#so this is show dialogue only
aangarchy · 2 months
One of my favorite moments in the finale is Sokka using his pristine acting skills to announce to the whole airship that they will be celebrating a birthday during one of the most important missions in fire nation history, and then everyone on the crew collecting in the drop chamber like they were asked and acting like it's the most normal thing ever because apparently it's common to have birthday parties on fire nation war vessels during extermination missions.
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muffinlance · 1 month
Read "Suki, Alone". Liked it in general. But can they please, please hire someone who knows both the show's actual events and how to follow through on a character arc? Because guys. Guys. That comic is not implying about Suki what they meant it to be implying, and all because of literally one line.
So like. From a writer's standpoint:
What they meant to do: show Suki as a community-oriented person who cares for her people, and believes in everyone succeeding together.
As opposed to (spoilers): the thief girl they set her up in contrast with, who's pretty upfront and consistent on primarily looking out for herself. She betrays Suki for one (1) corn chip to improve her own life at the prison, no surprise.
But the problem is: they give Suki an inspirational line to the effect of "we're all working together and we'll all break out together"
You know
The thing she does not do in the show
So if both the show and this comic are canon, then instead of setting up a compare/contrast with the thief girl, they've just set up a comparison. One were Suki is arguably worse, because she's been leading a significant number of prisoners on with her "we'll all fight and win our freedom together!" business, only to straight up cut them out of the escape loop and abandon them, whereas the thief is only leading Suki on in the sense that Suki keeps telling her what it's morally correct to think and confuses snide replies with agreement
My dudes. My fellow writers. You people actually being paid for this. There were so many ways to fix those awful implications against our girl's character, the simplest of which would be to not include that line. Or they could have, you know, made it canon compliant with what actually happens in the show, so that this comic doesn't set Suki up as a betrayer instead of a community builder. Like... just send all her good prison buddies off to other prisons in the wake of the warden finding out they're colluding. Have it timed to be right before the next new prisoners arrive, thus setting it immediately before the Boiling Rock episodes, so Suki didn't have anyone left in the prison she'd want to take with her on a breakout. For bonus points, include a page or two of her and her Kyoshi warriors opening up the cell of one of her prison friends post-war, thus implying she's tracking down and actually fulfilling her promises. Maybe even show her doing the same with thief girl, who was established as being imprisoned on false charges anyway, and also showing that Suki is A) the bigger person, and B) willing to acknowledge her own role in mistakes (because I cannot emphasize enough how much thief girl was not hiding her own priorities, and it was Suki who approached HER with all this, not the girl ever doing anything special to weasel her way in) (this would also open up an opportunity for paralleling Suki's earlier in-comic mistake of not listening to one of her friend's very valid thoughts and feeling, which lead to the girl leaving their island alone pre-canon; a "seeing people as they are, not what you want them to be" moment)
Anyway yeah enjoyable enough for a quick read but another one for the "this can't be canon or the characters are So Much Worse than they were in the actual show" pile
At least Aang didn't promise to murder anyone in this one
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aurorangen · 2 months
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Who's excited for the family gathering?
Marco: Petrah…why do I have to come to your family gathering?
Petrah: Hey! I was practically forced to come here, so I am making you too [all smug]
Marco: [sulks then fake smiles] But you are wasting my precious sleeping time.
Petrah: Honey [even faker smile] you'll get your precious beauty sleep once we're back.
[Casper toddles behind with no idea where they are going]
Petrah: We'll stay for a bit then leave secretly. Sound good to you?
[They arrive and are greeted by Connie, who we know has an estranged relationship with her twin]
Connie: Petrah. You actually made it, what a surprise to see you in person and not on the big screen.
Petrah: [clears throat] And it's nice to see you too…Connie. You've met Mar-
[Before Marco even has a chance to speak, Connie goes and picks up Casper from his arms]
Connie: Ahh my baby Caspeeeeeer! Look how big you are!
[Both look at then ignore Marco who just stands there. Casper giggles]
Noah: Welcome welcome! Wow I finally get to meet you two, come on in everyone's waiting!
Petrah: [in her head] God he's so loud. Ugh of course Connie knows someone like him [smiles and shakes his
hand pretending to make a good impression] Hi Noah! Oh yes, we meet at last! Can't wait to see Briar!
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just imagine, end of season 5, its the end of episode 8 and the party have defeated vecna, byler confessed, theyre happy.
we see the party heading off to college, new beginnings and all that. mikes helping will pack up his stuff into a pickup truck, he says something like "well, looks like we're all done, everything's strapped up!", will walks over to him from where he was saying his goodbyes to joyce, jonathan, hopper and el (shes going to a local college with max in this idk) and just with every bit of softness in the world says "thanks for helping me pack, mike, are you sure you don't mind bringing all this to chicago for me?" and mike's eyebrows just shoot up because he literally went to hell for this man, and in the most sassy tone you can imagine "uh, yeah, we're gonna need some type of furniture for our new place and the government hush fund didn't stretch that far" will lets out a little chuckle, "damn, its the least they could do after the last 7 years" "i know right", mike squawked out, "anyways we better start heading if we want to make it there before dinner, see you soon mrs. byers!" muffled tears of happiness can be heard from her, and her voice wobbles slightly when she shouts back "call me when you get there and send pictures of the apartment! i love you boys", even a sniffle can be heard from hopper when he shouts out some reminders for driving the long distance. as the boys get into the truck, will shouts "we'll be back for thanksgiving, you'll hardly know we're gone" and as mike pulls away from the newly renovated byers-hopper house, there's this perfect shot of a normal loving family wishing their son(s) off to college and in this moment everything is forgotten, no more upside down or vecna or demodogs, no more possessions or otherworldly connections, just two boys holding hands over the console of the car as they set off to a new city, knowing that no matter what happens they'll always have eachother.
me and michael, solid as they come
me and michael, its not a question now
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bringina · 1 year
bioware really said "i made this whole ass cool as fuck last second reveal in absolution that gives dreadwolf so much potential, so help me if y'all say dragon age 2 is a bad game that can just be skipped in the triology ONE MORE TIME I WILL SEND MEREDITH TO BEAT YOUR ASS-" and honestly that is so correct of them
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meep-meep-richie · 4 months
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´´ I care desperately about what I do. ´´
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0046incognito · 2 months
smiles.. you changed your header to hibiki's updated design :] it's cool to see how your style's developed since then, i remember when you posted the original
i did!! i’ve been meaning to do that as soon as i finished that shot because i liked the fake screencap so much i made an excuse to include it in this student film Yay
i’m really happy with how far my style has come since the first time i drew that, like my previous header was actually Not the original version of that image it was a Redraw, and the version now/the one in this short is the Third version of it it’s nice to see how much my art has improved in just two years
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december 2021 VS july 2023
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VS april 2024
yes this did give me an excuse to get on desktop just to export a gif LOL
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matchalovertrait · 23 days
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Dulce got away with the exposé video but at a cost nonetheless.
Noemí: Cariño, I think we should forget about grounding Dulce.
Erick: Yeah.. I agree, but what made you decide that?
Noemí: She‘s already heartbroken. I don‘t think she needs to feel worse.. what would punishing her do exactly, anyway? She only had good intentions...
Erick: ..and the bakery has been doing even better thanks to her.
Noemí: Right.. Although, we should still let her know to not make such rash decisions. She‘s too young to be doing all that.
Erick: Exactly. She can’t start getting herself into scandals until she’s at least in her twenties! [Jokes]
Noemí: Erick! [Laughs] Don‘t say things like that.
Erick: [Laughs] I mean, it’s Dulce. Can you blame me?
Noemí: I blame you and how rebellious you were as a kid!
Erick: Yeah, she takes after her awesomely wicked dad.
Noemí: [Giggles] She’d probably groan if she heard you say that.
Erick: It’s true, though.
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daily-kagami · 10 months
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Day #78: Movie-goers
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kumidark · 1 year
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my favorite dialogues from when you turn down a cookie's order^^
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bosooka · 6 months
whenever people say that satine made a huge critical mistake/moral failure by not "compromising" with militant mandalorians i wonder if i was the only person who heard satine say the words "even extremists can be reasoned with" or "concordia is under independent rule and we need to talk to the governor" or "there was a time we weren't enemies, perhaps that time has come again" or "there will be no bloodshed" when she literally surrenders to death watch (a terrorist group btw) because she knows she's lost popular support to them
idk i think there's sort of a satine horseshoe theory going on where people who hate her and people who Nuance Like(TM) her both have selective amnesia about how compassionate, observant, and willing to compromise satine actually is so they can paint her as either a genocidal dictator or an overly-idealistic stubborn bitch #GirlBoss with good intentions and in the end they're 3 centimeters away from each other in terms of how rancid i find their opinion to be
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professionallydorkish · 5 months
Hi it is so unfair the grip that Reth Palia has on me. On us all.
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avengerdaisy · 19 days
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Beau Arlen & Jenny Hoyt (with Buck Barnes) in Big Sky [410/∞]
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cantdealwiththisnow · 2 months
Part 1 - Appreciation post for all the TFP universe Autobot mugshot cameos (known and unknown) in RID2015 3x25 (even if the context is that they've been OUSTED against their will)
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aq2003 · 12 days
i saw a post saying boom was good bc it feels like it could be done with any doctor/companion duo and honestly that was one of the things i felt was wrong with it
#in a show with a title character that could be Literally Anyone and a companion sharing the lead that could be Literally Anyone#i value the little moments that set this duo apart from the rest. ESPECIALLY when it comes to returning writers like rtd/moff#fifteen and ruby felt a little too eleven/twelve and clara adjacent in boom. in both their dialogue and characterization#space babies also landed a little weird at first bc it lifted a bit from end of the world BUT the scenes that fifteen and ruby#had to themselves. like ruby getting covered in snot and fifteen laughing. or fifteen and ruby looking after the Space Babies#or fifteen going out of his way to save the monster bc that monster is the only one of its kind Just Like Him Fr#that stuff is so good and its also something we haven't seen from another nuwho doctor. the vulnerable bleeding-heart empathy#and a dynamic w a companion that is basically 'two troublemakers that just deeply love fun and adventure and getting into trouble together'#oh yeah and also the devil's chord was peak fiction because it touches on fifteen's renewed connection and love for humanity#and marries it to ruby being a musician and how music like any art is the expression of the human soul etc etc#WHAT MAKES A DOCTOR WHO STORY GOOD TO ME IS PARTLY HOW THE PREMISE TIES INTO THE DOCTOR AND COMPANION'S CHARACTERS#IT HAS TO FEEL LIKE IT WAS TAILOR MADE TO THEM. ELSE IT WONT LAND RIGHT TO ME#i hate the take that they should've saved wild blue yonder for a fifteen episode bc#the tension is hinged on how well the doctor/companion know each other. u have a level of it that u can ONLY get#with fourteen and donna who are two halves of a whole soul but have also spent much more time missing the other than knowing them#im not rewatching fifteen's eps rn until a week later when i can watch it w my qpp but#rn i still feel a stronger sense of fifteen and ruby's characters from all the rtd-written eps rather moffat#which like. i get that a lot of that is my personal dislike of moffat's writing style but still#dr who#15 era#dw spoilers
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gamebunny-advance · 9 months
It's all "pikmin yaoi" this and "pikmin yuri" that, but then y'all will go and ignore the canon pikmin yaoi/yuri that's right in front of you.
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