#snake anatomy
Today I saw a gif of a gaboon viper "crawling" (moving its muscles like a walking caterpillar rather than slithering), I was wondering if you could explain why/how they do that? Is that the only way they move around or just something they do occasionally? (Your blog is super cool btw!!)
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This is called rectilinear locomotion, and it's one of the main ways a snake can move! Gaboon vipers use rectilinear locomotion frequently because it's slow but a great way for heavy-bodied snakes to move. It doesn't involve any bending so it's also great for snakes who have recently eaten.
Rectilinear locomotion works by using the special muscles snakes have attached to their ribs. One muscle pulls a section of the body forward, and another pushes it back so they're propelled forward. This repeats in sections throughout their bodies, so you get that "crawling" effect.
All snakes are capable of rectilinear locomotion, and Gaboon vipers can move like any other snake, but rectilinear locomotion is their favorite way to get around! It's like how sidewinders prefer sidewinding even though they can use other styles of locomotion.
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sleepysnakes · 5 months
As a reptile enthusiast I have to ask all artists intending on drawing the auraboas to take a second to look at snake mouth anatomy
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Namely, that the tongue does not come from that little hole on the bottom (the glottis). That tube is there to let the snake still breathe while ingesting prey. They can't breathe if a tongue is in there.
I know this is sooo petty but it ruins so many snake drawings for me when people put the tongue coming out of that 😅
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omg-snakes · 2 years
where does a snake's body end and its tail begin?
Hey friend!
We like to joke that snakes are just tails with faces, but the truth is that their bodies end and their tails start in about the same place as all vertebrates, including dogs and cats!
That's weird to think about, right?
Let's take a look with the help of Apollo II:
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It's hard to see from the top, but Apollo II has a clear delineation of his body before, at, and after his pelvic region. I've color-coded it below so that you can hopefully see it a little easier.
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Snakes don't have a pelvis per se, though older species like boids and pythons have vestigial pelvic structures. As a male, Apollo II has a more gradual taper from body to tail where a female would have a sharper delineation. It'll be easier to see the boundary between body and tail from underneath.
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You'll notice that Apollo II's tummy scales nearer the front of his body are broad and solid with a single scale per row. These are called ventral scales. Then there's a large broad scale that's divided into two, the anal scales, and then after that his tummy scales are smaller and there are two per row. These are called subcaudal scales.
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Remember when I said that snakes' bodies end and their tails start in about the same place as dogs and cats? Where does a cat's body end and their tail begin?
At the butt.
The anal scales, true to their name, cover his cloaca, which is the "anything goes" hole off the reptile world. Waste from his kidneys and intestine are passed from his body, and musk from his scent glands as well as his hemipenes are pushed up from the tail section. It all comes out through the cloaca, which is also known as the vent.
So as you now see, a snake's body ends and its tail begins, as with all vertebrates, at the booty.
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aunti-maim · 11 months
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xxx-sir-pentious-xxx · 2 months
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rumforall · 1 year
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soupspoonerisms · 1 year
good morning, tumblr
(cw: snakes, anatomy)
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my favorite line in the article:
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Source: nytimes
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gleafer · 2 months
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Practicing anatomy the fun way!
Full color illustration on my Patreon❤️
Full black and white on Reddit/Goodomensafterdark
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courfee · 11 days
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“Regulus would be proud of us,” James whispered quietly to no one in particular, still gripping onto the painting like a life raft. 
— Tender Curiosities, Baby!  @otrtbs
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cupcakeshakesnake · 21 days
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If harmony, why discordant, why does the skin stretch over bone like plastic bag over cereal box, having a body at all is body horror, perhaps
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You probably have already answered this at some point already, but are snakes all neck or all intestine? Are there more sections to a snake's body besides then The Head and The Tube, and if so what would those be?
Really good question!
Here's a good diagram of what's going on in there. As you can see, it's mostly lung and digestive system. Snakes are mostly torso, so that's a lot of space dedicated to respiration and digestion. You can see that snakes have the same organs we do, just enlongated, and there tends to be only one of most paired organs (like lungs, snakes only have one full lung and the left lung is typically vestigial and always at least smaller).
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What exactly counts as a snake's neck depends on who you ask and what definitions you're using, but in general snakes have pretty short necks.
The traditional view is that a snake's neck is only those few vertebrae between the skull and torso, before the ribs start.
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Other herpetologists define the neck as the vertebrae above the heart, roughly analogous to where the collarbone would be in other animals, and others define it based on function. If it has super-stretchy skin (as snake necks must) and the snake tends to hold it in a different way than the rest of the body, that's the neck. In these perspectives, the neck is between the lines I've marked here:
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Then there's the tail! The tail starts just after the cloaca (that's the all-purpose opening snakes use for passing waste, breeding, etc.). Snakes have short tails compared to their bodies, and the tail itself is used as convenient storage space for sexual organs. The tail is easy to spot as it doesn't have any ribs.
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The tail starts right after the cloaca, so it's easy to see on live snakes, too.
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sarahdraws16 · 8 months
Ly & Rosa matching outfits 💕👀 (ocs)
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Redraw of this jsjsjs
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doodzoodz · 2 years
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Someone help me surgically remove them from my brain please
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nemfrog · 3 months
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Plate VIII. Pythons. Indian Snakes. 1874.
Internet Archive
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billelis · 1 year
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Floral Death 
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viinas · 1 year
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“The show's not over until the mockingjay sings.”
Redraw of my old Lucy Gray drawing except this time I didn’t misquote her!
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