#shes so cute. severa i love you girl. i love you so much
sieglinde-freud · 5 months
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three-moving · 2 years
severa for the fe ask game!!
My general thoughts & opinions on them
one of my awakening best girls! i know a lot of people don't like the tsundere vibe but. i do. a lot. like a stupid amount. i love that beneath her 17 layers of snarkiness she's quite sweet and thoughtful, and that her affection from others isn't separated from the sass. she doesn't have a separate personality she's hiding, she is a little bitch sometimes, but she can be an affectionate little bitch <3
oh and the being compared to her mother so much that she chose not to be a pegasus knight just so that people would stop drawing attention to how she's just like/lacks compared to her mother. but she still cares so much about her mom's approval and loves her even though she hates her sometimes. i felt that.
Favorite moment of theirs
every moment i love her i love her i love her-
but honestly there isn't a specific moment of hers i love more than others. maybe her conversation with cordelia at the end of her paralogue? love that reconciliation for them even though cordelia didn't know she existed until that moment
Favorite support chain
i'm tempted to cheat and pick one from fates but no i will not. there are some i like from a shipping standpoint but i'll save that for the next question, so it's probably her support with cordelia. i just. mother daughter reconciliation, man. it's gonna make me cry.
My dream FEH alt for them
hmmm maybe her WITHOUT an alt please and thanks? going through the recent forging bonds with most of the other kids all serious and professional and then easter severa was funny, but reminded me that she's not even properly in feh yet. can we just get normal severa not selena please.
that aside she'd love the valentines or summer alts i think.
Headcanons and/or ships I have
ships ships okay ships!! i love both lucisev and sevnoire for the obvious reasons they're just so cute and i can't choose between them. you've got lucisev with the similar parent issues, where they feel that they can't live up to their legacies, and y'know the whole thing in the future past where sev tries to sacrifice herself for lucina im not crying you're crying. then you've got sevnoire with the supports oh my god the supports i love them so much.
"maybe I'm subconsciously leaning on you for a familiar sense of security!"
noire that's pretty gay bestie.
"People don't really rely on me for stuff. I'm more the...prickly type. So it's kind of... You know. ...Nice."
they're just cute okay
Favorite art of them
do not make me choose that's illegal and way too hard 😫
thanks for the ask!!
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A Journey Of Lost Souls | Tom Holland AU | Part 5
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AN:  Not gonna lie, this chapter was so hard to write for some reason. It might have turned out a tad boring. BUT, next chapter is going to be super wild and crazy and I’m so excited to write it. Honestly, I thrive off of feedback, so please,  let me know what you think!
Series Summary:
The princess of The Kingdom of Nitro has been kidnapped by her family’s enemies. After escaping their brutal treatment, the princess must find her way home. Having never been outside of the capital city’s walls, the princess must enlist the help of a common boy to help her on her journey, all while keeping her identity a secret. Through secrets, frightening trauma, and a crush on the cute boy helping her on her way, the princess must learn to trust her instincts. However, the real question is: Can she trust the boy?
Ch. Warnings: mentions of past trauma
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Part 5
When the princess woke up, she couldn’t help but smile at the situation in front of her, despite being a little embarrassed by what happened the night before.
Tom had his arms wrapped around her with his head resting on the bed while his legs were sat on the floor. Soft snores were coming out of his mouth. She didn’t move in fear of waking him, and she sort of enjoyed the warmth of his arms around her.
She was a little embarrassed, no doubt. She knew it was probably an awkward situation for Tom, but he still had been so nice to her. She was starting to get used to people being nice.
Her head started spinning into a whirlwind of thoughts. She thought about her mother and father back home, and if they truly missed her. She thought about the people who took her, who were probably searching for her. She thought about the kingdom and how she really didn’t know much about it.
Absentmindedly she ran her fingers through Tom’s hair, and when he started to stir she noticed what she had been doing. Quickly, she pulled her hands away and blushed as Tom fully woke up.
“Hey,” he said softly as if he was just now remembering why he was in the position he was in. “Are you alright?”
She smiled at his immediate kindness, “Yeah, I’m alright. I’m sorry I woke you last night.”
He shook his head while standing up, “It’s fine. Don’t worry about it,”
The princess couldn’t help but wonder what Tom really thought. Was it really fine? Or was she burdening him? For goodness sakes, he was taking her all the way to the other side of the kingdom. Surely, she thought, she was some sort of nuisance.
The princess and Tom ate breakfast at the inn, said goodbye to Jacob, and then went on their way. For the most part, they were quiet, just taking in the day.
It wasn’t until the sun was past its midway point that steady conversation began to flow in.
It was light and easy and calmed the princess. For once in her life, she felt at peace while at conversation. She didn’t feel like she had to be perfect and precise in everything she said. It was just her and Tom, and he was just so fun to talk to.
Tom really liked talking to the girl.
At times, he noticed her getting nervous or edgy or even a little embarrassed. He thought it might be because she thinks that she’s burdening him. But, she’s not.
This is what Tom does; he helps people.
And there was no doubt that Samena was breathtaking in every manner. From the way her eyes lit up in the sun and the moonlight grazed her cheeks. He couldn’t get enough of her, but he knew he had to keep his distance. He knew she had been through a lot and didn’t want to overwhelm her.
The scenery slowly managed to change back into a foresty-woodsy area from the grassy plains they had been experiencing. And as the landscape changed, their conversations were becoming more and more friendly.
Tom had just let out a joke which actually made the girl laugh. He had yet to hear this sound from her and it was music to his ears. Her eyes were squinted upwards as her teeth shone out in the most brilliant happiness.
“Please, never stop smiling,” Tom said, a blush forming once he realized what he said.
The girl continued smiling. “Why?”
“You just, you look so happy. I love it.”
He smiled back at her beaming face and he felt something warm rise within his chest.
However, he was quickly distracted when a water droplet landed on his shoulder, and then more began to fall. The rain picked up slowly until a heavy downpour was soaking the two of them.
Tom motioned to the girl to follow him as they ran towards a heavily covered area, thick with trees and leaves. Still, they were getting soaked.
Nonetheless, the two began laughing almost immediately. Maybe it was the exhaustion, or perhaps it was the appearance of them both drenched that did it. But, neither of them could stop laughing.
Tom casually slipped the jacket he had in his bag and slipped it over her shoulders.
“What about you?” She asked immediately.
“I’ll be fine! It’s okay!” He responded then continued, “The nearest town is probably far from here. Wanna wait it out?”
The girl nodded and the two sat under a tree, right next to each other for warmth, as the relentless rain kept coming down steadily.
The princess didn’t know why, but she just loved the rain. Not all rain, but this rain in particular. Something about it made it special. (She was starting to think it was due to a certain boy escorting her home)
It was as if the rain washed all the worries she had away. No more thinking about those pursuing her, the secrets she was keeping from Tom. Even though she was drenched, she couldn’t help but feel like everything would be alright.
It wasn’t too long before the conversation picked up again. This time, however, something was different. Despite her cleared mind, she was beginning to feel bad for not telling Tom the truth. He did deserve to know and he would eventually find out, after all.
She could sense the conversation growing deeper as the conversation went on. Tom was telling her about a family that he had saved when he turned to her.
“Can you tell me more about what happened to you?”
The princess drew in a sharp breath.
“I...what do you want to know?” She asked shakily.
He shook his head as if he was disappointed with himself, “I’m sorry. You don’t have to talk about it-”
“No, I want to,” She cut him off. “You already know the basics about what happened. But, I imagine your asking because of my nightmares?”
She paused and looked at Tom. He nodded, confirming she was right.
She sighed and thought about what to say. The rain was softly pouring in the background.
“They like mind games. You know, trying to make someone feel worse when they are already at the worst. They had me convinced that my family and friends didn’t care that I was gone and that no one was ever going to save me. Turns out, I had to save myself in the end.”
Tom furrowed his brow, “How did you escape?”
“I had…” She gulped, remembering, “I had been in the same place for two months. Tied up at all times, sometimes by my hands, always by my neck, as if I was a dog. I had no chance to escape, really. But, one day I heard them talking about a town that was only a couple miles north. When no one was looking, I snagged a knife, cut myself loose, and began running.”
The princess was immensely surprised she was able to get that out so calmly. And thinking about her captors brought her into a dark place. She immediately wanted to change the subject. Not only because she was uncomfortable, but because she wanted to tell him about her being the princess, but she was scared, so naturally, she was stalling.
Tom was nodding his head when she asked, “I have something else I want to tell you, but I want to know more about you first. You mentioned you didn’t have any family. What happened to them?”
It was Tom’s turn to sigh. “It’s a long story.”
You kept silent, which urged him to continue.
“My mom… she was the best. She was the kindest, most amazing person I ever knew. Everyone you ask would have agreed. There was just something extraordinary about her. My dad definitely agreed. They were so in love with each other.
“My mom got sick when I was 10. At the time, my father was in the army and when he heard the news he asked for a leave so that he could be with me and raise me so I wasn’t on my own, you know? But, he was told no by the king. So, he disobeyed direct orders. He deserted the army and came back to me. When the king and his men heard of the news they had my father arrested without trial and condemned him to live in the castle’s dungeons for the rest of his life with no visitation.”
He paused and the princess let out a whisper of “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry.”
It seemed, though, that Tom wasn’t done. He was stuck on his rant, and he felt safe enough to share his story with her.
He let out a bitter laugh before continuing.
“When I heard that the princess had gone missing, in a way, it made me laugh. It was like karma was finally kicking in. The royal family took my father, so someone took their daughter. Anyways, I know that’s probably pretty cruel of me to think, especially since she could be hurt or killed, but I don’t care. I’m over the royal family and their cruel ways even if the Queen and the Princess don’t have any command against the King.” He paused. “So, what was it you wanted to tell me?”
The princess was frozen.
She couldn’t very well just go ahead and say she was the princess now! She felt like exploding into nothingness so she didn’t have to deal with this. Not only could she not tell him now, but he had also given her another reason to be upset with her father. She was beginning to realize how naive she had been her entire life.
“Um, you know what? I completely forgot,” She paused, “I’m sorry about your parents. The way your father was treated is unfair.”
Tom shrugged glumly, “There’s nothing I can do about it.”
‘No, but there is something I can do about it,’ the princess thought.
The rain didn’t stop for several hours and by that point, the princess and the common boy decided to just set up camp for tonight.
It wasn’t exactly comfortable since they were both soaked with no way to get dry. And now, the princess was on edge more than ever. She had a guilt weighing inside her. Her family was responsible for the destruction of Tom’s family. Not only that, but she still lying to him.
Her thoughts were tormenting her mind as she fell asleep under a large tree, with the only warmth coming from the boy sleeping beside her.
AN: Please give some feedback and theorize on what you think is going to happen next chapter! Thanks for reading :) Oh, and if you can, could you reblog to help give this story some exposure?
@youreafangirl-harry , @mismatchingsocks, @elliesnowbell , @isabellamozzarellla, @idkbroihavenolife , @aestheticquackson , @loving-smol-brits , @laucontrerasv , @nenna159
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unassumingvenusaur · 6 years
Who said “I love you” first
Lucina, I’d say! It’d be an outpouring of solemn, genuine emotion and Severa would just gobble it all up 
Who would have the other’s picture as their phone background
Lucina definetly does. Severa does too...but only on her home screen, not her lock screen, cuz gawds that’d be so embarrassing for someone to see ;p
Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror
Lucina. Severa literally dies when she sees it
Who buys the other cheesy gifts
Lucina, once again! She’s so sweet and sincere, Severa just can’t handle how cute it is 
Who initiated the first kiss
Imma go against the grain here and say Severa. She tries to play it off like it’s no big deal but oh, it’s a big deal 
Who kisses the other awake in the morning
I don’t think either would do that, Severa is a silly silly easily embarrassed girl and Lucina is too worried about respecting boundaries and letting Severa get the rest she deserves!
Who starts tickle fights
Lucina would never. Severa will never admit to it but she pulled out the tickling solution once and swore Lucina to silence lol
Who asks who if they can join the other in the shower
Lucina would, and not even realize the implications, she has a pure mind. Severa is redder than her mom’s hair.
Who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch
Severa does, and is all blushy about it, especially once Luci says thanks and gives her a kiss on the cheek, hehe
Who was nervous and shy on the first date
Oh, they both would be nervous wrecks! But I think they’d settle into how natural it felt quite quickly.
Who kills/takes out the spiders
Lucina doesn’t exactly have the best track record with bugs... It’d gotta be Sevvy.
Who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk
They both do. Lucina can’t hold her liquor for shit and with her inhibitions slightly dulled Severa lets loose about how much she loves her girlfriend.
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echoedfates-archive · 6 years
🎰 - obligatory return prompt! You can include Lonk too if you want
1. Nina x Vaike: Instead of actually getting together, it’s more likely that Nina will be very interested in Vaike’s interactions with Chrom. Or Lon’qu. Or both. He’d probably notice her around a lot and not quite workout why so tries to befriend the girl. Or could be a grandpa through Vaike!Severa/Selena!Nina.
2. Flora x Allanah: Whilst Flora isn’t an expert on tonics and the like, she is technically a healer and tries to show interest in that field. I’d imagine Allanah has knowledge of how to make different kinds of vulneraries to her, due to her home-realm using a different style of creation. So that’s how they get talking, and they could actually make quite a cute couple? Like Allanah seems much more outgoing so could encourage Flora to put herself forward.
3. Adelheid x Slater: Oh dear. Ada’s quite naive, so she’d easily be manipulated by him if he needed something from her. Getting past that though, I need to develop her further but she’s probably the type to fall for people quite easily and honestly just his flirting tone might be enough so if he had any interest, something could kick off quite easily. How deep it goes is another thing, of course.
If Slater values his life, don’t let Fernand know.
4. Dmitri x Lon’qu: I like this just because I don’t see Lon’qu falling for Dmitri’s nonsense and Dmitri doesn’t deserve nice things. Don’t let him find about Ke’ri though. Don’t.
5. Accalon x Owain: I love you cousin-I-see-as-a-little-brother! Let’s be a great platonic family together! Okay but seriously let Accalon love his cousins.
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imagine-shenanigans · 6 years
Matchup for :> anon!
Can I have a matchup for Awakening/Fates? I'm a girl whos willing to date anyone that i get along with. I usually try to be cheerful when I'm with other people and I like to pull some small pranks my friends as well. I do tend to get more grumpy and pessimistic when i'm alone since I end up overthinking alot of things, and I also have low self esteem since I constantly compare myself to my friends. I have a tendency to hoard small things that just pile up in my room or workspace. (1/2)
I also tend to wear a jacket everywhere since I get cold really easily. Also, the jacket usually has at least 4 pockets that I can store items in until I drop them into my hoard. I'm also not the most expressive so I tend to bottle up my emotions that I don't like. Around my s/o I'd probably be kinda awkward since I'm not really used to giving any type of affection. The most I would do is try to draw or handmake a gift for them. I also like to spend quiet time with them relaxing. (2/2)
I just did awakening for this one, sorry! I was having trouble with the fates one so...
Awakening: Lissa, Gangrel, Vaike
For you, I picked Lissa as my top choice. This is because I feel like the two of you would just click on a base level, and possibly bond over pranking the shit out of Chrom and others. (Lissa takes the heat for the Chrom pranks, even if it was your idea. And the Frederick ones. Neither of them believe it but they just don’t have enough evidence to disprove it.) She has her own insecurities as well, so she knows where you’re coming from, and she’s very helpful! She just sort of naturally has this way of making you feel better, without even knowing because she just happens to say a lot of the right stuff. She speaks from the heart, so when she says she understands and starts saying all the things she loves about you and stuff? You know she means it. I’m one hundred percent convinced Lissa adores handmade gifts. I mean, she likes ones that have been bought too, but she prefers the homemade stuff, since it shows that you put the time and effort into doing something with her in mind, and it’s got much more sentimental value than if you’d just bought her somehting. I mean, she is kinda a princess, and while she appreciates the thought behind gifts more than the gifts themselves, she CAN sorta just buy stuff when she’d like. So, yknow, she likes the homemde stuff because she can’t buy the time and effort and thought you put into something for her. 
Also, she totally thinks the hoard is adorable, and definitely will help get you shelves or something to show off all your items. She loves seeing the things you like.
She’d also not mind the affection being awkward, and would encourage you to show affection. She’d be patient though, and more than willing to initiate touches and such, as long as she knows that you’re awkward about it simply because you aren’t used to it, and not because you don’t like her. On that note, an issue I could very much see becoming a semi-to-pretty-big-problem is the matter of your insecurities. Lissa has quite a bit of her own, considering her brand never appeared, and she’s constantly comparing herself to her siblings and others, and she really just wants to do her best. I could see the two of you getting lost in your own problems, and possibly hurting each other, but, yknow, no relationship is perfect, and it’s simply part of being in one. You’re going to have fights, and you’re going to argue, and you’re going to be upset at each other, and that’s okay! It’s perfectly normal to do that (just.. not constant fighting of course) and healthy, so as long as the two of you take a breath, realize what’s going on, and actively repair it... things will be okay. 
Okay onto the next ship, because I had a LOT of thoughts about Lissa.
If you’re okay with villains, I picked Gangrel for you. I feel like he would be a good match, considering he genuinely feels bad for the things he did while he let power go to his head, and abused it. He has his own insecurities, and although he’s not the best at it, he genuinely can’t fathom why someone as amazing as you would be insecure, when he’s such a big fuckup - like, it’s a miracle you’re even with him??? It’s going to be a point in the relationship that becomes an issue at some time, but the two of you will learn healthier ways to cope with your issues and come back stronger. 
He’s the type who thinks pranks are great. He loves watching your handiwork play out, and will join in on the particularly harmless ones that won’t have people upset at him because it’s, well, him. (He’d totally join in on all of them, but he also doesn’t want to get in trouble...) He definitely loves to join in on the pranks when he can, and loves laughing at them with you, watching your teamwork come to life. He’s totally enamored with you, ngl. Speaking of, he’s totally in love with your hoard, and constantly tries to find things he thinks you’ll like (even if you don’t add it) and he’s almost always thinking of you. And while he’s definitely still just a touuuuch materialistic, he genuinely loves anything you get, or make him, because it means you like him! It means you were thinking of something he would want or like! And that means a lot.
He would probably be upset with your awkward affection (the hypocrite) because he wonders if you’re disgusted at the sight of him and don’t want to touch him (goddamn gangrel get it together man) but when you explain to him that you just... aren’t used to giving affection (and possibly receiving?) he has like, a lightbulb moment, and ends up hugging you and decides that from then on he’s going to give you SO much affection that you burst. You’ll have to tell him to back off a touch, but he just... loves you too much to let you go without receiving affection and even if you’re still awkward about it, he wants you to be comfortable around him.
I also picked Vaike as an option for you, on the chance you aren’t okay with villains, because he’s a decent fit in my opinion. He’d be half and half on the pranks you play on people, but he’d think they’re fucking great tbh. He laughs at them as long as they aren’t on him (which he’ll laugh about later, don’t worry) and he’d love the fact that you always have pockets. Man he’ll never forget anything now, because he can just ask you to carry it for him! Except his axe, that is....
He’s not without insecurites either, but they’re not too terribly bad. He’s awfully confident in himself, but he completely understands comparing yourself to others - I mean, look at his relationshp with Chrom. He’s trying his best to be the best, and he’s not one for words, but he hopes that he can help you, either by helping you by showing you how much he cares, or just by sorta saying whatever comes to mind. He’s a bit of a blockhead, so uh, just know he means the best. despite that fact he’s a dumbass.
With affection, he’s really big on it, so just tell him outright that you’re not used to it, and he’ll be more understanding! Not that he’s going to stop on his end, unless you explicitly tell him to (even then he’s just a big teddy bear... he cant stop hugging you when he sees you or throwing an arm over your shoulder with the biggest, dumbest grin)
Honorable Mentions: Cordelia, Cherche, Noire, Owain
I picked Cordelia fleetingly and on a whim, because it felt sorta cute, but her perfectionism just.. would not end well with you. The two of you would probably not click because despite her own insecurities, she’d probably jsut make you feel worse about yourself on accident, or unintentionally, while trying to help, or just by being her. I mean, look what happened with Severa... but that doesn’t mean she’s awful, it’s just I feel like you two would just end up not being good for each other.
I picked Cherche because she’s very caring, but... I felt she might suffocate you. She’s a very strong person, and although she’s not without some sort of insecurities, she’s very confident and I feel like you might be constantly comparing yourself to her. I mean, she’s strong, and brave, and she’s kind, and she’s incredibly skilled in the domestic arts, plus she has a dragon? You would probably end up seeing most of her good sides, and not her flaws, and it wouldn’t be very good. Cherche is also pretty confident, so despite any insecurites she may have, she might have trouble trying to connect with you on that level. 
Noire is someone who has insecurities she knows about, and that she could connect with you on, but I felt like she might just end up too enveloped in how cool you are and how not she is, and vice versa. It’s just one of those ones where both of you are just insecure enough that you can’t really help each other. Which isn’t a bad thing! That happens and there’s no need to be ashamed of it. If you don’t click with someone, you don’t click with someone, yknow? I think the two of you could certainly be friends, once you’re in a little better place (both of you that is) or you jsut won’t. I feel like it’s one of those where you’ll either click instantly or just turn up with nothing tbh
For Owain, I picked him because he’s going to be able to connect with you over insecurities, and your pranks remind him of the times he and his mom would play pranks on family members when he was younger, so it’s really fun to have fun with you! He’s pretty loud though, and dramatic, and I wasn’t sure how you’d take that, but I think, just base personalities, you and Owain could really connect! But I also ship you with Lissa, so I could see this going either friends or you’re his parent sorta route, more than relationships, which is why I put him in honorable mentions. He’s very good, it’s just that I wasn’t sure about it yknow
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chromsai · 6 years
for the ask thing: Chrom, Olivia, Inigo, Lissa
How I feel about this character: i... i love him. sometimes i even surprise myself how much i love him. but like... i love him so much i just... sometimes i don’t feel i need to say it? like? it should just be taken as fact that i love him. legit tho, i catch myself randomly thinking about him sometimes and it makes me smile.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: myself my avatar/oc tactician sai, robin (yeah it’s different), olivia sometimes
My non-romantic OTP for this character: brotp with Gaius
My unpopular opinion about this character: he has the worst child he’s not bland
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.: wish he would have had a better child wish he was able to marry more than like 5 of the shepherds, especially cordelia.
How I feel about this character: she’s fucking great honestly a fav of the awakening charas, a cutie
All the people I ship romantically with this character: HENRY, Robin sometimes, and sometimes Lon’qu too
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Panne and fRobin
My unpopular opinion about this character: idk? people criticize her “stripper” outfit but i mean i love her design all around? she’s a dancer, wtf did y’all expect. 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.: wish we could hear her sing! she’s supposedly a good singer so I WANNA HEAR HER
How I feel about this character: I. LOVE. HIM. god. i already loved him enough from just awakening, but i loved him even more after fates aaaaaaaaaaaaaa he reminds me of yuya too lol
All the people I ship romantically with this character: AZURA, Kjelle, Severa, Orochi
My unpopular opinion about this character: people criticize him for being a fuckboi but i mean... the games never really validate his behavior and i think that’s good? i GUESS you could say that if he gets married to someone despite being a fuckboi, he’s somewhat validated but from what i recall most or all of the girls he speaks to call him out for his behavior. like... wow... a flaw. and it’s NOT validated?! wow. imagine. what a concept.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.: wish i could marry him to other males or marry him to the male avatar at the very least. also i know we got dancer!inigo in FEH, but man.... shoulda gotten it in awakening or fates too
How I feel about this character: i like her a lot! she’s not one of my favorite character from awakening BUT she’s a pretty memorable character to me and despite at first fearing that i would find her annoying, i never actually did, which was a huge relief and refreshing coming from her character archetype.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: RICKEN, Libra. .....maybe sometimes Lon’qu (i used to ship her harder with Lon’qu but like... my love for that ship died over time)
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Maribelle, Robin, Frederick, Gregor
My unpopular opinion about this character: despite not finding her annoying, i’m not really much of a fan of her pranks... i don’t find them cute. i don’t find most of them funny. i just straight up find them rude. i get she’s just playing and she’s young but i’m just like putting myself in robin’s shoes when playing and like... GOD I WOULD HATE THAT.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.: hmmm... i’ve seen fanart of her older, but canon art of her older and more mature would be cool too. 
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blazing-emblem · 6 years
What is your favorite Awakening and Fates pairings? Why?
Yaaaaaayy I can fangirl~ Since I answered similar asks before (here and here), I will not be repeating any of who I said in those asks because all the pairings I made are my faves haha XD They’re all precious to me. I’ll do 2 each for the game. I don’t want to fangirl too much.
Gerome/Cynthia (Gerocyn): There’s so many things about why I love this pairing. The main reason why I love them is because they have so many differences and similarities that they just complete each other. They are opposites in personality and appearance (Cynthia wearing light clothing, and Gerome black). They are similar in that they both ride the beast that their mothers once did and they both want the best for their comrades even though they take it an unusual way.
I also love their supports because, even though it can be seen as a platonic confession, Cynthia did confess her feelings in their B support. And Gerome was so shocked about the random confession that he wanted to have clarification, but she didn’t go back to it XD It’s also the only support Gerome has (with a girl) that didn’t mention his mask. Everyone else pestered him about it.
Gregor/Cordelia (Gredelia): In all of Cordelia’s supports, there’s always a mention of her crush on Chrom, and her trying to woo him. In this one, it’s no different. But the way Gregor encourages her and compliments on her traits, is just so adorable ;______; AND HE ENDS UP FALLING FOR HER IN THEIR A SUPPORT! I could not just not marry them after that. Cordelia is also the one to propose to Gregor, and that was a breath of fresh air.
Gregor being Severa’s dad ended up pretty well for me. Severa has developed an inferiority complex towards her mother, and so avoided becoming a Pegasus Knight. However, it is no lie that Severa loves her dad deeply (no matter who it turns out to be). In the Future Past DLC, Severa says that she became a mercenary like Gregor after he died, and I just found that so fitting! She loved Gregor so much that she followed in his footsteps! Aaaaaaahhhh 
Azama/Mozu (Mozama): The reason why I paired them two together was that Azama just kept freaking Mozu out even though he wasn’t even doing much to her XD As Mozu said in their A Support, “You’re just chasing me around like a crazy person. You aren’t being sarcastic at all!!” And like, I don’t know, I just found it hilarious and cute XD
Also, these two are the deadliest in the army. Birthright was my first ever FE game, and I didn’t know this at first, but that’s how they ended up. Mitama is freaking strong.
Kaden/Sakura (Sakaden): Cuddling while sleeping is the best way to feel the doki dokis, is basically the summary of this pairing XD It’s just so adorable  just thinking about it! Kaden’s arm wrapped around Sakura, and Sakura laying her hands on his soft fur keeeeeeeEEEEEEEE AND THEM NOT BEING ABLE TO SLEEP WITHOUT THE OTHER
And Sakura ended up having a Nekomata version of her, so they’re like…a happy beast family now lol
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ifwearestrangers · 6 years
All the numbers xo
I kind of hate you but y’all obviously don’t know me if you think I won’t answer them all I LIKE CHALLENGES. 
1) Put your iTunes on shuffle. Give me the first 6 songs that pop up - Save Me - Gotye / Smooth Criminal - Glee Cast (no comment) / Undone - Phoria / West Coast - Lana Del Rey / Six Feet Under - Louis Aguilar
2) If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? Ellen Degeneres
3) Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17. “Yeah,” he said. The light turned green green. I braced myself. Augustus slammed the gas. 
4) What do you think about most? How much of a failure I am :) and Clexa of course.
5) Ever had a poem or song written about you? Maybe? probably. 
6) Do you have any strange phobias? Spiders, heights, and opression, like being underwater or unable to breathe? 
7) What’s your religion? Gayness.
8) If you are outside, what are you most likely doing? Being with friends, 
9) Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band? Florence and the Machine, The Cure, Ben Howard, Tegan and Sara, The Killers, Coldplay. 
10) What was the last lie you told? I told my best friend’s girlfriend I didn’t know what was in his head when I know exactly what’s in his head. 
11) Do you believe in karma? I sure do. 
12) What does your URL mean? It means that we’re all strangers here but we ought not to be, which is what brought us all together i guess.
13) What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength? weakness, I’d say my low-self esteem, strength, I’d say my kindness. 
14) Who is your celebrity crush? At the moment.. jeez I don’t know! How sad! I’d say Dianna Agron though because I’m always crushing on her. 
15) How do you vent your anger? Talking people’s ears off in general. 
16) Do you have a collection of anything? Playing cards, books, funko pops, tattoos, prints and drawings.
17) Are you happy with the person you’ve become? Not quite yet but I’m getting there, and isn’t being human always striving for improvement? 
18) What’s a sound you hate; sound you love? I hate the crissing of chalk on a chalboard, ya know? And I love the sound of the rain and really really loud thunder. 
19) What’s your biggest “what if”? What if I had made it work, what if I saw her, what if we were still together? What if I was enough.. 
20) Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens? Yes I do believe in people’s soul being stuck between two reincarnations, and aliens? FOR SURE. 
21) Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm. Right : nothing. Left: my heater. 
22) Smell the air. What do you smell? Pastas because it’s almost diner time! 
23) What’s the worst place you have ever been to? Hm.. toughie. I honestly can’t remember right now. 
24) Most attractive singer/s of your opposite gender? Of the opposite gender.. I’d say Chris Martin? But because that’s the only one I can think about right now lmao.
25) To you, what is the meaning of life? Wow, I ain’t got time to lay out my opinion on that, I’ve got too much too say. Long story short, living. Life in itself is insignificant but it’s also the only thing we’ve got so make it count. 
26) Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed? I do not, but I did crash. My sister was driving and it was the worst memory I have. 
27) What was the last movie you saw? Hm Thor I think? With my sister. 
28) What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had? I have a ernia in my neck from the car crash and honestly? It’s the worst. Chronic pain each time I paint or stand for too long. Absolute delight. 
29) Do you have any obsessions right now? Clexa, my life, my future, faberry, writing music, writing clexa, drawing clexa, painting, my career. 
30) Ever had a rumor spread about you? Yes, in middle school there was this whole rumor around school that I was gay… SPOILER ALERT. 
31) Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong? No, I am an easy forgiver but also because I strive for affection and also because I just cannot stand to be in a fight with someone even if I’m right. I have hold a grudge once in my life against my best friend because she was against same sex marriage in my country but fortunately she came around and voted yes. 
32) What is your astrological sign? Scorpio, passion all around. 
33) What’s the last thing you purchased? A bracelet for my sister’s christmas gift. 
34) Love or lust? Both? Please? They go together. 
35) In a relationship? Painfully not. 
36) How many relationships have you had? Hm.. Serious ones 3. 
37) What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you? My firting and my cuteness that I will deny until my dying day. 
38) Where is your best friend? I have severa best friends, and they’re all around the world. Unlucky me. 
39) What were you doing last night at 12 AM? Working on that next clexa thing I’m making and let me tell you guys it’s awesome already. 
40) Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend? Probably because I try to be the best of friends to people even if I’m far from perfect, but I’m always trying to be better. 
41) You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do? I SAVE THE FUCKING DOG WHAT THE FUCKING KIND OF QUESTION IS THAT SCREW THE JOB. 
42) You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid? seriously though I HAVE ANXIETY PEOPLE DON’T DO THAT. but anyway, as an anxiety full person I’ve thought about this before lmao. a) I’d probably wouldn’t tell them until the very last moment because I know they would act different. b) I would make sure every one of the people I love get what they need, that they’re happy so I can go peacefully. Also I’d sneak in a trip to brazil to tell her goodbye, see my best friend before I go. c) Of course I’d be afraid that I wouldn’t have enough time to make sure everyone’s safe and happy, to say goodbye properly. Afraid I haven’t made the most of it. 
43) What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it? hm.. Just Like Heaven - The Cure. 
44) In your opinion, what makes a great relationship? Trust and communication. (good sex too but ya know, thats just a bonus) 
45) How can I win your heart? Show me any kind of attention and affection I guess? Also my weakness are powerful girls who challenge me, provoke me and flirt hardcore, play hard to get. (But not that hard you get me?) 
46) Can insanity bring on more creativity? I think yes but there’s a very difficult balance to find between the two. 
47) What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far? A year ago I would have told you without the shadow of a doubt that it was falling in love with a brazilian girl and crossing the world to be with her but looking back maybe it wasn’t. Then again, I would do it all over again. 
48) What would you want to be written on your tombstone? “Beloved sister, devoted friend, she saved the world a lot.”
49) Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word “heart.” Right now, broken but also hopeful. 
50) Basic question; what’s your favorite color/colors? That kind of cerrulean blue that’s almost green, a little teal but not quite there yet. A soft, gentle cerrulean blue. 
51) What is your current desktop picture? A drawing fll of colors of a forest with wolves. 
52) If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be? Donald Trump :) 
53) What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on? Am I worth it?
54) You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power? Flying. 
55) You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again? When I was up that hill in Brazil. Everything was uncertain but I was spent and on top of the world and for a minute there, I thought I could change it all. 
56) You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be? The break-up. The depression that followed. The void in my chest ever since. That feeling of nothingness, of incomplete. Unfinished. The feeling that we are unfinished. 
57) You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be? MUSIC ONLY? DAMN. Hayley Kiyoko, then. 
58) You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go? New York. 
59) Ever been on a plane? Yes and I love it. Also I’ve been on a plane at night, next to the window, and I saw the milkyway, and that was the most beautiful thing ever. I was seeing the sky underneath me and that’s a feeling I’ll never forget. 
60) Give me your top 5 hottest celebrities. Dianna Agron, Mila Kunis, Gal Gadot, Marie Avgeropoulos, Ruby Rose. 
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superaus10 · 6 years
24 months: December
First of all, thanks to @bills-pokedex, @shadowshrike, @melohax and @littletoughpuff for making this AU possible. Enjoy! ---
En la puerta del Sol, como el año que fue
Seriously, Xander didn’t knew what was wrong with him. It was the second time they celebrated New Year’s Eve in that hotel and he was being late again. He just hoped it wouldn’t become a tradition, as surely Odin, no, Owain, would say. And everything because he couldn’t find his watch. The one he got at Christmas from Ángel, he still needed to improve his pronunciation, and Celine decided that it was shiny enough to take it as a treasure. And then it was getting Celine in the transport. How much he wished for get Celine there like Angel’s Midori in her pokeball. But of course, he always had to dance with the ugliest.
Finally, he reached the Tide Song Hotel and Celine wasn’t so bothered. But of course everyone were there already, including his little sister, Elise. When Laslow, Íñigo, tried to explain him how parallel realms worked and how many different versions of one self could exist, he just got a big headache and decided that it didn’t matter in the end, his family was his family even from other realms.
-There you are big brother! The others are in the dinner hall by now! -exclaimed Elise from the reception, ready to throw herself into his arms. He grab her and give her a spin in his arms. By the Dusk Dragon, how much he missed those moments two years ago. When everything ended, when everything started.
otra vez el champagne y las uvas y el alquitrán, de alfombra están. Los petardos que borran sonidos de ayer y acaloran el ánimo para aceptar que ya, pasó uno más.
After leaving Celine and the birthday present, trying to get Elise not to squeal and disturb it. They went to the dining hall.
-By the way Xander… There is someone in the table that I haven’t met before
-Really? Who is it? -he asked, not expecting anyone except some friends and the Reyes family.
-I don’t know, but he is very cute with his black eyes and green hair and…
-Uncle Xander!
-Huh? -he turned his head to the voice’s direction. He felt tears on his eyes -Jordan! Wha-What are you doing here?
The teenager run towards him and they hugged each other. Xander could hear the kid trying no to cry. He wasn’t in a different situation.
-I missed you a lot Xander
-Me too, little sprout. But tell me, what are doing here?
-Oh! Don’t worry about it! Ms. Schiller allowed me to come and I’ve been in the hotel since noon with Mr. Reyes
-You should have told me, Jordan -he scolded, patting his shoulder.
-But then it wouldn’t be a surprise! Ángel and I were preparing these since November
Xander eyed the table, looking for the accomplice, but his frown couldn’t last too long after seeing them.
He was beautiful tonight, wearing an elegant beige robe, with long sleeves and embroidered with chrysanthemums, roses, peonies and other flowers Xander couldn’t recognize with different colours and shapes. He also had an decorated obi, which rested at his chest, with a decorative, bow at the end. The light brown bangs were styled a bit at his side, with a big peony working as a hair clip, the usual pixie cut was neatly styled too, in contrast of its usual way. He wore a bit of makeup too, so his eye bags weren’t noticeable, and a sharp brown eyeliner. Most of their friends complained that Ángel was wasting his talent to make a winged eyeliner with such simple forms, but he couldn’t care less. He was beautiful with or without makeup.
-Hey! What’s up Xander? Did you went to the moon or what? -said the other holding a laugh. Xander couldn’t help but sigh at the light tease, but decided to play a bit more.
-I’m sorry, but I was admired at how much do you look like my boyfriend, though he usually has eyebags for working at night.
The other couldn’t help but laugh. -Oh really? Well maybe can you tell me why is Nohr’s sky cloudy tonight? I can’t see the stars -that was really smooth even coming from him, and Xander hoped the concealer hid his blush as it hid his freckles when he kissed the other. He wouldn’t stand another compliment like dad or he would melt. The other guests rolled their eyes at the scene.
-But seriously Ángel, you look wonderful tonight
-It’s all Gabriel’s fault. He was so heartbroken I had to work on Christmas so I couldn’t go to Mexico that he got a Johtonian Kimono as a present. An actual Johtonian Kimono! Do you know how expensive is this? I’m going to get married with this for The Guardians’ sake
At the mention of marriage, Xander suppressed a shiver.
Y en el reloj de antaño como de año en año cinco minutos más para la cuenta atrás. hacemos el balance de lo bueno y malo cinco minutos antes de la cuenta atrás.
After greeting everyone, he sat in front of Ángel, because both Elise and Jordan wanted to be with him. Jordan told him everything he did in Japan after they arrested the former director of his orphanage, and how he passed last year’s subjects with a notable. It wasn’t like Xander didn’t knew already, he was always in touch with the teenager since he found him by himself, but he was so proud of that green haired teen. Xander told them different tales of his work at Aether Foundation, winning the table’s laughs and Ángel’s ever loving look. It was so hard for him to not just lose himself in those sharp, violet eyes and loving smile.
Marineros, soldados, solteros, casados, amantes, andantes y alguno que otro cura despistao. entre gritos y pitos los españolitos enormes, bajitos hacemos por una vez, algo a la vez.
And there they were, eating together and remembering this past year’s events, hearing Owain’s jokes, Íñigo’s travels stories, Lucio and Angel’s experiences at the hospital, Elise’s Island Challenge, she nearly defeated Alolan Champion! And so on. It was so nice to see everyone enjoying an evening together. It was surprising how many different people could be there, in peace. So different from anything he was used to live.
Y en el reloj de antaño como de año en año cinco minutos más para la cuenta atrás. hacemos el balance de lo bueno y malo cinco minutos antes de la cuenta atrás.
They finished the delicious menu the hotel served them, and they left to the room, better said hall, they rented for the night, where Ángel’s birthday presents waited for him. It wasn’t his real birthday, he didn’t remember it, but it was the day when Gabriel found him, and he decided to adopt that date as his birthday, or as Jordan proposed to called it, rebirthday. That kid was a ball of sunshine, and he and Elise rapidly became friends. Even Elise’s Eevee, Michaela, liked him.
They entered the hall, beautifully decorated for a Christmas party. There was a counter where they could get drinks, a sound mixer, he could see Lucio’s eyes lighting up, some sofas and coffee tables for those who wouldn’t want to dance, and a big Christmas tree where the presents were placed underneath.
-Oh my-! There are so much presents! What were you thinking when you bought me these!-he breathed, putting his hands on his face in embarrassment.
-You deserve every single one of them, little angel -his tutor interrupted. -So please, don’t be ashamed and open them before this year ends
All laughed, including the birthday boy. Lucio got the idea to sit Ángel, even though he was already sat on his wheelchair, in the center on the room and each one giving him their present, as it wasn’t enough embarrassment for the poor man. Xander wanted to be the last, and so everybody gave their gifts: a shiny bracelet Íñigo bought in Kalos, a grooming set from Severa, one of the limited editions of “The Silmarillion” Owain knew he would love, a new set of wheelchair modifications from Lucio, they were deep purple and green, and a silver pendant from Gabriel, Ángel said that the kimono and the pendant was too much but Gabriel dissed him saying he bought it for Christmas, before de kimono. When it was Xander’s turn, he box began to move, surprising everyone but Elise and Gabriel.
-Well, you know. I know you and the girls -Xander began signaling Midori, Ángel’s phantump, and Sweetie, Gabriel’s Mimikyu. They were properly dressed for the occasion. -were heartbroken after you couldn’t keep the sneasel you found. And you have recently made a friend in Aether Foundation. And since that little rascal wouldn’t want to go back in the wild…
-Xander, what did you? -Ángel asked, seeing three holes at the box said, opening it. Inside, an Alolan vulpix looked at Kaze with its wide eyes partially hidden by a hood. When the tiny pokemon recognized him, it jumped at him, howling in excitement. Ángel petted the little creature’s soft hair, in awe.
-Xander, why? It’s so small, I don’t know I can take care of it properly
-I know you can, Ángel. And it likes you more than any other trainer. And I’m the one watching over it every day at the Foundation! So please, let it be with you
Ángel watched Xander, then Sweetie, Midori and finally the vulpix. All of them wore that abandoned puppy look. He then looked at Gabriel, who instead had a knowing smile. Ángel was sure his tutor had something to do with all of this.
-You are a troublemaker Xander -he sighed, but with a smile underneath- don’t worry little thing, you’re coming with me tonight! -he laughed, lifting her. The room broke in applauses and hails while the tiny vulpix curled itself in Ángel’s lap. He would have to clean the kimono after, but he didn’t care.
Y aunque para las uvas hay algunos nuevos a los que ya no están le echaremos de menos y a ver si espabilamos los que estamos vivos y en el año que viene nos reímos. 1, 2, 3 y 4 y empieza otra vez que la quinta es la una y la sexta es la dos y así el siete es tres. Y decimos adiós y pedimos a dios que en el año que viene, a ver si en vez de un millón pueden ser dos.
After all the presents were given, the moved to the balcony. Severa and Owain prepared the champagne and non alcoholic drinks for the kids and Íñigo brought some party poppers and blowers. Lucio took photos of all of them. And in the balcony they were waiting and counting for the new year.
All the pokemon stopped playing and came to the balcony.
Neither Jordan nor Elise could hide their excitement, and began to bounce.
The atmosphere was tense with the anticipation.
Xander looked at Ángel, which smiled at him.
Even at that moment, he couldn’t get past of how beautiful the other’s eyes were.
So full of determination and strength. So familiar…
Just like his.
It didn’t mattered how much time it passed, he seemed always stuck in the past.
But he was living a new life now. And how much grateful he was
Happy New Year everyone!
The fireworks began, and both Íñigo and Owain used the party poppers, filling the air with confetti. Xander bend down and kissed Ángel.
He couldn’t believe how much his life changed in the short span of two years. He still remembered how it began, very far away from there, when he actually had the duties of a Crown Prince on his shoulders.
En la puerta del sol como el año que fue otra vez el champagne y las uvas y el alquitrán, de alfombra están.
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shionuzukis · 7 years
Inigo, big toblerone, Kaneki, Killua, and Tony Stark
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: he a little shy boyworst quality: i find it amusing to a large extent, but sometimes he seriously needs to cut back on the flirting and leave girls alone...ship them with: geromebrotp them with: owain, and if we can count his fe14 incarnation, his friendship with fe14!severa is quite cute. fea!trio in general are all super cute pals.needs to stay away from: uhhh, none, unless we can count fe14, in which case, peri.misc. thoughts: THANK U INTSYS FOR FINALLY LETTING MY SON DANCE.
big toblerone
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life | undeservedhotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang | undefinable by human standardshogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff | cannot be sorted for it is beyond comprehensionbest quality: B I Gworst quality: noneship them with: jaden smith’s anime self-insert/big toblerone otp. he holds it so gently.brotp them with: mila. i feel like she could properly appreciate the capitalist luxury which spawned its creation.needs to stay away from: helena. SHE DOESNT DESERVE THIS BIG TOBLERONE.misc. thoughts: big toblerone is best boy.
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang | tiny boy got B U F Fhogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: hard to say tbh when we’ve had so many different incarnations of kaneki. i love him best in the later parts of the original manga best tho.worst quality: also hard to say ??/ship them with: rize, tsukiyamabrotp them with: hide, i guess? when he was still haise, his relationship with all the q’s was super, super cute!needs to stay away from: furutamisc. thoughts: tgre has lost me a bit just bc its got so much going on that it’s honestly kind of confusing to read week-to-week, but, man, kaneki is so excellent and im constantly so concerned for him. 
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life | would die for his happinesshotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang | ur 12, and somehow disconcertingly buff????hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: his sass. he can be such a massive shit, and i love him.worst quality: NEEDS TO VALUE HIMSELF AS A GOOD PERSON WHO DESERVES GOOD THINGS LIKE HIS WONDERFUL FRIENDSHIP WITH GON.ship them with: gon brotp them with: also gon??? alluka + nanika, too!! killua is the best big brother.needs to stay away from: ILLUMI. HIS FAMILY IN GENERALmisc. thoughts: i cried fucking buckets over this kid in the chimera ant arc. togashi, let him be happy pls.
tony stark
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: pretends to be a jerkass prep, but is really just a giant nerd.worst quality: bad at appreciating himself!! tony stark is a good person and needs to see himself as such!!ship them with: PEPPER POTTS.brotp them with: bruce! rhodey! peter! thor!needs to stay away from: uhhhh, anyone who buys into his shitty facade of playboy billionaire w/e.misc. thoughts: he’s not my fave of faves, amanda, but you have certainly infected me a certain appreciation of him. this is a tony stark loving household.
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unassumingvenusaur · 7 years
In FE:A after Grima is defeated and all the awakening kids are born, how do you think their personalities would differ from the kids in the "bad future" timeline? (since their personalities were shaped from the war/ death of their parents)
Ooh, this is interesting. I haven’t read a lot of the characters’ supports with their unchanging parent for a while so I apologize if some details are off. 
Lucina: She’d be quite different. I very much see the best summation of Lucina’s personality as “child who grew up too fast.” Good timeline Lucina wouldn’t have this Lucina’s aloofness to the same degree (though she’s chrom’s child so maybe that’d still be there haha), and certainly would wear a smile around and be a lot more energetic/not serious. She’d still sort of have a hero-worship mentality around her dad though, haha. 
Owain: ...I forget the canon explanation for his over-the-top hamminess. I think good-timeline owain would still have it, though, and I don’t think in the end his personality would be much different. He’d still want to be a legendary hero like his ancestors. 
Inigo: This depends on whether Olivia gives him the “talk to girls to get over your shyness” spark. If she did I think his personality would proceed similarly though he’d allow himself to be more vulnerable with people and allow his smile to drop if he’s not feeling happy, since people don’t rely on it the same way they did with bad timeline Inigo. If Olivia doesn’t give him this since she learned of it, he’d be very outwardly different, shy much like Olivia,  though I think his doofy core would be pretty much intact.
Brady: Oh he’d be even more of a Mama’s boy than bad timeline Brady is. It’s possible that since Maribelle has more time with him that she actually is able to iron out more of his, er, curtness. 
Kjelle: ...Can’t see her being much different, she’s still Sully’s daughter and still gonna get ripped as hell for Severa to stare at. 
Severa: I think, after Cordelia’s exposure to bad timeline Severa, she’d be much more careful in how she raised her and the people/ideas she was exposed to. I think Severa would turn out with a much decreased set of insecurities and inferiority complex, and some of her tsundere-ness would probably be gone too. She’d allow people to see her genuinely happy, at least. She’d still be sweet and protective of Noire and people like her and I think she’d still get very shy at praise. 
Gerome: No more batman. He’d openly be his dorky, wyvern-loving self. 
Yarne: Well, he’d obviously be a bit less jittery and concerned about the last-of-his-species thing seeing as Ylisse is at peace, but it’s still something that’d cross his mind from time to time. Otherwise I think he’d be mostly unchanged.
Laurent: ...I can see almost no possible differences. Maybe he’s a bit less emotionally distant. Though not likely considering his mom. Side Note I really like to HC that Laurent was super short, the shortest of the group whenever they traveled back but over the 5 years he spent in the good timeline before he’s found he sprouted up. 
Cynthia: Hmm... I seem to recall her harvest scramble convo with Severa saying that her hero stuff only started after Sumia’s death. So that’d probably be at least diminished, perhaps she’ll turn out just a bit more openly girlier. However she’d still be very excitable and clumsy and still want to be a pegasus knight like her moms and i think she’d still get along great with the Justice Cabal. 
Noire: Whew. This really all depends on Tharja. If bad timeline Noire’s support convo with and presence with her curbs a lot of her abusive tendencies, I think she’ll turn out fine. She’d still be a very sweet and timid kid but wouldn’t have the split personality. She might find her mother’s hexes and dark magic a little scary but nothing beyond that.  she’ll also fall in love with the good timeline severa who would have a very similar relationship to her as the bad timeline severa and noire do and itll be so cute
Nah: ...Um. This is the character I know the least about unfortunately. She’d have less abandonment issues but I think overall she’d still largely act the same. 
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sirlucina · 7 years
seeing a flood of severa in my dash makes me laugh sometimes coz I KNOW its from you. SO i just wanna spark that fire of love in you today: tell me what do u love about severa im genuinely curious :3c
omg lmao like everything????
i remember when i first unlocked her paralogue, her dialogue and overall look just screamed tsundere and im very much a fan of that trope so it was basically love at first sight
and then you read her supports and shes just so funny and sarcastic, but when she needs to be she’ll be serious and apologize for hurting people. i like her personality a lot
and shes the only character in awakening that has every available support conversation unlocked in my game bc i support grinded her so much bc i love her
all of her supports with girls are so fucking gay like in kjelles c-support???? she get distracted by kjelles abs and frankly thats #relatable. her supports with noire are so cute and its a completely different side to her than what you usually get in her supports. she genuinely cares for noire and you can tell that they have a long history and are comfortable enough with each other to let down their guards. and that one dlc (future past i think) her and lucinas conversation is just 👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌 magnificent. her support with cynthia is just all around hilarious and you can actually see their friendship and respect for each other grow. other notable supports include the one with brady where they just form a snark club, her and laurents where they learn to use both their (shopping) skills for the good of the army and overcome their differences, and the ones with her parents.
her supports give her a lot of good development as a character i think, especially regarding her issues with her mom, but i dont like angst so i prefer not to think about it but its there and gives her a valid reason for being so tsundere. her backstory is sad but she keeps going
also shes just so pretty?? shes so cute i love her so much
as a unit she is fucking op like in my first file i married cordelia to gregor and shes so STRONG!!! and in the file that i married her, cordelia is married to donnel (which i found out later is her worst father apparently) and shes STILL SO STRONG. i love having her use an axe it suits her much better than a sword imo. and she looks good with every hair colour. 
unfortunately im no where near completing conquest so i cant say much about selena but i do know that her winking portrait in fates is absolutely adorable and it kills me every time and i love her so much
 i could go on but i’ll spare you lol shes just great and sarcastic and beautiful and relatable to me personally 
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sacks-of-kittans · 5 years
What’s your beef with Byleth’s design, I think they’re both great.
That’s your opinion that is definitely not the same as mine.
I’m gonna critique the game as less than a whole since I haven’t finished finished it yet but one path. I did give the game some predictions and critiques before it came out. It’s a game something meant to be bought and critique so I don’t wanna hear any bs about “just play the game and enjoy it” Shit because that’s how games get better people whining. So any of you people who get mad at this game getting critique, go do something else.
Fire emblem 3 houses is a game that costs like 60$ I think? I got it as a gift because someone was like “congratulations I know you like that fire emblem weeb shit!” And since I’m back at school I have a switch I can use again. Anyway it’s a 60$ game with cats that you can’t pet.
I had some expectations. One being both avatars weren’t ass ugly. Like they’re ugly ugly they’re just got I hate that I’m one of them. I said both you heard me. So there isn’t “just be the boy character!” What if I wanted to marry some dude character who couldn’t marry dude byleth? You want me to be ugly?! I mean I’m ugly other way.
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I’ll start dragging dude byleth. His outfit is okay, complex but Fire emblem is known for complete character designs. (Very detailed) I kinda hate his face and hair. He has emo bangs and mullet hair. And I get that the byleths are stone cold so it makes sense, but I wish he had eyebrows. He doesn’t look like an avatar character. His look kinda looks mix match. The mullet and emo bangs are just a huge turn off. He’s just not appealing. I guess he’s just basic ugly.
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As my bf put it “the slutty Halloween costume of male byleth” not slut shaming a fictional character but this outfit definitely has that vibe. You’re a damn teacher in this game and she’s wearing those tights, crop top, short shorts, and who wants to bet that armor is just a kinda like a tube top? I don’t know the function of that collar either. Wouldn’t it be more comfortable for her to wear long sleeves so the armor doesn’t bother her skin? She’s breaking dress code. Don’t get me started on Manuela I like her charcter but damn. No wonder why t was so easy to kill her in the beginning of the game, she has near to none good armor on her vital spots. Here stab my stomach window if you wanna kill me! No? Try to my collar bone area. I can’t believe that got passed for being the female avatar. My roommate made the joke it she was dressed as a role play teacher for the bed room.
Is Byleth suppose to be like “hey kids fight the dress code, break it. I’ll be your example!”
I did use to hate her hair as well, but it grew on me when I learned it was just her an Jeralt so he didn’t have the skills or means to teach Byleth to cut hair right (he’s got a damn braid) and that’s why her hair is all choppy, she’s been using a damn knife all these years. Her hair I can manage looking at but Male Byleth should just start over with the hair.
Yes I’ll agree the whole no pants in Nohr and other character designs also sucked from fire emblem, I just had hope it would be better. I don’t know the exact number of avatars in the series but Robin desgin was the best and I hate pigtails but at least you can change that. The Robins both rocked as avatars, they had personality, choices, customizable looks (yeah it’s not needed just nice) and had big jackets and decent outfits. Fates custom options also kinda sucked I couldn’t make a male Corrine I could stand looking at and female Corrin had more leeway but felt weird with her armor.
I get why Byleth wasn’t the same as those two for customizing but damn did they have to pick those designs? I explained why I didn’t like them and sure I didn’t use big words and it was all based on my opinion but it doesn’t take long to look at that and think wow how is that functional for a woman of that game?
I did like their merge with sothsis less. The bright green made them worse.
Spoiler parts critque
Why do all the blue lions have back story and lore? Sylvain s brother, Ash’s adoptive dad, and Annette’s father are all major plot points. Yeah Merecede’s brother is also important but he’s not revealed in every story on who he is only hinted.
The blue lions trio plus Dimitri also draws me into the lions a lot because they all know each before this school which makes them cool. Mercedes and Annette being friends also makes their route more enjoyable.
The black eagles most of the characters know of each other because of their parents but I thought they’d be more friendly with one another (didn’t really all the supports yet but I though Bernie and Edlegard would be closer since they should be involed with the empire’s politics)
I can’t say much for golden deer just cause I haven’t played it yet but I’m pretty sure Ignatz Raphael and Lorenz have something going on???
I did find Dimitri ugly when the game first was announced and I wa alike damn only gotta focus on two houses and then the five year designs came out and I was like fuck you. Dimitri got hot but Edlegard had an okay desgin. Claude look exactly what I liked. I thought since they’re called the black eagles, Edlegard would wear more black but she’s as bright as a stop light. Her twin buns weren’t my favorite but whatever I still love her.
The crimson flower route (edlegard’s route) was enjoyable. I didn’t know the game kinda ends chapter 17/18 so it was kinda fast but for that route they do set Rhea up to the the villain really well. Edlegard is always ready to talk shit about her and its kinda nice because dead dad also didn’t like Rhea and we couldn’t tell why. I just didn’t like how I didn’t really deal with those who slither in the dark that much. If they wanted to make that a couple chapters longer I wouldn’t oppose that being added, but Rhea was the main villain for that route. rip dad. Yeah we avenged him but I wanted the entire group gone.
I don’t hate Rhea, she’s just a very likeable villain and the woman who plays her has the some range! Here I thought even with Rhea’s past, she was going to be this sweet lady who could see no wrong with Byleth and now she wants to rip me limb to limb. And every time Rhea felt like that and voiced that it shocked me every time which was great.
Haven’t finished other 3 routes won’t say anything there.
Game play/experience
I like how much you can grind without any set backs. Wish you could deal with supports when ever tho but I guess that would be too easy
Graphics are good for me
Wish I could let the animals
Surprised to not see Cain and Abel characters or characters who turn into animals or dragons (playable ones) but tbh didn’t miss it.
Other character designs I thought weren’t my favorite was probably Manuela (love her character) just cause she’s also a teacher. Hilda didn’t stand out to me, but it was nice knowing she wasn’t a copy of Severa which I thought she was. The pre five years the after isn’t my favorite eithe but whatever. The pig tail look and how there was nothing else standing out for her made her desgin boring but she makes up for in personality. Pink hair and eyes what is she the leader of a magical girl show? Dude wise no one really stood out as awful. Ignatz was just not the best looking but I think that’s just his quirk.he goes from bowl cut to mullet. Lorenz look awful before the five years and gets a little better.
Designs I liked for the girls were probably Rhea, (clever with the ears) I liked her complex look really holy like and had surprises. Mercedes was cute, and i liked Ingrid all the way long hair or short. Dorthea having a hat like that was a nice change. I liked how Marianne went from look stressed all the time to some what better. Lythesisa’s veil was cool. For dudes I like Ash’s pre five years more that his after just cause I like his shaggy hair over his little bit longer. After five year Dimitri looks good, Claude always looked good.
So there I gave the game some compliments but they won’t get one from me on their avatar designs.
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aegis-shield · 7 years
Okay, Mae, Lucina and Azura :P
My favourite girls 💖💖💖Mae:How I feel about them: I'm conflicted about Mae because I absolutely love her to death but she's also exactly like me before I got sick and I'm not sure if that's a good or a bad thingRomantic ships: CELICAPlatonic ships: Boey definitely, not that they ever interact but I can also imagine her getting along really well with Delthea?Unpopular opinion: I'm not sure I have any! What I wish had happened: I'm glad she loses it when she reclasses but THAT GODAWFUL BOOBPLATE NEEDS TO GOLucina:How I feel about them: I think Lucina is like... my idol. I have so much respect for her and I love her so much. Also she's really fun to cosplay.Romantic ships: Severa!!!Platonic ships: I love her relationship with f!Robin if she's her mum, though Olivia usually is in my game. Actually, her whole family relationship in general. And most of the Awakening kids. Everyone loves Luci.Unpopular opinion: Not sure I have one!What I wish had happened: GayAzura:How I feel about them: She's my wifeRomantic ships: Me (her support with Subaki is cute though, and Kaze but that's a given because all of Kaze's supports are lovely)Platonic ships: Corrin absolutely definitely, also Sakura and EliseUnpopular opinion: A lot of people seem to think she's really boring but??? I think she's one of the most interesting characters in the gameWhat I wish had happened: Do you know how hard I would ship Azurrin if they hadn't Done That. Do you know. WHY. WHY WHY WHY.
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