#she's just...a character specifically designed to get on my nerves
cravenhearted · 6 months
Hate/rant about fictional character below sorry I need to get this off my chest
I swear to God I have never hated an NPC and companion character in a videogame like this. I'm not 100% sure what is this but Ca55ia Ors3llio in W//H//4//0//K://R//T just fucking pisses me off like seriously pisses me off so fucking bad I feel it physically in my body, like. Jesus Christ. I've never felt like this about any videogame character before I don't understand.
Sure, there are characters I found annoying in games like I don't care about Zaeed Massani in Mass Effect but actual active hatred? Never! Until now!
I am so mad that so far (I'm barely into Chapter 2) I don't have an option to look for a new navigator (like, I get it! It's a rare talent and skill and I cannot just find replacement easily) and throw her out of the airlock or, better yet, put her head on the chopping block (or guillotine!!!)
Like ugghhh her rancid moe waifu vibe, her haughty spoiled baby demeanor,--she keeps asking questions about leadership and governance like she's been reading the 40K's Machiavelli or something but she's so oblivious to everyone else, treats lower status people like dirt. I know that this is 40K and everyone is worse than Hitler but my goddd I cannot stand her.
Also her catchphrase during combat are like "This should be a job for servants." "I am a navigator, not a servant", you know? Things like that?? Everytime I hear it I picture a guillotine in my head? Like I need to see her head rolls??
I totally understand that she was brought up that way as a woman from a noble family and my other characters (who weren't lower class themselvers) are not that different but JESUS FUCK. Astagfirullah haladzim La ilaha Illallah Muhammadur rasullulah ALLAHU AKBAR my God please grant me patience to deal with this woman because I can't.
I just can't.
I'm afraid that maybe her fictional psyker power emotional bleed is actually real and affecting me in real life because??? What other explanation is there?? For me to be this worked up over a fictional character??
ETA: 06012024
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yunarim · 1 year
hello! If you can, can you write a head cannon(others are fine) with the femperfect who had an ability to neutralize magic with a simple physical contact? Like the magic will automatically disappear once it makes contact with her so she often wears gloves, and I would like to see the overblots reaction(if you can't do all you can just do malleus ^^) thank you!
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yuu can neutralize the use of any kind of magic with a touch.
… ✦ characters : overblot squad … ✦ tags : female reader, books 1-7 major spoilers, hurt/comfort, cursing in leona's and vil's parts, mention of blood in leona's part, jp translation terms (dorm leader, VDC), can be read platonically in all of parts except for vil, idia & esp malleus ones (i imply romantic way tho), me experimenting with the format or something … ✦ song : monochrome frame ⏤ kanon wakeshima … ✦ recommended : light mode [ … ✦ ao3 ]
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… ✦ Riddle Rosehearts ┆touching . . . neck ⏤ ✧ Her wearing gloves wasn’t exceptional. They all were, and since Yuu didn’t have her specifically designed dorm uniform, indeed, it was quite common for her to wear gloves. 
⏤ ✧ Riddle would often find her look around before washing hands and taking off her gloves.
⏤ ✧ One day he realized he waited for her to do that and observe if she hid something underneath this accessory item but ended up dispelling his own doubts - her hands were just beautiful. 
“Oh, do you eat this with your hands?” She asked at an unbirthday party, glancing at a pink cupcake on the plate before her. 
“Yes, as a rule. If you’re worrying about getting messy, do not fret. The cupcake doesn't crumble, and Trey made sure the cream isn’t too greasy and doesn’t stick to the fingers.”
Yuu smiled, taking off her gloves and wrapping her fingers around a small cupcake. 
“Woah, such a nice taste! Tell Trey he did well.”
Still, he wondered, what was the mystery shrouded in darkness of her gloves. 
⏤ ✧ Yuu was gentle in her actions, she never judged, smiling tenderly and telling him to take his time and not to rush things. 
⏤ ✧ Unlike a certain duo getting on his nerves.
⏤ ✧ Never in his life felt he so powerful, so authoritative, so… valid. 
⏤ ✧ Something underneath was telling him it wasn’t right to throw insults at her and just… yell like he was a little child, not knowing how to handle his own emotions.
⏤ ✧ Yet maybe he was, calling her insolent and foolish. 
⏤ ✧ She was just a magicless human! Why rush to him, tearing her gloves off her hands and screaming something with such an obstinate gaze fixed on him?
“My goodness, Riddle, come to your senses!”
⏤ ✧ Her touch felt so ephemeral and light on his deadly cold skin, and even though his almost devilishly malevolent grin didn’t scare her, Yuu still bit her lip after Riddle’s phrenetic laughter. 
⏤ ✧ A sudden flash of light made him switch his attention to what happened to him just in a mere second. 
The overflowing power that pounded in his vessels with a burning seething abruptly left him in an instant, devastating his mind and body.
He collapsed, exhausted, to the ground, barely finding the strength to raise a pair of bulging eyes to her and exhale brokenly.
“What did you?.. Huh…”
⏤ ✧ He was at loss for words, not even caring about Trey’s concerns at the moment. 
⏤ ✧ Light flickered on where she touched him, and he welcomed the sensation without realizing it.
“You… you do have magic after all?”
⏤ ✧ One little gentle touch, and all of his enormous powers are gone. So simple yet devastating.
“I would call magic not the fact I neutralized you, but rather…”
She embraced him, welcoming into her tender hug and encouraging him to let all his negative emotions free, and he laughed, hiding his teary eyes in her shoulder.
Maybe she was right, and this was her real magic.
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… ✦ Leona Kingscholar ┆touching . . . shoulders ⏤ ✧ He wasn’t surprised that Heartslabyul little tyrant or what do they call him even was defeated with the help of Ramshackle dorm girl.
⏤ ✧ Women are strong. And that’s a rule.
⏤ ✧ But one look at Prefect’s hands got him thinking that maybe she was strong another way. Such hands couldn’t bring harm to anyone, he was sure of it.
⏤ ✧ Her rather adamant gaze on him was such an entertaining sight to witness. 
Leona chuckled when she stepped on his tail. She did apologize for her behavior, of course, but he knew from the very beginning that she wasn’t entirely regretting her actions.  
“I’m really sorry,” her voice was firm, steady and solid enough for him to fix his gaze on her a little longer than he thought he would.
“You aren’t, Prefect.”
“Do I know you?” 
She didn’t. Yet he knew her after what happened, his eyes locked on her hands in an examining way. 
⏤ ✧ A little thought of asking Riddle what the hell is wrong with her hands since no trace of magic was found on her. ⏤ ✧ She was just a normal girl minding her business, and it was supposed to be this way.
⏤ ✧ He wasn’t against her planting flowers when he was around since she remained quiet, her head full of worry because of those little accidents he sabotaged with Ruggie’s help. 
He did know he should stay away from her hands. 
Especially in that state when his own looked so rough, long pointed claws clenching in fists and digging into the palms, scarlet blood mixed with viscous ink trickled down his hands.
⏤ ✧ Such a reckless human being, knowing nothing about his disappointment, rushed to him without any doubt. What a joke. 
⏤ ✧ Even hyenas turned against him, and would she even make any difference? Of course not…
⏤ ✧ He was trying to convince himself he stopped for a mere moment because she was a magicless woman. 
And yet somehow she almost grabbed his hand, claiming he was being unreasonable and unstable and some other pathetic bullshit.
He brushed off her hand, knowing it would do something to him. Something he realized he wasn’t so opposed to accepting when she yelled out his name, this time putting both her hands on his shoulders.
“Do this shit once more and you’ll fucking witness my real wrath, Leona, now calm down!!”
He fell into her embrace, her hands still on his shoulders but not gripping them firmly. She sighed in relief, gently stroking his hair, and smiled.
Shit, Leona thought, laughing to himself and almost craving her warm touch, grabbing her hand and squeezing it, while dust accumulated in a sedimenting cloud was dissolving around them, so no one could really see him being suddenly vulnerable.
She was dangerous. And maybe he liked it.
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… ✦ Azul Ashengrotto ┆touching . . . cheeks ⏤ ✧ How curious! A supposed-to-be-magicless human performing miracles with just a little touch! 
⏤ ✧ He thought of depriving her of Ramshackle dormitory first, but now, after she bewitched Riddle and even Leona? No, he couldn’t miss such an opportunity to take her powers. 
⏤ ✧ He could have everything one might dream of in at the snap of a finger, and a siren’s voice, a ballerina’s gracefulness, a mind of greatest’ scientists ⏤ one harmless contract, and a wish could be granted. 
⏤ ✧ And yet Yuu. Girl from another dimension with that always gloved hands of hers. She was such an interesting person to observe. 
He gathered information, oh sure he did, he already had two opponents down thanks to her, and he couldn’t afford being another one himself.
“How about your neutralizing powers?”
“Ha, you wish, mind dealing with overblots then?” 
Oh, Yuu was amusing, indeed, but Azul just knew he would deprive her of her ability one day. Sooner or later. 
⏤ ✧ Despite rejecting his offer and agreeing to do an extremely ridiculous task instead of having her ability deprived, he would still find her in Mostro Lounge, her fingers on the glass full of drink he personally made, her lips gently pressing to its corners. 
⏤ ✧ A tender smile spreading on her face was quite distracting, which Azul wouldn’t ever admit, his gaze fixed on her delicate hands. 
⏤ ✧ She was captivating and it was scaring him. 
Ah, really, foolish humans, knowing about his past and making fun of his own intelligence. 
He was working so hard, but one magicless girl suddenly got all the attention and appreciation he always wanted just because she could neutralize magic with a touch?
Azul thought he hated her at the moment ink was splashing everywhere, drops of tar scattered in splatterings, falling on her clothes as well as her hands, ungloved this time.
Mind dealing with overblots… right? 
Part of him wished she would just touch him and they would be over it, but still he hesitated when she approached carefully, no signs of fear in her eyes. She was truly magnificent. 
“Let me handle this responsibility, Azul,” she said, pressing her fingers to his cheek and caressing it. A flash of light turned him back to normal state, the only difference was him crying and leaning to her touch, as if starved for it. “And you please remain the way you are.”
And he will.
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… ✦ Jamil Viper ┆touching . . . hands
⏤ ✧ That Ramshackle dorm girl having an ability to neutralize others’ magic with just a one touch has become an axioma by now. 
⏤ ✧ Having any problem with the amount of magic used? Or maybe overused? Then no need to worry, NRC now had Yuu to handle all that.
⏤ ✧ He couldn’t care less about her, but still found himself thinking he felt sorry for her. He didn’t wonder how it felt to be the one everyone relies on when it’s hard, but other times forgot you exist. He knew it by heart.
… Huh. Or maybe not?
“You should give yourself more credit, you’re doing excellent. Always remember it,” she said to him one day, her fingers clasping around his wrist reassuringly.
An electrical impulse ran down his whole hand, a sudden warmth spreading in his vessels.
He chuckled, a small knife cut didn’t bother him at all. Why would she say it so unexpectedly thoughtfully to him when she stayed in Scarabia? 
Everything in his plan was perfect, and yet her words distracted him for a moment. He was too preoccupied with his own feelings and conflicted emotions to handle her… care?
⏤ ✧ No way. It was not her ability he secretly admired for being so helpful. It was her shrewdness and the way she saw people through. 
⏤ ✧ Did she feel he was about to do something malicious and not so praise worthy? Otherwise why would she say such things to him? 
⏤ ✧ There was no way she genuinely cared for his well-being.
He couldn’t remember when was the last time his emotions were so tangled and complicated so that he couldn’t sort them out. Snakes aimed right at her hands she was reaching to him weren’t scary, and even the way he smirked when her attempt to touch him failed didn’t cause her to stop. 
A small part of him wanted her words to be true but he knew all the things she said were a mere mendacity to fool him. 
“You’re not someone else’s shadow, Jamil.”
He pushed her hard enough for her to fall on her knees before him. His anger spread in the ink splashing everywhere, but she remained her gaze fixed on him nevertheless.
He thought that maybe… maybe it was worthy to believe her.
He chuckled when he outstretched his hand to be shaken himself, and Yuu smiled at him, taking his hand in her.
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… ✦ Vil Schoenheit ┆touching . . . eyelids
⏤ ✧ Good for Yuu she still managed to control her own psyche by dealing with so many splashes of demolished emotions in such a short amount of time.
⏤ ✧ Still, Ramshackle Prefect was complicated to him. Vil genuinely thought there was something wrong with his sudden desire to take care of her.
⏤ ✧ She was close to being perfect by now, despite having those horrible eye bags appeared because of sleepless nights she took helping Azul with arranging new drinks in the menu and all the times Vil caught her excusing herself during their VDC rehearsals in order to check on Leona or Riddle or whoever she kept an eye on after overblotting.
Yuu was wonderful, truly. But instead of appreciating herself she preferred to praise everyone else.
And Vil wasn’t an exception.
“You’re a lifesaver,” she giggled when he bent towards her face to apply a concealer. “A true hero, really.”
Hero?.. He? Ah, Prefect, what were you saying? 
He sighed, taking her hands in his and asking whether he could take off her gloves or not as she nodded, allowing him to apply a hand cream on her skin. What a pleasant feeling…
“Even if you’re a manager, you’re still our representative. No way you would show up on stage with these eye bags of yours. And what did I tell you about having some sleep before VDC? You really…”
She smiled, saying something about having a bad feeling before going to sleep. How truly discerning she was at that very moment. 
⏤ ✧ He couldn’t be a hero, at least her hero, when he chuckled so maliciously at her attempt to reach for him. Now no one could, he was fairest of them all, outshining especially her.  
⏤ ✧ He applied a curse on her which restrained her from touching him ever so slightly, and that would be it until he willingly allowed it. He believed in his strong volition, but still…
“Every hero has their moment when they have a whole world turned against them, Vil,” she said demandingly, almost choking on the dark fog coming off from Vil’s body. “And since when do you act as if you’re such a mediocre character! Where’s Vil who would step on everyone and slay as a fucking queen you really are!!”
He laughed genuinely at her wording, not noticing her getting up from her knees after being blown away with the magic wave he created, and pulled him closer by a translucent veil, pressing a gentle kiss on his eyelids.
“I would prefer cheek instead, thank you,” he chuckled, light sparklets surrounding him. “You ruined my makeup.”
“You also ruined a whole stage, but okay.”
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… ✦ Idia Shroud ┆touching . . . forehead
⏤ ✧ The one who Idia wanted to avoid the most was none other than Ramshackle Prefect.
⏤ ✧ All eyes were on her by now, and that meant he would rather die than talk to her.
⏤ ✧ If not only the whole STYX demanded him to get in touch with her in order to get the data regarding her ability, gather info on how her powers work, otherwise she would be taken by force and…
⏤ ✧ He DIDN’T want all of those at all!! She already swept every SSR character off their feet already, and now interacting with him? What the hell!
⏤ ✧ Ugh, not him actually spotting her trying to beat the boss in a PSP game. Where in the world did she find a working PSP even? 
⏤ ✧ Her fingers were clicking furiously on the buttons… those were the hands that dealt with five overblots? Unbelievable.
⏤ ✧ Unbelievably pretty⏤ WHAAH he didn’t want to even think about her that way what the!!
⏤ ✧ Idia was avoiding her like the plague. Even after all things happening at STYX he still preferred to listen to others’ complaints and oh whatsoever important rather than facing her, but his responsibilities came first above everything.
And when he thought it would be hard to convince her to do some tests in order to analyze the data received from them she willingly agreed, smiling at him like it was nothing.
“Okay, but help me with beating that boss later,” she sighed, rubbing her temples with her fingers. Idia wondered whether her ability was helping her herself. “I’m going crazy right here.”
“U-ugh, f-fine… It’s not even t-that hard tho…”
“It is!” She protested, turning to him and witnessing pinkish hue flaming on his hair. “It’s just you’re too good. I admire you for that.”
⏤ ✧ Nononono he wouldn’t fall into that trap, he already heard enough about her being so unnecessarily nice!!
⏤ ✧ Shit. He fell, and fell hard.
Why would deny her touch when he would make her try doing it at least? He had cool armor, he was floating midair. She couldn’t even hear him properly when Vil appeared before her, covering her with his back and demanding her stay behind. 
It was normal for him to behave that way. Covering himself in a darkness where nobody could reach for him, and yet Yuu could somehow. He jolted for a second when she yelled at him, telling Vil to step aside. 
She still couldn’t touch him. He wanted to believe that no one could, but somehow the image of her fingers clicking on a game console popped up in his mind, causing his heart to skip a beat shamelessly. He was so pathetic and⏤
“I thought you would help me beat the boss, Idia, not me helping you beat the shit out of yourself!!” 
She was insane for asking Epel to take the chariot and fly over to him, then leaning towards him and trying to touch him. She grabbed his armor, hissing under her breaths while he wasn’t getting her actions at all, trying to cover himself from her. From the rest of the world.
“Fine then! If you’re the final boss I should beat, then so be it!”
No, why was her face being so close to his, that’s bad!! 
His mind blew completely after Yuu pressed her lips to his bare forehead and threw him onto the chariot.
“Did I manage? Will you help me now then? Hehe.”
“Sh-shut up!!”
“Make me.”
Note: never ever piss Yuu off again. (Well maybe just a little because she was so hot ahem⏤)
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… ✦ Malleus Draconia ┆touching . . . lips
⏤ ✧ Yuu was a rather peculiar child of man. Wielding no magic powers, and yet Malleus felt something in her from the very beginning. 
⏤ ✧ First he observed her when she was busy renovating the Ramshackle garden, she seemed so peaceful and collected, humming something under her breath.
⏤ ✧ He would bring her flowers every night without her noticing only to find her bringing blankets and a container with a hot tea in it and spending a whole night waiting for something… or rather someone to come.
⏤ ✧ “A stranger who brings me bouquets every night, please let me know you’re here. It’s quite cold outside.” She said one night, her gaze fixed on green sparkletts floating around her. 
⏤ ✧ Next day he appeared before her, placing a flower crown he made on her head. Small gypsophila flowers intertwined with scarlet zinnias, decorating her delicate image.
⏤ ✧ “Ah really, why would you appear only now. With such a pleasant gesture even! Wait for a moment then.”
She gathered some flowers she had grown by herself, then took her gloves off and did another flower crown for him personally. Something fluttered in his chest the moment she touched his horns, smiling softly, and laughed with her clear sweet voice, recoiling after decorating his head with a flower crown.
His heart was pounding in his chest, his whole body shuddered at her touch, and in that moment he knew he was close to making a deal with the devil so that the lingering feeling of her fingers would never leave him.
“Would you mind teaching me how to make those? I guess I’m pretty bad…”
He chuckled, admitting he never felt something so pleasant and light before, as if her whole body was radiating something celestial, her hands feeling absolutely pristine and divine.
⏤ ✧ Every night they met she would tell him stories about what happened to her. So many students overblotting, and yet… The way she stuttered for a moment every time she mentioned overblots was confusing to him as if she wasn’t telling something really important. 
⏤ ✧ He wanted to trust her nevertheless. She was tender in the way she looked at him, glimpses of happiness blossoming in her eyes every time he appeared in the garden, welcoming her gently. 
⏤ ✧ He craved her touch, the image of her putting a flower crown on his head still lingered in his mind, never fading nor dissolving, remaining the most precious memory of her.
“You never fail to impress me, child of man,” he said once during VDC right after Vil overblotted and he arrived.
“How come, Tsunotarou?” he laughed at how astonished others were at you calling him by that silly nickname. 
“Witnessing you have no fear towards me is truly a blessing.”
She smiled at him then, her cheeks slightly dusted with a beautiful pinkish hue. 
“Having you as my dearest friend is a blessing too!”
⏤ ✧ Friend…?
⏤ ✧ Right, friend. And what friends are needed for? 
⏤ ✧ Apparently, Malleus thought Yuu would be delighted to see him putting everyone in a sleeping state. If he can’t be someone even dearer to her, then he would be her most devoted guardian.
⏤ ✧ She resembled a fairy, telling him about her tremendous adventures, so it would be natural for him to tell her a fairy tale in return.
“Do not resist the temptation, child of man.”
His voice, so alluring and somnolent, enveloped her, her eyelids feeling leaden. He was standing right in front of her, looking at how her body trembled under his enticing enchantment. He knew by now he shouldn’t touch her, even though her eyes told him otherwise, begging to lean to her.
“Although it would be interesting to fall under your spell and feel that divine feeling, please allow me to grant you with a happy ending you truly deserve.”
“You… never asked me… what kind of ending I truly want…” Her voice was fading, and she could barely stand at that moment, but Malleus knew.
If she takes one step closer, that would be the end for him. 
So she did, thorns enveloping her, but she managed to grab Malleus by his clothes somehow, her face being extremely close to his, his astonished gaze fixed on her, blurry and sorrowful.
“Perhaps a true love kiss would wake you up from this dream, Malleus.”
She pressed her lips to his, tenderly whispering those words and smiling through the kiss when a bright light surrounded them. 
Malleus picked up her exhausted body, oblivious to the dissipation of his own magic, and looked at her worriedly, ignoring the slowly awakening students.
“Ugh… don’t underestimate me. You still haven’t taught me how to make pretty flower crowns.”
And she was right. “Indeed. That’s the least I can do for showing me the ending I truly do adore.”
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⏤ ☆ notes : omg thx for requesting!! i got carried away in malleus part (a little bit.... kinda... forgive me for that) but still i hope you like it! ~
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⏤ ☆ tag list : @isacoremeow
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© yushiiae 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝. 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭, 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲, 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐲, 𝐨𝐫 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐚𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐨𝐰𝐧.
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estro-gem · 5 months
Jax x Ragatha: What lurks beneath the surface
The Amazing Digital Circus AU: Oasis
Author's Note:
It's done😭 Finally...
This is the longest Oasis fic I've written and I pray that my English was good enough to NOT have as many mistakes that would distract you from the story I am trying to tell. We'll hope for the best.
Thankfully, I finished it and I'm happy with it - as spicy as it turned out and all. I could finally showcase Jax and Ragatha by allowing them a chance to share another side to both of them - Especially Ragatha! It was so much fun to lean into her character (in the Oasis canon, at least).
Warnings: Suggestive themes and flirting Hypomania/manic episodes Animal instincts/ferocity
I hope you like this one. Please enjoy!
Ragatha gifts Jax a plush that she promised to make for him. He enjoys the comfort that it brought him as well as the sentiment behind the gesture, until Ragatha reveals that the dress of the plush can be removed for him to discover a secret she added for him to find. He is plagued by strange possibilities to his dolly’s reasoning behind the design choice. He struggles to muster the courage to remove the dress – or even see reason to do so, other than quenching the thirst of his curiosity.
It’s just a doll, isn’t it?
“To what do I owe this pleasure, Sweetheart?”
Jax didn’t expect Ragatha to come knocking at his door. It had been a long day with a very tiring adventure from Caine. Everyone had already retired to their rooms after they’ve enjoyed a feast together. The bunny was one of the last members to leave and he had been decompressing in his room for no more than an hour, until he was – as he considered – rudely disturbed.
Seeing Ragatha, however, made him curious enough to be more forgiving. She wasn’t one to knock at such a late hour… unless she had something to hide and oh, Jax loved a good secret!
Especially ones he could exploit in the future.
So Jax rested his forearm at the level of his eyes to lean against the doorframe as his free hand pushed the door open wider than before. Instead of answering, Ragatha walked up to him, keeping her eye locked with his as she invaded his personal space. Just as Jax had a flicker of uncertainty that she was getting too close, the doll smoothly strode right passed him without even touching or brushing against him. She broke eye contact at the last second and entered his room, while he was struck frozen by surprise.
Cheeky little-
“You’ve got some nerve, Dollface.” He said, masking his flustered state with a smug grin and a raised eyebrow, “I don’t remember ever saying that you are welcome to come inside.”
He turned around to find his doll smiling as if she was the cat that stole the cream. He took a moment to just silently appreciate her showing him this different side to her, as it was a side that she reserved for very rare, specific and special occasions.
Confident, sassy and letting her actions do the talking.
Dangerously silent.
“Are we playing games, Darling?” Jax shut the door behind him, not once looking away from her smug grin that perfectly matched his, before slowly sauntering towards her, “We can play anything you like…”
Rather than to humor him and say something snarky for him to play of off, his dolly knelt and proceeded to grab at her dress skirt to bunch it up on her lap.
“Woah, WOAH, Sweets! Calm down!” Jax eyes went wide, dropping his façade completely at the sight of Ragatha intending to lift her skirts. With his character completely broken, his ears pulled back and he averted the gaze of his shrunken pupils as a very prominent blush bloomed onto his cheeks.
“Would you relax?” Ragatha chided with a bubbly laugh, “…and shame on you for having your mind in the gutter!”
Jax almost scoffed in disbelief, but didn’t dare to look her way, uncomfortably shifting on his feet, “Ya waltz in here, makin’ eyes at me! Next thing ya know, ya here on my floor and pullin’ up you dress! Whaddaya think, I’m gonna assume ya wanna play cards or somethin’? Geez, Raggs!”
His heart soared at the sound of Ragatha’s laughter intensifying as he rambled on. He had the sneaking suspicion that she really liked his dialect when he was riled up. He tried to put a damper on it whenever he could, but sometimes he just couldn’t stop himself – especially when he was caught off guard.
If it meant that he could have his doll laughing as much as she had, he didn’t mind it too much.
“Oh, Jax…” she sighed, followed by more chuckles as she laughed, “I hid something under my skirt. Don’t worry!”
“Yeah, I’d like ta think that we all hide somethin’ in our pants, Dolly.” Jax quipped without missing a beat.
“I tie a string of wool around my waist and then I tie that to a bag that dangles at my knees, Honey.” Ragatha dismissed with an airy laugh.
The doll fumbled with a large, brown paper bag she had to waddle down the hall. When she managed to untie the top, she opened the bag to reveal a box wrapped with a disheveled red bow. It was a wonder that she managed to walk so naturally with it knocking against her legs, but years of practice taught her well.
She noticed Jax tapping his foot impatiently, still not looking at her, making her smile to herself. It didn’t matter how much he tried to hide it; he was still a good man at heart.
It was a shame that he had to do the wrong things for the right reasons.
“I’m decent for show, Honey. I always was… just so you know.” She said while standing up to present the box. She remembered what he previously said and sought the opportunity to milk her teasing just a little longer, “What are you hiding in your pants, Jax?”
“Hey, I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.” Jax mused suggestively as he peeked with a glance from the side when he was cleared by Ragatha to do so.
The doll gasped dramatically, “And here I thought you were a gentleman!”
“Ugh, please!” Jax approached his doll before resting a hand on his hip, “I’ll have ya know that ‘Chivalry’ is my middle name.”
“If that’s the case, we’re all doomed.”
The brief silence was eventually broken by the sounds of the couple barely containing their snorts, until they burst into fits of laughter. It was so hysterical, that Ragatha almost dropped the box, causing her to juggle and fumble with it in the air; eye wide until she caught it with a firm grip. Jax practically died at the sight, pointing and laughing with new vigor. The doll helplessly chose to laugh at her own clumsiness.
Finally, when the laughter died down, Jax looked at Ragatha and saw her face glowing the glee. In another life, he would have loved to make her laugh whenever possible. He would be her safe space that would never have to lay a hand on her, unless he wanted to see her smile, laugh, gasp or sigh in joy and pleasure.
But here, he was chained to the slavery of hurting everyone out of obligation.
Stop thinking about that!
“That’s a good look on you, Raggs.” Jax commented right after she chose to break eye contact to look down to the wrapped box she was still holding.
“You don’t look too shabby either.” She held out the box for him to take, but he just idly stood to look at it; hesitantly. He was a lot more expressive when they were alone.
“I didn’t get you anything.”
The doll just shook her head with a little huff, “You made me laugh.” She blushed, looking away, but fiddled with the ribbon wrapped around the box, “You make me laugh... and you never ask me for anything! I love that I could give you something you actually wanted for once.”
His dolly grew bold enough to look up to him, despite her little rosy blush. He focused on keeping his face neutral, despite feeling conflicted about accepting a genuine gift. Ragatha didn’t stop insisting for him to take it, “Please… just look at it? You can do whatever you want with it afterwards, but just take one look. Please?”
“Don’t beg, darlin’.” Jax suddenly said, as if a switch was flipped, as his aura shifted to take on a darker tone, “It’s unbecoming.”
Please beg for me to take you instead…
Silencing the confusing thoughts that clouded his mind, he stepped forward and held out his hands, only for Ragatha to step forward and lightly push the box against his chest. He took the sides of the present and met Ragatha’s eye. She was fixated on his gaze as she trailed her hand down her side on the box, before slowly turning around and walking to the door.
That doll would be the death of him.
“Where’d ya think you’re goin’, Sweetheart?” He asked coolly, making no move to trail behind her – even as she opened his door.
Just before closing the door behind her, she looked back one last time. The ragdoll sported that confident, cheeky grin again and Jax suddenly wanted nothing more than to make her melt.
“I’m giving you some privacy.” Ragatha gifted him one last sweet smile and closed the door as she left, not giving him a chance to answer, “Goodnight Honey.”
Jax decided to sit on his bed before untying the ribbon. A small part of his mind giggled at the fact that Ragatha could walk with such a bulky object knocking against her knees. Another silent thought whispered into his mind, feeding his curiosity regarding all the things his doll managed to sneak around by hiding it beneath her skirt.
Her waters ran deeper than he thought – not that he was complaining.
Wasting no time, the bunny plucked the lid off the box, but froze on the spot at the sight of a familiar face that greeted him. The lid fell from his grasp.
His heart squeezed painfully in his chest.
About the length of his forearm, a little, redheaded ragdoll in a blue dress was staring up at him. Other than the fact that the little doll was plusher, it was the spitting image of Ragatha. It had the same red locks, the same blue dress with the darker patches and the same face of his doll – embroidered to capture to picture of her face exactly – save for the blue button stitched to represent her missing right eye, just as there was one in reality.
It was perfect.
His mind flashed back to an encounter he shared with Ragatha a few weeks ago. Them, sitting on the lone couch, with him just enjoying the sight of his dolly so focused on her very… flattering… project. How tempted he was to mess with her, but his attention was held captive by the precision, skill and progress she was making.
Maybe he was vexed by the doll’s sentiment to even think of making something that resembled him.
A monster.
The rabbit took the plush doll in his hands and admired it once again, before slowly drawing it to his chest and wrapping his arms around it in a soft embrace. It wasn’t his intention, but Ragatha’s scent invaded his senses, causing his hold on the doll to tighten.
It was not sentient or breathing, with skin or senses. It was lifeless and thoughtless, with no intention of ever reaching out to him. It just existed – made for the times he sought comfort whenever he wanted. It could provide a comfort he was cursed to loathe when receiving it from others who actually cared for him.
What a wonderful gift his precious little dolly had given him.
That night, he collapsed onto his bed, cradling the plush closely as he became intoxicated by his angel’s scent. He had no nightmares or worries that withheld him from sleep. He simply existed in the presence of something that his beloved had made for him.
He couldn’t remember the last time he felt so loved.
He couldn’t remember the last time he overslept.
Jax overslept.
“Jax?” a worried voice cried out from the other side of his door, along with insistent banging that caused him to fly straight up. “Are you okay?! Jax?”
He stumbled to the door and fumbled to unlock it, as she wouldn’t be able to hear him from the inside. He didn’t have the time to pull the door open, as a great force crashed the door right into him and caused him to be launched back with a yelp. The pain to his face caused his vision to blur, but he could clearly see the shape of his ragdolly hunched over and panting in his doorway.
“Ow! Talk about a wake-up call.” Jax said as he was blinking to clear his vision.
“Jax…” her voice drew his attention in an instant. He didn’t like it one bit. She sounded terrified.
She sounded relieved.
“Hey, Sweetheart.” he cooed as he stood up and the sting subsided, “I’m right here.”
“Jax.” Ragatha said again, seemingly stuck on his name, “You…”
She stood frozen, blinking multiple times before she shook her head and perked up uncomfortably fast, “You’re late, silly!”
“Raggs…?” Jax spoke carefully and approached her, as if she was a startled animal, “Don’t do that with me.”
Her unsettling smile remained stuck on her face as she looked over his form for any obvious injuries, “Heh, sorry about bumping into you earlier! It’s not common that you sleep in! Why were you-”
So intense, that not even an explosion would muffle it.
Her smile was dropped as her eyes suddenly widened. Jax, startled by the sharp continuous shifts in Ragatha’s expression, followed her line of sight to see what caused her sudden reaction. He followed it slowly, until he was met with the little ragdoll plush that was still miraculously clutched tightly in his hand. He stood there like a frightened toddler, holding his favourite toy, but he didn’t feel ashamed about it.
There wasn’t time that; his dolly needed help.
“I… had a great cuddle-buddy.” He started slowly, watching her reactions very closely as he stood closer, “I didn’t want our snuggle-session to end so soon, so I laid here for a little longer.”
He was jesting, but it was gentle and benign. The rabbit could still help her choose to drop her guard if he played his cards right. He just knew he could.
“You like her…” she said in a foreign monotone, “You slept with her…”
“Like a baby.” He chuckled briefly, before unveiling his true emotions by holding the doll up to look at it dearly, “She’s perfect.”
The rabbit allowed his eyes to flick back up to Ragatha, then repeating what he had said, hoping that his dolly would understand, “Perfect.”
Ragatha slowly treaded her way back to reality, helplessly succumbing to the little, somber smile that crept up the corners of her mouth, “I’m glad you like her.”
“Heh,” Jax genuinely huffed, “Only you would think that someone calling someone else ‘perfect’ only means that they kinda like them.”
Ragatha meant to question him on what he said, but Kinger screaming about the practicality of duffle-bags distracted the couple beyond recovery.
Before leaving to join the others, Jax made a quick stop to his bed, to rest the plush against his pillow, “Can’t risk her getting ruined in an adventure. We still got plans for tonight!”
“Oh really?” Ragatha mused, though she seemed tamer than she was with her previous fake optimism.
“Oh yeah. No going back now!” Jax said, nudging the ragdoll with his elbow as they walked down the hall.
“I was going to ask if I was invited, but I wouldn’t want to keep you two from doing whatever it is that couples do when they are alone in bed.”
“Aw, there she is! Welcome back Raggs!” Jax laughed, causing the doll to chuckle along with him. He looked over to her with a little hint of seriousness, “But seriously though, we are keeping it clean, Dollface. I mean, it’s a doll.”
Ragatha stopped, alarming Jax to do the same, ready to pull back his statement in case he went too far with his jokes.
Ragatha beat him to it, “Wait, you didn’t take off the dress? Didn’t you notice that it could be removed?”
Jax didn’t know how to react to that.
On the one hand, she could be joking – in a way that he, in turn, would consider as ‘too far.’ On the other hand, she could be serious, opening an entirely different can of worms. Based on her shocked expression at the fact that he didn’t undress a plush, he could only believe that the latter was true.
It horrified him with its implications.
“Ragatha.” Jax said, not missing the way she twitched at the use of her full name, “Why would you expect me to undress a plush?”
Ragatha fumbled to answer, but her face lit up like a Christmas tree, “Don’t put it like that!”
“How else do you want me to put it?” Jax asked, bewildered, lowering his voice down to a hissed whisper, “Why would I need ta undress ya? Is it because ya think that’s what I want? Is that how little ya think of me?”
“Jax, stop.” Ragatha said sternly. He reluctantly obeyed for her to speak, “It’s nothing of the sort, it’s something else. I added a hidden… feature… with the hope that you’d find it on your own.”
“It still sounds weird, Raggs.”
“It’s not, I swear!” Ragatha exclaimed, “I thought you’d know that ragdolls often have their bodies be a different colour fabric; to represent the bodice of the dress, instead of making an entirely separate dress, like I did. I also thought that it would’ve been enough of a clue to look beneath the fabric since I showed you how I hide things beneath my skirt. There’s nothing funny about it!
Jax still looked skeptical, but seeing his dolly that upset, softened his heart a little more than he wanted to admit.
Ragatha pleaded one last time, hoping to have justified herself enough, “I just thought that it would be a special little secret for you to find.”
Jax sighed, but relented eventually, “Fine, but I’m not happy about this.”
“Just trust me on this!” Ragatha insisted gently, “So you’re going to look, right?”
“I’d rather you just tell me and be done with it.” Jax huff, folding his arms and turning away from her. He heatedly glared over his shoulder to flick his eye from her feet to her face, “You know I don’t only want you for those types of reasons, right?”
Ragatha wanted to protest her stance on being innocent with her intentions, but his words caused her heart to melt. She cleared her throat, choosing not to say anything to humor his last question, “If you want to know, you’ll just have to see for yourself, Honey. It’s already a shame that I ruined my plans for you to find it by your own accord.”
“Come on, Doll!” Jax whined, thankfully moving passed the other matter, “I’m dying here! I can’t wait until tonight – I don’t even know if I wanna do what needs to be done to even find out. I don’t care how innocent ya think it is, IT’S WEIRD!”
“Then suffer.” Ragatha shrugged as they finally joined the rest on the crew, leaving Jax perplexed.
That woman…
It appeared that it was going to be a long day for Jax.
It was a long day for Jax.
The curiosity was nipping at the edges of his mind throughout the day. The bunny hardly focused throughout the adventure – not even his disregard for Pomni could distract him. It didn’t help that Ragatha wasn’t making things easier for him, as she would knowingly smirk at him when he dared to glance at her. Occasionally, the doll would giggle to herself, only riling him up more.
What additionally tore Jax apart, was that he didn’t know how to feel about stripping the plush from its dignity by undressing it. It was a doll, sure, but it was a doll that looked like Ragatha, it felt perverted and indecent.
When the long day came to an end, Jax fought between sprinting to his room as fast as his legs could carry him, versus stalling to avoid having the plush taunt him with it’s secrets altogether. It became an odd mixture of the two, where Jax tried to cut any conversations short that stalled him from progressing down the hall, but taking the time to stop and talk to whomever was willing to keep him from reaching his room to soon.
His odd mannerisms caused suspicion to arise among the group, especially Gangle, who always seemed to catch on.
Those cursed observation skills…
 Finally, the rabbit entered his room and locked the door behind him. Just to be safe.
The doll was just laying there as it almost expectantly stared at him. It was mocking him; he just knew it! The bunny hated to admit that his mouth was suddenly feeling dry at the thought of even just touching it. He glared at it, silently cursing Ragatha for thinking that the whole situation was a good idea.
Because it wasn’t.
He took a breath and willed himself to march to his bedside, sit down and firmly hold the doll in his lap. It smiled with glee, and he scrunched up his nose while averting his gaze to gather his courage. It all felt wrong on so many levels! He really hated how curious he was to know what hidden gem his dolly had waiting for him. Yes, he was nervous, but…
He trusted Ragatha.
Jax was just going to be a man and push through his hesitation, he thought to himself. The doll felt like it was burning through his gloves, but he still preferred that above anyone else touching him. Jax looked down to his yellow gloves; and an idea slowly crept from the depths of his mind. With mild distaste, the rabbit flexed his fingers to summon his terrible claws, that pierced though the yellow fabric as a hot knife would cut into butter.
Jax’s ability to feel, was muddled through his claws, since they were not equipped with the sensory ability to perceive touch as well as his fingertips were. He could only feel the dull pressure sinking down onto his fingertips whenever he used them – willingly or unwillingly. He felt a little less guilty while implementing his idea as his very gently used the very points of the ebony tips to hold and maneuver the plush.
The bunny noticed a three little buttons on the back of the doll’s dress. He gently pinched at the blue dress’s fabric and lightly tugged at it, only confirming that the dress was able to be removed. He struggled to maneuver his claws in attempt to open the back of the dress without ripping the fabric, but he managed.
Agonizingly slow…
Finally, the buttons were loose. All that was left to do, was to pull the entire dress over the doll’s head. He still felt uncomfortable just… stripping the doll like a perverted freak, so he did the only other thing he could think of.
Pinch his eyes shut.
Blinded and with a heavy sigh, the rabbit struggled to fully remove the dress from the doll, while still being mindful of his sharp claws. It was a pain – the whole process became so frustrating that he just thought about giving up and saving the private adventure for another day.
But somehow, the plush was finally freed from her blue coverage and Jax just sat in silence, wondering for one last time whether it was the right decision to indulge in Ragatha’s twisted game.
Damn it…
It’s just a doll.
As curiosity won the dispute against shame, Jax hesitantly opened his eyes that were previously pinched shut. Slowly, as light broke passed his eyelids, the blurry vision of the mostly milky fabric that represented the doll’s skin, focused into a clear image of the doll’s bare torso as it’s little face patiently smiled up at him.
All thoughts left Jax’s mind as soon as he comprehended the sight the rested within his grasp. It stole the air from his lungs that grew still as he stopped breathing entirely. A wave of emotion washed over him, but he stood firm and frozen with the overwhelming shock that struck his mind – his soul – to a state of all-consuming numbness.
His hands started trembling, but the man remained silent.
On the chest of the ragdoll-plush, the pale fabric was harshly interrupted by the image of a small, purple heart in the very center. It was neatly threaded to the doll’s chest, in such a way that the stitch pattern of the thread wasn’t obvious to the eye. The only way that Jax could tell that the heart was indeed threaded to the doll and not just a part of the fabric’s print, was the very neat seam that revealed small purple stitches when the fabrics was pulled into the opposite directions.
Jax didn’t know much about needlework, but there was no doubt in his mind that the heart wasn’t just a patch that was stitched atop the pale torso. No. The purple heart was very much a part of the fabric that kept the stuffing from spilling out.
Without the heart, there would be a hole that would expose the plush’s inner content.
Without the purple heart, the stuffing would spill out from the doll, and it would be nothing but an empty, fabric shell.
The purple heart was a part of the doll.
When his vision became blurry, the bunny was suddenly taken aback by his uncontrolled breathing as well as the tears crawling down his cheeks. He hugged the undressed doll against his heart without a care in the world. All that mattered was him holding his dolly with a heart adorned with his colour. Falling to his knees, Jax mind was consumed by thoughts of Ragatha and her precious gift to him. The rabbit compulsively rubbed his neck and chin over the doll’s red locks, only stopping to nuzzle into the ragdoll’s chest.
A possessive blade struck into his cold, dead heart. Jax no longer had tears that spilled form his golden orbs. His dolly dried them, as she often did – because she was his. Only his.
His, as she always was and always will be.
And in kind, he was hers.
Only Ragatha could bring him to his knees like this. He’d kneel to only her, as if she was his queen. He knew, in that instance, that it would only be a matter of moments before she would kneel before him – to join him at his level as his equal.
Then, Jax would not rest until the entire universe was brought down beneath her. He’d destroy whatever it takes, he’d break whatever he saw fit, and he would crush and torture every soul that would ever dare to hurt her.
Because only he could hurt her – Jax would make sure of it.
No one else would do it right.
No one else would take care NOT to break her as he always made sure to do.
No one else would read her as he did.
No one else would care for her needs as he did.
No one else would do anything to her, because he would never allow them to.
Not only because he was the snake, but because he was HER MONSTER.
He was hers.
And at that moment, her monster craved to drown within her.
Jax held the plush back to admire it once again. It was hers, but it wasn’t her. He wanted her and he wanted her now.
In a flash, Jax was moving.
He didn’t know how he made it through his locked door to mindlessly claw at Ragatha’s, like a dog, but he ended up doing just that. Jax was too far gone to even think about the keys he left in his door before sprinting down the hall. No words left his lips – only little desperate grunts escaped him as his claws sprouted fine wooden spirals from his dolly’s door. It was inhuman to say the least.
And that’s why Gangle lunged at him without a second thought.
 She happened to be in the hall to witness his descent into his animalistic nature. Shivers crawled up her ribbonoid form at the beastly sight of Jax’s blown pupils and ungraceful, jagged movements. He didn’t even acknowledge that she was there, so it became clear that Jax was experiencing one of his occasional manic episodes.
It didn’t happen all that often, but based on her experience, Gangle could tell that she would not be able to get through to him with mere words.
Her ribbons served her well as powerful restraints. Since she had the element of surprise on her side, Gangle was able to wrap herself swiftly and strategically around each of Jax’s wrists, as well as bind his powerful legs together, causing him to fall face first into the door, then onto the floor.
The rabbit, caught off guard, thrashed and screamed in a manner that no human ever could. He managed to slice one of her ribbons down the long length, only to have the 3 finer streaks of ribbon become their own independent tendrils that reenforced the grip Gangle had on Jax. It hurt, but there was very little that Jax could do to make Gangle stop.
It wasn’t the first time she had to restrain him, after all.
“What’s going on out there?!” rang Ragatha’s alarmed voice from the other side of the door as it creaked open by a mere slit for her voice to rush through.
“Stay put and lock the door.” Gangle ordered, her softer voice firm as a blade that sliced through any question to oppose her order. She constricted her grasp around Jax’s neck to manually muffle his senseless howls of protest and discomfort. Gangle also took note of how his pupils dilated impossibly wide at the sound of Ragatha’s voice. He fought with a greater vigor and tried to reach out to the door.
It, then, became clear to Gangle, that the bunny didn’t act out in anger, but in what appear to be a type of desire that he very rarely expressed.
“Gangle? What’s happening-?”
“Be quiet.” Gangle spat out as Jax only ceaselessly continued to struggle against her. His aggressive thrashing became desperate and distressed. The door shut after a few seconds of hesitance on Ragatha’s part. The doll knew her place.
There was nothing she could do now.
“You’ll scare her like this, Bunny.” The ribbonoid hissed into the wild rabbit’s ears, causing him to tense up and shiver. Despite Jax’s immeasurably greater tolerance for the ribbonoid’s touch, he still had his limits – limits that only Gangle had managed to push as far as he was willing to allow. Boundaries were thrown out the window a long time ago, for they both no longer regarded each other’s boundaries. They had no choice, as it was within their roles and owl and snake.
Boundaries were crossed too long ago for either of them to care.
“Mine.” Jax forced out as soon as Gangle remembered to loosen the grip she had enforced around his neck. He turned his face to look at the mask of the sentient ribbon, eyes filled with desperation, “Mine.”
“I know, Bunny. I know.” She almost cooed when she felt him burst into untamable trembling, clearly stumbling his way back to reality, “But there’s a better way to go about this. You need to control yourself.”
Jax could only blink a few times, trying to ground himself. He stopped to look down with a defeated sigh and leaned his head down to ungraciously plop his forehead against the forehead of the theatrical mask. She welcomed his gesture, by leaning back into him and closing her eyes.
They savoured the moment as the world grew quiet, sharing breaths to calm themselves.
Jax remained as he was as Gangle slowly opened her eyes again, not willing to risk being unaware for too long. Her dear friend looked worse for wear, but much better in comparison to a few minutes ago. If it wasn’t for a distant movement that caught the ribbon’s attention, the newfound peace would have led the pair to Gangle’s room in a gentler manner…
But the sight of a little jester who stood a while’s way across the hall, caused the girl to rip her ribbons from Jax - bristling up like a threatened raptor. The ribbons danced and scurried high above her head in an impressive display, causing sounds of fabric slithering and fluttering to pierce the silence. Pomni jolted at the sight of the previously meek and timid character being so intentionally disapproving towards her. It was so unsettling, that the jester took a step back.
Her movement jump-started a series of chaotic, spasmic events that could only be found in a horror movie.
In the blink of an eye, before Jax could turn his head to see what caught Gangle’s attention, the previously bristling ribbons sliced through the air to grab Jax where-ever they could grip; and rapidly dragged the purple character down the hall at inhuman speed. The only trace that Pomni managed to register for her to realize that she wasn’t hallucinating what she saw, was the blinking light reflecting on the ends of the ribbons the slithered through the remaining gap in Gangle’s door, right before it slammed shut.
The little fool blinked and recovered quickly, as she was forced to do since she found herself trapped.
The soft creak of Ragatha’s door caught her attention. The Ragdoll’s face hung lower than usual, causing the red locks to shield her face. The fool blamed the light reflecting the red, glowing hue of her hair onto her face, because there was no way that she would be bashful in the given circumstances.
Ragatha stepped outside and jumped at the sight of Pomni, then feverishly looked around the hall. She paused in confusion before she shook her head once to face the fool, who just opted to turn her face to the freshly carved scratch marks on the doll’s door. While Pomni’s face fell at the sight, Ragatha’s expression remained unbothered.
It was unnerving.
“Is this really what you consider Jax caring in his own special little ways?” the jester asked skeptically – almost rhetorically – as she recalled Ragatha’s words from a previous encounter.
“You wouldn’t understand.” The doll spoke in that cursed monotone that Pomni quickly learnt to hate, “We are all one minor inconvenience away from going insane. I told you that before. Besides, out of all of us, he’s literally the animal. The urges and instincts do things to you, you know…”
The silence that followed, stretched down the hall. The girls simply stood in front of the door and looked over the ugly trenches Jax had left in the wood. It wasn’t until much later that Pomni gently pierced through the stillness with a strangely steady quip of morbid curiosity.
“Didn’t you also say that Gangle and Zooble were romantically involved? She seemed very close to Jax just then-”
“Those two are intimately close, you saw correctly.” Ragatha interrupted, finally easing up her tone as a fond, little smile grew on her face, “Zooble and I are aware – we encourage it. They are very good for each other.”
Pomni almost got whiplash with how fast she swung her head to look to the doll, “Intimate? Do you mean- do they…? Are they-?”
“Intimate; nothing odd going on there, New Stuff! Friends.” The doll clarified with a chuckle, “Very good friends with a very strange, deep connection. There’s nothing more to tell – not that it’s really our business.”
“So. it wouldn’t bother Zooble that they are alone in Gangle’s room?”
Ragatha’s eyes lit up, “Oh! That’s where they are… And no, it doesn’t bother anyone when two of us wants some time alone with each other. Jax clearly needs a shoulder, I mean, just look at my door!”
Pomni sighed heavily.
It was a relief to hear the ragdolly act ‘normal’ again, but it felt like she was growing more confused as she learned more and more about her surrounding circus mates. The sooner she earned Gangle’s trust, the better. The claw marks on Ragatha’s door made Pomni want to avoid Jax for as long as she possibly could, lest she’d risk to randomly be mauled by a spontaneously feral rabbit.
Yet again, something new for Pomni to be weary of.
“Ragatha?” Pomni asked hesitantly, “Do you think I can do this?”
No context was given, but the doll could comprehend the true question that the jester was asking - she answered as honestly as she could.
“I believe that you can.” She said softly as she looked to the little fool, who’s eyes were occupied; tracing the marks on the door, “…but it will always depend on how much you want to make it work.”
“We don’t really have a choice, do we?” Pomni tore away her gaze on the door to peer up at Ragatha, who chose to remain silent.
No need to answer something that wasn’t intended as a question.
Oasis: TADC AU list
72 notes · View notes
mcytscienceside · 6 months
Some questions for the Purgatory Royal AU :D
(most of them will be Soulfire related, because I love Soulfire so so much)
• You said Eggs will be a part of it. What about new ones? Do you plan to include them as well?
• Is Tubbo in any way connected to Chayanne and Tallulah? Considering that I assume him and Phil are not close.
• Are they all human + angel Phil? Or their canonical species are still included?
• What’s Niki’s role in the Soulfire Kingdom?
• Are their kingdom/bases aesthetic similar to the Purgatory? I dont mean the whole mountains/jungles/etc bit, I mainly mean if their bases specifically influenced your visions and designs (does Soulfire still have the prettiest kingdom?))))))))
• Are Bagi and Bad friends?
• If it’s not too much, tell me about Tubbo’s dynamics with as many characters as you want. I love the idea of him as a young king just trying his best, and I adore most of the dynamics he has in canon, so I just want to hear more (especially for Blue Co-leaders and CritDuo)
SOULFIRE SWEEP!! HEHEH...once more this got away from me so have a read more XD
New eggs are planned to be introduced later on! I haven't decided how just yet but I feel like a lot of the newer eggs will make intresting dynamics with all the kingdoms still being mid-war with each other basically. Tubbo's not connected to the two here in this au, sadly, I'd love to have them meet but he's not their godfather. Though work with me here, non-canon to this au for rn, but Tubbo on a diplomatic mission and suddenly meeting these two kids not realizing their Phil's. Just acting like he does with any child and their instantly enamored by the young man. CANONICAL HYBRID AND SPECIESSS, I can't make any au even slive of life where everyone is human, it's not my speed. Everyone in this has some kinda weird hybrid traits or otherwise something special for me and me alone. Niki's role to me in much of the soulfire streams wasn't agriculture or fighting but in general she was very much a scout. I can see her being very stealthy and trying to stay hidden while spying or scouting ahead of any party. Oh yes!! bases definitely had an influence but since these kingdoms have been around for a long while it means they're a lot more developed in their aesthetics! Soulfire definitely still has that warm glow to it that the og base had. I need to draw like a small room from each of these kingdoms and how it would look! maybe the kings rooms? That might be fun! :D Bagi and Bad are friends, or well as close as you can get at first when a demon council member finds you flirting with his co-worker. He found out quickly that Bagi and Tina have a thing and has been an annoyance since but he did also vouch for bagi and the other half of ggn when they came for help from Soulfire. TUBBO TIME HEHE. Lets start with co-leaders! Bad def gets on tubbo's nerves at first, trying to 'assist' him as a new king, however the two regularly are on the same wavelength about issues. Though bad does sometimes go extreme in his methods...Bad also is the one to regularly train Tubbo and give him the latest gadgets for battle. Tina meanwhile is constantly updating Tubbo on whats going on in the internals of soulfire, she's his eyes and ears for the base, she's one of his right hands and he knows that if he asks her for something she will have it done as fast as she can. Tubbo and Etoiles where good friends, seeing as Etoiles was already close to Aypierre, the two of them have known each other for longer than Tubbo has been king. He looks up to Etoiles in certain things and has always enjoyed one upping the other king in other regards. They where the honorable fighters, the ones who always kept their morlas, they where the two who understood each other in battle. Their relationship however takes a huge hit when Etoiles joins Bolas, even if he's still the honorable fighter, Tubbo won't forgive him for what he did. Tubbo's relation to the other king, Phil, is far more...strange. Phil of course has a poor relationship with Soulfire but when it comes to Tubbo the angel seems to view him in a semi-positive light. Tubbo is young, stubborn, and full of life. He would do amazing things if not cooped up with soulfire. Phil will eventually extend a hand to Tubbo, to go the same way as GGN, to give everything up for the freedom he promises. Another relationship I really wanna explore for him is his relationship to Aypierre. Since I kinda wanna keep a semi-antagonistic vibe they have in canon but in the lighthearted way they have pranks and jabs. It's not until things get very scary that they start fighting but for the most part I want them to feel like real brothers. They will jab, tease, prank and yell at each other but in the end Aypierre will always want Tubbo to be safe and protected. Tubbo will also always want his brother safe and away from anymore accidents (we can't keep building robots!!) Hope this was good!! It def is long I have a lot of ideas for this !!!
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mysticarts · 2 months
Charater Dumping
soo, to get my nerves off of the whole LMK competition, I decided to draw a rp Oc, and now I wanna Charater dump on you guys-
Meet: Queen Beeulzeebub (Or known as Madam Bee)
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Now, you're probably asking: isn't Beeulzeebub a Seven deadly Sin?
YES, YES IT IS. This rp's plot this charater is in is when the Seven deadly sins get tired of working, and choose their children or people in their respective rings to take their place.
Beeulzeebub was the first person to pitch this idea, and the first one to confidently find a replacement for herself. Out of all of the sins, Beeulzeebub is probably the Kindest one.
Now, making a design for a literal Sin of Gluttony is rather difficult, until you remember Gluttony is the overindulgence of things. (If you don't know what overindulgence means, just think if you already ate a lot of food and then say: one more won't be bad.....)
Most people make Beeulzeebub designs off of bees due to the name and sometimes make the characters chubby since when it comes to Gluttony, people immediately think food. Now, none of these ideas are wrong. What I notice is that people don't really expand on the actual meaning of overindulgence
Overindulgence can apply to anything if you think about it. It can apply to loving someone toxic, you keep on telling someone your gonna break it off, but you always come back. It can apply to good things like kindness like when someone keeps on being rude or degrading against you and you just say: I'll keep being kind so I can either get a reaction, or I can them.
Now, when it comes to villans, most can represent Gluttony due to their hunger for power or knowledge. These both can be overindulgence. This is what I wanted to add to my charater.
Beeulzeebub usually does the most paperwork of ALL of the rings, as she reassures everyone that her Taking more paperwork is okay as a sign of indulgence. Beeulzeebub also regularly searches for knowledge and power. Again, a sign of indulgence.
Because of this, Instead of making Beeulzeebub more Bee like or chubby, I made her design cluttered while keeping bee themes.
When Beeulzeebub was a teenager, To say she was the life of the party was a understament, she'd make the best drinks, the best food, always play the best songs, she was the ultimate party host.
However, despite the fun persona Beeulzeebub had, she had her own insecurities and was extremely loyal to others who have shown loyalty to her.
When she's older, her party persona is gone as it's replaced by stress and despair, Beeulzeebub tries to make spare time to pamper herself, signing hair appointments, going shopping, but it never really worked.
Out of the Seven deadly sins, Gluttony may be the one everyone atleast respects. But that is mainly because Beeulzeebub is the main and best cook out of all of them.
Many of them poke fun about her body, always going to her if some of the food have gone missing. Gluttony however, usually ignores the comments, because she knows they won't cross the line considering she's the main reason why some of the other rings are still up.
The only person who really treats Beeulzeebub Kindly is Pride and Lust. Lust more than Pride however, as Pride really takes advantage of Beeulzeebub's kindness (and her romantic feelings) and usually treats her like a servant while Lust treats her like a regular person would.
Anway, if you want any questions about this charater specifically, don't be afraid to ask questions!
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barghestapologist · 2 months
I spend an inappropriate amount of time thinking about my cyberpunk ocs, so I figured I'd write a little about some of my design principles for making a cyberpunk character that fits well into the world! These are just some of the guidelines I use for making characters that helps me flesh them out better. This is something I’ve had the idea to do for a bit, but you all also seem to love my ocs which only furthers my insanity!! Thank you all for my interest in them, it makes me so happy 😭
-Basing around an npc
For both Kerberos and Garnett, I based their characters around npcs present in the game, but this only works well in specific cases. For both of their bases, these are characters without major significance. Garnett's base, the sniper commando in the Black Sapphire sniper nest, is an npc with no name, no reoccurrence, and no real significance outside the scene where you knock him out. While this npc can be killed, you kind of have to go out of your way to do so. This left me with a good blank slate of a character to work with! Even better, this npc has motivation I was able to use. V knocks him out, steals his gun, and he presumably faces the consequences of not detecting and dispatching an intruder. While not all of my cyberpunk ocs are based around npcs, I find that it can make things a lot easier and more fun!
-Connection to V
This is actually a principle my girlfriend came up with, and I think it's not only useful, but can also be really fucking funny. Connections to any existing character are fun to develop, but I personally find V’s connections to be most interesting. V's had an influence on the better part of Night City in one way or another, and probably on your ocs too! While this influence can be positive or negative, I think it's way funnier if it's negative. Thinking realistically though, how many people is V the antagonist to? For Garnett, she snatches his huge expensive gun and gets him demoted. He may not hate her (he's too damn nice) but she undoubtably makes his life harder. For Kerberos, V's ultimately the one that kills Slider, another powerful netrunner in Dogtown. This has no direct effect on him, but it sure sets his nerves on end, and influences his story further down the road. Of course, it can get a little unrealistic to have every one of your ocs have this sort of connection, but be real, V's fucking everywhere, and their actions in the grand scheme of things will have an effect on your oc somewhere. I find its funniest when two ocs that have had separate interactions with V get to talking and realize they’ve been fucked over by the same person 😭
-Finding your niche
Any oc, whether they're a truly original character in an original storyline, or a fan character like I'm discussing, has a distinct place they fit into their world. With cyberpunk, a pre existing universe with its own rigidities, there's a billion things to consider when trying to find just where an oc fits, but that's the fun part! Which existing characters do they know, which are their allies and which their enemies? Who do they work for currently, and who in the past? Where are they from? How'd they end up where they are now? And the all important question of why the fuck are they still in Night City There's a LOT to consider when keeping things realistic, but don't get ahead of yourself. It's cyberpunk, and realism shouldn't be all you're shooting for! If you're not finding quite the right spot, don't be afraid to change things a little! It's virtually impossible to stick to canon 100% when making ocs for anything, so you might as well do shit your own way.
-Personal pieces
Almost every major npc in cyberpunk has a custom weapon, and some have custom vehicles as well. Both of these factors, I feel, are as crucial as anything else when making a cyberpunk oc. In Night City, your iron and your wheels are second only to your life. A lot can be said about a character by the weapon they wield. Is this just something they use to protect themselves, or is their weapon something they treat as an extension of their body? A tool or their baby? The same goes for vehicles. Is this some barely functional hunk of metal that gets them around, or would they scream and cry over the smallest scratch? Garnett's custom weapon, "Houndstooth", a brass knuckle trench knife, isn't something he has a particular attachment to. Sure he named it, sure its saved his life once or twice, but to him, it's just a knife. His car on the other hand, "Courser", a highly customized Quadra type-66 640 TS, is absolutely everything to him. It gets graffitied and he clutches his chest like he's been shot. First adding these, they seemed like trivial details akin to fun facts to me, but the more I developed on them, the more they contributed to his character. I say every part is my favorite to develop, but there's something about the weapons and vehicles I have a ton of fun with.
Done reading? Thank you hehe ok go work on your ocs NOW!!
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samasmith23 · 5 months
Evangelion: You Can (Not) Marathon — (Part 13)
Neon Genesis Evangelion, “Episode 13: Angel Invasion/LILLIPUTIAN HITCHER”
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Continuing my Evangelion re-watch marathon with NGE, “Episode 13: Angel Invasion/LILLIPUTIAN HITCHER.” For my thoughts on the previous episode, click the link to the post below:
Happy New Year everyone! Yeah… it’s been quite a while since I posted my last episode analysis of Evangelion, hasn’t it? The last time I discussed an episode was back in August 2023, as I had to temporarily postpone this marathon due to being preoccupied with Graduate School classes. But since I’m currently on Winter Break in-between semesters and I’ve only got one more class to complete before I finally get my Master’s degree in History of Ideas, I thought it was finally time to resume my marathon of every episode and movie from the EVA franchise! So with all of that out of the way, let's dig into the 13th episode of NGE!
Aww! I love how right off the bat this episode reiterates the deep-seated admiration that one of the three main NERV staff members, Maya Ibuki, holds for the organization’s head scientist, Ritsuko Akagi. Specifically, the episode opens in Central Dogma where Ritsuko & Maya are conducting a routine system’s check-up on the facility’s advanced supercomputer, the MAGI system. Not only does Ritsuko complement the speed at which Maya enters the code sequences into the database, to which Maya replies, “Of course. Did I have any choice with you as my boss,” but Maya can’t help but stare in awe at her screen when Ritsuko types in a more rapid command-function, stating to herself, “Wow… she is the master…”
In addition to emphasizing Ritsuko’s skill and proficiency as a computer programmer, which serves as a central focus for the episode, this opening scene also subtly hints through the former’s interaction with Maya that the latter might view her relationship with Ritsuko in a much higher regard than just a mere master-&-apprentice bond. Specifically, I along with a lot of other EVA fans interpret Maya as a lesbian who’s secretly in love with Ritsuko. 
The subject of queer-coding in Evangelion will become of greater significance when I eventually get around to discussing the character of Kaworu Nagisa in Episode 24, but this interaction along with several other scenes from future episodes of the series heavily infer that Maya secretly possesses romantic feelings for Ritsuko based on her dialogue and mannerisms when interacting with her. Although Maya’s attraction seems to be one-sided since it will later revealed that Ritsuko is sleeping with her boss Gendo Ikari in a failed effort to try and emotionally connect with her dead mother (which, again… GROSS…). 
But while it would also be inappropriate for Ritsuko to instead get together with Maya due to the mentor/student power imbalance in their relationship, I can’t help but feel that Ritsuko would be in a much happier and healthier place in life if she also came out as gay and dumped the bastard Gendo for a female love interest. Heck, I’d personally ship Ritsuko with Misato! considering that the two are both best friends who attended university together, plus there was also some potential queer-coding in that brief moment of a swimsuit-clad Ritsuko suggestively bumping into Misato back in Episode 1!
One last aspect of Maya’s queer-coding that I’ll briefly elaborate on here is that many fans have pointed out that her character design heavily resembles that of the main protagonist, Shinji Ikari,  further visually coding Shinji as potentially being a trans-femme egg! I absolutely love it!
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Lol! As soon as I start talking about shipping Ritsuko & Misato, the latter then shows up to see if Ritsuko’s done with the MAGI’s system check-up. As Bane from The Dark Knight Rises once famously stated:
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Alright, if I recall this is the first time the viewer is provided a visual diagram of the MAGI and how it specifically functions. While the MAGI has been referenced in passing throughout previous episodes, where it was portrayed as an advanced supercomputer that assists in and analyzes the effectiveness of battle strategies for combatting the Angels, as well as serves as the de-facto governing body for Tokyo-3 in place of an ACTUAL human mayor (who’s stated in Episode 11 to be a simple figure-head), it is here in Episode 13 that we first get a real glimpse of exactly how the MAGI operates.
According to the monitor diagram, the MAGI is divided into three separate systems that function in conjunction with each other, and are distinguished by the names “Melchior 1,” “Balthasar 2,” and “Casper 3.”
The names for the MAGI system themselves serve as yet another Biblical reference, specifically to the Three Wise Men from the Book of Matthew. According to Encyclopedia Britannica, “Magi, in Christian tradition, the noble pilgrims ‘from the East’ who followed a miraculous guiding star to Bethlehem, where they paid homage to the infant Jesus as king of the Jews (Matthew 2:1–12)… Eastern tradition sets the number of Magi at 12, but Western tradition sets their number at three, probably based on the three gifts of ‘gold, frankincense, and myrrh’ (Matthew 2:11) presented to the infant… In about the 8th century, the names of three Magi—Bithisarea, Melchior, and Gathaspa—appear in a chronicle known as the Excerpta Latina Barbari. They have become known most commonly as Balthasar, Melchior, and Gaspar (or Casper).”
Furthermore, the episode’s opening also alludes to the later twist that the MAGI is far more than simply just a set of 3 advanced supercomputers. Specifically, following the routine system check-up the scene immediately transitions to a weary Ritsuko alone in the bathroom where she looks at her reflection and states, “Everything checked out. As usual, Mother’s in good shape, but… is it just me getting older?”
Not only does Ritsuko’s line effectively foreshadow that her late mother, Dr. Naoko Akagi, was the MAGI’s original inventor, but also the revelation that Naoko digitized her own consciousness into the system itself.
Also, that final line of Ritsuko’s, “Is it just me getting older?” Not only does this line indicate that Ritsuko is potentially experiencing a mid-life crisis, but it is also reflective of the emptiness that she feels due to her existence being solely defined by her association with the inventions of her late mother whom it later revealed that she had a strained relationship with due to the latter career-oriented pursuits as a world-renowned scientist. Here, Hideaki Anno & crew effectively communicates through simple visuals and dialogue that Ritusko is burdened by her desire to understand and connect with her mother by routinely tending to her living legacy.
Also also, another fan online pointed this out, but these shots of Ritsuko leaning at the sink and staring at her reflection directly parallel those of Asuka later on in Episode 22, who similarly pilots her EVA Unit-02 due to being haunted by the specter of her own emotionally neglectful mother. Once again, Anno truly is a master of being able to convey so much information and character nuance through subtle visuals alone!
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Lol! As hilarious as it is to listen to Asuka’s complaints about having to completely undress alongside Shinji & Rei as they enter a decontamination for a special harmonics synchronization test with their respective EVAs, I do legitimately love how the animators here utilize the three pilots’ silhouetted postures (only the character’s faces & feet are left unobscured) behind the glass to distinguish each character’s unique personality traits!
Despite Asuka’s justified protestations of being required to strip down for this test, we see that she’s standing proud and firm with both hands on her hips, which is contrasted against the frustrated expression on her face, conveying how Asuka utilizes her boastful pride as a facade to mask her insecurities in front of others. In stark contrast to Asuka, Shinji is unable to hide his embarrassment and anxiety, since in addition to having a nervous expression he’s placing both his hands over his crotch to desperately preserve his modesty, which is reflective of the character’s fears of opening himself up to others. Finally, Rei is once again presented as the neutral middle-ground to Shinji & Asuka’s opposing ends of the emotional spectrum, as she simply gives a blank deadpanned expression while standing completely still in a non-exaggerated manner, highlighting her struggles to emotionally connect with herself and others.
Also, I’m totally with Asuka here! I sincerely hope that Ritsuko is telling the truth when she reassures Asuka on the intercom that the security cameras have their monitors temporarily shut off as the pilots exit their decontamination showers to enter their EVAs. At least… that’s what I’m hoping the red light suddenly appearing on the camera following the two’s conversation…
Still, however, I am somewhat surprised that the exit hallway lacks any guard railing between the shower doors to protect the pilot’s modesty from each other. I know that I would personally want such a feature, especially as someone who’s always HATED and refused to utilize open-door public shower facilities! UGH! That’s always been a major pet peeve of mine!
Whew… at least we as viewers can breathe a sigh of relief in the fact that Ritsuko was at least telling the truth about the naked pilot’s visuals being obscured from the test operator’s computer screens since they’re only presented as green silhouettes inside of their Entry-Plugs. Although Shinji seems to be the only one among the trio wearing a safety belt inside. Weird…
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So I’m rather curious as to what the purpose of this specific harmonics test is exactly. Like, I understand the idea that the reason Ritsuko had Shinji, Rei & Asuka undergo decontamination and sit inside their Entry Plugs completely naked was so that she could determine how well each pilot synchronizes with their respective EVA Units without any foreign contamination (which feels like a callback to Episode 8 when Asuka forced Shinji to sit inside the Entry-Plug with her and she initially experienced a program error due to Shinji’s Japanese thought patterns interfering with her Unit being pre-conditioned for her native German language).
But what’s NERV’s specific end goal here? To simply see whether or not the pilots can better synchronize with their Units without the presence of their usual plug-suits? 
While the exact answer is left incredibly vague and unanswered, I personally subscribe to a fan theory that I encountered online a while back (although I can’t remember where it originated from), but I believe that Ritsuko and NERV intend to utilize the data collected from each pilot’s unfiltered and decontaminated synch-ratios from this test as part of the dreaded Dummy-Plug system program in later episodes, since those specific Entry-Plugs are stated to perfectly imitate the thought-patterns of a pilot to trick an EVA-Unit to engage in an auto-pilot function even without the presence of an actual human pilot inside the plug.
Although... this theory does have some holes in it since it’s also later implied that NERV’s Dummy Plug system is specifically derived from the thought patterns of dozens of Rei clones (and that SEELE utilizes her counterpart Kaworu for the Dummy Plugs for the Mass-Production Evangelions in The End of Evangelion).
Also, I just realized something else! The fact that Shinji, Asuka & Rei are sitting inside of their Entry-Plugs naked (which is somewhat akin to a fetal position), and that the Entry-Plugs themselves are symbolically reflective of a mother’s womb due to the EVA-Units containing the souls of their dead mother’s (at least for Shinji & Asuka’s respective units…), and that the pilots are also submerged in Liquid LCL while inside of their Entry-Plugs, and LCL is the primordial soup that humanity was originally birthed from by the Seed of Life known as Lilith… 
Geez, this scene alone takes all of the pre-existing Freudian imagery that EVA is known for, and pumps it up on steroids!
Moving on from that though, we get more foreshadowing of the true nature of the MAGI when Ritsuko coldly remarks, “You can sure feel their creator’s original personality can you,” in response to the 3 supercomputers suddenly processing a mysterious dilemma.
In addition to Ritsuko officially confirming to Misato (and by extension, the audience) that her mother Naoko was the original inventor of the MAGI system, we also get to see the initial signs of cracks beginning to form in Misato & Ritsuko’s friendship. Despite Misato’s high-ranking status as a NERV military officer and her promotion to Major in the last episode, it is evident that Misato is still in the dark concerning NERV’s more intimate secrets. While Ritsuko is willing to chastize Misato’s ignorance regarding the MAGI system due to the former’s personal connections with the classified hardware, Misato will grow increasingly distrustful of the other secrets Ritsuko is guarding for Gendo and will be inspired by her lover Kaji to try and unravel the conspiracy behind NERV.
Also, Misato’s annoyed retort, “That’s because unlike me, you never talk about yourself Ritsuko,” feels intentionally hypocritical on Anno’s part since Misato frequently attempts to hide specific aspects of her personality from others like Shinji due to her internal Hedgehog’s Dilemma. Although this exchange does convey that in contrast to Misato’s more emotionally extroverted persona, Ritsuko’s personality is more introverted, presenting herself more coldly and rationally due to her nature as a scientist.
I love the early ominous visual representations of the “dilemma” that the MAGI is responding to. First in the form of a visual graph up in Central Dogma’s mainframe, which Aoba & Fuyutsuki describe as “corrosion of the 87th protein wall” that they attribute to recently-installed parts to the system, as well as what appears to be a purple acidic burn-mark on the walls of one of NERV HQ’s tunnels.
Not only does this help provide initial intrigue and suspense for the viewer concerning this mysterious “dilemma,” but Fuyutsuki & Aoba’s dialogue debating the potential causes of the system error in highly-detailed technological detail reminds me of why I’ve always nicknamed this, “the Techno-Babble episode” of NGE! 
Trust me when I say, there is going to be so much techno-babble in this episode alone that it would make Data from Star Trek: The Next Generation blush!
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Also… that corrosion is creepy as all heck!
Lol! Both Ritsuko & Fuyutsuki make the exact same comment, “Ikari would chew my ass off,” in response to letting the corrosion interfere with their synchronization test! It’s like the old saying goes: “Two great minds truly think alike!”
Wait a minute… so the pilot’s EVA-Units are in their usual holding cages during this test? Then what exactly is that fleshy unarmored EVA-arm submerged in water and connected to half-a-dozen wires outside the window of Ritsuko’s control room supposed to be? Is it part of Rei’s EVA Unit-00 but on the opposite side of the wall-locks, or something else entirely? Either way, the fact that Ritsuko tells specifically Rei to move her arm in conjunction with that submerged severed arm does seem to suggest my earlier theory that this test is actually somehow connected to the Dummy Plug system…
Oh crap! Glowing red sparks appearing on the purple corrosive wall stain as soon as Rei synchronizes with the submerged EVA arm! Definitely not unusual and foreboding in the slightest! Not at all!
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I’ve gotta say, I’m really enjoying the nice change of pace this episode takes in regards to its action scenes and building suspense! Instead of the usual strategic planning and bombastic Mecha vs. Kaju fights, Episode 13 takes full advantage of its focus on computer science by having Ritsuko utilize her technological expertise to try and quickly quarantine and prevent the spread of the corrosion of the 87th protein wall into the testing chambers. 
Despite initially seeming inherently less exciting on the surface, from a cinematography and editing perspective the flow of action in this scene feels incredibly intense and suspenseful due to the fast pace and quick cuts between the various computer screen alerts & graphs, Ritsuko’s technical commands, and the closing of doors & pipes to prevent the spreading of the corrosion! Anno & GAINAX certainly know how to make even the seemingly mundane incredibly captivating from an action standpoint! That takes incredible talent!
Also, I don’t know why but I FREAKING love the design of those water drones that Ritsuko deploys into the testing pool! 
Oh, I see now! The pilot’s Entry-Plugs are actually connected to 3 full-flesh unarmored EVA bodies inside the testing pool! I just couldn’t tell at first due to the previous camera angles of the pool framing the scene from outside the control room window, which combined with the darkly lit underwater conditions helped obscure the other two EVA-bodies! Also, the fact that the heads are missing and are replaced with wires (which I’m assuming are connected to each pilot’s main respective units…), aided in my confusion in thinking that these were just arms. 
My mistake! Lol!
But being serious again, all that tension built up with Ritsuko’s technical commands & counters comes to a roaring head as the mysterious corrosion finally reaches the testing pool and causes the arm of Rei’s EVA-body to move against its will and try and breach the window of the control room (mirroring the flashback EVA Unit-00’s failed test in Episode 5)!
Holy FREAKING Crap! Even though Ritsuko & Misato fortunately had the arm of Rei’s EVA severed before it could break the glass and forcibly ejected the pilot’s Entry-Plugs out of the pool, the worst possible case scenario is confirmed when the drones fire their lasers at the mysterious corrosive force, only for said force to suddenly repel their attacks with an AT Field! That’s right, NERV HQ has just been infiltrated by the 11th Angel, Ireul!
Out of all the Angels presented in the series so far, Ireul is easily one of the most distinctively unique due to its lack of a consistent physical form, being primarily represented in the form of either a corrosive substance on the wall or as a pixilated glow on the test EVA’s.
Speaking of which, dang is the animation of Ireul infecting and possessing the arm of one of the other test EVAs so FREAKING cool! It has this unique red-digitized effect to it! I can’t even begin to imagine how tricky it must have been for GAINAX to animate the hand-drawn frames for the Ireul infection scenes! I sincerely hope that they were paid well for their work…
Also, regarding this specific Angel’s name, according to Wikipedia, “Iruel (イロウル, Irouru), also known as Yroul, Yrouel and Ireul, [is referred to] n religious texts as the angel of fear.” In addition to Episode 13’s primary scriptwriter, Mitsuo Iso, stating that the primary inspiration for Ireul’s abstract design was to showcase “a battle against an invisible enemy,” the historical theological interpretations of Ireul as the “Angel of Terror” were noted by ThingsAnime blog writer Will Raus in his article Neon Genesis — An Angelic Vision, who stated that, “the episode featuring Ireul is marked by panic from the lab techs that operate the MAGI.”
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I’m curious as to what exactly was going through Ritsuko’s head as she just coldly stared at Ireul breaking the glass while the rest of the staff fled the control room. Was she merely so distracted by her scientific curiosity that she completely neglected her own safety? Or is this indicative of Ritsuko having suicidal ideation?
Knowing what I know occurs later in Episode 23, I have a strong feeling it’s the latter option, especially since Misato is similarly the one here to try and snap out of her trance before Ireul can flood the room.
The sheer amount of scenes that directly mirror each other in regards to subtle details in animation & character framing that I’m noticing upon rewatch is honestly FREAKING phenomenal! Anno certainly took a page from George Lucas’ playbook as a director!
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Oh boy, we’re getting some more foreshadowing to the conflict between Gendo & SEELE since immediately after getting off the phone with another “Sound-Only” screen, he orders the rest of the staff to lie about the presence of an Angel inside of NERV HQ being just “an error in the alarm system.”
Lol! It looks like the computer diagrams confirmed my fan theory regarding the purpose of the harmonics test, since the 3 EVA bodies inside of the pool, or “Pribnow Box” are labeled as “Dummy 1-3!”
Oh crap! More foreshadowing in the form of Fuytsuki & Gendo whispering to each other that Ireul’s contamination of the systems is spreading “too close to Adam.”
Double crap! Even more foreshadowing in the form of Gendo prioritizing the safety of Unit-01 above that of Units 00 & 02 when ordering them to be launched without the pilots to prevent them from being infected by Ireul!
Triple crap! The foreshadowing just keeps on going as we now see Kaji randomly exiting an elevator inside of the tunnel to Central Dogma directly below Ireul’s contamination zone! Continuing to play the double/triple agent game I’m guessing! 
Leave it to Fuyutsuki to ask the million-dollar question on everyone’s mind: “How exactly can you fight an Angel without an Evangelion?”
Man do I love just how unapologetically science-oriented and techno-babble-heavy this particular episode of EVA is! It’s honestly pretty cool watching Ritsuko and the rest of the NERV staff’s attempts to try and counter Ireul’s spread by increasing the ozone levels in the heavy water boundary of the testing pool, only for Ireul to rapidly adapt and increase its resistance to ozone before evolving into an organic electronic life form capable of hacking its presence into NERV’s computer files to infiltrate the MAGI system!
While a lot of the technical and computer programming terms completely fly over my head and are borderline gibberish to me, the scene itself is so tightly edited and quickly paced that it’s NEVER boring and the natural flow of dialogue makes the increasing threat of the Angel clear to the viewer even if they’re not computer scientists themselves! That takes a lot of skill from a writing & and directing standpoint!
Also, Shiro Sagisu’s soundtrack further elevates the tension in this scene in near-perfect symbiosis with the editing and dialogue! The sequence of musical scores from “The Day Tokyo-3 Stood Still,” to “Harbinger of Tragedy,” to “The Beast” really serve to gradually increase the suspense and fear derived from this scene, even though all we’re doing is basically looking at computer screens & graphs & listening to techno-babble! I love it!
Also also, Ritsuko provides the first direct indication of the Angel’s ability to repeatedly evolve and adapt to its surroundings to actively counter NERV’s defenses to try and reach “Adam” in Terminal Dogma! While the Angel’s environmental adaptation capabilities were already established with Sandalphon from Episode 10 being born in the heart of a magma chamber, here we get our first glimpse of the Angel’s evolving intelligence as Ireul learns how to hack the MAGI system to utilize NERV’s own supercomputers as a weapon against them! 
The sheer speed at which Ireul completely infects Melchior which it then utilizes to try and hack into Balthasar next before Ritsuko enters a fail-safe code-sequence to halt the Angel’s spread for 2-hours next is legitimately FREAKING terrifying!
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Fuyutsuki’s words, “The MAGI have become our enemy,” are even made more disturbing by the panning shot showing the 3 giant red boxes that serve the supercomputer mainframe directly below Central Dogma’s main command deck, emphasizing that the Angel is directly under NERV’s feet. 
As Kakashi once famously told Sasuke during the survival exercise in Naruto, an attack from below is the most dangerous since it’s the least expected!
Also, the way Ritsuko describes Ireul as having evolved into a nano-machine-esque living computer virus, now all I can think of is the Ms. Marvel villain Doc.X, who’s also a sentient computer virus!
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I love how Ritsuko immediately and harshly rejects Misato’s recommendation to Gendo that they self-destruct the MAGI system to destroy Ireul. 
While Ritsuko justifies this by countering to Misato that “destroying the MAGI means destroying headquarters itself,” it’s clear that Ritsuko is desperately trying to preserve some piece of her mother’s legacy, still desperately struggling to understand the individual who prioritized her roles as a scientist & a woman over her role as a mother.
I am totally NOT foreshadowing anything with my specific word choice of “scientist, woman & mother!” NOT at all! Lol!
The transition from Misato’s exasperated anger towards Ritsuko’s stubbornness to calm yet confused questioning of the latter’s refusal to “share the responsibility” or “trust someone else” is honestly quite profound. You truly get the sense that Misato is desperately trying to understand her friend’s inability to rely on the assistance of others. It effectively illustrates Misato’s self-awareness concerning the Hedgehog’s Dilemma, as she’s able to recognize and wants to help others who are struggling from a similar place as herself. Whether it be Shinji and now Ritsuko. 
Also, I can’t help but appreciate the irony of the fact that Ritsuko was the one who first informed Misato of the Hedgehog’s Dilemma back in Episode 3, but is now clearly shown to be struggling with her own version of said dilemma as she’s emotionally closing herself off from others in a misguided effort to connect with her dead mother, just like Misato does with her dead father.
Despite their contrasting personalities, Misato & Ritsuko truly are very similar to each other. It’s no wonder the two formed such a close friendship. This makes the gradual deterioration of their trust in each other as the series all the more tragic…
Alright, we finally get a run-down of Ritsuko’s plan to defeat Ireul! Essentially, Ritsuko intends to utilize the Angel’s evolutionary survival mechanisms against itself by reprogramming the final remaining MAGI supercomputer, Casper, with a program designed to regress Ireul’s evolution and force it to self-destruct within the system.
Just like all of the previous strategies portrayed so far in EVA, there are considerable risks involved since not only can Ireul be exposed to said program by intentionally deactivating the firewalls preventing it from hacking into Casper, but Ritsuko needs to introduce her counter-program into Casper’s mainframe much faster than it will take the Angel to fully infect the system. And once again, I think this strategy is FREAKING brilliant due to how insane and risky it is!
It is also worth noting that Ritsuko’s plan to introduce a counter program into the MAGI that will force the Angelic computer virus to delete itself is heavily reminiscent of the scientific phenomenon known as Apoptosis, which Susan Elmore of the National Library of Medicine refers to as, “the process of programmed cell death, or apoptosis, is generally characterized by distinct morphological characteristics and energy-dependent biochemical mechanisms.”
You can certainly tell that Anno & crew engaged in a lot of scientific research for this specific episode!
Also, I can’t help but notice the fact that it is the Casper supercomputer that is the one that will inevitably result in Ireul’s self-destruction. I’m skipping ahead a little, but it will later be revealed at the end of the episode that Naoko designed each of the MAGI supercomputers to embody the three main aspects of her identity, those being herself as a scientist, a mother, and a woman respectively. Furthermore, it will later be revealed that Naoko was not only having an affair with Gendo which led to her committing (which her daughter is also now engaging in), but that Casper is the supercomputer which specifically reflects Naoko’s identity as a woman, or more accurately a lover.
So basically, Ritsuko is channeling both her mother and her own self-destructive sexual characteristics to kill the 11th Angel. 
Honestly, this feels incredibly reminiscent of one of the core themes that will become increasingly apparent as the series progresses: the Freudian dichotomy between sex & death.
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Dang! I love the physical design of the MAGI mainframes, which similar to the Evangelions are a hybrid of mechanical & organic components. Not only do all the wires and pipes appear to have a blood-like red texture to them, but they’re arranged in a pattern that is heavily reminiscent of a brain. An association that is made even more visibly apparent through the central core of Casper being what appears to be literal brain matter and tissue!
Given that Naoko transferred pieces of her consciousness into the MAGI, combined with the future twist of Rei being a clone of Shinji’s mother Yui Ikari, I feel like this is heavily implying that Naoko cloned her own brain matter to make these computers operate. If so, that’s honestly kinda disturbing…
Lol! Not only do we get more hints of Maya’s romantic attraction towards Ritsuko through her fan-girl reactions to the hundreds of the original developer’s notes taped all across the interior walls of Casper, but we also see the kanji, “Ikari, you jerk,”angrily scribbled across one of the pipes!
I’m not sure if it was Naoko or Ritsuko who wrote that specific note, but either way, I’m all for insulting that bastard Gendo!
I love the little bit of Ritsuko smiling, “Thanks Mom, with your help we can make it,” as she begins crawling into Casper’s interiors. It implies that she seemingly does care about & and misses Naoko, however much she tries to deny it…
Also, the imagery of Ritsuko crawling inside of the computer that’s essentially her mother is once again incredibly Freudian, reflective of how the EVA-pilot’s Entry-Plugs metaphorically represent a return to the womb. Or in Ritsuko’s case with the MAGI, a return to the brain?
Aww… Misato can’t help but reminisce on her and Ritsuko’s college days together… 
I am curious though as to what specific memories mirrored their current situation of doing engineering and programming work inside of a tightly cramped space…
Interesting! Not only does Ritsuko disclose to Misato that the MAGI utilized a personality transplant system that transferred Naoko’s consciousness into the system, but that the exact same transference system was utilized for the Evangelions, once again foreshadowing that the souls of Shinji & Asuka’s dead mothers inhabit their respective EVA Units!
Also, it’s here that Ritsuko truly reveals her complicated feelings towards her mother. When Misato questions whether   Ritsuko’s desire to protect the MAGI is motivated by love for her mother, Ritsuko instead states that in actuality she “never really liked [her] mother,” and that “[her] decision was that of a scientist.” 
Does this imply that Ritsuko’s efforts to try and understand her late mother, whether it be through maintaining & protecting the MAGI or sleeping with Gendo (again… EWWW!!!), are motivated solely by scientific personality? That Ritsuko is actively attempting to reject the womanly side of her mother in favor of the scientific side? Or is Ritsuko lying to herself and there’s a part of her that secretly does love her mother like Misato suggested?
This kind of multifaceted and nuanced character-writing is a major aspect of why I love Evangelion so much! Nearly all of its characters are such fascinating and human messes of psychological contradictions that you can’t help but become invested in their personal struggles! 
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Wow! The actual initiation of Ritsuko’s counter program is once again FREAKING intense! Not only does Ireul manage to quickly hack into Casper once the firewall is lifted, but in what has got to be the most prolonged single second in the history of fictional media, Ritsuko & Maya manage to enter final code-sequences and command keys necessary just in time before the Angel can infiltrate what is quite literally the last single tiny block of uninfected data on Casper’s diagram!
And as soon as Ritsuko engages the counter-program, the tension is finally alleviated as that tiny blue square of uninfected data quickly spreads out and consumes the corrupted red data blocks across all 3 MAGI supercomputers, indicating the Angel’s rapid demise!
Like… dang! I’m honestly impressed by just how suspenseful Anno & GAINAX managed to make this back-&-forth computer-hacking battle against the Angel, especially since this more down-to-Earth tone deviates so heavily from the series’ usual formula of epic and otherworldly giant-kaju battles! It just goes to show how EVA can so efficiently balance various genres and tones into a cohesive whole. 
Additionally, it was also a nice change of pace to witness a character outside of the main trio of EVA pilots be directly involved in the defeat of an Angel, while also utilizing said battle to heavily flesh out Ritsuko’s character similar to the previous episode’s heavy emphasis on Misato’s character development!
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Speaking of the EVA pilots though, I couldn’t help but chuckle when we cut back to Shinji, Asuka & Rei STILL inside of their Entry-Plugs after all this time! 
Not only is it hilarious knowing that the trio are completely oblivious to Ireul’s infiltration and Ritsuko single-handedly defeating it, but I can’t help but sympathize with Asuka’s embarrassment and irritation since they spent all that time undressed inside of their Entry-Plugs floating alone in the GeoFront lake without any access to outside communication! That’s gotta super suck!
Lol! Ritsuko’s tired but relaxed line, “I must be getting old. These all-nighters are really rough,” is such a clever bookend! While the episode began with Ritsuko’s exhaustion regarding her mid-life crisis and anxiety of being solely defined by her mother’s shadow, she now can’t help but feel content in the fact that she protected Naoko’s legacy from being annihilated, staying true to her promise despite her complicated feelings towards her mother. 
Also, it’s here that Ritsuko reveals the MAGI’s true nature to Misato as the dichotomy between Naoko’s respective identities as a mother, scientist, and woman. What I can’t help but find fascinating though is that according to Ritsuko, “Those three aspects are struggling for dominance within the MAGI. She intentionally implanted the dilemma to imitate the human experience.”
Honestly, that kind of blending between humanity & machinery makes for an incredibly fascinating concept, since it subverts the emotionless rationality that usually defines A.I. in science fiction media, instead exploring the possibilities of how a machine would function with more human characteristics. 
And the episode concludes with some further insight into Ritsuko’s relationship with the late Naoko, clarifying that while she respects her mother as a scientist, she struggles to understand her as a mother while hating the side of her that is a woman. That latter comment in particular does make me wonder if the reason she’s sexually involved with Gendo is because she wants to spite that aspect of her mother instead of merely trying to misguidedly understand it. Or maybe it’s a little bit of both…
Either way, it truly does feel like Ritsuko embodies a mixture of the Oedipus complex which characterizes Shinji, and the Electra complex which characterizes Misato, which I honestly find to be incredibly intriguing…
Also, one last piece of foreshadowing in the form of Ritsuko’s ominous statement that it was the woman aspect of Naoko’s personality that she stayed true to to the very end!
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So that was NGE, “Episode 13: Angel Invasion/LILLIPUTIAN HITCHER,” and overall it was another incredibly solid entry to the series! For as much as I snarkily joked about the heavy emphasis on the techno-babble aspect in this particular episode, I was legitimately impressed by the immense levels of tension & suspense Anno and crew were able to generate through a non-traditional Angel battle in what essentially boiled down to a computer hacking contest, as well as the specific focus on Ritsuko’s character and fleshing out her strained relationship with her late mother Naoko. Furthermore, I was not expecting the large quantity of subtle foreshadowing to future twists and revelations across the series in just this one episode, including but not limited to Ritsuko & Naoko’s dommed relationships with Gendo Ikari, the Dummy Plug systems, the presence of human souls inside of the EVAs, and Gendo’s conflict with SEELE. It highlights just how tightly written and cleverly interconnected Evangelion’s narrative and characters are, despite some behind-the-scenes issues that fundamentally altered the thematic and tonal trajectory of the series as a whole. 
But that’s stuff I’ll begin delving into next time in my discussion of Episode 14, which will likely be less lengthy compared to my other posts in this marathon concerning the actual content of the episode itself due to its first half essentially being a clip-show (albeit, a rather creative clip-show)… although I will use it as an opportunity to delve into a lot of the behind-the-scenes trivia and drama surrounding the production of the original Neon Genesis Evangelion anime! It should be an interesting discussion at the very least! 
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jade-of-mourning · 2 months
guess whooooooo
so I don’t want to be agitating and I noticed you said you’ve been busy but I genuinely do not remember if I sent you an ask recently or if that was a dream?? so if I’ve been bugging you pls just ignore me I will not be offended 😭🙏🏼
the reason for my presence in your inbox today is because I was looking thru the mako tag and saw ur avatar mako snippet. I then began to experience Thoughts and decided you might enjoy if I shared them :33
what I’ve been thinking about is the possible dynamics of this au because. tragic backstory x avatar is something we didn’t quite get w korra because all her Avatar Trauma happened during the show. however,,, mako and bolin got that orphan swag
so for one I wanted to reference one of your older posts about mako and lin having a history across each other at an interrogation table. just imagine how she feels seeing the little brat (who she’s almost certain is zolt’s little prodigy) turn out to be the avatar who she now has to tolerate and work with to protect the city that never gave him shit.
and besides the early momboss and detectiveson feelings (linzin reconciliation?? kyalin reveal????) the other dynamic is just mako and republic city as a whole. this was actually kind of touched on in canon w how korra had to acclimate to the entirely different world of a revolutionizing industrial city, but instead it would be mako learning to cherish the streets that had chewed him up and spat him back out.
another reason this would be cool is bcuz it already happens in the show as well. despite mako’s character being completely abandoned after the love triangle, his becoming a cop kind of shows that he has grown to want to protect his city. being a police officer in the atla-verse means you have a real devotion to your city—under a boss like lin, you just get replaced realll quick if you don’t (eg, those two guys who pissed on mako when varrick framed him for domestic terrorism or whatever was going on there).
it also can’t be only for money, because if it was he would’ve gone back to probending; something he was just indifferent towards. anyway, what I’m trying to say is that somewhere offscreen he had that development in view as he grew to want to protect the city for more reason than that it would keep he and his brother safe. so essentially, in the avatar mako au, he goes through that development earlier, when he’s still a kid.
this would probably also affect his personality. if he was taken care of earlier on, he wouldn’t have stonewalled himself away out of distrust for the rest of the world. so basically he’s a snappy, sarcastic little bitch by canon because he never taught himself to bite his tongue or die—it also parallels him to korra (cough and katara cough) a bit more which I thought was nice.
I just totally lost my train of thought but uhhhhh,,, sorry for the long ask. hope you’re doing okay :)
much love
HI SNAILON!! i'm sure you saw my very late response but yeah dw you did not hallucinate that ask kjsdffgkjfsdh
anyway!!! i'm enjoying your avatar mako thoughts so much omg. mako and bolin really do got that Orphan Swag:tm: and i do love a good trauma backstory avatar. (still no one could ever compare to korra but shh we all know she's the most superior avatar of all time in our hearts…)
woah i forgot to think about the potential of lin & mako's relationship in the context of the au as a greater entity. aughhhhafjkhafdhk she's probably be pissed as hell at the start; i feel like tiny avatar!mako is absolutely the stiff bitter kleptomaniac sort specifically designed to get on lin beifong's nerves like no one else and that would agiatate her SO MUCH. but i think that over time as she starts to see him for what he really is and sees a little more of the good in his heart, she'll… actually she'll still treat him pretty harshly because now she doesn't like that she sees herself in him, but she has a greater amount of empathy for him and in vulnerable moments, i think that she would actually turn out to be the adult figure that mako would be most willing to seek out, surprisingly.
also yes i'm really excited to explore how mako rekindles an actually kind relationship with this halfway awful city. i really want to steep it in culture and i think i'll project my experiences in taiwan onto it because it's such a place of all time. the idea of hole in the wall restaurants that could not possibly meeting the hygiene standards and the owners are tough and impersonal but also they're the most natural people to be around, and the food is the best you've ever tasted for the cheapest price possible as you hop from sagging overhang to sagging overhand, never sitting down for a full meal but something about the perpetual motion is so comforting. anyway. republic city taiwan allegory. just really want to write about that, roughly.
i agree about the point of cop!mako :P even though i have complicated feelings about his assumption of a role that had been one of the primary institutions that enforced the system of how he and bolin lived as kids, i also think that he views it as a twisted form of redemption for himself as a child that i frankly think he doesn't have to assume moral culpability for, but i also understand that it's the sort of tangible thing that i think a guy like him would need to ever feel worthy enough of living. i have a lot of thoughts about this that i will have to condense into actual words sometime later…
i'm a big fan of mako actually getting to express his salt. i think that canon mako (and bolin, to an extent) takes a great amount of effort to restrain the Absolute Heathen that he was raised as in order to fit in with this impossible to understand high class society. (it's actually a point i'm going to explore in the fic with this version!) but yeah i feel like there's a lot of carefully trained-out language and habits that must exist in both mako and bolin who are trying so hard to not be perceived as the children they were, because their public images are very dependent on the exterior that they put out to the world. they need to be passably proper to get a fanbase which might land them support from higher up people which might land them a sponsorship which might enable their team to actually rise above as underdog which might lead them to win the pot which might let them finally build a lives for themselves. anyway. honestly avatar!mako would absolutely be hypermonitored by tenzin about his vocabulary and habits (coughing at this excerpt i wrote some time back: "He forces his breath to settle in his chest and forces himself to be grateful that he doesn't have a cigarette that he can lose himself in; he doesn't need Tenzin catching one more of his bad habits to take away from him."). but i think that in the presence of korra who will piss him off SO MUCH he won't have the same qualms about trying to fit into high class society because he'll have settled into this actual protection and stability provided to him by adults for the past several years, and he'll allow himself more to slip back into cussing her out with the vehemence of a Trained Asshole. it'd be funny trust.
i dont think i enunciated that very well but i have also had many thoughts on language and habits that mako and bolin forced themselves to eject for the sake of their precarious position in society. i think that it's also an ingrained part of them that when they're older along in life and have more stability, i like to imagine that they might end up casually incorportating back because their lives don't depend on their manners LOL. older mako would be only half the foul-mouth that his younger self was but asami would still be extremely mortified tbh. and bolin would just be COMEDY ohh
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shot-by-cupid · 8 months
So like….if your fanart of you and Mario came up on my dashboard and I thought it was super super adorable and I wanted to know more about the self insert oc you have in that universe…would you tell me??? 🙈🙈🙈
YES OF COURSE OH MY GOD !!!;&:&?848939?
okay, so whenever I draw my silly little pictures I have two self inserts- a vampire and the mushroom girl that I’ll use and sometimes it’s just myself; here’s an example of each
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Usually when I depict myself directly the artwork is more personal, usually for comfort or for vents or my like. Real world relationship with the character if that makes sense but moving on.
(Also just for simplicity sake I refer to my s/is in the third person but they are all just. Me but with a few little bonus features Y’know?)
So the first one is called Princess Ironfang, and she’s a vampire princess right. She’s my oldest Mario s/i dating back to around 2021?
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Her like. Lore I guess is more heavily tied to the games. And by that I mean I’ve got an entire game planned out. In my head. But she lives in this like. Haunted castle and it looms ominously over the mushroom kingdom right. So it’d be like, a Luigi’s mansion style game. But basically the story is that Mario and Luigi mess up her ghosts and goblins and whatever and it starts a bit of a riff between her and Mario specifically- due to this she teams up with bowser just to get on his nerves but anyway, it’s only like. Later down the line when they have to team up to save Luigi do they start to get along. There’s a few details I’ve left out but that’s like the jist of it. But, she’s been benched as of late in favour of the new girl who I’m absolutely in love with
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Mushroom girl 😈😈 her full name is Staci A. Compestrist (all my s/is have my name) and I prefer her a lot more since I feel she’s a more accurate depiction of my personality compared to Ironfang. Im still working on her design but I’ve got her story mostly figured out and it’s more centred around the movie (but it’s also applicable to the games and in my head I kinda. mesh the two together. Not important)
But she acts as a sort of lady in waiting and bodyguard for Princess Peach, she’s like. Her right hand woman or whatever idk. She’s very protective of the princess and initially sees Mario as a major threat to her safety so they don’t get along at first before eventually growing closer. Like I said she’s a reflection of myself so although she’s generally friendly, she’s also quite short tempered and stubborn and can be hard to win over. She’s not really a good bodyguard, and she’s more so just a really close friend of the princess who’s kept near by. I’ve projected a lot more onto her than I did Ironfang which is probably why I favour her more eughf
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THA K YOU SO MUCH FOR LETTING ME RAMBLE THOUGHHFF ARAHHHHHHH I love putting myself into the media I consume and I love constructing elaborate stories and lore for my self inserts and it feels great to have people take interest in the stuff I’m doing gahhh !!!!))?
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abimee · 2 years
wtf is baby bones, i want to know your unique creatures. i only know this phrase from an annoying undertale au.
Baby Bones is the name of my original story involving these creatures!
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the story goes that the earth is lived on by two types of people; Walkers, and Monsters. God made them as siblings to share the world with, and they are equals. Walkers and Monsters developed their own ways of living, communicating, and even language, but they are equals in all regards.
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the way they differentiate the walkers and monsters is that Monsters lack bones in their body, they typically walk on multiple sets of legs or none at all (but there are cases of two-legged monsters), and they all reproduce/give birth by consuming each other
the story of Baby Bones is that Chaos, an Ulnar Manipulator, flees with her wife Reverb, a Nerve Farm, after she ate a Monster in hopes of becoming pregnant. Now Chaos wants to find her a safe place to give birth away from their people who want to stop it.
These terms are a bit vague in this universe, but a good summary is such:
Walkers, the two-legged siblings of Monsters, reproduce by cultivating nerves from Nerve Farms, people who's bodies naturally construct and create immense amount of nerves within their bodies. The Ulnar Manipulators are people capable of forming and making bones, where they will then construct a child of nerves and bones and a Basket will incubate them until the nerves and bones form a child inside of them, and another Walker can be born
Basketing = a selected Walker will consume the bones and nerves and become pregnant, and will spend nine months being cared for and looked after as the baby develops inside of them
Ulnar Manipulator = people either born with or taught the ability to create bones, whether it's because their body creates an abundance of bone marrow or they learn to create it themselves from the natural world
Nerve Farm = people born with the ability to rapidly create an abundance of nerves within their body, they are ''farmed'' for these nerves to create more children and for their health
Reverb consumed a Monster because Nerve Farms aren't able to be Baskets, so instead she looks to how Monsters reproduce and decides to consume a Monster to have a child like they do. Chaos takes her away from their town and off to a safe place for her to have this Monster child, as the town they live in do everything in their power to make sure this does not happen.
''Baby Bones'' is what i call the style i have for these characters, which has a rulebook i follow. just drawing any sort of blob with a head does not a baby bones make, so whenever i use this style i call it ''baby bones'' cause its following a specific set of characteristics i give it. my own persona is also a baby bones character!
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ive also begun drawing fanart in the style, but i try to steer away from it because i worry about it being unappealing to others and dont want to draw fanart in the style and have people see it in the tags and be mean to me about it/get weird vibes about me from it
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the style and design of the monsters are not meant to invoke a sense of ''strangeness'' or ''fear'', i in fact want to use them to make art helping people question why they see certain things as strange/offputting and how the depiction of bodies in our art influences us even with the ''inhuman'', but mostly baby bones is just a little personal thing that i enjoy drawing in and find it very fun and relaxing :]
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dynmghts · 5 months
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hi five !!!!!! incoming: a small rant about one of my fav oc blogs
what i like about your blog: i really, REALLY enjoy the muted tones you use throughout your entire blog! i think that it really helps tell people about daiten and what she's about without having to give away information, which imo gives a great first impression, because people are always looking to see what an oc is about. on top of that, your carrd is well organised, the amount of information you have on her is clear-cut + straight to the point, and. honestly, your overall dedication to her is awe-inspiring. to top it off, your graphics are comprehensive and easy to digest, your writing is easy to read, and you manage to convey a lot in a more confined manner. i just! really enjoy seeing you around!
what i like about your character(s): daiten really stands out to me as an oc because she IS very strong, and you have never shied away from that, but she isn't without her limits. i can see the effort you've put in to highlight that. you've picked her personality to be both cynical and kind, and you stick by that with every universe you place her into; but in the bnha universe, specifically, she honestly fits right into the class as a member of it. seriously, if i could write her into horikoshi's canon, i would. i just think she is PHENOMENAL from the design you've gone for, to her quirk, its name and uses and functions... yeah. she's such a cool character.
and i feel so bad that i haven't interacted consistently with her because i genuinely believe her to be a well thought out and constructed oc, with plenty of considerations to canon that allow for her to meld into bnha seamlessly! she doesn't strike me as the type of person to get on katsuki's nerves, after all, and i even think that the two of them would be a well-coordinated team when given time. these two deserve a chance to really be friends at LEAST.
what i like about you in general: five, you have got to be one of the most resilient people i've seen on this hellsite. we haven't talked much outside of the occasional tumblr interaction and very rare discord exchange, but i've seen that you've been going through a lot lately, and from observation i think you're really handling things the best you can. which is genuinely so impressive! on top of that, you've always been so fun to talk to and to interact with, and i hope i can throw katsuki in daiten's direction more + be able to talk with you more ooc!
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leam1983 · 5 months
Bluetick Coonhounds are gorgeous little bundles of love. Up until they spot a squirrel. Or a cat. Or someone's discarded shoe. Or their owners leave them for a grand total of 18 hours, in the care of a throuple.
Blue's a two year-old sweetheart. You just fall in love instantly, but also notice that our yard becomes her sole object of focus and that any moment spent outside the yard is reacted to with the exuberance and pathos of a Romantic poem's character tearing their shirt open with lovesickness.
And the baying. Jesus Christ, the baying. Coonhounds don't bark, they bay. It's a two-tone call designed to fill up urban loft spaces from top to bottom and that's probably real quaint out in the country where breeds like this actually belong - but the poor thing's a Montreal native. She hasn't had a trail to follow all her life and her hunting instincts are wasted. So, she turns to urban surrogates. Wandering housecats, mice, rats, smaller dogs, foxes. Long before she was dropped off for us to babysit, she even came close to tearing a skunk apart.
I'll never have the nerve to criticize my friends publicly, but it does confirm the idea that "adopt, don't shop" is only half of a greater axiom.
The whole thing should go adopt, don't shop - and adopt responsibly. Whatever you do, don't pick a breed designed from the ground up to fit specific pastoral needs, if you're going to be living in the suburbs or the big city. It's comparable to the Huskies and Samoyeds my friend at the SPCA occasionally mentions. You'll find owners of these dog breeds who entirely know what they're getting into and who try to help the dog to cope with its unenviable environment, and you've also got others who go "It's a dog. How bad can it be?"
And, well, I respect my friend and his GF, but I know for a fact that they adopted a Bluetick with that kind of mindset.
There's the kind of frustration dogs can get that play can evacuate, and then there's what you get when the animal clearly is stuck in a constant malaise. Huskies in milder climates who aren't given tools to manage their heat, greyhounds who can't run - or blueticks who can't hunt.
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aidoriimu · 3 months
Lipstick, wilting flower, red teardrop
💄 : does your oc have any inspiration?
🥀: favorite thing about your ship?
🩸 : what does your oc think of canon character?
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(Oh boy this is a long one so buckle up!)
💄 : does your oc have any inspiration?
— Of specific characters? Not really, or none that seem obvious to me. It actually started off of me having this thing of mixing enstars character traits (like hair and eyes) which happened to a previous oc of mine, Katsumi, whose pink hair and red eyes is from Ibara and Nagisa. Although unlike Eria, she does have a connection with them being their manager of sorts..
While Eria, was from Wataru and Eichi! But like way more subtler, I just used Eichi's fringe as a reference and different blue tones for Eria's first design.
Though now it's more independent since I use colors (Lilac) as a way to start it off. I did keep some seraphim energy in her "Vtuber persona"
🥀: favorite thing about your ship?
— The fact that I can project on all of them, it's like self-love with extra steps. And also probably the fact that both Eria and Tsumugi are bleeding hearts who seem weak but are actually more capable than they originally present themselves, having done harm in the past. Or how Eria and Natsume mirror each other so both of them have to confront that part of themselves in each other.
🩸 : what does your oc think of canon character?
— She calls Tsumugi, "Muuchan", and Natsume "Mecchan".
Eria regards Tsumugi very highly, and that's even after she faced the fact that she idealized him a bit too much. They live in the same general area so she often got to see him around, though they didn't really exchange many conversations after the dance studio Mrs. Aoba shut down, or prior to the establishment of ES.
"He's beautiful, kind, and reliable.. the kind of person who's awkward when it comes to love because he hasn't experienced it very much. Like if you decided to drown a dehydrated man in the ocean, oh, my sincerest apologies, that sounded morbid didn't it?"
Eria does respect Natsume quite a lot, having quietly supported Switch since it's early days. The moment she witnessed them all performing, it was as if it sparked something anew within her. There's not much to add when she later remembered that she used to be classmates with Natsume as well, since it only really emphasizes to her on how pretty he is. Although in the case of when they actually start getting to know each other, they both get on each others' nerves.
"The most beautiful of roses have thorns to protect them, Mecchan is probably a good example of that. He's always... just saying all these kinds of words.. I know there's a hidden meaning beneath them but.. ugh, it feels as if he's trying to place himself above me."
If you got this far, have a cookie! ☆
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livesinthebalance · 1 year
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I have done a fair amount of research for myself and for my characters on this topic, but I am by no means an expert on backs or on paralyzing injuries. I know only what I have researched and what I have learned from those who do have working and everyday knowledge. I will try to portray this injury well both prior to the implant and afterwards—as threads demand—as accurately as possible. If I am inaccurate in something, please feel free to let me know and I will make the necessary corrections.
Now, to start, Abby's injury was at the lower part of her lumbar vertabrae, around the L4-L5 section, which largely prevented her from walking without the constant use of tools to aid her, until such time as she received the implant, after which she had to do a great deal of physical therapy to rebuild the muscles and regain her coordination and mobility—insomuch as she could.
This is what the implant looks like internally on her spine.
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Most of the implant itself is not visible but part of it is above the skin. This is likely the access point where components would be replaced when it was necessary for general upkeep—short of things that would require major surgery like the sections along the bones themselves and at the spinal cord.
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Due to both the way the implant is set and the fact that it was experimental at the time, there are issues with it, among them:
1) It created a limited range of movement with its design, at least where the lowest sections of her spine are concerned. You will not see her twist too much. You'll usually see her completely turn her body instead. She can also only bend forward or backward to a certain point.
2) The purpose of the design was both to reinforce the spine itself after the injury, as well as to convey the signals from the brain past the incomplete spinal cord injury, almost acting as a bridge—which is where the inner section of the device that I didn't draw would come into play.
3) That said, though it accomplished the main goal of allowing her to walk and resume other such functions that were difficult to impossible due to the injury, it did not solve everything. She can walk. She no longer needs a catheter or anything of that nature. Anything else on that list for the lower sections of the spine are functional again because the signals are conveyed. There are flaws with it, however, up to and including how quickly and how precisely the messages travel around the damaged nerves. As a result, she is clumsy and will trip over her own feet, sometimes over air, sometimes misjudged steps/mis-relayed messages. You will not likely see her running [ short of emergency ] or dancing or anything like that [ unless she has simply already resigned herself to the fact that she is going to fall ]. Feeling is also not 100% in her feet/lower legs, almost like someone with neuropathy. She is at least happy that she can [ mostly ] work the pedals on a piano again [ an organ, however, would be very unlikely due to the amount of precise footwork required to do so ] .
4) She does deal with pain/nerve pain. Some days are fairly minor, what would typically just be considered soreness or stiffness. Then, though they are fairly rare, there are days that the pain makes it difficult to impossible to get out of bed, and it leaves her actually holding her breath until whatever spike or spasm passes, until the next one. On those days, her business partner and friend [ I am considering the partner being an omnic ] handles all of the business at their shop—as well as venturing upstairs to check on her occasionally.
5) Random facts: while it is not very obtrusive, she tends not to lay on her back as it is uncomfortable, she often pivots in solid back chairs when possible so her back is not flat against it, and she tends to shy away from anyone touching anywhere below the natural waistline. Again, she is almost never seen NOT in layers to hide both the implant and the lights that show it is functioning properly.
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ladykakata · 1 year
Not sure what’s behind the recent increase of anti-HH/Helluva takes I’m seeing. I still like the series so far. I don’t feel Stolas being a gentle and loving father is at odds with his obsession with Blitz/obsession with sex. I did think Stella being cruel was a little thick with it. I hated the C.H.E.R.U.B. episode for the characters that really got on my nerves. I don’t think the cherubs being punished for one slanted fuck-up casts doubt on HH since the cherubs are likely held to a FAR higher standard than any Earthborn human, or ‘sinners’ as they are referred to in Hell and those are the people Charlie specifically wants to redeem. I hated the Brandon Rogers riffing on the last episode because, if you’re not familiar with him and his work, it is just like a big in-joke we’re asked to laugh at and as someone who constantly has to deal with people from North America making pop culture in-jokes to stuff specific to North American they just assume everyone knows, it’s tiring. Really specifically, the only BIG issue I have was with Luna’s vicious turn against Blitz. Her level of violence when Blitz called her out on her poor work ethic was one thing, but her kicking him in the gonads after the reunion seemed to come RIGHT the fuck out of nowhere and he has done N O T H I N G  to warrent that explosion, no matter how traumatic her backstory. It would be one thing if he triggered a horrific memory for her, but her lashing out was so far beyond what would be expected. Sure, she can be hurt and angry at a percieved rejection, but the sheer VIOLENCE should have made everyone, including Millie and Moxxie, go ‘wait a goddamn minute’.
I really hope Loona is taken to task for this. It’s made worse by Loona’s talk with Octavia, where Loona wants her to give her Dad some slack, yet right after that she savagely assaults Blitz who is delighted to see her.
I didn’t like Loona as a character much to start with, just her design, and that’s getting worse and worse by the episode. She had a better showing in the D.O.R.K. episode, mostly because Millie wasn’t taking her shit due to sheer panic over Moxxie and we all know in a straight fight Millie would murder her with little effort.
TL;DR Yes Loona has a trauamtic backstory we’ve only glimpsed at, but her outbursts are far beyond what we should see of her and the show or characters need to take her to task for her exceptionally nasty behaviour.
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northforwinter · 1 year
My RWBY DND campaign had its fun moments but I will never get over how badly I was fucking done over during it lol. My ex friend volunteered me, a week after we watched it for the first time, to create and run a RWBY themed dnd game for us and the mutual (now former) friend who got us into rwby when I had zero experiance dm-ing, then turned turned around and refused to build her character beyond her weapons and first name, which was just an accessory she had and her name irl. SHE came up with the idea then just did not make a character to the point where I had to sit down with her and the character sheet I made specifically for RWBY DnD and fill in the few things she could be bothered thinking up and make up the rest myself, including her OC love interest. Then she had the fucking NERVE to turn around and say I stole her love interests characters weapon design for my love interest weapon. BITCH? I had that design before you had your characters last name. And still she was less of a pain in the ass than the other friend, who ruined literally entire arcs I had planned after she userped an event I shuffled a session around to fit in for her without consulting me. I DM'd for these Assholes for literal years and it was HELL.
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