#so here's some trivia i found that you may or may not enjoy
gamebunny-advance · 1 year
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Today's NSR Trivia: Rare(?) DJSS + DK West Art
Likely due to being the first proper boss in the game, DJ Subatomic Supernova has a lot of unused/cut content, including a theme for a nonexistent "approach" level (which can be heard in the "NSR Approach Megamix"), cut voice lines, and no debriefing profile.
While the official twitter has shared what this hypothetical debriefing would have entailed, I don't think the unused art for his profile has ever been posted through a first party source or exists in the game's files.
However, it is viewable in a Steam trading card.
Similarly, DK West, who also lacks a proper debriefing, is a part of this set and thus also has unique art only shown in these trading cards.
Whether this art was drawn specifically for the trading cards or if the art existed prior is currently unknown. (Though I personally suspect the latter.)
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exit-path · 1 year
Hey, remember this video? This is how tumblr made the Undertale “Stronger than You” parody.
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Hi guys! Before we start, some of you on tumblr may have been in the Undertale fandom in 2015 when this was taking place, but I wasn't. So if you were at the devil's sacrament, then reblog with what you remember! I'd love to hear primary source perspectives of events.
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But without further ado, let's begin, and watch as ordinary people made Internet history. (under the cut)
Part 1: gymleadercheren
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It all started when @gymleadercheren drew a snippet of the Sans fight, with some Steven Universe lyrics underneath. This post caught the eye of @thepinkestpug, who had an idea.
Part 2: thepinkestpug
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Later that same day—Oct 10, 2015—thepinkestpug sang a parody. Now, her Soundcloud link… how do I say it… doesn't sound very good? (He calls it "poor quality" herself.) But because he was in both the UT and SU fandoms, she was uniquely qualified to come up with these lyrics.
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Upon seeing the "Stronger Than You" parody, gymleadercheren was ECSTATIC that she inspired someone with her post. The next day, she asked thepinkestpug for "permission to smoosh our lyrics together and make a comic?” If you've seen djsmell's video, you may recognize what she made next…
Part 3: The Comic
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It took 3 weeks, but on Oct 29, 2015, gymleadercheren finally finished her comic. With 38 PANELS in total, the post was an instant success. She credits thepinkestpug for her lyrics, and links to an 8-bit "Stronger Than You" instrumental. Today, the post has over 20k notes.
Part 4: djsmell
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Two days later, on Oct 31, 2015, @djsmell made a song cover of the comic. He NAILED the voice of Sans, and used the 8-bit song cover from gymleadercheren's post. He posted about it on his blog, while his YouTube video now has 11M views.
Part 5: alfa995
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It wasn't until nearly 2 months later that on Dec 21, 2015, @alfa995 finally finished his animation. It used djsmell's audio, and filled in the gaps where the comic made you use your imagination. Today, the YouTube video has been viewed nearly 80 MILLION times.
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These were alfa995's words about everything that had happened so far: "So basically someone… made lyrics for an Undertale version of [a song from Steven Universe] and a comic based off it, then someone else sung it, and now I animated it. I love the Internet."
Part 6: Reflections
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And that’s the history of this video! This singular video has grown in popularity to such immense heights, it's a well-known piece of trivia that more people recognize the Undertale “Stronger Than You” parody than the actual Steven Universe song it’s based off of.
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What I find interesting is how each person involved in this process had a tumblr blog. They saw each other’s posts and made more posts based off of them. By fandom standards this happened LIGHTNING FAST, the idea took 2 and a half months from conception to completion. It’s this connectivity that created the 4th most-viewed Undertale video.
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The Undertale scene on tumblr spawned many more memorable fan creations, such as the “Underpants” series by SrPelo, which became the entry point for many into the wonder that is his animations.
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It is this fandom that made Undertale a goliath of Internet culture. It is this fandom that made it so that Toby Fox will always have a loyal, rabid audience. Say what you want about it, whether you love it or hate it, the Undertale scene on tumblr may never happen again.
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Thank you for reading, and I hope that you enjoyed!
This was my first time thinking about the Undertale fandom in a LONG time, and it was a nice trip down memory lane. Also, here’s a few things I found while researching that I couldn’t list above:
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First, what's with all these "Stronger Than You" versions? I had no idea until I started researching that there were so many spinoffs of this singular video. Like, there's a CHARA response? There's a FRISK RESPONSE? THERE'S A TRIO VERSION?
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And speaking of spinoffs, I want to shout out the video "Richer Than You"—absolutely phenomenal YTPMV that had a lot of effort put into it.
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Finally, I want to shout out Super Eyepatch Wolf’s video, as it was my inspiration while writing this, and explains: “why did these videos get so popular?”
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budgie-city · 10 months
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Glad to see you here, my friend! In this post you can find answers to the most of questions that might appear if you never heard of Budgie City!
What is “Budgie City” in general? Where did it come from?
What is the lore of “Budgie City” and its plot summary
Character designs and trivia can be found by searching the tag #character design in this blog.
Concept sketches and art can be found by searching tags #sketch and #concept art in this blog.
My personal blog (mostly fandom stuff, fanart and reblogs, not connected to Budgie City topic: @diamondzart
Hi, I’m Nastya, I go by she/her pronouns, 21 y.o. English is not my first language so there may be some mistakes in my posts, but I’m trying to improve! I write my book in another language, but it will be translated with the help of native speakers when I finish it, and I’ll publish it on the internet for everyone to enjoy! All concept art is also drawn by me. If you have any questions left, feel free to ask me through Tumblr asks!
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e-adlirez · 2 months
Treasure Seekers 2 go brrrrr
So this sequel... exists :D
Welcome to the second entry in the Treasure Seekers trilogy that I'm gonna ramble about for the next six hours (in me time, in you time it's probably gonna be like thirty minutes or less), if you wanna read it yourself before reading this ramble, here's an Archive copy. Otherwise, enjoy the ride :D
So our story begins with the Thea Sisters locked in a basement in the dark, with Russia's penchant for matches (and the basement's lack of a smoke alarm) coming in clutch. Seems like another vacation's gone awry for them :3 How could it have possibly turned out this way?
Flashback: so the girls are vibing in Moscow, visiting all the cool sights and all that, Pam is wanting to try some Russian cuisine, when they spot this girl that's wearing what appears to be a barrette that used to belong to Aurora's sister Hannah Lane. They follow her a bit, find a THUG JUMPSCARE, follow the girl, Cassidy and co into the building they're heading into, and oh dear door with passcode is in the way. They find this dood Sergei, explain to him the situation, deal with him being like "who is u, and wth are you on about mate" until they hear a scream and oh dear turns out that girl with the barrette is Sergei's sister Irina and she's in trouble.
Sergei opens the door, they go in, walk in on Cassidy, Stan and Max (who I will from now call SM for simplicity) doing their whole thug jumpscare thing and kidnapping Irina in 4K. SM somehow rolls a high enough strength roll (or the girls roll a low enough initiative) that two roughly intimidating guys successfully trap six people into a basement without breaking a sweat get yourself some self-defense classes girls oml, and that's the end of that.
Luke's up to his shenanigans again, and it seems that he's targeted Irina Lenenko for the same reason the girls double-taked at the sight of her barrette: Irina (and Sergei in conjunction) is a descendant of Hannah Lane, and Hannah Lane may or may not have known a thing or two about one of the seven treasures. It's such a shame tho that Irina doesn't wanna spill any of the tea. What's this about a "queen's jewel"?
Oh also Luke has Aurora's third diary. I would like you to pay attention to this detail in particular. Oh and he's keeping Irina ratgrabbed until she tells them what he wants to know from her. Oh naur
Meanwhile the girls infodump all of the TS 1 LANE LOORRREEEE to Sergei in one whole sitting and finally manage to get around to "what the hell does this have to do with my sister". Sergei thinks it's not really possible for Irina to know anything about great-grandma Hannah's involvement with Aurora, but Irina's still in trouble soooo time to solve this nerdy-ass science trivia keypad puzzle to get outa the basement. Irina's nowhere to be found in the lab itself, so they regroup at Sergei's place to use his phone tracker app on his computer.
Bad news, SM dumped Irina's phone somewhere in the lab so the tracker app is useless; good news, while looking for some Lane Lore™ to get some context about the situation, the girls find some Lane Lore™ :D
Turns out Aurora was looking for one of the seven treasures again, y'know just updating her sister on that, who'd moved to Saint Petersburg with her husband Ivan.
Seems like Aurora's quest at the time involved "the queen's jewel", which Aurora said she was 1000% down to ramble about to Hannah, maybe when she's done finding all seven treasures and hiding them from Jan.
I would like to take this moment to remind you that Aurora is a British Amelia Earhart, and if you dunno what that means, look up what Earhart was famous for and then look at this with that given context :']
With that lead, the girls plus Sergei take a ride on presumably the Krasnaya Strela night train to Saint Petersburg, read some Lane Lore on the way, Peter-Griffin upon realizing that they spent the whole night reading AO3 fanfics Aurora's diaries and it's like 2AM now, land in Saint Petersburg, stop by Nevsky Prospekt Street to have some breakfast (I think they went to Venezia?), and discussion.
(For the rest of this review, please assume when I say "the girls", I'm including Sergei because Sergei tags along with them and helps them out in their entire journey. It's okay, Sergei may be biologically male but he is an honorary female in our hearts /j)
Aurora mentioned the queen's jewel in her diary, and when you're in Russia, the first queen that comes to mind is Catherine II, so maybe something relating to her? Some Lane Lore of Aurora taking interest in Catherine II's Amber Room in her palace specifically confirms their theories, sooooooooo it's time to go to the Amber Room to see if Aurora left any clu--
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The girls are about to walk out of the Catherine Palace to Peter Griffin in private when SM JUMPSCARE--
So SM is stalkin' around the Catherine Palace looking for something, so the girls stalk them back and follow them out of the palace, into a car (the girls called a separate taxi to follow them), and to a little gray building in the outskirts of the city. They don't follow SM into the building because it might be dangerous, but Irina's scarf lying around near the premises confirms that Irina was in fact there and possibly being held hostage in the building.
The girls do a little tactic I like to call "the Ding Dong Ditch": Pam and Nicky knock on the door, SM answers it, do a little Metal Gear exclamation point "HOW DID YOU GET HERE", Nicky and Pam book it so SM chases them, and that's literally how the other girls plus Sergei sneak into the building to get Irina out. (You dunno how badly I wanted to make a videogame reference for this but I couldn't find anything so here we are--)
With that, the girls plus the Lenenko siblings book it outa there without SM being none the wiser (seriously it doesn't even cross their mind that there are more than two Thea Sisters, that's how dum they are). Irina books a hotel room at a friend's place and gives them some extra Lane Lore that she never told Klawitz despite the interrogations:
Hannah Lane was once visited by Aurora unexpectedly, a little after Hannah and her husband moved to a house near the Ob River, in Siberia. Possible lead :3c? The girls think maybe, so they decide to head on over to the exact address in Novosibirsk, Siberia.
In Siberia, the girls cross the frozen Ob River in Novosibirsk to this abandoned little house, where they find this little note with a riddle that talks about Cleopatra and an emerald she had at one point, and CASSIDY JUMPSCARE--
Cassidy busts in, snatches the note and books it away on her snowmobile before the girls can even react. You may be wondering, how the hell did Cassidy get there and know where they were? The answer is the same as the reason behind the SM jumpscares in Russia and in book 1, and that is Luke.
Luke Von Klawitz is doing a little segment that I like to call: Luke Touch Grass, where it becomes increasingly clear that Luke's spent way too much time on 4Chan (/j but you'll see what I mean). Luke hears about SM's failure and facepalms. Then he calls his friend Petrovski, who has access to the database of all of Russia's airports, for help tracking down "six mice leaving Saint Petersburg". Petrovski gives him results in minutes: the girls and Sergei are leaving Saint Petersburg and heading for Novosibirsk, Siberia (most likely Tolmachevo Airport). With that intel, Klawitz looks into his own database of Aurora Beatrix Lane, finds a picture of Hannah and Aurora together, and uses his own version of Google Lens to figure out the exact coordinates where the picture was taken, which happens to be in Novosibirsk, Siberia.
No this man does not in fact canonically touch grass on the regular, who's asking
Anyway so he sent Cassidy the coords, instructions and Aurora's diary to go, and that's how Cassidy walked in on the girls in that little abandoned hut next to Ob River. Only thing is uh, she dropped her purse on the way out. A purse that just so happened to contain Aurora's diary that Luke gave her.
So the girls scoop that puppy up and assume that the treasure is Cleopatra's emerald, thus they think it's in Egypt.
So the girls go to Egypt :D (29 and a half hour flight there good god no wonder they conked out in the plane--)
The girls read some Lane Lore, something about Aurora finding the treasure and hiding it somewhere in a desert, in an "expanse pure and white" that a star compass will lead to. First thing the girls think of at the desert bit is the White Desert (Sahara el Beyda), specifically a spot near Cleopatra's pool, so they leave the airport (not realizing Cassidy is following them now) and head over to a market to buy some supplies because might I remind you, they initially went to Moscow, Russia for vacation.
While in the market, Pam meets a guy named Omar. Pam tells him a little bit about them going to Cleopatra's pool in Sahara el Beyda, and she finds out that Omar just so happens to be an Archaeology major in Oxford University who's here on his summer vacation and works as a guide for Sahara el Beyda, and is more than down to give the girls a tour. Talk about lucky :D
The next day the girls take the scenic route and after a while make it to Siwa, where Omar books a room in a hotel for them, and the girls find this interesting myth there about Cleopatra that I will summarize here:
Cleopatra was once given a jewel that maxes out the owner's rizz and the effect is supposedly indefinite. Cleopatra liked the jewel so much that she wore it on her crown at all times... until she grew a bit self-conscious about the gem's maxxed rizz effect and how everyone kept eyeing the emerald a second too long for comfort, so she decided to hide away said rizz in a spot where none of her rivals could get to it. Oh and uh Cleopatra wrote up a dedication to Ra that's hella cryptic too.
One long rest later, the girls go to Cleopatra's pool on a donkey cart. Yes, a donkey cart. It was Omar's idea. Speaking of Omar, prepare yourself buddy because the girls have dubiously decided to give you some Lane Lore to chew on. O-oh you like it a lot. A lot a lot. Well okay cool, maybe you can help out, cool.
The girls manage to figure out the riddle in Cleopatra's dedication, find a little stone coffer that has the queen's treasure and-- SM JUMPSCARE
With a donkey as the girls' only escape method and Omar having suddenly disappeared, a scuffle ensues where the girls play hot potato with the box until SM gets their hands on it and opens it, and here we get a very accurate depiction of what SM and the girls found in the box once it was actually opened.
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Description: a hand made of salt shaped in an upside-down "ok" symbol, circa 1920s-30s.
The sheer whiplash of this leaves both sides of the conflict losing enough HP that they're all on red-- SM is blaming the girls for this (how dare >:[) and dip. Omar is gone, and all the girls get as compensation is the empty box and a letter from Aurora telling them that they'll know to read the hidden clues. The girls head back feeling very hollow and dead inside, and this is the one time one of the girls questions how the hell did SM know they were at Siwa. I mean they never get any answer to this (kinda), but it is a milestone! They're aware of it now!
Once they get back to Cairo, they ask around and find that Omar's completely up and vanished, and they decide they'll just head back to Moscow since their investigation has come to a dead end. On the way, Pam comments about the falafel she bought being hella salty, which leads Violet to an epiphany that hey, the Sahara isn't the only desert that exists, let alone the only desert known for how white it is (like how Boracay Beach is known for how white and fine its sand is, but it's not the only white sand beach that exists). A quick Google search (and a long flight (35 HOURS CAIRO TO SUCRE???)) leads them to the Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia.
Nicky reserves a room for them at Hotel Luna Salada (a real place you can book a stay at actually :D), and they make a friend by the name of Adriana, a local waitress in the hotel restaurant. Adriana helps them pick out a dessert, fills them in on some stuff about the Salar since the girls came here 100% out of impulse, and talks about possible itinerary locations to go to, like the Isla de Pescado, Tiwanaku (the "Gate of the Sun"), Lake Titiaca, and Laguna Colorada. Y'know, typical tourist stuff, and Adriana was so kind to show them pictures she took when she visited said places herself! :D
Anyway so while the girls long rest, Luke is mulling about in his base waiting for updates. Someone calls him about the whole Egypt thing, and Luke calls the girls incompetent? Rude, oh and something about the caller being Luke's "secret weapon". Cassidy calls him on a theory she has about the gemstone being in Cleopatra's palace, and since the girls are currently long-resting (which means they aren't doing anything), Luke figures that a little diving trip in Alexandria to search for the gem with Cassidy won't hurt. Besides, he still has his secret weapon.
Oh yeah and he knows the girls are long resting because he has a drone in Bolivia spying on them and showing him their every move. Touch grass, Luke. No, going on a diving trip in Alexandria doesn't count, there's barely any grass there /j
Morning comes in Bolivia, and the girls head out early to search the Salar as much as they can. They look around the flat white desert, eat some late breakfast, toy around with forced perspective camera shenanigans for a bit, and read up on some LANE LOOORREEEEE
So Aurora's been to Pumapunku and Tiwanaku which is cool, she paid a visit to the archaeological site probably and that's really cool. She says something about hiding the queen's treasure in a fish's stomach covered in very fine thorns. Sergei ends up having an epiphany, and that leads the girls to Isla de Pescado, which just so happens to be "Fish Island" in Spanish, and has cacti on it, it's all coming together :D
Oh and the fish drawing Aurora made is coords to the treasure seemingly so that's cool-- OMAR JUMPSCARE
The girls are very surprised to find Omar joining them, and Omar explains that he booked it when SM came over and lost his cellphone as a result. However, he managed to figure out that Aurora's riddle was about salt and not sand, and decided to head on over to Bolivia since he assumed that's where the girls are going. How did he find them? It was just out of pure coincidence, and also the fact that the girls are extremely recognizable. Hm.
Anyway, Paulina plugs the coordinates into her GPS and leads the girls plus Omar to a little cave at the bottom of a little embankment. The girls find that, lo and behold, there's an old tin box containing a bright green emerald!
Meanwhile Luke is not finding anything in Alexandria haha L, LVK L get dunked on Luke, Cassidy girlie that's not a man to simp for find someone else gurl-- oh dear Luke is alerted that the treasure has been found and now he's planning on heading over to Bolivia? Now how could he possibly know that?
In the meantime, I dunno what's up in the air or if it's the Archaeology major speaking in him but Omar's really invested in this treasure, even more so than the girls to the degree that the girls are a little freaked out by it-- RHEA JUMPSCARE-- Paulina calms the big bord down and gets it to not trample Omar please, he's still a friend of theirs. Colette picks up this blue notebook Omar seems to have dropped.
The girls plus Omar head back to the SUVs, and Omar is really trying to persuade the girls that he should bring it back to Cairo. The girls are not jazzed at the idea because Omar bringing it back alone will be too unsafe, y'know with Luke and Cassidy and SM and all. They gotta think about this rationally-- WHOA OKAY OMAR calm your man tits buddy why are you demanding they trust you like you automatically deserve your trust-- ohh that's how Klawitz has known about the girls' whereabouts, Omar was working as a double agent.
So yeah Omar snatches the box from Colette and drives off in his SUV, leaving the girls in the dust. The girls freak out and are feeling that EMOTIONAL DAMAGE, but Colette for some reason is very calm about Omar booking it with the emerald. And that's because SHE HAS IT :D she did a lil' switcheroo so now the emerald's with her while the box is with Omar.
For context about how Colette knew about this, remember the blue notebook Omar dropped? Yeah that notebook was a company LVK notebook, straight from Luke himself. Then after Colette saw it, everything about Omar became incredibly sus, so she performed this precautionary measure.
So now the girls talk to the local authorities about how the whole thing with the emerald is gonna go down, and soon the girls are waiting for a plane back to Moscow.
As for Omar, well, he goes over to Luke's super-fancy hotel in La Paz, Bolivia, and he hands the box to Luke, explicitly stating that he decided he'd let Luke open it before he himself can appreciate it.
Luke opens the box, and here we see an accurate depiction of what Luke sees.
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Description: an upside-down "ok" symbol drawn in strawberry pink lip balm, signed Colette [insert last name], circa 2018.
Luke punts the box (prolly with the lip balm still inside it) into the swimming pool, tells Omar to get out, and that's the end of that. Haha Omar L Luke L
The girls head back to Moscow to drop Sergei off when SURPRISE PARTY BY IRINA'S SQUAD :DDD
Then the girls are about to return to Whale Island to presumably Peter Griffin in their dorms, when Colette suggests they make a journal a la Aurora Beatrix Lane, and they do. In a pink notebook because it was Colette's idea so we might as well give her that
And they take a black-and-white group picture of them wearing adventurer clothes like Aurora would've done. The brainrot is real, these girls are mentally ill /j
And that's the book :D
... Honestly it's the most meh out of the trilogy besides the big-brain bits in the middle and the end imo
The writing was so much more stilted in this one, even for Scholastic standards, and everything feels pretty..... kid's book. Even more so than the usual in the book's English translations. I do readings for the books in some of my Discords, and this book did not read well at aaallll. And I haven't even mentioned the typos in the book (they're not a lot, but they exist, and they're kinda egregious :D) and some grammar errors if I'm remembering things correctly. It might just be a translation thing-- I worry a bit for the translator who had to put this together.
Luke's character here is also kinda wonk? For one we see him directly contradict his anti-friendship spiel in TS 1 since he literally greets Petrovski like a friend (maybe it's a "friendship doesn't exist except in 4Chan" thing, I dunno). Then in the middle of the book, he gets... very Disney villain-y. The most egregious example here is the chapter "Lurking in the Shadows", where as you can see
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I am confusion?? Luke has been described as a to-the-point brat who hardly cares for the means to his end (unless it will impact his ability to achieve the end) and is so fixated on his goal that he doesn't touch grass. Is this not-touching-grass behavior? Yeah, definitely, but this??? This is too Disney villain???? Why does the man break into an evil cackle in front of Cassidy???? I understood it in book 1 because man thinks he's doing a "You may think you have outsmarted me but I have OUTSMARTED YOUR OUTSMARTING", but this one?? Maybe it's my personal taste, but it's too cartoonish and too... deviated from what we know of him up to this point.
Also time to address the one big plot hole in this book: Aurora's diary.
So in this book there's only one diary, which is infinitely simpler than the two we got in the first book. This diary supposedly contains Aurora's records of her mission in hiding Cleopatra's Rizzmerald, and the details are supposedly vague enough that Luke felt the need to kidnap and interrogate Irina, a Hannah Lane descendant, to fill in the blanks. However, when you look at the contents of the diary itself (which lord knows how many times Luke himself has looked through it), there's hardly any blanks that need to be filled, at least if you're Luke.
The diary itself is mostly in the background-- like I said, not as much Lane Lore here as the previous book, the girls mostly rely on Aurora's letters to Hannah here-- but there's one specific entry the girls read in the latter half of the book that explicitly mentions Pumapunku and Tiwanaku, and how Aurora is there for her mission to hide the emerald. Complete with coordinates hidden in a little drawing! My one question I have for Luke is, why didn't he go straight to Bolivia and started searching there? Why did he go through all the effort of kidnapping Irina, tailing the girls around Sahara el Beyda, letting SM fall for the salt replica gambit, left his base to touch grass and go on a dive with Cassidy in Egypt; all if he could've just gone straight to Bolivia to look for the treasure there? Sure, Aurora did a good job hiding the coordinates in the fish doodle, but someone as observant and as obsessed about the outcome instead of the journey like Luke would rather have sidestepped all the Aurora shenanigans and beelined straight to the goal if he was able to.
Luke hardly has an excuse here because he owned the diary at the start of the book, and most definitely read through it many times (and we know he's the type to do this, see TS 1). The plot hole is plot hole-ing, it seems :/
Maybe it was just an excuse for the girls to get a giant glowing arrow pointing in the direction of the treasure? It certainly feels like it.
Anyway, the things that carry this book and made it memorable when I first read it (and allowed me to ignore the iffy bits) are the gottems and Omar as a character. Aurora setting up a salt replica of the Rizzmerald as a gottem in a time capsule, only to be opened almost a hundred years later to still be as potent as intended when it was made so long ago? That is amazing, like c'mon, pure comedy material.
Even funnier is Colette doing the exact same thing, only with her lip balm. Luke is quaking in his bougie-ass leather boots.
Now for Omar. This may be a hot take of mine here, but Omar's sus-ness is actually at a decent level compared to the girls and what they usually deal with. On one hand, Omar is incredibly suspicious with how incredibly lucky the girls are to find an Archaeology Oxford major working as a Sahara el Beyda tour guide; but on the other hand, the girls had almost the exact same situation with Diego in Mexico (I didn't mention him in the first review, but he came in clutch in TS 1).
The girls met Diego in Merida, Mexico, and he helped them with their research into "the invisible place", which happened to be Uxmal, along the Puuc Route. Diego also just so happened to be a tour-guide-in-training for the Puuc Route, which was the place the girls just so happened to need to go to find Aurora's second journal.
In comparison, the girls meet Omar in Khan El-Khalili while they were looking for supplies for their trip to the Siwa Oasis. It comes up in conversation that the girls are headed to Siwa, and Omar just so happened to be a tour guide for Sahara el Beyda, which was where the Siwa Oasis is, and it just so happened to be where the girls needed to go. When you stack them up together, it made perfect sense that the girls thought they could trust him-- Diego didn't know much about their trip and helped them the best he could (which was a lot), so why wouldn't Omar do the same? He's an Oxford Archaeology major, too, for crying out loud, the girls struck gold in the end!
Gold that was too shiny and too good to be true. Gold that was, in the end, nothing more than pyrite, fool's gold.
Omar is a good case for why you should be careful with who you trust, and when you should start thinking a little bit when you're getting a little too lucky with the people you meet. When the girls got to know him a little more and decided to trust him and tell him the deal with their trip, he got way invested in the gem-- too invested to not be a little bit suspicious. Maybe the girls mistook it for his passion for his archaeology major, maybe they mistook it for something else-- but whatever the case, Omar pulled the cheesecloth over the girls' eyes and really only fell apart near the end, when his alibis and behavior started becoming more and more suspicious; and by then, Omar didn't need to be as inconspicuous, and the girls had gotten to know him too much to readily say to him "okay buddy can you kindly f%ck off, your vibes are not vibing here".
The girls probably should've been suspicious when Omar reappeared in Bolivia out of nowhere, but I guess his alibi was just good enough (and the girls at this point were probably running on adrenaline, caffeine and a brain on 70% capacity at most) to pass the Deception check.
Fr tho there were some bits where the girls should've found him sus but they didn't (him accidentally saying "I did it" when they uncovered the emerald, and also him handling the emerald the way he did), so shrugs. It could be a translation thing, but it could also be something else.
Anyway, kinda meh for a sequel, but it does have its standouts that allow it to somewhat stand on the same level as the first and third books. Kinda.
Hey, at least it's not as bad as Crystal Fairies-- that's the bar of bad-ness I'm setting. It's not as bad as Crystal Fairies and that's what matters--
Also special thanks to @ishmeowwow (it won't let me ping you for some reason bestie <:[) for making the lil' artworks haha
#geronimo stilton#thea sisters#thea stilton#book review#book rambles#book rant#thank you ishmeow for making the gottems for me :D#you came in clutch while my ipad is still dieded thank you bestie <3#in the book it's just the lip balm but ishmeow decided to go all-out with the gottem gag and i can't be more grateful lmao#same goes with the gemstone in aurora's gottem (it's just the fake tiara plus fake gem) but hey the more salt the merrier :D#book 2 luke is so jarringly different from his other depictions but at the same time#he does not in fact touch grass and he does crack an evil cackle at least once a book so#i dunno how i feel about it . .#on one hand it adds to him not touching grass#but on the other hand it doesn't connect with his “this villain is supposed to make you shnit your pants at how intimidating he is”#he's intimidating because of his connections his ability to basically spy on the entire world and control everything from his base#and y'know he can tell his goons to do whatever and they'll literally wreak havoc to fulfill said requests#he was so intimidating in concept that they had to nerf him with incompetent goons lmao#after doing last minute research i am deeply concerned for the girls' wallets and their mental and physical health :D#like good god i thought a ten hour flight was unbearable and made your body stiff but holy damn#i'm not complaining too much about the timeline tho because this is hilarious and makes the girls look so neurodivergent#“what do you mean we flew a total of 64 hours by plane feels like it's only been a day to m--”#*dies*
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Not My Job: Queen's Brian May Gets Quizzed About Dairy Queen
9-Minute Listen <- (as of 11/21/23, the audio link still works)
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Michael Loccisano/Getty Images
Brian May left a promising career in science to try his hand at rock 'n' roll, and did OK enough, we guess, becoming a co-founder of the band Queen. (That makes him the only Ph.D. astrophysicist in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.) What's more, he's also deeply into 3D stereoscopic photography, and has just published a new book of pictures of his band.
Given his success with Queen, we made him answer three trivia questions about Dairy Queen, the ice cream and fast food franchise.
Queen's Brian May Rocks Out To Physics, Photography Secret Stereographs: Brian May Of Queen Reveals A Pastime
And now the game where we reward a lifetime of achievement with a few moments of trivia. It's called Not My Job. Brian May left a promising career in science to try his hand at rock 'n' roll. And he did OK. He founded the band Queen with Freddie Mercury, John Deacon and Roger Taylor, making him, as far as we know, the only Ph.D. astrophysicist in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. But he had another enthusiasm, 3-D stereoscopic photography. He's published a new book of pictures of his band so realistic you can practically smell the groupies.
SAGAL: Brian May, welcome to WAIT WAIT... DON'T TELL ME.
BRIAN MAY: Thank you very much.
SAGAL: I spent a good part of yesterday evening with your book of these amazing stereoscopic photos and the great little viewer that comes with them...
MAY: Right.
SAGAL: ...Enjoying these 3-D pictures of your band and its history and Freddie Mercury and your other friends and musicians. And I have one thing to ask you. How is it that in all the years that you've been in the public eye, your hair has never changed?
SAGAL: Did any - nobody ever came to you and said, Brian, you know, now it's the 1990s. We need to cut your hair? Has any...
MAY: Yeah, they do it all the time.
MAY: I have a good answer for that. But it's probably not repeatable on your program.
SAGAL: So there are so many things that are interesting about you. You were, as I said - you were pursuing your doctorate in science when the band started, right?
MAY: I was, yeah. In astronomy. In what they now call astrophysics, yeah. And I gave it up. And I thought I was actually doing astrophysics a favor by choosing the other option.
SAGAL: Really?
MAY: Yeah. And I also thought, you know, there's a window opening here. And if I don't kind of walk through - or a door opening, I should say. And I thought, if I don't walk through right now, that door will never open again. So I went off and, against all the odds, became a rock star for some reason.
SAGAL: Yeah. That seemed to have worked out pretty well for you.
MAY: It's OK. It's been OK so far. Yeah.
SAGAL: It really has. But...
PAULA POUNDSTONE: So wait, you're suggesting that you were not a good astrophysicist?
MAY: You know, I didn't think I was.
POUNDSTONE: What would make a bad astrophysicist?
MAY: Well...
POUNDSTONE: Like, you weren't looking in the right...
MAY: Well, what would make a bad astrophysicist would be, like, not being able to complete your Ph.D., which is what happened.
MAY: And I couldn't please my supervisor. So 30 years later, I found myself with another supervisor. And he liked what I did. So I kind of updated my vision of myself. But I got it after 30 years.
SAGAL: Wait a minute. What I love is that you going in to get your Ph.D. not as young Brian May but as Brian May the guitarist of Queen.
MAY: Yeah.
SAGAL: I mean, did you - like, your oral exams - did you come in and say, I could answer your questions, or I could just do the riff from "We Will Rock You."
MAY: Well, you know, they were tough on me. I think they had to be because they couldn't be seen to kind of make it easy for me, you know? And, you know, I got a whole sheaf of stuff that I had to do in order to finish it off.
SAGAL: I bet that...
LUKE BURBANK: Did they try to work in any Queen stuff during the defense of your dissertation? Like, you may think you're the champion, Mr. May...
BURBANK: ...But this panel thinks otherwise. Do they do anything corny like that?
SAGAL: Now, this is the amazing thing about this book because in addition to your interest in astrophysics and obviously shredding on the guitar, you are a huge photography nerd. And you were...
MAY: Totally.
SAGAL: You were always into 3-D photography.
MAY: Yeah.
SAGAL: I'm just trying to imagine though that - it must have been like the mid-70s in the absolute apogee of, like, the rock 'n' roll lifestyle. And there's the cocaine. And there are the groupies. And there's the liquor. And you're, like, trying to get everybody to hold still so you can take a 3-D photograph.
SAGAL: Guys, guys. Come on.
MAY: I'm not going to contradict you there.
MAY: Should we just move on?
SAGAL: All right. I will.
POUNDSTONE: Every high school student has the same story, I imagine, on the way to sports events.
SAGAL: Yeah.
POUNDSTONE: Like, when I played lacrosse in high school, we would bang our sticks on the roof of the bus.
MAY: Oh.
POUNDSTONE: How this driver tolerated it I'll never know. And we would scream at the top of our lungs the lyrics to, you know, "We Are The Champions."
MAY: Great.
POUNDSTONE: And it was so much fun.
SAGAL: Oh, yeah.
BURBANK: Did you guys ever win a match?
MAY: It did you no good whatsoever.
BURBANK: What would you sing on the drive back, "Another One Bites The Dust?"
BURBANK: Can I just ask what - like, in the creation of an amazing, iconic song like "Bohemian Rhapsody," did Freddie Mercury write those lyrics?
MAY: Absolutely.
BURBANK: And, like, what was it like when he says, OK, these are going to be the words to this song?
MAY: We had a kind of unwritten law. You know, generally, this song was kind of the province of the writer. And the writer would have the final say. So yeah, we didn't really discuss it. We didn't say, you know, why are you saying that, Freddie? It was just...
BURBANK: So no one looked at him when he started singing scaramouche?
MAY: You know, we were enjoying ourselves.
SAGAL: Can you do the fandango?
MAY: I mean, this stuff is really fun to do in the studio.
MAY: And nobody had ever done it before, you know?
SAGAL: Oh, absolutely. I'd never heard anything like that in my life when that song came out.
MAY: Well, and you won't again.
SAGAL: I know. I know.
POUNDSTONE: So you guys just, you know, scaramouche, scarmouche, not even looking at one another?
SAGAL: I can imagine.
POUNDSTONE: It does sound like fun.
SAGAL: Last question - as an astrophysicist, because this is interesting how you both - do both - can you scientific explain how it is that fat bottomed girls make the world go round?
MAY: Yeah. I think that's still true. I was just lucky to find out early, you know?
SAGAL: Well, Brian May, we can talk to you all day. But we have business to do. We've asked you here to play a game we're calling...
BILL KURTIS: Have a peanut buster parfait.
SAGAL: You, of course, as we have been discussing, are one of the founders of Queen, one of the iconic rock bands of all time. So we thought we'd ask you three questions about Dairy Queen.
MAY: About what?
SAGAL: Dairy Queen. You might have come across it in your travels across America. It's a popular ice cream and fast food franchise.
MAY: This is the bit I've been looking forward to so much.
SAGAL: Oh, you are.
SAGAL: Answer two questions about - by the way, I should say that absolute ignorance is always an advantage in this particular game.
MAY: Well, you've got it in this case.
ADAM BURKE: I'm just picturing the Queen tour bus pull up to a Dairy Queen.
SAGAL: It'd be the greatest day of those people's lives.
BURKE: Freddie just marching in. Blizzards for the lot of us.
SAGAL: All right (laughter).
MAY: Can I go home now?
SAGAL: This is already going very well.
SAGAL: So the question, though, for Bill is who is legendary guitarist and astrophysicist Brian May playing for?
KURTIS: Ella Jones of Baltimore, Md.
SAGAL: All right.
POUNDSTONE: Here we go.
SAGAL: Just two right, and we win it all. None right - who cares? Here we go. Dairy Queen has given us so much by way of frozen treats, the Blizzard, the Dilly Bar, the Oreo Brownie Earthquake. But it's also responsible for what other wonderful thing? A, the defibrillator device; B - the band No Doubt, or C avocado toast?
MAY: I would say none of the above. But I have no idea. The defibrillator. I'm going for the defibrillator.
SAGAL: You could use a defibrillator at any Dairy Queen. But the answer is the band No Doubt...
MAY: You're kidding me.
SAGAL: ...Because it turns out that Gwen Stefani and two of her band mates met and formed their band at a Dairy Queen in Anaheim, Calif., when they both - all worked there.
MAY: I'm on the edge of my seat.
SAGAL: But we have other things. There's this Dairy Queen - one of them - in Morehead, Minn. And it's legendary because it still uses all the old recipes. And it was the place where their famous dilly bar treat was invented. Now, the owner there invented a number of other things that corporate never liked - so they didn't catch on nationally - including which of these? Which of these failed Dairy Queen treats? A, the flaming sundae; B, the meat shake...
SAGAL: ...Or C, the heck-of-a-job brownie?
MAY: I'm going to go for number one.
SAGAL: The flaming sundae. You're right.
SAGAL: He invented a flaming sundae, a sugar cube doused with liquor - set it on fire. Very attractive. So your last question. If you get this right you win, which I'm sure will go well with your CBE.
SAGAL: Last question. Dairy Queen has a deep, dark secret - something they would rather that you - none of us - would know. What is it? A, their original name was Dairy Fairy; B, their ice cream isn't actually ice cream or C, the chain is wholly owned by the government of Iran?
BURBANK: He's operating at a slight disadvantage having never been to a Dairy Queen.
SAGAL: That's true.
MAY: I think B.
SAGAL: Yes. You're right.
SAGAL: It's true that their product - their frozen soft serve cannot be legally called ice cream because it doesn't have enough real cream in it.
SAGAL: Bill, how did Brian May do on our quiz?
KURTIS: He is a champion.
POUNDSTONE: There we go.
KURTIS: Two out of three.
SAGAL: My friend, Brian May is an astrophysicist, guitar legend and one of the founders of the great rock bands of all time - that would be Queen. His new book, which is completely worth the hours you will spend staring at it - it's of stereoscopic photos he took. It's called "Queen In 3-D." It is out now. Brian May, what a joy to talk to you. Thank you so much for...
MAY: Thank you all.
SAGAL: Brian May.
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jasdiary · 1 year
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“Oh goodness! I’m sorry, I didn’t see you there! Here, let me help you up raindrop.”
Full Name : Watatsumi Mistee Kiyomizu
Nicknames : Tsumi(Everyone + Ambrosia at times), Mist, Sweet Water(Ivy @starry-night-rose ), Sugar(Ivy), Water Angel(Meryl @rosietrace )
Jp Va : Kawasumi Ayako
En Va : Judy Alice Lee
Age : ???(17 physically and in human years!)
Height : 171 cm (5’7)
Homeland : Kingdom of Marine
Birthday : June 23 5/23
Zodiac Sign : Cancer
Species : Water Fae
Hair Color : Navy Blue
Eye Color : Pacific Blue
Gender : Female (She/Her mostly but They/Them is also fine!)
Sexuality : Bisexual(preference for women)
Family : Nahla Kiyomizu(Caretaker), Harbor Kiyomizu(Adoptive sister)
Occupation : Student at Scepter Hall Institute
Twisted From : Silvermist from the Tinkerbell Movies
School Information
Dorm : Eauxclaires
School Year : Sophmore (Second)
Class : 2-A
Best Subject : Water Dancing
Worst Class : Geometry
Club : Water Dance Club
Dominant Hand : Left
Favorite Food : Watermelon salad
Least Favorite Food : Samyang Spicy Noodles
Likes : Water lilies, Rainy days, Collecting dewdrops, Spending time with everyone, Taking walks on the lakes, gossip
Dislikes : Loud noises, Humid days, Fighting, Being belittled, Being forever alone
Hobbies : Dancing, Singing(only to certain people), Teaching fish to swim, Adding dewdrops onto things, Playing with water, Designing her outfits
Personality : Watatsumi is truly liked and enjoyed by everyone! She’s sweet, soft-spoken, gentle and positive! Unfortunately, she’s a little…offbeat. She has her moments where her head is just completely in space, and she comes off as strange to many. Watatsumi’s always willing to help and believe in you. If you ever feel down and need a hug, Watatsumi’s your girl.
Unique Magic : Raindrop Dewdrop
“Why don’t I show you a little water fairy humor? Raindrop Dewdrop!”
Watatsumi can manipulate any kind of water into a dewdrop and it can mold into anything she thinks about. This includes living beings. Side effects of using this UM are severe dehydration and fatigue.
Backstory :
Watatsumi Kiyomizu, born from a child’s first laugh, landed on top of a lily pad in the center of the flower. Right then, it began to rain. The first droplet of water hit the gentle dandelion and officially born was Watatsumi. She was found by a now fellow water fae who took care of her. The water fae has told Watatsumi that she may call her anything she wanted, to which the water fae became known as Nahla. Nahla taught Watatsumi everything she knows and more, from dewdrop collecting to dancing on glimmering rivers. Watatsumi wanted nothing more than to repay Nahla for all she has done.
It wasn’t until the day Nahla took in a younger water fae named Harbor that Watatsumi was blessed with the idea of being Harbor’s caretaker. Nahla works every night and still manages to care for Watatsumi, making Watatsumi promise to take care of Harbor until she leaves to attend school. And that’s what she did. Watatsumi even became a legal guardian of Harbor once they adopted her. That’s how she became so good with kids, her gentle nature making them feel safe around her. Getting accepted into Scepter Hall Institute was hard due to her not wanting to leave Harbor and Nahla, they insisted and made it known how proud they were of Watatsumi. Watatsumi is grateful everyday for Scepter Hall Institute for bringing her there.
Random Trivia!
Watatsumi’s very close with Meryl, always willing to amuse her silly little endeavors!
As Watatsumi loves designing her own clothes, she makes a bunch of things for her friends! They’re usually made of flowers(that feel comfortable to the touch and don’t overstimulate one’s senses!).
Her favorite professor is Ambrosia! She’s not just saying that because that’s her Dorm Head, she genuinely looks up to her! Ambrosia reminds her of Nahla in some ways.
Watatsumi seems to be popular with Magnijardin students despite the playful rivalry between their dorms! Many residents of the dorm ask Watatsumi to let them style her.
Watatsumi can be very bold with her words if the scenario arises.
When Watatsumi uses her wings, they tend to leave a small trail of droplets behind her.
No one has ever seen Watatsumi as serious as she is when the Four Realm Festival rolls around. She’s very serious about it.
Watatsumi used to be close friends with Porter Pierce before he was expelled, even trying to fight for his stay. They were usual partners for projects and assignments.
Watatsumi is one of the very rare people that can’t be brought down or affected by Mercury. Even if he denies it, They’re besties and shes gonna hang out with him!
She LOVES making visits to NRC. Even though SHI doesn’t have the best relationship with NRC, seeing Tinsley every once in a while is so worth it! and now Porter too!! She’s especially happy to meet other fae’s like her outside of SHI.
Speaking of which, She’s close friends with Tinsley Labelle from Night Raven College!
She picked up on singing while dancing one time, wanting to put lyrics to the sound of the waves. Her voice is soft and lovely! She’ll only sing to certain people though.
Due to her spacey-ness
She’s one of the best Water Dancers in SHI! She gladly performs for anyone and everyone.
She rarely ever refuses to help someone or reject a favor. She needs to be helpful.
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hollygl125 · 1 month
On Sara Sidle + music appreciation (+ my pet peeve line from the later seasons of CSI: “Who’s Beyoncé?”):
*Please be warned: This post is not a place for lovers of the later seasons of CSI.*
@addictedtostorytelling has really excellent (no surprise there!) analysis of the failings of the later seasons of CSI generally (particularly with regard to the OG cast) as well as how they failed Sara specifically. (This post would be a good starting point because it links to some others. This recent one is also very good for a specific example.)
(Obviously there is also the clusterf*** that is season 13, but I am staying away from that nightmare for today.)
I don’t rewatch those seasons because of *waves hands generally at everything.* So my personal pet peeve comes from a line that I think a lot of people find funny (which is presumably how it found its way onto the show). (For anyone who is reading my current story, I have a note on this there, from which much of the rest of this post is almost a word-for-word copy.)
In “Girls Gone Wild” (14x10), the three women of that CSI era (Sara, Morgan, and Finn) are at a bar and Morgan says she put on a Beyoncé song for them to sing together. Sara asks, “Who’s Beyoncé?”
To which my response is:
I’m sorry, but you can’t tell me Sara Sidle didn’t know who Beyoncé was.  The girl could serenade herself with Blondie, sing Meshell Ndegeocello lyrics along with Archie, correct Greg’s pronunciation of Tupac, call on her knowledge of satanists from her summer spent loving Black Sabbath, enjoy (and maybe—or maybe not—put on) Beck’s “The Information” shortly after it was released, and seemingly listen to Iron & Wine’s The Shepherd’s Dog not long after its release. (According to the DVD commentaries, the Tupac pronunciation correction was based on JF correcting ES’s pronunciation of Tupac in rehearsal, a piece of trivia I love.) Sara shows, by my estimation, possibly the most diverse musical awareness and appreciation of anyone in the series.
So, true, Sara may have been a bit preoccupied when “Single Ladies” was released back in October 2008 (seeing as she was just about, once again, to leave her lover).  Sure, she may have been “too busy putting killers in jail to watch the VMAs.”  (Of course, apparently she wasn’t too busy for the writers to shove in the next season some ridiculous plotline about her basically being someone’s surrogate mom for the preceding ten years.) But you can’t tell me she didn’t know “Crazy in Love.”  You can’t tell me she didn’t know Destiny’s Child.  Am I missing something here?  I just can’t believe that, as of late 2013, she’d never heard of Beyoncé. And, for what it’s worth, I have absolutely no strong feelings about Beyoncé, but I (surprise, I know!) feel rather strongly about Sara Sidle.  I know it’s a funny line, but I find it inconsistent with her characterization from her initial run on the show (pre-2007-2008 WGA strike).
To me, Sara’s “Who’s Beyoncé?” line is a (too) easy way for the (relatively speaking at least, new, and, non-relatively speaking, not all that great with the characterization of the original cast) writers to show Sara was still the “nerd” (a term I have obviously embraced!) contrasted with the fun blonde girls, Finn and Morgan.  I don’t believe that, though; I know Sara was, yes, totally an awkward science nerd who’d never heard of a trophy condom, but I also think she was more with it than that.  I think Sara was a cool nerd.
Plus, Sara had been living a pretty lonely life for years (watching too much TV and consequently overfamiliar with TV jingles because her husband was abroad, planning Tracy/Hepburn marathons, etc.), so she had plenty of spare time, in which I imagine she would have caught up on a lot of pop culture (basically just by osmosis). 
But just pinning her as *the nerd* was all the effort those writers were willing to make (unless they happened to feel like pinning her as the inexplicably angry and even violent one, neither of which is Sara—even when angry, Sara definitely had a reason). They really didn’t care about Sara’s characterization or approaching it with any consistency, as opposed to whatever served them at the moment. They were writing for the joke (or the scene, or the episode, or the really, really, really monumentally shitty divorce plotline). Sara is quite divine, in my books, and they totally just went and flattened (and insulted) her character.
So I choose to believe that “Who’s Beyoncé?” was just a line Sara was using to get out of doing karaoke with Morgan. (I could totally see her doing that.) I will not deny the fact of the line having been sad, but I refuse the intended interpretation.
(Admittedly, though, I haven’t watched that full episode since it aired—or maybe at all—so please let me know if I missed or am misconstruing something.)
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luminousrider · 10 months
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is.
Repost, don't reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing!
Happy anniversary, TOA! Here's to many more years spent together.
tagging: you! come closer
Name: Erica
Pronouns: she/any/whatever
Birthday (no year): May 3
Where are you from? What is your time zone? Phildelphia ish, EST
Roleplay experience: oh jeeze oh gosh uh like idk 15+years off and on?
Got any pets? Winston the German Shepherd and Pipis the ragdoll pisscat
Favorite time of year: Winter
Some interests and things you like: taking naps
Some funfacts & trivia about you: - I'm the oldest in toa cringe, idk man I'm so tired rn
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play? nothing like consistently right now? I like rpgs and games with a good story.
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: Ground and grass, Diglett and Dugtrio I've been their number one fan since the games came out
How did you get into Fire Emblem? I was at a Gamestop determined to buy a new game and Awakening looked interesting. 3H reignited my love of the series though.
What Fire Emblem games have you played? Uhh Radiant Dawn is the only one I don't have any experience with but I read the Jugdral games, the Archanea games, and Binding Blade.
First Fire Emblem game: Awakening
Favorite Fire Emblem game: Genealogy if it counts even if I never played it. Three Houses or Blazing Blade if we're talking about ones I like to actually play.
Any Fire Emblem crushes? Arvis baby call me back we could be clap in clap love clap
If you’ve played the following games, who was your first S support? - Awakening: Frederick I took one look at that freak and knew I was in love- Fates: I think it was Hinata but I honestly don't really remember- Three Houses: Claude and then I immediately felt bad because I stole him from Hilda - Engage: Saphir she's old like me
Favorite Fire Emblem class: I like an armored knight honestly idk why
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class? Some kind of cleric/healer
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? Golden Deer
If you were an Engage character, which Emblem would you Engage with? Sigurd probably it's baby girl time
How did you find TOA? I saw it in the tags when I was looking for Hilda content and went hmm. Kept watching until their Hilda fell through and then jumped on that.
Current TOA muses: Deirdre, Ethlyn, and Altena
Who was your first TOA muse? If you don’t have them anymore, could you see yourself picking them up again? Hilda (the good one) but her time is done
Have you had any other TOA muses? Hilda, Charlotte, Elise, Serra, Silvia, Tina, Ninian, is that it?
Do you think you have a type of character you gravitate towards? Tragic wives/moms, little sisters, pink. Love how Ethlyn combines all three of these.
What do you believe you enjoy writing the most? I love familial relationships whether they are biological or found. I also really love cross game relationships whetehr they are platonic or romantic. It's fun having the relationship develop from ground zero rather than with an extra boost from them knowing each other in canon. Plus it's just neat to get to explore. I also like a little (a lot) of drama and angst. Messy relationships are very fun.
Favorite TOA-related memory: It's gotta be all the friendships we've found along the way. The writing and stuff is great and wonderful but the community and sense of belonging is something I will always remember and cherish.
Got any delusions that didn’t see the light of day in TOA that you’d like to share? Louise is a matter of when not if honestly.
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blushinggray · 1 year
navigation 🧭
hello. for anyone new here:
i'm michelle (aka hokshi), she/her, 25+
lover of himbos
simp for tsunderes
appreciator of dilfs
addicted to slow burn
(and slave to kirishima natsuya)
here you'll find my anime-related interests, as well as my spontaneous, low pressure, unbeta'ed drabbles. i mainly write [male character] x fem!reader, and about half the time, it contains mature content. so pls be aware of that and manage your own boundaries. i am very casual about what/how i post here, so i'm putting a lot of trust into you to care take of yourself
most of my writing that i actually put my soul into is on AO3, so if you're looking for slow burning, emotional tension with a sexy ending, you'll likely find smth more fitting over there
but since i've accumulated enough writing on this blog now as well, i figured it was time for a directory, so here ya go:
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🔞 — nsfw 💖 — personal fave/rec 
— drabbles —
bakugou katsuki:
choking 🔞 baby boy thirsting at the gym bakugou pole dancing 🔞 fantasizing 🔞 moon viewing tsundere dad!baku + art 💖 ph!baku x stand up comedian!reader basketball player!baku 💖 domestic thoughts "come see me"
kirishima eijirou:
pwp 🔞 reverse somno 🔞💖 at the beach with a himbo + song rec 💖 the last to know bunny boy bj 🔞 cum buckets 🔞ish
sero hanta:
pierced/tatted fuckboi!sero change of plans (a fuckboi!sero series) 💖🔞
kink headcanons 🔞ish
itadori yuji:
pick your poison (yuji/sukuna twins!au) 🔞ish nothing but ass on the brain 🔞 glass slipper type beat
— fic trivia —
some extra headcanons, rough visuals, or fun facts from some of my fic universes, which can also be found in my #fic trivia tag
from "Love Unlimited" (hinata x atsumu x reader) - sequel/aftermath headcanons
from "Good for Me" (a tattoo artist!bkg x tattoo artist!reader au) - sketch of bkg's tattoos - extra au headcanons
from "Within the Chaos" (a single dad!natsuya au) - fanart i commissioned of natsuya & yumeko - headcanons of having "the talk" with teenager!yumeko
— other info —
this is a side blog, so i follow/like from a different account
i mostly write for myself/my own enjoyment, so i don't take requests. but i do enjoy hearing suggestions if you want to share some inspo!
for non-anon asks, i usually answer privately (although sometimes i press a wrong button or tumblr goofs smth and it ends up getting published). but sometimes, if it's smth i wanna share/document on my blog, i will publish/tag it as #ask
i really enjoy meeting/talking to new people tho! so if you ever want to share your love of your faves, talk about writing, recommend me fics/artists, or even just send me memes (related to my fics or otherwise), you are so very welcome to visit my DMs/ask box!
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lookbluesoup · 1 year
1. What culture were you raised in, and how connected to it do you feel? (I want to hear all of the moon cat things!)
Thanks so much for the ask! :3 Hopefully this is coherent xD
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Nahte grew up deep in the Black Shroud, where the branches really are so thick and the trees so tall they blot out the sunlight. It's a place where sylphs and wildlings tread, and Wood Wailers hesitate to venture.
The Vhia clan is fairly traditional, living off the land as semi-nomadic hunters, mostly keeping to themselves. They typically do not venture near enough to Gridania to make themselves a target.
It's notable, though, that Nahte is only half Keeper of the Moon. His father was a Seeker of the Sun named C'ato Tia (later, Nunh) who found his way into the Shroud and caught the interest of Nahte's mother, Adleh Vhia.
C'ato settled in with the clan, which caused some stir given that Moonkeeper men do not live in the villages but travel mostly in solitude. For several years he and Adleh tried to make a cross-cultural relationship work, compromising where possible (such as with Nahte's name), and for a while it was pleasant enough. They had many children together. But as the years went on, conflict began to exacerbate and C'ato was chased out while Nahte was still a baby.
Despite his remaining family's affection, Nahte grew up with a lot of insecurity about "what" he was supposed to be and where he really belonged, that followed him well into his adult life. As an adult he struggled with the forced isolation and impersonal touch of a "breeding male," and could not fulfill the role of the latter. This made him feel inadequate and even more alone. (I write more about that and his feelings about being a male Keeper of the Moon here if you're curious!)
Some aspects of Moonkeeper life, Nahte feels very connected to. He's an ethical hunter, who disparages what he considers inhumane methods of killing like bear traps that cause pain until the creature is retrieved by the hunter and may catch unintended prey more often than not, or certain poisons which cause pain but may not kill a creature quickly outright, leaving it to suffer until the hunter catches up. Nature is rarely so considerate, but as someone with the skill to kill gently and the intelligence to sympathize with his prey, Nahte was taught he had a responsibility not to cause suffering where it could be avoided, and to take from the forest only what he needed to survive, giving the rest back to nature.
Certainly not all Moon Keepers are so careful, and poachers like the Coerlclaws and Pawah gang have exacerbated conflict with Gridania. The Vhia clan also finds such reckless hunting without care for the balance of nature an affront. They have had altercations with poachers at times themselves and are extremely protective of the Vhia territory. Nahte carries this with him well beyond their border, and when Ishgard becomes his home he takes a particular interest in protecting the wild places and advocating for good stewardship, so that ripe hunting can continue to be enjoyed by the city-state for generations to come.
(as a bit of side-trivia, I headcanon the Coerlclaw King is actually Nahte's older brother, who had a VERY different reaction than Nahte to feeling ostracized over his Sunseeker-half & Gridania's relative intolerance toward outsiders, and has been disowned by the clan for... obvious reasons)
Nahte starts out fairly reverent of Menphina, as well - though Dalamud's fall was a bit difficult to swallow, and Nahte is already starting to have doubts about the nature of the divine when ARR begins.
Nahte is a sylph-friend and knows the woods with an intimacy and refinement of instinct only growing up in them can bring. This shows even removed from the woods - in his perception, strength, balance, and wisdom regarding wild and magic things. He carries his culture always; it's very much a part of him.
Furthermore Nahte considers family very important, and has a nomad's heart. In these ways, he's very much a trueborn miqo'te from both bloodlines.
Overall, Nahte values where he came from. In the beginning, he struggles with his inability to conform to the expectations of male Moonkeepers, and travels beyond the Shroud in search of answers. Ultimately he grows to accept that he isn't meant for the life of a wandering hunter in the Black Shroud, that he wants to see more of the world, and stay by his lovers' sides, and have a home to settle into between adventures. Later, when he has a son, he wants to be a part of his child's life. In these ways, the Sunseeker in him shines through, and ultimately brings him into a balance between dark and light.
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tellthemeerkatsitsfine · 10 months
It’s been a few days of queer Australian stand-up comedy for me, because sometimes I just like to look up queer Australian stand-up. (…Okay, it’s because Daniel Kitson recommended both these people in his mailing list email – I mean, it’s not just because of that, they were both on my list of people to watch at some point, his recommendation email just hastened the process of actually getting to them, I don’t need a straight guy to tell me what queer comedians to like or anything…)
Laura Davis – Live at Easy Street Concert Hall (2016) and Cake in the Rain (2017)
I’m grouping these together because they’re pretty similar, there’s enough crossover in material so you probably don’t need to get both, though I did and enjoyed them both, it’s not like they’re all that long. And they’re not exactly the same – the Easy Street Concert one opens with a routine talking shit about pub trivia, which wasn’t in the other one and is worth getting for that alone, because I find it so weird that so many people just accept pub trivia as a normal, reasonable thing to want to do. For the exact reasons Laura states – why do you want to do homework while trying to socialize at a bar? (I mean, that’s the reason I give for why I hate trivia nights, it’s also the reason Laura Davis gives, my best friend once told me I hate trivia nights because all my knowledge is too niche to be useful in it, and to be fair he may have a point).
Anyway. The Easy Street Concert recording is available on NextUp on demand, so if you have an account you can watch it there for no additional money. You can also buy the audio on their website. The link is also supposed to let you buy the Cake in the Rain album, though I found the Cake in the Rain button didn’t work, so I bought it on Bandcamp instead (use Bandcamp, everyone, best way to support the artists, possibly aside from buying straight off their own websites, I guess).
I enjoyed both of these. A lot of observational stuff, some feminism stuff, a really memorable and funny routine about the mundane horror of high school girls’ sex ed delivered by a religious group. Immediately gives you an idea of who Laura Davis is, and I immediately like them. It’s a relatively short show, but it’s also available for a cheap price (and free if you’ve already paid for a NextUp membership), which is worth it.
Laura Davis – The Bus Show (show from 2019, recorded audio in 2020)
The previous ones were good, but I thought this one was a big step up, will really get someone attached to this comedian. It’s their 2019 comedy show, recorded during lockdown in 2020, with an intro and an outro and some other lockdown-era commentary added on. Also there’s some background music and sound effects (described in the blurb as a “soundscape”), making it a proper audio production.
My general taste in comedy is: I like good political material. I like good deep personal material (“deep” doesn’t even have to mean about a particularly harrowing or dramatic topic, though it certainly can mean that, I just like people who talk about any aspect of their personal life in a way that’s thoughtful and insightful). I’ll enjoy a show with one or the other of those things. I’ll really enjoy a show with both of them, if done well. And I’ll enjoy it even more if you tie them together.
Laura Davis did all that and more here (the “and more” was mostly, I guess, be funny – also a fairly crucial element to good comedy, and they did do that). Such a simple structure but it holds the show together so well, making the whole thing about a journey on the bus. It reminded me of Sandi Toksvig’s book, which also took through a bus ride across London, and used each stop as a way to discuss her next topic. Laura Davis uses the same premise (for the record, they both came out in the same year, so Laura Davis could not have read/copied that when writing this show), taking each little thing that occurs on the journey in some new direction, and then bringing it back to the bus. I thought it was very effective for making the whole thing feel polished.
And I liked all the digressions. They weave in small things and big things, whimsical things and very real things, Facebook group drama and climate protesters and fear and love. Personal and political, tied together by common themes and this one bus ride and by the fact that they affect each other. And I thought the audio commentary added to it too, Laura Davis coming back from a short time later but a different world to explain how her thoughts on the material have updated in that time.
The whole thing is so captivating, I sat back and closed my eyes and listened to it while not doing anything else, just got lost in it. Doing that made it feel like a good book, I felt like I was on that bus reading Facebook comments and looking around at other travelers, just like a book can do. They’re a wonderful performer. I really recommend this show.
Geraldine Hickey – Smithereens (2018) and What a Surprise (2022)
A comedian I’ve been meaning to get into for a while… and I’d love to say, “So see, she was already on my list, it’s not just because Daniel Kitson recommended her this month, I don’t need a straight guy to tell me where the funny queer women are.” But actually, she’s been on my list since a few months ago, when I heard an episode of an Australian radio show in which Daniel Kitson talked about how great Geraldine Hickey was. Anyway, it’s fine. Doesn’t matter how I found her, I’m glad I did. According to the two things I could dig up by her, both stand-up specials that she recorded for Australian TV.
I liked both of these. Fairly conventional stand-up, especially compared to Laura Davis, but that’s not a bad thing when it’s done well. Also, given that her 2018 show had material about how Australia was still debating same-sex marriage at the time, there’s an argument that a butch woman doing shows about her gay relationship can’t really be conventional. I mean, it wouldn’t be good if “I’m a butch lesbian” were all someone had, a good USP with no talent to back it up is just a wasted opportunity. But in this case, there was talent. And the perspective from which the talented stand-up was being delivered is still enough of a minority perspective so I have trouble calling it entirely “conventional”. Obviously there are a lot of queer people in stand-up. But not a huge amount of butch lesbians over forty who tell stories about their happy lesbian long-term relationship-turned-marriage to give people hope that sometimes that eventually works out (though if you’d like a second butch lesbian telling the love story of their gay wedding, check out Hannah Gadsby’s newest show, Something Special, it’s great).
These two shows are fairly similar to each other, in that they’re just a person telling funny stories from her own life, but some of the stories are really funny. Her writing and delivery are both consistently strong. The second of those shows – What a Surprise – is probably the stronger one overall just because it has a theme and a narrative that the first one doesn’t (theme: the way people surprise each other in relationships; narrative: story of her engagement to her girlfriend), and I love a good theme and narrative. But actually, there were some absolutely hilarious stories in the first show, it might be a total of stronger material. I loved the story at the end, about MCing a gig in American with no preparation.
It's objectively funny material, as much as comedy possibly can be objective, I realize is not much. But I did also really connect to her persona, and it’s not even just the gender non-conforming gay woman thing (though… it is partly that). There was nothing incredibly deep in any of it, I’m not saying, like, this resonated on some deep dramatic emotional level. I’m just saying, I really related to her descriptions of the way she just wants to spend a vacation reading a book and then falling asleep, instead of spending it gardening. And her description of immediately imagining every option when told there will be a surprise until she ruins the whole thing for herself. And her description of herself getting lost in the confusion at an American gig but trying to pretend to know what’s going on. You know, the thing that traditional stand-up is supposed to be, but of isn’t to me. Relatable.
This was time well spent. People should look these comedians up if you think Hannah Gadsby is good proof of concept for Australian queer comedians being a solid idea, but what else is out there?
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hoffmanhartvigsen80 · 2 months
Apple Of God's Eye, A Love Letter From God
Songwriters of this genre often times explore their emotions new. Daring to move the elephant is unpleasant, it is scary. Just as long as the finale is something that you know you like. Nick: Enjoy this doubtfulness. Here's a bit of well-known trivia. When L. Frank Baum was working on "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz", he was purchasing a name for his magical land and happened to glance at his filing cabinet the location where drawers were labeled A-N and O-Z. I think he select the right drawer as I have no idea "The Wonderful Wizard of AN" would have captured the public's cheesy. I'm a huge fan these "Behind the Music" shows and Vehicles finding out about the influences behind the books that I just read. Tin tong hop Top Dak Nong AZ The story behind tale is a lot of fun, and "The Dark Dreamweaver" are very few exception. I've got a pretty detailed description smaller website so I'll just hit the highlights at this juncture. View More: topdaknongaz.com - Top Dak Nong AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Dak Nong AZ: Nguyễn Văn Thành Tâm - Nguyen Van Thanh Tam Reduce your salt allowance. Especially high salt content pre-packaged and canned foods. Excess salt can dilate your blood vessels causing dark circles. Top Dak Nong AZ 24h A lot of the true in case you're on medications that dilate your undesireable veins as amazingly well. Another change Manson made in his version was evaluation of your situation slow across the tempo among the original. Changing the tempo of an audio lesson can greatly affect the atmosphere of an audio lesson.
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View More: topdaknongaz.com - Top Dak Nong AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Dak Nong AZ: Nguyễn Văn Thành Tâm - Nguyen Van Thanh Tam Performing a cover song can be an art alone. If you're looking to fill out your set when you're performing, you may thrown in a good number of of covers played almost identically on the original version. Everyone's played cover songs like that. They're fun, and easy for the crowd to get into because they're so recognizable. During this incredibly hectic time, I'd a in order to meet at the top of him when i want to ask you to take a look at our conversation in hopes that may possibly gain some value due to true MLM guru. Nirvana's 1st album, Bleach, was released in 1989 on motivated record recording label. My trivia question to you is: Is it possible to name the independent record label that released this album? I am going to give solution after I Dak Nong Province Viet Nam my choices for the 5 best Nirvana movies. A: My inspiration originates from everywhere. Whenever I hear things I like, I'm inspired. There's not much relief one specific artist that has inspired me; there plenty of resource material. I mean, let's face it, if we're doing a dance record, it's as opposed to it's at the first time it's been done. So somewhere next to the line, Need to have been inspired to start. I would say pricey 'across the board' matter. Great, moving music, to me, is inspirational. Top Dak Nông AZ 247 Composers like Ravel and Debussy, the impressionists and then you've got people like Richard Strauss. amazing composers. If ever, there is a greater regarding inspiration as much as what we achieve musically. Pennyroyal Teas are a very slow and dark song, filled with self-pity and hidden explanations. Kurt Cobain was an amazing song writer and can connect with his fans. Recognized for putting his heart and life reading this blog for the world to see, this song is this. Looking back, this song has more meaning than we ever knew just. It was also clear how strong the relationships associated with village ended. Families spent almost all day together and neighbours happily wandered in and out 1 other's buildings. And they share everything. We found it strange at first, as they would just pick your diary and start inspecting it but we came to appreciate their insufficient reserve and open need to know. I don't want no love like my mama. I'd rather not love no man greater my possess. God, strike me barren if You know I will work that. Do not my children to hate me cause of no dude.
As the song says, we all would like to stay forever young. However, this is not possible and our bodies will point out that. On the list of most unpleasant ways your body have inform us we aren't teens by means of the dark circles we're around up your eyes. I later learned that the Chinese often don't say what food preparation mean or feel ok, enough fooling. Nor do they always print what you tell them, as i discovered while i was interviewed more than once by local newspaper reporters. They love giving toasts and love hearing glowing speeches -- mainly those distributed by themselves. I once was given an award by metropolis for creating the economic growth, or to receive i had current a speech on the tube. I never quite figured out what I done to deserve this recognition, since no one came to my classroom to watch me provide. The city big-wigs seemed to love my speech, but understands what I honestly said when the translator finished with her model?
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Top Dak Nông AZ 24h Those birds have house idea. Even though it is still dark, they begin singing - I trust gratitude - for Dak Nong Province Viet Nam the arrival day. Before they ever see the blessing of sunrise, they thank God for the joy of living, the provision He promises and the safety He boasts. It is alleged that so that you to be successful in advertising you must have to truly master one competence. Whether it is presenting, closing, encouragement, or (for the internet world) copywriting, SEO or social networking, it's incredibly important to identify your talent and "run" with information technology. Daniel: Being successful my education loan balances were in the $145,000 range, not including credit business cards. So I was presented using a CHANCE to some money through advertising as I prepared to graduate from college. There are a few versions of your craftfully written song, Polly. It is one of the rare Nirvana acoustic songs with a number of use of this cymbals. It strays slightly from their usual format, just enough to get this song intriquing, notable and captivating. They kept this song inside live set and swiftly became large fan common. Take a listen with your favorite songs and try to pull from each what element really makes the song. Is it the singer's voice? The drum beat? The lyrics? Months passed with Dianne beating herself up, feeling she had been not attractive or worthy, that they did cant you create the qualities to please anyone. This left her feeling she was a worthless section of humanity. The dark elephant came to live a life. Daniel:.some people can clock in 40-50 hours within their network marketing business but not make a dime, right now there are an assortment of us, that are able to just make 4-5 telephone calls a week, and pull in make certain income of over 6 figures. What's the major? EFFECTIVE USE Of one's TIME! I've always been a multi-tasker. View More: topdaknongaz.com - Top Dak Nong AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Dak Nong AZ: Nguyễn Văn Thành Tâm - Nguyen Van Thanh Tam Written By Author in topdaknongaz.com: Nguyễn Khắc Toàn - Nguyen Khac Toan Written By Author in topdaknongaz.com: Nguyễn Thị Thu Hiền - Nguyen Thi Thu Hien
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icecream-edsoloud · 6 months
DAY 354
i wasn't aware that i was going to be unavailable for other activities besides work during my one week ordeal prior to leaving for Baguio.
to expand this thing above, let me take you back to the early months of 2023, when a certain girl contacted me for taking up her place as a reliever at her workplace (where I occasionally have may part time work when I can, but now is under my never-to-do-list-again which i will tell you in a different story). I, the strong girl that I think I am, took the chance of making extra cash for the purpose above-mentioned. we talked about the schedule but somehow got lost in translation for I also have some agendas on her proposed dates. she was the one stepping aside, changing the dates that should be convenient for me. i appreciated that.
we ended up with the dates August 3 to 10, 8am to 5pm. i also asked some of my fulltime workmates if they were willing to do some part time work and all of them said yes. i took the liberty to write their names on my planner, on what day they're scheduled to go in, and also gave them to the girl. i may not know what i was trying to get myself into at that very moment. i thought "meh what could go wrong". in contradiction to this thought, i prepared a back up plan. if in any case they weren't available on that day, i will take over their shoes. so I asked for my schedule on that cut off to be all night duty at my full time workplace. just.in.case.
august came and the first day was okay. my night shift starts at 7pm and ends at 7am the next day. i did tell them that i will be going to be late for I may need more than an hour to prepare. i got there and everything went smooth. 5pm came and it was my cue to go home, rest for an hour, then prepare for my night shift.
here is where things get a little interesting, or disturbing. certain happenings let my workmates stray from our original plan. hey, i cant just abandon the girl who moved her vacation leave so many times. so there I was, accepting the challenge of another 24 hour duty. you do the math, because this roll continued for another 3 days.
i only got my break when sunday came. but i still had my full time shift, mind you.
then there i was again, 24 hrs of mixed impetus in life for 3 more days. this was the time i questioned myself, and other people. how the hell did they manage this kind of set up???? i mean i can do it, i did it, but how the hell did i????????? that's my question. because thinking back now, i might've enjoyed it but the strength that i had, i wasn't sure of it, of how long it was going to last.
in case you got curious why i wasnt able to take a whole day off, my answer is because I pooled all of my day offs at the end of the cut off. why? baguio baby. hahahahahaha have you connected it all together?
dont judge me just yet. if i can recall correctly, this was the outline of how this happened to me::
• i told the girl i can do august 3 - 10 (may)
• i went to manila // bulacan for a concert (june)
----- mama wanted to travel too
----- mama wanted to celebrate her bday at a different place
her birthday is on august 14.
• i booked the plane tickets to manila (july eleven)
• i went to batangas for a wedding (end of july)
then it was august. i guess taylor and i have different insights with August. august was all mine.
you reap what you sow, they say. i think this applied to me in a very positive way. i didnt get sick, i did my job pretty well in both facilities (almost, told you there's a story behind this), and i got extra cash.
DYK THAT WHEN WE ARRIVED, THE RAIN STOPPED? A TRIVIA MY OLD FRIEND TOLD ME. I HONESTLY NEVER THOUGHT WE'D SEE EACH OTHER AGAIN. i traced my old photos and found a photo of us at SM Baguio with a note at the back. will let you see it soon. i just have to have our new photo developed so i can put them side by side.
so there you have it. you don't know how happy i am right now for finishing this one 20 days before the year ends. (((special thanks to leiza for giving me a day off (the second one next to my sunday off)))
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kingjain · 6 months
Alien I Want To Believe Ugly Sweater Christmas Party
The holiday season is upon us, and what better way to celebrate than with an Alien-themed "I Want To Believe" Ugly Sweater Christmas Party! This unique and quirky theme will surely bring some excitement and laughter to your festivities, making it a memorable event for everyone involved. Whether you're a fan of the Alien franchise or simply enjoy embracing the unconventional, this party idea is perfect for men and women alike. Ugly sweater parties have become a tradition during the holiday season, where guests compete to wear the most outrageous and tacky sweaters they can find. However, why not put a twist on this tradition by incorporating the iconic Alien aesthetic? The "I Want To Believe" slogan, taken from the famous X-Files series, adds a sense of mystery and intrigue to the party theme, making it all the more exciting. When it comes to choosing the perfect ugly sweater for the occasion, there are endless options available for both men and women. From sweaters featuring the eerie and iconic facehugger creature to designs showcasing the memorable scene of a chestburster bursting forth, the possibilities are endless. These sweaters can be found in all sizes and styles, ensuring that everyone can find something that fits their taste and personality. The key is to find a sweater that perfectly blends the holiday spirit with the Alien theme, creating a unique and eye-catching ensemble. To make the party even more inclusive, consider providing Alien-themed accessories for guests who may not want to commit to wearing an entire sweater. Santa hats adorned with Alien facehuggers, or Alien-inspired holiday stockings, are just a few examples of the accessories you can offer. This way, everyone can participate in the festivities, regardless of their comfort level with wearing an ugly sweater. While the "I Want To Believe" Ugly Sweater Christmas Party is a gift in itself, you may also want to consider providing small party favors or prizes for your guests. Alien-themed keychains, mugs, or even small figurines make for great gifts that guests can take home as a token of their memorable evening. Additionally, you could organize fun activities like an Alien trivia quiz or a costume contest, with the winners receiving special Alien-themed prizes. These small gestures will make your guests feel appreciated and add an extra layer of excitement to the event. In conclusion, an Alien-themed "I Want To Believe" Ugly Sweater Christmas Party is the perfect way to celebrate the holiday season in a unique and unconventional manner. Whether you're a die-hard Alien fan or simply looking to add a touch of quirkiness to your celebrations, this party theme will have everyone talking and laughing. So, gather your friends and family, put on your most outrageous Alien-inspired sweaters, and get ready to embrace the holiday spirit while believing in extraterrestrial wonders.
Get it here : Alien I Want To Believe Ugly Sweater Christmas Party
Home Page : tshirtslowprice.com
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johnnyrobish · 10 months
Study Finds Habitual Nose Pickers Have Greater Chance of Contracting COVID
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Researchers in the Netherlands found in a new, peer-reviewed study of hospital workers that people who pick their noses habitually have a three times greater likelihood of contracting COVID than those who don’t.  Nearly 85% of those surveyed reported they picked their noses at least once in the previous month with varying frequencies.
Gee, whiz!  Now that’s some interesting news!  Hell, now I'm all set for trivia night.  That said, and if I’m understanding this correctly, this study conclusively proved that “most hospital workers pick their noses.”  Who knew?  Now, if you ask me, the REAL NEWS here has nothing to do with COVID.  It’s that “a whole bunch of hospital workers actually admitted they pick their noses.”
The funny thing is, there was a small group of those nose-pickers who were kind of bold about it all and proudly pointed out that, “The beauty of nose-picking is that each of us have two completely separate nasal cavities, so there’s never any waiting.”  When asked which nostril they prefer, many responded, “Oh, it really doesn’t matter all that much to me; why don’t you just ‘pick’ one?” 
Of course, as might be expected, the majority was somewhat defensive about a study linking nose-picking to COVID and countered with, “Yeah, but the ‘doorknob lickers really suffer more than we do.”  Frankly, I can’t even imagine who’d have the nerve to ask people if they “pick their nose.”  I mean, talk about being nosey!  Meanwhile, when asked if he believed this nose-picking study was scientifically valid, an angry RFK Jr responded, “No, it snot.”
The truth is COVID or no COVID; being a “nose miner” has always been a hazardous profession.  This, of course, is more bad news for the red states.  Hell, this study may even explain the shrinking MAGA base. No wonder MAGAs had such a high rate of COVID. To them, nose-picking is, “Mmm, finger-lickin' good.” My guess is after this study is published, you’ll see MAGAs picking their noses just to try and “Own the Libs.”  Meanwhile, all the rest of us “sane people” will patiently wait for the Onion Science Desk to confirm these findings before we dare take any action.
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adamwatchesmovies · 11 months
The Librarian 2: Return to King Solomon’s Mines (2006)
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The Librarian 2: Return to King Solomon’s Mines is better than its predecessor. While the special effects are still of TV quality, they’re mostly concentrated in one scene rather than spread throughout. The film is better shot, acted and written than the original but it’s still a facsimile of the Indiana Jones films. In some ways, it being “better” actually makes it less enjoyable.
Having saved the world several times now, Flynn Carsen (Noah Wyle) returns home one day to find his apartment ransacked. Whoever stole the scroll he received in the mail earlier that day is after the Key of Solomon, a book that allows control over time and space. As Flynn attempts to beat the thieves to the treasure, he is joined by Emily Davenport (Gabrielle Anwar), an archaeologist obsessed with the Queen of Sheba.
This is an obvious movie. The second Flynn goes home to a surprise birthday party and bumps into his late father’s best friend, his “Uncle” Jerry (Robert Foxworth), you know exactly what part he’s going to play. It's also no surprise when you learn Flynn's late father was a member of a secret society who wear amulets. When you see that, as a child, Flynn avidly listened to his father’s “silly bedtime stories” and drew pictures of the locations he described, you know they will play an integral part in the adventure. The only real surprise is the lack of Sonya Walger, whose character is nowhere to be found. Her absence has made room for Emily, who is something else. If you thought Flynn was annoying while constantly vomiting historical trivia to anyone who would listen, try a double dose. The two argue constantly which of course, means it’s only a matter of time before they fall in love. Their romance is even less convincing than the climax's CGI. You can’t think of two people who should be less drawn to each other than this man and woman.
In addition to being predictable, the plot is thin. It isn’t uneventful; it’s that nothing has any substance or weight. The characters are flat. The action and adventure devoid of energy. After it's all done it feels like the movie should have been much longer than 95 minutes. We meet several characters along the way, there’s a fair amount of globe-trotting… but all you get are the basics so we blitz through everything and then move on. There’s nothing to distract you from the obvious route the film is taking.
I’m coming down hard on this sequel but it’s a significant improvement over The Librarian: Quest for the Spear. I could even see someone who grew up with this film enjoying it and forgiving the budgetary limitations imposed upon it by its “made-for-TV” origin. There are fun moments and you could describe the familiar plot as "tried-and-true". Here’s the thing. The movie is not bad enough to be ironically entertaining. It’s also not good enough to rival the films it wants to be. No one should be watching this instead of Indiana Jones - any of them - so who is The Librarian: Return to King Solomon’s Mines movie for? No one, except those who originally caught it on TNT on December 3, 2006. Unless you've got a time machine, that ain't you. (May 22, 2020)
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