#slight shadowbringers spoiler
rainofaugustsith · 1 year
On FFXIV and Magic
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Slight spoiler for Shadowbringers theme and spoiler for level 70 Black Mage I have to say that it's really nice to play FFXIV's mages because they have a hell of a lot more mature and nuanced take on magic, etc. than Star Wars does.
Aether in FFXIV seems to be roughly equivalent to the Force in Star Wars - the life force than runs through everything that some people can work with and some can't (although in FFXIV it seems most can to at least a basic extent unless they're Garleans or have had another issue). They have white mages and conjurers who work with nature, the summoners, red and blue mages who work with both light and dark or undefined forces, black mages and thaumaturges who are black magic, and the astros who also work with both but with the addition of astrology. And a lot of classes that aren't mages have the ability to throw at least some magic skills. I haven't gotten to sage and scholar yet but they exist too.
But what's different in FFXIV is that none of these groups is portrayed as evil. They are just part of the order of things. White and Black mages are portrayed as rare but there are a lot of others.
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Black magic is "forbidden" by the Conjurers' Guild in Gridania but it's more or less the conjurers yelling at clouds, and they are portrayed as being ignorant and judgmental in this regard. And the black mages are the ones who end up averting not one but two actual Calamities. They also have a way more diverse membership than the white mages - there are a number of black mages you meet who are from the tribes. Astrology's purpose changes depending on who is using it - Ishgard, Sharlayan or Kugane. Overall they make it clear that it's not the practices of magic that are evil, but how practitioners have chosen to use them, and we meet NPCs of all kinds there.
In the MSQ we have several Scions who change magic classes several times, including one who flips from Conjurer to Black Mage, and it's not "ohhhh they've fallen! Woes!" but "cool, they found something that speaks to them more and is better for them. You go on with your magical self."
They also make it clear in Shadowbringers that you need balance - that either too much dark or too much light can literally destroy everything.
And that is so much, so much better IMHO than the bloody LIGHT SIDE GOOD! DARK SIDE BAD! shit you get in Star Wars, where any and all attempts at finding nuance and grey areas are drowned out almost entirely by ridiculously simplistic insistence on absolutism.
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blucifer08 · 24 days
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wildstar25 · 1 year
[slight shadowbringers / lv 80 summoner job spoilers]
So I was having a very normal amount of thoughts regarding the summoner class the other day. Mostly how as your character learns the job with Y'mhitra they are taught to summon specific primals outlined in ancient teachings; but the moment your WOL is given the chance to create a summon on their own, they come up with Phoenix. assuming your WOL went through the coils storyline and has any connection to 1.0 stuff, that's a really personal choice for them to make!
Though the lack of fanfare when you receive that skill does make it feel like you get the summon to call back to the widespread accounts of Phoenix sightings at the Battle of Carteneau. I feel like that might be more of a product of how there's no longer job quests when you hit ShB. Though I enjoyed the stormblood follow up content for that lv 80 quest, I wish they had made it about how the WOL created demi-phoenix...
Anyways, it got me thinking about how instead of ifrit, titan, and garuda, summoner WOLs could instead use egi's that they have a more personal connection with. Of course this means I started thinking about what Arsay's egi's would be. Which also means of course I had to sketch them out. These are super quick designs obviously and I haven't gone through the effort of a proper design cycle so bare that in mind lol. Content under the cut!
Ruby summon: Egi-Ifrit -> Sapphire summon: Egi-Leviathan
The first primal Arsay ever saw, though that memory has been lost to time in the aether stream. It was his appearance in the Rhontano sea that prompted the meeting between a new adventurer and a scion of great import to her. Even if their minds have forgotten such events, the summoner's aether has not. Aetherial element: Water
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Topaz summon: Egi-Titan -> Pearl summon: Egi-Bismark
Despite the beast itself creating yet another roadblock in her adventures, Arsay can't help but be reminded of more immediate and positive associations. Her favourite eatery in Limsa of whom he is the name sake, the always perfectly timed arrival and rescue of her friend Cid, and of course the gentle reflection who provided aid in their time of need. Aetherial Element: Wind
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Emerald summon: Egi-Garuda -> Fluorite summon: Fluorite Carbuncle
Though the power of a third primal might be tempting to most, Arsay knows a carbuncle can be as powerful as the summoner wills it to be. Plus it's much cuter! Using a crystal she gathered around Revenant's Toll as a focus, she called forth from the aether her own form of carbuncle Aetherial Element: Lightning
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Obviously by lv 90 you swap your egi's for the real deal so instead her carbuncle would get super charged ✌️
Again I thought way too hard about this (as per usual). I wanted to have the elements line up with what you have access to as Ninja. Since that's her main job it would make sense that her aether would be more likely to lean towards those elements. Phoenix covers fire, so unfortunately the only one missing would be ice. There's more wind-coded abilities than ice, so I went with that. Which is for the best because it lines up with the aether elemental chart flow! Water goes to wind goes to lightning.
Idk if all these ideas line up exactly with the ffxiv summoner lore - I've been doing the best I can to absorb all the info I get from the job quests but very possible I missed something along the way lol
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Have a gpose for making it to the end o/
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17. Song.
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No, I ain't cut out to manage musicians or nothing! All I did was a bit of asking about to find her, then her singing voice did the rest. Besides, if it weren't for Mimble bringing the materials, she wouldn't have that lovely dress!
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tallbluelady · 2 years
26. Giggling while kissing :)
"Wherefore art thou laughing so much?" Urianger asked, starting to laugh himself.
"I just remembered something Gaia said after we finally defeated Eden..." Rowan pinched her nose to try to stop laughing. "She... ha... she..."
It wasn't going very well and Rowan erupted into another fit of giggles. Urianger shook his head and let her laugh for a little longer.
She kissed him, but was still laughing all the while. "You know I love you, right?"
"Aye. Well, it's just that... Gaia forgot about you and Thancred. She... she mixed up your names. So, so, she called you 'Urianger the Knight in Shining Armor'," there were a few more giggles there, "and, ha, she called Thancred..."
Urianger put a finger to his lips to slow his own laughter. "Beloved, what title didst Gaia bestow upon Thancred?" 
"Thancred the Bookworm!" Rowan doubled over in glee.
Urianger laughed along with her, the thought of being offended at such terms long lost to years self love.
Thanks for the prompt! More laughs than kisses though!
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astrology-bf · 2 days
To Covet Thy Neighbor
(CW: Slight Spoilers for Shadowbringers, Heavily Implied NSFW)
There is an in-joke among the Scions of the Seventh Dawn that Urianger’s name day is a sacred mystery, while Ifan’s name day is a forbidden text: both choose not to share it openly, but for very different reasons. 
The notion that the Warrior of Light, Hydaelyn’s Champion, Defender of Eorzea, and all the rest would be born under an unlucky star might seem laughable in principle, but to Ifan Kaleid it was simply a lived experience; his name-days were simply just unfortunate, in the exact sense of the term. Be it an accident or incident or even just an illness, even the best of them had some manner of embarrassing or unfortunate memory to add to the pile -  so he avoided building up expectation by attempting to celebrate, and simply kept the date largely to himself. He told close friends and greatly treasured their efforts to remedy the problem with thoughtful gifts and gestures, but otherwise he simply treated it as a day like any other, for better or for worse. And this one was definitely not the best of them.
He’d woken with a stomach ache (which was not the result of too much of F’lhaminn’s rolanberry shortcake the previous night, thank you very much) which he’d tried to soothe with tea, which he’d then spilt and scalded himself with before fumbling the laundry spell and setting the stain into the linen - necessitating a change of clothes until he trusted himself to make a second attempt at the stain. Then he’d bumped into Y’shtola - literally - before breaking a plate at lunch and promising to repair it the next day lest he end up fumbling that otherwise simple bit of magic, too. Even when he’d written off the day as just a bad one and just tried to sit and read, he’d failed to realize that was the same chair where Coultenet and Hoary Boulder liked to… sit… and one of its legs had given out beneath him. And so, burned and bruised in body and ego, he grumbled as he stalked his way back to the chamber he shared with his beloved intending on getting this damn day over with. 
G’raha had been strangely absent the entire day: not necessarily unusual, as the archon had pursuits of his own that Ifan refused begrudging him, but on a day like this Ifan found himself wishing he could simply drop to his knees and cling to the scarlet-haired miqo’te like a child seeking comfort from a parent - that is, when he wasn’t glad G’raha wasn’t here to see him make an utter ass of himself. As his lover had missed dinner, Ifan just assumed he’d be elsewhere till the morrow and resigned himself to spending the night sulking by himself. He was busy cursing himself for forgetting to pray in the morning as he dragged himself through the door, and was halfway through it when-
“Welcome back, dear heart.” 
Ifan paused at the sound of G’raha’s voice, and then his eyebrow rose at the scene before him: the conjured lights were dimmed, and G’raha - or rather, the robed figure of the Crystal Exarch - was regally relaxed upon a chair with his knees spread and his temple braced against a finger, a teasing grin upon his lips.
A few moments passed in stunned silence before Ifan simultaneously laughed and scoffed in disbelief. "And what's this?" he asked incredulously as he shut - and locked - the door behind him.
G’raha’s grin widened further beneath the hood. "A happy name-day to you, my mighty champion." he hummed happily with a little waggle of his head.
Ifan simply couldn’t contain his glee: a wide grin split his face from ear to ear as he approached his lover slowly with a laugh upon his lips. "You spoil me, my lord." He reached for G’raha’s hand - the right - and gave it a solemn kiss upon the knuckles, followed by a much more passionate one upon the archon’s lips. Ifan hummed and grinned as their lips parted. “I do wonder what excuse you gave Tataru as to why you needed her to sew that." he mused.
G’raha simply smirked. "I was entirely honest with her: a name-day present."
A sigh left Ifan’s lips as he rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Wonderful, now I'm going to be dodging Crystal Exarch rumors on the Source as well as the First.” Nonetheless, he returned the smirk with equal humor and gave G’raha one more kiss. "Thank you." he hummed as all thoughts of stains and spills and shenanigans vanished from his mind.
"You are more than welcome, dear heart." hummed G’raha in return. Then a devious little smirk danced upon his lips as he suddenly leaned up and grasped Ifan by the hips, pulling the magician roughly astride his lap. Ifan gave a little yelp of shock but soon settled at the feel of G’raha’s hands upon his thighs. "I confess a hint of nostalgia at the way you look from under a hood." added the miqo’te with a grin up at the hyur. 
Ifan laughed as he threaded his arms loosely about his lover’s shoulders so as not to disturb his hood. "You are quite easy on the eyes yourself, my lord Exarch." he hummed with a little squeeze of his thighs around the miqo’te’s lap.
G’raha gave a thoughtful hum. "One wonders when you first had that realization." he mused with a faint canting of his head.
The magician raised an eyebrow. "You’re asking if and when I found the Crystal Exarch attractive, hm?” he asked with a small snicker.
"Mhm." answered G’raha with a grin, looking every bit the coeurl that caught the chocobo. 
Ifan’s lips twisted as he wrestled with the truth - a difficult feat considering the way G’raha’s hand was dancing up a hip. "...I would be lying if I said I didn't start entertaining thoughts whilst you were showing me around the markets." he admitted.
G’raha paused at this, seeming genuinely surprised. "That early? I had been under the impression you were still upset with me." he stated. 
The magician returned a rather smug look. "I was. That doesn't mean I wouldn't have ridden you like a chocobo to get back at you. And I’ll confess a weakness for the charms of mystique and a musical voice.” teased Ifan with a wiggle of his hips.
A laugh rolled from the miqo’te’s chest as he danced his fingers up to where Ifan’s spine was visible through the back of his tunic. "You did seem rather determined that first night, once we resumed." he hummed with a very contented grin.
Ifan returned a little grin of his own, shivering at the touch. "I'm going to blame Ardbert for that." he countered.
G’raha gave a rather imperious hum and nod. Then he gave another cheshire grin. "Then I shall simply have to expend twice as much effort this evening, to show him my gratitude.” he snickered.  
The mention of the warrior and the once-familiar sight of the Crystal Exarch made Ifan hum as a thought occurred to him.  "I'm just the slightest bit curious..." he began.
"Hm?" hummed G’raha, pausing his exploration of Ifan’s lower back and rear. 
Ifan paused as he leaned back in G’raha’s lap to gaze down at him. "That scrying tool of yours on the First, in the Ocular. I was curious if you ever used it to… watch me.” he asked slowly, canting his head with a devious half-grin.
G’raha simply tilted his head. "Watch in what sense?"
Ifan snorted. "Don't play coy." he chuckled.
G’raha smirked. His usual bashfulness had receded, seeming to find it easy to slip into the role he’d occupied for near a century - clothes, it seemed, can make a man. "...I may have." he answered, at length.
Another snort left Ifan’s nose, and he began to laugh."Of course you did, ‘Raha. Dirty old ma- oi!" He yelped, cut off by a harsh slap to the rear.
"None of that, dear heart." grinned G’raha with an admonishing little shake of his head.
Ifan stuck his tongue out at his lover, then hummed thoughtfully. "Well, humor me. What was your favorite?" he asked as he reclined lazily in G’raha’s lap, propped up by his lover’s hands and an arm over G’raha’s shoulder. 
"That is assuming I observed you more than once." countered G’raha with a slightly teasing lilt.
"I find that assumption more than reasonable given how handsy you're being at the moment." rebutted Ifan in turn, wiggling his hips once more and earning himself another smack.
"A more recalcitrant retainer a lord has yet to find, I wager." mused G’raha imperiously.
"If I behaved myself you'd be terribly bored, my lord Exarch." said Ifan as he craned his head down to peer at G’raha’s eyes beneath his hood.
The eye contact made G’raha flush, but he winked nonetheless - clearly having spent the day building up his courage for the benefit of his beloved. "Another reasonable assumption. And to answer your question... Yourself and the heavily-scarred man." he answered.
Ifan blinked. "Granson?” He paused. Then he gave a laugh. “Oh-ho... Which night in particular?" he asked as he grinned from ear to ear.
It didn’t take him long to answer. "The one wherein the pair of you were feeling rather... experimental." hummed G’raha, rocking Ifan in his lap.
Ifan’s eyebrow rose as he tried to recall the night in question. Then he paused. A scoff escaped him as he looked down at G’raha with incredulity in his face. "And to what degree did you enjoy watching that , my lord?" he asked with another chuckling scoff.
G’raha gave another smug, wide grin. "To the degree it became difficult to restrain myself from wishing to join you, my beloved champion." he answered with another teasing shake of his head, his tone light to the degree that Ifan had trouble figuring out if what he said was true. But on the off chance it wasn’t... 
Ifan grinned. "Filthy." he stated. 
G’raha stuck his tongue out between his teeth. "Hypocrisy is rather unbecoming of you, dear heart. I daresay we should put that mouth of yours to more constructive purposes." he added with a nod, in mirror of a lord speaking merely of logistics. 
Ifan hummed indulgently. "And what shall my liege lord choose to bestow upon me in return for such an act of fealty, hm?" he asked.
G’raha gave the matter a few moments thought. Then he nodded. "Hm. Provided the services rendered are sufficiently pleasing…” Another pause. Then a sly smile slowly began to creep its way across his face, one that sent a shiver up the mage’s spine. “Perhaps I should find myself willing to be a little bolder than your friend proved on that occasion." he offered with a regal little nod. 
Ifan blinked and paused. A breath escaped him. "...I'll take that deal, my lord." he answered without hesitation.
A hum left G’raha’s nose, followed by another grin. "Good boy."
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remswrites · 13 days
Fandom: Final Fantasy XIV (Shadowbringers spoilers) Relationships: G'raha Tia | Crystal Exarch & Minfilia Warde Rating: T+ Wordcount: 10,675 (complete)
"Even with her gift, she cannot hold them all. So I will do what must be done." He is a relic of a darker age. If he stays he shall be consumed by the tower… and he made it that way. The only decision left to him is when, and for once he would like to play the hero… or the villain, so the Warrior of Light will not save him. Minfilia shakes her head, ever so slight. "Exarch." He smiles. "I must." - Anointed by fate, guided to a dying shard that isn't theirs to save, to endure for the one who one day will. To change a past and safeguard a future. Many hands that put them there, but it will always be their choice to make. In the Crystarium, the Exarch receives a periodic, generational visitor.
The early years are particularly perilous.
He is more limber then: his body not yet bound to the tower, and although he has taken to spellcraft, not a paladin yet. The young Crystarium newly risen on its plateau above the lilac woods of Lakeland as fragile as its namesake, a final observance rather than a nation, in need of every advantage he can give if they are to survive.
He arrives at the southern gate to find the sin eater recently perished. Already its overabundance of aether dissipates and a mauve hood covers the slayer's face and carefully shadows eyes, the barest hint of hair escaping past an expressionless mouth and they seem resolute, if not kind.
"I wish to speak with the Crystarium's leader," the stranger – they sound feminine, but he will not presume – says, and he catches the quiver of a gentle smile along with it. "Do you think this will serve that I mean no harm to his people?"
It's not why they did it. A convenient parlay, nothing more. The lowered shield bears the emblem of Eulmore – one less secret in the web of possibilities as to who they are for him to untangle, and the Exarch realises his own precautionary stoicism, that perhaps it is off-putting.
He clears his throat. If they do not know him by sight, a guard he shall be. "The Crystarium is open to all," he says, gesturing. "Although I would ask any traveller whence they hail."
He expects an island and gilded halls and a high tower. Perhaps allusions to further overtures and partnerships to ensure their two states flourish.
Instead the stranger speaks of other places. Of painted hills, and flowers. Of commerce, and hope, and loss. So much loss. Of places he knows as they should be.
He pictures it: as it used to be, when he closes his eyes.
"Home," he manages, the weight of its departure lodged in his throat, sounding more like the man he once was than what he has become. And recognition. "Minfilia."
She lowers her hood to empty blue eyes, forever marked by Her passing.
"Hello, G'raha."
She has wanted to meet with him for such a very long time.
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kicktwine · 9 months
I hope you don't mind me asking, but what are your blind thoughts going into stormblood? Although you mentioned having received slight spoilers, despite what you may or may not know, are you hopeful or wary about the upcoming expansion ahead of you and ch'ahri?
I dunno hardly AAANNYTHING here is a complete list of my thoughts
kugane tower jumping puzzle (I will not be attempting to win this one) (I’m decent at jumping puzzles, but only because I’m on controller and enjoy platformers)
Godzilla 💕💕💕💕 no one told me Godzilla was here (seriously even the music and laser beams were goji-like) - they seem to be leaning into some tropes this time (with Gosetsu as well)
people seem to like the omega raids? excited for those. Halfway thru Alexander as we speak and those are fun I love gobbie
i am slightly wary going into the actual story content, since the concept of freeing ala mhigo is a healthy amount of detached from real-world allegories but also a healthy amount more connected to real world conflict around annexed powers and occupied peoples than we’ve previously gone into. It’s very grounded - the primal is a consequence, rather than a part of the conflict, and I expect them to split the focus. Insofar as post-arr and heavensward are, I mostly like how they handle complex societal topics and I trust them as far as not mucking it up entirely goes, but I put myself at a literary distance about the whole thing because im not one to speak about if they’re gonna handle it well. I’m gonna watch and mess around in the world they give me first. As far as pre-stormblood goes, in my not-a-guy-who-knows-things opinion, they handled it about a 7/10? Some dialogue bothered me, some things were like dam the horrors of war and desperation so true😔 (this is a positive). Some things were like yo is that Godzilla
I do LIKE the tone though. I think they did a tonal shift into something a little darker and brought in a Silly Guy to balance it, and it feels like they have a complete grip around their overarching story and world now.
I also wonder if they’re doing two things at once and how they’ll handle it? I want to visit Doma. I want to visit doma I want to visit that underwater bubble city you look like the monkie kid dragon place. Ch’ari will probably like it too, he’s one of those weird cats who likes water and being in water
i wasnt all that interested in the trailer aside from pretty location, it seems very stereotypical fantasy asia world tour. meteor buddy grow your hair out you look so good in Dawntrail
im trying to keep my opinions my own, since I hardly hear anyone talk about stormblood, sandwiched as it is between heavensward (everyone’s first exposure to the good kush) and shadowbringers (everyone’s perfect baby). So, about 1/4 wary of the msq content, 1/2 excited for the new dungeons and fights (is all of stormblood going to have 15+ enemies coming at you at once?? My frames get scared unless I’m wired into the internet and go down to 30 fps when they all load in), 1/4 excited to see new environments and new characters again :]
Ari is always excited to go to a new place. He always tries to make a good first impression, because whatever you do next (even if you’re rude) is colored by your first impression, and it sometimes fails and sometimes works to his benefit. He didn’t have a good reputation in Limsa, and it was shaky AT BEST in Ishgard, this is the first city he goes where either no one knows him or if they do know him it’s in a positive light. New experience for kitty
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oathofpromises · 11 months
⎈ (G'raha to G'raha, because genuinely. G'raha writing a letter to himself to read when he's older, more experienced. Or the Exarch to himself when he gets to come home— 🥺)
006. a farewell letter
Slight spoilers for Shadowbringers are below please proceed at own discretion.
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Dear G’raha Tia,
You’ll read this long after I am gone..but I felt it was needed to leave something behind to try and explain things. At first, when our memories and soul merge together as one, it will feel hard to adjust. You may even wonder which part is you. The reality is we are both the same person..only difference being I have lived centuries longer.
If all works out, my memories and soul will merge with your own thus giving you everything I have at your own disposal. I would not think you selfish if you merely reject me entirely. It has happened..based on reports. All I ask is you give it a chance. To journey by the warrior of light side. Something we’ve yearned of doing ever since that first moment we laid eyes on them…do you still recall that day? How we were tasked with retrieving the aethersand but found ourselves froze in spot. In awe of the person our eyes caught sight of, they are…I’m sure I don’t have to tell you how much our heart particularly beat against our rib cage.
There is so much to tell you, and time isn’t in my favor. I wish there was a way we could speak face to face. Maybe it would be better coming from my voice, but I pray please remember the promise you made inside your heart. That when all hope seems lost rise up. Take the time to lay all in your heart bare to the warrior of light. Travel to new lands and experience everything that I could only dream of. You deserve that. Follow your heart and keep your head held high, for you are a star shining in the night sky. Some will look to you for guidance, remember the emotions you feel. Let that be your voice. Hold onto hope, for so many years people bullied us for these eyes. They made us feel like an outcast and for so long we wished to be apart of something greater.
The Crystal Exarch
The exarch leaned back in his chair holding the quill, as he felt so tired. The demands placed on tower recently were beginning to show and maybe at one point he would’ve been too disgusted with himself to show anything other than his arm. Even that, was proof of how little of himself remained. Rolling up the letter, he tucked it with his soul vessel. Hopefully, the other him would find comfort in it, even though it hardly seemed fair to push this onto G’raha Tia.
“Doesn’t seem right..asking this of you but maybe I am a little selfish. We are one in the same, but I never thought what if you reject me completely. Then this really would be the end of our journey.”
A smile formed across the exarch face, as the Miqo’te closed his eyes. His life maybe ending, but at least the younger him could escape their fate. To journey to new lands, and experience so much. Maybe even find love, the world was his to see now.
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elliewiltarwyn · 9 months
FFXIV Write 2023 | Prompt #8: Shed
shed more like. ship. because. this is my main ship. yeah.
-1187 words -late Shadowbringers (lvl 78ish) spoilers
The process of removing her armor before sleep is so involved, and Ellie has never done so in front of someone else. 
On any other night, she may have been able to turn it to her advantage and make it a thing for her chosen partner to witness as part of the foreplay. She might have chosen to unbuckle each strap and belt slowly and carefully, after running her fingertips along the lengths to draw attention to the way her body filled out the armor. She could have taken her sweet time extracting her limbs from her gauntlets and greaves, letting the shiny plates of each piece fall limp with the links of the chainmail as she withdrew the body parts giving them their structure. She could have unbuckled and gently lifted her breastplate away from her chest, as if she was truly exposing her heart to someone she loved.
But tonight was no such night; no matter how Ellie may have wished it, the atmosphere was not so charged, and her chosen partner merely her best friend who was equally armored, equally exhausted, and equally upset with…something.
Ellie wasn’t sure what that something was, because she had been in tears before Ellie had another one of those…episodes. The primordial Light pulsing within her, twisting her insides and burning her from within, making her double over in agonizing pain…and bleaching her hair whiter every time. And this time in particular… it had finally wiped out the last traces of Ellie’s natural deep red.
As Ellie places her breastplate on the dining table and then reaches over her head to pull off her undershirt, it brushes past that hair—her hair—with cracks and crumpling, not unlike dead leaves being stepped on in the downturn of autumn. It sends shivers down her spine; it’s the grossest thing she’s ever felt, and washing it has done nothing to return any sense of smoothness or life to them. 
To her side, Mia drops her own gauntlets and greaves on the table, then begins to work on the clasps of her own cuirass; she had apparently gone in the opposite direction Ellie had, who currently bears armored limbs but a torso in a tank top. She now turns to the straps of her own gauntlets, unbuckling them and watching those straps pop over her arm. It slightly amuses her every time. As she slowly slides the gauntlet off her arm, her eyes drift back to Mia at her side; her eyes still run red with tears, but she’s pushing through it even as she lays her last armor piece before her.
“Huh.” Ellie smirks a little. “You shed that pretty quick.”
Mia’s eyes flick over to hers as she braces her fists on the table edge, and a small smile quirks at the corner of her lips. She’s now clad in nothing more than a white and strangely frilly slip that extends to just above her knees; as her eyes begin to process the amount of bare leg suddenly before her, Ellie’s breath hitches in her throat. “Gladiators’ guild secret,” Mia says matter-of-factly, blinking through the tears to display a little wistful longing even through her sadness. “Didn’t want to take bells getting ready for the bloodsands—or to jump in the baths afterwards.”
“Makes sense.” Ellie raises her newly-free arm and rolls her fingers into and out of a fist shape, stretching them. “Should teach me some of those tricks.”
Mia smirks in a way that stuns Ellie stupid, and she raises her own fist up and gives Ellie’s collarbone a slight nudge with it. “I don’t know; I find myself…enjoying the pace you’re taking it at.” Before Ellie can recover from that, she exhales, wipes her face with her other hand, and turns away from the table—from her own shed armor. “I’ll meet you in bed, then.”
“Yeah.” Ellie’s mouth is completely dry. “Yeah.”
When she had come to from her episode earlier, Y’shtola had insisted, in the tone that brooked no argument, that she retire to her room and rest until the Scions called on her, and not a moment sooner. She then made it clear the same words applied to the clearly-in-distress Mia, as well, who had begrudgingly acquiesced. It was only when they both stood at the top of the staircase in the Pendants that Ellie had scrounged up the courage to suddenly reach out and grab Mia’s hand—to pull her towards her own room. Over Mia’s slightly-confused protesting noises that weren’t even really words, she had smirked somewhat mischievously, somewhat earnestly back at her, and just said, “I really need to cuddle someone right now; I suspect you do too.”
And to her immense relief, Mia had looked back at her with something twinkling in her eyes and nodded.
Ellie has no idea what their relationship is at this point. They had gotten off to a rocky start when they first met, sure, but she now completely, utterly trusted Mia with her life—a trust that had been well-rewarded often in the many struggles they had challenged together as paladin and dark knight. She is also pretty certain they’re attracted to each other on some level, but they had been dancing around the subject for months, even before they were summoned to the First, which had promptly taken up everyone’s attention; thoughts of ever addressing that marid in the room had been pushed to the fringes of her mind.
…’Tis the Light worsening within me that’s pulled it front and center once more, Ellie realizes. …Not to mention whatever grief she is suffering at the moment…that she won’t tell me about. That’s the part that truly worries her; Mia wears her heart on her sleeve, is better at processing her emotions healthily than anyone she knows.
Watching her climb into her bed, shivering as she pulls blankets over herself and sniffling as she wipes her face, and not knowing why is killing Ellie almost as surely as the Light is.
She wonders, as she slides her foot out of her last remaining greave, if Mia is willing to shed that emotional armor she’s thrown up now.
“Hey,” she says softly as she gently lays herself down on the mattress next to her best friend. Said best friend lifts her head off the pillow, sniffs, smiles wryly—and then buries her head in Ellie’s chest as she throws her arms tightly around her torso.
“Hey,” Ellie repeats even softer, gently carding her thick fingers through her hair—silky smooth, immaculately cared for. The complete opposite of her own, currently. “It’s okay.”
Mia pulls back slightly and cranes her head up, resting her chin right on Ellie’s sternum, her green eyes wide and dewy…and sparkling with something she can't discern. Gods, they’re so pretty. Her hand tracks gently down the side of Mia’s head, scoops up some loose strands, tucks them behind her ear.
“It’s gonna be okay,” she whispers.
Mia swallows… and in the last split-second before she yanks herself upward and practically slams her lips against Ellie’s, Ellie swears she sees that last bit of armor being tossed to the ground.
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My Beloved (Minion)
Title: My Beloved (Minion) Word Count: 1,294 Warnings: Some very mild spoilers FFXIV Shadowbringers, some OOCness for the Minion (because I know they can't be this way in game), and EXTRA FLUFF!! Ship: Stories along the Stream (Thancred x Myself) Summary: After being separated for so long, Thancred and Rebecca have finally reunited! But rarely do such adventurers get a moment of respite, especially when they're on the run. But when a little follower tracks them down, it seems some unspoken feelings finally get aired out. Taglist: @disneymarina @floweringforgetfulness @hadesgoddess @canongf @jellyfish-ships @singingdeepinme @goldenworldsabound @nyandereneko @violetsandmilk
As the pounding of footsteps slowed to a stop, Rebecca could actually take note of her surroundings. Turning her head this way and that, her hickory gaze finally processed the faded blur of green amidst the ever-blinding sky of light. She was far out of the landscape of lavender and among towering trees and pastel green grass. The scene seemed out of one of the faerie tales which she had read so much as a child. Considering who she finally reunited with and the people who made up this little party, it almost seemed like one...
"It's good to see you again, my friends." The warm, hearty voice of Thancred spoke as his steps paused and turned to his party once more.
His ever-so-slight accent sent Rebecca's heart fluttering up into her throat. Finally being able to see his hazy golden eyes gaze upon her once more broke Rebecca's lips into a signature beaming smile that she couldn't help. It was a tender smile that Thancred seemed to match as he continued to speak.
"I don't know about you, but it feels like years since last we met. Five of them in my case."
Now it seemed everyone was wearing a smile, a sight which warmed Rebecca's heart. It had been a rare sight to see the twins, her self-adopted younger siblings, smile so earnestly without it being cut away by misfortune shortly after. But before the conversation continued, the faint sound of pitter-pattering footsteps made their way down the beaten trail.
Before Thancred could even reach for the hilt of his gunblade, his sights, which fell to the ground, were met with a much smaller version of himself. Albeit, this miniature version resembled Thancred in his younger days rather than how he presented himself now. Curiously cocking a brow at the small thing, he continued to watch as this mini version of himself did his best to hug Rebecca's leather boot. A gesture that he had never seen the wind-up automaton do when it was brought to his attention and was first being sold. Even with the most beautiful of Eorzean women, the little guy remained behind them like a stoic but loyal puppy.
Rebecca couldn't help but study Thancred's features even as his gaze fell from hers. Yet, when Rebecca felt the small squeeze on her right leg, she also looked down.
Upon seeing the situation at hand, Rebecca could feel her cheeks beginning to burn. She honestly wouldn't be surprised if the grass nearby was set alight from the mere heat she exuded. That golden gaze of the fully-sized man she adored seemed to bore right into her. Rebecca couldn't bare to meet it, even though she knew she'd only be met with that heart-stopping smirk.
With an embarrassed giggle, Rebecca bent down and scooped up the little figure. "A-Alisaie, I'm surprised you brought your wind-up Thancred into the last battle...! The poor little guy must've been running for so much longer than we have!"
Alisaie practically whipped her head towards Rebecca, her snowy locks nearly smacking her twin, Alphinaud, in the face. Her sapphire sights narrowed as if Rebecca had accused her of something unspeakable.
The lilt of her voice almost was inaudible as she spoke, "My wind-up Thancred, have you gone mad? As if I'd ever get a minion of Thancred with my own gil!"
Thancred's eyes widened in surprise, and Alphinaud could only shrug apologetically in response.
"I don't know who you think you're fooling, especially when the thing clings to you nearly as much as the real Thancred..."
Now, it was Thancred's turn to have his features set alight in a brilliant blaze. Even the young girl who had been his traveling companion for so long took a step back in surprise with a revelation of Thancred having a doting side.
Rebecca let out another nervous laugh as the breeze swayed her. She put the little Thancred upon her shoulder, melting internally when it hugged her neck.
"Okay, it's mine... I'd normally try to sell the story that someone was selling it dirt cheap at the market or I only got him to have an advantage in Lord of Verminion--"
"A game which you've never touched." Alphinaud chimes in.
Rebecca turns and shoots him a look of betrayal before continuing. "Yeah, so not only would that be insulting to you Thancred, and to all of your intellects, it'd be a straight-up lie. Yet, how can I say that this little fella has eased my... for lack of a better term, homesickness? It sounds super weird I know, but between the invasions, the wars, my duties back in my own kingdom, and just so much more that I don't even want to think about... It was a nice reminder that you were still with me, even when you couldn't be..."
Rebecca's head remained hung low, her face had to be a deep crimson from how it burnt and her eyes blinked back tears. It was silly, she knew this. But still, this little minion brought her so much comfort even before all of this tragedy and before the couple ever even thought of confessing their feelings and becoming official. Now, she couldn't help but worry that confession may have made her seem like one of the crazed fans that her partner had compared to an ally, friend, or loved one.
Yet before the smooth little hands of Thancred could pat her cheek in an attempt to console her, large calloused ones caressed them instead. Gently forcing Rebecca to look at him, Thancred could only greet her with a smile while he did his best to contain the raging beat within his chest.
"Hey," He began, running his hand down her cheek and under her chin, "...I missed you as well. But, you needn't worry. I won't ever leave you so easily. ...I'm just surprised that a woman such as yourself would ever find solace with me." With that confession of his own, spilling into the gentle seas of the light winds, his lips gently pressed against the faded locks splayed against Rebecca's forehead.
Rebecca could only smile and wrap her arms around his torso as tightly as he usually did for her.
It was only after a few moments that Alisaie cleared her throat. "As touching as this reunion is between such clear lovers, we really are making ourselves prime targets for any fae or sin eaters that may be out this far."
It was in this instance that the couple untangled themselves from the crushing embrace. Sputtering out apologies and excuses for getting lost in the moment while sharing flustered smiles with one another. But when the two had adorned their adventuring facade once more, it was Rebecca who approached Thancred's young companion who looked on with cautious curiosity. Sharing a gentle smile, she plucked the minion off her shoulder to present it to the girl with glowing blue eyes.
"Thancred probably means as much to you as he does to me, right?"
The smaller girl only cautiously nodded.
"Then how about once we reach a sanctuary, I can show you the little guy! He's charming like the real thing, but is better at keeping his mouth quiet."
This earned a small giggle from the girl and an objection of mock annoyance from Thancred himself. One that was quickly quieted when Rebecca turned and smiled his way again.
"Oh, real quick," Rebecca spoke jubilantly as she turned to the twins. "Don't think I've forgotten about you two selling out precious sibling secrets! Just know, vengeance shall come! ...eventually... Now come on!"
This admission of revenge had the twins sharing their own nervous look as they watched Thancred grip his love's hand and walk on towards their destination...
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wildstar25 · 2 months
Slight spoilers for Eureka Pyros (& wolgraha ramblings)
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Literally been thinking about this bit of quest hand in dialogue from Krile since I got it last week. I didn't get the chance to do Eureka before heading into shadowbringers, so I missed the single G'raha mention pre exarch reveal 😭 kinda sad but probably for the best since I have a much better idea of Arsay and G'raha's situation now than I would have had in the stormblood patches.
Basically, after G'raha seals himself away in the tower, Arsay never really stopped thinking about him? They only knew each other for a little over a month but it was a full month of seeing each other almost every day, hanging out, talking, sharing, ect. They were fast friends and he gave Arsay hope that she /could/ make friends (she just needed to do a little more than silently nod and take orders really well. she needed to be little more herself!). Arsay really did feel indebted to him for that. Of course it stung when his last words to her were about how he'll always think of her heroics, but at least he said he would think of her! So she thought of him in turn. it was hard not to, in fact. His presence loomed over her whenever she'd return home to the Rising Stones. Off in the distance, up in that tower, he was there. Completely unreachable to her.
anyways what the hell does this have to do with Eureka?? Well, this is the first time Krile brings Raha up at all by name, and with a mention of crystal tower??? I just think Arsay would be a little stunned is all. I'm sure she'd ask: "You mean, G'raha, right? G'raha Tia?" She'd need to confirm, arsay still has no clue about Seeker naming and how it works.
Krile would ask Arsay if they had met before, and it would give arsay the chance to tell krile about the crystal tower raid series in the most condensed way possible. Krile would give the same response she does when you talk to her after shb. "that Raha has always been a reckless young fool, ready to throw his life at any noble cause without a second thought." or something like that. Perhaps it was foolish, to take on the burden of the crystal tower alone like he did, but always couldn't help but disagree with that sentiment. She understood his reasoning quite well and thought his sacrifice quite heroic indeed. Arsay held her tongue, she thought it best not argue with Krile's assessment.
"I'm... I'm sorry I couldn't stop him, Krile." "Don't be. He had made up his mind already, as you said. Now, if you'd excuse me."
with that Krile takes her leave to think. Arsay wished she could bother krile more, ask her about g'raha and what he was like before arsay knew him. but there were much more important things to deal with. Arsay wanders back out into the frigid terrain of eureka pyros, hoping that soe monster slaying would take her mind off of him.
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therisingphoenixden · 2 years
Prompt #3: Blessings and Banes
Prompt: Temper
Characters: Y’shtola, Emet-Selch
Content Warnings: Major Shadowbringers spoilers ahead!
The gift of aethersight could be a blessing or a bane, as far as Y’shtola was concerned. Each individual had a…uniqueness to their aether not unlike fingerprints, which she thus justified her concern regarding her friends being accompanied by a being so suffused with Light-aspected aether that it was nigh blinding. All was forgiven, of course, once she heard her dear friend’s voice but the concern still lingered.
It was too similar to the goblins tempered by Alexander in the Dravanian Hinterlands. Their aether was awash in steel gray and white feathers - an indelible mark of their master that stained their very souls.
Which led her to their new companion, the Ascian who had pulled her from the Lifestream after she performed yet another reckless teleport using Flow. His aether was vast, deep and unknowable. It carried ancient pains, ancient longings, ancient loves, and would flare to life and reach toward the Warrior when she spoke. Yet she saw what the others did not. Dark, oily chains that bound him to another’s will. 
At least she could find some relief that similar chains did not bind her nor her companions, if the Ascian’s tale in the Qitana Ravel was to be believed.
“She’s fraying, you know.” The smooth, all too calm observation from the Ascian made her ears twitch.
“If you know more, I would hear it.” Y’shtola turned, seeing the vast unknowable depths of his aether standing behind her.
Emet-Selch hummed in boredom. “A pity your sight does not extend to soul sight. Even sundered as you are, you can still see what this crusade of yours does to her.”
She huffed in exasperation. “Either speak plainly or go back to your lurking, Ascian,” she muttered brusquely. “We’ve much to do before departing for Ahm Arang.” She didn’t miss the slight flare of anger, nor the sorrowful glances he stole when the Warrior was too busy to notice. An Ascian showing concern and actually worried for the famed Ascian Slayer? Perhaps there were still things that could surprise her.
“Her soul is buckling under the immense strain the Light has placed upon her.” While his expression was impassive, his voice betrayed his worry. It seemed far too genuine to be his God pulling the chains, urging him to convince them to give up their crusade to save the First. “Even now, the hairline cracks in her soul are spreading, growing worse as time passes.” A sigh, perhaps one of longing. Then his aether roiled in agony as the dark chains pulled taut. 
Without another word, Emet-Selch vanished into a void portal and left Y’shtola worried and wondering. Just how much longer did her dear friend have before the Light overtook her completely?
What was the Ascian’s game in all of this?
And why did it feel like his actions weren't entirely his own, but of his Master’s oppressive will?
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warlordfelwinter · 2 years
2 and 7 for fiver!
[uncommon oc asks]
2. How easy is it for your character to laugh?
It didn't used to be easy for him at all. Being a wood warder he was very serious and quiet, then coming to Eorzea he stayed quiet and kinda stoic because he didn't feel comfortable like Ever, he started getting comfortable around the Scions and I think they probably got a few smiles if anything (G'raha probably got a few laughs during the Crystal Tower expedition, but they would have been quiet huffy laughs), but before he could really get comfortable enough to be himself around his new friends All of the Everything started happening.
Post Shadowbringers and particularly post Endwalker, he's laughing a lot more. I think the first time he legitimately laughed, like, loud around the Scions probably startled them and then they all had the realization of "oh. we've.. never heard him laugh before, that's not good" and there may be some slight effort put in to make him laugh more now lmao. It's still kinda hard for him though, and most of the time when he laughs, it's quiet and breathy.
7. What triggers nostalgia for them, most often? Do they enjoy that feeling?
Being in Thavnair triggers it quite a bit just because of being a similar biome to his home. There are certain foods, the smells of certain flowers or of a rain storm. Being in Rak'tika was very nostalgic for him as well. He doesn't necessarily enjoy it, no. Thinking about home reminds him of a part of his life he left behind and can't return to.
Big shb/ew spoilers below the cut
He's started getting nostalgia bursts for Nysos as well, now, after getting another piece of soul back and learning as much as he did about Azem and the ancients. He hasn't exactly started getting memories, but he'll occasionally get a feeling of wistfulness or nostalgia for something he definitely never experienced in this life. Eventually he figured out what was probably going on and he'll sometimes indulge those feelings as a way of remembering Nysos.
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nedsseveredhead · 1 year
1, 9, 13, 14, 22 for hyzenthlay? or 4, 5, 15, 16 for luci?
Have Both!!
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Hyzenthlay (art by @lavenderarts !)
What is their color palette? Depending on the timeline- pre shadow bringers its a lot of natural colors, greens and browns! Post shadowbringers is white, gold, and other neutrals!
9. If your OC were to imagine their idyllic life (realistically or otherwise) what would it be like? Adventuring with her husband and her friends with no more high stakes beyond maybe friendly competition. Being a healer during several end of the world events is exhausting!
13. Is your character bilingual or multilingual? Which language are they most comfortable in or prefer using? How did they come to learn them? Admittedly I'm not sure how final fantasy handles language. In theory, she is. She was raised by Sylphs, and they theoretically would have their own language. They at least have their own way of speaking, if not something entirely separate. She learned "common" later in life when brought to Gridania.
14. Do they have an accent? How do they or others think of it? Yes! Its very slight but its there. She also sometimes slips back into speaking the way Sylphs do, referring to herself as "this one" and so on! I think its such a slight difference that most people don't notice it. Aymeric thinks its cute though lmao
22. What is some advice or guidance they received that had a big impact on their lives or outlook? Was it a positive or negative impact? Being referred to as a Beast by multiple people is a through line of her character. She basically grew up 'feral,' to Gridanian standards. But she doesnt think she did. She grew up defending the sylphs from wood warders and others that encroached on their lands. Sometimes that meant fighting tooth and claw! She was given the moniker 'Beast of the Black Shroud' but she never seriously hurt anyone. She became a healer but to some the reputation still stuck... and eventually when fighting Zenos, his calling to her 'his beast' and so forth didn't help. EW spoilers for those playing but me and my friend changed the final duty, she doesnt kill Zenos. Her best friend, the companion shes closest to Miko does. And he tells her after everything she doesn't have to kill. That he'll carry that burden for her. And that meant everything to her.
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Luci (Art by @caelanod !)
4. If your OC likes art, talk about which piece they would love best. I don't know if I'd really consider Luci a patron of the arts! He does however like to watch his husband build machinery but I think thats more so like... watching that man's arms. Art, you know?
5. What character from myth or fairytale best represents them? God I pondered this for like ten minutes I know theres gotta be something but I can't think of it right now,, If I think of one later I'll come back and edit asdf
15. What is a common misconception about your OC? (Alternatively, what do people assume about them which is either incorrect or misconstrued?) Many people in Ul'Dah think (or maybe thought, now) that Luci was cold, mean, unpersonable. He is a very private person, he doesn't like people touching him, and he has a mean resting face. But anyone who knows him knows hes fiercely loyal, open to his friends, very loving. You just have to approach him like a cat, you know? Respect his boundaries.
16. What trait do they find most attractive/appealing about others? Hmmm... Sincereity, I think. The one who really opened him up to making friends was Emoni Rhun (my friends WoL). And that happened because she was so sincerely... good. All that kindness and expecting nothing in return. He had been used and manipulated so much in his youth he'd forgotten people could be like that.
{Romanticism: Original Character Ask Game}
{ Characters }
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altaniadventures · 10 months
Prompt #1 Home - Au Ra August 2023
Set after the events of Shadowbringers. If you haven't played up to then, there may be spoilers. It is a little angsty and G'raha centric. The prompt is "home" from Au Ra August 2023!
"Will you go home after this?" G'raha asked.
Altani looked over at him laying on the bed next to hers. After the fight with Elidibus, everyone had decided that she needed rest. She had not agreed to this. However, Y'shtola was not above using sorcery to chain her to the bed.
The only good part about it was that G'raha was stuck here too. The memories and the Exarch's soul had been placed into the old him for the most part. The new him? This body was younger. Altani wasn't quite sure how it all worked. Was this her Exarch from the source in his past body, or was this her G'raha with all the memories of the Exarch? She didn't know if she should pick up where they left off in the First, or if it was better to let him go. He could start his life fresh without all the weight. Maybe he didn't even remember their nights in his bedroom, of the fight they'd had. He hadn't said a word, and she wasn't about to beg him to-
"Altani?" he asked again, his ears flicking back as his features slipped into worry.
"No," she replied, looking up at the ceiling. "I'm not going back to the Steppe."
Other than her sister Bayarma, what reason was there to go home? She could do without seeing her mother, and she wasn't never very close to Sarnei and Chimeg. Baya had written a few months ago that even she was thinking of leaving home. The food and the familar places she missed sometimes, but it would never be the same. Things were too different now. She was changed by Eorzea. As much as she loved her homeland, it was no longer her home.
What was home, anyways? Was it the various places she camped across the realm? Was it in the strange towns she'd slept in while waiting to fight some horror? Was it the empty Limsan house where she stored the furniture she never used? The most at home she'd ever felt was in his arms in the Crystarium, but that was a lie. He'd been the Exarch and not G'raha then. He tried to die and take away the little bit of happiness she'd had. They hadn't talked about the fight. It was as if it never happened at all. Most of the time it was easy to pretend that they were just good friends. After all, if they were just good friends, he had a better chance of living. Everyone she loved died.
G'raha watched her intently, a slight frown on his face. He thought for a long moment before rephrasing his original question. "Where will you stay? Y'shtola said that I could stay here until I can get back to Sharlayan. Although I have no hope that my things are still at the annex," he murmured. "She told me you never stay at the rising stones, you're always on the road. I was curious to know if I'd have your company for a time longer."
He didn't have a home. He'd been presumed dead, his body trapped in the Crystal tower. His memories were all jumbled from a hundred years of waiting in a world he wasn't truly a part of. They were the same in that way. Belonging no where and everywhere all at once. There was no other home for them.
"I have a cottage in Limsa," she said suddenly, turning towards him. "Which is probably incredibly dusty by now. It's near the city, just a little boat ride from the docks. It's carved out of one of those tall stones that rise from the water. It's small."
G'raha smiled. "I'm relieved. I-" he hesitated. "Well. Perhaps we'll go on that adventure soon, after you rest and-"
"Come home with me," she interrupted.
"What?" His eyes flicked forward, his eyes wide.
"Come home with me." She reached over, offering her hand out for his. "Don't think about it. Don't say no. Just leave with me. We won't tell anyone where we've gone, and it can just be you and me."
She pleaded with her eyes. We don't have to talk about our problems. We don't have to save the world right now. Come home with me, and let's forget about how you tried to die for me, and let's forget about how angry I am about that.
"Please," she said.
G'raha slowly reached for her hand. "Altani. We can't go without letting people know where we've gone."
Altani snatched her hand back, her expression going cool. "Of course. You're right. We'll talk more later." She rolled over, her back facing him. "I'm tired now. We'll go on an adventure, it'll just be a little more time."
He let his hand slowly fall. "Yes. Just a little more time." He closed his eyes, unsure. He should rest as well. "You and I," he said quietly. He was incredibly tired. Maybe after getting the clear from Y'shtola and Krile, they could both go home together.
When he woke up, she had already left. She wasn't answering any linkshell calls except for Allisae's, who reported she had gone to Ishgard, and not to bother her. G'raha gave a rueful smile. Home would have to wait a while longer yet.
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