#she's been ignoring me for 5 days bc she didn't like that i voiced being hurt over something she did
morningmightbekinder · 4 months
realizing my s/o might be a covert narcissist 🙃
#dear diary#she's been ignoring me for 5 days bc she didn't like that i voiced being hurt over something she did#only sent me one message that implied she was spiraling mentally and our argument had caused it#hasn't replied to anything i've sent since#and the thing is#i would have been panicked and apologizing and groveling if this were 3/4 years ago#but now she's done this so many times that i'm just tired#like#i can't even get angry anymore#i don't feel guilty like i used to even though there's a part of me that wants to believe this is my fault and i should have just said noth#but no#we've been through this too many times not to realize she does this every single time no matter how gently or calmly i bring up an issue#like “oh yeah so you picked the movie we watched last time so this time is my turn”#and she pouts and sighs and basically acts like it's the end of the world and passive-aggressively says she wants to watch this other show#and like yeah i'm usually down to compromise and give in and let her decide but i do that all the time#and she never does for me#so i was firm and said i really wanted to watch this particular movies#i'd had it in mind in particular because it was the holidays and a christmas movie and i'd been looking forward to watching it with her#and even told her so and she acted so enthusiastic#but then it's time to watch it and she guilts and emotionally beats me down into picking what she wants#and she does this with so many things#and acts like a victim if i'm firm or say no or just try to disengage from the situation or i calmly disagree#and especially if i bring up instances where this has happened before ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE#she gets defensive and lies and victimizes herself and tells me i'm overreacting and i have no idea how hard things are for HER#so why can't i just shut up and do things the way she wants to???#and then i end up feeling like i'm going crazy and getting defensive myself because she does this so much that i'm immediately tense#and trying to both be firm in how i feel but calm her emotions and her reactions#but she claims i'm the one being aggressive or being mean to her and “ruining our fun” because i'm not sugarcoating things
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rintoons · 11 months
Heeello, idk if u take requests but i hope u do!!
i want a tsukishima kei × fem!reader, i want his reaction on the reader hugging him suddenly without saying anything and the reader doesn't pull away from the hug (aka gives him a long hug)[It’s like the reader wants a “healing hug” bc she’s going through something so she needs a hug]
How will tsukki react and how will he comfort her?
Genre: hurt/comfort, fluff
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✩★✩ a/n: yes!! i've never done a request before so please bear with me, but I had a lot of fun writing this and hope this lived up to your expectations!
p.s. it was not supposed to be this long, but i'm a fiend for context and backstory—and i may have gotten a little carried away, so... sorry lol
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wc: 1.7k
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you and tsukishima were undeniably academic rivals. it was nothing too serious, but there was definitely some gloating and teasing in your relationship.
you guys spent the first year of high school competing against each other, trying to see who could get the higher test score or answer the most in-class questions correctly. even though you two didn’t talk much outside of school, you had personally grown fond of whatever relationship it was that you and he developed over the year.
of course, you knew that feeling was one-sided because tsukishima was exactly the kind of person to take the whole “rivalry” thing very seriously. to him, his pride was on the line. plus, the tsukishima kei would never deign to see you as anything more than a step on his climb to the top. to him, you were just competition.
for you, on the other hand, his opposition was just motivation to excel in school and be petty towards him. to boot, it was an acceptable distraction from all the shit you had to deal with at home—when the school day was over, and you had to go back to your parents who could never seem to stop arguing long enough to realize you existed.
after starting your second year and being upgraded to class 2-5, only to find tsukishima there again, you could feel yourself getting more serious about it. the more your home situation got worse, the more incentive you had to take it out on schoolwork—and tsukishima.
some days you'd be so cold to him that he could do nothing more than just stare at your retreating figure as he desperately tried to shove away the voice inside his head telling him to go after you. telling him that you didn't mean the harsh words you just spit out and that you actually want him around. his mind was in a constant tug of war, his resolve on one side and that stupid little voice on the other. nine times out of ten, his resolve won. until it didn't.
you had been unusually quiet all day; super distant and spaced out. on a usual bad day, you'd take out all your frustrations on your schoolwork, finishing the work in half the amount of time you were supposed to take before tackling the homework for that day and several other things. but when you walked into class that day, tsukishima knew it wasn't just a 'usual bad day.'
you had your head down on your desk the entire class, your closed eyes painting the entire world black. you didn't even bother looking at the work for that day, let alone doing it. you even ignored all the weird stares and the few people that tried asking if you were okay.
and when the lunch bell rang, you immediately walked out of class, leaving everything behind.
that was the day that the little voice in tsukishima's voice won the tug of war.
he glanced over at your desk and sighed, mentally slapping himself for what he was about to do next.
he walked over and picked up your bookbag and lunchbox before going on a manhunt for you all around school. he searched like a madman, asking everybody he knew if they'd seen you. it wasn't until the last few minutes of lunch that he finally found you on the roof of the auditorium.
tsukishima let the heavy iron doors close shut behind him while he approached you slowly. he could only see your back, your uniform skirt swaying in the chilly fall breeze as you perked up at the sound and tucked your head between your shoulders. he watched you raptly. you were shivering.
"yn?" his voice carried through the howling wind and the darkening clouds up ahead.
your breath left you sharply at the sound of the familiar voice. against your better judgment, you turned around to find tsukishima standing before you. he made sure to stay several feet away, just to give you space.
you swallowed down the tears even after seeing him with all your stuff, an uncharacteristically concerned look on his face. even after seeing the way his hair stuck to his forehead and his chest rose and fell with the effort of breathing after running up at least six flights of stairs—you kept it all together.
until the forbidden words came out: “are you okay?”
you stared at him with trembling lips, realizing only then that tsukishima was the only person who ever actually saw you. you always thought you were going crazy when you noticed him easing up his teasing the tiniest bit on the days he could tell that you were holding on by a single thread. or when you could feel his stare from across the classroom, trying to fight off the goosebumps that his calculating gaze brought to your skin.
but even after realizing that, you still tried to push him away, scrunching up your face and biting out a brusque "what do you care?"
tsukishima sighed, giving in to the urge to roll his eyes. "i wouldn't be here if i didn't, yn."
you clenched your jaw at his words, your resolve crumbling down on you like an avalanche.
before you knew it, your legs were moving on their own, closing the distance between you and the boy in front of you in a matter of seconds. it all happened so fast, he didn't even see it coming. when you crashed into his broad chest and your arms wrapped themselves around his waist, tsukishima stopped breathing.
he froze in place, his body tensing and his limbs seizing with the shock of your warm body suddenly colliding with his. he stood there uncomfortably, still with your lunchbox in one hand and your bag in the other. tsukishima didn’t know what to do—didn’t know what to say. he didn’t know the first thing about comforting a person, but when the sound of your soft sniffles reached his ears, his entire wall came crashing down.
he acted on instinct.
dropping both bags, he hesitantly brought a single arm around your shoulders. at first, it was just an awkward pat on your back; but upon noticing the way you cried even harder at his reciprocation, he slid his hand lower, letting it settle onto the small of your back.
the best he could do was pull you closer to him and wrap his other arm around you, his hand moving to caress the back of your head gently. tsukishima didn’t move a single step until you pulled away first, rather abruptly as if you came to your senses and realized what you were doing.
you let out a shaky breath, cringing, “i—im sorry, i didn’t mean—“
"don’t say you didn’t mean to do it," he cut you off, donning a slightly pained expression.
before you could even say anything else, tsukishima took off his jacket and wrapped it around your shoulders. it was cold, and like the dumbass you are, (his words) you didn’t have one on. of course, he made sure to let you know that, scolding you for being careless and putting yourself at risk of catching a cold. and for not eating properly and not confiding in anybody about your problems. it was as if you didn't just have your face buried in his neck, staining his porcelain skin with your tears.
you let yourself crack a smile, feeling the tension in your shoulders, neck, and back slowly ease its way out of your body at his nagging. you tugged his warm jacket closer, leaving him there to go and take a seat with your back against the railing.
you only had to look up at him for him to get the message; without a word, tsukishima came and sat beside you. he didn't ask any questions, didn't badger you for answers, or tease you for being vulnerable like you thought he would. maybe he would use this against you later, but the most you could do was savor the moment.
so you closed your eyes and leaned your head against his shoulder. as expected, he tensed up from the action, so much so that you had to shuffle a little closer to whisper in his ear. “relax, i don’t bite.”
not only did he loosen up, but he even dared to let out a small chuckle at your words.
after sitting on the roof for a while and watching the newly transformed orange and red cherry blossom petals flake from the trees, tsukishima offered—though he didn’t give you much of a choice—to walk you home.
after a humble round of "you don't have to"—"but i want to," you finally accepted his offer. the two of you ended up skipping the rest of the school day together, which was the last thing you ever expected to be doing considering the way you feel both about your grades and tsukishima.
as if things couldn't get any weirder, tsukishima took you to a convenience store on the way to your house, insisting that you get whatever you need. he ended up buying you a drink and new, “more tasty than whatever shit you had in your lunchbox” food to eat. he even sat you down at one of the tables outside the store and forced you to eat right then and there because he didn't trust that you would do it when you got home like you kept promising you would.
he was a surprisingly funny guy, making jokes the entire way home. while his dry humor wasn't for everyone, it made you laugh and forget about your crappy day. as you were walking up to your house, you kept trying to give him his jacket back but to no avail because the bastard kept telling you to keep it and not rush it back to him.
“wow. the great tsukki kei is actually a great big softy.”
“shut up, no i’m not,” he scowled. “and don’t call me that!”
when he finally got you home and bid you goodnight, you did something else that shocked you.
you leaned up on your tippy toes and kissed tsukishima (on the cheek). you thanked him for everything before running into your house and locking the door behind you, not even waiting to see his reaction.
your rival stood in front of the gate to your house, dumbfounded, and confused, yet blushing furiously and grinning like an idiot because he simply couldn't help it. on the other side of the door, your were grinning too despite your racing heart.
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c-art00nish · 11 months
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Oh no Kai died!
So. I saw a post here on tumblr (I didn't save it :c) saying "what if kai died trying to provide for nya and she took his place in the series" and smth took over me and I drew this
More info below
So I took the premise of him dying and Nya taking his place but that's it, bc the og post said Nya would inherit his elemental power, but since Morro kept his being dead I'd imagine Kai could too.
So this changes a lot of stuff, in this au Kai "discovers" his elemtal powers early on, but they just manifest as being inmune to burns and fire which helps since this kid works at a forge.
One day he goes deep in the town to buy food, but there is an accident and a house is set on fire, he was just about to go home and ignore all the chaos when he hear someone still inside, against his better judgement he went in and helped knowing his resistance to fire. He saves the person trapped inside.. but instead of a 'thanks' the whole townspeople just go 'A witch!' since he didn't suffer any burns.. And you can imagine what happens next
Either way Kai does not arrive home, when Nya goes to town to ask where he is she is told he ran away by lady and that she should leave aswell (Quick tangent. The lady told Nya that to avoid explaining that they basically unalived her brother and so Nya doesn't get the same fate)
She moves away and years down the line she meets a nice old man saying he is looking for something special.
Okay so here goes the timeline from Nya's side all up until season 5:
• Pilot:
She works in a small shop doing repairs and is very agrressive towards Wu since instead of asking where are her parents he asked if she had any siblings, so yeah open wound. Anyway there is no kidnapping motivator here, the skeletons steal the map and destroy the only home she had, she goes with Wu in order to get revenge. He sees she is lost and in need of family so he trains her, everything goes about the same, Jay's line changes to inmediatly be "Do you like blue?", and she proceeds to ignore him since letting people in her life hasn't been an option in a long time (also here Wu assumed she must have the fire element). They get the weapons and Garmadon still tricks Nya with Kai's voice, when she arrives she is so mad she attempts to lift the sword to attack Garmadon, but she can't, seeing she has no use to him he sends some skeletons to attack, but apparently out of nowhere the sword lifts itself up and lands in Nya's hands (she was fighting the skeletons at that). From there Wu arrives, leaves, Garmadon is free all that stuff.
Nya wants to leave since she feels she failed since she is not the master of fire, but everyone just doesn't care and want her to still be part of the family. And so we go on to rise of the serpentine
• Rise of the Snakes:
Okay so here everything goes about the same, Samurai X is still Nya but it isn't a secret (she does this bc still feels like she can't be a ninja). Jay's true potencial happens bc he is like "I can't show you who I am becaussse you're ssso cool! I mean you are Sssamurai X and a Ninja!" which to she responds that she likes him as he is and even if she didn't he shouldn't change for others.
And the fangblades stuff is bc if Nya can't be tha master of fire, and samurai x isn't a ninja (she wants to but feels useless without an element) she might as well be the green one right?
She still saves Loyd over the fangblade, creating a dome of water from seemingly nowhere, unlocking her true potential as the master of water. And everything carries on the same
• Legacy of the Green Ninja & Rebooted:
Everything is pretty much the same.
Nya loses another brother
• Tournament of Elements:
All the ninja are split up like in the series with Nya doing vigilante stuff instead of fighting in an illegal fight club. Loyd attemps to reunite his family and everything goes about the same.
Skylor and Nya definetly flirted much to Jay's dissmay
Nya "betrays" Loyd just like Kai did with Nya in the series except Garmadon is left alone with the snake pet and Loyd is taken to the ritual. When Nya lifts the staff she does go a little power crazy, not for wanting to be the green ninja but bc she wants this power to protect her family.
Anyways season ends. RIP Garmadon
• Possesion:
All goes the same for the first 5 minutes. Then after fighting a possesed Loyd a ghost with fire in his hands arrives to the Bounty, asking- no, begging, for the Ninja to help him
Nya recognizes him and the world stops
Gonna do the Kai timeline in other post with Morro art :)
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wolfvmin · 2 years
glimpse of us: exile
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pairing: husband!yoongi x female reader ; namjoon x reader genre: angst, divorce, arranged marriage (but not really), age gap kinda (5 years), unrequited love, pining (reader), fluff wc: 19.5k (my first full fic? :O) playlist: glimpse of us. warnings: read part one first. a lot of pov changes at the party scene, kinda unedited, angst, major 2nd lead syndrome vibes, idk how to tag warnings obviously, kissing, implied sex, lots of flashback scenes, bad writing bc i can't write. note: aaaaaa it's finally here. things didn't go as planned because i didn't expect to be really busy in the first month of junior year in uni T.T !! i'm really sorry to those who waited and thank you for giving me 500+ notes on the first part of glimpse of us. summary: he was the perfect husband and it's a perfect marriage... but it's time to let him go. PART 1 masterlist
“yoongi? are you listening to me?”
the voice that was just an echo on the back of his head grows louder, fishing him out of the abyss of thoughts he’s been having. he looks back at the woman who sits across from him with wide eyes, suddenly realizing he had been out of it again.
“yeah, sorry.” yoongi replies with an obvious lie and straightens up his back. his girlfriend sighs and sips her coffee while avoiding his gaze. he knows that she’s now pissed at him.
“are you really going to think about work while i’m here? we’ve been barely going out as it is and you do this?” yuna’s voice raises at him. he looks around the cafe, worried about the eyes that turned to them.
“can you turn your voice down?” he pleads in a whisper, leaning closer to the woman.
she scoffs at him, crossing her arms. “my voice is not the issue here.”
it was always like this. nothing seems to be going right with them anymore. if they can’t see each other because of their conflicting schedules, they’re either arguing or ignoring each other because of the argument. despite this, yoongi believes it’s just the 7-year itch and if they both try to get through it, they can overcome it.
“i know. i’m sorry.” he sighs and looks down at his drink. “what were you saying again?”
“i told you i met someone.”
it didn’t sink in at first. time stays still as his body goes frozen in his seat.
just a second ago, his mind was as if a desk of a mad scientist, thoughts scrambled as a million worries, ideas, and images run through his head. he was a man that never stopped running, always chasing a prize that was dangling in front of him. and he loved it. but he was too blind to see the truth. he had been doing it wrong all this time.
he didn’t know that six words had the power to boil down years of noise in his head into one word–a question.
he sat there in misery as she explained. the words coming out from her mouth swirled in his head like a tornado, swiping every last plan he has in the future for the both of them. it is only now that he takes notice of how her hair is not kept as neatly as it usually is. he recalls how a different smell of shampoo had hit his nose when he hugged her in greeting earlier.
she tells him how she spent the night in another man’s bed but never doing the things expected of a person who’s going behind her partner’s back. she doesn’t do them. no, yuna is not a person to do that. but she tells him of how she yearned to. and that’s why she can’t bear the thought of being with him further.
because she realized that she doesn’t want him anymore.
how her voice trembled when she said goodbye, yoongi doesn’t even notice. the way she stood up from her seat, yoongi doesn’t even look at.
just like that, yoongi was left inside that cafe, sitting where he felt his whole world stop.
he was ashamed of himself.
it’s amazing how in one room, different kind of lives are being lived. some are laughing with their friends, others just enjoying their coffee on a nice and sunny day, a few typing away at their laptops in a buzzing cafe instead of a quiet library, the cafe staff just getting by and doing their job for the day. all of this happening while one man in his seat just felt his whole world shatter just by six words.
now he realizes that the prize he was chasing was tied to him over his head. like a fool, he was chasing something that if only he stops for a moment, he could easily reach it with both his hands. he could have taken it and held it close to him. maybe that way, the swift air from his running wouldn’t have taken it away from him. but it did. and it’s all because of him.
from that moment on, he swore he wouldn’t let such a thing happen again.
but it does.
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a usual monday for yoongi goes like this: first, he eats the breakfast you cook. second, he drives to work. third, he texts you when he arrives. four, he slaves himself to work the whole day and a few hours of the night. fifth, he texts you when he’s about to go home. sixth, he drives home from work at a late hour. lastly, he either finds you asleep or waiting for him while having a midnight snack. 
the monday goes as it does for him at first. so, expectedly, it would continue as it is for the rest of the night. obviously, things doesn’t usually go as it does.
the first unusual thing he finds is how the lights are turned off when he enters the apartment. it doesn’t matter if you’re asleep or watching a movie in the living room, you always leave the dim light by the entrance turned on.
the second unusual thing that happens is when he shouts your name, no one answers. from that moment, he realizes that you were out of the house. 
the third unusual thing is why didn’t you tell him? were you spending the night at your parents house? out with a friend? or perhaps at work? you always text him if you’re going to be out of the house. so why didn’t you tonight?
worry fills his system at the thought of you being out and him having no idea where. he knows you can handle yourself well but you not telling him where you’ve gone doesn’t feel right to him. 
his hand finds the light switch in the dark like it’s second nature. and just like that, the apartment comes to life with bright lights and a clean atmosphere. 
he doesn’t find the place unusual. everything was just like he left it. it was only you that was missing from the picture. 
but a few steps in, he finds the last thing he would find unusual for the night. 
the box that he usually sees underneath your closet rack is now sitting on top of the coffee table in the living room and beside it were two envelopes. one in legal size and another in letter. 
he throws his leathered sling bag on the couch and picks up the letter. for some reason, there was a pounding in his heart that he can’t explain. perhaps, it was his body telling him that something unpleasant was about to happen. his furrowed brows and blazing eyes scan through the words in the letter. the words sorry and end were the only things that made sense to him. he couldn’t read the letter fully as he could feel his chest tighten second by second. 
this isn’t happening. this isn’t happening. this isn’t happening. 
his eyes shift to the bigger envelope on the table. the trembling hands of his abandon the sheet of paper in his hands only to grasp the envelope and roughly see the content inside of it. 
he felt his knees weaken at the words he finds on the document that he falls in a slump on the couch, staring blankly at the paper and taking in the weight of your signature on it.
it takes him a few minutes to get back to reality. and just like before, all his thoughts was silenced with one word.
he picks up the letter that fell to the floor, reading it calmly this time. 
his eyes move slowly and carefully as if he’s afraid of the words he’s going to read. this time, the words doesn’t come like a tornado. this time, it comes like tsunami. before he knew it, he’s already underwater and being pushed in all directions by the water. 
i’m sorry. 
i didn’t think i could tell you this in person. i thought about it carefully, yoongi. but i don’t think i can go on with this. i’ve known for a while even before you’ve said it that night���that it’s not me you truly see at first, i thought it was okay. i don’t mind if the love you give is borrowed. i’d rather be loved like this than not being loved at all by you. i’d take whatever love you can give. then, i realize how fucked up it is. in the process of loving you, i’d forgotten how to love myself. it’s cheesy, i know. but what can i do when the man who i love only loves me because he finds her in me? is there a space for the real me in your heart, yoongi? because if we’re honest, if it’s down to me and her, who would you choose? that night, when you told me i am just like her that’s why you can’t lose me, i just knew it had to stop. i don’t want to be the person you settle for just because you can’t have her. 
i’m sorry, yoongi. i know that by doing this, i’m hurting you. but it has to end before any more people get hurt. 
i’ll let you go so you can find her again. 
we can talk about this further when you’re ready. 
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the whiskey rolled on his tongue, the bitter taste on his buds lingering as he swallowed the strong drink. not even letting his tongue get to its aftertaste, he takes another swig of the highly alcoholic drink.
“you need to slow down.”
his best friend reminds him as he sits beside him on the couch—the couch you specifically chose. everything in this house, you chose. every corner of the place, he sees you. every little thing reminded him of you.
he groans and limply hold the glass by his knee. he hung his head back and rests his forearm on his forehead. seokjin watches and sighs at the misery of his best friend.
“i think i need someone to tell me how to live life.” yoongi blurts out.
“why would you think that?” seokjin asks with a snort before taking a sip of his drink. his face scrunches after taking in the taste of the whiskey, realizing it was way too strong for his liking. he takes another sip anyway. that’s just how seokjin is.
“i think i’ve been doing it wrong so far.” the man answers with a mutter.
seokjin gazes at his best friend and then to the divorce papers on the table. he recalls the text he received from his friend’s wife in the afternoon.
hi jin. if u’re free tonight can u check on yoongi after his shift? i think he’ll need u.
the day the jin dreads has come. knowing yoongi the best, he wished that it didn’t happen like this. he felt bad for his friend but worse for you. you don’t deserve this. the fact that you still went out of your way to make sure your husband was alright when you were divorcing him, he doesn’t think it will be easy for yoongi to find someone like you again.
“when do you plan to talk to her?” seokjin asks in relation to the last line in the letter.
yoongi removes his arm from his face and looks at seokjin. he sighs and slumps more on the couch, body sliding down lower until his chin rests on his chest.
“i don’t know.”
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“you went through with it.”
jungkook doesn’t greet you when he enters your office. it only took looking at your tired face, the bags under your eyes, and the way you teared up the moment you see him step foot in the room with documents in his hands. he had no idea you were going to do it. he knew that you had everything ready after the hawaii trip but you never told him you were going to do it already.
“i did it.” the corner of your lips turned upward in a small, sad smile.
“huh.” he reacts, looking down on his feet. your brow furrows at the sudden drop of his mood, curious as to why his sulkiness doesn’t only indicate pity.
your friend drags his feet to get near you and drops himself on his favorite chair across you. “has he signed it?” he asks, dropping the papers on your table.
“i left the papers and a letter at home yesterday. he hasn’t made contact since then.” you answer, getting the papers he brought you. he takes one glace at it and was reminded why he was there in the first place.
“need you to sign these to finalize the deal with the kim enterprise.” he says as you examine the papers. “i arranged a meeting for you with them by your secretary. it’s on friday.”
you nod and grabbed the pen at the side of your desk. the metallic casing of the caran d’ache sign pen yoongi gifted to you is cold on your skin as you held it. your thumb caresses the engraved name on the expensive gold plated casing, feeling the comfort of the familiar rough texture of it. your name looks good with his, such a shame you have to give it back to him.
you shake your head and put it inside the drawer under your desk so you won’t see or use it again. this time, you grab a different pen, a normal one that you liked using for signing before your marriage.
you finally sign the papers and hand it over to your friend who was still looking down on his shoes. there was a slight pout on his face, so you wonder what was on his mind.
“okay, what’s bothering you?” you sigh.
he bites his lip before looking at you for a second then avoiding your stare. “it’s nothing.” he says before standing up.
you grab his arm before he can get away, standing up in the process. “get back here right now.”
his jaw clenches. “i just—i feel kind of responsible.” he answers, still not looking at you.
his words takes you aback, loosening your grip on him.
“what?” you let him go to stutter the word out of your mouth.
“you started to doubt him after the hawaii trip. after what i said.”
now you realize what was on his mind and understand why. you don’t indulge jungkook much on your relationship. despite him being your best friend, you didn’t feel like telling anyone your doubts on the marriage, not even yourself.
you only told him after the hawaii trip about everything. he listened attentively but you noticed there was something bothering him a bit since then.
jungkook liked yoongi. he treated him like an older brother. but you were his best friend and yoongi had his mistakes. still, he couldn’t help but things happened differently.
he knows that with this marriage dissolving, he might lose yoongi as a friend. but most importantly, he was scared that you will lose the light in your eyes. he was glad you’re going to be free of him and could not hurt you further than he was doing but he wonders if there was a slight chance that you would be happy for a lifetime just living in your bubble of a marriage that maybe wouldn’t have popped if he hadn’t shown you how to. he thinks this all happened because of him.
“kookie, it was doomed from the start and never your fault.” you sigh, before continuing. “it didn’t start with you. or even with me. it started with yoongi. but i’m the one ending it for all of us. the two of us deserve better than pretending everything’s okay.”
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you really wanted yoongi to be the one to reach out first. two weeks has passed and there still was no sign of him wanting to communicate with you. if he wanted to cut you off so bad, why hasn’t he signed the papers?
so here you are now, in front of your apartment. the two of you have to settle with an agreement before your father’s birthday gala on saturday and you can’t do that if he’s still not willing to talk to you.
you punched in the numbers on the keypad lock. it was the combination of the years you were born. just another reminder how far apart you were. although five years isn’t really a huge age difference, it was another factor that doesn’t make you her.
you would be lying if you said you weren’t nervous that the passkey would be changed. but as the lock in front of you dinged green and let you in, a sense of relief comes to you.
you know that yoongi isn’t here and still at work. with that knowledge, you allow yourself to check the place. it was just like you left it, clean and quiet. there isn’t much food left in the fridge so you figure that he’s been eating out. at least, that’s what you wish. you hope his secretary, kim taehyung, is making sure he eats well.
you look over your wrist watch. there’s still more than an hour before yoongi comes home. with the time you have, you can cook a few side dishes he can eat with take out. without thinking more about it, you get to work.
wearing your apron, you hum to yourself while preparing the ingredients, finding yourself easily lost in how much the place and activity felt like second skin to you.
there are two coping mechanisms when you’re anxious for what’s in store in the future. first, is you think about it every minute of the day and let it destroy you. second, you completely ignore it until it happens. you were obviously doing the latter this time.
you haven’t thought about how you’re going to talk about the divorce to your parents. so far, the only people who knows about it from your side is jungkook, your secretary, and maria. you don’t know who yoongi has told yet but you’re sure seokjin knows. that’s four people. four people outside your relationship that knows what’s in store.
the moment more people know, it’s irreversible and real.
you wonder how your parents will react. their only daughter, divorced at a young age with no children. they won’t be happy but you’re sure they’ll understand.
just as you were putting the cooked dishes inside their tupperware, you hear the door open. you hold your breath and freeze. suddenly scared of his reaction to your unannounced return.
this is the first time you’ve seen him in two weeks yet you don’t know how to act. instead, you watch as yoongi drags his body inside, eyes on his feet and head hung low like a zombie. your heart breaks at how tired he looks.
his whole body tenses up and freezes for a moment before finally looking up to look at you. it seems as if his eyes couldn’t believe what he was seeing. you, in your apron, cooking as if nothing happened.
“y–y/n.” he stutters as he straightens his posture, countenance brightening. “wha–what are you doing here?” he fixes his tie while walking over to you.
the loud clasps of you closing air-tight containers filled the room before you answer his question. “dad’s birthday is on saturday.” you start as you stack the containers inside the fridge. “if you’re not ready to talk about it, we should come to an agreement for the birthday gala.”
you had your back turned to him so you can’t see his face as he replied but you notice the way his voice drops in disappointment. “oh. the gala.”
you don’t understand. what was he expecting? for you to take back your word on the divorce? you saw how his face brightened when he saw you in the kitchen. you hate how he is so obviously disappointed when he realized you were only here to talk about the gala. you hate how he hasn’t contacted you in two weeks. it’s so yoongi of him to give you space when he feels, or rather assumes, you need it. you hate how he doesn’t understand that the space was for him–for him to decide whether to correct his wrongs or to put an end to it. you hate how he hasn’t fought for you. you hate how much you wish he would ask you to take him back. you hate that because of him–because of her, you can’t stay. but above it all, you hate yourself.
you hate that even if you’ve decided to put an end to it, you can’t help but feel regret.
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the gala arrives faster than you hope it would.
when you and yoongi had the conversation in the penthouse, you both agreed to go to the gala together like nothing happened. with that, he decided to forego the driver for tonight, personally fetching you from your apartment.
it was weird.
the agreement was you will act like there wasn’t to be a divorce in public, not when you were alone. yet when he arrives at your door, he holds a beautiful bouquet of a variety of flowers as if you were still dating. he opens the door to you with a charming smile and made jokes in the car as he hummed to the music on the radio like he was having fun.
his slim-fit single-breasted armani suit in midnight blue suits him like it’s second skin. he wears with it a black shirt with a silver-striped midnight blue necktie. it was nothing new to you. formal wear was something he wore often. but tonight, you had to stop yourself from drooling at how good your future ex-husband looked.
and how good he looked next to you.
complementing his midnight blue outfit, you wore an evening dress in the same color. it was nothing grand but it was classy. a tight-fit, spaghetti-strapped silk dress that hugged your curves, modest in front but backless to your lower back. on your neck and ears is a simple set of diamond necklace and earrings your father has gifted you on one of your birthdays.
everyone greeted you with big smiles as you strode into room with his hand on your waist. you were the l/n’s only daughter, after all. and beside you was the famous min.
the night went by easily. the two of you faked your smiles here and there. the two of you weren’t just born into your position in your companies, you both knew how to act and earned them. just like that, it was easy to pretend that you were both very in love.
well, there wasn’t much pretending on your part before.
after you had made your greetings to your parents and yoongi’s and when all of the guests are mostly seated and has left you alone, yoongi and you sat side by side on one circular table. your father was about to make his birthday speech.
“y/n. yoongi.”
kim seokjin greets you with a sigh of relief as he sat down beside yoongi. “thank god the hags has left you alone. i was bored in the corner watching it all end.” he sits beside yoongi and you gave him a smile.
you’ve always liked seokjin. he was a good friend not only to yoongi but also to you. he might not be the ceo type like his brother namjoon but he has his own charms. not finding his passion in business, he turned to modeling and acting instead and gave the position to his younger brother. you trust that he will take care of yoongi when you can no longer do it for him.
“tell me about it.” your head whips to your best friend that now sits beside you.
there is a sense of relief that flashes to you when the two people you both trust are now beside you. it’s as if they were your safe zone. jungkook had always been your person and seokjin was yoongi’s. they are the first person to know everything about you two, even if there are no words said.
you can’t help but wonder what they think. do they think you are making the right decision?
“don’t look so down or people are going to notice.” jungkook whispers in your ear through a smile.
you glare at him and was about to reply with a comeback when the lights dimmed, indicating the program was about to start. your father walks to the platform gracefully. ever the sophisticated man, everyone’s head turned to him as he moved. he clears his throat before speaking.
“good evening, ladies and gentlemen.”
whatever words that come out of his mouth were a blur to you after the greeting. it was the same every year, anyway.
instead, your mind drifts to the person beside you. next year, at the same gala, he would not be sitting next to you like this. it’s funny how a seat symbolizes something so important to you.
being married, it was always a given. you save each other a seat because you belong beside him. knowing that the spot next to you won’t be his anymore, it breaks your heart because it was always his to own even if the day that he won’t be sitting there comes.
it’s such a shame your spot next to him is borrowed. as much as you want to, you can’t have the seat beside him anymore.
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yoongi tenses beside you. you are so beautiful with your hair fixed like that. he can’t take his eyes off of you. he wants to memorize every detail of you so he can take it with him everywhere.
he figured that he can’t let you stay at an unfair relationship. he knew you were right. it has to end.
you loved him more than he deserved. he shouldn’t have loved you because of her. he should have loved you because you were you.
with his time left with you, he would at least try to make things right.
his hand twitches on his side as he stared at yours that lay prettily on your lap. the silver band around your ring finger glistens in reflection to the light of the room. he remembers vividly when he bought it.
the diamond engagement ring that sits next to it was the very same ring he planned on buying for her.
his bullshit plans.
his plans for her, he fulfilled them with you like a fool.
so adamant on doing the right things as if you were her, he didn’t realize he was doing the wrong things for you. it didn’t make him a better man or a better lover. it made him hurt you instead.
“i’d like to give thanks to mr. kim namjoon, who is our partner in a new deal arranged by my one and only beautiful daughter. a round of applause for these two amazing young people, everyone.”
your father mentioning you pushes out his thoughts as you give a thankful smile to everyone now looking at you. his gaze drifts over to who you were looking at.
namjoon, his friend’s brother. the cunningly smart ceo of the kim enterprise. yoongi had always admired his leadership skills. besides admiration, there might even be a slight envy of namjoon being a natural leader. he was rivals with him in business school. the guy was awfully talented and being seokjin’s closest friend, he knows that one of the reason seokjin gave up his spot for the ceo position is because he knows that his younger brother was far more capable than him. well, that and he just despises business classes.
yoongi doesn’t miss the way namjoon gives you his dimpled smile and a small nod of appreciation from his seat. he can’t help but feel a slight burn in his chest. seokjin never kept it secret that namjoon has a crush on you even before the two of you got together. he knows that it wasn’t the disrespectful kind. namjoon never crossed his line or sought after you. in fact, yoongi thought him to be too respectful, too nice, and too perfect. it made him insecure.
before, he was confident in your love because you chose him out of all the men at your feet. you gave him your love. now, he wasn’t sure you made the right choice.
gathering all the confidence he could have from his seat, he reaches for your hand and intertwined his fingers with yours. you don’t act surprised nor look at him but he vaguely feels you freeze in his hold.
he squeezes your hand lightly and all your tense muscles break loose. just like that, he feels your hand grip his softly. as if you were telling him it’s okay.
this one action was telling him that you still love him—you still find your home in him. it breaks him to know that you love him so much more than he ever did. it breaks him to know that if he asks, there is a great possibility that you will take him back. and god does he want to.
he doesn’t think he could take seeing you with another man but that would be selfish of him.
sooner or later, he has to let you go. for your sake.
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you had your meal normally. the dessert does not taste as sweet with the silence between the two of you. seokjin and jungkook does all the talking, bickering like two siblings like they always do.
min yoongi was hard to read. how could he just hold your hand like that? maybe you were reading too much into it. this can’t be like this any further. you have to know what’s on his mind. he has to talk to you soon about it.
a shadowing presence towers behind you, urging you to look behind and see where kim namjoon stands. he’s on his feet, standing while holding a champagne glass on one hand and gives you a cute polite smile. he had finally approached you tonight. “mrs. min.” he greets.
you stand up from your seat in respect and greet him with a smile that rivals his. “namjoon, i told you to call me y/n.”
namjoon was older than you but not older than yoongi. although the three of you were in the same circle of people even before your parents introduced you to yoongi, namjoon was someone who just stood out to you since you were kids. you purposely sought him out for this deal because with him in it, it’s a sure success.
his eyes shift to the man that was still sitting on your table. “mr. min.” he gives a small bow in his direction. only then yoongi looks up and nods. “mr. kim.” he doesn’t smile back. even if it’s not like him to hand out smiles at every chance he can, you sense that there is something odd with the way he looks at namjoon.
“well, i’m not really here to talk about work. i just wanted to greet my new partner and her husband.” namjoon says, scratching the back of his head.
“but i am.” your father appears at your side, placing a hand on your back and namjoon’s, bringing you closer with him.
“go and promote the project with namjoon.” he whispers directly at you. you roll your eyes and namjoon chuckles and shakes his head. when he sees your reaction, he lightly pinches your side. “go!” he urges with a whisper.
“but i’m here with yoongi.” you protest while namjoon watches the adorable father-daughter interaction.
“yoongi wouldn’t mind.” he answers before walking in the middle of you and namjoon and to yoongi who directed his attention to speaking with seokjin and jungkook. he lays a hand on his shoulder and leans in.
“son, do you mind me taking y/n for a while? i know you lovebirds can’t be separated but think it’s for the company.” your father asks with shit-eating grin. the word ‘separated’ almost made you laugh at the bitter thought. you saw yoongi’s smug smirk at when he said it too. if your father only knew.
“of course, father.” yoongi answers while looking straight into your eyes.
you and namjoon were quickly whisked away to meet the guests. if you didn’t know what the invitations of the party says, you would guess it’s a party for you and namjoon.
from time to time, you would steal a glance at your husband who was still sitting with your friends. he was in conversation with them but is in deep thought.
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“you’re going to burn holes into my brother’s head.” seokjin teases with a smirk. yoongi takes his eyes off you laughing at something your dad’s friend was saying and glares at seokjin instead.
as if it wasn’t enough, jungkook agrees. “yeah hyung, tone it down it’s kind of scary.”
“shut up, you two.” he growls and crosses his arms.
jungkook gives him a cheeky grin and slides into your seat. judging by the look on his face, yoongi already knows the younger man has an agenda. “what happened?”
yoongi narrows his eyes. “what do you mean what happened?”
“you two went together so i assume you’ve talked, right?” jungkook asks with a tilted head.
seokjin nods, resting his head on his fist while leaning on the table. “yeah, yeah. you’re right. i’ve been curious too, jungkook. what happened, yoongi?”
yoongi glares at his friend again and looks ahead of him. you were still talking to investors with namjoon. “tsk. we haven’t talked about it.”
“what the fuck do you mean you haven’t talked about it?” seokjin whispers angrily, brows furrowed as he leaned closer to yoongi’s face.
yoongi avoids the gaze of his friends. “i still don’t know what to say.”
jungkook dramatically slaps a hand to his forehead. “it’s not rocket science, hyung! say ‘i’m sorry. i don’t want yuna. i want you. i’ll be better.’” he says while doing his impression of how yoongi talks.
“okay, first of all,” yoongi puts a finger up in front of jungkook’s face. ”i don’t talk like that.” yoongi shifts his body to the other direction and asks seokjin, offended. “do i talk like that?” seokjin only shrugs.
he turns back to jungkook again. “and it’s not that easy.” he says with a sigh.
“he’s right.” seokjin agrees. yoongi and jungkook turn to look at him, wondering who he agrees with. the receiver of the stares continues his words. “yoongi’s right. it’s not easy.”
seokjin purses his lips, gaze hardening on yoongi. it’s not like seokjin to become serious like this, he’s almost angry. “it’s not easy to decide whether he really wants y/n to stay because he wants her… or he’s just afraid to be alone again.”
yoongi freezes on his seat, stunned at his best friend’s words. he hears the drag of seokjin’s stare as he stands up. from his peripheral vision, he sees seokjin fix his suit before talking.
“whatever it is, be sure it doesn’t hurt you or y/n anymore.” he says softly and walks away, leaving the two men seated pondering to themselves.
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the ride back to your apartment was quiet until he parked in front of it. it was all over. you had said good night to him and told him he did a good job tonight. all that was left to do for you was to step out of the car. you’ve detached your seatbelt and had your hand on the handle when yoongi grabs your arm, stopping you mid-way of your attempt to escape him.
“can’t i fix this?”
and there it is.
he said those four words that he always wanted to say to you. he asks the question like you had the answer when he knows all too well that the answer lies with him. but this wasn’t him literally literally asking you if he can fix this, this was him asking you if you’re willing to give him a chance.
you slowly turn to him. there were no emotions in your eyes. no sign of anything. he had never seen you like this.
“can you?”
he swallows and releases your arm, not answering the question you ask back to him. how can he when he doesn’t know the answer? he had never known the answer. he didn’t when seokjin asked him that question when they were drinking. he didn’t when he realized that he sees a glimpse of her through you from the very beginning. he didn’t when you left him the divorce papers and the letter. he didn’t when seokjin dropped that bomb on him earlier at the party. he doesn’t know even now, where you had your whole self open in front of him, waiting for his answer.
everybody had to fucking wait for him. what was so great about a man like him? maybe he deserves to be alone. maybe you were better off without him.
no. fuck.
this isn’t about him. this is about you.
his priority is you.
he doesn’t want to lose you but you shouldn’t wait around until he knows why. he’s a mess right now.
you hum in satisfaction at his silence and inhaled with closed eyes. you exhale loudly and yoongi realizes you were holding back tears.
“i’m just–” you pause, your voice trembling. you shake your head and open your eyes to stare straight at him with pinched brows and pleading eyes. “i’m not so sure about myself when i’m with you anymore, yoongi.”
“you built our relationship on her, don’t you realize?”
the tears in his eyes well up before he even knows it. he watches as your face contort into a sob. you were breaking down in front of him like this. he made you feel like this. the woman he married. the woman he loves at night and wakes up to everyday. his best friend. his girlfriend. his wife. the woman he loves.
the woman who taught him to love again.
his mother couldn’t stand him moping around anymore. “it’s been two years”, she said. “just one date”, she pleads.
that’s how yoongi finds himself attending a dinner at a hotel one evening. he was running a bit late from work so he barely made an effort to look nice, not that he was making an effort for the past two years. he hasn’t cut his hair for months and he just threw on a loose black suit jacket and pants that he had at the trunk of his car. he was even wearing jordans, for fuck’s sake. he may be a teeny tiny bit out of place. he’s surely going to get a scolding from his mother at the prime age of 29.
the valet takes his keys in front of the entrance. it’s a good thing his family is a regular here. he doesn’t have to worry much about how he looks from the staff. the guests however, are a different story.
the looks he received were not much to think about. he was spared a glance but everyone just went on their way. okay, maybe he exagerrated with how he saw his outfit. yeah. fuck that, he was almost late.
he strides through the lobby, determined to get there before the woman he was about to meet but he doubts you’ll be late. he has heard of you. the soon-to-be ceo of the company that owns these hotels.
he can feel holes burning through his head, sensing that someone was staring at him. great. he’s being judged now like he expected. could this day get worse?
he shakes his head and steps in the elevator, turning to see the view of the lobby. he finds that a woman was staring at him. unlike him, she was dressed as if she own the place, clad in a simple black dress that reaches the floor with expensive jewelry all around her neck and wrists. she doesn’t even break eye contact with him as the elevator closes.
are people so shamelessly judgemental these days? he asks to himself.
“yoongi! you’re here just in time.” yoongi’s father greets just as he enters the private dining room. he bows at the four people seated. he can actually feel his mother’s stare from head-to-toe and hear her internal screams from where he was bowing.
your parents greet him with wide smiles. the staff slides the heavy chair from the table and lets him sit. he thanks him before he walks away to get a bottle of wine that your father ordered.
“my daughter texted me she’s by the lobby already. she’ll be here any second now.” your mother informs yoongi and his parents.
as if on cue, the door swings open to reveal the last person the party has been waiting for.
there you stand. the same person who was staring at him in the lobby. he sees your eyes widen for a moment when your eyes lay on him but you quickly recovered with a smirk you sent his way. a second after, you greet everyone with a smile.
you charmed your way through the dinner. you were smart, cunning, beautiful, and kind. you told him and his parents of your ambitions and wants for the company. even if you were at an age of dreaming, yoongi had no doubt you will be able to achieve them with the way you carry yourself.
you had so much light in your eyes. it reminded him of when he used to be like you. it reminded him of a time when he used to dream with her.
he walks you to the lobby after the dinner as yours and his parents insisted. your driver was already waiting outside. you stopped just by the exit.
“sorry for staring here in the lobby earlier.” you say with a genuine smile and walked again. yoongi was a bit shocked you would even bring it up. were you disappointed that he was the one you were meeting?
“it’s just that i smelled you when you passed by and you smell so good.” you explain as he follows you out of the doors. his eyes widened at your words. you weren’t staring because of his underwhelming style?
“it wasn’t because of what i wore?” he blinks, dumbfounded.
“what’s wrong with your clothes?” you look him up and down, examining. “you look hot.”
he was taken aback at your straightforwardness. “i’m a bit underdressed, aren’t i? few people were staring too.” he lightly argues, tilting his head as he fixes his jacket. the car door was already opened to you by your driver and was just waiting for you to come in.
“they were staring because you’re handsome, dude.” did you just call him dude? you huff before muttering. “you know for an old guy, you’re really mean to yourself.” dude, old guy, mean. he’s astonished at your choice of words.
“anyway, i gotta bounce. see you on our first date!” you jump in the back seat of the car as you said it. the driver shuts the door in front of him.
“i haven’t agreed?” he mumbles to himself a little too loud and sees you roll down your window.
“you will!” you give him a cheeky smile and place a hand over the rolled down glass window that was still slightly peeking out. “you haven’t told me what perfume you wear!” you giggle and finally roll up your tinted windows.
the car drives away and he’s left standing outside of the hotel, still dumbfounded at your character. he feels a bubbling feeling in his chest and he smiles. what was he so worried about today anyway? with that thought, he laughs to himself, not caring about the stares of passerbys.
that very next day, he texts his mother to arrange a first date with you. not because you called him handsome, or old man, or mean.
he agreed because for the first time in two years, you made him genuinely laugh.
his left hand gripped the wheel so hard his knuckles were turning white. the stare you gave him, your tired eyes begging him to say something.
“i don’t want to lose you. that’s all i know.” yoongi admits.
you press your lips together in a downward smile and shake your head, sniffing before talking.
“that’s not enough, yoongi. i’m sorry.” the words leave your mouth steady, as if you put the last of your energy in it. then, you exit the car, leaving him all alone in the cold-conditioned vehicle.
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at the age of 27, yoongi lost who he believed to be the love of his life. at the age of 29, he meets you. at the age of 31, he marries you. and at the age of 33, he lost you.
maybe in another universe, he was capable of loving you. in that universe, he would be cuddling you in bed, naked for each other to melt into. in that universe, he makes you genuinely happy with him. in that universe, he is completely and undeniably in love with you.
but in this universe, he sits across yuna in a restaurant. she arranged a private room for them, coincidentally in one of your hotels.
“you’re divorced?” yuna asks as she sips on her tea.
here she is in front of him, the woman he loved all his life. from high school to college and to that very last day on that cafe. she was his first everything. his first kiss, first love, and first heartbreak. what they had was a love burning of passion. eventually, the passion led him astray.
yuna used to be someone who cheered for him and he used to be someone who supported her.
“you won!” yuna jumps up and down with yoongi, their hands clasps together in glee. “we won!” yoongi screams back. the cheers of the people around them blended with their own screams in the gym.
he laughs wholeheartedly and wraps his arms around her, sweaty body pressing against hers. time seemed to stop for yoongi, he could feel his chest burning as he looked at her, eyes screaming with happiness that sources from something else than winning his basketball game.
“i think i love you.” yoongi blurts out.
yuna freezes in his hold, wide eyes staring at him in disbelief. he watches as a wide smile paints her face with unexplained happiness. she nods repeatedly and squeals.
“i think i love you too!”
it was then that the realization dawns on him. he’s in love with his best friend. since then and there, he vowed that wherever she goes, he will follow her as long as she wanted him too. and if she doesn’t, he will still support her from afar.
“yeah, yeah four months ago.” yoongi answers her. yuna nods and finishes chewing the slice of sashimi in her mouth.
“hmm, that’s not really long ago. how do you feel about that?” yuna asks, not even looking at him at all. 
it’s funny. he used to think about this all the time–seeing her again. now she’s in front of him but he is nothing but a stranger to her. there were no bitter feelings in her. it’s like yoongi was nothing but a thing in the past that she has forgotten. meanwhile, yoongi is wrecked. 
“i don’t know.” he used to answer with those three words a lot lately.
“i’m not going to beat around the bush. you know i hate doing that.” yuna uses a napkin to wipe her mouth. she had the same face, mannerisms, and voice yet yoongi can’t figure out the itching feeling at the back of his brain. 
he hears yuna put her chopsticks down on the table. he readies himself to what she was going to say, chewing his food slowly as he anticipates what comes next. 
“do you want to try again?” 
he fantasized about this a lot of times–less when he met you but it was definitely there. it was the kind of fantasy that a person don’t tell anyone, the kind that one doesn’t allow oneself to feed into. but sometimes, when that person’s guard is down, it creeps in like a thief in the night, showing him his deepest desires.
“what?” yoongi freezes and looks up at her. 
her. time is kind on yuna. she grew into a woman that she always wanted to be. she achieved her dreams and never stopped for anyone. silently, yoongi is proud of her still.
i’ll let you go so you can find her again. your words in the letter creeps into his head. now, her is asking him back. he should feel ecstatic. it was all so confusing that it’s making him all angry. all that pain he caused you and he has the right to feel disappointment?
“we’re both single. we both changed. we weren’t perfect, yoongi. we were kids. we outgrew each other before but we can try again now.” yuna explains further, as if proposing a business deal. funny. wasn’t she a doctor?
but she was right. they outgrew each other. yoongi focused on his work and gave in to the pressure of being his father’s heir. slowly, the support that he promised her faded away. he became restless and anxious. all yuna wanted was to love him like they promised.
“why do you believe in me?” yuna asked as she lays on yoongi’s lap on the couch. multiple medical books laying around them. 
the memory was still fresh in their minds. yoongi had gone over his ways and helped her study, creating flashcards and powerpoint presentations for her reporting in class. 
yoongi caresses her hair, making her melt in his comfort. “because you give me strength.” he pauses, contemplating if his next words. “and i want more for you.”
although wealthy, yuna’s social status wasn’t in the same level as yoongi’s. her parents were doctors but her father died even before she met yoongi.  it’s her dream to be as good as her parents in the field of medicine. on the other hand, yoongi, heir to his father’s businesses, is just aiming to do well to please his father. 
is business his dream? no. he doesn’t think he has one. business has been planted on his mind since birth but yuna, he can see that she’s a dreamer. in this day and age, dreamers are rare. he wants to protect that of her. she didn’t ask him to but it’s his way of showing her he loves her.
“i love you.” she replies. “i always will. i mean it.” 
“i always will too.” 
“no. really! even if we break up, i think you will always have a place in my heart.” and yoongi smiles, loving the thought because he knows that his heart will do the same. 
“and i will always come back to you.” he says seriously, making yuna giggle in his hold.
“that’s cheesy.”
“whatever. i’m not kidding. so you can go ahead and fly how high you want. i’ll always wait for you.” 
in sales, there are commutative contracts, meaning the two parties participating give and receive equivalent values. but there is an exception which is aleatory contracts, which are basically sales of chance or hope. think of it like a purchase for a lottery ticket. you put money in without expecting anything in return but a tiny chance of hope. 
that was what yoongi was doing wrong. he’s been seeing his relationships like a commutative contract when it’s far from it. he thinks that true love should be give or take but it doesn’t have to be. sometimes, you just love unconditionally without expecting anything in return but a glimmer of hope. 
you loved him like that. like a fool, he thought he was giving you enough back. 
“what?” yuna urges when yoongi takes longer than usual to reply. “do you still love her?”
your face immediately flies to his mind. how were you doing? it’s been four months since the divorce was finalized. there hasn’t been contact with you since then. such a scandal shook everyone you knew. there wasn’t a clear reason how you explained the split. ‘our plans for the future don’t meet anymore so we have to go our separate ways’, is what the two of you agreed to say others. both of your parents weren’t exactly angry but they didn’t hide their disappointment. 
in those four months, yoongi buried himself in his work. he heard you’ve been doing the same. taehyung, his assistant, is in your friend group so he catches up through him. your project collaboration seemed to be doing well, he’s been hearing a lot about it lately. 
in the four years of his relationship with you, he did love you. he cared for you more than anyone else. you supported him in all his endeavors. you helped him pick himself back up. 
yuna was great. seven years of relationship wasn’t something you can just throw away. he still loves her and regrets the mistakes he made. if asked, he would still say that he will stop the world for her. people often say that usually, we don’t end up with the person we would stop the world for. he didn’t want that before. it had to be her. but now he understands.
it took four months of being separated from you and yuna in front of him for him to finally know the answer.
stopping the world for a person is impossible. you want a person that moves through the world with you and holds you through it. he wants to keep it spinning for you. 
“she made my world turn.” yoongi answered.
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seated on the stool in front of the bar wasn’t something you expected to be this busy night. it all started when you forced information out of your friend, taehyung.
“there’s something you’re not telling me.” you eye taehyung as he sits besides you on your couch. 
taehyung, jimin, and jungkook came over in your house to hang for the night. they’ve been doing that a lot more than usual for the past four months. no one was saying anything but all of you were sure what was the reason for that. now, jimin and jungkook is passed out on the floor on the mattress for some reason while watching the movie.
his eyes widened and the popcorn he was catch in his mouth stops mid air and falls on his lap. he gives you a nervous smile and tilts his head. “your interior is kind of… ugly?” he blurts out, making your jaw drop and slapping his arm. 
“the fuck? you know what i’m talking about!” and he does. it’s probably not very healthy in your journey of moving on but you still ask taehyung about yoongi. when you were married, if there was someone else who knows about yoongi’s whereabouts, it was taehyung. he was your friend first before he was hired by yoongi. meaning, he was your ally. he told you of his schedules when you ask and helped you plan out dates with matching your schedules. 
taehyung doesn’t tell you much more than he should now that you’re not together but he still tells you when he thinks you need to hear it. there’s only one thing you ask of him to tell you even if it crosses boundaries. 
you have a great feeling that that’s about to happen tonight as taehyung has been avoiding your gaze since he came in. 
“he did it.” you concluded. 
taehyung drops his guard and nodded warily. you huff and look back at the television. 
he met with yuna.
unfortunately, namjoon was dragged in your misery. coming from your dinner meeting, just as you were about to leave, you bit the bullet and asked namjoon if he wanted to join you for some drinks. 
it was bound to happen. he’s no longer yours. still, you can’t help but be hurt. were they together now? does he hold her like he used to and give him his adorable gummy smile while they cuddle in bed? 
“another glass of this, please.” you say to the bartender. 
namjoon looks at you disapprovingly as he takes a sip on his cocktail, the same one he asked since you both arrived here. 
“why are you not drinking? you don’t even drive.” you ask him, a little bit buzzed. you’ve grown closer to the man due to your meetings that you can now call him a friend. 
namjoon’s cheeks raise, an amused smile forming on his face. he doesn’t answer your question and just shrugs. you gather you’re entertaining to him when you drink.
“why is it that you don’t drive? you have everything but a driver’s license.” you thank the bartender as he hands you your new glass of coke and rum. 
namjoon chuckles. “you don’t know this but i’m actually really clumsy.” 
“no way. you? you’re like really responsible and amazing and cool.” you slurred your words out like a kid, pouting and laying your head on the bar. 
namjoon grabs your shoulder, gently guiding you to sit up. “don’t lean your head. you’ll get drunk faster.” he advises. when you take his advice, he continues. “and you don’t know this because i put up a really good facade but i’m actually really clumsy.” he sighs to himself, tapping the bar with his long fingers. 
“what do you do when you’re outside and want to be truly alone then?” you ask, holding on to your glass. you don’t look at him when you ask this because the question was not solely for him. you ask the question for yourself.
“i bike.” he answers. you chuckle, amused. you picture a namjoon on his suit riding a bike because that’s the only namjoon you know. 
“i can hardly imagine kim namjoon, the famous ceo of kim enterprises, to be riding a bike.” you didn’t mean it in a bad way. namjoon has always been a humble elite, no matter how ironic that sounds. 
“i do it a lot actually. every morning.” 
“why do you like it?” you were like a kid asking these questions.
“i see a lot when i bike. people, trees, i can the feel the air hitting my face, the exhaustion from the exercise, it’s therapeutic.” he says it so genuinely. he really enjoys riding bikes. 
“sounds to me like you’re persuading me to bike too.” you tease for it really is tempting when it comes out from his mouth. this is probably why he gets so many investors.
“you can come with me.” he blurted out, making you look at him.
“i can?” 
he gives you that damned dimpled smile. “yeah. how about saturday morning?” 
you don’t think you have any important business on saturday morning and if you do, you’ll just have your secretary push it. you were too curious on what makes namjoon… namjoon to care. and again, you were a little bit buzzed.
“i’d like that.” you answer with a smile. 
you were tipsy but you’re not completely out of it to not realize why namjoon was doing this. from your miserable drinking to acting like a fool in front of him, you know he noticed your gloomy era. this was him trying to console you as a new friend and you appreciate that he doesn’t ask questions. 
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drunk decisions are seldom good ideas. luck may be on your side this morning. the thing is, you never knew how therapeutic this was. but god, were you tired.
“do you not workout?” namjoon jeered when the both of you stop paddling for a while. he watched you pant excessively while glaring at him. 
“this is not the time to mock my physical unfitness.” you say through your pants. namjoon hands you his water tumbler because your dumbass forgot to bring one. before you grab it, he takes off the lid for you. you quickly mutter a thanks before drinking. 
“i just thought you were with that ass.” 
you almost spit out your drink, blush spreading your whole face more than the one caused by your exhaustion. did namjoon just admit he stares at your ass? 
before you even get the chance to reply, namjoon speeds off, leaving you to scream his name in protest. 
despite the expected exhaustion, you were glad you came with namjoon to his morning routine. you never realized this part of the city was so beautiful. you were someone who was driven everywhere since you were a kid and all the biking you had done past your teenage years are on the stationary bike at the gym you rarely go to. you never realized a change of transportation brings a different view of the city.
you don’t easily catch up with namjoon. it took him to slow down with his pedalling for you to be inline with him. when you were back to his side, slowly pedalling this time, he started to randomly give you the names and facts of the trees and plants you passed by. you found it adorable how much he knew about botany. it made sense how he goes out of his way more than other businessmen when it comes to the environment. although it’s a reality that capitalism and environmental care can hardly co-exist, you can see from his work that namjoon tries hard. 
“i’m not very good at things people are normally good at. when i feel that things are getting too tight, looking at art keeps me grounded. sometimes all you really need is a moment of pause or to step back and see the bigger picture.” 
you ask him more of his hobbies, learning more about namjoon was an unexpected delight. he is so different from his reputation. he’s actually pretty child-like and now you see why seokjin loves to take care of him even if people believe namjoon takes care of seokjin more. he tries cooking but he fails more than he succeeds. he often breaks a myriad of things. he’s scared of driving. it seemed to him that destruction follows him everywhere he goes and anything he does. except business. it’s the thing he’s good at. that, and growing his bonsais. 
besides biking and taking in nature, he’s an art appreciator of any form. 
“you get invitations to every museum in the country?” 
“yep. if you want to go to a specific one, i can get them for you.” he suggests. 
he has lead you to the riverside, stopping by to feel the air by the water. he leans on the railings as he drinks water. 
“hm. biking and now museums?” you tease, hinting something. you weren’t ignorant to what seokjin says about his brother. still, you never thought it to be serious before but now you were testing the waters. it’s not healthy to lead him on when you aren’t ready for another relationship.
he shakes his head. “i know what seokjin blabs about. but really, i’m just trying to be a friend.” he confesses. “for now.” he adds.
you take his answer as it is and not press further. you and your companion’s silence grows heavy for a while, not in an awkward way but rather a comforting one. the scenery in front of you pulls you in, as if to not worry about anything. 
it’s funny. you were always going on trips with yoongi, pulling him everywhere so you can create memories. your destinations were breathtakingly beautiful and known worldwide. you took pictures here and there but you don’t think you looked as much as you did now. why is it a river, one you see in your city everyday, is making you feel more than the wonders of the world?
it’s because in front of those landmarks, ocean, tourist spots, you see him in the front lines. loving yoongi is a privilege you will forever be thankful for. and if you were asked, you will do it all over again. 
“do you know why yoongi and i didn’t work out?”
the raised brows on his face meant he didn’t expect the question. he purses his lips and shakes his head. “i only know what you’ve said to the others.” 
“there really wasn’t much reason.” you tell him. “he actually was a pretty great husband, more than most of us can ask for.” 
you began telling him the story and he listens attentively all throughout, nodding from time to time. whether it’s because of his comforting presence or the beautiful scenery, you don’t know why you spilled everything to him. regardless, you don’t think it’s something you will regret. 
when you were done, he speaks. “it seemed he really loves you.”
what? “do you think i’m stupid for letting him go?” 
“no, i meant from the outside. from my sight, it seemed he really loves you.” 
“why do you think that?”
he takes a few second to answer, deep in thought. “i don’t know. call it intuition.” namjoon answers with a shrug. 
you roll your eyes. “and who made your intuition reliable?” 
“all of kim enterprise’ success.” he answers smugly. 
you huff. “show off.” 
“ha. i’m kidding. no ceo is great due to intuition alone.” 
“yeah, shut up.” 
you don’t know what namjoon was truly thinking, or perhaps, it’s truly intuition. your mind brings you back to when yoongi handed to you the signed papers.
the atmosphere in your previous home grows heavy and quiet as he puts down the papers previously in his hand. your eyes glower at the pieces of paper.
“so… this is it, huh.” you chuckle bitterly as you stare at his signature. 
you were seated across from each other at the dining table in your penthouse. yoongi in his lounge wear while you went straight from work. 
he doesn’t answer, forearms rested on the table. his slouched form made him look smaller in your eyes. 
“i have one question.” you confessed, one that was lingering in your mind for a long time. 
you don’t wait for his affirmation and continue. “how many things…” you inhaled. “how many things do you think about before you get to me?” he looks up at you, now looking into your eyes. “all those times you looked at me and saw her, do you even get to me?” 
“because for me, i find ways to see you anywhere–the real you.” you continue. you don’t cry but you wanted to. but your body doesn’t allow you to cry. it’s as if there was something about baring yourself in front of someone isn’t something sad or worth crying for. it’s powerful. 
“i won’t do it for long, though. i promise you.” you say and you mean it.
the two of you sat there in the dark, sitting with nothing to hear but the beat of your hearts. it all boils down to this. the two of you not moving, feeling each other out. there was no certain next move for either of you. two years of relationship and two years of marriage, abruptly cut. this is the last time you sit together as husband and wife. 
“i’ll do the same.” he finally speaks. “i promise.”
your hand slowly creeps into his and holds it. his other hand goes over yours. the kiss of his touch pulls you in but you let yourself go. 
you are letting him go. 
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more than a past lover, yuna was his best friend. he was spending most his days with her, learning what changed and what stayed with each other. today, he was having lunch with her at the hospital she transferred to from the states. 
“she sounds wonderful.” yuna was genuine with her words as he told her about you. 
“yeah. i was never lonely when i was with her.” yoongi agreed. yuna gives him a smile. 
“how about you? were you lonely?” yoongi asked her. 
“it’s hard not to be when we’re at this age and single.” yuna cracked a joke. 
yoongi shakes his head, finding her words true. “you’ll find someone soon.” 
“i have to now because you heartlessly rejected me.” yuna lightly stabs the fish on her plate. 
yoongi chuckles but gives her a look. “i know. i know. i’m kidding.” she saves herself.
yoongi was glad yuna was back. he does love her a lot. it took them six years to finally say what they want to each other. they both had their faults and all are forgiven.
yoongi’s regret is that he couldn’t support her but in reality, they were supposed to grow apart to grow. it would never have worked out even if they did try. and even if they could try again, it was not the same. 
they didn’t love each other anymore.
yoongi was in love with the thought of her and the thought of the boy he used to be. yuna was someone he supported with all of him. he did good. and he wanted to do better for you. that’s why he tried his best to please you. but it was exhausting him and he didn’t even know it. 
his fault is that he got blindsided and forgot himself. internally and even if he wouldn’t admit it, he blamed you for it. so his mind started going back to how it all started which is yuna. he started comparing her to you and started seeing her in you. but he was too much of a coward to be alone to acknowledge it. it was all an endless cycle and he’s the problem. 
“i know it’s been 8 months since the divorce, you know you can try again with her, right?” 
the obvious answer was yes, he can approach you again. you can start again, he can go on his knees and beg you to take him back. but the first  question is, will you accept him? and the next, should he? what if he just brings chaos to your life again? he doesn’t really want to bother you anymore.
“hey, hoseok!” 
yuna calls someone behind yoongi. he turns his head to find a doctor who waves back at her. in his hands is a tray of food just like the one in front of him on the table. 
“hey yuna. hey good looking stranger.” the man radiates good and happy energy as he approached the two of you. this is the first time he has seen a doctor this happy. yuna opens a chair for him beside her asking him to take a seat. he accepts the offer and sits down.
“hoseok, meet yoongi. yoongi, meet hoseok. i have a feeling that you two will get along.” 
yoongi gives him a respectful smile and nod as he chews his food, not so cheery with meeting new people. “you can call me hobi.” 
“wait, wait, wait.” hoseok rests his elbows on the table and leans in. “are you like, that ceo yoongii?”
yuna’s smile widens. “hold up, you know him?” 
“hell yeah, i’m friends with kim namjoon. he’s a ceo too. do you know him?” 
he’s been hearing a lot about you two. it really is a small world, isn’t it?
“i’m familiar with him, yes.” yoongi answers. 
hoseok nods. “yeah, we’ve been friends since i was busk dancing by the river during my pre-med days. we haven’t hung out in a while much since i got a bit busy with shifts but i think i saw you once or twice in the business section of the news.” 
“that’s nice. hey, you’re kind of famous.” yuna adds in. 
“namjoon’s a great guy and an even better ceo.” yoongi agrees. 
“yeah, if you want we can all hang together. it’ll be a boys night out.” hoseok suggests. 
yuna huffs, stabbing her fish once again. that poor dead fish, yoongi thinks. “y’all met two minutes ago and you’re already planning things without me?” 
hoseok laughs, loud. “oh you’re right. it’s fine, you can come too. namjoon will probably want to bring his girlfriend anyway.” 
it’s like yoongi’s hearing got better than usual as his ears were all in when he heard hoseok’s last sentence. “girlfriend?” he couldn’t possible mean…
“yeah, he’s been dating this girl y/n who he worked with. he’s been bringing her to his morning bike rides which is like a big deal because he never does that. and if he’s not busy with work, he’s like bringing her to museums for the past four months and stuff. that’s also one of the reasons we haven’t had time to see each other. but he promised we would hang soon.” 
yoongi and yuna froze as soon as they heard your name. yoongi couldn’t even take in the next words hoseok rambled on after your name. hoseok kept talking and talking and all he can think about is you in namjoon’s arms.
he felt his heart go up his throat. 
his chest physically hurt. 
time froze for him. he doesn’t even notice yuna pinching hoseok and whispering something to him. hoseok’s eyes widened as he says sorry repeatedly.
he was bound to find out this way because since you both signed those papers, he was just another has-been person in your life; an outsider, if you will. if there was someone who he wanted for you, it would be namjoon. namjoon is the perfect guy for you. it was expected but it still hurt.
yoongi’s chair screeches against the floor as he stands up, his eyes gloomy and head down. 
“it was nice meeting you, hoseok. but i think i have somewhere to be now.” he says and hoseok nods, saying sorry again. 
“yuna.” he acknowledges her too as a form of goodbye.
“yeah, drive safe. i’ll text you later.” he nods at her and walks away, making his way home. a home without you. 
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“jungkook, jimin, what are you doing here?” 
your best friend’s round twinkling eyes meets your tired ones as you entered your apartment. you shouldn’t have trusted him with your lock’s passcode. jimin is just focused on playing.
“jin and jimin wanted to try the new ps5 game and your tv is so much better than mine.” jungkook explains as he turns his eyes back to the screen in front of him.
“that’s dumb. you’re both rich and seokjin literally has a game room at home.” you replied with a straight face as you kick your shoes off. 
“or maybe he just wanted to see how you were doing because he says you don’t hang out with your best friend anymore.” jin appears in your view with a water bottle in hand, giving you a teasing smirk as jungkook pouts.
“he’s jealous of namjoon.” jimin whispers in an obnoxiously loud way, purposely letting the younger man playing in front of the television to hear.
jungkook doesn’t deny or acknowledge what he heard and just huffs in annoyance. although you and jungkook were the same age, he often acts like a stubborn younger brother. 
“why don’t you hang out with us next time, then?” you suggest, stepping in your living room and tossing your hand bag next to jungkook on the couch. 
jungkook’s eyes widens but still doesn’t stray from the game. “i can do that?”
“why not?” jimin speaks for you when he sees your confused face.
jungkook finally looks at you standing then at seokjin who was now sitting next to him, now amused at the reaction on your faces. he leans back, his back meeting the couch rest. 
“w-well, i kind of thought– nevermind.” 
“you thought what?” you press on, raising a brow.
“that they were like, y’know…” jungkook scratches the back of his head. 
it takes him a while to continue so seokjin does it for him. “dates.”
it was your eyes’ time to widen at the assumption, arms dropping in defense. “w-what? they were not dates!”
“i told you so.” jimin teases. jungkook glares at him. “to be fair, joonie told me they were not dates and i told him that too.”
“i’ve just been in a divorce. how would that make me look? how would that make namjoon and i look?” you groan before turning to head to your room.
you left your two friends arguing about their game in the living room while you freshen up. in the shower, you thought about yoongi. it’s been eight months. when is it okay for a divorcee to move on to another relationship? is there a definite time of moving on that would be deemed respectable to your previous one? have you moved on? will you move on enough to be open to date? 
has yoongi moved on?
has he ever loved you enough to be someone he had to get over to?
you like to think that you were someone important in his life but you really wanted to be someone who made a dent on his like she used to. maybe that way, there would be a constant reminder of you in his life even now that you were gone. 
is that bad? to wish you hurt him like she did?
knocks on your bedroom door snaps you out of your thoughts. you shout, letting the person know they can come in while you do your skincare routine. 
“yo.” jungkook steps in, throwing up a random gang sign. 
“what do you want now?” you feigned annoyance as he throws himself on your bed. his back rests on your headboard.
“i can’t check on my best friend now?” he crosses his arms and pouts. 
you scoff and ignore the rhetorical question. “how’s taehyung?”
“my other best friend is completely fine, thank you.” he answers, childlike sass lacing his voice. 
“i don’t think anyone associated with you is ever completely fine.” you raise your brows.
your best friend huffs, offended and now sitting to face you at the side of the bed. “you just want to know how your ex-husband’s doing. you can just ask me without asking taehyung. he’s my friend too.”
you tap your face one last time as you finish the last step of your routine, letting the product air dry as you face jungkook. “fine. how is he then?” 
you hadn’t prepared yourself for the answer.
“i heard he’s seeing someone.” jungkook responded, eyes now heavy with seriousness. 
you gulped, shoulder slumping and you don’t respond to your best friend. 
he’s seeing someone? was it yuna? did they finally found each other’s arms? did he give her his gummy smile as he kissed her, telling her he had only truly loved her? did he sweep her off her feet with how long he have waited for her? 
“i’m sorry. are you okay?” your best friend’s face written with worry as he asked you. 
“is it yuna?” if it’s her, it’s okay. at least, you know he’ll truly be happy if it’s her.
“i don’t know. i only asked him if he’s doing better when i saw him at the bar one time. he said yes because he��s seeing someone now.” you nod. 
jungkook bits his lip as he sees your stunned state but continues. “i didn’t want to tell you but… you seem happy with namjoon. so if you think can move on now… i think it’s okay.”
is it? can you really go forward with your life? do you even want to?
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“get up!”
yoongi was awaken by a thud on his stomach. when his eyes fluttered open, he finds yuna holding one of his pillow, threatening to hit him again with it. 
“fuck. what are you doing here at this hour?” he complains when he looks at the time. five in the morning isn’t exactly an ideal time for a guest in his home. 
“shut up. get ready. we’re leaving in ten minutes.” 
he doesn’t know what happened after those words. yuna basically dragged his corpse to do a morning routine and when that was done, he found himself sitting on the passenger’s seat of yuna’s car. 
“where the fuck are we even going?” he says with close eyes. 
yuna doesn’t answer and drove quietly. yoongi was too sleepy to press further or complain. instead, he let himself drift back to sleep as the cold temperature of the vehicle and the comforting scene of the morning lulled him back to it.. 
when yuna shakes him awake, he finds himself in a familiar place.
“why are we here?” 
it was his and yuna’s university. yoongi hasn’t been here in a while. he admires the buildings that have aged well, if not hasn’t changed at all.  “i was invited to a talk here later.” 
“i just thought you’d like to see it again.” yuna shrugged.
yuna led him to the field where they sat on one of the bleachers. there was not much people except for a few that were on their morning jog. how could there be? he doubts there’s a class at 6am. 
the cold morning air fights against his thick maroon sweater that he threw on this morning. yuna and him sits in silence, letting the nostalgic view fill their thoughts instead of words. 
“remember when we were kids?” yuna breaks the silence after a while “we had so many dreams.” 
“i didn’t have much, really.” he scoffs. 
“don’t say that.” yuna complains softly.
“what? it’s true.”
“no. i mean it. you’ve always downplayed your dreams. you had dreams.” yuna says seriously. 
yoongi doesn’t answer. did he have dreams for himself? all he wanted was to become what his parents expected from him. yuna, however, had dreams for herself. she was determined to be a doctor even when all the odds were against her. that was the dream. he wanted to fulfill that for her.
some nights were like this. 
“i don’t think I can do this.” yuna is breaking down on the bed with yoongi trying to calm down his girlfriend and roommate on his chest. she really is a smart girl but sometimes, it all just pents up inside and she couldn’t help but burst. 
this is when Yoongi would come to her rescue. yoongi chuckles as he wipes her tears away. he doesn’t say anything at first and lets her cry in his arms. he lets the comfort of his warmth do the job of calming her. 
yoongi loved the thought of being in service to the ones he loves. especially her. he loves how he is her anchor and how she immediately runs to him whenever she sees him. it’s like they were each other’s person. 
“if you can’t do it anymore, then don’t.” yoongi suggests, looking down at her teared up swollen eyes that’s looking at him.
“what? I’m perfectly capable of taking care of you. i think.” yoongi suggests some more. 
yuna pouts. “okay, rich kid. I don’t accept hand overs.” 
he snorts. “they wouldn’t be handovers if you’re my wife.” 
yuna freezes in his hold. “wife?” If her cheeks were red from crying or blushing, yoongi wasn’t sure but he do hope it’s the latter.
yoongi raises a brow. “yes, wife.” 
he could see her hold back her smiles and bites her lips instead. “hm.”
“what you smiling for?” Yoongi teases.
“nothing. that’s oddly comforting but I think I’ll go back to studying now.” yuna giggles before jumping off the bed. she wasn’t wearing anything but his shirt and panties and from his spot in the bed, he could see her ass very well. 
“is this you rejecting my suggestion?” yoongi smirks and places his arm beside his head, raising his line of view. 
“It’s very very tempting, mr. min. I’ll tell you that.” she turns to him from her seat and continues. “make that suggestion a proposal at the right time and i’ll get back to you.” 
“my dream was you.” he blurted out. 
neither of them were looking at each other but their presence screams louder than any sight could ever behold. they were completely open to each other. 
“and that destroyed you.” 
“it didn’t. you did. when you left.” 
it must’ve been the wind. or the exhaustion. or the way the university still feels the same as it did years ago. there was no bitterness, no pain, no longing, just the plain, old, truth.
“seven years. you just threw it away like that. why?” 
no voice was raising. if someone was to look at them, they would think they’re just having a casual morning conversation, not baring themselves to each other. 
“because you never had the guts to do it.” 
yoongi couldn’t answer. 
“you never had the guts to say you were tired. you just gave and gave and gave. you were chipping away and you didn’t even notice. instead, you got angry at yourself. you got exhausted. and i know you blamed me but you never showed it to me. maybe you didn’t even realize it yourself that you blamed me. you just sealed it all away so you could be there for me.”
“and even when i broke up with you, you never fought for me to stay. because you were disappointed in yourself even when i told you over and over that it was not your fault. you didn’t have the guts and you still don’t have it now.” 
yoongi grips the edge of the bleachers. “why are you saying this?” 
“i’m saying i’m sorry.” 
“for what?”
“i’m sorry i didn’t built you up like i should’ve. i’m sorry because i expected more from you. i was angry because i thought that you loved me less because you didn’t give me as much time as you did… but you shouldn’t have to choose me over yourself.” she takes his hand beside her and puts it in her grasp. 
“you came!” 
yoongi appears with a bouquet of flowers at the backstage of the auditorium. yuna had just presented her research that was chosen by the professors and doctors. 
it really was a surprise because yoongi was already busy with his master’s degree and learning the business with his father. the last time yuna had something as big as this, yoongi had missed it. he never forgave himself as yuna was more than disappointed with that happening.
and that’s why when yoongi checks his phone that night, he could see the number of miscalls from his friends and father. he ignores them and goes back to sleeping beside his lover.
not knowing that she was looking at his screen the whole time and realizing she isn’t good for him anymore.
she peppered kisses on the back of his hand. “it was never your fault and i’m okay now. i’ve reached my dreams and you had too. even if you say your dreams wasn’t a sob story like mine, they were still dreams… and i am so so proud of you.” 
“you look so handsome!” yoongi’s mom squeals as she takes a picture of yoongi on his graduation gown. 
yoongi gives her a peace sign, but his eyes search around for only one person. 
“she should be coming soon, son. didn’t you tell me she had to be at the hospital today? and we still have dinner.” 
they didn’t understand. he wanted her here at his moment of success–a milestone and she wasn’t here. 
yoongi watches as she caresses his hand. “i’m sorry for hurting you and i want you to know that i release you from that promise. i’m here now. you don’t have to wait for me anymore. it’s my turn to support you.” 
“all the pain we’ve caused each other, all these years… i’ve thought of you and loved you. they weren’t for nothing because even when you weren’t there for me anymore, your support is what i carried on. you made me who i am, yoongi. i will always be thankful for that and i will always love you just like i promised.” 
“what do you want me to do?” yoongi looks up at the sky, preventing the tears wetting his eyes from falling.
“i think you know what you want to do.” yuna smiles. 
still looking up, yoongi cages his lower lip with his teeth, nodding in reply.
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yoongi is rarely nervous. 
but here he stands in front of a closed door, palms sweating. he hoped the paper in his right hand isn’t affected by it.
he hears a ding inside and the lock of the door click, indicating that it’s gone unlocked. he braces himself for the person coming out.
it’s now or never. 
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you open the door to the person that’s been on your mind for days, for weeks, for months. 
yoongi was in front of you, paper bag in hand. 
he was wearing his casual clothes, a plain pullover and sweat pants. he gave you his cheeky smile. “hi.”
you couldn’t believe you eyes and you take a minute to finally realize the situation you were in. you shake your head to bring yourself back. “h-hi! w-what are you doing here?” 
yoongi was still standing there awkwardly and raised the paper bag in his right hand. “i brought you cheesecake. can i come in?” 
“yes. i suppose you can.” you answer, unsure what was his agenda with his visit. you move out of the doorway, letting him inside your home. 
this wasn’t your home and he had never been here before. still, he heads to the kitchen and gets all the needed utensils for the cake. he places them on your dining table, servicing you like he used to when he cooked for you.
you watched as he moved in your home as if a divorce never happened. yoongi was just like this, you think. he was just genuinely caring. one of his love languages had always been acts of service. 
“eat. this one’s your favorite.” he had cut up a slice for you already. 
he didn’t even prepare one for himself. 
“what about you?” you ask. 
“i won’t take long.” he continues. “i think.” 
you sit down in front of the plate with the slice, taking a fork and a small piece of the cake. you know he wouldn’t let you talk if you haven’t eaten what he prepared. when you chewed the sweet piece of dessert in your mouth, you couldn’t deny you hated it. you loved it and he could see that, you were sure with the smile he was giving.
“why are you here again?” you finally ask. 
“i just have one question.” he answers taking a sit beside you at the head of the table. you take in how much he has changed over the months. his hair was longer now it was needing pins to hook on his hair, and it was so so fluffy. 
you take a piece in your mouth again, nodding. “yeah, sure.” 
you weren’t really expecting the next words to come out of his mouth.
“are you happy dating namjoon?” 
you were glad cheesecake isn’t a very chokeable kind of food because if it was, you would be fighting for your life right now. instead, you froze and look at him with wide eyes. 
you don’t answer quick.
are you dating namjoon?
no, right?
there wasn’t a label established like that. but it’s obvious that something’s going on between the two of you. 
and you like namjoon. he was sweet, insightful, and loveable. he was a good friend and would be an even better boyfriend. 
“i…” you trail off your words, never having to said the words out loud before. you never thought it would be in front of your ex-husband, either. 
“i like him.” you finally say.
you could literally see yoongi’s shoulder slump and his face fall. but he still smiles. he gives you a pained one and does the thing where he scratches the back of his with his pointer finger. “heh. i guess i’m a little late now, aren’t i?”
“w-what are you talking about?” you ask, genuinely confused if you’re getting the right idea.
“i’m saying i’ve gone a little late at winning you back.” his head lowers, not meeting your eyes.
your brows furrow. “aren’t you seeing someone? yuna?”
it was his turn to be confused. “no? yuna and i are just friends now.” 
“but jungkook said you said you were seeing someone? at the bar?” you point out.
“oh. that was my therapist. i’m seeing a therapist.” he explained and your mouth forms an ‘o’. what the fuck jungkook, you think. 
“okay, wow. misunderstandings. okay. sorry. jungkook was being dumb.” you chuckled and drink from your glass of water. 
“does that change things?” yoongi speaks up. he gulps before continuing. “me not dating anyone?” 
his eyes bore into yours as he awaits the answer. you think about it carefully.
does it change things? he is available now and he wanted you back. clearly, things have been going well for him. he was just friends with yuna and has been seeing a therapist. he was doing better. 
but is that enough for you to risk getting hurt again? is him saying he wants you back enough for you to accept him again? well, he does say i love you to your face everyday while thinking of someone else entirely before. 
does taking the risk involve waiting for him? you can’t just wait for him again like before–wait for him to see you, to look at you, to love you. 
he was doing better but he isn’t better enough for you to take him back. 
frankly, you don’t think you could get hurt anymore. you don’t want to put yourself in that position anymore. if you do, you feel like you’ll lose yourself in hoping. you can’t just wait for him forever.
you can’t help but be scared to fall back to him again. what he is over you is the love you have for him but what you have over yourself is the decision you make.
even if he offers himself to you in bare, you had that choice for yourself. 
“no.” you answer firmly. “i still like joon.”
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you thought namjoon only gets invited to museum’s inside the country. turns out, the man was an art connoisseur from around the world.
jungkook and jimin was dragged along with you to paris. your best friend acted like he didn’t want to be here but proved himself otherwise when his eyes sparkle at everything he sees in the city. he does have a hidden love for art and painting. jimin, on the other hand, is loved by the locals here, which is very rare for paris. one artist was so mesmerized by him that you think he’s practically his muse now. you won’t be surprised if you see your friend’s face in one of these museums in the future. 
you only ever attend museums because they are one of the disguised ways for business people to socialize and mask it as some art appreciating good time. rich people who don’t give a flying fuck about these paintings only use them to flex and flaunt their wealth.
but here, namjoon talks to you in every painting, sometimes just staring at them with you. it’s really amazing how he knows so much about these artists and their art. 
how does he store all those information? you literally didn’t even need the guide.
“this one’s famous for his dotting.” he points to the one in front of you. jungkook reacts about how sick the drawing is or something like that and you just agree. whatever your companions were saying, you just tune it out.
it wasn’t that you don’t care about the paintings or something like that. it’s just that your feet were killing you. you weren’t informed that this museum is literally so freaking huge. you had been walking this madness for two hours and you should’ve worn your white sneakers instead. 
and just like all times, namjoon notices. he always does. 
“hey, you okay?” joon asks as he looks down at your unresting feet as you shift on one foot to another repeatedly. “does your feet hurt?” 
“no, i’m fine. let’s finish the tour.” you lie through your teeth.
namjoon sighs and looks over at jungkook. “can you guys wait here?” jungkook agrees and namjoon leaves in a hurry. no doubt about to do something about your feet. 
“why did you wear heels, anyway?” jungkook asks, a little bit judging. jimin smacks the back of his head. “because this was their date!” 
jungkook’s hand flies to the area on his head. “if this was a date, why are we here?”
“because you asked to come with to the museum like a dumbass.” jimin rolled his eyes. 
jungkook raises a brow. “well if this was a date, why did namjoon insist we come with? and pay for our flight and hotel and stuff?” 
it was jimin’s turn to be doubtful, and he looks over to you who was just listening to the conversation. the two wait for you for confirmation.
“don’t look at me. i don’t know why he asked too.” you shrug. 
it was true. namjoon did ask you to a date trip in paris. he literally labeled it a date so you were a bit confused when he told you to bring some friends. 
the three of you stand in silence after, quietly admiring the artworks in the room. 
a few minutes later, namjoon comes back with paper bags in hand. he guided you to sit at one of the stoned backless benches in the middle of the room. jimin and jungkook continues the tour on their own.
he brings out a box of sneakers, beige ones that complement your nude outfit. he also brings out bandages for your feet. he starts to kneel down in front of you and you scramble to pull him up. 
“no, no. i can do it myself.” you argue, making namjoon stop mid-air. 
he chuckles and that damned dimpled smile comes out. “can you just let me do this for you?” he raises his brows and you sigh. 
“fine.” you back down and he proceeds kneel down. 
he began putting bandages on the areas you needed. he asks you if you needed more and you shake your head.
“well, would you look at that? it’s a perfect fit.” namjoon says when your foot slips in the sneakers. you smile, looking down at the beautiful man in front of you. he slips the other one in and does the shoelaces. 
when he was done, he pats your foot and stands up. “why don’t you take a walk and see, cinderella?”
you giggle. you giggle like a school girl and stand up. the sneakers were far more comfortable than your heels as you walk. “they’re perfect, thank you.”
namjoon nods. “anything for you, babe.”
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the rest of the trip flows easily. jimin and jungkook chose to be away from the two of you after the museum and namjoon brings you to a restaurant for dinner. two days later, you were heading back to korea.
namjoon sits beside you in first class and you were having a glass of champagne.
“thank you.” you start, fingers playing with your glass. “for this date trip, really.”
namjoon bites his lower lip and nods. “thank you too.”
“i just have one question, though.” you tilt your head to the side and purse your lips.
“yeah, what is it?” namjoon replies.
“why bring jimin and jungkook if this was a date?” you look over by the middle section of first class where jungkook and jimin were probably fast asleep. you wouldn’t know because there were privacy dividers. but you were definitely sure because of how hard they partied last night and how wrecked they’ve come back to the hotel.
“well, a little birdy told me something about you and flights.” namjoon explains and you were at a loss for words. how did he know about your fear of flying? was it seokjin?
“remember what i said?” namjoon speaks again, and you furrow your brows at the sudden question.
“what exactly?”
“when you told me why you and yoongi got a divorce.” you freeze. that was months ago. why was he bringing it up now?
“oh. that.” he was talking about how he thinks yoongi still loves you.
“i told you it was just intuition because i didn’t have proof.”
you take a sip of your drink and set it down again. “okay… then why are you bringing it up now?”
“because i have one now.” he fishes something from the inside of his jacket and you follow his hands with your eyes.
he hands you a white envelope. you warily accept it and observe it with your keen eyes. “what’s this?” it doesn’t look special but whatever it is, it had a relation to yoongi.
“it’s a letter. i want you to read it when we land home.” namjoon states the obvious.
“i had a really fun time, y/n. thank you.” he gives you his dimpled smile again. this time, there was no denying the hint of sadness in them.
whatever that was, it sounded like a goodbye.
namjoon suddenly changes the topic, whisking you away from the loud thoughts. you quickly hide the envelope in your pocket. you had a feeling that you want to give namjoon all your attention right now.
the flight back consisted of sleeping, talking, eating, and laughing with namjoon.
you both undeniably had a great time and you wouldn’t exchange the experience with anyone.
“so, this is it.” namjoon says as the both of you stand in front of the airport, staring at the streets where it is raining.
“thank you, joon. paris was a dream with you.” you say genuinely.
he gives you a genuine smile this time, nodding once in acknowledgement.
“but it would’ve been perfect if we kissed.” you blurt out.
namjoon grins and shakes his head. he steps closer and places a hand on your face. your lips met and they move softly against each other. his lips were soft, but a little bit on the rough side. the smell of his faint perfume, the cold skin from the airconditioned airport, the curve of his dimple in your hands, and the tingling feeling in your chest, it was all giving a different kind of warmth from the kisses you had in your life time.
he releases you not long after, looking at you longingly.
he steps back again, widening the space between the two of you back to how it was before. “that was perfect.” he says and chuckles. you nod, “yeah. it was.”
“well, i’ll see you around, y/n.”
“you will.”
now that was, for sure, a goodbye.
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back home, the paper on your hand suddenly feels heavy and you were anxious to see what’s inside. but curiosity overpowers the anxiety and you open the envelope to see the letter containing it. 
the folded paper you bring out had a ‘for your eyes only, kim’, written on the corner. your eyes widen. the writing was too familiar for you not to know who this letter is from. 
mr. kim namjoon,
before i start with anything, first, i want to say congratulations on the relationship. well, i’m not happy for you but it’d be rude to say that. second, i’m sorry if my writing turns sloppy. i pondered doing this in email but it didn’t felt heartfelt enough. now that i think about it, i think the last letter i’ve written like this was to my parents after being forced in high school in one of those stupid english homeworks. so again, sorry if it’s bad. maybe i should’ve written y/n one of these letters, i guess that’s just another mistake i have to regret. but enough about me, this letter is about her. 
i know that we’re not the best of pals, and i swear that i’m not doing this for you. i’m doing this for her. i may not be in the position to be this demanding but all i want for her now is to be in good and better hands. i need you to be that person now that you have her. 
the first time i saw her wearing our ring, it was the turning point of my life. after that, she was every day of my life. and i took it for granted. i didn’t hold her the way she needed to be held. i didn’t look her like i should. 
so now that you’re about to be her everyday—her person. i only ask you to hear these things that may be helpful. i may not be a good lover but i was an okay husband. i didn’t love her right but i still knew her and took care of her for four years. 
she likes iced coffee in the morning from a very specific shop but if you make one for her, it’ll be her favorite because it’s you. she used to like it with lots of milk but strong caffeine. on nights she stays up for work, she prefers warm tea. lots of it. have it ready in a pot beside her. she loves midnight cookies too. the chewy ones. 
when she has her period, buy her chocolates. not the fruity ones. she prefers the dark chocolates but won’t say no to milky ones. she doesn’t like white chocolates. nuts are okay too. no raisins. she hates raisins whenever and wherever you put it. 
she loves spicy food but it will make her sneeze a lot after. she’s a bit allergic to shellfish, especially shrimps but she will still eat them because she’s stubborn. please always have medicine in stock. 
she likes shopping for new dresses when there’s an occasion but loves it if you come with her and help her choose. you have to react really well. but you don’t really have to try because she’ll look good even with a garbage bag anyway. she’s very meticulous about clothes too. one faulty sewing and she’ll see that.
she doesn’t like people who chew loudly or talk with their mouths full. i don’t think anyone does anyway.
she watches the same movies over and over again but she will cry over it as hard as she did last time. she doesn’t like when people talk too much on movie night but that doesn’t mean you don’t react at the scenes. if it was a horror movie and she seemed a bit freaked out at the end, leave a dim light open when you sleep. let her hung to you when you sleep too. 
when she has to fly out of the country for work, if you can’t go with her, make sure jungkook is there. she won’t admit it but she still gets scared when flying alone even if her secretary’s with her. it has to be someone she trusts.
she loves when you smell good. so choose your perfume well. 
remind her of her keys or wallet because she keeps forgetting them. when you ask her to buy something, you have to tell her at least three times. don’t just say it like “oh hey can you buy me this when you go out?”, she won’t remember it. 
she shits a lot. her metabolism is amazing, really. 
she makes a face when you say she’s beautiful. sometimes, she even glares. but still, tell her she’s beautiful. because she will. she thinks and says you’re more beautiful than anyone else. 
she loves more than anyone and she deserves to be loved more. even if you look through her eyes and see someone else, she will still love you endlessly. she loves so pure like an amateur magician, even if everyone else can see the trap door, she continues her show with a smile. 
when she loves you, her plans don’t matter as much. because when she loves you, you are her plan. so you have to remind her to make plans for herself too. don’t make her drop everything for you.
when she loves you, even if you don’t give her what she gives you, she will still love you. even if she searches all the corners of the earth just so she can find a bench that fits the two of you perfectly, she will. she would make jokes that make you laugh when you’re down. she would stay up all night learning a recipe if you say you want that dish.
these are just some of the things you have to keep in mind. but really, it doesn’t matter. because when she loves, she gives it her all. it’s not hard to fall in love with her. there’s no doubt about it. 
i used to think that loving should be passionate and overflowing. now i realize that love shouldn’t be burning, it should be just warm. the kind of warmth that a thick blanket gives you in winter. the warmth that a newly baked chocolate chip cookie offers you when you get home tired. the kind that gives you comfort, never hurting you. so, i ask you to give her more than what she gives. love her like she’s home. 
it may be too late for me but not for her. she deserves to be loved more than yesterday, but less than tomorrow. please continue to love her. more than i do. more than anyone else. 
min yoongi.
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the thing is, the heart doesn’t have a specific size. it isn’t only filled with one person. yoongi has been receiving all your love and he began filling it with you. after yuna’s and his closure at the university, yoongi knew what he had to do. 
the drive back to his house after yuna’s talk in the university was fast. he called up taehyung as soon as he got home.
“i need you to get me kim namjoon’s address.” he orders before taehyung could even greet him. 
“hello to you too, sir. his personal address, sir? that’s kind of unethical.” taehyung teased. he ignores his secretary although he had a point. 
“i don’t give a fuck, tae. get to work.” with that, he ends the call. he admits it was a little bit rude but whatever. he needs his address. 
after preparing everything, yoongi sees taehyung had texted him the address an hour ago. he grabs a coat from his closet and heads off. 
he was greeted by maids when he arrived and ruined the doorbell button with his unending pressing. they allowed him through the gate but didn’t let him through the doors of the house. he was asked to wait by the small garden in front of the house
the exterior of namjoon’s home was very modern and green, trees and plants surrounding it. you probably loved the different kinds of plants here. the flowers too. yoongi never cared about these things. 
yoongi is rarely nervous. 
but here he stands in front of a closed door, palms sweating. he hoped the paper in his right hand isn’t affected by it.
the letter. 
he hears a ding inside and the lock of the door click, indicating that it’s gone unlocked. he braces himself for the person coming out.
it’s now or never. 
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yoongi was shaken awake by the sound of his doorbell being rang multiple times and there was unending banging on his door. he realizes that he his friends has a knack of being waking him in the middle of the night when the country is in deep sleep.
god, who and what is it now? he thinks to himself. 
yoongi pushes himself off the bed and heads to his door. barely even having his eyes open, he peeks at who was at the door on his security camera. 
he was pretty sure he was dreaming right now with what he’s seeing.
he was pretty sure because that couldn’t be you, drenched in what seemed to be rain. your hair was sticking to your face and you look you had been somewhere before this. 
he scrambles to open the door, now seeing you in the flesh. your brows were furrowed together and your cheeks were puffed. your face wasn’t just wet from rain, you had been crying. 
before he could even ask what you were doing here or even just speak, you throw something in his direction which he caught and clutched to his chest. he looks down and sees a familiar paper in his hand. 
“what’s this?” her voice was laced with venom, beautiful but incredibly pissed. 
yoongi sighed. “you weren’t supposed to see this.” 
you shake your head, stepping inside and slamming the door behind you. “no, but i did! so you tell me why!”  
“tell you what?” 
“why namjoon?”  
“what do you mean–”
“you told this to namjoon but not me? you pour your heart out to him but not me?” you were no longer yelling. instead, your voice was at the verge of breaking. 
you push him by his chest repeatedly when he doesn’t answer. “what is it? tell me!”
he stops your hands with his, caging your wrists in his grasp. “stop! i’m not sure what you want me to say.” 
you tug your wrists from him and stare at him with fire in your eyes. “i’m asking you to tell me why you couldn’t tell me you wanted me and why. i’m asking you why you push yourself around.” 
“i’m giving you what you said you want. you like namjoon and he deserved you more than me.” yoongi never raises his voice but you could definitely sense the boiling anger in his words. 
you shook your head as the tears in your eyes were too heavy for you to speak immediately. “but what do you want?” 
“you already know the answer to that.” he spat, raising his brows.
“no! i don’t! because all you gave me are a few words. i need you to tell me you want me, you love me, and why you do. you said all that shit to namjoon but not me! can’t you see? i need you to tell me that. how would i know if you don’t tell me? i need to be sure you love me before i take the risk of loving you again!” 
you were out of breath after you screamed out your agony. yoongi could only stare at you with equally burning eyes.
and he pulled you in.
he pushes his lips to yours and held you close like you’d fade away if he lets go. his hand was at the back of your head, holding it firmly but not enough to hurt you. when you kiss back, it was like he could breathe again. like he was being chased by wolves and finally got away. like his world has finally turned at a normal pace because now you were here. 
when he pulls away, you both stand there still holding each other with your cheeks flushed red. “i love you. it’s always been you.” 
then he takes your mouth again, hands now wondering your body like he was sculpting it. 
he pulls away, catching his breath while speaking. “i’m sorry. for everything.” then he presses his lips on your again. you could only focus on how he was here, kissing you like he never had before, like he was communicating with how he invaded all your senses. 
he pulls away again, now foreheads touching each other. “please…” he says with closed eyes. “please love me again. make me yours. i’m all yours.” he kissed you again, making your heart skip a but as you gasped with a throaty sound against his lips. 
he kisses you like he will never have enough, tongue exploring yours and everywhere. his hand moved around your body like it has a mind of its own. 
before you knew it, he had led you to his bedroom and on his bed. he hovered over you as you both make out passionately. 
then he stopped, pulling away to stare at your face beneath him. he smiled. then his tears started dropping on your face. 
“why?” you mutter, placing a hand on his face, attempting to wipe any tears that fall as he fulls on breaks down above you.
“i love you so much.” he cries then buries his head on your neck. “please don’t leave again.” 
your heart broke at yoongi’s plead. you were about to comfort him but you remembered what just happened. you laugh. you throw your head back and laugh. “stop crying, yoongs.” 
he lifts his head and stares at you in the eyes like he was offended that you took delight in his misery.
“did you realize we just had our first fight?” and you give him a grin.
he looked a bit confused then he gets it, pulling you in a kiss again. 
and the two of you lay there, making love until the morning.
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© wolfvmin. please do not copy, translate, claim any of my works. thank you.
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csprslvt · 7 months
teacher aide pt 5
Summary: Ellie wakes up to seeing the love of her life and is filled with adoration, who knew that could be replaced with hate so quickly?
Warnings: kissing, sexual touching(?) Reader is self-destructive, Ellie gets her feelings hurt, short chapter (IM SORRY) Ellie kicks a trashcan bc shes angy. lmk if I missed anything!
This time when you woke up in Ellie’s bed, you stayed until she woke up. She had a rough day yesterday, you didn't have any classes in the morning, you owed her your time. You had no excuse to leave her in the state she was in. Your phone vibrated, notifications from Abby.
Goodmorning y/n. At 8:02 am
You smiled, typing a response, It felt wrong doing so with Ellie sleeping on your chest. But it was Abby, you couldn't ignore her.
Goodmorningggg, i'm sorry about yesterday  At 8:03 am
It's all good, how is Ellie?  At 8:03 am
You frowned, Abby was so caring even towards people that didnt like her. Ellie was always absorbed in jealousy when Abby was around you. They were so different yet so similar.
She's asleep. I'm waiting for her to wake up. At 8:04 am
You're a good friend y/n. At 8:04 am 
You didn't feel like one. You had given Ellie false hope, false hope that you could love her. Somehow along the way, the lines between friendship and romance had become blurred. You two had an intense homoerotic connection. As much as you would like to deny it, she wanted more. You didn't. You were wrapped up in Abby’s courtship, her loving gaze, it was all her. Still something about being with Ellie felt all too natural. Being around Abby was a breath of fresh air and Ellie was like a sharp inhale.
Should you tell Abby this? Most likely not. But upholding a sense of engimac energy was getting exhausting. Connecting with people was difficult for you, pushing them away was your thing. Maybe it was time to let someone in.
I don't feel like one. At 8:06 am
Why's that? At 8:06 am
I'm not stupid yk? Like ik Ellie wants more than a friendship with me. And here I am, allowing her to think that it'll happen. At 8:08 am
You don't want to be with her? At 8:08 am
I'm not really good at relationships. At 8:08 am
What makes you think that? At 8:09 am
I don't know, I just struggle to express my feelings in a way that people understand. I push them away because it overwhelms me, I've never had a serious relationship. At 8:09 am
Just because people don't understand how you show love doesn't mean you aren't worth loving y/n. At 8:09 am
You inhaled, you felt like you could cry, staring at the screen with blue light in your face. Those were the words you needed to hear that no one had ever spoken. No one had dared to understand the way you showed emotion. You had hardly understood it yourself.
You're smart and so funny and kind and god you are so beautiful y/n. You are a person worth loving.  At 8:09 am
Ellie stirred on your chest as you shivered from Abby’s words. She would wake up soon.
You're not so bad yourself Anderson. At 8:10 am
It was hard to take it seriously, what she was saying. It was so foreign to you to feel seen,understood, maybe even loved.
Hahaha. At 8:11 am
Ellie shifted, you texted Abby goodbye for now and put your phone down. You stroked Ellies auburn hair as she awoke.
She opened her eyes, adjusting to her surroundings, then she locked eyes with you and she looked so love stricken it was painful.
“You're here” she said with an adoring smile.
“I wouldn't leave you alone in that state Els”
Ellie blinked, her cheeks flushed showing off her starry array of freckles. Her eyes shifted down to your lips, then back to your eyes.
“I could kiss you right now.”
You gulped, frozen in place, the hand you had in her hair stopped moving and you stilled to look at her. Sunshine hitting her green eyes she stared at you. Never had she been this bold. Never were you forced to push away from her.
“I could kiss you right now… would you stop me? Hmm?” She asked you, her voice raspy from her sleep, she was so authentically Ellie right now. How could you reject her?
She leaned towards you eyes hooded with desire, her lips brushing yours so lightly and briefly and intimately it couldn't be counted as a kiss.
“Why won't you stop me?”
You couldn't speak.
“Why do you act like you want me and then say you don't? So confusing.”
“Ellie it's not appropriate-”
“Oh don't play coy with me, you spend half your nights cuddled up in my bed with me. Nothing about our relationship has ever been appropriate”
It had been so long since you were touched. So long since you have been kissed, the temptation to give in filled your brain. An impulsive temptation.But the thoughts of a certain blond permeated the black space of your mind.
“Ellie, if we do this our friendship will never be the same.”
“Hmm I don't care” She was so close, you could feel her breathing on your face, light and soft. She placed her hands on top of yours, resting on your chest.
“Jus’ want you. I don't want friendship. I want to kiss you.”
“Will you let me?” She said very seriously, looking deep into the molecules of your being.
Hope and fear of rejection mixed in her green eyes.
“Can I?”
You didn't say a word, instead you closed your eyes and  pressed your lips to hers, hungry and wanting. She took advantage, gently touching every part of you she could reach. Suddenly she was very awake, your hands wrapped around her neck and she straddled you, desperate mouths moved for more. Every part of you was high on Ellie.
She had you in a trance where the world and its consequences ran away. 
Ellie, Ellie, Ellie. 
She moved to your neck, kissing you so softly and lovingly, filled with unmet promises. You preened for her affections. 
That was until your phone vibrated, once and then again, You looked over and saw a notification that planted you back into reality.
You pulled away and Ellie looked confused, her eyebrows furrowed in worry.
“Don't tell me you regret this already.” 
She sounded small, heartbroken and fueled with fear.  Her eyes searched your face for emotion but you felt so overwhelmed you'd become numb, you looked at her, and looked at your phone. She followed your gaze and got off of you, picking the phone up and seeing a notification from Abby. The love she felt was replaced with anger. 
“So this is about her isn't it?” She was fuming, so much emotion contained in her eyes, clouded with pain.
“Ellie please don't make a big deal out of this, It was a mistake.” you stood to face her, face the mess you created.
The moment you released those words you regretted them, the stung Ellie deep in her soul, in her heart.
There you were, destroying everything you touched once again.
“A mistake, this whole fucking thing we had going on, was a mistake?”
“Nothing was going on.”
Ellies eyebrows rose in surprise, she scoffed, “Oh so what, you just spent the night in everyone's dorm? Do you just let all of them call you babe and treat you special? Hm? Or was it just me you decided to take advantage of?”
Panic rose in your throat, the thousands of words you had to say escaped you. 
I'm a bad person, I'm a bad person. Look at what I've done. I'm a bad person.
You choked, you never cried, it wasn't something that came easy to you. But now, as you began to finally feel you needed to cry. Pushing back tears, you saw the destruction you created and the girl you had hurt in your own selfish process.
“I'm sorry” you said with a shaky voice. It pissed Ellie off even more.
“Oh fuck that. You don't get to sit here and feel sorry for yourself. You dont get to sit here and fucking cry!” Ellie was yelling now, she kicked the nearest thing, a trashcan, in your direction. You flinched but she was too furious to care.
Her words cut deep into you.
I'm a bad person, I'm a bad person.
“I should be the one fucking crying after the way you used me, and I know you arent stupid y/n. Youre one of the smartest people I know, you fucked me over and you know it.”
You couldn't speak, couldn't move, couldn't breathe. Everything hurts. Everything was your fault.
You were the one that kissed her first.
She was right.
“Get the fuck out y/n.” 
Quickly and without a word you gathered your things and practically ran out the dorm, slamming it shut behind you.
And Ellie? Well, as all the anger flooded in her veins she did nothing, nothing but hate.
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forestshadow-wolf · 10 months
I.S.B.T.P.K.F.T.S moments (chapter 4- Part 1)
Fic link written by @tavtarnish. Please go check it out. It is fantastic!
if anyone was invested in this at all, I sincerely apologize for not updating this for so long, I don't really have a reason other than I just got lazy. anyway- ONWARDS!!!
chapter 3 || Chapter 5
The opening of the chapter
The way it definitely implied that soap has undoubtedly been at it for a while. Long enough to settle into a routine. It also shows his frustration really well. The strength that he's hitting, and they way his mind still continues to wonder
Remembering hearing his mother call him angrily from the house
I feel like this is such a core memory for me. Also idk if anyone else had the experience where their parents kicked them out of the house during the summer and then got mad when they didn't make it back in time for dinner. Like I'm sorry?? All you said was go outside, and didn't give me a time to be back? Kinda got off topic here, the point was: core memory unlocked
Little john trying not to make the punishment worse by being gentle with the the door and stuff
I honestly have nothing to say at this point, it's just super relatable to me
Idk if ive said this before but his sisters' names
I just think they're lovely
They way he feels guilt even as a child for not being there to redirect or avoid completely his mother's anger
This makes me so sad :( bb it's not ur fault
The casset that he and his sister were fighting about just days earlier as an apology!!!!!
This is exactly how it is to have siblings, like you'll be at eachother's throats and then something happens and then it's like it never happened. Also never once has a verbal apology been as affective as an action
Also being able to feel the anger flowing off his mother... like that's when you know you're in some deep shit
The whole come home by the time the street lights come on
Is accurate. Relatable. Especially getting back late because fo the changing season...
The disappointment in his mother's voice
That one hurted just a lil bit bc disappointment is always just that much worse than anger isn't it??
And he understands her frustration
That just makes it all the worse, right? I mean he just wanted some more time to have fun with his friends, but that left his mother swamped with everything else. It's really a lose lose situation :/
Not bringing up his father "after the last time"
Knowing when to pick his battles. But also what happened last time?? I can only assume lots of yelling and crying and and just :(
The following quiet
And it's like nobody except you can feel the tension still in the air, and it's like the smallest thing could set everything off again
Im ignoring something for right now I will circle back to it in a moment. But lemme just say his father?
I'm not liking the vibes I get from him... there I said it. I don't like him
His mother brushing over his hair and the back of his head
Look I know I've been making it seem like I think mary is a bad mom, but she really isn't. She's just overworked and doing her best. And john understands that but he also needs to be able to be a kid. And mary needs help around the house bc there is too much to do and only one of her
Ok back to the thing I ignored. The way he wishes for her to just get angry
I think maybe it's bc when people are angry it's easy to deal with, either you argue back, stay quiet, or say/do whay they want you to right? But with the disappointment it's almost the same response just with no visable reason for it. It's harder to deal with because we as people are not taught how to fix it other than to "do better next time" but how does that fix what happened now?
I also want to pint out the bolded part
Bc like the yelling is so much easier to deal with than the calm voice. Maybe it's bc you can still feel the pent up tenson that might have normally been released with the yelling
Also he wonders if it makes him a bad son
And I think, maybe normally people don't wish for that, but it doesn't make him a bad son. Like I understand so completely how he feels, and it's so real that it's devastating. And it doesn't make him a bad son. And I know that because maybe for him it's just easier for him to deal with physical problems than it is for him to deal with whatever this is.
And then the last line of the flashback
God!! I just know he was beating himself up after that. I do. I just know. And it's the perfect segue back into the present moment.
Getting so lost hin his head that he forgets he's even really doing anything
I guess forget isn't really the right word. Like he knew enough to keep doing it, but kinda just tuned everything else out.
The way it all just bubbles up
The lights just too loud, the air hot and heavy with anger and frustration. And he's still aped up despite all the energy he spent. And he tried, he really does try to keep himself composed. But the irritation makes his bones buzz, and he just needs to do something, anything to get it out. And he's so worked up that he doesn't even realize he split his knuckles until he looked at them.
And then it keeps building
It's too much, all of it. The steaming anger, the loudness of the lights, the way his hair remains untamed despite his efforts
Focusing on his hair again, idc what anyone says, his hair is actually such an important part of him. So his hair getting in the way, in his face, even after he tries to rake it out of the way... maybe kinda like how he's having trouble with his emotional regulation? It's kinda like his emotions are clouding his rational thinking, which is a perfect lead to my next point.
Where it all finally boils over
He shouldn't, he knows he shouldn't. But the useless buzzing is still in his bones and flowing through his veins. And he just has to do something or he might just brun from the inside out.
And then the immediate regret
"If it isn't the consequences of my own actions" for real though this is actually an important part. Because sometimes even if it's a personal issue you have to choose the lesser of two evils, even if you don't know you even have options. Also I think the is very much foreshadowing what will happen if he doesn't properly acknowledge the problem, and also shows what it is doing to him in a physical manifestation.
Also perhaps symbolism of not actually vomiting... because ya boy is emotional constipated
Ok im gonna end this here for now, because if this sits im my drafts any longer it'll never get posted. Also sorry if this isn't as indepth as the other parts, I'm doing all of this on my phone.
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facelessxchurch · 2 years
Final Thoughts on the SP Kickstarter
Why a kickstarter? This is something I heard a few people ask since Landy surely has enough money to pay for the merch out of his own pocket before selling it. There are three reasons I think are most likely. One, that was he can print exactly the number of merch he needs and won't be left sitting on a large pile of unsold merch. Second, it is a good way to find out how many people would be even interested in SP merch and it's a solid number he can show HarperCollins to get the official merch store approved. This is pretty much confirmed with this Tweet:
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And third, I think he wasn't sure how well it would do himself since he is probably aware that his sales tanked and a lot of the fandom hates his guts. An indication of this was how ill-prepared the Kickstarter was and how there were no stretch goals.
Ngl I'm feeling kinda iffy that he has people pay for stuff and we didn't even know how half the stuff would look like at the start of the Kickstarter. The Tote-Bags had no pic, the magnets had no pic, and we never got a pic of the stickers, instead, he only described how they would look after I asked him about it. The pins were just a WIP and only got updated mid-way through. Like, he has so little to offer and such simple designs, all of it should have been ready and on the Kickstarter page by the time it got published. Especially since he gave people only 2 weeks to pledge.
Through Reddit I found out that people who backed the Kickstarter got asked which 3 kinds of merch/characters they would like to see the most. On one hand, it makes sense that he would want to add merch of characters that his super fans like (and you gotta be a superfan to fork over money for the stuff he offered on that Kickstarter). But on the other hand, it ignores the people that didn't buy anything from the Kickstarter bc their fav characters weren't represented. 
While 1157 seems like a lot of people but it's just a small percentage of the people that follow Landy on Twitter. He currently has 27.5K followers which means only 4.2 % of his followers backed the Kickstarter. That means an even lesser percentage of the fandom has backed it considering not everyone has a Twitter account.
I don't actually know which percentage is a good number. I heard that having 10% of followers engage with your content is normal. So around 5% actually giving you money is probably good. That surprises me bc a lot of people in the fandom voiced their distaste for the subpar pin designs. I've seen some people (on Reddit) think that the Skul and Val drawn by Landy would not be the final design and that the final designs would be made by Jaime (the pin-maker). I wonder if that plays into it largely or not.
Personally, I believe that if he really wanted to design his own pins he could have done so for himself privately (like I have done before). But this is the first time you can BUY official merch and it should have been for SP fans as much as for himself, but it essentially ended up being an ego trip for him and his GF.
I don't like that he only collaborated with the pin-maker bc she's a super-fan (has an SP tattoo). He's also dating a fan. It leaves a bitter taste in my mouth bc it seems like this wannabe man can only get along with people that adore him/SP. I mean, he straight up admitted he can't get a movie done, not even with an indie, by he's too controlling of all things SP.
Despite being successful, the Kickstarter only brought the fandom back to life for a few days and it was to take the piss out of the pin designs. The new book announcement, "Hell Breaks Loose", barely caused an uptick in activity at all. While I'm happy the Kickstarter was successful bc it means we'll get a store with better merch sometime next year, I'm wondering what it will take to resurrect this fandom.
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nathank77 · 12 days
7 p.m
Well I passed the fuck out when I closed my eyes. Then I woke up around 1 p.m needing to pee... and I tried like hell to ignore it, it worked and then I had a dream where my current therapist who is not my therapist just some random person, a new therapist I've never met but I had been seeing for a while. I went to therapy in person. And Kristen Dew was in the chair next to me. We were both there to see the therapist. The therapist was forcing face to face contact. I was fucking uncomfortable, pissed off and like she RUINED MY BRAIN ANATOMY with negligence. She doesn't even get a slap on the wrist from the board! I can't fucking stop hallucinating and she gets away with it Scott free!!! I'm not interested in talking to her. There is no fixing anything. I would have accepted her apology back in the day and not reported her bc of empathy before she said fucking ocd voices. But she knew damn well I was hallucinating and was either negligent or fucking evil. And then when given the opportunity to apology when I asked her why she didn't tell me I was hallucinating, she said "I'm sorry this happened to you." KRISTEN DEW YOUR NEGLIGENCE HAPPENED TO ME. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE. I TRUSTED YOU WITH MY FUCKING LIFE. I TOLD YOU EVERYTHING. AND YOU DIDNT SAY ANYTHING.
Yea ocd voices like I fucking am obsessed with being my deadname. I fucking love being fucking Nathan. She wanted me to obsessed over creating the voice and fucking go on antipsychotics so I couldn't report her but I'm more resilient than you think. She wanted to dumb me down so I couldn't send in that report. She knew I'd overthink ocd voices and obsess over it.
Anyways- I don't remember much but Kristen being smug cause she got away with it... then the session ended and 30 minutes of it was wasted not bc of Kristen cause I had a bad therapist and I needed to replace her was a thought. She was letting people in the room after whatever happened with Kristen. My brain blocked it out. I just remember freaking out at my therapist for forcing the interaction...
So I woke up at 2 p.m needing to pee but I was suffering by the time it was 2:20. My stupid body wouldn't fall back to sleep. So I peeded... Took a Benadryl. I only had 6 hours at that point which is why I tried to ignore it... then I laid there for another 20 minutes... I got hungry... and eventually I ate a fucking protein bar. Then I laid there some more.
Finally fell back to sleep prob around 3:30 or so... at that point I slept until 4:30, I woke up wrote it in my sleep tracker. And I closed my eyes for seconds as I was so blind from not having my glasses on. I believe my lights were on... bam I opened my eyes it was 5:43 p.m
Idk why my body cant ignore the smallest amount of pee and let me sleep 7 straight hours... when I peeded it was pathetic. Like thanks for making me suffer. It was painful after a while and it was basically nothing and it's bc Kristen Dew is negligent that I can't get up and fucking pee bc then my body won't go back to sleep.
I think about her as I suffer holding my bladder. I think about her when I get up and give up and pee and then lay down and can't fall back to sleep. When I never had a problem falling asleep and then I also never had a problem falling back to sleep after using the bathroom!!!! Not until psychosis!
How I wish i could have slept from 7:30 a.m- 4:30 p.m... straight through with no painful holding in my bladder sessions. Even to 3:30 p.m... I didn't want to sleep this late. Why the fuck did I pass the fuck out from 4:30-5:43 for closing my eyes for 3 seconds? Why does that only happen when it's super late but never after I pee or when I hold my bladder?
Christ I took 2, 25MG Hydroxyzine and 1MG of Xanax before bed... then the Benadryl 25MG of Benadryl at 2 p.m..... thank Kristen Dew. I appreciate how drugged i got to be to sleep.
I appreciate my ptsd, my panic attacks, of course my fucking hallucination that never ends...
Now I'm worried about sleeping tonight cause I mean I usually take my xanax at 5:30 a.m... I'll have been up for approximately like 12 hours if I wait until 5:43 a.m....I guess I might just go to 1mg I'm sleeping every fucking day. I'll start with the half but if I'm not sleeping by 8 fuck it. I need to fucking sleep every single night for 7 hours to make my life somewhat tolerable... so my broken brain recovers if it's even capable of recovery....
I got to monitor my heart and chest today.... heart rate seems fine...
My Dr finally filled my testosterone. Imma pick it up tomorrow. I'll put in my order for xanax on Monday to give her time. Email her on Wednesday if it isn't approved by Wednesday- as I got to give her time. Then call the office on Thursday saying I didn't sleep last night. Hopefully this is all just a trauma plan and not something I have to carry out.. she could have been sick.. idk.. maybe she wants to line up my pick up date for testosterone the same week of my injection idk..
At least I can pick it up. So I'm worried about sleeping tonight. I'm worried about my chest pain/heart/being hypo maybe. I'm worried about Kristen Dew not getting what she deserves for being negligent still waiting on the status report............. My whole life is ruined thanks to her. I hate waking up at almost 6 p.m!!! And I'm anxious about xanax still... I feel like my life is a house of cards. Ready to blow over.
Idk if I even want to game today. I got a lot of sleep. But boy I wish I passed out in seconds at 2 p.m and woke up at 3:30 I would have used the bathroom and got up and did stuff today.... but instead it's almost 7 p.m...
Tomorrow I'm going grocery shopping dreadfully going to Walmart maybe returning my Detergent cause I don't trust them anymore It isn't sealed.... picking up my testosterone. Then hopefully going for the car wash and watching a movie with my mom... I'll buy cbd but after flashback central last night I dont believe in it. Its a placebo now (thanks mike.) I can't afford to go over 100mg to see if symptoms improve... if 100mg doesn't improve fuck this expensive shit. I'll go for 50mg a day for neurogensis bc of microsleep....
The flashbacks were so bad last night. So fucking bad.
Whelp I hope I can get the energy to game...otherwise I guess I will Sunday. I'm so fucking lonely. I have no one to talk to and I'm going to be single forever and idk why. I stand by it I fucked up my facial hair but by Monday when i shave the rest to the same length it'll be like it never happened. I'm good looking.... why the fuck can't I find a girl who thinks I'm worth getting to know before she kicks me to the curb when she find out everything that is wrong with me?
Will my quality of life ever improve? My worse days are the days i have hardly any human interaction but my mother yelling at me... that's basically everyday. If only I could be touched by another human being. I don't remember the last time someone touched me..I almost want to go to the Dr just so they touch my arm for an injection or blood draw.
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shotorozu · 4 years
𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤
𝔰𝔥𝔦𝔫𝔰𝔬𝔲 𝔥𝔦𝔱𝔬𝔰𝔥𝔦 ᥊ 𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔯
𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆: you find yourself in a bar that you and your ex used to go to regularly. the local bartender calls your ex- shinsou hitoshi; thinking you guys are still together. 
𝗮𝗱𝗱𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗹 𝘁𝗮𝗴𝘀: angst to fluff (happy ending), sfw, pro hero au (aged up), drinking (alcohol mentions and intake) ex to lovers, minor todomomo (not the center of this fic) reader is in the top 5, some swearing. 
𝗹𝗲𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗱: [Y/N = your name, L/N = last name, H/N = hero name, ] f! reader, quirk not mentioned. 
𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲𝘀: i also did this trope on ao3 with todomomo, so i better not see people think i plagiarized them because.. that’s literally me lol. also! i was very conflicted, bc i also wanted to do this with shouto but since I already have 2-3 fics in the making, i went with hitoshi (but let me know if you wanna see shouto’s version.) 
word count to be added when im not sleep deprived
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You swivel down another shot down your throat, not caring of the burn in your nose, nor do you care about the smell of the alcohol. 
You’re never like this, this is not the best representation of yourself, no. This is not who you are as a person, and the way your former classmates look at you with concern when you chug down another shot shows how unusual this is to them.
“Take it easy..” Momo pats your back, and you exhale heavily, putting down the glass. Everyone is certain that you’ll obtain some serious hangover, almost to the point that you’d have to take the morning off to treat your hangover. They’re aware that you’re not this careless, since you're in the top 5 after all. 
But they let you be momentarily, but why you may ask?
Because this is your way of coping a breakup with your boyfriend of 3 and a half years, Shinsou Hitoshi. They’re aware on how hurt you really are, and to be real- they were the ones that asked you to come out with them tonight to distract you. 
“They’ve been going at it for a while, it’s almost concerning.” Tsuyu comments, as she tends to a slightly tipsy Mina, holding her so she doesn’t fall face first into the floor. 
The least they could do is let you be, while you're not totally blacked out.
The local bartender- Maki, looks at you with concern when you order another shot, yet they still give it to you (with the slightest hesitation) since you’re such a good friend to her. (Your rank makes you very respectable, it’s almost intimidating! but your casual friend ship with the bar tender says other wise.) 
But on the contrary, you'd know when you’ve reached the limit, and you’d probably know when they’d start refusing your requests of another shot. 
One by one, their friends depart from the table, either they were too drunk to even handle it so they were brought home, or something came up- everyone could agree that they all had some sort of worry towards their dear friend’s very out of character coping mechanism. 
“I have to go soon,” Momo sighs, when she receives a text from Todoroki- though it’s very obvious that she’s still very concerned for you, considering that she’s the only friend left. “Please take care of Y/N, Maki-san.” 
Maki nods at your black haired friend, and the creation hero looks at you one last time before leaving the bar. 
Lifting your head, your words are slurred as you request for another shot, which seems like the umpteenth time that you requested for a shot. The concerned bartender still attends to your needs, yet- she’s contemplating of calling someone if you ask for another. 
Likewise, you finish that shot in a moment, and you slump down on the table. Eyelids fluttering slowly as your laughter is filled with intoxication, your cheeks are warm from being inebriated from the intake of alcohol. 
You don’t notice how your concerned bartender dials up a number, requesting for them to pick your drunken state. 
     »»————- ➴ ————-««
“Did you know the word bed is shaped like one?” 
It’s now past midnight, and you’re mouthing off about something random, the train of thought is endless (but it’s more like a shower thought ramble.) Your fists are deep into your hair- holding your head up so it doesn't hit the table, meanwhile Maki paces back and forth- still tending to other requests from the very few customers left. 
“Now that you’ve mentioned it, yeah.” They answer absentmindedly, “Man, I haven't seen you in nearly 4 months! it’s been a while. You knows how to hold your alcohol so frankly, this is the first time I’ve seen this side of you!” 
“Oh really?” You slur, continuing on to spout out purposeless words.
The bartender’s response is a total blur, words turning into background noises, and a part of you is lucky to still be conscious and still functioning (yet it's barely) 
“..But you hold it well for--” 
You’re also very lucky that you’re a little too under the influence to even register the name.
You didn't know you’d take this breakup with him harshly. The most you were expecting was just.. crying while eating ice cream. 
But no, it was an utter shit hole. 
The door busts open, and the bartender’s expression seems to brighten up “Ah, there you are!” 
You grumble, the bar’s lights causing your eyes to sting- and your head hurts too. You might need some aspirin later.. you close your eyes shut. The bartender is chatting with the unknown person, and frankly- you just wished you didn’t intoxicate yourself this much.
The baritone voice is almost sufficient in sobering you up. Turning to the familiar voice, you see the tall figure, sporting bedraggled purple hair. 
It’s Shinsou Hitoshi. A reason why you’re in such a mess, coping with a breakup in the first place. 
You almost fall off your chair in sudden revelation to the appearance of your ex lover. It was almost like.. your drunken state was making you see things- a possible hallucination maybe? it has to be that. Maybe it’s the side effect of the growing headache?? What was in that shot?
“Ugh, I must be crazy,” You wipe your cheek from slob, your head throbbing from the growing headache. The weary purple head raises an eyebrow, and the bartender is confused by the sudden tension. It's abnormal, alright.
The reason why you broke up was because of his lack of self care. 
Again, it’s not like he was being a shithead and cheating on you, or being a total prick of a boyfriend and neglecting you, and it’s definitely not the other way around either. 
It was probably the opposite. He'd neglect himself for days on end, not caring about himself, and not caring about his own being. It was.. not what you wanted at all. 
You figured just because the both of you are rising up heroes, and also adults- he would’ve gotten a grip of not neglecting himself. 
But even habits like that don’t get old. 
“Hitoshi- seriously, when was the last time you’ve took a breather?” growing slightly irritated by Shinsou’s continuous neglect of his own self care, and also the fact that he’s clinging onto you 24/7. 
“It doesn’t matter.” He shrugs, pinching your cheek. Heck, you should be glad he wants to be with you for the majority of the days. But you can’t tolerate him when he’s constantly complaining about being tired, although making little to no efforts in taking care of himself. Heck- his dark circles got even darker- how is that even possible?
“’Toshi, it really does. You can’t neglect self care.” Your brows furrow when he chooses to ignore your words. “You’re not listening to me.” 
“You should be glad that I want to spend time with you.” 
It stung. What the hell did he even mean by that..?? scoffing, and slightly offended, you reply “That’s not the main issue.” you cross your arms “We’ve talked about this before, remember?” You reason out, giving him the nice benefit of the doubt. You'd like to be civil here. 
He ignores you once more, and you can actually feel the irritation grow within you. “I don’t want to be the reason why you neglect yourself.” 
“I’m really not, okay?” He retorts back, “Why do you always have to bring up things that don't matter?” 
Aggitated, you snap back “Wh- we’re talking about you! Hitoshi, we’ve talked about this- and you said you’d work on it! do my words mean nothing to you?” Hitoshi’s gaze flickers up, only staring at you, as if it was his own way of judging you and your intent. 
And that’s how it erupted into a full fight, and into your eventual breakup. 
You didn’t know how expressing your genuine concern for him blended into him saying things he’d never mean in his entire life. He doesn’t stop you when you walk out, not saying a thing at all
There was no verbal breakup. It was just.. there. 
The unknowing bartender interrupts the nonverbal tension, “I thought you’d be a lot happier, y’know.” 
“..’ll get going now, thanks again.” Before you know it, Hitoshi’s hooking your arm around his shoulders— as he walks to the door, leaving the very familiar bar.
It’s awkward, surely. You’re not sure why he was there, and you’re not so sure as to why he decided to come to your aid in the first place. If Maki called him, and he was requested to come to you in question, then he could’ve just..
“..sent someone else,” You mumble. You reek heavily of alcohol, and your skin is undeniably warm. Frankly, he doesn’t remember the last time you were like this— was it the first time you had a drink? it was years back at this point.
You’re pretty.
That’s one thing that hasn’t change. Surely, what changed things was the fact that he said some.. horrible things— and refused to even listen to your concerns, which ultimately cause your breakup. His relationship status changed into some lonely and young hero, and his heart ached in different ways.
But you’re still very beautiful, to him.
Doesn’t matter if you’re all dolled up for a hero interview, or a mess on a off saturday. You’re still beautiful.
But now— he’s focused on your words, and he’s taken aback when you continue to speak, causing the both of you to stop in the middle of the sidewalk.
“You’ve coulda asked s-someone else to pick.. me up.” Your words are slurred, a normal side effect of being drunk. However, seeing your ex has surely sobered you up.
“That’s true,” Shinsou moves to continue walking, so you guys weren’t standing on the middle of the side walk on a cold early morning.
“What are you even doing at a bar at 1am?” He changes the subject, but you’re still caught on to your previous question. “You didn’t answer my question at all, meanie.” Her grip is firm, so there’s no way of budging it.
His laugh lacks humor, yet he feels obligated to answer her. Or else they’d be stuck on the sidewalk, due to her hero grip.
“It didn’t feel right,”
“Yeah sure.” You grumble, “Because you suddenly care.”
“I’ve always cared, Y/N.”
“Really?” You say, not really believing him anyway. “You seemed pretty sure with your words back then to care.” Despite being toxicated, your words have undertones of venom
“You may say that, but.. I’ve always cared.”
“Then why the hell did you say all of that back then, huh?” Overwhelmed by seeing your ex, who you still fucking loved by the way— tears grow at your eyes. “If you’re lying, stop it.” You say, literally not in the mood to be lied to right now.
You’re literally being carried by your ex, while intoxicated, while also having a throbbing headache.
“I’m not.” Hitoshi answers firmly. A certain edge grows in his throat, and he hates it.
“Yes you are,” Your voice is now wobbly, it’s really just a mix of your overwhelming emotion, as well as your drunken state. “You would’ve told me that weeks ago!”
You were always right, and he knows it. Ever since from the last moment you shared with him, your words were just.. nothing but the sheer truth. Yet, he’s only hurt you— because of his denial.
He knows you’re right, and he knows that he had his habits of neglecting his own care. Though that’s why he decided to change, that you were in fact- correct all this time.
And he was just an ass to even admit it.
“You’re right,” His fists crumple, grip tight as he fights his sudden urge to break. “You were always right. I’ve always cared, and you’ve always cared about me. Yet I was worried of changing, not being around you just so that I could take care of something that’s not really important-”
“But you are, Hitoshi,” You sob, nearly collapsing onto the ground— “You matter so much, yet you don’t even see it, and if I’m going to contribute to your destructive ways— then...”
“How could you? If you don’t care about my words, then do you care about yourself..?”
Shinsou sighs, bending down to meet your level— you’re gasping and sobbing into his chest, tears angrily running down your cheeks.
“I know, kitten, and I’m sorry.” Wiping your tears with his thumb, he speaks once more. “That’s why.. I’ve thought about what you’ve said, and I decided to take care of myself a bit more, I want you to know that.. I do care.”
You glance up at him, the city lights luminating his face— enough for you to see the adorning expression he’s sporting.
“..really?” You speak, in a nearly hush tone, again— you’re still very drunk, and overwhelmed with emotions. This could’ve been passed off as a fever dream, and you could’ve been normal with it.
“Yes, Y/N.” His mouth perks up into a small smile.
“Then.. would you allow me to start over with you again?”
Pushing against Hitoshi, you envelope him with your arms— it’s almost cliché and dramatic, the way you collapse into his arms like it’s the last day on earth.
But.. Shinsou’s glad he has you again. Finally a chance to prove that he’s changed.
You sit on the counter of your apartment, hands covering your face— as a way to shield your eyes from the prodding sunlight that peaks from the windows.
“This should help,” Hitoshi hands you a cool glass of water, “The way you hold your alcohol is terrible,” You chug down the glass of water, and you take a jab at him with your feet.
He hisses at the sudden attack, and only chuckles, “You’re mad because it’s true kitten,” He teases
“Shut up,” You draw him in with your leg, setting the glass down, “Just kiss me already,”
And so he does, pressing your lips against his— savoring the sweet warm moment he’s been practically starved of for nearly 4 months.
He pulls back, his expression showcasing that he’s tasting the aftermath.
“Ew, you taste like beer.”
You glare at him, and take another light jab, “Of course I do, Idiot.”
Despite saying all of that, he pulls you in once more.
       ˚✧₊⁎❝᷀ົཽ ❝᷀ົཽ⁎⁺˳✧༚
likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading (literally the first fic i’ve ever posted, so y’all BETTER like it or i’ll 💀)
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei, i only own the writing
do not plagiarize my work :)) (literally don’t, it’s 3:26am on a tuesday.)
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mihorapendeja · 3 years
happier than ever | tsukishima x you
the one shot in which tsukishima basically falls for a female version of everyone's favorite sunny tangerine.
genre: fluff/soft core smut lmao i haven't done this in years i feel silly but here you go
pairing(s): kei tsukishima x you (referred to as "ria kihira" in part 1 bc this was originally going to be an OC thing but nvm a/n's: show this some love and interaction pls.
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❝Again?❞ Even though Tsukishima complained again, this time he made it easier for her as he even stood completely still. Such a good boy.
❝Let her beat your face!❞ Shoyo exclaimed as she smiled in delight, then moving on to pat the powder puff on his stupid face. Of course she only took a few seconds for him, but all the time in the world for Hinata.
While the two chirped about the new reboot trailer for Dexter, Kuroo's sleazy self slid beside his lanky child with an extra smug look on his face. That man was a menace.
❝Say, don't you think they look related?❞
Tsukishima was a difficult man to catch off guard, but right then and there, a mini existential crisis kicked in. His eyes darted back and forth between Shoyo and Ria Kihira, the makeup artist on set for the commercial filming day.
Kei knew Kuroo was a slut for all the pretty things in life — he constantly had a trope of hot women surrounding him.
But this time, he'd really outdone himself.
Not a stupid man entirely, a huge shit-eating grin formed on Tetsuro's face. He followed Kei's eyes who desperately wandered back and forth their matching hair, skin tone, lack of height... "please let it be a mere coincidence because it's bad enough that—" Kei shut his own intrusive mind from further thinking as he slapped his hand over Kuroo's mouth shut. Tight.
That hyena laugh was not being unleashed today.
ca. 2019, on set of a commercial for one of Kuroo's production companies. After Tetsuro had defeated Kei in a game of beer pong, he had to comply with the loser's bet -- be part of the damn commercial along with Shoyo, for a viewership boost. So he said. Ria was the makeup artist on set that day, and it pretty much went from Tsuki acting like a feral cat who didn't want to be touched by any makeup tools, to blissfully passing out in a chair while she gently stroked his face with a soft powder brush.
Near the end of the day when he'd no longer back away from her with animosity, it was Kuroo's stupidly astute observation that left him rattled. The boy was put into a choke hold because he refused to like someone with the same orange hair and milky skin tone as Hinata. Someone equally bright, bubbly, and stupid ... yeah that refusal didn't last long. Ria spoke her mind so freely, being direct but never pleading because she respected herself in that regard. He liked that and before Kei knew it, he found himself admitting to her that he was, "actually quite fond of you." She understood it was his way of saying those pesky 3 words, 8 letters.
THE ALARM CLOCK rang it’s deathly siren like tone, nearly sending you into cardiac arrest. Although he defensively stretched an arm out over your chest as if ready to protect, Kei did not get up.
Of course he wouldn't.
Like every morning at 4am, it was you who suffered the most when getting out of bed to grab the phone to silence that torture down. As you had deeply sighed and turned to face the bed, Tssuki was now face up with the covers all the way up to his nose.
Even in your groggy state, you could tell he was smirking. That smug bastard stared at you intently, dead still. While Kei typically minded his own business and was at times thought of as quiet, the boy was definitely not shy. You wouldn't call him a total flirt, but he could so hold onto a gaze without so little as batting a long eyelash.
Kei was, extremely competitive. Lightning would have to strike his literal eyes to keep them from staring at you, specifically at your curvy thighs.
The way your soft cotton shorts rode up them was always a very pleasant sight, so he just kept staring, happily.
He loved that little penguin walk you busted into every morning when shutting the alarm off.
It’s like you couldn’t balance properly, and he swore that you were always shorter looking in the early hours of the day. He didn’t know how you could lack more height than you already did at barely 5 feet 2, but it always seemed that way.
It was especially cute, like he could just grab you and keep you in the palm of his hand.
Tired, you sat back down on the bed. You scooted until meeting the headboard, and then just let her head dip back.
It was so incredibly peaceful until you could no longer ignore his obvious glaring. “If you’re awake already, why don’t you get up?”
“It’s barely 4:05,
we don’t go in till 5am.”
He said so factually that you just deeply exhaled. Tssuki was definitely not a morning person, and neither were you.
Even though you were much more energetic, it was a Friday and you could not wait for the end of the workday already.
While Tssuki could be late to practice because let's be honest, few would even confront him, you could not pull off the same irresponsibility.
You cared way too much, and in general, hated the feeling of being late to anything. "Come on." You murmured, nudging Kei as he completely ignored you and kept on sleeping.
You waited for another minute before climbing out of bed, grabbing his attention once again. This time, your black shorts were scrunched further up. So far up that your ample ass cheeks were out in all their glory.
“Arigato, thank you god.”
Nishinoya would say.
“Well I’m not as naturally good looking as you so I’m gonna go shower and start getting ready.”
You huffed, truly riling Kei up inside. Hearing you say that genuinely made something inside of his stomach stir, so he instinctively reached out towards your wrist.
Even in the dark room, he could see your face clearly and tell you weren’t joking. "The fuck is wrong with her?" He thought, not angry, but extremely concerned because you weren't fishing for a compliment.
The two of you had been together for over 3 years now, and so he more than knew that you were not that kind of girl.
Yes, you lacked height at 5’2, but you were physically strong. Literally, you could carry all the grocery bags in one go with no issues. Lifting abilities? Check.
Even though Tssuki cruelly chose the apartment with extra high kitchen shelves, you would never ask for help to reach for stuff. "Help I can't reach" was not a phrase that existed in your world.
Literally, he’d sometimes walk in for some juice and find you on top of a chair reaching for something, if not on the literal counter tops to store items.
Independent? Check.
Resourceful? Check.
On top of all that, you had a voluptuous body he thought was fucking scrumptious. He understood that the norms for women in Japan could be vicious, especially if you weren’t a slender door like he was, but despite your insecurities, you still wore it all so well. You didn’t let it stop you from wearing whatever you wanted (as you should).
At times he did think you were a little bit stupid for fretting over such body image issues, but Tssuki was okay with that.
He didn’t want a know it all like himself, that be beyond insufferable.
Before he knew it, you were teaching him a thing or two as well. So Tssuki then knew you were not a vapid pick me girl, and that was honestly a pretty big turn on for him.
SPEAKING OF TURN ons, Kei found it incredibly hot to have you pinned beneath him, like you currently were.
It wasn’t an ingenue kink, to have you below him so submissively and weak, no. It was the way you fought to assert yourself, and the way you writhed. The way you tried to break free was no half assed attempt either.
Sometimes you'd even throw in a few knees into it, and Tssuki didn't mind it one bit. Two dominate personalities, things were always bound to be feisty in bed.
This time however, he sensed some a defeat in your soul.
Convinced to rekindle your spirits, his brows furrowed as he lowered himself closer to your pretty face.
“Take that back.” Tssuki growled in a low, oh so sexy deepened morning voice.
“I can’t, It’s true.” You protested, sighing as he pulled himself away only to then wrap his arms around your waist and throw you over his shoulders.
Misreading the situation, you first protested before breaking into full on laughter as he stormed into the shower with you still dangling, kicking your short legs in the air.
You had thought this was playful Tssuki, the version no one was too familiar with.
Except you … and Yamaguchi. You and Yams lived to exchange Tssuki-isms.
You were mistaken when trying to approach him as he had stripped entirely. God, you so badly wanted to touch his defined chest and close the space between —and that’s when your favorite salt mine smirked as he instinctively reached back to swivel the shower handle on.
Grabbing the detachable shower heard, Tssuki sprayed you down.
"That son of a bitch." You thought, having jumped back in shock, literally. The water was so fucking cold.
Tssuki raised a brow, testing you. On one hand, he thought you looked like a helpless kitten that was abandoned on some random parking lot on a rainy day.
He was an asshole, but if he ever came across a lonely stray cat, he'd so scoop it up and take home for some warm milk.
On the other hand, he thought you looked even more hot with the way your baggy shirt now clung onto every part of your curvaceous body.
Tssuki had to exhale as he saw your nipples peaking through your smaller but perfect chest. He just wanted to cup your perky tits, squeeze them and hear you moan in delight—your hot breath on his ear as you rested a side of your face on his.
“Can’t touch me till you take that back.”
He warned as you tried to take a step forward.
“Tssu— you whined, sighing as you crossed your arms, cold.
“Admit it, you’re beautiful. Say it.” He insisted as you tossed your head back. "I’m beautiful … kinda, I mean” you trailed off, too distracted by your own cruel thoughts to notice when he raised the shower head again to spray you down.
“Ouch!” You gasped this time, burned by the super hot water. Tssuki turned, realizing that instead of increasing the water’s pressure, he had turned it to the hot side.
Steaming hot.
He rubbed them back of his neck, sheepishly trying to play off. That stupidly cool bathroom is literally what had sold him into choosing that apartment.
After a long day of training, having a large bathtub to soak in, or large walk in shower that doubled as a sauna to rest in was a treat. Not only that, but curative. You swore that this man's epsom salt baths were the reason his long limbs were always good to go, pain free.
Tssuki rushed to place the shower head back on, pushing a few buttons on the digital control panel to get some therapeutic steam going.
On a good morning, he'd already have you pinned to the wall. Your face buried into his neck as Tssuki spread your ass apart, drilling his every inch into you.
But sadly, this wasn't a good morning ... yet. When you waved a hand out in defeat, eyes swelling with tears, Kei grabbed you right before you could step away.
You slammed into his chest with a light thump as he then grabbed your shoulders to keep you balanced. "My clumsy pumpkin." He thought as you raised your head to meet his warm eyes.
Tssuki lowered his face, gently planting a kiss on your forehead. Pulling away, he grabbed your arm & extended it out as he begin to plant a trail of kisses over the burned-pink area. His kisses deepened the closer he got to your neck, stopping only when at your jawline.
Now, the two of you were staring directly at each other, his eyes radiating all the comfort you wanted to see: love, adoration, lust. It was so quiet, but your heartbeat was so damn loud.
His actions were doing all the talking. Now completely soaked, you looked down at the hem of your shirt as Tssuki grabbed both ends and begin to lift the blouse up and away from you.
Left in nothing but shorts, he kept his eyes locked on you as you nodded while he lowered himself to help you out of them.
Now, completely naked, he just stared at you in awe.
You were his goddess, and he was going to happily worship, service, respect, love.
“I don’t know why you hesitate” he softly whispered as you took in a deep breath, suddenly feeling overly emotional. Near tears kind of overwhelmed.
To keep yourself from actually sobbing, you cleared your throat to speak up, “I love my job, but I guess sometimes working with so many beautiful models, I can’t help but to compare my—
Tssuki had heard enough about your delusions. His hands flew the sides of your face, pulling you in for a deep kiss. You felt such a thrill surging through your body as he so easily hoisted you up.
It was your favorite thing in the world, to wrap your legs around his long torso, and it was Tssuki’s favorite thing to dig his hands into your firm ass, your soft thighs.
Pulling away, he takes slow steps forward so your back gently meets the wall. With one hand, he caressed your face , thumb gliding over your cheek before connecting his forehead with yours.
“As I was saying, - I don’t know why you hesitate to say it, but I think you’re the most beautiful person in this whole goddamn world.”
A pesky tear escaped onto your cheek, and Tssuki blotted it away with a kiss, burying his face closer to yours. So close your noses are now touching.
When he wanted to, Tssuki could be so completely soft.
“You don’t know every single person in this world.”
You laughed, still touched by his bold declaration.
“I mean it. Waking up to you every morning I think wow, I’m so lucky.”
He admits as you then break into another chuckle. “You’re so full of shit, that’s not the first thing you think of.”
Tssuki pulls on your lower lip down with his thumb, chuckling back. “You idiot sandwich I didn’t say it was the first thing, but it’s a close second.”
You find yourself laughing out loud, his frisky smile fully plastered on his face as your nose scrunches in that way he finds so fucking adorable.
“Begone negativity.” He both teases and shudders at the thought of how Suga burned that in the back of his mind.
“Do I have to sing that stupid One Direction song to you?” Tssuki then jokingly added as your eyes widened.
“You wouldn’t!”
“You’re right that’s disgusting.” He scoffed, hoisting you further up as he took your breath away with another kiss, this time, his hands running through your hair.
It was always a mystery with him, never knowing if he was going to pull on your hair, or caress it.
This time however, as his tongue slipped into your mouth, eager, you couldn’t help but to squeal. You had to give it to him, the man was great at multitasking. While he deepened the kiss, Tssuki tapped the melody of that dumb song on your thighs as if drumming.
"You're insecure, don't know what for, you're turning heads when you walk through the door / don't need makeup to cover up, being the way that you are is enough --
Everyone else in the room can see it
Everyone else but you
Baby, you light up my world like nobody else
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed
But when you smile at the ground, it ain't hard to tell
You don't know, oh, oh, you don't know you're beautiful."
Tssuki had really taken SMACK MY ASS LIKE A DRUM to a whole other level, and you couldn't even be mad about it.
"Having fun, ya happy doing that?" You teased as he now gave himself a quick rub, fully erect. Your man was so well endowed and that was both exciting and terrifying at times. While you loved dominant Tssuki, today he was a bit more mellow and less gimp man.
"Fuck, Kei-" You moaned as he slowly entered you, rubbing your clit with his thumb, the pressure just right. "I'm definitely having fun, in fact" he smirked as you moved down to slam yourself further into him, begging for more, "I'm happier than ever."
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luminisvii · 3 years
i love char and gundam loves him too so because i am BORED i'm gonna rate all characters that the wiki tells me qualifies as a char clone!
many of these men will be rated on aesthetics and their wiki blurb alone since i have not watched all gundams
i tried to include pics but it SAID i can only use ten. WHAT? how am i supposed to rate how sexy they are?
Char Aznable
the man. the myth. the legend. i love him so much. hes super fucking hot bc of how bad he is. like an absolute madlad he goes around destroying the zabis and giving amuro hell. hes so good that despite being on team evil he regularly tops popularity polls and is widely regarded as being super attractive. im asexual but i agree. char is supreme. he and his red mobile suits cannot be topped. 20/10
Quattro Bajeena
now, char might be evil, but this guy is totally a stand up dude who is definitely not char. and the hyaku shiki? top tier. also very sexy. maybe char should take a lesson or two from this lovely man. 18/10 could not possibly be char himself
Glemy Toto
i have not watched ZZ. this dude upholds the tradition of stupid ass names in gundam. he just kinda look like hes a good person, though, which would be nice, but i prefer the evil men here. 6/10 love the idiotic name
Afranche Char
apparently a literal char clone. don't give a fuck. 1/10
Carozzo Ronah/Iron Mask
this guy really takes the mask thing seriously. i have also not watched F91. i love the just robot lookin mask and the purple color scheme. 8/10
Anavel Gato
this guy is kind of a chump. i get the feeling i'm supposed to find gato very cool, but all i could see was a total loser pushover as long as it was in the name of zeon. although to be fair, he was basically one of the most enjoyable characters in the mess that is stardust memory. 7/10 too much of a zeon apologist
Chronicle Asher
i called gato a chump but this guy looks like a tool. hes got the mask! i know nothing about victory gundam but this guy looks like, okay. 5/10
Schwarz Bruder
im ignoring the other guy listed with him on the wiki bc Herr Bruder is in fact, awesome. he isn't on team evil like some others, but he doesn't need to be. hes a JESTER NINJA. what's not to love? somehow, despite me thinking i knew the twist that was coming, he was still full of surprises. you cannot possibly predict the actual twist here. he really teaches domon how to get shit done. 15/10 absolutely sublime take on the trope
Zechs Marquise
not only is he voiced by takehito koyasu, but he chars so hard he chars three times as fast! we LOVE his dedication to being a char clone. i will never forget how treize challenged him to a fair fight and he was just like nah lmao. you go you stinky man! 10/10 for char-ing hard
Lancerow Dawell and Jamil Neate
i am fascinated by after war X and i'll watch it one day. it seems like the wiki is confused about these two and is going with very surface level details for these two being char clones. however i'll rate them both higher bc i think mr. neate's sideburns and glasses are just top tier character design. 9/10
Harry Ord
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Rau le Creuset
i think i saw him in the like three episodes of SEED i watched. he definitely looks the part. seems kinda lame though. 6/10
Athrun Zala
this kid is hilarious, and also the most likable character i met in SEED, and he even has a quattro phase as he goes by alex dino! we'll give him points for effort. 9/10 you tried
Neo Roanoke
definitely not mu la flaga. hes also voiced by takehito koyasu. his mask looks kinda dumb, but i think the long hair look upgrades my man mu. takehito koyasu makes everything sexier. 8/10 bc i also simp for dio brando
Rey Za Burrel
how many char clones does the SEEDverse have? i do appreciate rey's early 2000s brooding anime boy look, though. 5/10
Gilbert Durandal
WHY ARE THERE SO MANY SEED CHARS!!! this guy doesn't even look like a char clone, but he has the same voice actor and also apparently tries to drop shit on earth. we stan a king, honestly. 6/10 being in SEED deducts points
Hal Vizardt and Vladi Zarth
the wiki wont even give me a picture of these guys. 2/10 they get a point each
Ali Al-Saachez
i hate this guy. he sucks. normally i would find such endless villainy entertaining, but ali simply cannot work it in a way that's fun to watch or even in a way where you're like 'he's got a point.' he just sucks and i wish he could have been funny. we already have a char clone in graham anyway, so why are you here? bitch. 0/10 i was waiting for him to die
Graham Aker
he has all the tropes of being a char clone, and i loved him at first bc of his flair for drama and poetry, but alas! he got more and more sidelined for a different motherfucker. it's okay graham, i still love you! your mr. bushido phase was hilarious! 9/10 you deserved so much more
Full Frontal
hes getting points for the hilarious name but thats it. he is otherwise very boring. you cannot make me love a man just bc he is a literal char clone. 3/10
Zeheart Galette
AGE is also on my "deeply fascinated" list. eventually, eventually. i kinda dig this one's look. 7/10
Tatsuya Yuuki
initially, i hated yuuki bc i thought he was beating on middle schoolers for fun, but then i learned the dude is so goddamn passionate about gundam that he HAS to share it with others and honestly? king shit. while he's technically a char clone, i think he's actually a graham aker clone. the dude stans 00. an admirable position to be in. i love yuuki so much and hes my favorite build fighters character. 15/10 i will always respect the meijin
Captain Mask
the name is hilarious. hes got a cool mask too. i'll maybe watch recon one day bc of how ridiculous the reputation is. 8/10
Lady Kawaguchi
the rare female one, and proves that the kawaguchi name requires you to be extra as fuck. compared to yuuki's raw passion, she's cool and knows it, and doesn't need to flex. sadly doesn't get to do a lot. 10/10
McGillis Fareed
MCGILLIS MY BELOVED!!!! perhaps the only char clone that matters. this dude brings back the classic level of backstabbing, the supreme attractiveness, and in general, being an awful person. but i can't help but feel for the guy. he was trying his goddamn hardest to overturn a fucked up system. he also simply could not fathom having friends. mcgillis might only do the mask thing for a little and also wears a wig (McWiggis) but i forgive him, because the moves he does in bael are truly sexy. i adore mcgillis i have to rate him high but he cannot overtake the classic. 19/10 would let him betray me
Kyoya Kujo
even the wiki doesn't seem confident in this one. i like his look though. hes kinda got some gentle eyes, so i will assume he's the more quattro flavor of things. 6/10
Masaki Shido
Honorable Mentions:
Master Asia
i didn't think he truly qualified as a char clone. he hits the villain thing and technically has some ideals aligned with char ? but he's a little too different. lacks majority of the archetype tropes. i still love him though 9/10
hes got a mask and wants revenge. definitely not gaelio. the problem is, we already have mcgillis in IBO. i just don't register gaelio as being a char clone, because mcgillis is out here being the worst. gaelio is a wonderful character in his own right for all the opposite reasons that mcgillis is fantastic for being the worst. 10/10 i want nothing but the best for him
Ulube Ishikawa
just bc he has a mask covering half his face and is evil doesn't mean he's a char clone, wiki! and how dare you take away from schwarz just to be like "well ulube has a mask" WE HAVE ONE ALREADY!!! i also hate ulube. he is not a particularly charismatic character, but he isn't supposed to be. 2/10
and thus is my arbitrary ranking of the char clones. some people think char clones are bad. i for one, love them! i hope future entries have more masked men.
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Little Klaus (1)
In which Klaus is somehow deaged and the siblings take advantage of this. Also Ben's alive BC fuck you he ain't dead in my books.
When Klaus woke up he didn't notice anything different. He didn't feel different, look different or act different.
So why is it that when he went downstairs to line up for lunch (as usual) there were five strange adults in the living room?
This lead Klaus to where he was now, backed against the door he entered by and staring at the adults, who seemed to be staring at him.
"W-who are you people?" He said, cursing himself mentally for stuttering over the first word, "What are you doing here?"
"Is anyone else seeing a baby Klaus?" The Asian man muttered, eyes flicking disbelievingly between the other adults and Klaus's own.
Klaus stepped back again, "H-how do you know my name?! Where's my siblings!?" Panic had begun to rise in his chest, and he slowly started to open the door behind him, inch by agonizing inch.
"What are we supposed to do?" A man clad in leather asked, ignoring Klaus's questions, "He clearly has no clue what's going on!"
"Klaus," a smaller woman asked, getting down onto her knees (not that it was necessary, Klaus was sure he wasn't that much shorter than her), "we aren't here to hurt you, I promise. Can you tell me what year it is?"
Green eyes flicking from each adult with panic, he answered hesitantly, "2001, why?"
A rush of hushed whispers filled the room at his answer, but Klaus had finally opened the door to an amount he could slip out of and he wasn't planning on overstaying his welcome. The 12 year old flew out of the room, taking off his clunky shoes as he ran (they were slowing him down) and running barefooted throughout the mansion.
"Come on," he muttered, panicked tears pricking at his eyes, "the others have to be somewhere!"
Hearing the yells of the adults behind him only made him panic more, and he ran over the polished wooden floors, skidding and slipping as he went but never once staying in the same place for a second. As he was heading towards the bedrooms (he was sure if his siblings were anywhere they'd be there, heading down for breakfast) he ran straight into Five. The two collided and fell to the ground, rubbing their heads before clocking each existence. Five's brow furrowed in confusion before Klaus grabbed him and shoved him into the ex-junkies room, and he shoved a chair against the door in a pitiful attempt at a barricade. Still confused, Five spoke up.
Klaus's face crumpled, and he flung himself at the 13 year old (who to be frank didn't look much different at 12). "Five," he breathed out in a panicked voice, "I-I can't find the others! Diego and Vanya, even Luther is missing! And dad isn't anywhere to be found! All I found were five adults downstairs, and I don't know who they are. I'm so glad you're ok!" His eyes had filled with tears and he buried his face into Five's neck.
"Klaus," Five asked gently, putting his arms awkwardly around the pre-teen, "W-what year is it?"
"2001, but what does it have to do with anything?"
***le time skip before this gets super long***
"So, let me get this straight," Klaus stated, "The year is 2019, these people are obviously our siblings judging by the tattoos and what I'm assuming is Vanya's lack of one, and you are in the body of a 13 year old because you travelled forward in time to prevent the apocalypse and it did some weird doolally kinda space stuff and left you like that?"
Raising his eyebrows at the choice of words, Five simply said, "Yes."
"Huh. Ok. Then why am I twelve instead of..." He paused to count on his fingers, "30? Holy hell!" His eyes widened comically, "You guys are really really old!"
Laughing gently, Ben responded, "We don't know Klaus."
"I should assume that it's something to do with the space-time continuum being messed up," Five murmured absently to himself, "but with the timeline being as fragile as it is right now I am exceedingly reluctant to mess about with it some more."
"Wait," Klaus cried, "Are you saying that I'm gonna be stuck as the youngest sibling now??!!"
"Oh, this is priceless!" Diego crowed, a large grin on his face, "Who'd have thought large beansprout Klaus would end up being the baby?"
"Oi!" The pre-teen shouted, pouting, "I'm not a baby at all!"
"You sure look like one," the leather clad man teased, and Allison huffed out a laugh, thwacking him on the head.
"Behave, you idiot," she admonished, "it's gotta be scary being stuck in that situation. It could just as easily be you."
"So," Five started, "if Klaus is going to be stuck like this for the moment, unless it doesn't wear off in which case it's permanent, I think we should try and let him get to know us and start to live a normal life."
"TRUTH OR DARE!" Klaus screamed in excitement, already running to the living room to plop himself on a couch, "SCHNELL SCHNELL!"
***another time skip Yeet***
Eventually everyone was sat in the living room (Five and Luther may have needed a little bit of coaching to get them there) and Klaus grinned widely in glee.
"Youngest to oldest, so me then Five, then in numerical order we can go Vanya, Ben, Allison, Diego and Luther!" He crowed in excitement, before turning to Five (who was quietly drinking his coffee).
"Five, truth or dare?"
Thinking for a moment, Five responded, "Dare."
"I dare you..." Klaus pondered, before pouting cutely, "I can't think of anything."
Ben leaned over and whispered into his ear, and Klaus perked up significantly, "I dare you to sit in Allison's lap for the rest of the game!"
Unable to stay mad at the seance's adorable excitement, Five grumbled good-naturedly as Allison pulled him into her lap. Five quickly turned to Ben, eager to get the attention off himself.
"Ben, truth or dare?"
"I'm gonna be boring and go with truth."
"You never know what music's on the radio now, so I have to ask, what is it that you're always listening to in your headphones?"
Laughing shyly, Ben answered, "It's... It's Kpop. Korean pop. I don't know how I got into it, I think big you introduced me to it Klaus," he laughed, getting the youngest's attention.
"Really, who's my favourite groups?"
"Well, you thirst over Jungkook from BTS," Ben teased, watching Klaus turn crimson, "but your favourite groups at the moment are BLACKPINK and Hellovenus."
"Can you show me them after we're done?"
"Sure." Ben turned to Vanya, "I think Five just wanted to ask me that question and forgot the order haha, so Vanya truth or dare?"
"Hmm... Dare."
"I dare you to pick an outfit out of big Klaus's wardrobe and wear it all day!"
Laughing incredulously, Vanya made her way to Klaus's bedroom. 5 minutes later, she came down in a pair of tight leather shorts, mesh top with a loose crop top (with the word GAY in pink on black) over the top of it, and a bright pink feather boa. "Look at this madness!" She laughed in delight, shimmying over to Klaus who was giggling non-stop. She took the feather boa off and hooked it around his skinny torso, and Klaus burst into belly laughter as she shimmied it closer towards her.
"Vanya," he laughed, "Stop it! It tickles!!"
"Oh does it really?" She smiled, "Couldn't tell, truly!"
While trying to escape the feather boa, Klaus hadn't noticed Diego sneaking up behind him and lifting him up.
"You seriously thought we'd forget how ticklish little you was? Shame on you Klaus!" The leather clad man laughed as Klaus kicked his bare feet.
"No, please don't tickle me!" He giggled nervously as Vanya stepped towards him, wiggling her fingers menacingly.
"Sorry, what's that? I couldn't make it out between the giggles," she teased, and as Klaus opened his mouth to speak again she started tickling his armpits.
Klaus instantly began giggling, kicking his legs in the air in a weak protest against the tickling. He had always been weak and frail against his siblings, the slightly too skinny one, the one who was sensitive. His protesting was half hearted as his mouth spewed out bubbly giggles.
"Nohohoho fair! Vanyahahahaha plehehehehease!!!"
"It has been too long since we tickled him," Allison laughed, Five still on her lap. The teen was looking at the scene in front of him, a rare fond smile on his face.
"Why don't you join in?" Diego laughed, "Luther take the baby from me."
At Allison's squeal of delight, Luther grabbed the kid by the wrists, sitting the underweight preteen across his lap (image BC this is a strange thing to describe???)
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He grabbed the boys skinny wrists and carefully lifted them over his head, pinning them with one large hand against the couch. Knowing he was completely exposed, Klaus just laid there, bursting out into squeaky giggles as Allison went straight for his sides.
"So cute~~" The woman cooed as Klaus helplessly kicked his little feet, struggling to pull down his arms.
"Allisohohohon!! Stahahahahap!"
"Oh no, sweetheart, we're only just beginning!" She grinned, and lifted his shirt up. Klaus began to giggle apprehensively, chanting no's under his breath.
"Oh yes," Allison grinned teasingly, "I remember squeaky toy Klaus, don't the rest of you?"
A manicured nail poked the inside of Klaus's bellybutton, and he let out a squeak. His face flushed red at the adoring coos from his siblings, but he didn't have time to retaliate because Allison lightly scribbled her fingers across his flat stomach, causing him to burst once more into giggly laughter. Eventually, when the woman was done and Luther let him go, Klaus curled up in her lap, giggling cutely as she lightly rubbed his stomach.
"That feel good, Klaus?"
A sleepy nod confirmed her statement, and Allison grinned widely.
"There's not long left, baby, wanna see the game through?"
The final three finally took their turn. Allison had chosen truth, and was told to pick the current cutest UA member (Klaus was an easy win), Luther chose dare and was dared to hang upside down on the railing reciting the entirety of Eminem's Rap God while Klaus was dared to have his bellybutton (his well-known weakest spot) tickled for five minutes non stop. However, at the end of the game, with a giggly little baby Klaus still snuggling into her lap ready to fall asleep, Allison was excited to see how long this would last.
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