#so just solidarian
mcytships · 1 month
Finding eachother in every lifetime (so he can torment him)
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b3l0v3dzz · 5 months
I see people call Jimmy & Grian + Pearl siblings but in my head Grian and Pearl are twins and Jimmy is their childhood friend who they know super well and tease but they’re not actually siblings nor do they consider each other siblings
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sunnyyfruit · 1 month
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not my favorite ship, but I did have to draw them <3
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mcytshippystuff · 1 year
Grian/Jimmy ship name
This is my petition to make their ship name officially Solidrian!
They are a niche ship but as more people get more familiar with them, specially after limited life, the ship is gonna get more popular. Rn I'm mostly seeing it context of Poly Bad Boys but while I often see Gribeans (Grian/Joel), Smallidairty (Joel and Jimmy), and sometimes mentioned as Smallidarian (Joel/Jimmy/Grian, also known as Poly Bad Boys or BadBoyFriends, which has other stuff in the tag with actual bad boyfriends and abuse so I wouldn't use it) tagged in posts as well, I never see Grian/Jimmy tagged in. This is mostly becuase its a rareship and we haven't really??? figured out a common ship name for them, only recently having a uptick in shippers, and also iv noticed most people tend to lean more towards a brotherly relationship, which is very valid! And sometimes in Poly Bad Boys, people do actually have both Grian and Jimmy dating Joel but not each other, which is also very valid, and is another reason why its not tagged. 
But if your like me who slowly started seeing a different opportunity shipping wise and want them to make out or maybe you only just recently were introduced to them and fell for their dynamics without real knowledge of their past interactions and want them to make out; I think its really time to find a proper shipping tag so not only can people who want to indulge in the ship can find it, but also so those who not want to see it can block it out!
And now, I hear you say, but why Solidrian? Well first Grimmy and Grimy which iv seen suggested once or twice has a solid argument by other people; Its tag is already used by others! I think there's a famous person who goes by Grimmy and also just its a common thing. Second is Solidaritian, which iv seen offered once or twice, which I think has potential but its just a bit clunky and long. And Tian or Sian is neat but they’re just names and/or just too short lol. Griandarity is fine but tbh I try and avoid names that contain the whole name of the person? That's just me but I just dont like it. Plus its also a bit clunky.
Hence, Solidrian. Its easy to say, has a nice ring to it, isn't too long or too short, and as far as I'm aware the tag is EMPTY! And that is why, overall, I think this should be the new common ship tag name. Let me know your thoughts and if you hate/love it. If you ship this, please use the name! Tag it with #solidrian and if you know someone who ships it but doesn't know/have a name idea, ask them to use it! 
Thank you for your consideration, I look forward to hopefully seeing works and art and posts in the #solidrian tag and getting my sweet sweet Grian/Jimmy shipping fix. 
And as always, if you dont like this ship, please either ignore or block and MOVE ON. Your ship is not my ship and that's okay! If I see dynamics differently, that's for me to decide. You will be blocked if you try to start arguments about the ship not being okay or “wrong” becuase your perceived notions of their dynamic. And if you get on my case for shipping at all- Bruhhh I'm not in the main tags dont complain if you came looking for it. 
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lesbiansiffrin · 4 months
finished that solidarian one shot
@fagdykegtws thank you for inspiration silly :3
It was dark, cold, and quite frankly, terrifying out on Bread Bridge all alone. Grian would never admit that though. At least not to Jimmy and Joel. He didn’t particularly like the idea of sharing his fears, he didn’t want them exploited, even if he knew his fellow Bad Boys wouldn’t do that to him.
At least he thinks so.
They would, wouldn’t they? At some point, if they remembered Limited Life next time.
”Jimmy couldn't though, could he?” Grian laughed, remembering the canary person’s pathetic attempt at… well everything, honestly.
As if he summoned him, Jimmy came wandering over to Grian, surprising him and causing him to almost fall off the bridge entirely.
“OH JEEZ-“ Jimmy yelped as he jumped back, “I didn’t know you were out here! Wait, why are you out here? It’s so cold and windy-“
”I like that.” Grian interrupted him, giving Jimmy an incredibly annoyed glare. Jimmy did not pay attention to this, of course. “Well, you’re gonna catch a cold! I’ll fetch some blankets.”
”WH-? NO! I’m FINE!” Grian sighed as he realized Jimmy was out of hearing range.
After a little waiting, and staring down at the ground so far away from him, Grian finally heard Jimmy scrambling back towards him. Jimmy proceeded to wordlessly create a makeshift nest out of blankets. Jimmy happily flared his yellow wings. Grian just looked in confusion; what was he planning? 
“Come here,” he said, gesturing Grian over.
“Why would I-“ Jimmy wasn’t taking no, he swiftly pulled him in with his wings. Grian, processing what was happening, tried to jump up, and ultimately failed, and just gave up. All he could see was wings, it was dark, but warm. He couldn’t tell if he liked this. The last time anything like this happened, Grian ended up killing them in a cactus ring. He couldn’t remember who it was though. He was lost in thought for some time, mostly shocked, but he’d started to calm down, and even get comfortable. Jimmy was still awake, keeping  watch over the bridge. After about an hour, Grian fell asleep, the first peaceful sleep he’d had for as long as he could remember, and even longer.
This happened just about everyday, until one. 
He should know this by now,
The canary falls first.
Every. time.
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imalazypandaaa · 7 months
I love you (I'm just scared) - Solidarian, Life Series/Empires 2
"Grian was devoted to Scar, it was literally the whole point of their paring and Jimmy was married to Scott. Sure it was a joke but that still meant something. Something Grian knew he could never even live up too. If they were both devoted to their partners then why did this feel so right? A red and a green laying on the ground in the forest, watching the stars, hands intertwined, far away from everyone else." -Or- 5 times Jimmy tell Grian he loves him and the 1 time Grian says it back.
I had to feed the Solidarian fans, they're lonely and starved! 💔/hj
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girljimmyenjoyer · 4 months
Jimmy/Grian for the ask game? I cant remember their ship name atm help-
Oh, solidarian, my beloved. My little guys. Grians brand of jimmy teasing is really cute to me but like. I think it's obvious he also cares about jimmy sometimes. So it's just. Dare I say tsundere grian is an option. Is that too cringe. But yeah I think they're really good. Also my go to ship for like. Comfort drawings and drabbles.
I guess my unpopular opinion is that they're not related-
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omgitsbeewave · 7 months
hi i saw the post you rb about taking to someone so hi!
if you’d like could you rank your favorite jimmy ships?
i’d also like to add that i love your art its so cute aaaaa
omg, hi, hiii!!! i just really like to talk to people but i'm little tired of capturing other blogs like i used to bc rn my little goal is to make cool designs for royal au and theres no interesting stuff i could just say without someone asking me about it
ooooh, ranking is cool! for me, as you can tell, solidaritimes is the most important one. i have them in many aus even if its just "they was learning how to kiss on each other in the middle school under the staircase bc jimmy was too awkward to tell scott that he doesn't know how to kiss" or a literal au where scar is stuck on empires smp season two bc grian felt betrayed
also my favorite one is zedlidarity c: they are so cool, i have three aus with them (i still like team blossom + jimmy, they are adorable). zed is more bold i may say in what he talk and do and butt jokes are funny from him, okay
the next one... ranchers. im not talking about them a lot (but im doing them in royal au) but they are cute, especially compared to other jimmy ships and how people treat jimmy... tango is a good guy
skizzledarity. yes, im calling them by this name. they are something between zedlidarity and ranchers, i like them but mostly neutral, tho i drew them so yeah
solidarian. i have some guys that ship them. i mostly see them as brothers, but i could see them as lovers too (not brothers then), i drew them as well
neutral for me - impulse/jimmy bc im mostly scarpulse person, sorry. mirror birds, romeo ships them, i think they could be cute but im not doing anything with martyn at all. jimmy/mumbo, jimmy/etho, jimmy/bigb are all the same, im not so interested in this all, but i can see them being cute (tho mumbo is not really my guy at all)
flower husbands are controversial, i like them being bad, to show scott as guy thats not good example for a relationships. i know this is not very smart to say, but i really cant see arts of them being happy and stuff, i think about how scott treated jim and :( tho i can see other ships with scott as something cool (majorwood, copper husband that are not allowed but no one can go into my brain and just kill all the thoughts about them)
smallidarity (is thats the name)? i can see bad boys all together but bc of how i started to watch empires... i was really afraid and mad at joel and im on my way to like this guy a lot, but empires god joel is still in my nightmares (not really, but thinking of him is terrifying me a lot)
fwimmy (i think thats the name) is 100% not for me, kinda the same reason as the previous one, but without fear + fwip is not my guy at all
+ something i think could be interesting, pixl/jimmy, i think this one is actually a cool guy, i haven't watched him enough, but he was really nice from what i remember
and oh why thank you! i really appreciate the words ♡ i have some problems that i see my arts like those kid fandom drawings, that i could be proud so much bc i made something but others sees it like ew cringe... im working on it, changing some stuff, learning so i could be more confident about my arts (i always wanted to be like the cool artist with realistic style that can be kinda stylized, but im not sure if i want this for myself rn, i like my style, it just need some changes, like eyes and maybe colors)
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chromanebula · 3 years
Shoutout of the Day
I don’t know who needs to hear this, but I’d like to give a big shout-out to all my trans brothers, trans sisters, and trans siblings today. 
I follow @jackdaw-kraai and their Guides verse religiously. And this past week, someone (I can’t and won’t name names) left a transphobic comment on the story. In response, the lovely Jack (who is proudly trans themself) decided to host a trans positivity weekend on their Tumblr and Discord. While I’m not trans myself, this is my contribution. 
You are amazing. All people of all genders can be amazing.  And honestly? I'm proud of all the people who define their gender, even if I don't understand quite what that means. (I am a philosophy major, so I think about questions like "What is gender, anyway?") Actively identifying as something that wasn't assigned to you is an act of radical self-ownership.
As a Solidarian, I am well aware of the fact that freedom and autonomy can be abused (*ahem* ANTI-MASKERS / ANTI-VAXXERS). All of us, including trans people, have an obligation to keep in mind the needs of the broader community and of those around us, particularly the weakest. But simply being trans is in no way an abuse of autonomy. You know yourself better than anyone else. Your body is yours. Your mind and your soul are yours. You belong to you, not to social and religious authorities who think they know you better than you do. 
A while back, I read the wonderful @fialleril’s Double Agent Vader series, about Vader rediscovering his/their identity as Anakin the rain-bringing chain-breaker by reconnecting to Tatooine. And one line stuck with me: You own yourself. Anakin Ekkreth said this to the droid Kadee, so how much more does it apply to us? Actual slavery is thankfully rare and (mostly)* illegal today, but we are all subject to external forces. COVID-19 has shown us how much the whims of nature can screw with us. Many social and religious authorities try to control others, not because it is necessary for the greater good (as with most COVID restrictions) but simply for the sake of control. So for whoever needs to hear it: You own yourself. Nature doesn’t own you. Karen the TERF doesn’t own you. No pastor or bishop or pope owns you. Not even your parents own you. And if God wants to own you without your cooperation, then he (and this God is always a he) isn’t worth worshipping. In this house, we throw would-be masters down reactor shafts. And we respect all people’s self-declaration and self-determination. 
Because if your name and your pronouns aren’t yours, then what is? Religious authorities (at least the Catholic ones I’m most used to) loooooooooove to talk about gender essentialism. Being a man or a woman touches every part of your life. And you know what? If they’re right, that is all the more reason to be trans-affirming. If you try to force someone to live in a body and to play a gender role that doesn’t suit them, you are violating the deepest part of their personhood. You are acting as an oppressor. And you need to stop. Yesterday. You may not realize this now, but you can educate yourself. You can learn about trans people and their experiences. Trans experiences are alien to cis people, but this means it’s time to use some empathy. How would you like other people to treat you, if you were being assigned to a body and/or an essential role that didn’t suit you? 
But anyway, back to all the trans peeps out there. TL;DR: You are awesome, you are worth it, and nobody gets to define you but you. Especially in the light of constraints by nature and by others, it’s important to assert yourself, especially the deepest parts of you. Should you transition blindly? No. Please talk to a doctor and a counselor. If you can make peace with your body and just transition socially, that may be better. But ultimately, do whatever you need to do. Be whoever you need to be, because that’s who you are. And NO ONE and NOTHING gets to take you away from you.
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culturacao · 4 years
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The context is terrible, but the meeting is amazing. After marching under a torrid heat, in the gates of the reception centre of Eleonas formed a huge assembly between refugees, asylums and solidarians. A circle of old and new, of diverse ethnic backgrounds and diverse languages.
After yet another violent police intervention in the center of Athens, with the eviction of more than 100 refugees and asylums in the precarious conditions of the camp of Eleonas, in the south of the city, the support movement acting in solidarity made a demonstration. During several days it was this self- organized group that,  in Victoria Square, in the center of Athens, supported the migrants that met there. The police arrived by dawn, avoiding the public eye and evicted the refugees in a temporary camp and took 12 people to the police headquarters. In reaction, the next day, the past wednesday, June 17th, several dozens made a peaceful demonstration. Eleonas is an industrial area, where the small ‘temporary’ asylum center is located since 2015. It was built for a maximum capacity of 700 people, but much more than double the numbers has been taken for the past years.
In the popular assembly after the demonstration the migrants complained of the precarious conditions of the center. Flaws in the food distribution, sanitary conditions and improper structures, several concerns were shared. Children played idly. We were there together, sited in the shadow of this moment. I felt relief for being there sited, as in the beginning of a new time. But I also know that once these hours are over, each one of us will return to his/her place and this profound injustice will live through...
Tomorrow, saturday, June 20th at 14h in Omonia Square, in the center of Athens there’s a protest in support of the refugees. It was set by different anti- racist and antifascist movements and solidarity platforms. The demonstration is against the anti-refugee policy and politics of the Greek and European States. The joint declaration emphasizes the thousands of evictions announced by the Greek state: “The government announced the eviction of more than 11.000 recognized refugees from their residencies. 2.500 from camps, 600 from hotels and 7.400 from apartments. They plan to throw them in the street, adding thousands to the country homeless. The N. D. government acts accordingly to a previous governmental law from SYRIZA that predicted evictions after 6 months and worsened it, granting eviction just one month after granting asylum”.
The same declaration adds: “We are fighting together, locals and refugees, to live together in peace, locals and refugees in our cities and villages. To build a resistance and solidarity wall so that the evictions plan doesn’t go forward”.
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girljimmyenjoyer · 1 month
I wish you could use custom emojis on Tumblr I'd have so many cubitos. I could make cube Jimmy and cube Grian kiss in ur inbox...
I just wanna use custom emojis everywhere </3 the tiktok emojis specifically have such a good vibe to them that nothing else can recreate..
But yes. Very sad u cannot make solidarian kiss in my inbox </3
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