#somehow ur fam always finds a way to call u in a way that no one of ur friends would
ryllen · 1 year
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sick bachelor headcanon [x] where being a burden by getting taken care of is weighing his mind a lot
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icarussometimes · 1 year
alright i’ll bite. what are your (wrong and incorrect <3) batfam hair headcanons
uhhh okso. goddamn this is gonna be long, here is a cut for your health and safety <3
bruces hair has been 100% the same 100% of his life. maybe he had it like a little longer for like a year when he was 20 but that was IT. back to default right afterwards. hes like the settings ur videogame character is on when u open up customization
dick is fortunately a bit more interesting. he had the cute floppy little boy haircut until he was in like his mid teens and then he was like imma grow it out and he did. by the time discowing era rolled around it was LONG long, and he did in fact have a short but traumatic (mainly to bruce, poor man) period with a mullet. post-discowing he figured out what to do with it and settled into a style around shoulder length with lotsa layers so it does that 80s shag surfer rockstar thing. he was later a firm supporter of the covid era shag/wolf cut revival. looks fucking stunning, no doubt he is the supermodel of the fam. chefs kiss
jasons hair is curly (!! i am very particular about this! he has curls) and was pretty short before he met bruce, for easy keeping, and that obviously all the same length sorta look where u can tell it was buzzed at some point. when he’s robin obviously hes got the heart bangs and is just adorable all around. the one thing ur right about is that it gets long when he’s in zombie mode and they shave it in the league. i think in his red hood era he learns to cut his own hair and experiments with lotsa fun stuff like punk hairstyles and shaved sides and at one point a little mini mullet which he somehow pulls off. once or twice he probably bleaches the not-white-streak parts of his hair to try to make it blend in, and goes thru all the weird growing out stages after that. its an all around fun time, and he pulls off way more weird hairstyles than he has any right to tbh
tims hair is very very straight and for most of his childhood and early teen years its in a pretty basic short sides long top sorta cut, low maintenance and fine-looking. he dyes it blue once when hes like 14 and that’s the only time he ever does anything intentional and interesting with his hair, because to him it’s pretty much just a chore. when all the red hood shit starts going down theres a period where he goes full what-is-self-care mode for, like, many months and thus his hair grows out enough for like a tiny scruffy ponytail. its like very badly taken care of tho bc my boy doesnt have TIME to shower, bruce, youre not my REAL dad. once jason and damian both mostly stop trying to murder him on sight, he starts taking care of his hair, but i firmly believe that (for a while at least) he decides not to cut it. YES long haired tim. fight me. i think it’s almost always up, in various buns and braids, and dami and the girls (steph and cass, i mean) really love it which tim finds utterly baffling. but my boy needs to be loved more. cass calls his hair beautiful and he turns into a puddle of goo and doesnt stand up for like 2 days
dami keeps his hair short (not buzzed, but short) while in the league, and when he moves to gotham there’s a period of a couple months where he decides to try to be mini bruce. but bruces hair is kinda hard to recreate and looks a bit silly on him, and also every single one of his family members wont stop MUSSING IT so eventually he gives up and learns to tolerate his normal (if spiky) tweenage hair.
steph is our token blonde but we love her. i think she was one of those girls who decided at like 9 that she wanted to grow her hair out REALLY long, and was like moderately successful at it to the chagrin of most adults in her life (because long hair is SO HIGH MAINTENANCE). not long before her tenure as robin she gets sick of it and chops it to like,,,, idk, armpit length? yeeah. and later in her teens she has a whole cycle (or two) of bangs, she flipflops like weekly on whether she likes the way bangs look on her or not. she usually does them herself, and (everyone but her knows) she rocks them every time
cass i think had longer hair when she was doing the assassin gig, mainly ao it could be tied back, but as soon as she had more agency she went “nope” and chopped it to her normal short bob and has kept it that way ever since.
the one other thing u were right about i think is that duke has had the same hair his entire life, that just sounds correct lmao
anyways thats it, totally open to debating with you but just know that i am correct <3
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mizunetzu · 4 years
hi!! i just found your blog and i may or may not have binged all the fics 😼😼 i was wondering if you could write a dabi or hawks x male reader where the reader is a rly gentle and kind barista and dabi/hawks is just wHIPPED for him? i think thatd be mad cute 👉👈
Headcannons - Dabi and Hawks whipped for their local barista
⚠️Warnings - kidnapping (dabi)
Pronouns - male, he/him
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Ok so like hear me out
At first
you didn’t catch this mans eye
In fact, he didn’t go to the coffee shop you worked at much because yknow...villain...
But it was late at night one day yk
And mans was like “oh boy, i sure am thirsty after committing homcide and robbery”
N the first place he sees
Dun dun dun
Is the 24 hr coffee shop you worked at HAHAHA
So he goes in, preparing to like-idk, threaten ur life for a cup of coffee or smth mean n whatnot
The door bell rings, and you turn around and give him the KINDEST MOST GENTLE-EST SMILE HES EVER SEEN
As a villain, and just someone who looks out of the ordinary in general, he never got much of that
Mans usually isn’t at a loss for words but HE IS NOW
Instead of threatening you for a cup of coffee, he actually orders like a normal person
He’s the only one in the cafe since it’s so late, and you had the late night shift lucky you
He sat in the corner with his coffee in silence, occasionally stealing glances at you sweeping the floor or counting the money in the register
what was this foreign feeling in his chest whavabwhshs
He didn’t notice when you walked up to him
mans almost roasted you alive
“Are you doing okay? Do you want a refill?”
He wasn’t really thirsty anymore but he did get a refill because he wanted to stay and watch you work some more like a creep
Yeah, one refill turned to three and he ended up talking to you for the rest of the night AWW
He was honestly suprised you didn’t know he was a villain, with the dark coat and scars and stuff
He ended up buying more coffee to take back to the league with the money he stole HAHAHA
Toga, sipping on her third coffee: yo why u buy so much damn
Dabi: 🤠
He started coming over more and more in the dead of night, on the days you worked which he totally didn’t find out by sneaking into the back room of the cafe and checking the schedule
You, somehow, didn’t find it suspicious that he’d always visit whenever you worked
One day, on one of the numerous times he’s visited, you mentioned how you used to be a bartender before switching over to being a barista
Something just...clicked
He’s a villain, right? Why’s he going so far to appeal to you, when he could just kidnap you and convince you to join the league?
So he did just that
You woke up in their weird club bar room hideout, tied to a chair with dabi and a few unfamiliar faces
Dabi lowkey felt bad (even for him) because even though you were literally just kidnapped, you gave him one of those heartwarming smiles
Even if it was a bit scared and forced, and probably a coping mechanism out of fear
“Look I ain’t gonna hurt you, dude. You’re one of my favorite people, so I’m offering you a deal.”
“Shut the fuck up, Toga.”
Dabi nudged the girls side.
A girl with blond hair and a school girls uniform pointed a knife at you. You flinched and dabi kept talking
“You said you used to be a bartender, right? I’m sure you can help this guy out behind the counter. Join us.”
Dabi motioned at Kurogiri. He waved, LMAOO
“Join me...please”
As scared as you were, you couldn’t deny the fact you had a soft spot for this scarily intimating man who’d sit in the corner and sip coffee everyday at work
Hell, sometimes (all the time LNAJS) you joined him and you’d talk for hours
And hearing this guy say “please” for the first time?
You nodded slowly, and dabi smiled
It was a nice smile, even if it was a bit scary
How could you possibly refuse?
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Since he wasn’t yknow...fucking iilegal and a villain, he came by to your coffee shop during the day
He was workin, caught and turned in a villain yk the usual
And he was kinda far away from his house, n he was gettin kinda hungry
He was flying around the city, when he spotted your lil coffee shop
Well, it wasn’t really a coffee shop, more like a food stop that so happens to sell coffee n drinks aswell
And hEY
you just opened up too, it was a relatively new place
My mans hawks supporting new & local businesses <3
He goes in right
He sees yakitori on the menu and goes :D
So he goes to order
“Hi Mister! What can I do you for?”
I think the main reason hawks was drawn to you was the fact you didn’t treat him like a celebrity and kissed his ass n whatnot, mainly bc you didn’t really keep up nor care about the trending hero’s and stuff (no offense to hawks and none taken)
He choked on his yakitori when you walked up to his lil table and asked for a picture for ur grandpa (who was a BIG fan, unlike you)
He kept going out of his way to visit ur shop frequently even though he lived preeeeetty far off
I mean mans has wings so it ain’t a problem but-
This simp-
He doesn’t show up in his hero outfit (unless he’s coming from patrol) so you didn’t really see him as “Hawks the hero”, more like “Keigo, the man who has stupid endeavor shorts and likes yakitori”
It’s really sweet he shows up in stupid graphic shirts and sweatpants he looks comfy-
He openly flirts with you, and at first you laughed and smiled because you didn’t wanna be rude (it still did things to Keigos heart)
but then
Ur laughs n smiles when he drops a stupid pickup line? They real
The way you offer to take over ur coworkers shifts just to see if Hawks stops by? It’s love just admit it
The totally unfair discount you gave him on yakitori, not mentioning the way you know how Keigo prefers it by heart? Just ask him out already DAMN
You two didn’t have any personal info on eachother, no numbers, emails, hell, Keigo didn’t know your first name (in Japan, you don’t really go by first names unless ur with fam or close friends yk?)
So when you nervously hand him his box of yakitori one day?
Hawks is like 🤠👍?
He opens it and sees:
“(Xxx)-xxx-xxxx -call me, and maybe we can, I don’t know, go out on a date and get to know each other more, yakitori-kun? ~(Y/n)
So ur first name was (Y/n), huh
He looks over at you, hiding ur face and sneaking glances at him while ur coworkers stiffing snickers and nudging ur side
you bet ur ass hes calling u later and saving ur contact as “My yakitori man (Y/n) ✨❤️”
Thank y’all for 700, by the way !! I love you all !!
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szivtalan · 4 years
character ask: kagami, momoi, alex and himuro 👀👀👀
!!! omg thank u Ceru! u might be one of my favorite mutuals <33 (putting this under a read more just so I can speak at lengths about each individual character)
Why I like Kagami: this is where I sarcastically ask “why DON’T i like him” but that’s literally the next question so; he’s everything i want to be and more. He has the determination and the willpower to make his own dreams come true, he’s gay as shit, he’s tall and buff and well-adjusted, mature enough to live on his own at an annoyingly young age, he’s funny and dumb and a total himbo as well as an excellent advisor bc of how grounded he is.
Why I don’t: I’m... not really good with explosive people. Violent men with loud voices especially scare me, and I’d think I’d flinch around him a lot and that would make me rlly anxious.
Favorite episode: it’s a toss-up between the Seirin fam visiting his place for the first time (is it where Kuroko confesses his love to him and then passes out in his arms? idk), and the onsen episode. I also loved all his plays against Kise and Aomine. AND the training camp w him running a lot in the sand.
Favorite season/movie: season 2 probably because he’s not a jerk anymore, but he’s still on his way to shed off any asshole behavior stuck to him. And I actually liked Last Game?
Favorite line: “There’s no such thing as useless effort.” and “This is our drama and we write the plot.” because he’s so ridiculous.
Favorite outfit: all of his casual fits... comfy but manly is my Jam
OTP: AoKaga....they’re truly soulmates, star-crossed lovers, canonically brought together by fate.
Brotp/otp no. 2: KagaKuro, I love them
Head Canon: I have several collections because I think too much about this boy, but here’s something I think about his family: he doesn’t know what happened to his mom. He never asked, because it wasn’t relevant, and he didn’t want to inconvenience his dad by questioning him. Occasionally, as a kid he felt like he was missing out on something (seeing other kids with their moms, feeling like they’re being treated with much more gentle care because they have moms), but as he grew older he realized that nurturing behavior shouldn’t have been limited to only a mother, and that he was just straight up neglected without any regards to missing a parent in his life.
Unpopular opinion: I never realized this was an unpopular opinion but I’m glad he went back to America at the end of Last Game. Obviously, it’s sad that he had to separate from the others, but I felt like Japanese basketball has always been just a stepping point to him, and now that he’d beat the best of them, it was time to move on. And it also warms my heart that him getting scouted in the US gave Aomine hope to aim big, too. I felt like both of them would’ve felt trapped in Japan with their skill sets.
A wish: I want him to be happy and gay and to confront Himuro and tell him how hurt he was by how he treated him and probably do the same to his dad too
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: ....whatever I’d say Shinsun has probably written it/will write it, but I don’t want him to forget about the GoM just because he becomes a world-famous athlete.
5 words to best describe them: sweet child with anger issues
My nickname for them: not mine (it’s Sypha’s) but “Kags”, Kagami, Tigerboy, Kagababe, Baby
Why I like Momoi: she is SO nurturing and sweet and she cares so much about her boys!! I’m sorry it always turns into “how they remind me of myself” but actually I get feeling like a background character and being the moral/emotional/physical support of those who are more talented or in any way better than you. I feel a strange kind of kinship with her and also,,, feminine girls make my heart stop, and it doesn’t get more feminine than Momoi. Added: Aomine aside, the Touou team wouldn’t worth shit without her skills tbh, and she’s not in any way less than the GoM. Also, I appreciate her being the one person to try to keep their friend group together.
Why I don’t: Analytical People Scare me like!! how do u know stuff people are Unknowable!! I usually am also irked by her pointing out Riko’s breast size but I can just pretend that’s in a gay way (maybe Momoi likes girls with small boobs and she’s just bad at flirting) (also I don’t exactly liked her calling Aomine a “ganguro” but I have too little knowledge on the use of this word to say exactly why)
Favorite episode (scene if movie): uh the one where Aomine made her cry? It really came through how much love she actually has for her friends at that one.
Favorite season/movie: she was great in all of them!!
Favorite line: I can’t remember the exact quote and Google isn’t really helpful either but the one where she made Kuroko promise they’ll always play together or something? Or that they’re gonna beat Aomine?? idk?
Favorite outfit: I like all of them but mostly I just appreciate her wearing so many hoodies, she looks so cute in them
OTP / Brotp: it’s both AoMomo. I feel like the have the most special and strongest bond in the entire series.
Head Canon: She’s never been shown to do, but I feel like she wears Aomine’s clothes a Lot. Also, they definitely have sleepovers To This Day.
Unpopular opinion: Momoi is good at basketball and she loves playing!!! But try being successful in it when ur opponents are Giants and Way More Buff than you are
A wish: I wish people appreciated her more!! Both in fandom and in canon. She’s an amazing person and she has her own skills and strengths that are rarely explored or even mentioned anywhere.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: her falling out with her boys ;-; I do not want that
5 words to best describe them: strawberry sweetheart to steal ur heart
My nickname for them: Satsuki :> I feel like it’s a little too much to call characters on their first names sometimes but hers is so cute I can’t
Why I like Alex: yet again another woman with an extensive skill set. I love her persistence and again I appreciate getting disillusioned and finding your way back to the thing you love. Also it’s just sweet that she did that by teaching (again, something I can relate to)
Why I don’t: the whole “kissing children” thing rubbed me the wrong way but again, just like Momoi’s obsession with comparing breast sizes, it’s just bad/sexist writing from Fujimaki probably
Favorite episode (scene if movie): adshg any and all where she expressed that Himuro and Kagami are equally important to her <33 that shit makes my heart burst
Favorite season/movie: she only appears towards the end of s2 and in s3 so... I guess s3?
Favorite line: its so Bad that u literally can’t find the iconic quotes of these iconic ladies anywhere but... her story on finding her passion again through teaching kids, and anytime she mentions her fondness of Kagami and Himuro.
Favorite outfit: her iconic olive green coat with the short red shorts... wtf was that I loved it.
OTP: she doesn’t really interact with people her age but I’ve heard she’s shipped with Masako Araki and I’ve seen some seriously good fanarts and like... Yes Good I’d Love To See It
Brotp: I feel like her and Himuro would be that sassy pair that Kagami tries and fails to contain and they get into all sorts of weird, absurd situations asdjs what I’m trying to say is Kagami has to bail them out of jail from time to time
Head Canon: fck me if I’m wrong but she’s the lesbian single mom of the two gay kids she reluctantly adopted from the streets
Unpopular opinion: it’s more like another headcanon, but she can dunk and she taught Kagami how to do it.
A wish: I’d love her to coach the Seirin fam more!! Pls let her be part of her children’s lives (she could also judge streetball games between the goms it would be fun)
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: anything about her being romantically involved with her pupils makes me.................no
5 words to best describe them: Beautiful Beach Blonde Basketball....goddess
My nickname for them: Alex!! sometimes An Icon
Why I like Himuro: em dash Asdgsdj I’m joking, I’m becoming more and more fond of the boy. Once I realized that he shouldn’t have been the “bigger person” in that situation and one year doesn’t really mean much when you’re that young and that hurt, I realized he’s actually a good and hard-working kid and I’m sorry for giving him so much shade. Also I really like his snark and sass, but that might not even be canon at this point tbh
Why I don’t: I’m still sort of irked by him beating down on Kagami because he was envious/mad, but I realized the aspect of that situation that Really got to me was how devoted Kagami still was to him after all that. That devotion was what felt toxic, nothing that Himuro actually did to him.
Favorite episode (scene if movie): the time they met up w Kagami just to exchange a dramatic socially distancing bro fist and a few encouraging words.... gays be Like That
Favorite season/movie: I really didn’t mind s3 Himuro
Favorite line: apparently he’s said some iconic stuff that I don’t remember (and my sources don’t seem really legit) but I’m gonna say “let’s see you become number 1, bro” because again, that’s just so ridiculous and endearing. On one hand he really went from loathing Kagami to rooting for him and wanting him to reach his full potential and on the other, honey ur  like 17 stop speaking like That
Favorite outfit: his knitted V-neck sweaters and the black coat with the white fur.... boy’s got all the fashion sense that’s missing from Kagami
OTP: can I say.....AoHimu asdfh I ship 3/4 of these characters with Aomine what does that say about me
Brotp: KagaHimu. They can be sweet, but I’ve only ever seen Jake write them really well
Head Canon: I’ve been entertaining the idea of....trans Himuro.....
Unpopular opinion: everyone thinks that Kagami is the violent kid and Himuro is the chill, sweet child who’s somehow wound up with this mess of a fiery tiger, but it’s actually Himuro who taught Kagami how to fight and Kagami learned quite a lot of aggression from him
A wish: I feel like Himuro should’ve gotten a separate episode to explore his thoughts, feelings and past. He had so much potential as a character Is2g
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: him quitting basketball would fucking destroy me. I’d be devastated for others too, but it would really pull on my heartstrings if he just dropped the only thing he’s been so passionate about.
5 words to best describe them: gender-non-conforming emo child
My nickname for them: Himu, Tatsuya, Tatsu
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chaoticslinkys · 4 years
Random Headcannons
-nobody ever tries to mess with you especially after Spinel and Spince launched the last idiot who tried something on you into the pier after making him piss his pants
-they found caffeine one day and it was absolute chaos (you don’t know how beach city is even standing with both of them there) Spince got stuck in the pinball game at the arcade while Spinel got stuck in the whack a mole game(don't ask how she doesn't even know)
-You think Spinel flirting with you sends you into a panic, well you have two now following you around giving you pet names( they somehow come up with new ones everyday) main ones although include doll, toots, sugar, sweetheart, and baby doll
-Spince’s main pet name for you is sweets while Spinel’s main is doll
-Those two are ridiculously jealous when it comes to you, if anyone tries hitting on you they’ll immediately wrap you up and hold you between them kissing you on the cheek before they glare at whoever was flirting with you
-They even get jealous with each other, like you can be sitting in Spince’s lap and he’ll be giving Spinel a smug look while she’s glaring at him, they try to make the other jealous all the time ( it took you awhile to catch on but now when one of them pisses you off you join in on the game, you do it on purpose just to mess with them too)
-THEY FUCKEN PURR, you found out the first night you slept with them, they had fallen asleep first and when you were falling asleep you felt them rumbling before you realized they were purring now you find different ways to make them purr (head scratches, cuddles, kisses, practically any form of affection)
-They love when you play with their hair so whenever their home they keep their hair loose they only ever tie it up when they have to leave the house or when your not around
-If u ever have to leave to go somewhere without them for long periods of time (like a week trip to visit fam or something) you always leave something of value so they know your coming back and a piece of clothing (like your hoodies)that they can wear while ur gone, you got them phones for these specific instances (and to track em but they don't need to know that how u find out about their pranks) so they call u everyday and u guys send each other pics throughout the day too. When u come back they grab you while screaming “CUDDLE TIME” to make up for the days they couldn't hold ya
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mistymark · 5 years
the one with the annotations.
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dong sicheng x reader // 3.7k words // masterlist // send requests here
summary; in which sicheng keeps writing in the books at the library and it should be obvious but that’s,,, not,,, allowed???
warnings: none its just fluff, theres some humour if u like,, squint
requested; yes :D - “Enemies to lovers 👀 with sicheng? Love your writing btw 💕” from anon
notes; based on this prompt: ”You’ve got to stop returning books full of corrections and spiteful comments in red pen bc I can’t stop reading them and my boss gives me disapproving glares when I laugh at the funny ones
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ohhhhh boi
so while you were at uni you had a part time job at the library
because surprise surprise as a lit major you like books
shocker there
you always tried to work the late shifts, closing up and doing the returns
just because it was easy and relaxing organising and restacking the books
but soon you wished you took the earlier shifts
because of dong sicheng
not to be dramatic but
your long rival
he started coming to the library to borrow books
because that’s kind of the point of a library
but he ended up liking the environment for studying
and would stay there for hours just to study
and you’d admire his hardworking nature
if he left on time, that is
you would do the rounds ten minutes before closing
just to tell everyone like
‘hey, we’ll be closing in around ten minutes if you want to begin packing up’
but this bitch
you’d end up standing at his table with your bag and the keys in your hand
tapping on the wood to try and get his attention
and him slowly packing up afterwards
even tho he kNOWS you want to go home
‘you’re just as slow as you were in kindergarten hey?’
and he’d be so furious
‘you know you cheated’
‘I don’t remember any such thing’
and maybe you did maybe you didn’t
you were like four years old
as if you’d remember a race you won when you were that age
he just rolls his eyes and leaves as you lock the doors
you leave in the other direction
happily leaving him behind
but he stops by every Monday Tuesday and Thursday night to study
which are the days you work as well
he acts like it’s just part of his schedule 
but he worked out if he came in on Wednesday’s he didn’t have the opportunity to annoy you
and honestly?
annoying you at the end of your shift and after a long session of studying was the highlight of his night
but he keeps borrowing books
and you’re like
until he borrows this new book you’ve been wanting to read for ages
and you were low-key so bitter
this lil bitch has no way of knowing you wanted that book but somehow he does and that’s the only reason he’s borrowed it
even though,, he literally had no idea lmao
tbh u probably would have wanted to talk to him about the books he reads bc u have very similar taste
okay the same taste
but he’s such an asshole ur like nah fam
anyways he returns it after a week
boy reads fast ok
and when he goes to drop it in the returns box
you just take it from his hand and scan it under your name straight away
and put it under the desk so no one else can borrow it
and when there’s a lull in the work at the library
you reach under the table for the book and rifle through it
and you notice a few pencil marks
and upon further inspection you realise they’re comments referencing certain parts of the book
and you do nOT stand for vandalism
but some of them are fuckin hilarious not gonna lie
on the page you just happened to open
you can see there’s a comment beside a passage of text depicting a fight scene
‘this would kill someone wtf’
and u laugh and wonder who had done this
like the book had only been out for a little while
and u finish it in just less than a week
bc u read a lot during your shifts
probably a lot more than you should tbh
and seriously the comments made the book better
you hadn’t laughed so hard at random commentary so much
like the words were exactly what you were thinking
you couldnt help it
while ur putting some of the books back in the middle of your shift
!!!! you see another book that u might like !!! 
not to judge a book by its cover butttttttt
it looks like ur type oop-
and after flipping through it
to get an idea of font size and chapter length cause ur a whole nerd like that
u see it ALSO has pencil markings
in the borders and underlining sentences
and without even thinking u borrow it
just to read the funny comments again
and ur boss comes up to you during your shift and is like
‘have you seen someone’s been writing in the books? look at this’
and thrusts a book in ur face
and ur like ??????? okay chill I’ll look
and u read the writing she’s pointing at
the familiar loopy handwriting adorning the page
and it says ‘I hope she throws her drink in his face’
when u read the paragraph for context
u realise it’s a confession scene
a few lines down the mystery person has written ‘called it.’
and u can’t help but laugh
like come on that was funny
but ur boss doesn’t agree
she just asks you to find out who’s doing it so they can be suspended from the library
or charged with vandalism
or something
she wants vengeance
u roll ur eyes and go to one of the staff computers
scrolling through the lists of borrowers for that specific book
and it’s a fuckin library that book has been borrowed a loT
2031 times ???????????????
you almost fall of your chair tbh
then someone clears their throat in front of u
and u immediately apologise as u try and get the right tab up to process the borrower’s book
but once u look at the person in front of u
you wish you hadn’t been so nice
sicheng stands in front of you
a grin on his face as he hands you another book
smug bitch is so happy he startled u
‘looking at porn on the library computer, yn?’
u laugh
‘I’m not u in 8th grade’
he glares at you as he takes his book and goes back to his desk to continue studying
u were soooo hoping he’d leave
even tho u kinda enjoyed looking at him
like dude was hot okay
what were u supposed to do????
ur actual job????
so he stays
and when it’s ten minutes til closing
u go and let everyone know
and u stop at sichengs table
and he’s writing out notes or something
idk it’s not like u care anyway lol
but he’s lowkey frustrated bc he keeps messing up this one goddamn formula
so he erases it
and that’s when u catch a glimpse of his handwriting
and bruh am I high or is that the exact same handwriting as in the books
I mean he has borrowed a few of the books
and he’s into that genre
not that you've checked out his borrowed list or anything
basically ur having this whole conversation with yourself in your head
bc ur cool like that
and he’s like ????? why this bitch standing over my shoulder and watching me write out this equation
until he’s like ‘what are u doing’
and ur like !!!!! oh hi !!! sorry I was busy listening to the voices in my head lmao xD
jk jk
‘have u been writing in the books’
and suddenly he’s super shy
and he has this massive grin
and he’s like ‘no’
bitch we know it was u stfu
u roll ur eyes and ur like ‘its not funny my boss wants you to be suspended’
he squints at you
‘how do you even know it was me’
and then:
and u cross your arms
like a badass bitch
and ur like ‘I have plenty of evidence actually’
‘for one, youve borrowed all the books that have been found with writing’
‘and your handwriting matches’
subconsciously he covers his notebook with his arm to hide his handwriting
and he's like ‘why are u telling me this’
you're taken aback by the question tbh
like ?????? to be a good person ??????
idk u fuckwit just wanted to warn you
‘thought you'd want to know’
and he just turns back to his book
and you shrug and walk away like ok get suspended then see if I care
but u do :((
but as you walk away hes like
‘Im gonna be suspended??’
and u nod like ye that's what I just said but ok
‘like I cant borrow or I cant come in at all?’
u don't know tbh
‘both I think?’
and suddenly there's panic in his eyes
another person walks past u and thanks u
and u mindlessly tell them to have a good night as they leave
everyone has left
except sicheng of course
that beautiful son of a-
wait why did u say beautiful
‘what can I do to nOT get suspended??’
and u shrug bc idk dude not my problem
but then u think about it
‘I mean if u get rid of the evidence theres no way u can be suspended, right?’
and he seems so happy at the thought
‘would you help me? please?’
and ur sooooooo skeptical
‘depends. what do u want to me to do?’
‘I mean I need access to the books so’
‘yeah ill let u in and out’
‘I can't exactly just erase the markings when people could be watching’
and that's exactly how you end up sitting in the library with dong sicheng at 11pm at night rifling through books to find odd pencil markings to erase
it wasnt that hard
u just got his record up
*snorts* ‘you borrowed ‘how to talk to girls’ when we were thirteen’
and he just rolled his eyes and marched to the computer like ‘you can see my record I deserve to see yours’
and ur like NOOOOOO nononononono
but later
‘you've read all the light-fighter novels??’
he looks at you from where hes searching for one of the books on the list, an eyebrow raised
‘yeah why’
‘dude,, I loved those books’
and he smiles a little
‘thats where I started marking the books tbh, every time I read it id add a little cross in the corner of the cover bc I read it so often’
part of u is a little impressed
the other is annoyed at how similar your taste in books is
but the first part keeps asking why u hate him so much
other than the staying late and the snarky comments
which you actually find kinda funny-
once you've gathered up a few of the books
like at least ten each
you sit on the floor of the childrens section
beanbags sprawled out beneath you as u read through some of the books
most of them you've read before
and every time you giggle at something hes written his smile gets a little bigger
but of course youre looking at the book so you dont notice
and he keeps his head down
‘is it bad that im hungry’
you lift your head from the book to look at sicheng
hes not even reading anymore hes just lounging back on the beanbags
and maybe he'd been watching u read
watching as the smile on your face grew wider at his commentary
‘I didnt see you leave tonight. have u eaten?’
you furrow your brows in thought, trying to recall having seen him leave
‘you been watching me, y/n?’
‘have you been eating, sicheng?’
and there's something about the way you say his name that makes his heart jump
his voice is soft as he looks at you in the dark
you focus back on the book in front of you
‘finish whatever book youre on and we’ll call it a night’
‘what, you wanna go eat?’ 
you cant tell if hes just surprised or if hes hopeful
or something else
‘no but I do want to sleep’
you laugh and he forces a laugh too
you dont notice the difference
when you've returned all the books
he meets you at the front door as you grab the book you'd been reading that shift
hes just standing by the door on his phone
and maybe its bc ur tired or maybe its just him
but u cant help thinking
Jesus Christ this boy is attractive
and okay maybe u had a crush on him a few years ago
but hey! you were eleven what could u do
the crush still lasted like two years tho lmao
but u shoulder your bag and open the door for him
making sure to lock it carefully
and he walks with you in the direction of your apartment
and ur like oh u live this way too?
and hes like nah
but what kind of boy would he be if he didnt accompany home
like christ y/n u could be h u r t out here at this time of night
but you just smile at him bc wow thats ??? actually ??? kinda sweet
‘who are u and what have u done with dong sicheng’
and there goes his heart again
he just nudges u with his elbow 
and u laugh at him and continue on ur way
when u get to ur building he thanks u for ur help in the most polite way possible
and u can kind of see that hes actually rlly nice ??? how ???
but hes back at the library the next day
and of course he comes up to the counter as soon as he spots you
sneaking around a few desks so u dont hear him come up behind you to whisper ‘BOO!’ in your ear
you jump like three feet in the air and spin around to tell him to get out from behind the desk
‘I dont see a nametag on u that means u have to be on THAT side of the desk thank u very much’
‘didnt realise your name tag said bitch on it geeeez y/n ://’
and u just fix him with a glare once hes finally on the right side
‘are u borrowing a book or not’
he leans on the desk
his eyes staring straight into yours
‘just wanted to ask if u were able to stay back tonight’
you roll ur eyes
you'd barely gotten any sleep last night
but the look of concern on his face when he realises youre hesitating makes you nod
‘of course,, wouldnt want my least favourite person to get kicked out’
‘I always knew you had a soft spot for me’
you roll ur eyes aGAiN
‘go bother someone else’
‘oh is the hot librarian in?’
you push him away from the desk
but he doesnt miss the faint smile on ur lips
‘sicheng dont make me give you $100 in overdue book fees’
he sticks his hands up at the threat, his eyes wide
‘no. please. ill do anything’
when u raise an eyebrow at him, he just grabs the book you'd been reading (and not yet borrowed) and walks away
and he winks too
u have to stop your heart from beating out of its chest
and later
its 8pm and the library is officially closing
and for the past three hours you'd been walking to sicheng’s desk and subtly been trying to steal your book back
but every single time hes seen you coming
and pulled the book under the desk or into his lap
away from your grabbing hands
every. single. time.
you tap your foot impatiently at him when its time to continue ur undercover project
and he smiles down at his notebook when he hears u huff in annoyance at him
he dramatically looks up at you
‘do you need something?!’
‘do you want to get suspended?!’
he narrows his eyes at you but stands up anyway
he carefully puts his things in his bag and takes the list of books from your hands
a few of them are already crossed out as having been checked and erased
but theres still a lot to go
it takes you almost three weeks to finally get to the last day
and it had been the same thing every time;
sicheng took forever to pack up
you'd eventually find about ten books each
sit in the children’s section
laugh and chat about your lives while you went through the books
tease each other
and when you'd finished,
he'd walk you home
every single time
without fail
it became a habit that on the Tuesdays he'd stop by on his way to his morning class to drop coffee off for you
because he'd kept you up the night before
and it became easy to lose track of time with sicheng
he was just so engaging
there was no part of you that felt bored or uncomfortable with him
yeah he was annoying and infuriating
but his good book taste made up for it
and his annotations in the margins of the books too
‘is this the last of them?’
he squints down at the page again, counting the books on the table again
its the third time hes counted
‘surely ive read more than this’
‘not from this library ://’
you blow your hair out from your face and look down at the pile
‘you know, I think my manager is starting to get really suspicious of me’
‘why’ he looks up briefly from his book to read your face
but you try and remain calm
‘well she only told me about the markings right. and now theyre disappearing’
he looks at you like ?????
‘well she knows ive been closing up late... I think she thinks I did it’
he laughs ‘you? has she met you?’
you pout and throw a pillow at him
‘HEY! what's that supposed to mean :((’
‘it means ive never met someone who's so protective over books as you’
you think about it, chewing ur bottom lip
‘lets just finish this’
‘do u want to get food after’
he surprises you with the sudden question
and the slight nervousness thats evident on his face really makes you want to say yes
but you have a class tomorrow
and you always try and finish up here earlier on a Thursday night
‘cant :((’
he nods and goes back to readng
theres silence for a while
but you find it comfortable
sicheng on the other hand, feels as though hes just been shot down
you just turned down his date
you've kinda noticed hes more reserved now
but rlly hes just kind of embarrassed
until u say something that gives him hope
‘I,, uh, I dont have plans tomorrow night’
and ngl boy is stunned
‘just if u wanted to go see a movie or something idk’
now its ur turn to be embarrassed
u hope ur hair is hiding ur face as u look back down at the book in ur lap bc no doubt ur blushing
but sicheng is just staring at you
before even saying anything
he leans over the gap between you
with all the books
and hovers in front of your face
ur so shocked and ur heart is beating way too hard and fast and ur breathing is too quick to be normal are you having an attack I dont know-
and then he leans forward a little bit more
and his lips meet yours
and suddenly its like a fireworks display went off inside you
and then its almost midnight on a Thursday night and ur sitting in the children's section of your workplace in the beanbags with sicheng cupping ur face and kissing you
he just really needed to kiss you
like more than he needed air
and when u finally pull back
he loves how breathless you are
how you have to fight to keep the smile off your face
how you stare at him with wide eyes
‘so its a date then?’
you blush even redder
and nod
‘ye its a date :))’
but for the next fifteen minutes you sit in stunned silence together
small smiles playing on your faces
until u look at your watch and ur like
‘shit sicheng I have to go’
and his eyes widen bc holy crap u were supposed to leave like half an hour ago
so u both sprint around the library trying to put all the books back
and he meets you at the door again after you've grabbed the keys and made sure everything that needed to be locked was,,, u know,, locked
and when ur walkign to the door again
hes on his phone
u cant see but hes texting his friends about what happened lmao what a softie
and when u walk out together
without thinking he grabs your hand
and u walk home
hand in hand
after midnight
he clears his throat
‘so uh,, when actually is our date’
‘my last class ends at 5-’
‘so 5 it is’
‘are u sure??’
he nods happily
and he presses a gentle kiss to ur forehead when u get to ur doorstep
‘ill see u tomorrow’
but the next day
when u come out of your last class
a little giddy
a little too excited
and see him leaning against one of the stone pillars
effortlessly handsome
you feel your heart flip
and maybe ur just tired or maybe its him
but hes really attractive
like really really attractive
its actually just that youre in love with him
he doesnt see you coming
too focused on something on his phone
but he definitely sees you when you push his hand out to the side and step onto ur toes to kiss him
and u can feel him smile a little as he kisses you back
‘ready for that date?’
‘yeah, where are we going’
‘so I was thinking we could go to the libra- HEY! dont hit me I was j o k i n g y/n jesus christ’
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andsoshespeaks · 4 years
homesick [jan 2020]
know it ain’t right to still love the one who pulled that very knife yet i can’t help but look up to you despite this troublesome spite
still, i hope you end up holding it down somehow, somewhere even if i ain’t there
cause i can’t seem to help this stupid frown to know that you’ve left me once more for a life i could neva adore
ain’t shy to admit these vices but they should’ve stayed in the past cause i know i ain’t going to last, only got a few more years left maybe thas why i jus keep burning the spliff even thou ion like to admit it, yeah i still hit it but i been tryna quit it
maybe you were right some things are better left unsaid running from ur fears only seems to bring those you love to tears look at you, stuck in the ends with your so-called friends fam till you ain’t got no more grams you’d be surprised what some would do for them rubber bands
all these different drugs n plugs u always been one to mix match consequences like whiplash cause you took my cash n dashed but blame it all on these potions, yeah my friends all told me it would go like this but i didn’t want to believe them, never been one to accept my own blood’s treason
nightmares, i keep waking up in a cold sweat beggin you to come n take me outta my head so i been lookin to all these lost souls tryna find reason but i still can’t help but see ur face when i picture my happy place soldier thru tell myself this is fate but it ain’t normal to daydream bout grippin the thing that will send me on my very way if only u stayed it wouldn’t b this way so i’m jus learning how to take it by the day
so jus know that karma has been tryna harm ya instead i’ll jus take these kalmas tonight praying that perhaps in another lifetime, we’ll get it right so sick of the fights, yea i know two wrongs don’t make a right always been one to kno there’s a fine line between love and spite .
so come along now don’t hesitate all i wanna see is ur face one last time before i accept my fate never belonged to this place so maybe thas why i been fadin till i’m lost in outta space so don’t even bother coz it’s too late.
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i’ve been awake for over 24 hours
I haven’t been on tumblr in years. i stopped using it after high school, but I don’t know why. but now I’m back tonight, because I needed someone to talk to, but I have no one to listen. i have friends, i have family, i have a boyfriend. i have a therapist. but no matter what: i feel so unheard, so unseen, and so ignored by everyone in my life that i literally feel like i have no one to truly turn to. for anything. so, here i am. hope i get a warm welcome!!!
here’s the thing: i’m NOT a depressed person. i’m not sad, i don’t have any major mental health issues apart from anxiety and some adhd. and before you take that the wrong way, please don’t. i just got my master’s degree in social work and i’ll be starting my new job as a therapist in a couple of weeks.
but, i’m also NOT a happy person. tbh, i can’t really describe my overall ~mood~ or whatever you wanna call it. i kinda just wake up and survive the day, every day. i take it one day at a time ... kinda like what AA says to do; but no, before you ask or the thought crosses your mind, i’m not an addict. at least not a alcohol/other drugs addict ??? sorry
maybe this is why there’s no one to listen when i need them to. i fucking ramble about literally nothing before getting to the point. 
it’s weird that i’m writing right now (ok, typing???). i haven’t done this since i was little. it feels good to do this, to have some sort of outlet when you feel so fucking unseen and unheard by every. single. person. around you. 
so i haven’t slept in over 24 hours. it’s my own fault for sure and i have adderall to thank for that (yes i’m prescribed). i decided to start a blog again because i’m sitting here, still wide awake in my apartment, alone, while my boyfriend is sound asleep in my bedroom.
so what’s my fucking problem??? why do i want someone to talk to?? i don’t know honestly. i just feel like lately all i do is listen to others, help others, give myself completely to others. and in return, i get nothing. nothing even close to what i give, or to what i’m capable of giving. which is sad. not for me particularly (maybe?), but for others, yes, i think so. 
i’m not saying that i expect anything in return for helping others, because i don’t. i didn’t enter the field of social work for the fucking money. and i know a lot of fucked up shit is going on in the world right now, and in no way do i want to minimize ANY of that. i’m just feeling a little lost and lonely, so i’m hoping this is a new outlet for me to sort out those feelings.
the last couple of hours, i’ve had a LONG string of thoughts. if you read through, you’ll eventually found out how they started. but one of the things i’ve been wrestling with in my mind is the type of person i am. 
you see, it’s difficult to be “that” person for others your whole life, especially all the fucking time. if you’re anything like me, you know what i mean by that. and if you aren’t anything like me, well, first of all congrats!!!!, and secondly, i’ll explain what i mean.
when you’re “that” person for others, like myself, it’s easy for other people to walk all over you. take advantage of you, take you for granted, expect you to ALWAYS be there no matter the cost. and of course, why wouldn’t they? you’re always there to help. you’re ALWAYS there to offer support, guidance, and advice. you’re nurturing. you listen. you’re a fucking irreplaceable, loyal to death friend. if you’re VERY much like me, you’re also the one person in your family who isn’t a total fuck up (at least not publicly?)
you’re also nonjudgmental, and you were blessed with the curse of being empathic towards others at all times. empathy of course is beautiful and a very good thing to have in this life, but do you know how hard it is to feel for every single person around you.. and not have anyone feel for you???? damn
also, you never let anyone down!! ever. you’re reliable, dependable, trustworthy to the point where it’s almost sketchy because like??? who can be that way to everyone else at all times? you guessed it- people like me and people like u!! (if this is even semi-relatable, i’m sorry) 
but people like us, like you, like me, tend to do this thing where we keep the same shitty fucking toxic people around that have hurt us, continue to hurt us both indirectly and directly, and who have let us down time and time again, because we continue clinging on to the fucking useless hope that “someday they’ll change”. someday, they’ll realize how fucking important you are to them and how shitty their lives are, and would be, without you in it.
you- we - also live by honesty and truthfulness, and assume others just live by this as well. but then you’re proved wrong over and over and over again, yet you never fucking learn your lesson because you are STILL hopeful that somewhere, somehow, deep down, other people DO stand by the morals you try so hard to stand by in life. most of the time, though, you’re completely avoiding the reality of other people and their experiences and who they really are, only to try to fit your own narrative of how you see things and how you think things should be. 
if this sounds anything like you... i’m sorry. i know it all too well. 
i grew up as the “golden child” in my family. not just my immediate family. my entire fucking family. the pressure to be perfect has lead me to develop debilitating anxiety in my 20′s, and it is what it is, but like, why the fuck couldn’t i have anxiety in high school like a normal teenager? why now? 
so yeah my anxiety’s pretty bad. it’s pretty bad tonight, which is why i turned here. to tumblr. to try to write out my thoughts. which, by the way, i’m sorry, because this is an absolute fucking mess and makes no sense. if you are reading this, though, thank you. thank you for listening when no one else seems to.
anyway. growing up with the pressure of being *perfect* has a cost. at least for me it did: 1) anxiety of course, and 2) perfectionist tendencies. these have literally- LITERALLY - ruined my entire college and graduate school experience. perfectionism combined with anxiety is a recipe for fucking disaster, and i’ve been cooking it for years.
i am deliberately writing this without proper punctuation/grammer/whateverthefuckyouwanttocallit, not capitalizing my letters etc., because i want to not have to be so perfect all the time on here, if this is something i’m going to stick to.  i know that sounds silly but it’s actually been very difficult for me to write in all lower-caps and i’m very worried that no one will even read this and HEAR ME because of my literacy negligence (i have no idea if that’s even a real thing or if it even has meaning but it sounded right)
do u want to know why i decided to write this though, truly? what lead to me feeling like i’m “spiraling” - apart from no sleep in over 24 hours now? well, get ready to laugh, because i truly think i’m pathetic and going crazy.
i went to dinner tonight with my boyfriend and his fam. our waitress was a girl i used to know years ago in high school. my boyfriend knew her too. in fact, he knew her VeRY well. for the sake of my anxious overthinking, i don’t feel like going too much into the details of *that* situation, so thanks in advance for understanding.
anyway. this corny bitch made a joke about the current political environment. i won’t say what exactly, because i’d really like to keep my identity as concealed as absolutely possible on here. but long story short, no one really laughed - every one just kinda smiled awkwardly. but you know who did laugh? my boyfriend :) 
TO ME, it seemed intentional. she wasn’t fucking funny, for one. she made a bad - no, a very bad- joke. like one of those corny dad jokes. not even a dad joke actually. a step-dad joke, except your step-dad is a loser that you hate, who treats ur mom/dad bad, has no sense of humor or a horrible sense of humor and idk, just fucking sucks you know ???
sorry that got kinda dark and it was unnecessary but do u know what i mean??? and no, that was literally not relevant to me or my family system/structure in any way. just kinda came to me, ya know? ...writing works in mysterious ways man
alright so if you don’t agree, that’s fine. i already told you to get ready to laugh, because i am well aware of how insane i fucking sound. but you know what makes anxiety & perfectionism 100x harder to cope with? insecurities. and i’m FULL of them. 
so anyway. we left dinner. him & i were driving home. i will admit that i did have some wine at dinner, and i wasn’t drunk but i definitely was feeling cocky enough to stir the pot with him. so, i casually said, “hey... didn’t you date _____?” *insert annoying waitress’s name who i knew once upon a time*
i said it very calmly. very coooool. v collected and nice. he said “no? i’ve never even talked to or hungout with that girl”.
i wish u could see my face as i’m writing this right now bc i cannnot. like i gave u a choice.... the opportunity. tHE SIMPLE opportunity - a chance - to be fucking honest................................
this dude. straight up. lied to my face. about this fucking girl. ???????
YEARS AGO, they most certainly did talk. a lot. in fact, my crAZy ass searched their names on facebook to find their old little love notes to each other that they posted on each others’ walls. which were very cringey but nothing that made me feel jealous or insecure (for once). after all, they were from years ago- i’m talking 5+ - so likeeee.... why would he lie (: 
oh and they definitely did hang out because.... i remember clearly.... a PICTURE OF THE two of them *together* *hangin* (prob bangin too) (sorry) years ago in this now-waitress’s bedroom. i believe it was a ~webcam photo~ that they took on the new mac computer her parents prob bought her. so this photo is now NO WHERE to be found. and believe me, i looked. no, i LURKED. i went to the beginnnning of her instagram posts and deep into her uploaded facebook pictures. ok, not ‘deep’, i literally got to the first pic she ever posted on FB just to try to find this damn picture. and it took me for. fucking. ever. because this bitch has prolly posted a million pictures in the last 5+ years like who does that???
but i swear to fucking whatever the fuck that this picture exists. i have fucking seen it. i’d describe it in perfect detail right now as if i saw it today, but, once again, i’m concealin my identity, yo, so i can’t do all that. v sorry
anywho. this dude - who i call my boyfriend (and yes i love him very very much and our past is absolutely fucked but that’s a whole other story for a very different time) - had the nerve, the audacity, to tell me to my face, that he “definitely doesn’t have a picture with her” because “they’ve never hung out or talked before” ... ?!??????
obv i sent him screenshots of the dirt i dug up on facebook from 5+ years ago (i.e., the old posts between them in case ya forgot during my rambling) bc like, caught ya in a lie sir. red handed.
i might be late on mentioning this part, but here’s the fucking kicker (and i’ve never used that phrase and i don’t know why i said that but ok?): TODAY, for the first time in MONTHS, literally!!!, bc of the virus and the quarantine and all that, i got ready today for dinner with his family. like actually got ready. i spent HOURS doing my make up. i don’t even remember the last time i did my make up, ok. i dressed in a really cute outfit. i felt fucking very good about myself. i thought for sure when he’d come pick me up to go to dinner he’d at least say something. at least acknowledge it. he has literally only seen me in raw form for too many days now. like, complete bare face and sweat pants basically every day since march.
but. did he even look at me twice?!!? no. did he mention anything about how i looked? how it was drastically different from my everyday attire the last couple months? did he take 2 seconds out of his day to say something corny or flirty to me? even just, “you look beautiful”??? honestly i would’ve even appreciated, “you look beautiful, for once” ???
did u guess the correct answer? well if u didn’t, it’s N O.
but u know who he did look at twice.
our waitress at dinner.
i think i wrote enough for one night. if u think this is my anxiety/perfectionism/insecurities combination spiraling out of control after being tamed incessantly for 20+ years, PLZ TELL ME.
but also, if you have a fucking brain, you’d know that:
1) this is definitely NOT the first time i’ve responded to something like this the way i did, and 
2) i really just needed to ramble on and vent about all the shit that’s been going through my mind the last 2 1/2 hours, so there’s that.
have a good night get some sleep!!! thank u for ur time. 
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datleggy · 4 years
I’m autistic and one of the things I have trouble with is change. I’ve watched 911 since the third episode and now they have a second one? Idk. I’ve been seeing a lot of good things about it but I’m not sure if I want to watch it. Basically what I want to know is if it’s worth watching. Is it good? Are there any parallels between the new one and the Buck one? Who are the characters and what are they like? Will you start writing for this series instead of the other one? %
so, this got WAY longer than i thought it would, sorry!!! TL;DR is at the very very end!
tbh i didn’t wanna really give 911 lonestar a chance originally, i was lowkey annoyed bc it felt like they were like “oh u guys want buck and eddie, who are CLEARLY meant to be and have all this canon chemistry and relationship development to eventually get together??? lol NOPE but here’s a spinoff where u get ur white/latino gay ship :D”
which i do genuinely hope to god isn’t the case, like, i really need OG 911 to be like PSYCH here u go, some DIAZ-BUCKLEY fam. as a treat.
i did end up watching it bc curiosity and too many awesome gifsets finally got to me lol
and im only a couple of episodes in (haven’t had a chance to watch the 3rd ep bc of work and other things D: ) and so far i gotta say, i like the OG 911 calls that they get sent to more than 911 lonestars calls but again, im only 2 ep in, maybe they get more “woah thats crazy/hilarious/hearbreaking!” as the show goes on.
i honestly don’t see too many parallels between Buck and TK—the only thing i noticed where they’re pretty similar is how much they both enjoy easy physical contact. buck is very touchy feely and comfortable about showing affection/feelings and i feel like TK is the same regarding physical contact (with his dad at least)? but that’s about it.
for what it’s worth i do think the show is pretty entertaining and worth a watch!
my main reason for watching past the first episode is my enjoyment of the characters. i just think they’re all neat.
this is from a post i made when i first watched the show lol:
captain strand: good dad to all of his children
tk: hot gay messy boi
grace ryder: a fave, no nonsense beauty, judds better half
judd ryder: tragic big boi
captain blake: chaotic good w baby voice
marjan: wild feral messy gurl
mateo: if anybody’s mean to my SON im throwin hands bih
paul: again, if anybody’s mean to my SON im THROWIN hands
officer reyes: ready to dick tk down
here’s a more descriptive/longer summary of the characters if u wanna know more, if not skip down to the bolded sentence below lol:
owen strand is the captain (played by rob lowe) and to me he gives off chris traeger vibes (from parks and rec if u watched?) but with more depth. i like his character a lot, he’s a caring dad, seems like he knows what he’s doing, and like, c’mon, it’s rob lowe (i fell in love with him a million years ago when he played soda pop in the outsiders nipr;guebwuogrnofw)
tk is his son and a hot gay mess w some substance abuse issues (tho a lot has happened to him in only 2 ep i really don’t know how to feel about him entirely, bc besides stuff happening TO him, i don’t feel like he’s reacted in a way that shows much of his character?) idk maybe it’s just me. but he is a certified cutie so. lol
grace ryder, she’s smart (one of the only characters with more than ONE brain cell lmao) and gorgeous and an emergency 911 operator. she’s very supportive of her husband and what he’s going thru (which is A LOT), she herself has been thru a lot bc of the big incident at the beginning of the series and is still somehow held strong in spite of it all, she’s a personal fave of mine.
judd ryder is kind of a dick at first but i think its very understandable given the hell he’s been thru, im actually surprised at the amount that i like him. he’s very raw and vulnerable but has this “don’t worry im fine, back up” attitude that i loooove. 
captain blake is the captain for EMTs, she’s got this soft teeny baby voice that contradicts so hard with her give no fucks ima do what i need to to find my missing sister actions irwughqwgoriegjf i like. she’s caring and does goes out of  her way for the little guy.
marjan has ZERO chill but in a good way, i can already absolutely see her getting into trouble by doing some crazy impulsive thing on a call in order to rescue someone—-TBH she actually reminds me a lot of Buck from OG 911 in that way. like yea she’s reckless and impulsive but u can tell its bc she CARES and this firefighting thing is what she’s meant to do. i really like her.
mateo—-OH MAN. he’s 10000000% my favorite. it hurts me everytime he’s on screen, bc he’s such a sweet and HARD WORKING man and he deserves to be a firefighter and do what he wants/has been waiting for for so long, im so HAPPY captain strand gives him a chance. i think he might have some learning disability or maybe he grew up in a household where maybe his family was too busy or didn’t care to check up on how he was doing in school and they neglected to see how much he was struggling—this is all just pure speculation from the fact that on the show he tells captain strand during the interview that he’s always passed the physical exam to be a firefighter but keeps failing the written part :( i love my son.
paul is a trans firefighter who’s mainly known for his crazy good observational skills in the field—there’s an ep—ep 2?—that shows off his talent but like, i found it unintentional funny bc the way they did it was in a scene that honestly truly felt to me like a scene I MYSELF would write in a fanfiction if i wanted to show off a cool skill the character has but was also too lazy to make it look good???? lmaoooo im not trying to be mean but like, if u do watch it, its the 2nd ep i believe, the “office meeting” scene. other than that tho there’s only been a few scenes with paul in it (my personal fave being the skin care routine scene lol) but i look forward to more scenes of my son being a lil sherlock holmes :)
officer reyes is tk’s potential new mans. he seems like a good cop from what little ive seen of him doing police work. so, i saw a post someone made basically saying how ugly are the men in texas that officer reyes is out here thirsting over tk so HARD—and not to be rude, but he really is!!!! reyes is a goodlookin guy, so idk what’s up with that, maybe he likes messy bois? bc same.
p.s. im not sure how to feel about reyes and tk together yet bc it doesn’t really seem as if they have too much chemistry. hopefully that changes? i do kinda like that they haven’t started off their potential relationship on the best of foots, bc i love drama, an indisputable fact.
OG 911 will always be my first love and i just don’t see this changing anytime soon. buddie will always be the #1 ship in my heart! and i have about a gazillion awesome prompts i need to work on so me switching over to 911 lonestar isn’t gonna happen. i love OG 911 way too much iuqhur4ogfoie3jwnwjinioj
tho i may occasionally—per the request of prompts i’ve gotten in the last week or so–take a couple of the characters from 911 lonestar and put them in a 911 fic as a crossover? we’ll see.
this ended up soooo long oruhibgruoeqwp i hope some of it helped tho?
tl;dt: 911 lonestar seems fun and the characters are interesting enough to keep me entertained so i say give it a chance  :)
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everyone shut the fuck up and CONSIDER trans girl iida
she supposes she always knew unconsciously that there was something different about her but she never rlly put much thought into it until some ppl in the class come out as trans* (like aoyama’s genderfluid, tokoyami’s a demiboy, nd tsu and jirou are trans girls)
and as class rep, but also (and arguably more importantly) their friends, iida wants to make sure she can make them as comfortable as possible abt coming out so she does some research nd stuff. like she knew trans people existed and were valid nd such before but she wanted to get more than just the basic facts
and shes happy for her friends! shes glad they trusted their class enough to tell them, shes glad she can be there for them. but she also notices that she feels rlly...weird? and she keeps doing research just because.......its interesting. but she doesnt know why she finds it so interesting?? and she gets kinda insecure abt that
so she keeps diggin into it and reads posts that trans ppl have made abt their experiences and just classic shitposts nd all that. she thinks the community is great!! and also she finds some fresh wholesome memes to share w her friends so its all the better. right?
but eventually she finds a community of trans girls specifically and she just absolutely COMBS through that. reads every single post there that she can find. but coincidentally she also feels even more insecure now bc shes starting to unconsciously question her gender nd stuff and lets be real folks. an identity crisis is not fun
couple this with the fact that she doesnt experience the traditional dysphoria(tm) that other trans girls seem to universally share, iida gets rlly down abt it. nd it gets to the point she rlly raaaaags on herself for still lookin thro these posts nd stuff and still subtly questioning herself and shes just rlly unhappy at the time :[
nd she doesnt wanna like make tsu or jirou uncomfortable so she doesnt wanna ask them abt it but shes so confused nd frankly hurt and she doesnt know what going oooonnnn with herself
so shes just in this complete funk for a while nd it starts to affect her grades and performance in training. her friends know smths up but iida doesnt know how to even explain how shes feeling so its not necessarily that she doesnt WANT to go to her friends but she literally does not know how to. anyway eventually aizawa keeps her after class and is like “ok iida smths up im gonna call tensei if u dont talk to me”
iida feels absolute HORROR at the prospect of tensei somehow finding out abt this bc oh shit what if he doesnt want her carrying on the name of ingenium anymore??? what if he thinks shes a freak??? what if he thinks shes not really a girl and shes just faking it to be special?? what if- and oh shit thats the first time iida rlly consciously thought to herself “im a girl but what if others dont think i am?”
so she kinda bursts into tears and aizawa internally is like “oh jesus what the fuck” but externally hes like “iida?? r u ok?? was it something i said?? oh fuu- is something wrong with tensei??” and iida just kinda speaks thro her cries like “no nothings wrong with tensei something’s wrong with me” and ill be real folks its real sad girl hours for a bit
anyway iida doesnt rlly elaborate much beyond that bc shes so ashamed and embarrassed but aizawa is like “u’ve gotta talk to someone iida ur friends r worried and frankly i am as well” and iida eventually promises to talk to someone
soo she comes to terms that since she so confused it would be best to ask tsu and jirou abt it even if shes,,,,so v concerned,,,abt making them uncomfortable. but she manages to convince herself that she rlly does need some guidance here and better to ask ppl who know her than ask on the internet sooo
thankfully while iida is working up the courage to ask tsu and jirou to talk, she finds posts derailing terf and truscum shit so she feels. a lot lot better abt everything but particularly the lack of any intense dysphoria she had after reading stuff like that, esp the more verified(tm) articles from the more verified(tm) authors (like doctors and psychoneurologists and such)
so she figures out how she wants to word her questions nd asks tsu nd jirou to meet up. tsu nd jirou agree right away bc all of class 1-a is worried abt their class rep at this point :[ so theyre happy shes finally reaching out
iida is kinda a disaster when tryin to talk but she gets her point across. like “uhh this is a rlly bad way to ask but how did u guys know u were,,,trans?” nd tsu immediately catches on but jirou is only a lil suspicious until further into the conversation
anyway eventually jirou catches on the same as tsu and thats when tsu asks “iida do u think ur trans??”
nd iida is sooooooooo tired of feeling ashamed bc damn. she does think shes trans! she does. she shouldnt feel guilty for how she feels she cant help that. so after takin a moment to steel herself she says “yea” as confidently as one can in the situation
tsu nd jirou r immediately supportive nd ask iida for more details abt how shes feeling nd iida is just,,,so happy,, since shes already on an honesty streak that afternoon, shes able to roughly get her wack emotions into words nd tsu and jirou are like “yea thats valid ur valid iida. it doesnt matter if u dont have the trademark dysphoria or that u didnt know until later in life like ur still young. u say ur a girl, ur a girl” iida cries but only a bit bc damn months of agonizing over this. we stan one trans girl trio.........
anyway tsu and jirou ask her how she wants to move forward i.e. transitioning or telling anyone, and iida hadnt even considered transitioning before bc it felt so out of reach but shes absolutely ECSTATIC at the thought of bein able to look more feminine and it Shows. tsu and jirou r like “ok mood we were like that too right before startin estrogen”
so the first unofficial trans girl trio club meeting ends w tsu and jirou promising to help iida ask recovery girl abt hormones and iida sayin she doesnt want to come out just yet to the class/anyone else in general and tsu and jirou respectin that. i love them yall
anyway after a few months, iida is ready to try hormone treatment so tsu and jirou help her ask recovery girl for a meeting nd r moral support for her while they go thro the process of like figuring out what dosage she should start w/, how long should she take it, when a check up appointment should be, if recovery girl should tell iida’s parents yet or nah, all that stuff. anyway after that,  recovery girl gets her started on hormone treatment which iida is SUPER EXCITED abt and tsu and jirou tell her stories abt when they first started estrogen and AHHH I LOVE MY GIRLS SO MUCH FUCK
anyway eventually after some support from tsu and jirou via the unofficial trans girl club meetings and getting back on her feet confidence-wise, iida comes out to the class :,,,]]] theyre all super supportive and iida cries just a bit. tsu and jirou r so proud of her. aizawa is just glad his problem child #9 is feeling better
ashido and yaoyorozu get together and take iida shopping so she can have more feminine clothes which iida has a lot of fun w......shes never been necessarily big on shopping before (even if she is a part of the rich kid’s club lmao) but this trip is so EXCITING and ashido and momo r so happy for her and so ESCATIC to help her find some clothes and just oh my heart.......
the girls also have a sleepover during which they indoctrinate iida on all things traditionally feminine like makeup nd hair so that she knows the basics should she ever wanna mess arnd with that stuff. but also they just have fun doin normal things and just include iida in on being one of the gals nd iida is,,,so happy. tsu and jirou in particular r arnd her the whole night and wow my uwus they own them the unofficial trans girl club owns my uwus-
anyway so coming out and being accepted and transitioning is going so much better than iida thought it would be. she feels so safe and happy im crying.....anyway eventually some time later iida also gets permission to visit her family during a long weekend/short holiday w/e. nd while there she shakily but steadily comes out to her fam ofc her parents r so proud (her mom’s like ‘’ive always wanted a daughter yes!!! ily tenya’’) and tensei loves her all the same nd she cries a lil bit bc damn,,,,,,shes been fearing the exact opposite reaction for months
specifically she talks to tensei abt it for a little while and mentions her particular fears abt not being good enough to carry on the name “ingenium” nd he smiles at her nd is like “i would rather no one else but my little sister to carry on the name of ingenium” and bruh shes absolutely floored
nd yea. midoriya and uraraka absolutely love love love iida shes still their absolute fav. she joins the unofficial class 1-a trans* club as well as accidentally forms the unofficial class 1-a trans girl club. we love her,,,,
but yeah thats it. this post is so fucking long but oh well. stan iida!
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sarasfm · 4 years
Sarauniya “ Sara ” Davies, 24, pansexual, cisfemale, ISFP Enneagram 9w1; Pisces sun, Sagittarius moon, Pisces rising 1st year Advanced Encryption Major; did not go to a spy prep hs
Imma keep it real with you, chief, I have absolutely no idea what’s going on. I mean, obviously, I know what espionage is ; I’ve read books and articles, and I’ve seen Spy Kids and all the Charlies Angels and James Bond movies, but I genuinely think I need a minute to wrap my head around everything. Make that two weeks, because what’s this I hear about two murders ?  I literally just got sent here to be safe, I — I’m sorry, I’m freaking out. Give me five seconds, and we can start again, because I promise I can totally pretend this is all normal. @gallagherintro​
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full name: sarauniya “ sara ” davies
dormitory room: 105
birthday: 20 march 1995
soundtrack: “ go gina ” by sza
favorite dish: efo riro
aesthetic:  when i see them walking around in the halls, i usually see a flash of light reflecting from her earrings, eyeglasses perched on top of her head, and a caviar iphone always in her hands
Bio Points
her mom’s a nigerian baddie billionaire & her dad’s a soft academic brit
she grew up between london and abuja where their family’s business is based. it’s a trading enterprise, the largest industrial conglomerate in sub-saharan africa
she’s the eldest of three siblings, was raised to be prim & proper and groomed to run their family’s business. her family’s not pushy though and they’re really cool. very healthy dynamic so she doesn’t mind ; she loves her fam and would do it w a smile !
Coding is her Passion though. total dork. stayed up all the time just sleuthing and being an internet geek since she was a youngin’
loves education and is the type who would willingly stay in school to learn. has a degree in economics from harvard and was almost done with her mba when her littlest sister got abducted !  was it about business ? money ? who knows ! the sister’s fine now but her family sure is Scared especially since sara’s alone in the big bad united states
her mom made some calls and went “ gimbiya, look, u aint safe n we sorry. we’ll work something out to make sure u get ur mba degree somehow but shit is wild so we gotta get u somewhere near that’s safe asap. u like studying & ur a geek with computers right ? cool beans, go back to school & welcome to gallagher, babe ”
she enters gallagher in the middle of the spring semester very overwhelmed & inwardly ignoring how unhappy she is about having to be here bc she is not & does not want to be a spy. she just tryna distract herself by looking at this entire thing as a weird vacation where she can do stuff she wasn’t able to before because it’s literally detached from the world. she is mostly probably in way over her head, but let’s see ! 
Other Information
Nicknames: Sara (to everyone), gimbiya (to family, means princess in Hausa)
Languages: English (native), Hausa (native), Arabic (C1), French (B2)
Strengths: is money a strength ? also coding. and being the sweetest. and a general smartypants but that’s in a university setting & gallagher probably doesnt give a fuck
Relationship History: only has one (1) experience. ( well,,, 2 if a three-second drunken kiss w kass counts ) his name’s royce and they’ve known each other since their bougie secondary school back in britain. started dating at sixteen and went to harvard together. they’re long term as fuck. he’s like her best friend and their families adore the couple & each other. got engaged last september and sara broke it off before leaving for gallagher, oof. she deadass milked the opportunity but lbr she wasnt rlly Feeling It so she’s kinda glad for the ‘valid reason’ to appear bc it rlly wasn’t Love for sara so boy bye
Physical appearance: 1.76m, 55kg, long black hair, slim and toned build
Classes: GEN 105, GEN 206, AE 101, AT 101, PE 101
the sweetest. v charming & sensitive to others & curious about things. enthusiastic too ! loves adventures & is very passionate. queen of empathy. 
she’s not stuck up even tho she loaded. she doesnt rlly talk abt her family having 12B or the fact that she’s an ivy league girl, bc she’s just generally very uwu 
easily stressed and flustered and overwhelmed ! man, gallagher’s gonna shook this goddamn academic dork to her core for the love of god someone pls get the aed ready
rlly fun !!! can be a lil unpredictable bc it b lyk dat for rich girls. loves her independence which she hasn’t maximized bc of her ex fiancé & responsibilities but it’s chill so chill totally chill, no ounce of further longing exists in the crevices of this girl’s heart
she is so not good with confrontation and is so allergic to conflict ok. she will sweep discomfort under a rug and lie on it ‘til it’s flat which makes her a queen of repression & conforming
is she easily overwhelmed & stressed ? yes, but she’ll try not to show it so much. it’s all mostly an internal monologue so don’t underestimate her pls. she’s v smart and competent. can be so competitive ( albeit mostly inwardly ) and a boss ass business bitch like her business momma bc that’s what she’s been training for altho she is still generally a soft bab so ... yeah, if u would be so kind as to Estimate her, that’d be grand
she needs to always be on top of her game. maybe not the best in the class, but definitely pushes herself to be her best, so a lot of late nights studying & won’t settle for bad grades ever. gonna be rough in gallagher bc she is not spy material ok, she’s just a pretty rich geek behind a computer
just imagine her as the nice girl in ur ap classes who’s a lil awkward & just so happens to be super hot & stinking rich
Fun Facts
has a six-month old rescue pup named sooty ! who kinda looks like a sheparnese
has a tendency to ramble if she’s comfy w u enough or mayhaps if it’s too much man 
is v diligent w keeping a journal & does it everyday 
likes to dance ! not super good but she likes it. hits da clubs for dat shit 
is a lil instagram famous bc she’s a gorgeous rich harvard girl & all that jazz. queen of selfies & of looking hot but doesn’t actually get to play around rip ffff 
doesn’t drink much bc she is an extreme lightweight and 2 is her tap out limit
if she’s had more than 2 drinks, she is Very Honest but still very ramble-y 
she is physically active but mostly just runs and does yoga. knows very basic self-defense. is not sporty, definitely not a fighter, may god have mercy on her soul
isnt a virgin but is not sexually experienced lmao lbr she kinda Itching to get out there 
don’t ask me what her accent is because i have no clue it’s all over the place
Established Connections — just bc i think y’all would like to know
kassandra sutton — internet friends ! loves kass to bits. have known each other since sara was 14. when kass was 18, sara took her on a grad trip to montreal and became a lil lowkey into her. doesn’t help that kass drunk kissed her & doesn’t remember lmfao. poor sara told her then-bf & they had a lil fight but they made up bc sara didn’t talk to kass for months. eventually they became friends again & now sara’s in gallagher w no idea that kass is a mf sutton & honestly, my girl is just very shook w everything 
Possible Connections
crushes — she does not know how to flirt. she is ,,,, p pathetic tbh but a real heckin cutie. will be super nice to ur bab ok  
flirtationships — sara and i r gonna continue to keep it real w u chieves, her ex fiancé royce was vanilla and bland as fuck. can u believe she has not been single in a decade ? ? someone give her love & attention & fluster this soft innocent child. get her Experienced but also dont hurt her
enemies/angst !!! —  or maybe do ! maybe hurt her. maybe obliterate her. maybe smash her poor heart to pieces, because tbh i would love that.  so someone pls for the love all things holy and divine, someone hurt her !!!!
fwb — probably just one (1) bc she’s still a romantic ? and she’s probably gonna want something exclusive even if it’s no strings attached and will surely want to ,.,. get to know them a little bit more first ,,, at least ideally , idk , maybe impulse & thirst gets the better of her one of these days who knows lets find out !
friends !!! — sara will love u ok. she may be a lil easily flustered but she’s doesn’t rlly give up on ppl quickly. as i’ve said, queen of empathy. probs feels v sorry for majority of the gallagher & georgetown kids bc, .,.,., this environment just screams highkey Trauma to her and she’s valid bc she’s right
mentors !!! — she hates feeling dumb ok she Always has to be on top of her game, so u can bet ur ass after her first meetings in her classes she goes to ppl going “ hey could u help me out w working out ? boxing ? firing a gun ? literally everything & anything ? ”   
anything & everything — meaning just come @ me & let’s talk about it uwu 
( did i just create georgina’s antithesis ? fuck yes, and i am sooo excited to have a child that’s not always plotting & scheming & being mean like y’all have no idea ;_; nywy, that was long bc shutting up and brevity are things i do not possess. whats up it’s ur og flower garden girl rose here aka bugleweed aka fiancée of many and lover of all, and i am open to anything and everything ! just drop an IM or hit dat like & ill slide in ur dmz w love, plots & sanitized hands x )
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beihonglin · 5 years
anyway i met bei honglin and he’s an actual angel and we don’t deserve him: a recap
also this is more than 5k words so like ! prepare yourselves!
fhdjjd okay so in april honglin’s hyh brought up his birthday party in his gc and I was like :——) that’s when spring sem ends I could actually make it
 fast forward through a lot of encouraging by summer miss @91percentchaoze​ (sobs I rly owe summer my life) and a lot of anxiety about flights and a lot of other stresses in between
and June 2nd I’m in shanghai with mirthe miss @honglinsmacaroni​ and meggi and summer ie three of the cutest people in the world!!!
when we get to banana there were already other fans there waiting at the event space and the hyh was giving out seat numbers and stuff
so meggi was 10, summer was 11, mirthe was 14 and I was 15
and we started giving out the slogans and stuff we printed until the staff chased us out so they could set up
and so we were chilling first in Starbucks w the other fans fhdjjfjf they’re rly so cute I was finally able to put faces to weibo handles & they finally realised they were talking to someone who’s actually shit at speaking Chinese lmao
then when it got to 2 o’clock we moved outside near the entrance of the event space (since the event space was supposed to be open to us at 2)
but they got the time wrong and we ended up only being able to go in at nearly 3
which isn’t important anyway bc !!! we saw tangram walking in !!!
okay so we saw this white blob coming out from the main banana building and walking towards one of the side buildings and we were like
and summer or mirthe waved at him and he was like bitch wtf and squinted
like ??? who the heckity is waving at me but then eventually he connected the dots and was like o yah fans so he waved back fhdchdkhcjdjf
and he just walked on what a king ??????
summer was right I was surprisingly more chill than I thought I would be fhdjfjfjjf I thought I would cry but I didn’t
so we waited around a bit longer, got suntans and sunburns and slightly dehydrated
and then honglin walks out
my god y’all he’s a whole goddamn angel he’s not real I’m telling you he’s unreal
I KNOW I said the last time that yanjun is rly unphotogenic and all the photos don’t do him justice but leT ME TELL YOU
but yah at first I was like o he’s gonna go through the back exit to the event space he’s not gonna come this way
fhdjfjfj i didn’t take a video but if I did u would probs hear me go “o shit he’s coming” fhdjfjfj
and mirthe was like I’M GONNA TELL HIM UR WEIBO HANDLE I’M GONNA TELL HIM YOU’RE ASTROFIREWORKS and I was like NO so then we had a little back and forth for a while tHAT HONGLIN SAW FBDJHFJF
I don’t rmb a lot of it bc I was mainly in shock that he was in front of me so I was mostly like :——) heckie!
but he went through the front entrance and the moment he made it inside I lost my shit fbdjfjjff
mirthe sent a picture of me just kneeling at the entrance contemplating my entire life to the group chat fhdjfhdj apparently I said that I wanted to go home fhdjfjfjjf
and then zhixie and jingzuo came out soBS
also he had black hair again and the cuTEST HAT ON and we promptly lost our shit
Jingzuo,,,,, in a plain white shirt and blue jeans and converse,,,, someone PLEASE stop him
but they went in and we cried
and waited outside bc ruotian and chaoze still hadn’t gone in but then someone came to tell us chaoze was off filming for his show so he wasn’t coming & somehow ruotian had alr made it into the building without us noticing so eventually we all went in
and the chairs were so comfortable o my god they swivelled and they were like super squishy I love chairs
and then the best two hours of my tgm stan life started :—(
my god the moment honglin stepped on stage my entire heart melted he rly looked so good sobs
you’re completely right I’m dedicating an entire portion to his visuals
his eyes :—-( are so sparkly my god
and when he smiles his eyesmile???? he gets those rly deep wrinkles around his eyes and they’re actually beautiful????? ;;;;
he Radiates joy like i know i say this so often but their debut song??? radiant??? written For him,,,
also when he smiles it’s so warm like you find yourself smiling along bc he rly and genuinely means it and is happy and your heart just warms up bc he’s happy and i just
man i l*ve him
okay so the first segment zhixie was like “what do y’all love about beibei”
and everyone was yelling different things like “he’s so handsome” and “so talented” and “his vocals” and someone also yelled “he can eat a lot” and zhixie was like ??? bro whAt
also someone said “he spoils his fans a lot” and my god y’all it’s so so true but more in that at the very end of this recap
I couldn’t even say anything rip bc my entire brain was set in English and I was like ???? my god i wrote an entire post about the reasons I l*ve him but my mind is blankity blank
but then he was like well beibei’s great at pick up lines
so he did pick up lines based on scenarios zhixie gave fhdjfjfand most of them were old tsk
but he made up this rly cute one that went like 看花开不如看着你发呆 ‘people like looking at flowers bloom, but i’d rather look at you daydreaming’ and i UWUED SO HARD
and I didn’t realise this until meggi pointed it out after but when they put the scenarios on screen, they used a gender neutral “TA” instead of the gendered 她/他 ;;;;;
then they did this segment where honglin was supposed to go against three fans and do a tongue twister in the shortest time and in order of time they got to choose foods under cloches
honglin did so badly fhdjfjfj he got last place but idk if he did it on purpose so his fans could win
one fan got wasabi disguised as ice cream and zhixie was like EAT IT and honglin was like DONT
and he offered to eat the wasabi for her I’m sobbing he rly is so sweet
but zhixie was like NO SHE HAS TO EAT IT and everyone laughed bc he was so adamant fhdjfjfj i love zhixie with my entire soul
and thEN honglin goes okay y’all know how I posted that picture last night
(this picture)
my god I died when he posted it bc
1) I love that shirt what an expensive look
2) he was baking ;A;
and he made a half-baked cheesecake s o b s
he was like: “since i’m always posting vlogs and y’all always watch me eat I thought I’d make food for y’all this time” and I WEPT
and he was like oh give me a theme and i’ll decorate the cake around that theme
so they pulled out the box again and he picked random numbers
and they called out 4 and 15 and 27 to go on stage and I was like
wow I wonder who they are omg
and suddenly summer’s in my ear going MY GOD 15 IT’S YOU
me: what
me: WHAT
and the entire time i was mouthing to mirf and meggi like I CAN’T SPEAK CHINESE I’M GOING TO GO UP AND FORGET THAT I’M BILINGUAL I’M GOING TO BE BYELINGUAL I’M
and they were mouthing back sPEAK ENGLISH and i was like oK
and then it was my turn and i was shaking so so so hard ????
like i’m so so so bad in front of crowds i’ve shaken my way through every marketing presentation ever bc i hATE public speaking and now i have to go up in front of two angels?????
mirf and meggi were like THAT’S ASTROFIREWORKS and i didn’t realise until i checked the group chat after that zhixie said yAY KJDHSKSJAHKJA
and summer was like SHE FLEW IN FROM NEW YORK kjdshfkahdgjfhagjd
and zhixie was like wait do u speak chinese
but he only took the yes and was like ok thaNK GOD I DONT HAVE TO TRANSLATE
and zhixie and honglin said something about english but my mind was blank all i could do was stare at honglin like
i know i said he was unreal but
up close
he’s literally ??? a whole angel like ????????????? his eyes sparkle so much when he laughs my heart STOPPED
and when they asked me to step closer i was like
actually i can translate for u i’m-
and zhixie was like NO THERE’S NO NEED like akdsfhkjkjdshJKASDHK OK
then honglin asked what theme i wanted and i was likE FAM IDK I’VE BEEN BLANKING THE ENTIRE TIME STARING AT YOU
so i was like okay i know u rly like one piece so something maybe one piece related
and he was like fam that’s difficult sadjkfhalsKJSDHLKJASD
but the moment i opened my mouth
me: uh i’m singapor-
honglin: uwu i can hear it
me: about to die
zhixie (in english): ur accent !
and god yall my entire heart burst into flames like
i’ve said it before here but i’ve spent quite a bit of time being ashamed of my accent bc when i first got to america nobody could understand my singaporean accent and everyone kept asking me to repeat myself and eventually i was like ok u know what it’s better if i just shut up and not talk
and so the reason why i’m so so so proud of zhangjing (and jj) is bc there finally is ?? some south east asian representation and there are even people complimenting his accent and calling it cute and it ?? finally felt like i shouldn’t be embarrassed about the way i speak??
zhixie: when i heard you i was like eh? it’s almost like i heard you zhangjing
and i
and then zhixie turned to meggi and mirthe and were like yall come from beijing?
like fam what
and meggi was like no we come from belgium
zhixie: malaysian? you?
about ten people correcting him: belgium
zhixie, again: malaysian?
and then zhixie said some other words but yall i was
just watching honglin
his hands are so so so so beautiful like his fingers are rly nice and
his nose ??? work of art
also his hands looked so soft like :—(
he was just bent over the cake and he :—( rly truly a goddamn angel
summer took photos of me that i’m never releasing ever sakdfhaksjdhfds i look so COMPLETELY WHIPPED FOR HIM LIKE
and at one point he started plucking cherries and one stalk fell on the floor and i was like o no so i went forward to pick it up and he
looked up
and said ‘oh it’s okay’ and smiled and
my heart stopped i think i left my soul on stage
and i was like ‘idk i’m just ?? very shookt’
and zhixie was like what??? shy????
me: 很惊讶 (very shocked)
zhixie: shy? ? ??
me, thinking: fam this is how i feel when i translate yall captionless vlogs
zhixie (in eng): is this ur first time seeing honglin?
me: my first time seeing you also !!!!!
zhixie, suddenly shy: ah okay thank u
and then honglin was done and looked up and i might have died inside again
and he was like ‘oh this is zoro’
the sane part of me: oh wait ur favourite character is zoro???
(my sister, afterwards: wtf i feel lied to)
but he was so heckin close to me like fam my heart
honglin: i hope u like it uwu
me: heck !
honglin: take one bite!
zhixie (in eng): i wanna see ur facial expression
honglin: is it okay? ;;
and honglin was like be careful! there’s a cardboard cutout right there! bc he’s a whoLE ANGEL
my god
collapsed into summer’s arms right after thank god for summer !!!
okay then the next segment zhixie was like o yall know honglin’s position in the group is main vocal so next he can sing something for yall
honglin: actually i prepared an entire song for yall but music copyright means that i can’t sing it w a backing track
bc if he sings w a copyrighted backing track or if he sings more than half the song the livestream video would have to be taken down or something??
but it didn’t matter bc the moment he opened his mouth my entire heart STOPPED like
if he stabbed me in the stomach it would have hurt less his voice is so so sososos ososososososoosososo beautiful ????
and he sang without a backing track to like ????
i’m telling yall he’s a whole angel like he’s not real
and then honglin was like oh i also prepared another song but bc i now see there are overseas fans here i’m gonna sing an english song
and he sang when i was your man by bruno mars and when he hit the high note i think i ascended into the afterlife
and then zhixie asked if there was any other song we wanted and i was immediately like JJ!!
i’ve been ??? pleading for a jj cover forEVER ND HE
honglin: i’m going to do Those Were The Days bc like the song says (那些你很冒险的梦 我陪你去疯 - all those adventurous dreams, i’ll chase them with you), i’ve been chasing my dream and yall have been here with me every step of the way
and i think the moment he said it i DIED like ???? jj is one of my favourite singers and nearly all my faves have covered his songs at least once, astro included???
and everyone who knows me knows i love jj like nini miss @tanqram​ has literally made a tangram singing jj compilation that i watch religiously ??? and this is one of my fave jj songs?????
and the moment he opened his mouth like ???? i KNOW i said that i died the last two times he sang but
firstly he sounds so much like jj?????
and secondly everything was ???? perfect??????
like i judge jj covers hard bc i’ve listened to the originals so many times everything is ingrained and the moment something is off i cringe but
honglin’s perfect honglin is Actually Perfect
and afterwards honglin was like lol jj said before that whenever he sings high notes he starts sweating and immediately jingzuo (???) was like TAKE OFF UR CLOTHES LKAJDHSFKASJDHFK
jingzuo chaotic good!!!
also i didn’t know until afterwards when the fantakens were out but ruotian was eating chicken wings and slurping noodles the whole time upstairs aksjdflhaksdjfhaksj why is didi line chaos
and then zhixie was like yall know what other things beibei is good at?
like fam he’s good at everything we rly can’t
also someone in the back was like he’S GREAT AT DOING THE SPLITS and honglin’S FACE AJSDFHKSJDHF
but it was languages and so zhixie was like we’re gonna make him say i love u in many different languages
and i could FEEL marta miss @honeyforzhixie​ going ????? isn’t that ur thing zhixie jsdgflasjdhf
and so they started discussing languages and zhixie was like o i know u can speak a little japanese bc i know u memorised the entire one piece theme song
and i SCREAMED INSIDE bc we literally juST TALKED ABOUT IT THAT MORNING WHEN WE VIDEO CALLED NINI nkfhakjsdhf we were like uwu we hope he sings a jj song but then we were like o lol what if he ended up singing the one piece theme song instead bc we bet he knew the whoLE THING AND HE DOES KNOW IT AJSDFHLAK
but then zhixie made honglin imitate maotong and say ‘i love u’ the way maotong would and my heart ached a little i miss my baby boy so much ??
but JINGZUO CHAOTIC GOOD JSDHLAKJ ‘could u imitate chaoze too’ jaskdlfhkjd
and so he did a couple different versions like Japanese (he and jingzuo screamed lines from one piece at each other ajdkhflksd) and korean (he took a line out of some korean drama?????)
and someone suggested french (was it mirf?????) and i lAUGHED rip his french vlog sorry honglin i swear i love u !!
and then they were like ok time to play his fan video
okay listen i have to preface this by saying that when i got the brief from the hyh she told me ‘it’s best if we make him cry!’ and i was like ok! sure!
turns out it made ME cry i stressed out over the video for two entire weeks sobs the moment my finals were over i locked myself into nyu’s computer lab until moving out day but still couldn’t finish it so i had to work on it on the plane ride home too sobs my roommate connie miss @ynajun​ saw the worst of it bc every time i came home from the lab i’d stress about it ???
but my god it was worth ??? everything ????
he ?????? cried??????
and like on one hand i’m happy that i managed to fulfil the brief but also i feel bad bc he cried but also mostly i laughed bc he’s such a sweet emotional bub
like we specially bought tissues before we left for banana bc we were like we’re gonna need them bc we’re gonna cry
zhixie: he cries every year during his birthday
zhixie: but also even when it’s not his birthday he cries he cried at my birthday too
and afterwards in chaoze’s birthday post he called honglin a crybaby too UWUWUWUWU
tangent but on his birthday when he came into the group chat he thanked us again for the video and i Died
okay this next part is purely speculation bc i honestly might just be overinflating myself and he might have done this purely coincidentally but when he thanked us for his video he looked at me and i ?????
when the video was playing nini and marta were yelling in the gc that they knew the video was done by me bc i overuse cc particle world on after effects jasdhlfksjdh but in that moment i briefly entertained the thought that he was familiar enough with my edits to know that the only idiot who keeps using cc particle world was me ??
but also as i said purely speculation and probably coincidence so
anyway you can watch it here 
and then they played the birthday video messages from fans and i think i died from embarrassment let’s Not talk about it
but also i only realised it after they pointed it out in the gc but apparently zhixie and honglin were both singing along to the jj backing track i added to my video ajsdfhlaksjd
my god another tangent but on his birthday when he came into the group chat we were talking about the videos we recorded
and hh (one of honglin’s og fans she’s a whole angel too I love her !!!!) was like my gOD i rly am so unphotogenic (when she filmed her video she put a ‘FAT’ over her face sobs but like mood) and i was like yah same lol i had to record myself like ten times in times square bc i looked so bad in all the takes
and honglin was like HH WHY DID U CENSOR UR FACE UR CLEARLY SO CUTE and we collectively died for her uwu !!!!
then honglin rePLIED ME SAYING ‘OH BUT TIMES SQUARE HAS SUCH A GOOD VIBE’ and i died for the nth time ??? and then he followed up by saying ‘i rly want to go to times square i’ve gone to america a lot of times when i was younger but i’ve only ever been to the west coast’ jksadhlfkjshekj pls come i’ll bring u around east coast best coast
but back to the point he was like ‘i’ve said it before during ip (and he did!!! during the fanfan episode where he was talking to the rubbish bin he rly has said it before!!!!) but i rly try my best to remember every single person’s face and all my fan’s weibo IDs’ and my heART MELTED HE
and then it was his ending ment!!
he said something that rly threw my heart off a cliff he said that he’s so grateful for the hyh and fans for listening to him and donating to charities in his name instead of buying him extravagant gifts bc when he makes it big, if he makes it big, the thing he wants to do the most is to donate to children who come from a less privileged family background bc he knows what it’s like coming from a single parent family and ;n;
then they showed wishes from other idols!!!!!
there was wang ziyi, zhou rui, the twins my ip hEART
LISTEN I ??? when zuo qibo showed up my SWIN HEART EXPLODED I ??? MISS ??? MY SWIN ANGELS ????
and then cHAOZE APPEARED !!!! and everyone immediately melted he’s the softest leader alive i love my baby!!
and honglin was about to say something but ruOTIAN
ruotian showed up w a cake w sparklers???????? like fam???????
and eventually we had to say goodbye :—(
but honglin was like o i rly and truly thought that there would be lesser people at this birthday than there was last year and my heart ??? broke ????
bc the room they were in last year alr was so small and there were rly little roses but he ??? genuinely thought he had so little fans that he wouldn’t even fill up the room ;;;;;;;; bc there rly are v little active roses both on weibo like there are less than ten of us who actively post in his chaohua and at tgm events like they’re mostly lrt/jjz fans and there’s usually only one rose ;;;;
but listen honglin our entire gc would die for you we will never stop loving u until every last one of us is found dead in a ditch
and then we’ll love u into the next life
also after he said goodbye he was like sike!
he kept singing behind the cardboard cutouts and peeking around them to say hi again
at some point I poked my head over and went PLS COME TO NEW YORK and he said something back that I alas couldn’t hear rip
and then he started singing along to jj again sobs
but eventually at some point they left via the back door and I was like GOTTA GO THIS IS LITERALLY WHAT I’VE BEEN TRAINING FOR sobs going to the airport for yanjun and wenjun and jeffrey and ziyi and kunkun rly was to prepare me for one thing and one thing only and it was to practise getting good non-shaky fantakens without dying???
jingzuo rly truly looked AMAZING he rly rocks the white tee blue jeans and converse look jingzuo stans stay winning!!!
and honglin ;;;;;;; was holding my banner ;;;;;;;;
and he looked directly into my camera a couple times sobs and he shot hearts too I rly ???? Editing the photos made me cry so many times fbdjhfjf every time I got to those photos I lose my mind
ALSO ONLY AFTER EDITING THE PHOTOS I REALISED RUOTIAN WAS JUDGING ME SO HARD GHDJFJ my eyes were glued to honglin the entire time but looking at the photos again ruotian looked so unamused fhcjfhfbfhbf
speaking of ruotian my gOD editing photos with him in it is a nightmare y’all he’s either blinking or looks like he’s about to sneeze in nearly every picture fhdjfjfj summer and I generally make it a rule not to blur other members’ faces out of our fantakens but ruOTIAN RLY TESTING ME
but we made it to the banana lobby and I didn’t want to follow them and their fansites in so I stopped walking and honglin turned back to wave at me ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; and i think i died again
and so I went back to the event space where summer and mirthe and meggi were waiting and sat down and blanked out sobs
so mirthe and I were like omg gotta blAST so we speedwalked over
and he :—-( saw and shot signs at my camera again fhdjfjfjjf I ???
and then it was Actually Over god I was a shell of a person after that
still am tbh I’m not sure how I survived sorting through our 2000+ fantakens fhdjfjfj
but I’m so spoiled y’all I’m really truly so spoiled by him :—(
like I said earlier he rly spoils his fans so much????
that night he posted on Instagram and immediately summer and meggi and mirthe and I commented and he replied all four of us ;n;
earlier on in spring semester there was a third party event that Tangram was invited to but the organiser was a MESS and tgm wasn’t treated very well??? but honglin was worried that the fans who travelled to the event and didn’t get to see them were upset so he came into the group chat to console them ;;;;;
and I was talking to another fan and she said that even during other events he kept turning around to wave at the fans and acknowledge them and it’s ;;;;;; as someone who has ?? waited in the rain / stood for hours waiting for idols something as simple as a nod or a smile rly warms u up and makes the wind and cold worth it ;;;; and he makes sure to do it all the time ;;;;;;;;;
on his birthday !! his birthday !! when he was in Taiwan and should be resting and enjoying time w his mum and not thinking about us !!!! he still came into the group chat for an hour and talked to us ;;;;;;
and he named all his sort of more well known fans’ IDs, even the ones who weren’t online and sending messages at the time ;;;;; like he rly wasn’t lying when he said he remembers us ;;;;
also fhdjfjfjjf god I’m so spoiled he replied me so many times ?? like there was the times sq thing and the east coast thing ???
and when he said he was training for the next archery competition I was like “o are u shooting recurve or compound this time?” and he was like “o idk if I shot recurve or compound but it’s the one I shot the last time” and I fhdjfjfjfhfb
tangential but 1) my god y’all his form is beautiful my archery heart: exploded
2) his rhotics are so beautiful too my phonology heart: also exploded
also when he was about to leave the gc I was like “huh but u just got here, why are you leaving?” and he sent another voice message “astrofireworks, why are you becoming shameless too, when did I just get here, I’ve clearly been here for a long time already” fhdjfjdjfn fhdjjd
also my GOD He was reading some IDs and summer and lyla were like what about @astrofireworks and I was like fchjfbhjdf y’all it’s ok he’s alr said it in another voice message two months ago in the gc I’m alr so spoiled I ???? rly shouldn’t ask anything else of him or he’s going to hate me
but then he
a whole
nine second message
“hey astrofireworks, I hope one day I can go to New York and maybe... I’ll meet you there, okay?”
and I ??,?? Sobbed
and then Connie went to send him off at the airport in Taiwan the next day and ????? 
I’m not gonna say much because it’s rly conno’s story to tell and I’m not sure how much I’m allowed to say outside the gc but he rly spoils his fans so so so so much ????
anyway bei honglin rly and truly is the sweetest boy on earth we rly don’t deserve him ;;;;; this first week of June truly has been the best week of my cpop stan life and i ????? love mister bei honglin with my entire heart and soul ;;;;;;;;;;;;
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peraltasames · 5 years
christmas eve will find me where the love light gleams
Nochebuena, the night before Christmas, has always had a special place in Amy Santiago's heart.
read on ao3
December 24th
Outside a big white house in a small suburban community in New Jersey, snow is falling peacefully on the ground and creating a scene that looks like something out of a painting. There are two sensible, fuel-efficient cars in the garage and one cheap pickup truck recently purchased by the eldest Santiago boy parked haphazardly in the driveway. At eight o’clock that evening, the front door was locked until the following morning when dozens of extended relatives will pile into the home, three generations of family members spending the better part of twenty-four hours together.
Inside, the scene is less calm - an eight year-old Amy Santiago is excitedly begging her father to tell her and her seven brothers another story, some of whom are arguably too old for story time but begrudgingly sitting around the fireplace with the rest of their family.
“It’s almost time for bed, mi amor,” Victor tells Amy firmly, yet with ever-present kindness in his eyes.
“Please, Dad. It’s nochebuena!” Amy pleads, her cozy plaid pajamas sliding against the hardwood floor as she shifts closer to her father on her knees, hands clasped together.
After a shared look with his wife, Victor sighs and admits defeat - he’s incredibly partial when it comes to the little girl before him, his one and only daughter.
“Oh my god, can I go call Jen now?” Nic exasperatedly asks his parents, throwing his head back in annoyance when Camila shakes her head. “Mom, I’m seventeen.”
“You have to wait until story time is over and we put cookies out for Santa, those are the rules,” Amy demands, crossing her arms and looking up at her older brother.
Nic opens his mouth to say something, but a pointed glare from Victor stops him before any sound can come out. Knowing the argument is already lost, he settles back into his chair with a small sigh.
With the satisfaction that she’s gotten her way, Amy curls up next to her mother and waits eagerly for her father to begin one of the many Cuban fables and fairytales that she loves so much. The one he tells tonight is new to her, a story about a beautiful girl and a handsome prince that ends, as many of the stories do, with happily ever after.
“Mama?” she mumbles sleepily as she’s being tucked into bed a few minutes later, eyes already closed. “Am I gonna find my prince one day?”
Camila smiles, her fingers combing through her daughter’s soft, dark curls.
“Of course, honey,” she promises, earning a content smile from Amy. “He just might not be exactly the type of prince you’re expecting. Your father certainly wasn’t royalty, but he’s always been my true love.”
“So I should marry a police officer like daddy?”
Camila laughs, shaking her head. “Not necessarily, my love. What’s important is that he treats you with respect and makes you happier than anything in the world.”
“Happier than cookies? And books?” Her mother nods. “Even happier than nochebuena?”
“Even happier than that.”
At eight years old, Amy can’t quite grasp the concept of true respect or someone being “the one”, but she promises herself that she’ll wait for a prince that makes her feel as full of joy and peace as she does while falling asleep in her cozy bed, dreaming of presents and sweets and happiness.
December 24th
“You look like you could use a drink.”
Amy’s snapped out of her thoughts the moment her brother begins his sentence, looking up from her phone for the first time since she sat down on the couch opposite the tree a few minutes ago.
Her parents are in the kitchen preparing food for tomorrow’s celebrations, her brothers and their wives and children dispersed through every room of the house, occupying nearly all the space the six-bedroom home has to offer.
She reaches out to accept the large mug of Cuban hot chocolate. Her older brothers let her in on the magical secret ingredient - their father’s expensive, 100-proof rum - around her sixteenth Christmas Eve.
“Thanks, Alec,” she mumbles, taking a long, very much needed sip of the warm beverage in her hands.
Her brother plops down next to her, folding his arms behind his head. “Are you bummed about the breakup with Freddy?”
Amy narrows her eyes. “It’s Teddy, but...no.”
Frankly, she should probably have been a little upset about the end of an eight month relationship, but the absence of Teddy Wells in her life is far from the greatest worry whirling through her troubled mind.
“Then what’s got ya down, sis? You love nochebuena.”
She knows she hasn’t been herself tonight, and she saw the worry in her mother’s eyes when she didn’t want a second helping of pork and the exchanged glances between her brothers when the smiles while playing with her nieces and nephews didn’t quite reach her eyes.
“It’s, um...a different guy, actually.”
She realizes the moment she’s said it that she’s never actually talked to anyone about Jake before. She’s always been dating Teddy and too consumed by guilt to admit her feelings for another person. Even Jake (and Teddy and Sophia, unfortunately) currently believes her feelings for him to be a thing of the past, and is blissfully ignorant of the fact that said feelings are eating her alive at any given moment of every single day since he told her he liked her and left for a six-month undercover mission.
“Who is it?” Alec raises an eyebrow, looking at her intently.
She braces herself for the reaction as she says, quietly and a little embarrassed: “Jake Peralta.”
His mouth hangs open, eyes widening a little as he processes this revelation.
“Your coworker, Jake Peralta? Like, the one that eats candy for breakfast and has only read fifteen books in his entire life?”
Amy laughs humourlessly and takes another gulp of hot chocolate, the rum burning her throat. “That’s the one.”
She doesn’t know when the innocent crush on her partner spiralled into a full-blown obsession, prohibiting her from successfully dating anyone else, but she despises that he’s somehow able to ruin her night even when she’s in another state. Although, technically he didn’t ruin her night - she blames that on the unfairly adorable picture Sophia just posted of the two of them skating at Rockefeller Centre.
“So, what’s his deal, married or gay? Because there’s no way any sane man would pass up my little sister.”
“Neither,” Amy answers, fiddling with the hem of her sweater. “But he has a girlfriend. She’s beautiful and smart and…I missed my shot with him. It’s my fault.”
“That’s not necessarily true. Maybe they’ll break up.”
Amy doesn’t reply, staring down at her mug. She refuses to spend any more time praying that her friend’s happy relationship will come to an end just in case she’s maybe able to work up the courage to tell him how she feels.
Alec shifts a little closer to her and places his hand on her arm. His deep brown eyes - the same shade as hers - are wide with unexpected sincerity.
“Look, I don’t know much about this guy, but I know that you never pass up seconds of mom’s cooking. Like, not even when Ryan broke up with you. Not even when you lost the sixth grade spelling bee to Elizabeth Beeker.”
“Any idiot could’ve gotten prospicience, it’s hardly a winning word-“
“Ames, trying to make a point here,” Alec cuts off a ramble that likely would’ve lasted an hour - Elizabeth Beeker really was a bitch - and resumes his serious expression. “If you really like Jake, don’t miss your shot next time. If you get the chance, just tell him.”
The possibility of telling Jake, which could lead to the even more frightening possibility of dating Jake and falling in love with Jake, is just about the scariest thing she can imagine. In all her years of police work, all the boys she’s admitted her feelings for, all the chances she’s taken - this is by far the greatest risk (and, she supposes, the greatest potential reward).
Her phone buzzes with a text just before she can brush off the conversation to go attempt to help her mother in the kitchen and inevitably get turned away.
Jake Peralta
hey ames, happy notchabueno (def butchered that sry) hope ur having fun with the fam. see u back at work on monday :)
“Is that him?” Alec inquires, raising an eyebrow.
Amy nods sheepishly, her eyes lingering on the display picture he set of himself making a goofy face.
“I bet he doesn’t text all his coworkers on Christmas Eve.”
She doesn’t let herself dwell on her brother’s (probably true) statement, simply shutting her phone off for the remainder of the night and hoping to enjoy some time with her family and discuss a plethora of other topics not concerning her love life. In perfect timing, one of her nieces comes running in asking for Amy’s help braiding her hair.
As she obliges and gets to work on the curly dark hair of the young girl in her lap, she tries not to think about what next Christmas Eve could be like if she only had the courage to swallow her pride and take a leap.
December 21st
The first few moments Amy’s awake, the only thing she’s able to register is how cold she is, how annoyed she is that it’s so cold, and the imminent importance of making herself less cold.
She seeks the nearest source of warmth, pulling the blankets further up her body (naked other than underwear and a loose t-shirt, not helping her temperature) and then moving on to the second source, the warm body only a few inches away from her. As always, he’s somehow abundant with warmth despite his bare chest being completely exposed to the chilly air of his apartment.
Her head nestles into his shoulder, her arm wraps around his waist, and it takes only a moment before his arms are subconsciously circling around her and pulling her into a tight embrace. She smiles contentedly, pressing a little kiss to his warm skin and falling into a state of complete relaxation, enjoying the few minutes until they have to get up for work-
-until her eyes land upon the window across the room.
“Jake!” she exclaims, slapping his chest probably a little too hard and sitting up abruptly, gracelessly jerking his arms away from their hold on her.
“Babe, what the hell-“ Jake grumbles, rubbing his eyes.
“It’s snowing!” Amy’s grin is wide as she walks over to the window and feasts her eyes on the beauty of the streets of New York covered in a sheet of white for the first time that winter.
“You grew up in Jersey! It snows every year!”
“Yeah, but it’s the first time this year!” She turns back towards him, still beaming with joy, and his initially irritated and confused expression melts in an instant. She’s aware of her effect on him at this point, but she still relishes in the look he gives her after she’s kissed him or laughed at one of his jokes or, in this case, woken him up fifteen minutes before his alarm because of snow.
The cold of being out of bed quickly catches up with her, and she crawls into his side of the bed and pulls the blanket back over both of them, draping herself over his chest. His hands rub up and down her goosebump-covered arms, transferring warmth to her.
“So, I never asked you, do you have any plans for Christmas?” She tilts her chin up to wait for his response.
“Probably the usual, Die Hard and takeout. Maybe I’ll go to the bar with Charles and Gina if they can escape Boyle family Christmas after dinner.”
It’s not that he seems upset by these extremely underwhelming plans, and she understand that the holidays have never been as significant a part of his life as they are hers, but there’s a part of her that despises the idea of Jake sitting at home alone on Christmas.
For a brief moment, she considers inviting him to her parents’ house, but she quickly reasons against the idea. He hasn’t met any of the Santiagos aside from Lucas, who showed up at her door unexpectedly while he was in the neighbourhood and she was in the shower, leaving Jake to talk to him for a solid fifteen minutes only a few months into their relationship. Luckily, they hit it off immediately and now text what she considers to be disturbingly frequently. A week into an ongoing text discussion about cool cop stories, Luke being the only other one of her siblings to follow in their father’s footsteps, Amy’s brother texted her something along the lines of mom told me you were dating another white dude but i didn’t know he was a COOL white dude this time! nicely done sis.
Regardless of his stamp of approval from one of her seven brothers and neither of her parents, though she thinks her mother is just happy she’s finally found a man she really, truly likes (loves, though the word has yet to be uttered aloud) she’s still skeptical of introducing him to her family at an event as crazy and hectic as Christmas. Ideally, Jake’s interpolation of the Santiago family will be gradual, painless and one family member at a time.
“What’s your mom up to?” Amy asks after a few seconds of quiet contemplation.
“I think she’s having dinner with some friends. I was there for Hanukkah last week, we haven’t really done anything for Christmas since my dad left.”
Again, there isn’t any real indication in his tone that he has a problem with his plan of watching Die Hard alone in his little apartment, by definition a perfect night for Jake Peralta. Her idea of the holidays, however, involves spending time with loved ones, and she’s come to realize recently that she loves Jake more than nearly anyone else in the world.
Her mother, to her surprise, is not upset in the slightest when Amy calls and says she’ll be coming on Christmas morning rather than Christmas Eve this year.
“You’re not mad?” Amy says, voice low enough that Jake won’t hear her from the shower.
“Of course not, mi amor. I know how much you love nochebuena, I’m happy you’ve finally found someone you want to share it with.”
Three days later - December 24th
Jake’s fingers are tightly interlocked with hers the whole way home in the backseat of Captain Holt’s car. Since the unprecedented display of affection she initiated upon spotting him outside the store after an agonizing twenty minutes spent unsure of his safety, she’s been trying to reign it in a little, but maintaining some form of contact is vital for her breathing to remain steady.
He kisses her temple halfway between the crime scene and his apartment, burying his nose in her hair for a few moments before continuing the conversation between Rosa, himself and Charles while Amy and Holt remain mostly silent.
They eventually make it home and walk upstairs hand-in-hand, as they probably would have around this time even if he hadn’t been caught up in a hostage situation and nearly killed.
“Please tell me you’ll consider watching something other than Die Hard considering you just lived it,” Amy pleads as he lets her go to unlock the door.
He pauses to think. “Hmm, I could probably be talked into Die Hard 2.”
“Not really what I meant, but-“
He pushes the door open, revealing his apartment in a state in which she’s never seen it before - clean. There are a few other key changes, too, like the string lights hanging around the kitchen, the table already set for dinner with a bottle of Spanish wine in the center, and a crockpot she’s never seen him use on the kitchen counter.
“Oh, shit,” Jake blurts out before she can say something. “I completely forgot, between Charles’ gift and then the whole, ya know, situation…”
“What is all this, Jake?” Her eyes are glimmering with awe as she follows him into the kitchen.
He opens the lid of the crockpot, cursing as he realizes whatever he’s left in there is definitely burnt well beyond the point of being edible.
“Crap, I really wanted - I just, I felt bad that you were missing Christmas Eve with your family because I know it’s, like, your favourite holiday and it’s a big part of your childhood and your culture and everything. So I called Luke and asked what you guys would normally do at home so I could try to recreate it. I mean, it wasn’t gonna be perfect - does your mom really cook a whole pig?” Amy nods, still staring at him with complete reverence, leaning back against the counter across from him. “Well, anyways, the closest I could get was pulled pork. Which is totally ruined now.”
She closes the space between them and grabs his face, kissing him much more slowly than earlier that night. His hands, once again, come to rest on her waist over her NYPD windbreaker, pulling her up against him.
“Babe, that was…so sweet,” she murmurs, pecking his lips one more time. “You’re amazing.”
His smile, the adorable, relieved grin of which she’s the world’s biggest fan, compensates a million times over for the ruined dinner. Honestly, she isn’t even hungry. After the events of the last hour, she just wants to be close to him and relax. She’s even more grateful now that she’s not in New Jersey; the moment she received Jake’s texts that evening, getting to him as quickly as possible was a priority she was willing to brave freezing cold waters for. She’s not sure she could’ve handled a two-hour drive.
“Merry Christmas, Ames,” he whispers, forehead resting against hers.
“Merry Christmas, Jake.” She wraps her arms around his waist underneath his jacket and presses her cheek to his chest. “I really was worried about you tonight. If something happened to you...”
He tightens his grip on her, one hand leaving her back to stroke her hair. “It’s okay. I’m safe.”
She allows herself another minute to breathe him in and remind herself of the beating of his heart, just below the stretch of hoodie her ear is pressed up against.
“I know,” she finally says, pulling away to look at him with a bit more composure than before. “Thank god for Charles yippee-kayaking the crap out of those other buckets.”
Jake’s smile fades. “That is still not funny to joke about!”
She laughs, releasing him to grab an ice pack for his concussion and drag him to the couch so she can continue warming herself up under several blankets and with his arms wrapped around her.
December 24th
They don’t make it through the entire Christmas carol before Jake, much less concerned with politeness than the Boyle family is, is begging them to spare their ears. Charles, in turn, invites them all inside for a drink to escape the subzero temperatures.
Somehow, the whole squad fits into the small living room, though Amy ends up sharing an armchair meant for one person with Jake to conserve space. She’s annoyed for a split second until he pulls her onto his lap rather than leaving her squished beside him and circles his arms around her.
They exchange stories of the night, leaving out some details for the benefit of Nikolaj (“the criminal could only sing when he had a lot of, um…hot chocolate”; “the guys that had the only Captain Latvia in the city also had a bunch of packages of…candy?”) and drink some weird wine Charles made at home that tastes surprisingly good and is dangerously strong.
“We should go home,” Jake mumbles against the back of Amy’s neck, sending a familiar shiver down her spine, after Genevieve has gone to put Nikolaj to bed, Scully and Hitchcock have departed for the diner around the corner, Terry and Holt have left to spend time with their families and only Rosa, Charles, Gina and themselves remain seated around the coffee table.
She agrees instantly, bidding their friends farewell as she finally gets to her feet and realizes she’s a little tipsy, relying on his hand on her back to keep her upright.
“Babe, it’s so much colder out here,” Amy groans as soon as they’re back out on the stoop.
The roads are now lit only by the street lights and the overarching glow of the skyline, the snow still falling on their shoulders as they begin the two-block trek to her apartment.
His hand tangles with hers and her other arm wraps around his, her cheek leaning against him while they walk at a pace a little slower than they normally would. They’re both enveloped by the postcard-like scene, she almost feels like she’s the protagonist of a horribly cheesy lifetime movie (it doesn’t matter to her that it’s cheesy, she refuses to apologize for being the happiest she’s ever been).
“Are you ready for tomorrow?” Amy asks, her voice a little muffled by his jacket. Although she’s more excited than anything else, a part of her is nervous for Jake’s Christmas at the Santiagos’ - mostly because she hopes it’s the first of many.
“So ready. All of your brothers and your mom love me.”
She brought him to a family dinner shortly after the Thanksgiving fiasco with her father, instructing him firmly to just be himself. To Jake’s surprise and her relief, that plan actually worked.
“My dad will come around too, he just hasn’t realized how amazing you are yet.”
Jake kisses her head, conveniently located on his upper arm, and she can feel his smile. “Babe, you’re sappy on Christmas.”
She kisses his cheek in return and resumes their walk at a slightly increased speed, the warmth of her apartment tantalizing her as the building comes into view.
When they’re curled up on the couch in pajamas ten minutes later, she braces herself for the horrified gasp when the Netflix title she selected begins to play on the screen of her television.
“Love Actually? Babe, it’s Christmas! What about Die Hard?”
She sighs in her spot next to him, lifting herself out of his arms.
“This is much more a Christmas movie than Die Hard is,” she argues. “Besides, we watched that last year. And, like, every other week since then.”
“But...it’s tradition.”
“I know, Jake, I just thought...we’re making new traditions, right? Together?”
He pauses, and her heart aches for a split second, but the warm smile that graces his face a moment later eases her worries.
“Yeah, okay,” he concedes, his tone softened. “Now get back over here.”
She settles back into him with one arm wrapped snugly around his torso and revels in being able to enjoy her favourite Christmas movie for a change, hoping it makes the cut to become an annual thing.
The look on Jake’s face when Hans Gruber shows up (and as a bad guy) makes her think she may just get her way.
December 24th
Amy Santiago on maternity leave means a lot of things: their apartment is always immaculate, their laundry is always done, there’s always some food prepared in the fridge to varying degrees of edibleness. With no work and a newborn baby who is surprisingly easy to take care of at this stage of her life, she has way too much time on her hands, which also means their apartment is decorated to the nines for the holiday season.
There’s a huge Christmas tree that Jake and Charles struggled to carry up the narrow staircase, dozens of presents underneath from Amy’s many online shopping binges. Garlands and menorahs and wreaths and dreidels cover every inch of space available for decor. There’s a lingering smell of pine and peppermint in the air at all times, the faint sound of popular carols constantly playing from a speaker in the kitchen.
Jake doesn’t comment on the fact that coming home is the equivalent of going to the Macy’s at Herald Square during December, or that it’s all kind of pointless since they’re going to her parents’ for the entirety of the Christmas holidays as they have every year since their engagement (Amy’s aware of these things too, she’s just really bored).
It turns out her efforts aren’t completely futile, as Christmas Eve brings the worst snowstorm on the east coast in twenty years. Perhaps in previous years she would have risked the drive to visit her family, but neither she nor Jake are willing to take their baby girl out of the safety of their apartment as long as the storm persists.
“Okay, she’s asleep-“ Jake pauses halfway through the living room. He really thought he had seen the last of the insanity of Amy wrapping their daughter’s presents, yet the floor in front of the tree is once again littered with wrapping paper, tape and ribbons. “What’s going on in here?”
“Found one that I forgot about buried in our closet,” she mutters, busily wrapping the rectangular box. “Last one, I swear.”
Jake sits down on the floor next to her, his hand reaching for her back to rub small circles while she works. He’s been incredibly sympathetic while she’s on leave, understanding firsthand how difficult it is to be away from their job for that long. She’s an amazing mother, but that much time alone with an infant would take a toll on anyone.
“Babe, you know we’re the ones who will be opening these gifts right? And she won’t remember what they look like?”
Amy shoots him a brief glare before returning to the task. “I know, Jake. But Christmas was always perfect for me when I was growing up and I want Abby’s to be perfect too.”
“It will be.” He puts his finger down on the centre of the box so she can tie the ribbon, well-versed in assisting her after six years of Christmases.
Finally content, Amy places the gift under the tree with the rest of them and her shoulders drop with relaxation.
“There. Perfect.”
Jake takes her in, dark hair cascading in waves over a bright red sweater and face lit up by the coloured lights on the tree. She’s glowing with warmth and joy. He previously thought it to be impossible, but he thinks he loves her a little bit more now.
“You’re perfect,” he says with a smile, leaning in to kiss her forehead. When he pulls away, her eyes are wet with tears.
“Babe, you know I’m too hormonal for you to be that cute!” she exclaims, hastily wiping her cheeks.
Jake laughs, tugging her hand until she climbs into his lap, her back against his chest as they look up at the tree she spent eight hours flawlessly decorating.
“Merry Christmas, Ames.” He breathes the words into her hair, her hand covering his squeezing as he speaks.
“Merry Christmas, Jake.”
They’re interrupted by the sounds of their daughter’s cries - they’re both able to identify it as her hungry one, so Amy scurries off to get her. After a few minutes, Jake can faintly hear the sounds of Amy speaking in Spanish from the next room over. He understands very little of it, but he thinks it might be a bedtime story.
Later, when he asks his wife about it while they’re curled up in bed, she tells him it was her favourite fairytale growing up.
“What’s it about?” he asks, absentmindedly tracing her skin.
“A princess.”
“Let me guess, she lives happily ever after?”
Amy beams at him, kissing him softly on the mouth and shifting even further into his embrace.
“She does.”
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abncr-blog · 6 years
Tumblr media
        boy u look like a motherfuckin’ uhʰhʰhhʰʰhhʰhh jk it me, zee, i’m mmm a whole mess but i’m here and i’m happy and i’m so excited??? this looks so cute and wow i just graduated hs so woo hoo ! not going to college because it scares me and i never wanted 2 go anyway, sorry mom, but uh enough about me and let’s get onto brynn abner?? my lil baby?? as a general warning, she’s the worst and i’m not kidding :)
five am runs, black coffee in plain white mugs, neatly put together clothing, tear-stained cheeks, different faces to different people, lacing up ankle braces, the squeaks of sneakers on a gym floor, frustrated sighs, building something out of nothing, a tough frontier, fake smiles, spreading a nasty rumor, a hard hit on a ball, an angry cry echoing in an empty room.
trigger warning: 
also hoes, this is all over the place because brynn is a really developed muse and idk how to stay on track :)
in a small, rural town in montana, the ever growing sokolov family welcomed brynn last. she was the youngest of nine children and has a lot of issues okay.
her parents were bible-thumping church goers that loved god a lot more than they loved their children and the eldest boy  -  noah sokolov ended up raising the kids on his own. he was basically the dad and we all stan noah in this house.
they were poor, living on the outskirts of the rural town in a run down three bedroom house that definitely didn’t fit them all. brynn shared a room with two girls, the twins that were born a couple years before her. they were siblings, but they basically tormented her all her life and she wasn’t having it.
grew up with scraps and crappy clothes, she never really had anything new and she didn’t ???? care mostly. mostly.
with the help of noah, brynn began playing volleyball when she was seven. she showed true passion and skill for the sport, so he enrolled her in out of school clubs and teams and was her #1 fan throughout it all.
when she was twelve, noah was twenty-one and ended up passing away. he was on his way to pick her up from practice and was involved in a head-on collision with a drunk driver. he was killed on impact and brynn’s life fell apart because she was closest to noah.
anyway, long story short, she ran away.
at twelve, found herself in california, not knowing anyone or anything except how to play volleyball and how to kick a bitch’s ass because she was always wrestling with her sisters. found herself in a lot of teen homes and shelters, always saying her mom was coming to get her and lying to get her way.
was taken in by a young couple that found her diving in the dumpster behind their cute little restaurant and they raised her basically from then. she told them her name of course, but goes by abner. the couple tried to find her real parents, but the abner family was nowhere to be found because mmm they weren’t really the abner family, they were the sokolov family but shh don’t tell them.
basically was passed off as their niece and nobody??? questioned it??? except the government honestly, but they??? got away with it because that’s a plot hole i have yet to complete i’m sorry.
noticing her talent for volleyball, they enrolled her again in a club team and that’s where she was kinda scouted ig?? she was contacted by a coach at redwood and recruited basically as an athlete.
started there her sophomore year and instantly learned that reputation mattered. she climbed ranks quickly, using her manipulative attitude and sly tactical advantage. she was pretty and underestimated and most people just thought she played volleyball, but she was so much more.
still goes by just abner, but is a two-faced snake who lays on the top tier somehow because if anyone comes for her she’s a whole ass bitch and will gladly ruin someone’s life for fun.
idk what happened to her okay, idk how to explain everything.
part of the christian club cause that’s how she was raised but couldn’t care less honestly.
is queen snake, u thought tswift was bad? mm honey
smiles in ur face and calls u a bitch behind ur back
definitely the girl that has straight a's and runs every morning and is crazy good at academics and athletics mostly because she doesn't want to become nothing, ya know?
comparable to : regina george, gen from tatbilb, tris from nick and norah’s, heather chandler, every mean girl ever basically.
wears the jersey number 2 because 2′s my favorite number so therefore, it’s her favorite number. sorry i don’t make the rules.
really good @ volleyball, studies hard, works hard because she doesn’t want to ever go back to her old life, keeps it quiet though, nobody knows abt her old life,
I’M SO BAD AT EVERYTHING this was probably hella contradicting and there’s a lot of plot holes and this is overall bad mmmm im me and i can probably tell you more??
BUT give me all the plots i’d love a mean girl squad or a??? opposite love interest? uhhhh enemies, teammates, frenemies, bffs, a confidant idk fam hmu
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sweetnestor · 6 years
odlt extra #2 | a plethora of difficulties
March 2018, aka the night of ethan’s drunk stream. drink responsibly kiddos.
PREVIOUS FICS (u should read these if ur new here)(srsly this is ethan x oc)
The magic number for this month was nine. I was one week away from being exactly nine months sober. I was proud, and I had also run out of people to give my chips to. The last person to receive a chip from me was Amy, and that was two months ago.
Anyway, every anniversary I always end up reflecting on my progress. Yes, I quit drinking. That meant I had to find other ways to cope with my never ending, always frustrating social anxiety. That was a particularly hard thing to deal with, and it was really annoying.
Drinking excessively? Over it. Suicide attempt? Like it never even happened. Depressive episode who? Don’t know her. Social anxiety? Yeah, she’s a BITCH.
I was trying, though, and Ethan told me that trying always counts.
I’ve managed to be around my close circle of friends (Mark, Amy, Tyler, Kathryn, and Jack when he was in the country) without feeling the deadly temptation. I was comfortable around them because they’ve witnessed my bad moments with alcohol… and my bad moments in general. If I ever was feeling triggered, I had my ways to combat it.
One thing I have found useful and productive in my sober time was my unconditional and insatiable need to mother the shit out of my boyfriend when he couldn’t do it himself. Over time, I had become the permanent designated driver for not just Ethan, but also his friends outside the team. It helped all of them save Uber money, and it eased my mind knowing that they all got home safely. It also helped me get comfortable around the friends I didn’t know as well, so then maybe I could actually be out and about with them in the future. Yeah, Ethan threw up in the passenger seat one time, but at least it was in the safety of my car. And yes, it was a bitch to clean up. And no, the friends that witnessed that moment have not let him live it down.
Aside from blowing chunks in inconvenient spaces, the times when Ethan would drink a little too much were tricky to deal with. When I would get him inside his apartment, he wouldn’t make it to his room. He would settle for the couch and insist on taking me with him. He was also very handsy and always wanted to kiss me, despite the liquor breath. Once I made it clear I wasn’t interested, he would back off and fall asleep.
Tonight was a little different. I headed over to Ethan’s apartment after working at the office like I normally would. He was walking out of his recording room as I entered the apartment. It took a second for me to notice his droopy eyes and dopey grin. And then I saw the bottle of Jack in his hand. Oh.
“What’s the occasion?” I asked as I closed the front door behind me.
Ethan looked up and smiled wide. “Bella!” He opened his arms and walked towards me.
He was a cuddly drunk too. Can’t complain about that.
“Me and Brian just recorded some videos,” he told me as he pressed my head against his chest. “Mm, I missed you.”
I giggled as I pulled out of his grasp. I looked up at him, trying to determine just how intoxicated he was. “So how much have you had?”
He chuckled and held up a finger, like he had some big, rousing story as to how he got in this situation. “Listen… when you watch the videos, you will understand.” He spoke slowly and fumbled on his speech.
“How much?” I asked again.
“Ten - No, twelve shots,” he replied. “Twelve, I think.”
I hid my shocked expression well. “I see. And what are you gonna do now?”
“I’m gonna go pee. And I’m taking this with me.” He held up the bottle. “‘Cause you’re not allowed…”
And he strode off into the bathroom.
It’s one thing to drop him off at his friend’s house or at a bar. It was easy for me to have that distance and do my own thing. Now I was torn between going home and staying to take care of him. I should go home because I still get triggered by alcohol and being around drunk people. But I should stay because Ethan was hammered and he was alone in his own apartment. Who else was going to take care of him?
I took a deep breath and marched over to the fridge. As soon as I opened it, all I saw was beer and expensive whiskey. But no, I was better than this. I’ve stayed in Ethan’s apartment many times, knowing there was alcohol in here. It took me a moment to reach for the orange Gatorade, but I did it. However, I did pretend it was tequila or vodka as I drank some of it. Just because you’re clean, don’t mean you don’t miss it.
Then I heard gagging and retching in the bathroom. It was quick and followed by the toilet flushing. Guess I can’t have Gatorade now.
Ethan stepped out of the bathroom like nothing happened. He walked over, still having a grin on his face.
“I’m gonna stream now,” he said casually.
I chuckled. “Okay, sure.”
“No, really. I already tweeted it.”
This was going to be harder than I thought. I checked my phone, and there was indeed a tweet linking to Ethan’s Twitch channel. Dammit.
“Are you sure, bubby?” I asked, trying to get on his sweet side. “You just got sick, don’t you wanna go to bed?”
Ethan took two clumsy steps towards me. He reached up and stroked my bottom lip with his thumb, evidently smearing my lipstick.
“You can wait for me in bed, baby,” he told me as he attempted to wink. “Keep your lipstick on. I like it.”
I would have laughed had it not been for the circumstances. Here I thought he listened to me better when he was intoxicated.
“Maybe you shouldn’t drunk stream,” I suggested, getting anxious as I wiped just below my mouth.
“But the community!” he whined. “I can’t disappoint them! I promised a drunk stream! It has to happen, Bella!”
I rolled my eyes, now getting impatient. “You’re gonna regret it tomorrow, but go off!”
Ethan’s face fell a little bit. “Don’t be mean to me… I’m just trying to have fun!”
“I’m not-” I stopped myself, realizing there was no point in arguing. “Okay, you made the decision. Have your fun! And take this too, you’re gonna need it.” I gave him the Gatorade.
Let him regret it in the morning.
“Okay, I’ll try to be quick.” He leaned in and kissed the top of my head. “I love you.”
“Love you,” I mumbled as I went over to the couch.
Of course I watched everything go down from my laptop. It was entertaining to say the least, but it also made my stomach feel heavy. Should I have tried harder to stop him?
I hesitated to mod the chat on Twitch, but I eventually signed on and made my presence known. First message I saw? “Bella, come get ya mans!” Honey, I fucking tried. I figured, as long as I don’t make it known that we’re in the same apartment, it shouldn’t be a problem, right? People don’t have to know that I let him get this messy, right?
“Oh, hi Bella,” Ethan said in the stream when he looked at the chat. “Everyone say hi to Bella!”
“Hiiiiii Bellaaaaa,” repeated his friends in exaggerated, flamboyant tones.
The first response I noticed in the chat was from Kathryn. And that was only because she texted me over the phone first.
“Should we be worried?”
On Twitch: “sup fam”
I responded in the chat first. “Hey queen.”
Over text: “He should be fine. If things get even messier then I’ll step in.”
Kathryn replied quickly. “Oh you’re there with him? You good fam?”
“lol yeah it’s all good. Keeping an eye on the boyf keeps me occupied.”
As the stream continued, Ethan took two more shots. He also drank the Gatorade I gave him, so he was attempting to stay hydrated. He was already really far gone, though.
“Brian, Brian… I love you,” Ethan slurred, clearly out of his mind.
“I’ll kill you!” Brian replied, causing everyone to laugh.
“Don’t let your girlfriend hear you say that, Earthan,” Joey added.
I snorted. My boring, sober ass couldn’t keep up anymore.
“Bella knows I love her,” Ethan told them. “I love her so much…”
“Here we fucking go,” I mumbled as I typed in the chat. “lol I could never come between you and the bagel.”
The chat went wild. Ethan missed it because he had accidentally called his mother. What I would have given to hear that conversation.
After that, things got weird. Ethan somehow logged himself out of the Discord chat with his friends. He was confused, and it showed on his drunk face. His eyes were also drooping enough for people in the chat to take notice. To top it all off, Ethan put his head down on what I assumed was the microphone, but it shifted and he practically went limp.
That was when I got up and went to the recording room. Ethan was pulling off his headphones and talking to Siri. He slowly turned towards me as I entered the room. He was so out of it.
“Is the stream over?” I asked quietly, not wanting to be overheard.
“Yeah, I ended it,” he replied softly. He moved to get up but suddenly paused. “Ugh, I don’t feel good.”
I quickly ran out of the room, grabbed the bin from the bathroom and returned. Ethan took it and held it in his lap, waiting.
While he puked up the alcohol, I went to the medicine cabinet in the bathroom and found the Tylenol. As I went to the kitchen, I heard Ethan retching into the trash can. I got a glass of water and took it to the bedroom. I placed the glass and the painkillers on the bedside table, and then I pulled the blanket back on the bed for when Ethan wanted to lie down.
He came out of the recording room with the little trash bag tied up. He was wasted and he looked miserable. I gently took the bag from him.
“Brush your teeth and go lie down,” I told him.
“Yes, Miss,” he slurred back.
“And don’t be nasty,” I added before going to dump the trash.
As I went out to the dumpster, I mentally prepares myself. The end of the night could be good or bad, depending on how much Ethan drank. Tonight was already a bad night, I just had to get him to sleep soon. Remember when I said Ethan was handsy?
Okay, let me clear this up: I don’t mind having a cuddly drunk of a boyfriend. It’s actually really sweet. Most times, he just wants to be held as he falls asleep. That’s usually after a reasonable amount of alcohol. I wasn’t sure what to expect after 10+ shots. It also goes without saying that the alcohol breath was very difficult for me to deal with, which was why I didn’t like to kiss him in these circumstances.
I walked back into the apartment to only hear silence. I took a deep breath and went over to the bedroom. Ethan was lying on his side in the space I had made for him. His eyes were closed, so I carefully crawled in under the covers next to him.
He wasn’t asleep. As soon as I was on my back, Ethan scooted closer to me, wrapped his arm around my waist, and leaned in towards my mouth.
I quickly turned my head away from him. “Did you brush your teeth?”
“Yeah,” he mumbled. “Let me kiss you…”
“Only on the cheek.”
He did, and then he lied his head on my chest. I stroked his hair and rubbed his back, hoping he would fall asleep soon.
“I love you,” he mumbled against my shirt. “I love you so much… so fucking much…”
“I love you too, bubby,” I said. “Try to sleep, yeah?”
Ethan was the one who drank into oblivion, yet he still woke up before me. Granted, he was still in bed when I woke up, but he was sitting up with the TV on and playing a game. He was still in the same clothes he wore yesterday, minus the sweatpants.
I rolled into my side facing him. Ethan looked down and grinned.
“Hey Siri,” I mumbled sleepily.
He paused the game. “Goddammit, not you too…”
I chuckled. “Is it a meme now?”
“Yeah…” He sighed and lied down on his side too. “So… I kind of remember when you showed up. And I barely remember the stream.”
“Have you watched it back yet?”
Ethan nodded. “Yup. And then I took it down. It’s, uh, not my finest hour.” He rolled onto his front, hiding his face in the pillow.
“I mean, it was a fun stream!” I reassured as I rubbed his back.
He groaned and it was muffled by the pillow.
“It’s okay! It happens to all of us!”
Ethan picked his head up and sighed. “Never let me get that drunk again.”
I chuckled. “Well, I did try to talk you out of the stream. You usually listen when you’re drunk.”
“Did I try to make out with you again?”
“Yeah, but it’s okay. You gave up when I said no and you passed out.”
“Well, thank you for looking out for me,” he said sincerely. “I can’t imagine how hard it must be. Oh, and I also got rid of the Jack Daniel’s, and I stashed away all the other alcohol. Just in case you were triggered or something.”
“I’m always triggered…” I admitted.
There was a pause. Ethan turned and lied on his back, resting an arm behind his head.
“You know you don’t always have to take care of me when I’m drunk,” he said after a while. “If it’s too much, you don’t have to stay.”
“It’s okay. I like taking care of you.”
“Well, I’ll try not to get so hammered next time. I’m never doing a drunk livestream ever again.”
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ylla · 7 years
Friday Night Gurus - Chapter 5
Series: JJBA Ships: josuyasu, koichi/yukako (others will eventually happen too, but im tagging as i go) Tags: celebrity au, modern au, pining, recreational drug use (smoking that wacky tabaccy), meeting some of the fam, dirty talk, dicc succing, josuke and okuyasu go on a learning journey together Rating: E (YEAHHHH TIME FOR SOME SEXY STUFF)
AO3 link
LONG TIME, NO SEE. Sorry for taking 10000 years to update. I’ve got a 20 hour unpaid internship, 20 hour work week, and a full class load on top of it all. I’m slowly losing my mind! :’D But, I’ve been plugging along at this for awhile, and now it is bearing fruit, so I hope that you all will enjoy the new chapter. I can’t give a time frame of when I’ll have the next one up, as I absolutely have to update TMBTP and also finish a commission, but hopefully it will be sooner than later!
Also, fair warning, this chapter is where the fic earns it’s explicit rating :’) I hope the smut isn’t awfully written, and if it is, it’s due to me hooting like a 12 year old the entire time I wrote it.
- manxom has given me the good content, and helped me flesh out FNG so much, that i gave them co-author status! They’re real, and strong, and my friend, and has really helped me shape the AU!
- puffle-tuff who is a friend and boi drew Oku and Josuke watching RHoA together! FOLLOW THEIR ART BLOG, THEY’RE SO GOOD! 
- emberandcelica made a spotify playlist for FNG, and it’s really good! So go check it out when you get the chance! 
As always, remember to comment on the fic, kudos the fic, and bookmark the fic to see more of the same fic content.
The worst part of being a world-famous musician, in Josuke’s opinion, was the tedious amount of boring business shit you ended up sitting through. Contracts, scheduling interviews, planning photoshoots; it felt endless at times. Really, being in the business of being yourself could be so dreadful, and Josuke avoided as much as he could. He was a busy man, with a 3 week young relationship with an amazing guy and a load of other horseshit to take care of. The only way Koichi could get him to stay in one place long enough to go over everything was to corner him while they ate at a restaurant, which was exactly what was happening at that moment as they waited for their significant others to appear. “Morioh Records wants you to come by sometime in October to talk about your contract with the new CEO,” Koichi passed Josuke the email he printed out. Josuke made a face while reading it before sliding it back across the table. Morioh Records was his label, and while they had always been good to him, Josuke hadn’t heard anything great about the new guy in charge. He scowled, “I’m good through the next year, why does he wanna talk to me about it already?” Koichi shrugged, “He wants to get all of his ducks in a row, I guess.” “What’s his name again?” “Kira Yoshikage.” “Never heard of him,” Josuke sniffed. “He was some anonymous board member that somehow got appointed as CEO when the other guy retired.” Koichi pulled out another piece of paper, “Last thing, I swear,” he quickly added when Josuke rolled his eyes so hard, they looked like they were about to pop out of his head, “Calvin Klein called, they wanna do another underwear ad campaign with you.” Josuke perked up at that, “Really? Hell yeah, I’m down.” “Thought you would be. I’ll email them and say you’re up for it,” Koichi looked at his phone with a slight frown, “I figured Yukako and Okuyasu would be here by now. Wonder where they are…” As if summoned by magic, Okuyasu and Yukako blew into the private room they were in. Oku had a strange look on his face as he plopped down in the chair beside Josuke, “Keicho has a girlfriend he didn’t tell me about,” he said in lieu of a greeting. Yukako pressed a kiss on Koichi’s forehead before sitting in the chair beside him, “He doesn’t have a girlfriend.” Okuyasu pointed a finger at her, “They go on dates. And you should’ve told me.” “They aren’t official, and it’s none of my business,” she replied, inspecting her nails. Josuke furrowed his eyebrows, “Wait, what?” Instead of responding, Okuyasu fished his phone out of his pocket, and opened up a text message before handing it off to Josuke, “It’s easier to just read it.” Clearly, it was something that was bothering his boyfriend; Josuke turned his eyes to a group chat titled DICKHEAD. Okuyasu: yooooo who wants to get wings with me tonight????? Okuyasu: keicho u gotta come with Big Bro💣: No. Okuyasu: well y the fuck not??? Big Bro💣: I’m busy. Okuyasu: too busy for ur little brother??? breakin my heart over here ;)n(; ☠Fungi☠: oku what the fuck is that face Okuyasu: ITS ME!!! IM SAD!!!! Okuyasu: bro what r u doin thats more important than eatin food ☠Fungi☠: yeah keicho, way to be transparent with your bros Big Bro💣: It’s none of your concern. Go eat gross shit with your boyfriend and don’t annoy me with it. :| A bunch of text messages were Okuyasu and Yuuya needling Keicho, with him responding with various ways of saying ‘shut the fuck up’, until Yukako spoke. YuYu Kakosho👊💥: He’s probably seeing that girl I caught him with back in March. Okuyasu: WHAT ☠Fungi☠: oh shit Toilet Hazmat🚽☣: kek Okuyasu: U DIDNT TELL ME??? Big Bro💣: Goddamn you, Yukako. You said you wouldn’t say anything.  YuYu Kakosho👊💥: I’m tired of having my phone blow up. Get it out of your systems now. ☠Fungi☠: you got a girlfriend, keicho?? Someone strike up the band Okuyasu: Y DIDNT U TELL US Big Bro💣: 1) She’s not my girlfriend, and 2) You two screaming is exactly why I didn’t. The rest of the messages were just Yuuya sending suggestive emojis and Keicho threatening to inflict violence upon his person. “Sooo, he’s seeing someone?” Josuke asked. Okuyasu scowled, “Yeah, that blonde-haired fuck. He didn’t tell me.” He sunk down in his chair, face sullen, “Why would he hide that from me?” “Because Keicho never tells anyone anything about his personal life,” Yukako interjected, face neutral. “I’m his brother—” She raised an eyebrow, “I’ve only known you people for three years, and I can see why Keicho Nijimura keeps everything close to the chest.” Koichi had busied himself with his phone, “Don’t take it to heart, he most likely has his reasons.” “Still, we’re all the only family we got left. I don’t wanna hear about things in his life from other people.” Yukako sighed exasperatedly, “If it makes you feel better, the only reason I know this is because I happened to see him with her at that coffee shop.” “What were they doing? What does she look like?” Josuke leaned in. He didn’t care about Keicho or his love life, but he sure did love hot gossip. “Talking. He had his hand on her arm, she was blushing and giggling. Typical flirting.” Yukako took a sip of Koichi’s tea, “She’s not like any of the other girls I’ve ever seen him with; no tattoos or piercings. Has long, curly brown hair, blue eyes, petite. I’d put her at about 5'2 or 5'3. Very pretty."  "Damn girl, you really have an eye for that kind of thing,” Josuke said thoughtfully, “How did he find out you knew and how did he buy your silence.” “Took a picture of them together, sent it to him later that night. Got a promise that he’d do me favors in exchange for me not repeating what I saw.” Josuke whistled, “Cold-blooded.” Yukako merely shrugged, “That’s the nature of the beast.” Okuyasu sighed, but said nothing. Josuke frowned a little at him, “Since you don’t really have plans, do you wanna get pizza with me and some of my family tonight?” Oku waved a hand, “Don’t need ya to take pity on me.” At that, Josuke rolled his eyes, “I’m not, I want you to come out with us. You gotta meet them anyways.” “Hmm…who’s gonna be there?” “Polnareff, his boyfriend, my nephew, his husband, and their daughter. Pol’s sister may be there too.” “…Does this place have wings?” “All you can eat.” Okuyasu smacked his hand on the table, grin replacing his scowl, “I’m sold.” “Good shit, I’ll let them know,” Josuke brushed his hand over the one Oku smacked down onto the table, “You’ll like 'em, they’re good people.” “Josuke,” Koichi interrupted, “I emailed the Calvin Klein people. They’re going to get in touch with us to schedule the shoot.” “C-Calvin Klein?” Okuyasu stuttered. “Yeah, doing another underwear ad campaign for them.” “O-oh. That’s…good…” Okuyasu’s face was blood red.  Before Josuke could ask what was up, a waiter sprang up to take their orders. Questions for another time.
Meeting at Pineapple Larry’s Pizzeria for dinner, followed by a couple hours at the arcade was a tradition that dated back ten years. Originally it had just been Polnareff, his boyfriend, Josuke’s nephew, and his now husband, but then grew to include Pol’s little sister, Josuke’s niece, and Josuke himself.  When he and Okuyasu breezed in, Josuke was in the process of warning him that his nephew was taciturn, his niece would bully him into playing Street Fighter II, and that everyone was great, save for the fact that they liked to put pineapple on their pizza. Josuke couldn’t give anymore heads up when his 5 year old niece went flying into his boyfriend’s arms. “Oku!!!"  "Hey, it’s my favorite bunhead!” Okuyasu caught her in a hug, “How you been, Jolyne Cuisine?” “Good!” “Uh, what?” Josuke asked, perplexed.  Jolyne waved at her uncle, “Hi, uncle Josuke!” Okuyasu did a double take, “Uncle?” She looked between the two of them, “Uncle Josuke, do you know Oku too??” “Yeah, he’s my boyfriend–” Jolyne gasped and hugged Okuyasu harder, “Really?? Wowie, that’s awesome!” She grinned, her front left tooth missing, “Now I’m gonna have two cool uncles.” Josuke felt his face go crimson, and was only mildly relieved when he saw the same color mirrored on Oku’s face. A man with flaming red hair, cherry earrings, and tattoos strolled up to them, “Jo, don’t choke him.” “'Kay, daddy! I’m gonna tell pops that Oku’s here!!” She hopped down, and took off towards the back of the restaurant.  “Sorry, Okuyasu,” Noriaki Kujo smiled, “You know how she can get.” “S'fine, I uh, didn’t know you guys were related?” Noriaki laughed, “Yeah, Josuke’s technically my uncle.” “What the fuck, dude, why didn’t you tell me you knew Oku??” Josuke asked incredulously. “Where would the fun be in that?” Noriaki responded with a toss of his singular hair curl. Josuke learned as they walked to the table that Okuyasu had been patronizing Hierophant Green, Noriaki’s tattoo parlor, for a long time. “He did me and Keicho’s memorial tattoos for our mom,” Okuyasu explained as they followed Jolyne to the back. “Not to mention all those cover-ups,” Noriaki shook his head, “Whoever allowed you two to get those monstrosities should be hanged.” Jotaro, Jolyne, and Polnareff were already at the table; Jotaro was reading through a thick stack of papers, but threw up a hand in acknowledgement that he was aware of their presence. “Bonsoir,” Polnareff greeted them, “Mo is running late, but he’ll be here soon,” his face turned into a grimace, “And my precious little sister will not be joining us today, as she has a date with some man she has yet to introduce me to.” Noriaki took his place beside Jotaro, “Is it the same one she’s been seeing all this time?” “Yes!” Polnareff groused, hands up in the air. “They aren’t even dating! She says it’s 'casual’ and 'non-exclusive’,” he used air quotes while talking. Josuke and Okuyasu sat down. “Not to change the subject or anything,” Josuke started, “But the fact that all of you have met Okuyasu before really took the wind out of my sails.” “He hasn’t met Av yet.” Jotaro pointed out, eyes not leaving his paper. “That is true,” Okuyasu said helpfully, “I ain’t met him yet.” He rubbed Josuke’s shoulder, “It’s all gravy.” Their orders were taken and well on their way on coming out before Avdol showed up. “Apologies,” he said, while kissing the top of Jolyne’s head, then Polnareff’s cheek, “Had a student with a crisis, but it’s all resolved now.” He turned his attention to Okuyasu, “And this must be the boyfriend I’ve heard so much about,” Avdol stuck a hand out, eyes twinkling, “Mohammed Avdol, pleased to make your acquaintance. Everyone calls me Mo or Avdol, so feel free to address me as either.” “Uh, likewise,” Okuyasu shook his hand nervously, “Polnareff talks about you alot.” Josuke snorted. That was the understatement of the century. Avdol elbowed Polnareff as he settled down beside him, “Hopefully you’ve heard nothing, but good things.” Polnareff was affronted, “Excusez-moi? I’ve done nothing, but sing your praises to everyone. Perhaps I should start revealing the truth.” “And what truths do you have to reveal, Jean?” “That you are mean to me, you insult me, you don’t appreciate anything I–” Jotaro rolled up his substantial pile of papers and started smacking Polnareff in the head, much to Jolyne’s amusement, “Shut up, no one cares.” The Frenchman would not be silenced, “Betrayed by my own flesh and blood!” “We aren’t related, jackass.” Thankfully, the pizzas and Oku’s wings picked the right time to come out.  Josuke made a face at the Pineapple Larry’s Pineapple Larry Special, which was a Hawaiian pizza. Which Josuke hated with an almost irrational passion, so he scarfed down his little margherita pizza (Oku tried the pineapple. Final verdict: pretty damn good). “Hey Oku, when’s ya birthday?” Jolyne asked between shoveling huge bites of pizza in her mouth. Okuyasu was on what was probably his 27th wing, “October 10th.” Josuke spat his drink all over Polnareff, who immediately started shrieking and ran off to the bathroom, “That’s literally two weeks away! Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” “It never came up.” “We gotta throw ya a party,” Josuke whipped his phone out. “Nah nah, don’t worry about it,” Okuyasu put his hands up, “S'fine, dude.” Josuke rubbed his arm with one hand while texting with his other, “Don’t worry about it, we’ll get you and a bunch of other people shitfaced.” Okuyasu was about to protest, but Noriaki waved him down, “Might as well accept it, Okuyasu.” He stood up and stretched, “You guys ready to head to the arcade?” Jolyne hopped up and posed, “I’m ready!” Avdol followed suit, “I’ll go coax Jean out of the bathroom.” As Avdol walked away, Okuyasu leaned over to whisper in Josuke’s ear, “Hey, let’s go back to my place after we get done here.” “Sounds good, sunshine."  "Come on guys, I gotta beat you in Street Fighter!!” She started tugging on their shirt sleeves, “Losers have to buy ice cream!!” “You’re on, kid.” Josuke challanged.
“How the fuck did she get so good at Street Fighter?” Oku asked as he finished their shared joint, blowing the smoke into Josuke’s mouth. Josuke held it, then blew it out before answering, “Noriaki is a big nerd. He’s rubbed off on her.” “She’s five.” Josuke shrugged, “I beat Super Mario World when I was five.” They were sitting on a bench underneath a large open window facing out towards the back of Okuyasu’s apartment complex. The arcade trip had been a lot of fun, if you didn’t mind getting schooled at Street Fighter II by a 5 year old playing Blanka. This was the first time Josuke had been to Oku’s apartment in the entire time they’d know each other. It was nice, but didn’t feel like anyone lived in it. 'I hate being alone, so I go sleep in one of Keicho’s spare rooms, Yuuya’s couch, or with you. This place don’t really feel like home, ya know,’ had been Okuyasu’s explanation. The major upside to this place was that the Official Head Roadie and Weedman of Arrowhead, Hazamada, lived directly below Okuyasu. The two of them collaborated on a sick beat while pounding on the door to Hazamada’s apartment, inadvertently pummeling him in the face when he poked his head out to see who was knocking. Josuke almost pissed his pants from laughter; they got a shitty little joint, two middle fingers, and door slammed in their faces for their trouble.
When they lit up, Josuke straddled Oku’s lap and taught him how to shotgun smoke. It took a couple of tries, but eventually he got the hang of it. What followed was intense grinding and sloppy kisses. Josuke was very away of the problem poking at him, but was content with letting Oku twist in the wind for a bit. Then they fell into comfortable conversation, interrupted by the occasional tongue action. “Speaking of games,” Okuyasu stood up and stretched, his shoulders popping in a way that sounded painful, “let’s play something.” “What you got in mind?” “Hmm…” Okuyasu tapped his chin, “How about Metroid Prime 2? I never finished it.” He walked over to his entertainment stand, “I’ll get the Wii hooked up, could you go get my strategy guide for it?” “Why not just look up a FAQ for it?” Okuyasu kept his back turned to Josuke as he sat down to fiddle with the cords, “That guide’s got pictures. Sometimes reading a lot makes my head hurt, so they help.” Josuke nodded, but spoke when he remembered Okuyasu couldn’t see him, “That’s fair. Where is it?” “There’s a big box with "Books stuff” written on the side, filled with old magazines and shit in my spare room. It’s probably in there.“ Okuyasu’s spare room was were odds and ends went to die. The room was full of boxes and clutter that needed sifted through. At first, Josuke thought locating the box Okuyasu had indicated would be an impossible task, but miraculously, he was able to find it lickity-split. The box in question was filled with well-worn magazines and tattered strategy guides. It took a minute, but Josuke was able to find what he was looking for quickly. However, curiosity got the better of him, and he couldn’t help but sit on the floor, and peruse a few of the magazines. Guitar World, Kerrang!, Alternative Press, Rolling Stones; Okuyasu had quite the catalogue. There was a Rolling Stone in particular that, for whatever reason, drew him in. He picked it up and made to flip through it, but noticed that there were some pages stuck together. With care, Josuke peeled the pages apart to find his very first Calvin Klein underwear ad. The ad spanned two pages: one page featured him in nothing but briefs, biting his lip while staring into the camera, arms behind his head. The opposite page was more or less the same, except he had one hand on his chest, the other on a lollipop stick; his tongue peaked out of his open mouth, curled around the lollipop. The pages were covered in some residue. What the fuck did Oku spill on— he thought to himself, until a voice in his head interrupted. It’s semen. He masturbated to your undie ad. This was his spank bank. Josuke became very aware of how sweaty and red-faced he had become. Gently, he rose from the floor, guide and magazine in hand, and returned to the living room. "About time,” Okuyasu said, tongue slightly poking out of his mouth as he struggled to kill an Ing Warrior, “Was gonna go send a search and rescue party to find ya.” Josuke said nothing in response. Instead, he held up the spunk-covered pages, “I see you were a fan of my ad work.” Okuyasu’s face went on a journey from confusion to terrified. “Uhm…” he fidgeted nervously, already starting to sweat, “I can explain…” If he was about to explain it away, Josuke didn’t even give him a chance. He all but leapt onto Oku, shoving his tongue down his throat. A sloppy, heated makeout session ensued, with both of them groping at each other like a pack of horny teenagers. “You know,” Josuke panted, pulling away long enough to catch his breath, “We never cashed in that raincheck.” Before Okuyasu could respond, Josuke slid out of his lap, down in-between his knees. “I wanna make good on it,” Josuke rubbed the pronounced bulge in Okuyasu’s pants, “Can I suck you off, babe?” It seemed that Oku had been rendered completely speechless by that question. After a few seconds of processing what Josuke said, he could only manage to nod dumbly at his boyfriend. Josuke flashed him a wicked grin before pulling Oku’s basketball shorts and boxer briefs down in one go. A slight moan fell out of his mouth when he saw what awaited him. Okuyasu had a huge dick, and Josuke was delighted. It was long, thick, and throbbing; he couldn’t tear his eyes away from it. “Oh fuck, baby,” Josuke bit his lower lip. “Wh-what?” Oku found his voice again. Josuke glanced up at him, and found that his face was puce and covered in sweat. “You look tasty.” With that, Josuke swiped his tongue all the way down Oku’s shaft, pleased at the whimper it elicited from him. He wrapped his hand around Okuyasu’s cock, pumping it roughly, “Is this what you thought about when you jerked it to me? What my mouth would feel like? How I’d sound when I’d beg for your cock?”
“God, yes,” Okuyasu gasped, covering his ruddy face with his hands.
“No baby, look at me when I fuck you with my mouth.”
Okuyasu didn’t remove his hands, but he peaked at Josuke through his spread fingers, eyes wide. Good enough, Josuke thought to himself as he took Oku’s dick into his mouth. Unfortunately, Josuke wasn’t blessed enough to not have a gag reflex, but he made up for it by harshly jerking the inches of Okuyasu he couldn’t fit into his mouth.
Not that his boyfriend seemed to mind. He was too busy moaning and cursing as Josuke prayed at the altar that was his dong.
Either his succ game was too strong, Okuyasu hadn’t known the touch of another person upon his penis in a long time, or the fact it was just Josuke Higashi-goddamn-kata giving Oku’s dick the business, Okuyasu panted out, “I’m close,” after a few minutes.
Josuke pulled back off his dick, still working the shaft, “Where do you want to cum, beautiful?”
“Your mouth,” Okuyasu grunted, voice rough.
Josuke pressed his tongue against the head of Oku’s cock, “Be a good boy and fill my mouth up. Coat my tongue.”
The dirty talk sent Okuyasu over the edge; he let out a single “Fuck!” as he spent himself in Josuke’s mouth.
Hot cum glazed Josuke’s tongue. He waited patiently until Oku was done spurting before showing him the load, and then making a big show of swallowing it. Unable to help himself, Josuke licked the head of his cock clean, revealing in the shudders that he felt pass through Okuyasu and the winded expression on his face.
Josuke stood up, feeling triumphant, “I’m gonna get a soda. You want some water?” He didn’t bother to wait for a response, as he walked into the kitchen.
As he pulled out a can of soda, he was acutely aware of his own boner. It was a problem that needed to be taken care of, but he just sucked the soul out of Okuyasu through his dick, so Josuke felt that it might be poor form to demand a blowjob. Perhaps later—
He was brought out of his thoughts when he felt Okuyasu press up against him from behind, palming Josuke’s dick through his sweats, teeth on his neck. Unconsciously, Josuke hissed, arching his back into his boyfriend. “I’m not the kinda guy to leave someone hanging,” Okuyasu spoke into his ear, voice like sandpaper, “I’m gonna suck you off, angel. Turn around.”
Josuke didn’t need to be told twice. He spun around, pulling his dick out; Oku backed him up against the counter, before kneeling in front of him. As if hypnotized, Okuyasu gently wrapped his callused fingers around Josuke’s cock, slightly stroking. Josuke’s breath hitched at every stroke. After a couple of minutes he groaned, “You’re killing me, dude.”
“S-sorry,” Okuyasu whispered sheepishly, “Jus’ appreciating the view.” As if he was ravenous, he dove down onto Josuke’s cock, taking it all the way to the back of his throat in one go. “Jesus H. Christ, do you not have a gag reflex,” Josuke stuttered out, completely taken aback. He didn’t get a response, only a devilish look from his boyfriend.
Curling his fingers into Okuyasu’s unmade hair, Josuke just tried to enjoy the ride. He was unable to keep his hips still; the longer he felt Oku’s hot tongue or throat clamp around his cock, Josuke thrusted more and more into his mouth.
Okuyasu pulled his dick out of his mouth for a moment, “You can facefuck me if you want.”
“You sure?”
Yet again, he received a response in the form of a look and the feeling of Oku’s throat against the head of his dick.
Not one to deny such a polite request, Josuke snapped his hips, fucking Oku’s mouth. His eyes rolled up into the back of his head; he wondered if this is how he’d fuck Okuyasu’s ass eventually. The thought of it made Josuke’s inside clench, and he couldn’t stop himself from groaning out Okuyasu’s name over and over again while he shot jets of cum down his throat. If he wasn’t so spent, he would feel embarrassed how quickly he came, but goddamn did that feel good.
Okuyasu waited like a good boy until Josuke pulled out of his mouth before he swallowed and stood up. Both of them eyed each other with worn out expressions. Josuke was the first to break the silence, leaning over and softly kissing Okuyasu, who returned it, “Metroid?”
“You know, if I went back in time and told myself a year ago that Josuke Higashikata would suck my soul out through my dick, I’d whoop my own ass for being a liar.”
Josuke snorted, eyes trained on his phone’s screen as he organized Okuyasu’s birthday party, “I ain’t a succubus, Oku.”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night, demon.” Oku was brows were furrowed, trying to not die while fighting Quadraxis.
“So, you jerked it to that ad of me, like, pretty frequently?”
Okuyasu sighed, cheeks going pink, “Yeah. I bought that issue when I saw those pictures in there. It gave me a lot of inspiration.”
“Man, that really feeds my ego.”
“Don’t be getting a big head, Higashikata. It’s already massive.”
“Fuck you, there’s nothing wrong with my head!!”
Okuyasu cackled, which quickly turned into a groan of frustration as he was squished to death by Quadraxis, “Fuck this robotic piece of shit. I’m gonna go to his house and burn it down.”
“He lives in the game, you can’t do that.”
“I know, I know,” he rubbed his face, “Still wanna though.” He looked over at Josuke, “You know, you don’t gotta throw me a party.”
“I want to,” Josuke replied, “It’ll be a good time. I’m inviting cool people.” At the apprehensive look on Oku’s face, he continued, “All of them know about us, so no worries there. You’ve already met most of them, and my family will be there.”
“Okay, then that’s fine. I think. Jus’ make sure to invite Keicho and all them too.”
“Don’t worry, I will,” Josuke said soothingly, “This will be a lot of fun, I promise. Nothing bad will happen.”
He hoped that his promise would ring true.
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