#since it hasn't been mentioned
royalmedani · 2 years
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Ferris: “I cannot believe you invited them to the Cena. Then, even worse, you let Sanna and Rosie just go off with them alone to the grid like that!” 
Ima: “They are not alone. Captain Shiloh brought half the Gogs from the palace with them.” 
Ferris: “Yes but Ros is surprisingly great at evading them and I am not sure of that medicine man the Prince brought with him. He seemed -”
Ima: “To take interest in something you think is yours that is not. Rosalina does not belong to you, nor do I think she wants to. You are not lovers and frankly by all sensible measures you are much too old for her. Please cousin, clear your head of this obsession. Go back to Pyrata, sort out your life properly, and find someone who actually wants to be with you.” 
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hope-ur-ok · 7 days
The swiftie mood really has just become "disappointed but not surprised" huh
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oathkeeper-of-tarth · 3 months
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As I am currently using this mod to infuse my honour mode light domain cleric playthrough with some RP flavour, here's a makeup/tattoo breakdown of Isobel from the character creator because I've seen people be curious about it. Also because I Just Think She's Neat and I also find it absolutely wild of her to have her holy symbol tattooed around her eyes, including on her eyelids. Just Cleric Things(TM).
Anyway, I left her with the smudged runny messy makeup because, I don't know, feels iconic.
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There are also some cool refs of her and her outfit here.
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askthekirbysquad · 9 months
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asena-queenslayer · 8 months
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I've just realized he's talking abt the place in the Rutilant Arena set 💀
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sussysatann · 7 months
I'm replaying the prologue and...
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[talking about the school] "And I am Dire Crowley. Having been entrusted with its care by the chairman, I serve as headmage."
Do we have any ideas who the chairman is?
And why did they entrust Crowley to look after the school? ...Or did they? I feel like there's a much bigger picture here, though I could be overthinking this.
But we've seen the way Crowley acts, the way he treats his students along with Yuu and Grim and the way he handles serious siuations like the overblots (he very rarely shows up if not at all). Why would someone entrust him to run a school?
Why and how did he come into this position in the first place? The timeloop theory could absolutely have something to do with this, but why Night Raven College? Maybe there's already an answer to this and I've forgot or it's gonna maybe be mentioned in a future book. If there are any answers to these questions in the later main books please don't say exact spoilers, but I would really love to know more about this! (currently starting book 6 in twst EN, I don't play JP)
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marukrawler · 2 months
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yet again going through my drafts. have i never talked abt this before??
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magentagalaxies · 2 months
just finished interviewing bellini for one of my finals in my comedy class and i'm losing my mind over bellini going on a tangent about how if he were grading my comedy over the past year he would give me an A+. like i didn't ask him to say that and it wasn't related to any of the questions i asked but you better believe i'm leaving that in to be like see professor? BELLINI gave me an A+!!!
#it was very sweet lmao and a great conversation over all#last time i was in town i told bellini a one-liner i came up with about the 2SLGBTQIA+ acronym having the exact qualifications#for a strong password (8 letters a number and a special character) and he said he's repeated it to several people#and it's always gotten a big laugh!! which is so cool!!! i'm not typically a ''joke'' writer my stuff is usually character-driven#so that's awesome that both bellini AND scott really loved that line!!#bellini in particular has been such a fan of my comedy since we first met (across multiple eras now)#like we met while i was working on my musical ''other girls'' and he was so excited to hear about it when i first mentioned it#and had me send him the recording as soon as i got it#and he's been so helpful in developing aubrey as a solo sketch character too#it's so cool having a professional comedian (especially one with such a meticulously good ear for comedy like bellini)#be as excited about my work as i am and be able to help me refine it into something even better#and especially as a queer comedian today who's finding it difficult to navigate this landscape of being ''bad representation''#bellini having been an openly gay comedy writer for almost double my lifetime is such a great resource to have!!#of course a lot of this is true for scott too (tho scott hasn't actually *seen* any of my comedy yet. he's just heard me tell jokes from it#but bellini is such a special mentor for me and i'm so happy we randomly connected over mouth congress over a year ago
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conchfritters · 4 months
i need to get less ashamed of talking about my interests on my 0 follower tumblr blog because if i don't point out that despite having one of the most interesting concepts ever presented in a genshin event, shadows amidst snowstorms was not actually well written, and was in fact pretty Poorly written, then who else will. Who else will.
#seashell resonance#Anyway amber hasn't shown up in any content since 1.0 where she wasn't optional or thrown out entirely in favor of standing as an#advertisement for euIa. case in point in the scene in shadows amidst snowstorms where you're waiting outside the cave for albedo the last#person joel was left with was amber. when euIa confronts albedo about the fake trying to lead joel away...there's no mention ever of the#fact that amber...was With Joel. Amber who is an Outrider trained to Notice Danger. Either left joel with fakebedo without noticing anythin#or the actual explanation: hoyo didn't care enough to write her because. well. Amber Bad#the next time we see her is when she shows up with bennett#amber used to have a lot of fire to her and this sort of unique not quite cockiness but like. easy way to tell she used to be the difficult#kid we hear about in her character stories and teapot dialogue#she serves no purpose in shadows amidst snowstorms#an event that easily could've capitalized on the Horror aspect of being trapped with a doppelganger of one of your coworkers and shown off#ALL the characters (because get this. You can make people wanna spend on characters who aren't meta by making them Like Them.)#but amber? no value in any event she's ever been in. she talks about good hunter and sticky honey roast. she gets flustered. euIa pays for#her meal. Remember how she was in Almost All of razor's story quest and then when they needed a knight to give him a gift in weinlessefest#they chose...SUCROSE AND NOELLE?#remember how collei has had more on screen interactions with fucking euIa and sucrose than AMBER#how amber and collei's reunion was what people wanted to see and instead it happens off screen and amber simply isn't relevant during#windblume? how amber didn't get a skin with lisa and kaeya? how amber has no appearance in kaeya's hangout event despite their dynamic in#the webtoon and her being suspicious of him presenting so much room to work with?#her tcg dialogue has a meta joke in it. Because amber bad and amber doesn't exist outside of euIa and connecting collei to euIa#and i could go on. about the writing for cyno. about collei. about the way they write kokomi or any genius character. about albedo even.#about all my Other gripes with euIa because they go to about every single aspect of her character except her Basic personality#which is to say the personality we see in most of her voicelines. she could've literally been a saving grace for the cast if she weren't on#of the like top 3 worst written characters#i could talk about like almost any character's decay but that's not the point. Not the point. Nobody look atme.#i tried to replace the L in euIa's name with a capital i to make this post not show up in front of her enjoyers somehow but if it does#sorry about that! no problems with you it's hoyoverse who has my ire#i have so much more to say even just about amber specifically since she is. Unfortunately my fav and unfortunately almost the only characte#i care about whenever my enjoyment of genshin even Slightly wanes#but nobody will ever see it because that essay i write in my head seven times a day is for Me. I'll die before i crack open google docs
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mokeonn · 5 months
I gotta say, really glad that the main criticisms for my "artists have more options" post has been that it is very USA centric and doesn't work for people in low populated areas without an art community. This has led to people giving more perspectives and options, which is always appreciated, and also because it's a completely correct criticism. Like yeah it is in fact made from the perspective of a USAmerican who lives in a highly populated state with a thriving art community especially in rural areas, you got me there, can't argue with that, gimme some fresh perspectives I love to hear that. Thank you for not making my notifications hell, and thank you for giving me more perspectives im going to give you a little kissy on the forehead
#simon says#i was worried that since it hit 10k notes#I was gonna deal with a lot of people with low confidence getting mad at me bc 'they are too much of a failure to do this how dare you'#but im so glad because it hasn't been that#it has been people bringing up good counterpoints and perspectives I appreciate hearing!#like yeah I knew it was gonna end up being US (and probably Canada) centric because I'm American and never left the country before#so my perspective on career artistry outside the country is very VERY limited to say the least#but I didn't even consider that my perspective is also skewed by where in the US I live#I live in Florida which I mentioned before and feel safe mentioning because it's a very populated state#and a majority of the economy is tourism based#so there's a pretty huge thriving art community here because there's LOTS of people visiting who want cool art for whatever reason#and LOTS of retirees with money to spend and a new florida house to decorate#and LOTS of college age kids without money but an apartment they wanna furnish so they'll buy art anyways#shows and shops and gallery work are huge here for a reason#5 percent of the entire population are snowbirds. people from the north who live here during the winter#so needless to say it's far easier to start making art selling prints and handmade magnets at a booth for a weekend event here in Florida#compared to say... rural Nebraska#so I didn't even consider that because my journey as an artist started in a state with a small but passionate and growing art community#and my journey as a PROFESSIONAL artist started in another state that has a large and thriving art community even in rural areas#that it would absolutely have an effect on my perspective#i still believe there's always more options out there than you would believe and it's always good to explore and look#and if you're able to start building an art scene in a place that doesn't have one you should#but I definitely understand some folks better when they say that it's not always accessible to do so#art careers are not about fame or social media following but rather networking I still believe that because it's true#but yeah if you're in an area where your only option IS to sell online there's no shame in that#anyways hopefully that was coherent I just woke up from a nap and now im gonna play Frog Detective for the first time#smooching you all on the foreheads gently and lovingly thank you for opening my mind and not making my inbox hell
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agustdiv1ne · 1 year
all i've learned from this submersible situation is that u could never pay me enough to step foot into the ocean
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humblemooncat · 4 months
Got hit with EW body switch feels followed by an Ardbert post, and it got me thinking. Did our head-mates come with us to the new body, or was Zenos just stuck with Ardbert (& Fray/Myste/etc.)? And if it was the latter, would they have been able to stall him a la 'I will turn this thing around so help me'?
Just, considering Zenos is... well, Zenos, especially in our body, giving us the time we were given seems like a lot unless he were being stalled somehow.
idk, I just like to think they slowed him down a bit in Ki'to's canon at least with a whole 'Who the fuck is this guy?' argument. And then he gets a weapon thrown at his head and peaces out because he ain't dealing with it anymore. I feel like Ardbert would be enough of a bro at least to keep arguing till the WoL's back in the driver's seat.
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jgnico · 8 months
The reason people doubt Gege will reveal anything from the timeskip between Gojo getting out and the Sukuna fight is that he plans to end Jujutsu Kaisen this year. To do that he’d ostensibly want to wrap things up, not backtrack.
If the manga were to finish by the end of this year, that ending would be at around chapter 250, even by a generous estimate. Here's a few reasons I don't see that happening:
1. There's no way that Gege could end the story in 11 chapters with the multiple plot lines we have running right now without cutting entire chunks of the main story out.
2. Shonen Jump announces the final arcs of manga's that they're publishing. No such announcement has been made for JJK, and if it was, I don't see Gege wrapping up the current arc we're in (Shinjuku Showdown) and an entire final arc in 11 chapters.
3. Gege's editor said in a Q&A at AnimeExpo 2023 that JJK would not be ending soon.
Keep in mind that Gege talked about ending the manga in two years way back in February of 2021. With the way that Gege himself is writing the manga and more recent information from one of his editors, I don't think that estimate is accurate anymore.
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vimbry · 10 months
flansburgh being so genuinely disappointed they weren't about to watch the candid camera clip mentioned in the interview after the gigantic screening and then going "I'll start a go fund me!?" when linnell said requesting reels from the archives was too complicated and expensive is really sweet lmao
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eleonkraken · 10 months
I'm so excited for new Doctor Who actually
I don't think Day of the Doctor was a perfect anniversary episode or anything, but it definitely made me feel a lot of warm fuzzy feelings, and I actually can't wait to feel something like that again
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magentagalaxies · 4 months
one of the absolute funniest moments on scott's tour that i wasn't able to capture on camera (for obvious reasons) was at the meet and greet after the nashville show these two older gay guys mentioned they were reading scott's wikipedia page before the show to find out more to chat about at the meet and greet and like. idk if this is just because i am very familiar with scott's wikipedia page but you could tell that was the extent of their scott knowledge (which is valid not everyone is researching a documentary on the guy)
but then they asked about the poster for the lowest show, which they'd never heard of before their wikipedia reading, specifically this quote:
"The posters—featuring Thompson lying supine on the ground with a big wad of semen dripping down the side of his face—went up around the city on September 10, 2001"
and they were like "wow we'd love to see those posters hahaha" and i immediately jump in like "oh i have that photo on my phone give me like 2 seconds"
to be clear: these guys had not interacted with me or acknowledged my existence the entire conversation. they had their backs to me when they were talking to scott, i did not introduce myself as directing the documentary since i wasn't filming and they didn't ask who i am, etc. but my brain was like "oh someone wants to learn more about scott? my time to shine, let me pull up that folder in my camera roll". even scott was like jfc here they go again.
anyway i barely had to scroll back in my doc research folder so i immediately held out my phone to the guys and showed them this
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it's a photo taken days after 9/11 of scott in front of the posters for his show which was supposed to open the following week
so i hold out my phone and explain this thinking like hey i'm being so helpful these guys wanted to see this aspect of scott lore and i gave it to them!! meanwhile these two old guys are like i can't even focus on the poster anymore i am standing next to scott thompson and also WHO THE FUCK IS THIS CHILD AND WHY DID THEY JUST HAVE THIS ON THEIR PHONE?
another one of the funniest tour moments was after meeting up with some gay guys in their 70s who were friends-of-a-friend-of-scott and immediately befriending both of them we were about to leave and i asked for their phone number and scott just rolled his eyes and was like i'll give you his phone number in the car as though he was saying "jfc jessamine this is ridiculous even for you". he never ended up giving me the old guy's number
#i just love old gay men so much lmao#and they seem to love me (or at least the ones in the second example did lmao)#also one of the other indicators that the first guys only knew about scott's personal life from his wikipedia page#is that they assumed the last boyfriend mentioned on there was someone scott was still dating to this day#and they were like ''oh i'm so happy to hear you have (boyfriend's name)'' meanwhile scott is like ''uh sorry we broke up 21 years ago''#meanwhile i'm like SAME NUMBER OF YEARS THAT I'VE BEEN ALIVE SCOTT!!#to be fair scott hasn't had a serious long-term relationship since then so we have joked about my birth somehow being the antichrist#but just for scott thompson's romantic life. like there's some curse that scott can't be in a serious relationship until i am#which is very funny bc both of us did in fact have a date we were looking forward to when we got back from the tour#in my case mine is with a hot nonbinary person who works at the venue where scott did his boston show and that's how we met lmao#this is also why i was pissed off that my instagram locked me out bc i have hot nonbinary person's instagram but not their phone number#and i said i'd message them when i got back from the tour. which i cannot do#tempted to just message them as mouth congress (the one account i can still get into) and send them my phone number#maybe i'll do that if i don't get my instagram back by buddy's birthday#anyway maybe this is oversharing about both my love life and scott's love life but i just find it very funny#like i was never someone in high school who went on dates and gossiped about it with my friends#and now i get to have some bizarre version of that where my peer group is goddamn scott thompson????#between this and me pulling up the lowest show pic in like 2 seconds yeah maybe we are weirdly close lmao#but i wouldn't have it any other way
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