watched käärijä a few time saying being at his gig was a cozy time (even if they didn’t understand all he was saying)
I -
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wanderingcas · 9 months
when i get sick like this, it's a stark reminder that i'm alone in this whole child rearing thing. the deal was i stay at home with my daughter, my partner goes to work, and i take on freelancing gigs to help supplement the income. when he gets sick, he takes a sick day. but when i get sick, i just have to power through, and then it takes me longer to get better - all the while taking care of a bouncy, energetic toddler. something about that doesn't feel fair but i can't put my finger on it
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rosenfey · 1 year
not every writing needs to be published. ever since I started focusing less on that and more on the actual act of writing I am having so much fun. with 0 obligations to like. publish within deadlines and such I can just. write. do what I love on my own time. and it makes me so happy
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wiredsmi1e · 1 month
my hotspot is being SO fucking choppy today ive barely been able to use my laptop half the day im in HELL .
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burygods · 2 months
i need extra love today because i’m dying
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eyelessfog · 5 months
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hey. hey i voted for the girls.
plmease i want tge art pleassde- *on my knees asking u for the art*
but art of what?
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tddott · 3 months
I was always in love with Total Drama, I was there when it first came out. I remember voting for Duncan online. But unfortunately I deep hyperfixated on another fandom and in the trenches of cringe culture I get extremely self conscious about my love for Total Drama and cut myself off from it for years. One of my big regrets tbh....
I see other +20 Total Drama fans online and I can't help but to think. We could've been friends back then. I could've experienced Dott in its prime.
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impossibleclair · 1 year
Guys I think this might be my favourite pfp so far EVER
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dangaer · 4 months
just a heads up that i am planning on sending some late valentines asks this friday. you are under no pressure to reply to them, as well as if you already have recieved one already!
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