#small tabletop fire pit
iconicbbq · 3 months
Best Tabletop Fire Pit Outdoor
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Discover the best outdoor tabletop fire pit centerpiece for cozy gatherings under the stars. Ignite your evenings with round concrete table fire pits with style and sophistication.
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freetobeeyouandme · 5 days
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Chapter 12: This Is The Part Where Someone Gets Stabbed In the Back and We All Act Shocked
...actually that title is a lie. The stabbing happens in the front, but either way there is violence and so, what bliss. Will has a vision, Mike makes a bold move, and the party is no closer to fighting One because, shocker, there is more to the story.
Tags: M, Graphic Descriptions of Violence, Fantasy AU, Canon Typical Violence, Canon Typical Horror, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn
Mike Wheeler hates High School, so when he almost dies and falls through a portal to another world, he’s not going to complain. Especially not when that world does not only have swords and magic but seems to work exactly according to the rules of his favorite tabletop role-playing game. But his euphoria might be short lived because the party of adventurers he falls in with turns out to be the target of an evil god and the fate of the world might rest on their shoulders. So, exactly like his games of D&D. Except the wanna-be Paladin soon realizes that being a hero is much harder in real life than it is in-game. - Or, Mike gets isekai’d into a world where D&D is real.
An excerpt and taglist below the cut:
There is a small, rational part of Mike’s brain that knows that people sometimes wake up and get out of bed in the middle of the night. He has gotten up to get a drink before and then again later because the drink had finished circling through his system. There is no reason, really, why the same principle shouldn’t also apply to dragonborn Clerics living in a fantasy world, and for all he knows Will has simply stepped out to relieve himself.
And yet the first thing Mike feels on seeing Will gone is panic. He wants to say that it is because Will hadn’t even wanted to get up for breakfast yesterday, but his sleep foggy brain doesn’t think about that later, when it’s already too late. For now he opens his eyes, finds the sleeping bag beside him deserted, and bolts upright as the realization that something is wrong wakes him up worse than chugging a whole six pack of cokes would have. He brings his blanket up around him to protect him from the cold – and sees the fire pit has puttered out. The reason for that is the third thing he notices: Someone has left the door to the barn open as they went out, and the wind whipping inside has blown out the flames. The reason he can see all of that in the first place is that it’s not the middle of the night. Sunlight streams through the open door, making the snowflakes that drift and collect in a solid pile around it glitter white and gold. It also lights up the soundly sleeping shapes of his friends around him, some buried under blankets and cozied up to each other as their unconscious bodies react to the shift in temperature but none yet rested enough to properly react to the danger. However long they had decided to go last night, the practice had wiped them out good: No one seemed to have stayed up for watch, which spoke favorably for the trust they had built as a team but also would have left them wide open to an attack. Especially since the snow dizzying around the entrance does so in lazy whirls more so than the storm that had raged when they went to bed.
It’s good news for their journey and gives Mike some hope that when he finds their wayward Cleric it won’t be frozen into a Will-cicle.
Mike pulls on his boots as quietly as he can, secures his blanket around his shoulders and tip toes out into the freezing waste beyond. The snowstorm has abated more than he anticipated, leaving the surrounding fields and woods clearly visible, as is the destruction One’s descent up the mountain had wrought on them. In the advancing flurry of the storm they hadn’t been able to see the black tendrils that sneak up their trunks, boring into and under the bark and leaving the pines look half dead. The farmhouse to his right doesn’t look much better, the wooden slats that make up the building rotted and caving under the weight of the snow. Mike has barely set a foot outside when the groaning of the building catches his attention, and he watches in horror as the roof over the front porch caves in, sealing off the entrance. He whirls on the barn with his heart beating an even faster staccato in his throat, but at least the side building has managed to avoid the worst of it. The dead remains of vines reach like the grasping fingers of the dead up the side of the building, but at least the structure looks intact.
It still doesn’t mean they should dawdle for much longer now that the skies are clear again.
He tears his eyes away from the building, surveying the rest of the clearing that farm occupies for a clue to where Will could have gone, and finds him at the far edge of it, a dark and still figure. Mike approaches carefully, not wanting to startle his friend, but Will doesn’t so much as twitch, even when he should be able to hear the snow crunching under Mike’s feet. His gaze is fixed on something in the far distance, far above the line of trees, but either dragonborn vision is better than that of humans or Will isn’t fully awake, because Mike can’t find whatever he is looking at. Considering the way his hands hang limply at his side and his shoulders slump, the latter seems more likely. And when Mike rounds him, he finds that Will’s eyes are indeed fixed on nothing: They’re rolled so far back into his head that only the whites are showing, and not even the cold wind rustling his thin tunic seems to be enough to snap Will back to reality.
Unofficial Tag List (aka you interacted with my posts about this fic, please tell me if you want me to not tag you in the future (or want to be added)): @smalltownwheeler @wheelerpilled @wrong-energy @foodiewithdahoodie @doggozzy @gardenfairie @beelikesbirds @beverlysclown @yickarus @sourdough-el @hessolivagant @hesquietoday @oldfashionedmorphine @total-serene560 @bylersrise @hawkinsunderground @generalstorecashier @snixx @camel-casing @bylersbear01 @turningsoft @casatoan @maru-chu @mid13s @goldentrunks @bunnybylerfangirl @willbyersenthusiast @letterstomichelangelo @drowninginideas @fluffyfangirl @artsyna @absolutelynotyouidiot @bymarara @unknowmiau @are-you-reddie @elherself134 @longtallglasses @kennahjune @easilyentertained99 @bylerschapter @eli-being-silly @bylerina
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rorywritesjunk · 2 months
Tell me ur latest obsessions
Aw man okay hang on
1. Buggy is still my #1 obsession. Not even so much One Piece, just Buggy the Clown. And I never cared for clowns until I saw him on the live action and was like "fuck is he supposed to be hot?" And here I am over 6 months later.
2. I love making homemade butter. I even bought a small tabletop butter churn but it doesn't do a good job so I use my KitchenAid mixer. Just throw in heavy cream and then the mixer on. You'll have butter after the heavy cream turns into whipped cream and it keeps going. Once you hear a sloshy noise you got butter!
3. I'm constantly looking up recipes that make me think of what hobbits would eat. I then will cook for myself mostly because my brother is sort of a vegetarian and my mom mostly will eat what I cook but not always.
4. Also this is a bad obsession but I am trying to collect all of these cute lil blind bag Demon Slayer characters. I'm missing Tengen. I have everyone else. I keep getting duplicates at this point. I just want my flashy boy.
5. At some point I'm gonna start cooking over the fire with cast iron. I just have to re-dig out my fire pit and probably re-season my cast iron but it's coming.
6. Visiting Japan again is big. I went in January this year and I loved it. I was there for a week which was perfect for the first time but next time will probably be 2 weeks and we will see more of the country than just Tokyo.
I think that's all 👀
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watchingovergvf · 2 years
Mahogany and Teakwood-Sam Kiszka
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A/N: Hey guys! This is my second fanfic. It’s a bit longer than the Josh one I wrote, but i hope it serves you well. I love Sammy so enjoy!
Warnings: She/her pronouns. Fluffyyyy very sweet. A bit of suggestive language towards the end but nothing major.
Sam sighs in relief, glad to have finally made it home to you after being on the road for the past few months.
He takes in the view of the front porch, reminding himself to drag you outside early one morning to enjoy a warm cup of coffee with him.
Sam had been touring all over the world with the boys for the past year, never really getting a break to relax with you. Of course, touring and playing night after night is his dream come true, but being away from you for an extended period makes it difficult to thoroughly enjoy all the beauties of it. Facetiming, texts, and brief visits were not enough to sedate the longing he felt during his time away.
He missed the small things like the way you snore quietly when you sleep, or the dance parties you would throw in the middle of the kitchen with Rosie, your shared dog. He missed the way you mumble under your breath when you’re frustrated. He missed your sweet lavender scent and your obnoxious, but contagious laughter. Most of all, Sam just missed you and couldn’t wait another moment to be with you.
Sam makes his way through the front door, beginning to call out to you. He pauses and grins, hearing you sing along to the Beatles record your currently spinning on the tabletop. You are completely oblivious to the fact the man you love is under your roof, for the first time in a long time.
Rosie drags herself out of her doggy bed the moment she hears Sam’s footsteps approaching. “How’s my sweet girl doing, huh?” he asks Rosie as he bends down to pat her head.
Deciding he couldn’t wait any longer, he strolls into the kitchen in search of you. He recognizes the all too familiar smell of incense burning and soup cooking on the stove.
He silently reaches the doorway and softly smiles, watching you as you sway your hips to the beat of Something by the Beatles.
Finally, you glance back attempting to check the time, but stop yourself after seeing something out of the corner of your eye. You swing around to look at the strange figure but quickly realize it’s the man you have been anxiously waiting for all day.
Squealing and running towards one another, you both collapse into one another’s awaiting arms, squeezing tight. You wanted to pinch yourself in the unfortunate chance you were dreaming.
The past few months without having Sam around have been difficult for you. Having always prided yourself on your independence, it almost killed you to admit just how much you needed him around. You have a hard time remembering what life was like before Sam graced you with his outgoing presence, but to be honest you don’t want to.
You met Sam your last year of high school. His mom, Karen, had introduced the both of you at an after party, celebrating Sam and Danny’s graduation. Karen had been high school friends with your mom and had insisted on helping you find a job around town. Your relationship with Karen had gotten close and you enjoyed running errands with her. Every now and then, she would try to set you up with Danny, always insisting you would make a cute couple. You always politely declined, having known Danny fancied a young girl at school already. Of course, you knew of the boys but you normally kept to yourself, preferring the comfort of yourself over a bunch of people. Karen had invited you to Sam and Danny’s graduation party, practically begging you to attend so she could finally introduce you to her boys.
Karen tried to round up the boys that night to introduce you, but failed miserably when realizes they wouldn’t stay put. You laughed and shrugged it off, hoping she would finally allow you to go sit by the fire. The fire pit outside was roaring high and full of life, but no one seemed to pay it any attention. While sipping on your drink and sitting by the fire, you heard someone whisper-yelling, “Hey! Hello! Over here!”. Looking back towards the noise, you find yourself looking at a small but rowdy group of boys play fighting. One of the boys, Josh, smiled wide at you and motioned you over. Realizing he was talking to you, you began to trot on over to their little hide out. Josh ended up chatting with you for the next hour about anything and everything, talking your ear off, but you enjoyed it.
Once the conversation dialed down, you took the opportunity to glance around. Catching a certain boys eye, while doing so. You recognized the handsome fellow, and gave a soft smile in his direction. Sam of course, took that as his cue to come sit and talk with you, finally getting the chance to wow the prettiest girl at the party.
You both laughed and chatted until the both of you got sick with exhaustion. He pouted at the fact that you had to return home, begging you to stay.
The next morning you heard a knock at your front door. Not having expected anyone so early in the morning, you stroll on over to peek out the door. Upon opening the door, you grin in disbelief at the sight in front of you. Sam had drove on over to your house with a smile plastered on his face and flowers in hand.
“Hey, sorry I know its early, I just couldn’t stop thinking about you. Plus, I really want to ask you on a date, before I psych myself out of doing so. Sooo, you maybe wanna go see a movie with me sometime?” Sam says, meanwhile his cheeks have turned a nice bright red, clearly feeling flustered.
“Hmm, let me think about it, yes dork.” you chuckle. “Oh thank god, I was really nervous that you would slam the door in my face.” he exclaims.
The rest is history. The two of you have been together ever since. With time comes attachment issues, and attachment issues is what you have.
The two of you stand, swaying in the middle of the kitchen. Leaving gentle kisses underneath Sam’s ear you relish in his familiar scent, mahogany and teakwood.
You chuckle while caressing his face, feeling an unfamiliar scruff underneath your fingertips. “This is new, how long have you been growing this out?” you ask.
“The past few weeks, it looks good doesn’t it?” he spoke with a smirk.
“It makes you look like an old man.” You exclaim with a laugh.
“A hot old man, right?”
“Sure, sure whatever helps you sleep at night.”
Sam laughs, while spinning you around. He brings you close to his chest, leaning down to talk into your ear. “I bet I could change your mind. Just shimmy out of that little apron and I’ll get to work, pretty girl.”
You push at his chest and roll your eyes. “Wow, you’ve been home for five minutes and you’re already trying to seduce me. I’m truly flattered,” you groan.
“I missed you so much. You can’t ever leave me again, promise?” you spoke.
Sam nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck, breathing in your scent. “Promise or you could just come with me next time,” he whispers to you. You smile at his words, wanting nothing more than that. He looks down at you with eyes full of love.
“You make me so happy. How did I get so lucky? My beautiful, beautiful girl,” he speaks to you.
You blush at his words, attempting to give back all the love and attention he has given you. He pulls you in to a deep kiss, savoring the way you taste. You both sigh, feeling more content than ever before.
“I missed kissing you. I just missed you. I’m so glad your home and all mine.” You whisper.
“You’re my home, I’ll always find my way back to you, love” he says between kisses.
“I love you, Sammy”
“I love you more pretty girl”
A/N: Please give me some feedback! I would love to chat with y’all! Hope you enjoyed:))
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writercole · 2 years
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Words: 464 Warnings: fluff Credits: @therebeccaw for that beautiful graphic. A/N: Fritz gets no love and that's not okay. I love him.
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“What do you mean you’ve never had a smore?” you asked your boyfriend, Billy, as you were surrounded by his squad mates at The Hard Deck.
He just shrugged as he lifted his beer to his lips, ‘wasn’t really around a whole lot of bonfires growing up.”
“Not even microwave ones?” Halo chimed in.
“You can microwave them?” he scoffed.
“Fritz, are you for real? Like, for real for real?” Omaha pressed with a furrowed brow.
“Why would I be fucking with you about that? If anything, I’d be lying about having a girlfriend, which I’m not,” replied Billy, his arm draping over the back of your chair and tucking you into his side.
“Well, we’re fixing this,” you declared, “that’s unacceptable. We’re making smores tomorrow.”
“Where, though?” he questioned, “there aren’t really a whole lot of places to set up a bonfire on a Tuesday night.”
“You leave that to me,” you smiled, a plan already forming in your mind.
You remembered seeing a tabletop smore maker at Target the last time you were there so you headed over after work, grabbing all the supplies you needed. As you wandered through the aisles, you also grabbed a small fire pit and a bundle of logs, thinking that it would be nice for the cooler nights ahead.
Everything was set up by the time Billy got home, a small fire in the new pit on the open patio. You had set up marshmallows and graham crackers and chocolate, as well as thinking ahead and having hot dogs and buns as well.
“Babe, what is all this?” Billy asked as he stepped outside.
“I told you we were fixing your smore problem tonight,” you shrugged, “and Target had exactly what we needed.”
“Okay, come show me what to do,” he chuckled, smiling softly at your enthusiasm.
You showed him how to roast the marshmallow, resting your hand on top of his and showing him how to turn it slowly so it would brown evenly. When it was sufficiently bubbly, you set up the chocolate and cracker, smooshing the marshmallow on top so that it oozed over the sides.
Your eyes were wide with anticipation as you watched him take a bite. His brows rose as he chewed, a delighted hum sounding deep in his chest.
“Okay, that’s amazing,” he said, going in for another bite.
“You were right. I did miss out when I was a kid.” He finished the first one and moved for a second marshmallow, spying the hot dogs as well. “What are we doing with raw hot dogs?”
“Billy, you’re joking, right?”
“Of course, I’m joking,” he grinned as he wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you close to him and pressing a kiss to your forehead. “Let’s eat.”
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cuppakasha · 2 years
Another lil short story I wrote a while back that came from an odd fusion of prompts! I'd say this made me realize I liked to write and could be okay at it.
The Iron Chef
From the tavern kitchen, Quillrook noticed a dozen nobles emerge from goldhorn-drawn carriages before seating themselves at the central fire pit. It was always amusing to see the posh and pompous step into the dingy Coppershiner and lowering themselves into rickety stools around the metal tabletop. They whispered in disdain of how anything tasteful could come from the commonwealth. They were waiting for some magical performance to floor them.
It was time to get to work.
Quillrook dragged out a leather sack from a high cupboard. He untucked his right arm from his black wool cloak as he pulled his iron hand from the bag. He fastened it with the worn leather straps over his elbow and pulled it down over what remained of his wrist until it was taut, once again part of him. Despite years of use, Quillrook instinctively wanted to flex into the fingers of the gauntlet, to feel the squeak of the metal fingers curl and unfurl. If only he wasn’t such a lackluster thief in his youth; he could feel the splintered kitchen counters with two hands instead of just one.
He double-checked his crate to make sure it had everything before he went out onto the floor: red cabbage, husked queen’s maize, several spotted eggs (intact), two small clay pots of lard and peppercorn sauce, a flagon of Coppershiner’s strongest gin (missing a few swigs), a tinderbox of matches, the tavern’s finest forks (still in need of a good polishing), and his pair of knives (sharpened). Most importantly, there were the cuts of cockatrice that Wyndell brought him that morning. Of course she complained that it took hours to track down, then insulted him as a milquetoast dandy for not doing it himself, but Wyndell’s outlander charms ceased to shock him after Quillrook’s first conversations with her last year. He ground and seasoned the tenderloin earlier, but the head Wyn brought him had been slow roasting all day- the jewel in the crown of tonight’s performance. 
Quillrook greased his greying hair back with his left hand before wiping it on his cloak, shouldering the crate and heading to the pit.
The aristocrats’ faces were clearly underwhelmed by an aging man dropping a crate onto the creaky floor. He set aside his matches, pots, flagon, and knives. Quillrook placed one into his iron palm and used his left to close the fingers around the handle. He lightly flipped another knife into his grip.
“Let’s begin,” Quillrook smiled as he cut a chunk of lard and slung it across the cast iron sheet. 
It melted, the drippings sizzling. Quillrook threw his knife above him, hearing small gasps as he caught it with ease. 
They hadn’t seen anything yet.
Juggling the ears of corn onto the metal sheet, he held them upright and quickly sliced the kernels from the interwoven cobs into a golden pile. Quillrook slid the sausage onto the iron, the smell of fennel and coriander filling the air. He broke up the chunks and mixed it with the corn by flinging them into the air with the flat of his blades. Taking the flagon, Quillrook swirled the gin over the hash. It spiraled down the mound onto the iron, a simmering trail. He pinched a match, and with a flick ignited the gin. 
A flash of fire.
The nobles flinched and laughed. Quillrook felt the heat of the bonfire against his face and hoped he didn’t singe his sideburns again. He smelled the sweetness of the maize roasting and the smoked spiciness of the spirit and fennel. While his audience was distracted, he stole a swig from the flagon.
The blaze faded out while Quillrook twirled his blade around his index finger and handled the cabbage. His left held it down, his right slicing. It was habit after years of fumbling knives and cuts. Thankfully, his iron hand was unaffected when he touched hot metal or sliced into it with a butcher knife. Once the cabbage was in ribbons, he piled it into a nest and flipped the hash before pulling out the eggs. Quillrook carefully bounced the eggs with the flat of his blade into the violet nest. The eggs were snug in the birds nest as he gave each a final toss, cracking them cleanly in two with the edge of his blade. They started to scramble in the cabbage.
He was excited; it was time for the finale.
The nobles whispered excitedly when Quillrook heaved something out of the crate covered in cheesecloth. He dropped it onto the cast iron with a thud, and with a wave he unveiled it: the cockatrice head, plucked and terrifying. He heard gasps around the table. They had not seen such an abomination before.
“Surely you have heard tales about the cockatrice?” Quillrook took the flagon and poured into the pried-open beak, “The hunters at the lodge warn that they become especially deadly if you take or kill their young…” he trailed off, seeing his audience lean forward as he poured some gin on a cold area of the cast iron and lit another match. He saw steam from the cockatrice’s gullet and ignited the puddle. Then, using his metal fingers Quillrook quickly dipped into the blue flame and brought it to the mouth of the bird..
A plume of fire erupted from the beak of the cockatrice, and Quillrook couldn’t help grinning. The nobles were in complete awe, and out of the corner of his eye he noticed other patrons turning around to watch the show. The Coppershiner regulars had seen a lot of his tricks already and were seldom surprised.
He sliced the egg and cabbage nest and pushed it towards the aristocrats along with the forks from the crate. The flame began to sputter out, so Quillrook took out the pot of pepper sauce and poured a third of it into the cockatrice, extinguishing the flame. The red-tinged mixture bubbled out of the beak, and the smell of pepper, cider vinegar and ginger wafted around the table. He emptied the rest of the pot onto the hash, dividing it equally among those at the table before he started carving the cockatrice head. 
He served some slices of meat and everyone began eating.
The show was over.
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starboygrove · 2 years
Surviving Eddie Munson - Chapter 1
It’s a gorgeous June afternoon in Hawkins today. The sun is shining, there are large, poofy white clouds rolling across the bright blue sky. It’s the perfect temperature outside, warm with a slight summer breeze. Normally this would put Steve Harrington in a very good mood, but that is not the case. Unfortunately for him, he has to spend his time indoors, watching the beautiful day go by from his perch at the customer service desk in Family Video.
He doesn’t even get the welcome distraction Robin’s presence usually provides for a few more hours, as she has a shorter shift today than he does. Sighing, he shifts his weight from one foot to the other and props his head up on the counter, making a miserable and failed attempt to stave off the boredom by counting the cars going by.
Steve allows his thoughts to drift off, finding himself recounting the last few months’ events that followed the destruction of Vecna. He thinks about Jonathan first, of all people, and Nancy’s drunken play-by-play of their anticlimactic break up that led to him moving back to California. Maybe he’ll give Jon a call and see how he’s been doing, or maybe he will just wait until Will updates them again on his brother’s Cheech & Chong style adventures with Argyle.
It was a lot longer until he found out about Mike and El’s breakup, but he couldn’t blame anyone but himself for that. He hasn’t been spending as much time with the younger teens as he used to, finding himself more often than not taking long walks in the woods either alone or with Nancy, or Robin, or sometimes both. Sometimes, Eddie finds him, refusing to leave his side and talking his ear off about some nonsense or another.
Eddie Munson. His chest tightens at the thought of the other man, a nervous pit falling in his gut. Steve sighs harder this time, rubbing at his eyes perhaps a little too aggressively. He just doesn’t understand it, why he always feels so…weird when he thinks about Eddie. When he looks at him, or talks to him. The small jolt of panic that shoots up his spine whenever someone mentions him out of the blue.
At first, Steve was able to just chalk it up to his natural protective instincts. He nearly witnessed Eddie’s death, and then once he was released from the hospital, there were a few scrapes here and there with some of the less forgiving citizens of Hawkins. The ones who refused to believe the cover-up story, burning crosses into the already dead grass outside the Munson trailer or egging the Record Store Eddie works at. That almost got him fired, too, which boiled Steve’s blood something ferocious. If it wasn’t for Eddie, this town would be up in flames, but of course no one will ever know that.
It’s been over a month since anything like that has happened, though. Actually more like closer to two months, he realizes, glancing at the small tabletop calendar near the store phone. So what is Steve’s excuse, now that all reasonable forms of danger are no longer existent? What is his excuse for his mind constantly drifting back to Eddie any chance it gets, recalling their most recent conversations, analyzing all the little facial expressions he would make, dwelling on the sounds his rings make when they clink together.
Logically, in the back of his mind, there is a nagging part of him that has a very good theory for all of this. He doesn’t like that theory, though, because it just doesn’t align with his reality. So Steve stomps it down, bottles it up, and throws it in the closet where it will fester incessantly. If the bottle threatens to burst, as it does more frequently these days, he just finds a way to distract himself.
Like going on a nice, long walk in the woods. And if he carries his bat with him on these long walks, no one ever says a god damn thing. Because let’s face it, Nancy still sleeps with a gun under her bed, Robin with all of the lights on, and Eddie? Eddie doesn’t sleep much at all.
Neither does Steve. That’s usually when they find each other, varying degrees of sobriety, trampling through the woods in the dark as if they’re looking for something. Maybe they’re looking for their sanity, lost in the ether of The Upside Down. Maybe they’re trying to find it in one another.
They’ve had some really personal discussions on these late night walks, things he never even told Nancy when they were in the height of their relationship. About how he can’t even get within five feet of the pool in his backyard without thinking about Barb, or how Eddie made peace with the fact he was going to die and now he doesn’t know what he has to live for anymore.
The chime of the bell dangling on the front door snaps Steve out of his reverie and he stands up straight, only to slump back down when he realizes its just Robin. How long has he been lost in thought exactly? Had he really been thinking about Eddie for that long, again?
“Well hello, Sunshine!” Robin greets him sarcastically, throwing her bag on the counter and hopping up to sit.
Steve just grumbles a response, flexing his legs and storing her bag for her.
“Workin’ hard, or hardly workin’?” She snorts out, getting a good look at him. The boredom has yet to melt off his features, the lack of mental stimulus for hours on end etched into his eyes.
“If it were up to me, we wouldn’t even be open until 3pm in the summer. No one wants to rent a movie in weather like this!” He complains, but he’s smiling, always happy to see his best friend.
“Hey! There are starving kids in Africa who would kill to get paid to stand around in air conditioning and look pretty.” She jokes, and Steve just rolls his eyes in response.
He walks over to one of the shelves and picks up the nearest VHS case, dusting it off, nervously digging the toe of his sneaker into the carpet. He’s nearly tempted to talk to Robin about his recent thoughts, but something stops him from choking it out. Shame and guilt, mostly. Ashamed and guilty about what, exactly? He can’t even pin point that either, or more specifically he doesn’t want to.
Instead he asks her about what she has been up to the last couple of days, as they haven’t seen each other since Tuesday morning when Steve dropped her off at her house after a sleepover. With his parents gone for weeks at a time, he finds himself alone so often that he doesn’t even ask Robin to come over anymore. She just does it, almost every night his parents are gone so long as she doesn’t already have plans to stay over at Nancy’s – an activity that has grown in rapid frequency since they graduated.
She gushes about the latest mundane feature about Nancy she’s decided to hyper fixate on – this time it’s about Nancy’s supposedly inhuman ability to coordinate colors – and it makes Steve break out into a wide, genuine smile. One of the few things that makes him happy these days is seeing the people he loves so full of joy. When Robin revealed her crush on his ex-girlfriend, she was nervous about how he would react, but he couldn’t be happier for her. Especially because he’s been noticing lately the way Nancy looks back at Robin when she’s not looking.
“You should see her closet! Well, you probably already have, huh? It’s incredible the way her mind works, I could never.” Robin sighs dreamily, kicking her feet out into the air, lost in full-blown crush mode.
“I think you’ve invented a textile fetish, Buckley,” he jokes, earning a scoff from his freckled friend.
“It’s not a fetish! I’m simply admiring her organizational skills. It’s not just her wardrobe, you know.” She huffs out, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Only you could make a well-organized closet sound like a romance novel, you are so gone on her!” He laughs when her face begins to flush, never failing to get a kick out of teasing her.
She mutters something under her breath that sounds suspiciously a lot like ‘not the only one gone on someone’ but he pretends he didn’t hear her. A few weeks ago she attempted to broach the topic of Eddie in a way Steve wasn’t interested in hearing. They’ve trauma bonded, that’s all, and Robin gave up quickly when she realized Steve simply wasn’t ready for that conversation yet. It’s not a conversation they should even be having, Steve thinks bitterly, and sets the VHS case back on the shelf a little roughly.
“You know, Steve--” she’s cut off by the chime of the bell, and he’s know he’s just been saved from rehashing the subject based on her tone alone. He smiles a triumphant, knowing smile at her and goes to greet the first customer of the day.
The moment they are alone once more, which is far too quickly in his opinion, Robin starts up again.
“I was thinking,” she begins, toying with the cord on the store phone.
“That’s dangerous,” he jokes, in an attempt to deflect. She glares at him and he holds his hands up in surrender, gesturing for her to go on.
“My parents are gonna be out of town early next month, what do you say we have a babysitter’s club night?”
He didn’t anticipate this. He searches his mind quickly, for any feeble excuse possible, but he knows it’s a futile attempt. There is no logical reason for him to turn this offer down. Especially when Robin has been bragging about the new hot tub her parents just got, and her fully knowing how much Steve has wanted to come over and check it out.
“Eddie already said he’ll come,” she adds on, a mischievous glint in her eyes. There it is, the scheming he knew she couldn’t resist. Once she gets an idea in her head, she does everything in her power to see it to fruition.
“I don’t see what that would have anything to do with getting me to say yes. I was already thinking of saying yes. You saying that isn’t what is making me say yes. It’s mostly the hot tub, if I’m going to be completely honest with you.” He runs a hand through his hair, trying not to make note of the fact his palms are oddly sweaty.
“Ahh, the hot tub, yes. Where we will all be in our bathing suits. Interesting…” She trails off, chuckling when she turns and gets a glimpse of his expression.
“Robin.” He warns her with his tone and she shrugs, playing dumb.
“Steve,” she replies airily, needlessly wiping down the customer service desk for the third time since she clocked in.
“Will there at least be alcohol?” He shoots for nonchalance, and thinks he scores.
“Of course, whom dost thou taketh me for? No glass, though, it’s a bitch to clean out of the tub. Not uh, speaking from personal experience or anything.”
“Nance said yeah?”
Robin snorts, as if he said something utterly stupid just now.
“It was her idea, dingus!” She replies gleefully, and he should be surprised but he really isn’t. From what he has gathered, they have never spent a night over at Robin’s house, always at Nancy’s. Of course she would jump on the opportunity to spend the night at Robin’s the first chance she could get. He’s going to have to have a talk with her, sooner rather than later it seems.
“Yeah, alright. ‘Course I’ll come, why wouldn’t I?” he asks rhetorically, pacing around the desk and smearing his hand across the top, just to piss her off.
It works, earning him a wet towel to the face, but it just makes him laugh. They get a little more banter in before the bell chimes again, alerting them to the presence of a new customer.
Except it isn’t a customer, Steve inwardly groans. It’s Eddie motherfucking Munson, here to bug him once again after his shift at the Record Store just down the street.
“Harrington!” he greets enthusiastically, opening his arms out wide. Even in the summer months, he’s dressed in black head to toe, contrastingly greatly with Steve’s usual light denim and pastel polo. The tight sleeves of his shirt wrap around Eddie’s arms in a way that makes Steve get a little light headed for some reason. Absolutely bizarre.
“Munson,” he grunts out, giving a stilted wave. The bulk of their interactions are usually away from prying eyes, so the intensity of Robin’s voyeuristic stare is making him flush. Yeah, that’s what it is.
“Gonna rent something for once, or are you just here to grace us with your heavenly presence?” Eddie laughs like he just told the world’s best joke, clapping Steve on the shoulder once he gets near enough to do so.
“You know me, just can’t stay away from my favorite video rental store.”
“This is the only video rental store in Hawkins, Munson.”
Steve rolls his eyes, muttering something about it not counting under his breath. The other man is close, far too close, as he typically is. It’s like he has no concept of personal space. Steve can feel the heat radiating off of his body he’s standing that close to him. As always, Eddie is completely unperturbed by their proximity while he chats to Robin, seemingly unaffected in the way Steve is when the bare skin of their arms brush together.
He must be dehydrated, or something, because he’s starting to feel really weird again. Excusing himself to the break room to get a drink, Steve stares at his warped reflection of the old beat up toaster on the counter. He looks like an alien, a warped version of himself he doesn’t recognize, mirroring the feelings he has inside. Steve hasn’t recognized himself in months, if he’s being honest.
When he starts to feel guilty for how long he’s been gone, he forces himself to return to work, feeling equal amount of elation and disappointment when he realizes Eddie has left already.
“Feeling okay?” Robin asks in that soft voice of hers she reserves only for when she knows something is wrong with him.
Steve just sighs, then shrugs, pointedly avoiding her gaze. He wouldn’t even know where to begin; knowing why he feels like this is more than half the battle. If he knew what was wrong, he’d be able to fix it on his own. A small voice in the back of his head tells him he does know what’s wrong, but he ignores it completely.
“Just tired, I guess. Been spending too much time here.” Robin chews on her lip before nodding, accepting his half-lie. It isn’t a complete fabrication, he has picked up more shifts over the last month. They lost two of their part timers, newly graduated seniors who no longer wanted to be tied down by a minimum wage job. Keith has yet to replace either of them, satisfied with having Steve and few of the others pulling extra shifts instead.
He is grateful that Robin drops the subject, and they spend the rest of their afternoon talking about music, movies, and other safe surface level topics. They have a few more customers come in just before close, and soon they are free to do as they please with the rest of their evening.
The sun is beginning to set, painting the sky in a beautiful shade of rusty orange when Steve drives Robin home, as he always does. He agrees to give her a ride tomorrow to the Wheeler’s, to surprise Nancy before she gets off work at The Hawkins Post. It will be Friday, and for once both he and Robin have the day off, an incredibly rare occurrence as of late. They make plans to catch a matinee of Ferris Bueller's Day Off; it’s his turn to pick this time much to the chagrin of Robin, and Steve drives home feeling more content than he has in a while.
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yheshop · 3 days
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Tabletop Fire Pit with Smores Maker Kit Portable Indoor/Outdoor Mini Small Fireplace Tabletop Decor Home Patio Balcony Gifts for Women Mom Her Wedding Housewarming Mother's Day Birthday Gift
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wizardfirepits · 15 days
The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Perfect Fire Pit for Your Outdoor Space 🔥
Creating a cozy and inviting outdoor space is a dream for many homeowners, and one of the best ways to achieve this is by adding a fire pit. Fire pits provide warmth, ambiance, and a perfect gathering spot for family and friends. But with so many options available, how do you choose the right one for your needs? If you also want to know more about the outdoor space, you can also explore this link https://wizardfirepits.co.nz .
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Types of Fire Pits 🔥
Wood-Burning Fire Pits 🌲
Wood-burning fire pits are classic and offer a traditional campfire experience. They are perfect for those who love the crackling sound and smoky aroma of burning wood.
Authentic campfire experience
Can be used for cooking (e.g., roasting marshmallows, grilling)
Provides a significant amount of heat
Requires a steady supply of wood
Produces smoke and ash
Needs regular cleaning and maintenance
Gas Fire Pits ⛽
Gas fire pits, powered by either propane or natural gas, offer a convenient and clean-burning alternative to wood.
Easy to ignite and extinguish
Produces no smoke or ash
Low maintenance
Less heat compared to wood-burning pits
Higher initial cost
Requires a gas source
Gel Fuel Fire Pits 🧴
Gel fuel fire pits use canisters of gel fuel, which are clean-burning and easy to use. These are typically smaller and portable.
No smoke, ash, or sparks
Portable and easy to use
Produces a beautiful, crackling flame
Gel fuel can be expensive
Less heat output
Limited burn time
Tabletop Fire Pits 🏞️
Tabletop fire pits are small, decorative, and ideal for adding ambiance to an outdoor dining or seating area. They are usually fueled by gel, ethanol, or propane.
Compact and stylish
Easy to move and position
Creates a cozy atmosphere
Limited heat output
Smaller flame size
Fuel can be costly
Factors to Consider When Choosing a Fire Pit 🏕️
Size and Space 📏
Consider the size of your outdoor space and how much room you have for a fire pit. Ensure there is enough space around the fire pit for seating and safe movement.
Material and Durability 🛠️
Fire pits come in various materials, including steel, cast iron, copper, and stone. Each material has its benefits:
Steel: Lightweight and durable, but may rust over time.
Cast Iron: Heavy and durable, retains heat well.
Copper: Attractive and conducts heat efficiently, but can tarnish.
Stone: Very durable and blends well with natural surroundings.
Safety Features 🚨
Safety should be a top priority when choosing a fire pit. Look for features such as:
Spark screens to prevent embers from escaping
Sturdy construction to avoid tipping
Heat-resistant coatings
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Budget 💰
Fire pits come in a wide range of prices. Set a budget and find a fire pit that meets your needs without breaking the bank. Remember to factor in the cost of fuel and maintenance.
Maintenance Tips for Your Fire Pit 🧹
Regular Cleaning 🧼
Keep your fire pit clean to ensure it functions properly and lasts longer:
Remove ash and debris after each use
Clean the burner ports on gas fire pits regularly
Wipe down surfaces to prevent rust and stains
Protective Covers 🛡️
Invest in a protective cover to shield your fire pit from the elements when not in use. This will help prevent rust and damage from rain, snow, and UV rays.
Inspect for Damage 🔍
Regularly inspect your fire pit for any signs of damage, such as cracks, rust, or worn parts. Address any issues promptly to prevent further damage and ensure safe operation.
Store Fuel Properly 🏡
If you're using a wood-burning fire pit, store your firewood in a dry, covered area. For gas fire pits, ensure propane tanks are stored upright in a cool, ventilated space.
Enhancing Your Outdoor Experience 🌟
Comfortable Seating 🪑
Arrange comfortable seating around your fire pit to create a welcoming environment. Consider using weather-resistant cushions and throws for added comfort.
Ambient Lighting 💡
Enhance the ambiance with additional outdoor lighting, such as string lights, lanterns, or solar-powered garden lights. This will create a magical atmosphere and extend your outdoor enjoyment into the night.
Outdoor Accessories 🏕️
Add accessories like roasting sticks, fire pokers, and a firewood rack to make your fire pit experience more enjoyable and convenient.
Seasonal Decorations 🎃
Incorporate seasonal decorations to keep your outdoor space festive and inviting. For example, use pumpkins and hay bales in the fall, or fairy lights and potted plants in the spring.
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Conclusion ✨
Choosing the perfect fire pit for your outdoor space involves considering the type, size, material, and safety features. With proper maintenance and thoughtful accessories, your fire pit can become the centerpiece of your outdoor gatherings, providing warmth and ambiance for years to come. Whether you prefer the traditional charm of a wood-burning fire pit or the modern convenience of a gas model, there's a perfect fire pit out there waiting to transform your outdoor space. Happy fire pit hunting! 🔥🌟
Wizard Fire Pits
30 Awamutu Grove, Lower Hutt, Wellington, 5010 https://wizardfirepits.co.nz +64 212018507
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ideallandscapestones · 6 months
Transform Your Backyard into a Beautiful and Functional Space
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Having a backyard provides a unique opportunity to create an outdoor space where you can relax, entertain, and enjoy the beauty of nature. Whether you have a small patch of grass or a sprawling garden, there are numerous ways to transform your backyard into a beautiful and functional area that you will love spending time in. Here are some ideas to inspire you: Learn more here on the benefits of having these services.
Create a Welcoming Patio or Deck: Start by building or enhancing your patio or deck to serve as the foundation of your backyard transformation. Choose materials that are sturdy, low maintenance, and complement the overall style of your home. Consider adding comfortable outdoor furniture, a dining set, and some shade options like a pergola or umbrella to make it a welcoming space for relaxing and hosting gatherings.
Add Landscaping Elements: Nothing enhances the beauty of a backyard like well-designed landscaping. Incorporate elements such as flower beds, shrubs, and trees to create a lush and vibrant atmosphere. Focus on using plants that are suitable for your climate and require minimal upkeep. You can also add decorative elements like rocks, mulch, or pathways to add visual interest and structure to your backyard.
Install Outdoor Lighting: Extend the usability of your backyard into the evening hours by installing outdoor lighting. This not only creates a warm and inviting ambiance but also improves safety. Consider using a combination of overhead string lights, pathway lights, and accent lights to highlight specific features in your backyard. Solar-powered lights are a sustainable and cost-effective option.
Create Functional Zones: Divide your backyard into different functional zones that cater to your needs and activities. For example, you can set up a dedicated outdoor cooking area with a grill and counter space. Create a cozy seating area with a fire pit for chilly evenings. If you have kids, dedicate a play zone with a swing set or a sandbox. By defining zones, you maximize the functionality of your backyard and make it more enjoyable for everyone.
Add Water Features: Water features bring a sense of tranquility and serenity to any outdoor space. Consider adding a small pond, a fountain, or a birdbath to create a soothing atmosphere. The sound of flowing water can have a calming effect and help drown out street noises. If space is limited, even a tabletop water feature or a wall-mounted fountain can make a significant impact.
Incorporate Outdoor Structures: Make your backyard more functional by incorporating outdoor structures such as a gazebo, pergola, or greenhouse. The Intricate stone or brick patterns not only provide shade and protection from the elements but also add architectural interest to your backyard. You can use them to create an outdoor living room, a dining area, or a cozy reading nook.
In conclusion, transforming your backyard into a beautiful and functional space requires careful planning and a creative touch. By incorporating elements such as patios, landscaping, lighting, functional zones, water features, and outdoor structures, you can create an outdoor oasis that reflects your style and enhances your quality of life. So go ahead and unleash your imagination to create the backyard of your dreams! Click here for more details about this service: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hardscape.
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fairmaiden8 · 8 months
Well-Packaged Fire Pits with Extinguishing Lid
“Cozy Nights Made Easy: Affordable Tabletop Fire Pits” is an informative and engaging article discussing the availability of well-packaged fire pits with an extinguishing lid on Amazon. Whether you have a small yard or want to create a special ambiance on your patio, these fire pits are perfect for creating cozy nights. The article explores the different designs available, the functionality of…
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aobaks918 · 9 months
As the sun sets and the cool breeze starts to fill the air, there's something magical about gathering around a tabletop fire pit. Whether you call it a mini fire pit or a tabletop fireplace, these compact wonders have the power to transform any outdoor space into a warm and inviting haven.
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fs-12 · 11 months
What are some unique design ideas for outdoor seating areas in cafes?
Outdoor seating areas in cafes offer a wonderful opportunity to create a unique and inviting space that enhances the overall dining experience. Here are some innovative design ideas to make your cafe’s outdoor seating area stand out:
Living Green Walls: Install lush living green walls or vertical gardens around the outdoor seating area in your cafe interior design. These green spaces not only add a touch of nature but also create a fresh and vibrant ambiance for customers to enjoy.
Cozy Cabanas: Create intimate and cozy cabana-style seating with draped curtains or canopies in your cafe interior design. These semi-private spaces offer a sense of exclusivity and comfort, attracting customers looking for a more secluded dining experience.
Fire Pit Lounges: Integrate fire pits or tabletop fire features into the outdoor seating area in your cafe interior design. This addition creates a warm and cozy atmosphere, perfect for chilly evenings or cooler seasons.
Hanging Swing Seats: Replace traditional chairs with hanging swing seats or hammocks in your cafe interior design. These fun and relaxing seating options add a playful touch to the outdoor space and appeal to customers of all ages.
Portable Heaters: Consider providing portable heaters or heat lamps for colder weather in your cafe interior design. This allows customers to comfortably enjoy the outdoor seating area even during winter months.
Water Features: Incorporate small water features like fountains or cascading waterfalls in your cafe interior design. The soothing sound of water adds a tranquil element to the space, enhancing the overall dining experience.
Pergolas and Shade Structures: Install pergolas or retractable awnings to provide shade and protection from the sun or light rain. This makes the outdoor seating area more comfortable and usable in varying weather conditions.
Communal Tables: Create communal dining tables for larger groups or those seeking a social dining experience. These long tables foster a sense of community and encourage interaction among customers.
Outdoor Games and Activities: Offer outdoor games like chess, Jenga, or giant Connect Four to entertain customers and encourage social interaction in the seating area.
String Lights and Lanterns: Decorate the outdoor space with string lights or lanterns to add a magical and cozy ambiance, particularly during evening hours.
Art Installations: Integrate sculptures, art installations, or murals into the outdoor seating area to create a visually stimulating and unique atmosphere.
By incorporating these unique design ideas into your cafe’s outdoor seating area, you can create an inviting and memorable space that attracts both new and returning customers. To optimize your cafe’s online visibility and attract customers looking for a distinctive outdoor dining experience, use relevant keywords in your website content and meta descriptions. This ensures that your cafe stands out to potential customers searching for a cafe with a creatively designed outdoor seating area. You can get your next startup office designed and built by the tech-led interior design company Flipspaces which can be your one-stop solution for all your turnkey needs.
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businessorzozen · 1 year
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wisnkrhead · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Tabletop Fire Pit Concrete- Mini Personal Fireplace, Fire Bowl, Indoor Outdoor.
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dallaswwade · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: RoundFire Tabletop fire pit.
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