pooklet · 5 months
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In The Sims 2, your Sims can teach their tots all sorts of important skills to prepare them for their next life stage, such as: walking, talking, pooping, singing, and dishing about that traitorous bitch Santa Klaus!
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belladovah · 2 months
Which Version of SimPe for The Sims 2 do you use and why?
Please comment with the reason for your choice / any advantages or disadvantages for a particular version that you know of. Thanks!
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pforestsims · 3 months
SimPe mini-tutorial: compressing resources
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SimPe compression is less efficient than Compressorizer compression - but only a little bit less. And it's quite convenient if you are doing quick edits of files in your Downloads folder. (NOTE: do not click Force commit).
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jacky93sims · 10 days
So... I cloned a toy xilophone today. Suddenly I clicked on the Pie Menu Functions and saw this:
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Did you already know this Easter Egg? I'm still laughing :D
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picknmixsims · 15 days
Renaming "sale price" to "Quarter Tile" in SimPe
Notes on how to change "sale price" in the OBJD resource to "Quarter Tile" in SimPe, for versions up to and including 0.75.68
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The OBJD entry 0x0022 is mis-named in versions of SImPe prior to 0.75.69 as it is used to determine if an object can be placed at quarter-tile offsets and not its "sale price".
Fortunately, it's fairly easy to both rename this entry and move which section it is in. (As it sits better within the "User Placement" section, not the "Catalog Price" section.)
1) Before starting SimPe find out its directory path, you can do this by right-clicking the shortcut and selecting Properties. The info you need is the "Start in:" directory.
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2) Start SimPe
3) From the File menu, select Open…
4) Navigate into the "Start in:" directory noted above, then into the "Plugins\pjse.coder.plugin" sub-directory and select the GlobalStrings.package file.
5) Sort the resources (they should all be STR#) by Instance and scroll down to 0x00CC "ObjectDefinition (GLUA) Correct to BV" and select it.
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6) In the Plugin View tab, scroll down to entry 0x0022(34) and change it from "sale price" to "Quarter Tile".
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(If you want you can change any other entries here, for example, 0x0061(97) from "Vacation Sort" to "Holiday Sort" depending on your language preference.)
7) Commit, save and exit SimPe.
8) With a plain text editor, for example, Notepad, open the file "{Start in:}\Data\objddefinition.xml"
9) In the "<category name="02. Catalog Price">" block, find the block of text <property type="short"> <name>sale price</name> <help>sale price</help> <default>0</default> <index>34</index> </property>
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and Cut and Paste it into the "<category name="05. User placement">" block.
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10) Change "sale price" to "Quarter Tile". (This step is not strictly necessary as the displayed text is taken from the GlobalStrings.package file, but it's good to keep things consistent.)
11) Save your changes and exit the text editor.
12) Restart SimPe, open a .package file with an OBJD resource and check that it has worked.
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plumbtales · 3 months
I found this in the text lists for Bluewater Village. There was supposed to be a car dealership called Autohaus Autobahn?? Kinda pissed it didn't make it to the released hood.
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I could also see that that the OFB bin lots where once placed down in BWV as well since they can be found in the hood's text lists.
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limeyyoshi · 12 days
Questioning how TTAB's really work...
I've started doubting something that everyone assumed was correct so far, and I will update my "More Intelligent Bathrooms" mod on MTS shortly to test if I am correct in my doubts, because I've had multiple people complain to me that my mod is not working as intended, despite me exactly following the instructions from this tutorial back in early '23 when I created the mod. Back then, I wasn't as experienced in modding yet, and did not really question tutorials on the Internet either.
To the matter at hand. There is a non-zero chance that the explanation provided by @dramallamadingdang regarding TTAB's... is wrong, because of an oopsie in SimPE.
iCad's exemplic study, the FreeTime exercise bike, according to SimPE, displays following advertisement values: Base 0003, Delta 000A, Type 0023. iCad checked the TTAB entry on the MTS Wiki against it, and did not find type 0023 in there, but for the tutorial did not follow this oddity further, instead asking people to just set the value to 0000 to apply to all Sims equally.
Now, while the exercise bike was not present in early EP's, we can look at other objects and look at its own TTAB advertisement values as they are displayed now, and as they were displayed in, say, Open for Business. Because, in fact, Pets introduced new TTAB formats that allow you to set separate advertisements for different motives for Sims and pets. And quite notably, many interactable objects in the game were subsequently updated. Sometimes, values were just switched around, while sometimes, they were completely overhauled.
It's the switcheroo cases that made me open my eyes and come up with this hypothesis.
What if all the columns are actually shifted by one in later TTAB formats, causing the labels and columns to mismatch?
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If we look at the exercise bike again, suddenly the advertisement values make perfect sense. Instead of type "23" weirdness, we have a very clear bias towards Active Sims (type 3) using the exercise bike, which is also observable in-game.
But also, for the medicine cabinets where I saw a type "32" I couldn't make sense of, suddenly this is just a huge Delta for Neat Sims (type B), and I finally have an explanation for why Sims almost never wash their faces (because only Neat Sims are enabled to do so at all, and even then brushing their teeth advertises to them so much more).
Again, as mentioned in the beginning, I will update my Bathroom Intelligence mod shortly to reflect these new findings - let's see if I'm right.
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dystopianam · 2 months
How to extract sims and family thumbnails from the game!
A tip for those who have difficulty taking photos of their Sims entire family or a portrait to create a character sheet.
You just need simPe (and a backup of your 'hood, just to be safe, but isn't nothing dangerous)
Family previews
For the family photo, go in Documents > The Sims 2 > Your 'hood folder > Thumbnails > Open the N00x_Family Thumbnails.package with simPe.
Once opened, a list of image will load, right-click on the image you want to extract and click "extract". You can also extract ALL the previews of all the families at once (selecting all files together and then right click and clicking "extract")
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Sims Thumbnails
For sim previews, however, open simPe > load your neighborhood > search for the sim from which you want to extract the thumbnail > open their character data. A list will appear, at the bottom of this there will be two .jpg files. One is all black, the other is the picture of your sim. Right-click on the file, and click "extract"
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PRO: You won't have to go crazy taking photos in game and posing all the sims, and if you forget to take a photo of a sim you don't have to reopen the game. Just simPe.
CONS: Unfortunately the images are in low quality and being jpg the background is black and not transparent. I saw someone manage to extract them in high quality though and I would like to try to understand how they did it.
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profesionalpartyguest · 11 months
just discovered someone is making a simpler online version of simpe!! how exciting
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anibats · 8 months
Downtown EP0 | Hood Set Up: Playable Townies, Recessive Genes, Family Ties, Broken Face Fix | Sims 2
Downtown has been on my mind lately, and rather than keeping my set up process to myself, I thought I could bring you along for the ride. This is basically the same set up that I did before starting to play Pleasantview, so it can be treated as a "behind the scenes" to that series. But if you want me to add in a let's play of Downtown, let me know, I'd be happy to!
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belladovah · 1 month
How do you change the height of a wall object?
For example for non-shadowy shiftability or in my case sometimes...the other way around🙈 Is there a tutorial somewhere or something anyone could point me to? Thanks!
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pforestsims · 3 months
SimPE Mini-tutorial
How to import TXMT settings with texture name and make it work *
*How to properly transplant material settings from one recolor package to another, including texture Filename / How to link two or more recolors to one texture resource.
Export is straightforward, you click Export button (it's next to Import button) in Properties Tab and save xml. You import it the same way, but in case of Buymode/Buildmode stuff there's an extra step required to correctly link the textures: File List Tab has to be updated.
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You can use this method to link shadow TXMTs in your 4t2 conversions to 4t2 Shadowfile texture by @lordcrumps (first you need to export the Shadowfile TXMT settings ofc).
*instead of importing all settings, you can copy-paste only texture filename (stdMatBaseTextureName property Value). There's also an option to merge the settings.
*CAS Stuff recolors (hairs, clothing..) don't require editing File List, you just import settings, commit & save (also, "Type" located in cMaterialDefinition tab affects the clothing texture, makes it use Sim body texture for transparent parts, or not).
(I already shared similar tut but that one is about changing the settings and keeping the texture)
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foxtronaute · 28 days
How to have shadows for your "Sims 4 to Sims 2" conversions: The guide
I made this guide some years ago but my english was terrible, so it was only available in my native language. I finally decided to translate it... or should I say, to convert it to english! I will not explain to you how to convert objects in this guide, you can find other tutorials online for this, here I'm gonna focus exclusively on shadows. Introduction Shadows in the Sims 4 are 3D objects (each object has its own unique one) with one singular texture for all of them. Which means we can easily convert them with the rest of the objects. Blender Once the object exported from TS4 Studio into Blender (or your other favourite 3D software), instead of only exporting the object's mesh like you usually do for conversions, you will also have to export the shadow's mesh separately. Like I said before, each object has its unique shadow mesh, which means that all of the objects you want to convert will now have at least two .obj file.
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One Texture for All You can find the texture of those shadows directly in Blender, but the Sims 4 shadows are black on white, where the Sims 2 needs inverted colors, which means white on black. I made this change for you so you don't have to. You can find the file here
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SIMPE From here you should start to guess how it goes. You have to import the two mesh into SIMPE, apply the full texture on the shadow's mesh (it will automatically get the correct one, you don't need to crop the texture or anything). It's been a long time so I forgot how SIMPE work exactly but you should have settings to tell the game this texture (or the mesh) is in fact, a shadow (who could've guessed) so the texture will work correctly with transparancy and will disappear when the object is placed outside. That's all folks! Hope it will help you with your conversions. Objects without any shadows can look very out of place, so it's nice to know there is a solution to this problem now! Don't hesitate to ask me any questions if I forgot something, I'll try to answer you the best I can.
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picknmixsims · 2 months
Sims2Tools - Major Updates Due
TL;DR; I'm going to have to recompile every one of my apps and I will no longer be supporting SimPe versions later than 75.69
Sims2Tools and Newer Versions of SimPe
Various sub-functions of my applications need to locate game files. To do this they need to know where the base, EP and SP files are located on disk. To find these, the applications use the information held within the simpe.xreg file (in the Data sub-folder) of your (hopefully) correctly configured SimPe install.
Unfortunately, versions of SimPe later than 75.69 do not have this file, or have moved it elsewhere.
In addition, versions of SimPe later than 75.69 have also relocated/renamed component .dll files and this means that I can no longer create my SimPe Primitive Wizards for these versions without a lot of effort on my part. (They are available for 77.69.7/9, but 77.69.11 has changed again and I have better things to do with my time.)
As I do not use any of the versions that are causing me problems, I have reluctantly decided to stop supporting them.
Fortunately, you can have multiple versions of SimPe installed, so you can pick-and-choose which version you use for the task at hand.
Currently, only the Repository Wizard and the SceneGraph Checker need to locate game files, although Outfit Organiser and Object Relocator will probably need to in the medium term. Edit: Object Relocator now needs to locate game files for the Hood View feature.
Users of versions of SimPe later than 75.69 will therefore need to do ONE of the following EITHER 1) Create a Data sub-folder under the newer SimPe install and copy the simpe.xreg file from the Data sub-folder of a previous version into it. Depending on how you upgrade SimPe, you may need to do this for every new release. OR 2) Configure my applications to read the simpe.xreg file from a previous version of SimPe, you need only do this once as the applications share this information. OR 3) Manually edit the UtilsLibrary.dll.config for every application (as they do not share this information) and enter the correct paths under the userSettings element.
On a positive note, it has highlighted a bug in the UtilsLibrary that was trying to access the DbpfLibrary's .config file, the upshot of which is that every one of my apps will need to be re-compiled and updated to support option 3 above.
Sims2Tools and Compressed Resources
A .package file contains one or more resources (BHAV, OBJD, TXMT, CRES, TTAB, etc).
Individual resources can be compressed. The act of compressing a resource causes two effects; 1) the resource is compressed, and 2) an entry is created in the CLST resource. The CLST lists all compressed resources in the .package file along with their decompressed size.
Compressing a .package file is the same as compressing each uncompressed resource it contains (except for the CLST) individually.
Contrary to popular belief, a (correctly) compressed .package file will never contain only compressed resources, as the CLST will always be uncompressed.
Decompressing a resource is the reverse process, that is, the resource is decompressed and the resource's entry in the CLST is removed.
Decompressing a .package file is the same as decompressing each compressed resource it contains individually.
Other than the non-trivial issue of decompressing a compressed resource, there are two problems faced by code trying to read resources from a .package file.
1) The resource is compressed but has no entry in the CLST - this results in using compressed data as if it was uncompressed data.
2) The resource has an entry in the CLST but is not actually compressed - this results in trying to decompress data that is not compressed.
Unfortunately it is very easy to create problem; 1) open the .package file with SimPe, 2)delete the CLST resource and. 3) save the .package file!
There also seems to be at least one 3rd party utility that writes decompressed resources back into a .package file without removing the associated CLST entry.
My DbpfLibrary has been able to handle the second problem for some time.
Weirdly, the incidence of the first problem has increased dramatically in the past six months - there's probably a video/tutorial out there that suggests it, possibly because the CLST resource is never compressed.
And as my apps then get blamed for "not working" due to other's errors, I've had to find a solution.
The upshot of all of this is every one of my apps will need to be re-compiled and updated to handle both of the incorrect CLST problems.
Huge thanks to bowedy, sgthebee and brattyful for helping me track the SimPe issue down.
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equinoxts2 · 5 months
After three days of CAS work, I've finally recreated my Kulo Sena Sims. Went into SimPE to set their ages and skill levels, and found almost as many "Family Unknown" resources as I have actual families! (22 unknown resources to 25 households... what's up with that?)
This has never happened in my game before. Does anyone have any idea what's going on? I don't want to start playing now if my hood's corrupted from the outset...
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12raben · 5 months
Is there a darkmode for SimPe?
Yeah, I know, it's really not that important, but there are diffrent styles to choose from. Maybe somebody made a dark mode for it?
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