#so gmm content will stay here
nieves-de-sugui · 1 year
My personal experience with BL history for @waitmyturtles​
After reading through the posts of your Old GMMTv Challenge, I decided to add my own perspective, as a watcher, of how BL has evolved as a genre as time went by. I hope this “history from the perspective of the viewer” might shed some light in some of the questions you might have or bring up interesting things for your viewing and understanding of the shows. I will try to not repeat what has already been said through your posts by all the wonderful people in this fandom and keep it as concise as possible (turns out it’s still super long).
I’m gonna use ABL’s chronology of the shows as a timeline guide for easy understanding:
Context: How I made my way to Thailand
I’ve always been into BL (yaoi, gay shows, whatever you wanna call it), but I became commited to it around 2008. The options for queer content back then were very limited, as I’m sure we all remember. But for the sake of adding context this were my go to:
Youtube playlists of cuts of “the gay storyline” from western shows (Brothers and Sisters, Hit The Floor, Shameless, Skins and soap operas (Salatut Elamat, Days of Our Lives), etc), 
Queer as Folk, 
bad japanese live action adaptations of yaoi mangas (Takumi kun) or just sad/melancholic movies about lost men, 
sad chinese movies (usually with fucked up plots), 
indie queer movies (Were The World Mine, Judas Kiss, Shelter, Yes or No, Love of Siam etc). 
But I was starving for more. I wanted shows. 
In the search for more content, through Love of Siam enters My Bromance (very sad ending, also pseudo incest?, still part of what I thought were just indie movies with yaoi influences) and then appears Lovesick (S1 and S2), with very questionable subs, but finally a show with a gay couple as protagonists. 
Lovesick was for me the first show that finally put a queer story as a main thing to focus on, finally breaking free of the eternal side story filled with drama and hurt that was never comforted. After that only Make it Right was around. It was more of the same thing but this time the cast was a lot more reduced and everyone is gay. Also, it showed some of the sexual aspects of the genre (which now feels wrong for so many reasons, but alas). 
One day, SOTUS is on youtube with subs, plus it’s the official channels (yay! finally we can be legal!). 
First shock, there’s an actual plot centered around these two people, who are their own characters besides being gay, and they actually kiss (I remember it was so impactful to me (in a never seen before way) that I did fanart of it). Thai shows became my guilty pleasure, they were bad but they were telling the stories I wanted to see and no one else was doing it. Only Thai shows cared to show cute love stories that ended well, without the big drama we were used to in the west. My thoughts were “It’s bad but I’ll take it, I’m staying here”
Living through the different booms
When Together With Me came out it brought proper making out session and high heat to the genre. Sround here is when I started watching everything that I could find because I had finally found my jam. So I watched all that now I could not watch again (because, man! they’re bad) like 2moons, Puppy Honey S2, What The Duck, My Dream,... And then, with Love By Chance we got the first signs of consent and communication with AePete. It finally felt like we could get stories with healthy relationships. 
Also, Our Skyy came in! Great moment! Treats for everyone! And honestly, it was such a fun project to watch. Iconic side-couples from straight shows getting their moment of spotlight on the same level as the main couples from BL shows. To me, Our Skyy comfirmed the importance of the main 3 (OG, TN, KS) and cemented the path GMM was taking with their BL shows. It started to be part of the norm and not just some shows here and there. It was no longer waiting for someone to make a BL once in a while, but an assurance a small but constant flow of BLs. 
Also Taiwan started the HIStory franchise.
BIG BOOM#1 - TharnType! Also, Ossan’s Love. 
TharnType comes in. The 1st episode ends and everybody hates it for the lack of consent, but everybody loves it for the high heat and the chemistry (also for those of us who had liked Mew in WTD it was nice to see him in this show, that seemed to have less drama around it). Plus, the hype of knowing more about Tharn from LBC, who was such a nice older gay character when he was palyed by Earth (Pirapat).
I think to me, TT was a mix of a lot of the usual flaws with the very new (only achieved before by MaxTul) high heat chemistry  (which despite the controversy is an important part of the BL genre, you can’t take the sex out of BL) and an interesting idea for a plot. 
Also I watched Great Men Academy for Captain (Noh in Lovesick), and he slays. Plus the BL in the show is good (even tho technically not bl, but queer enough)
Simultaneously Japan gets Ossan’s Love, it’s first mainstream BL boom, with very well known actors and gets talked about by the regular drama watchers. Everyone was watching Ossan’s Love in Japan, it brought the genre to the mainstream for the first time. (And prepared the grounds for Cherry Magic, imo)
Other shows that left an impact at the time were He’s Coming To Me and Dark Blue Kiss. HCTM was the great Ohm comeback (who I though we would never see again), paired with Singto doing a BL again. Besides the chemistry, the change in themes was very interesting, it was the first thai bl that showed thai culture for me. For its part, DBK had an interesting opening and Aof personal queer touch to the storyline (which made it wonderful) Especially for MorkSun. It was the first taste of what we know Aof for, but it was also the first time BL had such mature and nuanced themes to it.
little BOOM#1 - Until We Meet Again and Theory of Love
UWMA and TOL, to me were surprises. I thought that like KirstSingto and TayNew, OffGun would never do another BL with new characters. That BL was still just an undervaluated stepping stone that people didn’t treat as a proper genre (as everybody had been doing up to that point, do it once and never be seen near the genre again). 
However, UWMA confirmed that BL was here to stay. It was growing, it was exploring mixing with other genres and famous thai actors were in it. It was also moving away from the usual university storyline. And TOL was the comback of the year. I remember everyone losing their shit (me included), it was the lengendary OG afterall. Up until then they had done cameos and Puppy Honey season 1 and 2 but that was it. TOL also did something interesting with its theme, and the romcom references. AND! it was the first proper kiss in a gmmtv BL. From dead fish PickRome to full on make out with KhaiThird.
BIG BOOM#2 - 2gether and Why R U?
The BL expansion thanks to the pandemic was very very noticeable. Everybody was seeing 2gether and WRU. First time anything BL trended on Tumblr. Everyone was descovering thailand. 
Also 2gether was again a first, it felt like the story made more sense. It was more believable, with tolerable tropes and a cute main pair (this was the first thai show I dared to recommend to someone who was not into BL), plus the music. The ending of the show ruined it for me, however Still2gether Fixed everything that was wrong from the 1st season and showed quickly how the show could’ve been. WRU’s plot was directly affected by the pandemic and bettered what TharnType had started with the high heat chemistry. The whole success of the show is due to SaintZee having amazing chemistry and going with it. 
My engineer was the surprise of the year, it had nothing going for it promising but it managed to be good (I think thanks to some parts of the story and the cast mainly). 
little BOOMS#2 - Cherry Magic and ITSAY and others
The riples of the pandemic 2gether boom were felt in Japan. Nothing breaks throught the japanese content barrier. Japan only consumes MADE IN JAPAN, and yet 2gether made it there. And showed the Japanese show runners that there’s an interest there. Cherry Magic aired a few months after and it was big success, like OL had been. Korea starts with Where Your Eyes Linger here too.
The thing about I Told Sunset About You was that nobody knew what we were getting. I had heard about My ambulance, I even saw some of the clips, but it seemed to be side couple queerbaiting and honestly I wasn’t expecting much. But they had promised a BilkinPP series. I think it’s no wonder it blew our minds, nobody was expecting that! 
Then the big comeback of MaxTul with Manner of Death, broke our minds just as OF had with TOL and bringing again the mature themes to the genre (they are called the daddies of BL for a reason). No one thought they’d come back.
Around here I started watching the GMMtv end of the year announcements. All the build up we had had from the growing of the BL genre and p’Aof culminated on the annoucement of A Tale of Thousand Stars. Because of how it breaks the rules of thai bl (no engineers, no university, no highschool, no city, no 2000′s yaoi tropes just regular shoujo tropes) and tells a compeling story that tasted so new the hype didn’t die even when it came one year later than it should have. 
And Lovely Writer, was the first to present the criticizing of the industry as well as expanding on the mature themes outside of university and the lack of need for fanservice off screen between the actors. They acted like normal people :D
Light on Me appared around here too, and showed us that korea can do better than it had. And Taiwan gave us We Best Love.
BIG BOOM#3 -  Bad Buddy and Kinnporsche
BB was the biggest annoucement GMMtv has ever made. The thing about it was the combo AofOhmNanon. Always grazing BL and forever ghost shipped with Chimon, Nanon decided to do his first (and probably only) BL with none other than Ohm (with who he had great chemistry since they became friends in Blacklist) and under the guidance of Aof. Here I want to add that Aof considers BB to be his first Y series, the ones before were dramas, so I assume by that that the thai public makes a difference between the more mature tone series and the more highschool/university BLs (??). Such a year that was! Accompanied by the epicness that was the annoucement of Not Me (confirmed to be the last OG show... but then they went and annouced another). 
And last but not least, Kinnporsche breaks the internet, everyone knows about thailand now. It entered the realm of darker themes and violence. Accompanied by other shows exploring other themes like: You’re My Sky (sports), Something In My Room (ghosts), etc...
Which is the flow we have now, some of the known old stuff some of the new expanding stuff, waiting for the next boom. My, what a journey!
I hope this was an interesting read and that I managed to show how these shows were perceived when they came out, even though now they might not be as groundbreaking. If anybody else wants to add how they perceived these shows when they came out, feel free to add to this!
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tao-lay · 7 months
my mom is back home. she wasnt able to get a regular ward nor an icu room. the whole time she just stayed in the er with my dad waiting for a room while tests were being done to her.
(yet despite being in the freakin er overnight for less than a day, the hospital bill alrd racked up to approx usd$560, wow i hate the ph government system lmao) overall she is okay, but her left side is limp. this entire week weve been helping her move around to go to the bathroom, change her clothes, eat, and things like that.
she has been cranky too, and very irritable. which is soooo totally understandable. like, who the fuck wouldnt be after experiencing something so traumatic and then suddenly not being able to use half your body after that.
its been tough but it is what it is. im just thankful my managers and workmates are so kind and so understanding. im just so thankful this situation happened in my current job bc if it happened on the other one theyd be all "mhm yeah okay but ure still coming in tomorrow right?" lol
i digress. when my mom is asleep at night, thats when i can "relax", i catch up on what ive missed from gmm and game grump and other content i subscribe to. i know this liiiittle sacrifice i have to make for my mom doesnt even account to 1% of the things she has done for the entire family, so im not complaining. im just glad shes still here. we still make little quips and jokes every once in a while, and thats good enough for me.
i wish things were better, could be better. soon? in the future? any time, as long as itll be better.
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petrichoraline · 10 months
i barely get into the mood and BAM the weekend is over and the next big news in bl land is happening and we can't stay still!! must move!! lmao it's always like this though so i can't be surprised that THE OF TRAILER dropping caused a ruckus hahah
i'm technically not even that big a hidden agenda girl but when you gif smth you become fond of the source material so having spent ridiculous, RIDICULOUS amounts of time just colour-correcting jokezo's faces, i'm the biggest hidden agenda fan right now <3
good thing is HA is a popular show and we get the weekly screaming, meta, sets explosions when it airs and then throughout the week some stuff get posted too so it's a bit of a curve, however the interest is always there, so many ppl have fun with theories etc., weekly gmm shows usually get this treatment and it's very reassuring. other shows unfortunately aren't blessed with as much attention so let's be happy we're gonna be getting the burst of content and enthusiasm weekly in the upcoming two months 😄
have these messy demos, my fellow "everyone moved on, i'm still here" fella 💖
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lallyloo · 1 year
Do you have any opinion re the new changes in the Mythical Society or Link's live stream speech? Tumblr appears mostly unbothered.
...I have a lot of opinions about it 👀 I think it sucks to lose promised content and the way it was done seems very sneaky. And it sucks that they're pulling away. But I've been in the society since 2020 and to me it's always felt like randl were trying to phase themselves out by pushing crew content. I always got the impression that they didn't really enjoy the livestreams and amas. And we all know they can't handle constructive criticism, so unfortunately this attitude from them doesn't surprise me. Is it shitty though? Yes. Are they being unfair to paying customers? Absolutely.
I've been thinking about leaving the society for awhile but I've been waiting and hoping they'd give me a reason to want to stay.. but so far they're just giving me more reasons to leave.
I don't want to give up gmm though, so I'm just here being silly and posting screencaps of hot people from a little internet show. 🤷‍♂️
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yutamahidayati · 6 months
The Return of Little Super Girl Episode 29 ENG SUB
Attention all drama enthusiasts! Brace yourselves as the much-anticipated The Return of Little Super Girl Episode 29 with English subtitles has been unleashed into the streaming sphere. In here, we take pride in being the trailblazers, delivering the freshest episodes straight to your screens. This latest installment is ripe with intrigue, emotion, and unmissable plot twists. Make sure to bookmark our platform for instant access to all the newest episodes, and stay tuned via our Facebook page for real-time updates on your favorite dramas. Indulge in this engrossing episode and immerse yourself in the captivating world of drama. Don't miss out – it's time to delve into the magic of The Return of Little Super Girl Episode 29!
The Return of Little Super Girl Episode 29
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Watch on Website : Watch The Return of Little Super Girl Episode 29 Eng Sub Full Episode (Free) Watch on FB Groups : fb.com/groups/englishsubsasiandramaclub (Join) Watch on Telegram : @englishsubsasiandramaclub (Join)
Details Drama: The Return of Little Super Girl Country: Thailand Episodes: 38 Aired: Nov 1, 2023 - Dec 22, 2023 Aired On: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Original Network: GMM One Duration: 42 min. Content Rating: G - All Ages The Return of Little Super Girl: Related Content Little Super Girl (Thai prequel) Native Title: ไลลาธิดายักษ์2 Also Known As: Laila, Thida Yak 2 Tags: Statistics: Score: N/A (scored by 0 users) Ranked: #99999 Popularity: #99999 Watchers: 20 The Return of Little Super Girl Episode 29 Eng Sub (Full Episode) The Return of Little Super Girl also know as Laila, Thida Yak 2, ไลลาธิดายักษ์2 the third installment of the renowned drama series, The Return of Little Super Girl unfolds with an amalgamation of wit, humor, and emotional depth. As the story continues, viewers are drawn deeper into the lives of its vibrant characters, experiencing a roller-coaster of laughter and heartfelt moments. Set against the backdrop of nan, Episode 29 brings to the forefront the complexities and bonds between the central characters. The episode weaves a narrative that effortlessly oscillates between comedic interludes and touching revelations. Episode 29 , the characters who are full of charm and uniqueness are each involved in unexpected situations. Funny conflicts and hilarious moments present a series of scenes that invite laughter while conveying touching messages. This episode not only displays fresh humor, but also displays interesting character development. From light scenes to emotional moments, every aspect of this story is designed to appeal to the audience. The actors in the The Return of Little Super Girl series deliver extraordinary performances, making every scene full of warmth and undeniable quality. While inserting a deep moral message, this series succeeds in expressing joy, silliness and immersive emotional depth. With a smart and interesting point of view, Episode 29 of the The Return of Little Super Girl drama series promises exciting entertainment for loyal fans and viewers who have just joined this exciting adventure. From the cuteness to the depth of the story, every moment in this episode encapsulates the essence of what makes the The Return of Little Super Girl drama series so interesting. Certainly, every viewer will be carried away by the storyline which is full of joy and warmth, making this episode an unforgettable experience. The production values ​​are commendable, as evidenced by the smooth cinematography that is able to capture the essence of every scene produced by GMM One and the cast nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan. Overall, Episode 29 of The Return of Little Super Girl encapsulates the series' signature blend of humor and depth. It not only entertains but also resonates emotionally, leaving a lasting impact on the audience. As the narrative progresses, viewers eagerly anticipate the subsequent episodes to witness the further evolution of the storyline and characters.
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memzhay · 3 years
Cuddle Time
Rhett’s guts were a proper mess this time, and his head was pounding. He felt stupid for not switching off the light in the office before flopping down on the brown leather sofa to rest and feel mildly sorry for himself. He threw his arm over his eyes and tried to take some deep breaths. It hurt.
The last of the main episodes they shot for the day had been fairly brutal by design. It was a trivia game designed to give Link an edge, with all the punishments being things specifically hard on Rhett. An electric shock from a hand buzzer that was no big deal. Link had accidentally shocked himself with it before punishing Rhett. At least they got a few laughs there. Liver, an eyeball, you know, the classics with the final punishment of a congealed blood cube. All things they had done before, some several times, but all together it was a bit much, and now Rhett couldn’t figure out exactly why they had agreed to it. The assurance of views most likely.
Link knew the bit, of course. While he had protested at the pitch, he had eventually agreed. It was supposed to be a treat for the fans who feel Link often has it too hard. Prince for a day. Let Rhett vomit a bit. Link had made it through the first few rounds jovially enough, but by the time the blood cube was up next, he had enough. He intentionally threw the last question, ate the blood cube, barfed like a champ, and had been surly and taciturn throughout Good Mythical More. Well, thinly veiled surliness with a few winks and smiles thrown to the camera for good measure.
Rhett hoped Link wouldn’t be in a mood all afternoon. He was a mercurial thing at times. Usually pleasant, kind, playful, but push him too hard, he can get in his head and spiral. Rhett was interrupted from his thoughts as Link slipped quietly in the room and switched off the light. Rhett sighed in relief at the darkness.
“You alright?” Link asked. His tone was strained, but not angry or sulky. Good. “Want some water or something?”
“Sure. Thanks Link,” Rhett replied. “You makin’ it ok?”
“I’ll be fine. I was a little harsh to Carney after the shoot, and I’m trying to decide if it was too harsh and I should apologize, or just harsh enough to let him know I mean business,” Link confessed.
“You can’t be tough on the writers, man. They didn’t do anything we didn’t agree to.”
“I know. I just didn’t know it would make me feel so sour watching you lose round after round and knowing it was on purpose. I don’t like watching you hurt, and I don’t like people feeling sorry for me. It’s just... Blech! I’ll apologize to him. But I don’t want to just yet. Let him at least think about it a bit. Besides, I’m not exactly feeling top of the line either.” Link opened a bottle of water from the mini fridge, sat it on the coffee table in front of Rhett, and wheeled his office chair over sinking down with an exhausted thud next to the sofa.
“You want the couch?” Rhett offered. “I can get up.”
“Nah. You’re fine where you are. You got the raw end of the deal today, brother.” Link thought a bit. “You remember when we had that white couch in here?”
“Sure,” Rhett answered. “It was big enough that we could both lay down on it when we had too much nastiness. This one just isn’t wide enough.”
“This one’s prettier though, and we are gentlemen of class and distinction these days,” Link said with a wink.
“Oh, you know it! You know, I bet we could both fit on this one if we laid on our sides,” Rhett mused.
“You mean like big spoon, little spoon?” Link asked incredulously.
“Why not! We could pretend Cuddle Queen Jean is here. You look beat, man. Come lay down with me. We’ve got time to relax. We can even skip that next meeting if we want.”
“Hell! We can skip all of ‘em if we want!” Link said defiantly.
“Yeah!” Rhett echoed, sounding macho. “We’re Rhett and Link! Nobody tells us what to do!”
“Except for all the people who tell us what to do,” Link chuckled sheepishly.
“Except for them. Now come be a little spoon,” Rhett said turning on his side and stretching his right arm out in front of him.
Link rolled his eyes, but kicked off his shoes and squirmed onto the couch.
“I’d still like to be the little spoon for a big ol’ dude someday,” Rhett said with a smirk. “Like Shaquille O’Neal or someone.”
“Well, I guarantee you Shaq would not fit on this couch with you!” Link wiggled into place trying to get a little more comfy. He ended up fitted snuggly against Rhett’s body, his head resting on his outstretched arm.
“See!” Rhett said sounding pleased. “We fit just fine! Now I just have to figure out what to do with this arm,” he said holding his left arm aloft and waving it a bit.
“Seems to me, it either ends up wrapped across my chest or on my butt,” Link chuckled.
“Across the chest seems more like a Cuddle Queen Jean maneuver. A sideways Baby Bear if you will,” Rhett said.
“Oh, I suppose I will,” answered Link, a smile in his voice as Rhett draped his arm over his friend.
“Speaking of your butt, what the heck is going on back here?!?” Rhett said in surprise.
“What? Oh, yeah. It’s my harmonica. I picked it up off my desk when I came in. I thought it might cheer you up.” Link reached back and pulled it out of his pocket.
“Can you even play, laying on your side?” Rhett asked.
“Might as well find out,” Link said, bringing the harmonica to his lips, testing it out, and starting a few bars of something that sounded like it belonged around a campfire. Something old. Down In the Valley, maybe? Who sings that? Gene Autry? Burl Ives? Something about someone not loving someone back and being in jail? It was nice, all languid and melancholy.
Rhett’s breathing slowed, and he realized his head didn’t hurt much anymore. He felt the weight and the warmth of Link pressed against him and his stomach didn’t feel that bad anymore either. Through the flat of his hand and his fingertips, he felt Link’s chest rise and fall as he played that sad, sweet song, and his heart wasn’t so uneasy anymore. He hadn’t even realized he felt so low until Link eased the ache of it just by being himself and being near. It happened that way a lot for them.
Turns out it is kind of difficult to play the harmonica when laying on your side and being snuggled by a large man. Link eventually set the harmonica on the coffee table and leaned back. Content.
“We should get some beds for the creative house,” Rhett mused. “That way, when we are feeling ill or down, we can go over there and take a nap.”
“Maybe one big bed,” Link said quietly. “We could do a bit for a vlog like we were talking about on Ear Biscuits where we have a sleepover. We stay up late. We drink. We play games. Then we climb into this big bed and tell the Mythical Beasts goodnight. Really give ‘em something to talk about.”
“We do that, they’ll think we just get in bed together all the time,” Rhett said.
“Well,” Link chuckled, gesturing to their current situation. They laid there laughing for a bit until Link about fell off the couch. Rhett squeezing him to keep him from ending up on the floor.
“Yeah. They would love that! We would even get big bold monogramed pillowcases!” Rhett said with a laugh.
They did miss that next meeting. They had earned the break. They laid there in the dark talking and laughing, sometimes about how people were silly for getting the ideas they get, and sometimes about how they should work assless chaps into a bit for GMM. They could wear underwear under them. Cute ones! With little hearts! No, lips!! It went on until they were ready to go on with their day, or possibly forever. Who can say.
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tehohaews · 3 years
A Tale of thousand stars ask game 🌿🐌🦜🌌
With one more ep left of atots here's a little something to reminisce the best moments of the series but mainly to have fun!!
1.Favorite character
2.Character you relate to the most
3.Favorite quote from the series (Or Phutian quote that lives in your head rent free)
4.Favorite moment in the show
5.A ghostship
6.A character you think is underrated
7.Which character you’d like to be friends with
8.The moment that you fell in love with the show
9.Favorite song Phupha sang for Tian? (there are like 2 but meh idc)
10.Favorite ✨Hand✨ scene
11.Favorite ✨phutian staring at eo✨ scene
12.Favorite Phutian moment (Or the moment that made you SCREAM saying they invented love)
13.Favorite friendship
14.Favorite kid from the village?
15.Favorite Happy!Tian moment 😄 (please I'm tired of seeing him cry every ep)
16.Favorite teacher!tian moment
17.Phupha has the picture he took of Tian as his wallpaper. Yes or No? 🤡
18.Favorite ep so far
19.Favorite behind the scenes
20.How do you view Tian's involvement in Torfun's death
21.The moment that made you laugh the most
22.The moment that made you cry the most
23.The moment you hated the most
24.One thing you’d change of the show if you can
25.One product placement/merch you'd like to have that gmm is shoving down our throats?
26.What has this show taught you
27.A phutian hc you have
28.Opinions on dr nam
29.Opinions on tian's parents
30.An unpopular opinion you have about the show
31.DO YOU AGREE THAT " I just want to talk to you" is the most romantic line of all time? 🤧
32.Why do you think Phupha was at that rich people party?(no spoilers please if you’ve read the novel)
33.Have you read the novel? If yes then which one did you like best the novel version or the series one?
34.Who is someone you got to know because of the show or someone whose posts/works you enjoyed seeing in the tags
35.Your fav fanmade content (gifs,edits,fic etc)
36.Describe the show in 3 words
37.One moment from the show that'll stay with you forever
38.If you had a chance to go to PhaPunDao what's the first thing that you’d like to do there
39.If you could say one thing to the writers/casts/crew what would it be
40.Anything you’d like to see in the finale? (Other than them being happily married and living the rest of their lives being monogamous hornbill mountain gays 😩)
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theredquilt · 3 years
I followed you for the daily rhett looks (there is not enough rhett content in this fandom)
Stayed for the whole package bb
Literally the only reason I started posting is because I felt there wasn't enough Rhett content (I know he's so mean and upsets everyone every day blah blah).
I'm that shallow that the only reason I even started watching gmm in the first place was him growing his hair and beard out! I'd seen some of their food bits (maybe with those annoying posh British guys?) and I was like 'that tall Canadian is quite cute with his weird little dark haired bf, and their set is good for youtube bs but this isn't for me' and literally successfully ignored them for years. And then the plague hit and Rhett got unnecessarily hot and here I am writing an essay for absolutely no reason.
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rhinkthreeways · 3 years
“I’ve waited for this moment for a long time.” (Angsty Version)
Rhett sat at the desk and swished the bourbon around the dissolving cubes in his glass. It was the desk now, not his desk. The room went in and out of focus as tears welled up, and receded in his eyes. It had been stripped of all its contents and flair, no photos or trinkets or anything that would have marked it as Rhett’s. Rhett. You know… Host of Good Mythical Morning? The boss around here? The taller half? Now it was a naked desk in an empty room. Like it had been the day that they moved into this studio and made it Their Office. He drained most of his drink and carried the half-empty glass out with him, leaving the office space the final 1% emptier than it had been while he occupied it one last time.
A lump had been lodged in his throat for quite some time. He tried a little harder to compose himself as he approached the main studio. He took a steadying breath and wiped his eyes before he walked out toward the GMM desk to join Link where he sat silently on His Side.
“I think someone’s coming to move the desk Monday..” Rhett muttered conversationally.
“It still doesn’t feel real, does it?” Link asked.
Rhett was relieved that Link’s voice sounded as strained as his own felt.
Link continued with only a slight nod as an answer from Rhett. “It still feels like we’re gonna come back here, crew and all, and… you know, ‘Talk about that!’ I thought maybe once we’d wrapped the last episode, that I wouldn’t feel like that anymore. Or once the last episode had aired. Putting it out into the universe would feel like a closing bookend… But my brain refuses to catch up to reality. It’s over, man. Chapter closed.”
A rogue tear broke away to roll down Rhett’s cheek. Link raised his glass to his lips, but Rhett paused him.
“Dink it?”
Link smiled softly and nodded. He clinked his glass against Rhett’s. “Sink it…” Link took a long drink, and the ice rattled around the bottom of the glass afterward.
“I’m sure you’re at least a little relieved,” Rhett suggested.
“Would you be mad if I was?”
“What?” Rhett sniffed back some of his raw emotion and took Link’s hand.
“I know I’m always the one wanting to quit stuff. Ear Biscuits, the first time. Vlogs. And I know you weren’t—“
“I was never mad at you.”
“Frustrated then. Or some degree of ‘not happy’.”
Rhett smiled softly. “You came back around on both of those, after time.”
“But you were the one wanting to stop this. And now here we are. And there’s no one to convince you to keep going, like you’re always there to keep me going. But you know I’m not going to be that for you. You know that if it gets to the point that you’re tired of something, that I’m damn-well exhausted.”
“Link…” Rhett took another deep breath. “I’ve waited for this moment for a long time. I know we both have. This has been our bread and butter for so long, and our livelihoods got so entwined with it, that it became impossible to disentangle from it without everything around it dying. But it feels like it’s time now. We got enough for all our kids’ colleges. And enough of a nest egg to launch us into our next creative venture… I don’t think we’re doing the wrong thing by letting it die now.”
“Or by not just, like giving it over to someone else to host? There were plenty of people that could give it a shot after us.”
“This was our thing. I like the idea of ending it as our thing. Those plenty capable folks are more than welcome to do their own thing. Even if it’s essentially a copycat production. But GMM… the channel was ‘Rhett and Link 2’... How you gonna have that without Rhett and Link?”
Link smiled, though his face was still shiny with tears. “I’m glad it’s not gonna be hosted by anybody else either.”
“I know we’re both proud of everything we accomplished here, and with GMM overall. But now, we’re gonna get to do all the creative stuff that we’ve been wanting to do. And… be who we’ve been wanting to be. The dynamic of the show wouldn’t stay the same if we became any more… open about who we are to one another. And I’m not about to be any less open about it.”
Rhett gathered their empty glasses, and tucked them carefully into his backpack before slinging the bag over his shoulder.
Link was grinning through the tears now. “Man, that’s gonna be one hell of an Ear Biscuit. I know there’s people out there that think they know… but there’s thinking it, and then knowing it!”
Rhett chuckled. He leaned down to give Link a comforting kiss. “It’s time, honey.”
“It’s past time.”
Link took his hand and they both stood up to walk out of the studio one last time. They paused for a moment to look back together in reverent silence, hands clasped tightly together, and then turning the lights down on set forever.
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asherlockstudy · 3 years
They’ve both independently said they are fine with people shipping them. Besides, if they wanted us to stop participating in the Rhink fandom, they would probably address it on GMM and ask us to stop because they don’t like it. Would everyone listen if they asked? Probably not, but I feel comfortable saying the majority of us here on tumblr respect them as people, don’t want to upset them, and would absolutely stop writing fic and creating other kinds of Rhink content if they asked us to. They wouldn’t make big changes to GMM and their company or shape it into something entirely different from what they wanted it to be just to get rid of shippers. They deliberately play with us by “feeding the shippers” sometimes. Of course they have to act silly about it! Maybe I’m wrong, but I doubt they would do any of that if they wanted to stop people from shipping them. Look at the whole “should we kiss” episode from a few days ago. They know what they’re doing, and could edit or re-film bits if they didn’t realize at first. I think it’s a different issue that people are having around here, not related to shipping. Well, not even an issue, really. It’s just the ebb and flow of fandoms over time. Some fans will leave, new ones will find GMM and fall in love, and some fans will be fans as long as Rhett and Link make content. It’s the same with us shippers. Some Rhink shippers will leave, new ones will join, and others are here for the long haul. I think right now there’s a larger wave of people leaving than coming, with many of us hanging on to the comfort of our memories with the show throughout the past year, but now moving on. That said, many people are happy to stay, and new people join all the time. Maybe in a few months, the wave of new fans and shippers will outweigh those who are leaving. Besides, always remember that people tend to be vocal when they’re not happy about something, so you will notice the posts of people who are complaining or just annoying their departure from the fandom a lot more that you will notice the posts of people who are happy and loving the fandom and GMM more than ever. I don’t think the tumblr fandom is falling apart at all. Try not to worry. I’m pretty sure the Rhink fandom is here to stay!
Perfectly said. And I hope previous Anon sees this and feels better :)
I think you managed to see the greater picture and you helped me do it too. Yes, the fandom is not dying, at least not just yet. Rhink shipping is certainly not dying. And even more certainly they do not discourage it. We are just going through a phase in which the oldest fans (including me) are displeased with certain new changes. But that is normal, it happens with every popular and long lasting product in the media. Personally I get annoyed and rant but then I am still back here :)
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purplesurveys · 4 years
What's your favourite sport? Do you prefer to watch it or play it?: I love pro wrestling, if you count that as a sport. I definitely prefer to just stay in front of a TV – I have never been in a ring, nor am I physically fit to even give it a shot without getting harshly injured. Conversely, I love table tennis but I’d rather play it than watch a game.
Who was the last person to send you a friend request on Facebook?: It was a stranger who, upon checking, seems to be some sort of spam account promoting a pyramid scheme. Happy to nope the fuck out of there.
Have you ever been to that person's house?: Definitely not. I don’t add people I didn’t know on any level, anyway.
How recently did you wash your hands?: This morning when I cleaned up after Cooper.
How many girls do you know named Emma?: Not a common name here, so I don’t know any Emmas.
[trigger warning under this I guess. Lots of angst going on at the moment.]
Are you upset, for any reason at all?: Yeah. I’ve been feeling very upset and under stress lately...to give you an idea, I find it a personal achievement to have gotten up and taken this survey. I’m at least self-aware that this is a temporary slump, but while it’s here hanging around, it really sucks to be in it.
How did you feel when you woke up today?: Shitty. The only reason I got up at all was to feed my dogs but otherwise I’ve been glued to either the couch or my bed.
When you're stressed, what helps you to relax or calm down?: Lately, it’s episodes of Good Mythical Morning. Rhett, Link, and their crew will never have any idea just how much they’ve helped this 22 year old, now-wondering-what-her-purpose-is-in-life fresh college graduate keep sane, but I’m glad they have hours upon hours of content and podcasts lying around to keep me company while no one else can.
What were you doing before you started this survey?: I finished another survey that I abandoned yesterday, and was watching GMM to fill up the silence in my room.
Is there something else you should be doing, that's more important?: I’ve been job-hunting 24/7 but lately I’ve been giving myself a break on weekends since no one will be processing applications or booking interviews on a Saturday anyway.
When was the last time you neglected to do something that you'd planned?: Around noon today.
Is there someone that can always make you smile no matter how bad you feel?: Apparently not. I’ve been a wreck all month so far and nothing has worked. Before September, I certainly thought animals or certain humans worked as cures for me.
Do you have any friends that you feel don't fully appreciate you?: I don’t feel that way about them. I think my friends care for me a whole lot, which I appreciate. I’ve had friends come to my DMs quite a few times in the last few days with messages of support since I’ve been a little vocal about how sad I’ve been feeling these days, so I for sure don’t feel invisible. Making me feel present is the best gift anyone could give me.
When was the last time someone told you that you were beautiful?: Last week when Gab came over.
Who was the last person that apologised to you?: Myself.
What were they apologising for?: Haven’t been looking out for myself recently.
Do you think they meant it?: I guess not, because I still haven’t stopped being destructive towards myself.
Would you be embarrassed if your parents looked at your Facebook?: I have them as my friends so they see everything. But I’m 22, so while they can complain about some of my posts (and it’s usually the political ones lol), they can’t tell me to take anything down anymore the same way they were able to do so when I was younger.
Describe the personality of the person you have feelings for.: She’s very warm, understanding, generous, and immeasurably protective of the people she loves.
What does your pencil case look like? What's in it?: I have a plush dog pencilcase that I use for my pens and pencils (given by my sister) and a pink pencilcase with a floral design that holds my highlighters (given by Jane).
In your Facebook friends list, who is the first person listed under 'D'?: Some girl named Abby whose surname begins with D. She was someone from my high school and we mutually know each other, but we’re not friends and we’ve never even talked.
How did you meet him/her?: I’ve never talked to her but I’ve known of her since grade school I guess? since she’s my sister’s batchmate.
Did the last person you kissed have facial hair?: No.
You're locked in a room with your ex. Any problems?: It would just be my girlfriend too so there wouldn’t be any problems, except that I’d probably break down crying upon seeing her again because I’ve barely pulled myself together over the last week and have had to go through it alone.
Be honest. What are you most afraid of?: These days I’m definitely doubting my capabilities and achievements and all the shit I’ve put on my resumé and portfolio, and now I’m scared if any company will even give me a chance. I’m honestly holding a little bit of resentment for every employed person right now because I have seen absolutely no one talk about how brutal this whole process/waiting game is, lol. This is so SHITTY, is it just difficult for me or what???? I’m so baffled.
In the last 24 hours, have you seen or spoken to anyone you dislike?: I’ve dealt with myself, but that’s it.
What colour are the eyes of the last person that told you they loved you?: Dark brown. 
What is a word or phrase that you say often?: I like saying “I guess” because it makes me sound unsure about most things and thus makes me not 100% accountable if things go wrong hah. I do have another answer that’s more in line with the angst and depression I’ve been going through recently, and it’s that I’ve repeating BoJack Horseman’s ‘piece of shit’ monologue to himself, but this time saying it to myself.
Name 3 songs that remind you of someone special.: Sparks by Coldplay; anything by Mitski; and anything by St. Vincent.
How much chocolate do you have in your house atm, if any?: We have...a lot. We still have the chocolate cake from Nina’s birthday and we recently received an entire pack of various fun-size chocolate bars like Twix, Three Musketeers, etc. from my aunt. We also have chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream that I normally would finish up in a day, but I’ve been saving it for every future job rejection I receive. 
Who is the most intelligent person you know?: Chesca.
Do you have younger siblings? If you do, are you protective of them?: Yes. I’m protective of my sister but I don’t show it lol. We are not showy in this family.
Who was the last person you insulted?: Idk probably a politician on social media.
What are the other members of your household doing at this moment?: I have not gone out of my room all day...I did not miss this sensation. It’s been a while since I’ve locked myself up for this long.
Do you have any neighbours that you don't get along with?: There’s a house behind ours that loudly plays 80s and 90s power ballads and love songs and it gets insanely irritating and makes the neighborhood feel cheap, but I keep my feelings to myself and I’ve never actually confronted them about it and asked them to stop or decrease their speaker’s volume.
How recently did you speak to the last person you kissed?: Like 30 minutes ago. I’m not very talkative these days and it was actually just the second time today that I initiated a bried conversation. I feel bad for her, and I can’t wait to get better so I can start treating her right again.
Who was the last person you told to get lost, or something similar?: I don’t usually tell this to people.
Give me a random line from the last song you listened to.: “We know better so we’d both better go.”
Have you ever had an argument with the last person you Facebook messaged?: Lots. She’s my girlfriend lol.
Do you have any plans for tonight?: I don’t know. If I feel any better, I’d practice and review for my upcoming interview this Tuesday, but if I’m not okay by then...I don’t know. I’ve stopped planning my days out recently and just go where my legs take me.
Where were you at 9 o'clock last night?: I was at the dining table trying to take a survey, but I quickly lost interest in it.
In the past week, have you slept past midday?: Kind of. Like I mentioned, Gabie’s on the night shift so I’ve been keeping her company, which means I occasionally take naps in the afternoon.
Is there anything happening tomorrow, that you're looking forward to?: No. I’m so scared of tomorrows now.
Is there anyone you used to be friends with, that you now dislike?: I dislike Athenna only because of her attitude and the way she treated Angela during the last few days of their friendship. I don’t have any personal beef with her, at least I don’t think I have. She likes stirring up shit though and I won’t be surprised if she was able to make up a story about me to get our other friends to dislike me.
What is your least favourite chocolate bar?: Eh, I’m pretty picky about chocolate bars so I have more brands that I dislike than the ones I do enjoy. I only like Reese’s, Butterfinger, Twix, and Whittaker’s. 
Do any of your friends or relatives have the same birthday as you?: Just this girl I went to grade school with named Mitch. Otherwise, April 21 babies are a rare breed apparently.
Name the last song that made you cry.: O by Coldplay.
Who do you miss at this moment?: The me from like two weeks ago lol. How far I’ve fallen.
Where is that person?: Stuck in August, I guess.
Have you ever dyed your hair an unnatural colour?: No.
Have you had any deep conversations today?: No.
Is your television on atm?: It’s not, but I have my phone playing GMM videos on YouTube to keep me company.
If it is, what are you watching?: It’s one of their product test videos.
Are you wearing anything blue?: My shirt is blue, actually.
Who were the last 5 people to make you smile?: Rhett and Link, and that’s pretty much it.
Do you use Twitter?: Sure.
Tell me about the last YouTube video you watched. They’re pitting brand name cleaning products and natural cleaning products against each other and seeing which one is more effective. I love these videos of theirs, hahaha.
Is there anything else you'd like to say?: No, I feel like I’ve grilled myself enough in this survey.
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loulougoingsolo · 4 years
Little tang in the Bang
I stood in front of a stack of Oreo boxes at the supermarket on Saturday, thinking about whether I should buy some to have at hand during my social distancing period. Eventually, I didn’t. I figured that I’d just end up eating all of them the same day. It’s only been a couple of days of this new normal, and I’ve already noticed that the need for comfort food in my life has increased. If I’d buy all the cookies I crave, catching a virus would quickly be least of my health worries. But I admit, I regretted my decision today, after watching Rhett and Link enjoy all the cookies on GMM’s “Will it Oreo?” episode.
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I’m a fan of the Bon Appétit channel’s Gourmet Makes series (I mean, I adore Claire Saffitz), and I remembered watching the episode where Claire made gourmet Oreos.  If I recall, one of the specific requirements she had was that you should be able to split the oreo in half, so that the filling would only stay on one side of the cookie - because, obviously, that IS the right way to eat an Oreo. (I’m not a fan of dipping them in milk, because I don’t like milk, but I acknowledge that some people think THAT is the right way to consume these delightful cookies.)
The first thing I paid attention to with the potential Oreo candidates that Josh made was that they didn’t seem to be as neatly splittable as the originals. I’m not going to let that affect my judgment, but just so you know, I think that is a requirement for a real Oreo - so if any of today’s innovative flavours go into production, I think they should fix this. But on a prototype level, I’m gonna let that slide.
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The first Oreo to try today is Bangeo. These pretty, blue cookies have been flavoured with Bang energy drink, and they come in a packaging that could probably fool even the folks at the cookie factory. As someone, who was briefly addicted to (sugarfree) energy drinks, before switching to coffee, I can imagine these would be a huge hit, if they became available for reals. I also can think of quite a few good reasons for banging. Oh, Rhett meant Banging, as in drinking Bang. Ok. Nevermind. Bangeo will Oreo. Let’s just move on.
The next candidate is Nacho Oreo, which is not your typical Oreo, because it’s savoury. Quacamole cookies, pinto beans, cheese and salsa cream - and a hot sauce milk for dipping. I want the recipe. These would make a brilliant party snack! And they’re almost as pretty as the blue ones!
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Rhett mentions learning from Shepherd that the ancient Greeks didn’t eat beans because they believed beans contained the souls of dead humans. Because one thing I’ve learned after watching all these GMM episodes is to always fact check everything presented as a fact on this show, I did a little googling of my own. I did find that Pythagoras, and his followers, didn’t eat meat or beans, but this was not a common thing for all ancient Greeks. There are many articles about Pythagoras and his diet online, and apparently there is no consensus of why he didn’t eat beans - a quick search produced all kinds of reasons from flatulence to beans being phallic. Apparently, there is not even concrete evidence of him not eating beans to begin with. But,on GMM, there is a consensus of nachos (with beans and all) making a great Oreo!
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Domino’s Oreos are next in line, and since everything pizza flavoured is always good, there was no way Domino’s wouldn’t Oreo. Fun fact: In Finland, we have our own brand of cookies very similar to Oreos, and it’s called Domino. I actually prefer them over Oreos, because they are not quite as sweet, but for some reason, Oreos are much more affordable here. If Oreo ever decides to make Domino’s Oreos a reality, they’ll need to bring them to Finnish market with a different name. A pizza flavoured Oreo needs happen! (But I think a regular Ranch without the milk might be more pleasant to look at.)
I know GMM has really been trying to make ramen noodles happen in all kinds of different Will it..? forms, but right now, I can’t remember, if any of the versions actually have (willed?). The problem with instant ramen is that it’s already a perfect product, and turning it into another perfect product, while maintaining the essence of ramen isn’t easy. I’m sure there is a way to dilute the salt and MSG content to a palatable level, but for some reason, they never do. And I imagine the flavour of monosodiumglutamate can clash with a sugary cookie.
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Rhett talking about his college eating habits reminds me of something my brother did recently. There was a campaign for a veggie burger for a euro in the local fast food restaurant, and more than once, my brother went to buy 5 burgers at a time. He didn’t freeze any of them, but ate them all at once. I suggested him to buy a salad with his 5 euros next time. (He’s diet also includes instant ramen and energy drinks.)
But, if you see deer in Burbank in the near future, now you know where they are headed. Josh, please don’t make venison oreos!
Sushi Oreo looks a lot like the strawberry flavoured Domino cookies (I’m sure Oreo also comes in strawberry flavour), and they are actually very pretty to look at. I personally love the taste of seaweed, and I think that turning it into a crunchy cookie sounds like a good idea. In mass production, the raw tuna filling might turn out to be an issue though. Also, soy sauce milk looks a lot like an oil spill - which, I suppose, actually fits the oceanic theme, but at the same time, is not very appetizing.
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In More, the guys get to try yet another Oreo creation, an Oreo gummy, with thick milk (they haven’t registered thickmilk.org yet, so I guess that is not going to happen). I love that three men with almost accurate facts and a lot of opinions put together create an almost perfect search engine. Stevie sounded so confused, after the guys got the answers correct.
My favourite moment from More was, however, when everyone else was focused on the human search engine thing, but Link wanted to watch thick milk fall from the glass. I’m pretty sure that is exactly what I would have done if I was there. I’m always distracted by things like that, and forget to follow the conversation.
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uncertifiedhuman · 4 years
it’s been a hot minute since i’ve done one of these, but i recently cleaned up my dash a bit and im looking for more blogs to follow! look under read more for the list of things we may have in common, idk...
- cool aesthetics 
- stephen king content 
- TAZ (this is my new and current hyperfixation, it has ruined my life and now i cant go eat tacos without my heart doing a little flip or go out into the rain with my umbrella without a smile on my face)
-The McElroys i guess (havent started Amnesty or Grad cause i still need to recover from balance, but i have listened to MbMbaM)
- Star Wars (strictly Oscar Isaac, Carrie Fisher, John Boyega, Kelly Marie Tran, Ewan Mcgregor and Mark Hamill content, sue me i only care about them)
- YouTube (will have to make an adjacent list cause jfc there’s a lot)
Markiplier/Unnus Annus (on thin ice tho)
Polygon (BDG, tabletop and other stuff yah)
JennaMarbles (mfQUEEN yall)
Claire from the TestKitchen lol
CollegeHumor :(
BU (buzzfeed unsolved)
Smosh has carved a small placed in my heart, they came out of nowhere and have me in their grasp what is this sorcery
- Videogames 
Borderlands!!! (still havent been able to play the third one and i refuse to watch letsplays, one day ill have it lmao)
Telltale’s The Walking Dead Game
little bit of Undertale
Night in the Woods
And last but not least, TV Shows/Movies etc:
The Good Place
Brooklyn Nine Nine
Sex Education
One Day at a Time
Dirk Gently’s bla bla bla
La Casa de Papel
Gilmore Girls
... and also Supernatural (but they’re on thin fucking ice too and im just here clowning waiting for it to end so they can rip my heart out one last time with non-canon destiel)
also, my grammar is terrible and my rants are worse, feel free to unfollow me if you just found out about it
i may have adhd and i no longer have an attention span longer than 10 minutes, and my sentences no longer make sense 
i reblog a thousand things for like an hour and stay dead for a month.
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thestarscallme · 7 years
Me: *watches today's gmm*
Link: *talks about his anus for 15 seconds*
They're more shameless and chill than they've ever been and I am HERE FOR IT. They keep it real and I appreciate that so freakin much. If they completely censored themselves gmm would lose its relatability and genuineness and most importantly its spontaneity. If they didn't allow themselves to say random silly weird crap it just wouldn't be as funny to me. It's a huge part of the connection I have with gmm and RandL, despite wanting the show to reach a wide audience they stay true to themselves. They listen to their audience to an extent, but will never not have their content reflect their values and standards. Not to mention their lowest demographic is children, the majority of their fanbase are older. So guess what? They're gonna throw a dick joke here, an innuendo or two there, Link's gonna say "Panus" and it's gonna sound weird as hell but it's gonna be hilarious. Shit's gonna happen. And I'm proud of them for staying true and being themselves and having a good fucking time on THEIR show. Bless those precious dorks🙏
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I come here to escape drama and instead I just fall head first into a ton of people complaining about stuff. People bitching over today’s gmm. People bitching over Crew biscuits. People bitching over things that aren’t a big deal. Rhett seemed to be having a blast with pranking Link, Link didn’t seem pissed, surprised yes, but not really pissed off and I’m sure they prank each other outside of gmm, they’ve been friends for 30+ years I’m sure they’ve done plenty of things like this to each other over time. (we got some background on their pranks before either on EB or an older ep of gmm) Crew biscuits...It isn’t like they’re replacing normal Ear Biscuits, it’s just a side thing and guess what? you don’t have to watch it. Rhett and Link need a break, Rhett and Link work their asses off for us and do what they can to please us.  people complained about seeing too much crew on gmm so what did they do? gave them their own channel so we didn’t have to see them on gmm. If you don’t like the crew then don’t watch the crew content. I don’t care much for many members of the crew, so I stay away from the content they put out.  People complain about GMS but before they did that they complained about Rhett and Link going on vacation and leaving us with absolutely nothing to watch, so they make a summer line up for us where we still got them for two days a week and then a guest one day a week and yet people whine about that too.  Rhett and Link have the crew help them come up with ideas for episodes, that’s nothing new. People need help sometimes, they have said on multiple occasions that they can’t come up with everything on their own. they have families and stuff they want to spend time with, so obviously they don’t have time to work on buddy system season 2, Gmm/Gmmore and come up with every idea on their own. Y’all need to chill the fuck out. They can only do so much to please people, they are trying hard to do that and it makes me sad to see so many people mad at them for it.
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theredquilt · 3 years
Have fun and enjoy it for those of us who can’t watch it! I really hope the people who get to watch GME will share some details. I want to see it so badly, but the timing is the worst for me. I know I can’t stay up to watch it in the middle of the night because I have to get up and on the road early due to a family member going in for a risky surgery. And even the 48 hour access ticket won’t help me because I’ll be traveling and am super super unlikely to be able to watch adult GMM content in a hotel room with my family lmao. (Anon)
Oh no anon I'm so sorry! I hope things will be as ok as can be and I'll be thinking of you. Is there no way you could catch a breather for an hour or so and watch on your phone if it would be a good distraction over the weekend? But either way yes I'm sure people will be going feral here lol.
Sending all the most bestest of vibes to you 💗✨🎃🎶🌟🥞💞
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