#i feel bad about ranting about cold steel so much but honestly i invested so much time and love into this series
fortune-maiden · 2 years
Thinking about Cold Steel and it’s many writing problems and one of the most baffling ones to me is how the ILF’s actions are just kinda swept aside after a certain point because their leader ‘is our classmate and we’re bringing him home’
The ILF literally tried to nuke Crossbell at one point.
They did a lot of other things, but I feel like that Class VII should find at least that one a little concerning
#don't mind me having a moment#maybe C wasn't personally involved in that one but pretty sure he still would have signed off on it#i can't remember all of his appearances but I think he was definitely aware of the plot (and possibly had a scene with G discussing it?)#actually no given who they were targetting he was definitely a-okay with it#i just can't remember if him faking an appearance was in that chapter or the next one ^^''#anyway there are a lot of things wrong with cold steel's writing but Crow's treatment in particular drives me a little nuts ^^''#his whole situation should have been complicated but it was really forgive and forget#or really just forget. forgive implies they were ever mad at him in the first place#one really interesting thing they could have done was make rean's obsession with crow purely his own thing#while the rest of class vii was a lot more divided about it#instead of just a hive mind#actually so much in general with the writing could be fixed if class vii stops being a hive mind#i feel bad about ranting about cold steel so much but honestly i invested so much time and love into this series#and every new installment just made me want to scream into a pillow more#just... 5 games of incredible buildup completely wasted on 4 (or i guess 5) painfully drawn out and dubious to terrible writing#i've heard kuro was better received but at this point i'm probably just going to stick to the sprite games and nayuta ^^''#unless i start hearing that kuro is on par with sky/crossbell or something#because nothing will ever take my love of sky away from me!#and i generally never hear anything bad about crossbell#or at least nothing that cold steel didn't do worse anyway#(relationship values cough)#i just need to get cold steel rage out of my system once in a while xD#one of these days maybe i'll turn it into something productive
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The Philanthropist
It took everything in me to not break down into tears in the parking lot of Gage Enterprises and Investments Incorporated. To say that it had been a long four hours was as simple as saying the ocean was a large puddle. Technically, it was true. In the most basic stretch of the definition. But if I stopped, if I allowed everything to catch up to me, I would break, I would fall apart and crumble and I couldn't let that happen. I needed to do this. This was the last shot I had of still having a house in the morning.
My rust bucket of a 1991 Ford Mustang looked out of place beneath the shadow of the steel and glass building; not to mention it's companions were things that likely cost as much if not more than the dump I called home, I was just thankful that she hadn't decided to backfire or else someone would call the cops thinking I was here to rob the place. I looked around slowly, breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth. It was something I had seen on a Youtube ad about how to relax, and right here, now, of all times, I needed it.
The receptionist gave me a polite, but cold smile as I approached her rather large desk, with whom she shared it with two others. "Can I help you?" She asked in that polite kind of way that assumes you're lost.
I forced myself to not look down at what I was wearing, the pencil skirt and blouse were for work, but also so happened to be the best-looking things I owned and I had figured that though it wasn't perfect, it wouldn't hurt. "Yes," I took a long reassuring breath, in through the nose, hold three seconds, out through the mouth. "I am here to see Gage Harrison."
Her expression was plain, even though she did her best to hide the disbelief from her features. "He's the top floor," she indicated a row of elevators and I nodded my thanks, doing my best to swallow down all fear and trepidation and walk to the elevators as if I owned the place. Well, maybe not the place, but maybe some small modicum of dignity and self-worth. I could at least have that, right? I stepped into the rich walnut paneled box and the doors slid shut without a sound. Scanning over the buttons I found floor 43, the top floor, whispered a prayer, and pushed it. I started moving after a slight delay.
In the lonely confines of the elevator, with the distance from everyone, and the half a moment to breathe; everything crashed into me. Hard.
"What do you mean we got an eviction notice?" My voice had been louder than I meant, but the shock of it had caught me off guard as I had been getting ready for work. I pulled the paper close and started reading.
Carson, my husband, had looked distraught. "Baby look, I can explain." The writing was explaining it far better than he was, "I was hoping I could get the money together and pay it off before you noticed." Before I noticed!
"Where did the money that I gave you for rent go?" I had a really, really bad feeling though the rest of the stupidity of what he said taking a second to register, "And where were you supposed to get the money from?"
He reached out to touch me and I felt his hand on my cheek, I almost wished he was angry too, I felt so helpless when he was pathetic like this. Like I wasn't allowed to be angry at him; when he was yelling back, I at least felt justified. "I," he hesitated, pulling his hand away and scratching the back of his neck. "I was doing really good last Saturday with the guys," I knew what was coming, but still, I naively kept hoping I was wrong, "I thought," he hesitated again, "I figured that I could win big and give you that new dress you've been wanting so badly." He didn't exactly fess guilt to his spending the rent money but this had happened often enough that I knew what had happened. "And I've been trying to get the rest back, so then you wouldn't get angry." Ah, because this was my fault I got angry that he had just 'lost' six hundred dollars. "That's why I didn't tell you, Jake said they're doing double the stakes tonight, I figured I could win it back, and pay it off before you even knew what was happening."
"Carson," it took everything in my power to not yell at him but the pathetic look in those big green eyes had me just sighing and shaking my head. He came up to me, a large man, he limped slowly on a leg that had been shattered in the prime of his life.
He wrapped his arms around me, "I'm so sorry Tess, I didn't ever mean to stress you out." I hugged him back, though I felt cold. It was just the anger, the pain of him lying to me, again.
"It's alright, I'll figure something out." I didn't know what, but, I would at least try.
I dropped Hannah off at school, hard to believe the munchkin had just started kindergarten this year. Her brother, Jeremy, was at home still, my mother-in-law, Sarah, had said she'd take care of him today since I needed to scrape together every penny to try and get rent together in less than twenty-four hours and had decided that forgoing the babysitter would help some, besides, it would be a nice visit for Sarah and Carson.
An hour after that, I was sitting in the mall parking lot and staring off into nothing. The bank wouldn't loan us the money. Even the quick-loan wasn't giving us money and I had always been led to believe that they gave money to anyone. I didn't know what else to do, I could get together a couple hundred, but this was our third miss, I didn't really blame Karol, she was trying her best and she had already been more than generous as tempting as it was to blame her, blame anyone really, for my problems. I didn't know what else to do. It's not like we could afford anywhere else, between a damage deposit, first month's rent, and a place that accepted Randy, I was seriously out of luck.
"It's a shame that Gage is too much of a royal prick and would never give money to anyone in need or I'd suggest him." Sarah ranted when I called her to ask what I should do.
I had only met the younger Harrison boy once; it was when Carson and I had gotten married. I had only been introduced to the man in passing, and the way he stood apart from everyone I figured he had been simply a long lost relative or friend that Carson had invited out of guilt or obligation. Never would I have suspected that this man was a brother. Though I did get an earful later when I had asked who he was. "He's my younger brother," Carson had spat, sounding angry and bitter, "gone off to business school like he's somehow better than us. Fool don't know shit even if smacked him in the face, you watch, he'll come crawling back and beg for a place among us and I'll shut him out just like he did us." After hearing the rage, and the chewing out I got after simply asking if he had an email I could contact him by, I had left the topic alone.
I had looked him up, with shaking fingers, on the free WiFi hotspot by the library. Gage Harrison, owner, and CEO of GEII, a multimillionaire. Parents and brother were listed in the Wikipedia article. Parents are Sarah and Parker Harrison, older brother of Carson Harrison married to Tessiah, children of Hannah and Jeremy. Honestly, it was a bit creepy to have this much known about me on the internet where just anyone could find it. If they had included my pittie Randy I would have flipped a gasket. Not sure why that would have sent me over the edge given that they already seemed to know more about me than was comfortable.
The ding of the elevator dragged me back into reality and I looked into the smooth glass panel and swore. I had been crying, and it was painfully obvious that I had been. Stepping aside, I took a few seconds to dab at my eyes and clean up some of the mascara that had flowed down my cheeks. Even on my dark complexion that was still terribly obvious. Not to mention it only took a good look to see that my eyes were swollen and bloodshot. Yes. I indeed look like a crazy bitch. All well, it's all I had.
I stepped out into a beautiful sunlit space, the ceiling had to be at least fifteen feet up. I stopped and looked around in sheer awe. Massive panes of glass stretched floor to ceiling, the floor was a brilliant black marble with gold sparkles that glowed in the afternoon sunlight. It reflected on itself causing glowing constellations across the walls, all tastefully paired with comfy looking black leather, black wrought iron, and glass, It had been perfectly put together, providing comfort but also commanding attention. I would know, I had been taking interior design courses before I had gotten pregnant with Hannah and I had dropped out to marry Carson and care for her.
I froze mid-step when I realized I wasn't alone. An older woman sat behind a desk at the far end of the room though she was smiling kindly. I went over, a bit hurried and she smiled kindly, "I still catch myself staring at all the reflections too. They move like smoke throughout the day." I could only imagine, though I still flushed furiously, like a child that had been caught doing something naughty. She smiled, "I'm assuming you're here to see Mr. Harrison, but he's on a call right now, would you like to sit and maybe have some refreshments?" She indicated the plush looking leather chairs and a coffee maker, water, and what looked to be a kettle and an assortment of teas. "I can't see him being much longer than a half hour." She smiled, warm and kind, I liked her immediately.
"Thank you," I trailed off and looked over her desk and flushed more.
"Wendy." She provided with even more warmth in her smile.
"Thank you Wendy." I smiled, relaxing slightly and went over and poured myself a mug of the hot bitter coffee and added a few sugars and cream. I needed the caffeine. I didn't even pull out my phone from my purse, I had told no one I had come here, given the horrific reaction I had gotten after the wedding, I figured that this was best done without knowledge from anyone. Ever.
Instead, I simply contented myself on walking around the room, impressed how the deep turquoise green color of the room lent itself to brightening the space rather than making it seem smaller. Though to be honest it was likely due to the space being massive already. It was easily a thousand square feet, complete with what looked to be like a conference area, complete with a carved ebony table that likely cost more than some of the cars outside. I knew because I had drooled over one at a studio once, the wood color was rich and warm, very close to my own skin tone, which made it all the more appealing to me. I couldn't help but reach out and smooth my fingers over the polished surface. It was warm from the sun, hard, but with that softness that wood held that was different than metal or glass.
I felt him before I saw him. Raw power. That was the only way to describe what I felt coming off him as I looked up at his approach. He was a tall man, though a couple inches shorter than his older brother I could see the family resemblance in the jaw, the shape of the eyes, and the way the eyebrows arched. Still, he held a predatory grace that definitely made me notice him, an innate confidence that had him knowing his place in the world and that he was content in it. His suit hugged a body that was lean and muscular and a flash on his right hand indicated a ring as it caught the light. His smile was warm, though it didn't quite reach eyes that were a deep hazel and moss. "Tessiah," my voice sounded exquisite on his tongue, rich and cultured, "it's been a while, please, come in."
I followed him past Wendy, who smiled at us both, and through the large walnut double doors and into a beautifully furnished office space. Large and airy it held a pair of the same leather chairs, a small table that looked like it should collapse under its own weight, a rather well-stocked dry bar, a massive kidney shaped ebony desk that was neatly organized of papers and a charming, old fashioned, rotary phone, and a laptop that held a slideshow of far off places. Would you like something more to drink?"
I shook my head, given that I had been drawn in by the design of the place I still had three-quarters of a cup of coffee. "Have to drive home still." I offered an explanation. He nodded his understanding and pulled out one of the leather chairs slightly, sitting, he tucked me in like a true gentleman before he went, found himself a tumbler, a bottle, and poured himself a couple fingers of amber ambrosia before coming over and sitting across from me. It smelled potent but sweet. He took an appreciative sip and closed his eyes slowly as he rolled the flavors on his tongue.
"So, how are the kids?"
I was startled, I was expecting to get straight down to business and my begging him for money but I smiled at the thought of Hannah and Jeremy. "They're good," I sipped my coffee, "Hannah started kindergarten this year."
He let out a long breath and smiled, "I hadn't realized it had been so long. I bet you're thrilled."
I was. "And frightened," I confessed. "Most of her classmates are white, and though it isn't an issue now, I worry about her when she's older." He nodded sympathetically and I continued. "She loves it though, keeps on saying she wants to adopt Mrs. Kinsmith to be a third grandmother."
Gage snorted a soft laugh, "I'm surprised she's still alive." I raised an eyebrow and he smiled, "she was around when I went to school, was still old then too."
I laughed. "Yeah, she's still there, and grumpy too." And slowly, I started talking about Hannah and Jeremy and before I realized it, and two cups of coffee later, it had been an hour and I felt nearly human again. He truly was a miracle worker. I felt like I wasn't taking on the world anymore, that maybe I wasn't alone in facing this all myself. That if I didn't exactly have an ally I at least had someone that I could talk to. "Thank you," I let out a long breath, "really, I needed that."
He nodded in answer and I could see the veil slide into place. "So, why were you sent? I thought they finally got the point."
I frowned at him entirely confused, "What? Who?"
"Carson, or his parents. All have come several times." I could hear the bitter fury in his tone though he did his best to hide it. I wouldn't think about it until I was driving home that he hadn't claimed any of them as family. "Asking me for money, begging for money, telling me that I owe it to them." His eyes were hard and flat as he stared at me, marbles held in his skull. "So, which of them sent you here looking for money?"
I swallowed, a bit fearful now but I answered honestly, I had a feeling he wouldn't be made a fool. "None of them," I took a long breath and forced it out after he raised his eyebrow. "I came by myself, I didn't know where else to turn," it all came in a rush, a painful wave that had tears trickling down my cheeks again, "no one will lend us money, not the banks, not the quick-lenders, no one. Even Sarah and Parker don't have the money. Carson gambled away our rent money and we're going to be evicted tomorrow unless I can get my hands on twenty five hundred dollars to cover rent."
"Of course they don't have the money," his growl was feral, "would be helpful if Carson worked a god damn day in his life and Parker could hold down a job more than a few weeks."
I sniffed back tears and gratefully took the tissues he handed me and patted my eyes dry again before looking back at the arrogant asshole. "That's harsh." His eyes were spitting fire and I met it, "Parker can't hold a job down because no one respects him," I didn't rise to the bait as he snorted disdainfully, "As for Carson, you know he was in for a scholarship and championship if he hadn't been in that car accident that shattered his leg."
I glared at the arrogant prick that had the audacity to laugh. "Oh, yes, Mr. Golden Boy had it all lined up for him, didn't he?" He looked at me and I could practically feel the rage flowing off him, "He was so picture perfect, could get coasted on by through grades because he was so great, everyone was so proud of him, he would become so much." He snorted and glared at me like it was my fault, "So Mr. Golden Boy goes out, tries for training camp and you know what happened?" I shook my head, helpless before the onslaught of his anger, "Mr. Precious failed!" He didn't even sound gloating, just pissed, "he goes out drinking, ran a stop sign in front of one Becca O'Reilly, who so happened to be killed instantly. On her way to a date, a date who had no idea what was going on because this was before the age of cell phones."
A tear slipped down his cheek and it all slammed home with a sharp, vicious clarity. "She was coming to see you?" My voice broke on the whisper, as if it held all the secrets of the universe.
"It doesn't matter," it did, a lot, it had crushed this man before me, "but since he was the crushed football star who could never play again, he got all the attention, he got all the sympathy; not some pathetic drama student the rest of the world couldn't give a shit less about." He glared at me and I could see the pain, the self loathing, and the complete hatred for his own brother.
"I'm sorry I brought up such terrible memories, I had no right. I'm so sorry." I got up, stumbling as I blinked back tears as I went to leave when a soft voice stopped me.
"You still need the money," it cracked slightly and I turned back to watch him pull himself together with a strength that awed me. If not for the bloodshot eyes, I would never have guessed that I just ripped apart this man's soul.
"I'll get it some other way." I couldn't even look into his eyes for long, guilt stabbing me through the heart.
He shook his head, "There is no other way Tessiah, you and I both know that." He looked at me hard, "I'll give you five thousand dollars on two conditions." I blinked at him stupidly, not even following for a heartbeat, "one, you keep it away from Carson." I nodded, I didn't plan on trusting him with money again, "two," the slow smile that formed was all kinds of evil, "you come with me, alone, for a week long vacation in Mexico to get, acquainted."
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