#something something the sky is fake?
cometrose · 30 days
hi. i’d like to hear your take on how the other archons represent or have moon symbolism to zhongli’s sun, if you don’t mind!
in genshin there’s a lot of lore scattered around and pieces waiting to be clicked together, and your post really makes ideas go off haha
sure, im not as read up on the other archons as I am with zhongli but there is still a lot to work with
In his trailers and cutscenes (e.i Xiao) we often see Venti with the moon
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You can also look into his style of archonhood and how he does not directly guide his people but rather lets them do as they want and times guides them from behind the scenes
He is not overt and direct like the sun but more subtle like the moon
This is going to be true for most of the archons but there is the fact that Venti's image is based off someone else. Venti looks like the nameless bard but that is not his true form.
Venti is a reflection of someone else, much like moon reflects the sun's light
Mondstadt literally means moon city
To others he can be very bubbly and outgoing but when he is around the traveler his calm more reserved sides come out.
Venti has connections to the god of time, Istaroth, and time one key themes of moon symbolism as the cycles and phases of the moon have been used to track time, seasons and life itself. (Did you know the phases in the spiral abyss are based off the 3 moon sisters which is why there are 3 versions of a spiral abyss before it resets?)
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First look at her design and her wish. She has a dark color palette, deep purples and reds and Inazuma, specifically Tenshukaku, in the background is covered in darkness
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In her domain and her trailer it is rainy, dark and thunderous
Ei's constellation, Imperatrix Umbrosa, translates to Empress of Shadows
She was literally Makoto's shadow (kagemusha)
To go further, Ei lived in the shadows of Makoto's light. The story tells us that Makoto was better at guiding humanity and understood humans much better. Makoto was the archon, Makoto was the one who was adored. Ei was the moon to Makoto's sun.
However, you could even say since Makoto and Ei are twins rather than sun and moon symbolism you could attribute Makoto and Ei to the light and dark side of the moon. Because of the way the moon rotates, from earth we only see one side of the moon at all times. Hence, Makoto was the light side of the moon that was leading Inazuma while Ei was the darker side that was never seen.
Then Ei hiding away in the plane of Euthymia for hundreds of years while her puppet ruled means that Ei once more lived in the shadow (or subconscious) of another being
Originally Raiden wished for an eternal and neverending Inazuma. She wanted nation that would not suffer from the change of time. However change, and new beginnings are signaled by the onset of dawn. Each new day begins with the sun rising so by yearning for an "Eternal Inazuma" it was a nation that never saw a new day or was always stuck in night.
Even though the war is over and she can freely mingle with her people Ei is rather reserved and prefers to keep to herself
Nahida has very direct moon symbolism.
Nahida directly refers to herself as the moon in Act II of the Sumeru Archon Quest and throughout the entire questline as a whole.
Similar to all of the other archons, Nahida is trapped in the shadows of Rukkhadevata.
Nobody cared for Nahida because Rukkha's glory and wisdom outshone her in every way (plus she was locked up in jail) even Nahida herself believed Rukkha was more shining and brilliant than her.
She even says in Act II after learning the sages have been acting behind her back that "In the end, I'm just the Moon. The real Sun is long gone."
Nahida's abilities and symbols are dreams, sleep and illusions. All of which are all connected to the moon and the night.
Nahida's character design. She is very white, and pale like the face of the moon. She looks like just a younger version of Rukkhadevata.
Although, Nahida comes to understand that she does not have to be like Rukkha or any other archon to be a good archon-she still has a long way to go. She is still a "small light" in Sumeru and it will take some time before she can shine as brightly as Rukkhadevata once did
Her wish looks like a big old moon doesn't it?
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Furina much like the others lives in the shadow of not only Focalors but indirectly Egeria
She is constantly trying to live up the glory of her predecessor (Egeria) but also the other archons.
Furina was forced to be in the spotlight. She shines brightly and strongly but that is not her own light. She is using the title as god and archon to be something she is not. In a sense, giving off light that isn't hers but merely reflecting the light of Focalors.
Just in basic symbolism, oceans, waves and tides are all usually connected to the moon, so the god of water is going to be connected to the moon.
Furina's "true" form her Ousia form which is dark and black in color while her "fake" form her Pneuma form is white and bright.
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Furina had no real power and to save Fontaine true divinity and power had to come from the original source (Focalors and ultimately Neuvillette)
Her true self lived in the shadows of the "Hydro Archon". Her true identity was a mystery until the trial.
When Furina leaves the spotlight and the curtains close and the lights dim was she finally able to be herself.
For example even when Arlecchino ambushes Furina it occurs in the dead of night when she assumes nobody is watching her anymore and she's allowed to be free for just a moment.
Furina's power and authority came from "others". She acted like an archon so we believed she was an archon. Much like how the moon "looks" like it produces light but really the light comes from the sun.
Furina is haughty and gaudy as an archon but as a human she far more relaxed and easy going. She doesn't have the striking confidence and dominance of the sun but a more gentle and refreshing aura to her.
Furina’s true light and beauty is when she can be herself or on the stage as a performer when she is no longer trying to be something she is not she because far more special.
A big part of why most of the archons have moon symbolism is simply because they are 1) not the original archon or 2) derive a significant portion of their life, legacy and or goals from someone else. In their lives there was a person who was the center of their life -their "sun". Whether or not the knew the person depends but these archons either embodied or idolized their ideals and appearance. As in they derived their light from someone else. Zhongli avoids this cause he doesn’t have a “twin” and he’s an original archon.
Character development and story progression have changed these characters appear and their respective symbols but I think you can safely argue that most of the archons have more ties to the moon than the sun.
The only exception I really see is Zhongli (you could argue Venti too sometimes) and the Pyro Archon due to the connections between flames and the sun.
But the Tsaritsa, on the other hand is very likely to have lots of moon symbolism. The only time we see her palace is in the dark of night, she's always commanding the Fatui to carry out her plans in secret, cryo -> ice -> winter -> dark -> night -> moon, plus the moon is tied to themes of romance and love she is the goddess of love etc. We can do this all day.
Nonetheless, moon symbolism connects to a multitude of themes such as femininity, shadows, time, darkness, eternity and renewal, love and mystery, divinity and gentleness etc. Many of these concepts appear in our archons and their storylines.
So of the archons we know Zhongli is the most sun-orientated (masculinity, power, strength, passion, clarity and knowledge, life etc) so far. It’s not like sun and moon traits don’t overlap so you’ll definitely see these characters embody different ideals but in my mind most of the archons represent the moon.
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tea-cat-arts · 11 months
If yall could reblog this with you're most insane or stupid piece of mihoyo game lore, that would be appreciated (if you have screenshots that would be extra appreciated). My friend asking if they should play genshin somehow devolved into me explaining the entirety of the honkai-verse. There's just only so much bs I can remember off the top of my head unprompted
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zytes · 11 months
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strange wind
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bumblingbabooshka · 11 months
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Tuvok's father in law, Sokarn-He.
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mbat · 7 months
i find it rly funny by the way that the talons of peace didnt even question the prophecy when they lost the sky egg. like i guess the prophecy doesnt specifically say 'the eggs listed will be the dragons who end the war' but i mean, its implied pretty heavily
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moszeel · 1 year
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Evil snake/bird lady *Explodes*
Sketch and inked versions under the cut
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I’m sorry if the image quality is bad I accidentally scanned the files as PDFs instead of PNGs so I had to take screenshots of the opened files. (I do not understand how file conversion works)
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vulturevanity · 3 months
Most of what I can picture in my mind and put on paper as art is a bit fuzzy and vague, as much vibe as picture. Except sometimes I am slapped with a mental image so vivid and clear it's like I'm looking straight at it and can see down to the most minor details. Which frustrates me so much because I know I won't be able to draw it like my brain is showing me. Which it wants me to, because it's shoving the idea on my metaphotical face very insistently.
What I mean is I am haunted by a muse that only shows up on rare occasion but is very annoying when she does give me something.
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aviul · 2 years
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even flying kids get tired sometimes
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kurokoros · 1 year
I’m finally finishing the Sumeru archon quests and everything about the “forbidden knowledge” is sus. 
It seems like everyone who attempts to obtain forbidden knowledge does so in an attempt to overthrow Celestia (or at the very least cut ties with the Heavenly Principles), so, at least in my opinion, it seems more like the forbidden knowledge itself isn’t causing disasters like the withering, those disasters are just a punishment from Celestia. We know that Khaenri’ah was a godless civilization that rejected Celesta and obtained forbidden knowledge, and then the country was destroyed by Celestia and the people were cursed to become monsters. Plus there are the Divine Nails sent by Celestia to “purify” or “heal” the land, but they’ve completely devastated the locations where they’ve been sent down and rendered them mostly uninhabitable.
Personally, I still think that Celestia is going to be the final antagonist of the game. So far, with every region that’s become playable, the archon questline has themes of the human population learning to rely less on their God, or learning to exist without them entirely. If the point of the game isn’t that Celestia needs to go, then I’m going to be a little confused.
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fortune-maiden · 2 years
Thinking about Cold Steel and it’s many writing problems and one of the most baffling ones to me is how the ILF’s actions are just kinda swept aside after a certain point because their leader ‘is our classmate and we’re bringing him home’
The ILF literally tried to nuke Crossbell at one point.
They did a lot of other things, but I feel like that Class VII should find at least that one a little concerning
#don't mind me having a moment#maybe C wasn't personally involved in that one but pretty sure he still would have signed off on it#i can't remember all of his appearances but I think he was definitely aware of the plot (and possibly had a scene with G discussing it?)#actually no given who they were targetting he was definitely a-okay with it#i just can't remember if him faking an appearance was in that chapter or the next one ^^''#anyway there are a lot of things wrong with cold steel's writing but Crow's treatment in particular drives me a little nuts ^^''#his whole situation should have been complicated but it was really forgive and forget#or really just forget. forgive implies they were ever mad at him in the first place#one really interesting thing they could have done was make rean's obsession with crow purely his own thing#while the rest of class vii was a lot more divided about it#instead of just a hive mind#actually so much in general with the writing could be fixed if class vii stops being a hive mind#i feel bad about ranting about cold steel so much but honestly i invested so much time and love into this series#and every new installment just made me want to scream into a pillow more#just... 5 games of incredible buildup completely wasted on 4 (or i guess 5) painfully drawn out and dubious to terrible writing#i've heard kuro was better received but at this point i'm probably just going to stick to the sprite games and nayuta ^^''#unless i start hearing that kuro is on par with sky/crossbell or something#because nothing will ever take my love of sky away from me!#and i generally never hear anything bad about crossbell#or at least nothing that cold steel didn't do worse anyway#(relationship values cough)#i just need to get cold steel rage out of my system once in a while xD#one of these days maybe i'll turn it into something productive
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saint-cecilias · 1 year
as per my yearly tradition
 mai's guiding themes for 2023: 
continue to stay 10 toes down. 
 fully trust the process. 
 romanticize the mundane 
 prioritize my peace of mind.
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lemememeringue · 2 years
last night was so rough my brain gave me a break and created an escapist fantasy
#mine#dream journal#I dreamt I was outside in the driveway just ambling#the sky was clear but I felt so normal in just regular clothes and no hat or mask#a woman and her small son walked up the cul-de-sac and explained they were new neighbours#I politely introduced myself w my current name and another neighbour from up the hill ran to greet us#she called me by an old nickname and it felt so good to hug her#I explained I was going by a new name now and she laughed amicably#more neighbours started joining and I excused myself to get grandma#I called out to everyone that we had new neighbours waiting and that a small crowd was forming#I felt a twinge of Something Is Wrong Here but shrugged it off#grandma came out to greet everyone and I cheerfully was back outside#children I didn't recognise frolicked in the backyard w me and cliff and we talked abt how they knew my sister who I didn't see around#I figured she was working. I didn't see lil bro either but I figured he was out front w grandma#I turned back to see grandpa walking toward me w mum not far behind. he said mum didn't hear my announcement#mum then powerwalked up beside me w that fake smile and grabbed my arm in that secret guiding grip#as we walked back inside I realised all the things that were Wrong in the timeline. the house was too uncluttered. the backyard was empty.#I didn't even see mum's car in the driveway.#mum whisper scolded me for once again going to ''someone else'' instead of her and smth smth ''I wish I'd never met your father''#''yeah me too'' I said#I tried to explain I didn't purposefully leave her out. I forgot she was there. I thought she was at work. at the army base#I tried to explain that just for a moment everything felt normal. it wasn't my fault for forgetting the last decade#I woke up as I kept thinking of more and more inconsistencies w the present reality#and I'm mad at myself for ruining my own escape
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luigra · 2 years
I think Grian has enough of a reputation that a super boss battle with him wouldn’t have the same ‘nobody in game would believe you’ feel that Sans's battle has. Joe also has a reputation, but if you say that Joe Hills defeated, people would first assume that it was a philosophical discussion or poetry battle.
Yeah that's why I'm torn, it has to be both someone not known for having hard boss vibes and someone with lots of lore to use, and while I could argue Joe's lore is just as incredibly mysterious and cool as whatever Grian has going on, on some level I realise most of that lore is just. My own headcanons nobody shares
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gonzodangerfeels · 1 month
I offer the most advanced trance sessions available. You just have to get past the operator. Other than that it's free and pretty fun.
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vellixor · 5 months
Shit, I just remembered, the trevail trailer said that the pyro archon will tell us a secret.
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louderfade · 5 months
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i swear they are trying to create the worst possible reality and they are succeeding. they are succeeding bc we let them.
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