#slayers try rewatch
dopepoisonivyoncrack · 6 months
This might be my xelfi bias at play, but it doesn't seem a coincidence that in ep. 9:
Xellos ends up going in the Baritone Kingdom while Filia stays in Alto
The 2 kingdoms are at casual war since many ages
Baritone has the black magic vase while Alto has the white magic vase
Baritone's philosophy goes for results while Alto's for high ideals
Getting Baritone's vase was a mechanical problem of breaking a seif, while getting Alto's vase was a cradle's game of tangled chains
Baritone's prince wanted to destroy the vases to end the war while Alto's princess spoke of love
.... see where I'm going with this? And the whole story about bringing together the 2 vases opening a new path, and combining Xellos' monster power with Filia's holy magic ends up being the way later too
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saturnniidae · 3 months
"I should've seen the signs" I feel like Stoick was basically reliving the way he lost Valka.
To him, after a lifetime of wanting nothing but to kill a dragon, Hiccup's suddenly and inexplicably changed his mind. To him, Hiccup saying he can't kill them is just like when Valka refused to and tried convincing others as well, then as a result was 'killed' by one herself.
To him, way Hiccup tossed his weapon and shield to the side then approached Hookfang while speaking about how dragons aren't what people think they are probably bares an uncomfortable resemblance to the way Valka put down her weapon and stared a dragon in the eyes and as a result was taken.
To him, attempting to do anything but preemptively defend yourself against a dragon will only end in tragedy, so he has to do anything he can to stop Hiccup before it's too late.
(And just like with Valka, he unintentionally escalated the situation by trying to protect Hiccup but only agitated the dragon, causing it to panic and react, inadvertently putting someone he loves in danger. again)
Stoick of course, wasn't acting rationally, but it makes sense when you think about how traumatizing Valka's 'death' must've been for him (and how much Hiccup reminss him of her); he watched her get taken, presumably killed, and couldn't do anything about it.
#THE PARALLEL GHSSHRBFK THE PARALLELS#'so everything in the ring was a trick? a lie?' he was so elated when he though hiccup was finally taking after him#he convinced himself so hard that This was the real hiccup he's finnaly going to be a proper viking a real member of the tribe#and he was so proud and glad he finally had something he could connect with his son over#but again he'd convinced himself of all that. he completely ignored everything hiccup had to say#in his eagerness to actually be a Family to actually bond with his child#he was so stuck with this fake image of Hiccup the Dragon Slayer he'd convinced himself of to the point#when it all fell through he felt almost betrayed#betrayed and scared#scared he made a horrible irrational and emotionally charged decision of essentially disowning his son#im not saying stoicks a good parent. hes not. but hes trying and alone and taking care of an entire village as well as hiccup#and all the unprocessed trauma and emotional repression#hes not great but hes not bad either. hes trying.#hes trying and its not enough but at least it got better#i love stoick#parents of autistic kids they dont understand moment#httyd#stoick the vast#stoick haddock#hiccup haddock#valka haddock#httyd analysis#maybe?#hiccup horrendous haddock iii#haddock family#moth.txt#also pls dont tell me abt how valka and the 2nd movie wasnt planned yet. ik that but i like expanding on things#and pondering a characters reasoning for certain decisions bc its fun and makes them all the more fascinating#post rewatch 1am thoughts go crazy (sorry if any of this is like redundant or confusing. im tired) if u read the tags ily
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In general, I'm noticing a lot of Faith-in-Buffy on this rewatch that I missed on previous watches. 'Prophecy Girl' has a lot of it (after she dies, but also her smile while she's fighting vamps at the start of the episode), and obviously Buffy in 'When She Was Bad' is full of Faith.
And now, in 'What's My Line pt. 2', it's astonishing how much Buffy is Faith to Kendra. The way she provokes her, tries to bring out the passion in her - it's so Faith, so much a mirror of Buffy and Faith's relationship, with Buffy in the Faith roll. Just, you know, less homoerotic.
... I mean, it's still pretty homoerotic. Just... less so.
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lotus-pear · 2 years
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rewatched kny and am suffering from tanjiro trio brainrot
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gojosbf · 7 months
demon slayer was so real for making human emotions one of the upper 5 demons
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kitnapz · 10 months
i dont think any other show has had an impact on me as huge as awae. that show consumed my entire life for months and months when i was 15 and nothing has changed its so so dear to me
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all-seeing-ifer · 2 years
if you've ever been considering watching buffy the vampire slayer but are on the fence about it, one of the best recommendations I can make for it is that season 2 manages to be genuinely one of the most emotionally affecting pieces of tv ever made in spite of the fact that all three main antagonists are at one point or another putting on some of the worst accents to ever air on american tv
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richhietozier · 11 months
very vaguely working on a buffy the vampire slayer au fic rn (that i think will be centered around steddie) where nancy is the slayer, eddie is a vampire, and steve, robin, and jonathan are nancy’s scooby gang
#i’m rewatching btvs rn and when i first thought of the au i was like oh slayer steve and vampire eddie#but it took two seconds to be like. no. nancy is the slayer it can’t be anyone else.#just made for her yk? i do believe very strongly that she and buddy would get along#thinking steve and nancy date like normal but then she finds out she’s the slayer and that’s what makes their relationship crash and burn#with that same sort of arc of her having to grow up too fast and deal with all of this and him not really seeing it#but then much like in st after their breakup he gets pulled into one of the vampire/demon situations and ends up joining the gang#who at that point i think would just be slayer nancy and jonathan who i am considering making a werewolf like oz#robin would be a willow esque witch/wicca methinks but i want the fic to be set when they’re in college#so i’m trying to decide if her and steve meet in high school or if they meet when they both start at hawkins university#and then eddie is a vampire but like. got turned maybe a year or two ago yk#so he’s not centuries old with a bunch of teenagers/freshly 20 year olds bc yuck#slightly spike coded bc. spike <3#can’t decide who i want nancy’s watcher to be tho like would it be hopper?#i guess that would make sense but he doesn’t have the nature of a watcher with like all the books and research and stuff#maybe dr owens??#hell maybe mr clarke???#idk still thinking that one through#they’re def gonna meet argyle at hawkins university tho#and i want chrissy to be there but i haven’t decided what role she’ll play yet#wait…..should chrissy be the slayer…….she’s very buddy coded hold on#oh OH chrissy is another slayer like faith but not homocidal lol#yeah i like that#was thinking ronance endgame too but now i’m wondering about robin and chrissy hmm#many thoughts many thoughts#steddie fic#btvs au#buffy au
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!!!!!!!!!!!!! demon slayer finally done airing!!!!!! which means i finally get to watch it now after i have been resisting because i simply cant deal with cliff hangers with that one
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aotoreiki · 1 year
Have you read/watched/played anything new thanks to the rpc this year?
End of year asks
It was very close to being a no... but a month or two ago I did start playing Monster Hunter Stories 2 thanks to @rathalost, and then literally earlier in the afternoon I started looking into some of the series I've seen @dynamoprotocol mention :0
I also started playing through Pokemon Colosseum, which although yeah it's Pokemon, I've never played those particular games. I was kinda hoping to finish it before the end of the year but didn't quite make it! Very close though! Just gotta grind some before attempting the final battle. This is both something I've been meaning to play through for a while (for science) but also something that I've been motivated to do seeing Orre related stuff come up in the rpc.
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...The Monkey King is apparently a figure in the Slayers 'verse?
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dopepoisonivyoncrack · 6 months
Finished Slayers TRY...again, for the n time. And I love how it articulates better than other series something that is a recurrent theme. A better world isn't done by destroying everything and starting from scratch, because it erases experience and progress. Without those, without the knowledge gathered from past trials and errors, the reborn world is bound to just repeat history. The better world these series antagonists wish for must be build on the past and present, no matter how fucked up they are, by collective and individual effort to better themselves. They can't know what's the right path to go, if they don't know where they are coming from.
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spikesdru · 2 years
my rewatch of dead man’s party btvs 3x02:
This is gonna be a hard ep to get through
Buffy and Joyce are really trying but still, u feel this huge gulf between them
I LOVE Cordelia’s outfit. God I want her wardrobe
OH MY GOD THE MUSIC PLAYING FOR BUFFY/GILES’S REUNION IS THE SAME FOR HER AND JOYCE. We love to see the same instrumental theme for the parental figures 
Buffy looked so worried about Giles’s reaction AWW
Giles’s face in the kitchen….oh, he looks so relieved but conflicted and sad. I don’t fully fault him for those emotions
“I’m kind of tied up” “you wish” AHHHH U TWOOOO 
Lol what do field hockey knees look like?
I want this whole Buffy dream outfit
I find Buffy dreaming of Angel so fascinating bc obviously it’s abt her subconscious feeling extreme guilt but he’s also a huge source of comfort for her as we’ve seen. Like it’s all she has left of him except it’s a way of punishing herself and not healing from that situation
Oz is asking the important questions about this welcome home dinner
Personally I’d die on spot if I threw a party and my parents were home but that’s just me ig
I do think this ep has done a decent job of everything simmering underneath before boiling over and all hell breaks loose
Xander and Cordelia giving me old married couple vibes. They’ve been really cute together lately 
I do understand why Buffy wants to run but girl….this isn’t going to solve your problems!!!!!
Ohhh, you can see Willow is sad and wants to fix things, until she sees the duffel bag and quickly turns upset
This Buffy/Willow fight is sad (and both actresses play it so wonderfully). Buffy is understandably feeling alienated, she hasn’t healed from killing Angel and she hasn’t fully integrated back into her Sunnydale life. However, Willow is also credible in that she has 0 idea why/what happened w Buffy running away, Buffy isn’t opening up (for valid reasons), and Willow points out she has feelings too, she has a life where she’s trying to deal w the supernatural everyday. She doesn’t have it like Buffy does, but that doesn’t invalidate her point. I’m not taking sides, rather I want to explore both views as this argument is layered
I’m gonna be honest, if I was gonna go with a wlw ship for Buffy, Willow would be up in the top 3
Joyce is being ANNOYING
I thought it was interesting that Buffy says “I had to deal with this on my own” when asked whether she considered opening up. Not bc it isn’t valid, it is, but it also kinda ties in with her flaw of shutting people out/taking on things by herself that is reiterated throughout the series
This ep has kinda been done to death in terms of reviews, esp concerning “are the scoobies good friends” which I’m not interested in analyzing bc like I said, that’s been done to death, I probably won’t say anything new; but I’ll just say I love Buffy and my heart does ache for her during this ep, but I kinda think the scoobies get crapped on a bit too much for their actions in this ep
I think this is a well-crafted ep, it really shows that Buffy may be a slayer but she is not free from real-life consequences. She goes through tough shit but that doesn’t mean she gets off scot-free, she gets flack, arguments, she gets push back from others. You can argue abt the fairness of that but imo, the show (and Buffy herself) would not be as good without these details in mind
But I do feel bad that Buffy is getting ganged up on lol
Cordelia and Oz helping each out other!!! We needed more of them
I do appreciate that the scoobies immediately help each other out, no hesitation or second thoughts
And this is why we keep artefacts WHERE THEY BELONG
Awwww Buffy and Willow talking abt Willow’s witchcraft!!!! Those two <3
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I’m way behind on posting about my rewatch - there’s plenty I do want to say about S2, and there’s a whole essay about gender and Phases that I’m probably never going to write - but I’m into Season 3 and I really want to note how much early S3 establishes the issues that are going to drive Buffy’s long breakdown in seasons 6 and 7.
Firstly, Buffy's tendency to pull away from her friends, feeling she has to take care of everything for herself and protect them from her problems and her feelings rather than sharing them. It’s a consistent pattern, and we see it in her running away at the end of Season 2, and continually refusing to talk about what happened with Angel with both the Scoobies and Faith. When she eventually does try to talk to her assigned school counsellor about Angel, she explicitly says she can’t talk to anyone else about what’s happening (only to find him dead, which I’m sure didn’t help).
Of course, this isn’t just a flaw of Buffy’s - her friends have a pretty big role to play, especially Xander. His sanctimonious, judgemental whining about Buffy leaving, as well as anything to do with Angel, does a lot to push Buffy away. (Not to mention the first thing he does when he finds out Angel is back is try to manipulate Faith into murdering him.) It’s also hard not to suspect that Xander’s lie back in Becoming did a lot of damage - because of that, Buffy thinks even Willow hates Angel and wouldn’t understand her continued feelings for him. ‘Kick his ass’ made Buffy feel like literally no-one is on her side.
Regardless of the reason, here we see the beginning of the split that will make Buffy feel increasingly isolated and unable to trust or rely on anyone as the series continues into the depression years, especially Season 6. But we also see the start of a pattern that will become a central flaw in Season 7 - her inability to express empathy or care for anyone who she sees as a reflection of herself.
I’m actually not talking about Faith here - that’s related, but it’s also a whole can of lesbian worms I don’t want to get into right now. But aside from Faith, in the first few episodes of Season 3 there are two girls who mirror Buffy, specifically in her relationship with Angel. In Anne, we have Lily/Anne, who’s wants to spend the rest of her life with her older boyfriend, who has a criminal past and seems a little crappy but also genuinely loves her and is trying to be good to her, and who ends up being sent to hell. Then in Beauty and the Beasts, we see Abby, who started dating a guy who seemed nice at first, but who turned out to be an abusive monster. Both are very obvious parallels to Buffy in her relationship with Angel (in soul-having and soulless forms), and serve as ways for her reflect on that relationship.
But what I want to focus on is the fact that, while Buffy does try to help both girls, she’s also unusually harsh and unempathetic towards them. Her attitude is ‘This is how things are, and you need to set aside your emotions and just deal with it immediately and without emotional support’; it reflects how she treats herself, but it’s also a pattern in how she treats people whose challenges reflect hers. Which will come to a head in how she treats the Potential slayers in season 7, and the way she alienates everyone around her in part through her treatment of them (and therefore also her treatment of herself).
It’s just interesting to see these issues that will dominate the last couple of seasons come across so strongly in this early part of Season 3.
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dylanconrique · 2 years
remember when i said fuck it and was going to watch buffy for the first time, and then just.... never got around to it?? i'm actually gonna do that now.
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anxietyfrappuccino · 8 months
all i want to do is add to the demon slayer escapism part of my brain and rewatch season three and for rengoku kyojuro to canonically be alive, why is this too much ask for 😭
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