#so short they were part of comercial breaks
cyber-flow · 4 years
Sometimes I remember Pixcodelics. That show was an experience for sure
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notanotherlovepage · 6 years
LiS fanfic
Hey guys! So, long story short, i did a fanfiction inspired on this post. Hope you guys like it!
Today was particularly a sunny, beautiful day. Ninety degrees outside, midst August and every color seemed to be intensified. The leaves on the trees were greener, the sky was bluer and the butterflies shined with their brightest colors.
I resented my mom for having me put a long-sleeved shirt on, and i envied Chloe for her obviously lighter -and prettier- one. Besides, it was embarassing having two big spots of sweat covering my armpits. But i didn’t care. Not if it was my best friend in the whole world next to me. She wouldn’t judge me.
-Come on, Max! Hurry!- I heard Chloe shout. She was some solid 15 feets ahead of me. We were heading towards the big tree. That’s where we hid our time capsule. It was a centric, giant tree placed in the Arcadia Bay forest. It was our place. The place we told eachother every secret, gossip and deepest confessions. And now we were going to dig out the capsule we hid 5 years ago.
We were actually cheating; we promised ourselves we would only see it 10 years after the day we buried it. That would be at age eighteen. When we were eight years old, we decided to make our friendship last forever in the coolest way. We hid a bunch of letters, drawings and others stuff for us to see later on. That way we were forced to come back from wherever we were and join pirate forces to dig out the most awesome treasure ever. But we couldn’t help it. Neither of us remembered what we put in there and we were dying to know.
-This is so wrong but feels so right- i said chuckling, already catching up with Chloe.
-I know, right?! - She said, clearly excited, doing that adorable bouncing she does when she’s hyped up. Chloe was particularly... pretty today. Her long, blond hair was shinning, as if it belonged to some shampoo comercial, waving synchronized with the wind. She always grew these funny freckles all over her nose and cheeks every summer, which made her look like a model, and her blue eyes shined amazingly bright, reflecting the sunlight. Sometimes i didn’t know if it was jealousy i felt every time i looked at her, or just pure... admiration. Whatever it was, it always felt just right.
-Okay, we’re here,- Chloe said- let’s just cut the crap and see whatever in the world is there.
I realized i was stupidly nervous by the whole thing. My heart was rapidly pounding in my chest and my hands were sweating, but i didn’t care. It was the good kind of nervous.
-I’m actually really nervous- Chloe said, as if she had read my mind.
-Dude, me too- I responded, with an akward laugh.
-Let’s do this- Chloe picked the shovels next to her and handed me one- Now, you lazy ass, show me watcha’ got.
-Okay...-I breathed out- let’s do this.
I was sitting in my dorm bed at Blackwell, looking at a photo I had forgotten it even existed. Actually, i had deleted the entire day in which the photo was taken from my brain, although it was kind of a “big deal”. It was the day Chloe and i buried the time-capsule.
It had been two weeks since Chloe’s funeral. Jefferson was in jail, Nathan was in a psychiatric hospital, with a restriction order to keep his asshole father away from him, and Kate and Victoria were alive. Everything had fallen into place. Every piece of this life puzzle was starting to click again.
Except for me.
This wasn’t like any cringy, sugarcoated movie i had ever watched before. This wasn’t some tragic novel about life being a bitch. This wasn’t like anything i had ever heard or seen. This was so much worse.
The first three days i was in denial. I never actually stopped to think Chloe’s death was forever. I was like a zombie, or in autopilot mode. I even smiled an laughed. I just couldn’t accept it.
But one day i went to the Two Whales, and found myself having my pancakes all alone, and i didn’t see Joyce there because from what David told me, she couldn’t get out of bed, and there was barely any client there because the fucking place smelled like tragedy and pain. And then it hit me.
Chloe is dead.
I never knew it was possible to feel this kind of pain and not die. Or have a heart attack. Or just for nothing to occur. I just felt this horrible sensation, all the goddamn time, but nothing else seemed to happen. There was just pain and the only thing i had left to do was feel it.
I mean, pain is supposed to be some kind of body mechanism to warn you about danger. If you accidentally fall from a tree and break your arm or cut your leg your body makes you feel pain, so you know something is not right with you and you should take care of it. But suddenly your best friend and soulmate in the fucking world dies and you feel this unbearable pain in your chest, way worse than a fucking broken arm, and you would give anything for that so called god everyone assures it exists to just break every single bone in your body if it meant not feeling this, and everything feels so wrong and you feel like you are going to die all the time but the worst part is you don’t, and you are expected to just get over it? How can this kind of pain not mean im in danger? That i’m not going to just stop breathing anytime? How can physical pain mean so much while emotional pain just means you suffered a stupid trauma that you can get through? That nothing is actually wrong? That the love of your life died but you will be ‘just fine’? How can people say that what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger?
Because to me, what doesn’t kill you makes you wish it fucking did.
Sitting at the dinner, thinking all of this in one goddamn second, as if a brainstorm had just hit my head, made me realize; i was not living in a world without Chloe. Either both of us lived here... or both of us went up there.
I suddenly understood Kate so much more once i started planning it. See, if you don’t live it, you don’t get it, it’s as simple as that. You just can’t understand what depression is like if you never went through it, no matter how hard you try. That’s what happened to me on the rooftop with Kate. As much as i tried, i was just not able to understand how could people consider taking their own lives. Isn’t there always hope? Always someone who loves you? Always something to live for?
Thing is, sometimes, there’s not.
It just hit me like a train. I didn’t even care. I couldn’t. It would destroy my parents, Kate, Warren, even Joyce, but i didn’t have the energy to give a fuck. I was so hopeless. Everything was so pointless. I really don’t know if it was depression i was suffering, but it sure as hell felt like it.
I had decided to binge on the pills the doctor gave me for Post Traumatic Disorder. I heard they were pretty strong, so i was pretty confident they would do the job. But then i saw the box Joyce gave me at the Two Whales, resting in the corner of my room; it was Chloe’s box, with every single memory she had ever owned. Pictures, letters, postcards, everything. I had put it away to rot; i just couldn’t look at it without falling into pieces. But at that moment, i figured i might as well see what was in there; i wanted my last memories to relive those of the love of my life.
I don’t remember crying like i did then in a long time, if not ever. I was pretty sure i was starting to dehidratate, and at some point, i even thought i was going to faint. There was that awful drawing i sent her when she had chickenpox. There was a silly love letter i remember her neighbour wrote her when we were ten years old. Chloe never liked him and after five letters like that with no response, he finally got the hint and never spoke to her again. But what shattered my heart the most was this pink sea shell. I found it on a beach in Playa del Carmen; my parents and i took a cruise for two weeks and i promised Chloe i would collect one for each day we spent apart, so she knew i wouldn’t  forget her. All of them eventually broke into pieces except for this one. I painted it with a cheap pink nail polish my mom used to own and gave it to her. We were seven years old. I never knew she would keep it to this day, it seemed so redundant and useless to me, but so meaningful to her...
I was not sure how much more i could take, but then, i found the photo. The time-capsule photo.
The memories suddenly hit me as a punch in the face. It was as if some kind of hipnosis suddenly unleashed from that picture to free the memories that had been so long repressed. I remember that our parents took us on a silly journey through the Arcadia Bay forest. It lasted 5 days. My mom absolutely hated camping in the ‘wilds’, but my father and William did a great job calming her down. One week earlier, Chloe and i decided to secretly bury a time capsule in which we hid some stuff to open up in ten years, which would ironically be this year, at age eighteen. But we opened it five years before, us being twelve, because we couldn’t help ourselves. We opened it two months before William passed away.. It was the last good moment we had until everything started falling apart for Chloe.
My parents took a picture Chloe and me in our pirate costumes, right before we went for the giant tree and hid the capsule. I don’t really remember what we hid in it, but it was probably silly. I’m actually glad we opened it up earlier. Today, it would only be some silly kid stuff.
I looked at the picture with a nostalgic, genuine smile, without realising i was crying again until some droplets hit the picture. But suddenly, one droplet fell on the wrong -or right?- place. And as i looked, i stood in shock.
-What... the hell?- i exclaimed. I frowned my eyebrows and rubbed my eyes to get a better view of the picture, and then, i saw it. It felt as if i was suddenly stang by a paralising bug. I couldn’t move. I couldn’t believe what i was seeing. It just felt as if the nightmare would never stop. I started sobbing and yelling. I was pulling my hair without realizing it. I didn’t give a crap of all the fuzz i was making. In the picture, right behind us, was a translucent doe, staring right at the camera, with a tiny beautiful blue butterfly resting in his snout.
After some minutes of pure desesperation and chaos, i decided to calm myself down. I was getting nowhere being like this. Fucking hell, a few minutes ago i was all ready to kill myself. What was going on with me? Was i hallucinating? Had i finally lost it? Was i officially crazy?
-Okay, Max. Calm the fuck down- I said out loud- Let’s think, what the hell does this mean?
As if my voice was like a ridiculous lullaby, i did calm down. I took a few breaths, and started to think.
First of all, if anything, this could be good news. If shit like this keeps happening after Chloe died, could this mean the universe was still not content with the outcome of things? Could this mean that life, or god, or what-fucking-ever did not want Chloe to die? Was Chloe not supposed to die?
A feeling i had not felt in two weeks, but seemed like forever, started growing in my chest. I was feeling hope. Hope that my best friend could maybe, just maybe, be brought back. Hope that i would be able to kiss my lover again. Hope that maybe, life was not as miserable as it seemed.
Calm down, Maxine. I thought to myself. This is still not clicking.
I spent some good hour going through all of it. Thinking of everything i could have missed. Every detail, every second i spent with Chloe. Every goddamn tragedy of that unholy week. What was i taking for granted? What was the universe trying to tell me? Was it even trying to tell me something? Was life just... weird?
And then it clicked. The puzzle clicked. That fucking piece found it’s place in all of this drama and everything suddenly made sense. All this time, i made everything revolve around me. It seems fair, as i am the one with a crazy fucking superpower. But what if it’s... not? What if it’s not about me? I may be one in a million, being able to control the fucking time, but the universe is sure as hell not only about my life, so... what if i am missing a detail because im not supposed to know that detail? What if it’s not my life i should change, but someone elses? What if i have been searching for the answer in that horrible week when in fact it came from... before?
What if it’s not Chloe that’s supposed to die? What if... it’s Rachel that’s supposed to live?
I realised i had been starring at the mirror with the picture in my hands all of the time i spent thinking. I almost saw the switch in my eyes as i finally made the decision; i would try to make things right one last time. After all, i had nothing left to lose.
I focused on the picture, sitting in my bed, as all the familiar but still weird-as-hell feelings started to hit once again; the pounding in my head, the blurr in my eyes, the sensation of passing out, the world menacing to tremble... and just like that, i was back in the forest.
The first thing i did was to look for the doe and the butterfly. As i expected, they were not there. Being 12 years old at Chloe’s house, back when i tried to save William, was weird enough, but being eight felt so... wrong. I was an eighteen years old in the body of a little girl. I could actually feel the physical change; my hands and feet felt tinier, my skin felt softer, and it seemed to me that i was on my knees when i looked around, when in fact, i was just shorter.
-Max, sweetie, are you okay?- my mom asked. As there was no response, she continued- Come here baby, you look pale. Do you want some chocolate?- She turned to look at my father- What did i tell you, Ryan? This was such a bad idea, we shouldn’t have come.
-Wait, mommy! I’m okay!- I cringed at how high-pitched my voice was, but managed to fake a smile.
-Are you sure, baby?- Dad asked.
-Of course she’s okay! She’s a pirate! Right, Max?- I heard a little girl’s voice say. I knew exactly who that voice was from, but i needed to really see it. I just couldn’t start to even comprehend how lucky i was. To have the ability to see what i shouldn’t be seeing. To defy the universe, just like that. To be able to appreciate the existence of the love of my life as many times as i wanted to. To love her and be able to tell her again and again, without the fear of time running out. Because time meant nothing to me. I owned time, and it made me feel incredibly alive. It was so wrong but so right. And when i finally turned around to see her, i realized life was just fucking incredible for creating such amazing and lovable beings like her, no matter how temporary they were.
-Chloe!- I shouted, and ran to her embrace- You are my best friend, did you know that?
-Of course i do! We will rule the world with our swords and patches, right, Dad?!
-Sure thing darling. I believe in you two- William said with a soothing voice. Only then did i realize how much i had missed him. But i needed to calm my nostalgic self down. I had to start acting like an eight year old, and they were never really that great at showing mature feelings. Besides, it would be just plain weird to hug William out of the blue. Sadly, no one there but me knew how little time had he left- Okay girls, ready for the walk?- He said with a playful smile, letting go a tiny wink from his left eye. I understood this was the sign Chloe, William and i had agreed on to go bury the time-capsule- Everything ready?
-Yes dad!- Chloe shouted- Let me just get my backpack- She said, while turning back to head the tents.
-Wait! i need to go get something too- I jumped. I saw Chloe turning around to face us once again, this time with a frown. I guess we agreed at some time that she would get the capsule while i kept the adults busy- It will be just a second.
-Okay...- Chloe replied.
-What would you two be up to...- Joyce whispered suspiciously, with a grin on her face, shaking her head left and right. I followed Chloe to the tent and entered with her.
-Please tell me you brought some paper and crayons- I said nervously. My heart started to accelerate as my brain finally focused on my plan.
-Yeah... i think so. Why?- she asked, half curious, half worried.
-I just forgot something i wanted to draw.
-Okay, let me check- Chloe said, revolving her backpack, and then taking out what i had requested- You are being kind of weird.
-Don’t worry, it’s just a second- I replied- No peeking!- I said, smiling at her while hiding my paper so she couldn’t see. This time, the smile was genuine. I could never fake-smile that adorable face of hers, even if i tried.
And then she was the one to smile. A wide, playful smile, covered childishly by her tiny hands, followed by a girly, amazingly cute chuckle.
Suddenly, i was just overwhelmed by this relaxing but exciting feeling, as i started drawing my message to the future Max, in the hope that this time, she would remember it and be able to fix things from the very start. I just kind of knew that this time, things would turn out to be alright.
-Oh my god, this is so cringy, i really dont know how much more i can take- I said, tears of laughter falling from my eyes.
-Dude, i know, i think i’m gonna throw up anytime now- Chloe responded, with her cheeks filled with an intense red, grabbing her tummy and gasping for air, trying to regain control of herself.
We had spent hours now checking everything out. We found two chocolate cookies that smelled awful, two drawings that looked exactly the same -probably both of us agreed to draw the same scenario- of Chloe and me dressed as pirates while navigating the sea, two coins, two bracelets, a pink one and a blue one, and so on. We also found letters we wrote to eachother, barely legibles, about how much we loved eachother and that how we would be the best pirate friends in the whole world, which made us gag on the outside but smile warmly on the inside. There were only two more letters to read, each one with our names respectively signed on them. We understood they were letters we wrote to our future selves. I picked them both and read them to myself.
-How about mine? What did I write?- Chloe asked, excited.
-You were really funny- I responded with a tiny chuckle. It said, written with a blue crayon; ‘Dear Chloe, if you are not dressed up as a pirate right now, and Max is right next to you, tell her to punch you. Love, Chloe’. It was just so incredible to know Chloe was, is and would always be this funny and sassy person. But the best of all, was knowing that this person would always be my best friend in the world, and i was gonna be hers. I handed it to her, and when she read it, she started to laugh like crazy. Joining her laugh, i picked my letter, and gave it a quick, uninterested look. But that was all it took to send a chill down my spine- Mine was so serious...- I let out, failing to keep the thought to myself.
-Well, yeah, that’s you- Chloe reasoned, when i lended it to her and she saw it, not giving it its spooky credit- Serious and genuine- She smiled.
-Yeah, i guess- I said, but was left more nervous and anxious than i was willing to admit.
-Okay, mom is totally gonna kill us- Chloe suddenly exclaimed, zonning me out from my thoughts- We told her we would be there by five! Its half past six! Shit, let’s hurry- She said, getting up to her feet and starting to pack our things.
I followed her lead and helped myself up with my hands on the ground, to start helping her pick up the stuff. Once we were finished, i decided to take one last look at my letter, in the hope that it wouldn’t seem so creepy once i re-checked it.
It was the drawing of a girl, apparently older than us, with long, blond hair, seemingly waving with a fictional wind. At first it thought it was just a drawing of Chloe, but her eyes were green, and she was not dressed like Chloe at all. She had a red flannel, a pair of teared up jeans and some black boots. Besides, Chloe never got her ears pierced, and this girl had a blue feather hanging from one of hers. I found it strange how my eight year old self could draw such a realistic girl. I was never that good with crayons.
But what made me skip a heart beat was what it said below the girl. It was a simple sentence in capitals but had enough impact on me. It said ‘SAVE HER’.
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infinityknight25 · 7 years
Avengers Illuminati: Oval Office part 5
In a desert like setting with mountains in the background. Iron Man came flying into the picture and landed. The yellow part of his mask opened revealing his face “Hey. I’m Tony Stark, CEO of Stark Industries and probably better known as Iron Man.” He began to walk to the left while he was talking. “In just a few weeks you get to vote for your next president. I’m asking you to look at the options and consider the independents of Charles Xavier and Doctor Stephen Strange. For years they have served this country in many ways and the most recognized one is their service as heroes. Now they want to help reform the country you love so much. A country I love so much. They want to address the many issues plaguing this country. From healthcare and schools to creating jobs for both humans and mutants. If your tired of the same corrupt politicians vote for Xavier/Strange on November 8th 2016.”
“Excellent job Tony.” Said Beast turning toward Stark. All of the cabinet, the eviscereight and as well as Namor, T'Challa, and Black Bolt were present to view the new comercial to promote the campaign. They were all cramed into the living room of Xavier’s school with the students.“Yes Tony it was well done. I do believe it will capture the attention of people who aren’t sure how they want to vote.” Said Professor Xavier.
“We interupt this program for a breaking news report.” said a make voice on the big flat screen tv. “Good afternoon.” said the young newswoman. “In just a moment we will hear from Monica Willams who has been speaking with the supreme court all morning long. About is unclear….. Oh we are ready to go to her now.”
The picture changed to Monica Williams outside of the city hall of St. Louis where the next debate is to be held. “Good afternoon. I’ve been speaking with the supreme court and they all have agreed that this new group. This Eviscereight is a threat to society. These so called heroes are now banned from being present at the next debate. The supreme court has deemed the average security is adequate to handle any problem that may arise at a debate. That being said I will continue to push and fight for the rights of the REAL human beings existence. If I’m elected I will bring back the use of Sentinels to cleanse this world of mutants. ”
One of the teenage students turned off the tv. “Something’s not right here Xavier.” Rhodes said. “Yes but legally they  do if they say they feel unsafe with the presence of the Eviscereight.” Said Matt Murdock gripping his cane. “Hmmm indeed it appears a set back but I feel this means the other parties are threatend and are trying to take steps to throw us off.” Said Xavier thoughtfully.
At that time Stark’s watch beeped with a phone call and Doctor Strange’s cell phone beeped with an email. Stark stepped out of the room. “ I’ve just been banned from the debate as well. Xavier these are odd events. I do believe I will go to my Sanctum Santorum and meditate for a day or two. I will meet you in St. Louis wether or not I’m allowed in the debate.” “Yes an the Eviscereight will be present as well….. Just not on the grounds. Perhaps everyone will stay at the hotel and observe from there. If there is any trouble Kurt and Stephen both have the means to teleport.” Replied Professor Xavier.
“I’m not allowed to bring an iron man suit with me to the debate. The supreme court has said that We pose a threat to others if we have certain "people” and or “equipment” on the site for the debate.“ Tony said looking very aggravated behind his sunglasses. "Chuck. Something ain’t right here and I dont like the fact that they are taking away almost every defense we got. They know you won’t use your powers in this time because your trying to make a point. They have left you wide open and vulnerable.” Wolverine said with his fists clenched. “Yes it does appear so Logan but I know you will be close by and pending the total ban of all of our allies including Black Bolt, T'Challa and Namor we do have some defenses.” Replied Professor Xavier.
“That does sound like a great backup plan but, Charles with the way this election race is going a reaction to someone’s action with the use of our foreign could be spun into starting a war. And we ARE trying to rebuild this country not tear it apart. In short I think it would be best to rely on the Eviscereight and Stephen.” Reed Richards said stretching his head into the conversation. Richards body was at the back of the living room while the others were more toward the front.
“You do have a point Reed and it is noted. So we shall stick with our plan.” said Xavier.  “In time. I suppose we will see what our adversaries from the democratic party has in store for us.” Said Beast
A few days later in St. Louis, the Eviscereight and Doctor Strange were gathered together in a very comfy hotel suite that had a living room section and a bedroom section. They were sitting around the flatscreen tv in the living room section. On the couch was Nightcrawler, Hawkeye, and Tyron Owens. Sitting in a computer chair was A-Bomb. Wolverine was leaning against a wall. James Rhodes, Doctor Strange, and Miles Morales all sat on the floor.
The debate began on the tv with a generic political fan fare type music. “Good evening I am your host Laura Thompson.” Said the female reporter. This time she was wearing a modestly red suit that was very complementing to her. “And I’m your co-host Jameson Carlisle.” said the white haired man in a dark blue suit that was almost black.
“Our candidates will be with us shortly. Jameson it’s been quite the ride through the first debate and the vice president debate. And still Monica Williams is in the lead to become our first woman president. However the independent Charles Xavier is not too far behind in the polls and could become our first mutant president. Billionaire Brian Hartford is still in the race with a close third.” Said Thompson.
“Indeed it is quite unbelievable how close of a race we have for the president of the United State’s, and there has been remarkable scandals along the way. I think the most notable news was what happenend Monday when Monica Williams had the Eviscereight and Vice President candidate Doctor Stephen Strange banned from the debate this evening.” Replied Jameson.
“Yes it has caused quite a lot of talk and it did cause Xavier’s numbers to drop in the polls giving Monica Williams a bit of a better lead but Charles Xavier is still very close behind. Now it’s time for our candidates to come out and begin our second presidential debate.” Said Thompson
Brian Hartford came from the left of the stage wearing a black suit and red tie. Monica Williams appeared from center stage with a triumphant smile and a orange pant suit with a white shirt. Professor Xavier came from the right of the stage in a grey suit. Again he went to the middle to shake the hands of the other candidates and non of them met him.
“ This debate is going to focus on questions from the press and citizens. We will start with a tweeted question from Daryl Davenport who is with free America blog. He asks with all the different candidates that ran for president this why did you decide to run and why do you think your still here? Professor Xavier we will start with you.” Said Thompson.
Xavier rolled to the center of the floor with his microphone. “ Throughout my life. I have witnessed all kinds of corruption and lack of planning as well as organization in the goverment. I am at a position in my life to where I can donate my time to defend my fellow Americans in a different way. I see this as an opportunity to step up and offer my knowledge as well as views to help progress the United States forward to a time where all equal and work together.” The crowd applauded and cheered.
“Mr. Hartford. It’s your chance to answer the question.” Said Jameson Carlisle. “Thank you.” Hartford said coming out to the center of the stage.  “I too ran for president due to all the corruption. I mean look at Monica Williams she whined and cried and got the Eviscereight as well as Doctor Strange banned from tonight’s debate which has only brought attention to herself. With this I have heard that she has BRIBED the supreme court to side with her using money as well as offering different political positions and favors to the Supreme Court justices. Then there is the story of how she played a vital role in the slaughter of one of our intergalactic ambassadors. Ronan the accuser said it would happen and what? Did Monica Williams do anything to save our ambassadors life? No….” “Mr. Hartford you have reached your time limit. We need to move on.” Interjected Laura Thompson. “I’m not finished. She has done nothing but a terrible job as a politician if elected it will be more of the same….” Mr. Hartford I warned you we need to move on if you do it again this debate will become a two person debate. Do you understand?“ "Yes… Sorry and thank you.” Replied Hartford.
“Mrs. Williams. It is your turn.” Said Carlisle. “These two have barely any political experience. Well lets face facts Hartford has none and outside of being a mutant activist Xavier Has none. I have devoted my entire career to the political arena and I think I have made quite a few accomplishments. What have these two done? Hartford has spent his entire life focused on making money for himself. Xavier has sat in his wheelchair playing "shot caller ” like a coach calling out plays to his X-Men. If your mutant powers are so great why don’t you just get out of that chair and walk? You have the power to don’t you?“
Back in the hotel room Wolverine began to pace. "Man that woman needs to shut her mouth.” He said beginning to sound angry. “Yeah she has some real problems bro.” A-Bomb said. “I am not your bro!” Wolverine said turning toward A-Bomb extending the claws on his right hand. “Hey. Hey. Buddy calm down none of us like her.” Responded A-Bomb. Doctor Strange meditating began to levitate. “I feel that the moment we all have in question is drawing nigh. I cannot see what it is but I feel something big on the way.” Said Strange.
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