#but I know I relate a feeling of fondness to it.
sonamytrash · 15 hours
People may relate to and find comfort in a character for a plethora of reasons that they don't necessarily feel comfortable sharing.
Just because you perceive their fondness for a character as shallow is your own opinion. I've seen so much negativity directed at Levi fans and self shippers recently, which is a real shame when for some of us the tag is a safe little space for us to enjoy our fics and headcanons. I see a lot of content I don't like or agree with related to characters I'm a fan of, but I just leave people well alone to enjoy what they enjoy. I don't know, maybe that comes with age and maturity.
People (commonly anons) may assume self shippers only like a character like Levi as an example because we see him as a sex object. Which is entirely false for so many reasons and not true for many of us. I couldn't tell you how much money and time I've invested into the AOT franchise over the past 14 years. I've also never seen so much love and appreciation for a character as I have within the Levi fanbase and particularly from self shippers.
Just because I (or someone) may write 18+ content doesn't mean that's all they associate with a character. Personally, I just enjoy writing it, and I want to create something for others to enjoy and visualise. It's statistically proven that women, for example, may find reading more stimulating compared to visual p×rnography. I started writing for myself as a creative outlet and was thrilled to see people enjoying it. Even if Levi or any character is just an object for someone to sexualise, who cares? He's fictional.
On a personal note, I had a very lonely and abusive childhood. For the longest time, many fandoms and characters have been a source of comfort and escape for me. I very quickly relate to many characters who have experienced hardship and pain. But I've been fortunate enough to come through the other end and build a life for myself. It just so happens that my writing strengths are of a more mature content. But it doesn't take away from my love and appreciation of complex characters. You can't assume you know everything about a person based on this small segment of their lives on a blog or social media platform. Judging people who self ship, especially some of us more placid ones that people want to attack, belittle and slut shame is just getting a bit stale.
Enjoy your characters and your ships, and heck, keep coming at us with your false assumptions because it isn't going to stop us, and you're only making yourselves look petty, cruel, and immature. You don't know a single thing about why people choose the characters that they do to enjoy.
And to all of the self shippers, keep posting your fantastic content. Your fics, your bots, your artwork. Keep enjoying what makes you happy. There's so many more of us who want to be supportive and create safe spaces and communities than there are negative individuals.
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callsign-rogueone · 18 hours
intimacy alphabet - x.r.
Xaden Riorson x reader [request] words: 1.8k 🏷: NSFW. very mild iron flame spoilers but nothing really plot-related. one singular mention of reader being a woman but other than that I think this is pretty much gender and sex neutral? mentions of soft dom/sub dynamics, oral both ways, penetrative sex, mild kink, Xaden experiences Feelings, mentions of fwb relationship but also established romantic relationship or random hookups. this one was easy, as he's the only boy we have textual evidence for lmao. enjoy.
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
standard aftercare and cleanup. if he’s your romantic partner, then it’ll be a bit better / more involved / cuddlier, but either way he’s making sure you’re okay, that you’re satisfied, etc. 
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
he’s not a very vain guy in my opinion, but I can see him being body-confident and proud of his physique; he’s worked hard for it. maybe his hands/arms? I think he’d have a complex relationship with the relic, but other than that, he likes the muscle he has there. maybe his abs, too, since he’s somehow always shirtless.
anything that makes you unique and you; freckles, tattoos, unusual hair color, birthmarks… but also your ass. loves seeing you in tight pants or short shorts, seeing you bend over for any reason, having you sit on his lap, finding any excuse to touch you there / on your hips, sticks his hands in your back pockets, gives you a little pat/squeeze as a ‘good job’ or a hello, etc…
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
no strong opinions about where he does it -- it’s you who has to deal with it, so he generally lets you choose, but he not-so-secretly really likes it when you swallow. 
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
this is a difficult one. the man is full of secrets, but I can’t think of any sexy ones. I think he’d be very clear and upfront about what he wants and just do it with you.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
he’s hot, he’s rich, he’s confident; this isn’t his first rodeo. he knows what he’s doing and he’ll figure out what you like in particular very quickly; he’s remarkably perceptive and knows to respond to your responses, repeating the things that made you gasp and moan and squirm. knows the difference between faster / harder / etc., too.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
he’s clearly fond of using furniture other than a bed — pressing you up against the wall, bending you over a desk, and so on and so forth. after you scratched the shit out of the top of his desk with your nails, you made a comment about how you should just fuck on the floor so you don’t break anything else or ruin it forever, and he called your bluff right then and there.
as far as actual positions, anything goes; he’s a man of many talents. 
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
pretty serious; he’ll make little teasing or sarcastic comments but that’s it. 
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
he’s doing some routine maintenance. also, I don’t recall a single mention of him having any body hair besides a beard / scruff he let grow out in iron flame. is bro just hairless? lmao
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
I feel like I’m qualifying every point here with if you’re in a relationship / if you’re not (I’m writing this out of order lol) but he can be very tender and loving and intimate if the mood is right and he’s truly comfortable with you. if you’re not in a relationship and he doesn’t have a real bond with you, like you aren’t friends or anything either, expect it to be pretty… businesslike sounds bad, but.. transactional, maybe, each of you getting what you need out of the interaction (release) and not much else.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
here, have a scenario I don’t have time to actually write: fwb!Xaden realizes he’s catching feelings and pulls back a little bit, shifts from seeing you two or three times a week to just once to try to wean himself off of it, but it’s too late, he’s addicted to you already. he tries to stay strong and commit to his decision, taking matters into his own hand(s) instead, but it’s just not as good. like, you’ve ruined jerking off for him forever. 
he tells you as much the next time he sees you, when he slides into you and has to use every ounce of his self control not to cum right then and there, because absence makes the heart grow fonder -- and insert dick pun here. slow and loving sex ensues, because he’s trying not to bust too early, but also because he realizes how important you are to him, and holy shit, he’s in love. you had to talk about your feelings with him afterward because it had the same effect on you, and you wanted to be done playing emotional chicken with him and just love him the way you have for months now but out loud and outside your room. ~fin~
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
I always end up putting things here that aren’t actually kinks lmao but here: he’s a natural leader / commanding person, in charge and running point on things, and that extends into the bedroom. the pleasure is mutual, but he’s very much in control and dominant 95+% of the time. even when he’s the one on his knees, he’s setting the pace and the vibe.
also probably not a kink but eye contact. looking into those deep dark eyes and drowning in them as he takes you apart… yeah.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
your room, his room, the showers, the assembly room… his house is a fucking castle-fortress-hybrid, and it’s ginormous. there’s plenty of rooms for you to christen or little nooks and crannies for him to tug you into and hide you both with his shadows while he gets to it. I don’t think he’s a full-on exhibitionist, but he likes variety.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
seeing you be a capable badass woman, seeing you in his bed in the mornings… and typical guy turn ons. 
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
I know I’ve been saying this for all of the boys, but I don’t think he’d want to hurt you in any way or threaten you with pain. (I never know what to say for this one lol) 
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
we know he likes both, and that he’s very good at giving. I’ll also say that the “subbiest” he’ll ever get is when you have your mouth on him like that, and he can just lay back and lose his mind. it’s fun to watch his abs flex and his breathing pick up as he starts to slip and let the pleasure take over / let his mind turn off. makes the prettiest sound when he cums down your throat <3
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
we know he can do both and do them well. he knows there’s a time and place for each — fast and rough when you’ve been a brat, and he needs to remind you who’s in charge, soft and slow when you’ve had a long day or one of you is feeling a little fragile.  
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
he’s not averse to them, but he’d rather take his time with you. and what is supposed to be a quickie turns into a regular session most times anyway. if you’re not in an established relationship, then I think it would be a quickie most times -- he’s giving you both what you need and dipping, no time for feelings.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
yes. he is absolutely down to try new things, new places, spur of the moment stuff once he’s comfortable with you.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
very physically fit guy. all of the riders are. it’s a question of how long you can last. but even if the rounds are short, they’re intense, because everything about Xaden is intense. one or two is usually enough to satisfy.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
let’s consider his shadows as toys, because why not. he’s absolutely not afraid to use them, with your permission, of course. (everything is always with your permission, and don’t bother lying to him because he’ll know.)
but yes. he’s using them as restraints sometimes, to hold you in whatever position he wants you in while he works, or as a form of temperature play (they’re cold), to tease you, running them over your body instead of touching you himself, which he knows is what you really want…
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
loves teasing, loves reducing his strong, stubborn partner into a soft little wet mess who will do anything he asks because they just need his cock that bad. after teasing you all day / for an hour / whatever, with little touches or shadows brushing your skin, or just some sweet kisses that have you wanting more, he’ll proceed to tease you verbally, about how needy you are — but he loves it. and he’ll always give you what you need, eventually.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
he’s not too loud himself, just some panting and groans and some profane words about how good you feel wrapped around him, etc., but he wants you to be loud. he’s putting up a sound shield every time, so you better not try to hold back those cute little whimpers and cries, or there will be (sexy) consequences. he wants to hear  how good he’s making you feel.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
once, during a particularly intense round of him experiencing Sgaeyl’s ~emotions~, he wouldn’t shut the fuck up about breeding you. neither of you are sure if that was the dragon‘s influence, or what, but you haven’t spoken of it again and don’t plan to.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
we already know. Calvin Klein model with the world's most perfect dick, sexy magical tattoos… a whole man. 🫡
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
I think there’s a difference between how often he wants sex and how often you actually have sex. we’ve seen that he has remarkable self restraint, and that he’ll only make moves when he knows you’re truly ready. so while he’s ready to do whatever at the drop of a hat, he’s going to hold back a bit and wait. but when the wait’s over… whew.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
if he feels safe with you (not just trusting you won’t kill him, but like. actually safe and okay being vulnerable with you) then pretty quickly after showers, aftercare, etc. otherwise, he’s probably not sticking around, sorry 🤕
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imagine u n emily cooking together on ig live and everyone loves it when ur telling her off, she’s always getting in the way, or just straight up being a menace LMFAOOKO
FAVORITE ANNOYANCE | e.engstler x reader
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prompt: emily being really fucking annoying while y'all are trying to cook.
author notes: i need to write for more basketball players so here you go taytay 🩷 enjoy it!
contains: emily engstler x shorter!reader, fluff, emily needs her ass beat, annoying as a love language, bad pizza making describing, inspo from this tiktok
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"heyy guys!" you say, setting up your phone against a vase on the kitchen island. emily have just got back from practice and was obviously starving so she begged you to cook. you obliged but only because she has to help you. what a dumb idea that would end up being.
you squint your eyes as you look at the number of people coming into the live. emily comes up behind you, wrapping her arms around your waist. she pecks the side of your face before saying, "hi babe. hi chat."
"ew, don't say chat. you sound like some teenage streamer," you make a face of disgust before laughing. emily just shrugs. turning you to face her instead of the phone.
"but baby, that's what you call it," she blinks at you. acting confused until you stand on your tippy toes to peck her lips. emily pecks you back, licking her lips afterwards before looking at your phone screen. you move away from the kitchen island to go to the fridge. your body barely still in frame. emily looks at the comments coming through on the live, chuckling at a few.
"what we about to do? cook-" before emily could finish her sentence fully, you chim in. coming into the frame fully, holding the tomatoes needed to make the pizza sauce. "we are about to cook because emily was starving so bad and was just so hungry. go ahead, tell them what you told me when you came home," your tone sounds annoyed but there is obvious fondness underneath.
"aye, the chat said stop being mean to me," emily crosses her arms across her chest as she looks at you.
"the chat should be on my side."
"thought chat was for teenage streamers?"
"dear god, be quiet before i don't cook and go to bed. you can do this all on your own if you want."
"what? babeee, noo," the american player moves to pull you close by the waist. leaning down to kiss the top of your head; a usual emily apology. obviously you accept it. a bashful smile on your lips as you try to push her away but those muscles of hers aren't just for show, keeping you close easily.
emily sighs before shaking her head, "okay, chat. when i came home i begged my beautiful amazing so spectacular girlfriend to cook for me and cried when she said she didn't feel like it. even though i know how to cook, but it's just better when she does it." the confession makes the live explode with comments. with most making fun of emily (lovingly) and some relating to the feeling of wanting your girlfriend to do things for you.
a playfully smug smile sits on your lips, "there. she admitted it guys, she can't live without me."
"i didn't say all that.."
"i will stab you with this knife i'm about to grab," you gesture to the knife block on the counters behind you two. emily immediately starts talking to the chat, "i told y'all she's always threatening me."
"only when you're bad, babes," you chuckle. getting out of her grasp to grab two knives from the knife block. setting one down in front of emily, slapping her hand when she tries to grab it.
"no touching until i get the cutting boards," you set down your knife. opening the counter to grab two cutting boards (all while emily stands there with her arms crossed). putting them onto the island, one in front of emily and one in front of you. then you grab the tomatoes, setting them near your phone. not too close though so you two can still see the comments coming in.
"now you can touch."
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emily and you get into a small routine of cutting the tomatoes. answering questions at the same time with the basketball player answering most of them.
"i don't know who keeps asking what we're cooking, but guys c'mon now.. i said it so many times. we're making pizza," emily sighs. halfway through with her tomato pile, she decides it's the best time to bother you while you're focused on finishing yours.
"babe, chat said why is my hair up even though i'm in my own home. should i tell them how you hate my hair and told me you would cut it off if i bought it anywhere near your kitchen?" she smiles at you like she didn't just say the most out of pocket lie ever. you give her a warning glare, not even answering her before going back to cutting. however, of course emily couldn't be satisfied with that. she needs a reaction so she starts to poke you in the shoulder.
you don't answer her.
another glare.
"all i know is that if you keep touching me, i'm going to cut off your hand. now stop being childish and finish chopping those tomatoes before nobody will be eating tonight," you finally answer. slapping her hand away. she doesn't even flinch, just smiling.
"my girlfriend is being mean to me again." she turns her attention to the camera, a great relief to you. obviously the chat comes to her defense again but you tell them off by threatening to end the live all together.
the two of you continue to make the pizza. eventually you get out the small roll of cheese out of the fridge, forcing emily to grate it. while you smash the tomatoes up for the sauce.
emily is still answering more comments and she's having fun with it too:
ilovelesbians178 who do you wish would visit you more?
"hailey. that blonde chick never come over here, but it's okay, i know she's all superstar now."
emilysdutchbraids is your natural hair color actually blonde or what
"uh, i always say my hair is naturally blonde with dark roots but i might be lying.. nobody gotta know."
y/n&emilyop why is your tall strong ass the one grating cheese while y/n's tiny self is smashing the tomatoes?
emily starts laughing so hard that you look over at her. she gives you a look back before shaking her head, "yeah, nah, i don't know why i'm the one grating cheese. this is really not a good fit for me, huh?"
you look at her again, your brows furrowed as you stand there confused.
"ems, what are you talking about?" your arms are crossed across your chest. you come closer to her, looking at your phone to check the live comments. emily tries to turn you away from looking at the screen, laughing, "nothing, baby. people just don't get why your tinsy pinsy self is smashing tomatoes while my giant self is grating cheese."
the playful mocking in her tone makes you gasp. quick to slap her shoulder, she lets out an ow!
"babyyy, i didn't do anything," her tone sounds sad but emily is literally smiling at you and is so close to laughing that you can hear in her voice. "i was just reading the comments," is her excuse.
you slap her shoulder again before moving away from her. "yeah, sure. you're so innocent and totally didn't read it out on purpose. shut up and make the dough since you're so big and strong," you get out the ingredients needed or at least try to as emily follows you around the kitchen like a lost puppy. if you're trying to grab the oil out of the cabinet? she's blocking it. you're trying to get the yeast out? again emily is there blocking it. you try to push her away, hitting her on the shoulder again but she always just laughs.
"i get way worse fouls in games than that little hit, baby," she smirks at you. normally that smirk would be so attractive but you are so blinded by irritation but right now you are this close to kicking emily out of the kitchen.
you decide to go a different route than hitting. going straight for her stomach as you tickle her. emily nearly screams in surprise, almost knocking over a bunch of stuff, you two should have been cleaned, off of the counter as she tries to get away from you.
you stick out your tongue at her once she gets away. coming back over to your phone to check the comments.
"emily acts like a bad ass kid. oh, yeah, we all know that," you say. giggling once emily comes back close to you, her arms crossed across her chest.
"and i don't know why she's next to me right now trying to manipulate me into saying a compliment. you can cross your arms until the day you die, miss pretzel," you sass. laughing once she tries to tickle you but you dodge out of the way.
"babe, it's not fair! you got me!"
"you were in the way!"
"nuh uh."
"nuh huh!"
emily lets out a long sigh, frowning at your phone screen. "my girlfriend literally hates me right now guys," she says.
"do not. now be quiet and help me finish making this pizza. it's getting late." emily listens to you, finally taking the cooking seriously.
it takes way quicker now to finish up making the pizza that emily is acting like she got some sense. finally, emily moves away from the island so that she can slide the pizza in the oven while you talk to the live.
"alright guys, we are about to go lay on the couch and wait for this pizza to cook. emily has drained all of the energy out of me so i'm ending the live here. love you guys! thanks for paying attention to emily's annoying ass and me." emily is able to get in a wave before you cut off the live. shaking your head as you turn to face her. leaning against the kitchen island.
"what is it, baby?" she comes close, grabbing onto your hips.
"you're sleeping on the couch tonight," you say. leaning away once she tries to kiss you. easily getting out of her grasp this time, starting to walk over to the living room. emily still stands in the kitchen with her arms now crossed across her chest.
"and you can stop doing that crossing your arms across your chest shit! it doesn't work, baby," you shout, looking over your shoulder at her.
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author notes: this was actually mad fun to write 💪🏽💪🏽 hopefully you liked it because i put some effort into it.
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pepsiboyy · 10 hours
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pairing: chris sturniolo x fem!reader summary: where you and your best friend, chris, decide to relax for the night. warnings: smoking weed, cursing, kissingg a/n: hiii i hope this is ok to keep yall FED i feel like i fell off the face of the planet but im here i promise!! very short but i hope its fun<3 love u guys
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chris's tongue poked out from between his lips as he focused on rolling the joint in front of you both.
"chris, that looks like shit," you joked, a breathy chuckle escaping your lips as you did so.
chris shot you a smiling glare as he set it down. "fuck you, you'll still smoke it." he retorted, to which you had no response.
you both were sitting on the porch outside of the triplets' la home, the moonlight particularly bright tonight as you sat and conversed about various topics.
it all started with you talking about life. chris would tune in with some random bullshit he learned on tiktok, and it went back to serious mode. the conversation turned into one relating to relationships and love. something chris wasn't particularly fond of.
"i don't know, it's just weird. like i find it hard to even say i love you to people that i know i love. it's just hard."
you nodded softly. "it's hard throwing such an important word around with such heavy meaning that people think they can lift with no problems."
chris snapped his fingers as if you had just hit the jackpot. "exactly that," he pointed at you and smiled. "that's it. and probably just commitment too. taking the next step into something so much bigger than it needs to be." he muttered the last part.
"rock paper scissors for who hits this first?" chris smiled as he held out a hand, and you quickly did the same.
with your scissors sprawled out on your palm, chris gave you and his rock a defeated look before shrugging it off.
"okay, here." he gently placed the joint between your lips, smiling warmly at you as you took it.
"lighter," you stated, although muffled as you had the joint literally in your mouth.
chris gasped, as if he had forgotten, before going into his pocket and grabbing it. you reached for it, but failed as chris smacked your hand away and leaned forward himself, lighting the joint with a warm smile.
your eyes closed as you took in a deep breath, pulling the paper from your lips and exhaling softly. with the joint between your fingers, you passed it to chris with a soft smile. chris watched you for a few seconds before taking it into his own hands and taking a breath as well.
you both exchanged the joint a few more times before cleared his throat and spoke up.
"dude, i don't know if this is like.. stupid," he stated first and foremost, making you chuckle at him.
"chris, most the shit you say is. get on with it."
chris's jaw dropped dramatically before he giggled. "i don't know, man, i was just thinkin' like... you know all the stuff we said before about like takin' the next step," he mumbled a bit, and you watched him. chris turned to you again, smiling like a dork. "maybe we should?" he stated.
your eyes widened as your cheeks reddened. "chris-"
"but like... i know you're gonna say, 'no chris you're just high right now' but like i'm really not.." he rambled, making you chuckle.
"you're not right now?"
"not in the slightest," he defended matter-of-factly, his eyes tinged with a shade of pink as his eyelids struggled to open fully.
"chris, i.." you trailed off, your mind hazy from the drugs. you knew you felt the same, but you didn't want to ruin this moment.
"we don't have to talk about it now," chris stated quickly, or as quickly as he could, before he smiled goofily at you again. "but.. yunno.." he trailed off.
"no, chris, i don't know." you chuckled.
you hadn't even realized how close you two had been sitting, your faces inches apart, until chris had glanced down at your lips.
your cheeks reddened. you wanted this bad, and you felt like chris did. but your biggest fear was waking up in the morning to a regretful chris and a terrible rest of your day.
but all of your doubts left as you felt chris finally press his lips to yours. everything felt hazy, but it felt so right. the slight taste of the weed against his lips only made it feel more surreal, and the joint between your fingers had been long forgotten now.
chris pulled away after a few moments, his blue, lidded eyes fixated on yours before he noticed the joint between your fingers slipping. he quickly took it from you and smiled.
"there's some juice left in here," he smiled.
you looked at him and blinked a few times. "you can have it," you chuckled. "i'm starting to get a bit sleepy."
chris hummed in thought before he took in a soft breath from the joint. his hand moved to your jaw, where he gave you a light squeeze to open your mouth.
with your faces now inches apart, he leaned forward and blew the smoke into your mouth, his hand now gently grazing your jaw as he did so.
you had no idea what feeling you just felt in your stomach but you felt like you needed to go to the fucking hospital.
you breathed in the smoke he provided, smiling softly as you blew it out away from the two of you before planting one last kiss to his lips.
"let's go lay down in my room, yeah?" chris shot you a soft smile as he gently took your hand and intertwined your fingers.
and for the rest of the night, the two of you rested between one another's arms, knowing that neither of you would have any doubts in the morning to come.
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uniquexusposts · 1 day
The best friend - James Beaufort (3)
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Click here to go to part 2
Main characters: James Beaufort x reader Genre: fanfiction, fluff, TV show  Word count: 3547 Note: I just love writing for Maxton Hall. Pls hire me as a scriptwriter xx
Summary: from best friends to... more? When Y/N visits the last lacrosse game of James, things will take a turn
Y/N walked across the campus of Maxton Hall, her footsteps confident on familiar terrain. She wore a polite smile on her face, the kind that spoke of fond memories and an unspoken connection to this place. She had graduated from Maxton Hall just last year, but the school still felt like a second home.
As she made her way to the lacrosse field, where Maxton Hall was playing its last game before the winter break, she couldn't help but feel a wave of nostalgia wash over her. She greeted a few students when they greeted her. When Y/N arrived at the lacrosse field, she looked around; the game had already started. She expected to be on time, but she was not. Her eyes scanned the field and then the tribune, looking for familiar faces, and she smiled when she spotted Lydia. Y/N tried to blend in with her outfit, but her outfit didn’t match the uniform. However, Y/N was wearing a blue jeans, trainers, a shirt and a in-between coat, it didn’t even came close to the uniforms. 
“Hey, hey,” Y/N smiled when she sat beside Lydia and her friends.
“We were almost scared you wouldn’t make it,” Lydia said. “James wasn’t sure if you would make it.”
Y/N put her hands in her pockets and looked at the field. “There was so much traffic in town. But I’m here now.” Her eyes lit up when she spotted the blue jersey with the number 17 on it. “Did I miss anything?” 
Lydia chuckled. “Not much, just the usual. James is playing really well today, though.”
Y/N watched James skilfully manoeuvred the field, his movements fluid and confident.
“How are you?” Lydia asked. “Long time no see.” The girl looked at Y/N. Lydia had always looked up to Y/N, and she still did. Y/N had everything she didn’t have. Y/N had a gentle soul and a bright spirit, qualities that Lydia cherished. Lydia was blessed to have a friend like Y/N in her life. 
“I’m fine,” Y/N nodded. “Busy with work, making coffees and listening to those endless conversations of customers,” she said and looked at Lydia. “And how are you? Started on studying for the exams yet?” 
Lydia sighed dramatically, rolling her eyes. “Barely. It feels like there’s never enough time. Between the regular classes, family, Beaufort and trying to have a sort of social life, I’m barely keeping up.”
Y/N pressed her lips into a thin line and nodded. “Yeah, I’m glad I had it all last year,” she breathed. “But I’m happy to be here. I missed it here. I missed spending time here with you, at the field, the library… I feel like I entered an entirely different world now.” She nudged Lydia. “But you got this. You’re one of the smartest persons I know, Lyd.”
“Thanks, Y/N/N. If I have questions about anything related to exams, can I call you then?”
“Yes, of course! Even if they are not exams related.”
A grateful smile came on Lydia’s face. “Anyway, how are things going between you and James?” 
There had always been a special connection between Y/N and James. Lydia wasn’t the only one who noticed it. Everyone thought they would have been together by now, replacing the best friend title with girlfriend and boyfriend, but they were still lost in the best friend zone. 
A careful smile came on Y/N’s face; she knew what Lydia was trying to do: she was fishing for information, as always. “Just the usual,” she replied. “We barely have time to see each other. The last time I saw him was during the boat day. We FaceTime every now and then, but we’re both busy.” She crossed her arms in front of her chest. 
“Do you miss him?” 
Y/N’s eyes shot to Lydia, who was grinning. “Of course, I miss him. He’s my best friend, and we used to see each other daily. It’s the same as I miss you and all my other friends from here.”
“Uhu,” Lydia hummed and squinted her eyes. “Well, we miss you, too,” Lydia said. “Happy to see you here.”
They both focused on the game. Y/N found herself increasingly drawn to James. She couldn’t help but admire his dedication and skill. There was a moment when he scored a goal, and the crowd erupted in cheers. She widely smiled and looked around; it was just wonderful to see everyone go crazy: all for him. 
Since the boat day, something changed in Y/N, and something switched in her mind and heart. For weeks, she doubted. Y/N and James grew up together; they knew each other from when they were eight years old. She wasn’t exactly sure when it happened. Or even when it started. It could be the day on the boat, it could be before that day, it could be after that day. But she started to realise that she was falling hard for him right here and now. And she could only hope that he was feeling the same way. She wouldn’t tell him about her feelings. She didn’t want to give up their friendship because of her stupid feelings. 
Y/N bit on the inside of her cheek when she felt her cheeks heating up. She could feel Lydia’s eyes burning on her face, but she stared in front of her. She could see Lydia smile from the corner of her eye. 
“Ah, miss Y/L/N! What a surprise to see you here,” Principal Lexington said when he spotted a former student on the tribune. “How have you been? What are you doing now?” 
The right timing, Y/N thought. She engaged in the conversation with Lexington and shared some life updates while looking at the game occasionally. Y/N knew Lexington was being extra kind to her since her parents were paying a lot of extra money at Maxton Hall, even more than the Beaufort’s. 
The final whistle blew, signaling the end of the game. Maxton Hall had won, and the players celebrated on the field. The people in the stands also started to cheer; their team had won. Y/N and Lydia walked down the steps of the stands and headed to the side of the field. 
Everyone in the team took off their helmets and laughed with each other. It was a messy game, but so much fun. James looked towards the side of the field, hoping to see one person. His face lit up when he was Y/N, talking to Lydia. He jogged over with a brilliant smile on his face, his blue jersey clinging to his frame, sweat glistening on his skin. His hair was messy. His eyes sparkled with excitement and pride. 
“Hey,” he said surprised. “You made it.” He dropped his helmet on the grass. “I want to hug you, but…” He looked down, looking at his dirty and sweaty jersey. 
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Y/N replied, holding up her hand. 
James gave her a high five instead of a hug. Their gaze met, and they widely smiled. He waved his fingers together and held her hand for a few seconds before letting it go. “Are you cold?” he pointed at her red cheeks. Y/N and cold? Not a great combo. James knew she was cold when she had red cheeks, kind of like blushing. 
“A little,” she shrugged. 
He looked at Lydia, but she grinned and shook her head. James nodded and walked to his bag. He grabbed a hoodie and handed it over to Y/N. “Here,” he gave her his hoodie. 
“Ey, Beaufort!” 
James glanced over his shoulder and saw his teammates grinning and waiting for him. He turned back to Y/N. “I’ll see you in the canteen, Y/N/N,” he said warmly. Then, he jogged back to his team, who were all whooping and cheering. “I’m coming, I’m coming,” he laughed.
Y/N watched him go, her heart fluttering. His smile lingered in her mind, and she couldn’t help but feel a twinge of longing. But she quickly recovered and looked at Lydia, who looked away. They decided to go to the canteen and wait for the team there, since it started to drizzle. 
As everyone returned to the main building, many greeted Y/N and Lydia. Y/N's time at Maxton Hall had left a lasting impression; she was a familiar face to students and staff. She carried a name everybody knew, not because she stood out dramatically, but because she had a quiet, magnetic presence that drew people to her. She was popular in a way that didn't rely on drama or trouble, quite the opposite of James, who had a knack for getting into mischief.
The contrast between Y/N and James had always intrigued people. Their friendship was like yin and yang; she was the calm, composed one, while he was the lively, unpredictable spirit. Their dynamic was amusing and fascinating to those who watched them navigate their school years together. Some saw them as the perfect couple; Y/N was a beauty, and James… You just fell for James. 
Once inside the canteen, the warmth and noise enveloped them. Students and faculty were milling about, celebrating the victory and catching up with one another. A group of students waved and called out as Y/N and Lydia passed by. Y/N returned their greetings with a warm smile, her presence lighting up their faces. Lydia also smiled. 
“Sometimes… I feel like we are royalty. I imagine myself moving, smiling and talking like a royal,” Y/N smirked and found a free spot at a long table in the middle of the canteen. She removed her coat and slid on James's hoodie, trying not to react to its familiar, comforting scent.
Lydia laughed and took off her coat as well. “Look at yourself,” she replied dramatically, tossing a piece of hair over her shoulder. “No, I get you. Long live the media training we had.”
Even though Y/N didn’t have to deal with the same media pressure as James and Lydia, she still had to attend media training this summer. Well, it was more like she wanted to do it. Y/N’s brother had to do it, and he asked Y/N to join him. Luckily, it was interesting, and Y/N also learned a lot from it. 
Lydia and Y/N talked about some fashion and beauty trends to kill time. It seemed like forever for the boys to arrive at the canteen. To Y/N, it felt like yesterday, she started her final year at Maxton Hall. She was one year above James and Lydia, while Y/N wasn’t that much older than them. They all had their own friends but still found each other during breaks to hang out. 
Finally, the doors to the canteen burst open, and the entire lacrosse team entered. The peaceful hum of conversation was replaced by the loud chatter and laughter of victorious players. Everyone walked to the long table Lydia and Y/N had claimed and sat down with more friends. Lydia got up and moved to another chair to let James sit beside Y/N. 
“Looks good on you,” James winked while sitting beside Y/N. 
Y/N’s lips curved into a smile. “Congratulations, you were amazing. That goal, though,” she said impressively. 
He placed his arm on the backrest of her chair and satisfyingly smiled. “Thank you, thank you,” he said with a broad smile, still slightly flushed from the game. “I didn’t see you when we started. When did you arrive?”
“Just missed the start,” she said and shrugged. “The traffic was drama.”
James moved close to her face. “I almost thought you forgot it,” he whispered. 
Y/N turned her head to him. His face was close. “Never,” she replied. “And even if I had to, I would let you know.”
They were talking about the game and later moved on to other topics like work, school, and other things. They hadn’t seen each other for over two months, and even though they FaceTimed, they had to catch up on a lot of things. 
Across from Y/N and James, his friends and Lydia were looking at him, laughing and talking in ways they hadn’t seen before. James seemed so happy to talk to Y/N and couldn’t stop smiling. Y/N was always smiling, but this smile meant more. 
“They say they are best friends, ‘just friends’, but literally everyone who ever looked at them when being together, like now, just knows they are something more. It’s so fucking obvious they had fallen for each other, but they just don’t admit it. Look at her; the way she looks at him is like he is her world, and the way he smiles is just happiness when he looks at her. And he barely smiles this happy,” Alistair said. 
Eyebrows around him raised. “Did you really say that?” Wren asked. 
“How poetic, didn’t know you had that in you,” Cyril added, taking a sip from his drink. 
Alistair sighed and shook his head. “Do I see things wrong, then?” 
“No,” Cyril smirked. “They’re both so fucking blind.” He looked at Lydia, who seemed to agree with everything the boys said. “Would it be a problem if they get together?”
Lydia took a moment to think. “I don’t think so. She has the name. And our families do businesses.” She leaned back on her chair. “However…” She squinted her eyes. “I don’t see Y/N being part of Beaufort or Y/L/N. Her brother is going for Y/L/N because he wants to. Y/N doesn’t have to do so…”
“Thanks for your technical opinion,” Cyril replied. “But they are allowed to get together. Where are we waiting for?” 
“Let them be. They’re close. Give them just a few more days, possibly hours,” she responded. 
As the afternoon progressed, the energy in the canteen remained high. Cyril and Wren planned a party tonight to celebrate their win and the beginning of the winter stop. 
“Y/N—” Cyril started but paused when he saw Y/N yawn. He raised an eyebrow, and she felt caught. “You are invited to the party tonight. So be there.”
James looked at her, smiling, hoping that she would join. It had been a while since she attended a party.
“I’d love to,” Y/N said, dodging another yawn. “But I’m passing.”
“Y/N…” several people protested in unison.
“I’ve been awake since five o’clock this morning and worked five days this week. Don’t mind me,” she defended herself. “But go party. You do you. Have fun.”
James’s smile faltered slightly. He understood her exhaustion but had hoped she’d be there. He reached out and gently touched her arm. She looked at him. “Are you sure? We can go home, and you can take a power nap,” he softly said. 
She bit her lip, reconsidering her decision. “I’m passing… But you should go. I will be there next time, I promise,” she smiled. “I just don’t feel like it today.” She looked back at the boys. “Next time, amigos.”
“Next week,” Cyril said. “Put it in your agenda. You show up, okay? No excuses.” He pointed at her. 
Lydia sighed. “If she doesn’t want to go, she doesn’t have to go.”
“I’ll be there next week,” Y/N said, grabbing her phone. She looked gratefully at Lydia. With just a few clicks, she added the event to her agenda. “You guys go and have a blast. I’ll catch up with you soon, but I’m going home now.” She got up and grabbed her coat. 
James looked at her. “I will bring you home,” he offered and got up as well. Y/N parted her lips, ready to say that she had her own car, but he shared that one look; the look that it was his decision and nothing could change it. “I will see you, boys,” he said. 
“You will be there tonight, Beaufort,” Wren sternly said. 
James walked away with Y/N on his side, throwing his hand in the air, but not saying anything. He wrapped his arm around Y/N’s shoulders and lightly grinned when Y/N wrapped her arm around his waist. With his other arm, he threw his back over his shoulder. Together, they walked through the halls of the school to the parking lot. 
“I drove myself to here,” Y/N reminded him. 
“Uhu,” he hummed. “I know.”
They walked in comfortable silence, the echoes of their footsteps filling the empty corridors. James's presence felt reassuring and warm, and Y/N found herself leaning slightly into him as they moved. Within minutes, they were standing next to Y/N’s car. Well, her parents’ car. 
“Last time, you drove. Now it’s my turn,” he said. 
She squeezed her eyebrows together and looked confused at him. “Aren’t you supposed to go to that party? You’re the star of the show, after all.” She was searching for the keys in the pockets of her coat. 
“I just heard there’s also a party next week, with my star on my side,” he replied and snatched the keys out of her hand. He opened the trunk of the car and threw his stuff in it. “There are more parties. They can party without me.”
“Who are you, and what did you do to James Beaufort?” Y/N crossed her arms in front of her chest, tilting her head. “Since when do you say no to a party?”
James smirked, his eyes twinkling with mischief. “Since I want to spend time with you,” he casually replied. “I haven’t seen you for ages.”
Y/N blinked in surprise, the playful banter catching her off guard. “Really?” she asked, a hint of scepticism in her voice. “What happened to the party animal I know?”
James stepped closer, his expression softening. “Sometimes priorities change,” he said quietly. “And right now, you’re my priority.”
Before she could respond, he cupped her face gently, his touch warm against her skin. Without hesitation, he leaned in and kissed her. It was a soft, lingering kiss, filled with all the unspoken feelings that had been building between them for years. He pulled back and looked at her with a wide smile, while she stood still, processing what had just happened. Her arms hung limply by her sides, her heart racing in her chest.
James smirked, stepped away, and walked around the car to get in. Y/N just stared ahead, blinking a few times as she tried to comprehend the moment. Her fingers reached for her lips, where he had been just seconds ago. The warmth of his kiss lingered, sending a shiver down her spine.
Suddenly, the sound of footsteps approaching pulled her from her thoughts. She glanced towards the school entrance; his friends and Lydia were standing there, all looking shocked and impressed at the same time. It meant that they saw it happening. Y/N’s jaw dropped, and she looked at them. Then she covered her mouth with her hand. They all laughed at her reaction. She covered her entire face when she felt she was blushing. Y/N took a deep breath and walked to the passenger’s side of the car. 
“Take him, Y/N,” Wren said on an average volume, but Y/N still could hear him. 
Her eyes shot up to the boys, Lydia and everyone else standing there. They were all grinning. Alistair stomped on Wren’s foot, likely as a signal to give them some privacy. Y/N quickly stepped into the car, closing the door behind her. James sat relaxed, trying to act like nothing had happened, but the blush creeping up his cheeks betrayed him. It was a sight Y/N had never seen before; James Beaufort, blushing.
She bit her lip, trying to process the moment. James swallowed hard and turned to look at her. When their gazes met, both their expressions straightened, the weight of the situation settling between them.
Without another word, Y/N leaned in and kissed him once again. This time, it wasn’t out of surprise or uncertainty; it was deliberate, a confirmation that they were on the same page. The kiss was gentle yet filled with a new intensity, a silent agreement that whatever was between them was real and worth exploring.
James responded instantly, his hand finding the back of her neck, pulling her closer. When they finally pulled away, both of them were breathing heavily, their foreheads resting against each other. 
"I've wanted to do that for so long," he confessed, his breath warm against her lips.
A smile tugged at the corners of Y/N's mouth, her heart soaring at his words. "Me, too," she admitted softly, her voice filled with the same depth of emotion.
Taglist: @notacoffeedrinker @tvshowgirl81 @crashingwavesofeuphoria @maryvibess @chocolatefartstrawberry
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seaglassdinosaur · 4 months
I know we collectively agree that Hiccup isn’t romantically inclined, and his getting married and having kids didn’t make sense in the epilogue, but consider: Hiccup getting married for political reasons.
It’s a marriage of alliance, which is recognized both by him and his partner, and they enter it without expectations of romantic involvement. Since they’re now married, they live in the same castle, spend time together, and Hiccup finds he really likes his spouse. They’re funny, get along with his friends, and has the same interests and values. They both probably speak multiple languages. She understands why Hiccup is so dedicated to making the Wilderwest better, and holds similar views. She’s a good politician (her job after all, was to be an ambassador). Hiccup likes spending time with them, and the feeling is mutual. They’re not in love, they have their own lives, but they’re dedicated to each other and eventually decide to raise children. They teach their kids how to train hawks and hunt with dragons, riding, history, the Languages, and all the necessary skills of their world. They’re not in love and they’re happy together.
#pushing the aromantic hiccup agenda and also the queerplatonic agenda#as much as the idea of hiccup getting married was always a little off to me it was more the romantic angle#which I why I like the idea of a marriage of alliance and a partner who understands that#and then of course the montage of them being a good team and getting along#and going ‘yeah I like this person. I think this is the person I want to spend my life with.’#also a) a lot of arranged political marriages did have the foreign spouse function as an ambassador#b) polyglot hiccup is canon and I think it would be neat if his spouse was as well. it is a marriage alliance after all.#she isn’t from the small area of berm#(actually give all the Vikings regional accents. I think it’s neat)#c) she/they because I didn’t feel firmly about the partner’s gender and the nords were pretty gender diverse#anyway I think the partner would probably be fond of the library and admire hiccup got it open way back when#get along with Fishlegs and camicazi well enough#and enjoy dramatic stories of their adventures. maybe have some of her own#also: normalize people having their own lives outside their partners. hiccup and they are happy together but also have their own friends#oh and you know hiccup would be a great dad. he loves Stoick but he would so much be the dad he wished he had growing up#are the kids bio related? are they adopted (cast off and No Names)? who knows!#I could build in my head what hiccup’s spouse is like but I’ll leave it here#they exist as we construct them#httyd#httyd books#my post#book!hiccup#hiccup the third#hiccup horrendous haddock iii#book hiccup
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hella1975 · 8 months
your sokka is SO sokka and i say this as someone who holds him so dear ur writing of him is amazing. tbh im sooo fussy with his portrayal but its pretty nailed. like so many fics (esp zukka and zuko centric and ESPECIALLY ones where hakoda like adopts zuko) he's constantly pushed to the side in favour of zukos issues and zukos problems when in reality sokka is very hurt himself and has suffered a lot. man i GET taob sokka i really do bc people seem to think he was a lil mean but nobody seems to realise when you're in sokkas position it would've read like everyone was against you. all the swt men, including his dad who snapped at him, and even katara and aang and suki tell him to give zuko a chance and the fact that they were trusting someone who had hurt all of them so much- because yes WE know zuko wouldn't have killed them, but the gaang didn't. not when they were being chased and terrorised, and when sokka had his trust betrayed in the prison, he had absolutely every right to hate zuko, esp when it felt like everyone who he thought would understand his feelings, including his own dad who had been hiding his relationship with zuko from him, seems against him. his conversation with hakoda was probably my favourite scene in taob just bc he was allowed to feel like that without being treated by the narrative as someone just being mean to poor little zuko. he gets to be a sourpuss and angry and jealous at zuko for feeling like hed been replaced by his own dad. all of the water tribe men get this treatment like they're not written as bad people for being wary or disliking zuko initially (even chena despite being enemy no.1 at the start). his convo with hakoda was so important bc it stressed the detail that yes zuko has suffered and deserves to be cared for but SOKKA is his son, his actual child who is so hard on himself for things out of his control and who has hurt so much and deserves just as much as zuko does. sokka is just a baby my boy. he's not the main character but he's just as complex and intricate as zuko, not just in taob but also for the times we have seen him in tams there's been keen detail to his emotion and how he's feeling pointed out
me rn
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#BESTIEEEEEEEEE YOU GET IT <333#like ik the atla fandom including unfortunately some taob locals are generally AWFUL with sokka when zuko is involved#but it really was only a handful of taob readers esp in the grand scheme and i do want to clarify that#but now we're on the same page. OH MY GOD WHEN I SAY I WANTED TO PHYSICALLY FIGHT SOME PEOPLE#JUST THE SHAMELESS FAVOURITISM??? THE EXPECTATION THAT I TREAT A CHARACTER AS SOMETHING NOT-HUMAN BC THEY HAPPEN TO BE MEAN TO THEIR FAVE??#like idc if zuko means a lot to you!! idc if it's sad seeing people be mean to him bc you relate to him so much!!#id be a terrible writer if i treated the other characters as planets in zuko's orbit. THEY dont know they're in his story#and sokka is a fucking sixteen year old. like come on i get mad when people do the same with chena being a dick to zuko#but at least he's a grown man. sokka is a TEENAGER. even if he was being irrational that would be completely fair#bc teenagers ARE FAMOUSLOY IRRATIONAL!?!?!?! GO OUTSIDE??!?!?!!?#anyway. im so normal about this topic and hold noooo grudges not any haha#remembering when someone commeted saying me personally as a real life person i was insidious and evil for insinuating#that adopted children arent worth as much as biological children and i should NEVER adopt bc im clearly the Worst#when that is not only an insane thing to say to a stranger on the internet but also. not what happened#hakoda never adopted zuko. that's a joke made in fandom. jokes are when people say untrue things for comedic affect#adoption is an actual official process of willingly and actively bringing a child into your family#NOT taking some teenage symbol of your culture's oppression as a prisoner and unwillingly growing attached#and now he's someone you're fond of and feel protective over as is natural of an adult towards a hurting child#but your actual son feels replaced and it's especially cutting bc of aforementioned symbol of your culture's oppression#and also this specific kid was a dick to him. like as a pretty notable part of his character he was a dick to him#so you reassure him bc that is your actual real life son. yeah?#are we on the same page? are we good? please i dont know how much more i can take-#taob asks#ask
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merrilark · 11 months
i am quietly begging people to stop throwing around the term "sociopath" for any character who holds others at an arm's length or appears emotionally closed off.
nine outta ten times it's trauma and self-preservation, not sociopathy.
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soldier-poet-king · 1 year
Got asked for my professional opinion today on a complex legal issue by a much senior coworker 😭🥺 on the basis of my response, i got asked to join in on a meeting with some higher ups to explain what I had explained to said coworker 😭🥺 I am going to get a good grade in Career and Being Smart, something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve
#alas my boss isnt here today to see how smart and competent i am when ppl as abt stuff I actually know abt#im sorry. i find thid one weird niche legal thing. SO INTERESTING#it was a sort or coworker who asked. shes also an archivist. but soon to be retired. and for a related but separate org#but our offices our next to each other#and i got to be smart and competent:)#nothing like riding that high of being extremely knowledgeable abt random specific things#its like. the same high i got from being in school#i DONT miss writing a billion essays a term. i DO miss positive reinforcement and academic approvak#since academics is the only thing i was ever good at#yes yes gifted kid burnout but more like. i was a poorly adjusted mental ill kid but i did Good In School tm#so no one ever bothered to help me. and now academics are the only way o can feel valued#I LOVE BEING COMPETENT AND SMART.#there i said it. i AM a horrible prideful gremlin#and its been a year since grad and thats the longest I've ever gone without teacher/professor approval#im dying. need me some external validation#i am goid at what i do. there i. said jt#i am a good information professional. i like metatdata. and finnicky digital files. and obscured IP issues that only affect#*affect very certain types of fonds#I EVEN LIKED REWRITING A LEGAL DEED#who have i become. alternate universe me was a bureaucrat. im so sorry. i love paperwork#and i love being PRECISE. everything needs to be finnicky and exact and say what it means and mean what it says#and it all has to be in service of smthn bigger and greater and more good#ironically. in my personal time. i am. messy lil bitch. but theres no room for finnicky wordsmith puzzles irl#i like this far more as a job.#sorry rae we were just talking abt how u hate medical records management and here i am like. 😍😍😍 legal issues in archives
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toestalucia · 3 months
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this tagline...T_^ thinks about how main story alrdy referenced other timelines such as boundary power captain & like all of the events currently on the anni page? isnt only the sara & cagliostro events missing? along with all the different jobs, like its ssooo cheesy but i alrdy rly loved that they rly do lean into the timeline thing with 'everyone experiences granblue differently', so seeing this...regardless of the intention of it
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the-eclectic-wonderer · 2 months
Saw your reblog of the fic ask post so here I am, asking you about your fics 😂 what's the work you most love rereading (if you reread your own fics)? And is there any particular line that you wrote recently that you're proud of/particularly happy about?
Aaa thank you!!!
I do reread my fics, yes! My favourite changes from moment to moment – it depends on how much time I have and what I'm in the mood to read :) Just a couple of days ago I reread Home is where your family is and had a lovely time (I can confirm I'm still the biggest fan of Home Again, Rose!).
As for the lines, I don't want to spoil anything from my WIPs (one of them should be published either tomorrow or Thursday!), so I hope you won't mind if they're not very recent – and if I choose more than one!
I'm still really proud of this passage from i hope you do believe me / i've given you my heart:
"She pauses, waiting for Dorothy’s attention – not that it’s necessary: Dorothy has been paying attention to her all afternoon long. She’s hit with the sudden certainty that Dorothy’s never stopped paying attention to her, ever, not since that day a couple of years ago when she first walked into their home."
And I'd also like to quote this passage from the first fic I've ever posted on AO3, the sky is set to burst / the gold and the rust / the colour erupts:
"Eventually, this simple thought will become part of Aziraphale’s own happiness, another thread simply woven in the soft blanket of their love, warming his very being for all eternity. Right now, however, his mind is busy turning his world on its axis – so the warmth he feels is more similar to the heat of a thousand suns, lighting up his essence to the point where he can barely contain it. It comes out in a brilliant smile of his own and in a pang of something warm and nostalgic around his throat, and Aziraphale wonders – not for the first time – why the physical manifestations of great happiness and great sadness are so often the same, when the two feelings themselves are completely different. Because he might be tearing up, but there is not doubt in his mind that this is the greatest happiness he’s ever felt – after all, what greater happiness is there than being a source of happiness for your beloved?"
I'm sorry – I know it's more than one line, but I just love the passage so much! Possibly because that fic marked my return to writing after more than a decade of silence. I might be just a bit emotional about it.
Thank you so much for the ask, this was great fun!! <3
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booasaur · 2 years
am i the only one who read that exchange as lucy messing with kate for thinking lucy showed up at the office only wearing one boot and taking her "backup shoe" comment so literally. like lucy loves teasing kate for always going with the most literal interpretation of what someone says (see: pineapple. like the fruit? and ernie's serenade advice). idk either way worth it for kate questioning all of her life decisions in the last gif
Ohhh, well, I certainly didn't think of that... She played it so straight, usually when she's teasing, it's quite obvious, but she never broke on that one. Honestly, though, her joking would make more sense because I still don't get it. How did she know?? THAT's the question people should have asked during the live!
I love, though, that we got both this
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and this
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in the same scene. The perfect couple. :P
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cjestie · 5 months
the thing with the new pjo show is it really is quite good you just have to divorce it from the books and then you're good👍
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ricoka · 5 months
I know it's constant ups and downs with me and my art lol but I saw one of my earliest fanarts for Capri and yeah, I genuinely did improve since then at least lmaooo I think I made the actual first one private but that one is still out there, visualising my journey, haunting me
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noxtivagus · 1 year
i'm thinking of hermes again gahhh HIS CHARACTER IS SO INTERESTING TO ME I LOVE HIM
#🌙.rambles#[ ffxiv. ]#despite my fondness for his character. i really don't agree w what he ultimately did#though i probably strongly relate if i was in his shoes i may be compelled to just. bring about the end of the world as well 💀#he cld've found another way to. deal w his suffering? but.. it rlly must've been lonely tho i think. to be different in. such a society.#it's. interesting rlly. bcs the ppl of etheirys generally think death is beautiful. in a way#once they've fulfilled their duty sufficiently they go to die n they say it is beautiful#hermes though.. sees death everyday w the animals. sees how they r afraid of it. of how they want to live#etheirys is so flawed. no wonder hermes was that way n. he's undeniably flawed as a person too#hermes is. an emotional n sensitive character i think. good at heart. but#god that line in the first part of yk '...until what remained could be molded into a socially acceptable shape.' i think that says a lot#hermes is v special to me bcs. idk wtf i really realize i am drawn to characters that.. i think i cld. help in some way. want to help#sob imagine how interesting n fun it wld be to aid hermes in his research#i really don't know how to phrase it but much of hermes' character is bcs of the society of etheirys#i saw this on twt too n.. i really do like to believe that after that incident in ktisis. he eventually made his peace w their mortality#it just. makes me a bit sad how he threw all of that away to be a part of his society in a way#i wish he.. cld've held on a bit tighter to himself. i don't think his emotion or his sensitivity or empathy was ever weak#but i think. it hurt being alone. feeling different. being faced w such an inevitable end n.. yeah#i really think that if he weren't alone in his suffering then he'd be so much more diferent.#aaaa he's a v special character to me indeed :^) i wish he lived at least. to see where his answers led#sob i need closure still i wish his soul wld converse w the wol or smth. but. 'a question of life'.. his side story perhaps is enough#still. i rlly want to give him a long warm hug n all the love in the world 😔#fandaniel in extension is also a rlly interesting character to me. with amon.. 'hermes wld weep at the man i have become'#or something like that. honestly hermes rlly is a good person at heart but.. yeah :^)#i really loved how endwalker even moreso than shb yk. challenged morality. blurred the lines even further#hermes' actions brought end to so much & caused so much suffering too BUT if he wasn't suffering himself then it wldn't have happened#to put it in one simple way at least. from my own perspective. his actions rn't justified still but they can be understood. i understand.#the way they.. treated the animals as lesser n how many of the amaurotines didn't care much for their lives.#hermes rlly is empathetic i think. &.. lonely? yeah. n arrogance was one of the downfalls of etheirys in a way. imho#yh there's a lot i cld say abt this but i think this is. good enough for now ><
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theculturedmarxist · 2 years
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>First, we’ve discovered that about a quarter of all the internet connection in or out of the house were ad related. In a few hours, that’s about 10,000 out of 40,000 processed.
>We also discovered that every link on Twitter was blocked. This was solved by whitelisting the https://t.co domain.
>Once out browsing the Web, everything is loading pretty much instantly. It turns out most of that Page Loading malarkey we’ve been accustomed to is related to sites running auctions to sell Ad space to show you before the page loads. All gone now.
>We then found that the Samsung TV (which I really like) is very fond of yapping all about itself to Samsung HQ. All stopped now. No sign of any breakages in its function, so I’m happy enough with that.
>The primary source of distress came from the habitual Lemmings player in the house, who found they could no longer watch ads to build up their in-app gold. A workaround is being considered for this.
>The next ambition is to advance the Ad blocking so that it seamlessly removed YouTube Ads. This is the subject of ongoing research, and tinkering continues. All in all, a very successful experiment.
>Certainly this exceeds my equivalent childhood project of disassembling and assembling our rotary dial telephone. A project whose only utility was finding out how to make the phone ring when nobody was calling.
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>Update: All4 on the telly appears not to have any ads any more. Goodbye Arnold Clarke!
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>Lemmings problem now solved.
>Can confirm, after small tests, that RTÉ Player ads are now gone and the player on the phone is now just delivering swift, ad free streams at first click.
>Some queries along the lines of “Are you not stealing the internet?” Firstly, this is my network, so I may set it up as I please (or, you know, my son can do it and I can give him a stupid thumbs up in response). But there is a wider question, based on the ads=internet model.
>I’m afraid I passed the You Wouldn’t Download A Car point back when I first installed ad-blocking plug-ins on a browser. But consider my chatty TV. Individual consumer choice is not the method of addressing pervasive commercial surveillance.
>Should I feel morally obliged not to mute the TV when the ads come on? No, this is a standing tension- a clash of interests. But I think my interest in my family not being under intrusive or covert surveillance at home is superior to the ad company’s wish to profile them.
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>Aside: 24 hours of Pi Hole stats suggests that Samsung TVs are very chatty. 14,170 chats a day.
>YouTube blocking seems difficult, as the ads usually come from the same domain as the videos. Haven’t tried it, but all of the content can also be delivered from a no-cookies version of the YouTube domain, which doesn’t have the ads. I have asked my son to poke at that idea.
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