#smoke + mirros
candescentkpop · 7 months
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Enhypen: Sacrifice (Eat Me Up)
Enhypen Part 42 / ?
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ghost4ghosts · 9 months
if candles are izzy's thing, mirrors are edward's
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cranberrv · 7 months
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ in which you’re love-struck
( warnings : fem!reader, tipsy!reader, fluff, friends to lovers, HEAVILY inspired by ‘slut!’ by taylor swift )
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clink, clink…
the sound of beer or wine glasses echo through buck merrill’s bar as people cheers or they hit the table.
you and dallas are on a couch, you’re a bit tipsy, and he’s made it his job to take care of you. he’s a gentleman when he wants to be. his arm is around you, pulling you in and making sure you don’t do anything stupid. you’re laughing and talking with him, it’s pretty late so the atmosphere in this bar is a bit quiet. you’re spending most of your time gazing up at him as he talks, the eye-contact between you two is endless. he’s addicting to you. he has no idea how love-struck you are with him, but everyone else knows.
girls glance over at you two constantly, bitter looks in their eyes. they’re judging you. your short dress, the way dallas is spending so much time with you, how tipsy you are. you come across as a bit of a slut to the naked eye. you’re so obviously not a slut, but maybe it’s worth it for once that they’re giving you these dirty glances and thinking their crude thoughts. why? because dallas has so clearly noticed them. any girl that glances at you gets a very threatening glare from his cold eyes, only to warm up as soon as he looks back at you.
everyone wants him, but they aren’t adorned with the smell of his cigarette smoke on their clothes, they don’t have his arm around them, they don’t have his full attention. you do.
you take another sip of your beer. he’s so badly wanted you to stop, so badly wanting to care for you and make sure you feel good in the morning. but he doesn’t say anything, just letting you make your own decisions.
“you should probably stop starting beef with random girls, dal,” you tease, playfully pushing his shoulder. “their boyfriends are all starin’ at you.”
“it’s fine, [y/n], not like they’re gonna do anything, huh? they’ll thank us for making them realize their broads are in love with me.” he says, a playful and arrogant touch in his words.
“god, you’re so cocky, aren’t you?” you roll your eyes. “it might blow up in your pretty face someday.”
he shrugs. “well ain’t that a shame,” he says sarcastically, looking out at the party and pulling you closer to him as he does so.
your eyes have not once left him this entire party. a smile grazes your lips at his sarcasm and teasing, your eyes full of love, admiration, and pure joy at his constant attention toward you tonight.
“dallas,” you say softly, grabbing his attention. he looks down at you. “you look good tonight.”
he chuckles softly. “thank you, sweetie.” he never calls you pet names, and you always get jealous when he calls other girls that. but now you’re that girl.
more comfortable silence falls after that. he’s waiting for you to say something, he knows you want to say something, by the way your mouth keeps opening and closing. you’re just trying to figure out how to word it.
you’re exploding, you need to tell him about your silly crush. your brain is flooded with alcohol, completely forgetting that one confession could ruin your entire friendship.
you finally speak, words soft and delicate, a bit nervous to tell him. “what if all i need is you, dal?”
his eyebrows shoot up ever so slightly. he stays quiet, a bit surprised by your words. he knew it was coming, he could feel it, but it’s shocking nonetheless.
he’s not saying he’s in love with you, but he’s going to. he’ll say it eventually. the silence is excruciating painful, waiting for him to say something. truthfully, your confession was a bit vague, a bit hypothetical, but he got the message. he knew what you were trying to say.
“say something, dal,” you eventually speak. you’re not one to beg for attention, but suddenly all your proudness has dissolved.
his head turns to you, looking down at you. your heart beats faster. it’s almost like looking in a mirror. the look in his eyes has changed, mirroring the exact look you’ve been giving him all night. one of admiration and warmth. your cheeks have turned flamingo pink, and the sun is rising. have you really been here all night?
half-asleep, he’s taking his time. you know what’s about to happen. but it’s happening oh-so slowly. dallas winston has never hesitated with a kiss, until now.
half-awake, you’re taking a chance. putting your hand on the back of his neck, your lips parting slightly as both of your pretty faces near each other. the neon light is making this feel luxury, like a hollywood movie. the time in the movie where the two finally realize their feelings, and the excruciatingly painful burn when they take a bit too long for their lips to touch. your eyes flutter closed, so do his. his guard is breaking down, he’s pulling you in, and you’re about to pay the price for your confession as your lips touch.
tangerine and aquamarine lights flash under your eyes from the bar, and you think you’re in heaven. almost every single girl in tulsa has kissed dallas, but this is different. he feels different. you’re not just his pretty skirt for the night. you’re his best friend turned crush turned his hopeful lover. he wants you so badly. you two are drunk in love. you’re addicting to him. he’ll never forget this moment. you’re all dressed up, people are looking at you two, and it’s oh so worth it. you’re lovesick and whipped for each other on this couch.
“ if i’m gonna be drunk, might as well be drunk in love. “
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piinfeathers · 11 months
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my cover art for @goforlaunchcee incredible cssns23 fic “Smoke and Mirros” ✨🌙🪞
check out her story here 💛
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vanillayoteart · 1 year
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Smoke And Mirros- Gotye
Smoke and Mirrors- Gotye
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Smoke and Mirros - It’s time for the Seers !
This was long overdue, but in my defense it took some time to get everything sorted. Anyhow, without further ado, the magic system of Realm of Mirrors !
: Taglist - @waysofink​​ @metanoiamorii @fiercely-raging-writer @zeenimf @writing-is-a-martial-art @writing-with-l @chazzawrites @vacantgodling  :
Let me know if you want to be added/removed !
( This contains some hints towards the bigger plot of the story :> )
-: Quick Background :-
Magic in this universe is as mythical as it is to us. However, that wasn’t always the case. Long ago, people discovered that mirrors held a certain kind of energy that some could then harness and manipulate. These people were known as Seers, and with their magic they could reveal what no human eyes could perceive. Through reflections they could witness secrets, truths, desires, fears, memories, and so much more. 
Because of this, many Seers became acquainted with the law. As lawyers, judges, officers, even wardens. For better and for worse. 
Unfortunately, after the founders of Grimmvik closed the Elder Mirror for good, Seers vanished. The only ones capable of becoming Seers nowadays are the descendants of the founders, thanks to their intimate ties to the Elder Mirror. 
-: The Mirror Realm :-
The opposite to Earth one could say, or rather, a warped reflection of it. It was speculated that the energy found within mirrors originated from this world. Which sparked the idea that Seers were beings of two worlds. Only further cemented by them being able to show glimpses of it through mirrors. 
It was also believed that the inhabitants of this world were doppelgängers of people on Earth, who took on the roles as their reflections in mirrors. This was then believed to be the reason Seers could reveal all things hidden through mirrors; they were talking with these doppelgängers. 
None of these theories were ever proven, and Seers were just as human as anyone else. However, that doesn’t mean there aren’t creatures living in the Mirror Realm. Creatures who seem oddly human…
The only permanent gateway to the Mirror Realm to ever exist is the Elder Mirror, which still stands to this day. While there are no public records of it, the founders of Grimmvik were the ones to create it as a way to unite the two worlds.
It didn’t take long, however, for them to realize that the Mirror Realm’s air was toxic. Exposure led to horrific and irreversible changes to the body, and while the Seers were immune, regular humans weren’t. And so, they closed the Elder Mirror permanently, reverting it back to a regular mirror and destroying all evidence of its existence to keep the worlds separate.
As stated before, this mirror still stands, somewhere in Grimmvik’s castle. Waiting patiently to be found.
-: Seers :-
As said before, Seers can manipulate the energy found in mirrors to reveal things hidden to the human eye. However, those who’ve mastered the art develop abilities that extend past the bounds of the mirror. These abilities can be categorized into six groups, and go as follows;
Korup - Corruption. These abilities are the most aggressive and dangerous, as they revolve around the material components of a mirror, like the glass, and the manipulation of them.  Medita - Duplication. Very simple yet the oldest abilities to the Seers. Meditan abilities revolve around the core idea of mirrors creating copies of things and people viewing them. This translates mainly to creating clones of oneself, other people, or objects.  Yeon - Light. Like the name suggests, these abilities revolve around the manipulation of light, though not the generation of it. It ranges from redirecting light sources, amplifying and decreasing it, or being able to use one's body as a prism. Erken - Sight. Meant to disorient and morph one’s perception of reality, like a mirror. Erken abilities revolve around this form of distortion, mainly in making things disappear and reappear. Cepti - Transformation. While closely related to Erken, Ceptin instead revolves around the physical rather than the perception. The abilities thereby ranges from changing one’s own or another person's form to changing the form of objects. Ersua - Gates. The most simple cut of the categories, Ersuan abilities are tied to the concept that mirrors are gateways. Thus the abilities are solely portal-based, however the location is always different. From going from one place to another, to being able to enter people’s minds.
-: Rituals :-
Aside from the reflections and special abilities, Seers could also manipulate the energy into a slew of rituals. These ranged from healing the bodies of those exposed to the Mirror Realm toxins, the only way to nullify it before it took root, to creating gateways to the Mirror Realm, which could be done at any mirror by anyone (the Elder Mirror was the only one whose sole purpose was to be a gateway). From giving quick and painless deaths, to warping small parts of reality. 
A single Seer could perform any ritual. However the more were partaking, the stronger it became. 
Thank you for reading !
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bionibots · 2 years
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TALON “Smoke & Mirrors “ | LOOKBOOK 🎵
Fuck it, I live only once.  It’s all smoke and mirros, darling. You know nothing lasts forever, babe. Enjoy while it lasts.
                                                                            Talon - Westnox
An Ex in UNIQA V 👀 is up to no good! Thanks goes to Olly @void-imp Olly? You are preem for handing your random babe over. Cyberpunk’d him and made him unique to fit my story. As soon the time is right?😘He will show up and do some mischief.🙄His traits? Self-Absorbed, Jealous, and Creative. Hoboiiiii 🤭 Meet Talon Rocker. Through and through, he's a bad boy, so yeah.
Chooms, Maxis Match Lookbook CC Links are under cut 😌
TALON ROCKER hair  | earrings | bodyplates | piercing | cybereye | shirt | nails | bracelet | pants | boots
nails |  basegame
necklace | EP01 Get To Work
bracelet | GP08 Magic of Realm
boots | GP06 Jungle Adventure
*preem: cool/dope [cyberpunk term]
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my-lunadea-universe · 8 months
The Conquest: Chapter 3 Preview!
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Chapter 3: preview. Hello! Long time no see! I am deeply sorry. I wish I had a more interested excuse but I am a nurse and this summer has been crazy filled with work at the hospital. I will start posting regularly again but the chapter I am writing is getting crazy long so meanwhile here it is a preview for said next chapter. Thank you so much for your understanding 😭.
“I need to hear it, one more time”. Visenya knew she was being obnoxious but there was not much time left alone. She needed to know what to look for on the Citadel. It was difficult to decide where to start, they had a thousand dreams to choose from. But Aegon was sure of one thing. Something was coming for them and he was terrified of it.
“ Ēdan dreamt hen ziry gō. Issa morghon, mandia. Morghon. Nyke kivigon īles.  Lykemagon surrounding ziry, daorun ondoso lykemagon se suvion. Se ziry dōrī keliton. Nyke kivigon ñuha jorrāelagon, nyke might emagon issare asleep syt iā tubis yn ziry felt iā.  Konīr sia, pōnta jūndan rȳ nyke lēda pōja corpse-like laesi. Yn pār mirros, mirros nyke daor: vala lēda se bartos hen zokla, iā zaldrīzes vēttan hen wool se iā perzys isse se shape hen iā ābra. Māzis hen isse se hen lopor se ōrbar, ondoso iā ānogrosa nehure qēlos. S e suvion.  Se vēzos māstan arlī.   Targārien ānogar conquered se bantis”.
(I had dreamt of it before. It is death, sister. Death. I swear it was. Silence surrounding it, nothing by silence and ice. And it never ended. I swear my love, I might have been asleep for a day but it felt a lifetime. There were bodies everywhere, they looked at me with their corpse-like eyes. But then something else, something I cannot explain: a man with the head of a wolf, a dragon made of wool and a flame in the shape of a woman.  Coming out in the midst of salt and smoke, marked by a bleeding star.The ice melted. The sun came back.  Targaryen blood conquered the night). Visenya had shivers down her spine every time she heard it. And yet it hardly made sense. “Got it, mandia?” (sister). As much as she loved him, she had to admit: Aegon could be a little shit sometimes. “Of course I got it. It can not possibly be that hard to find an answer at the Citadel. I mean, how many prophecies do you think there are about a chosen one defeating the greatest evil there is?”. Aegon smiled. They both did for a moment.  How strange but fitting for them it was to find joy in such a crucial moment.
Oldtown was the biggest city Visenya had ever seen in her life. To be fair she had only seen Dragonstone and Driftmark before but it still stands. It was busy, you could see the constant movement of people. Visenya felt a sting of jealousy, those worms could enjoy all of these riches and beauties but they had to settle on being stuck on an island, a lovely island that she loved but a piece of stone in the middle of the sea at the end of the day. “That’s Lord Hightower. He is a very pious man, devoted to the faith of the Seven” Lord Redwyne had insisted on accompanying them, clearly not trusting them being out and about… especially Visenya. “So he likes fairy tales. Charming”  “Mandia, it is their tradition and we are their guests” Aegon sounded concerned. He was much more of a diplomat than she was. “Yes, do not worry, I know how to play the part”. “Lord Redwyne! And the little dragons, what a lovely party of visitors this is”. Lord Hightower was an old man, dressed in simple grey robes, with a simple grey hat and a simple grey beard. He could very well pass as one of the maesters that accompanied him. They seemed an army around him, all dressed the same, boys and men of every age and appearance. Some wore heavy chains filled with metals of every possible colour and shape. It was a worthy but chaste spectacle, it contrasted with the grandiosity of the citadel’s gates. “Lord Hightower, my wife and I are grateful for your welcome and safe passage into the city” Aegon did not smile but he lowered his head in respect.  Visenya hated it. Such a small gesture but one of servitude. Unworthy of a dragon.  “Lord Aegon, we are delighted to have you and your sister… or your wife, in our beloved Oldtown” Hightower seemed uncomfortable with their choice of words. "Sister and wife. It is not one or the other, my lord”.
Everyone fell silent with Visenya’s words.  Just as she liked it. She felt much better without hearing noise and blatant stupidity.
“My wife is right. We are in fact both. We are very fortunate to be able to say so”. What a man Aegon was, as much as Visneya knew he hated being in that situation with every inch of her body, she had him by her side. She will always have him. “I must say, my lord, this is an extraordinary receivement, may Lord Aegon and Lady Visenya meet your companions?”. Redwyne chimed in, definitely trying to ease the building tension. “Of course. This is the archmaester…” Visenya could not care less about those men, she knew enough about them already. It was the great walls behind them that caught all of her attention. The Citadel was a great fortress, not as intimidating as Dragonstone but impressive nevertheless.  Two giant sphinxes of green stone, one male, one female, guarded the great door. Immortal monsters guarding the treasure she so desired. She felt like the adventurers of her childhood's stories. The hero fighting great monsters to get their well deserved prize. “Are we going to visit the inside now?” “The inside, my lady?” The archmaester spoke.  Visenya felt uneasy with the way he looked at her, not intimidated. Never that. But it was the kind of look every mother warned their daughters about, full of unreciprocated lust that made her want to vomit. “The charms of the Citadel do not end at your door. Do they?” “My sister has a curious nature and she is the scholar out of the three. There is nothing that I wish more as a wedding gift than to give her a look on your marvellous library” What a snake charmer her brother was.  Visenya could not help but smile. Their mother had done a wonderful job with his tutoring. “No one, except the maesters can enter the citadel”. “Well, that’s not entirely true. Many high lords have come to enjoy the knowledge behind your walls”. Lord Redwyne seemed to be on their side. Surprisingly, he was proving to be useful. “As you said. High lords. I am sure we both agree this is not the case”. Visenya wanted nothing more than to cut the archmaester’s tongue and shove it down Lord Hightower stupid face. “Do you not consider us worthy of your time?”. Oh how she knew what Aegon meant with that. That calmness that screamed like a threat  “I do not know you, my lord” “You will, archmaesters. That should not be a concern” Aegon suddenly seemed ten feet tall and as fearless and threatening as his Balerion.  “If it is not possible on this visit. We can come back. Although it would be inconvenient to bother Lord Redwyne again, we might have to come with our dragons. Would that be better?” Silence fell among the welcoming party. Even their hosts seemed uncomfortable at his brother’s proposal.
Moments later they were escorted to the inside of the citadel.
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 years
Weekly Roundup 11/7-11/13
*indicates new post
Bullet in You Heart Part 3
Every Other Weekend Part 1, Part 2
Got A Secret Part 1*
Keys in Your Ignition Part 25
Kindly Unspoken Part  5
Rebuild Your Ruins Part 5*
Rumplestiltskin Part 10
Smoke & Mirros Part 1
Stained Like Georgia Clay Part 6
Sweet Cherry Pops Prologue*
Asks Can Andy Guess Lance’s Name at Any Time, Writer Asks 1, Writer Asks 2
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belladonnavintageco · 6 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Vintage 70’s Mirro Zodiac Astrology Copper Gelatin Mold Wall Decor 12 Cup.
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glitchprimate · 1 year
QruBim - Synesthesia
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By: Enes Kurt
Synesthesia começa de uma forma um tanto quanto experimental, o que nos dá a ideia de que vai ser um álbum completo seguindo aquela estética um pouco mais bagunçada. Porém, esse artefato ficou apenas nas primeiras faixas do disco e o que nós tivemos foi algo incrivelmente linear.
QruBim trouxe com Synesthesia um projeto com letras escritas com sensibilidade, que é algo que observamos desde o início da carreira da artista, já se tornando uma característica de composição da artista. QruBim, em seus projetos, nunca falhou em nos dar essa sensação. Porém, o que incomoda um pouco nesse álbum é a sua linearidade constante quando vamos nos aproximando do final, aonde parece que cada vez mais, QruBim avança para uma zona de conforto e acaba estagnando.
Esse álbum, porém, é muito bom em seu liricismo, tendo como seus destaques Chaos, Smoke in Mirros e Aging Blue (ironicamente, as faixas onde QruBim fica mais confortável sonoramente, é aonde ela consegue brilhar liricamente). No geral, Synesthesia é um ótimo álbum, apesar de alguns pormenores.
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la1287 · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Vintage Mirro-Matic Aluminum Pressure Cooker 4 Quarts With Original Recipe Book.
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365daysinalife · 5 years
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Adam Rippon: “....because we can never have enough reminders to love ourselves.”
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comicblossoms · 5 years
Gotye fandom stand up 🤩
*light cough and 0.2 peeps stand*
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evolvedits · 6 years
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imagine dragons header collage
credit donnievisions
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kaitlynrtr · 3 years
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