#sherlock dad
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Here is another portion of that goofy victorian interaction
Can you tell im really enjoying their nose dynamic(💞)
Tbh the Legend of Baskerville theme from this series is a total banger, and considered a love theme (by me). Go listen to it on youtube now!(minute 25:55)
Having a lot of thoughts on the Baskerville episodes from this series being the most mysterious and entertaining (to me), especially as a kid, due to the soundtracks, almost complete absence of Sherlock, sudden change of setting to the countryside, etc., etc.
The last time i rewatched it though, they just appeared to me too long, but its probably because i was busy drawing throughout the sequence. I have to re-check sometime soon.
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spacemancharisma · 1 year
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sexy-sapphic-sorcerer · 3 months
My dad's lack of media comprehension serves as a fascinating litmus test for gay subtext. He "didn't pick up on any gay breadcrumbs" between Stede and Ed until the moment they kissed, but he knew that Will Byers was gay just from "it's not my fault you don't like girls" in series 3. It took him way too long to realise that there was something fruity going on in Killing Eve, but he fully believed that Sherlock and John ended up together
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lilzezthenyan · 3 months
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“Morning, Sherlock.”
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noodles-and-tea · 4 months
I need more cute Johnlock asap😭 please 😭
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Got you covered
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nero-draco · 14 days
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b4kuch1n · 3 months
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simulated earth (it does not matter)
#sherlock and co#sherlock & co#podlock#comic#sherlock holmes#john watson#victor trevor#ft. archie (in like three panels lmao)#need to figure out a podlock specific tag for these guys so this doesnt clutter up the main sh tags#bc ohhh boy. I anticipate being insane abt s&co for a While#this comic def a Hot minute post-gloria scott#what is this about exactly? you ask. haha well (there's sunlight bouncing off a window and when u look back Im already gone)#listen I caught up to everything right before gloria scott and holy Shit that case knocked me on my ass#as a chronic adhd (and thus serious memory problems) haver.... (holds sherlock tenderly)#I have not listened to SOLI yet btw I will tomorrow. I wanted to finish this before catching up#Im obsessed with them. Im such an easy idiot lmao Im a sherlock holmes adaptation enthusiast before Im a human#gloria scott.... the way it muses on the limit of the genre same as the red headed league.... what about the victims?#what about the victims. what about the victims. what part of the pain does the process of investigation cure#victor's like. he's between jobs he's between boyfriends he's living with his dad whose caretaker he just became. who does he have#and sherlock holmes is about the truth but john's been about the solution so far. I just. I really like this john watson lmao#listen the way he complains and then refuses to shoot the underlings in red headed league. based. I love him#I can fix him (radicalize him against punitive justice)#(I am refraining from talking abt sherlock in the tags here bc I Will run out of tags before Im done)#(mariana is not here but I care her too!! she will be here more often in the future I swear I fuckign swear......)#(''I'm in a co-op that's sponsoring my visa. also I just witnessed two actual dead bodies like a month ago'' you mean everything to me)#screams. I got attached SO fast this show is targeting me specifically. my broke millenials suffering in london show#I have like a number of sketches too be prepared. theyre gonna show up soon. until then#have a good day lads. be there! be there.#edit: this comic is finished and assembled in full before I listened to the solitary cyclist part one. this has been an update#I have now listened to SOLI part one. I must hit john watson with a hammer
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mayhasopinions · 10 days
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aceredshirt13 · 3 months
Having read a fair amount of Poirot as of late (the first two novels and most of the short stories in Poirot Investigates), the thing I’ve overwhelmingly come away with is that Poirot and Hastings both are and aren’t what pop culture would have you think that Holmes and Watson are like.
Poirot is outwardly conceited, thinking the best of his own abilities while deriding those of the people around him. Hastings especially falls victim to this, being teased for “not seeing” and manipulated more than once as Poirot withholds the facts, and being resentful of Poirot’s arrogance while also being unduly arrogant himself - nearly every single one of his own proud deductions turns out to be intensely wrong, and he is also prone to foolish or reckless acts in the name of trying to score one off Poirot. Holmes and Watson, on the other hand, certainly have their faults, but their relationship is not so tempestuous, and Holmes is kinder and Watson less foolish than is often presumed by those who have not read the canon. Holmes, while possessed of some immodesty, never flaunts his intelligence so dramatically as Poirot does, and Watson is largely faithful and amazed by Holmes’s deductive capacity, and though occasionally annoyed is almost never resentful.
However, what I like about Poirot and Hastings is the way in which they aren’t like Holmes and Watson as painted with the pop cultural brush - namely that, like the original Holmes and Watson, Poirot and Hastings are unquestionably fond of each other. Their tiffs and petty spats are always contrasted with their affection, if not shot through with it in the first place. Poirot may speak ill of Hastings’s intelligence, but it is shown multiple times that he does not genuinely want to hurt his feelings, and he always asks Hastings to come with him on his cases - not because Hastings always provides any material aid, but because Hastings is his friend. Hastings may tease Poirot and think condescendingly of his mannerisms, but his laughter is always fond, and he admires him and desires his praise and respect just as much as he worries for him and wants to help him in potential times of need. Most importantly, despite their arguments and many differences (age, culture, temperament, just to name a few) they remain steadfastly together (with many year living voluntarily under the same roof!) and ultimately both wish and facilitate each other’s happiness.
They are more difficult than their Doyle-penned forbears, but for that there is no less love.
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gyroidroves · 5 months
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they are so found family coded (<- still hasnt finished resolve)
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Can you imagine what being Professor Moriarty's student was like? You have a very dedicated Mathematics professor, who also has a degree in Astronomy, and he tries his best to make everyone understand what he says despite the limitations of having a bunch of different students with a bunch of different learning styles, and he's just so nice; a bit overly strict with schedules, but he never humiliates you for forgetting an assignment. He probably donates his money to associations that seek to help immigrants or something. His eyes lighten up whenever you show interest in one of his areas of expertise outside of lecture hours, and he infodumps about how the Sun will die one day to you. He takes jokes well despite the resting bitch face he carries around.
And then one day you hear he was killed by Sherlock fucking Holmes and that he was a mobster.
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phyllistines · 4 months
am i saying that because victor is queer he and sherlock dated while in uni? well im not not saying that
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fleurdelait · 3 months
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Master Detective, Chemist, Lots of other things, and No. 1 Cat dad
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jay-wasreblogging · 3 months
John defending Archie against Sherlock and Mariana like:
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classifiedsto3 · 5 months
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Parentlock is my biggest weakness
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50044w44s · 6 months
someone in at least one of the following fandoms to be besties with.
- Harry Potter
- Percy Jackson
- How to Train Your Dragon
- Criminal Minds
- bbc Sherlock
- marvel (preferably spiderson and irondad, but exceptions can be made)
plus points if you read fanfiction.
that's all, thank you.
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