#skyrim fisherman
nil-hahnu-okaaz · 8 months
Ooc: I read somewhere that the Hist itself is like a massive computer that basically uses Argonians to experience Nirn and collect stuff to one day return to the Hist itself to catalogue
And some I guess theorize that the Hist is attempting to create its own universe free from cycles and Kalpas or whatever
Like something independent from the Dream of A God thing that Nirn has apparently got going on
Therefore, Dreams-of-Waterfalls is something I was picturing based on a superstition I read about Black Marsh natives. They believe that an Argonian that has not touched the Hist has not been given a soul.
I ran with that like, Akatosh/Auriel helped the "soulless" Skyrim native Argonian, by replacing their soul with a piece of their own. I also kinda joke/reference about how lizards need to bask, by having Falls revere the sun and Auriel. They don't feel it would be entirely respectful to outwardly claim Auriel as a personal deity, but they make the pilgrimage to the Chantry sometimes. Mainly to visit Gelebor. (They're a bit guilty about how many snow elves theyve had to kill exploring Dwarven ruins for treasure. The Sun Hallowed Arrows are always nice though, since they are pretty militant about destroying undead.)
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feykrorovaan · 1 year
"I can take you!" Yelled the fisherman to the dragon with nothing to fight with but their fists.
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No! Go away dragon! I'm fishing!
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argisthebulwark · 1 year
i think i'd like being a skyrim fisherman. they're literally just hanging out. every few weeks an exhausted dragonborn stumbles upon them and buys their entire stock. just the right amount of excitement.
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critter-in-skyrim · 3 months
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Zarassa. Due to his large stature, his family pushed him to be a warrior his whole life. In spite of that, he chose to move to Skyrim to become a fisherman. He generally sticks to himself, but feels lonely often. His goal is to someday have a friend that is as passionate about fishing as he is.
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fisherman-fight · 1 year
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TEZUKA - "He does fishing as a hobby and is shown fishing in several episodes! The dude is basically a disgruntled middle aged man in the body of a middle schooler."
CRABBER'S SHANTY FISHERMAN - "he is a fisherman who hunts mudcrabs. i hate mudcrabs (they are annoying) so anyone who kills them for a living is based in my book 👍👍"
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maysoulrose · 1 year
The Thief and The Moon chpt 1
You guys i’m doing it. I’ve been writing a fanfic about one of my skyrim oc’s and her relationship with Brynjolf because i’m a sucker for the man. I posted the first chapter on Fanfic . net if you’d rather read it there, but I’mma try and post here too!!!!!!!!!!! I finally finished enough chapters to where I feel like it could be at a stopping point, in case I take a long break or something, so here they come! I’ll try to link each chapter on every post for convenience sake!
here’s my story on the website of the fiction : @ maysoulrose
ALSO this whole thing started because I stumbled upon THIS STORY ABOUT FARKAS AND I’M DYING. it really inspired me to write my own.
it’s freaking steamy as HECK so get your eyeballs READY.
Chapter 1
“Pay up.” Brynjolf held out his hand in anticipation. The two guards at the front gate of Riften eyed each other. Bashfully, the one on the left scratched the back of his head before confessing.
“Sorry Brynjolf, the only person who came through today saw right past our scheme… and…”
“She scared the pants off of us!!!” the other guard burst out. Brynjolf gave his eyebrow a good raise.
“Really?” He folded his arms in thought.  “What did this person look like?” 
“Terrifying” The guard on the right said, followed by a smack on the back of the head by the other.
“He wants physical features, dimwit.”
“Oh. uh…” He collected his thoughts for a moment. “Tall, really long hair, like, super long. Dark elf… I… I think.” 
“... Fine.  But I expect payment later. Don’t mess the next one up.” Brynjolf jabbed the closest guard in the shoulder.
“Yessir” the two say in unison. Brynjolf swings open the giant gate and enters the city. 
It was just past midday. The market was gathering the usual attendees. Brynjolf scoured the crowd. No sign of this mysterious Dark elf. He had been meaning to find a new recruit or two for the guild and since she caught his little shake down, maybe this elf would be a good fit. She’s probably still here in the city since the guards hadn’t seen her leave. 
“Better take my usual spot at the snake oil counter and see if she shows.” He muttered to himself. He adjusted the quilted fine hat that sat atop his head and straightened out the matching tunic.  He felt a little uncomfortable in the getup he wore, for his merchant ploy to lure In a possible victim- I mean… Customer.. But it helped with the whole … ‘outfit.’
He leaned his hips against his booth and took in the crowd. Grelka was her usual angry self. Marise was over there, chiming about her crispy carrots.  Brand-Shei…  just waiting to be framed. 
“Where’s my little guinea pig…” he whispered. Balimund was working away at the forge. That one fisherman walked by, who definitely was having secret love affairs. He scoffed at the thought, then glanced back over toward the front gate.
An unfamiliar figure was making their way across the bridge and over the canal. That had to be her. Probably just coming from a visit to the town alchemist. 
Brynjolf ran through his mental list of introductions and tried to pick the best one for her as she approached the market. 
"Here we go."
His eyes traced her form from head to toe. She had a fur hood and covered most of her face with a scarf. A pouch of coin strapped around her waist. She definitely wasn’t afraid of showing a little skin. She wore a set of fur armor. Bare shoulders and arms with a thin strip of fur across her chest. Her hips draped with assorted pelts and skins. 
He continued his gaze downward… Through the fabric shifting as she walked,  Brynjolf got a glimpse of a dagger strapped to the inside of her thigh. Already promising to fit in with his crowd. 
The woman pulled back her hood, revealing a fountain of white hair, cascading down her chest and past her hips. A very small hint of purple shimmered off the waves when the sun hit it just right. 
“Wow. They weren’t kidding.” Brynjolf recalled the guard’s description of her. She then tugs on her scarf and tucks it under her chin. Brynjolf felt his heart twinge with excitement. 
She was beautiful. The closer she got, the more he felt himself entranced by her. She was elegant in the way she held herself. She was tall, and all of her features seemed to be just a bit longer than your average passer by.  Her skin is on the lighter side, for a dark elf, and a bit warm in tone. Almost purple, rather than gray.   A hint of pink revealed itself on her cheeks and the tip of her nose. Her skin seemed to have a velvet texture that shimmered like glitter. As if a diamond was crushed into pure dust and was sprinkled all across it.
By the time he realized he was gawking at her, she had caught his eyes. Hers were white, with only a hint of a pupil if you looked closely. Brynjolf snapped his jaw shut and approached her. 
"So… you're the little lady that sniffed out my scheme at the front gate."
The elf stopped in front of him; he had her full attention. 
It's a good thing he was skilled in the art of speech otherwise her otherworldly eyes might've made him stutter. 
"I admire how you were able to catch that shakedown, and even more with how you handled the situation."  He continued. "How about doing a little job for me, eh? Should be easy for a Lass like you." He paused for a moment, but she just kept her eyes on him. White lashes lining her lids. 
"... not much of a talker, I see." He clears his throat. "I have a bit of an errand to run, But need an extra pair of hands. And in my line of work, that extra pair of hands always gets paid. Handsomely." He waited for a response. 
She shifted her weight to the other side, extending out her leg slightly, and folding her arms. 
"I'm listening." Her voice was smooth and low, almost a whisper.  Brynjolf grinned at her response. 
"See that argonian over there?"
"EVERYONE, EVERYONE!" Brynjolf stood at his makeshift booth, waving his arms. "Please! Gather 'round. I have an AMAZING new product." 
Everyone in the market groaned and shuffled over to him.
"What is it this time?" Brand Shei huffed.  Murmurs and eye rolls were plentiful among the onlookers. 
The mysterious elf watched the crowd and disappeared into it the moment everyone had their attention on the presentation. Quite literally it seemed. One moment Brynjolf was giving her the nod of approval, the next it was as If she never existed.
She slipped away, disappearing into wisps of shadowy smoke. The Argonian had left his booth, just as Brynjolf had planned. She tackled the lock of his cabinet and the Strongbox within. As expected, there lies a silver ring. Swiping the piece of fine jewelry, and softly closing the cabinet behind her, She made her way to Brand-Shei. 
The dunmer had sat his rump on a pile of crates next to a couple of barrels.  She reached an arm between two of them, just behind his back, and slipped the ring into one of his pouches.
Brynjolf continued on about his new "limb growing serum". He scanned the crowd, and almost jumped when he saw those moonlit eyes staring right at him, as if she had never left.
"Uh, that's all from me for today! Please! 20 gold per bottle. It'll change your life!" He shook around the tall potion container, appealingly. 
Once the crowd dispersed, he jumped down from his platform and approached the mystery woman. 
"Done without a hitch! You continue to impress.. Here's your share." He handed her a small pouch of gold, holding about 200 septims. She took the bag and dumped the contents into the satchel already on her hip.           
Just a few paces behind them, sounds of a guard promptly arresting Brand-Shei for the planted ring filled the air. Brynjolf took a step closer to the lady elf and lowered his voice. 
"Listen, if you're interested in doing more jobs like this, come meet me in the ratway. Just a test to see if you really have what it takes. We could use somebody with your skills." He smirks at her. 
She ponders the invitation for a moment and shuffles around her freshly filled coin purse. 
"Sounds like a deal~" flashing him a smile. 
Brynjolf exhaled a breath of relief. He was really hoping she'd say yes.
"Good on ya. Do you have a name?" He asks. It takes her a moment to respond, like she's considering if she should trust him with it.
"... Allustria." She whispers with her alluring voice. Brynjolf smiles.
chapter 1 | chapter 2 | chapter 3 | chapter 4 | chapter 5 | chapter 6 | chapter 7
read it on the fanfiction site
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wordsbymae · 1 year
•┈••✦ ❤ WIPs ❤ ✦••┈•
My current WIPs in no particular order (hopefully)
Updated: 27/03/24
•┈••✦ ❤❤❤❤❤ ✦••┈•
♡ Pregnant reader x farmer Completed
♡ SelkieReader x fisherman au (female reader), Completed
♡ War trophy!reader x warlord- Gn!reader, Completed
♡ Warrior "saves" goddess!reader from their heathen ways - Fem!reader, Completed
♡ Reader vs Home intruder- Gn!reader
♡ Dragon Born x reader (yes skyrim fic)- Fem!reader
♡ Cult leader x reader - Gn!reader
♡ Flower seller au pt.2 - fem!reader
♡ Monster hunter x witch/wizard/warlock - gn!reader
♡ Spoilt!reader rescued by mercenary - Gn!reader
♡ Alwyn teaches reader to dance - fem!reader
♡ Mad king pt 3 - fem!reader
♡ Fisherman pt 2 - fem!reader
♡ Eli part 3 - gn!reader
♡ Aussie oc - fem!reader
♡ Asks :)
•┈••✦ ❤❤❤❤❤ ✦••┈•
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darydark · 3 months
Today I had another Kazumaji dream hahahaha. I wanted to write a fic before sleeping bit was too tired, so I guess that's why my brain decided to project some kazumaji
OK, so they are in Black Reach from Skyrim (but not in form of my Tes x Rgg crossover) and they were on top of some dwemer platform. Kiryu was under control of a random old man and Majima had to fight. But in the end Majima killed the old man. Kiryu was tired and went to the edge of platform and just stood there, being sad. Majima came up to him and hugged him from behind
Oh and Majima was not in his snakeskin jacket and instead he looked like what he looks like in Infinite Wealth, longer hair with beard and fisherman clothes. But Kiryu was normal self
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nirnrude · 4 months
for the dragonborn ask meme: 1, 8, 13, 18, 23!
Ooo thank you so much! (I was the anon sending you a bunch btw I think, didn't want to expose my main blog haha)
Gonna answer these with my two oldest dragonborn OCs I think, to keep it shorter. I've since made a few more but these are the ones I've written fics about, so they're the most developed ones. :3
1. Vanya Whale-Bane
A fisherman's daughter with a knack for magic who lost her parents to the Thalmor (Thalos worship and whatnot), joined the Stormcloaks in her grief only to have a change of heart after understanding the extent of the racism in the faction. Betrays the Rebellion to join the Imperials, stumbles into Helgen by accident, cue main plot, cue stumbling across Borgakh in her travels and TRUE LOVE. <3 Ravarruh'ra, "Rava"
The daughter of traveling Khajiit merchants who got to hunting on the side upon realizing the value of game and good furs in Skyrim! The hunting wasn't enough to provide for her anymore after the start of the civil war, so she joined the Thieves' Guild for extra cash on the side - cue the whole Thieves' Guild questline and a trip to Markarth where she has a fling with Cosnach and gets messed up in the Forsworn rebellion (on their side) and runs from the city along with her new hubby. They try to settle down in Falkreath but y'know, Helgen happens. Rest is history.
8. Vanya
She's very attuned to fire in general, so I feel like she'd probably invent something like... draws from the power of fire to bring warmth? Especially with how cold Skyrim is, she'd find that extremely helpful. Faad Med Yol (warmth akin to fire), possibly.
Oh she gets really into Dovahzul and at some point just wants to flex at Alduin by inventing her own shout, dunno how effective it would be but something of an insult that maybe causes a foul smell. Pook Se Praan (stink of death).
13. Vanya
She's very into investigating Nordic ruins, tho feels a bit bad for disturbing the dead there, what with them being her ancestors and all. But she's interested in the old gods, like Kyne and such, having learned about them from his father.
Not really, she prefers fresh air. Dungeons stink. 18. Vanya
Pale, near white scales, small in size. The scars on her side remain as a cluster of missing scales and the lighting scars on her neck become a glowy glowy pattern on her dragon form. Her horns are smaller than most dragons. No real special abilities per say.
More cat-like in shape and movement, wings aren't quite as big and better for gliding than flight, tho she can still fly shorter distances. Her fur patterns remain in her dragon form and her bites and thorns excrete toxins. She is not kind, she is not fully... there. More a feral force of nature than who she really is.
23. Vanya
She has 2 enchanted blades she carries with her at all times, one of them an elven dagger stolen from Ancano (still working to get to that part in the fic haha) with a paralysis enchantment. The other one's a fire enchanted sword given to him by Ulfric as a sign of respect during her time in the Stormcloaks. There's also a special piece of jewelry she'll hold in her person at all times when the time comes, enchanted with a very special soul gem, but... that's a story for another day.
She's not very magic tuned at all and outside of her nocturnal armor there's not really much she uses in terms of magical items, really. I'd imagine maybe she has some special fabric laced with ice enchantments to wrap whatever meat she wants to bring to city in.
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nil-hahnu-okaaz · 8 months
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Gonna huck this off the side of a mountain, give new meaning to "Red Eagle"
Or maybe I throw it at a bad bard or something, but make sure they're Nordic to properly honor his memory.
Or maybe I could just enchant myself a better fire sword than what his supposed "1000 manslaying sword" turned out to be
the forsworn's gr8test hero folks
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tamrielarchive · 1 year
Descending the side of the mountain is a bit tricky. However, Mehri is plenty experienced. She manages to get down relatively safely. Hopping off short ledges and sliding down easy slopes.
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Further down she manages to reach flatter ground. Looking along the coast for any sign of life she spots a small dock in the distance. The dock lay next to a small ruined shack. Passing through the shack Mehri is surprised to find another person sitting at the dock.
A rare sight, a redguard just like her! She greets the lonely fisherman with a heavy wave. The man seems tired but gives her a polite smile. Seeing any opportunity, Mehri asks the fisher if he would lend her passage across the lake.
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The man grumbles at her request. He reluctantly obliges but only for a heafty fee. The man asks her for 100 gold. At first Mehri is taken aback. But seeing as she has plenty septims hoarded away she doesn't hesitate to pay up.
Satisfied with Mehri's generosity, the man ushers her onto his small boat. Settling in, the two drift off to the other end of the lake.
The boat ride is short and pleasant. The morning dew still lingers over the lakes surface. The redguard man rows the boat ashore on the coast near the guardian stones. Hurrying off, Mehri hops and trots up towards the road. The walk to Riverwood is pleasant and the road remains clear of any disturbance.
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Mehri stops for a short moment to wash herself by the riverside. Still slick with sweat and ash, she splashes herself with cold river water. By the time Mehri makes it back to riverwood the morning sun hangs high in the sky. The people of the small village greet her, some with a smile, other with surprise. It seems her return comes as a surprise. Mehri swiftly makes her way over to the Riverwood Trader to speak with Lucan.
When she steps into the store Lucan is flushed with a flurry of emotions, from confusion to surprise to relief and joy. Mehri takes the claw from her backpack setting it on the counter with a thud. Lucan relentlessly thanks Mehri for her aid and hands her a thick sack of coin. She leaves him with some of her spoils which he pays for generously.
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After sifting through all the things she's willing to part with she wishes Lucan well. Before she leaves her hands her a small ring.
"This be a good 'reading light'"
Scooping up the ring Mehri steps out the door turning to the far end of town. Just as she steps from the walls of the village she is ambushed by an unexpected surprise.
Camilla greets Mehri with enthusiam and begins to shower her with thanks for her deeds. She commits to always remember her. Mehri is flattered and offers her aid any time. Camilla offers Mehri a roof to stay under for the night, but Mehri declines.
Camilla continues to make talk with Mehri for a small while, but seeing her exhaustion Camilla relents in her pursuit of Mehri's attention.
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Camilla grasps her hands, departing with a final thank you and a lingering brush of the fingers. She wanders off into town, leaving Mehri alone to think. She eventually finds herself trudging off the road towards her own cave. Mehri is hit with her inability to decide her next course of actions. Stepping up to a wooden platform overlooking the river. She thinks about what her goals are. Her cave will remain her home, but she came to Skyrim to travel. Lingering in Riverwood is bound to bring trouble.
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Mehri thinks back to Agni and her camp in the mountains. In her travels carousing about with too many people has brought her far too many troubles. Yet again resolute in her desire to explore Mehri heads back inside her cave. She slips on the ring to light her way and from it comes a small glowing orb. Rummaging away she unloads her pack into a variety of trunks. Finally she caps off her treasure pile by hanging the Dragonstone on a ledge above.
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Heading up to her bed she rests her weapons and sits down. She relaxes for a bit, resting her body and satiating a raging hunger. As she sits in her bed and stares at the cave ceiling her thoughts are allowed to fester and grow. Eventually she grows too restless and whips out her journal to write her thoughts down.
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For the rest of the day Mehri would rest. Wandering about the cave rummaging through barrels and crates. She would admire that whoever lived here before her knew how to keep a cave stocked. Thanking the gods for her fortune as she soothes her aching body in cold cavern streams.
Eventually night falls and Mehri drifts off to bed, content with a plan for her departure the following day.
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demonicpiano · 7 months
WIP that List
Finally getting around to being tagged courtesy of @coralcatsea and @fireandiceland for the WIP Game List. Feel free to be peek. This could double as a way to get my word-spew organized. Yes, feel free to talk to me/share ideas about any of these.
Assume it's all USUKUS unless stated otherwise. :]
Free Use AU - Humanverse. Circles around a romantically-based found family trope of the Allies and blanket consent + free use kinks onto Alfred, who is a happy, spoiled pet sub. Currently uploading to AO3 with originally 6 fics planned, but I just recently wrote 2 more. The ideas keep coming.
Tsunyotalia piece - Tsunotalia + Nyotalia. NSFW. After writing Love at First Headbutt I just had a craving for more. May or may not already be written. Just deciding whether to keep it the way it is or stretch it out a little.
TOURNAMENT - Cardverse. One of those pieces that have the Kingdom of Spades competing to be the Queen, as well as winning King Alfred's hand. Fully outlined, writing in progress, but on hold for other projects.
Blindfold - Cardverse. AU of an AU. Idea came to me when I was writing Only a Matter of Time (and Waiting). Since the King of Spades has extremely powerful but cursed time magic in their eyes, they must wear a blindfold. Arthur is a woodworker who has been hired to go to the palace and remodel the King's bedchambers, where they meet and (vague gesturing). Particularly excited to work on it, fully outlined and working on this one right now.
Pirate Cardverse series - Cardverse. PIRATES. Pirate Queen for the Throne of Spades, yes! The series is almost already done. There's definitely one more fic to write, one for nyo!America/nyo!England since I did the other combinations for USUKUS. Not written yet, but planned. I'll have to perish before I don't write it.
✨Might squeeze out another Arthur/Amelia fic, something small and smutty as an epilogue to 'cap' the series.
Vampire Cardverse series - Cardverse. And vampires. Vampire Cardverse. This bastard. This has been in my brain since 2019, and I have so little to show for it. I had a whole giant story/backstories/series to go with it. Rumors are rising in the Kingdom of Spades of vampires, anything to explain inexplicable homicides. Is it really the vampires, or something trying to pin the blame upon the vampires? I got past 20 chapters/100,000 words and I lost the progress I made by doing some stupid overriding save mistake. I still have the outline but have hardly touched it since. Still mourning over it.
ABO Cardverse - ...Cardverse again. Probably typical but too bad—Alfred is an omega but gets the mark/power of the King of Spades. Omega King Alfred, yessir. Outlined, but not yet written.
Skyrim AU - It's Skyrim AU with Canada as the Last Dragonborn. One of the ones with no USUKUS as main focus. Two fics already written, taking place after the main events of the game, but when I continue this series, I plan to go back to the beginning to explore how it all started. Planned, not outlined, not yet written.
Spider-Man AU - SPOOOODER-MAN YES it's all just vibes right now, vibes, vibes, vibes. I have no idea what's gonna happen, no idea where it's going to go BUT ALFRED AND ARTHUR ARE SPIDER-PEOPLE AHHHHHH THWIP THWIP WEB SLINGING KA-POW, KA-POW! Not planned, not outlined, not yet written.
Two RusCan furry fauna bear things - 1) In the city, Matthew works for a sanctuary helping monsters make their way into society and/or out of abusive situations and other harmful situations. One of the people he helps is Ivan, a polar bear guy who is absolutely shut about his past.
2) Matthew is a fisherman who is told not to go through the woods on the outskirts of the village, but circumstances cause him to have to find a new spot, so he risks it and heads through the woods and learns the exact cause of the warnings. Both not outlined, half written.
Everything else is just ideas so far:
-Next part of monsterfucker series, probably going to be a plant-monster/dryad
-Cardverse RUKUS threesome fic
-Nordic 5 Christmas fic that's been in my head for 4 years but haven't gotten to it yet
-Mermaid/Naga USUKUS
Want to play the tag game? Start talking. 🔫 Yeah, @ you. This is your chance to yap about your WIPs, artist, writer, or otherwise!
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moonykore · 1 year
THIS IS THE LIST OF GAMES THAT I OWN. They are tagged with:
[completed, played on stream, VOD unavailable] indicates exactly what it says. The VOD is unavailable for any reason. I can play it again.
[completed off stream] this one indicates that even if I already played it I'm willing to play it again on stream.
[video here] which means that there is a video or more on my channel
[completed on stream, video/vod soon] which means that the vod or video will be uploaded soon.
────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆.──────
Little Misfortune [completed, played on stream, VOD unavailable]
3 O'clock Horror
Disco Elysium [completed off stream]
Life is Strange 2
The Outcast Lovers
A Raven Monologue
Tell Me Why
The Walking Dead [completed off stream]
What Never Was
Where the Water Tastes Like Wine
The Backroom - Lost and Found
Champ's nightmare
Classified Stories: Color out of space
Escape Room - The Sick Colleague
I'm on observation duty
It's dark
Our elusive suffering
Poppy Playtime
Samsara Room
Scarlet Hollow - Episode 1
SCP: Nukalypse
Solitude Underwater
Video Horror Society
Among Us [videos here]
Stardew Valley [videos here]
Dead By Daylight
Payday 2
The Timeless Child
We Were Here
Annie and the Art Gallery
Skyrim [completed off stream]
Milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk
Moon hunters
Princess remedy in a world of hurt
The Rabbit's Scroll
To the Moon
Tower Princess: Knight's Trial
Wicked Games
Without End
You Will (Not) Remain
Yume Nikki
911 Operator
Cult of the lamb
My child lebensborn
Swallow the Sea
theHunter: Call of the Wild
Ballads At Midnight
Find Love or Die Trying
My Therapy
one night, hot springs
A Taste of the Past
Who is The Red Queen?
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
Dark Deception
Despotism 3k
The Doll Beneath
The Night Fisherman
Dungeon of the ENDLESS
The End of it All
Eragon's tale
The Good Time Garden
Grimm's Hollow
Gun Witch
Hollow Knight
Jesus Christ RPG Trilogy
Little Nightmares
The Looker
Mansions of Madness
Marie's Room
Martial Law
missed messages.
NEEDY GIRL OVERDOSE [completed on stream, vod unavailable]
Ori and the Blind Forest.
Outbreak Island
A Plague Tale: Innocence [completed off stream]
Alba: A Wildlife Adventure
Alien: Isolation [completed off stream]
Amnesia: Rebirth
Ancient Enemy
Bioshock Trilogy
City of Brass
Fallout 3
Evil Dead: the game
Gods Will Fall
Hell is other demons
Hundred Days
Path of Exile
Ring of Pain
Tomb Raider: Anniversary [completed off stream]
Tomb Raider: Legend [completed off stream]
Tomb Raider: Underworld [completed off stream]
Tomb Raider 2013 [completed off stream]
Rise of the Tomb Raider
Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Rising Hell
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter
Runaway Trilogy [completed off stream]
Secret Files: Tunguska [completed off stream]
Secret Files: Puritas Cordis [completed off stream]
King of Seas
Fallout: new vegas
Coffee Noir
The Darkest Tales
Beyond Good and Evil [completed off stream]
Against the Moon
A Space for the Unbound
Lucifer within us [completed on stream, video/vod soon]
Cafe in the Clouds
7 days in the fire mountain
Butterfly Soup
Winterlore I
Winterlore II
Latide's Plane
Me and My Eldritch Parasite
6 Feet Behind
Nameless - The Departed Cycle
Hampton Court
Doll House
Dear Mom
False Protagonists: A Queer Magical Story About The Rest Of Us
We are bonded kin
Bales of Amber
In your wiggly eyes
Zeitz Mach
Not Alone
Pillars on Poppy Hills
Boiling Over
Finding Felicia
National Park Girls
To Kill a Black Swan
Song of the hunt
Make it Last
Good Morning Hun
Inverness Nights
Lucah: Born of a Dream
Ciao Nonna
Brassica: A Marry Tale
Snow Angel
Apartmen No.9
Pinewood Island
We should talk
All in Love and War.
A Normal Lost Phone.
The Morning Star.
My Alien Roomate.
What's your gender?
Dark Sheep.
Redd's Runaway.
The Lost Cave of the Ozarks.
Project Mallow
Knight Bewitched
Lost dreams
Back to bed
Meta Form
Prison of the magi
Murder at the cat Show.
Wonderland Nights: White Rabbit's Diary
The Tower: The Order of XIII
Without Escape
Roll for Confidence.
RB: Axolotl
Planet Driver
Wheels of Aurelia
No Think
The Light at the End of the Ocean
MMM: Murder Most Unfortunate
Self-Checkout Unlimited
Four Horsemen
Tales From Windy Meadow.
Glittermitten Grove
Homunculus Hotel
Pendula Swing
Midnight Scenes
Hero Hours Contact
Reminiscence in the Night
The Lost Night
Pixel Fireplace
Pumpkin Eater
Pale Cachexia
Be Not Afraid
Old Man's Journey
Bard Harder
The Black Iris
Democratic Socialism Simulator
Death and Taxes
Highway Blossoms
Midnight Scenes Ep. 1 & 2
Long Gone Days
Arcade Spirits
A Mortician's Tale
They Bleed Pixels
TowerFall Dar World Expansion
Shattered Planet
Bury me, my love
A Short Hike
Sundered: Eldritch Edition
Fatum Betula
Cloud Gardens
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critter-in-skyrim · 5 months
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i drew a few Khajiit men! their lore is below the cut <3
First up, on the blue background, is Dozodro. He's an aged warrior who is blind in one eye. He usually goes topless to proudly show off his top-surgery scars. He claims a Hagraven performed his surgery. His personality is rather gruff, but he has a soft spot for kids.
Next up is Zarassa on the green background. Due to his large stature, his family pushed him to be a warrior his whole life. In spite of that, he chose to move to Skyrim to become a fisherman. He generally sticks to himself, but feels lonely often. His goal is to someday have a friend that is as passionate about fishing as he is.
Lastly, on the yellow background, is R'eji. R'eji was orphaned at a young age and adopted by a Noble family. He was spoiled, and was able to pursue academic studies as much as he wished, in particular, linguistics. He came to Skyrim to study various monsters' languages, but has a particular interest in Giants. R'eji is a very kind and gentle soul, but he can be very gullible.
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fisherman-fight · 4 months
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BEARS - “Look I know this is a stretch but I’d argue that you don’t NEED a rod and shit to be a fisherman if you’re still catching fish. Going into a river and catching fish with your hands and teeth is fishing. Bears are in that right the most well known and respected fisherman of nature, protecting the world from reams of those weird horny salmon and getting chonked up in the process for winter. Legendary the lot of them”
LAST DRAGONBORN - “The Dragonborn, also referred to as the Last Dragonborn or Laat Dovahkiin, is an adventurer gifted with the ability to consume a dragon’s soul and perform Thu'um, or words of power created from the Dragon language. They’re part of an apocalyptic prophecy involving Alduin, the World Eater, predicted to return during Skyrim’s imminent civil war, and have the ability and duty to stop him. However, they’re just fishing. By Talos, they’re simply fishing. 380 hours in and they don’t even have the Steam achievement yet for joining the Imperials or the Stormcloaks. It’s been nine years in game and the civil war hasn’t even started yet. Everyone’s still waiting on the Dragonborn to pick a side. They have so many pogfish in their pockets they’re unable to run. They didn’t stop the apocalypse, they simply put it off indefinitely because Mila wants a second goldfish to keep her first one company.”
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