viwifie · 9 months
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"I, Roronoa Zoro, vow to stand by your side from now until the end."
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"Until we find the One Piece, or die trying. So bring on the Marines or pirates or sea beasts,"
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"You're my captain, Luffy, and I'm your first mate."
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tcnysncrk · 29 days
I just finished blocking the final chapter of part 4 of solemn vows! Only one more part to go before it’s finished!!
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txttletale · 10 months
Have you ever written Worm fanfiction? In your head or otherwise
before the year is over i will have written amy dallon fanfiction. i made this promsie at the beginningo f the year and i meant it
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the-megs · 11 months
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a-hazbin-reader · 4 months
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sketchingtons · 2 years
Can you please do a cassie w number 9? I luv ur artwork!! <3
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Can I draw Cassie? Well it would be my absolute pleasure to!! 💫 ✨
Been so long since I’ve drawn my girl, thank you for the request!
Tbh the best part of drawing Cassie for me is that I can just go ham with her costume each time-I’ve always played fast and loose with her costumes when I’ve drawn her in the past and it’s always a fun part of the design/creative process whenever I get the chance to draw her-get to stretch the ol’ costume designing muscles and have a blast!
And thank you for such the kind words anon, I’m so pleased you enjoy my work-I hope you like this piece as well!
(And if anyones interested-here is the palette challenge piece I did of Cassie last year!)
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les mis 78 funniest les mis adaptation its just anthony perkins javert pussy pop cunty queen slay diva-ing about france while people suffer & die
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tf2shipswag · 8 months
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cam and jr. belong to @fl00rbr3ad!! rene and alois belong to @allthepandasintheworld and @solemn-vow!!
[cam and jr. propaganda rule: nothing sexual rene and alois propaganda rules: nothing overly suggestive + only ship them with eachother]
RENE AND ALOIS: - "He [alois] is literally babygirl. Light of this world. Killed his dad and uses his skull as a paperweight--oops. Medics have to have SOMETHING going on. - "Alois is like, if you took the classic himbo archetype and made him like, less stupid and a little more chaotic. A little. He's the type of man who would steal a dog if it was being abused by its owner. He also loves baking, and animals, and babies, and baby animals. He literally attracts strays, like his cat Margaretha and his husband Rene." - "he's [rene] like, THE tumblr sexyman archetype. If you know, you know. He's Ballister before the Nimona movie came out." - "He's [rene] a poor little meow meow, he's the most pathetic spy to walk this earth, he is a sad cringefail little man, and his joints snap crackle and pop when he does parkour. He's so competent and yet the world is stacked against him. The L in Lambert stands for LOSER!!!"
CAM AND JR: - "they clean up dead bodies all the time and deserve some recognition for it. :D👍" - "Cam(25) and Jr(13) are janitors hired by the administrator to clean up after every battle the RED and BLU teams have, because when your battle field is covered in dead bodies it’s not very efficient for fighting. When Cam was in her first year of college, doing forensic sciences, she attempted to burn down her college in order to get a free degree. She was caught and is now on the run with her little sister, Jr. Cam is friends with Demoman and Ms. Pauling, Jr is friends with Pyro and has a very chaotic sibling dynamic with Scout!"
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b1gwings · 5 months
ugh i just saw the coolest art but they made grant skinny. yall already know my thoughts.
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leonstamatis · 1 year
blb mutuals if you have ever cared about me at all you will vote for leon and andrew to take down megan and parker i am so serious
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winterleech · 4 months
Where do I find fanzine applications for my interests that isn’t Twitter? /genq
I managed to be a part of a MGS Fanzine last year through pure coincidence (someone I followed on Instagram was part of it) and it was SO FUN and I want to be part of more projects but I have no idea where to find them on both here and insta smdmsnfjsnwnsmmfjdsbs
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orionis13 · 6 months
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They’re lovin it
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tcnysncrk · 2 months
I forgot that my Solemn Vows Playlist is available again. It’s currently 9 and a half hours and I listen to it while I write SV
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gidaryeong · 8 months
Qi Heng vowing to kill himself for Minglan and then literally not doing that but agreeing to marry someone else the very next moment is so typical of his type (romantic idealist who has never truly struggled or schemed a day in his life). Also Gu Tingye presenting him with several ways to get out of it (and even offering to do the dirty work himself) and that scaredy cat still backs out 😤
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setsailslash · 2 days
I just discovered your team mom Jason fic and I have so many questions about nugget! (Also it was straight up the hottest fic I’ve read this year and I don’t mean just the specific scenes, I mean the WAY you write those scenes and the slow agonizing buildup). Bruce seemed so in love with Jason in ch2 that I wonder if they’re like married or engaged by then? What does dick think about all of this? Does Jay ever tell Bruce everything that’s been on his mind about not wanting to be seen as Thomas’ brother? How do they manage that? How was this fic HEART WRENCHING at the same time? I just want jay to have some good fluffy marital bliss especially after dc comics this week! Thanks again for writing your work out there and the beautiful stories you craft! Hope you have a wonderful day ahead!!!!!
because i genuinely cannot recall what ch2 was all about so i had to reread my own teen mom jason fic and just lowkey questioning why this fic is actually chronologically ch1->ch3->ch4->ch2 😔😔😔
ch2 is definitely set wellllll after the post-pregnancy blues of ch4 where jason is infinitely more secured in bruce's love for him. they are not married or even engaged, and they will probably never ever get married in any legal sense BUT i want to think they have a little ceremony on a private island or take a trip to some foreign country where bruce gives jason a ring and they say i do before nugget is actually born and it is very much a rose-tinted honeymoon kind of marital bliss because this is definitely a tradkink fic no matter which way you spin it!! 😳
dick takes a long time to come around to it, but i also like to think it is all set in that period of time where dick is bitter enough about jason taking robin (no matter how short of a stint this run is) where he misses a lot of the early signs simply by being away and maybe there is even a part of him that is glad to turn a blind eye to his suspicions. but by the time dick can no longer ignore it, it's much too late and no matter how happy he is to paint bruce as a villain in his rebellion, dick can never outright ruin the man. and there is no doubt that bruce would be ruined if dick tells the truth about nugget's family tree. it's a reluctant unhappy type of acceptance, but dick does love nugget as his brother&nephew 🥺 and he learns to understand jason's feelings for bruce even if there is always some part of him that is wary of bruce's feelings for jason.
in some way, even if jason never says it, bruce has to know that jason will never truly be happy with the situation where he can only be seen as nugget's brother in the eyes of the public. bruce makes it up to jason in every other way that he can 👀👀👀 both jason and nugget grow up to understand why it has to be this way.
annnd that's kind of the core of the fic's narrative, that life is never all happy but even in the shittest moments, it also isn't all bad either. which is also A LOT to say about a fic where i mostly just wrote underage jason getting creampied lmfaaaaaaaooooo
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raspberryzingaaa · 4 days
concept of "credit" i am punching you and biting you
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