#so that can wait till tmrw i guess...
zemnarihah · 6 months
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ayyponine · 1 year
ok a few hrs after the fact i do think it was kinda funny. to be at my fucking limit high strung mentally and physically going thru it etc and finally get so worked up having to b customer friendly to a woman who is very condescendingly trying to wheedle and argue her way into getting a biggger discount that my soul just quits my body and i hit my head on the floor like bonk conked the fuck out good bye. and some customers were super nice rushing to check my pulse asking the other cashier if i have a history of epilepsy offering a glass of water hell these complete strangers immediately and repeatedly insisted to give me AND my bike a ride home???? but also when i finally emerged frm behind the front desk by which i mean i got halfway there and then the guy grabbed me under the armpits to haul me the rest of the way up. the fucking lady was still standing in the exact same spot with her stupid fucking clothes placidly waiting fr the commotion to blow over so she could continue annoying me or any colleague stepping up to replace me into giving her that additional 6 euro discount she demanded to have a right on on a fucking T shirt like. do you not know shame
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cetoddle-archive · 10 months
my favorite necklace got tangled into a nasty knot and i'm literally inconsolable about it
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yenqa · 7 months
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lucky day
in which jake freaks out and sells you coffee for 90% off for “wear a blue shirt” day.
warnings — profanity, umm theyre awkward
pairing — jake x gn!reader
wordcount — 612
a/n — happy jake day!! technically its tmrw for me but who cares!!
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You push the door open, smiling at the ring of the bell when you walk in, standing still, you scan the menu, praying they have your order.
Spotting it, you let out a smile walking up to the counter, hearing the familiar greeting.
“Hi! What can I get for you?” Jake cringes at his shaky voice, but you just smile sweetly at him, saying your order. He nods, quietly repeating your order to himself, hands slightly jittery at the pretty person in front of him.
Realizing he’s taking way too long to punch in your order, he looks up at you with wide eyes, letting out an awkward apology before finishing the order.
You chuckle, saying, “No worries, I probably would take awhile to punch in an order too.”
Jake straightens himself, now looking down slightly at you, “Third day on the job.” He jokes. You laugh along with him, noticing his slight accent.
“Where’s your accent from?”
“Your accent, did you live abroad for a while?”
He’s slightly shocked that you even noticed it, he’s tried to keep it hidden but he soon realized it was harder than it seemed. He nods, “I used to live in Australia,” He says, finished inputting your order.
You let your mouth open slightly, “That’s pretty far from here! Must’ve been a pretty big change for you to move.”
“I wouldn’t mind doing it again to see a pretty face like yours.”
Giving him a slightly shocked stare, it’s quickly transferred to a flustered smile, trying to look at anything with him. Though he seems entirely flustered too, looking down at the till trying to distract himself.
Quickly getting rid of your smile you look back at him, “So..?”
“So what?”
“What’s my total, pretty boy?”
He chokes on his saliva, barely letting out a “60 cents.”
“What? Isn’t my coffee supposed to be 6 dollars?”
Fuck, maybe hiring him for the job wasn’t the best idea management had considering he couldn’t read when someone gorgeous was infront of him. Though, his mistake was already out and he was too embarrassed to take it back, instead, he says the first thing to come to mind.
“It’s “Wear a blue shirt day”, you get 90% off!”
He thinks he’s officially done for.
“I’m not wearing blue?” You look down at your very obviously, white shirt. Looking back up you see him with a dumbfounded expression.
“I guess today’s your lucky day!” He answers, you let out a weirded our expression paired with a smile. Handing him some coins you chuckle at the few coins falling into his hands, giving him your name and walking to an empty place.
He hastily makes your drink, adding the correct mixture before calling out your name, patiently waiting for you to walk up to him.
“Thank you, pretty boy,” You grab the drink, letting your hands ever so lightly brush his hands.
“I’ll see you around, right?”
You laugh, nodding and walking to the doors. Once you exit the cafe, you’re quick to spin your drink around for any part you need to mix, instead, you’re met with a handwritten message, one rushed to write.
Stopping to read it, you scan the text, “i’d like to see you again, call me? (you dont have to obviously) shift ends at five <3, ***-***-****.
Letting out a breathy laugh, you look through the glass walls of the cafe to see a hopeful expression. You nod at him, waving goodbye. And out of the corner of your eye, you swear you can see him celebrate.
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perm taglist — @jwnghyuns @ja4hyvn @trsrina @redm4ri @badmuni @yeokii @enhastolemyheart @softpia @s00buwu @ox1-lovesick @boyfhee @hanniluvi @teddywonss
yenqa © please do not copy, steal or translate.
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1d1195 · 1 month
It's been a while, I love the way you explain stuff😭 Ding is so freaking amazing.
So, oh, before I forget, I do study English literature and translation ( Arabic - English) btw you're a teacher? I saw some anon I think (💜 anon?) Wishing you a happy teacher's day idk about it cause we don't celebrate that here but yeah I didn't know that sounds fun! Let me guess (English teacher?)
So you know, yesterday I had a relaxing shower and afterward I wanted to style my curly/wavy hair naturally, so I think k it's a mix of 2a and 2b and that's funny cause I really tried like I saw some pics on pinterest and some videos on tiktok that motivated me but I kinda failed? 😭😭 I just rubbed the cream into my hair and pulled it back into 2 low buns but that's funny cause just before going to bed (I'm struggling with insomnia I've been staring at the ceiling since 1am and now it's 4am😭)anyway so I just fixed my hair to bed and it looked good! Like I had put effort into it, but I didn't! I think the curls aren't gonna make it till the morning🙈
Ehhh I dont know why in the freaking freak did I just say this whole story to you but I think you'll tolerate me right?
So back to classes and huffs and puffs, my finals start on the 20th. I'm not nervous, tbh I'm excited, I wanna get over with these freaking exams to read my books in peace.
So.. Love and Other Words and The Rose Code, huh? They really sound so interesting. I'm gonna need to read them. I'm also planning on reading the Twisted and King series, and do you mind if I tell you that you need to check Interlude right the tuck now? It's so freaking good you need to read it. You'll shed many tears, istg never have I ever cried this much in my whole life in "that" specific chapter, but I just love angst! But I promise it's not like that, okay? It's just amazing amazing I'm currently reading insurgence (the sequel) it's still on going bur I just love this book so much. I hope Mikii considers publishing it someday!
And I've always wanted to ask! What is your favorite piece that you wrote? I read a couple of series that you wrote, but I just wanna know which one js your favorite 🎀
Thank you so much I think you're kinder and better thank you 🩷🩷🩷🩷
I'm gonna need to study 3 novels tmrw cause I promised myself to do so! (Pride and Prejudice, David Copperfield, and The Portrait of a Lady) we studied them for my finals, but i just want to start my revisions, so... to teach and please ig😭😭
Have a very wonderful day, Sam!!! (BTW, my childhood bff's nickname's Sam! We're still friends, and we still love each other the same but not bffs anymore)
Oh now I remembered that I wanted to rant about the future and how I'm afraid of it being a (soon to be 19) girl who is (soon to be a junior) trying to be independent but in reality she will cry if you dare give her a nasty look but I guess it'll have to wait for next time cause my eyes seem to be dropping finally😭😭 I'll tty lysm🩷🩷
😭 idk what I explained, but I'm glad it came out well and that you liked it! 💕
I am a teacher! A math teacher actually if you can believe it. Writing is just a hobby of mine and I love it, but it's only for me. Teaching math is much more enjoyable than teaching English (at least I imagine so). In the US we have teacher appreciation week to recognize teachers' hard work. I had one of my current students write me a letter and one of my students last year messaged me to wish me well. But it's not that exciting tbh--well, I do get a lot of coupons emailed to me hehehe
I know NOTHING about hair. (Literally had to google what 2b meant) I make my sister figure out what I need to do and then I just do what she says. I think we might have the same hair type though based on the pictures I googled! I have one curl cream thing that I put in my hair and scrunch each morning and then hope for the best (and that there will be low humidity). It's cool to experiment with your hair, even if it doesn't turn out the way you want it to in the morning! Then you know for the next trial. Of course I tolerate you--even though that's not what I would call it, I love to hear what you're doing!
I bet you're going to crush your exams! It sounds like you're ready for it! Books in peace is a MOOD. I'm excited for you!
My favorite piece I've written oh boy. Umm...I think it would be Protection. Or maybe Zipper. Idk I feel guilty picking one over the other and I love writing them all. I will tell you I think I like Protection more than Traditional which is probs sacrilege to write on my own blog because I think everyone under the sun would choose Traditional over Protection hahahaha but I liked planning Protection more than Traditional. Although Dolcezza really took hold of my heart VERY hard. Especially lately. Probably one of the three: Zipper, Dolcezza, or Protection.
I hope studying has gone/went well and you got some sleep after being up so late! You're going to have a wonderful future, I'm sure of it, and don't worry about forgetting something. I'm not going anywhere! 💕
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adoremediary · 5 months
got the pregnancy tests but got the wrong kind! bc it was an online pickup order and i just picked the cheapest one! i accidentally got an "early testing" one that says to take them 5 days before a missed period? like what? i start school tmrw so i really dont know if i should take it tonight but if i am pregnant id alr be 6 weeks and the pill is up till 11 so if i wait until my next missed period id be cutting it pretty close. my plan was to stop taking my birth control and see if i get my period and if i didnt id take it. i guess i could still just not take my birth control and if i dont get my period i could just do like a week of birth control and then stop and take the test rather than wait a whole cycle. the problem is i dont know if my "last period" is really all that accurate in telling how far along i could possibly be because i skipped dec by skipping the placebo week. i couldve gotten pregs in nov or dec but idk if i wouldve gotten my period in dec had i not skipped it. i looked up early pregnancy symptoms and some of them are hitting close to home and they do say these symptoms show up around 4-6 weeks. my final guess is 5 weeks? hopefully im not at ALL lol but oh boy i dont feel confident. how silly would all this be if im not pregs lol. also abortions cost so much more than i thought wow im looking at $600-$800 and i cant use insurance bc my mom can not find out about this and boyfie wont be able to afford it either i know. i still havent talked to him about this, i think ill just wait until i get an actual answer bc this isnt the first pregnancy scare and i dont want to keep putting him through this lol.
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daadddysprincessss · 3 years
We aren’t even related
paring: Jim Mason x reader
Summary: step siblings are not blood related - Your dad had been dating Sandy Mason for over a year now, and they had both agreed to move in together(unfortunately they chose your dad’s house), Sandy had 2 kids of her own, Medina and Jim - they were twins, but 2 very different people. You could admit you did have a small crush on Jim when you saw him at school, but so did every other girl, and now that the both of you would basically be step siblings you would never have a chance now. // 3.7k words, part one
Warnings: step siblings are not blood related, harmless flirting
tagging: taglist: @ghostiesbedroom @lovelylangdonx @queencocoakimmie@langdonsinferno @peachesandfern @gold-dragon-slayer @charlottelouise135 @hplotrfan @rosegoldrichie @taryn-just-happened@little-grunge-flowerz @ccodyfern @1-800-bitchcraft @langdonsoceaneyes @sojourne @starwlkers @bellejeunefillesansmerci @chicaluna2410 @crazycatchloe (hope its okay if i tagged you)
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Today was one of the worst days of your life, your dad’s girlfriend was moving in with her 2 kids - you either had to move your room to the basement of share with her daughter, you quickly opted out of sharing with a complete stranger. After you settled into the basement room you came upstairs and awaited the Masons arrival with your dad - he looked so happy, you couldn’t remember the last time you had seen him happy -
“Nervous?” you tilted your head and looked up at your dad
He continued to bounce his leg up and down - “a little” he smiled at you
“Don’t be, it’s gonna be amazing” you gave him a weak smile, trying to hide the annoyance in your voice - the only highlight of the day was staying home from classes, it seemed odd for someone to move in on a thursday but whatever - it kept you out of class.
The both of you had waited till 10:30 when your dad quickly jumped up when he heard the soft knock on the door - “hi Sandy” he smiled as he opened the door for her
You stood back as Sandy walked into your home - she gave you a weak smile - “Kids, come on in” she yelled
You placed your hands behind your back and fiddled with your fingers as you waited for them to walk in - you’ve seen them around the school before and never really talked to them so this was definitely going to be a big change - both Medina and Jim walked in, Medina smiled at you, and Jim didn’t even look up from his phone.
“Hey y/n” Medina smiled
“Hi Medina, Hi Jim” you said as politely as possible
“Hi” Jim’s voice was deep - he didn’t even look up from his phone
You rolled your eyes at him - Medina let out a little laugh, she noticed you roll your eyes -
Your dad walked in holding a few boxes labelled with JIMS ROOM “where should I put these”
“Whatever room I get I guess” his tone was rude
Your dad walked towards your old room placing them down
“If you want to follow me, I can show you guys your rooms” you walked towards Jim and Medina
“Yeah that would be cool” Medina smiled - she nudge Jim’s shoulder in hopes he wouldn’t be so rude but it clearly didn’t work
“Medina this is your room, im sorry its kinda small - it used to be my dads office” you turned to Medina
“It’s alright, there’s room for my bed, desk, and surfboard” Medina said with a shrug, she stepped into the room and walked towards the window. “it has a killer view - wow” she turned to look at you
“My dad said you love the ocean, so I made sure you’d get this room” you smiled at Medina - “Jim, your room is right over here” you turned to look at him
You walked towards your old room - “Jim this is you room, it uh used to be mine” your voice was monotoned
“Cool, so ill be sharing a room with you I take it” Jim raised his brow
Jim is one of the cutest guys at school, you knew you never had a chance with before - but now you really didn’t have a chance - “Uh no, my room has been moved to the basement” you said nervously
“Damn it would’ve been nice to share my room with a hottie like you” Jim smiled and walked into the room
You were a bit taken back by his confidence - a little bit of blush swept across your face from his weirdish compliment - you turned on your heels and walked back towards your dad and Sandy
“Thank you so much y/d/n” Sandy said as your dad carried in the last of the boxes - “JIM, MEDINA! Coming grab your boxes” Sandy yelled
The first thought that ran through your mind was ‘does she ever shut up’ like who yells that much for their kids
Medina was the first to come and grab her boxes, and than her surfboard. Jim came much later - as if he was preoccupied in his room - the first thing he grabbed was his surfboard(probably checking to make sure it wasn’t damaged) and than his boxes -
“The beds will be here later today - if that’s okay” your dad said nervously to Sandy
“I’m sure Jim and Medina won’t mind” she smiled
You went downstairs to your room, and flopped down onto your bed - you pulled out your phone and clicked the group chat labels ‘baddies’ - ‘well they are moved in now :/‘ you sent to the chat
‘Ooo at least you have that hottie to stare at!! ;)’ Heather texted
Heather wasn’t wrong Jim was the schools biggest eye candy, to us girls he was like a shiny new toy - of course you wanted to play with him but now that he’s technically your step-brother you can’t even touch him -
you tossed your phone aside to try and clear your mind “I can’t think of him like that anymore” you whispered to yourself - you looked up at the ceiling above you, you were directly under Jim’s room, you could hear him walking around above you - you even heard your window slide open a few times, probably testing if it will be quiet enough to sneak out (which it was). You turned your head to the side and looked at your new windows, they were big enough to get out of but a little high to reach, you quickly got out of bed and moved your nightstand under your window so you could still sneak out whenever - or so your friends/boys could sneak in without making a sound.
You laid back onto you bed - *ding* your phone buzzed on the other side of your bed *ding*
“Fuck who is it” you sat up reaching for your phone -
‘Bay party tmrw nite - u in?’ Heather texted
‘If ur cuming to the party wear something sexy - gotta impress the boys’ Amber texted
You rolled your eyes and laughed - ‘only if you were something cute with me;)’ you replied to Amber
‘Yeah i'll pick up Ambs and Vana’ you texted back to Heather - “fuck shes so annoying” you tossed your phone aside again - you turned to your side and started to doze off slightly until you heard a light knock at your door - “come in” your voice was soft
The door slowly opened “I was wondering if you wanted these back” Jim’s voice appeared from the doorway - he was holding up a lighter and incense
“Uh yeah! Thanks” you quickly walked towards him grabbing the items
“The best way to cover up the scent of pot is the smell of glass cleaner” Jim laughed - he knew exactly why you had incense
You smiled awkwardly “thanks” -
Jim pulled out a joint from his pocket - “wanna smoke up before dinner?” He smiled
Jim never talked to you - he actually labelled you a ‘snob’ for not showing up at bay boy parties often, so what was the change of heart here - “uh sure, why not?” You said softly - you flicked the lighter on and lit the incense -
The soft smell of lavender filled your room as Jim lit the joint - he inhales deeply, holding it for a moment - the smoke ghosted form his lips, he held the joint up for you. You took the joint and inhaled deeper than Jim(trying to show off) you held it in - when you parted your mouth to blow out the smallest bit of smoke came out - which made you smile.
“Wanna sit?” You tilted your head as you inhaled again
Jim nodded and took a seat on the end of your bed, you joined him on your bed, sitting with your back to your pillows - you leaned over(practically on your knees) to hand him the joint - Jim took the joint and smoked it
“I never would’ve thought a girl like you was into this sort of stuff” Jim laughed
“Into what? Smoking? Pv can be boring when there’s no parties, you have to find your own fun, you’ll quickly learn about me Jim” you smiled at him - you both were getting along, it felt slightly weird
“And what other things do you like to do for fun y/n” Jim’s voice was a bit higher as he held the smoke in
“Sometimes you can go whale watching, party at the bay, sometimes my friends and I go down to the train tracks and drink mindlessly - sometimes I go down there with guys” your eyes went wide realizing you overshared -
“Go on - im interested in what else you do at the tracks” Jim’s voice was low and raspy
You gave a weak smile as you reached over to grab the joint from Jim - you nearly fell face first onto his lap, but you quickly caught yourself before it could happen. Both of you started to laugh hard, “I’m so sorry” you took a deep inhale
“It all good babe” Jim laughed
You were a bit taken back by Jim calling you babe, like sure he probably called every girl babe but you never actually hung out with him - you took another deep inhaled before handing the joint back to Jim - you could feel your high kicking in, making you feel more relaxed. You watched Jim place the joint between his plump lips and inhale - god you wanted to kiss those lips - he parted his lips and exhaled the smoke softly, your eyes flickered up to his face - he was so fucking hot
“Y/N! JIM! Dinner is ready!” Your dad yelled from the top of the stairs - quickly getting you to focus
“Wait what time is it” you said softly as you grabbed your phone, ‘6:45’ was across the top of your screen - “we’ve been down here for almost 3 hours??” You started to laugh
Jim bit his bottom lip and looked at you “it was the best 3 hours I’ve spent here so far” he stared at you for a moment - you could feel the tension building up between you
“JIMMY! Y/N!” Sandy yelled
You both stood up together and walked towards the stairs to go up - Jim let you walk up first. When you came from behind the door the dinner table was set up with a nice dinner, there were 2 open spots next to each other - Jim and you had taken both those seats.
Dinner felt more full than normal, it wasn’t just you and your dad anymore - but it was a good feeling, you saw him laugh and smile a lot more than normal which warms your heart. After dinner you cleaned up the table with Sandy trying to get to know her more - she was a bit odd
“Thank you for dinner Sandy, it was delicious” you smiled as you load the dishwasher
“It was my pleasure - i'm glad you enjoyed it” Sandy smiled
You turned your head slightly and noticed Jim standing in the entrance of the kitchen gawking at you - you gave a playful smile and quickly stood up
“Hi” your voice was sweet
“H-hey” Jim stuttered out
“Do you need anymore help in the kitchen Sandy?” you turned your head to hide the blush sweeping across your face
“No dear, I got it from here” She smiled at you
Jim’s lips were pressed into a thin line - he parted his lips to say something but nothing came out
“Cat got your tongue” you teased - before Jim could say anything you walked towards the basement door, you went down into your room and threw yourself onto your bed - “why did I just do that” you raised your voice as you pushed your face into your pillows. Why were you being so flirty, you knew you couldn’t have him - you could feel your body tensing just thinking about him, your mouth started to water at the thought of kissing Jim’s plump lips, you could even imagine the of his ribs if he lied between my hips - your hand started to trail down your body, getting closer to the band of your leggings - *ding* you quickly removed your hand from almost entering your pants, you quickly sat up to see who messaged you -
‘Hey, I really enjoyed our smoke sesh. Maybe we can have another one soon;)’ Jim texted you
The first thought that ran through you head was ‘how did you get my number?’ -
‘Yeah, maybe tomorrow’ you texted back
‘Before the party ;)’ Jim texted back quickly
How did he know you were going? He never asked you - who told him? ‘Yeah sure, whatever works’ you texted back trying to sound cool
‘Sweet dreams ;)’ Jim texted back
You stared at your phone with a smile plastered across your face - “sweet dreams” you said softly out loud - you never texted him back that night. You laid back in your bed, you felt like you had a little school girl crush on Jim, but there was that little voice in the back of your head screaming at you ‘HE’S BASICALLY YOUR STEP BROTHER YOU CAN’T GO FOR IT’ - you closed your eyes to drown out the screaming in your head - after you closed your eyes you quickly fell asleep.
You woke up Friday morning to the smell of your dad’s world famous pancakes, you quickly jumped out of bed and threw and oversized shirt on, you ran up the stairs to see your dad humming as he was flipping some pancakes
“Good Morning sunshine” his voice was cheerful
“Good morning daddy” you smiled - you had forgotten what he looked like when he was this happy
“I made these ones special for you” your dad smiled and handed you a plate
When you took the plate you looked down to see mickey mouse shaped pancakes - “dad, you really didn’t have to” you smiled so hard your face started to hurt
“Think of it as a thank you” your dad pulled your head to his chest and kissed your forehead
You walked towards the kitchen table with your plate - you smiled at Medina who was eating her breakfast
“Morning” you spoke softly
“Morning y/n” she smiled
You placed your plate down and turned around to grab a drink - “Medina do you want anything to drink?”
“Yeah sure, I wasn’t sure where anything was” she laughed
You grabbed to fruit juices and walked back handing one to Medina, you both sat in silence, eating breakfast till Jim came out of his room - he stomped his way to the kitchen, his hair was a complete mess, dark circles under his eyes - almost like he didn’t sleep. He didn’t say a word to either of you, he grabbed a plate of food and sat next to you - he closed his eyes for a moment and inhaled deeply -
“Morning Jim” your voice was low
He turned to look at you, giving you a weak smile along with a nod - he acted as if you meant nothing to him..
You ate your breakfast in silence, after you were done you brought your plate to the sink. You looked at the clock to see if there was enough take to shower before class - which there was -
You walked towards the bathroom(since the basement bathroom was being worked on) -you grabbed a towel and set the water temperature, you tossed the oversized shirt aside and stepped into the shower, you put a little bit of shampoo in your hand and started to massage it into your scalp -
“Holy fuck” Jim’s voice was muffled
Your eyes widen and you quickly covered your breasts - “Jim what are you doing in here, don’t you knock” your voice was full of embarrassment
“I did” Jim blurted out as his eyes trailed down your body
“Jim get out” you pointed at the door
“Or I could just join you, save water right?” He laughed - Jim walked towards the shower
“Jim no” you turned the shower off - you really did want him to join
“You know you want me to” Jim winked
There was a knock at the door - “Jim? Y/n?” Medina’s voice came from behind the door
“Sorry medina I’m almost done my shower” your voice was shaky
“Oh sorry y/n” Medina’s voice was quiet
“Okay Jim when Medina walks away your out” you covered your breasts again
“Nice ass” he smirked
The corners of your lips started to curve from the compliment(kinda compliment) Jim gave you -
“I worked hard for it” you spoke with confidence
“I bet it would look nicer with a few hand prints” Jim teased
You were a bit taken back by his boldness, you tilted your head and raised a brow - “Yeah I bet it would” you smirked
You could see a bulge build in Jim’s pants - he looked down and back at you, pink blush crept across his face from embarrassment - “Medina’s gone - sorry for the blue balls” you smirked
You could admit telling Jim to go away instead of fucking you senseless hurt a little - you gave yourself blue balls too, you quickly showered and went to your room, you got dressed and brushed your hair out.
When you walked upstairs and headed towards the door you saw Jim and Medina grabbing their bikes to ride to school - “do you guys want a ride?” You asked
“If you don’t mind” Medina squinted her eyes from the sun as she looked at you
“Yeah - please” Jim said as he walked towards your car
You unlocked the doors and Jim got in the passenger seat of y/car, Medina got in the back seat
“Thanks again y/n” she spoke softly
You smiled at her through the rearview mirror - you just wished she wasn’t so shy with you
You plugged your phone in for music and started to drive towards school - you got to school within 15 minutes which was early for you.
“Do you guys want a ride home after class too?” You asked as you parked
“Please” Medina nodded - she quickly got out of the car and walked towards her friends
“Yeah” Jim nodded
You both got out of the car at the same time walk separate ways. Jim didn’t acknowledge you at school for the rest of the day, it annoyed you how different and unflirty he was with you.
After class when the last bell rang you went to your locker as normal, and put your stuff away- you texted Medina and Jim letting them know you’d be a few minutes. When Amber and Vana walked up to their lockers(right beside yours) they wanted to know everything
“So what’s it like living with the Masons?” Vana raised a brow
“It's only been a day” you laughed
“Ugh fuck talking about that - so for tonight what are you wearing?” Amber asked
“Probably shorts and a tank, how about you guys?” You said as you put your backpack on -
“Y/n you gotta show a little - I heard Alex likes you” Vana teased
“Oh yeah right - I have eyes for someone else” you laughed
“No y/n Vana’s right, Heather heard that Alex was gonna invite you over after the party” Amber was trying to be serious
“Don’t pull my leg” you laughed
Both girls looked at you with a straight face
“I’ll see you guys tonight, you'll both be at Ambs?” You said as you turned to walk away
“Yeah - see you later!” They both said in sync
You walked quickly down the hall in hopes not to see Heather or Alex - they really annoyed you.
When you got to your car Jim and Medina we’re both patiently waiting for you - “sorry guys, my friends just wanted to talk” you quickly unlocked the doors.
The car ride home was silent again, you were thankful you had music to play though - when you got home, your dads car wasn’t in the drive away and no sign of Sandy anywhere - you went down to your room and picked out your clothes for tonight - placing them on your bed neatly.
Jim came down and knocked on your open door “you told me to knock right” he smiled
“Hi” you said coldly not caring
“Smoke?” Jim questioned as he held up a joint
“Why not” you stood up from your vanity
Jim lit the joint and inhaled, he nodded his head as he exhaled “its good” he handed you the joint
You walked towards Jim, taking the joint - your fingers brushed against his - you inhaled deeply and tilted your head back as you blew out the smoke. Jim and you sat in your room smoking - something about being with him comforted you, this joint hit you harder and faster than last time, your head went fuzzy, and your palms went calmly-
“I don’t know if I ever told you, but your so fucking hot” Jim’s voice was low - his eyes were glossy
“Wait what?” You were caught off guard-
Jim leaned towards you - his lips ghosting over yours - he placed his forehead against yours. You tilted your head up slightly - your lips meeting his - kissing gently, Jim’s lips parted slightly biting at your bottom lip. Jim’s tongue swiped against your bottom lip begging for entrance - you parted your lips, kissing Jim with an open mouth, his tongue massages against your tongue, you let out small moan into Jim’s mouth -
Jim pulled back from the kiss, a small trail of saliva trailed from your lips, his eyes were hazy as he started back at you -
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jiminpitys · 2 years
Well, it's beyond sadistic starting to read a basically 8 parts story starring JK, just to observe at the end of part 4 that isn't a finished series as I thought initially! 🤯
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Stupid, Ik! *face palm* Guess what I'm asking you now is wtf do I do with my life for God knows how long till you'll conclude the fic?🤔🤧 Hmmm, can you tell me, pls? 😈 Bc I badly need the rest of the story just this minute!
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Hey, you ruined me, be happy! 😝 And don't laugh, it's not funny to crave something you already are so into it's taking the air from your lungs! Idgaf about style and other fancy writing technical stuff (I'm a writer myself, so imagine! 😁), I just want to read further the fic, you can't leave me with the image of a wet JK and just making me wait! Pls be kind and find a solution for a broken ARMY 💜😭
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P. S. Idk if tagging is something you do but, if it is, pls tag me for the rest of this ff. 😘
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first off, thank you so much for liking my story :(( i quite honestly didn’t expect prod. jk to get a single read when i posted it here, so seeing people enjoy it makes me so glad!
more than half of the story had already been written, i’m currently writing chapter 6 (and it is kicking me in the ass, writing this scene is so hard)! chapter 5 will be out tmrw, fingers crossed, and i think the entirety of the story will be done before april ends. i was aiming for end of march but i doubt it lol
(p.s. i literally joined tumblr last week so i don’t have a tag list yet, BUT if there enough people who want to be added, i think i’ll make it! so if you wanna be added, pls comment)
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amelialincoln · 3 years
Stuck With You
“Hey, babe.” Link’s practically frostbitten cheeks burned against Amelia’s as he leant down to greet her with a kiss. “How are you feeling?” 
“Better,” Amelia smiled, rubbing her stomach in a small circular motion. “I wasn’t expecting the morning sickness to last this long.” Link couldn’t help but grin at his girlfriend who looked picture perfect in her oversized woolen sweater and newly formed bump. “What’s so funny?” She grinned back at him.
“Nothing, I’m just lucky,” he replied with a shrug.
“Yeah, I’m sure you were thinking the same thing this morning when you were holding my hair back to keep me from spewing chunks in it.” She shook her head. Link chuckled, tugging off his flurry filled jacket and sitting down beside her. “I doubt we’re going to make it to Meredith’s for New Years at this rate.”
“Most people were cancelling at work. Other than half the staff who live at her place,” he joked. “I doubt anyone is going to be having too much fun tonight.”
“Oh, cause you’re stuck with me instead of drinking with your boys?” She teased.
“Right, Amelia, because I’d rather start the New Year with anyone other than you.” That received a small giggle and he pulled her onto his lap gently. “You feeling hungry? I was craving some soup with it being so cold.”
“That sounds perfect.” She nodded.
“Alright, up you get then.” Amelia gave a moan of protest as he lifted her to a standing position before tugging her hand into the kitchen. Luckily they had vegetable stock in the fridge so the rest was simple. Amelia sat at the island chairs while Link chopped the veggies and chicken before adding them to the pot to cook.
“No pasta?” Amelia whined.
“Why don’t you come over and help me rather than complaining?” Link chuckled. Amelia shot him a look of exasperation before joining him in the kitchen. She searched through the cupboard before finding her favourite bow shaped noodles and adding them to the pot. Link wrapped his arms around her and rested his chin atop her head as she stirred. “Smells good,” he mused.
“Thanks, it was all me.” She received a poke in the side for that comment. The couple waited patiently for the soup to cook before spooning it into bowls and setting the rest in the fridge for leftovers.
“What do you want to watch?” Amelia asked from her place on his chest as she lifted a spoonful of veggies into her mouth.
“I don’t really care.” Link shrugged, absentmindedly wiping a drop of broth from her cheek with his sleeve. Amelia put on some random documentary as the true crime junkie she was and settled into his lap comfortably.
“Not while we’re eating,” Link complained as the narrator ran over some graphic evidence.
“You’re trying to tell me that you’ve got a queasy stomach,” she asked, “when you shove people’s bones back in place for a living?” Unapologetically, Link set his ceramic bowl on their coffee table and swallowed with distaste.
“You were the one throwing up all day,” he grumbled.
“And whose fault was that?” Amelia batted her lashes, never allowing Link to forget that it was his fault for impregnating her.
“Alright, then.” Link picked up the tv remote and clicked the off button before throwing the device far enough away on the couch that Amelia wouldn’t attempt to go after it. “I just want to talk to you, I feel like I haven’t seen you all day.” Amelia’s irritated expression washed away.
“Fine,” she grumbled before pulling out her phone. Link almost threw that across the couch too before realizing which app she was searching for. “Our baby is the size of a mango today,” she stated proudly. “I can feel him getting heavier.” She placed his hand on the underside of her belly and smiled as he acknowledged the new weight there. “His lungs are apparently developing,” she squinted at her phone, “and he might start kicking soon.”
“That’s exciting, babe.” Link rubbed her back tenderly and she relaxed into his touch.
“I didn’t get that with Christopher.” She frowned. “I mean there were phantom kicks...but I don’t know how they’re actually supposed to feel.” “Well we’ll find out soon, I guess,” he offered, not really sure what to say.
“Yeah, exactly,” she said more brightly than he knew she was feeling. “You finished your soup?” She asked, slowly standing up with the assistance from his hand on her back. He nodded as she stacked his bowl on top of her own and made her way back into the kitchen. He followed her cautiously, noticing that she was deep in thought and messaged her neck as she wordlessly did the dishes. Link knew she wasn’t supposed to start nesting until her third trimester but he’d noticed, with amusement, how much of a neat freak she had become over the last couple of weeks.
“You dry?” She finally asked, handing him the pot.
“Sure,” he replied, moving to stand beside her. They stood in silence for a couple of moments longer before he asked, “have you ever heard of a babymoon?”
“Huh?” she replied, her hands deep in soapy water.
“It’s like a honeymoon...kinda but not really.” He scratched the back of his neck. “It’s like a trip you take before the baby comes. Like to celebrate the last time you’ll be together, just the two of you.”
“Sounds kind of dreary when you put it that way,” Amelia chuckled lightly. “It’s not like our lives are ending.” 
“That’s not what I meant,” Link backpedaled. “It’s just to spend some time together before the baby comes.”
“Link, I’m teasing. That sounds really nice,” she assured him.
“Okay, cool.” He sighed with relief.
“I mean I think I deserve it if you can’t manage to give me an actual honeymoon.”
“What, I--”
“Link.” She rolled her eyes. “Teasing, again.”
“You suck,” he growled, flinging droplets of soapy water in her direction.
“Oh, really?” She taunted, spraying an enormous amount of water at him and soaking him from head to toe. “Shit.” She went to wipe suds from his cheekbone and slipped, landing embarrassingly on her ass.
“You okay?” The urgency in his voice immediately ended the joke.
“Link, I’m fine,” she winced.
“Are you sure? We could go to the hospital and--”
“I promise,” she confirmed. He breathed a sigh of relief, hovering over her and surveying her quickly. “Link, I mean it. You can get off of me.”
“Well, when you put it that way.” He grinned cheekily, pressing a lingering kiss to her lips before pulling away and leaving her wanting more.
“Okay, come back,” she whined, ignoring the fact that her clothes were soaked with dishwater.
“Nah, let’s get you in the shower. You’re all wet.” He smirked, pulling off her clothes shamelessly as he led her into their bathroom.
Surprisingly, it was Amelia who convinced Link to stay up till twelve. Usually she was passed out at eleven tops with Link lying awake in bed for hours, deep with worries about parenting, the environment and everything else that he’d be bringing a baby into.
“It’s the baby’s first New Years,” she argued, pulling the fluffy white towel around her dripping body.
“The baby’s first New Years is a year from now,” he groaned from their bed. The hot shower and the amount of cardio he’d just performed had practically knocked him out and he wasn’t sure if he could keep his eyes open for the next half hour.
“Well it’s our first New Years.” She had him with that one. Link sighed before opening his arm to allow her to crawl in beside him. “Fine, I’ll stay up.” He didn’t. Link conked out about a minute later and their bedroom was filled with his soft snores almost immediately. Amelia sighed, running her hand through his hair and kissing his forehead lightly. She picked up a medical journal she’d been flipping through throughout the day and cuddled up beside him.
“Link,” Amelia shook her boyfriend awake.
“Huh?” His groggy voice responded before his eyes shot open. “Is the baby coming? Are you having contractions?”
“Uh, no.” She remarked. “You’re about four months too early.” Link nodded, swallowing nervously and she couldn’t help but wonder if that was what was keeping him up most nights. “It’s almost midnight.” 
“Oh,” he breathed. “Sorry for falling asleep.”
“It’s okay,” she assured him. “I just wanted my New Year’s kiss.” Link glanced at the clock and grinned before placing a gentle kiss on her lips.
“Was that what you were hoping for?” 
“Mhmm.” She bobbed her head. “Thank you.”
short cute domestic fic hope u enjoy! didn’t have time to edit so I probs will tmrw but I wanted to get it up for y’all.
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I Taste Honey but I Haven’t Seen the Hive - Chapter Seven
Ao3,   Masterpost,  C.1   C.2   C.3   C.4   C.5   C.6
Relationships: eventual queer-platonic intruality, platonic dlampr.
okay. so. last time we heard anything out of me was *New Years*, Literally, and maybe i should’ve mentioned that I was taking a little hiatus, but oh well. i’m back now and i’m gonna post the last three chapters of this fanfiction as soon as I possibly can (so probably like all of them will be up by tmrw at the latest!!) to make up for my absence. but jokes on you, cuz I did actually finish this thing!!! >:P 
(oh yeah, and there are no italics, thanks to tumblr’s copy/paste bulls//t. i continue to be lazy :3 if anything sounds stilted just imagine that theres an italicized word there and yeah.)
Warnings: cursing, sexual innuendo, discussions of sexuality, misunderstandings, Emotional Conversations, sharing a bed, mild body horror (remus’ existence lol), stress, h/c. 
Word count: 7,967
The hallway was cold, and dark. It had been long-since abandoned of any life, with every door shut and each light dimmed- even Virgil’s. That day- the day of the meeting- had exhausted everyone enough to send them right to sleep mode. 
Everyone except Remus and Patton.
Their heart-to-heart in the kitchen had dragged on a little longer than either had expected, letting night descend fully over the Mindpalace. Patton was the one to notice the time eventually, and drag his less-than-restful friend up the stairs with him- he could tell that the other was dead tired, though. His stubborn determination not to end the conversation didn’t sit well, but Patton couldn’t think what to make of it, and they really did need some sleep. 
They reached Patton’s door first. He stopped in front of it, when Remus tugged his hand back insistently. He turned to him, letting out a confused hum, and was met with a scowl and a sigh.
Remus was looking even more resigned than he had when they first started talking that night. Patton waited, worried. 
“This isn’t, um,” Remus exhaled, ragged around the edges. “This isn’t a pick-up line, okay, and I know that it’ll sound that way and I know that it’s me but. I really don’t wanna be alone tonight.”
Patton’s heart ached- and his heart was big, it took up most of him. He felt the pain spread out from his center and into his fingertips and toes, hot and empathetic. Because how could he hear something like that, and not want to spend the rest of the night doting on the creature in front of him until that voice never sounded so small again, till he was as big and confident as he was meant to be?
“I don’t think I want to be alone, either,” Patton said.
Remus stared, his big scarlet eyes casting a faint glow in the dark. They were wide, cautiously hopeful.
“Yeah?” He muttered.
Patton opened the door, and led them both inside.
Remus shuffled around on the other side of the bed, but Patton was still, however much he wanted to squirm.
The movement stopped, and he flushed at the feeling of being watched in the dark. There really was no un-awkward way to say it, was there?
“Remus, since you’re staying, do you- um, do you mind doing me a favor?” 
Remus, little more than a silhouette, propped himself up on his elbow, a tilt to his head. “A favor? Of course, anything for you, Pat,” his words were a purr, and Patton could envision the suggestive smirk on his face in perfect clarity. Patton felt another well of discomfort bubble in his stomach.
“Could you at least wear some clothes, please?” 
There was a beat. Remus laughed, short and good-natured. 
“Yeah, I sorta figured I would. It’s no problem.”
“Thank you,” Patton sighed, relieved. 
“Don’t worry about it,” he paused, and that really would’ve been the end of it, but Patton had learned by then when Remus was about to make a joke. He took a little breath while the words were still clicking together in his head, and a grin crept into his voice. “There’s always tomorrow night to try this clothesless, eh?”
“I’m asexual,” Patton blurted, and he could feel the heat radiating from his face, though he didn’t even know why he was so uncomfortable. It was a joke, Remus was just joking. They were friends and Patton should’ve been used to it- but he’d already gotten so sensitive that night, and jokes like that always hit just a little different than the violent ones or the curses. It must have been a breaking point, or something. 
Remus shifted again, laying on his back. Patton wondered if he’d made things awkward. 
“Oh,” Remus said, “Oh wow, that makes so much sense!”
“It- It does?” Patton sat up, staring at the other with a mix of surprise and relief. Remus blinked up at him, nodding. 
“Well, yeah, that explains why you get so squirmy whenever anybody even implies something to do with sex. I always thought you were just, like, a prude.”
Patton ran his hands over the comforter that pooled around his legs, shrugging. He wasn’t nervous, so much as he was fidgety. “Well, maybe it was some of that, too,” he joked. 
Remus snorted, rolling onto his side and catching one of Patton’s hands in his own. He held it, playing with Patton’s fingers like he was trying to focus. 
“Hey,” he sighed, heavy, “Sorry.”
“Huh? What for?”
“C’mon, you know,” Remus gestured around with his free hand, “All the jokes, and all the times I hit on you, like, graphically. I was kidding, obviously, it was just that you always had the best reactions. If I’d known why, I mean. I don’t know if I’d have actually stopped, but whatever. Different time, different me. I’m stopping now, kay?”
Patton’s eyes went wide. He hadn’t- He wasn’t trying to make Remus stop, that wasn’t fair. He knew how important staying true to himself was to Remus, and if he’d actually managed to guilt-trip any of that away, he didn’t think he’d forgive himself.
“Oh, it’s really okay, I mean- I know you like talking about stuff like that, who am I to say you shouldn’t?”
“You never said that, actually.”
Patton nodded, even if Remus couldn’t see him, and even if he was pretty sure they were on different pages. “Exactly. You shouldn’t go changing just to make me comfortable, I’ll get used to the jokes! I guess I just wanted to know that they were, which, obviously yeah, but… um, I’m bad with knowing what tone is which, sometimes, so-”
“Ugh, Patton,” Remus was laughing, leaning up and grasping tighter around Patton’s hand, with a tone that said plainly: please shut up. Patton did, biting the inside of his cheek. “Look,” Remus huffed, “I know what you’re trying to say, and it’s real sweet that you’re so worried about this, but it’s not exactly like I’m telling you that I’m reinventing myself. I’ll definitely keep saying plenty of horny shit, trust me, I can just drop it with the comments about ya. It wouldn’t even be funny anymore; fucking with people is cool, right, but making someone I actually like feel ‘icky’, or whatever, isn’t really the same thing. It’s no big sacrifice trying to make you feel safer with me, got it?”
Remus’ eyes were on his, glowing with concern. Patton felt his face flush for an entirely new reason, nothing to do with embarrassment.
“You want to make me feel safe?” Patton grinned, just this side of giddy. “That’s a new one.”
Remus made a vague grumbly sound; it shouldn’t have been as cute as it was. “Yeah, okay, so what if I do?”
“It’s okay if you do. It’s sweet.”
“Maybe it is. Besides, you aren’t the only aspec side around,” he shrugged, “I’m not too big on the dating side of things, myself.”
Patton’s smile widened. “Thank you. I mean, for understanding, and… getting me out of my own head about all this.”
“I gotcha,” a claw traced over Patton’s knuckles, idly, “No need for thanks.”
“I’ll give it anyway, you know that.”
Remus snorted. “Mhmmm.”
With the remains of embarrassment finally fading away, Patton yawned, and remembered just how tired he was. He laid himself down finally, relaxing as his back hit the mattress. No sooner after he’d done so, Remus was letting go of his hand in favor of curling around him and setting his head on Patton’s chest. 
Patton would be lying if he said it wasn’t a relief, feeling the other unhesitant to curl up against him still. He looped his own arms around the smaller figure, practically on top of him, and traced patterns against Remus’ back. 
In hindsight, Patton couldn’t remember ever falling asleep so easily. 
The morning after, there was a crisis. A Thomas-crisis, and an emotional one, which set Patton up for a busy, busy day (or morning-through-afternoon, but it was well more than enough work for one day). The one upside to the whole mess was that he didn’t have to deal with it alone, because emotional distress fell neatly into Virgil’s area of expertise as well as his own.
At some point, you’d think they’d get numb to the endless dilemmas every other day, but with each new outing it got clearer and clearer that panic was just a part of life. Most weeks had at least one incident; there would be a mistake at the post office that needed to be worked out in person (which Patton didn’t mind, really, but Virgil hated, and Roman thought was a waste of time), there was an event for a friend of a friend that for some reason they were socially obligated to go to (which no one liked but Roman, who always thought they were one person away from being ‘discovered’), or- the present situation- there were pre-established plans that all the sides had somehow forgotten about until they were shoved into it at the last second.
Patton jolted awake with a gasp, the urgency of his human throwing him out of sleep. It was a full two hours later than he usually woke up, something he would’ve loved to appreciate on any other day. His bed was already empty- the warmth of another person still there, the covers still scrunched, but empty- which did serve to make his morning routine quicker. He dressed with a fervor that he couldn’t even place, manic exhaustion already soaking into him and making plans to stay there all day. It was going to be a rough one, being around people. 
But, Patton knew it wouldn’t be hard to ignore all that, for a little bit at least. There was still a bright side, and that side was Virgil! Who he got to spend all day with! Working, sure, but still- work done with a loved one is never work at all.
“Yeah, I don’t know if that rings true, Pat,” was Virgil’s response to the sentiment, when Patton told him.
“You’re smiling,” Patton said, because he was.
“What?” Virgil covered his mouth, “No, I’m not- shut up.” 
“You believe me, I know you do. You looove me.”
“Says you,” his mouth may have been covered, but the crows feet under his eyes creased more. His shoulders were just a little less tense, too, enough to tell Patton he was right. 
That morning wasn’t great, but, they made it better.
Remus had woken up in a lot of places that were decisively not his bed. The floor? Sure. The imagination? Oh, absolutely. Underneath furniture, on top of furniture, and on counters- anywhere lie-down-able, been there and done that. Just for the fun of it, really, and a nice shock to whoever found him curled up in the sink or beneath cabinets. He was used to a crick in the neck or a splotch of red, rough carpet print on the side of the face. 
So he didn’t really know why, waking up in someone else’s bed, he jolted out of it so quick, he looked like he’d been electrocuted. Or why, after scrambling out of Patton’s arms with whatever carefulness he could manage, he bolted from the scene entirely.
Remus began the slow process of piecing it together after he all but slammed the door behind him, trembling and cursing his way down the hall. He dragged away from Patton’s room and let his back hit the wall, sliding to the floor with a kind of hysteria he could only describe as itchy-vomity-terrifying-amazing. 
He did itch at his skin, he was feeling a bit sick, a bit scared, but he thought he might’ve been grinning anyway, so the description fit well enough. Except, nothing was fitting actually well, right then.
The closeness. The attention. The fact that he’d spent eight hours of sleep getting a full dosage of both those things. The fact that it had been more of both of them than he could remember getting, ever. Of course he’d scrambled away- how else could he react!?
Remus didn’t get overwhelmed. Except, apparently he did! What another fun surprise!
A door creaked open down the hall (thank God not Patton’s). Remus felt the eyes on him, and looked up- manically, he looked well and truly manic.
Logan blinked at him. He looked a lot like an owl in the mornings, Remus noted. One of those smart ones, obviously, not one of the ones that fucks around counting licks on a lollipop. 
Logan cleared his throat. 
“Remus? Is everything alright?” 
Remus shrugged, grinning. “Maybe! Who knows, though, right? It’s a lot, you know?”
Logan did not know, and said as much. Remus only laughed, letting his head hit back against the wall in the process.
He still felt warm, inside and out, after all that cuddling. It was weird, good-weird, but still so new. And, like he said, a lot. He’d felt that kind of warmth before, but definitely not as much- and he knew he needed to distract himself before he went crazy. Or, before his rattrap of a brain ruined the maybe-possibly good feelings for him. 
“Hey, any chance you’re busy today?”
Logan hovered in his doorway for a minute before ultimately deciding to step out, probably determining the interaction as a prolonged one. He didn’t look too put-off about it, though.
“A very high chance,” he said, “But for now I am not. Is there something you need?”
“A distraction.”
“So, you up for it?” Remus pulled himself up from the floor, popping a few joints. “At least for the morning, yeah, Geek?” 
“Of course,” he smirked, “Provided you can call me by actual name at least once in this conversation.” 
Remus grinned, probably coming off more relieved than he intended. “Eh, we’ll see about that one, Dweeb.”
Logan met him halfway down the hall, not looking at all surprised by the response. He looked, if anything, amused. Remus found himself remembering very abruptly that the two of them got along, were probably friends, and somehow that fact was still novel to him. Or maybe it was the mood. Probably both.
“Well, it was worth a try,” Logan reasoned.
“Oh, sure.”
“What were you thinking we should do, anyway?”
Remus raised his eyebrows suggestively.
“I’m afraid that’s off the table,” Logan told him.
“Aw, fine. Surprise me, then.”
“That will be hard.”
Remus laughed, unsteady and shrill.
“C’mon, I know you’ve got it in ya.” 
Logan smiled, just-nearly-almost mischievous. “Well. I’ll see what I can do.” 
And for just a second, some of the panic slipped away, leaving behind that strange warmth. 
Patton didn’t exactly let Janus know he was coming by. It had been a long day- or, a long five hour period between ten in the morning and three in the afternoon, but still, the idea that there was any day left at all made Patton want to melt into the nearest soft object and never get up. 
When Patton needed to melt, he went to Janus’. Maybe it was the big armchairs; maybe it was the comforting, gooey little white-lies that soaked the atmosphere of his room; maybe it was the fact that his voice was so very easy to fall asleep to. Most likely, at least part of it was because he always seemed to enjoy taking care of people, anyway. 
It was a nice combination, and exactly what was needed. Patton could apologize for not knocking later, ideally when he wasn’t falling asleep where he stood. 
“Janusss,” he groaned, by way of greeting, and promptly collapsed onto the nearest soft surface while the door swung shut behind him. 
Janus blinked at him from across the room, surprise lasting for approximately three seconds. He turned around, and sighed.
“Well, hello to you, too.”
Patton hummed, drearily.
“You look cheery,” Janus quipped, “Anything you’d like to talk about?” 
The question was spoken lightly, but not insincere. Patton lifted his head enough to smile tiredly at the snake. He shrugged, for the room was working it's magic already, as was the easy company to be found there. Stress was easing away, in small bits, evaporating into warm shimmers under his skin. He had no doubt that Janus was doing some of it on purpose, as soon as he’d noticed the mood Patton was in, giving him a blanket of speckled reassurances (which were, as Janus insisted to him time and time again, just a tiny, harmless breed of pleasant lies) in an almost-literal way. 
Most things about the sides’ rooms were like that. Almost-literal; concepts that crept their way into the physical world, if only slightly. Janus was the best at those kinds of things, though. 
“’S just been a tiring day, y’know?” 
Janus sat beside him, toying with some spare yellow strings, weaving and unweaving them almost carelessly. “I do.”
“A tiring night, too,” Patton added, an afterthought, but he found as he said so that it was true. Long in a good way. An impactful way. It felt like something important had happened, something that changed, but he didn't quite know what. It was still just as draining, though.
Janus raised an eyebrow, but he did not pry (even if he most likely wanted to).“So, you’ve come here.”
“Do you mind if I just rest in here for a bit?” He said, as he’d already gotten quite comfortable.
“Why don’t I do you one better?”
Patton hummed confusedly, but Janus had already begun urging him to sit up. The snake waved a hand, filling the room with light, swirling piano music. At once the air seemed to grow fuzzy, spicks and specks of what looked like golden glitter floating around- not unlike from the distortion Patton’s own room gave him when he was happy. Janus smiled down at him, summoning a neat little tea set on a tray and fixing them each a cup of the swirling, caramel-colored liquid. 
Patton sighed happily, taking the teacup he was proffered and thanking the lord for whatever he’d done to deserve a friend like Janus. 
Janus sat beside him, balancing the tea tray on an end table, and let their shoulders bump. He wasn’t a touchy person, exactly, but he allowed for a conservative amount of casual intimacy. Occasionally, and in an unspoken way, but still.
The atmosphere had exactly the intended effect. Patton felt paradisiacal. 
“Gosh, what would any of us do without you?” 
Janus hummed. “You’d most certainly perish.”
Patton laughed, his chest lighter already. 
Remus felt good for about ten seconds after leaving Logan’s room and letting the guy get to work, fresh off the good morning he’d had. Then, very promptly, the weight that the remaining hours of daylight carried dropped onto his shoulders, and he would’ve been perfectly willing to claw his brain out to get a moment of reprieve from the whole barrage of irrational terror worming around in it.
Remus didn’t know why it was so bad that day (well- he had a guess, but thinking about it obviously made it suck worse, so). What he did know was that he needed someone to keep fucking distracting him, and that someone could under no circumstances be Patton.
Luckily, avoiding him wasn’t hard- he was still busy, and Remus had a feeling he’d need a rest once Thomas’ crisis was over, anyway- but that didn’t do much to solve the other half of Remus’ problem.
He needed something big, loud, and most importantly, not solo. He needed someone that could take up a whole room just as easily as himself, with endless energy to bounce back and forth, back and forth, until neither of them would ever worry about anything other than the moment and whatever it was they would do together… 
Oh, god fucking dammit. 
Remus sunk out to the Imagination. No, not his. The opposite half.
He rose up into more than a blank canvas, but less than a finished work; a vibrant world with gaps and white spots. He might’ve taken the time to look around, but- unsurprisingly- his brother was in front of him, accosting him, immediately. Seriously, it was like he’d teleported. 
“What are you doing here?” Roman snapped, his hands, still splattered with ink, landing on his hips. 
“Aw, so now I’m not even allowed to visit my own flesh and blood, and other various parts?” 
Roman scrunched his nose up. “No, you aren’t allowed. This is my room!”
Remus- as he always did when someone said he couldn’t do something- cackled. 
“I’m serious!” Roman whined, “I’m busy!”
Now, he said that, but Remus knew from personal experience that if Roman wanted him gone, he could’ve forced him out without too much issue- or worse yet, attacked him outright. He didn’t seem to be about to spring, though, not looking any worse than annoyed, so Remus happily decided that this interaction fell into the normal-and-healthy-sibling-bickering category instead of the unfortunately familiar would-genuinely-commit-fratricide-if-possible category. 
He grinned. “Yeah, and I’m bored!”
“Not my problem, and you’re still in my room.” 
“What, worried I’ll gunk up all your magic ponies and Yellow Brick Roads, or whatever it is you like to play with around here?”
“Yes, I am!” Roman scowled, but it looked a lot like he was straining his jaw not to laugh. “And you know I don’t make those, you fiend, I made a unicorn once and that was only because Logan wanted one.”
“You’re shitting me if you say that you weren’t the kid who always wanted a pony, Ro.”
“Well, how’s a pony any better than a thestral, which I seem to remember someone getting all excited about when we first read the-books-that-shall-not-be-named?”
“Ooh! Good idea, we should abso-fucking-lutely make those!” Remus wandered past his brother, looking around at the half-finished scene that he’d walked in on. It was sunny, pleasant- all around very vanilla, but there was at least a sense of adventure thrumming under it that gave the place a kick. With some work, it could actually be, like, fun! “Ever see somebody die? Don’t worry, I can help with that.”
Roman turned to him, looking hilariously incredulous with what was happening.
“Um? Excuse me? This is my domain,” he blinked, and a smug smirk crossed his lips. “Which means that you don’t have the power to make anything here! So, ha!”
Oh, right. That made a lot of sense, actually. How had he forgotten that? It wasn’t like this was the first time he’d tried to make something with his brother, right? 
…Wow. That had no business hurting as much as it did.
“Uh- Remus?” 
His head snapped up, a smile with too-many teeth already strained across his face. Remus’ head was scattered enough, coming here wasn’t supposed to make it worse.
“Sure, okay- there’s gotta be some way for us to build stuff together!” 
Roman stared appraisingly at his sibling, apparently thinking before he argued for the one and only time in his life. He tilted his head in confusion, perhaps worry. 
“I- well-” Roman glanced at what he’d been making, and down at his hands. “I’m sure I could, perhaps, let you have power here. Just this once.” He huffed. “It’s my room, right? So there’s no reason why I couldn’t do that, if I wanted.”
“Do you?��� 
“Ugh.” Roman rolled his eyes, perfunctorily. “Fine. I don’t know what’s up with you, but I’d rather you be your normal weird-self than… whatever this is,” Roman stuck his hand out, his chin raised like it was a challenge. “Good?”
Remus grabbed his hand (and did not buzzer him, or slime him, even though it would have been so easy- because they were having A Moment and even he could appreciate the sanctity of something like that). 
“Yeah,” he said. “We’re good.”
Roman, as it turned out, was able to tolerate Remus for a whopping six hours, right up until five p.m., and only shooed him away in order to finish the project that he’d more-or-less happily dropped when Remus stopped by. So Roman wasn’t the worst brother in the world, Remus acknowledged. He then resolved to never, under any circumstances, say that to Roman’s face. 
The door to the Imagination shut with a click. The sound matched almost perfectly with another, sharper one down the hall, what Remus recognized as Janus’ door closing. He glanced up with a grin, wondering if he could maybe get Snakey to distract him for a while- only to lock eyes with precisely what he needed distracting from.
Patton smiled at him. He looked tired, relaxed, and raised a hand in some semblance of a wave. It would probably be a great opportunity to unwind together, talk stuff out, and definitely curl into each other on the couch.
Remus wasn’t going to take that opportunity, though.
Remus stared back at Patton for all of three seconds, the grin sliding off his face, before barging through the nearest door and slamming it behind himself. 
Shit. Fuck. What the hell did he do that for? It was just Patton, Remus knew Patton; there was no reason to be jittery enough to bolt from him twice. There was no way Patton wouldn’t think he was mad- which he wasn’t, even if he barely understood why he was losing it, he knew it wasn’t anger. But Patton wouldn’t know that, and he’d cry, probably, and Remus wasn’t sure if he was good enough at comforting people to fix it after. Christ, maybe he couldn’t fix it, maybe he’d still be too keyed up to talk to Pat, even if he started bawling! 
“Hey? What the fuck?”
Remus spun around, and yeah, he could’ve guessed whose room he ended up in without the gravelly voice to give it away, given that little spiral. A surprised-looking Virgil stared up at him, sitting cross-legged on a spiderweb bedspread. 
Remus ignored the thin layer of anxiety still rolling under his skin (now that he could place it), and shrugged, sliding until he sat on the floor.
“Oh, hi,” he said.
“Yeah, hi to you too, but my question still stands:” Virgil clapped his hands together, “What. The fuck?” 
Remus considered a few possible snarky responses, but found that most of them were pretty pathetic. Besides, evading vulnerable situations was more of Janus’ thing, and Remus didn’t want to steal his bit. 
“I’m hiding like a little bitch, so don’t kick me out, or I’ll maul you.”
Virgil’s eyebrows went up, but the surprise in his face was being replaced, slowly, by confused resignation. “Okay, cool. Why here, and why me?”
“First door.”
“Yeah, that’s about my luck,” he blew his bangs out of his face, “So like, you’re not gonna go anywhere else?”
Remus thought about it, but it was an easy choice. If he was gonna whine to anybody about something like this, he decided, it’d probably be Virgil. Virgil was good with fear, he was good with Patton, and he was good at making fun of shit if a conversation got too serious. 
“Nah. Sorry, Emo Boy, but I’ve already annoyed Logan and my dipshit brother today. Looks like it’s your turn!”
“What about Janus?”
“Eh, he’s a live-in therapist for the rest of you already. I think I’ll give him the day off.”
Virgil rolled his eyes, sighing with all the exasperation of a teenage burnout and not a thirty-year-old metaphysical humanoid.
“Okay, okay- and why’s Patton off the table? He, like, actually enjoys helping people,” Virgil glanced down, scuffing the carpet with the side of his foot. “He’s good at it, too.”
“Yeahhhh,” Remus locked his teeth together, inhaled through them, “About that.”
“What, aren’t you two all close now?” Virgil frowned, “I fuckin’ saw you guys at the meeting yesterday, you were so on top of each other, I feel like I forgot that you were two separate sides,” to anybody who didn’t know him, the way he talked about it would sound harsh. Remus, however, knew exactly how soft Virgil really was- the fucking poser- and that that shit? That was pure encouragement, raw as a bloody, bloody steak. 
Which, of course, only made Remus wince again.
He flopped sideways onto the floor, groaning. “Yeah, we’re close. That’s- I think that might be the problem?” That sounded right, almost, but just wrong enough to feel icky and annoying. “Ugh, I don’t know. So I just ran!”
There was a beat.
“Wait a second,” Virgil’s voice was tight- oh that bitch, he was laughing! “You’re hiding from Patton?”
Remus huffed. Okay, so maybe it was a little funny, he could appreciate that- but! He was still upset about it!!
“I mean, what has he done to scare you off?” Virgil pressed, “Too many compliments? Did he hug you too hard? I know the dude can be a lot sometimes, but-”
“Okay, ok-ay,” Remus couldn’t help it, he managed a laugh at it, too. “It’s ridiculous! It’s fucking ridiculous and he’s not even the problem!”
“Then what is the problem?” Virgil was snickering, “And don’t say that it’s you, dude. At least one of us around here has to not hate himself to hell and back, and you’ve defended that title for too long to lose it,” he cleared his throat right after he said it, sitting up straighter and trying to look like he hadn’t just been laughing like a huge dork. “Not that I’m, like, worried about you or anything.”
“Aw, you so are,” Remus stared up at the ceiling, grinning despite the ache in his chest. “But no, it’s not that. He thinks I’m awesome and he’s right, so don’t worry.”
Virgil leaned over him, staring upside-down at Remus. He squinted.
“Hey, this a serious problem?”
“I guess so. You can joke about it, though.”
“Cool. Um,” Virgil pulled away. Remus sat up, watching the trait cross one leg over the other, flip them, then tap his knee one-two-three-etc. times. He chewed on his lip. The whole nine yards of a classic Focused-Virgil Face. “Okay. You can tell me about it, seriously. I’ll try to help, or whatever.”
Remus blinked at him.
“Don’t- Jesus- don’t make a big deal out of it, dude-”
“Oh, I am.”
“I don’t even have a choice, okay, you’re the one who-”
“You’re so sweet, Virgey!”
“Remus, I swear to God, repeat that to anyone and I…” 
Virgil trailed off. Remus pouted at him, dramatically, his eyes practically glowing with mischief. “C’mon, aren’t you going to threaten me?”
“I was, and then I remembered that you’re like, actually into that kinda stuff, so. No. Nope, I’m good.”
“Fine,” he shrugged, “Looks like you’re resigned to just hearing about my feelings, instead!”
Virgil rolled his eyes again- of course he did- but there was no hiding the way he went quiet, patient, you could even call it attentive.
It was an offering, one that Remus didn’t hesitate to take. 
Patton left Janus’ room in a good mood.
He was in a considerably less good mood when, as soon as he’d left, Remus saw him and scrambled away like Patton was about to attack him where he stood- wide-eyed with fear and everything.
Patton swayed in the hallway for seconds after, uncertain about a lot of things suddenly. 
The room Remus had run into had definitely been Virgil’s, not his own, and for a moment Patton entertained the idea of just going up to knock. He dropped that thought quick, realizing that if he really wasn’t wanted, then he definitely didn’t want to confirm that he wasn’t wanted.
He might have gone back to Janus- Janus was smart, Janus knew how to explain things and solve problems and comfort people- but that was scrapped, too. He’d taken up plenty of the snake’s time already, firstly, and secondly… No, yeah, Patton already knew just who he needed to see for something like this. 
Logan set aside his laptop as soon as Patton walked into the common room, a surprisingly perceptive gesture for someone who claimed to be bad with feelings. Or maybe Patton had just gotten rusty at hiding them.
“Hi,” he greeted, wobbly.
“Hello,” Logan said, “You look upset.”
Patton stared at the wall just above his friend’s head, and nodded.
“Can I help?”
He paused. It was a bad habit- one of many!- but feeling unwanted by one side made him wonder if, maybe, he was unwanted by everyone. The thought formed a lump in his throat and had guilt pooling in his gut, but this was Logan. His best friend, the person he had gone to because he always knew just where he stood with him. If Logan didn’t want to help- no, because he always wanted to- if he couldn’t handle helping, then he would tell Patton that. He always did.
“I think Remus is upset with me,” Patton blurted it out quickly, just so he didn’t have to hear them. Logan vanished his laptop at once, gesturing to the spot beside him on the sofa. Patton sat with him, smiling feebly.
“Has he said anything of the sort?”
“No,” Patton picked at the sleeve of his sweater, “He didn’t really have to. He kind of… ran away from me?”
Logan’s eyes widened behind his frames, almost imperceptibly. “I see.”
“I don’t even know what I did,” Patton flushed with the admission, because of just how true it was. He had no idea what he did, and still he felt blame settling over him like a well worn blanket, and all that he could do was hope it wasn’t as bad as the last time. “I feel like I should know this stuff by now, shouldn’t I?”
There was a pause, as Logan processed the words carefully, seemed to turn them over in his head. 
“Be careful not to jump to conclusions, Patton. He typically freely expresses how he is feeling at any given time, so even if his actions seem to say otherwise, it’s entirely possible that he’s not upset with you,” Logan smiled reassuringly. “I find that most of his actions are meaningless. He’s a very weird creature.”
Patton managed to laugh at that. Logan leaned their shoulders together, a little pride flashing in his eyes, as he continued. “He did seem to be ‘out of it’, in a manner of speaking, when we spoke earlier today. It would make sense if that had worsened over the past few hours, and now he’s just particularly flighty. All in all, I wouldn’t read too much into it, if I were you.”
Patton nodded, resolutely not mentioning that they’d spent the night together, however relevant that was. He knew it would sound paranoid to imply that their intimacy had backfired, or come too quick- because Patton was paranoid, and certainly a little neurotic, and the less he voiced it the better. 
Instead, he followed the advice he didn’t believe, and let himself rest against his friend. Logan had laced their fingers together; it wasn’t as comforting as it usually was. 
Logan was only so touchy when it was for the sake of others, and almost always that ‘other’ was Patton. A fact that made the needy trait feel amazingly special most of the time, but on nights like that… More than anything, he felt greedy.
“I’ll ask him about it,” Patton promised, because he knew that was what Logan would suggest (even if the idea made him more than a little dreadfilled). “Maybe I overwhelmed him. He’s been cuddly, so I thought…” Patton shook his head, bile hitting the back of his throat as the realization collapsed upon him. “That’s probably it. I must have took it too far.”
Logan didn’t pry, but Patton could feel his concern mount just as well as he could see the frown on his face.
“Talking to him will be the best course of action,” he said plainly. “For the time being, though,” he released Patton’s hand, wrapping his arm loosely around Patton’s waist and leaving it there. “It might be beneficial for you to receive more reassurance. Is this alright?”
“Yes,” Patton ducked his head, knowing full well how obviously relieved he sounded, “Thank you.”
“There’s no need to thank me, I’m happy to help,” Logan told him, and he had no doubt that it was true. Still, it always surprised him anyway- and that at least was a good thing about a friend who was so reserved. The pleasant surprises.
Patton sat up enough to rest his head on top of Logan’s, a position that was almost but not quite cuddling.
“I sincerely hope,” Logan muttered, “That everything will be alright for you.”
Whether he was speaking only about the Remus situation or not was unclear.
“Me too.”
“If it’s any consolation, it’s very difficult to stay upset with you, if he truly is so. In my experience, at least.”
Patton sighed. “Thanks, buddy.”
“Of course. Your happiness is-... you, are very important to me, and I can only hope that you’ve made a friend that values you as much as I do.”
Patton knew what he meant by it. Both he and Logan were acutely aware of how different they were, and how little they matched with each other. Patton couldn’t understand him- not wanting to be showered in love, enjoying silence and a little bit of alone time, needing space. He knew that Logan didn’t get him, either- didn’t know why he cried all the time, or why nothing ever seemed to fix him for good, or why he said so many things that went without saying. They still struggled with each other’s languages, sometimes, but they’d gotten miles and miles better with it over the years. Sometimes Patton thought that the only way they’d become so close was sheer willpower, pushing past each misunderstanding and argument just because they liked the challenge of it. Determination was always a common thread between them, whatever differences they had.
They had to have boundaries, then. Logan might not hold Patton on his worst days, but he’d give him notes and gifts and bring him water, food, things that he neglected for himself. Patton didn’t have any of the right words to talk Logan down when things got bad, but he was always there to cheer him back up when he was ready again. Neither of them understood each other, and maybe they never would, but they cared. Even if they couldn’t be what the other needed, they cared, and that was all they had to do. 
So even if Logan couldn’t fix things, Patton thought, he still did a hell of a good job patching them up. 
“Hey. Hey!”
Patton turned around with a jolt, his fingers going tight in the blanket about his shoulders. How long he’d been downstairs, he didn’t know- but he knew that he was really, very tired, and now was left blinking and confused at the person accosting him with so much energy. 
“Um, hi,” Patton tried.
Remus had run up to him at once, and was just as suddenly seizing both of his hands. Patton might have taken a moment to appreciate the touch, but with just one sentence that positivity crumbled:
“I need to talk to you.”
Patton shoved a plastic smile onto his face. He always felt a little icky to be faking it, but with Remus, the shame was especially thick. Still, it was only instinct. 
Patton opened the door; the Duke marched in without waiting for invitation, and he followed. 
Dread dripped down his spine like melting ice cubes. This is fine, Patton told himself firmly, once they were both sitting feet apart on the bed. He refused to think too hard about what the distance meant- if it meant anything at all, or if he was only being ridiculous.
“Sorry about today,” Remus began, “Really. I was freaking out for the stupidest fucking reason. You’ll laugh when I tell you!”
Patton didn’t laugh, but he smiled a little more wholly. If Remus was upset with him, the apology must’ve meant at least some of that had faded away. Probably.
“It’s okay, Mess,” the nickname rolled off his tongue easily. Remus grinned at him, but it was somehow more manic than usual.
“I probably got you all worried over nothing, bolting on you before you could wake up- and then again earlier, right?”
There was a pause, as Patton tried to decide if the question was rhetoric or not. When the silence stretched on uncomfortably, he found himself nodding. 
Remus huffed out a breath, rocking back and staring up at the ceiling. “Yeah, I- I’m still working at the whole self-improvement thing, ya know? That probably doesn’t make it better, but- I’ve never really had a reason to try and be, uh, considerate. Janus never really cared if I was a bitch, and nobody else ever mattered, and that- yeah, that’s kind of what I wanted to talk about.” 
His voice was raspy, low and thick in a way that it almost never was. Patton tipped his head to the side, confused. Remus looked- and sounded- awkward, an expression that was not at home on his face. 
“Wait, um- so it wasn’t anything I did? You’re not upset with me?”
Remus looked at him like he was crazy (ironic, that).
“Upset with you?” He crowed, “Why the fuck would I be upset with you?”
Patton flushed; he laughed embarrassedly, or maybe in relief; he toyed with the sleeves of his sweater.
“I didn’t really- I don’t know, but I was worried that I’d, um, overstepped some boundaries last night, and maybe made you uncomfortable.”
He was only kind of looking at his friend, from out the corners of his eyes. It was still easy to see the way Remus went from confused to amused, and then burst into cackles.
“You- You- Me? Morey, please, it takes a lot to make me uncomfortable- if that’s even possible, actually- and you sure as shit haven’t figured out how to pull it off yet. Sugar, I asked to stay with you!”
The relief flooded Patton all in a rush, and he felt himself finally relax. With Remus laughing and joking and being his usual (sweet, impressively sweet, surprisingly so) self again, it all started seeming a little silly. Remus must’ve seen him coming untense, folding down the same way accordion-pressed paper sprawled out when it was released from a bored student’s hand, because his gaze went warm, like something had finally clicked into place in his head. A problem solved, and what a wonderful solution it had come to- that’s what the look said. 
Patton met the smile just as brightly when the Duke shifted over some of the distance between them, taking up both of Morality’s hands in his own yet again. 
“Well, since it wasn’t something I did,” Patton said, “Then what was the actual problem?”
Remus didn’t look too upset at the question, but he was glancing down, up, sideways- his pupils flitted around the room without really touching on anything for too long; it wasn’t often that he was so obviously thinking something through. His fingers flexed, face a little pink, and he hesitated before answering:
“Okay, it’s like I said, right? I don’t- I’ve never needed to try to be anything for anybody before. I mean that I never wanted to do things in a conform-y way, obviously, but, I never wanted to be considerate, either,” he smirked down at their tangled hands, shrugging. “I don’t think I’m doing too bad for a first try, to be honest- but that’s not the point, the point is- this is… new.”
Patton opened his mouth, reassurances rushing to the tip of his tongue before he was hastily shushed.
“No, look, there’s a difference between being a pushover and just being fucking nice to the people you care about. That’s the problem- or I thought it was a problem, in my dipshit lizard-panic brain this morning- right? I’ve never wanted to do anything for people, because I didn’t need them anyway. I figured I didn’t, I guess, cuz I could survive without ‘em- it wasn’t like I had a choice, but I got on fine. Not to be too… I don’t know, pathetic? Who cares, but- I never knew anything different.”
Patton’s eyes went wide and watery, like the blue of his irises were soaking into everything else and leaking, leaking, leaking. He was squeezing Remus’ hands a little too tight, certainly, and he just wanted to hug him so bad- but despite his words, Remus didn’t even seem to need it. He looked back at Patton, huffed a sigh, looking just plain amused.
“So this hit me when I was talking to Virgil, about ten minutes ago,” he started, “That I woke up today, with you, and I had this thought like… Fuck, I don’t ever wanna move again. I could starve and then start to decompose and probably rot into bloody mush, but I’d probably still be perfectly happy- which is weird, because starvation is easily one of the boringest ways to die, I could go out so much cooler- but, it was more the fact that I was with you, and uh. So, so I thought that- which is so dumb and sappy- and it surprised me so bad that I just ran. And after I had, I was so freaked out, I didn’t even remember why for!”
He took a deep breath, something that he hadn’t done for that entire ramble. Patton got the sense he still wasn’t finished though, and waited patiently.
“I never needed anybody caring about me for me to be okay- the screaming and the fleeing and all that was fine, it was still a reaction. But I think I just realized that I couldn’t go back to that, now.
“Because of you. I knew I liked you, but it never clicked that things would probably suck without you by this point. More than that, I guess- it hit me that just because I can take care of myself, it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t fucking blow. That I don’t- I don’t want to be so independent again, okay? That I don’t wanna be alone anymore.”
And he couldn’t help it at all; Patton did hug him, then. He pulled him against his chest as soon as he noticed the words going choppy, choked, and halting. He let go of Remus’ hands, in favor of tangling his fingers in the Duke’s hair and carding through it.
Remus met the embrace with just as much fervor, curling up into the bigger trait. Yet somehow, he wasn’t crying yet.
“Hey, hey, I’m alright,” he murmured, “I mean, don’t let go, obviously- but I’m okay. I had all day to panic! Which I definitely did, by the way, because my whole worldview got screwed over. Finally know how you feel, I guess,” He was joking, Patton could hear his smile. He laughed. “But I got it out of my system, and ya know what I realized after that?”
Patton hummed attentively, letting Remus pull back just enough to see his face.
“I said, ‘okay, I’m processing that, and it doesn’t matter.’ It doesn’t matter because I only realized that maybe I need people once I already had them, and- no offense- but you don’t really seem like the abandoning type. The opposite, that’s what you are.”
Patton beamed. 
“Of course not,” he swore, pressing the words out as though intensity alone could make them more true, more pure. “Never, not ever.”
“Good,” Remus said, “Cuz I’m hanging on to ya, Pat. As long as I can.”
Chapter Eight
Taglist: @shrimp-crockpot @glitter-skeleton-uwu @donnieluvsthings @intruxiety @thefivecalls @did-he-just-hiss-at-me @gayformlessblob 
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animatedarchives · 3 years
yess ill update you on my progress on reading jjk !! schools starting soon tho and i can just tell im gonna be busy and procrastinate a whole lot ahhh i hope ill have the time to read still 🙇🏽‍♀️🙇🏽‍♀️
for aot i just finished s3 part 1 and damn i cant wait to start the next one !! i was thinking of putting my anime binge on hold till like next year? cause i have assignments due but i dont think i can wait 🙈🙈 so i might start tmrw HAAHHA and i loVE ARMIN SO MUCH 😭❤️ his character development is just *chefs kiss* he holds a special place in my heart along with kenma, suga and yams 😫😫 but damn erens a close second,, not many mcs are my top faves but him and itadori yes !!!! i love them sm !! and ofc levi,, whats not to like about him ?? hes so cool and damn his backstory,, someone give this man a hug 🥺✋🏽 jean too tho !! he wasnt given that much spotlight but i think he rlly grew as a person? i could go on for hours on why i love these characters sm but i think i might exceed the word limit HAHAHA so yeah theyre some of my top faves !!
- 🌊
omg when do you start school? i go back on 11 jan and i am dREADING it 😪😪😪 ALSO YES HAHA PLEASE DO YOUR ASSIGNMENT FIRST anime will always be here waiting for you when you’re done 😌😌
LEVI AND MIKASA ARE MY FAVSSSS and jean is definitely up there with them as well 😌😌 also ya i think a lot of people dont like armin and honestly i feel he gets way too much hate smh but okay i guess 😩 AND YA i totally get the whole mc thing HAHA but the two mcs i really genuinely like so far are itadori and tanjiro from demon slayer 🥰🥰
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artificialqueens · 5 years
nobody knows where we might end up, chapter eight (branjie) - holtzmanns
(read on ao3) | (tumblr) | word count: 4150
AN: Thank you so much for the recent lovely reviews and feedback on this fic! It makes me so, so happy every time, and even more motivated to keep going. I appreciate you all so much. Thank you Writ for beta-ing this and being wonderful.
“C’mon, Mami. Please tell me something cool that’s happened at work recently.”
“Patient confidentiality, baby. Not gonna happen.” Vanessa’s mom ruffles her hair, making her scowl. “Can’t be spilling stuff to just anyone.”
“But I’ll understand so much more now! We had our cardio unit in physiology and I aced it.” Vanessa swings her legs on the side of her mom’s bed, watching her pack a sweater in her bag before her night shift.
“Already told you, I can tell you all about the cardiac ICU and what it’s like being on the unit, but no patient-related things. Gotta wait till you’re working in a hospital yourself for that part.” Vanessa’s mom pulls her hair up into a bun, away from her face.
“That’s not going to be until forever.” Vanessa sighs. She wishes she could fast forward to being an intern or a resident now.
“Tell you what. Want me to talk to the cardiologist on the unit about maybe shadowing him? You can see what it’s like, then.” Vanessa’s mom straightens out her light blue scrubs. Vanessa wishes sometimes she could try them on, but it would feel a little too on the nose.
“Would that even work? I thought you have to apply through official channels and stuff.” Vanessa has already applied to some hospitals in the new year for volunteering, but none of them are going to be in cardio, which is what she really wants to see.
“Connections always help, mija. Having a nurse for a mom has got to be useful for something.” Vanessa grins at her mom’s statement. Her mom is definitely why she’s always been drawn to healthcare, seeing her in and out of scrubs for most of her life.
“Though it beats me why you won’t just apply for nursing,” Vanessa’s mom continues, “it’s practical and you’ll have to do less school and you’ll get to make money faster. And no cutting people open.”
Vanessa wrinkles her nose. They’ve had this conversation way too often for her liking. “But night shifts, like the one you’re going to right now. And cleaning up poop.”
“You’ll have night shifts as a resident too, y’know, if you try and become a doctor. They’re unavoidable.”
“All worth it if I get to cut people open eventually.” Vanessa shoots a cheeky grin at her mom when she swats her with her bag.
“What are you, Dr. Frankenstein or something? Gross.” Vanessa’s mom makes a face at her. “I’m telling you, there’s something off about all the surgeons at the hospital. They’re all a little cuckoo in the head.”
Vanessa tries not to laugh. “I bet they think the same thing about the nurses.”
“Oh, they wouldn’t dare. We could kick their asses in a second. Not that we’d ever say that to their faces. Don’t tell them.” Vanessa’s mom points a finger at her.
“When would I ever see the surgeons?”
“I’m gonna get you to shadow one of them, aren’t I? Mom of the year. Pay attention.”
“You really are, Mami.” Vanessa stands up, placing a kiss on her mom’s cheek. “Have a good shift.”
Vanessa’s mom waves her off. “And don’t you forget it. We’ll see about it being a good shift, though. Depends on which bobo day nurse I take over from today.”
Vanessa’s mom pulls on her coat, then hat and gloves, grumbling the whole while. “Damn winter weather. Remind me why we live in Brampton again?”
“Because of your job.”
“Eh.” Vanessa’s mom shrugs. “Now that you and Julio are both out of the house, maybe I should just move to Florida or something. Somewhere warm. Not a place that’s frozen over half of the year.”
“Then I wouldn’t be able to visit you during the holidays!” Vanessa protests her mom’s statement, hands on her hips. It’s not like they’d be able to afford constant plane tickets either.
“Take it easy, mija, I wasn’t being serious.” Vanessa’s mom shoots her a good natured look.
Vanessa huffs. “I know.”
“Glad to know you would miss me, though. You better.” Vanessa’s mom grabs her car keys, nearly drops them in her gloved hands.
Vanessa snorts. “Don’t gloat about it too much. Now go before you’re late for work.”
“Going, going.” Vanessa’s mom pops her head back inside a second later. “Don’t forget to make the plátanos tonight. We’re going to be too swamped to do them before Christmas dinner tomorrow.”
“I won’t!” Vanessa calls it out long after her mom closes the door behind her, rolling off of the bed. She heads to the family computer in the living room, which Julio is still sitting at after playing games on it for most of the day. She rolls her eyes. Her older brother is absolutely addicted to it. All she wants to do is be able to talk to Brooke.
“Julio, move! It’s my turn now.” She stomps her foot too, not that it makes any difference because he doesn’t even look up from the game on the screen.
“Nope.” He pops his lips on the last letter. “I still gotta beat this level.”
“Ugh.” Vanessa rolls her eyes at him, leaning against the monitor. “Do you ever do anything other than play stupid games on this thing?”
“I’m in engineering, dumbass, of course I do.” Julio looks up, his grin smug, making Vanessa huff. Annoying brothers. “I’m enjoying my winter break.”
Vanessa crosses her arms. “I wanna talk to-”
“I don’t care. You have to wait.”
“I’ve been waiting all day.” Vanessa grumbles. She perks up suddenly when remembering exactly what can make him move. “If you don’t move, I’m gonna tell Mami about the time when you were in Grade 12 when you snuck out and went to Noah Fielding’s party and-”
“Do not.” Julio turns from the computer, wide-eyed, pointing a finger at her. “You know she’d still beat my ass for that.”
“Well,” Vanessa shoots him a smug smile, “guess you gotta move then, huh?”
“Fine. Jesus.” Julio grumbles under his breath as he gets up, shuffling to the kitchen. Vanessa takes his seat with a grin.
She logs onto MSN messenger, scanning through her contacts while looking for one very specific person.
“Yes!” Vanessa can’t help but let out a little whoop when she sees that Brooke is online.
Vanjievanjievanjie: Brooke!!! <3
BLDancer1: V! I miss you so much!
Vanjievanjievanjie: I miss u too :( this break has been so long
BLDancer1: Way too long. :(
Vanjievanjievanjie: what are you up to??
BLDancer1: We’re going to midnight Mass later tonight because of Christmas Eve. I gotta get ready soon, ugh.
Vanjievanjievanjie: sounds boring tbh
BLDancer1: It is! I’d much rather be asleep, honestly. Vanjievanjievanjie: nerd
BLDancer1: Like you stay up much later than me! What are you up to?
Vanjievanjievanjie: not doing much for Christmas Eve cuz my mom’s working, just me and my brother and my dog rn but tmrw we have lots of fam over
BLDancer1: That sounds more fun than our Christmas dinners. It’s just my family all sitting around the table and eating quietly like every other dinner.
Vanjievanjievanjie: ew that sounds stiff. how’s the fam tho??
She hasn’t met Brooke’s family, knows very little about them. Brooke always gets more sad and shifty whenever her family is brought up, so Vanessa tries not to do it too much. Though asking over MSN may be better than in person.
BLDancer1: The usual. They said I need to exercise more and tutted about how my grades still aren’t as high as they should be. Not much else.
Vanessa winces. Yikes. Brooke had been fretting about going home the entire week before they left for Christmas break, hanging around Vanessa’s room because she hadn’t wanted to be alone with her thoughts. Vanessa doesn’t know exactly what Brooke’s family is like to make her feel this way, but it makes her want to fight them all.
Not that that would be a good first impression on them.
Vanjievanjievanjie: sorry baby :(((( sending u a big hug from here
BLDancer1: It’s okay. They’re right, I need to be better.
Vanjievanjievanjie: you’re already perfect u angel
BLDancer1: Not as much as I should be, though. My grades weren’t good enough this semester.
Vanjievanjievanjie: u got the top marks in our class u loon
BLDancer1: My mom said they’re not high enough to get into med school, though.
Vanjievanjievanjie: what does she know?? ur already working ur ass off, you’ll do it
BLDancer1: I feel like there’s always more to do, like I’m not doing enough.
Vanjievanjievanjie: listen come here so I can yell at you about how ur already a genius, u dumbass
BLDancer1: LOL, that’s a contradicting statement.  
Vanjievanjievanjie: u know what I mean.
BLDancer1: Ugh. I do. I just hate being here and hearing them lecture me constantly about things.
Vanjievanjievanjie: :(((
Vanessa spams a lot of emojis after her message for emphasis, hoping that it makes Brooke laugh at least.
BLDancer1: What is the blueberry emoji for?
Vanjievanjievanjie: because i miss u BERRY MUCH
BLDancer1: LOL. I miss you and you remain the cutest ever. :*
Vanjievanjievanjie: 5 more days to go!!
BLDancer1: I’m counting them down. <3
Vanessa has to stop herself from smiling when she signs off after Brooke has to leave. Five more days until she gets to see her, hug her, kiss her again. Five more days until she can go back to telling Brooke how she’s already wonderful just the way that she is, no matter what her family says. She hopes that Brooke starts to believe it, too.
Dr. Hytes had called her Nessa again. Brooke had called her Nessa.
Vanessa hasn’t heard the nickname since junior year of undergrad. No one else has called her that since then, no ex-girlfriends or family or anything. No one since Brooke.
It’s what Brooke used to call her when she was feeling particularly affectionate, or soft, or needy. When she’d drape herself over Vanessa, seeking comfort in her touch and the way that both of their bodies would feel warmer, safer.
And now she’s gone and said it again.
Sure, maybe it had been in the heat of the moment. Banging on Vanessa’s desk, skiving off the boring assembly for something way more fun.
But that sex had been different, Vanessa knows it. She had felt it on Brooke’s lap and she still feels it now, two days later because all her fucking brain wants to replay on loop is Brooke’s voice saying Nessa.
Maybe it’s good that the OR has been overly booked with cardiac surgeries and that Dr. St. Clair is out sick, making Vanessa’s schedule overflow with work. She needs the distraction, needs concrete work to focus on because if she doesn’t have it, she’s going to fucking spiral.
Not that it helps, because even during surgeries her mind has started to wander, falling back on muscle memory for the procedures because her brain has decided that it would rather focus on that fucking voice.  
She can’t do this again. At least, that’s what the rational part of her brain is telling herself. That her breakup with Brooke had been her worst breakup for a reason, drudging up all of her insecurities and fear and crushing her heart with a weight on her chest until it had smashed into a million pieces.
She can’t survive it a second time. She can’t.
Because sex is one thing. The chance to get freaky with someone who already knows her body, knows what she likes, knows what to do. Someone who has no doubt improved over the last eleven years as well.
But the way that Brooke had held onto her that last time, whispered to her softly, pressing kisses to her temple that hadn’t just been offhand, but felt so loaded with unspoken words? It had felt so real in the moment, and still feels real now when she thinks about it. Mostly because she can’t stop thinking about it.
Not Dr. Mateo, not Vanessa - the latter of which Brooke had began to use before they had broken up, when they had danced around each other and said words that neither of them had been able to take back.
It has to mean something.
Vanessa hates how much she wants it to. How much her heart is begging to go back to the start, to how things used to be. She needs to resist it.
At least, that’s what she’s going to keep telling herself.
“Vanjie. Vanjie.”
“What?!” She nearly jumps when seeing Kameron suddenly in front of her waving a hand in front of her face, blocking her view of the computer she’s sitting at in the dictation room. “Jesus Christ, woman. You scared me.”
Kameron snickers and Vanessa can’t help but smile back as she rolls her eyes, taking her thoughts of Brooke and pushing them away, burying them down in favour of Kameron’s expectant face. She’s beginning to bond with the cardiac surgery team in and out of the OR, a fact that makes her happier than it should. They’re all on a first name basis (well, nickname for her), and they’ve begun to hang out after work. Little things that are beginning to make Toronto feel more like home again.
“You’ve been so on edge for days. What’s gotten into you?” Kameron raps her nails on the computer monitor, and Vanessa closes her open tab with a sigh. Clearly she’s not going to get much work done.
“Nothing. Just tired, is all. This week’s been a fucking mess with the long hours.” Vanessa shrugs up at her. She can already feel a tension headache brewing at her temples, though she knows it’s not just from the workload.
Sure, they’re all friends now. But does she want to spill the saga of whatever the fuck is going on with her and Brooke to a work friend? Not particularly.
“You’re telling me. It’s nine p.m. and we’re still here because of all this documentation left over that we still have to do because of all the extra OR time we’ve had to take on this week? I want to go to bed.” Kameron flops down in the chair beside her looking slightly put out.
“Where’s Asia?” Vanessa looks at the spot beside Kameron and is surprised to see it empty, because the two of them are not far from being attached at the hip when they aren’t with patients.
Kameron huffs. “On a date. Again.”
An interesting fact indeed. It’s Asia’s third date just this week, and coincidentally the third day of Kameron walking - no, stomping - around the cardiac units with an extra furrow in her brow.
Hell, Vanessa needs a distraction from her own love life - or rather, lack of one, so she may as well bother Kameron about hers.
“That seems to be making you feel some type of way, huh?” Vanessa wants to tread carefully because she knows that she’s best friends with Asia, but the way that Kameron is affected seems like-
“I’m not jealous, if that’s what you’re wondering.” Kameron’s a bit quick in her answer, fiddling with her hands. “Asia just goes out with all of these…lame guys and never seems to enjoy it, anyway, from the way she always comes over for a glass of wine afterwards to talk about it and it’s just…annoying. That’s all.”
“Jealousy or not, it’s clearly upsetting you a little.” Oh, has Vanessa been there. Crushing on a straight girl. Not something she’d ever want to repeat.
“Hmph.” Kameron folds her arms, and the action when contrasting with her scrubs and lab coat is a little funny. “It’s not. She’s just my best friend. I don’t care.”
“You’re so convincing, I almost believed you there for a second.”
Kameron scowls. “I don’t.”
“Hey.” Vanessa takes pity, putting her hand on Kameron’s shoulder. “Care or not, you ever want to talk about it, I’m here, ‘kay? I get it.”
Kameron deflates in her seat. “Thanks. Not that I need to talk about it,” she’s quick to add, “but I appreciate it.”
Vanessa shoos her away. “I know. Now go, I gotta finish dictating this report.”
She can hear Kameron’s snort as she heads down the hallway, and can’t help but smile either as she shakes her head. Kameron’s unrequited crush, no matter how much the other doctor doesn’t want to admit it, is cute. Though not something Vanessa pities in the least - she’s glad she’s moved on from that stage in her life.
Kameron’s problems are enough to distract her to get her through the rest of her reports, her mind blissfully clear of her own issues (she can’t start thinking about Brooke again, she can’t). It isn’t until she’s home a few hours later, setting her alarm for the morning that she realizes the next day is Thursday. Her next meeting with Brooke and the team about the surgery. Where she has to see her again.
Grabbing an extra coffee before the meeting hadn’t been the smartest idea, something that Vanessa is beginning to realize the longer and longer she has to sit in this conference room while fighting the urge to bounce her leg in her seat.
The anesthesiologist is droning on and on, his nasally voice making Vanessa cringe. She has ten minutes before he’s done his explanation to the patient, family, and the rest of the surgery team. It’s going to be her turn straight after, having to review the patient’s tachycardic issues and the precautions that the team will have to keep in mind.
Except that her brain is running way too fast and circling through her thoughts at what feels like a million miles an hour, and she’s trying to look down at her notes and pay attention to them while listening to the meeting at the same time, but all she can focus on is Brooke.
Brooke, who is sitting at the other end of the table, looking incredibly focused and calm and is participating in the discussion as if she doesn’t have a care in the world. Brooke, who greeted her when she came in with a neutral smile and a handshake as if they didn’t have the most confusing sex the last time they were in each other’s presence.  
Brooke isn’t shaking in her seat the way Vanessa is, nor are her eyes darting around the rest of the room. She’s not stuttering on her words, not like Vanessa did when the patient’s wife had asked her a question and she missed half of it.
How is Brooke so unflappable?
“Dr. Mateo?”
The case manager is looking at her expectantly and shit, it’s her turn to speak and she hasn’t even noticed.  
Vanessa can feel the blush rising in her cheeks as she clears her throat, trying as best as she can to not make eye contact with Brooke.
Of course, Brooke’s direction is exactly where Vanessa looks as soon as she starts her spiel. Her blonde waves are falling down her shoulders and her head is slightly tilted as she fixes her steady gaze on Vanessa, and it’s enough to make her pause for a second, stumble on her words. A real great look for a cardiothoracic attending surgeon.
Vanessa finds it difficult to look away from Brooke as she continues talking, her eyes somehow always straying and returning back to her. As if Brooke is a homing beacon that pulls her back in every time, one that Vanessa can’t seem to change her course from no matter how hard she tries to do so.
Brooke doesn’t shift her gaze away either. Vanessa can’t tell if the way that Brooke bites her lip and the storm that’s brewing behind her eyes are real or just in her imagination, as if she’s projecting what she’s feeling - what she wants to feel - onto Brooke.
Hell, Vanessa’s not even sure what she herself is feeling anymore.  
She can’t stop herself from tugging on Brooke’s arm as the meeting ends, holding her back while everyone else around them leaves. Brooke turns around and for a second Vanessa wonders if she’s made a mistake, because being so close to her and seeing confusion and pain and emotions that she doesn’t recognize on Brooke’s face are nearly enough to knock her over.
Brooke shuts the door as the last person leaves, and maybe it’s good that they’re now both on their lunch break because there’s no way Vanessa can even think about work. Not when Brooke is taking a step closer to her, then another, lips parted as if she wants to say something but she’s still holding back.
“What are we doing?” Vanessa can’t help the pleading tone in her voice, because she doesn’t know, has no idea and she’s so fucking confused.
“I…” Brooke’s voice trails off as her eyes search Vanessa’s face, breath hitched and Vanessa wants to scream, because if Brooke doesn’t know, then what are they supposed to do? She can’t take this state of limbo anymore, walking on a tightrope that feels like it’s losing stability, becoming more shaky the more that they try to balance on it.
Brooke puts her hand underneath her chin, tilts her head up and Vanessa is sure that Brooke can see the way that her chest is rising and falling, the air feeling like its escaping her lungs faster than she’s able to bring it in.
It’s almost predictable when Brooke kisses her, wipes the slate of her mind clean with the way her hands come to rest on either side of her face. Vanessa can’t help but stretch up on her tiptoes, sighing into the kiss because it feels right, it feels okay, even though her brain is screaming no, no, no.
It’s not going to solve things, but what does it matter? When Brooke pulls her hips in closer and they press together like two puzzle pieces that somehow fit as if they were never meant to be apart. The smell of Brooke’s shampoo, the softness of her hands, it’s all so familiar and part of memories that still haven’t been erased from her brain no matter how much she had tried to do so when they broke up. It’s all coming back to her now, resurfacing as if she’d never buried them out of anger in the first place.
Maybe it’s a bit destructive, especially because now it’s not just sex, or releasing tension. Not for her, not anymore.  
The realization sinks in deep into Vanessa’s chest when Brooke starts to kiss down the column of her neck, hands trailing down her sides and lips pressing against her hip bone as she gets on her knees when she pushes her shirt up and-
She can’t do it.
Not like this. Not right now.
“No.” Vanessa pushes on Brooke’s shoulders and Brooke moves back immediately, wide eyed and hair slightly mussed and an apology on her lips that begins to spill but Vanessa doesn’t hear it, not with the realization that this is all it will be. Sex.
Vanessa had thought that she could do it, she really did. Except that now her heart feels like it’s being tugged, pulled towards Brooke, someone who doesn’t want her for more than that because why would she? That isn’t their arrangement. Never was. The expectations have been to have no strings attached.
Which is something that Vanessa had thought was possible. Though she should have known better - as if her heart will ever able to release the ropes that it had tied to Brooke back when they first started university.
She pushes her way out of the conference room on shaky legs, ignoring Brooke’s voice from behind her that she can’t tell what she’s saying because her brain isn’t working, not right now. The signs down the long hallway start to blur together as she tries to look up and find the way to her office because where the fuck is it, she can’t break down in the hall, she’s an attending, what will everyone say? But then she’s there and slamming the door behind her, leaning against it because her legs can’t do something as simple as holding her up right now.
“Vanessa. Vanessa.” The voice on the other side is a little desperate (no, no, no), with the banging of a fist on a door that follows makes her squeeze her eyes shut tight. She wants to disappear, make it as if none of this happened and as if she never even came back in the first place because of course she was naive enough to think that she could be back here with no problems.
Vanessa had thought that she’d freed herself. But now, she realizes that she hasn’t. She never had.
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utopianvoices · 6 years
seven things | h.hyunjin
↭ genre: enemies to lovers au (kinda); fluff
↭ word count: 4.27k (i might’ve gone slightly crazy)
↭ a/n: yEs i is back!!!! here’s a hyunjin scenario that i don’t really like to make up for my disappearance from posting works :D i’m writing this on a whim so it might seem like i’m on crack but really it’s just me on a daily basis,, also this turned out way longer than i expected whoOps
ok so
you were waiting outside the cafe that you and hyunjin usually go to
and y’all might be wondering 
why don’t you just go in??
that’s what i’m wondering too
well because
your best friend was late,,, for the 3rd time that week
and to say you were pissed was an understatement
just as you whipped your phone out to message that not so little nuisance, you heard rushed footsteps getting closer and closer
and you turn just in time to get aTTACKEd by this boy
“i’m SO sorry y/n i overslept and like i really tried to come on time but then the bus was late too and-”
“just stfu and never talk to me again”
well then
“noOOoOo y/n don’t say that i’m so sorry. i promise i’ll try my best not to be late from now onwards :(”
and like you really wanted to be mad at him
but he was pouting and your heart was going boom boom
because he just looked really adorable
so you just ended up going “ugh fine”
which was the cOmplete opposite of this whole speech you had planned in your head
about how you were going to stop being friends with him and move to another continent,,,,,,,,,,
yea maybe that wasn’t such a good speech
but you weren’t going to let him go that easily too
so, you being the absolute tease 
“you know i think it was better when we hated each other”
and hyunjin being the drama king he is
decides to go overboard and clutches his chest, staggering around the entrance of the cafe
you just roll your eyes and walk into the cafe,,, ignoring the poor boy outside
as you scan the cafe for seats, you feel a weight on your shoulder
“you know the feeling of hate was never mutual”
and you look up to look at the party responsible for this new burden
and well let’s just say you were about to combust on the spot
because your best friend was one good looking boy
and like all this violent rush of thoughts took you back to when the only “feelings” you had for him was hate
*cue flashback* i suck at transitions im sOrry
so you were just chilling in class,,, minding your own business as you doodle on your book
when the school’s most popular girl decides to spill her salad juice or whatever disgusting green thing she was drinking, all over your papers 
and i mean, accidents happen ofc and you’re TOTALLY willing to let it go
if she had apologised
but she was clearly too popular for petty things like apOlogies 
so you just open your mouth to fire at her when she cuts you right off
“that was my only juice, but i’ll forgive you since i’m so kind”
and you just stare at her like she grew 3 heads bcs
how is one so dUMb
“oH that was juice??? i thought you were drinking vomit, you know since it kinda matches up with your personality?”
oH no one messes with you
and you were trying really hard to hold your laughter in, because you were the sAss master and no one stood a chance against you
but she just whined like a little girl, with no proper comeback to match up to yours
“hyunjin baby!!! aren’t you going to say anything?!”
and you just realised the being standing behind her,,,, hwang hyunjin
soccer team’s star player/captain and pretty much the most popular boy
half the school was drooling whenever he passed by
and i mean,,, it’s not like the girls didn’t have good taste or anything of that sort
because this boy was sculpted by the gOds,,,, and you would be lying if you didn’t let yourself glance at him a little longer than needed when passing by
but like all cliche stories, the most popular girl and the most popular boy were dating
i mean,,, cmOn it’s a given
till this day you were still wondering how in heavens they ended up together,,, one’s a plain bitch and the other,,, well, not so much of an asshole
but all thoughts of him potentially being nice unlike his girlfriend flew out of the window in like a millisecond 
“hey y/n maybe you shouldn’t have left your bag to block the aisles”
bij say whAT
first of all,,, your bag was tucked close to your table, bcs you were a responsible student who cared for the well-being of other students,,, most of the time
second of all,,, how did he know your name?? 
you were pretty sure you never mentioned it
but as these thoughts were running through your head, rendering you silent,,, the bij thought she had “won” and took hyunjin’s hand with a smug face, walking off 
and you were too busy caught up in your own thoughts to notice the apologetic look hyunjin was desperately trying to get across to you,,,, 
but you knew one thing for sure after that small incident
you hated hwang hyunjin
call yourself a niggling bij but that’s just you,,, you gotta deal with what you gotta deal
so since that day, every time you glanced at hyunjin, your glance turned into a glare and you made sure he caught that “glance” before you broke eye contact and stormed off
your petty-meter was seriously off charts,,,,,
and it pains you to admit it but mAyhaps the reason you were so pissed was because you had this teeeeeeeeeny tiny crush on him, just like the rest of the girls in the school
because although he was a jock and dating that evil witch, he seemed nice to enough to smile at anyone who made eye contact with him and like,,,, basically for being the opposite of being a generic athletic jerk
but nAh that one sentence was enough to snap you out of your delulu and go about your own day,,,, ya know, hating hyunjin and stuff
the usual
so this goes on for weeks, you giving hyunjin your famous glare and hyunjin feeling his heart break every time you do it,,,, bcs he’s never had anyone hate him before
one day you were at the library, rushing your assignments bcs dAmn the queen of sass was also a queen of procrastination
like mate, stop procrastinating
you binge-watched your show over the weekends and now you were seated at the library, regretting your life decisions
and you’re so focused like, it’s a miracle that you’re that focused
but some iDIOT just breaks that focus by sitting from across you on YOUR table
who dares
you look, ready to snap at this soul when you realise who it was
“hey y/n,,, can i sit here?”
“funny how you do it and then ask for permission”
at this hyunjin gives you a sheephish smile and goes
“well i had a hunch you wouldn’t have said yes if i had asked first”
“ding ding ding!!!!!! you’ve got the correct answer and earned yourself no shits from me!”
at this, you go back to your work, ignoring the cute pout hyunjin was now sporting because of your ignorance
3 minutes later and you’re disrupted again
“hey y/n,,, i’m sorry for what happened between you and her,,, i really didn’t mean to say that. i just wanted to let you know that i broke it off with her.”
“oh wow congrats”
you hear him sigh, feeling triumphant that you had gotten him to give up talking to you
well spoiler, you wERE WRONG
not even 2 minutes later
“hey, do you have a pen i can borrow? i lost mine,”
“hey do you know what this means”
“omG hyunjin i’m trying to finish my assignment will you just shut up for a while? like literally i’m willing to do anything to get you to shut up”
you furiously look back down at your assignment, wanting to get it over and done
and then you hear it
you hear him clearing his voice,,, indicating that he was about to speak again
just as you were about to cut him off
“what do you mean, anything?”
“you said you’ll do anything to get me to shut up. will you really?”
“ofC not what do you take me for??”
“okay then i guess i’ll just continue talking :>”
that did it for you
you slammed your book shut, and looked up at him, narrowing your eyes suspiciously
“what’s your deal?”
at this, hyunjin looks away, thinking for a while
just as you were starting to get impatient, he speaks up
“okay. okay okay okay. this is the deal. i’ll stop talking for the rest of the day if you promise that we can be friends. and that you won’t hate me anymore.”
well that was unexpeCTED
but you weren’t that easy
nah uh
“wOw you’re asking for a lot huh,,, hmmm let’s see,,,,,,,,,, no.”
and just as you were about to pack your stuff and move to another table, you hear something that stops you from moving
“i’ll help you with your assignment. i’ve already finished mine so it’ll be a piece of cake.”
now THAT was a good offer
“but i only help my friends with their assignments”
this lil sHIT
well played hwang hyunjin, well played *slowly claps*
you watched as he smirked at you, knowing that he had caught your weak spot
you had an internal debate with yourself, and finally came to a decision
will you regret this decision??
but you were desperate
so you stare at him for a few seconds before extending your hand
he breaks out into a grin and grabs your hand, sealing the deal and the start of a new friendship
that night, just as you were about to sleep after that oh so eventful day you had, you hear your phone chime
you groan as you reach out, wanting to make as little movement as possible bcs,,,, you were lazy
you grab your phone by the tips of your fingers and check your messages
hyunjin: hey this is my address! [address]. see ya tmrw bestie <3
you roll your eyes at his attempts and type one letter before throwing your phone to the side and drifting off to dreamland, with a slight smile on your lips
you: k
the next morning,, you are there at hyunjin’s front door, right on time
bUt why aren’t you pressing the doorbell???? 
let’s be real,,, underneath all that sass, you were just a nervous teenage girl
before you could chicken out and leave, you smack yourself and press the doorbell
a few seconds later the door opens,, and you come face to face with a middle-aged woman
“hi dear, what can i do for you?”
“uhm,,, i’m here to work on an assignment with hyunjin??”
“oh! hyunjin didn’t mention anything, but come right in!”
that little piece of uncultured swine
you walk into the house and stand around awkwardly, not knowing what to do or say
when his mother points you to his room, and lets you know that he’s probably still sleeping with a small shake of her head
hmMm looks like him oversleeping happens often
you contemplated if you should go in,,, cause ya know, privacy and shit
but you had to get your revenge??? obviously
so you silently walk in to the room and voila 
there was that sleeping lump, sprawled across a queen sized bed
as you get closer, you can’t help but notice just how good looking he was
i mean sUre you’ve seen him around in school but
with the amount of peace he had on his face,,, he looked almost ethereal
but with that thought, you snapped out of it
bcs exCuse yOu
you’re here for revenge
not to admire the boy
so you carefully lift your leg,,, and muster all the strength in the world
and BAM
you just kicked him off the bed,,, him falling onto the floor with a loud thud
and it did the trick !!!!
he shot right up and looked around, vision hazy and mind still blurred
just as he was starting to come to his senses, his eyes focus on the one girl standing on the other side of the bed,, smirk evident on her face
“that’s what you get for leaving me alone with the adults in the house”
and you walk right out,, leaving him to stare at you speechless 
time skip,,,, 5 hours later, and you’re all done with your assignment
and although you hated to admit it
it turned out pretty fricking amazing
thanks to your brain, your hardwork, a bit of hyunjin, but mostly your perseverance :D
oK but real talk literally you were screwed if he didn’t help so
you kinda owed him big time
“look man, thanks a lot for your help. i would have died without you”
and hyunjin just counters this statement with a smile and shakes his head, letting you know that it was okay
and you kindA felt bad,,,, i mean, you did try and kill him with your glares the past few weeks
and you weren’t thAt mean
“uhm,,, do you think,, maybe,, we could start over? hard feelings forgotten?”
and this takes hyunjin by total surprise,,, like all he ever wanted was just to talk to you after seeing you stare him down the past few weeks
but he’d be lying if he said that his heart wasn’t bursting for joy bcs !!!! yay!!!! you didn’t hate him anymore!!!!! what a baby boy
so y’all start over that very day,,, and as expected, hit it off almost immediately
*end flashback*
sO back to now where you have an amazing best friend
pshhh best friend they say
what no i didn’t say anything
n E ways
oK fine,,, on top of him being your best friend, it was really no surprise that you fell for him
i mean cmon
he’s sweet
and etc
but like bij nAh, you were never planning to confess bcs bij??? that could ruin your friendship????
everybody facepalm with me
so you just keep it a secret and try to live with it
except it was reaaally hard to keep it a secret
bcs you saw him almost every. single. day
he’s always asking you to do something with him
getting ice cream,, watching a movie,, going to the park
you even learned how to play soccer bcs he insisted on teaching you
but despite all this, you were still persistent that he saw you as nothing more than a friend,,, and that he did this with all his close friends
news flash: nO he did not
but since it was too much feelings for you to handle, you spill all of this to your other close friend, jisung
and he’s like 
“oOOoO expected,,, why don’t you just confess??”
and you’re like 
“are you duMB? it’s going to ruin our friendship?? i can’t do that??”
and he’s just like
“you’re the dumb one here sis, but go off, i guess”
bCs literally the whole world knew you two had heart eyes for each other
and by whole world, i mean jisung
and being xTra, he’s like,,, you know what?? i gotta get them together
so he “casually” makes a bet with you
and you’re like ooOoO fun
bcs you love bets
mainly has to do with the reason that you hardly ever lose one :>
so when jisung goes “if i get higher than you on this economics test, you gotta text hyunjin 7 reasons why you like him. no explanations given.”
and you really wanna say no and run away
but like
you were no coward
so you’re like “sUre bij bring it on, i was born ready for thi s”
so the day you get back your results, you’re more nervous for the bet than your grades
like you could fail, for all you care
but as long as you failed higher than jisung,, all’s fine
so when you get back your test with a 86 scribbled at the top, you grin to yourself,, convinced that there was no way he was gonna get any higher than you
but as you turn to show him your score,, your smile slowly fades,,,
bcs on his paper
a big red 92 is written at the top, with an ‘excellent’ scribbled next to it
“so,,, y/n,,, ready for what i’ve planned?”
and he’s just grinning like the cheshire cat, with you staring at him in disbelief, mentally counting down to your doom
the next day, you try to convince your mum that you’re down with a really bad disease, which makes it absolutely impossible for you to go school
but your mum ain’t buying that
so there you were, standing at your locker, looking left and right for any signs of han jisung
just as you thought you were safe, you hear someone calling out your name
your face turns white, as you turn around, expecting to come face to face with jisung
but instead you’re met with a raven-haired boy that made your heart beat unnecessarily fast
“whatcha doing today after school??”
and you’re just like qUick think of an excuse
bcs you were in no position to stay with him any longer than necessary for fear that you may just blurt out what you had formed in your head bcs of the bet
“uhhh i’ve got plans with jisung!! we’re gonna go to,, the market! yea!”
seriously,,,, that’s the best you could come up with??
so hyunjin just gives you a really weird look and draws out a “okay,,,,,,,,”
and you’re just like “yea okay bye!!!”
and you run the heCK away
time skip and it’s the end of school
the time which you were dreading,,, because there stood han jisung, waiting for you to confess to your crush
“jisung,,, i really don’t think i can do this,,, can’t i just like, buy you lunch for a week or something?”
“as tempting as that sounds, nO. you’ve gotta do this for yourself, for humanity, and for my sanity. i swear i can’t hear you talking about him again”
at his, you sigh, knowing that he’s right,,, but still not gaining the guts to do it
“come on y/n,,,, you know that on top of me really wanting you to stop bothering me about him, you really gotta get your feelings out of your system,,, you’re not going to be able to keep everything in.”
and although you just wanted to die and chill in heaven at that moment
jisung had a point,,, which was a rare occurrence 
so you decide to listen to him,,, i mean, what’d you got to lose???
maybe your shame
and your precious friendship
but that’s it
so you whip your phone out and press the top contact on your phone
“ok here i go,,,”
“yEs queen!!! get it!”
you briefly roll your eyes at him, before returning your eyes to the screen
the cursor blinking, almost tauntingly
you breathe out and just take it as a platform to let it all out
i love the way you play soccer
ofc you do,,, i’m the best :P
you feel slight relief at his reply, but at the same time, you couldn’t stop the way slight disappointment filled you at his interpretation of you texts
jisung peeked at your phone from over your shoulder, immediately voicing out objections
“come on y/n!! that’s so lame! that barely counts as a confession!”
you groan out loud, and type on your phone, earning a hum of satisfaction from the nosy boy behind you
i love the way your eyes crinkle when you smile 
why, thank you y/n,,,, but what’s with the sudden compliment spree
“ugh, jisung i’m going crazy,,,”
you actually were,,, moments away from throwing your phone into the lake right beside where you were seated
“you got this love,,, just a few more and you can live with no regrets,”
you knew he was right,,, although it was absolutely embarrassing, you know you would regret not telling him in the future
i love the mole underneath your eye
y/n??? c’mon, what’s wrong? are you pranking me right now??
you take a deep breath, and continue on, with the newly found courage
i love the way you pestered me to talk to you even though i was being a complete ass
hey seriously, tell me what’s happening?
i love the way you always manage to put a smile on my face no matter the circumstance
y/n, please,,, don’t fill me with empty hope,, cut it out if you’re pranking me,,,
,,, empty hope? what’s that supposed to mean??
whatever it meant, it sure did it’s part in speeding up your already dying heart 
you suck it up, butterflies growing stronger as you get closer and closer to your last message
i love how my heart speeds up merely at the mention of your name
tell me that this is what i think it means,,,
you stared at your screen, three simple words written out
but your fingers seemed to be jammed, unable to press the send button
was this all just a mistake?? maybe you could just play it off as a prank by jisung
“you got his honey,,, just do it,, press the button” 
and with this encouragement from jisung, you press the send button without further hesitation, feeling as though your heart physically stopped as you observed how the “delivered” changed to “read”, indicating that he had read your message
i love you.
are you for real???? i’m coming to you now. where are you?
you stare at your phone, unable to comprehend what had happened in the past few minutes, as jisung slowly pries your phone from you
he types your whereabouts, as you continue to space out, heart beating at an unusual pace as you still try to process what you just did
“i’m going to leave now okay? just know that i am really proud of what you did,,,, and don’t worry too much, everything will be fine,”
with this, jisung leaves, leaving you to sit there alone, just wondering how things were going to be between you and hyunjin now
were y’all going to stop being friends??
or maybe you could just completely ignore what had happened and go back to being how y’all used to be,,,,
as you were in your own world, you fail to hear the footsteps that stopped right behind you
you hear someone take a seat beside you and whip your head to the side, almost regretting it immediately
“so,,, your messages,,,,”
and before you could do anything else, words just spill from you mouth with no filter whatsover
“i’m so sorry hyunjin, i really am,,, i know that we’ve been really really close friends and i might have just ruined what we had. i understand if you don’t wanna be friends anymore but i guess i hope we could just forget this and move on? i mean, that’s totally your choice because-”
and you’re cut off, just like that
no warning
and the only thing that stopped you from continuing your rant was the fact that there a pair of lips on yours
hyunjin’s ones to be exact
yes, yes we did
but you certainly got the answer to your worries by that one action
as y’all break apart, you stare at him still dazed by the kiss, as he smiles lovingly at you
“i was so afraid that you were just pranking me,,, because if you had been, i would’ve been so heartbroken cause i really got my hopes really high,,, like, super high,, i guess i never replied you tho,,,, i love you too y/n. more than you can imagine.”
and you just snap out of it and do something you always do when you had to cope with intense situation
you laughed
you laughed and laughed and laughed
were you laughing at the fact that the person you loved, loved you back?
were you laughing at the fact that jisung was right for once?
or were you laughing at the fact that you were being a dumbass all this while when you could’ve manned up sooner?
you never found out
but what you did find out, is that being in love was amazing
especially when the person you were in love with was hwang hyunjin
so since then, you’ve been having a pretty frickin amazing life
good grades, hot boyfriend, the whole package
the news that you both were dating spread like wildfire
half of them were surprised, the other half jealous
but people were mostly surprised bcs of the fact that they thought you and him were already dating,,,
like you both were glued to each other every other day
so with that, everyone slowly got accustomed to the fact the school’s jock was once again taken
your relationship with hyunjin didn’t actually change that much,,, other than the fact that y’all kissed and did all the mushy shit
and also omg imagine 
you going for his soccer games, sporting his extra jersey that had “hwang” on the back of it, together with the number he was playing
and also him giving you flying kisses right before the starting whistle blows
and running over to you to give you a proper kiss once the final whistle had been blown, win or lose
and you couldn’t have been happier
∞ end ∞
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musicthatwelike · 7 years
Top Songs of the Week (18th March)
Saturday is a great day. It comes after ‘new music friday’, and a night of heavy drinking, so it’s perfect for me to be able to sit on my couch in the smog filtered sunlight and go through all the music I’ve been listening to this week. Then while sipping bottled water to rehydrate pick out and share my five favourite tracks with you all. Let’s get down to it then, shall we.
Ionnalee - Samaritan
We're kicking off this weeks list with the brand new track from Jonna Lee, frontwoman of iamamiwhoami; the ethereal project that captured this side of the internets attention 7 years ago. Jonna's solo project, 'ionnalee' is an equally as enchanting audio and visual experience that deserves to be watched. A huge return for this contempory pop star.
Charli XCX - Emotional
Like Jonna Lee, Charli XCX also decided to gift us new music last Friday with the release of her new mixtape '#1 Angel'. While skeptical about this one (due to mixed feelings of her vroom vroom ep) we were pleasently surprised by the strength of the entire tape. With a variety of bangers that can be added to your party playlist and this gem, an anthem of forbidden love. 💔
Brandyn Burnette - 20 Years From Now
We've been waiting for this track to be released for such a long time, and it's finally here! Our favourite from Brandyn Burnette's latest EP, 'Feature Films', which you can check out on his Soundcloud. As usual we're a sucker for his soulful voice which really shines through on his slower tracks (Underneath from 'State I'm In' EP was our favourite, too).
Louisa Johnson - Best Behaviour
So, despite never having heard of this girl before in my life, apparently she won X Factor or something. I don't really know and like, I did google her and saw that but that's as far as my journalistic skills go for somebody who makes you pay for soundcloud go to listen to their music. In any case the song is pretty good so it's on the list.
Tnght/Tmrw - 4AM (Feat JSSX)
This one is a bit of a wildcard, but any sad music about being awake in the middle of the night gets me all riled up. The heavy bass and smokey vocals help to build up the tension of the track till we hit (what I guess we call the drop) at the minute and a half mark which adds some extra ✨ personality to the track.
Amazing. Five tracks from me to you. Enjoy. And if you've got something that you think should be on this list next week, try get a hold of me on twitter or facebook.
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A: I actually got your mom something before we broke up lol
G: Oh wow. Really
A: Yeah I just thought it'd be nice but I didn't know if it'd be appropriate or not so if it wasn't I was just gonna have you give it to her from you lol
G: Aw. You're very sweet.
A: I guess so
G: No you are.
A: I just thought it was nice to do
G: It was.
A: It's just a little 'spa' kit thing. It has lotion and body wash I think with a loofa.
G: So I know this is out of nowhere but tmrw I gotta be at my moms most the day but I was thinking maybe we could meet st my apartment in the morning if you wanted
A: I have breakfast and Christmas with my mom in the morning
G: Ahh okay. No worries. I didn't know when would work. Like if there's anytime you could get away tmrw
A: I'm not sure. I have 4 christmases tomorrow so it's kinda packed
G: Well if you figure out anytime in between them that'd be good. I have to be at my moms most the day but thought I'd see. I could slip away for an hour or so.
A: I'll have to see. I'll be in Frankfort most of the day. Lunchtime is my second Christmas in Frankfort, then my dads after & then I go to Meemaw's for dinner
G: But you're at your moms tonight aren't you?
A: Tonight I am yeah. We're having dinner at the hospital and everyone is coming to our house afterwards for games and presents
G: Well maybe after you leave there tmrw morning but before you leave for Frankfort
G: Idk
A: Maybe. I'm not sure when it'll be
G: Alright
A: If we get everything done in time I probably could
G: Okay :)
A: You just wanna have sex with me
G: I thought you wanted to have sex.
A: I know
G: Okay I understand. I'm sorry. It's okay
A: I'm not saying it's bad.
G: I can't tell how you meant that. We don't have to. Maybe we should just wait or something. I didn't mean to upset you
A: You didn't upset me
G: Hm
A: I just didn't think the next time I saw you would be just for sex
G: Then let's not. You're right.
A: No it's okay. I get it
G: No you're right. You're very special to me and I won't bring this up again. If we see each other again I should be taking you to dinner or something
A: It really is fine. Frankly I'd rather you be getting it from me than someone else.
A: It's not like doing it wouldn't mean anything if we did it. I know it's special with us. At least for me.
A: Right by your apartment now
G: Why we're you by my place? I'm not getting it from anyone else. We really don't have to. I'm being inconsiderate.
A: I want to do it. We drove by there from fowler on the way to the hospital
G: Idk. You seem leery. Oh okay.
A: No it's okay
G: Either way Alex. If not I can still see you. We can do dinner or get a drink. It doesn't have to be that.
A: We can do both
A: I just miss seeing you. It's been so hard.
G: It has and I know it's fragile. I don't wanna hurt you
A: I don't really even care at this point. It's not easy either way.
G: Well maybe think on it. I don't want you to do anything you aren't comfortable with. Also I just can't make things harder and maybe that will.
A: I don't need to think on it
G: Are you sure Alex? I feel so shitty as it is. Everyday.
A: I'm 100% sure. You have no idea what it's been like not talking to or seeing you.
G: I kinda do Alex.
A: I think I've made it clear that I wanna see you.
G: Okay..
A: Just believe me.
G: Hm
A: The last time I saw you couldn't have been the last time I saw you. You know? I just kept thinking that. Not seeing you is hard
G: Yeah I agree but maybe sleeping together might not help. I want that but only if you're ready. We can see each other and have dinner or grab drink if you'd rather that. It's up to you. Either way
A: I don't want you to feel that's the only way
G: I want to
A: Okay
A: I'm hoping I can see you soon.
G: Well let me know what works out tmrw. If not we can do something soon.
A: Yeah. I'm not sure what's going on tonight, we're still at the hospital. Tomorrow we usually eat at 9 I think.
G: Well I'd be few after that if you want. It's your call. I hope it goes well at the hospital though.
G: I'm sure he's very happy to see you all.
A: You'd be a few after that? What's that mean lol. He cried when he came in and cried on and off though the night
G: No I could do whenever you're ready. I'm sure he's so happy to see you
A: He was. I cried. Mom kept crying throughout the night too because it made her think of Peepaw.
G: I can only imagine.
A: Yeah. It's been an awful few weeks to say the least. It was just like when one bad thing happens then everything does
G: I'm so sorry babe. I wish I could do anything.
A: It's okay. Talking to you the past few days has really helped. You truly did make my birthday better
G: You deserve the world.
A: So do you
G: I guess
A: It's true. I wish I could give you the world. I know you'll never see what I see in you but you are such an amazing man.
G: I'm okay. You're the treasure
A: No. You really are amazing. I was so, so lucky to have you.
G: You're so wrong. I'm the lucky one.
A: No you just don't see what I see in you. I've been reading through old messages of us these past few days and it just reminds me of all our history.
G: Our history is too good can't wait till tmrw.
G: I'd be happy to see you in any form
A; You should see the messages. I know I'm hoping to make it.
G: I am too
A: I'm still going to give you the thing I got you. It's nothing big but I wanna give it to you
G: No please don't.
A: I already have it and I can't take it back
G: You're too good.
A: You'll love it
G: I'm so excited
A: I'll wrap them lol. I didn't because we weren't on speaking terms
G: I miss you too much
A: I know I miss you too
G: I miss you
A: I miss you too
G: Can't wait to see you.
A: I know me too
G: :)
A: I'm just excited to give you the gifts. It's amazing
G: I don't want anything.
G: I just want you. Please don't give me anything
A: I already have it
G: Maybe we shouldn't then. I thought we were just seeing each other
A: Don't be like that 🙄 I bought it before we broke up
G: Nooo. Stop. I want our gifts to just be sex love
A: Sucks
G: Please
A: No. I can't return it and I don't want it. I'm just going to give it to you.
G: Can I repay you by giving you something
A: I don't need to be repaid. It's a gift. I bought everyone special to me a gift.
G: But you're all I have
A: I'm just saying that you don't have to repay me. It's a gift for you.
G: I want you to keep it. Till then I'll see you in the morning
A: I'm not keeping it. It's not as big of a gift as your birthday
G: Find but I hope to see you on our next project
A: Our next project?
0 notes
hellotvv · 7 years
Well, I guess I’m writing this for the second time now :( but I guess I could include my day today...
So last week was a fairly idk stressful week, but I’m feeling much better now! Idk things got figured out and yeah, stress went away. I, also, had a pretty great weekend too. It was especially good, since it was kinda full of surprises in some ways. Nothing was really planned, and it’s kinda cool when nice things happen unexpectedly. :)
Friday, it was a crazy storm day. I was supposed to go to office hours, so I could ask for some help on my lab reports that were due Wednesday before lab. But it was legit raining way too crazy that I didn’t really wanna go. So I emailed my TA and asked if he’ll be possibly free on Tuesday. So my TA is honestly the worst TA i’ve ever had. I legit think that if I had any other ochem lab ta, I’d be doing way way better in this class. Like on the first lab report, there should be some amnesty for certain things. He legit took a point off for having fringes left on the uh lab report paper... The thing is, I’ve legit always turned in with fringes, and it never really mattered since the lab reports are passed back for the students to keep. Like okay, he want fringes off. But it’s the FIRST lab report, can he seriously not write hey no fringes next time, otherwise I’ll have to take off points. Nope, he legit just takes off points -.- like zzz, he grades ridiculously hard and his quizzes are legit way harder than any other TA’s quizzes. So it’s actually ridiculous lol... The thing that upsets me the most is he finally replied to that email I sent him Friday morning BEFORE office hours, Tuesday night... It took him a whole 5 days+ to finally reply to my email, and when he did reply it was too late lol. He was like, can you ask the questions after the lab tmrw? I was like ??? in my head, since I legit wanted office hours to get help for the lab report that was due BEFORE the lab. So I had 0 questions for after lab today lol. I still don’t know how it took him so long to reply to his emails. Like he could have checked it during his office hours, or idk even on Tuesday. Like it’s his school email too and he’s a grad student/TA. Like pretty sure he gets emails... No clue how he only checks or replys Tuesday night before my lab... -.-  Anyways, Friday was kinda idk just a day. I ended up driving home in the pouring rain, and the trip took nearly 5 hours... The drive is normally 2 hours - 2 hours and 30 minutes maybe. But it took 5 hours, because of the rain. Since cars would break down, ppl would get into accidents, and you naturally have to drive slower in the rain. But yeah, the traffic was actually insane, and I understand since it’s some heavy heavy rain. But it was really really exhausting being stuck in traffic alone in a car, stop and go, for hours... ._. I was so tired that I ate dinner and immediately knocked out after I got home. So I didn’t really do anything Friday.
But Saturday was hmhm a pretty good day actually. So I woke up late and I didn’t really do anything on Saturday. Since my friend Fyona was busy-ish on Saturday, and I didnt really make any plans with people. Then it was around 5ish and Jia randomly snapchatted me and asked me if I wanted to eat with her. So I was like yeee, and chose raising canes. She was down and drove and pick me up! It’s nice being driven, since honestly I drive my friends most of the time, and I rarely rarely get driven around :( So it was very nice of her to drive me! When she first saw me get into her car, she was like woahh Theo you lost weight! I was like yesss, I’ve been really good about my diet~ and she was really impressed like wowow. Haha, idk it’s cool when ppl notice when you put in hard work! I’ve been pretty good about my diet for weeks now and have lost weight! :D #KawaiiTheoAgain? Anyways, it was just cool talking to her and catching up on life in general. We ate at raising canes, and then went to Cafe Maji for drinks and to just hang out for a bit longer. I ordered a thai tea latte, then a bit later Jia was like ooh u ordered taro? I was like ?? nono, I ordered thai tea! She was like ooh I thought u said taro. Then the waitress brings out taro latte o.o I was like huh... I guess I did~ I suppose i was reading thai tea latte and somehow said taro outloud, which was below thai tea in the menu. But it was fine, and I finished the taro latte and it was alright. Just surprising that idk I ordered something else and didn’t even know! Uhh, idk how the convo came up exactly, but I think talking about vacations to places. She wanted to like go to Japan, or like SF trip, or idk. I was like yoo, u can just airbnb with friends and split the cost and it’s not bad. She surprisingly never heard of airbnb, so I explained and told her it’s fairly cool haha. She was like wowow, and thanked me for sharing it with her. She was like huh, you know I learn something new each time I hang out with you. I realized that it was kinda true, every time I see her, somehow she ends up like learning about something new. I think this is pretty cool actually, since idk I don’t intentionally try to do it. But I do like sharing cool facts or sharing about my hobbies/passion with ppl, and I think it’s kinda cool learning something new :D. She enjoys it lol and I realized I got my friend Brent into fashion nowadays! He’s mostly into sneakers rn, but yeahhh. Idk I like getting ppl into new things :) I guess I have a wide range of interests and hobbies that I have quite a bit to share? But anyways, she drove me home, and it was a nice idk hangout with my friend Jia. She even said she’ll make plans one of these days to drive up to SB and hang out! I was like woo :) Then I went home and kinda just read chinese novels until I late at night, since haha.
The next day was a pretty adventurous day o.o and full of idk surprises. I’m also a very weak boy :( But uh to begin, I woke up at like 10ish and was sleepy. Since I was meeting up with Fyona at 11 to do a laundromat shoot with her. She was very very rushy, and was like yoo get here at 11. Since her mom is fairly strict and doesn’t like her hanging out, so she lied and said she had to go study at 11, so I had to be there at 11. I got there at like 10:58 and she was like, oh my mom is making me help her cook, and then she had to wait for her mom to leave until she could leave. But then she still needed to do makeup and etc, so I had to wait outside alone in the parking lot for legit 50 minutes nearly T_T I mean, I didn’t mind, since I was actually just chilling on my phone and was content. But yee, I had to roast her a bit for that doe. She was like haha you could have napped or slept longer, since I didn’t even get out till 11:50. So I called her a monster for rushing me and how she was super adamant about 11 AM, only to make me wait outside alone for 50 mins. But yeee, it was silly, and then I drove us to the laundromat. But it was too crowded to shoot actually. Like Fyona and I don’t mind shooting in crowded locations. But if we shot there, it would just inconvenience ppl, and we’re not big on dat. So we decided to just do the shoot another day. So we went to go eat, and then she had a shoot schedule at 1:30ish. She asked me to come along, and it was nearby at huntington beach pier. So I went along and while we were walking around, we randomly met a popular photography iger that we both follow! I was like huh that dood kinda looks like dfreske (guy was carrying a camera too), and it turns out to be him! Wowow, we said hi and said we’re fans of his, and yeah :) it was cool. Then we met up with uh the photographer that Fyona was shooting with. The dude was hmhm alright, I think the photos came out decently well, but he was fairly quiet and didn’t do too much directing or anything, and yeah. Around this time while the shoot was on going, Catherine texted me out of the blue, and was like wutt you’re in the oc area? Are you free? I was like, oh ye, I am, and she was like oh come hang with cole + these uh 3 friends of hers. Cole is a photographer that I met through Hope and Catherine previously and he’s a pretty nice dude. But yeah, I legit haven’t talked to Catherine since like winter break lol. Uhh after the shoot was over, it was almost 3, and Fyona had to be home by 3. Fyona tried to push it back to 4, so she could come hang with Catherina and I, but she couldn’t. So I had nothing better to do, so I head over and met up with them. They already finished shooting, so we met up at a mcd and chilled. It was cole, some girl, and this guy name Adam, and Catherine ofc. Cole and the girl had to go study math not too long after, so they left. But yeah, Catherine was like, ooh we can hang at her place, so we all head over to Catherine’s place (adam, cat, and I). Adam turned out to be a pretty nice dude, he’s into streetwear a bit, and plays overwatch. They all went to the same school at Catherine, so that’s how they know each other. Catherine told me that her mom and grandma occasionally asks where I’ve been lol, since I used to go over to her house quite frequently over winter break. When we got to her house, I said hi to her grandma, and she was surprised to see me lol. Also met her mom a bit later and she was like ooh you’re back home. Idk I think it’s kinda cool that they like me? Idk why they do, since I don’t really do anything lol. But yeah :D wooo! Anyways, we hung out and watched supernatural (meh tv show) at catherine’s living room. Then we decided to head over to south coast plaza, since nothing better to do. Walked around and it was cool. Stopped by the Saint Laurent store, but I was dressed poorly and didn’t want to go in, but Adam did haha. Shortly after, all the stores were closing and it was only like 6:30, but I guess it’s a Sunday. We head over to a thrift store nearby just for fun idk. Didn’t buy anything, but Catherine randomly met up/saw one of her friends, and they were like omg. They made me take a pic of them, and I used my iphone 7 portrait mode and they were like wowow lit. The girl left, and then Catherine, Adam, and I decided to go grab boba + ice cream at some boba place in garden grove. I’ve been there before once with Calvin, and the place is okie. It was getting close to 8:30 and Catherine had to go home. I was gonna go meet up with my buddy Brent, who came to the oc area to hang out. He also was hanging out with his gf, since uh she was staying at her roommate Shannie’s place in Laguna Beach for the 3 day weekend for fun. So he figured he’ll come down to hang with me and elizabeth/shannie. So I was driving Adam and Catherine back, and Catherine’s mom told her to be home by like 8:30ish or whatever. So I was like ooh, I can drop you off first, then Adam. But she was like oh it’d be easier for u to drop off adam, and then bring me home. I didn’t really mind the order, since they’re both the same distance regardless and nearby. Adam and I insisted on dropping Catherine off home first, since she did have a curfew and didn’t wanna make her get in trouble with her mom. So when I was dropping her off, she was like, ‘you’re gonna come to my place after u drop off adam right?’ I was like ???? what in my head O_O.. Since I was gonna go have a nice dinner with buddy Brent. Then she pulled the idk sympathy/guilt trip card. She was like, ‘oh you’re leaving tomorrow, and haven’t posted snapsfromtheo in a while. also idk if i’ll be able to make it to lunch tomorrow too’. She suggested lunch the next day, before I leave. So uhh, idk ;-; i’m a weak boy and couldn’t say no after she said all that... I had to text brent and was like T_T sorry I can’t make it ahhh, and explained why. Elizabeth and brent were fine for it and encouraged me to go to cat’s house... I was like lol... But yeah, went over to her place after dropping off Adam. Honestly it wasn’t anything eventful. We sat fairly close in her living room couch, watched supernatural, and made small conversation here and there. Then it was like 11ish and I went home afterwards. Idk it was okie and not bad, but I kinda would have rather ate dinner with my buddy brent and elizabeth. But yeah, Sunday was still a pretty surprising day. Hung out with Fyona, met popular ig photographer, randomly ended up hanging out with Catherine, got guilt tripped, and didn’t hang out with Brent/Elizabeth. But had a good day nevertheless!
Monday was still a fairly interesting day as well. So I woke up, and then around like 1ish, picked up Catherine, and we decided to get ramen. I chose kitakata ramen, since she never been there before haha. There was quite a wait when we got there like 40 mins. So we decided to stop by the camp or whatever, which is nearby Kitakata. The camp is like a small food + shopping area, with a unique design. It was kinda cool to walk around, and then uh Catherine made me take another photo of her with my iPhone 7 portrait mode haha. It was kinda nice hanging out with her, and then we made it back in time before we got called to come inside kitakata. She turned out to like kitakata quite a bit, and agrees it’s better than shin sen gumi haha. While we were eating, she made an instagram post and uploaded the iphone 7 photo I took of her that day, and had a very nice caption about me... ;-; I was like nooo, don’t give me affection, I am weak boy in my head. But yeah, while we were eating, she roasted me a bit for not telling her that I was back in the oc area, but I was like I casually snapchatted it tho! She was like wowow i had to find out from Fyona’s snapchat story sad. So now I have to tell her the next time I’m heading back. I dropped her off and got a big hug, and then I headed off to pick up Fyona. For Catherine, it was definitely nice seeing her and hanging out with her again after not seeing her in a while. She oddly was super nice and made a lot of idk effort/took the initiative to hang out! I guess I’ve kinda grown out of my crush on her, and not really interested anymore. But it was nice hanging out with her as friends and would prob hang out with her again if I go home for the weekend. Fyona wanted to hang out before I left, and was free around like 2ish. But I was still with cat until 3, but fyona nice girl and waited till 3 to hang out with me. Then we went to ikea, since she wanted to. We got ikea food, sigh I ate again, and idk how or why I did. But yeah, ikea food is honestly not that bad considering the price. I’ve eaten their ice cream/hot dog before, but monday I ate their other food, and it’s not bad considering the price. It was cool walking around and chilling with Fyona, and then it was like 5 so I had to drop Fyona off, then it was time to head back to SB. I left for SB around rush hour, but surprisingly there was no traffic at all! O_O I was so surprised... Like idk why, since shouldn’t national holidays normally have more ppl free and driving around rush hour? But yeah, even when passing LA, there was no traffic and it wasn’t even raining or anything... I got back to SB fairly quickly, but I was kinda tired after the short 2 hour drive. Idk I guess I don’t go home as often as I used to, so I don’t drive long distances frequently anymore, so it kinda burns me out nowadays haha. Oh well. But got back at night, rested for a bit, then had to do my history homework and math homework, so I stayed up a bit late. It was nice sleeping in my room in SB again, since idk used to my pillow setup at SB lol.
Tuesday and Wednesday has been ughhh. So Tuesday, I slept late on monday doing homework, but I had to wake up early for my 8 am history section. It was raining as well at 8 am, so I had to go to class in the cold rain at 8 am T_T. Then after, my friend brent came over to get lunch and hang out for a bit. Then went to 4 o’clock class and got back. Then my 2nd pair of yeezys came! So there’s quite a story behind this, but I’m lazy to write it all out. But brent and i supposed to cop yeezys together during the drop. He fell asleep at like 3 am, and I did wake him up by calling him, and then he went back to sleep and asked me to get his size. I did, but I didn’t tell him I did, since Idk if he deserved it. It’s like waiting in a long concert ticket line to get concert tickets at 3 am, and your friend who’s waiting in line with you is tired and goes home and asks for u to stay up and try to get their ticket. it’s like uhhh, if I put in all this work, and you didn’t at least wait up with me/tried with me, do you deserve it still? But yeah, I ended up being nice and sold him the yeezys for retail. He was very very surprised and very grateful, and it was like a nice surprise gift. Since he did want the pair, but was sad he didn’t get it since he fell asleep. But yeah, he promised to treat me out to a lavish dinner one of these days to make it up for me and was super happy. Then he left, and Tuesday night began. I had 2 long long lab reports due the next day on Wednesday AND I had a midterm for greek myth. I didn’t really study for greek myth, since class is fairly easy, but still. I legit pulled an all nighter with my friend Kristy, and we both finally finished the two long lab reports at like 10 AM lol... So I was EXHAUSTED. I went to class to take my midterm and I think I did pretty well on it, maybe an A. But I was sleepy af and just wanted to sleep sigh... Then I stayed up and then finished up lab report completely + did prelab, and then studied for the lab quiz that’ll happen during lab. So yeah did that, went to lab, turned everything in, took quiz, and the experiment was kinda long and lame. But I’m finally free! The rest of the week isn’t too bad, besides the fact that I have to study for my math midterm on Tuesday. But ughh, I’m basically ready to pass out, since I legit haven’t slept in so long lol... Long long day, but yeah that was my kinda adventurous weekend, and long Tuesday night and Wednesday. Tomorrow should be not bad and smash tournie to go to! So woo, hopefully this weekend will be great too~
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