#soobin volleyball
delcakoo · 1 year
txt’s reaction to you being asked out ⋆˚。⋆↯˚
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requested <3
PAIRING ! txt x f!reader
WC ! 4k
GENRE ! fluff, crack
WARNINGS ! jealousy, slight insecurities, strangers asking u out
a/n: the readmore cut actually worked for once a tear rolled down my leg . ty for the req nonie hope u enjoy !
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soobs doesn’t find himself getting jealous often
he trusts you more than anyone in the world and basks in the knowledge that you’re just as whipped for him as he is for you,,,
something super big would have to happen for him to genuinely get upset
and so when he does..
oh boy
good luck dealing with a clingy sulky baby :(
everything was going SO well today too
soobin was very proud of himself for organising the beach date you were visibly enjoying to the fullest <3
you’d spent all day making a giant sandcastle, playing around in the water, having an intense game of volleyball that soobin complEtely dominated and it’s not because he’s good. he’s just ridiculously tall and barely needed to jump
and of course !! getting ice cream !!! the highlight of a very hot day
you were both still dripping saltwater, but soobin put on a t-shirt over his swim trunks while you decided to stay in your bathing suit due to the fear of getting your clothes soaked too
while you waited in line for the ice cream truck, your boyfriend was busy trying to fix his hair when you feel someone poke your shoulder
of course you turn around to investigate,,
just to see some random guy around your age holding his phone opened to a new contact, a confident smile on his face as he continuously glances you up and down
bro wasn’t even trying to be subtle with the staring >:[
“hey, so i was just wondering if i could get your number, i think you’re gorgeous.”
he doesn’t even say anything, just completely awestruck that this asshat couldn’t see him right there?!?
yeah, okay maybe u could pass as friends since he wasn’t much for pda, but too bad!!
he should’ve known and now soobin has the biggest pout on his face as he stares daggers at the man, waiting for you to deal with the situation yourself unless the time comes for him to step in
you just blink in surprise, “oh, me? thanks, but i’m here with my boyfriend.”
finally, he follows your finger to meet soobin’s eyes, gulping at the way he has his arms crossed and face sporting a please-dont-actually-try-to-fight-me-but-i-hate-you glare
personally you think he looks like a cute angry fluffball
but clearly the guy is slightly intimidated — perhaps by his height and built biceps — judging by how frantically he shoves his phone back in his pocket
“oh, my bad. sorry bro,” he apologizes, jogging off before he could embarrass himself further
as soon as he’s far enough, soobin starts murmuring under his breath, wrapping a big arm around your shoulder
sulky soob activated T-T
expect him to be extra clingy and show lots of affection in public for the rest of the day regardless if he’s feeling better or not about the situation
which is SO not like him
the grip he has on your waist even makes yOu nervous
“m’ not your bro. who does he think he is? seriously. looking at you like a piece of meat, i’ll- i’ll punch him!”
you snicker knowing damn well your boyfriend wouldn’t even hurt a fly
amused, you watch as he begins tapping his foot, clearly thinking way too deep into the situation, “couldn’t even ask if you had a boyfriend first! do i not look boyfriend-y enough?” his heart shaped lips form a frown, showing off his dimples unintentionally
“love, you’re the most boyfriend-y guy here, okay? did you forget how that guy nearly shit his pants when he saw you?”
a childish grin sports soobin’s cheeks at that, pride flowing through him and making you chuckle in return
“now c’mon big baby, what flavor are you getting?”
yeah you’ve made him feel a bit better about it
but don’t expect him to be anything but attached to your hip all day <\3
even when you go to the washroom he’s standing outside the door like a guard dog
constantly on the lookout as if that guy is plotting to randomly show up and steal you away !! he has to be sure :( !!
when you tease him though,, he of course gets all defensive
“ay, you wouldn’t be laughing if it was some girl trying to ask me out! you don’t understand.”
when you tell him that he’s right and that you’d be pissed too, he feels a bit better n’ goes back to having only a sliGht pout
but pssst secret
some cuddles and kisses when you get back home should fix him right up <3 !!
the most atrocious yet blank stare imaginable
he wouldn’t even process what’d happened for a few seconds like
huh 🧌 that’s. that’s my girlfriend what do u mean. doesn’t everybody know she’s mine what no how could this happen plea
at the same time junie isn’t really a fan of confrontation and y’know
calling someone out
but in this situation IF he isn’t busy being the real life version of the standing man emoji HE WILL SPEAK UP !!
when something like this actually happened, it was originally a very chill day for you and jun <3
he invited you to come grocery shopping with him for the dorm
and man oh man he looks so boyfriend with that plain white tee and half his hair in a lil’ ponytail T-T
you tried not to ogle him the whole time
but clearly you weren’t doing well considering he already caught you staring twice …
“yah, cutie,” yeonjun barks with a teasing look on his face, “stop drooling and go get soobin’s bread. i’ll be in the ramen aisle.”
you roll your eyes but listen anyway, making your way two aisles over to find the bread section containing a man who’s carefully glancing at his phone, then back at the display with a lost expression
as you get closer you quickly realise he’s having trouble finding the bread on his list, so of course you decide to help him out like a good citizen
“is this the one you need?”
the man whips his head up at your voice, a grateful smile on his face as he nods and acceps the loaf carefully
“yeah, thanks. you’d think being so tall i could find things easily but..” shyly, he looks away, ruffling his bangs habitually
you chuckle while grabbing a loaf of soobin’s favorite bread, feeling the guy watch closely from beside you
“i uh, actually recently moved here and i was thinking,” he swallows, “would you want to help me find a good place to eat? on me, of course.”
you blink
was he asking you as a friendly gesture of thanks or as a date
you honestly couldn’t tell
“well i’ll have to ask my boyfriend, he’d probably wanna know the details and stuff. or maybe he could come with us?”
“oh, that isn’t really—“
just as he opens his mouth to reply, a familiar pale arm wraps around your waist and pulls you into a sturdy chest
“hey princess,” yeonjun aggressively pecks the top of your head, a gesture that has your stomach swooning, “who’s this?”
obliviously, you smile, “oh, we just met here and he was going to take me to—“
since you were in front of him, you didn’t get to see yeonjun’s cold stare that caused the man to quickly put his free hand up in surrender
“oh, no no, nevermind that! sorry— uh, thank you again.” he barely even finished his sentence before turning around and storming off, ears bright red
you begin to question why he was suddenly rushing, but you’re snapped out of it by none other than your boyfriend swivelling you around to face him
yeonjun just stares at you for a moment
looking carefully at your features before cupping your face and leaning down for a kiss
his lips were always so plush n’ soft and you desperately wanted to keep feeling them but
it couldn’t be too long as you were still in a grocery store after all
but even once you pull away yeonjun grabs your hand tightly
“i leave for five minutes and other guys are already hovering around you like flies,” he complains, duck lips turning down cutely
“now you know what it’s like,” you snort, rubbing his knuckles with your fingers laced through his. “you know i’m only yours, ignore them.”
he looks down at you, a fond yet playful gaze in his pretty eyes
“oh really? what are you? i think i forgot, say it again~”
“yours, dumbass,” you can’t help but smile at his antics ^^
“that’s right, mine. mine. all mine.” with each word, yeonjun gives your head another loving smooch <3
now this one ..
hate to break it to you but gyu may start laughing and mocking the guy as soon as he’s gone
he finds you rejecting other men hilarious, especially watching the way their face falls in defeat :)
butttt sometimes he gets a little irked out,, especially when the guy has pretty much anything better than him whether it be height or just neater hair
n’ even though you reject those kinds of guys just as quickly as any other, his insecurities tend to eat away at him
so make sure to reassure your boy !!
you and beomgyu decided to bus downtown for a day at the cat cafe that recently opened
things were going better than expected considering going on a weekday apparently meant not many other customers would be around ^^
plus the amount of lockscreen-worthy photos you got of gyu with kittens was astronomical HOW WERE YOU GONNA CHOOSE!!
out of the corner of your eye though, you couldn’t help but fidget at the feeling of the employee staring daggers at you
and at first you worried you were doing something wrong, but all you’ve been doing thus far is play with a grey kitten, laugh at gyu, and take a million pictures
“this one really likes me. i think we should take him home,” beomgyu declares, holding up a small white kitten to demonstrate
but when you don’t reply, he sends you a concerned gaze, “you okay?”
“yeah.. just, that guy won’t stop staring at me.”
when he looks to see who you were talking about, a frown pulls onto beomgyu’s lips
the man was even taller than him and had soft, neatly parted black bangs that somehow rested perfectly by his eyes
don’t even get him started on the uniform he attired being pulled up a bit to reveal tight muscles against his arms, what’s a guy like that doing working at a cat cafe of all places?
beomgyu turns to you, placing the white kitten back onto the floor, “want me to go tell him to stop? i can be very intimidating~”
you watch as he wiggles his eyebrows and snort, “it’s fine. i wanna go ask him about this grey kitten anyway, she’s cute.”
immediately, gyu stands up along with you, “well i’m coming too.”
what? he didn’t want that guy talking to you one on one >:[
as you make your way over to where the employee stands behind a counter, a smile quickly rises to his face when he catches you approaching
“hey there, can i help you with anything? would you like a drink?”
the whole time he never takes his eyes off of you, and beomgyu crosses his arms at the realisation that this man was totally ignoring him! the audacity!!
so of course he opens his mouth, “yeah, actually. i’ll get a latte, please.”
finally, the man turns to him, and his expression falters for a second before he nods and gets to work
you give beomgyu a strange look that he ignores
“you don’t even like lattes,” you murmur with furrowed brows
he simply nods to the kitten in your arms, a defensive glare on his face, “yah, don’t forget what we came here for.”
just in time, the man turns back to you while finishing up the latte and sliding it over to your boyfriend, who emits a barely audible ‘thanks’
a smile quickly returns to his face as he takes you in, along with the kitten you’re holding, “anything for you, pretty girl?”
what’d he call you
beomgyu’s jaw DROPS touches the ground even
that is HIS nickname for you!!!
he immediately frowns, a competitive gleam in his eyes as he reaches down to pat your head
“she is pretty, isn’t she?”
apparently the guy didn’t get the hint as he quickly agrees with a cheery ‘of course’ 👎
you seem equally confused but you quickly cough and speak up, “i— uh, i was just wondering what breed this kitten was.”
with another cheesy smile that has beomgyu gagging, he replies, “that’s a british shorthair. we actually have a new litter of shorthairs arriving next week. if you decide to stop by i could give you a personal introduction.”
the man winks, sending another surge of fury through beomgyu, “along with a coffee on the house, of course.”
… it honestly wasn’t a bad deal
but judging by the way beomgyu grabbed your hand and dragged you towards the exit, you assumed it was a no
“sorry, thanks for the offer!” you barely make out before the cafe door slams closed
“along with a coffee on the house, of course,” beomgyu mocks the man’s deep voice, face scrunched up obnoxiously while you groan next to him
“don’t let him ruin our nice day baby, c’mon,” you reassure the boy, smoothing out his frustrated wrinkles with your thumb, “i’ve already forgotten what that loser looks like.”
beomgyu’s snickers, relief taking over his features as he stares down at the sidewalk
“mkay. you think i’m better looking, right?”
“he isn’t even competition next to you.”
he gets giddier by each word, slowly going back to his regular self whilst a small :> rises to his lips
“and you’re all mine, right?”
“yeah,” you bump his shoulder, smirking playfully, “and you’re mine?”
his smile grows, “obviously.”
gyu mostly stays positive like that through the remainder of the date, but later you may find him sitting and staring off into space, once again reminiscing on what could’ve made that guy think you weren’t taken, if he wasn’t good enough, etc
but don’t worry! as long as you’re ready to offer words of affirmation and big spooning, he’ll be back to you in no time ^^
not a very big reaction
it’s terry we’re talking about !! our unfazed king
he knows you’re his, what’s there to worry about ^^
honestly he might even chuckle at whoever had the confidence to try and ask you out rigHt in front of him
he lets you deal with it yourself unless it escalates in any way,, in that case oh boy is he ready
mans can finally put those hard-earned muscles to use <3
anways so you and tyun were having a nice lil’ outing at a cafe for lunch
being seated by the window, you spent every few seconds pointing at random things outside like literal cats <3
at one point a squirrel ran by and you immediately pointed at it going ‘you’ THEN TYUN DID HIS CUTE GIGGLE
he was in one of his cute moods and you could swear his eyes held the whole world when he smiled at you like that :(
that kinda changed when the waiter came though,,
you were a bit oblivious, but taehyun quickly caught on to the way the young man’s gaze would linger on you each time he handed you something no matter it was your drink, a napkin, absolutely any reason he could use to stAre at you
and despite him not being a very confrontational person, he makes sure you’re fully aware of what he sees
“ that guy totally wants you,” he comments as if it was something as simple as the weather 💀
meanwhile you nearly choke on your drink, “that— what? who?”
“waiter guy.”
“and at first you smile, “aww, you jealous?”
but of course ,, big mistake
“of what? you’re in love with me, aren’t you?” HE’S SO GRHRRGFH
you do that classic pouty pout and taehyun secretly wishes the table wasn’t there so he could lean over and kiss it away because aWww <3
bUt after that incident things were running smoothly, and since the waiter hadn’t returned for a while, taehyun figured it’d be a good time to run to the bathroom
apparently he couldn’t get a moment of peace because as soon as he waddled back to where you were seated, waiter guy had his elbow on the table, writing something on a sticky note while murmuring something that taehyun could only catch a few words from
“—can always call me if he messes up, i’ll be waiting.”
OOOHH yeah no he’s shaking in fury on the inside but stays cool on the outside
the sound of your sweet voice telling the man you weren’t interested and that something like that would never happen manages to cool him down a bit, but tyun still makes sure to bump the man’s shoulder extra hard while pacing back to his seat
“what’d i miss?” your boyfriend’s voice is so calm as usual,, but also somehow scary and cold n’ even yOu get nervous!!
“i- uh, enjoy your meal.”
taehyun SCOFFS as the man wobbles away with his tail tucked between his legs, “how pathetic,” he frowns
you reach over to his knuckles which instantly softens up his tense muscles, watching as he sighs
“see, you’re just too gorgeous. it gets bothersome,” as usual, his voice is calm, but this time laced with a hint of dramatic playfulness, making you giggle shyly
you’ve gotten better and better at reading and understanding your boyfriend’s speech habits and tones, which is something not many could successfully do ^^
that’s pretty much it though
he might bring it up another time as almost a little inside joke between you guys, but he prefers to say that the guy was too irrelevant to bring any more attention to !!
but also
on the bill..
taehyun reattached that sticky note he tried to hand you and wrote something on it
unfortunately he folded it so you never got to see, but judging by the nervous stutters the waiter let out while handing him the receipt, you guessed it wasn’t too polite
your mind is taken off that real quick though when his larger hand is cupping yours :D
“c’mon princess,” with the gentlest forehead kiss ever, “we won’t be back here, that’s for sure.”
does that thing where his head just frantically shakes between u two like O-0
nervous chuckles awkward foot movements
starts inwardly panicking like fUck what should a boyfriend do in this situation SHOULD I BE PUNCHING THAT GUY
because lowkey
he doesn’t care that much,,
he trusts you fully n’ knows that guy is getting rejected
by the end of the whole fiasco he may end up having a nice conversation with the stranger as if they’re besties
they’ll be discussing how awful the weather’s been in the past week while you just stand there utterly gobsmacked
..he’s hyuka what’d you expect
do note that your boy may become unusually clingy after it’s all over
and if you question him he may or may not gaslight you into thinking everything’s normal out of embarrassment <3
anyways SEGWAY GOES HERE (coughs. so smooth)
being the rock-paper-scissor loser that you were
your co-workers left you alone to close up the local convenience store for the night (boooo tomato tomato)
closing was in a mere five minutes, and you were more than ready to book it out the door n’ spend your remaining waking hours watching anime with kai
AND all his plushies of course ^^
besides that NOBODY else was invited
not even soobin despite how he usually loves watching anime with you guys :(
kai insisted it was his very much needed alone time with you
so when the bell above the door jingles, a smile already makes it’s way to your face, expecting to see your boyfriend there and ready to drive you home
well.. not exactly
a man that looks around your age runs in, quickly sprinting over to the grocery section
and you’re just like well. shit.
if this is a robbery you’re fully prepared to sacrifice everything in the store
what’d they expect paying you minimum wage ??
but before you even raise your hands in surrender, the man has already made his way to the cashier, panting and huffing as he drops his basket onto the counter
“sorry, i know you close in a few minutes but if you could ring me up it’d be really, really great.”
you blink
“oh. yeah, sure. sorry, i thought you were a thief this whole time.”
watching you scan his items, the man giggles, “my bad. it’s.. a long story.”
“clearly, if you’re buying energy drinks at this time of night.”
again, he chuckles, leaning his palms on the table. “hey, you’re quite cute,” just as he speaks up, the doorbell rings again, “could i get your number?”
meanwhile you lift your head to see kai, who is now awkwardly staring between you both with a nervous smile on his lips
facepalming inwardly, you clear your throat, “uh- sorry, my boyfriend is- um, right there.”
when the guy turns to face him, kai just coughs with a barely audible, ‘hi’
“shit, that’s embarrassing. my bad— again.” you almost feel pity as the man fumbles to put his card back in his wallet, grabbing his bag and speedwalking to the door
but right before he can leave, kai speaks up out of nowhere, “where- where’d you get your jacket?”
you give him an odd stare, matching the guy who backtracks in confusion, “uh, i dunno. why?”
“i think i have the same one, that brand is super underrated,” kai grins nervously, and honestly, you’re starting to feel like a proud mom watching her kid make their first friend at pre-school
after the stranger gasps and brings up how he’s never met anyone else who knows it, they ramble for another few minutes before he eventually checks his phone, apologizing and saying that he needs to leave
nOt without exchanging numbers with your boyfriend of course
when kai turns around to see you shaking your head in disbelief, he bursts into a fit of screechy dolphin laughter
“he came for your number and ended up with mine instead!”
you smack his shoulder, countering the endeared smile growing on your lips, “god, you’re insane. who the hell makes friends with a guy who asked their girlfriend out minutes prior?”
grabbing your bag for you, kai throws it over his shoulder and wiggles his brows, “your boyfriend does, cutie. i personally think i handled it great.”
“yeah, whatever. go watch demon slayer with him instead.”
he pinches your cheek, cooing mockingly, “aw, no need to be jealous! i only wanna watch with my pretty girl~”
he’s acting all cocky right now
but right as kai starts to gets sleepy, he begins mumbling on about how much he doesn’t like when others try to steal you from him, and that he’ll do anything to be the one staying by your side permanently ^^ <3
if you enjoyed, reblogs n’ feedback is always appreciated + motivating for me to post more!
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© delcakoo on tumblr. all rights reserved. do not rewrite, cross-post, translate, copy, etc.
perm taglist: @duolingofanaccount @strawberry-sunset-skies @scented-morker @koshinene @boowoowho @sultrybaby @yunjinlvrr @kynrki @yujiecho @monstaxdirtywonk @dekusgirl @taejays @luvhyun3 @yjjungwon @miou45 @rosie-is-everywhere @yenqa @rosenatorfirst @millsielovesgyu @syrxiee2 @ily-cuz-i @soobin-chois @wtfhyuck @hoonvrs @gyuuberryy @bucketofhiros @xtra-cheese
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najaemism · 8 months
we never go out of style! [01]
PAIRING. haechan x fem!oc
SYNOPSIS. what happens when one of the famous professional volleyball players of the country publicly shoots his shot at a global popstar? well, she shows up to his game with his mother, of course! [or alternatively: the whole world watches as a popstar and an athlete fall in love.]
— fake subtitles!
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01: JUST GIVE HIM A CHANCE! | prev / materlist / next
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NOTE. sooo lumine’s ex of two months is just some nameless dude… but know that he was shitty and is the m*tty he*ly ex :p the ex that she dated for 3 years however…….. you’ll find out soon enough 🤩 also, her fans are called lumieres! it’s cute idk 😔 HAHAHA
TAGLIST. @radiorenjun @bluejaem @pink-but-rosie @renjun-pretty @holdinbacksecrets @rynshyuckies @jelllyjae @jenyongcas @whyisquill @beemarkie @morkxlee @hibuki-chan @moonwalkun @lyyhyuck @baekhyunstruly @lilacdreams-00 @ridinhyuck @archivedmkl @najaeminluvbot @rensiu @morkleetrash @neo444 @hrjchive @keemburley @soobin-chois @yiz-yo @juune04 @nctasdfghj @studywoo @jun5ui @smolpeyy @kkotjia @yoonhanzjaem @en-boys @stopeatread @goldryush @hibernatinghamster @shwizhies @zgzgzh @bbymatz @eyantice @w0nderr @dinonuguaegi @neozon3nha @mnlylonely
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thoughtsforsoob · 2 months
could i request a soobin with enemies to lovers prompt? 🥹 i think i have an obsession with this trope atm
a/n: hello anon! i hope you enjoy this. i wasn't sure how i was going to write this but i made it happen! i love the enemies to lovers trope but i cannot write it for my life. please enjoy this! i hope it lives up to expectations. 
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you and soobin were total opposites. he was this cool guys with a close knit friend group and lot’s of popularity. he had a set group of people that would eat lunch with him everyday. he was really smart too. he constantly made student of the month and was on track to secure the valedictorian spot for your graduation class. 
you on the other hand…you had only two friends you hung out with everyday and you lacked the popularity he had. you loved your friends group so it’s not like you were complaining or anything. you were also very smart. you were good at pretty much everything you teachers put in front of you. art, english, math, history. anything. 
this is where your story starts. you and soobin usually did not cross paths at all and if you did…it was because he was insulting your intelligence and lack of friends. he didn’t mean to hurt your feelings so deeply but little did he know, you would go home and cry into your pillow because of his hurtful words. he would put you down by both only questioning your intelligence but even your looks. saying things along the lines of, “well, we can’t all be good looking and smart”. When he’d run into you in the hall ways during passing period, he would humiliate you by screaming and then saying, “oh wait, it’s just you. i swear i just saw something straight out of a horror movie.” you would go home and curse him. how could he be so handsome and so mean at the same time? it’s not fair! 
you two were made to cross paths on this occasion because you were both called into the principals office. the principal organized this meeting to let you know you both were tied for the spot of valedictorian and that you both would have to share the honor if nothing changed with your grades. soobin took this as a threat and you, were just fine with it. he started going on about how it’s not fair that he had to share such a high honor with a girl. when you left the principals office, he let you know his intentions to raise his grades to beat you. when you just shrugged him off, he grabbed your wrist. you glared at him. “let me go! i’ll tell someone!” he sighed and rolled his eyes, “as if anyone would actually care.” he looks you up and down, “just back down. you’re too stupid to even formulate a speech to accept this award. why do you even want it so bad?” 
you pull your wrist back, “it’s none of your damn business! leave me alone. I'm not backing down and I'm not going to no matter what you say.” you turn and walk away, back to the class you had left for the meeting. he watches you walk away with a smirk. he was thinking of ways to get you to back down as he walked back to class. 
after school and clubs, he went to look for you. he was going to tell you again to back off when he noticed something strange. he was walking into the gym since he knew you’d be come with volleyball (let’s just say you play) but the gym was really quiet. among the quiet, he heard a small voice, begging the word ‘stop’ over and over. he finally recognized this voice as yours. as much as he pretended to hate you, he couldn't help but go over there and asses the situation. 
you were being back into a corner by a sophomore in your club. his name was Jake. he was much taller than you and much bigger. he’d been asking you on a date at every single club meeting for a whole month. Since he always made you feel uncomfortable and unsafe, you would always decline. he kept asking and asking until he finally got fed up and decided he was going to make you say yes. he decided to do this by backing you into a corner of the gym once everyone was gone after practice. you always stayed behind alone to clean up since your friends had to run off to their part time jobs after club. he decided today was the day and he started to back you into the corner. 
soobin hesitates but decided the right thing to do was to intervene. he walks up behind Jake and when you see him, you gasp. Jake was looking at you with a raised eye brow and suddenly feels a big hand grab his should and pull him back. “hey, Jake. what are you doing?” soobin puts on a fake smile and pat’s the younger boy’s shoulder. Jake rolls his eyes, “I'm asking her on a date and she’s not saying yes! can you believe this? who wouldn’t wanna date me?” Soobin finally stops smiling and does what he came there to do. he pushed Jake back and the younger boy stumbled, falling onto his butt. "you leave her alone. you hear me? i thought you know better than you harass girls who want nothing to do with you?” soobin grabs your hand and looks at you, “come on. let’s get any from this loser. he’s got a lesson to learn later on. i’ll be back for you.” soobin threatens. you follow soobin as he gently pulls your arm to lead you outside safely. he refuses to let go of you hand when asking if you were okay. "did he touch you? I'm sorry he did that to you.” he groan and pull your hand back.
“why do you care? you always talk shit to me. why did you even step in? you could definitely not care less about me.” you look down at the floor, kicking dirt around. you felt back for talking to him that way after he saved you but you couldn’t help it. why did he do this? he looks at you, “i wasn’t going to let him hurt you. no one deserves to be harassed by anyone. not even you.” you look up at him with softer eyes. you notice how he got shy when you looked in his eyes. you smile at him for the first time ever. "thank you. thank you for saving me from him.” he take his hands and look at him again. "are you shy?” you laugh when his face and ears to red. his body betrayed him. "hey, this is no fair, you’re touching me. how am i supposed to react when he pretty girl touches me?” 
you gasp, “pretty? now you’re just messing with me. don’t do that.” your smile turns into a frown and soobin panics. “hey! hey! I'm not kidding. I'm serious. i really do think you’re pretty. im sorry for all those times i said other wise. I'm sorry I've been such an ass hole to you. i’ve treated you like absolute shit for no reason. you’re too pretty to be treated like crap.” he panics when you start to tear up but he wipes your tears away. he goes as far as to pull you into his chest and hug you. you melt into him and hide your face in his chest. he let’s you cry for a while. 
finally, you look up at him with puffy, red eyes. “so…what now? am i gonna have to go home and cry into my pillow because you’re going to tell me you don’t like me the way i think you do?” he smiled at you and wiped your face again. “i don’t think so. i like you a lot. how about i go in there and help you finish cleaning and then i can walk you home? we can stop for some boba tea? my treat for being such an asshole.” you smile at him and hug him again. "sure. but…only if you’ll be my boyfriend.” he turns red once again and whines, “Hey! what’s with your love of flustering me?” you frown, “is that a no?” he shakes his head, “you’re already got me wrapped around your cute fingers, you know?” you smile at him and you both hug. he places a sweet kiss on your cheek and you turn red. 
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hwaslayer · 8 months
project: make you love me (jyh) | seven.
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♣︎ spotify playlist | series masterlist
—summary: yunho can’t stand how you’re so wrapped up in the notorious campus fuckboy, park seonghwa. he would gladly love you the way you deserve, despite being shy, awkward and the complete opposite of seonghwa. thus, when he finds himself spending more time with you over literature reviews and random study sessions, he decides to take on the challenge to win you over.
—pairing: jeong yunho x f. reader x park seonghwa
—genre: (18+ - minors dni) strangers/friends to lovers, college au | fluff, angst, smut
—word count: 4.4k
—chapter content/warnings: cussing, oc teaches yunho a few moves hehe, subtle flirting and small signs of affection, yunho meets oc's mom and sis! (coincidentally) lol, mingi being weird again due to his loyalty with hwa, yeosang encourages yunho to just go for it 😭
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Yunho swings his keychain around his finger, letting out a breath as he makes his usual trek to the back parking lot. He's exhausted, and he can't wait to just plop onto his bed and do.. nothing.
As he approaches the gym, he hears the once-subtle music now getting louder and louder— though, the rest of campus is quiet, the parking lots are quiet, gym much emptier than usual. When he passes the dance studio window, he sees you alone. Your music is blasting, you're figuring out choreography and cleaning steps up. Yunho can't help but stare a bit until he realizes how odd he must look through the window. So, he diverts his attention and begins to walk on, afraid of ruining your me-time.
"Yunho!" He turns over his shoulder, seeing you leaning near the window screen. "Hey you!"
"Hey." He stops and takes a few steps closer to you.
"You were just gonna pass without saying hi? I've barely seen you all week." You pout, and Yunho thinks it's the cutest thing the world.
"I'm sorry, it's been quite the week. But, you looked too focused, I didn't wanna interrupt."
"Not even! I could use the distraction." You motion for him to come inside. "Come! Unless you have other plans, then don't let me be a bother." You chuckle.
"Alright, if you say so." Yunho laughs a bit and walks towards the front desk, tapping his student ID card on the reader before walking in. He hasn't been to the gym in a minute, mainly because of how swamped he's been with homework and projects. He quickly peeks into the basketball courts, seeing there's open gym going on for those who want to play volleyball. He catches a glimpse of Soobin and Seungmin joining your other friends in a game, Chaery nowhere to be found.
He finally turns down the hallway and finds the dance studio, seeing you continuing to rehearse with the music booming in the room. He steps inside and shuts the door behind him, standing off to the corner to let you finish off your thought process this time around. Your moves flow together, fluidly shifting from one movement to the other— Yunho thinks you're pure art, even if he's not witnessing the entire piece right now.
"You can sit if you want." You tell him as you jog over to your phone and lower the volume.
"What're you working on?"
"Finalizing a part of our piece for a competition coming up soon."
"Competition, hm?" Yunho sits against the glass with one leg propped up, arm hanging loosely over it. "Don't you have a performance tomorrow?"
"I do." You laugh. "But, we wanted to do something a little different for the competition. It's something we've performed before. Just changing a few things around."
"I see."
"Where were you coming from? Library?" He nods.
"My usual. Why aren't you taking a break and playing with your friends?"
"I'm terrible at volleyball, I'll just make them lose and they'll be mad." You giggle. "Chaery is having dinner with her parents. They came down to visit."
"Yeah, I didn't see her around."
"Mhm. She'll probably be back later tonight." You yawn and try to shake off the exhaustion slowly hitting you. "So.. are you coming tomorrow?" You shyly ask him and all Yunho does is stupidly shrug in response.
"I'll try." And he wishes he could take that back the moment it slips out. Because he really does wanna go. He's just not sure how comfortable he'll feel. But he does. He wants to support you and be there for you. You've been nothing but patient and incredibly sweet to him, it's the one thing he could do.
He doesn't do this, though.
He's not really sure how to?
Should he just say congrats after the performance and give you a hug [which might turn into an awkward one-handed hug because he is who he is]?
Should he buy some flowers?
Should he wait for you with the flowers?
Should he buy some for Chaery too so she doesn't feel left out or anything? Because don't you two come in a package deal?
God, it's been so long for him. And he feels so pathetic.
"You promise?" 
"Fair enough." You smile. "I just need to go through this a few more times before calling it a night. I gotta teach it to the group."
"You're okay with me around? Isn't it a secret?" You nod.
"Of course. The piece isn't a secret." You tilt your head and giggle. "Actually. Can I teach you a few steps?" Yunho laughs, ears a bright red tint.
"Teach me? I don't know how to dance, Y/N."
"Everyone does, especially once they learn a few steps." You hold out your hand. "Please? It'll be simple and quick." He sighs a bit and stands, slowly walking over to you.
"I don't know. As long as you don't make fun of me."
"I won't." You take his hand and lead him to the center of the room. You watch as he stands tall next to you, shaking his head and slightly creating some distance.
"Wait, I don't know. I-I really don't think I can—"
"Yunho." You look up at him and hold his wrist gently. "Just a few. You're gonna do great. Trust me?" He swallows the lump in his throat before silently nodding, letting you take the lead on teaching him a simple 8 count. He follows along easily, and he learns quick. You're surprised Yunho has never had any dancing history because with the way he moves, you would've believed he had been pursuing it just like you— as a passion, a hobby. You repeat the 8-count a few more times with him before you're blasting the music and having him join along with you. He gets a bit more comfortable, letting you playfully hit him when he messes up on purpose and gives you a look. But, there are other times when he'd reach for your hands and try to prevent your hit— holding your hand and laughing along with you.
"I'm done, I'm done. I swear I'll do it right this time." You slightly whine, letting his hand go to get back into position.
"Yeah, you better."
"I'm not the one with a competition!"
"Still!" He laughs.
"Okay, okay. Jeez, I didn't think I was gonna workout today." He smiles, a soft pink tint coloring his cheeks. He gladly works through the steps once more before stepping out and letting you do your thing, watching off to the side. He crosses his arms and nods in acknowledgement, softly clapping his hands when you've stopped dancing.
"I don't know how this is gonna work."
"Y/N, you're doing great. Seriously. It'll turn out amazing. You have a bit of time, don't be so hard on yourself."
"You think so?" 
"You need to give yourself a lot more credit."
"Thank you, Yunho. Especially for letting me randomly teach you." He chuckles.
"It was fun, and I am honored." You giggle.
"Are you just going to head home?"
"Mhm. Be lazy. Think I can give myself that. Do you need a ride?" You shake your head.
"I'm here until Soobin and Seungmin finish."
"You sure you don't need a ride home?" 
"Positive. I should really finish this anyway." You giggle before softly hitting him on the chest. "Hope you got a good workout today."
"Kinda, yeah. Probably won't do that for awhile."
"Have a good night, Yunho." You look up at him so sweetly that Yunho feels his knees buckle a bit. Even under the dim studio light, he finds you so, so pretty.
"Will you.. text me when you get home?" He scratches at his temple, unsure if he's coming off needy. 
"Of course."
"Okay." Is all he says before grabbing his things, holding his keys in his hands. "Have a good night, Y/N. Don't practice too hard."
"I'll try not to." Yunho gives you a small nod before walking out of the studio. He's not sure if he'd ever say this out loud, but he feels something in his chest when he hears the door shut behind him— now creating a barrier between you and him. He pauses for a second, pondering if he should just sit in the studio and get more work done while you practiced, but he shakes it off and continues walking out of the gym facility.
He was here to help you with literature. He didn't think it'd be anything outside of that. So no, he can't be too much for you right away. He doesn't want to be.
When Yunho gets home, Yeosang is in the kitchen making himself some food. Yunho greets him and brushes past to grab a cold bottle of unsweetened green tea from the fridge.
"Did you just finish from the library?"
"Kinda, yeah." Yunho takes a quick sip. "I, uh, saw Y/N while she was practicing so I hung out in there for a bit." 
"Cute. She has another performance tomorrow, right?"
"Mhm, but she was practicing for their competition coming up soon."
"Shouldn't she be taking a break for the performance tomorrow?" Yunho shrugs.
"Her friends are playing volleyball." Yeosang chuckles.
"Are you going to go tomorrow?"
"Hm, I think so. I don't know."
"You should."
"Mm, I don't really go to these things." 
"You can do one night for Y/N." Yunho nods.
"Yeah, I guess so. I probably will." He sighs. "I wanted to get her some flowers but I didn't wanna be too much."
"What? No. You wouldn't be. She'll appreciate that gesture."
"Maybe." Yunho lets out a small, pathetic laugh. He is definitely overthinking, and Yeosang is very aware.
"Let me know how it goes." 
"Yup." Yunho bids him farewell before settling in his room.
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The next day comes quick, and it's a blur for your team. You get to the auditorium bright and early, instantly doing a dry rehearsal and marking the stage before putting on some stage makeup and rehearsing with your performance outfit. It's been so busy that you haven't really gotten a chance to text Yunho back after his goodmorning text—
you: hi yunho, goodmorning! it's gonna be super busy today so i'm sorry if i don't text back right away. i hope i'll see you later, i'll be looking out for you in the crowd. ☺️
yunho: aw, morning! no worries, goodluck today 😊 you'll kill it!
Meanwhile, Yunho heads to the front of the building, quickly buying a ticket before heading indoors. Right before he enters the auditorium, he sees single roses being sold near the far right entrance of the auditorium. Yunho thinks to himself for a moment, wondering if it's a good idea to do this or not. He already settled on the fact that he wouldn't— just to play it safe. But somehow, he feels like this is a sign that he should do it.
Fuck it.
He lets out a breath before he maneuvers through the crowd, instantly handing the seller some cash. He quickly thanks her and makes his way inside, finding a seat in the middle— close enough to see you, but far enough to see the entire stage. He wants to make sure he sees your friends, and he wants to see the piece in its entirety. He lets out a breath, settling into the [uncomfy] chair with the program in his hand.
He flips through the page, reading through the various performances, seeing your group come up towards the end. Typically, he'd hate to sit through all of this. But, he knows you'd really appreciate him staying and supporting the entire show. 
So, he sits. He waits. He supports.
But, he's eager to see you. He's eager to see you kill it on stage because he knows you will. 
In the next 15 minutes or so, the lights dim in the auditorium, and the MC is beginning to kick off the night with a brief introduction, followed by the meaning behind tonight's concert and what it will be supporting. It takes off with a quick, and intense start— another dance group guesting and beginning the show.
Afterwards, it follows with some singing. A band playing their instruments. Traditional, cultural dancing. Solo stages.
Until the lights shine down on the stage, and he finally spots you, Chaery, your friends. You all hold your poses until the music starts playing loudly in the auditorium, surround sound speakers booming in their corners. You all start off strong, facial expressions properly conveying the intensity of the piece. It splits off into an all-girls piece, before the boys find their way in and it becomes one. All of your moves are pristine and sharp, and the entire piece flows cohesively. Yunho is in awe, and he's not even sure where to look first. 
He regrets not having watched you earlier. 
The piece is 5 minutes, but Yunho feels like it goes by way too quickly for his liking. The last bits to close the piece out makes the audience roar in screams and yells just as the lights dim and your figures are hurrying off the stage. Yunho claps, smiling big and wide after; feeling the adrenaline and excitement that is being shared amongst the entire room right now. 
You killed it out there.
Yunho feels proud of you, and he's glad he got to see you on stage.
When the show closes out, everyone stands and begins to make their way out of the auditorium. Yunho matches the slow pace of the crowd as everyone continues to walk out and wait for their loved ones to come to the lobby. Yunho feels like he should wait here for you to arrive, but he sees a group of people push through the hallway doors on the right— screams erupting from the other side. Before he can even think about it, his feet are already taking him to the hallway, hoping he can find you there.
And luckily for him, he does. 
He smiles to himself when he sees you down the hallway; fresh off the stage and looking beautiful as ever. A few people come to greet you and hug you, praising you and your friends for the great performance. Yunho keeps his hands behind his back as he walks closer, your eyes landing on him from past your friend's shoulder.
"Yunho!" You squeal, running to him. "You actually made it!"
"I did." He smiles. 
"Sorry, I'm gross and sweaty."
"You look good, Y/N."
"Are you lying?" He laughs and shakes his head.
"No, never that." He shifts. "I.. have something for you?" He says in a cute, questioning tone just as he pulls out a single rose from behind his back. "You did great out there." He smiles at you, a subtle rose-tint growing on his cheeks.
"Yunho." You look at him, and at first, he's not really sure if he fucked up already. But, before he could let his thoughts consume him, you wrap your arms around his neck and hug him tightly. "You're so sweet. Thank you." Yunho takes you in before wrapping an arm around you. He does wrap the one arm around you tightly though, giving you a gentle squeeze before pulling away.
"Where's mine?!" Chaery playfully questions, but Yunho chuckles a bit and pulls out another rose from behind his back. He genuinely wanted to buy her one since she was your bestfriend. Chaery has always been nice to him, and it's the least he could do to show his appreciation for that, and for always taking care of you. Chaery gasps, pouting while taking the flower from Yunho's hand. "Oh my god, I was totally just kidding. You're so sweet, Yunho. Thank you." She pouts.
"It's nothing. You guys did really great up there." Yunho shifts his weight from one foot to another before digging his hands into his pockets.
"He is so cute, please Y/N." She turns to you and whines. "Please snatch him up."
"Can you quit?' You whisper harshly before Yunho is greeting Soobin and Seungmin, praising them for the successful piece. Suddenly, your mom and your sister come rushing through with a big bouquet in hand, your mom pulling you into a big bear hug.
"That piece was amazing! You guys did great!" Your mom praises you with a smile, brushing your hair out of your face before moving onto Chaery.
"Proud of you as always." Your older sister hands you the bouquet, eyeing the rose already in your hand. Her eyes go to you, Yunho's [who is back to observing on the side], then back to you. "I see you got a rose already?"
"Oh, uh." You shyly chuckle and tuck your flowers close to your chest. "This is Yunho. Yunho, my mom, my sister Leia."
"It's nice to meet you." Yunho swallows the lump in his throat, feeling like the world is caving in on him right at this moment. He should've expected your mom and sister to be here, why wouldn't they be? He just didn't expect to be introduced. Jesus Christ, Yunho. Get it together.
"A very tall and handsome one." Your mom says, making your sister and Chaery giggle. "It's nice to meet you, Yunho." She smiles at him.
"My parents wanna grab something to eat with everyone. Shall we get going?" Soobin comes towards you, your family and Chaery. You all nod, giving leverage for your mom, sister and Chaery to shift their attention towards him, Seungmin and the rest of the dance team. Yunho slowly steps closer to you again, a small, toothless smile on his face.
"Gonna go eat?"
"Mhm. You should join us!" He shakes his head.
"You should enjoy your dinner with your family and friends." You give him a tiny smile of acknowledgment.
"Thank you for coming, Yunho. Seriously." You chuckle and nod before raising the rose up. "And for this. I'll make sure to take really good care of it."
"Good." He tilts his head and quickly swipes his tongue over his lips. "Have a good dinner."
"I will. You too? Get something to eat, okay?" You gently set the flowers down before wrapping your arms around his neck for another quick hug. This time, Yunho can successfully wrap his arms around your waist and pull you close properly. He smells like.. woody sage, with a mix of his laundry detergent. You slowly pull away, keeping your gaze on him while subtly biting on your bottom lip. "I'll text you later."
"Okay." Is all he responds with. You find it hard to pull yourself away from him, like some kind of force that wants to keep yourself attached to him; a force that keeps you wanting more from Yunho. But, you're pulled out of your thoughts when Chaery yells your name, begging for you to hurry so everyone could leave.
So, you catch up with your friends, your family; happily holding your flowers on the way out, while Yunho's left here, wondering what to do.
Suddenly feeling like he's alone, like he's missing you even though you've only left him a few seconds ago.
Why the fuck is he feeling this way already?
He shakes it off and leaves, brushing through the people that are still crowding around the front of the auditorium. He has to snake past a few, feeling awkward at the random contact he has to make just to get by—
"Ayo!" He hears a familiar voice call out just as he's made it through the crowd. He stops and turns over his shoulder, spotting Mingi coming towards him. "Dude, I didn't know you were coming."
"Uh, yeah." He gives Mingi a dap. Looking past Mingi's shoulder, he sees Seonghwa and San looking over— probably talking shit about him as they speak. To each their own. Yunho could really care less what Seonghwa thinks about him. He must be livid over you calling it quits, but who else is there to blame for that? He didn't cherish you while he had you, now he feels like he has the right to be upset? He feels like he has the right to be mad at you, at Yunho?
"Were you here the entire time?" Mingi asks.
"Yeah, I told Y/N I'd come to watch."
"Oh, that's cool." Mingi just nods, but Yunho knows he's thinking about other stuff. Probably his loyalty to Seonghwa, how much he wants to tell him not to pursue you while Seonghwa is sulking. Shit like that. "Yeah, we dropped by to catch their performance too. It was sick."
"Yup, they were great. She did great." Yunho responds, hoping to egg Mingi on in one way or another. If he wants to ask, he should just ask. Lo and behold:
"Cute. So, is that a thing now?"
"Odd question considering Seonghwa has feelings for her." Yunho turns it around on him since, you know, dude tried to talk him out of it the last time they spoke.
"They called it quits. I was assuming it was because of you. Hwa's been all sulky about it." Yunho chuckles a bit hearing the way that it was phrased. They.
"Hm." Yunho hums, no longer wanting to entertain this any further. They could keep guessing all the want, Yunho could really care less about Seonghwa and his feelings. "Anyway, I need to head out. Catch you later?"
"Hop on Valorant tonight!" Mingi easily switches the topic just as Yunho is about to turn on his heel and walk the hell away.
"Maybe. We'll see." Yunho gives him one last nod before walking off to his car. Mingi heads back to his friends, greeting a few more people on the way over. 
"I'll never understand why you're friends with him." Seonghwa furrows his brows at him and shakes his head.
"He's cool people." Mingi shrugs, unsure of how else to respond. Mingi really did enjoy being friends with Yunho. They don't talk too often, and their conversations aren't typically heavy or incredibly insightful, but Mingi likes the good vibes he gets from Yunho. He's genuine and he's real, and Mingi knows that's hard to find over the years. Don't get him wrong; he feels the same with Seonghwa and San. They mainly have more of the same interests as Mingi does, which is why they're stuck to each other like glue. They like partying and going out, they like drinking. Getting into wild shit from time to time. You know how it goes.
Overall, Mingi still respects Yunho, and he finds comfort in their friendship. It's different from the rest.
Yunho's drive home is quiet, but pleasant. OG Heartthrob by Majid Jordan comes up on the rotation, and he finds himself lowly singing along. His thoughts start wandering over to you, smiling a bit to himself like a dumbass when he remembers how happy you looked on stage. How happy you looked seeing him. How happy you looked when he gave you the rose.
You look good happy.
And Yunho loves being the reason you're happy. 
He kinda wishes he could keep being the reason you're happy.
He kinda misses you.
But, he shakes off the thoughts when he pulls into the lot and passes your building. He shouldn't be jumping to conclusions, no. For all he knows, you're probably just being incredibly nice to him, and you're probably still trying to find the right words to let him down easily.
You probably wouldn't feel the same way as him.
Yunho lets out a sigh when he pulls into his usual spot, sitting in the driver's seat for a minute even though the car is set to park. He's so torn about this. Because as much as he wants to say it out loud, he's afraid to.
"How'd it go?" Yunho hears as soon as he steps through the door. To his surprise, it's another night when Yeosang is sitting on the couch, indulging in a show. He's eating some takeout laid out on the coffee table in front of him while Yunho sets his things aside.
"Good. They did really good." 
"I've seen a bit of a performance before. They are pretty good." Yeosang looks over at him as Yunho leans near the patio door, trying to make sense of the show Yeosang has on.
"How come you aren't hanging out?"
"She's eating with the team and their families. I actually met her mom and sister earlier." Yeosang's eyes widen a bit.
"No shit?" Yeosang smirks. "That's serious."
"What do you mean?" Yunho chuckles confusingly. "People meet family members all the time."
"Yeah, but you know. I always feel like people get introduced if they mean something to the person." Yunho cocks a brow up, listening to Yeosang's reasoning. He can be quite the person, but Yunho does enjoy their conversations when they come up. "She didn't have to introduce you. But, cause you mean something to her, she did."
"Uh, that or maybe just cause her sister noticed the rose I bought her?"
"My guy." Yeosang smiles and shifts topics. "You did it?"
"I wanted to." Yunho shrugs.
"When are you hanging out with her next?"
"She invited me to this little movie night thing they're doing soon."
"Honestly, I say go for it."
"Go for what?"
"She just ended things with Seonghwa."
"Okay, but that wasn't even considered anything in my very honest opinion. Just a good girl who got wrapped into a dude's schemes. Nothing more, nothing less." Yeosang looks at him. "I think she likes you too."
"I never said—" Yeosang rolls his eyes.
"You didn't have to. I can see it. And by the sounds of it, you seem to make her genuinely happy. She wants you around, she wants to hang out. She enjoys having you around. Don't skip on the chance." Yeosang stands and stretches. "Seonghwa's loss. It's not your problem." Yunho quietly nods.
"Yup." Yeosang switches the TV off. "Anyway, I gotta finish some stuff before I call it a night."
"Not hopping on League tonight?"
"Nah. For once." Yeosang chuckles and walks off to his room, gently shutting the door behind him. Yunho pushes himself off of the wall and tidies up in the living room a bit before walking into his own room. He really doesn't find himself getting hungry right now, and feels like he could just use this time to be lazy— catch up on a few shows or movies he wanted to watch. He grabs his pajamas and heads to the bathroom to get freshened up and ready for bed, shutting off the lights in the hallway before retreating into his room for the night. He slips himself under the covers, sheets messily pulled up to his chest. He scrolls through his phone, wondering if he should check up on you or let you know that he'll be here watching a movie until you're home.
He doesn't wanna do too much, but he just misses your company. 
Yeosang is right.
He should go for it.
Yunho has given himself enough time to move on and work on himself over the years. In the end, he does wanna be the reason why you smile. He does wanna be the reason why you're happy.
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♣︎ taglist: @s-nsanshine @soupbinlily @tyongff-ff @jiminiscricket @g1g1l @staytinyinmybpack @woomyteez @gfksz @bitchwhytho @savluvsmingi @thisisntmyrightera @hyukssunflower @miriamxsworld @tmtxtf @kuromibabe04 @lmnhead @carrietwrites @tournesol155 @persphonesorchid @txt-yaomi @marsattacks @mxnsxngie @h-nji @mundayoonimnida @jalapeno-princess @nakiiko @asjkdk @kunikku @idkwgoh @kyeos4ng @agust-d2 @araknoid @bintific @primoppang
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tqngerine · 1 year
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ stay in the middle
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(like you a little) | hueningkai x gn!reader
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SYNOPSIS: Huening Kai would do anything for his best friend Taehyun, and this one small favor is no exception. It appears that Kai’s fellow campus journalist Y/N has caught his attention, and Taehyun needs help connecting to them. Befriending someone outside of his small social circle wasn’t something Kai did often, but he comes to find that it’s easy to get close to Y/N—maybe even getting a little too close.
TAGS: social media au (+ written), college au, strangers to friends to lovers, slow burn, fluff, crack if i want to be funny, angst but only later on
FEATURING: rest of TXT, Le Sserafim Chaewon & Yunjin, Enhypen Jay & Jungwon
STATUS: in progress (hiatus)
UPDATES: whenever i can
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⋆。°✩ MASTERLIST ✩°。⋆
drama kids | yeonjun’s beagles | misc.
01. food hall scenery | 02. favor | 03. the hybe times | 04. don’t cry over spilt coffee [written, 0.3k] | 05. redemption | 06. mochapology | 07. twitter moots-hood | 08. journalist buddies | 09. start of something | 10. what’s cracking?! (my sanity) | 11. sound proof | 12. legs left unbroken | 13. get’cha head in the game | 14. time’s up! give me your cast list | 15. winner winner chicken dinner | 16. coolbeans [written, 1.6k] | 17. i love play rehearsal | 18. live laugh love huening kai | 19. side eye | 20. sanrio cakes | 21. wimps @ ur local volleyball court! | 22. pick me up [written, 0.9k] | 23. botany | 24. long hair, slicked back | 25. oh! i’m! curious! yeah! | 26. obnoxious | 27. like clingy | 28. shoulder to sleep on [written, 0.5k] | 29. midnight raid | 30. soobin center! | 31. worth the read | 32. who [written, 1k] | 33. heartracer | 34. mentally screaming | 35. multiverse of madness | 36. the blue hair and pronouns brigade | 37. cute writing demon | 38. cat and dog (like the txt song) 39. bingsoo besties | 40. still life [written, 1.1k] | 41. a thousand karats | 42. SOON…
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TAGLIST: open!! leave a comment below or send me an ask to be included in this taglist ^^
@kaisdefender @fairysh4mpoo @0rangemilk @beomsbeanie @hanjisungsgirl @luvsoobs @goldennika @spagettae @solarsolarity @hy2ka-i @aestheticsluut @sophie-writingtime @quitbeingawhore @destinylightlove42 @softpia @strawberry-kirby @matcharetsuko @txtbrainrot @taekwondoes @tatanbin @uno7 @catsyoon @fzy-b3om @concatpng @wezbin @fandcmwritingss @officiallyjaehyuns @wannabeyn @youbettertellmeyes @umbreonwolfy @yumilovesloona @softcabur @tsookies @amazingly-amazing-loser @junhuicosmo @planethyuka @minhoino @heartattackreader @beomiebears @makiswrld @catsyoon @suzirumas @mikitaxt @veryjeongintxtkid @ndriixx @imsiriuslyreal @suurejann
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jameui · 1 year
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PAIRING: Choi Soobin x M!Reader
GENRE: Smut/Angst/Fluff
WARNINGS: soobin being a lil bit of a jerk, dub-con, huge height difference, size kink
SUMMARY: You mustered all of your courage to confess to your crush, only for it to go downhill once Soobin decided to tell his friends all about it.
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"You're doing that face again." Taehyun deadpanned as he let himself witness another sight of you staring at your crush from afar with a smile riding on your lips, head rested on your palm. He had just finished encoding important details for his report tomorrow and he was to ask you supposedly a question, but when he lifted his eyes away from the computer screen, there you were eyeing Soobin as though your life depended wholly on it. "Can you stop doing that? We have an important reporting tomorrow and here you are ogling your eyes over an athlete who probably smells bad." Taehyun lets out angrily as you let out a sigh.
You smiled, averting your attention back to Taehyun. "You just don't get it, Taehyun. It just... it feels so good when you see a crush. You know?" You told him, yet Taehyun could only roll his eyes at your statement, taking his take out iced cappuccino and drank right from the bottle. "Also, I confessed to him last night through a chat." You said all in less than a second, causing Taehyun to choke on his coffee due to the revelation, spurting some of it through his nose which literally burned as hell, sending you laughing, while Taehyun tried to calm his burning nostrils.
"Fuck you. You should have given me a heads up." Hearing you laugh made it hard for Taehyun not to reciprocate your happiness. Well, to be fair he's half crying and half laughing. The pain was unbearable.
"Sorry, sorry, I—"
"Hey, Y/N. Didn't take you for a guy who like athletes." You heard a person from behind you, as he sat himself down on the seat next to you, your brows furrowing in question. "Soobin said you loved to chat him even though he doesn't want to speak to you." Yeonjun, the team captain of the volleyball team where Soobin is in, added as your eyes grew wide in shock, standing up from your chair. "You okay, bud?"
You shook your head, before moving to find Soobin in the midst of the ocean of students. Considering that Soobin stood out among all the students, his tall stature and how his head poked out above the rest that was how you were able to find him in a flash, the male athlete talking with his friends. You frowned at the thought that he might be talking about it a different angle when all you ever really wanted was to become his friend. You went up to them tapping one of his friend's shoulder, you smiling warmly at him. "Oh, excuse me? Hi, Y/N L/N from the Department of Entrepreneurship. Can I borrow Senior Soobin for a moment? It's something urgent." You asked them who only looked at Soobin, hoping they wouldn't mind. "I may want to speak to him in private." You added, them nodding their heads as you bowed to thank them.
You pulled Soobin by the wrist, while the latter felt somewhat nervous, since he knew the news reached to you already. He may or may not have told a few ears about your confession and probably didn't intend for it to spread in your department like wildfire. Although, it was entirely his fault. No other soul was to blame, except for him. What he heard and what he saw should have stayed between you two. After all, you two were complete strangers, he did not exactly know how you act, so he speculated you were being suspicious with your actions and that you had a motive behind every words you told him.
You two arrived at a quiet gymnasium, your hand leaving Soobin as you placed yourself down on a well hidden place behind a post where no one will be able to hear the conversation between you two. You looked up at the taller male when you saw him just standing idly in his place. You smiled warmly up towards him, patting the space beside you. "Don't worry. I'm not mad... well, a little, but it's nothing too big." You told him, Soobin pursing his lips, hesitatntly sitting down beside you.
Then, the place broke into a moment of silence as neither of you decided to speak. One being nervous, the other finding the right words to say. After a few minutes, you decided to tear off the defeaning silence between you two. "...I'm sorry." You stated, eyes unable to meet Soobin's.
Hearing those words obviously took Soobin aback. He didn't expect to hear you apologize, not when he thought he was the one who owed you an apology. He wanted to speak to tell you that it wasn't you who's supposed to apologize, rather him. But, you decided to cut him off before he could even speak. "I know you must have felt uncomfortable talking with me. Especially through chats." You said, sighing. "I said words I regretted ever telling you. I should have left it at ease. I genuinely wanted to be your friend, but the out of the blue confession was... uh, well, unnecessary and destroyed everything before anything even started." You laughed softly, head hanging low still unable to look at Soobin.
"No.. I.. it's my fault. I've put meanings in every actions you made." He admitted, fiddling with his fingers. He felt so bad his thoughts towards you made you think that your feelings weren't necessary at all. It wasn't his intention to hurt you. He just didn't want to seem insensitive. "Guess... it was just me feeding my ego to make me feel better about myself. I should be the one apologizing, Y/N. Not you."
He hears a chuckle from you, before a sigh moves past your lips. "I didn't need to hear an apology from you, Soobin. It's alright. Besides, this will most probably be the last time we'll talk with each other." You smiled bitterly, Soobin snapping his head down towards you with his eyes wide wondering why you were deciding this meeting to be the last. He felt his chest tighten when the thought of no more you who would talk to him at night and hear his complains, support his decisions and no more exchange of jokes daily would be lost. Yeah, total strangers. But, he couldn't say anything. "Let's forget about this whole ordeal and start again." You let out finally finding the courage to face Soobin. "This feels embarrassing, but Y/N. My name's Y/N."
Soobin could only watch. Unable to even speak. "I guess this will only be the time where we talk with each other. Hello and uh, goodbye?" You said, taking Soobin's hand and shook them with a smile on your face. Afterwards, you decided to stand up and thinking that Soobin needed space to think, you started making your way out of the gymnasium, but before you could take one more step you were held back by a hand on your forearm. You looked back at him, turning around. "Is there—"
"I want to see you everyday, Y/N. So, please don't leave." Soobin breaks you off through your words, this time you were the one left speechless watching as Soobin's expression turns into a frown of desperation, looking so sincere about his words. You smiled at him, gently pushing his hand away from you.
"You can see me everyday. We won't just be exchanging words like usual." You laughed it off, but Soobin vigorously shook his head, not really wanting to lose a friend. Especially in such a tight situation.
"No.. I don't want that." Soobin replied to you, being stubborn about all of it. Infact, he didn't even want you to leave right now, he still wanted to talk to you, it's just that his fear and nervousness was taking over.
"Soobin, listen. I—" You wanted to tell him off and get angry, but you just couldn't, especially when Soobin beat you to it.
"No. Stop, I won't listen. I'll see you and TALK to you tomorrow. Don't find any excuses." Soobin stubbornly replied, covering his ears before he departed from the place leaving you dumbfounded, scoffing in disbelief. Wasn't he the one who told everyone he didn't like speaking with you? So, what's his point?
You thought it would have just stopped at that and that Soobin would think nothing of his words, until you ran into him the next morning by the school's entrance gate. "Y/N! Hey, remember when you were helping me in the past with my school works? In exchange for that I've finished your homeworks for you." Soobin takes his bag from his shoulder and pulls out the papers that was safe inside a folder. "Oh, and I have snacks. Would you want some? I'd love to share with you."
Your eyes widened, noticing the attention he was gaining, you pulled him to the side while Soobin still had a smile on his face, his deeply carved dimples making an appearance.
"Soobin, what are you doing?!" You whisper-shouted, in total disbelief that he would go out of his way and do you favors you never even asked him to. It's almost as if he's making you think your indebted to him.
Soobin laughs a little before he faces you and showed you his million dollar smile. "I'm doing you a favor, Y/N. As a friend" Soobin winks at you, your brows only knitting together. A little bit angry at Soobin for whatever motive he has behind his actions when you already made it clear that you were fine not talking to him. Is it because the talk yesterday hurt his ego? Either way, you could care less. You just can't bare the sight of yourself breaking apart again.
"No. Soobin, just stop, please. I don't want to see myself break my heart, again. Can you please do this one thing for me and just... don't talk to me, again?" You sighed, rubbing your temples in an attempt to calm yourself down. It seemed to you that Soobin was fixed on whatever he had planned to do.
Hearing your words, Soobin pouts, his lower lip sticking out a little. "I... why? Oh, wait. I remembered. You always get cranky when you're hungry. I know what you want. Ice cream!" Soobin's face lit up with joy, giggling in the process as he ran to the cafeteria without getting your answer at all.
"Soobin, wait, WAIT!" You yelled out to him, but Soobin was already too far to even hear you or he was just pretending to act deaf so he could make an excuse to buy you ice cream. Although, normally you would never say no to a free ice cream, but it just didn't feel right as of the moment it felt like you were taking advantage of Soobin and you were certain you didn't want that.
Soobin comes back after a few minutes, you sat down on a bench, looking over to Soobin who had four different flavors of ice cream in his hands, your eyes widening in surprise. "Sorry, I got every flavor they have. Didn't know what you want." Soobin chuckled awkwardly, you shaking your head.
"You... I swear to the heavens..." You let out almost like a whisper, audible enough for Soobin to hear who let out a chuckle before jogging the rest of the way to you, almost dropping one of the ice cream cones he held in his hands.
He smiles at you, perking his brows at you. "Come on~ I know you want them." Soobin played with his brows, raising them up and down, nudging your arm a little, you side-eyeing him a small smile forming on your lips.
You let out a breathe, giving in to his offer taking the cookies and cream flavored one. "...Fine, I'll eat them all, and that's it. No more." You told him, pointing a finger at him with an authoritative tone on your voice as though to tell him you were serious about your words and you are.
"Okay." Soobin smiles at you, unknowingly the lie behind those lips.
Although he said that, he still came to school with an extra drink in his hand which was actually going to be for you and every day he just keeps giving you even more expensive things, like the bag you are currently hitching over your shoulder which Soobin promised that if you'd accept, he would stop from giving you gifts or doing you unexpected favors. It had already been a month since this has been happening and yet Soobin never gave up and always arrived with extra money for you as though he was your personal bank. "Soobin..." You sighed out, yet the said male still seemed unfazed no matter how much you told him.
Soobin gives you a heavenly smile, reaching from ear to ear. "What? I was on my way when I saw the drink you loved to talk about and how much you craved for them."
The words that fell out from Soobin mouths garnered you attention that made you feel u comfortable on your feet. Your brows furrowed, frowning. "Soobin, they're thinking of this as something. Can you just not? It's making my head spin. I don't know whether—"
"I don't know what I'm feeling, Y/N. I'm not able to describe it through words, but what I'm certain of is that I don't want to be apart from you. I want to stay by your side." Soobin cuts you off through your words, your brows even knitting more together at what he was saying. It sounded like pure nonsense to you.
"No, no, no. You're doing it again. Making me fall in love with you all over again." You shook your head, racking your brains out for the right words to tell him, but all of these was making you feel so confused. Soobin was sending signals that was making you assume something behind his actions.
Soobin puts a hand on your shoulder, rubbing your blades with his thumb to soothe you down. "You can do anything to me, Y/N. Just please don't push me away from your side." Soobin ruffles your hair and sends a wink your way, making you blush a deep red color, causing the taller male to let out a soft chuckle at your reaction. It was cute.
part 2
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flwoie · 1 year
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cover designer — @giantkeroppi
・❥・ SYNOPSIS ➸ After encountering an app called 'BigHit', you met people who you can relate and rely on. Putting your trust on people online is never a good option, otherwise your online best friend could end up being someone you never want.
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PAIRING ➸ enemy! beomgyu x volleyball player! gn! reader
GENRE ➸ smau (yes it’s another smau), enemies2lovers (yes it’s another e2ls), fluff, crack, angst
WARNINGS ➸ profanity; each chap has it’s warning
FEATURING ➸ winter of aespa isa of stayc chaeyeon jooyeon of xdinary heroes eric and changmin of tbz jiheon of fromis_9 kazuha of lesserafim soobin of txt sunghoon of enha keeho of p1h yuna of itzy chuu of loona
STATUS ➸ discontinued :(
╰┈➤ START 03/08/23
╰┈➤ END …
SONATA SPEAKING ➸ hi hi, this my first txt smau (let’s forget abt my yeonjun one 🥸) but sona redebut 😱😱 oh and this was queued, i’m at work rn
☆ playlist — «i said, are we still friends?»
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PROFILES ➸ walmart haikyuu❔emos❔jeff, age 75
ONE — jip 🤮🤮
TWO — why not by loona
FOUR — ra pam pam myself
↳ BONUS — stop arguing in my comments
more will be added…!
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myloveforyunho · 5 months
a little about me:
- i am from japan!
- i am filipino & japanese mixed
- i turned 20 on december 1st
- i’ve studied english since i was 9, which has brought me much luck now
- i do ballet, tap dance, and hip hop
- i was on my volleyball team and even played against college teams sometimes, i was the mvp setter~
- i recently became a cosmetic chemist~
- my favorite season is winter, i love the snow!
- i am 5’9, 125lbs, long black hair, light brown eyes & pale skin
- my biases are;
BTS: suga, jhope
ATEEZ: mingi, wooyoung
STRAY KIDS: minho, jeongin
TXT: beomgyu, soobin
[ i would add for other artists, but i do not stan other groups well enough to have a clear perception of them. until then i will just list my main groups ]~
if you have any questions, just ask!
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niki-phoria · 1 year
hi! i have a request for jay or sunghoon:)
i was thinking of a high school au where one of the boys are in the basketball team for their school. they have a rival school and jay/hoon also have a rival component (it can be someone from enha or txt) and they both want y/n🤭🤭 y/n can be close to both of them since they’re a reporter for their high school and have followed all their games since they report them
so basically i was thinking it ends where like jay/hoon win the game and they get the courage to confess from the rush of winning<3
just an idea i got, btw i loooove ur fics 😭😭
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blonde mullet hoon >>>
pairing: basketball player!sunghoon x school reporter!gn!reader (they/them pronouns used) genre: fluff word count: 1.7k
includes: high school au, poor basketball knowledge, i forgot what a dunk was and spent like five minutes googling it (is it even a dunk ??), blushy hoon, enha teasing hoon, txt cameos, chose beomgyu as hoon's rival but it's a good rivalry like they're friends they just play for different schools yk
a/n: choosing hoon for this bc this man will not let me live in peace /lh thank you so much for requesting !! it means so much that you enjoy my writing <33 this was such a cute idea, i hope you enjoy it :))
additional note: i used to be part of the yearbook club for a few years so i had to take pics of volleyball games so i have a little bit of experience with this i am aware that you don't scroll through cameras but i couldn't think of another word for it okay
requests open !! read my rules first
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the referee blowing the whistle is your cue to prepare to start taking more pictures. you keep the camera close to your face, snapping multiple pictures at a time. beomgyu dribbles the ball, effortlessly guiding it along the floor as he runs to the other side of the court. he jumps, grabbing onto the rim and forcing it down through the net. 
cheers erupt from the crowd behind you. you continue on, photographing his team rushing to where he is. they wrap their arms around each other, jumping in celebration. a small smile spreads across your face at the joy that radiates from all of them. 
nearby, sunghoon sighs, leaning down on his hands. though his team lost the point, that’s not the reason why his lips quirk downwards into a slight frown. he leans forwards onto his hands, subtly looking at you through his fringe. 
“it’s okay hyung,” sunoo says, patting his shoulder. he drops his voice, leaning in as if they’re strategizing. “talk to them after they finish. you know they always make time for you.” 
sunghoon hopes the audience assumes his flushed face is from the game. their cheers quiet down when the referee blows the whistle again, announcing another round. sunoo squeezes his shoulder before he makes his way back to his own position. 
sunghoon glances over at you again. this time you notice him, smiling and raising your fist in a small ‘fighting!’ gesture. he nods, leaning back onto his knees. he takes a deep breath, letting himself refocus completely on the game. everything else seems to fade away - the audience cheers, his coach yelling, the pressure from everywhere around him, even you and how nervous you make him. he lets the tension relax from his shoulders. 
he isn’t park sunghoon, star basketball player constantly pinned against choi beomgyu who needs to live up to his reputation. he’s a teenage boy playing the sport he fell in love with secretly hoping it impresses the cute reporter standing at the other end of the court. 
“sunghoon!” the ball feels light in his hands as jungwon passes it over. he dodges kai’s blocking attempt, running past yeonjun and taehyun as he jumps, shooting for the hoop. he scores. 
the audience all but explodes. elation spreads through him as he pants. the referee holds her hands up, announcing their win. beside him, beomgyu holds out a hand. “congratulations,” he smiles.
sunghoon takes it, letting beomgyu pull him into a quick hug. “you too.” he quickly bows at soobin before his team swarms him, all of them trapped in a giant group hug. he laughs as they repeatedly pat his back and shoulders. 
“good job everyone,” jungwon pants. “we all did well.” 
“let’s get cleaned up,” heeseung smiles. “we could all use a shower.” 
sunghoon looks over his shoulder to where you’re standing. beomgyu is leaning down to look at your camera as you scroll through the various photos you’ve taken during the night. little pangs of jealousy sting him. “i’ll be right there.” 
he ignores the teasing “good luck” from jay, pushing his hair back as he makes his way over to you and beomgyu. beomgyu notices him first. “hey sunghoon.” 
“hi hoon!” you perk up immediately, stepping towards him to wrap him into a hug. he wraps his arms around you, relishing in your touch. your actions ease some of the jealousy that still lingers. “great job out there today! you were incredible!” 
sunghoon laughs, shaking his head. “thank you.” 
“i was just showing beomgyu some of the photos from tonight, do you want to see?” he glances over at said boy, a silent question passing between them. 
“you go ahead, i should get cleaned up anyways,” beomgyu smiles. “besides, it’ll be a long bus ride back home.” 
“i’ll see you later, gyu,” you call as he leaves. 
“see you hyung.” beomgyu gives him a small wink before he exits the gym. 
now mostly alone with you, sunghoon leans over your shoulder as you scroll back through the variety of pictures from the night. he can recognize some of the moments from them - beomgyu’s dunk, him leaning down on his knees, his winning shot, beomgyu’s high five, and his team celebrating. 
“i was thinking of using this one,” you murmur, moving back to a specific photo. it’s of sunghoon in mid-air during the winning shot of the night. even he has to admit that he looks good in the shot, even without editing. “mrs. lee wants the headline piece to be about the game tonight. i was hoping you could help me with basketball terms.” 
“of course,” sunghoon smiles. he hadn’t realized how close you’re standing until you look over your shoulder at him. your back is nearly against his chest. he blushes, refocusing back on the camera in your hands. it feels intimate but neither of you move away. he clears his throat a little awkwardly. “are you coming to the game tomorrow night?” 
“looks like it,” you sigh. “mrs. lee wants to assign me to sports.” 
“and that’s… bad?” despite your disappointment at the idea, a small part of him is excited at the possibility of being able to spend more time with you. 
“just not a huge fan of the screaming,” you shrug. “at least i’ll have you with me.” 
sunghoon can’t help the smile that spreads across his face. he’s grateful that you don’t comment on how quickly his ears redden, though he’s sure you can tell. “yeah?” 
“yeah,” you smile. “you make everything better.” 
he’s saved from the embarrassment of his blush deepening further when the door swings open. “sunghoon,” his coach calls. “the showers are open if you’re ready.” 
“yeah, yeah,” he nods before turning back to you. “so, i’ll see you tomorrow?” 
“you’ll see me tomorrow,” you confirm.
the giddiness builds in sunghoon as he leaves for the showers, letting the cool water calm him down. he washes up quickly, rinsing the sweat from his body and hair before throwing on an old pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt he brought with him. 
niki, jake, heeseung, and jungwon have already finished showering when he exits, rummaging through his bag to put his uniform away. “that was an awfully long talk with y/n,” niki says. “did you finally do it?” 
sunghoon purses his lips, pretending to continue looking for something in his bag. “no.” 
jake sits up, looking over at him. “really? you should. it’s really obvious they like you.” 
“sunoo said that too,” he sighs, sitting down on the bench next to them. “do you really think so?” 
“like jake said, it’s pretty obvious.” heeseung chuckles. “they flirt with you pretty much every time you guys interact.” 
this makes him pause, looking over at his friends. “do you think they know i like them?” 
“you look like a lovesick fool whenever they glance in your direction,” niki laughs. “i’m sure they know already.” 
“ah,” he playfully swats at niki’s shoulder. 
“i think you should confess, hyung.” jungwon says, setting his phone aside. “you guys would be cute together.” 
sunghoon turns away, looking down at the ground. he lets their reassurances calm his nerves, thinking back on the interactions he’s had with you. all of the little things he brushed off as your friendly personality or shared experiences. with a final sigh, he nods. “alright. they asked for help with their report. i’ll ask them then.” 
heeseung pats his shoulder again. “that’s my boy.” 
sunghoon rolls his eyes, silently grateful for the push into finally telling you about how he feels. 
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sunghoon is standing on the court across from beomgyu with a ball in his hand again sooner than he thinks. he can see you snapping photos in the corner of his eye. the rest of the game hinges on this shot. the scoreboard on the wall shows a large white timer, slowly counting down. only 30 seconds left. 
he takes a deep breath, willing his nerves to calm down. everything feels like it’s going too fast and too slow at the same time. suddenly all of the eyes on him are no longer friends and classmates. they don’t feel comforting and excited. they simply increase the pressure he feels all around him - like he’s drowning. like the air is slowly being stolen from his lungs. 
“hoon!” your sweet voice breaks him out of his anxiety induced trance. he looks at you fully this time, eyes meeting yours. you raise your fist once again to cheer him on. “you can do it!” 
sunghoon smiles, taking a deep breath. finally, he jumps, forcing the ball through the air towards the hoop. it spins as it bounces against the backboard before falling down through the net in a single fluid motion. 
the audience cheers slowly come back to reality. he waits for the referee to blow his whistle, the timer letting out a loud ring to announce the end of the game. this time he doesn’t wait for his friends to swarm him or to congratulate the other team. he acts purely on instinct, running over to you and wrapping his arms around you in a tight hug. you laugh, clinging onto his shoulders as he spins you around. he pulls back, looking down into your eyes. “i’m so in love with you.” 
your smile grows even larger before the words register to him. before he can react himself you pull him down, so your foreheads touch. “can i kiss you?” 
still somewhat in a trance, sunghoon nods. euphoria bursts through him when you finally lean up to press your lips against his in a sweet kiss. he brings a hand up to cup your cheek, coaxing you even closer and deepening it. you smile against his lips, pressing a final peck against them before pulling away. 
you’re both panting by the end of it, smiling at each other. “can i call you mine?” sunghoon finally asks. 
“i always have been.” unable to hide his excitement any longer, your - now boyfriend - pulls you into yet another kiss. 
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h4chi · 2 years
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SUMMARY it’s another busy school year between books, her new part-time job in a music store, volleyball and her duty as the student council’s vice president for yn. on the other hand, sunghoon has just moved from the big and crowded seoul with his family for his father’s new job. new city also means new school, new friends and maybe… old friends too. but what if yn doesn’t recognize him anymore?
GENRE childhood friends to strangers to friends to lovers (lol). smau, some written chapters. comedy, romance
PAIRING non-idol park sunghoon x female reader
FEATURING le sserafim (huh yunjin as yn), enhypen, new jeans, treasure haruto, nct jeno + more
WARNINGS underage drinking, swearing, food, mentions of depression (not much tbh) and overworking
STATUS begins on the 25th of december. updates every sunday
TAGLIST open! send an ask to be added :)
( permanent taglist, you can ask to be removed for this smau. @enhacolor @soobin-chois @bubblytaetae ) @ilvsoup @ineedaherosavemeenow @igotkpoops @diestheticu @ohsyanfei @captivq @dimplewonie @blossomnct @yjjungwon @chaewon-slays @jiawji @ahnneyong @yenqa @italiekim @viagumi @sunoo-lvxr @neozon3nha @faeryhee @aki1e @iloveoceaneyesss @bejewelledgirl
© H4CHI 2022 do not copy or repost anywhere.
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PROFILES: jeju gals, connecting…, islanders
영 — kill bill
일 — first day of school
이 — sunghoon who?
삼 — banana peel sunghoon???
사 — today is application day
오 —
육 —
칠 —
팔 —
구 —
십 —
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najaemism · 8 months
we never go out of style! [03]
PAIRING. haechan x fem!oc
WARNINGS. language
SYNOPSIS. what happens when one of the famous professional volleyball players of the country publicly shoots his shot at a global popstar? well, she shows up to his game with his mother, of course! [or alternatively: the whole world watches as a popstar and an athlete fall in love.]
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03: QUIETLY HANGING OUT | prev / masterlist / next
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NOTE. tweets are read from the bottom! it’s so fun to make the fans’ reactions pls … more lumihae next part :p (also did u spot who her ex is … 🫣)
TAGLIST. @radiorenjun @bluejaem @pink-but-rosie @renjun-pretty @holdinbacksecrets @rynshyuckies @jelllyjae @jenyongcas @whyisquill @beemarkie @morkxlee @hibuki-chan @moonwalkun @lyyhyuck @baekhyunstruly @lilacdreams-00 @ridinhyuck @archivedmkl @najaeminluvbot @rensiu @morkleetrash @neo444 @hrjchive @keemburley @soobin-chois @yiz-yo @juune04 @nctasdfghj @studywoo @jun5ui @smolpeyy @kkotjia @yoonhanzjaem @en-boys @stopeatread @goldryush @hibernatinghamster @shwizhies @zgzgzh @bbymatz @eyantice @w0nderr @dinonuguaegi @neozon3nha @mnlylonely
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be6mis · 3 months
LOVE'S MOODBOARD — profiles 1 : Bitchless Gc
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Y/N : From her stunning looks to her sexy brain. Oh, who wouldn’t love a woman like Y/N? For three consecutive years, she has always been the top of their class, but during the time she was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, everything went downhill. Despite her being all brainy, this girl can be an entire shithead. As dubbed by Soobin “The Clever Menace”.
SOOBIN : Man is absolutely done with his friends’ shenanigans, casually wondering how he ended up in the friend group. Him and Heuning Kai often have the “Tom and Jerry” banter. Soobin loves bread but my guy does NOT SHARE. He is definitely treated like a sugar daddy by the friend group ( Y/N and Jungwon, most of the time ) Give the guy a break!
HEUNING KAI : The source of memes, well, he is a meme himself. Y/N's number one supporter when it comes to tomfoolery. He is terrible with numbers but also the same person who falls asleep during class. Kai is a member of the soccer team and he gets babied by his friends 24/7 ( he often disses them though ) .
NAKAMURA KAZUHA : She is Y/N's grade school classmate, transferred to SRR UNIVERSITY during her second year, was very timid at first until Y/N found out they’re reunited and dragged Kazuha to the very chaotic group of friends. She practices ballet and performs whenever there is a school event.
YANG JUNGWON : Dearly loves his dog, Maeumi , probably more than himself at that. Jungwon is Y/N's childhood friend, and she usually helps him with topics he doesn’t understand his class, basically his free tutor . Jungwon is INCREDIBLY LOUD, so much so that he has gotten a few warnings from the Class President. Does he care? I fear he does not. And it’s not suggested to put him in the same room as Kazuha, absolute chaos.
SHIM JAYOON : Yoon is seatmates with Jungwon and they are seated at the back, a whole mess. When random wheezes and giggles are heard in the middle of lecture, it will always be them. She is the captain of the Women’s Volleyball Team, and is always using training as an excuse to escape class. She is Y/N's day one, her closest friend among them all
masterlist | profiles 2
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zarirawrie · 4 months
My intro ! :3
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HIIII obvi you've seen my sillay post, but obvs thats not how I thought I would make friends.. anyway heres an intro from your truly !! :3
My name : kenzaria ( ken-za-ri-uh)
nicknames : kenny, kenken, baba, ria, riri, zari, zariri, kera. ( or you can calll me.. mommy alpha, little omega, ekitten, daddy omega. /jjjjjj)
age : 13-15
prns : tbh idc what u call me, as long as its not like xie/xer.. idek how to pronounce that..
hobbies : volleyball, writing, watching tv, listening to music, texting my ekittens.. /hj
interest : kpop, anime, haikyuu, soobin, defo not cooking, writing stories, sometimes drawing, making characters, other things..
likes : sleeping, kpop, txt, tws, soobin, haikyuu, CSM I LOVE CSM PLS FOLLOW ME NOW IF U LIKE CSM, jjk ( dni jjk stans im scared of you guys) calling people baby, laughing, i love my humor if you have my humor we can be bffs forever, music i love music chat hmu, women. ( pretty self explanator)
dislikes : emo omegas, people who can't take a joke, kpop antis, football players (honestly just men in gen) boy group antis, meanies, soccor, mahito from jjk ( i hope his feet get cut off) stupid people.
reasons why you should bmf : im literally so funny... i have every app in the app store we can talk on.. ( snap, insta, tumblr, guilded, discord, imsg, whatsapp, roblox plz) i need someone to rant too im literally begging at this point. you can be my main alpha.. smirks. IM NOT A WEIRDO I REPREAT I AM NOT A WERIDO.
dni : sukana and mahito stans, ybc enjoyers, that bf webtoon enjoyers, gangmemebrs, haikyuu haters, people who ACTUALLY call suga : sugamama, hinata : innocent baby, tsukishima : salty beanpole, etc. MHA STANS. I DISLIKE YALL DNI!!!!! girlgroup stans.. i dont have the physical time for u fools.. WELL THATS IT!!!!!!!!
plz be my fwiend >_< we can be da best duo eva!!!!! xoxo
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tqngerine · 1 year
stay in the middle — 16. coolbeans
SYNOPSIS: Huening Kai would do anything for his best friend Taehyun, and this one small favor is no exception. It appears that Kai’s fellow campus journalist Y/N has caught his attention, and Taehyun needs help connecting to them. Befriending someone outside of his small social circle wasn’t something Kai did often, but he comes to find that it’s easy to get close to Y/N—maybe even getting a little too close.
word count: 1.6k
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“This place isn’t as suffocating as I remembered.” Y/N couldn’t help but hum, gazing around the small cafe. Now that they weren’t overwhelmed with worries about social interaction anymore, they could properly appreciate the array of wooden decor lined up at the top of the cream walls. Plates, large utensils, framed coffee beans, the items were appropriate but quaint in its display. Y/N was quite charmed.
Sitting opposite to them, Kai made the practical decision of scanning the menu for their dinner selection. “My best friend and I often meet here in the early morning to charge up before our classes.“
“The same best friend that helped you with your report outline for earlier?”
Kai gave a nod.
“With the amount of times you’ve mentioned him, I’m wondering why I haven’t met him yet.” Y/N laughed.
A penguin pout graced his lips. “Ah, he’s especially busy these days because he’s in the volleyball team, training and all. But I promise you I’ll introduce him to you eventually.” He crossed his arms over the table. “Likewise, I want to meet your friends too.”
Y/N scrunched their face. “I fear they’re not as cute and into Sanrio as I am.”
“Not even Soobin?”
“He’s only cute. That’s the only thing he’s got going on for him.”
Kai giggled—or rather cackled with incredibly more power than necessary, earning him a few stares from the neighboring customers. After realizing his volume, he immediately turned to bow in silent apology to each table, looking like a docking ostrich in the process.
“We should probably take our orders now.” Y/N said, trying to hold back a laugh.
“Good idea.”
Y/N requested for a plate of carbonara while Kai went for a traditional caesar salad, along with two glasses of blue lemonade.
Once the waiter had left, the two were met with comfortable silence. They had just finished observing the swim team for almost three hours, it had already been a long day for them.
Although they have definitely grown much closer since the last time they were here (the longest and most awkward 30 minutes of their life, as Y/N remembered it), they found that they didn’t need to be constantly speaking to enjoy each other’s presence. Both naturally leaned more toward being the quiet type anyway.
The same panicky boy that made a mess out of Y/N’s papers almost a month ago wore a much calmer countenance today, his ebony curls more neatly kept and eyes crinkling into creases. He was fiddling with the corners of the paper placemat beneath him, creating a pile of paper crumbs that had been softly ripped apart.
“You’re not gonna have a placemat by the time the food arrives if you keep at it.” Y/N teased, pointing at the pile.
The tips of Kai’s ears colored. “Oops, habit of mine. My hands get restless so I often fidget without thinking.”
“No need to justify yourself, I promise. How about you help me with something instead to keep you busy.” Y/N then turned to their backpack to fish out a pastel pink notebook. They slid it in front of Kai to reveal the numerous Hello Kitty stickers decorating the front cover.
“That’s a lot of glitter on those stickers.” Kai’s own eyes sparkled at the sight.
“I always say it’s never enough.” Y/N smirked before flipping to the last filled page. Scribbled all over it was a mind map of words like moon, aliens, and galaxy, drawn arrows pointing them toward each other. “See, before I got in The Hybe Times, I used to submit self-written stories to the local student magazine. I’ve been thinking of submitting another one for the first time in so long, but I can’t quite stick to one idea.”
Kai took in Y/N’s explanation while examining the seemingly nonsensical writings on the page. “I’m gathering that your story is space themed?”
“Yep. The upcoming issue will commemorate the anniversary of the moon landing, so outer space was given as the prompt.” Y/N leaned backward, heaving a sigh. “But space is such a broad topic—kind of literally, too. So much could be talked about, how do I condense it into one short story?”
Kai’s eyes remained focus on trying to follow the words on the page, eyebrows scrunched thoughtfully. “Hm, do you know what all these arrows remind me of? Constellations. Metaphorical lines that connect different bodies together to form a bigger picture.”
Y/N blinked at his interpretation, caught pleasantly surprised. “That’s… I like that.”
“You do?”
“Constellations as lines that connect and create a bigger picture…” Y/N flipped the notebook back to face them and started furiously inking down the sparks in their mind. From their peripheral, they saw Kai watch in awe, his mouth slightly agape. Y/N only let a select few people witness their “light bulb” moments like these so they were admittedly a bit flustered under his gaze.
They finally looked up, corners of their lips stretched wide. “I don’t know how you did it but you just helped me plot out a full beginning, middle, and end of a short story.”
“That fast?” Kai gawked. “I’m impressed.”
“The mind works in mysterious ways.” Y/N reached forward to tap Kai’s temple with their finger. “Yours so much more so than mine.”
At that moment, Y/N’s eyes caught something from behind Kai’s head. Two figures had entered the packed cafe—two familiar figures.
Y/N quickly docked their head and tucked their notebook beneath the table, startling Kai. “I-is something wrong?”
Y/N’s voice lowered. “Don’t turn around, but Jungwon and Jay just entered the cafe.” They buried their face in their hands. Of course they’d come here; Jungwon was their field partner, and the swimming compound was right beside this cafe. It’d make sense for him to seek dinner here after fieldwork too.
Kai’s mouth rounded into a silent “oh”, nodding slowly and trying his best to remain calm for Y/N’s sake.
Unfortunately for Y/N, they made the mistake of peaking up again, accidentally making eye contact with Jungwon. At the sight of his co-journalists, he gave a big enthusiastic wave before dragging his friend along to their table.
“Kai hyung, Y/N! Thank goodness you’re here.” Jungwon greeted, grin wide. “The waiter just told us there were no more seats available. Do you mind if we sat with you instead?”
Jay stood rigid beside Jungwon, arms linked with each other. He gave the two a polite smile in greeting. Other than that, his face was practically unreadable—Y/N was hoping they’d figure out how he feels about getting a minor role alongside them, but maybe some answers are not this easily attainable. Still, his unreadability didn’t dismiss the way his hair was parted to the side so neatly, nor the way his slick leather jacket hugged his figure handsomely. Wait, how does an article of clothing hug one’s figure handsomely?
Y/N felt Kai’s expectant eyes on them, waiting for their call. (They were hoping his stare was not because they were noticeably blushing furiously at the moment.)
“Uh… sure! Come take a seat.”
Jungwon clapped gratefully. Right before any movements occurred, Kai swiftly switched to take the space beside Y/N, allowing the newly arrived duo to sit opposite them. It was as if he had read their mind begging for him to block any chance of Jay sitting close to Y/N.
“What did you guys order?” Jay asked diplomatically.
“Kai ordered a salad for two. Perhaps you’d like to take his other half?” Y/N promptly replied, to which Kai raised an eyebrow. They weren’t wrong, but Kai had the appetite for two servings; he very well meant to finish the salad on his own.
“I promise I’ll get you a big bowl of ice cream after to compensate. I just don’t want to have to wait for their orders too.” Y/N rapidly said below a whisper, ensuring that the other two didn’t hear them. Kai gave a thumbs up of content.
“Oh, I do love salad. That’d be nice, thank you.”
“Jay can pay for the entire bill, too.” Jungwon smirked, earning him an eye roll from his hyung. “What about me, though?”
“You can share Y/N’s carbonara! Also made for two.” Kai offered quickly. He lowered back down to Y/N to whisper, “I’ll make up for that with another big bowl of ice cream for you too.”
Y/N could feel their heart thumping in their ears out of nervousness.
“I’m more of a spaghetti person myself but I won’t complain since I’m hungry.”
As if on cue, a waiter arrived with their orders. The group then dined without chatter, busy enjoying their meals (and trying to stay calm in front of their crush, in Y/N’s case).
“Did you receive Yunjin’s message in the group chat?” Jay finally spoke up, breaking the silence.
Y/N nearly choked on their bacon. “O-oh. I haven’t been on my phone for the past hour. What did she say?”
“She already wrote specifications about our characters on the script. We’ll be rehearsing alongside the main cast tomorrow.”
“That’s great! I’ll read through the script later.”
“You guys have the same roles?” Jungwon asked.
“Uh, you could say that.” Jay simply replied, taking a sip from the service water. How on earth did he manage to make that something to swoon over.
Y/N had to slap Kai’s lap to bring them out of their trance, much to his poor surprise. “How are you enjoying the salad, Jay?” Kai spoke out of panic.
“It’s all right. My dad knows how to prepare an even better one though.” It should have sounded like a brag, but it came out more lighthearted. “I can pack extra to rehearsals one day for you to try, Y/N.”
“Coolbeans! I’d be honored to try.”
Jay lips pressed into a smile. “Hang on, I need to use the restroom.” He excused himself from the table, and the moment he was completely out of sight, Kai stifled a laugh.
Y/N plopped their head on Kai’s shoulder, groaning in embarrassment. “Why does time always seem to slow down whenever I’m in this cafe.”
A cough broke, causing Kai to turn to the scrutinizing gaze of Jungwon. “There’s something going on that I don’t know about.”
Y/N continued to grumble incoherently, forehead still stuck to Kai’s shoulder.
“Do you not care to tell me?”
“None of your business, Yang!”
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a/n: kai and y/n can’t just be depicted as chronically online moots-ies forever so i decided to make a written chapter for them 😔🤞 lmk what you think of their dynamic so far 😙
TAGLIST: open!! leave a comment below or send me an ask to be included in this taglist ^^ (if your name is in bold, i can’t tag you)
@kaisdefender @fairysh4mpoo @0rangemilk @beomsbeanie @hanjisungsgirl @luvsoobs @goldennika @spagettae @solarsolarity @hy2ka-i @aestheticsluut @sophie-writingtime @quitbeingawhore @destinylightlove42 @softpia
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CHOI YEONJUN (99) — k high's dance club president, has a MASSIVE crush on baseball club's president choi soobin, lowkey stalks choi soobin, misses the days when yn used to be in the dance club, literally begs her to come back, yn's bestie
LEE YN (00) — volleyball club's captain, is going to CHASE women that has bob cuts, girl has fangirls that she lowkey finds annoying because all they do is scream her name, fed up with yeonjun's begging and sunghoon's annoying teasing, might pull a hannah baker one day if they dont stop
PARK SUNGHOON (02) — acts like he hates yn but is actually the most fond of her, yuzuru hanyu wannabe, dragged jungwon on the ice rink once while jungwon flailed around, a menace to society, he needs to be stopped
YANG JUNGWON (04) — the youngest, hates sunghoon's guts from traumatising him in that ice rink, always surrounded with girls like how tf does he do that, is actually responsible
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holocene-sims · 4 months
List 5 facts about a favorite sim of yours, and send this to simblrs whose sims you adore 💜
hi friend!! ❤️🤍 thank you so much for sending me this! 💐
i'll do this for soobin now that she's an official part of the canon story (and also because i think she's super adorable sdjfkldsjf) ✨
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if you ask her what she does for work, her answer is almost always, "i responsibly irradiate people!" whichhhhhh is not incorrect - she's a nuclear radiologist ☢️ her job really is to administer radioactive medications and run the appropriate imaging scans afterwards. it's the perfect medical work for her, too, because she does not like blood and guts 😶 science and helping people? yes! innards? no!
how about a whole bunch of stats? her birthday is june 16, 1991, so she's a gemini sun ♊, leo moon ♌, and sagittarius rising ♐; her mbti type is esfj; and she's 5'11", so a tall queen 👑
while she drinks coffee and tea, she prefers hot chocolate, especially because she's not reallyyyyyy supposed to consume caffeine for health reasons. so, every day, she makes herself a big cup of hot chocolate in a thermos, and she mixes up the flavors so often that she's the hot chocolate version of a watertok girlie. (p.s. her favorite alternate flavor is pumpkin spice)
she's quite sporty! she played volleyball growing up and was even on a club team in college 🏐 for the last few years, though, she's been into running marathons and 5ks, and she goes for a run every morning, usually just around her neighborhood, or she will go to a park sometimes to mix up the scenery. she also likes golf but that's more of a special occasion thing!
fun fact: her username on every social media website is @//zoinks_soobs because why not reference scooby doo? 💜
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