#sitting here like i want to talk about uri but idk what About--
minarcana · 1 year
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cosmicjoke · 9 months
I’m not sending this in because of Mikasa ship, or any other ship for that matter, I’m sending this because I absolutely hate it when people call Levi old….
This is actually copied from Quara — it’s exactly what I always believed plus the math is already done so ;
[start] Popularly people say that Isayama said that he was in his mid thirties in the first three seasons. I read somewhere that in an before timeskip interview Isayama first said that Levi is in his late 30's but later corrected himself and said that Levi is in his early 30's. Makes sense that he cannot be older than than 32–33 given the timeline. Kenny took in Levi sometime after year 829(the year Uri inherited founding titan) and Levi hardly looked 10 there. Even if we push his birth year to 817, it makes him only 33 in the year 850 and 37 in year 854. This is something I would say Isayama forgot to properly think about, because if Levi was 13 years old when his mother died, then he could have done better than sitting and waiting for death. I mean, Uri Reiss looked way too old when Kenny met him, well his aging was because of stress but still it should be atleast a few years after inheriting the founding titan that he met Kenny because Rod was looking older too. So let's say Kenny met Uri in the year 831 and then later went to see Kuchel in the same year, Levi here was let's say 10 or 11 and that's already stretching it. That would make Levi 29–30, we can cut an year and make it 830 for when he went to see Kuchel but that is the most practically speaking. That is why, i personally believe he is 30–31(birth year 819 or 820)at the start, unlike most who call him 35 at the start. That would make him 35 after the timeskip. Hange is maybe a year younger or same. [end]
The interview was sourced (still is) on Levi’s wiki page, but unfortunately the tumblr account who translated it is deleted. It was actually Armin’s voice actor who corrected Isayama when he said that Levi is in his mid / late 30’s in the beginning (if I remember correctly it was later said that he made that mistake because of nervousness)
It should also be taken into consideration that there is no way Levi looked his age when Kenny found him. He was severely malnourished. He was lacking people skills — Kenny referred to Levi as “socially withdrawn”; he barely talked with him, which suggests he barely (if) talked to other people. Considering this, I don’t think Levi knew how to beg for food properly / in a way people would actually give him some.
I always believed that he’s 30-31 at the start. Idk just thoughts 🙈 I should probably stop sending you those essays 😅
Yeah, I always assumed Levi was at most 30 or 31. And the timeline adds up. I've never payed much attention to the timeline, so I never thought too much about it, haha, but for sure, Levi looks very young when Kenny finds him, but as you said, it's hard to gauge his actual age, given how malnourished he was. I actually wrote two, long posts about Levi's upbringing, and what it was probably like. You can read them here if you want: https://www.tumblr.com/cosmicjoke/714444060984737792/the-psychological-and-emotional-impact-of-levis?source=share
Most people tend to have a rose-colored view of Levi's years with his mother, because we know she loved him. But given the desperation of their circumstances, I don't think their lives together could have been very happy at all, and I think Kuchel most likely had to have been somewhat neglectful, not because she didn't love Levi or want to provide for him the best she could, but simply because she couldn't. People rarely think about the toll her "work" had to have had on her. You couple that with raising a young child, in a place as dangerous and cut-throat as the Underground, and I think Levi probably spent a great deal of time alone, with no one to teach him. I think Levi's lack of social skills, and his withdrawn behavior when Kenny found him, was a sure sign that he hadn't been socialized at all, and that was likely a result of Kuchel simply not having the capacity or the option to teach him how to interact with others. This is something that we see still affects Levi to this day. He's no good at talking to people, or expressing himself.
Anyway, yeah, it's pretty cool to see people have figured out the math on this. I never understood why people called Levi old, but I guess maybe it's a result of Isayama misspeaking in that interview. You can tell Isayama doesn't like giving interviews, I think, so that doesn't surprise me that he would make a small mistake like that. I always just assumed Levi was like, 25 when Erwin pulled him out of the Underground, and about 30 when the 104th finally makes it into the SC.
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1990jeevas · 3 years
Wanna infodunp bout sumthin? Plz do (respind whenever you wanna dont even worrg bout time here)
this has been sitting in my ask box for like a week now and im so sorry about that but also the last time i posted an info dump (which, for me, means bitching my ever loving heart out about the subject, because i genuinely find it incredibly difficult to speak fondly of things i enjoy without just going "yeah i think its neat!" essentially and then forgetting all the reasons why i like it) somebody came into my replies to break the dni i made in that post, invalidate my trauma and then say i was gaslighting them for stating my own opinion so um. yeah ive been a bit hesitant to say the least, considering hot takes are basically how i show my love for things :)
but, i have now decided to just post my least inflammatory take on one of my hyperfixations in response to this and then just. leave bc i dont wanna get into drama over my dumb little opinions again.
anyways, quick dni: dont even fucking touch this post if you're going to be aggressive with me, you don't use tone tags when making corrections or criticisms or you wanna just trash my opinion. ultimately people can do whatever they want, im just expressing my own annoyances as someone who has been in the IT fandom for awhile and has some complaints as a result (as im sure most other fans do lol)
moving on...rant time:
stan uris and richie tozier are canonically best friends in IT and the erasure of their friendship in favor of appealing to reddie fans is fucking gross and weird, especially bc stan is then chalked up to just some mean jewish kid who likes birds and is annoyed by richie 25/8 instead of having an actual fucking personality in every reddie fic just bc fans want so badly to make reddie best friends to lovers and its just?? yall can make reddie best friends to lovers WITHOUT erasing stan's canonical personality. yall can make them best friends to lovers while still acknowledging that stan and richie are canonically best friends and that stan canonically was an incredibly important person to richie.
this also goes for bill and eddie btw!! its just significantly worse with stan which reads Very Wrong when you take into consideration that fic writers always write bill denbrough as a sweet little white boy who everyone's at least a little bit in love with but then write stan as this rude jewish boy who's always mean and critical of richie for just being himself (and a lot of those "annoying" traits i see people make stan give richie shit about are adhd traits, which also rubs me wrong?? like why are so many NT fic writers so comfortable with calling my ND traits annoying) which isnt even canon?? like. canonically they poke fun at each other, they call each other names and say stupid shit but not to the extent of actually hurting each other because they are best friends and they know each other to the point where they know what boundaries the other has, they arent just making passive aggressive comments at the other and then going "it's a joke bro!" when/if the other gets upset.
also?? the trend of making "fix it" fics for IT chapter 2 where eddie is revived/doesn't die but stan does and is then only brought up in passing? not fucking cute. dont call it a "fix it fic" if the only "fix it" is you reviving a character for your fucking ship, especially when the other dead character is the BEST FRIEND of 1/2 of the ship? like. what. do yall just think richie getting married would somehow fix the fact that he lost the person that he was closest to? because, news flash, the person he was closest to was not eddie. they were very close friends, richie fucking loved the dude /p and /r, but stan was canonically his best friend and was canonically the person richie was closest to like?? what is not clicking omgggg
stanley uris is an incredibly fucking important character in IT and he is especially fucking important to richie goddamn tozier. you dont just get to ignore richie's best friend and write him into this mean jewish man box because his actual personality doesnt serve your ship like for the love of fucking god stan does not need to be there to create angst for your fics, he doesnt need to be there to make your hurt/comfort piece where you make stan borderline abelist just so richie can run and cry into eddie's scrawny little arms like im begging you to just write something where the hurt/comfort doesnt come from stan being a douchebag because canonically he was not one. he was a good fucking friend, he fucking loved richie and they got each others weird asses like nobody else did.
like. idk. ultimately yall can do what you want with ur fics i guess but also it's just fucking weird if you ask me?? and maybe that's just because im a dumbass richie kinnie who absolutely adores stan, but as somebody who loves reddie and reads reddie fics regularly, it is so goddamn annoying to only see my other favorite character written in to be mean, create angst or just be fucking dead time and time again when eddie is revived and then not even written accurately half the time bc he's not a fucking fragile dude who needs help all the time either, he's a shouty little cunt who know's he can be fucking dangerous if he wants to be and he doesn't hesitate to dish out some nasty ass comments if given the chance. just please for the love of god stop writing these characters ooc its killing me fr-
(btw i know most of this shit is just done by accident and its mostly done by movie stans who havent read the book, it's just still annoying to me, ya know? and this whole post is /nm, i just talk like this bc it's what comes naturally to me!! this is how i complain about literally everything, regardless of how big the issue is so dont take this too seriously pls)
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asteriismos · 4 years
Hard To Get -- Richie Tozier
Authors Note : I got this idea randomly and just had to write it. Idk if it is even that good but here I go
Warning(s) : smut, seventeen! losers club
Synopsis : As far as anyone knew in school, Y/N was untouchable by anyone. However, Richie Tozier plans to change that.
As far as anyone was concerned, Y/N L/N was off limits.
And it wasn't because you had a boyfriend. Quite the contrary in fact. You just didn’t think that high school guys were worth your time. It wasn't that unbelievable, most of them don’t bathe, expected a call back always, or put too much cologne on to the point where you gagged while passing them in the hallways.
Most people just rolled their eyes and called you picky.
You get what you can get, Y/N.
They’re not that bad once you give them a chance.
You weren't going to budge. Besides you had better things to do anyways in school. It was your senior year so the classes were the hardest you had ever had before, exams were coming up, and you had a social life that you tried to keep throughout all of the homework and studying bullshit. You had convinced yourself that you didn’t have time for a boyfriend, or even a one night stand. 
You used to be like that in your junior year of high school, going around parading yourself like a full course meal in front of the boys in your class. It scored you about two hookups, and after both of them happened, you decided to make some major changes to your life. Your mother told you that boys weren't going to get you anywhere, so you rolled with that.
That was until Richie Tozier came along.
“I don’t understand it,” Richie Tozier exclaims to Eddie Kaspbrak and Stanley Uris in seventh period study hall. “Holly calls me, tells me that she wants to go on a date, and then the minute she hooks up with me, she's horrible.” He was aware that the people seated around him and his two friends could probably hear their conversation, but it’s not like it mattered anyways. So what if the whole student body knew Holly was a bitch and bad in bed, Richie didn’t care.
Eddie sighed, “You keep believing that all the popular girls are what you need, and then once you’re proven wrong, you keep believing it anyways.” 
Maybe he was right. The girls at the school who threw themselves around like confetti were the worst people, and honestly, Richie didn’t want to give them any of his time if he was just going to get more depressed after the interaction.
“Yeah, but almost all the girls are like that at this goddamn school, name one that isn’t,” Richie said.
“Well, there’s Y/N,” Stan said quietly, waving his hand in an ‘I don’t know’ kind of manner.
Richie laughed, full belly laughed to fill the silence in the room. The teacher looked up from her book and gave him a look before shaking her head, putting her hand on her forehead and going back to whatever she was reading. Richie looked at Stan and said, “I don’t think Y/N has been like that since last year with what’s his face.” He was referring to your last hookup, Kevin Graden. The whole school probably remembered the day after you two hooked up and he yelled down the courtyard towards you that he wanted to marry you. It was embarrassing, not even for Kevin, but for you as well.
“So? You just implied that all the girls throw themselves around like candy, but she doesn’t,” Stan was now looking up from his calculus homework and at Richie instead. “What? Do you not think you could get her? Is that it, Tozier?”
Richie bit his lip, thinking of you. You were pretty kind towards him whenever he asked you questions in chemistry class, and you never did get mad at him for his stupid jokes. You were probably the only girl that hasn’t had some kind of a thing with a guy in the past year. Maybe he should go for you.
“No, I know I can get her,” Richie stated, pushing Stanley in the shoulder in a teasing manner. “Just wait and see, Uris.”
The bell rang, and it was now the passing period to get to 8th. Richie’s last class was chemistry, just like yours. He would figure out a way to ask you out on a date and work his way from there. 
Once he stepped into class, he saw that you were already sitting in your seat, the one in front of his own towards the back of the classroom. Richie admired how the sun shined just perfectly on your H/C hair, damn, you were actually really cute. 
He walked to his desk and sat down, pushing up his glasses by the rim and getting out his notebook from his backpack. You were doing the same, but dropped a pencil that you were reaching for. It rolled backwards on the floor and landed by Richie’s backpack. Before you could reach down and grab it, his hand was already there, grabbing the pencil and sitting up to look at you.
You looked at Richie and smiled, taking the pencil from his hand, saying, “Thanks, Rich.”
“It’s no problem Y/N,” Richie said. You were about to turn back around in your seat, but he interjected and said, “Hey, actually Y/N, I was meaning to talk to you about something.”
“Yeah? What’s up?”
“I was thinking,” He started, looking into your eyes through his glasses. “That maybe you and I could go to the ice cream parlor tonight?” 
Your face showed some confusion for a moment, and then displayed shock when you realized that he was trying to ask you on a date. 
“Rich, I-”
“Before you say no, just hear me out. Give me a shot, okay? I’m not looking to hook up with you, just a date.”
It was a minute of silence, and then finally, once the teacher started class, you turned around and whispered : yes.
And that sealed the deal. You went on the date with Richie and you enjoyed it more than you thought you would. He was funny, and he payed for the double scoop cone that you got. And then afterwards, he walked you home and gained a kiss on the cheek from you once he made sure you were at your home safely. 
You hated to admit it, but dating actually wasn't that bad. With Richie it seemed normal, it seemed like you didn't have to try and flaunt yourself around. And he never stepped over the boundaries that you had put in place. Every time he kissed you he made sure that it was right to do so, and when you two really got into it, he wouldn't push it further. It was a little strange that he hadn't tried anything, especially since he himself wasn't the most innocent boy in Derry. You had heard the stories of the numerous hookups he’s had. 
It had been two months since that initial date, and you two were now basically an exclusive couple. You hung out with his friends more often than not and you actually really liked them. They were all nice to you, and they were a good crowd, way better than the ones you’ve been in in the past. 
That’s where you were heading now, to get to the lunch table that you shared with Richie, Stanley, Eddie, Bill, Ben, and Beverly. You could see it as you walked closer, seeing that Richie was already there with an open seat next to his own for you, and Stanley was there sitting next to Eddie. The other three were probably still in the lunch line. 
Richie had his back to you, not seeing you walking closer to the table. As you got closer, you heard his voice, saying, “Yeah. We’re so close.”
Close? Close to what?
You slowed your walking down to stand there to eavesdrop more.
“I’ll be in her pants by the end of the week, I just know it,” Richie said to Stan and Eddie. The two of them looked past him and saw you standing there, your mouth agape, hands beginning to shake under the lunch tray that you held. 
Richie stopped talking, giving a confused to Eddie when the smaller boy pointed behind him and at you. 
You didn't know whether to scream or cry, but both of them seemed to come out at the same time. Tears welled up in your eyes, threatening to spill out past your eyelashes once Richie turned around to face you. He knew that he had fucked up, he knew that there was no way that he could get out of this. Still, he tried to bargain with you.
“Y/N I-” 
You cut him off. “Don’t. Don’t try to make this better Richie, I knew that you just wanted to get with me.”
He shook his head, walking towards you. You backed away, saying, “I didn’t want to fucking believe it, I thought that you were a good guy. But of course you had to get me, right? You heard the stories and you thought to yourself, man, I need to tap that. Well, too bad Tozier. Don’t ever fucking talk to me again.” 
Your shaking hands threw your lunch tray towards him, the pasta being served by the lunch lady was now spilled over the hawiian shirt that he wore, splattering onto his glasses. Before he could say anything else to you, you were running outside the building, turning the corner and beginning to cry harder.
You silently cursed yourself for letting this happen. You knew that you should’ve said no to him, that you should’ve listened to your inner voice and continued being single. But you had been so tired of being lonely.
The worst part was, you actually really began to like Richie. But no, he had broken your heart. He didn’t really like me, you thought to yourself.
And for the next two weeks, you didn’t talk to him at all. He never abided by your wishes of him doing the same. He always showed up to try and make up for his actions, tapping your shoulder in chemistry class to try and make you turn around, showing up at your locker after school. Hell, he even showed up at your house once. Each time you would look at him and then pretend like you didn't hear anything that he was saying. 
It really hurt to pretend that you wanted nothing to do with him when you so desperately did, but you weren't going to let yourself fall into his trap.
It was Friday night around six, your mom and dad went out on a date night so the house was to yourself. you were sitting in your room finishing up an English essay when your phone rang. You squinted your eyes in confusion, since you had only given out your personal phone number to a few people. One of those people being Richie, who you suspected was calling to try and make up. Half of you told yourself to go to your bathroom and take a shower, giving you more of a reason to avoid him if he called again. But the other half wanted to answer it, so you could finally give Richie a piece of your mind. 
The latter ended up winning, so you grabbed your phone and pulled it so that the cord reached to your seat at your desk. 
“Hello?” You said, waiting to hear Richie’s I’m so sorry’s and please forgive me’s.
“Hey, Y/N?” Stanley Uris.
“Stan, hey. Sorry I thought that you were Richie,” You said with a tiny laugh.
You heard a laugh on the other end of the line, followed by, “Yeah, I understand that. That’s what I’m actually calling you about.”
“If you’re going to apologize for him, tell him he can shove his apology up his-”
“No,” He interjected. “This is all from me, I swear.”
“Go on then.”
“I was the one who told him that he should go for you. I didn’t think that he was actually going to do it. And even when he did ask you out on a date, I thought that he was only trying to get with you to fuck,” He said. “ But as time went on and you two went on more dates, I could tell that he was really starting to like you a lot. He didn’t mean the things that he said. Hell, he hasn’t shut up about you for the past two weeks.”
“Then why did he say those things?” You asked. That was still the part that didn’t make much sense.
“He’s Richie. He’s stupid,” Stan said. You two both shared a laugh before he started talking again.
“He really likes you Y/N and he’s really sorry. I guess I’m asking you to give him another chance. Richie called me about ten minutes ago and said that he was going to go to your house and try and apologize, but that this was the last time. He’ll leave you alone after this if you want him to. So if you really want nothing to do with him, then you have the chance to tell him once he’s there. Bye Y/N.” 
The line disconnected.
You heard the doorbell ring and you knew exactly who it was.
Opening the door once you reached it, you saw Richie standing there, dressed in a black sweater and shorts. His hair was disheveled and he seemed to have been previously deep in thought. 
“Before you shut the door on my face, please just hear me out Y/N. If you really don’t want anything to do with me then I’ll leave but-”
“Shut up and kiss me Tozier.”
You leaned forward, clashing your lips against his own and balling your hand on his chest with his sweater in your fist. He kissed you back, pulling you closer to him with his arms wrapping around your waist. 
After a few minutes, you pulled away and wasted no time pulling him into your house, closing the door and pulling him into your room. You once again kissed him again, his glasses fogging due to the hot contact. The kiss was a little sloppy, but nonetheless it felt good. You forgot how much you missed him.
“Wait, wait,” Richie pulled away from you, putting his hand on your cheek to make sure you were looking into his eyes. “We don’t have to - I know how you feel about stuff like this and we don’t have to. You don’t have to forgive me this way if you don’t want to.”
You breathed out, your eyes never leaving his as you pulled off your shirt, throwing it behind him. His eyes widened. 
“I do want this, I want you, Rich,” You said, almost pleading with him. Your hands pawed at his chest, reaching down at the edges of his sweater, silently asking if you could pull it off. 
His arms raised up in an answer, allowing you to pull off his sweater and putting your hands on his toned chest.
He kissed you this time, pushing you to walk backwards until you were falling onto your bed. Your hands moved to push away the blankets and pillows, giving him room to lay down on top of you. His hands went to your sides, rubbing up and down gently, causing you to moan in his mouth. He took that chance to slip his tongue past your teeth, exploring before pulling away and peppering kisses along your jawline. 
Your hands went to his hair, pulling on his curly locks with adoration. You watched as he kissed your collarbone, neck, and chest. He didn't leave one spot unkissed, wanting to show you how much he truly felt for you. You were starting to get a bit impatient, wanting to see him in whole and feel him inside of you. You hadn’t had sex in a while and you forgot how good it felt. In addition, you knew that with Richie it was going to different than every other time. He truly cared for you, he wasn't just in it for the fuck.
“Richie, please, I want you now,” You whispered, pulling on his hair once again and watching him get rid of the rest of both your clothing.
He was positioned at your entrance, looking up at you for clarification for the last time to make sure that this was truly okay.
You nodded, hissing a tiny bit when he pushed into you and stretched you out. His hands came up to hold your face, his thumb rubbing your cheeks lovingly. He didn't move, waiting for you to give him the okay. When you whispered a soft go on, he started thrusting in and out at a slower pace, finally getting a good pace.
He thought that you looked beautiful, your hair spread on the bed like a halo as he made love to you. Your skin was glistened with sweat and made you look so gorgeous, it almost took his breath away. You thought that Richie also looked super good above you, his lips pink and flushed, just like his cheeks that he puffed out. 
You knew you could never get enough of him.
“Rich,” You moaned out, your fingers pressing into his back. His hand came down and messed with your clit, allowing you to get more and more close to your release. “I think I’m going to-”
“Let it out, darling,” He whispered, kissing you once again.
And you did, your high sneaking up on you and crashing you into a wall of pleasure. His hand helped you ride it out, as well as you started to move your hips with his to help him reach his own.
Richie finally did pulling out quickly, and soon enough both of you were muttering each others names and laid there together, breathing in and out in euphoria.
He got up and grabbed a towel from your laundry basket and wiped everything off of you and in between your legs, then laid down next to you and enveloped you into his arms, not letting go for dear life.
It was silent for another five minutes. Both of you just laying with each other, enjoying the feeling of being close to each other. 
“I think I love you,” You muttered to him, turning around and facing him. You kissed the tip of his nose, a smile appearing on your face as he grinned.
“I think I love you too, Y/N.”
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beauregard-s · 4 years
is this ur ask box idk how to use tumblr even tho ive had it for 3 months 😿if this is what u meant then can u do prompt 4 from anger w stanley uris 🧿👄🧿
Yess, it’s lol Thank you for sending it here! 
Stan Uris + “I don’t want to talk to you”
Warnings: angst
“Are you hiding from the party or...?" You cracked a slightly drunk lopsided smile at Stan when he looked at you from over his shoulder. "No, just taking a break," his voice sounded muffled when he turned his back at you again, sipping from his beer bottle. You felt something out of its place right away, so you jumped onto the picnic table he was sitting on, scooting closer until you were sitting side by side, resting your feet on the bench like he was. "Are you okay?" you looked at him, but he wouldn't look back nor even answer to you, eyes trailing over the dark garden under the loud music coming from the house's backdoor behind you. "Cat got you tongue-" "I don't want to talk to you, y/n. Could you please just leave me alone and go back to dance and grind against Richie?" he hissed. It was rare to see Stan like that, really pissed. Enough to make his voice sink and sound so truculent. It didn't belong to him and would come onto the surface only when the matter involved you like it did now. It was enough to make your eyes water up, and you immediately jumped down from the table, about to walk back into the house when the urge boiled up Stan's throat and he couldn't hold it back. "Damn it, y/n! You're really oblivious, aren't you?" he scoffed. "No! I'm not" you cried back, "I just can't tell my fucking boyfriend that I fell for his best friend, Stanley! How many times did we talk about it already?!" He looked at you, all serious. "Would you tell Richie that you like his girlfriend-" "No." he whispered right away and you swallowed back the tears. "Exactly, Stan." you whispered back, before heading over to the backdoor, feeling his eyes on your back all the way through the stone path.
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gayreddie · 4 years
middle of adventure, such a perfect place to start
hi i never use tumblr to post my own stuff so idk how this layout is gonna look lol but i’m starting a little nsfw reddie ficlet. its only 3 chapters, and i just put out chapter 1, so the link to it is right under the summary! leave kudos if u don’t hate it hehe
middle of adventure, such a perfect place to start
Nobody wanted to room with Richie Tozier. He was a loud mouth who came across as only tolerable for a couple of hours, if that.  
When little Eddie Kaspbrak shows up at his door with a copy of his “Roommate needed” sign, Richie is taken back as ever.
Who was this precious pixie boy with soft chocolate hair and summer freckles that lived across his cheeks? And why did he want to live with Richie? 
read it here or below the cut!
Richie Tozier loved to have sex.
He loved having people come over to his flat in the late hours of the night so he could release everything that had been building up in him that day, as loud as he liked. He loved going out to nightclubs with his fake I.D. which states that he was 21, a year older than he really was, and finding someone to take to the bathroom stall within minutes. He loved talking about it with his best friends the next day and getting groans, eye rolls and pleads to shut the fuck up.
His first two years of college ensured him plenty of that. He had his own flat right outside of Derry University, where he lived all alone. The underclassmen years flew by pretty quickly, but Richie had been positive they have been the most eventful years of his life. That all changed when he got into a bit of a financial situation with his father. Richie had gotten in trouble because of his low grades, a result of his party years being active and taking over. Wentworth Tozier decided to cut him off for 3 months as punishment.
The only way he would be able to pay for the upcoming rent was with a little help. So, he cleaned out the extra bedroom full of dirty clothes from his hookups, expired snacks, and video games, and turned it into an extra bedroom available to rent.
Nobody wanted to room with Richie Tozier. He was a loud mouth who came across as only tolerable for a couple of hours, if that.  
When little Eddie Kaspbrak shows up at his door with a copy of his “Roommate needed” sign, Richie is taken back as ever.
Who was this precious pixie boy with soft chocolate hair and summer freckles that lived across his cheeks? And why did he want to live with Richie Tozier?
He’s standing in front of Richie’s door in a jumper. An extra large white jumper on top of his maroon short shorts. His hand that wasn’t holding the paper was by his side, the tips of his fingers reaching the white hem. Richie stopped peeping through the hole and opened the door.
For once, Richie was at a loss for words. Eddie Kaspbrak was the first to speak. “Hey,” he looked up into Richie’s eyes. Which were too high for Eddie to see to get a good look at. 18 year old Eddie Kaspbrak was a whopping 5 feet tall and everyone he grew up with swore he would not be able to get any taller after ninth grade. He straightened himself up as much as he could, but it was little help. Richie Tozier leaned against his door frame and smirked down at the boy, from 6 feet and 4 inches off of the ground. Eddie gulped. “I-I saw you needed a roommate…” he trailed off and looked behind Richie while clutching the paper a little tighter. Anything to get away from the burn of the taller man’s eyes.
Richie snatched the application from the boys hands and pretended to pull down his glasses to read it. The fast action made the boy jump back a bit. Richie began to read out loud. “Eddie Kaspbrak. 18 years old. Freshman. Majoring in nursing. Minoring in linguistics…” he read the next line on the paper then pulled apart to look Eddie up and down. “Hm. Scorpio.. blah blah blah study time blah blah blah sleep times… Can you supply the six hundred a month?” He crosses his arms as he leaned now. Eddie pursed his lips and eagerly nodded.
“Good boy,” Richie let out, unknowingly. He caught himself immediately after saying it and hid his face behind the paper again. He’d hope Eddie would take that as a playful thing and not think too much into it. Little did he know Eddie was flushed on the other side of the paper and his eyes had gotten a little darker.
Richie looked him up and down one more time, focusing on his fresh summer tan. The fall semester was just about to start and this boy looked like he spent everyday at the beach for the past three months. He was so dark, Richie almost wanted to say he looked latino. “You got the job, kid.” He handed the paper back to Eddie. Eddie smiled to himself as he asked if Richie could help him unload his luggage from his car. Richie jokingly asked him if he would be giving him a tip. Their playful relationship of roommates flowed pretty easily from there.
Eddie had morning classes. Richie had night classes. They never really had to interact during the week unless it was the afternoon. Even then, it was sometimes a quick “hello,” and “goodbye,” and one giving the other a longing stare.
Some weekend nights, they’d have movie nights. Eddie would pick one week, Richie the next. Richie would never admit it, but he’d turned down offers to grab drinks with his friends just to sit down and eat dinner with Eddie for multiple nights. He found the boy so interesting to talk to… not to mention how easy he was on the eyes. Definitely not to mention that.
Eddie liked to lounge around in his signature shorts and oversized shirts everyday that one day Richie finally pestered him about it. “Do you have any other clothes? You always wear the same style.” Anyone else would have taken that with offense, but not little Eddie spitfire Kaspbrak. He leaned his head back on the side of the couch to be eye to eye with the boy standing in the kitchen, eating a strawberry pop-tart. “Why are you fixated on the clothes on my body?”
Richie dropped his jaw a bit. “Jeez, I just notice things. You can always wear things my friends have left here, they’re all in a box in the linen closet…” he stood up straighter and walked closer to Eddie. Eddie sat up now to look up at Richie standing in front of him. “How kind of you, offering me your ex-hookups’ dirty bras and panties.”
Richie snickered. “It's washed. Besides, It’s not all girls stuff. I have boxers and briefs, too.” He nonchalantly took another bite of his pop-tart, still eyeing down Eddie. His toes in his tall white socks were squirming against the dark couch. Eddie felt red in his face. “Briefs… in your ex-hookup box?”
It was Richie’s time to be cocky with a sly nod. He had been playfully flirty with Eddie whenever he could, winking at him when he caught him staring, saying he looked extra cute on certain days and sitting a little too close to him on movie nights, but he never admitted that he was actually into boys. All of these actions only had reactions of an annoyed Eddie brushing him off, assuming he was messing with him.
“Ooh, better yet-“ Richie hurried and turned around, rushing to his room and back to bring a different box that did not read Ex-Hookups, but Old. He sat it in front of Eddie, on the coffee table. “Take my old clothes. I don’t need any of this stuff,” Richie smiled at Eddie as he paced around the living room. Eddie, silent, raised an eyebrow, before standing to sort through the box. There were oversized hoodies, sweats and band T-Shirts. Richie waved him off with, “Keep the whole box,” before he walked back into his room with his pop-tart, closing the door behind him. Eddie was already changing into the black hoodie.
Five weeks into rooming with him, Richie had thought this boy was the cutest person he had ever laid his eyes on. He would go meet his friends most nights at the local bar, and none of them cared to hear about Eddie. None except Beverly Marsh, Richie’s other spitfire in his life. His best friend since last year, mentioned that he was in her biology 101 class, usually a freshman class, but she had just gotten around to taking it. “You better leave that boy alone, Richie Tozier, or I will never hear the end of it. He’s my partner for Christ’s sake and all he can blab about is you some days..” This sparked Richie’s interest.
“Really?” He sat up straighter and ignored Stan Uris, Mike Hanlon and Bill Denbrough’s side conversation about an upcoming party. He leaned in next to Beverly. “What’s he say?” He playfully asked, batting his eyelashes. Beverly was unamused. She took another sip from her martini. “He says you always leave a mess for him to clean in the kitchen,” Richie interrupted. “I do the cooking, he does the cleaning, we agreed to that!”
Beverly talked over him. “He says you play your music way too loud in the afternoon when he’s trying to study,” Another interruption. “Yeah, I’m trying to distract myself from how attractive he looks when he’s sprawled against my couch in those fucking shorts.” He snorted, but it was too true. Beverly sternly looked at him before continuing. “He hates- well… nevermind, actually.” She took another sip.
There was no way she was getting away with that. “Tell me now, Red. You know he’s close friends with that big Ben you have a crush on, I could ruin you like this,” he snapped his fingers for emphasis. Beverly bit the bottom of her lip, she never knew when Richie was kidding. “He... he hates that you constantly have guests around. Something about germs.”
Richie furrowed his eyebrows. Guests? The only person he had over was Holden from Calculus… and Piper from the frat party. And Wren from the night club. And Stella from… Oh shit. Richie stopped his thoughts. Eddie had been aware of his ongoing late night hookups.
Richie tries his best to keep his sex life private from everyone besides his friends. He loved sex but he thought it was meant to be personal. He tried his best to keep it quiet, but obviously Eddie was aware of the noises from down the hall at 3 in the morning.
“Well, it’s not my fault my dick is so irresistible... Besides if he wanted to have someone over, he could. As long as he cleans up behind himself, I don’t care. I’d give him his space…” Beverly smirked at this. “Is that so, Tozier?”
Richie nodded as he blankly stared across the room. He downed some more whiskey. “Because I happen to know…” Richie’s eyes quickly fixated on hers. “That he has someone over right now.” She sadistically smiled at him.
After staring at her for nearly 10 seconds, Richie’s first reaction was to laugh. No way did Eddie have it in him to be the hook-up type. He and Eddie would stay up late and talk after movie nights. He knew Eddie had only had sex a handful of times, and that he wasn’t looking for anything at the moment. Richie respected that. Deep down, he found it in him to be okay with that and try and give him his space. This would change that. “No, Beverly. You’ve got the wrong short stack.”
Beverly was scrolling through her phone before she stopped on a photo of broad shouldered, golden locked, Damian Scott. Richie’s fist tightened. He had walked by Eddie’s rooms multiple times in the late night to hear Eddie giggling on the phone. “Damian, oh my God! Why would you do that?” Oh, you’re just so funny, Damian. Richie rolled his eyes in his head before walking into the bathroom.
Richie was up before he knew it and the rest of his friends looked up at him, waiting for him to announce something. Beverly raised her eyebrows. “I… have to go...” Is all Richie said before taking off towards his Mercedes Benz in the parking lot. His friends shrugged it off before continuing drinking, figuring Richie would blab about whatever was going on next time he saw them.
When Richie parked outside the flat, he had his headlights off. His car made the smallest sounds against the gravel, and he closed the door with just enough force to make sure it closed and wasn’t too loud at the same time. He looked at the window. Eddie’s room was dimly lit. Candles were sat near the curtains. Richie could see it in the shadow.
He quickly got in the front door, tiptoeing and shutting the door with more grace than ever before. He could have laughed, he was sneaking into his own apartment.
Then he heard it.
The deep voice. The grunts. The squeaking on the bed.
His roommate was getting fucked.
Richie could not explain what he was feeling. He crossed his arms over his chest. Was he mad Eddie had someone over and didn’t tell him? Was he annoyed that jock asshole Damian Scott was in his flat of all people? Did he wish he was in there giving Eddie a fucking he would never be able to forget? Drinking in his whimpers and teasing his little body in ways that would make him shiver?
He quickly shook it off and reached into his cabinet for his own bottle of whiskey. He shrugged his jean jacket off and rolled up the sleeves on his peach shirt, which truly did flatter him, and his dark curls against his dark jeans. As he downed one more, he heard one loud (hopefully final) groan from Damian himself. Richie’s grip around the bottle was tightening so hard he could have broken it.
He took the bottle with him to the couch. Eddie’s bedroom door creaked open to reveal a still slightly gasping Damian Scott with a handful of clothes slowly closing the door behind him. When he turned around and was met with Richie, his face went red and he stopped in his tracks. Richie gave him a dry smile. “Hey, Damian.” He said low enough so Eddie couldn’t hear.
Damian’s hands were clammy. He only had his pants on in front of Richie. Richie Tozier, who, besides being a loudmouth, had a history of getting into fights. Whether it be a bar fight or a frat party fight. He just had sex in Richie’s place, even without knowing about his tiny fixation with Eddie, that was scary enough. “Richie.” He acknowledged as he walked towards the door, a little pep in his step.
Richie abandoned the bottle that shattered on the ground and quickly ran towards the door right as Damian had his hand around the knob. Richie tightly grabbed his wrist and roughly pushed him against the door, leaning down to whisper in his ear. Because although Damian was 5’7, which was 7 inches taller than Eddie, he was still 9 inches shorter than Richie.
Richie reeked of alcohol and he knew it. He didn’t care as his hot breath spoke out the following words. “Make the hell sure you never fuck Eddie again. He can’t go see you, and you sure as fuck can not come here again. Spread the word to your worthless posse as well,” Damian was silent and his chest was heaving up and down. He nodded. “Go.” Richie finally demanded, and Damian could not have scurried away quicker. Richie watched as he ran to his car parked on the street, pulling his shirt over him as he ran.
He proudly smiled to himself for a moment. Then it fell. He turned to look at the mess on the ground. What the fuck had gotten into him? He closed the front door. Then the bedroom door creaked open for a second time in the past few minutes.
Eddie was wearing one of Eddie’s band shirts. Sublime. It dropped to the middle of his thighs, which were becoming a little chubby. Eddie was experiencing a small Freshman 15, and God, did it look good on those golden thighs. He rubbed his eyes, and his hair was a mess. Richie was reminded of what just happened and felt his blood boil again. He didn’t want to react and scare his roommate, because what the fuck was he supposed to say? So he took a deep breath and let out a, “Happy Saturday,” with a smile. Whatever that meant.
Eddie was confused. He dropped his hand from his face. “It's not Saturday, yet,” his soft voice insisted as he checked his phone in his hand. 1:36 am. “Oh, I guess you could say it is Saturday,” he yawned and stretched a little, his hands going high above his head. Richie dreamily stared for a little too long. Eddie spoke up again. “So, what happened here?” He motioned to the shards of broken glass on the floor.
Richie was brought back to life. “Oh, nothing. Your friend accidentally broke something on his way out, but I told him it was no problem. No worries.” He smirked as he walked to grab a broom and dustpan from the closet. He avoided Eddie’s face as he began to sweep, and Eddie was thankful because his eyes had nearly fallen out of his head. “I didn’t mean for that to happen. I’m sorry. I thought you were gonna be out with your friends tonight. That’s what you said… and usually you don’t come back until like 3 in the morning with friends of your own, so I thought…” he trailed off as Richie stood up and dropped the broom, he walked closer to Eddie, keeping his demeanor cool.
“So you didn’t think you could ask me for permission before you bring some stupid jock over?” Eddie backed up closer to the wall little by little as Richie got closer. “He’s n-not stupid. He’s very nice. Did you talk to him on the way out?” Richie saw small bits of fear in Eddie’s eyes, so he decided it was too late to stop now. Eddie was already seemingly scared of him. “Of course I did. Now he knows not to come back or mess with you again. You’re welcome.”
Eddie’s back was finally against the wall and Richie wasn’t far behind him, putting his arm on the wall next to Eddie, and getting closer than they ever had before. Eddie shuddered as he looked deeply into Richie’s dark eyes. “You can’t do that. I have just as much of a right to fuck people in here as you do. You bring girls and boys here nearly every night-“ he was cut off by Richie bringing his abnormally large hand to Eddie’s small sides of his hips. Richie loved being this close to Eddie. He loved seeing how small he looked, both emotionally and physically next to him. Eddie was squirming under his touch now, his thighs shifting back and forth.
“And you’re always welcome to be one of them, baby,” Eddie’s lips were parted now as Richie brought down his hand from the wall to drag his rough fingers across Eddie’s swollen lips. Again, Richie is reminded of why they were swollen and gave the plumper bottom one a little pinch. Eddie whined under his touch and leaned his body more flush against Richie’s. “Yeah. I’d love to get these pretty little whore lips around me,”
Eddie was holding back a moan. He hadn’t come close to reaching his orgasm all night, but right now he was over half hard with his roommate barely touching him. Richie continued. “How big was Damian huh?” He leaned down much closer to Eddie’s face and whispered. “I bet you don’t even have it in you to take all 9 inches of me.” Eddie shut his eyes and leaned his head against the wall. His imagination was running wild right now, and his hips were rocking back and forth to get friction with Richie’s own cock. He could feel it against him from time to time, if he leaned his hips high enough. It was thick, hot and ready to pop out of those jeans. Eddie pulled Richie closer to him by his shirt.
Richie chucked at this. “What is it baby? You wanna use me to get off?” Eddie bit his lip. “So quiet and good for me now, huh? Damian didn’t fuck you right, did he baby?” All these questions and Eddie did not have it in him to form an answer to a single one. He could feel wet spots forming at the front of his underwear, and if he shifted the right way he could hear his precome spreading across his dick. “You want to be full of me, don’t you? You want to feel me all over your fuckable little body. You’re so small and tight, I know you’d suck me right in. I’d give you the best fucking you ever had, Eddie.” All this rambling, and Eddie finally let out a full blown moan at Richie saying his name. “Richie… please…”
Richie watched him. The face that looked so desperate, with his deeply parted lips. Richie pushed his right index and middle fingers through and Eddie instinctually sucked on them. He eyed Richie as he did. He gathered a little saliva on his tongue and gave Richie the most innocent look he could. He was already looking up at Richie because of their size difference, and Richie’s fingers looked big enough inside his tiny mouth to nearly resemble a dick. Richie’s cock was begging to be in the place of his fingers.
Eddie brought his hands up from his shirt to his arm that had the fingers down his throat to lightly grab it and shove it down further till he gagged. Holy fuck. Richie got red at this. Eddie smirked a little. To get the look off his face, Richie started shoving them at a much faster pace. Hearing constant gags and gasps for air as tears began to prick in Eddie’s eyes. Hmmmph. Eddie let out a little moan as a tear rolled down his cheek. He pulled his thigh up to wrap around Richie’s legs and pull him closer. Eddie gave small, weak thrusts against Richie’s cock, squirming as much as he could.
Richie got the hint. He finally released his fingers from the tiny ones mouth and wiped the strings of spit across Eddie’s lips. He already looked so fucked out. Richie could have came at the sight, but that was nothing compared to what he saw when he lifted up his own shirt on Eddie.
Eddie had worn a pair of baby blue lacy panties and his red cock was aching against the material. It was begging to be touched. Richie went hungry at the sight. He looked into Eddie’s dreamy, teary eyes before gently pulling down the material and harshly grabbing his cock.
It fit perfectly in the size of Richie’s hand. Eddie hissed. “Yes, fuck,” Richie devoured those fucking sounds as he leaned down to mouth against Eddie’s neck. He made a heavenly sound as he leaned to the side to give Richie more to work with. He moved his hands to the tops of Richie’s biceps, which were surprisingly strong. He held on to the muscle as Richie kept a fast pace up and down his cock. His giant thumb teased over the head and between the slit. “Since when have you been wearing those panties, princess?” His fingers massaged around the head a few times and that made Eddie let out another whine. Eddie’s mind felt hazy, but Richie ensured he wouldn’t avoid his question. He let go of his cock all at once.
“No!” Eddie grabbed his hand and attempted to drag it back, but that was hard when his whole hand had the weak ability to wrap over just Richie’s thumb alone. Richie scoffed. “Don’t think you’re in control for a fucking second, Kaspbrak. Answer me.” Eddie hummed at the thought of how powerless he felt, and could cry at how much he missed feeling Richie on him already. “Since you told me to. When you gave me the box with the panties…” His eyes were still shut, but Richie happily smiled down at him again.
“Yeah? You like wearing them around our place?” He placed his hand back on Eddie’s eager dick and made sure to watch his face as he did. “You like knowing I could potentially see them if you were bent over? You like rubbing your little cock against them as you listen to me fuck someones brains out right next to you?” Eddie pulled Richie much closer by his shoulders at that, and Richie let him because of how pretty the moan was that he let out. It sounded like something that had been building for weeks. Richie slid his precum up and down his dick at a much faster pace now.
Eddie stuttered. “C-close…” Richie scoffed again. Eddie’s thighs were shaking at how hard he was about to come. “You didn’t answer me,” Richie started slowing down his strokes. “No, no! Rich…” Eddie protested. Slower and slower until he pulled away again. At the loss of the sensation, Eddie broke, opening his eyes to get a good look at the tall man in front of him. “Yes! I do. I love the feeling of you staring at me whenever you see my ass-” Richie harshly grabbed his right ass cheek as a result of that. Eddie purred before speaking again. “I love hearing you fuck people next to me. Hearing you whisper that your roommate is sleeping when girls let out their fucking screams when you make them come…”
Richie was all ears now as Eddie honestly rambled. “When you bring boys home, I get especially jealous. I wish it was me you were fucking into everytime I hear the bed thump against my wall…” Richie was at the brink of coming in his fucking pants. Eddie spoke one more time. “The whole time Damian was fucking me, I was imagining it was you, but it was so hard,” Richie grabbed both of his cheeks now, kneading them in a way that would get Eddie talking some more. “You’re so much bigger. So tall…” he dreamily let out. “So big and perfect for me.” He looked up at Richie with pleading eyes. “I want to be the one you fuck, Richie. I’ll be so good for you...”
Richie felt more content than ever. This little hothead wanted him to fucking ruin him. He’d wanted it for a while. He’d probably gotten off to hearing him fuck everyone he brought home and now he wanted to be one of them. Richie thinks of Damian Scott. He talks before he thinks. “You should have thought about that before you let Damian stick his five inch up you,” he harshly let go of Eddie, placed his dick back into his panties, pulled down his shirt, and began to walk towards his room. The broom, pan and glass remained on the ground. “Make sure you clean that up. Goodnight, princess.”
Richie slammed the door. Eddie could have screamed.
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Survey #242
“i don’t miss you, i miss the misery.”
How many pairs of converse shoes do you own? Hm... three or four? Any other names your parents planned to give you? The only one I *think* I remember is Katelyn. Thank fuck I dodged that bullet. Which is the most beautiful place you know? The mountains between NC and TN, if I remember correctly. I was very young. What do you work with? I don't work period & I hate it. Have you ever hit an animal with your car? Thank Christ no. Favorite ride at the amusement park? I guess ferris wheels. Favorite beauty essential in your bathroom cabinet? I don't have a "favorite" considering I don't use any regularly. Do you have many followers on your Tumblr? Nah. Do you tan easily? I burn like toast, man. Are you expecting something in the mail? No. Do you inspire others? Idk. What do you collect? Meerkat stuff and Silent Hill merch. Do you like cats? Hell yes!!! Are you healthy? If you excuse my weight and muscle atrophy, I'm actually pretty healthy, according to a billion tests I've gotten done when trying to discover *why* I had such awful pain in my legs. Have you ever been out of state? Yeah. Can you always blame your acts on that you were just too drunk? Fuck no. Three things you try to avoid as much as possible: Well dying lmao, getting hurt, public speaking. How many times have you been overseas? Zero. Do you use to have someone in mind when shopping for underwear? Wait what the fuck- What accent do you have? I don't really have one, although I do have a southern tone with some words sometimes I suppose. I also do say things like "y'all" or "fixing to (do something)," so I use some Southern terminology. Where would you like to live? The mountains of western NC. Sigh. Do you follow fashion? No. Do you have a big butt? Ever heard of Hank Hill Ass Syndrome? I have Hank Hill Ass Syndrome. Your worst job nightmare is: Customer service EVER again. Who’s the coolest rapper in the world? Idk and idc. Do you count how long you and your gf/bf have been together? I mean yeah, I think anniversaries are worth celebration. Healthy relationships aren't always easy to maintain; to remain in love takes forgiveness, loyalty, dedication... all that. It shouldn't be hard, but it takes effort. Have you graduated? High school, anyway. Rihanna or Lady Gaga? Lady Gaga, definitely. Do you use fake eyelashes? No. What’s your worst interior design nightmare: I dunno. Probably just being very crammed? What makeup brands do you use? I don't have any particular ones; I don't wear makeup enough. What’s the worst kind of rejection you could give someone? I genuinely feel it to be how Jason did so with me. Three and a half years in a very serious relationship, and he out of the blue breaks up with me over Facebook because my depression became "too much." Like by NOW I understand I can't shame him for wanting to be happy, but the way he did it was fucking cruel and tore me apart. Like especially when this person was your refuge from daily pain and pretty much your god and future (never make someone that, holy holy HOLY shit don't), that individual just suddenly having enough and breaking contact off like that was emotional murder. Do you have a crush on someone right now? Well yeah, but it's like... a "tamed" one? Is that an accurate word? Like I understand it just can't work right now, but it doesn't stop me from liking her. Is there anyone that many people think is hot, but you don’t? I'm sure there's someone. Do you sort and organize your clothes in some kind of way? Sorta. When somebody intimidates you, how do you usually act around them? Nervous, skittish, more awkward than usual. Is your favorite singer in a band or does he or she ride solo? Brendon Urie is in P!atD and Patrick Stump is in Fall Out Boy. Freddie Mercury was the vocalist of Queen. Did your parents ever hang your old artwork up on the walls? Yeah, Mom still has some up lmao. How often do you wear chapstick? Only when my lips are actually chapped. Do you walk around your house with your shoes on or do you take them off? Definitely off. What is the weirdest obsession you’ve ever had? Collecting stickers, maybe? How many of the seven deadly sins have you fulfilled today? Sloth is on the daily lmao, gluttony, and lust. Should guys always kiss the girl on a first date? Not always, of course not. It depends on the comfort level, and I would ALWAYS ask first. Which band has the corniest music videos? Corniest lyrics? I don't really watch music videos, and idk about lyrics. What subject is/was hardest for you in school? Math. Have any songs ever inspired you to play an instrument? No. Do you ever use Pandora? No. Are you better with creative writing or writing essays? I think I'm good at both, but I probably excel in creative writing. When was the last time you were rick rolled? No clue. What is the weirdest animal you’ve ever seen as a pet? Seen, I guess a chinchilla, though that's not really "weird." If you had to change one, would you rather change your hair or your eyes? Eyes. When was the last time you had a ‘she-mergency’? I had to look this up to be certain what that even was lmao. Probably some time I started my period at school and had to use folded toilet paper or something for a while. Which sounds creepier: sleeping in the attic or the basement? I'd say it depends on the make-up of each and its cleanliness. What was your favorite computer game as a kid? I think it was called The Amazon Trail 3? It was a damaged disc however, so it froze a lot. I think I only finished it once or twice; even knowing it would likely crash, I just liked playing it as far as I could. Have you ever tried on your mom’s wedding ring? No. Any shows on TV that you flat out refuse to start watching? 13 Reasons Why, to name perhaps the #1. What is your opinion on fruitcake? NO. Here’s a tough one. Would you rather marry your cousin or a dog? Oh fuck off, neither. Who did you last dream about? I can't remember what it was about, but I know Mark was in it lmao. Do you have trouble remembering important things? Sometimes. My memory is atrocious. Which animal can you imitate the best? Audibly? Probably a cat. Which is harder - walking in the snow or sand? Sand. I FUCKING hate walking through sand. It's one reason I don't like the beach. Do you like sour candy? oml YES. If anyone, who did you sit with at lunch today? N/A Have you gotten any injuries lately? If so, what and how? Not anything I can remember. Are you a clumsy person? You have no idea. How about disorganized? I'm oddly split down the middle. Last male you talked to in person? My dad. Have you ever had a sunburn? Oh boy, I've gotten past that. Try sun poisoning. Are you thinking about asking anyone out? No. Pink lemonade or regular lemonade? PINK! Chocolate or strawberry milk? Oh boy, chocolate. I tried strawberry as a child and absolutely loathed it beyond words known to man, and I will not be giving it a second chance. I remember it pristinely. Disgusting. What volume is the ringer on your phone? It's on vibrate. Have you ever won a contest on the radio? No. Do you often write on yourself? I never do, 'less we're talking about tattoos lol. Is there writing on the shirt you are currently wearing? No. Frosted flakes or frosted mini wheats? I hate the latter, so I guess frosted flakes, though I don't really remember how they taste. Do mushrooms really add flavor to food? I hate them, so they obviously have enough flavor for me to notice them... What about onions? Yes. Are you a fan of Thai food? I've actually never had Thai food. How about Indian food? Same as above. Have you ever tried sushi? No. In your opinion, who would be the best president? I don't know. What was the last thing you spent more than $20 on? I have no ide- oh wait I paid for Teddy's surgery with... money I don't know from whence it came? Was it financial aid money? Idr. Do you wear actual designated ‘pajamas’ to bed? Pj pants and a tank top. When was the last time you were tempted to do something you’d later regret? Probably take a nap late in the day, ending in me being unable to sleep well at night. Thankfully, I decided against it. Have you ever had feelings for your best friend’s significant other? Yes. Well, not current best friend, but a former one. How many times did you ride in a car today? Zero. Are you comfortable in your own skin? Fuck no. What's absolutely splendid is even when/if I lose the weight I aim to, I'm going to have loose skin that literally might make me hate my body more until I without argument muster up the money to get it surgically removed. Are you in a good mood right now? I'm alright. When was the last time you had an ice cream cone? Been quite a while. Did you eat breakfast this morning? Yeah, had some cereal. Have you ever been in a cemetery at midnight? No. Do you live on your own? No. I don't even think I could tolerate living alone because of my depression and how loneliness can severely trigger it. I'm realistically probably not moving out until it'll be with an s/o. If not, who do you live with? I live with my mom, my sister's dog, and my cat and snake. How old are your siblings, if you have any? I have a lot, and I don't know the ages of all of them, only my two immediate sisters: 26 and 21. Have you ever had a crush on a sibling’s friend? No. Have you donated blood in the last 2 years? No. What was the last free t-shirt you received from? School. Is there anything you are looking forward to at the moment? February 4th, baby. Tattoo gets fixed up by an artist I like far more. Him not having an open booking until then should say enough. Are you an atheist? No. Are you Asian? No. Are you fluent in another language? No. Are you in the military? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Are you an artist? Not professional, but I enjoy making art. Are you a musician? No. Are you an athlete? Oh, hunny- Do you have a favorite flower? I really like orchids. Where was the last place you went that was more than an hour away? Great question... The trip to my therapist is about an hour, but not over. Why were you going there? For therapy. Who was the last person to tell you you looked nice? Probably Mom, idk. Have you ever been to a nude beach? Hell no, I wouldn't even if I was in great shape. How many websites do you have an account for? WHEW I have no idea, A LOT over all the years. Have you ever paid for any kind of online membership? Well, WoW is an online game, so a subscription, though because I obviously don't have my own money, I'm sadly rich enough in the game to use monthly tokens. Do you try clothes on before you buy them? Not always. I try to avoid it because I just hate doing it. What would you do if you knew a robber was in your house? Well I obviously don't know how I'd react on impulse, but I'd imagine myself locking my door and then climbing out the window. Then run like a motherfucker up the road some to a neighbor's, or hide in the nearby woods and call Mom. What’s your favorite type of pizza? Meat lovers sobs in wannabe-vegetarian. Have you ever been afraid of falling in love? Yes, very. Who’d you last see in a tux? I don't know. Do you record any TV shows and watch them later? No. Do you have difficulty pronouncing any words? Yeah, particularly "breakfast." I tend to put a "t" after the "k." Do you have your own computer? Yeah. Out of everyone you know, who was the most heart? My mom. Who’s the bravest person you know? Oh man, that's hard. I know a lot of brave people. Who would you want to have your back if things got tough? More than anyone in the world, Mom. Have your friends ever given you answers to homework, last minute? Yeah. Have you ever dated someone who was real sportsy? No. Have you ever done something terrible, but took forever to feel bad? By this point in time, I consider how I spoke to Jason before going to the ER multiple times absolutely terrible, and yes, it did take a very long time for me to realize just how cruel it was. Now it's fucking HARD to accept I ever said what I did. Have you ever read Shakespeare? Yes. Can anyone really change anyone that doesn’t wanna change? Nope. Do you think that anyone currently has a crush on you? I would assume Sara still does, but again, we know a relationship between us just isn't wise right now. What profession do you admire the most? The most? Man, that's hard to decide. Probably those that risk their lives for others, like firefighters, cops (yes, I am aware some abuse their power, but good cops deserve all the respect in the world), etc. Have you ever made a fake profile, for any reason? I don't believe so, no. What’s the hardest lesson you’ve ever had to learn? Bad things happen to good people and no, the universe does not care. Have you ever questioned your sexuality? Well obviously.
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if-i-want-to-dance · 5 years
Dance with Devils headcanons for the boys going on a ghost tour with their S/O
I know I haven’t been putting much out lately. School’s just been taking it out of me. But I wanted to get something out before finals started because then I wouldn’t have anything out until the end of April in all likelihood. I’ve got ideas, just not enough energy to necessarily work on them between everything else.
In regards to my post, I’m going to just be up front here and say I’ve never been on a ghost tour. I don’t know anything about paranormal stuff except from what I’ve seen on Buzzfeed Unsolved and my very, very occasional and very, very, very quick forays into researching paranormal for fantasy stuff.
And anyone who can guess what real life ghost I referenced in Roen’s off of gets a virtual cookie lol. Urie’s is loosely based off something real too, though not a ghost story.
You squeeze Rem’s hand as you both walk forward into the next room of the old theater.
“This is where they found the stage hand after he was murdered.” The tour guide points up at the stage. “He’s harmless, but he sometimes likes to grab people’s hands, so keep an eye out for him.”
You squeeze Rem’s hand tighter.
Rem looks around the room with a thoughtful expression.
The tour starts to move forward, onto the stage.
You tug his hand.
Rem stands there a moment longer.
“Go ahead without me, I’ll be a minute.”
“Is something wrong?”
Rem shakes his head. “No, it’s fine. Just something I want to check out.”
You move forward with the tour, behind the set.
“They found the gun back here,” says the guide. “Of course they investigated, but they never found the murderer.”
A hand grabs yours.
You squeal and spin around to see Rem.
The tour bursts out laughing and your face burns.
Rem moves forward with the rest of the group, holding your hand tightly.
“Was there something back there?” you ask, too quietly for anyone else to hear. “Was it a ghost?”
Rem nods. “Don’t worry, he’s not going to bother anyone.”
He won’t say it, but he’s bored. You can tell. This isn’t scary to him, this is nothing new. He knows about ghosts and stuff.
You reach across and take his hand, shivering in the cold.
Urie takes off his jacket, draping it around your shoulders.
“The poet and the future writer used to meet here, at her mother’s grave, because their parents didn’t approve.” The guide points at the tombstone next to him, engraved with the name of a famous writer. “Some people see them there still.”
The crowd moves on, but you and Urie linger at the gravestone.
“You want to leave?”
“No, no, you’re enjoying this too much.”
“Not enough to stay if you’re not enjoying it.” You shrug.
Urie smiles and pulls you into a hug. 
You step off the grave and wrap your arms around him.
“If you aren’t liking it... I can think of many other things we could do. There’s that restaurant that’s open still, if you’re hungry.”
Out of the corner of your eye, you see something move.
A little girl is staring at you. She squeals and runs away. “Mommy! I saw the ghosts!”
Urie chuckles. “Let’s go. Leave them with a memory.”
He snaps his fingers, and you’re both standing in the street in front of the restaurant.
He kisses you on the cheek. “A cemetery isn’t the place for romance. Let’s go.”
Mage puts an arm around your shoulders.
You fight back a yawn as the tour guide goes on and on. The tour guide is boring, the room is too dark to see anything...
Cold, cold fingers brush against your legs. You gasp in surprise.
Mage whips around, glancing around the room.
A long twisted, shadow stretches across the walls.
Someone screams.
Mage pushes you behind him, charging towards it.
Lightning shoots out, hitting the shadow, which writhes and twists in agony.
You close your eye momentarily against the light. When you open them again, Mage is standing in the middle of the room, the tour guide and tour staring aghast.
Mage walks back across the room to you. “You okay?”
You nod. “You?”
“You bet.”
He picks you up and snaps his fingers, opening a portal.
A moment later, you’re both at home in your bedroom. Mage sets you down on the edge of the bed. 
“...I guess they’ll have a story to tell after tonight.”
“Did you see that guy’s face?” He ruffles your hair. “He won’t be back to bother me on a date again.”
You both lie back on the bed.
“Thank you, Mage.”
“You’re mine. I take care of what’s mine.”
Shiki just sits and listens to the fake medium go on about the presence in the room.
He yawns loudly, drawing the glares of those around you.
You give his hand a squeeze. “I know this is stupid, but we paid money so let’s just stay a little longer. I doubt we’ll actually see anything, but we could wait a bit longer.”
Shiki’s eyes light up mischievously. He lets go of your hand and pushes his way out of the crowd.
You groan internally at your partner’s inability to sit still and pay attention to anything that isn’t a painting for five minutes.
“Let’s see if the spirits have anything to say to us now.” The medium walks to the window. “I’m getting something faint...”
The air grows cold - freezer cold, and all of your flashlights go out at once.
Something shoves you hard in the back. You stumble forward, smacking into the person in front of you. “Sorry! Someone just pushed me.”
Another person gasps.
The lights go back on.
The medium’s face is absolutely white.
“I... well. I suppose the spirits aren’t in a good mood tonight. Let’s move on, shall we?”
A moment later, fingers entwine around yours.
You look back to see Shiki.
He rests his chin on your shoulder and grins. “That was exciting, wasn’t it?”
You shake your head, turning it to the side and giving him a kiss on the cheek.
Lindo’s an exorcist, okay? This stuff is his life. He has the fakeness of this ghost tour called the moment they bring out the little box radio that’s supposed to pick up ghost voices I think they call it the spirit box on Buzzfeed Unsolved but idk.
He glances over at you and rolls his eyes as the little box produces static which sounds vaguely like words. “It’s just picking up stuff from radio channels and stuff.”
You roll your eyes back. “Want to leave?”
“No, I want to see if anything real actually shows up.”
Though you were both talking softly, the guy with the box looks directly at you. “You have something to say to my face, buddy?”
Lindo shrugs and says nothing.
The guy glares at him and says nothing. “Anyway...”
You can feel annoyance coming off the people around you.
You beam your flashlight around the cemetery.
A twisted shadow moves across a nearby tombstone, halting in place.
You glance around, but no one is in your way to cast the shadow.
You grab Lindo’s hand.
He sees the problem the moment he turns.
He gives your hand a squeeze. “Don’t worry. Just an imp. That one isn’t powerful enough to do anything but watch.” He takes your flashlight. “I’ll keep an eye on it.”
You see another shadow. And then another.
Lindo tenses. “Stand behind me.”
“What, dude? Fake ghost tour too scary for you?” asks the tour guide.
Lindo points over at the moving shadows in the beam of light.
The tour guide turns white. “Oh... That’s not funny.”
“It’s not a joke.”
The tour guide yelps and spins around. “Ouch! Who - ” There’s no one behind him.
He takes a deep breath.
“Keep going with your tour, I’ll take care of this.” Lindo walks towards the shadows. “O ye who lurk in darkness - ”
They scatter immediately.
Lindo lowers the flashlight. “I think I’m calling it a night. Those are harmless, by the way. Oh, and that spirit box is just picking up stuff from radios, for those who were curious.”
You both walk away into the graveyard, Lindo chuckling. He puts an arm around you and ruffles your hair.
“That guy’s face was hilarious.”
He laughs. “Come on, let’s make those ghost cupcakes you found the recipe for. They’ll be realer than anything that guy put on his tour.”
Roen is annoyed with this whole tour. It’s fake and ridiculous. Why did you insist on this for your date...
“It’s not too much longer, Roen.”
“This is ridiculous.”
“I know. But we’re almost at the end so there’s no point in leaving now.”
Roen sighs and says nothing.
The tour guide goes on about the death of the chambermaid who had fallen to her death from a missing fire escape when she stepped outside for a smoke break. “Some of the visitors see her wandering the halls above still -”
Roen raises his hand. “Is it true that sometimes the lights in this hallway flicker and go out from her presence?”
“I heard that she sometimes likes to come back and visit the other ghosts.” Roen’s eyes are gleaming light blue and his tone is a bit ominous.
“I...” The guide takes a step back.
The crowd starts noticing and backing away from you.
“She said she likes to be here and she doesn’t like having her work disturbed.”
The guide turns white. “Who are you?”
Roen smiles.
The lights go out.
Screams erupt around you in the darkness. A hand takes yours. “I think it’s time to leave now.”
A chill runs down your spine and then you’re standing outside under a street light.
“You terrified that poor tour guide.”
“It’ll give them something to remember this evening by.” He offers you his arm. “I think that tea shop with the blueberry scones is still open down the street, shall we?”
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tinderella420 · 5 years
Joe, ca. September 2013
I woke up this morning and suddenly could remember his name, Joe.
Joe wasn’t my first tinder date, that one is a cringey story for a first post. But he was my second.
He had just moved back to Providence, RI from Prague where he told me he had spent a bunch of time tutoring “astrophysics” but it was just tutoring English. Cute enough sxe hardcore boy, he invited me to a random show at a little bar and i decide to make the hour and half drive down route 6 to a town I hadn’t been to in years. I didn’t really think too hard about it, meeting a random man who’s been out of town for like 6 months at his first “night out” probably wouldn’t sound so good now.
I show up, go into the bar, awkwardly walk up to him in my 2013 hardcore show best, he’s already surrounded by a bunch of random friends - “hey, it’s Tinderella!”
no, that was not a pseudonym, that’s what he dubbed me.
it would have been wise to just turn tail and walk out then, but I was too stupid to do anything but laugh and say “no, it’s Shannon.” with my beet red face. I felt dizzy and I wanted to cry.
all i wanted was a fucking beer. so i grab a cheap can and we go in back, he graciously pays the cover for me.
He runs around kidding around with his friends, i stand awkwardly against a pole sipping my beer, nodding along to the music, as one does at a show.
Him and his friends kept doing this fishy thing where they slapped each others’ legs on the inside of their knees, some inside joke that didn’t seem to be directed at me, but it was just weird.
He grabs me and I go outside to smoke, he introduces me to his best friend, asks me if I want to go eat, and so we go - all 3 of us.
we’ll gloss over this because I do not remember the details of the meal, just that again I was like, so awkward I couldn’t say a word.
We eat, we go to a house show by...idk URI? Brown? Whatever fucking college it was, it was some old giant city victorian that’s probably been paved over for some apodments or something, a standard old punk house that smelled like an armpit, had exactly .25 working bathrooms and a skate ramp in the second floor living room, but in an entirely surprising and unique experience, not one can of beer up for grabs. We walked around and greeted his friends, including some pretty hippy girl he was overjoyed to see. They kept holding hands like otters do.
now i’m on a date with Joe and his obvious crush. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, where is the fucking beer?
I never found it. I think I spent the whole night maybe saying 25 words, half of which were desperately trying to not be remembered as “Tinderella.”
We leave with the best friend - the best friend drives me back to my car.
“Welp, my friend is going to give me a ride home” says Joe.
I am desperate to make this not an awful night that was a waste of like an entire tank of gas.
“I’ll drive you home?! We really haven’t gotten the chance to talk...”
the best friend looked panicked.
“It’s a bit out of the way...”
“I drove out here, it’s not like it’s that much worse.”
I drive him home, looking for any way to make this not awful, I ask him about Prague, about music, about his sign.
“I’m a cancer” he says.
“oh my mom is a cancer, they’re good people”
“not all of us”
we stare blankly into the empty highway, the last words settling like tears in my bottom lids. Orange faces in the sodium lights.
we pull into some planned community, fancy brick houses and big winding hedges.
I pull into his parent’s driveway.
we sit outside of the car, I told him the stars were pretty here, he told me he can’t see them and his going blind - glaucoma? I can’t remember. I told him about the end of my engagement, my sister’s death just weeks before. We had a sweet quiet moment before we made out like kids in his parent’s driveway.
It was 3am and I had an hour and a half drive back. He had me text him when I got home. We traded a few more words, maybe a horny sentiment that he should have just come back to Hartford with me.
Then it just went away.
I hope his eyes are okay.
And ultimately I wasn’t mad, I liked him.
Maybe that’s why he felt bad, maybe he didn’t feel bad at all.
Probably the latter.
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loverontheleft · 6 years
A fic where Brendon or Dallon uses their glasses as part of foreplay... idk i think I️ have a glasses kink
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No idea if this is what you wanted but damn, it was a fun request to wake up to and fun to write.
By request: A fic where Brendon or Dallon uses their glasses as part of foreplay... idk i think I️ have a glasses kink
Brendon x reader
Warnings: language and dirty talk and general filth, mild thigh riding and fingering. Discussion of fellatio and sex.
Word count: exactly 1000 words hell yes flashfic.
His last text told you he’d be in the shower, but you’d be able to get in since his alarm system was linked to your phone. “If you ever need to come over and I’m not here, just open the app, click on the front door, and type in your code,” he told you the day before, kissing your forehead as you slipped your shoes on and stood to go.
You stand outside his door and do as instructed. Once inside, you drop on the couch and, hearing the shower still running, you kick your shoes off and pull your hair up on top of your head, preparing to snuggle into the couch for your movie date when the water stops. There’s a shuffling sound inside the bathroom and a thud followed by a sharp swear from him, but the bathroom door opens and you pop up from behind the couch to watch him make his way down the hall.
“Holy shit,” you mutter and he looks up, sees you, and grins. “Holy shit,” you repeat, moving to your knees on the couch, leaning over the back of it to get a better look. “You’re the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.” Brendon rolls his eyes and runs a hand through his wet hair, hitching at the waistband of his jeans. “You are,” you insist, turning back and settling into the couch as he drops down next to you. “Coming out of the bathroom in nothing but your jeans and glasses, Jesus Christ, that’s not fair.”
“I could take the glasses off,” he suggests and you shake your head, crawling into his lap. “Thank you; I’m out of contacts and would really love to be able to see, especially now that my gorgeous girlfriend is on top of me.”
“What was that thud?” He groans and you poke him gently in the chest.
“I tripped- shut up,” he says with a laugh, shoving your shoulder playfully, “and hit my hip on the counter.”
“Bren,” you say scoldingly, slipping out of his lap. “I must have been hurting you; why didn’t you say anything?”
“Because,” and he looks serious, “you in my lap is a far greater good than a bruised hip is bad.”
“If you say so,” you mumble, unzipping his jeans to expose his hip bones and, although you didn’t intend it, the base of his cock - he seems to skip underwear a lot, you’re noticing. “Lemme see.”
“My dick?” Brendon grins and you shake your head. “Ah, my battle wound.”
“Yes.” He shifts slightly so the burgeoning bruise on his hip comes into view and you sigh, looking up at him sadly. “Baby,” you say softly, “that looks like it hurts.”
“Well,” he says ruefully, “it doesn’t exactly feel great.”
“Can I help?”
“I’m - I don’t - you’re welcome to try,” Brendon stammers and you smile, settling back on your knees and lowering your lips to the mark. He hisses at the contact at first but as your tongue rolls over the bruise, he relaxes back into the couch. “Baby,” he sighs, running his hand through your hair. “Feels - feels kinda good.” You make an agreeing noise and run your hand back over to encircle his cock, pulling him gently from his jeans. “Y/n,” he groans, and you shush him, hand stroking him to hardness, occasionally moving lower to squeeze and roll his balls in your palm while your lips and tongue keep working the bruise. “Baby-“
“Hush,” you tell him softly, looking up at him. “Let me do this.”
“What’s gotten into you?” He’s hardly complaining; the look he’s giving you in awestruck and incredibly turned on, and it only increases when he sees your other hand is between your legs, rubbing gently at your clit through your leggings. “Don’t stop,” he says quickly, “fucking love it- just - what brought this on?”
“Glasses,” you mumble against his hip and he makes a confused sound. You look up at him, tongue moving in circles over his hip, your right hand pumping him firmly now that he’s hard. “You’re so fucking sexy in those glasses. Wanted to drop to my knees and blow you the minute you walked into the living room, wanted to finger myself while sucking you off, make you come quick so I could ride you long and hard, sit in your lap and take your cock,” you’re breathing hard, working yourself up, even more, abandoning his hip to straddle his thigh, adjusting so you can still jack him off as you slide back and forth with purpose. “Wanted to grind on you, faster and faster, until you couldn’t take it and you’d be squeezing my ass with both hands, moving me on your cock, and sucking my neck, those glasses pressing against me, and your fingers rubbing my clit-“
“I’m squeezing your ass with both hands and my fingers are rubbing your clit?” He grins, but you can see he’s turned on; his leaking cock in your hand is only further proof. “That’s impressive.”
“Don’t sass me, Urie, I’m a little busy focusing on taking your cock.”
“Yeah, baby, focus on my cock like a good girl. Let me worry about my hands. You gonna bounce up and down in my lap?”
“You want me to?”
“Yeah honey, love when you grab my shoulders and ride me hard, get those tits bouncing so I have to grope you and hold them up to my mouth to suck on your nipples, how you moan and whine and clench my dick with your pussy as you come- oh fuck, Y/n I’m gonna-“
“Come,” you urge him breathlessly. “Come for me.”
“Jesus, you’re -“ Brendon groans, tossing his head back against the couch as you stroke him through his climax, watching in awe as his cum rolls down over your fist. “Glasses,” he says finally when his body stops seizing under you. “This was because of my glasses?” He grins when you nod. “Well, I’m never wearing contacts again.”
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boopboopbichie · 6 years
Reddie headcanon
- Ok so Eddie is like this goodboi. He’s almost done with high school and he really wants to get into a great college.
- So, he is trying to focus on his school work because he’s not going to fuck this up for himself and things doesn’t come easy to him.
- So, one day Eddie is in the library, studying, when two people walk in. He only turns his head because one of them is being fucking loud as fuck and he’s like gosh this is a library jesus Christ.
- When he turns his head, he sees Stan Uris – He knows Stan, they’re in the same Bio class – And Richie Trashmouth Tozier – He also knows Richie (not personally) because everyone does.
-  Richie is loud and obnoxious and what the fuck is he wearing?
- But he is also really really goodlooking as he’s entering the library, laughing and pushing up his glasses.
- Eddie thinks the Tozier boy is super cool and he hates himself for it, because what’s cool about a tall boy with huge glasses, who cracks inappropriate jokes and inappropriate times and wears Hawaiian shirts underneath his jean jacket and has tattoos at the age of seventeen?
- The answer to this, Eddie has figured out is – Everything.
- Everything about Richie Tozier is cool. He’s laid back, popular, seems to always be having a good time and he’s a fucking genius.
- Also. he’s gay? Bi? Pan? Eddie honestly doesn’t know, he just knows that he has heard about Richie kissing a lot of girls and he has heard about Richie kissing a lot of boys as well.
- But that doesn’t seem to bother anyone and maybe that’s why Eddie is so jealous? Because his coming out wasn’t that smooth?
- Anyway, Stan and Richie walks in and Eddie makes eye contact with Richie, but quickly looks back into his book.
- He hopes they keep walking but suddenly two people are standing in front of him and he looks up again.
- “Hey Eddie, I just wanted to ask you about the homework for bio tomorrow. I’m not sure what I even read”, Stan says and Eddie glances at Richie who is grinning from behind Stan.
- “I can send you my notes?”, he offers, and Stan thanks him.
- They’re about to leave but Richie leans over the table and smiles and Eddie wants to die, because he’s even prettier up close.
- “There’s a party at my place on Friday Kaspbrak. You should come. You can bring a friend if you’d like”.
- And then he just leaves.
- And Eddie is left sitting there with huge eyes bc holy shit he knows his full name?
- So, when he goes over to Bill’s that night he tells him about it and Bill – who most definitely has a crush on Stan is begging him to go.
- Eventually Eddie says yes, even though he doesn’t want to. Like, he needs to study he doesn’t have time for silly parties.
- So fast forward to Friday and Eddie is in his room freaking out because what the fuck should he wear?
- Like he knows that the people who are going to be at Richie’s party are probably as cool as Richie and he has absolutely no clothes.
- He ends up wearing his high waisted jeans with a red t-shirt tucked into them and his vans. He doesn’t do anything to his hair because he kinda likes it when it’s curly.
- Bill picks him up and off they go.
- The whole ride Eddie is trying to get Bill to turn around because: “Bill he probably invited me for the laughs it’s gonna suck and I need to study”.
- Bill is having none of that though and eventually they’re at the house and Eddie can’t breathe.
- When they knock on the door, Richie opens up and Eddie can’t stop staring because Richie looks so good.
- He’s wearing baggy blue jeans, a worn the cure t-shirt on top of a striped long-sleeved shirt and his shoes got holes in them.
- Basically, he’s the biggest mess Eddie has ever seen but boi does he look great.
- “Eds, you came! You look cute”, he says and Eddie is still speechless.
- “Hi bigbill, come on in”.
- They walk in and Bill is instantly gone to talk to Stan and Eddie is left with Richie who is smiling at him making him blush.
- There are a lot of people and it stinks of something Eddie is not sure what is but he suddenly doesn’t want to go home anymore.
- Richie pulls him to the kitchen to get him a drink and he asks him what he wants and Eddie is like ??
- Because he has never tasted any alcohol before.
- Richie laughs at this, but not in a mocking way and hands Eddie a beer.
- Eddie hates it but he doesn’t say anything because he can’t help but feel cool as he’s standing in Richie’s kitchen drinking a beer while Richie is sitting on the kitchen counter with a bottle of Jack.
- Beverly Marsh then comes into the kitchen and Richie follows her out but he promises Eddie he’ll find him later and Eddie is like all right.
- So he wanders off and he is actually having fun.
- Then twenty minutes later Richie shows up again and asks Eddie to follow him.
- Eddie is surprised because why the fuck is Richie Tozier pulling him towards the basement??
- “Are you going to bring me to the basement and murder me Tozier?”
- “That’s exactly what I’m going to do Eds, but can you please act surprised when I do it?”.
- Richie’s room is down there apparently.
- There’s nobody there and Richie just sits down by his desk and Eddie stands awkwardly in the doorway not knowing what to do, still trying to figure out why he’s in Richie’s room.
- “Please sit down, that’s stressing my out Eds”.
- “Do not call me that Trashmouth”.
- Eddie does sit down though, in Richie’s bed.
- Richie’s room is huge but it seems small because his walls are covered in posters, pictures and spraypaint(?).
- Eddie admires it for a while until he looks at Richie who is lighting something that Eddie is pretty sure isn’t a cigarette.
-  He scoffs and Richie raises his eyebrow at him.
- “Of fucking course you’re a stoner”.
- “Huh?”.
- Richie is obviously amused and Eddie rolls his eyes.
- “Who says I’m a stoner, this could be my first ever joint for all you know”.
- Eddie scoffs again and walks around Richie’s room looking at his stuff.
- “I suppose it’s not”.
- Richie just chuckles and Eddie looks at him take his second hit of the joint.
-  “Do you even know how fucking unhealthy that is?”. He says this but he can’t help but think that Richie looks even hotter smoking that.
- Richie just winks and blows the smoke in Eddie’s direction.
- “I think I’ll be fine. You should try”.
- “No fucking way, I’m not trying to get into drugs, thank you very much”.
- Richie just chuckles again and Eddie feels this warmth in his stomach from the sound.
- “It’s weed Eddie, not cocaine, you’ll be fine, just take one hit”.
- Eddie knows he shouldn’t want to but he actually really does want to.
- So he nods.
- “Fine, let me try”.
- Richie’s eyes widen but he hands Eddie the joint and Eddie stares at it unsure.
- “Just put it in your mouth and breathe in. You might cough but that’s fine, then you just try again”.
- Eddie does and he does cough.
- But when he tries again he doesn’t and he feels accomplished.
- Half a joint later they’re both sitting on the floor, giggling, passing the joint back and forth.
- Eddie is looking at Richie and he feels his entire stomach fill with butterflies.
- Richie is beautiful and Eddie can’t stop looking at the other boy’s lips.
- Richie then stops giggling and scoots closer to Eddie.
- “I wanna try something”.
- Eddie is unable to speak so he just nods.
- Richie then takes a hit and then presses his lips against Eddie’s.
- Eddie doesn’t have time to react before Richie has blown the smoke into his mouth.
- He then pulls back and Eddie looks at him wideeyed and he feels his cheeks heat up. He stares at Richie and his fingers slowly finds his lips.
- Then he leans in and presses his lips against Richie’s again, this time harder.
- The kiss is wet and messy and there’s a lot of teethclashing but Eddie feels his head get even more light if even possible and it feels like he’s flying
- He thinks he might pass out.
- Eventually he does because Eddie is woken up by someone moving from beside him. He opens his eyes and he has no idea where he is.
- He turns his head and there is Richie, sitting on the floor. Eddie then remembers everything and he giggles.
- He’s still high from last night and his giggling gains Richie’s attention. Richie is smiling at him softly and Eddie thinks he might be dead?
- “Am I in heaven?”, he whispers and Richie chuckles.
- “If god loves the cure then yes”, Richie answers back and Eddie can’t help but laugh. It’s not even funny but he can’t stop again and Richie joins in.
- The laughter dies down and Eddie is suddenly aware of the situation.
- “What the fuck happened last night, why am I still here?”, he asks and Richie laughs.
- “You fell asleep while we were making out and I couldn’t bare to wake you up”.
- Eddie blushes hardcore and hides his face in his hands bc how the fuck do you fall asleep while making out?
- Also he’s mindblown because he actually smoked weed and made out with Richie Tozier last night.
- Richie is just smiling at him lazily though and offers to take him to mcdonald’s to get some breakfast and Eddie accepts the offer bc mcdonald’s sounds fucking great atm.
- Fast forward a few months and Eddie and Richie is dating and they eat crappy breakfast together every Saturday.
 This is a mess but I wrote this last night and I thought the idea was kinda cute idk. 
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liesyousoldme · 6 years
can u do one where richies a punk kid skater boy and eddie is kinda snob and one day they end up at the same party (as teens obviously) and richie tries to get eddie to try weed and eddie at first is hesitant bc his mom would kill him and eventually eddie gives in and they do cute romantic stuff while high and they sneak off and smooch and cute fluffy stuff like that
yes lets do it. ok so warning for drug use obviously but other than that it’s sfw
ok so it’s really hard for me to picture richie as a punk?? like imagine that fuckin nerd with a foot-tall mohawk and chains on his leather pants and it’s honestly laughable. the guy was 1000000% grunge. he traded his hawaiian shirts for flannels and wears band shirts and ripped skinny jeans and converse and has perpetual bedhead
(beverly is grunge too in high school but honestly is that even relevant to this idk)
so eddie could definitely go the preppy route. polos and khakis and combed hair. he’s a little stuffy lbr
somehow though. somehow since basically the beginning of high school they’ve both had crushes on each other
they’ve been friends throughout high school bc of stan
stan and eddie are friends bc they were both the only freshmen on student council 
eddie doesn’t understand how stan is friends with richie bc richie’s so cool? even though he’s in their advanced classes he just seems so.. effortlessly cool in a way eddie just does not understand
but stan and richie have been besties for forever, in the way eddie and bill have been besties for forever
ANYWAY soearly on in freshman year, eddie and stan decide to study together after school, and eddie’s at stan’s house chilling when.. richie fuckin tozier just walks right in the front door?? doesn’t even knock he just goddamn walks in like he owns the place
and eddie’s like wide eyed expecting stan’s mom to start smacking this dirty looking kid with a fuckin broom but instead she’s like “oh richie dear!!! how are you!!!”
and richie’s like “hey mrs uris, i’m doing great, my mom says hi”
and eddie’s like …..literally what in the fuck is happening rn
but richie hangs out and he’s cool and funny (and loud and maybe talks too much for “studying” but eddie finds himself not minding?)
he calls eddie ‘eds’ and eddie pretends to hate it but that’s only bc it gives him butterflies
so they don’t sit together at lunch or in their shared classes but richie always makes sure to say hi to eddie or ruffle his hair or call him eds and leave eddie blushing
(because honestly richie has a crush on eddie too)
but neither of them do anything about it. for literal years.
it’s junior year and eddie is sitting with bill at lunch talking about what they’re going to do this weekend
when suddenly richie tozier appears out of no where and plops in the seat next to eddie
“hey eds, you busy tonight?”
“um.. no??”
richie throws an arm over his shoulder “well now you are. you too, big bill. bev marsh’s aunt is going out of town, so we’re having a small get together, cool people only”
“don’t know why you’d invite us then,” bill says pleasantly, but the smile on his face says that he’s excited
“what!!! eds here is the coolest chap i know!!!!”
“don’t call me eds” (but he’s 100% blushing)
“so i’ll see u there right?”
eddie tries not to smile but he’s very bad at not smiling in front of richie, even though he looks like he hasn’t showered in 4 days (he asked richie about this once. richie actually showers daily, but he uses Too Much Product on purpose to make it look like he just rolled out of bed hungover. it’s his Aesthetic, he claimed. eddie stopped asking questions after that) and eddie knows if his mother knew he was friends with someone like richie tozier she would have a literal heart attack, eddie just likes him
so he agrees.
he shows up that night and he’s nervous af
“bill. we’re gonna get there and he’s not even going to talk to me the whole night. this is stupid. we should just go home”
“shut up eddie”
they walk in and surprisingly there’s not a lot of people there??
they’re all in beverly marsh’s living room, drinking out of red solo cups like high school cliches, and there’s only about ten people, including bev, richie, and stan
so they come in and richie jumps up, all excited
“eds!!! you came!!!!!!”
and beverly snorts into her cup but richie ignores her and takes bill and eddie to the kitchen to get drinks
richie goes straight to the punch that eddie knows is spiked and shakes his head right away
“no sorry, i don’t drink”
“i do” bill says, letting richie fill a cup for him. he heads back to the living room, sending eddie a wink over his shoulder
eddie stands awkwardly, watches as richie grabs another cup
“i’m serious, richie, i don’t drink”
“you really need to try loosening up eds” richie tells him, but grabs him a soda from the fridge anyway
they go back to the living room and richie pats the spot on the couch next to him, so eddie sits and sips his soda
everyone’s talking and laughing eddie feels a little out of place but richie keeps making sure to include him in the conversation which is… nice.
in fact, richie is all around nice, and he’s got his arm over eddie’s shoulders, and eddie’s trying really hard to convince himself this isn’t a date (he’d hate to get his hopes up only to see richie making out with beverly marsh at the end of the night)
after a bit they decide to put a movie on, and everyone starts to get settled in, but richie grabs eddie’s hand and pulls him up off the couch
“where are we going”
“i have to show you something”
eddie’s slightly concerned but idk ur crush doesn’t grab your hand and invite you somewhere alone every day so
richie takes him down the hallway, past the bathroom and into beverly’s room
he’s a little offput by how… comfortable??? richie seems in bev’s bedroom
“are you and bev…dating?”
richie looks up at him from where he’d been digging through a backpack in the corner of the room
eventually he laughs
“me and bev?? fuck no. she’s my best friend”
“i thought stan was your best friend”
“i thought only being allowed to have one best friend was an elementary school thing, looks like we’re both wrong”
eddie rolls his eyes but then they widen when he sees what richie pulled out of the bag
“oh my god richie is that marijuana??????”
richie wiggles his eyebrows and sits on the floor
“sit down eds, your legs are gonna get tired”
eddie sits but he’s staring freaking out
he knows how bad weed is
his mom told him it’s a gateway drug
who  knows, by this time next week richie could be addicted to heroin or crack
so he tells him that
richie laughs at him as he rolls the joint
“you really need to loosen up, eds. and stop listening to ur fuckin mom, isn’t she the one that gave you a fuckin fake inhaler?”
eddie pauses. “…..that’s besides the point”
richie’s still laughing as he takes the first hit
“cmon eds, just take one hit. one won’t kill you, i promise”
richie’s got some fucking great puppy dog eyes and eddie is doing everything he can to avoid looking at them
“eds seriously. you’re wound so fuckin tight, i promise you’ll feel so good afterward. you’re so tiny you’ll need two fuckin hits to be high af”
“two?? yOU SAID ONe”
richie ignores eddie’s screeching and takes a second hit
“i mean u don’t have to. i’m happy just hanging out with you, but i thought it’d be nice for you to not be so anxious for a bit” richie finally says, shrugging. eddie sighs. he knows, logically, that his mother is crazy, that she exaggerates and that weed probably isn’t that bad for you (clearly, richie smokes it every weekend and is still one of the smartest kids in school) but he’s still scared
“are you sure nothing bad will happen?”
“promise,” richie says, then his eyes light up and he holds up his pinky. “PINKY promise”
eddie reluctantly interlocks his pinky with richie, then takes the joint
“alright. what do i do.”
ten minutes and a hit (and a half (his first try didn’t go so well)) later, eddie is feelin it. he’s loose, so loose in fact that he tells richie “hey rich..richie.. rich. i am loosey goosey.”
he takes another hit. “richie? there’s cotton balls inside my head.”
richie can’t stop giggling. he is admittedly feelin it too.
eventually, they’re both laughing, and eddie topples over onto richie, and somehow they start play wrestling. it’s very mild, as neither of them have the arm strength to actually move the other. it mostly just leads to them curled up together, legs and arms tangled
their giggles fade off, and eddie opens his eyes (when did he close them??) and richie’s face is right there, inches from his. he’s suddenly aware of richie’s breath on his lips and he gasps. 
he’s not sure which one of them actually moved but suddenly their lips are pressed together
it’s lazy and slow and tender and when they pull back, richie whispers “whoa”
“yeah” eddie whispers back
they lay down on the floor of bev’s bedroom, still pretty tangled up together, and richie laces their fingers together
it’s quiet for a minute, and then eddie starts giggling at nothing, and then richie starts laughing because eddie is laughing, and then richie leans over and kisses eddie again, harder this time, more passionate
“i’ve wanted to kiss you for three years, fuck”
eddie whimpers, grabbing at richie’s back and tangling a hand in his stupid hair that he works way too hard on
“me too”
eddie’s a little too high to keep moving his lips against richie’s, feeling pretty tired and chilled out, so richie moves down and mouths at his neck, shuddering at the feeling of eddie’s hands slipping under his shirt
he finally stops, but doesn’t go far. richie lets his head fall in the crook of eddie’s neck, his leg thrown over eddie’s waist. their hands find each other again, fingers interlocking
“isn’t bev gonna want her bedroom eventually” eddie asks after a few minutes
richie giggles
“she knows we’re in here”
“i kind of….. planned this???”
“i mean.. i invited u here and i wanted to try and see if you’d get high with me.. the making out was an unplanned surprise but i don’t think bev would be all that shocked”
“bev knows we’re making out?”
eddie’s brain is just.. not working very well and he doesn’t understand
“no she’s in the living room”
“i know”
“i dont know what you’re asking me eddie”
“me either”
and then they’re giggling again 
beverly finds them a few hours later after everyone’s left, cuddled up and fast asleep on her bedroom floor. she puts a blanket over them and turns off the light and decides to sleep on the couch
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willgayers · 7 years
hey! i know you said you mostly do reddie but i was wondering if you would be kind enough and do some stozier too.. maybe with stan being in love with richie but he not noticing it? let it be bc of eddie so there's reddie too :D
hey! its not a problem. :-) honestly i think this is a fun idea and even refreshing bc of all the reddie stuff i have to write so i feel like keeping this as up as series might help me with my writers block idk??? but yeah, there’s some reddie and also cheerleader!eddie warnings; drinking at the end but not heavy. also minor mentions of sex  
does any reddie shipper from the tag list want off of it with this fic? does any stozier shipper wanna get on it for this? tell me and i will grant your wish 
“So Eddie, are we gonna meet after school today?” Stanley asked Eddie as they were sitting on the school inner yard during lunch. “To work on the history project.”
“Shit, that was today?” Eddie asked, and Stan already knew what he was going to say, making his stomach drop a little with disappointment. Not only was he annoyed that Kaspbrak hadn’t really put any effort to the assignment that was a pair study, he was constantly blowing Stan off for Richie.
“Yeah, that was today. It’s Thursday.” Stan said.
“God, I’m sorry, but I promised to go to the movies with Richie.” He said.
“You can’t do that some other day?” Stan frowned.
“Can’t we work that assignment on like, Monday or something?” Eddie asked.
“It’s due Friday, Eddie!” Stanley was pissed off.
Before the brunette could answer, a third person joined their table.
“What’s cooking good looking?”
Richie wrapped his arms around Eddie from behind, snuggling his face to the crook of the shorter boy’s neck as Eddie giggled from the tickling feeling.
“Hey, Rich.” Eddie smiled, before the two of them exchanged a kiss.
Stanley just turned his gaze down, sticking his fork in to the carrot on his plate and guiding it to his mouth. During this, Richie had jumped to the other side of the bench, his hand lazily hanging around Eddie’s shoulder.
“Stan the Man!” Richie smirked, Stanley lifting his gaze.
“Hey,” he said.
“Why so broody?” Richie asked, his gaze sinking down to the plate in front of him. “Wow— I guess that’s why. What even is that?”
“It’s called potato smash, Richie.” Stan said. “With some chicken. And salad.”
“What, you trying to get in shape for some movie, superstar?” Richie laughed, and Stanley glanced away— he didn’t like to be laughed at, especially not by Richie. “I like what I’m seeing on Eddie’s tray more.”
Richie leaned to grab a cheese fry from the tiny cardboard box in front of Eddie.
“Come on, Rich. Stanley’s nice enough to finish the history assignment tonight so that I can hang out with you,” Eddie said, playing with the buttons of Richie’s flannel. Richie glanced at his boyfriend before he turned his gaze to Stanley, who had his mouth open from confusion.
“Is that so?” Richie asked, but his question went un-answered.
“Finish the history assignment?” Stan asked. “Eddie, you’ve barely written a sentence for it!”
“What? Come on, don’t be ridiculous,” Eddie said. “I’ve helped you.”
“Well if you considering texting your boyfriend and chuckling after each one helping,” Stan blurted out, the annoyance shining through from his voice.  
Eddie and Richie glanced at each other, a little confused.
“Chill out, Stanley,” Richie said.
“Whatever,” Stanley mumbled, getting up from the table. “Have fun at the movies.”
“Oh, come on Stan—” Eddie tried but the boy was already walking away.
Later that day Stanley was sitting in his room by his writing desk, his room dark and only lit by the yellow tiny lamp on the desk.
His hand moved on top of the paper as he kept on glancing at his laptop, reading the research he had gathered, when his doorbell rang.
He frowned as he dropped the pen to the paper and got up, before making his way downstairs and to the door.
And his eyes widened lightly at the sight.
“Richie?” He asked.
“Correct,” Richie nodded. “Can I come in?”
“Um…” Stanley mumbled.
“Oh, come on.” Richie said. “It’s not like I’m trying to sell you some poor handcraft or talk about our lord and savior.”
“Fine, come on in.” Stan said and stepped away from the door, Richie flashing him a smirk before he stepped in, glancing around the house immediately. Richie had actually never been at Stanley’s before; only seen his house from the outside, but this was because Uris didn’t exactly prefer guests.
“Nice house,” Richie commented, grabbing a porcelain goose from the vestibule table and turning it around in his hands, looking in from the hole underneath it.
“Aren’t you supposed to be with Eddie?” Stanley asked, leaning over to grab the goose from his hands and placing it back to the table.
“I’m on my way there,” Richie said. “I just wanted to stop by first.”
“Why?” Stanley frowned, crossing his arms in front of his chest.
“To give you this.” Richie said, leaning to pull something out of his back pocket before holding it out to Stan, who glanced at it.
“Are you serious right now?” Stan asked, staring at the ten dollar bill.
“It’s not fair you do all the work and get nothing in return.” Richie shrugged.
“You’re literally paying me to finish the assignment?” Stan asked.
“Yeah. And keep Eddie’s name in it, if your mind would considering taking it off.” Richie said. “Just take it.”
“I am not to be bought, Richie!” Stan blurted out.
“Oh, come on. We’re all friends here, Stanley. I’m not buying you— I’m simply just… being a nice person.” Richie said.
Stanley raised his brows.
“Fine.” He said. “You don’t want the money, don’t take it— I just thought it would be only fair if you—”
Stanley snatched the money from between Richie’s bony fingers fast, a smirk rising to Richie’s face.
“I knew it,” he said. “So, you’ll keep Eddie’s name in it?”
“I’ll keep Eddie’s name in it.” Stanley mumbled.
“Yay! You’re an angel, Uris.” Richie said, grabbing Stanley’s head and pressing a kiss to his forehead; this made Stanley’s stomach fill with butterflies.
“Whatever.” He still just murmured out, not showing any of the feelings inside of him.
“Order a pizza or something.” Richie said, walking over to the door and opening it. “It’s on me.”
He did the finger-guns at Stanley before clicking his tongue and walking out, pulling the door shut behind him— and Stan sighed, shook his head and made his way upstairs.  
The next day at school, Eddie and Richie were all over each other like usual.
“So Big Bill, that party happening tonight or not?” Richie asked.
The losers were hanging out at the bleachers during their skip-class.
“Yeah,” Bill said. “My pah-parents leave at eight.”
“Awesomeness!” Richie smirked. “You’re gonna give me and Eds your bedroom though, right?”
Eddie rolled his eyes as his boyfriend wiggled his eyebrows at him from above; Eddie was sitting between his legs on the lower bench.
“Hell no, T-Tozier. Tah—That’s disgusting.” Bill said.
“Whatever.” Richie said. “Guess we’re gonna have to settle for the bathroom again.”
He kissed Eddie as the brunette giggled, and all the other losers apart from Stanley just shook their heads with small smiles on their face.
Again? The word made Stanley’s stomach turn around; the idea of Richie and Eddie making out or doing God knows what at each party made him feel awful. He’d never really even thought of it; but was he stupid? Of course they were getting it on at every party. Why wouldn’t they?
“So who’s getting the beer?” Beverly then asked. “Stan, it’s your turn. Richie and I have done it already.”
Richie had made all the losers their own fake ID's— exactly for situations like these.
“Huh?” Stanley flinched back to the moment from glaring at the couple. “Me?”
“Beverly’s rah-right.” Bill said. “It’s your turn.”
Now Eddie and Richie pulled away from each other; well, from each other’s mouths at least.
“Ayeeee, Stanley!” Richie called out, loud.
“Honestly guys, I’m not sure I’m gonna make it.” Stanley shrugged.
“What?” Beverly asked. “You can’t just bail on us.”
Why not? Stanley wanted to answer. Eddie and Richie bailed on the movie night they were all supposed to have last month because they had “something better to do”, according to their words.
“Right,” The light-brown haired boy just only said. “I guess I won’t.”
“Yeah! Partyyyyy!” Richie called, nudging Stan’s back with his knee as he was sitting on the bench above him.
At the beginning of history class, Stanley was making some final marks to the assignment, when he heard a voice next to him.
 “So did you do it?” Eddie asked, and Stanley glanced up at him.
 “Uh-huh,” he said. 
 “And you’re not gonna, like… tell Mrs. Polly that…?” 
 “That I basically did this by myself?” Stanley asked, now lifting his gaze up to Eddie fully.
The brunette didn’t say anything.
 “I’m not,” Stan then mumbled, before going back to writing. “Even though you’d deserve it.”
He gave Eddie one more glare.
 “I know, and I’m sorry, okay?” He asked.
 “Whatever,” Stanley said, and he didn’t lift his gaze anymore until he saw Eddie not even staying to sit down next to him, but making his way to the front of the class where all the cheerleaders were.
Around 10PM, Stanley had arrived at the door of Bill’s with two bags of beer cans.
“Hey, Stan.” Bill smiled lightly.
“Hey,” Stan nodded, before walking in.
They made their way to the kitchen where the losers were, some pop song playing from the stereos, but not too loud, as there were already opened half eaten pizza boxes on the table.
“Finally!” Richie blurted out, rushing over to Stanley to grab the bags from him. The teens basically attacked the bags so that they would all get their own cans.
“Aren’t you gonna get one, Stan?” Ben asked, and Stanley glanced at him, before sighing and sitting down, grabbing one Bud Light to himself too.
An hour from that, the house was already bustling with people from their school; and of course, there was a circle of truth and dare going on in the living room.
“Truth or dare, Billy?” Richie asked, leaning back on his place as he sipped on his beer.
“When’s the last time you jacked off?” Richie smirked, earning some chuckles from the people in the circle.
“W-what?” Bill blurted out.
“Yeah,” Richie said. “When’s the last time you jacked off.”
“Jesus, Richie, w-when’s the last time you?” Bill asked, annoyed with him.
“This morning.” The dark haired boy shrugged, and Eddie shook his head in amusement, next to his boyfriend, who winked at him.
“Well, Billy?” Richie then asked.  "Time’s ticking.“
Stan kinda felt bad for him; masturbating was a personal thing and not all were as open with it as Richie was.
“Tick tock tick tock tick toc—”
“Last night,” Bill finally said, a blush forming to his face.
“Nice.” Richie said. “Spin the bottle.”
Bill, still embarrassed, leaned to the middle of the circle to spin the bottle.
“Richie,” Bill said. “Truth or d—”
“Dare, obviously.” He said. “I’m not a wuss.”
Bill was a little disappointed; there was probably nothing for Richie to do that would be embarrassing for him.
“Oooo, can I pick one?” Beverly rushed to say, before turning her gaze to Bill. “I mean— if you don’t know one already.”
“Be my g-guest.” Bill said, holding his hand out.
“Well, it would be fair. You did kiss Bill earlier instead of the other way around,” Richie shrugged. “What is it, then?”
“You gotta choose one person— not Eddie— and lick salt off their lower tummy, take a tequila shot from their navel and then eat a lemon from their mouth.” Beverly said.
Stanley’s stomach sunk— oh my God, just don’t pick him.
“Pfffft, what kind of a dare is that?” Richie laughed. “That only sounds like fun!”
Eddie however didn’t look as impressed as he stared at his boyfriend, now gazing around the circle like some kind of an animal preying.
Stanley had turned his gaze away, trying not to make eye-contact; the way you do when teachers are looking for someone to volunteer and read the next chapter out loud.
The poor boy felt like someone threw a brick at his chest as he turned his head to face Richie, now smirking at him.
“What?” Stanley just blurted out.
“Shirt up! I choose you,” Richie said. Beverly was already getting the supplies.
“Na'ah, I’m not doing that,” Stanley shook his head.
“You kinda don’t have a say in that, though.” Richie said, before he crawled over to Stanley on his knees.
“Shirt up!” He commanded again, and Stanley glanced around again, all eyes of the circle focused on him now.
“Come oooonnnn, Stan. It’s not like I’m asking you to blow me.” Richie said, and the thought immediately blushed his cheeks as a few chuckled.
“Okay, that’s it,” Richie sighed and gently shoved Stanley to his back from his shoulders, and pulled his t-shirt up to his chest.
Stanley was shocked, only staring up at Richie with wide eyes as the boy first grabbed the salt from Beverly, and started to sprinkle it in a line on top of Stanley’s lower stomach, right between his V-line.
Then he grabbed the already filled shot glass, placed it on the navel, and last but not least;
“Open up.” Richie said, holding the slice of lemon in his hand.
Stanley knew it would do no good to fight back at this time, so he just sighed and opened his mouth, so that Richie could adjust the citrus in his mouth.
“Okay, everything ready?” Beverly asked.
“Yeah,” Richie said.
“Aaaand GO!” Beverly said, and Richie lowered his head down to Stanley’s stomach, and the second his tongue touched the skin of the boy on the floor, Stanley felt his breath hitch in his throat and his body go limb. People were cheering and clapping around them.
After that, Richie wrapped his lips around the shot glass and tilted his head back, the burning liquid falling down his throat, before he spat the glass down, and then, he stopped, smirking down at Stanley as his face hovered over his— Stanley’s head was spinning at this point— and then Richie placed his mouth down on his, grabbing the lemon with his lips and squeezing the fruit into his mouth, before he got up and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.
“Mission completed.” He announced and people whistled and clapped as he made his way over to Eddie, who looked pissed off.  
“What?” Richie asked Eddie.
“Nothing.” Eddie shrugged. Richie didn’t pay much attention to that, because he was used to Eddie getting jealous over the tiniest of things. 
“Okay, Stanley, you can get up now, buddy.” Mike said from next to him and helped him get back up on his ass.
“Holy shit—” Beverly suddenly blurted out.
“What?” Stanley asked.
“Are you having a boner?”
All blood rushed down from Stanley’s face as he glanced down at his pants and the visible bulge on his beige chinos, and it was like straight from a nightmare where you’re standing naked in public and everyone’s laughing at you.
Because all the teens around did start to laugh.
“Holy shit, I am good!” Richie blurted out.
Stanley was embarrassed as hell, and he knew he should’ve ran the hell away from the situation already, but for some reason his feet couldn’t move.
Then he turned his gaze to Richie and Eddie— Eddie looked even more pissed off now, glaring at Richie who was clearly proud of himself.
And then Stanley jumped up and rushed upstairs, shoving people out of his way, the laughter still echoing in his ears before he locked himself in the bathroom, soon feeling the hot tears starting to leak out of his eyes.
@nopetaking @xbell22 @donthateonk8@stenbroughbros @reddiebrekmyheart @itsgreywaterrichie @donvex @blueeyespurpleskies@ageorgymi @oh-youre-the-worst@eddiekaaspbraak @oldfashionedvanilla @rissyq @richietoaster@edskasqbrak @waterlouis @wyattghouleff @urtury @bukiminajimu @kcutieeesblog@stansmansuris @adorefack @reddieaddict @icyeyes102@denbroughbill @graveyardshipper@taletellingsir @anxiety-freak-yuuri @rheddie
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har-rison-s · 5 years
ask me why
request: I love your stan fics!! could you possibly write a sad, angsty one where the reader and stan were childhood sweethearts and they move away and forget each other because of the magic of derry and then when she comes back she’s heartbroken over his death. maybe the scene where they are in the neibolt with the spider-stan(😭😭) and she freaks out and has like a panic attack because she realises he’s not there to help her anymore? idk if that makes sense? thank you either way❤️keep the stan coming!!
A/N: Oh, my goodness. I am the reader and the writer in this one, my feelings are one with her on this one. Oh, god... I'm heartbroken. Also school is tomorrow and I hate gooooiiinnnng but I gotta. Anyways, hope you like this and that it's what you're looking for! Happy reading!
warnings: death, grief, panic attack, descriptions of blood and suicide. Take tissues cause this is very emotional, trust me. Get ready.
IT masterlist
main masterlist
heaven masterlist
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gif credit goes to owner, which isn't me!
“The bathtub.” Beverly says into the phone before Patty can. Beverly realises that what she saw twenty seven years ago had happened. What a tragedy. She thinks of how Patty feels and then glances over at Y/N, who waits for Bev to end the call and tell everyone what Patty said. How ever will she tell her? It'll break her heart, it will break the girl herself. “Patty, I'm so sorry, honey. You can call anytime, alright?”
“I'm sorry, I have to go.” Patty tells Beverly and hangs up. Beverly puts her phone in her pocket and turns to her friends. All their faces awaiting, impatient and nervous of what she might say. Is it true what the fortune cookies told them or is IT playing tricks on them? 
“Stanley's gone. In--In the bathtub. There's blood everywhere, Patty said.” Beverly says, but she's looking at Y/N while she's talking. Her face falls. Her eyes empty in a second, looking hollow and abundant. Everyone gasps and mutters words of shock and disbelief. In her ears, everything fades out and she can only hear his voice. Stanley.
“Let's go swimming.” He turns to her with the biggest smile. She tilts her head to one side. “I won't scare you, I promise.” Stan raises his arms up in mock defense. She sighs.
“Okay, fine.” Y/N agrees and raises to her feet. The pair lock hands, taking steps towards the lake, skipping here and there. They're both smiling at each other. Y/N leans towads Stanley's shoulder with her head, resting it there and humming. 
He didn't scare her in the water for the first time. He usually tells her there's something big underwater and when she looks under to see if there is indeed something, Stan would grab her thighs and she'd scream. No more of that, he said to himself after Y/N told him she's starting to get scared of the water.
She feels her heart being crunched up by someone's hand. Fate, it could be. But it's IT. IT is responsible for this. For all of this. 
Her lungs collapse, too. Y/N feels like she can't take breaths anymore, like she never will. Feels like her lungs have closed down, stopped working. Like they're filled with water or something even heavier. Like there's never going to be air in her lungs, like they're filled to the brim. Never possible of saving.
She opens her mouth to try and breathe, but she's hiccuping, coughing almost. 
Stanley. Stanley Uris. Her Stanley. 
The most beautiful boy she's ever layed her eyes on in her whole life. Anyone she saw as a person of potential interest in her so-far life was lacking something, she realises now. One thing. They weren't him.
His radiant smile that made her smile when she didn't feel like ever smiling again, when she had forgot how to. Lightened up the room and shone like the sun. Made her feel like there was nothing bad in the world. 
His voice. The boy could sing, but only she knew that. He never sang in front of anyone else, none of his friends. Only her. And she loved it.
He thought he was bad at singing but God, did he sound like an angel. He was very insecure about it, that's all.
“Sing what you want to. I wanna hear it, whatever the song!” She beamed, resting her head in her hands, her elbows on Stanley's desk surface. Stanley sighs, sitting in a chair not so far from her and his desk. He looks down, lip bitten, deep in choosing the song he could sing. 
“Okay, okay,” he says, lifting his head and breathing deeply in and out, preparing himself, “but don't laugh.” Stan points a finger at Y/N. She shakes her head.
“I would never, baby.” She says. “Go ahead.”
Stan takes a breath in and out and, after a few more seconds, starts finally singing. “I love you, whoo-hoo-whoo-hoo, cause you tell me things I want to know,” He sings. He doesn't look Y/N in the eyes as he sings, he focuses on one of the furniture facing him. He's so shy about it, “and it's true, whoo-hoo-whoo-hoo, that it really only goes to show...
“That I know, that I, I, I, I should never, never, never be blue-ooh!” He hits the highnote perfectly. “Now you're mine, my happiness still makes me cry. And in time you'll understand the reason why if I cry, it's not because I'm sad. 
“But you're the only love that I've ever had.” He looks at her at once. Because he means the words, wants to sing them to her, wants to tell her those words. They're true. 
Y/N smiles wide, happy tears in the corners of her eyes. Stanley smiles wide and rushes over to her. He kneels before her and his face is mischievous, up to something.
“I can't believe,” he resumes singing, a theatrical facial expression on his features, which makes Y/N giggle, “it's happened to me. I can't concieve of anymore,” he extends his arm in the air, “mi-se-ry!” He exclaims, a mock-brave and determined look on his face. As if he was playing Superman, who's flying through the air after saving a particular girl form danger. 
Y/N giggles histerically, looking at Stanley and holding his other hand. He drops the act and leans closer into her face. Not too close, not that intimate. At least not yet.
“Ask me why,” he sings quieter, “I'll say I love you,” with each verse, he gets closer and closer, keeping their eyes locked on each other, “and I'm always thinking of you...” Stan drifts off and kisses her on the lips tenderly, sweetly. Just like he sang a second ago. 
Her knees buckle in, her feet give out. Gravity or rather, horrible pain and grief, takes over her completely and she's falling down to the ground. In the street, between her friends. All of them immediately get closer to her, huddle around her. 
They see the terrifying look on her face. It's everything mixed. Pain, memories, grief, terror, fear, anger, longing... It's all in there, in her wide, wide, as-big-as-buttons eyes. Mouth agape. She looks just like a person having a stroke would look. And her friends are actually scared that she is having one.
“Y/N!” Beverly calls to her, hoping to get her out of this horrid and scary trance. Ben pushes Y/N in a sitting position from behind so she wouldn't be laying on the wet, dirty ground of the Derry street. 
She gasps and hiccups and tries to regain control over her body and brain. But her mind can't help but go back to the best memories of her childhood. And her body is completely out of order, out of anyone's control. Her friends try to shake her, bring her back to them pysically first. 
The only thing they get from her before Y/N completely shuts down, is one word. “Stanley.” It's a quiet whisper that they barely heard. It was like a mutter between her lips, something meant for only her to hear. 
Her wide eyes close instantly and her mouth, too. She's limp in Ben's and Beverly's arms. “No! Y/N!” She exclaims, afraid something serious has happened to her. Some sort of internal, physical damage. But she's having a very pleasant dream, unconscious to her friends.
“Let's see that!” Stanley takes her sketchbook from her, making Y/N gasp and pry after her book, her pencil still in hand. 
“I'm not finished!” She exclaims, but it's no use. Everyone's huddled around Stanley holding her sketchbook and already looking at the new drawing she really has not finished yet.
“Oh my God, that is so pretty!” Beverly says.
“I'm the prettiest one, of course, thank you, Y/N.” Richie boasts. 
“Then I shall draw your horrible witch nose bigger, Rich!” She says and the kids both stick their tongues at each other, mean faces showing. Y/N comes closer to Stan holding the book.
Everyone's gasping and pointing at themselves in the artwork, saying how alike the drawing is to real life. And though Y/N loves the compliments and thanks them, she really needs to finish the piece so that it could be even more prettier and perfect.
She puts her hand firmly on the sketchbook and pulls it towards herself. Stanley looks at her with his delinquent famous smile and holds the book tight in his hands.
“Give it back, I need to finish it.” She requests. Stan takes the book closer to his chest. 
“What will I have for that?” He bargains and she narrows her eyes at the boy. 
“If you give it back,” she starts, “I'll give you the whole book. For your own exploitation.”
“Come on! We're hoping for something more enticing, Y/N!” Richie cries and Eddie hits his arm, despite snickering.  
“What about a kiss?” Stan suggests and Y/N lets herself smile at him. She throws herself at him, kissing him hard on the lips as they both smile wicked smiles. 
“Ew!” Everyone exclaims upon the action and turns away from the couple. 
“Guys, they're so cute.” Beverly cheers, but everyone boos her, already finding new things to do. Beverly laughs to herself and turns back to her book in the hammock. 
Stanley and Y/N pull apart, smiling and looking at each other with heart eyes and looks of pure gratitude and appreciation. Though their friends exclaim in disgust whenever the two show a bit of affection towards each other, they really love them and can't help wishing for the same kind of love in their lives. They're happy for the most loving best friends in their group, very happy.
“Guys, she's waking up!” Eddie calls out to his friends once he sees Y/N opening her eyes slowly. He hopes she's really waking up, not just a flutter of the eyelids in-between dreams or nightmares. Richie, Bill, Mike, Beverly and Ben come up to the hotel's lounge sofa where Y/N is laying, now conscious. 
“Hey, honey,” Beverly tries to smile at her. She takes Y/N's hands between her own, “how are you feeling?” She asks.
“I would love not to answer that question.” Y/N says and sits up. Her friends sigh, somehow relieved by her answer and her healthy look. “How long was I—how long ago—” She can't seem to form the question she wants to ask.
“A couple hours.” Eddie answers her un-finished question. “Do you need some Advil or Morphine?” He questions. Y/N furrows her eyebrows at the man. 
“No, thanks.” She says. “So, what are we doing, what's our plan?”
“Well, since Beverly has seen us all die,” Richie starts to say, oblivious that his words might trigger tears and intense emotions in Y/N. Unwantedly, tears start dripping down onto her sweater and jeans in hot streams, “we need to kill the stupid clown this time. Otherwise, we'll die. Just how Bev's seen us die.”
Y/N sobs, pulling her knees to her chest and letting it all out. She sobs and she cries and she hiccups and she wails, heartbreaking sounds for her friends' ears. 
“I don't care.” She cries. “I don't care. I'll die, then. I don't care.” She shakes her head, repeating the phrases over and over.
“Well, that was my plan.” Richie admits. 
“We can't let you die, Y/N.” Ben tells her. But she doesn't listen. She doesn't want to hear support or any positive comments from anyone now.
“Listen, Y/N/N,” Mike starts to say, sitting closer to her, “there is a way to kill him. For real this time.” This is what makes her look at Mike, or look at anyone, really. He's caught her attention. Is it true?
“Trust us, Y/N. W-W-We can end IT he-here and n-now.” Bill joins in. She looks at him, she looks at Beverly, she looks at Ben, and Richie and Eddie. They're all nodding. Quite sure that there really is a way for them to get rid of this horrid creature that's ruined so many lives. Finally do it. And they get to do it. 
No one will know it if they do, no one will congratulate them and put crowns on their heads and give them flowers. But it doesn't matter. They'll be heroes to themselves and to the people who have lost everything because of this stupid killer clown. If they succeed and don't die in the process.
The whole point was to find an artifact from your childhood here. It had to be burned. Y/N's was a portrait of herself that Stan did. He tried really hard. And she doesn't want to burn it now. 
She sat in the clubhouse alone, after everyone left, crying. Full-out sobbing and wailing in her deep sorrow. She was completely spent after it, save Pennywise spooking her out of there, the portrait crumpled up in her fist tightly. 
IT thought it'd be funny to portray itself as Stanley who was drowning in his own blood and almost taking Y/N with him, if she hadn't ran up the stairs. It's not real, it's not real. Her fear was drowning and losing Stanley. And the fact that one of them came true is just so unacceptably sad. Devastating. (A/N: I want to cry.)
She layed in the grass above the Clubhouse for however long she needed to calm down and pick up her broken pieces, mentally and physically. She slowly rose to her feet and started her way back to the hotel. She thought she saw Bowers on her way back, but she told herself she's just mistaken the man for Bowers. But, when Eddie came out of his room with blood gushing out of his cheek and said that Bowers is in his room, she realised she wasn't mistaken with who she saw.
After an argument and Richie trying to flee the town, the Losers Club reunited and bravely went back into the Neibolt house to kill IT once and for all. Y/N was scared, hollow, but with the realisation and perk that she had nothing to lose anymore. She had lost the most important thing in her whole life. Nothing can be worse than that.
They were a mess. Not five minutes into the trip in Neibolt and they had split up, everything was in shambles and they couldn't get a hold of themselves or each other.
Y/N was crouched down, turned inwards, in the corner of the must-have-been kitchen. Her head between her hands and her eyes on Stanley. Or Stanley's head. The one that now had spider legs grown out of it. His eyes are... horrid. No sign of life or love or anything good. Death, hate, anger, maliciousness. None of these qualities were something that Stan ever contained.
Tears are streaming down her face in a quick pace, scorching her cheeks and eyes, irritating the skin. Her throat is already dry from the screaming and crying for the past twelve hours. It hurts to cry, but it hurts to see... this weird Stanley Uris. She can't help but cry.
Her love. Her life. Her only love ever. The boy that was ready to give her everything he could give from him. The boy who was ready to show her the world, who was ready to take the moon and stars from the sky if she ever asked, the boy who was ready to protect and love her like no one else could ever try.
He's dead. He's dead because of IT and its wrath and its toll on Stanley. How unfair. How unfair for IT to do this to such a caring, innocent young boy. How dare he. Stanley had done nothing wrong in his life to get this end. Stanley hadn't done anything wrong for something or someone to bite him back in the form of IT, a killer clown or a weird-looking woman. 
She's filled with fury. She's still crying, still bawling and moaning in emotional pain while her friends are in panic. Stanley's spider form is not getting off Richie. Bill is trying to help him, Eddie's in another corner, frozen in fear, as well. God, he can't even help his friends. He's so scared. His fear and traumatic memories have been so repressed and now they're coming back in a second's time, all at once, and hitting him in the face like a brick. Quite physically.
Y/N picks up a spike from the floor. She figures it must be laying there since Pennywise got it out of his head when Beverly stabbed him. Twenty-seven years ago... When Stan was still alive... When they were all in one piece. Her face twists in utter anger and she growls, almost. Eddie's eyes flicker over to her, scared of her, too. He hopes she's not another form of IT.
Y/n holds the spike in her hands so tight it makes her hand hurt. But she doesn't care. She must do this. At least this. She staggers over the room to where Richie, Bill and Stan's head are with the spike in her hands and, upon reaching them, immediately starts hitting the damn spider-head with the spike's sharp end.
She's screaming and crying and calling IT names, calling the entity out for what he's done, for what he is. Her every emotion is spilling out into each hit and each word and spit of her tongue.
Richie and Bill start screaming, and Y/N tries hard not to hit Richie in the process. The spider-head grows weaker and falls off of Richie, who now has a very bloody shirt. Bill helps him get up, and the men both watch Y/N completely destroying the spider-head with the spike. 
She's yelling, she sounds like an animal, there's anguish and rage. The only things they see existing in her. Blood is everywhere, the head is screaming, as well, blood and guts and brains and pieces of spider-legs everywhere. Horrid, disgusting scene all around.
The moment the head is hit to complete pieces is when Y/N finally groans out, relief in the groan, and drops the spike. She collapses on the floor next to the destroyed head, her hand on her stomach. 
That was a big thing. A big step. In stepping over her fears and in starting to get over Stan's death. If she's ever capable of that. 
“Y/N!” Bill and Richie go over to her, helping her stand up. Eddie's in terrible shock from everything he's seeing, he can't move.
“I'm fine, guys, I'm fine. That just took a lot of strength.” She says and takes a few deep breaths, panting as the two men hold her by her sides and back supportively. 
“You're a fucking hero, Y/N.” Richie says. She doesn't say anything, and nor does anyone else for a while. Richie and Bill exchange looks, thinking the same thing.
Y/N could destroy a thing that looked exactly like the love of her life. While her fear is losing him, Stanley dying or just... going away in any other way. She is so brave. Much, much more brave than the two of them combined, at least now. She is so, so brave and strong. She could be the main key to destroying IT when they get to the layer.
A/N: Maybe this was very dramatic, but just... imagine being in the Losers' place. Imagine it, just... swim deep into the thought and concept. It couldn't be otherwise.
Permanent taglist:  @gabiatthedisco @v0idbella @inlovewithmiddleagedcelebs @works-of-fanfiction @destiel-stucky4ever-loki-queen @stfxlou @ur-gunna-h8-ths @empressdreams @betweenloveandfire @but-legendsneverdie @deardeacy @thewinchesterchronicles @mavieesttriste16 @mrsmazzello @benhardyseyes @langdonzvoid @intrrverted @the-freak-cassie-131
Stanley Uris tag-list: @nightbu-g​ @sadhwstudent​ @shawni-h​ @gothackedalready
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richiestoziers · 7 years
tenderness (chapter 1)
summary: eddie kaspbrak is the most popular guy in derry high and thinks he has nothing to worry about in his senior year of high school, boy is he wrong! with the news of his messy ex stepbrother richie living with him and everyone in his life’s love life becoming a mess (his included), he is feeling totally clueless!
warnings: starting off detailed and ending half assed?? idk um no idea!! um?? extremely clueless au so warning expect that??
read on ao3 here!!
it was the first day of senior year at derry high, and eddie kaspbrak was worry free.
what would he need to worry about? he’d slowly but surely become one of the most popular kids at derry high, alongside his best friends ben hanscom and stanley uris. high school was a breeze when you were popular, smart, and had close to nothing to worry about. he was coming to school with a new haircut, a new outfit, and at least one class with each of his friends.
“what do you guys have first period?” stan questioned, looking down at his own schedule as they walked on campus. 
“debate, what about you?” ben responded first, already having memorized his schedule. 
“me too! i would have hated not having someone in that class with me. what about you eddie?” stan and ben were psyched to have it together, debate was a fun class as long as you knew somebody, but if not you were totally screwed.
“i have trig, aka the bane of my existence.” eddie spoke, walking in between his two best friends, jealous that they had debate together. they all took it in hopes that it would be a class that they could all share, but while they had it first period eddie was stuck having it last.
“what classes do we have together again?” stan questioned, analyzing his schedule for the hundredth time.
“the only one all three of us have together is study hall, which doesn’t even really count.” eddie had made sure to memorize his classes along with his friends, it made things so much easier in his life.
“it’s our last year and us three don’t even have a real class together, this is hell.” stan tended to be over dramatic, but they were all used to it.
“we’ll push through, anyways there’s passing periods, lunch, and study hall. i think we’ll survive.” eddie teased, rolling his eyes at stan with a smile on his face.
ben had been looking at his phone all the while as they talked, and stan and eddie looked at each other, both knowing why. 
“i promised i’d meet beverly in the quad, wanna come with?” ben questioned, and the smile on eddie’s face grew.
eddie himself was responsible between the love connection of his best friend ben hanscom and the lovely beverly marsh. he seemed to have a knack when it came to matchmaking, which showed through the almost year long relationship between the two. he saw the looks ben gave him, and he had become friends with beverly through mutual classes, and he knew what to do. 
it was a bit harder than normal since ben was his partner in crime when it came to making these love connections, ben was a hopeless romantic and loved helping eddie, but that was one he had to do on his own. it was worth it, and he had a feeling that relationship would last.
“of course, let’s go.” eddie responded, and ben took the lead as stan and eddie wiggled their eyebrows at each other because of the smile on ben’s face.
they could easily spot beverly, anyone could with that red hair. she had grown it out a bit longer and embraced the curls, it suited her. 
“hey guys!” she lifted her arms to hug her boyfriend first, ben who after years finally got taller than her, and while he was more fit still maintained some of his pudge. he was no longer overweight, hell he was the star on the track team, but his body maintained a healthy weight.
she went in for a hug for stan and eddie after, having become much closer to their group since dating ben. her and eddie were already friends after having history together the year before, but she was officially in popular territory once she joined their group. the main problem with that was the fact that greta bowie-keene was technically apart of the popular group, non of the liked her but she somehow was still apart of it. she only played nice with bev because she wanted to kiss ass for eddie, ben, and stan. they all disliked her, but the best part was they could be bitchy to her face and she just took it since she was desperate for the full level of popularity.
eddie never thought he’d see these tables turn, but he didn’t mind it.
“what class do you have, baby?” ben asked beverly, wrapping an arm around her waist, always clinging to her. 
“trigonometry.” she responded, and boy was eddie uber thankful. 
“bless! i thought i was going to have to go the entire year in that class alone, but you’ve saved me from a horrible class yet again.” eddie smiled up to his friend, going up to kiss her cheek since she was taller than him.
bev smiled and laughed, glad she had such a good friend group. once losers turned popular, it’s a wonder what a few years in derry could do. take the inhaler away from eddie and put him in some preppy clothes and boom he was popular, and the rest followed suit.
their chatter ended with the bell ringing, everyone in the area scattering to their classes. 
“gotta haul ass to class, see you later guys?” bev spoke for the both of them, her and eddie going in one direction and ben and stan going in the other. 
“so you and ben?” eddie questioned bev, hitting her side as they walked. 
“what about us?” she asked with a smile. 
“how are things, duh? are you still indebted to me for doing such a good deed for the both of you?” he teased, always bragging about the good he’s done for the two. 
“you are so cocky, eddie.” beverly teased.
“i’m just proud of all my hard work, can you blame me?” they had reached their class, and the conversation ended with bev rolling her eyes and the two laughing together.
they took the last two seats in the class that were together, both in their mind hoping the teacher wouldn’t give some ridiculous seating arrangement.
first period passed easily, the two maintained their seats together and were just lectured on the class syllabus, and they talked for the brief passing period before going their separate ways to their second period class.
his next class was american lit, which sounded pretty easy just from the course description. they were reading all the ‘great american stories’ aka the books sparknotes already had written up for you. not that eddie would ever cheat, but it sure as hell helped.
walking into the class he was one of the first ones there and took a random seat in the second row, going on his phone to distract from the silence. he already had multiple texts from his group chat with ben and stan, a mixture about how the debate teacher was already being a hardass and stan having a baseball meeting after school.
speaking of baseball, in comes one of their star players, bill denbrough. eddie felt his stress alleviate once more, glad that he not only had a friend but one of the best students when it came to english in the school. bill denbrough was six four and had auburn hair, and he was known for baseball and writing, and eddie had been friends with him since they were kids. 
“bill! i thought you would have been taking creative writing this year.” eddie smiled as his friend took the seat next to him, thankful. 
“i’m doubling up on english, so i’m taking this and creative writing. no s-study hall for me.” he still had a semblance of a stutter, rare but occasionally there, always reminding them of their humble beginnings. 
“well i’m glad you’re in this class with me, i’d probably die from loneliness if you weren’t here and fail without your help.” eddie smiled, always having to look up at his friend.
“you’re getting too dramatic eddie, i thought that was stan’s job in your little friend group.” bill poked eddie with his statement, it was meant to be regular but eddie being ‘frail’ thought it hurt.
“who told you that?” eddie questioned, genuinely curious.
“word on the street.” bill gave him one of those smirks everyone seemed to fall for, turning to the teacher as she began to speak.
how curious.
third period was already his favorite, it was just a straight hour of doing absolutely nothing with his best friends. they were supposed to stay quiet in study hall, but it was only the first day and the teacher couldn’t expect them to be working when the only thing meant to be done was read over the syllabus. 
“beverly and i just had history, ap. beverly’s thinking about dropping it, but i’m trying to convince her to stay.” ben spoke to them as they walked around the school library where study hall was held, following him as he looked for a book. 
“stan and i have that fifth period, it can’t be that bad already.” eddie spoke, suddenly anxious. he rarely took ap classes, but they all had decided to take the only ap history class they offered for seniors.
“i don’t think so, but it’s ap. that’s why she’s nervous, but i think she’ll get the hang of it, she’s smarter than me so i can’t imagine her doing worse than me.” ben grabbed some architecture book, neither boy cared to look at it in depth. 
“she is smarter than you, that’s true.” stan teased, hitting his shoulder with ben’s. 
ben didn’t show any indication of annoyance or anything towards stan’s comment, because he thought beverly was the smartest person even if she didn’t have all the grades to prove it. “i got my book we can sit now.” 
they all went to the table their bags were holding for them, and stan and eddie continued on with a conversation about their weekend plans as ben read from his book.
ben was typically the quiet one of the group, though that never got rid of how important he was. he was eddie’s best friend, his partner in crime, the person he went to for all his problems. he had met him before he had met stan, so while they shared a similar bond him and ben just had that history together.
funny, because this year stan and eddie had actual history together, fifth period to be exact.
“so i heard in second period that there was going to be a rager in bangor this saturday, are we going?” stan asked the group.
ben nodded as he read, an indicator he was down to go. 
“bangor? my mom will kill me, but i’m sure i can manage something. can’t miss the first party of the year.” eddie smiled, his mother still protective but gave him some more freedom. 
“great, do you need a ride, eddie?” stan questioned, everyone knowing eddie still didn’t have his license. 
“of course, as if my mom would drive me to a party.” he rolled his eyes, hating it.
“i can give you guys a ride.” ben, always the kind one, smiled up from his book to them.
“aw, thanks ben.” eddie and stan smiled at him, hugging him and surprising him with tickles, the trio filling the library with their laughter.
eddie and ben waved goodbye at stan as he left the two to his class, them going to the science wing of the school since they had chemistry together that year. neither of them were great at science, but neither was horrible either. together they worked well, and they were glad to already have heard from others that the chem teacher lets you pick your lab partners.
the two picked the table somewhere in the middle of the class, talking as the teacher set up her presentation for the syllabus. the first day was always the best, you just went to school and didn’t have to do anything. if only the entire school year could be like that. so far his classes seemed fine, so eddie thought this year might be an easier one. 
the teacher began to lecture but it just sounded like the peanuts teacher to eddie in the moment, and he went between diddling with his pen and whispering to ben about god knows what. 
he could feel his stomach grumbling, his body naturally in tuned to the cycle he once had when his mother forced him to take unnecessary medicine. after he confronted her things drastically changed, and he eased his way to the point where he stopped taking them unless his new doctor actually told him he needed to. at times like this he still expected his watch to ring indicating him to eat and take his pills, and his stomach rumbled inside of him for that. 
he had to shake it off, he only had history then he had lunch. he still had some resentment for his mother for what she did, but he couldn’t hate her. she was all he really had, her past marriages always failing and non of her ex husbands being a good father replacement, and while her actions were misguided he told himself it was all because she cared about him.
and she did care about it, she just went about it in all the wrong ways.
he could forgive her for that, and for the fact that he didn’t want to have to spend the years of his life from thirteen to eighteen constantly fighting with his guardian. it was easier this way, and if he played nice she gave him more independence. it was also a good thing she liked stan and ben, she said they were good boys and good influences, which he couldn’t argue with. 
he was glad ben would be his lab partner, he would take the labs seriously, and be actually safe.
he loved his friends.
it was the second to last period of the day and the last one before lunch, it was history which he thankfully had with stan, but he was starting to stress because he had debate last and so far none of his friends seemed to have it with him. 
if he didn’t know anybody in his debate class he would be screwed, that could singlehandedly ruin the entire year for him.
he met stan inside the class and spotted his khaki wearing friend already sitting down, and eddie quickly made his way to the seat next to him. 
“hey, bird boy.” he teased, setting his bag on the joint desk next to him.
stan rolled his eyes, he hated that nickname, but it was a universal nickname for him at derry high. everyone knew the famous stanley uris had a thing for bird watching, and even as a child he was labelled the bird boy. the nickname was once once filled with malice towards him, and now was filled with only appreciation. eddie thought it was cute, most people at school did. 
“i’ve only heard mixed things about this class, some say it’s the easiest ap and some say it’s the hardest. i have no idea what to prepare for.” stan seemed already stressed, in a typical stanley uris manner.
“guess we’ll find out as the classes go by, but come on stan! stop stressing! all we’ll probably do is talk about what’s expected and what we’ll learn today, so calm down.” he wrapped his arm around his friend and squeezed his shoulder, the two the same height making it easy. 
speaking of height, the opposite of theirs had just walked in. mike hanlon, who was almost as tall as bill denbrough, and the school’s football star. he too was in popular territory, making him a good friend of eddie’s. they had become friends in the eighth grade when mike’s family finally let him go to a real school rather than continue homeschooling. 
“hey eddie, hey stan.” mike smiled at them, taking the open seat on the other side of stan. 
“hey mike, i didn’t know you were in this class.” stan smiled up at him. 
“history is my passion, i had to take this.” he was one of the only other students at derry high that was frequently at the library, following ben. 
“really? i had no idea, well it’s a good thing we have you to help us if we get lost.” stan laughed, his stress still showing. 
“i got you guys, i’m more than willing to help.” mike smiled at them, he was one of the nicest people eddie knew, so he knew he really did mean it when he said that. 
watching the two interact eddie got an idea, it felt like a lightbulb turning on in his hand, and in a typical emma woodhouse he felt the need to set the two up.
he quickly grabbed his phone out of his pocket, frantically texting ben. new couple project! stan + mike? when baseball meets football? you need to see this chemistry and tension, we found our senior project!
he was internally squealing, already thinking of all the sly things he could do to ease them together, ready to have another happy couple to add onto his resume. 
kitty powers is shaking.
lunch finally rolled around and since they were seniors they could eat off campus, but they decided for the day to stick to the school lunch. all in line with their trays they followed behind everyone to get whatever the school was offering that day.
“you have debate next, right richie?” ben asked, he was ahead of eddie in the line. 
“yeah, why?” he questioned, moving his hand to grab an apple. 
“just wondering. good luck, mr. mueller is being an extra hardass this year, only the first day and we can already tell.” ben warned him, and now eddie was feeling stan’s stress.
“great, and i don’t have anyone in that class.” he bitched, following behind ben to their table, and ben gave him a sympathetic look. 
beverly and stan were already at the table, ben and eddie taking their places. the table was typically filled, so much so they never even got to speak to most of the other people there. greta bowie-keene and sally mueller were sitting at the end, mike and some other football players were there too along with bill, and eddie was all in the center of it with his main group. 
bev and stan were talking about something, eddie couldn’t really hear over the noise, and instead listened to ben talk about his latest architecture project. 
“so my mom is having me redo a lot of the loose boards in the kitchen and while i was looking at the set up, the wood used, and the wood we have now i got an idea. i think i might even do more so it all matches, i mean it’ll help me get used to working with this stuff and it’s doing my mom a favor. i just wish there was more i can do to work with real stuff.” eddie could really admire him for his passion and drive when it came to his dreams of architecture, he himself still had no idea what he wanted to do with his future. “anyway, tell me about stan and mike.”
eddie looked around frantically to see if anyone heard ben, before leaning in close to whisper. “not so loud! they can’t know we’re setting them up, duh. okay, so in history we found out mike was in our class, and he sat next to stan and all class they were being all flirty and lovey dovey.”
ben had such a sweet, tender look in his eyes. he was such a hopeless romantic, which is what made him such a great partner when it came to this. “how sweet, how are we going to do it?”
“well i’m thinking we put them in situations where they have to talk and shit. the party on saturday will be the full kicker, so we have to make this week a week filled with stanley and mike action.” eddie whispered to ben. “i’ll text you when i get a full plan.”
ben nodded, putting his hand out for the two to do their handshake, something they had done since they were young and always did in situations like these.
and wasn’t it perfect timing that right as they looked up stan and mike were briefly talking? the two immediately turned to each other at the sight, squealing with excitement. 
oh, how fun!
eddie kaspbrak was on his way to the dreaded class; debate. what should have been an easy, fun class was shifted to the complete opposite at the news he had received. no friends, hard-ass teacher, and the fact he wasn’t even that great at debate in the first place.
he walked into the room nonetheless, never one to ditch, and took a seat. he had no need to pick one specifically, it wasn’t like he was saving a seat for anyone. 
and what he expected to be the worst class of the year became the best, because he walked in.
he being victor criss, reformed bully turned total baldwin. his once bleach blonde hair going to a more natural brown, and eddie hadn’t realized just how hot he had gotten that summer. ditching the bowers gang and coming out did wonders for victor criss, and eddie was starting to think he’d have to break his streak of not having a crush in high school.
vic caught him staring and gave him a shy smile, one eddie returned, not feeling embarrassed in the slightest. 
victor took the seat next to him, thankfully, and eddie gave him another smile. “hey.”
“hey.” victor responding, giving him a nod, and the two were cut off by the teacher beginning their spiel. 
that was all they said to each other that day, but eddie had a good feeling about victor criss and his debate class this year.
wow, things were totally going his way this year!
spoke too soon, because eddie’s perfect beginning to the school year is shattered when he steps foot into his mothers car.
“eddie, honey, richie’s going to be coming tomorrow.” she started to say as she drove them back home after picking him up right after school.
his mouth was gaped. “what? why?”
mrs. kaspbrak, always a worried being, was worried about his reaction. “well, he’s going to be going to college here so i offered to let him stay with us.”
eddie muttered out an “ugh” as he rested against the seat, already annoyed just thinking about his ex stepbrother richie tozier. “why can’t he stay in the dorms? you were married to his father for less than a year, not to mention he’s always messy, and chaotic, and annoying. do you really want that in our house?” 
“eddie, be nice. richie is a sweet boy and you know how his father is, we’re the closest thing to family he’s got, and it’s cheaper if he stays with us. he’ll behave if he’s living with us, give him a chance.”
“he is not family, ew, don’t say that. fine, not like i have a choice.” eddie bitched, even though whenever he saw richie they got along fairly well. they tended to bicker and eddie acted like he hated him, but when it really came down to it he wasn’t completely opposed to his company. 
“good, i set up the guest room for him and everything. please be nice when he get’s here tomorrow, i’m going to have him pick you up from school.” they pulled up to their driveway, living only a few minutes from the high school.
“seriously? please, no.” eddie begged, wishing he had his license more than anything now.
“i made a deal with him that if he’s living with us he has to take you to and from school. it’s easier on me and i’m able to work more if he does that, and it’s a good way for him to repay us for letting him live with us.” she explained, parking the car and the two getting out. 
“fine.” eddie rolled his eyes, knowing all his arguing would do nothing. he hugged his mother to show he wasn’t mad and retreated into their house which would soon be occupied by the ex stepbrother.
so much for his perfect year.
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bandbagels · 7 years
sky high - brendon urie x reader
anon asked: “Hiii :) can I request some beebo fluff : I had this dream where I was on a plane and beebo was sitting next to me. But I was really sad and depressed because something happened idk and he was all like "whats wrong darlin" because hes all cute and friendly and I had told him everythng and he consoled me and gave me his number to talk more and it was really cute idk”
a/n: omg I’m not sure if I even did what you asked and if I didn’t then I seriously apologize because I swear I didn’t mean to like, do something different, anyway, there’s a fear of flying in this fic, enjoy :)
masterlist // ask me things
Leaning into my seat, I grip the armrests and breathe. This wasn’t going to be good.
The thing is, I hate flying.
The pure concept of going thousands of feet in the air in a metal cylinder-death-trap wasn’t the best, and flying in that metal cylinder-death-trap alone sucked even more, and the takeoff wasn’t perfect either.
The plane is on the runway and if I look out the window, I can see the entire runway and, if I stay looking long enough, the takeoff.
Hell. No.
I slouch in my seat, closing my eyes. Maybe if I close my eyes for about 20 minutes then by that time I’ll already be in the air. Yeah.
“You alright?” A voice asks and I open my eyes, realizing it was the man next to me. Feeling embarrassed and leaning up in my chair, I nod.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m-“ I glance out of the window, realizing the plane was going faster and any second we could lift off the ground. I gulp, losing my train of thought and my hands start shaking on the armrests.
“Oh.” He states, before grabbing one of my hands. I draw my attention to his smiling face, who seemed so calm in this moment, “You’re afraid of flying, huh?” He asks and I nod.
“No big deal. Just look at me, don’t look out the window. You can even lean into me if you want. One of my bandmates does it sometimes because it makes him feel better.” He offers and I oblige, leaning more into him and he places his arm around me to pull me closer.
“So, where are you going?” I ask him, trying to take my mind away from the plane taking off.
“Uh,” He pauses, “A concert.”
“All this way for a concert?” I ask him and he chuckles, the vibration running through me.
“It’s a pretty important concert.” He answers and I nod.
“You’re going alone?” I ask him again.
He shakes his head, “Some of my friends thought it’d be funny to sit me far away from them, since we take so many plane rides together.” He explains, “Where are you going?”
“A wedding.” I groan, “It’s not as fun as a concert, though.”
Once the plane’s steadily in the air, the man lets his arm fall off my shoulders, but when the captain announces turbulence, his arm finds it’s way around me again without ask.
Eventually, I wake up, discovering that I had fallen asleep on him. He grins when I wake up.
“You’re awake.” He tells me and I rub my face.
“I’m sorry, I really didn’t mean to-“ “No, no, it’s fine, I swear.” He swears and I lean up in my seat more, “And I was just going to wake you up, too. We’ve landed.”
I look outside the window, realizing that we’re on the ground. I feeling of relief washes over me and I sigh. “Thank you.” I tell him, “You don’t know how comforting that was.”
“Anytime, beautiful.” He winks and I blush as he stands, “I need to catch up with my friends and help get the equipment for our show out of the plane, but here.” He hands me a piece of paper with Brendon (plane guy) followed by a phone number, “Text me.” He winks again before walking down the front of the plane.
I probably should have been worrying about getting off the plane or texting my best friend about how I just got this hot plane guy’s number but there was only one thing that seemed to run through my head.
That was Brendon fucking Urie and Oh my fucking god, how did I not realize that sooner?
masterlist // ask me things
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