#shimura sadao
sambart93 · 5 years
2018.07.15 Bancho Boys Natsu/Summer Event Live 2018 [Report]
I was both worried and excited for this! Excited because it’s Bancho and we can pretty much admit at this point that I’m gunna be dedicated to them for life, or at least until something big/bad happens like they disband. I was worried because it’s a summer festival theme BUT I don’t have a yukata! So I had to rummage my wardrobe for something at least nice and it’s not exactly my first choice of what I wanted to wear but it was good enough... hopefully it was good enough for them too haha
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Event Page here Official Website here Official Twitter here
Itokawa Yojiro Oosumi Yuta Oribe Yoshinari Kikuchi Shuji Kihara Rui Shimura Sadao Sunahara Kensuke Tanaka Riku Chiwata Yuhei Domoto Shohei Futaba Yuu Momiki Yoshito Yashiro Takuya Yasui Kazuma
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☆ The story this time was about three bands battling it out to win the music competition prize of 1 billion yen. They all had different motives for joining the competition and of course Yojiro was our protagonist xD The main part of the story was him and his ex-bandmates getting back together one last time and trying out this competition. Yojiro's motivation for joining the competition is that it's enough money for him to afford to send his sick mother to America to get the surgery she needs. But in true Bancho story-telling style, his mother dies just before he does the live performance in the competition, but (in true Japanese storytelling style) he knows that she would rather he be performing and being happy rather than being by her side in her final moments so he stays positive and sings and performs with her in mind.
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☆There were three teams (I do not remember the team names unfortunately): 1. Domoto, Yuhei, Riku and Kazuma 2. Oribe, Shuji, Takuya and Rui (Rui, Oribe and Takuya were brothers in the ‘stage’) 3. Momiki, Yuta, Kensuke and Yojiro = Bancho Boys The MCs for the event were Dao and Yuu-kun.
☆ During the opening scenes and introductions of the characters and relationships. We clearly had the gangster group which was Domoto and co. Then we had the group and family of brothers which was Oribe and co. Then we had Yojiro and co. who used to be in a band together.
☆In the opening scene, some of the boys brought on a helium can, and Yuhei tried to use it but it didn’t work on him xD I assumed he didn't really inhale it because his voice WOULD change regardless of how high it already is but... CONSPIRACY THEORIES!! xD
☆As expected they were all in Jinbei *dies* I knew they were going to do that! They all looked so good! The three teams had matching Jinbeis so you could see what teams they were in and Dao has this modern-styled jinbei (because he's always gotta be extra xD) and Yuu-kun had a colourful jinbei on -- he looked goooooood xD
☆The games they did:
1. Eating watermelon the fastest game
2. Telling scary stories
3. Balloon-Russian-Roulette Timer game
4. Live performance from each band
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☆EATING WATERMELON: The competitors in this one were Yuta, Shuji and Yuhei.
Yuhei was doing it for his team, and somehow it ended up flying to the ground and breaking in half almost immediately after the whistle went. The rest of the boys who weren't doing the challenge, immediately went into cleaning mode and tried their best to clean up the floor and such around the three who were competing. 
Then Kazuma tried to hide half behind his back like no one would notice so they could win but obviously YuuKun and Dao saw, as well as the rest of the audience xD
Yuta got mad because they announced Shuji as the winner even though he said he had accidentally eaten some of Shuji’s himself (watch what you’re eating then!!!).
Yuta was absolutely hilarious during this challenge.
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☆SCARY STORIES: For the scary stories we had Kazuma, Oribe and Yohiro.
My side died during the scary story of Kazuma's part! But first he tried to start his story and he mispoke and mixed up his words so everyone died laughing and he begged to restart it. When he restarted it, everyone was getting into it but because a staff member opened the right side door during it and we all freaked out! The boys had no idea what was going on and why we were suddenly shitting ourselves. The girls behind me and my friend really did freak out badly xD it was very funny.
Oribe's story was pretty scary; he spoke about how a boy was in hospital and everynight the bed next to him would knock on the wall in communication with him and after a while the boy asked the doctor who was in the bed/room next door and the doctor said there wasn't a room, it was just a solid wall, nothing else. A lot of people freaked out during this one. I actually freaked out a lot during this one but it was because suddenly one of the audience members had come back in from the lobby and was walking pretty damn fast down the aisle that I was surprised when she showed up in the corner of my eye!
Yojiro's story was a true story of how back in Shimane everyone is used to leaving doors and windows and such open adn unlocked that when he first came to Tokyo, he continued to do that. But one day he came home and saw that someone had opened his curtains and had folded his clothing that had originally been on the floor, so he immediately thought of his orecious belongings and ran up to his loft where his bank book and such was, but it had been left as is so he was relieved but when he turned to go down the stairs, he saw someone's shadow in the corner of the room running out. And he said, since then he's locked his windows and doors and properly closed and opened his curtains and stuff.
After Yojiro told his scary story he went ‘RAWR!’ at Dao who absolutely shit himself. He tried to get away but his shoes made him trip and stumble and he went pretty much over half of the stage before he fell down. No one tried to help him as he was falling. We all died laughing at his reaction.
I could totally relate to Yojiro's story cos when I lived in Yamaguchi, we all did the same: windows and doors left open and unlocked all hours of the day, even if we weren't home. But I definitely don't dare do that here! I have more sense than... well Yojiro, clearly xD
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☆BALLOON: I think this one was the most fun, purely because they boys themselves were having such a lot of fun playng it! They were originally only going to do one match but YuuKun said 'let's go again' and then they didn't want to stop so they did it another 2 times! But you could tell, they easily all wanted to keep going. And I think the audience wouldn't have minded if they HAD continued. Either that or next time get the audience involved too! Choose a row and go down one by one. Now that would be heaps of fun! Or get a few girls to come up on stage and go in between the boys - I'm sure they'd tried to protect her/them xD BUT having said that, the boys were such scaredy cats!
The rounds that they did were: SOUR FOOD, FRUIT NAMES, Things Futaba Kaname would Say. Some of the answers I remember were:
1. Sour Things: Two of them had said Suppaiman during this game and after the round, YuuKun was like 'what's Suppaiman?!' and everyone was like 'you don't know?! How do you not know what it is?!'. I didn't catch what it was, but after googling, it seems to be dried sour pickled plums or something similar.
2. Fruit: in this round Dai wanted to join in so he did and because he was on an end, he had to give two answers at once so he gave 'Philippine banana' and 'Philippine mango' which were acceptable answers in YuuKun's eyes xD
3. Things that Kaname would say: Yuu was the judge on whether it was something he would say or not. So they gave answers like:
'Yuu! You didn’t do the laundry!' ‘Seiya nee' 'Sou ya nee' 'Natsu ha Aru, aru ha natsu' And YuuKun was like 'yes... YES!!... HE SAYS THAT!!' xD
But during this final around, on Yuhei’s turn they realised the timer had stopped and YuuKun just stood there like -____- << his reaction was absolutely hilarious and everyone died of laughter. He was SO unamused that the timer had stopped so their answers were all fruitless. In the end, YuuKun made Yojiro sit on the balloon to burst it even though he didn't lose.
The first two rounds, the balloon always popped on poor Takuya xD but each time the one who gave the biggest reaction was Dao, who would fall back onto the floor every time It really amused YuuKun who was dying of laughter next to him xD
After this game, as they were leaving, they all wanted to get some extra points for their team, so they all said something to YuuKun. Here, Domoto just hugged YuuKun and he was like ‘Yup! 50 points!’ xD I love their friendship so much!
One of the groups (Oribe and co.) sang the ExAid theme song and I got way too excited and hyped when I realised what song it was! It was a really good remix of the song too! I liked their performance of it!
Kazuma forgot the lyrics to the song he was singing, but I don’t remember what it was unfortunately.
The BanchoBoy group came out in swimming rings and singing LocoMoco --- it's not the Madonna song but it is very similar and had English and Japanese mixed in the song, it was a really good song! Let me find it! *googles* I cannot find it!!! ARGH!! One day, I will find it! But they had so much fun during this performance. BUT to continue the story along, just before the Bancho Band performanced, Yojiro got a call from the hospital saying his mother passed away while he was at the event. So there are little moments throughout the song performance where he’s realising and coming to terms with the news. BUT then he realises ‘my mother would’ve wanted me to be here and to perform so I’m going to do my best!’ which was really sweet.
☆The plot twist during the story, is that the MCs realise they have over spent on the event, and now there isn't enough for the grand prize!! So they decide to take the prize money and run, so the three groups have to try and find them, and stop them from leaving with the money.
☆While they're searching for the MCs, Yuta pretended to be Yojiro at one point, and Sunahara kept yelling Slam Dunk lines at him.
☆At the end, when they had tracked down the MCs, Dao turned into a crazy powerful villain who could catch bullets. It was amazing. There was a final battle where the Oribe brothers fought and won thanks to their faster than light super human powers.
☆ Right at the very end of the event, they announced their next three events: two in October to Osaka then Nagoya (I went to both), and then a Countdown/Christmas one of December 29th (I was supposed to go but lost my ticket some how?!)! We were all so happy and excited that they were finally going outside of Tokyo and doing events! Also we were very thankful they gave us so much more of a heads-up this time around unlike the last time they did this event and girigiri announced something.
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☆ I had SUCH a good time at this event! I laughed so much that I cried. It was so funny!! The part that still sticks out to me the most was the accidental ‘staff opening door and everyone shitting themselves because it was in the middle of horror stories’ part xD
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☆ Random side note: I was gunna complain this day of ‘why do they all have their legs shaved?!?!’, but then I could see clearly that Domoto’s weren’t and I got so happy xD .... I’m so weird... I know... just... shhh!
☆ Also I’m gunna take the liberty and claim YuuKun and DomotoKun looked over at me a few times ^_^
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And that’s another done!! I hope I can get a few more done over the weekend too!
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xoxfanblog · 6 years
So I found nothing about XOX in this site, I will write something about XOX myself.
So I'm glad to introduce to you Japanese boys group XOX (キスハグキス)
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Now time to introduce members:
Leader of XOX.  A genderless fashionista who weights a mere 38kgs and waist measures 54cm.
Toman (とまん)
Birth Date: 14th September 1993 Place of Birth: Miyagi Prefecture, Japan Blood Type: A (2) Height: 163 cm Interests: Beauty, Video games  Shticks: English, Cooking 
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Batoshing (バトシン)
Life and soul of the group in spite of his natural сool looks. The big brother of the team. Birth Date : 5th August 1995 Place of Birth: Mie Prefecture Japan Blood Type:O (1) Height: 176 cm Interests: Guitar, Movie’s  Shticks: Sleight of hand, Weight training
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Shimura Sadao (志村禎雄)
Also known as known as "Dao-kun", he attracts the attention of girls with his cute smile and healing type of personality. Birth Date : 21st July 1995 Place of Birth: Philippines Blood Type:O (1) Height: 172 cm Interests: Dance, Cooking Philipino food Shticks: Housework, Ping-Pong, Tagalog 
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Tanaka Riku (田中理来)
Grown up in the country side, and just movedto Tokyo. First year Uni student. Birth Date : 23rd May 1997  Place of Birth: Miyagi Prefecture Japan Blood Type:O (1) Height: 171 cm Interests: Music, vintage clothing Shticks: Backflip, Guitar
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Kizu Tsubasa (木津 つばさ)
The youngest member of the group, Kizu is known for bringing out motherly instinct in women. Birth Date : 7th January 1998 Place of Birth: Hiroshima Prefecture Japan Blood Type:B (3) Height: 165 cm Interests: Clean out the toilet, Camera, Watching movies Shticks: Soccer, Mimic of Stitch, Tennis
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Video for the debut single "XXX"
2nd single “Ex Summer” 3rd single “Skylight” 4th single “High School Boo!” 5th single “Pinky Baby” Bonus: Pre-debut video 
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youngmar4 · 7 years
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170925 JEONGMIN & MINWOO in XOX's Shimura Sadao Twitter Update ~
I had my photos with Jeongmin-kun and Minwoo-kun! BOYFRIEND-san's song 「Star」 is really good so you should listen to it! I can't believe Minwoo-kun has the same age as me。。 Let’s meet again🐶 https://t.co/WLXQvjuQZY
Cr: Shimura_Sadao | Trans by me youngmar4 *-*💞
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boyfriendeveryday · 7 years
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[170925] Shimura Sadao posta fotos com JeongMin e MinWoo em seu Twitter
@Shimura_Sadao Tirei uma foto com o JeongMin e o Minwoo! 「Star」 do BOYFRIEND é muito boa, vocês deveriam ouvir! Eu não acredito que tenho a idade do MinWoo。。Espero que a gente se encontre novamente🐶
_ via: beatrooot
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fy-kawijamele · 7 years
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WEGO × KAWI JAMELE collaboration (Spring 2016)
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mintless-tefie · 3 years
Top 8 admission Test
Class 1-A Heroism.
1° Kaminari Raijin - Quirk: Electical Frecuency
3° Tokuroyama Shizuki - Quirk: Roots
4° Kirishima Akane - Quirk: Grand Agility (Is Fake)
5° Tensai Kenshi - Quirk: Natural Disaster
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Class 1-B Heroism
2° Hado Kotori - Quirk: Surge
6° Okumizu Takishiro - Quirk: Waterfall
7° Terukami Kaori - Quirk: Obedient hair
8° Tetsutetsu Ginko - Quirk: Iron Fist
Nominated by Recommendation
Class 1-A
2° Todoroki Sadao - Quirk: Igneous Manipulation
4° Midoriya Hatsumi - Quirk: Magnetism
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Class 1-B
1° Takeyama Hideki - Quirk: Giantism
3° Torami Chihiro - Quirk: Feline Mimicry
Other Classes
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Class 3-F / Support || Iida Tesura - Quirk: Engine
Class 3-J / Management || Monoma Asaki - Quirk: Voice Copy
Class 3-C / General || Sero Yoshio - Quirk: Tape
Class 2-C / General
|| Togata Youseiki - Quirk: Manifest
|| Moreru Komori - Quirk: Pollination
Class 2-A / Heroism || Shimura Hikusa - Quirk: Corrosive Flame
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xox-official-blog · 5 years
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#XOX 8th single 「滑走路に咲く」
Concept Photo
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leenaevilin · 5 years
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[Update] 劇団番町ボーイズ☆×10神ACTORコラボ公演 舞台「クローズZERO」(gekidan banchou boys☆ 10kami actor collabo kouen butai crows zero)
the show will be running from May 23rd, 2019 to May 26th, 2019 (Fukuoka) @ パピヨン24 ガスホール (Papillon 24 Gas Hall) June 1st, 2019 and June 2nd, 2019 (Osaka) @ ABCホール (ABC Hall) June 14th, 2019 to June 16th, 2019 (Tokyo) @ 草月ホール (Sogetsu Hal)
Matsumoto Taishi as Takiya Genji  (滝谷源治) Doumoto Shouhei as Serizawa Tamao (��沢多摩雄) Sakata Ryuuichirou as Izaki Shun (伊崎瞬) Mitsutake Shinnousuke as Makise Takashi (牧瀬隆史) Magoshi Takumi as Tatsukawa Tokio (辰川時生) Sunahara Kensuke as Tokaji Yuuji (戸梶勇次) Kooshiroo as Tamura Chuuta (田村忠太) Futaba Yuu as Mikami Manabu (三上学) Futaba Kaname as Mikami Takeshi (三上豪) Kikuchi Shuuji as Tsutsumoto Shouji (筒本将治) Hamana Issei as Bandou Hideto (阪東秀人) Yamada Kento as Senda Naoki (千田ナオキ) Nakashima Yuuki as Yamazaki Tatsuya (山崎タツヤ) Shimura Sadao as Kirishima Hiromi (桐島ヒロミ) [Fukuoka] Tanaka Riku as Kirishima Hiromi (桐島ヒロミ) [Osaka] Yasui Kazuma as Kirishima Hiromi (桐島ヒロミ) [Tokyo] Kihara Rui as Honjou Toshiaki (本城俊明) Oribe Yoshinari as Sugihara Makoto (杉原誠) Matsushima Yuunosuke as Hayashida Megumi (林田恵) Nishihara Kenta as Tamura Yasu (田村保) Yashiro Takuya as Manaka Tooru (真中トオル) Izaki Hisato as Yazaki Jouji (矢崎丈治) Itou Daiki as Katagiri Ken (片桐拳)
natalie sumabo
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At the tail end of World War II, the heart of the Frankenstein Monster is smuggled out of Germany by the Nazis. Taken to Japan in order to be studied, its experimentation is cut short by the bombing of Hiroshima. Several years later, scientists Dr. Bowen (Nick Adams), Sueko (Kumi Mizuno), and Kawaji (Tadao Takashima) work night and day in their clinic, tending to patients dying from radiation sickness. Sueko and Bowen encounter a young boy (Kenichiro Kawaji) desperate for food, even killing animals for it, and soon bring him to their clinic for further study. At the same time, a large, ravenous reptile known as Baragon surfaces from deep within the earth, devouring humans every chance it gets. A discussion with a German scientist convinces Kawaji that the boy is in fact the reincarnation of the Frankenstein Monster, only for an episode with some overzealous reporters resulting in the boy - now an immense size - escaping the clinic. Unfortunately, as Baragon eats more and more people, his carnage is blamed on Frankenstein. As Bowen, Sueko, and Kawaji try to convince the military that Frankenstein is innocent, the two monsters unknowingly head for a final showdown.
The second of Toho's collaborations with American producer Henry G. Saperstein, Frankenstein Conquers the World answers the question "What if the Frankenstein Monster got mutated into an even bigger monster?" The film opens with a great sequence set during World War II. This opening bit has some really nice atmosphere that sadly isn't carried over throughout the rest of the film. What's interesting is that this opening and some of the later dialogue ("Frankenstein was actually murdered many times...") suggest that this could loosely (very loosely) follow the Universal films. Eiji Tsuburaya's special effects are top notch, as always, and Akira Ifukube provides yet another memorable score (some of which was later reused for Godzilla vs. Gigan). Of course, one interesting bit of trivia concerning this film is that it was initially planned to be a far different movie. Instead of simply being a Frankenstein film with another monster for him to defeat and save the day from, the movie was originally going to continue the tradition started by King Kong vs. Godzilla and pit the immortal Monster against the King of the Monsters himself! At this point, however, Godzilla had already begun his transition from villain to hero with Ghidrah the Three-Headed Monster and Monster Zero, and thus his role as the antagonist that Frankenstein must overcome no longer made any sense, thus necessitating the creation of Baragon. Portrayed by Toho suitmation veteran Haruo Nakajima, Baragon is a fun monster to watch, his large, frill-like ears flopping about as he leaves a trail of carnage in his wake. Unlike Godzilla, Rodan, Varan, and other previous giant monsters, Baragon isn't given a backstory or origin to tell us where he came from, he's just a huge prehistoric reptile that shows up one day, using his fiery heat ray to help blast away rock and earth as he tunnels around Japan. Baragon would prove to be an extremely popular creation of Toho's, returning in Destroy All Monsters and, decades later, Godzilla Mothra King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack.
But of course, the star of the show is Frankenstein. Portrayed mainly by Koji Furuhata, this incarnation of the Monster is a different sort of kaiju for Toho, an oversized man rather than a giant reptile or insect. As a portrayal of Mary Shelley's famous creation, Toho's Frankenstein Monster is - while ultimately effective - a mixed bag. While Eiji Tsuburaya faithfully recreates Jack Pierce's iconic raised forehead, Furuhata is a noticeably thin man, resulting in a rather scrawny Frankenstein. Honestly, there are times where one may forget this is intended to be the Frankenstein Monster and not just some giant caveman type being. That being said, Furuhata plays Frankenstein well, eliciting just the right amount of sympathy while still keeping the Monster very much a threat. Unfortunately, Frankenstein turns out to be too much of a threat by the time he fights Baragon. Instead of the heroic Frankenstein struggling to overcome and defeat the vicious, man eating monstrosity, he quickly begins to overpower and out think Baragon from the very beginning until he finally kills him. While yes, Frankenstein has always been known as a very strong character, there's nothing tense or rewarding about watching the hero effortlessly beat the tar out of the villain for fifteen minutes, making for an admittedly entertaining, though not entirely satisfying final battle. Oddly, Frankenstein has a notable lack of an exact origin in this film. While he clearly comes from the heart of the Monster at the start of the movie, it's never really said if the creature we follow throughout the film is an entirely new body generated by the heart, or if he is a starving street urchin having been mutated by eating it, or what. It ultimately doesn't affect the film, but it's strange when the character is usually so specific in its science and origins ("We dug up body parts, then sewed them together, then gave it a brain, then used lightning to bring it to life, then gave it a new brain, etc." vs. "It was the heart somehow maybe").
For the cast, the winning duo of Nick Adams and Kumi Mizuno return as the leads. And while Glenn and Miss Namikawa are clearly the more iconic couple played by the two (and rightfully so), their chemistry really shines here as the two are allowed to play more of a traditional couple as opposed to literally star crossed lovers who don't even share too many scenes together. The two have some really nice moments together, especially the dinners they have in each other's native culture. It's a nice little touch that one might not even notice at first. It's also nice that, unlike most other scientists in Frankenstein movies, Dr. Bowen never goes crazy and tries to use Frankenstein for his own ends. That honor, kind of, goes to Tadao Takashima as Dr. Kawaji. Kawaji is vastly uneven compared to Bowen and Sueko, at first insisting that Frankenstein is just as human as the next person, deserving better than being held in a zoo and being treated like a science experiment. But then, when discussing the Monster's origins with Dr. Liesendorf (a delightfully over the top Peter Mann, whose dub voice sounds like Kenneth Mars in Young Frankenstein), he quickly decides that the boy should be immediately hacked apart and studied. Kawaji later eases up on this train of thought, only to then decide that he should be the one to kill Frankenstein by throwing bombs into his eyes! Going from one to the other would be one thing, but the continuous back and forth is a little ridiculous. Also odd is the fact that Kawaji survives the film, when any other Frankenstein movie would have killed him off.
The film is also known for its original, unused ending, in which Frankenstein encounters Toho's infamous Giant Octopus after slaying Baragon. The Octopus attacks Frankenstein, who does well at first, only to become ensnared by the animal's tentacles, then dragged into a nearby lake, where he drowns and is presumably eaten. It's a fun enough scene, but comes completely out of left field, as the Octopus had clearly not been foreshadowed in any way prior to it simply popping up in the middle of the mountains.
Frankenstein would be the last American creation to receive his own Toho film, but he nevertheless left a strong mark on Toho's legacy which continues to be felt to this day, even more so than King Kong. As previously mentioned, Baragon would go on to become one of the more popular characters within the Godzilla franchise, while the semi-sequel to this film, War of the Gargantuas, remains one of Toho's most popular kaiju films to date, especially among their non-Godzilla films.
Rating: ★★★ ½
Cast: Nick Adams ... Dr. James Bowen Kumi Mizuno ... Dr. Sueko Togami Tadao Takashima ... Dr. Yuzo Kawaji Yoshio Tsuchiya ... Kawai Peter Mann ... Dr. Liesendorf Jun Tazaki ... Military Advisor Takashi Shimura ... Axis Scientist Koji Furuhata ... Frankenstein Kenichiro Kawaji ... Frankenstein (Juvenile) Haruo Nakajima ... Baragon (uncredited)
A.K.A.: Frankenstein vs. Baragon. Director: Ishiro Honda. Producer: Tomoyuki Tanaka, Reuben Bercovitch (executive producer), Henry G. Saperstein (executive producer), Samuel Arkoff (executive producer), and James H. Nicholson (executive producer). Writer: Takeshi Kimura, Reuben Bercovitch, Jerry Sohl, and Mary Shelley (original "Frankenstein" novel). Music: Akira Ifukube. Special Effects: Eiji Tsuburaya (director), Teruyoshi Nakano (assistant director), Fumio Nakadai (scene manipulation), Akira Watanabe (art director), Sadamasa Arikawa (director of photography), Sadao Iizuda (optical photography), Kuichiro Kishida (lighting), Yukio Manoda (optical photographer), and Sokei Tomioka (director of photography).
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ice-dragon-waifu · 3 years
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ljaesch · 7 years
Cast Announcement for the Onyankopon Anime
Cast Announcement for the Onyankopon Anime
A cast announcement has been made for the forthcoming Onyankopon anime: Maaya Uchida is Onyankopon Shunya Ōhira is Axolotl Mako is Hamster Minami is Ryūjirō Ririri is Tamago Sadao Shimura is Otter Haruka Yoshimura is Rabbit Risa Watanabe is Rikuo Mika Kato is Nagiko Rika is Slothful Person 1 Riko is Slothful Person 2 Ari Ozawa is Rina Maria Naganawa is Ichika Saori Murakita is Moko Moa Tsukino is…
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xoxfanblog · 6 years
5th single “Pinky Baby” by XOX (if you can’t wathing video, try use VPN)
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homedesignbest · 6 years
Japanese Architecture Modern
New Post has been published on https://homedesignbest.us/japanese-architecture-modern/
Japanese Architecture Modern
Japanese Architecture Modern –  Top Design Inspiration Decoration Japanese Architecture Modern.
Modeled on the format of Modern House, Modern House , and Modern House , Modern Japanese House is an overview of recent domestic design trends in Japan and features an array of projects from a variety of architects, both known and new to the international architecture scene..Japanese architecture has a very long history. It is considered to have begun in the fifth century BC. Some evidences of prehistoric architecture from this time has survived in the form of terra cotta houses and pit houses built by the Japanese .Japanese architecture has a different history than the architecture of the west in how it has been divided up, the materials that were available and of course the influences which changed how architecture looked over the centuries.Japanese architecture has an extensive history, like much of the art and culture of the Japanese, and it is also well .Japanese Detail Architecture [Sadao Hibi] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Renowned for its tranquility and serenity, its simple, elegant lines, and harmonious use of natural forms.
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Japanese Detail Architecture Sadao Hibi
Japanese Detail Architecture [Sadao Hibi] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Renowned for its tranquility and serenity, its simple, elegant lines, and harmonious use of natural forms.
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nervespike · 6 years
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Tokyo Fashion‏ | musicians shimura sadao and sweatm in Harajuku wearing Kawi Jamele, Limi Feu, Gucci & Vivienne Westwood
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fy-kawijamele · 7 years
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WEGO × KAWI JAMELE collaboration (Spring 2016)
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recentanimenews · 7 years
African Animal Gods Take Center Stage in "Onyankopon" TV Anime
  The official website for Onyankopon, an upcoming original 3DCG "dance anime" about a West African deity that takes the shape of a cat, has been updated with oodles of new information, including cast and staff additions, a new key visual (above), and an official trailer (below).
  The staff additions for Onyankopon include:
  Music: Takafumi Hosoi
MMD director: Ponpoko-P
3D modeling: Vane@MajimeModeler
Character modeling: Ginjishi
Background art: shizuka
    The cast additions include:
  Mako as Chuumaru the Hamster.
Minami as Ryuujirou the Hamster.
Ririri as Tamako the Hamster.
Sadao Shimura as Otter.
Haruka Yoshimura as Rabbit.
Risa Watanabe as Rikuo the Turtle.
Mika Kato as Nagiko the Turtle.
Rika as Sloth #1.
Riko as Sloth #2.
Ari Ozawa as High School Girl Rina.
Maria Naganawa as High School Girl Itsuka.
Saori Murakita as High School Girl Moko.
And Mao Tsukino as High School Girl Seri.
    Onyankopon is directed by Sōta Sugahara and features the voices of Maaya Uchida as Onyankopon and Shun'ya Ōhira as Oopa-Loopa. The series will broadcast on the MixChannel platform on Fridays during the 15:00 time slot beginning on October 06, 2017, and on Tokyo MX on Mondays during the 25:35 time slot beginning on October 09, 2017.
Official Onyankopon TV anime home page
  Paul Chapman is the host of The Greatest Movie EVER! Podcast and GME! Anime Fun Time.
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