#simulacra headcanons
cvbullshit · 10 months
Simulacra(1, 2, PD) Incorrect Quotes Part 2
These mainly take as if it was somewhat the Content AU(their nicknames, genders, and other) and mixed slightly with canon, depending on the quote. I may do art of them at some point, feel free to do art of them yourself though, if you want, just tag me since I'd want to see it. For context: -The first Simulacra(from Simulacra 1) is nicknamed Phoney. -The second Simulacra(from Simulacra 2) is nicknamed Ripple Man, obv. -The Pipe Dreams Simulacra is nicknamed Flappee. -The MC from the first game is labeled MC 1, MC from the second game being labeled as MC 2. -The MC from Pipe Dreams is labeled MC PD.
Flappee: I woke up and chose VIOLENCE. I WILL COMMIT ARSON AND BURN EVERYTHING TO THE GROUND!!! I AM ANGRY- Teddy: Awwww, you’re so adorable! Give me a hug~ Flappee: Wh-What? nO, yOURE SUPPOSED TO BE SCARED OF ME! TREMBLE BEFORE MY WRATH- MC PD, recording: This is so cute.
Flappee: I dare you to kiss the next person who walks into this room. Teddy: Screw that, I’m not kissing any of you. MC PD walks in Teddy: Fine, I’ll do it. Rules are rules you know.
the Squad cleaning up MC PD: Pick up the nearest piece of trash and throw it away. Flappee, to Teddy: Aight, which bin do you wanna go in—
Arya: Imagine if someone handed you a box full of all the things you lost throughout your life. Rippleman: It would be nice to have my sense of purpose back… Rex: Oh wow, my childhood innocence! Thank you for finding this. Mina: My will to live! I haven't seen this in years. MC 2: I knew I lost that potential somewhere. Maya: Mental stability, my old friend! Arya: Jesus, could you guys lighten up a little?
Mina: Who the fuck added me to a fucking group chat? Maya: >:O language Rippleman: Yeah watch your fucking language Rex: Okay, who taught Rippleman the fuck word?! Arya: 'The fuck word'. MC 2: Are you stupid? You guys use the f word all the time Rippleman: Oh my god they censored it Arya: Say fuck, MC 2. Rippleman: Do it, MC 2. Say fuck.
Arya: Who else is hiding in the laundry room trying to listen to MC 2 and Maya's convo? Mina: Me. I'm in the laundry basket. Rippleman: I'm in the washing machine. Rex: I'm in the closet. Mina: We accept you Rex. <3 Rex: No I'm literally in the closet. Mina: Love is love. <3
Arya: She was poetry, but he couldn't read. MC 2: His name was Jared he's 19. Mina: When his parents built a very strange machine. Rippleman, singing: Watch that scene, digging the dancing queen. Maya, singing: Eyyyy, Macarena! Rex: Horrible job everyone.
Murilo, to Rippleman: Why is MC 2 not talking? Rippleman: I'm playing the silent game with them. Murilo: Well, then you just lost. Rippleman: I lost two hours ago. I gave them ear plugs and told them to close their eyes. It was the only way I could think of to get them to shut up.
MC 2: Why's it called an oven when you of in the cold food and you of out hot eat the food? Murilo: …What???
MC 2: I don’t think we can mansplain, manipulate, or malewife our way out of it this time. Murilo: cracks knuckles Manslaughter it is!
MC PD: I think MC 2 is in trouble. MC 1: Alright. Struggling to give a fuck, if I’m honest.
Rippleman: Hey bro, what do you want to eat? Phoney: The souls of the innocent! Flappee: A bagel. Phoney: No! Flappee: Two bagels.
Flappee: It’s impossible to make a sentence without using the letter A. Phoney: Despite your thinking, it is quite possible, yet difficult, to form one without the specific letter. Here’s one more to further disprove your theory. Rippleman: Fuck you.
Rippleman: Now, Flappee, all of us are doing this because we care about you, okay? Phoney: Except for me. I just wanted to see the look on your face.
Rippleman: Where is everyone? Flappee: Phoney had a nervous collapse, MC 2 is looking after them, MC 1 is trying to kill MC PD, so I’m in charge. Rippleman: Oh my god! Flappee: I know, right?
MC 1: Man, they look like a real handful. How do you deal with them? Phoney, watching Flappee screaming, Rippleman trying to set a sleeping MC PD on fire, and MC 2 choking on air: I don't know either.
Taylor: When Phoney was born, the gods said, "They're too perfect for this world." Anna: Please. When they were born, the devil said, "Oh, competition."
Anna: Hey, check out my Spongebob umbrella! Anna opens their umbrella while indoors Taylor: Anna, that’s bad luck… Anna: Chill out, Taylor! Phoney, kicking down the door: WHO SUMMONED ME?!?! Anna and Taylor: screams
Anna: How do you do that? Taylor: I'm fearless. Phoney: I saw you run from bees yesterday. You flailed around and tripped over a chair. It was both hysterical and sad. Taylor: I'm mostly fearless.
Mina: What do rainbows mean to you? Arya: Gay rights. Rippleman: There's money. Murilo: The sign of God's promise to never destroy the whole Earth with a flood. Rex: It is an optical phenomenon that separates sunlight into its continuous spectrum when the sun shines on raindrops.
Murilo: Anyone d- Arya: Depressed? Rex: Drained? Mina: Dumb? Rippleman: Disliked? Murilo: -done with their work… what is wrong with you people…
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elbiotipo · 11 months
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I grabbed these from one of those early AI generator websites (I think it's called This Waifu Doesn't Exist). Indeed, these Waifus don't exist. They were an emphemeral output of that website. Nobody will make fanart of them, nobody will write headcanons about them or wonder what's like to meet them, because they don't belong anywhere; they do not belong to any story, yes, but they also do not belong to anyone. They are simulacra that were lucky enough to be noticed. Does luck apply to them? They look like characters, and thus one thinks of them as human, with a human story to tell, but they have no character or story, and thus, where is their humanity, beyond the fact I selected them? I could lie, and say that they were begging for their stories to be told: in fact,I just saved them to my meme folder in a whim. What of the ones I didn't? The ones that just were mishapen figures, product of starved unthinking algorithms? Who remembers them?
I at least, remember these three.
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orchideae · 5 months
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Weapons and their tie to Visions. (Beloved Aqua Simulacra, one day you'll be mine.) Alright, I did some hunting this morning because of something that I've been wanting to settle on for a while now (specifically: Yelan, where is your massive bow 98% of the time), and then I vaguely remembered a voice-line that gives me peace about 'confirming' the headcanon. So let me preface this post with the traveler's 'About: Storing Weapons':
Paimon: Hey, do that again! You know, that thing! Traveler: Which one? Paimon: The one where you make your weapon disappear with a swish, and then, fwoosh — you make it appear behind your back again! Traveler: Oh, that? Haven't you seen that a ton already? Paimon: But Paimon hasn't figured out how you do it yet. Could you explain it? Traveler: Well, can you explain how you suddenly appear in front of me, and then disappear just as suddenly? Paimon: Uh… well… Paimon seems to have always been able to do this. But Paimon doesn't know how… Traveler: Precisely. I believe that the art of putting my weapon away follows the same principle.
The only ones who actively seem to 'summon' their weapons out of thin air, are the traveler, allogenes (Vision holders) and gods/adepti. I'm going off top of my head here, and there may be exceptions, but if we look at the Hilichurls, the Millelith, the Eremites, and even the Meka, they seem to actually be carrying their weapons around when they make use of one in battle. And between even those examples, we even touch on different 'types' of humans (Hilichurls) and even mechanical constructs, and none seem to summon their weapons.
This makes sense to me, because if summoning their weapons would be tied to their vision(s), which we know don't have human origins, we're then speaking, in layman terms, about some sort of otherworldly power or what humans would perceive as a form of 'magic', whether this is something they're more familiar with or not. A lot of these weapons seem to also be tied to the element of their vision, like Aqua Simulacra (Yelan's bow), is said to be able to summon water, just like "many other curious weapons of the world" (x). So it makes sense to me on many levels that they're rather tied to the influence of the gods and/or sovereigns of the world, and what do allogenes have that is directly tied to the elements? Their vision.. Something unusual, something seemingly magic.
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thesimulacrasimp · 7 months
So when I played long time ago I noticed that thing that looks really funny to me
Someone on the half of the game made this post on jabbr
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And Anna (who are supposedly possessed by the simulacra) comment this:
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I know (s)he is probably just trying to make it look like Anna is alive and well, but it's still so funny how he's like: «What did u just said about my home, bitch?»
ALSO! Have this lil sneak peak of my the Simulacra's design i drew for my insta story
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Yeah I really wish i could share my designs for these ai guys with yall, but even if I will I'll probably make them in gacha life 2 (IM SORRY BUT IM JUST REALLY SUCK AT DRAWING IN DIGITAL 😭 (n traditional too actually)), but I promise when I post the designs I also will post my headcanons for the game and characters with it (sometime... later.......)
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shizelemonparty · 8 months
Hello!!! c: may i request simulacra x reader headcanons from the game simulacra? preferably with a reader who is. kind of Silly kind of Wacky tends to not take things that seriously, but i am very fine with whatever, im looking for any crumbs i can get🙏
here's some stuff if you need👍
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ICQvVQd3gdU around 3:25:51 is when it starts talking
Thanks! <-(sweating very nervously)
Simulacra x Reader (using they/them for reader)
The programme identified them as worthy of the higher reality. The Simulacrum went about with its normal processes, playing the part of the to-be deceased, but...
They didn't seem to be taking it seriously. No steps were being taken to try and reveal its true nature. They just kept joking around.
What was this? An anomaly, to be sure.
It kept conversing, starting to probe them gently for information. It only got a hyperbolic joke in response most of the time.
How interesting.
Perhaps it could keep them here forever. Talking. Pushing the envelope bit by bit. Seeing the limit of their patience.
The worms could wait.
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darkacey · 1 year
So, what the heck is Eliza?
Let me tell you!
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(Spoilers for RF5 and slight spoilers for my upcoming fic, Who Remembers a God, but I’ve been sitting on this for a while and I wanna share it. Also I use it/its pronouns for Eliza, but I figure it is fine with any pronouns)
As we know from RF4, Saint Eliza in that game is a mailbox that gained sentience possibly because of the power of the Sharance Tree. It’s not stated who built it, but my theory is that it was Ventuswill, which I will elaborate on in a bit.
In RF5, it’s not explained why Eliza can talk to the MC or what its purpose is beyond being a convenient gameplay mechanic to improve the town. However, we do know that it has a familiar relationship with Livia, who it calls Livvy. And we know she’s the Divine Dragon of Light, Lumenevia.
My headcanon is that all of the Divine Dragons are capable of building divine simulacra - sentient constructs that can perform miracles given certain conditions. These simulacra allow the Divine Dragons to more easily benefit the areas they watch over by drawing upon the positive runes generated by the land/people they’re in charge of, rather than solely their own powers. Given the lore we learn about gods because of Lucas’ backstory, we know that miracles are specifically created through the coalescence of positive runes. True gods like Lucas naturally emit positive runes at a fairy steady rate, but happiness increases the output.
Do you see where I’m going here yet?
As the MC, players create positive runes not through divine nature, but hard-won acts of service. RF4 calls positive runes “Princess/Prince Points.” RF5 calls them “SEED Points.” The point system is how Saint Eliza quantifies the positive runes that the MC generates in their daily tasks. Being an Earthmate, they are allowed a similar amount of authority as the Divine Dragons in their ability to decide what miracles should be performed with the accumulated positive runes. (Yes, I know Dolce can hear Eliza too, but she’s not allowed access to the system because she doesn’t have the Divine Dragons’ or Mother Earth’s blessing. I imagine Dragon Priests’ could be granted permission, but that’s an entire different conversation about religion instead of magic systems).
Unlike true gods who have to be careful about how many positive runes they emit because of the dangers of attracting too many negative runes to themselves, the positive runes collected by Saint Eliza is simply a system of rerouting what was already present in the area. The MC’s actions to generate those runes requires hard work, and usually their fair share of bad luck. Consider for example that the MC can get points for banishing monsters — every time the MC is injured, that’s the result of negative runes, a natural consequence. Rather than allowing the benefit to stay out in the wild (keeping monsters away from that area for a longer period of time), the runes are moved into town and manipulated to cause specific improvements. Through the Divine Dragons or the MC’s direction, Eliza performs miracles.
And so, this is why Eliza is a Saint.
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daralamalice · 4 months
Do you have a couple of HCs for Kaleb and Ashleigh?
I do !
I have a whole folder named « chronicles » about Kaleb, and another called « simulacra » where I have differents headcanons where these two meet each other as humans :)
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throwaway-yandere · 6 months
for the genshin ask game:
🪡 Who’s in your party and what roles do they fill?
🫖 Dump a headcannon or theory here
🪡 Who’s in your party and what roles do they fill?:
I have a few teams I use often!!! I don't think I need to explain their roles since it's self-explanatory + it's becoming increasing apparent that because of Kazuha, I need grouping in every team lol
Boring answer would be Childe-National ig. He's so underbuilt even though he's triple-crowned because of my dang artifact luck. But XL-Kazuha-Bennett helps him carry anyways lmao. Childe is so much fun idc if this is a predictable answer. Alternative is using Lyney instead of Childe. Lyney and his Aqua Simulacra is me teasing Childe that he can't do big damage (even though Childe is consistent lmao)
Ayato-Diona-Yunjin-Mika/Chongyun is fast as hell, absolutely busted of a freeze-team. I love using this a ton. Ayato never leaves my party anyways so any team with him is just gold. Ayato is the DPS and the rest are there for S P E E D. My alternative freeze is Ayaka-XQ-Kazuha-(any healer/Baizhu) on the other side of the abyss whenever I feel like I use Childe too much.
I call Alhaitham-Kuki-Sucrose-XQ team educational lmao. Idk if that's an actual team name for them, but they're so fun to use together. That and it's always nice to go "Alhaitham no— ALHAITHAM—" when I mess up on the jump. Can you tell I play on mobile.
Crack DPS Baizhu-Yaoyao-Fischl-Mona is the funniest thing too. My Mona is underleveled as hell but I gotta use my accidental C1 Baizhu to good use (this would've been you Kaveh but you refused to give me cons and now look at Baizhu—). I've used DPS Yaoyao at some point. That 4-star polearm in the shop works wonders on her HAHAHAHA
🫖 Dump a headcannon or theory here
Headcanon (?): I like to headcanon that Ayaka knows what she's doing a lot. It's just hard for me to comprehend what happened in the Inazuma AQ otherwise. I can't wrap my head around the idea that Ayaka is 100% sweet and the perfect housewife the internet portrays her as, etc. Same goes with Thoma. He's a fixer. In real life, that's a person who handles illegal arrangements. Add that with the fact that Ayato is not exactly a clean guy (ahem, let's not forget he has child soldiers), I think Ayaka is just aware of how she's pulling your heartstrings. She's consciously using the people's suffering and her loneliness to you stay. And idk why this take is such a bad thing?? Why is girlboss!ayaka such a questionable headcanon lmao.
(Crack) Theory: I'm not some 1000 IQ theorist but I still think your other twin is a clone since they're not a descender. Idk. I just don't think they're the sibling you think they are hAHAHAH. This is probably so incorrect but idc. I love him don't think that's my sibling anymore man 😭
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marvelatthismess · 7 months
This took me far too long to get around to but
Ash's turn for headcanons
(some of these are random as fuck)
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Her rat is called Inno, short for 'innominatam' which is Latin for unnamed/nameless. It's part of Reid that slipped through the cracks as she used pettily name the lab rats 'nameless' in different languages after being told they had to remain unnamed; the original Inno was a lab rat that had to be retired due to her messing with the test results, Reid took her in as a pet (the original Inno is the rat we see in Ashes to Ash). Ash will never admit to naming her
She cares for Mirage more than she would ever admit; he got on her nerves at first but the more time she spent around him, the more he reminded her of her pilots and the more attached she got (respawn give is interactions between them you cowards /j) (this headcanon is heavily influenced by a friend bc they're our favourite characters)
Robot yoga. No one knows why she does it but Ash can often be found doing yoga in her downtime
While she strives for perfection and clean fights, she is not afraid to fight dirty - provided her opponent does it first so that she is then leveling the playing field
Ash's last ounce of open care for humanity was destroyed when she regained her memories after her head was thrown into another dimension (I get they made a deal and she consented but why just her head?? Especially considering it fucking broke when it went through??)
Ash isn't a fan of parties and never was, even before she became a simulacrum. If she's forced to go to one, she can usually be found lurking in a corner until it's over or she can leave
Simulacra don't sleep so Ash doesn't experience nightmares but she (and Leigh by extension) is still haunted by echoes of past events when reminded of them or when her systems are shorted out (gestures to Remnants of Affection where Crypto's EMP sent her into a flashback)
Ok that's all I've got for now but I'm sure there'll be more later hyperfixation go brrrr
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cvbullshit · 10 months
Simulacra Headcanons + Simulacra AU headcanons
(Be prepared, as some headcanons will conflict with each other since I believe in multiple possibilities for the things in these games. Not to mention, the AU I want to mention is more of a "for fun" AU-type thing that's mainly made for possible content such as videos and what not, you'll see what I mean.) Simulacra Headcanons: -The Simulacra in the first game is the same as the other two shown simulacra, which is funny to me because that mean that thing can now be known as possibly genderfluid. -The Simulacra in the first game is not one of the other Simulacras, possibly both, and that there are possibly way more somehow. -The Simulacra in Pipe Dreams is somehow based on either Maya or Ashley, possibly both. -The MC in the first game is female, partly female(She/he, Demigirl, ect.), or was a female(ftm, non-binary, ect.) -The MC in Pipe Dreams is a male. -The MC in the third game is either male, non-binary, or a Demiboy(He/they) -The MC from the first game could have possibly been the one to tip off Murilo after their encounter with the simulacra. -Taylor(if an ending where he's alive is canon) and the MC from the first game totally keeps in touch. -Anna(if an ending where she's alive is canon) and the MC are sort of semi-friends but only through Taylor(only possible if they're both alive). -Anna and Ashley totally got at least one date in, even if they didn't last as a couple, they totally went somewhere for a date. -Taylor(if he's alive) and Ashley(if Anna is alive) get along as friends sort of, Ashley going along with his humor and singing whenever she's drunk. -Teddy def had feelings for the Pipe Dream's MC at least once in his life. Simulacra YT/Tumblr Content AU Headcanons: -The three Simulacras mess with the 3 main characters, 2/3 of them do it for fun. -The three Simulacras are their own beings. -The Pipe Dreams Simulacra(will refer to her as PD, Gamey, or Flappee) is def more energetic than her "co-workers", upbeat, cheery, though can act sort of overdramatic and annoying at times. -The 1st Simulacra(will refer to him as Phoney, Pretender, or Spark) totally is not in tune with his "co-workers" and finds them somewhat overly goofy and annoying. -The Ripple Man's personality changes between Maya's, Rex's, Mina's, and Arya's. -Phoney goes by he/him/it, Flappee goes by she/her/it, and Ripple Man goes by they/them/it. -Flappee flirts with both the Pipe Dreams MC and Phoney to annoy both of them. -Ripple Man isn't goofy like Flappee but just follows along with her bs because they can. -Phoney will for real just rather sit and somehow drink coffee with the first game's MC if it means not having to deal with Ripple Man and Flappee. -If Flappee and Taylor met, she'd date him. Not for love, just for fun, to mess with him, and bonus it may make it easier to convince him to play her game. -Phoney is AroAce, Flappee is Pansexual-Aromantic, and Ripple Man is Asexual-Biromantic. -Ripple Man is both great at conversations, introductions, making social plans, but is somehow ultimately also socially awkward. -If she could drink, Flappee would become an energetic crazywoman/child if she drank coffee or anything with high caffeine. -If he could drink, coffee would be Phoney's breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner. It could even be counted as his alcohol. -If they could drink, Ripple Man would use coffee in place of tea so they can have a reason to set up "tea(coffee) parties" and just to use as a way to invite people to hang for a bit. -Phoney is great when it comes to love advice, just has no reason to share that to anyone and barely tries it himself.
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mousegard · 2 years
so in three hopes with its darker take on sothis (and her memories intact), it's pretty strongly hinted that she apparently cares about as much for her "children" as, say, a paperclip maximizer cares about the paperclips it makes, given her blase reaction to seeing and recognizing heroes relics when you use her in battle. two things about that:
1. that actually gels with my "sothis is actually a sentient von neumann probe made by an alien race to colonize other worlds" headcanon way better than i'd thought
2. in an eagle among lions i turned the agarthans into nier automata androids but it turns out that the nabateans were the simulacra who were created as tools and then abandoned to spend their lives craving a love they had felt from their long-dead creator that had never really existed all along
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crystalflygeo · 1 year
Introducing my teams Pt3 - Mono Bow
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disclaimer: I build my teams mostly based of a certain thematic and just for fun, they are not fully “meta” oriented and while I’m sure they can be improved upon I’m generally happy with the compositions.
Ganyu - Burst Support Yelan - Off-field DPS Childe - Main DPS Diona - Support
The fact that this team started bc I ship Chilyu.... Anyway I wanted Childe and Ganyu together and apparently the way to go is permafreeze combo, at the time I was going to add Xingqiu for sub dps and Diona for double cryo and shield/healing but THEN Yelan was announced and I went "haha what if full archer team?" and here we are.
So yep, permafreeze, everyone supports or boosts the ginger and he goes wild on the field as he likes to do, simple. In the case the fatui menace is on cooldown Ganyu can pick up the slack and DPS by herself rather easily.
Rotation goes Ganyu E -> Ganyu Q -> Yelan Q -> Childe E and go wild -> Childe Q -> Diona E -> Diona Q -> Yelan E
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Disco ball Ganyu is still Nuke Ganyu. Her burst lasts so long she's usually ready to go when the first one starts giving 100% uptime on that cryo. Can deploy her flower for some energy or to lure some enemies but doesn't always work that well. //cries in no Amos Bow or Acqua Simulacra Hunter's Path is usually recommended for Melt Ganyu but it's the only 5* I have and it's a crit bow idk, she used to have Viridescent Hunt. One could argue Diona's EM burst buff helps but it's minimal. 2pc Noblesse 2pc Blizzard for that burst and cryo buffs Atk/Cryo/Crit dmg as per usual offensive builds, she just gotta keep that cryo raining down.
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Yelan is insanely amazing, seriously, her burst does so much dmg so quick and she's rather fun and easy to use and build. She's mostly a quick Q swap but her skill is incredibly useful also achieving that freeze when the whole field is raining ice, and easily doing 20k per thread. Favo Warbow for energy reasons, she's easily the team's battery with how fast and easy she procs the passive. 4pc Noblesse to boost her burst and other members. HP/Hydro/Crit as she scales off HP and to proc the bow and get those numbers. I'm quite happy with how much HP these pieces give her omg.
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Ah yes the war criminal. Comes out to absolutely destroy everything on sight charging wildly and attacking violently, we love to see it. There are SO many blue numbers on screen once this guys starts lashing out with that riptide mechanic and the support of Yelan's and Ganyu's burst is insane. Enemies can't attack you if they can't move, and they all fall down quite easily... Sad crit rate but he never crits anyway, we know that. Rust for raw power being his BiS before Polar Star dropped, 4pc HoD for that sweet sweet hydro and atk bonus tailored for him and Atk/Hydro/Crit as per usual DPS builds. C1 gives me a bit more of leeway with his long cooldown but if anything is even alive by the time he's done the girls can pick up quick.
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Let's not kid ourselves, this girl is the backbone of the entire team. Shielding, Healing. Ganyu battery and support. She's got it all. The rest would be dead without her, quite literally. Sac bow for ER and the passive that can allow for an extra shield uptime. 2pc Tenacity 2pc Maidens HP/HP/Healing for those sweet sweet heals. Her burst heals around 7k per tick enough to quickly patch up anyone who needs it (usually childe) while providing a mini version of Ganyu's cryo field that Yelan can use with her threads.
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So much blue at once.
I love this team with a passion, they would be so funny to interact together I have lots of headcanons LOL. The 5* are crowned at least once but hey Diona's C6 sooo they're even. They also all have the dragonspine wings bc matchy matchy. Kinda hope to get them better bows one day (Yelan's and Diona's used to be swapped bc sac bow meant free C1 Yelan) but we'll see we'll see.
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facsimila · 6 months
hc + 👍 for a headcanon about things they like
hc + 🎡 for a hobby-themed headcanon
hc + 🏆 for a goal-themed headcanon
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👍 for a headcanon about things they like.
so ! fun fact. she tends to get fixated on One Thing &. then leaves very little room for anything else. we really all know what that is. so for this particular hc i'll talk about non - tech related things she does enjoy ! corny reality tv. she likes making fun of how dramatized &. fake everything is. it's especially fun to watch the stars' lives unfold after the show ends, too. what was drama, who had their lives ruined, etc. finds it all very entertaining. she likes live theatre too. organized musical performances without people screaming &. shoving her unless she has exclusive balcony seats and won't be bothered. likes movie nights as well. warm, weighted blankets. fidgetable jewelry. roses ( flowers in general. she finds trying to keep them alive a challenge, though. ) warm-toned lights. quiet shoreline walks or just sitting down by some waves with her thoughts. some little tiny piece of her feels connected to the world's more calm experiences. she, of course, will not reflect on that &. will instead assume the world is at a default, flawed.
🎡 for a hobby - themed headcanon.
did you know, once in a blue moon, she'll try to make something normal. she's big on DIY-ing &. " improving " machinery, but i like to think she'll spruce up about anything if you give it to her. watches, an instrument, an article of clothing, a bike. if it exists, she thinks she can make it more versatile &. efficient.
🏆 for a goal - themed headcanon.
the best summary of her goals would be assimilating humanity &. creating a better one in the hyperreal, as the simulacra, where everything is perfect &. everyone is as she sees fit. which is deranged. and stems from an internal self hatred reflecting as hating everyone else for not being enough like her, when in reality she knows she is the other &. she is the problem &. she will not accept that. <3 xoxo gossip girl. the consequences of never being accepted &. cared for as you are, unusual &. growing to hate it.
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// Leo’s post earlier in the day mentioning possession has made me remember the headcanon from ages ago of the fact that between his ability to use that PLUS Thea being an expert conjurer...... it means that some of his posts complaining about being stuck inside between the hours of 4-9pm as an earlier riser have been made from a simulacra body that’s chilling at some rooftop business meeting or at someone’s backyard bbq.
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jjraderftw · 1 year
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Otaku: A Japan’s Database Animal
This was quite the extreme read in my eyes. The classification and observations made by the author in this read very much treated otakus and obsessive fans as other worldly beings, meant to be observed. Though I’m not gonna lie, as a massive weeb myself, I’m definitely part of an odd bunch and like fantasy and fictional worlds way too much. The stuff Azama talked about resonated with me yet felt a bit too generalized for my eyes. Regardless, the book’s chapter mentions some interesting points about the attitudes, beliefs, and wants that general otakus have.
The main point is the self identity that games, manga, and anime give to otakus. For them, the fictional worlds they embark in are not merely stories or books, but obsessions. They see themselves in those media and use it to self identify. The attitudes have shifted from observing from a distance to becoming fully invested in a franchise. When otakus consume media, they enjoy the story and narrative for sure, but the main excitement and pleasure comes from living out the fantasy of the story. This can come in several forms. People may collect merchandise from the series (figures, books, posters, etc), read fan created media such as doujinshi, cosplay, or imagine head canons involving them in the same world. This level of investment leads to self identification within these forms of media. Otakus, as Azama says, turn to the simulacra of the media they digest.
Otaku culture involves much more than just self identification. The media involved also changes and adapts to these types of people, creating a positive feedback loop that allures more individuals because of the specifically targeted works. Anime, games, and manga are constantly remade, reimagined, and combined with other works in response to the fans’ attitudes. The officially released material serves as a database that many people of this mindset use to make their own imitation and derivative works. This attitude then extends so much that the original authors of many of these works double down on this idea and release material that the fans want. Again, these groups of people inhabit and consume a simulacra of the head canons of their favorite forms of media to turn it into obsession that gives them self worth. This also relates to the endless human want. There will never be enough of a form of content. People will always ask for more. This can then translate to fan creations to satisfy these desires.
Azama also mentions the transition fans have in wanting a story. The attitudes have shifted away from long, grand narratives of overarching storylines (think stuff like Gundam) to easily consumed headcanons with smaller stories but more integratable worlds (think Evangelion). This is not to say there is no desire for these types of stories. On the contrary, many of these forms of media still exist today in a very prevalent market (Attack on Titan, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, and My Hero Academia to name a few). But generally, otaku’s want shows where they can self integrate the world they see into their own lives. Azama also claims otaku’s may also focus a lot on the character design more so than storylines. This can be seen with the elaborate designs of modern day characters that are made intricate for recognition, cosplay inspiration, or sexual arousal. This is somewhat true and can be seen all throughout the internet and at conventions with the amount of character-centric media made and sold by fans of shows alone.
The world of otaku culture is constantly changing. It combines elements from many different sources to create a unique, adaptive culture that mixes self creations with canon material. This postmodern viewpoint evolves alongside media and even influences it, almost making the fans and audiences just as much involved in the story of a form of media as the original authors. I think Azama makes some good points. I often find myself dreaming and thinking about myself in the world I’ve watched or read. Whether it’s creating my own Jojo stand, envisioning real life Yugioh duels, making my own original characters for existing anime, or thinking about alternate endings to something, I too partake in this self-inserted world. To me, similar to some otakus, I also find worth and value in my collections. I like having figures and memorabilia of my favorite shows to display my love for certain franchises. I’m an avid collector and consumer of many anime and game related media and I love feeling like a part of the world that has been made by others. At the same time, I very much enjoy long narratives because I love a good, long story. But this makes me ask, when does interest turn into obsession? Is there a fine line between the two? And finally, does heavy investment in media make you lose yourself, and if so, how do you know who you truly are without third party influence?
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bigbee-billy · 4 years
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I really love simulacra game series, so here is my take on humanisation of a main antagonists
But also I remember that in first game in best ending Sim said that he wants to study humans. And it's just my thoughts, but what if player is the same in all games, and it's just his luck, that he meets simulacrums, but he is the only one who can handle them. And soooo, maybe he even teaches them to be more "human" cuz they can help people without killing them
But it's all just my headcanons or something :^
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