#she's my favorite character i swear
acetone4veins · 2 months
Do you have any Regina angst headcannons? Btw the fic was amazing
I'm glad you enjoyed it! A lot of my angst Regina headcanons were integrated in the fic in one way or another, but here's a few others I can think of off the top of my head :)
Chronic pain. She misses school relatively often during senior year because sometimes her back just hurts so much she can't get out of bed and she refuses to ask for help.
She has a lot of scars post-bus, both from surgeries and just from scraping along the asphalt
Because of said scars, along with her already existing body issues, Regina can't look at herself in the mirror post-bus because she barely recognizes the person looking back at her and she hates it
Regina's terrified of growing up to be just like her parents
She's even more terrified that Kylie will turn out to be anything like her. She does her best to keep apex predator Regina completely separate from how she interacts with her little sister
This one's obviously heavily explored in my fic but she's just so so touch starved. Her parents were never affectionate with her growing up and she never had any positive examples of what a relationship should look like so she genuinely has no idea how to handle people caring about her
She wasn’t allowed to eat sweets / candy as a kid and even when she’s older she still feels like she’s doing something wrong whenever she does
Despite what anyone tries to tell her, Regina never really stops believing that she deserved everything she went through with the bus
She gets extremely anxious over crossing the street. Anything that sounds like tires or brakes squealing sends her into a panic attack
She gets frequent nightmares about the bus, and I think between that and the pain, she was hardly getting any sleep at all the summer before senior year / maybe even a few months into senior year
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volivolition · 3 months
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she's so normal he swears.
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dogboots · 1 year
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this post was brought to you by the judo lovers association
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swan2swan · 21 days
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Did I miss something?
Or is this deliberately vague?
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fischiee · 8 months
rvb dnd game where wash is the dm and just gets increasingly angry as the game goes on bc every time church meets one of his npcs he just says “i cast brain damage” and then the whole table yells that it’s a valid spell and wash just screams internally
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the-meme-monarch · 24 days
biggest complaint about you is your not a big enough hater about kralsei. Get rageful with it. Make a whole rant about how gross it is in canon. Let the rage take over
oh it takes everything i have to not say swears about it like every day trust me. i am kra/lsei number 1 biggest hater
#and number 1 biggest poly scc hater evidently (looks out on the sea of users who’ve blocked me/that I’ve blocked)#i hope I’m not in their thoughts bc they’re not in mine HDNDNNSNJ#that one I’ve just been louder about bc they’re my By Far favorite characters#but honestly I’m a lot more vindicated when it comes to My Hate Of K/ralsei#but anyway yeah its fucking weird even with what we see in canon. kris is uncomfortable around ralsei. they don’t want him to hug them aft#after the spam neo fight. ralsei tea heals them the least out of their friends. ralsei is +60 noelle is +70 susie is +120#noelle saying ‘hey that guy looks like asriel’ susie saying ‘he kinda looks like your mom’ (bc she’s never seen asriel)#kris probably looks at him and sees their brother But Not Quite.#AND I SWEAR TO FUCKIMB GOD. ‘whuh buh but kris clearly isn’t biological related! and then ralsei clearly isn’t Actually related to the dree#to the dreemurrs’ SHUT THE FUCK UP ! shut the entire fuck up ! even so. you don’t know shit actually !#look me in the fucking face and acknowledge. 1 adopted families are real families. don’t fucking start w that shit#2 if you look at someone who looks like your fucking Brother and go ‘would.’ there’s no saving you actually#kr/alsei likers are fucking weirdos you can take that one to the bank#not even getting into All the art I’ve seen of ‘kris Doesnr like ralsei but ralsei likes them and the player wants them together and ral#and ralsie is Using this to his advantage to Be in that relationship even though Kris Doesn’t Like It. fucking nasty.#the monarch’s court#stops pacing. smooths my hair. ok I’m normal again
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scalproie · 4 months
We're literally told in t8 that Jun, even if spiritually powered by the Kazama Shrine, not only survived Ogre but beat him and drove him away. In his ending, Kazuya -one of the strongest individual in the world- views her as an equal because it is implied she is the only one he considers his equal in strength; in the canon storymode, he even chastises Jin for using half-baked Kazama moves, once again implying that the moves Jun used against him were better and stronger. While non-canon, her character episode literally has her beating Azazel as her final boss. She's as strong as Kazuya and Jin, meaning she could very well hold her own against Heihachi. Why would she need to be protected by anyone again?
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some-zer0 · 1 year
Dahlia Hawthorne is just... SUCH a good character.
Like, on the one hand, she's such a fun villain. She's cruel, and seems to delight in it, and her appearance lends itself so well to so much cool imagery: the butterflies, the poison, the appearance of an angel vs. the reality of a demon, etc, etc, etc.
But on the other hand, the second you start to dig around in her backstory, she becomes SO nuanced and tragic. She was Morgan's daughter and possibly her eldest, so was she originally slated to be the next Master of Kurain? Did Morgan treat her the same way she treated Pearl? Does she resent Mia at first because Mia got to have that title instead (and then threw it away)?
And she was FOURTEEN when the events that kickstarted the Fawles trial happened. Fawles frames their relationship as one of mutual love but can we really trust him? She was FOURTEEN and he was supposed to be tutoring her. Did she tell Valerie? Did she even plan to make it out of Eagle River? How did she feel when it was Mia -- her own cousin, of all people -- defending him? How did she feel when Diego wouldn't let her leave all of that behind her?
Then she's on death row, and her mother, who she probably hasn't seen since she was a child, is meeting with her not to console her at the end of her life, but to plot revenge. And what else can Dahlia say? What else does she have, except revenge? She's tried so hard to run away from her bad luck, and be someone she isn't, and all that she's gotten for her efforts is a grave she dug herself.
Except even THAT doesn't go right, and the last thing she sees is her cousin telling her that she can never change. She is forever trapped as Dahlia Hawthorne -- a girl whose own identity and hopes we never really get to know.
(Does she even remember what they were herself?)
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ros-sauce · 1 month
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This shot of her reminded me of something... I'm so sorry
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yotd2009 · 1 year
let one of the kids Finally pressure me into opening fgo so she could look at it while i was at work today and uhm. congrats to sei shonagon for being the most popular fate character among girls grades 2-4 at [redacted] elementary school's afterschool program
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bylrndgm · 1 year
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@kingofscoops -> aimz' 30th birthday bash
day one: blending | vibrant coloring concept: robin buckley in stranger things 3
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tonariofjananda · 6 months
For the ask game: Tonari - 5, 7, and 12!
Heya Ray! Ok here goes
5) What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
Honestly I’ve got a handful, most for maybe a line or two of association, but the first one that came to mind when reading this question that’s completely hers in my head was “The Moon Will Sing” by the Crane Wives. I love imagining the song as her reflecting on her dad, friends, Hayase, and Fushi, and how they’ve all contributed to the way she feels about herself and her legacy. Fun fact, the association came about from my mishearing of a line as “I shine only with the life you gave me,” the original word being “light” instead of “life.” But the more I reflected on the song, the more I felt her presence in it (I described this to my best friend as Tonari clawing her way to the surface lol), especially in the third verse. That one in particular draws a really vivid image to me of what Tonari’s headspace must have been right after Fushi pulled her away from the flames. I imagine she’s remorseful that she couldn’t give her friends a better life and is rallying to find her courage to kill them before Fushi steps in. “Instead you hoarded all that’s left of me” is a complicated little line too, filled with the bitterness and confusion at Fushi of keeping her from death. There’s not much left of her with the death of her friends, what Fushi did was selfish, but also implies Tonari didn’t realize Fushi cared if she lived or died. Then he takes the sword from her hands, “swallowing your doubt,” and she’s… grateful, angry, upset… but most of all, she acknowledges the mutual hesitance between herself and Fushi, even though they both know this is the only course of action. Even though it makes her feel like he’s taking the sword through her own body. He might as well be. The line “I want to feel the fire that you kept from me” is the most straightforward in my opinion, and what really solidified this song as being hers for me. It’s a little funny what I’ve done here tbh. The song probably meant the line as “i want to become the person you stopped me from being, I want to regain the life that was supposed to be mine,” but for this Tonari interpretation, I’ve given it the opposite implication… cough
Anyway, the chorus also kind of ties in with another song I somewhat associate with her, “Your Best American Girl” by Mitski, for the lines “Well I’m not the moon/I’m not even a star,” but I’ll spare you the analysis for that and “Goodbye My Danish Sweetheart” (also by Mitski) til… later 👀❗️
For now, I’ll leave you with the three following, lighter songs: Laufey called “Best Friend,” which I listen to as something directed towards the immortal army as a whole; “Wings,” by So!YoON! and Phum Viphruit as a song between her and Ligard and Fushi woah who said that; and “A Thousand Years” by Christina Perri bc immortalism and the heartbreak of waiting to reunite with someone. Also please imagine the second verse as being from Fushi’s perspective on getting not just her but all of their friends back at the end of the past era arc with potentially rough implications for their thought process in the modern arc WHO SAID THAT
7) What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
(Lyn asked me this too so I’ll cover it here for the two of ya!)
Tbh… I just like it when anyone talks about her ówò Tonari tends to get overlooked- even tho I’d argue she’s something of a deuteragonist- so I really just love whenever people acknowledge her importance to the story and show some enthusiasm for her plotlines. In terms of stories and fan art, it’s always awesome to see all the different sides of her shine through! Tonari’s badass, bitchy, and a little judgmental, but she’s also fashionable, studious, and warm, especially toward March and Eko. It’s also nice to see the occasional silliness she used to show on Jananda shine through every now and then. She’s changed a lot by the next arc, for obvious reasons, but she was pretty silly to Hisame when she was inviting herself to dinner, I don’t think all that playfulness should just disappear! So it’s nice to see fans playing with Tonari without vilifying her ;w; Also without reducing her to her feelings for Fushi, because yeah she has some but that’s not the only thing she’s about (even tho…. I fixate a lot… on that particular subject……… cough). While I’m on the subject, I really love that most ToFu art is limited to things like gentle physical affection. A head on a shoulder (I spent hours running around my house when you sent me that pic Ray, HOURS), a meaningful hug, and touching hands- an absolute must if you like em. I’m definitely getting carried away now though…
12) What's a headcanon you have for this character?
(Limit yourself, limit yourself, limit yourself…!!!)
(Also Coop if you’re reading this, the green one is the only safe one lol)
Bisexual Tonari is an obvious one, I’m convinced she was attracted to Parona’s form (who isn’t in this show tho lmao), and I find those ship posts between Tonari and Mizuha to be so fun tbh. Enemies to lovers maybe, invited to hold hands with her and Hanna! That theory you had about Nagisa having a crush on Tonari lives in my head rent free too, absolutely canon to me. Actually the MizuNariHanna stuff would be extra funny in a world where Nagisa has a crush on Tonari bc now Mizuha’s a girl stealer too! Nagisa just can’t win!!!
Tonari loves writing! And she’s a woman in STEM! Not a headcanon just fact but it lays down the groundwork for my following headcanon: she probably went away to grad school or something. Bon asked if Tonari knew how to do surgery, implying to my insane head that she’s probably gone away for school or something, maybe even received a doctorate, but Bon doesn’t know what for. Her stitches look a bit spaced out and wonky tbh, so she probably doesn’t have the patience for things like needlepoint. I’d wager her calling probably isn’t physical art either haha.
She absolutely goes drinking with the immortal trio + Bon and maybe Gugu once she’s old enough to do so (… would Hairo drink? Designated driver Hairo Rich, but also it’d be so funny if he’s completely normal in the stupidest way while drunk. “Stands like perfectly normal but topples over the second he goes to take a step” typa drunk- BUT THIS ISNT ABOUT HIM SORRY). I think they’d love having Tonari around to pal around with! I imagine that old Jananda arc silliness comes out full force then, if her excitement at Mizuha’s birthday was anything to go off ✌️
(This one’s safe Coop!) Her hair’s been short and choppy since before she got to Jananda so I like to think she did that little kid thing where she tried cutting her own hair and it came out looking uneven. Instead of letting her parents fix it though, she just insisted it wasn’t a mistake and wore it out like that for years. Then when she got to Jananda all the scissors sucked so she just had to keep cutting her hair in the same shabby way. Mia and Oopa having long hair is so funny to me too cuz I imagine they wouldn’t let Tonari get anywhere near them with scissors in her hand (OK stop reading here Coop!)
While I’m here, i think Tonari probably sees a little bit of her old friends in the immortal army tbh. Like, @/alphaofdarkness made the connection that March probably reminded Tonari of Oopa ;; So I feel like Gugu could remind Tonari of Uroy in some ways too, like in the buff, blond, older brother figure kind of way. Eko could remind her of young Sandel in the same way both were kind of upbeat and cute, but quiet in a way that they faded a little in the group (my brother INSISTED Sandel had NOT been there the entire time we were watching the Jananda arc). Meanwhile Messar might remind her of the older Sandel, the kind who probably was more like a brotherly shithead to her after all their years of growing up together. And Mia… imma be honest Mia’s weird as hell, chair fighting, curly hair collecting? Ain’t nobody doing it like Mia 🫡 ACTUALLY ITS BON, BON TOTALLY REMINDS HER OF MIA LMAO
OK IM ENDING IT THERE (Believe it or not this is me limiting myself, I’d typed out an entire section on Tonari’s relationship with each of the members of the immortal army). Hope these were decent enough responses to your questions Ray!
If you- or anyone- has anymore questions on Tonari or literally anyone else please feel free to send them! I have thoughts on like literally everyone, no character too obscure ✌️
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purgemarchlockdown · 5 months
This might be a bit weird to mention, but I was watching Jacob Geller's Really Good Video about what Call of Duty Believes In and was doing some other research on military stories and it's quite fascinating to me how Kotoko shares the same mindset of "The people on the ground (her) are the ones who arent Burdened by the fragile morals of the rest of society, and that Their the only ones who can Do What Needs to be Done."
Like- I try to be nice to Kotoko but I really Do Dislike how she holds power over people and how she's basically given up on mercy and compassion as valid forms of helping people. Like- she really does believe that discarding mercy is the only way to actually help people.
Kotoko: If you brag about hating evil, act against it! Carry on the belief that your actions can change this world! If you only brag about it from afar, the world will just continue to rot no matter how many of you are there! If you don't have strength on your own, let me take care of it, Es! I can do it in MILGRAM!
It's...pathetic really.
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chickenndogg · 8 months
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🍒 Charm of the Cherry Cat 🍒
Based off the Girl with Cherries painting
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bluarlequinno · 1 year
Homura Akemi
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That's it, that's the post
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angeltannis · 4 months
I was thinking about how Frey turns 21 in 2022 (when I believe the game is set?). Which means she was like 9 when My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic premiered. I want to believe she was a fan but I gotta be honest with myself and say that by 9 Frey was old enough to be an edgy shit already and probably thought it was stupid. Which is tragic but it’s something I have to come to terms with.
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