#sonic meets trans am
c0smii · 3 months
⋆˚🐾˖° —New/Updated meet the artist type thing ‼️
My name is Kai !! My pronouns are He/they/xe, I'm Trans, Omnisexual, Demisexual and I'm 14! Please respect that :3
I LOVE Sonic and any sonic media, as well as other fandoms but thats not important...
My favorite characters characters are Shadow, Sonic, Knuckles, and Amy
My comfort characters are Shadow, Amy and Big *ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ*
My ships are
Sonadow 💙🖤
Knuckrouge ❤️🤍
Alerouge (fanmade oc x Rouge) 🖤🤍
BlazeAmy 💜🩷
Please respect them !! (,,>﹏<,,)
I'm still not sure on my style but I do try to go for the 2000's emo boy look 😅
I change my artstyle very frequently so I apologize for that.. I also cuss a lot so I'm sorry for that as well ‼️
I'm better at traditional art than digital but I'm still learning! I'm a self taught artist.
Here are some of my pieces/ works :D
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You can find others on my page but ya!
To be honest I am only making this to make new friends with the same interests as me 😖
Anyways, please be kind !!— ⋆˚🐾˖°
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fire-fira · 4 months
20 Questions for Writers
I was tagged by @linzerj for this, so without further ado:
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
On Ao3 I currently have 70 (though that number is going to increase soon), and on ffn (all my oldest stuff) I have 34. (Dear lord I need to eventually move my older stuff to Ao3. Maybe under a secondary pseud at some point... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Looooots of DC stuff, some TMNT, and with my older stuff I also wrote for Sonic, DBZ, Legend of Zelda, FMA, Gargoyles, Peter Pan, and Megaman. (I also have some early-stages fic and plans for Planet of the Apes fics, but I haven't posted any of that yet.)
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Head Trauma - One of my earliest Bluepulse OT3 fics. YJA-based; Jaime gets knocked out on a mission and the team gets their first exposure to Khaji Da directly.
Loving an Alien Shouldn't be this Complex - Another Bluepulse OT3. YJA-based; Bart's part in what's intended to be a trilogy of fics about the same circumstances/events. Crushing on Jaime is one thing, but realizing he's crushing on Khaji Da is a whole different ballpark.
If You Think My Truth Is A Lie, You Can Get Bent - Bluepulse OT3 yet again, though background in this case rather than front and center. Mostly YJA-based; Bart is trans, in college, and entirely fed up with an obnoxious classmate who was perfectly fine with him and the fact that he's a guy up until she found out he's trans.
The Weirdness That You Know - Pre-Bluepulse OT3, pre-finding-out-Khaji-Da's-name. YJA-based; During some downtime on base after the events of season 2, Jaime winds up finding out that Bart and Khaji Da are very similar in terms of their sense of humor. The two of them getting along should probably be concerning.
Familia: Not Simple, but Needed - Bluepulse OT3. Mostly YJA-based; What happens when you have a sleep-deprived scarab who stubbornly has stayed awake for about three weeks? Nothing good and nothing the three of them would have ever expected if Khaji Da was coherent enough to think through the consequences of their actions before doing something.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to. Sometimes I wind up replying waaaaaayyyyyy later (when my emotional energy tanks it takes a lot for me to drag myself into talking to people in general, but I try to reply when I'm in a better spot), but if I have my way then I'll eventually reply to everything (unless there's literally nothing else to say).
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
That would honestly have to be either my Bluepulse OT3 poem I Am Your Loss or my La'gaan-centric fic I Tried To Warn You. I Am Your Loss is focused on Khaji Da outliving Jaime and Bart and all the feelings involved with that, and I Tried To Warn You is an examination of La'gaan's emotionally abusive relationship with M'gann and him coming to terms with the fact that he was manipulated and abused. So yeah. Heavy.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
That's a tough one. The Name That Calls You Home is one contender, along with Fatherhood Isn't Easy, and Trusting Again Can Be The Hardest Thing. Two of those are focused on family and finding home (TNTCYH and FIE), and two are La'gaan-centric (FIE and TACBTHT). So yay for one of my TMNT AUs and two of my La'gaan fics meeting the mark? (Though all three have some painful circumstances that make the good that much more pronounced. Yeah, that was unintentional.)
8. Do you get hate on your fic?
The only time I've ever gotten any 'hate' was someone trying to be pissy about an old poem series I wrote back in highschool because they didn't feel it was a 'serious poetic work' and was 'amateurish'.
That. On character-based poetry. For freaking Sonic characters. Seriously just-
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9. Do you write smut?
Almost never. (I can't say never because I did publish one fic on Ao3, but by a lot of people's standards it's really tame.)
10. Do you write crossovers?
I'm not opposed to crossovers, but I very rarely do. Usually I find my mind playing with multiverse iterations of characters meeting each other, but it's very rare my mind goes to wildly different stories getting a crossover-- in no small part because it usually tends to devolve into a case of 'Wouldn't it be cool if these characters met? Look how cool this character is!' in my head with no real decent plot. (That said, thanks to some old RPs with a friend of mine I am fond of Mass Effect's femshep and Voltron's Allura as a ship. It was a chaotic RP. lol)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
As far as I know, NOPE. If I'm fortunate it'll never happen.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes actually! Both I Tried To Warn You and Unstoppable Until I Break that I know of. (Unfortunately I can't read Chinese, so finding them on the site they're hosted on is difficult for me, but I do know they're there somewhere.) La'gaan keeps winning. lol
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
Only one, and it's Devilfish. Beneath the Surface was a fun collaboration between me and onyxdragonx back before tumblr's purge in 2018. I have no idea if he left tumblr entirely, but I'm glad we wrote it.
14. What‘s your all-time favourite ship?
Ngl, it varies by series/franchise and how I'm feeling. I used to be pretty solid in single ships for characters for a long time, but as time has gone by I've drifted more into multi-shipper territory. At the moment though, the one that's eating at my brain the most is Devilfish-- La'gaan/Eddie-- because hell yes for my crack ship.
15. What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Maybe it's over-optimistic of me, but I don't look at any of my WIPs as 'abandoned' or as something I'll 'never' complete. Back when I was posting my writing only to ffn I used to joke about my trademarked 'delays of doom'. It's always a case of I will get to said stories eventually and I do work on old things from time to time, but due to shifting interests/life junk/life-junk-that-causes-a-low-creative-battery/etc. it can take me a long time to get back to something.
If I was going to narrow it down to the one that I'm not sure when precisely I'll get back to and is the most likely to take me a while to get back to (more than anything else), then it'd probably have to be an Elfquest fic with Leeta/Cutter/Rayek as endgame. Either that or the Planet of the Apes series kicking around in my head that I haven't quite figured out how to frame yet.
16. What’s your writing strengths?
FEELINGS. Emotions, getting into characters' heads and hitting that emotional gut-punch that makes people feel things.
17. What’s your writing weaknesses?
Aside from my delays-of-doom™️, I can get SO damned wordy. And cerebral. Which isn't always a bad thing if I want my readers to know what's going on in a character's head, but it's a royal pain in the ass if I want to give a decent description of the space characters are in or have actual conversation and events happening while a character is getting lost in their head.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
lol Seriously though, while it might be rare for me to write full-blown conversations in a different language, if a character is multilingual then I personally prefer including indications of that with their word choices. Usually that results in an offhand word or several here or there in places where it flows naturally, but unless I'm confident in how things flow with that other language (whatever it is) then I'm unlikely to go for a full on conversation. If I am confident in the translation of what I'm writing and the switch into that other language makes sense for the characters in context then it's highly likely I'll go for it-- albeit with including the hover-over translation thing that Ao3 offers so readers don't have to bounce back-and-forth between where they're at in the story and the translation at the end of the chapter/fic. (Though I don't mind when other authors take that tactic.)
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Sonic, and though I didn't put any online until 2003, I wrote a whole convoluted series back in middle school and on up into early high school I think (I suspect most of it's lost because it was all on an OLD computer), and even before that I remember a script-styled Sonic fic that I never finished that I was writing back when I was like... 5? ...7? Somewhere in there. Point is my first fandom is from a LONG time ago.
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
Yeeeeeet another hard one. If I don't cop out with Unstoppable Until I Break and I pull in my older stuff, then I guess it'd have to be Two Sides. It's a Legend of Zelda fic playing with the concept of Zelda and Sheik as simultaneously being and not being the same person, and while I'd probably write it differently now (dear gods I published it back in 2008) I still love the concept and think it's intriguing as hell. Just the very idea of Zelda and Sheik having once been the same person and remembering it in subsequent lives is just... There is a TON of potential there.
Will I ever revisit the idea? Maybe one day. For now, it is what it is.
As for who I'm tagging: @sounddrive, @brightlotusmoon, @radioactive-earthshine, and whoever else would like to do this. n.n
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skysonic · 8 months
Here's Cura! [Which is my retake of curse, of being mtf instead of ftm]
1st- January 24th 2023, she was made with the help of Curse's Creator & Owner, and at the time and still currently I am not really well informed with writing and drawing trans characters, since Cura is my first Trans OC
-Fun Fact : Cura Has An Actual Lore Written For Her, it's just it needs a rewrite because it has plot holes and etc, here's the doc if you want to check it out for yourself [https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1Tpl8BbOmXxqYd5fDuhltXdh3YLtyHB3KJZYDDot8uEw/mobilebasic]
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2nd- Was drawn on the same day as she was drawn for the first time, this time it was just a silly thing it was just the goobers meeting each other
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3rd- January 26th 2023, just a Cura doodle lol
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4th- January 30th 2023, It's Cura's expression sheet that I sketched, I gave her more expressions that weren't just eye changes with a smile because I didn't want for the faces to look basic and I wanted for her to have more Emotions and stuff
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5th- January 29th 2023, Metal Cura/Metal Sonic sketch of how she's supposed to look, but I just never finished it lol
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blackfairy312 · 2 years
oky so im working on Makoto's personality. and i was thinking to myself, well, a good way to start making that is by establishing their hobbies, and how they are connected to the rest of the Project Sekai cast.
Makoto dabbles in art. they've been drawing since they were little, and used to draw so much that they still have boxes of sketchbooks that they filled up with drawings. nowadays, though, they don't draw that much. they're too busy with school and other interests. however they do draw still, maybe just a little character ref and that's it. i think Makoto being a "retired" artist would be an interesting contrast to Ena, who is still dedicated to her art. Ena would have some anger towards Makoto for not using their talent enough, and also secretly be jealous and feel bad about her own art. And since Makoto is Kanade's cousin, kindess runs in the family and Makoto would constantly reassure Ena that they think her art is great and that they're the one who's secretly jealous of her because Ena hasn't given up on her talent. Cue some moments of Ena warming up to Makoto, just so subtly.
Makoto enjoys video games. as much as i have the urge to make them a Resident Evil fan, i think it would be funnier if Makoto was a huge fan of SEGA published games. since Project Sekai is published by SEGA and they have Sonic cameos in every single game they publish, Makoto's favorite game series is Sonic! i don't know if Nene is a fan of any SEGA games, from what i've seen from reading area conversations, she seems to just make vague references (for example, when she first enters the Wonderland Sekai, she says "it's like an open world JRPG"). since Makoto and Nene go to the same school, they probably talk about games during lunch. Nene has a shy personality, so she probably listens to Makoto rant about the quality of the Sonic series in recent years. Makoto would also listen to Nene infodump about musicals she likes, even though Makoto doesn't have too much of an interest in it, they like hearing how passionate Nene is about her special interest.
with Ichika's fixation and admiration for Hastune Miku, i think it would be silly if Makoto mirrored that with their admiration for Sonic the Hedgehog. characters who go to Kamiyama High School and have interacted with Ichika enough to know about her Miku idolization probably internally note how similar Makoto acts with their Sonic idolization. Ichika and Kanade HAVE interacted canonically (i am not caught up with the stories yet though) so maybe even Kanade notices the similarities and thinks about introducing their cousin to Ichika. or maybe Makoto and Ichika run into each other at a collectors store and stop and stare at each other and see the other covered in Miku/Sonic merch and think "wow they're just like me for real".
as for other interests, Makoto would really really like film. i already joked that i designed them with season one Jesse Pinkman in mind, so i think Makoto being interested in Western films and shows would be silly. they would get along greatly with Rui, Tsukasa, and Mizuki. Tsukasa recruited Rui to his troupe because he knew Rui was a great director, and Tsukasa himself already writes great stories and scripts. Mizuki creates MVs for their group, and being an MV creator irl, it's the same as directing but like... by yourself. Tsukasa invited Makoto to watch WxS practice and set up their shows, and Makoto very much enjoys watching and helping them with their behind the scenes work. they like how Rui has very over the top and extreme ideas, and end up encouraging him much to Nene's dismay. meanwhile, with Mizuki, Makoto will go out with them (skipping school a lot together) and talk about how Mizuki gets inspired by everyday things for their MV production.
and in the topic of Mizuki, Makoto has a very different fashion sense than them. they're both trans-non binary, and have an immediate connection when they first meet. Mizuki drags Makoto around and tries to make them try on things (masc clothes, but Mizuki is a fashion genius and wants to help Makoto look GOOD and CUTE while they pass). Makoto is as much as a shopaholic as Mizuki is, too, so they often also drag Mizuki around to shops that they like. so in a day they'll be running around to clothes stores and shoe stores and comic stores and game stores. also, i noticed that Mizuki really REALLY likes french fries, so i think it would be silly if Makoto did, too, so they just keep going to restaurants together ordering an insane amount of fries and giggling with their bags and bags from shopping all day.
i mentioned that Makoto skips school a lot. they don't like the school environment and their mom won't let them do the night classes that Kamiyama offers (the ones Ena takes since she doesn't like the 6+ hour schedule). i'm not entirely sure what the school system in Japan teaches, but Makoto would be great in everything except for math and science. like... those are their WORST subjects, embarrassingly so. they're great at any literature or history class. and we don't talk about sports classes (like Kanade, Makoto has nonexistent stamina. it runs in the family). well anyways, Makoto is missing work and guess what that means! they need a tutor! so just by happenstance, Makoto and their mom run into nonother than Mafuyu, and after a lengthy conversation (much to both Mafuyu's dismay (she's irritated) and Makoto's embarrassment (they hate their mom)), Mafuyu ends up becoming Makoto's tutor. so when Makoto isn't at work (they work at Weekend Garage and i'll talk about that next), they meet up with Mafuyu to do work. Makoto thinks Mafuyu is really great at helping out but also they feel really uneasy around her. they're close to Kanade's other group members (Ena and Mizuki), but find it difficult to get along with Mafuyu outside of tutoring. but they make an effort to anyway and out of the blue ask if Mafuyu wants to go see a movie with them. now their relationship also involves Makoto inviting Mafuyu to do things with them, wanting to help Mafuyu experience new things. Makoto and Mafuyu are alike in that they have a very rocky relationship with their mothers, and Makoto ends up being someone that Mafuyu shows her true self around, too.
anyways i said that Makoto works at Weekend Garage. being friends with Mizuki ultimately leads into Makoto befriending everyone else part of the Kamiyama Rooftop Friendship group (Mizuki, An, Nene, Rui, Tsukasa, Akito, and Toya). An and Makoto have a conversation during class around when they were getting to know each other and Makoto mentions how their mother is pressuring them to find a job, to which An offers that they could work at Weekend Garage, the cafe/bar that An's dad owns. and doing so, Makoto also meets Kohane. Makoto sometimes watches VBS practice when they're on break. and since Makoto often skips school, they'll go to Weekend Garage to get a longer shift done, so they can make more money (and they can't work there during bar hours since they're a minor).
and so i have made Makoto connected to Nighcord at 25:00, Wonderlands x Showtime, and Vivid BAD SQUAD. i need to figure out a stronger connection for them to Leo/need other than just having met Ichika a few times (maybe Tsukasa introduces Makoto to Saki at some point?). and connecting Makoto to MORE MORE JUMP! will be kinda hard since ALL four members go to Miyamasuzaka Girls Academy, but maybe i can figure out something. i'm thinking maybe i can use Ena for that, since she's friends with Airi and Shizuki... using Mafuyu, Emu, or Kohane for that connection would be hard too since i'm not entirely sure how close those three are to the MMJ members.
but yeah uh hi.
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cartoon-buffoon · 1 month
Decided to write a bio thing because I'm bored + I wanna establish some boundaries here so uhh- here's some stuff about me Cartoon Buffoon aswell as other things if you wanna know!
Who am I?
Hello! I'm Cartoon Buffoon and I write stuff and like cartoons, there's a chance you've could of read my stuff if you read one shots on AO3 that feature Oswald The Lucky Rabbit since I have a tendency to write fluffy content relating to him, and angst on occasion (some of my stories are 18+ tho yet more on that later). I'm simply a buffoon for cartoons is all. I love old animation from the 1920s-60s yet I also do indulge in more modern stuff as well.
I'm bisexual🩷💜💙(leaning towards men) and aromantic 💚🤍🖤.
My gender is uhh... Complicated? I don't know what I am although I currently identify as gender fluid although I do refer to myself as trans as well🏳️‍⚧️.
Pronouns are He/She/They/anything else really! Toon is usually the nickname I'm most comfortable with online.
One last thing I should note about myself is my horrid mental health and terrible anxiety, I do struggle with emotions and such so I have a tendency to be vulgar and "edgy" although I always try to be polite to anyone I meet. I suffer from a cataclysm of other issues mentally as well although I still try to be nice and funny to make up for this.
Things I'm into/fandoms I'm in.
My interests lie in old cartoons however I do dabble in other stuff, my interest and hyperfixations go in the following order:
—In The Dark comics/Skitzo the 1920s killer bear
—Oswald the lucky rabbit
—Felix the cat
—Rubberhose animation in general
—the furry fandom
—Trevor Henderson's creations
—FNF/Newgrounds and it's culture in general
—Sonic The Hedgehog
and some other stuff although I can't really think of more currently yet those are my TOP interests
Although I'm horrible at all these things I do enjoy the following activities
—Writing fanfiction
—collecting plushies
—over analyzing media
Gonna make a DNI list because I don't wanna interact with weirdos. Pretty basic list as well, if you're any of the following please kindly leave me alone.
—Z**philes, p*dophiles, anything of the sorts
—people who promote hate speech like N*zis, homophobic people, transphobic people, anybody who in general hates anybody for their sexuality gender orientation, race, etc (I'm apart of the LGBTQ+ community and I'm not white at all, this shouldn't have to be said that I don't wanna interact with someone who hates me)
Final Things
I suffer from a lot of stuff as such I use fiction to cope, quite a few of my writings are a bit self indulgent in the angst sad to say. One such thing I suffer from is hypersexuality and I do write 18+ fanfiction involving my favorite characters to cope (I write smut, to put it bluntly) although I do try to be a genuine writer and a few of my works demonstrate some sort of semblance of competency. For obvious reasons I'm not gonna talk about my non-respectable NSFW works on here although they do exist on my AO3 and I feel like I should at least acknowledge them. In my writings I also like to capture the magic of old cartoons in their humor so if you read my stuff you'll notice a trend of me trying to write or mimic rubberhose gags through words and detail.
I'm also a multishipper and a giant simp for fictional cartoon characters and technical self-shipper. I'm making note of this as some people are uncomfortable with this for some reason? The characters I simp for also align with my interest in rubberhose characters like: Skitzo the 1920s Killer Bear, Oswald The Lucky Rabbit, Felix the Cat, The Cartoon Cat, The Cartoon Dog. Anything that's black and white and has that asthetic is something I'm interested in, and each of my interest holds a character I'm attracted to like FNF/newgrounds having the Tankmen, or Super Sonic from Fleetway's run of Sonic comics.
The ships I like are usually gay in nature but I do like straight ships too, I'm also a big fan of crack ships aka characters that wouldn't logically be together although I look at canon and say "nuh-uh, I can make this cute". I ship Oswald with any and nearly every toon (expect for Mickey for obvious reasons) and I'm the proud captain of the SkitWald ship aka Skitzo the killer bear and Oswald.
To sum myself up: I'm mainly a lover of the obscure or forgotten while trying to create works or content to bring attention to my favorite things while also just trying to keep myself together physically and mentally.
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gingerjunhan · 7 months
Hihi it's 🧈 anon again and I thought that maybe I should do an introduction ^^
So erm I only Stan xdinary heroes and Jun han is my ult bias lol but gunil and jungsu are my bias wreckers
I use he/him and I'm trans ftm
I enjoy sonic, batman, elden ring, Skyrim, and many nerdy things
I have a cat named okhre
I am learning Korean not because I am a koreaboo (because I'm not) but because my aunt is from Korea and I want to learn for her
I also wanna start my own blog but y'know it's hard out here on the Tumblr streets. (Also I literally would only be able to write for Jun han and gunil so I would be like dead)
But yeah that's my intro!!!
��anon, it’s nice to meet you!! I love getting to know people and meeting new people- so my ask box and dms are (almost) always open!
Maybe when I hit 100 followers I can do a little get to know me thing? Maybe a little q&a? 👀 I’m not entirely sure yet
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sparkylurkdragon · 1 year
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I posted 9,085 times in 2022
That's 4,216 more posts than 2021!
246 posts created (3%)
8,839 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 9,085 of my posts in 2022
#queue - 3,949 posts
#oh dear - 1,841 posts
#wildlife - 1,318 posts
#pets - 588 posts
#cats - 487 posts
#yep - 446 posts
#dragons - 390 posts
#housecats - 374 posts
#sonic the hedgehog - 373 posts
#pokemon - 345 posts
Longest Tag: 110 characters
#there's a villain who can be foiled by playing someone's favourite song from what some quick googling tells me
My Top Posts in 2022:
Oh this episode was so good!!
Feathered Velociraptor using WAIR and in general just being scrappy and delightful little ground-hawks!
Tyrannosaurus rex mating displays!
Deinocheirus in all its Fucking Bizarre Glory!
Quetzalcoatlus!!! Showing off mastery of air and land! That beautiful display of how we think pterosaurs took off!
I’m just beside myself grinning! This is what I want to see from dinosaur media! Dinosaurs and their contemporaries just being incredible, beautiful animals existing in their environment!
94 notes - Posted May 25, 2022
Ah-ha, I see! We're at the part of the horror story where we're yelling at the protagonists!
281 notes - Posted October 1, 2022
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Miss Urist's reaction when I clicked my tongue at her and announced a friend of mine said hello.
308 notes - Posted August 18, 2022
So here’s a comparison to maybe help newer fans understand why a lot of LJ-and-older fans are so defensive about drabbles being 100 words exactly.
It’s like haiku.
Drabbles are writing challenges. It’s a specific writing challenge to create a story or scene in 100 words exactly. Not 99, not 101.
It’s just like you can’t have a haiku in a 6-7-5-syllable format: it might well be a haiku-inspired piece of poetry, but it isn’t a haiku because it doesn’t Rise To The Challenge of the format, and you definitely couldn’t call Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Raven” a haiku just because it’s also a poem.
I mean, I guess you could? Language is malleable. But folks will look at you strangely and think you have perhaps missed the point.
5,175 notes - Posted July 15, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Here’s the thing about LGBT+ vs. Queer.
I’m ace, nonbinary, and demiromantic. With LGBT+ I’m included in the plus. And I’m happy to be included! Indeed, folks pointedly using LGBT without the plus makes my hackles raise.
But. I am sick of being in the fucking plus sign like an afterthought.
And no, adding more to the alphabet soup doesn’t help that feeling. There’s a limit to what human brains can cram in. I don’t think it’s reasonable to make folks say an increasingly long acronym every time they mention the community. I appreciate the effort, but you’re always going to either leave someone out or cram them into the miscellaneous field the plus sign represents.
With Queer I’m just there, alongside my queer siblings. The details may be different, but I’m just as queer as a cis allo gay man or a trans allo straight woman or a genderfuck individual.
We already tried to meet folks who don’t like queer as a word halfway with MOGAI. Marginalized Orientations, Gender Alignment, and Intersex. It’s inclusive without using the Dreaded Q-Word. Surely, if the objection was to “queer” as a Terribly Traumatizing Word (just like, oh, every other word used for us: “gay” was the slur of choice where I was growing up), MOGAI would be the perfect solution, yes?
And yet, that was thrown back into our faces and turned into an insult. So, at that point, I said fuck it and fuck you. I’m queer, and if its inclusivity makes you mad, good.
23,554 notes - Posted May 30, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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spinechill3r · 2 years
About me
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Hi my name is Kasper and my pronouns are He/They/Saw
I have NPD and depression, i dont know what that means to you but yeah. I like video games, my favorties are Hitman, dbd, sally face, FNAF, rockband, cyber punk 2077, Gta, and minecraft. Im also a volleyball player. Im also a very very tired person, i am the most sleepy person you will ever meet. I LOVE fashion and music, im emo, Y2k, a metalhead, punk, and goth; and before you say “you cant be all of those at once” just know that i share punk ideologies therefore making me punk, I listen to pop punk music and dress the part making me emo, I listen to metal on the regular making me a metal head, i dress Y2K when i feel more feminine, i listen to goth music and sometime dress the part, etc. also i love stuffed animals and the rain, Though im terrified of thunder. Im trying to learn how to play the guitar and drums, and after i learn i was playing on starting a band.
My kins: L (death note), feitan (hxh), shadow (sonic), beetlejuice (beetlejuice), lucifer (lucifer), Sam (supernatural), and Larry (sally face)
last but not least my views!
Im a feminist, black activist, trans activist, queer activist, pro choice, leftist punk, environmentalist, Anti capitalist, etc
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lovedeltaa · 3 years
anyways some of my hcs............ ft. some stupid doodles I’ve done over the months cuz I have no other way to post them
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sonic’s first language is japanese--he knew very little english at the time of meeting tails and gradually got better from then on, but he’s still got a slight accent. eggman has offered english lessons and promised to not try to kill sonic during them
he was kinda reluctant to have tails around initially cuz he thought he would be sort of a hindrance to him. little did he know they r literally (platonic brotherly) soulmates
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vanilla had a wife who is trans and they biologically had cream 🥺 I am going to draw stuff for this eventually
sonic and rouge have the “we irritating” dynamic and I think everyone collectively has severely underestimated their power together as a duo. they would be so fucking annoying I can’t even start
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eggman has accepted the fact that he will occasionally have amy banging on his door demanding to see metal sonic bc she and metal r besties
blaze gets chilly easily hence her outfit being warmer than pretty much the entire cast (I thought this was cute bc... fire princess gets cold easily.... sobs) 
and, my personal favorite that came from a curiouscat anon,
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silver the hedgehog has a dairy allergy and cannot eat cheese or he will die
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kadarirat · 2 years
Sonic and/or Jack Sparrow for the Ask Game
I'll answer for both!
one aspect about them i love
He has an attitude but he's also a sweetheart! I love that kind of character hehe
one aspect i wish more people understood about them
Same as above tbh. I think it was when Rise of the Wisps came out that people were saying Sonic acted like a jerk. He isn't mean, he's just sassy lol
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have about this character
gonna sound unoriginal as heck cause lots of people have this hc but. this hog is nd
ALSO trans Sonic hc is very poggers
one character i love seeing them interact with
shadow and amy! in canon their interactions are often really cool and interesting. they all need more friendly interactions in the games(especially with sonic and amy, i love their interactions where she isn't flirting and they're just teaming up!)
one character i wish they would interact with/interact with more
Rouge! I love the idea of them being friends. bisexual solidarity lmao
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have that involve them and one other character
Sonic is secretly a huge nerd and probably has a hyperfixation on history/art stuff. He likes to infodump to Tails, Knuckles, Amy and others he trusts. They hardly understand what he's talking about except maybe Knuckles, but they engage with him and enjoy seeing him excited about something!
Jack Sparrow
one aspect about them i love
i just adore the "rogue badass who is also a pathetic wet rat" character. he's awesome, he can come up with all kinds of clever escape plans and stuff, but he's also an absolute dumbass and frequently gets himself into more trouble than he can handle
one aspect i wish more people understood about them
he isn't completely selfish! he's not perfect, but he's not a terrible person, either. Jack very frequently will run off at the sign of danger, but also there are moments when he sees his friends in a bind and does his best to help them.
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have about this character
Jack's alterous! this is mainly me projecting but yknow 😅
the idea of a romantic relationship makes him uncomfy, but he does have a lot of affection for those close to him. he's just not good at showing it/has his own way of showing it that not many understand
one character i love seeing them interact with
Mr. Gibbs! Legit I adore him and some of their interactions are so funny and also add interesting depth to both their characters. I wish the movies told us more about how they met(and how Gibbs became a turncoat!)
one character i wish they would interact with/interact with more
Jack's dad tbh(forgot his name oof). Like he's actually kinda cool?! I wish we could see him more! And maybe more of Jack's family in general. I believe in the third or fourth movie we meet his uncle and that gives us an idea of just how off-the-shits chaotic his family is lol.
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have that involve them and one other character
Once again I am projecting but I lowkey hc Gibbs and Jack being in an alterous relationship. they don't quite consider each other friends, although they love each other(like these goofs are risking their lives for each other on a day to day basis and don't think anything of it lmao) but aren't romantically involved in any way.
ask game
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onestowatch · 3 years
ROZET Proves an Unpredictable Wildflower With “Cake Face” Video [Premiere + Q&A]
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Rozet is an artist that clearly thrives with some veil of mystery, a contrarian of immense talent, a personna with a purpose. Why bother decoding such a creative with a third party perspective? So we invited her to help explain her process, vision, and her brilliant new song and visualizer, “Cake Face.”
Ones to Watch: Who is ROZET? What do you want your audience to take away from your work?
ROZET: ROZET is a wildflower. The part of me that is unpredictable and free. A flower that shows up wherever and however feels most natural in response to the season. My wildflower self is trans-species. I really never know what I’ll do or how I’ll do it. I feel so peaceful and calm within that hotspring of identity. This represents my relationship with nature, wellness and art.
How has your artist journey evolved thus far?
I just finished my first tour and it was unforgettable. I had never seen anyone sing the words to my songs before and me not know who they are. I went from contemplating in my room if my songs were too abstract or multilayered to fit in any genre or pool of people to now playing venues with over 1000 bodies in the room jamming out. I’m grateful to meet new souls and see them identify with this noise I’m making. It gave me chills.
Multi-disciplinary artists suffer from enormous choice, how do you decide what creative mediums work or not?
I think we are never done deciding. It is a primitive thing. I feel it and try it, or I don’t. I try to minimize external opinions as much as possible, but in some cases it is necessary to broaden mediums and make them more relatable. Even still with this I am gentle and intentional, honoring my experience and mission on Earth first as much as possible.
What is “Cake Face” inspired by? Lyrically, especially.
“Cake Face” was inspired by the longing for time,space,and education within relationships, especially the relationship between the phone and social interactions. Whether it be career, family, romantic, or friends, I feel in the past few years the demand for quicker responses and being available at all times has created this additional pressure that some may not realize could be causing someone with mental health challenges to work even harder to feel important.
The lyric “these days they only know me when I’m on the telephony” truly explains very clearly the self-worth attached to being this visual reminder for people and if not, than you don’t exist or are shamed for not being more available.
Sonically, the simplicity within the chords, I wanted it to hint toward an older era. Remembering a time when sending feelings and emotions through the mail took days, sometimes weeks to arrive at someone else’s door. Then they’d have time to process that before responding. To give an emotionally regulated response. Now I feel there is sometimes shame associated with non-rapid responses. Imagining the feeling of being off grid and untraceable and how that could also be included in the conversations of success, talent, and health.
“Out of sight Out of Mind”
When I isolate from people and my phone, I actually have a chance to download and process what I have learned and infuse my music with it. Without that time period I’d show up as a glitching person. I would have no energy to contribute and essentially my mission here on earth is to respond to the times through my artful passions. I am happy in stillness. I want to surround myself with people who encourage me to take 10 minutes to take a break, while still being remembered and a priority.
How did you settle on the visual direction for “Cake Face?”
The visuals for my songs usually take me about a year to even flush through. I always tell people I need to experience all the seasons with each song and visual. I like to observe how it flows through the space and how it bounces off of the community I am in. 
I am into social experiments and incorporating my mediums within that approach. Is it the response we all need, is it the holistic medicine I need right now? I ask myself these questions a lot. Does video provide more depth to the narratives within “Cake Face?” Expand upon them?
Video does provide more depth to the narratives within a song like “Cake Face.” I need as much outlet as possible to convey a whole message within four minutes. Honestly I am grateful I have another day of life to continue to release music, so I put as much energy and thought into each piece as I possibly can, because I never know if I will again. It differs, sometimes I put more energy into the video than the song, and sometimes it’s flipped.
“Cake Face” has a multilayered meaning. There’s the relationship between individual and society, and there’s the education around mental health and how society contributes to that in a possible or negative way. The final layer is the responsibility of that individual to decide what they can manage, what they can control and what they cannot. I am always writing songs and video concepts that stem from truly just trying to survive on this planet and enjoy the time I have here.
How does the rest of the EP pair with “Cake Face?” Is it a cohesive work, separate?
I feel right now the rest of the EP is still growing and evolving, “Cake Face” was my first stream of consciousness approach to writing so I feel it is my only journal-like piece on this project and I look forward to hearing my songs sprout all together in one garden.
What are your hopes and aspirations for the EP / visualizer?
My intention for the EP/ visualizer is to reveal a bit more about who I am and what my perspective is on health, the relationship with myself, and emotional intelligence. That is a continuous process and hopefully it will reveal a garden of people and listeners that understand me, so I can continue to talk to them and create this bond with likeminded people for as long as possible.
What’s next for you? What should we be on the lookout for?
I am sitting in gratitude and yet walking with more energy to release more songs so that is what is next! I have so much music and an abundance of visual healing I look forward to sharing this fall!
Who are your Ones to Watch?
Most artists I’d consider my ones to watch are my talented family members and friends that I want to put shine on!
Producer- Richard Tandy Artist/ Producer - George Tandy Jr. Artist - Dylan Golden Producer/ Painter - Wizz Dumb Comedian - Lizzmatic Animator - Olivia Mangione Clothing Designer - Countess Brown Artist - Amunbes Artist - Austin Ward Artist - Jesse Boykins III
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anne-white-star · 4 years
Third doctor x depressed!Reader
Please before you read this x reader
Here is a link to a post with phone numbers to difrent suicide hotlines please stay safe and alive and remember you are important and loved!!💗💗💗
Words : 1847
Warning : attempted suicide, depression, drowning
A good ending with some Fluff enjoy reading
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Being one of the doctors companions was something really great but somethimes she wanted to be more than just a companion. Y/n enjoyed being at UNIT most of the time and also being a secretary at UNIT was a verry important job. Checking papers and making sure everything is correct. But the past few months stress has been building up. Y/n somethimes missed meals or she din't sleep some nights. The others din't notice anything.
She sat wrighting at her desk when the door opend "Miss y/l/n" the brigadier walked in. "yes sir" she awnserd back. "I need you to come with miss grant, the doctor and i on a trip to Londen for a very important meeting" "yes sir i'll be right with you". The brigadier walked out and y/n grabed her bag with the things She would need. She sighed and walked outside the others were waiting in bessie. "Ready for a trip my dear" asked the doctor "yes i am" she nodded and sat next to jo in the back Seat.
*ariving at Palace of Westminster*
When they arived they all got out of bessie and walked to the doors to get in "miss y/l/n you come with me, doctor you and miss grant can go and explore we will see echoter again round 5 o clock". When the doctor looked at y/n he saw that something isn't right, but then it was gone again and he brushed it off. Y/n followed the brigadier to a room and start the meeting. "Miss y/l/n its so great to see you again" said one of the men who sat at the table, she gave a nod and sat down grabbing her pen and note pad to start writing.
The meeting went like normal all about politics, aliens the master and of course money. Y/n started to zone out. And then she snaped out of her trans when the brigadier spoke "i think its time to call this meeting to an end" The brigadier stood up And shook hands with the people at the table. Y/n put her stuff back in her bag and stood up as wel. She walked out of the room back to the doctor who was waiting for them they got the news they could stay at Buckingham palace where they would stay for the upcoming few days.
When they got there they got escorted to their room y/n had to try and calm her self down She sat down on the bed and hold her head in her hands looking down at the ground tears fell from her eyes. And then she heared a knok at the door "one moment please" y/n dried her eyes with her sleeves" she stood up and unlocked the door. When she opend it jo stood there waiting for her "Hey y/n i was wondering if you want to get dinner with the brigadier, doctor and me?"  she said in a cheerfull tone "yeah sure" y/n gave a fake smile, jo looked at her "are you alright y/n? It looks like you have been crying", "im fine sorry i accidentally stubbed my foot and that hurt" she smiled again. "Alright i just want to make sure, so how about dinner". "Sounds good" y/n closed the door and walked togeter with jo to the dining hall.  
When they got there the brigadier and the doctor were waiting for them y/n sat next to the doctor. "Hello my dear did you setttle in your room already?", " Yes i have it has a great view of the garden" she smiled. Then the food was served but y/n wasn't that hungry she picked at her food with the fork. "Is somthing wrong miss y/l/n?" Asked the brigadier. "No not at all im just not that hungry, i think im going to bed im extremly tired, good night". Y/n stood up And walked away from them when she was gone the doctor spoke "have any of you two noticed something off about y/n the isnt her self it seems". "Yes i have noticed it as wel, because when i came to her bedroom she had been crying" spoke jo "the only thing i noticed is that she's never in the break room when its time for some food or a drink".
Y/n was in her room sitting at a table Wrighting a piece of paper while tears fell on to the paper. It was a goodbye note. When she was done she grabed her jacked and walked out leaving the paper on her bed. Walking past the guards she asked them if they could let her pass. When she was out of the palace gates she started on her walk to the tower bridge. About 10 minuts later the doctor the brigadier and jo went to check up on her they knoked on the door but got no reply. It was locked and the doctor could not open it with his his sonic "jo do you perhaps have a hair pin with you" jo nodded and grabed the pin out of her hair "thank you dear" the doctor fiddled with the lock and then *click* they opend the door and turned on the light but she wasn't there. "Where could she have gone to" asked the brigadier while looking around the room. "Doctor, brigadier look!" Jo grabed the piece of folden paper of the bed and gave it to the doctor to read it. The doctor unfolded the paper and began to read it out loud.
"Hello doctor, brigadier and jo
If you read this note its the last paper that i will be wrighting in my life, things haven't been to kind on me while i loved working with and for you all. im sad to say that i can't do this anymore. I thought it would go away but unfortanetly it hasn't, please don't blame it on your self its my own fault for this.
Oh and doctor if you are the one reading this i have something to tell you but i had never the courage to say it, doctor i love you and always have, i wish i could have been more than just a companion but knowing i would die one way or an other i kept it to myself. Like i wrote before please don't blame yourself you are not at fault. Please remember that i love every one of you and please tell it to Mike and benton as well."
You will find me at the tower bridge
Y/n, y/l/n.
When the doctor finished reading he had a bad feeling in his chest. Jo had tears dripping from her eyes and the brigadier looked shocked he dint know that it was this bad. The doctor spoke "we have to find her we can't let her take her own life" he ran out of the bedroom and the others followed him, bessie was parked outside Lucky enough but they had to ask the guards to let them pass. Y/n was already at the tower bridge she was staring at the dark waters below her. She trew off her jacked and climbed on the side of the bridge. She looked up at the sky wispering words in the air. The doctor and the others were still on their way they were not far from the tower bridge "doctor look!" Jo screamed while pointing, the doctor looked where jo was pointing and they could see the figure of y/n stand on the side of the bridge. When they were almost there she jumped in the water.
When y/n was done wispering her final words she jumped. She felt the cold water toutch her body at first it was cold but then it was comforting and welcoming. Y/n dint have any oxygen left and let go of her last breath she din't strugle or try to swim upward she just let her body sink to the botom of the thames.
The doctor stopped bessie once they came to the place where y/n had jumped. they all got out and looked over the side hooping that she din't really take her life. Unfortanetly they could not see her. The doctor din't hesatate and took of his cloak and jacket "jo go and get some warmth blankets brigadier i need you to stay here and help me" jo nodded and ran away to get the blankets. The doctor jumped in to the water as wel he hoped there was a chance that they could save her.
Looking around he saw her lying between some water plants she was pale and her lips wer blue. The doctor knew that this isnt good. He swam to her body and took her in his arms. Swiming upward was not that hard for him, when he came to the surface he saw the brigadier standing there waiting for him. The brigadier trew a rope ladder over the side of the bridge. The doctor grabed it and put y/n her body over the side of his shoulder, when he was back on dry land he put y/n her head on his folded cloak and started to preform CPR. pushing her chest up And down and then pintching her nose close and repeat "comone now y/n please wake up don't leave us". But nothig happend. The doctor looked down in sadness tears dripping from his eyes, the brigadier never had seen the doctor cry. But they were caught off guard by the sound of somone coughing. Looking again y/n had been brought back from death trying to cough up the water in her lung, the doctor rolled y/n on her side and rubbed her back "easy now dear its alright" jo came running back with some warm blankets. The doctor took one and placed it over y/n her wet body. The brigadier also placed one over the doctor. "I'll drive" he stood up And walked to bessie jo sat next to the brigadier in the front seat while the doctor placed y/n in the back and sat next to her, the fell uncontious again next to him.
The next time y/n woke up she was back in her guest room, she had new warm clothes on and the doctor was sitting next to the bed on a chair "doctor?" Her voice was hoarse, he looked up at the sound of his name. "How are you feeling?", "cold but thats fine but why did you save me?". The doctor looked at her sadly "y/n why wouldn't we? You are important to us but also really important to me". Y/n looked at him her mind still foggy "i love you doctor" the doctor softly smiled "love you to my dear". "im still cold even while laying under these blankets". The doctor stood up And walked around the otherside of the bed he got in next to her "i hope this alright" he said while taking her in his arms. Y/n snuggled closer to him. "Goodnight doctor", "good night my dear" and they both fell asleep.
The end
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thelightfluxtastic · 3 years
30DayTheri 13: Furries
Am I a furry? I was literally asked that once, and my answer hasn’t changed:
I certainly meet the technical definition of a furry: I enjoy anthropomorphic art. I grew up on the same talking-animal Disney movies as a lot of people. I enjoy anthro media like Beastars and Aggretsuko, and often seek it out. I’ve tried my hand at some furry-aimed communities like Furvilla, though I’ve never been able to stick to any pet site for long. I follow quite a few furry artists, one of whom was kind enough to make the icon I use as my avatar here and on many other websites.
At the same time, I’ve never actively participated in the community. I’ve never gone to a convention, though I know that’s not necessary (not every anime fan goes to anime cons, etc.) I have no fursona and no internal interest in developing one. Making a self-insert that’s just me/my theriotype feels...redundant and kind of pointless. As recursive as it sounds, I already am the dog that I am. I don’t feel the need to appear or inhabit a more furry-anthro self. I could make fursonas that are different animals, but that has no real appeal either. It’s hard to feel invested in roleplaying as a bear or turtle when I am already a dog. I have roleplayed as canine characters in the past (shifters, werewolves, etc.) but my interest starts and stops at the exact borders of “way to express my therianthropy”. I’ve only recently started occasionally calling myself a furry, and then only in a joking reference to media consumption (e.g. calling myself a furry on main when I decided to rewatch Sonic Underground as a childhood nostalgia trip). I think I’m getting more comfortable with the term, but there’s a culture to the subculture that I don’t know or engage with. Furry as a label for me is like they/them as a pronoun for me- I won’t get my hackles raised about it, I’ll accept it if used for me by someone else, but it’s not an identity I actively hold with strong conviction.
I am a rather dead-set defender of furries, though. (I’m sure there are terrible or problematic furries too, but that’s true for literally any group anywhere. I mean the way the fandom is a universally acceptable punching bag.) The sheer vitriol and even violence furries are on the receiving end of is disproportionate as fuck for something that is, at the end of the day, just a fandom. People will make aggressively violent jokes about fursuits and then go paint their faces for a sports game, its preposterous. (Also funny coincidence how the furry fandom as a subculture has proportionally more LGBTQ+ people than the general population; hmm. weird how that community gets more sexualized and treated as deviant than other fandoms. HMmMm. But Anyway.)
Therians/Otherkin and furries, while different communities, have a natural overlap. I’ve heard there are some furries that see ‘kin as “furries taking the roleplay too seriously”, and that’s too bad. But I’ve met a lot of therians who are both, and there are like...research papers on the furry community that talk about the percentage of therians. The fandom is big, and old, and it makes sense that someone looking for a way to express an animal self would find their way there. (Just like drag =/= gender, but can be a gateway and fun community of gender exploration and expression for trans folks). Heck, my earliest glimpses of a canine identity were through furry webcomics (TwoKinds and Strays). I’m grateful for that, and the general joy furry art and media has added to my life experience. Rock on.
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infizero-draws · 4 years
BLS talk about your backstory hcs id love to hear all of them 🥺
aaaaaaa okay so here are all of the ones i have so far. this got pretty long so it’ll be under the cut:
sonic: two moms: bernie and aleena (from archie and underground respectively) they were the leaders of the first war with eggman (eggman is old dude, he’s definitely been doing this for way longer than sonic’s been alive). sonic spent his childhood years in the rebel’s base, but he didn’t like being cooped up so he would often sneak out. 
eventually one of eggman’s cameras caught him running around super fast (similar to the first ep of underground) and so he wanted to catch him to use his powers and stuff. so he got sent to live with his uncle chuck in knothole in order to hide/be protected. unfortunately this would be the last time he would see his moms, as they would go MIA after a mission to eggman’s base and would be presumed dead. he lived with his uncle until he was 8, when chuck was captured and roboticized :(
he wandered by himself alone for a while before coming across sally and the rest of the satam freedom fighter crew. by this point he was going by his uncle’s nickname for him “sonic” full-time, although he wouldn’t realize why until a bit later. when he was like 11 he and sally dated for like.. a few weeks before they were like uh. this isn’t working. this was also both when they realized they were trans. i have a comic about this which you can find right here!
sonic left knothole to start fresh, eventually coming to south island where sonic 1 takes place, around age 12-13. (eggman realized he was presenting as male now and switched pronouns - he may be evil but he respects his nemesis ok, it’s basic human decency) sonic proved to him that even though his moms may be gone, he was gonna continue their fight and put a stop to his plans!
(also: he later finds out that his moms didn’t die! they didn’t want to put the rebels in danger after their mission and went into hiding. they went to uncle chuck’s place after a while but found no trace of chuck or sonic, and fearing the worst, simply went back to their hiding place and started a life there, adopting two kids (sonia and manic!!) sonic saves their house from being attacked by badniks and then he’s like WAIT- they catch up and he meets his new sibs and it’s great!!!)
(bonus: sonic gives his old dress to amy near the end of the classic days, which is the one she wears from adventure 1 and onward!)
knuckles: (these are based on @bbgatile‘s knuckles headcanons) he had two moms, but then a disease wiped out the entire echidna population, leaving only knuckles, who managed to survive due to not having hatched out of his egg yet. he had never met another mobian or anyone other than the normal animals on angel island prior to meeting sonic and tails.
tails: i dont remember where i read this, but i saw someone come up with the idea that radiation or toxic stuff or whatever from chemical plant zone is what caused his two tails, which i thought was an interesting idea. i dont have any hcs really on what his life was like before meeting sonic, but it’s definitely not like his parents in the archie comics. i also hc he met sonic when he was around 5. yes that would mean a 5 year old was going on all these adventures but listen. this is sonic. why wouldn’t he be doing that kind of stuff at 5
amy: agggh i dont really have any family hcs or whatever, but i hc that amy was a little troublemaker as a kid, leading to her nickname of “rosy the rascal”. i also have no idea about the whole cd nonsense of her being from another dimension or timeline or whatever, but i think that makes her character a lot more interesting, so when i come up with backstory stuff for her, i definitely want to incorporate that!!
shadow: shadow’s backstory is obviously pretty well explained in canon but for additional stuff, see my development chart and ARK fic!
blaze: i have a whole fic of blaze basically just explaining my backstory for her to sonic over on AO3 called “tell me something nice”!!
silver: i definitely am a supporter of the idea that shadow is silver’s father. again, i have a comic (excuse the weird old silver design) sort of explaining this right here!!
rouge: i dont have that much for her either, but i hc that rouge grew up in a very poor household and began stealing just to survive, but she got addicted to the thrill of it. combine that with her love of jewels and all things shiny and you’ve got a masterclass jewel thief on your hands
that’s about it!! sonic is really the only who i’ve planned fully, everyone else is a little more vague. i’d love to hear other people’s hcs too!!! thanks for asking!
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nickgerlich · 4 years
Making Music
I love me some good music, and have been to far more than 100 concerts in my life. Nothing beats the energy that emanates from artists performing their craft, because it is a symbiotic relationship. We feed off them, and they feed off us. The ringing in my ears today is probably testimony to maybe a few too many concerts through the years, but I harbor no regrets. Those were good times, and I guess you could say I earned every decibel of the current discomfort.
For live music lovers everywhere, perhaps the greatest fallout of the COVID-19 era has been the cancellation of concerts and tours. I haven’t been to a concert since last December, when I made my annual trek somewhere to see Trans-Siberian Orchestra for the holiday season. Never mind that it was my 18th time to see them. They are that good, and I will do whatever it takes to enjoy another 2 1/2 hours of sonic bliss.
Bands and artists are in a world of hurt these days, because about the only ways to earn a living are through live performances and the merchandise sales that accompany them. There’s no money in streaming plays on Spotify, which amount to a fraction of one cent each time someone summons your tune. With revenue-earning opportunities nil, bands and artists have had to prove their agility like everyone else and try to find a way to make ends meet.
Like how Blackberry Smoke, Joe Bonamassa, and others have figured out by offering livestream events. No doubt they were inspired by this last summer’s Garth Brooks concert that streamed to 300 drive-in movie theaters across the country.
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Streaming events offer benefits to artist and fan alike. For example, a three-concert pass for Blackberry Smoke, at which the band will be playing three different sets across the fall season, is only $60. This is a bargain for someone like me, who would otherwise spend many hundreds, maybe even thousands, to travel a long distance just for a show. Add in the fact that no one is counting how many people will be in my living room, and this becomes the equivalent of packing a bunch of friends in the trunk of your car to go to the drive-in.
The artist has an opportunity to play before fans and sell merchandise, even though those sales will have to be online. Better yet, they do not have the expenses associated with a tour, such as the revenue share with the promoter, bus rental, driver, fuel, and everything else that goes with life on the road.
I must admit that Blackberry Smoke is one of my favorite bands, and Joe Bonamassa my favorite guitarist. I have seen Blackberry Smoke five times, including once in Amarillo and the balance all over the US, and Bonamassa also in Amarillo. They put on amazing shows, and while I love listening to their music on Spotify, it’s just not the same as hearing the ad libs and improvs that separate the studio from the stage.
And that may be the only disconnect between a livestream and a live concert. Even though Blackberry Smoke’s concert producer guarantees a front-row seat, my living room will never be the same as standing down in front and actually feeling the music being made. I don’t care how loud my system can go, it won’t be the same, and it will be like just another Zoom meeting.
Nice to see you, but it sure would be nice to shake your hand. Or least a fist bump.
I am sad that Trans-Siberian Orchestra completely scuttled their 2020 holiday concert tour, and did not (yet) announce a livestream Christmas event, because I would have gladly purchased it. With concert tickets more than $80 apiece, I’m sure I could have saved a ton of dollars for my family to enjoy a show at home, even if it isn’t quite the real thing.
As for Blackberry Smoke and Mr. Bonamassa, I will definitely pay my way for them to visit my big screen. It’s the best all of us can do right now.
And until the day is safe for us to party again, just keep making music. Because we all need something to sing about.
Dr “Can You Feel It?“ Gerlich
Audio Blog
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rainydawgradioblog · 4 years
a covidsation with august
Max Moore is a Vashon Island based artist, who just released stunningly ethereal album called Trust under the moniker August. Check it out-- ya won’t regret it! Thank you so much to Max for taking time to answer these questions and providing wonderful insight on this crisis and how we can all support each other!
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Lola Gil: Tell me about your project. How long have you been making music (as August, or otherwise)? Which artists are you most inspired by? How would you describe your sound?
Max Moore: i started making music under the name august only this year ! for a long time i have been searching for a project and creative space that felt both personal and truthful, it just happened to all come together with the release of my ep, trust, in february ! i have released music under many other names over the years as i experimented and dipped my toes into different sounds and styles, my first releases on the internet were from when i was like, 12 !!! as far as musical heroes, the list is long but at the top would be arthur russell, bjork, brian wilson, arca, nick drake, sophie, elliott smith, autechre, harry nilsson, burial ... i really could go on forever. i think a lot of people try to hide their true influences but i feel there is something sexy about putting it all out there and referencing them as would an author, filmmaker, painter etc. my "sound" these days seems to be quite amorphous, it really is shifting from minute to minute. i would like to think it would sound like some amalgamation of the artists i listed earlier but it's hard for me to tell. 
LG: How long was the process of making and producing your most recent album, Trust? How do you feel now that it’s out? Are you planning on releasing any new music soon?
MM: the process was looooong, like really long. i didn't release any music "seriously" for 3 or 4 years ! trust came out of a sudden, brief moment of clarity and surrender, as cheesy as that sounds. i was able to overcome a lot of the blockages i face in my creative process and just assemble this thing, and it just fell together ! i had all of these bits and pieces and sketches and ideas that never fully developed into anything, so i decided to compile them into one continuous piece of music. i was really into this idea of sonic miniatures or vignettes, short and sweet but with a depth that's only barely touched upon before moving on to the next. it was so incredibly therapeutic and wonderful to put it out into the world, so much support from friends and peers all around me. for now i'm still incubating but am hoping to see new music taking form this year :)
LG: As an artist, how have you been affected by COVID-19? You mentioned you had a handful of shows cancelled-- what has your experience been/what are your thoughts towards live streaming?
MM: like many artists in the community, i had a good handful of shows, contracted work, etc. canceled as a result of the virus. i am lucky enough to be in a position currently where i did not have to take a significant financial hit due to this (i work a day job at a record store & cafe) but i know many artists who now are struggling to make rent and stay safe through this pandemic. i think live streaming is a beautiful and special way for artists to connect with fans, especially in a time like this ! but there are so many aspects to a real, alive, performance that just can't exist in that digital space. for example, making friends and connections, selling merch, interacting face to face with fans, etc. though there is something beautiful about people from around the world being able to tune in to a livestream and make song requests, leave a nice comment, confess their love lol
LG: Apart from August, have you been involved in any other creative projects recently?
MM: recently i have been moving into more sound design work ! i was recording and mixing sounds for a play that was to run in june i believe, which just today was postponed until next year. that was my first *official* sound design job, i was really looking forward to it :(
LG: How have you been personally affected by COVID? What has your quarantine experience been like so far? 
MM: aside from being out of work, and not being able to connect with friends, i feel very privileged as i am with my family, in my home. i have had a lot of time to do things that normally i am barely able to squeeze into my day like journaling, going for walks, extensive music writing sessions, playing video games. i think a lot of us are facing serious anxiety and depression right now, so i am really prioritizing my mental health, and making sure my friends and family are well. also, this new animal crossing game really could not have come at a better time, i don't know where i would be right now without it to be honest. 
LG: What music have you been listening to recently? What has been your go-to quarantine album/song?
MM: in any times of crisis, confusion, sadness, happiness, really in any time at all i always turn to the same album: arthur russell's 'world of echo'. to me it is the perfect record, i aspire to make music that makes me feel the way that album does. it is a great listen if you need some time to reflect, or need something reflected back at you ! another favorite right now is bo en, he's done some incredible video game soundtracks (i'm playing through one right now called 'pikuniku', soooo sweet) and just has the most brilliant ideas. ooo and alice coltrane !!! special music only right now.
LG: Were there any spring shows that you were particularly looking forward to that got cancelled?
MM: i have been waiting to see arca in seattle since i was a sophomore in high school, and she announced a tour only a few weeks before all of this went down ! hopefully there will be a rescheduled date that i will be able to attend ... fingers crossed
LG: How do you think the Seattle/greater Seattle area music scene is going to shift post-COVID?
MM: i think coming out of this time we will see an enormous influx of events as we all recognize how special and necessary these sorts of things are. i know i will be so grateful to be able to run around and dance and meet up with friends, all of that good stuff. i am hoping that we will not forget these times though and can sustain that excitement, we really will need it moving forward. there will be many more bumps in the road and we need to be prepared (as a community) to address them together !!!
LG: In this era of social distancing, how do you think artists can support each other during these weird and difficult times? How do you think social media is facilitating and/or inhibiting connection within Seattle’s creative community?
MM: luckily thanks to the internet there are SO many ways to support our artist friends, if anybody is unsure of how to do so please reach out to me or any other artist, they will be so happy you asked ! whenever i can i try to purchase merch, support on websites like bandcamp where money goes (for the most part) directly to artists, and promote + support bipoc, trans, & queer artists. it never hurts to reach out, connection is so important to sustain any way possible right now. i think social media can be dangerous as far as connection goes, but right now i am seeing a lot of openness and offering of resources as we all wake up every day into the reality that there is this crazy virus taking over !!!!!! the internet and technology are completely shifting the direction of art and community, in some good ways and in some bad ways. we need to remember that social media is a tool and a resource firstly, and also that the people who designed these apps we use purposefully made them addicting, mostly through analyzing our own data and habits ! my hope is that as our brains gradually begin to adjust to these new devices and systems, we can let go of some of the isolation and anxiety that they bring up in us.
-Lola Gil
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