nil-hahnu-okaaz · 2 months
so the world only exists when we experience it, apparently
so that's cool
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nil-hahnu-okaaz · 6 months
I was adopted when I was around 10 years from my hatching. I don't know exactly when, but I know a mysterious mage found my egg and helped incubate and hatch it as a way to practice their craft, and abandoned me on the steps of Honorhall with food instructions when I was able to survive as a baby. I had time to be traumatized by Grelod's orphanage, and then know the kindness of an elderly retired couple of Nords who served in the Legion but had long since retired. Constance Michel is actually the only reason I survived childhood
She helped feed me and all the other orphans when she was only barely not a child herself. Such was her boundless kindness. Glad I could assist in her take over of the orphanage as thanks. 🗡
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nil-hahnu-okaaz · 6 months
Argonian names are too much
Am still sick of my original name also
I change it now to "Swims-the-Dark" bc it's shorter than "Dreams-of-Waterfalls"
Also I've learned, as Dragonborn, regardless of my association with or destruction of the Dark Brotherhood in a given timeline- my abilities naturally end up drawing me to some of the darkest and lightest places of Skyrim.
It's easy to change my name on a whim
Everyone who knew my old name has forgotten anyway, or maybe the version of them that knew doesn't even exist anymore
I've already woken up right back on the cart with Ralof and the Stormcloaks a few times now
Riften, my hometown, treats me like a stranger each time I reset
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nil-hahnu-okaaz · 7 months
Happy birthday skyrim, I love you
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nil-hahnu-okaaz · 7 months
Who would read any sort of atrocity in fantasy if their own home world is seeped in violence?
I could never speak on some of what I put even ordinary bandits through. Just ripping someone's soul out directly is merciful compared to some of the downright visceral things people can do to each other in Nirn
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nil-hahnu-okaaz · 7 months
The weirdest thing about having Dragon Blood is living multiple lives simultaneously and concurrently. Just how many Dragonborn are there? Is there a plane of Nirn for each different possibility? Could there be a world where a Dragonborn is a High Elf siding with the Thalmor? Maybe a Dragonborn exists that is horrified that I've sided with the Dark Brotherhood. Have I been incarnated as something other than Argonian? Was I a Cat person at one point? A barbarian? I broke my personal time through overuse of the Thuum and reset to Helgen, relived Alduin burning everything and saving me. I was able to side with Ralof this time. Maybe this time I can destroy the Dark Brotherhood instead. Would it even matter? Would another weird murder cult arise to take their place and glorify Sithis? What of Cicero and the Night Mother? Would he even be capable of restarting the guild by himself? Would someone else get the opportunity to end the Mede line? Are there multiple incarnations of Sithis? Or is there one Sithis connecting every reality, like a sea connecting islands? If I do things differently now, what does that mean for the previous world? Is everything I experience just a series of dreams? Being a Demi God is confusing. I should never have read Dragon Break 😥
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nil-hahnu-okaaz · 7 months
the fabric of the World fell apart due to my careless abuse of time and space magics, Alduin basically served the purpose to call me to destroy the world for him I suppose
Everyone and everything I know died and twisted and vanished in the most surreal ways, leaving only silence and me. I drifted off to sleep. I woke later to the sounds of a carriage and a familiar voice addressing me. "...You're finally awake..."
After effortlessly escaping Helgen with my odd prior knowledge of events, I ran back to Riverwood and settled down to fish by the eponymous river. Perhaps everything before this was a dream, but I don't wanna chance it. I'm staying far away from Bleak Falls Barrow. 😨🥶
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nil-hahnu-okaaz · 7 months
Deleting this blog now lol
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nil-hahnu-okaaz · 7 months
I actually hate every name Ive given this character so im just gonna say fish person from here on
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nil-hahnu-okaaz · 7 months
Transmute ore is super illegal, but none of the hold guards seem to know enough about magic to call you out for using it, even in broad daylight.
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nil-hahnu-okaaz · 8 months
Ooc: Ay I'm gonna just fckn say it now, minors should stay far away from my blog pls
Skyrim isnt for children and ur parents need guidance if they lettin you play it ;u;
Gonna audit who interacts w my stuff now. If u got no age listed or if ur blog is mainly for a children's show, am blockin you
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nil-hahnu-okaaz · 8 months
If you could meet your birth parents, what would you say to them?
Thank you for abandoning me near people who would take care of me instead. I could have very easily died in the wilderness if my egg weren't found by the dockworkers.
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nil-hahnu-okaaz · 8 months
Despite Constance Michel's kindness, Grelod's cruelty was what prevailed mostly at Honorhall.
When she froze adoptions, I couldn't take it anymore. I one evening in a fit of drunken rage barged in on her (yelling at the children of course) and I got her with a pretty sweet suplex move. She died instantly. Later upon sobering up I realized I probably could have shown some restraint. Or maybe did her stealthily away from the children. It's just, my drunken Lizard brain kinda figured it would make the children happy to see someone in the community still had their backs. Not that Constance Michel wasn't helping. She's the only reason I was even taken in to the orphanage in the first place. Probably the main reason I survived childhood.
Grelod was intolerant of everyone, but I suppose I'm lucky I'm not an Orc.
One of my earliest memories (Which Constance Michel has helped me with some specific details, as I was very young) is of finding an Orc child who had recently run away from Largashbur while I was out picking flowers. They were being attacked by a giant spider. I made short work of the spider and tore it apart with teeth and claw, and together the Orc and I went back to Honorhall. Grelod was starting to get worse at the time, and was barely tolerating my presence. She absolutely refused to accept the Orc, citing a lack of room, food, and a fear of savages coming back to claim their child. (Which obviously wasn't true.)
So the child left to try and find a way to survive on their own. Perhaps find a Master looking for an apprentice. They still retained a bit of Blacksmithing knowledge from their brief time at the Stronghold. They reassured me they could survive on their own going forward and thanked me for the help so far before leaving and promising they'd see me again when we were older.
This was never to pass, for I found their corpse months later in the Ratway. This is when I started to really hate Grelod. Odd that this is one of my very first memories, I just don't think much happened before. I mostly existed on instinct. Eat, study, keep my blood warm. This was the first time I really considered my place, though. Nearly everything before that is too faded to really remember. Even this isn't entirely my own memory, a lot of the gaps were filled by Constance's recollection.
It's a wonder I survived childhood honestly. But I guess people around Riften liked the novelty of a lizard baby. It inspired them to work together somewhat, on an "it takes a village" type of thing. They all wanted me to survive I guess. It also probably helped when I started literally paying them all back with fish I'd catch.
Anyway idk where I was going
More idle thoughts I guess
Thanks for readin'🧜
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nil-hahnu-okaaz · 8 months
Nord/Imperial Name: Piscus Aegymir
Argonian Nickname: Dreams-of-Waterfalls
Age: like 30
Pronouns: prefer to be considered Agender. I hate being perceived as it is. Most people call me He, as if they can really tell.
Likes: Fishing, The Sea in general, fighting, learning about Aedra and Daedra, collecting books, solitude (not the city), mead, animals, trying and preparing interesting foods, rare treasure, sleeping, being late
Dislikes: Thalmor, Forsworn, Undead (aside from some exceptions), certain Daedra(they know who they are), being in the cold without proper gear, loud chewing
What DnD class are they?: Warlock. Seemingly normal person at first but demonstrates immense power granted by unseen deities and forces greater than their own scope.
Favorite weapons/fighting style: Archery, Swords, and Magic wielded equally. I try to be well rounded lately to be prepared for direct combat, but I'm no stranger to a stealthy approach as well. My parents did their best to train me with their combined knowledge from their time in the Legion. Being Dragonborn helps to give me a bit of an edge as well.
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nil-hahnu-okaaz · 8 months
What is your favorite spot in Skyrim? Like a town or a spot in the woods.
Truly nicest place I've ever visited may be this quiet lowlit grotto that I was brought to by a Daedric Prince. It was so serene, least disturbing plane of Oblivion I've seen by far, and they had some of the most well crafted meads I'd ever tasted. The tone of the whole area and party were immaculate, almost felt like a trap but completely didn't at the same time. Also, the Daedra in question left me with a nice parting gift. A wall ornament of a gorgeous flower. Pleasant experience overall. Don't even remember how I met the guy. I count this experience because this area definitely looked like it could be a place on Nirn. That being said, planes of Oblivion aren't quite Skyrim, right?
So also, I remember an isolated cave with a log bridge towards the entrance which led to a grotto flush with plants and waterflow. The climate was perfectly moderate and boasted a gorgeously verdant landscape dotted with an odd variant of mountain flowers, some ancient stonework, and many an eclipse of rare ancestor moths flitting about. I could have stayed forever. There, I was able to witness the framework of Nirn in a way few could even attempt without going totally blind.
While this wasn't my first successful attempt at interpretting part of an Elder Scroll, I wouldn't say that the Throat of the World was nearly as comfortable of an experience. Way too chilly up there to relax. Seeing the Time Wound was horrifying for me at first, too. There were no flowers either. But that's a story for another time. Thank you for asking. 🌼
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nil-hahnu-okaaz · 8 months
I don't know anyone I'd be directly related to. I call others of my kind, egg-sister or egg-brother, but I think I'm just trying to be polite. I think I even picked the phrase up the first time I was addressed as such, but idk what it really means. Just that it's an Argonian thing. I was raised in Honorhall Orphanage, it's a wonder I survived childhood, being a "lizard man". Especially with Grelod running things. *spits* I guess most of the people of Riften just took pity on me, despite how xenophobic Nords can be. Maybe I should thank the Divines instead. Or maybe people simply appreciated the value of someone who can retrieve dropped items, or tasty fish, from the lakebed. You know what they say, "to a Nord, an item dropped into a lake may as well have never existed". Or something like that. I'm paraphrasing.
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nil-hahnu-okaaz · 8 months
I was told I hatched from an egg found while net fishing Lake Honrich. I don't always understand other Argonians very well due to how I hatched outside of Black Marsh and was deprived of the Hist that my kind tend to drink from as they grow from hatchlings. That being said, I'm probably fine. I mean, I am Dragonborn. ♡ Some Black Marsh natives would say I lack a soul from my Hist deprivation. Perhaps I was compensated through Akatosh's pity. That's just conjecture on my part, though.
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