#she learns how to make poisons from Grandmama
wolfsuggest · 9 months
Fester: Oh, I don’t really care what pronouns you use on me, but if you get my slurs wrong I’ll set you on fire.
Debbie: You’re so valid, babe. *adds poison to his coffee*
Fester: Thank you, my love.
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bingo6776 · 1 year
Confrontation 2/2
wednesday addams x reader
sorry there is so little dialogue! i have no idea how i want to write wednesday yet. also, this is definitely not proof read, but we move
feel free to give me tips on how to improve, or ideas for more x reader or maybe wenclair fics!
twitter: @mozzarella_ball
ao3: :Im_Just_Gay
Wednesday was well aware that she was difficult, stubborn, and obsessive. They were traits she had spent years cultivating to perfection.
 She never thought that she would one day be wishing she perhaps hadn’t gotten locking her emotions away down to such an art that she was no longer sure how she could express, or even feel them really. In a healthy way, that is.
 That’s why she had warned you against dating her a year prior, oh how you should have listened.
Yet when your mind flicked back to the moment when you had confessed your undying adoration for the dark-haired girl, you didn’t think of the warnings that fell from her lips, only how there seemed to be no real bite to words, and how delicate and cold her lips would feel against your own. It was safe to say that from day one, Wednesday had avoided committing herself to you in a multitude of ways, to protect your untainted heart.
 She had sworn to herself that when you finally saw her for who she was, she would let you go, reasoning that if she kept a modicum of distance between the two of you, she wouldn’t grow overly attached.
But now Wednesday had had a taste of what it was like to be wholly yours, and for you to be hers.
  It was euphoric.
  The bliss that usually filled her, therefore, being suddenly ripped from her because of her own faults made her feel like she had been dropped headfirst into a vat of acid, her skin melting off of her body, the fatal liquid slowly forcing its way to the traitorous organ that was her heart. Wednesday knew she would much prefer for this to be her reality compared to the path her life was taking now, without you.
 Perhaps she was meant to be alone, to continue her bleak existence in solitude, not only for her own sake but to protect those she loved from the destruction she wreaked onto their lives.
 She was a Raven, after all.
 And then she was pulled from herself destructive monologue when her embodiment-of-a-rainbow roommate all but smashed through the door.
 “Okay, Addams, brutal honesty time. You’re in pain, and don’t deny it, its obvious. But you need to get your shit together. I’m sorry you’re suffering, but that does not mean you get to force every student who slightly bugs you to suffer with you,” the blonde huffed, her fists clenched by her side as she stood by Wednesdays bed.
 The furious werewolf only amused the girl, because she could make them suffer, and she would continue to do so, quite happily actually.
 Wednesday only smirked in response, turning back to the novel in her lap – she hadn’t been able to properly read without getting distracted since you had left, yet it was still a good prop for getting people to leave her alone. If you hadt wormed your way into her black heart, she would have had grandmama unleash thousands of curses upon you and your family for being the only thing she could think of.
 However, the book was failing her, if Enid’s consistent rant was any indication. Damn, the werewolf could talk.
 “- you cannot sit in the quad shooting arrows at people chewing too loudly,” that was a reasonable response to Wednesday, maybe Xavier would finally learn some table manners, “and now Yoko is too scared to get any blood bags after you threatened to poison her for calling you ‘Nessy’,” again, beyond reasonable. A bit too lenient perhaps, she’d have to work on her threats. “You need to fix what happened between you and Y/n.”
 “There is nothing to fix,” she gripped her book harder, the hardback slightly bending under the grip, “the relationship wasn’t working. She could not handle me, she left. The end.”
  At that, Enid slowly exhaled through her nose, closing her eyes for a moment as she did so. “You’re my best friend, I’m worried. Y/n’s been avoiding us like the black plague when you’re around, and when she does talk to us, they aren’t the same. You’ve been well, you know, more Wednesday Addamsy, and whilst you might like to think it’s a compliment, its not. A second year almost had a break down when she bumped into you earlier, Wednesday, for gods sake.”
  And for the first time in her life, Wednesday avoided eye contact so actively she wasn’t sure shed eve be able to drag her eyes up from the floor. Not for the second year, no, that was quite amusing to hear, but hearing that you had stopped spending time with your friends because of her hit a nerve she hadn’t expected it to. She hadn’t known you were making sacrifices to your social life to stay away from her.
 “Suck up your pride and apologise, its for the best. You’ll both be happier for it.” And with that Enid went back to her own side of the room, whether from fear Wednesday’s next war path would be in her direction, or simply being over the levels of angst the goth had been showing for the last week, Wednesday did not know.
 Wednesday hoped it was as easy as Enid made it seem.
  Wednesday craved you. She craved your presence, your laugh, your touch. She missed the way you would laugh at whatever soulless pit of media you had fallen down during her writing time, she missed the feeling of you leaning against her as you painted Thing’s nails.
 The never halting force of time meant that one week without you, had turned into a pitiful two weeks.
 Why hadn’t you come back to her, declaring your love for each other as a stronger force than this fight?
  She thought herself pathetic at the way her eyes would follow you wherever you went, latching onto you as if she were memorising every part of you until you walked away from her, again.
 Once, when passing each other in the hallway, she had tried to make your eyes fall on her, to overwhelm her with your gaze.
 You didn’t spare her a glance.
 You had so desperately wanted to fall into the never-ending darkness that were her eyes, to let her swallow you whole, to consume you. But if she truly wanted you, would she have not made some sort of indication already? She hadn’t so much as breathed in your direction for all you knew.  The key words being ‘for all you knew’, being so caught up in your own internal turmoil, you missed her seeking gaze, not seeing the way the tall Stoner girl that was walking by your side shrunk as you ex-girlfriend’s murderous eyes settled on her. She was in Wednesday’s place, by your side. Unacceptable, how dare she.
 A metallic taste filled the sadists mouth as she chewed veraciously on her own cheek to stop herself from calling your name, forcing herself to believe that you are incompatible. She was too morbid and dark, you were too soft, too innocent.
 She missed the way you turned around to catch a glimpse of her retreating figure.
 one week, to two, to three.
 You didn’t know how much longer you could take of not having Wednesday, in any capacity. You had thought she would have cared for you enough to at least attempt to be friendly, as friendly as Wednesday can be anyway. God, you just wanted her to threaten your life, to say she’ll pour silver down your throat in your sleep if you laugh too loudly again, only to smirk in such a small way that only you would ever be able to catch on to it.
 In your eyes, you were made from each other. Soulmates, made from the same stare, destined to live out your lives together. Apparently, she did not, over time you just hoped you could come to terms with feeling as if a limb had been sliced from your body, leaving a gaping wound and an unbearable pain in its place.
 And this is the very reason why in every class the two of you shared, you practically begged one of your friends to switch with you.
 “C’mon, I’ll owe you big time! I’ll do whatever you want for a week,” you all but whined at Yoko, you almost cringed at how desperate you looked when you saw your reflection in her tinted glasses.
 “And how many times do I have to tell you that I do not, in any capacity, have a death wish. I’ve grown rather comfortable in my immortality, thank you very much,” the vampire quipped, adding a quick ‘I learned my lesson last time.’ She still hadn’t drank a meal that she wasn’t scared was tainted with Garlic, she’d run to the infirmary not once, but twice thinking she had been poisoned – the first time she had drank too quickly, so no it was not her stomach pains being the first sign of her death, the second was just pure terror of the Addams’ unwavering eyes staring at her in the quad as she ate, making Yoko certain Wednesday just didn’t want to miss a second of her future torment.
 You looked up at the clock, there was only a few minutes until the class began, you knew the girl you were avoiding with everything in you would be here soon.
Sighing, you pulled out the best weapon in your arsenal. You would have felt guilty if gothic vampire hadn’t looked so smug as you begged for her to switch places with you.
 “If you don’t give your seat up right now, Tanaka, I’m telling Divina that it was you who lost her favourite book, and not Ajax.” Just to ensure you were getting your point across, you looked towards the siren through the classroom window. Divina, the usually calm and collected girl, had literally hunted the gorgon boy until she tired herself out.
 “You- you wouldn’t do that; you know she’d literally banish me from our dorm.”
 “Yoko, I am so far from kidding.”
 After a beat of silence, the vampire gathered her books as quickly as she could, muttering a “I’m going to shove a stick of wolfsbane up your ass.”
 Smiling in response at what you hoped was a joke, offering a dramatic sigh and “I wish it hadn’t come to this, maybe we can be friends again someday,” earning a snort from the now moody immortal.
 You were just glad that Enid had taken pity on you and sat next to she-who-shall-not-be-named in the classes where the rest of the students were too scared to even glance n her direction, for the first week you had just decided not to turn up to lessons. But alas, you were smart, but not smart enough to keep your grades up with no classes, no matter how badly you wanted to never have to lay eyes on the girl who still held your heart in her hands.
 Yet, despite the distance between you and the girl who tore your heart from your chest and thew it to the ground as if it was nothing more than an inconvenience to her oh so important mystery, you missed having her cool thigh against your own, missing the way the smell of ink, and dusty parchment encompassed you.
 Day by day your hopes that she would pull her head out of her ass dwindled.
 Yoko was astounded by how oblivious you were to Wednesday’s dark eyes were burning a hole in the back of your head, as if she could command your eyes to be on her.  
Unsurprisingly, you were both oblivious to the way Yoko was absolutely shitting herself convinced that if she breathed too loudly, or her if her pen was too loud against her paper, the Addams’ eyes would turn to her, killing her on the spot like the most powerful Gorgons used to be able to do, until they became no more than domesticated pet owners.
That class you had taken no notes, too busy trying not to see fi Wednesday was looking at your, Wednesday not having taken any being too busy to do everything to get you to notice her longing filled gaze.
 Of course, Wednesday was also drawing up more plans on how to torture the vampire as she sat beside her, thrumming with barely contained rage and debilitating melancholy.
  It was only when your separation from Wednesday was nearing the one-month mark that she felt she was going to go insane if she didn’t talk to you.
 She couldn’t function without you by her side.
 When she played the cello, the notes sounded dull and lifeless, a shadow of the swooping and haunting tones she used to be able to pull from the instrument when you had sat on the balcony with her, awe glimmering in your eyes, enjoying the comfortable silence that engulfed you once she had finished.
 Her writing had also taken a blow. She may have loved silence, but now she couldn’t handle it unless it was disrupted by your breathing, knowing you were merely feet away from her. One night, she had become so frustrated with the way she couldn’t move Viper’s story forward, she had taken to relentlessly hammering at the keys of her typewriter, no longer gracing them with her usual precise and delicate touch.
 Enid was lucky she still had her life after her threats of throwing the piece of equipment out of the window if there was even another tap on the keys, let alone another god forsaken ‘schwing’ as the werewolf referred to it.
  She hadn’t been able to sleep, her nightmares usually filled with the screams of the boys she’d allowed her piranhas to feast on, or the countless other poor souls who crossed her path, had been replaced with soft dreams of your voice, your hands combing through her hair, whispering sweet nothings whilst she was in your embrace.
 She woke up missing the feeling of drowning in everything that was you.
  She had spent the day watching you from afar in the quad, poking at your food, you would smile brightly at your friends who never noticed the dim look in your eyes.
 Her night consisted of sleeplessness – the only happiness Wednesday pulled from the agony she found in sleep was the dark circles that had grown under her eyes, she thought she looked more and more like a walking corpse each day. It was quite the ego boost.
 Perhaps it was the lack of sleep that made her take the walk across campus to be standing in front of your dorm.
She had been able to walk to the dorm.
Now all she had to do, was actually get into said dorm.
 The Addams would never have thought she would be scared of a door. The psychic knew you were awake, like her you were a night owl and a morning person all rolled into one. That and the soft glow that was seeping from the bottom of the door.
 Gritting her teeth, she opened the door.
  Now was no time for manners.
 At the sudden intrusion, you sat up in your bed, phone clattering to the floor, your eyes were wide and alert, claws having ripped through the blanket that was previously covering your body.  
 “You can’t fuck do that, Wednesday,” you panted out. “I thought I was going to be murdered, Jesus.” The brief shot of adrenaline that ran through your body at the surprise visit stopping you from immediately telling the shorter girl where she could shove her probably half-baked apology.
 ‘I swear to everything good and holy under the moon, if she’s here to ask for my help on the murders, there’s going to be another body added to the list’ is what ran through your head as you stared at Wednesday.
 Completely ignoring your comment, Wednesday made strong and purposeful strides – her façade of confidence completely different to the anxiety bubbling in her stomach as if a thousand scorpions had made their nest there – towards your bed, looking down at you as she left a respectable distance despite how desperately she wanted to launch her body onto yours, wind her arms around your waist as tight as she could and never let go.
 You could slash your claws across every part of her skin, reduce her to nothing but bleeding ribbons of flesh, and she would only hold tighter.
 “I am going to talk, I would greatly appreciate if you would listen until I have finished,” neither of you mentioned the slight waver in her voice.
 “Okay,” was the only word you could think to say, your brain filled with how beautiful she looked shrouded n the shadows of your bedroom. Stupid fucking brain.
 “I am sorry for I have been behaving, before the … event a month ago, and after. It was in no way acceptable for me to place my own obsessions above our relationship as often as I did, it was cruel and unfair,” her eyes bore into yours, searching for any desire you may have for her to leave her.
 “Wednesday, this isn’t going to fixed with a quick and easy apology, I appreciate it, but this wasn’t just a one time thing, it was so many I lost count, there was more than just the ignoring me. You lied about where you were when you put your life in danger, you had neglected every aspect of our relationship until you thought it was an acceptable time for you to remember me, and even then, it was more than likely just so you had a werewolf on your side as protection in the wood,” you looked away from her eyes briefly, before locking with them again. “God, that stupid ass fucking normie, Galpin, probably saw you more in the last week of our relationship than I did in the last month of it. Can you understand how shitty that made me feel, can you grasp that at all?” your chest was heaving from the lack of oxygen you’d had as you forced every piece of pain you had felt over the past month into your words.
 You had only realised you were crying when the salty liquid hit your lips, a headache already forming from the amount of tears you’d spilled over the ethereal girl in front of you.
 “Y/n, I-“ she felt tears welling in her eyes, fighting against the urge to push them back down to the dark corners of her mind,. “I love you more than what I know what to do with. My love for you burns brighter than any star in the sky, my heart beats for you and you only”
 Wednesday felt a singular tear roll down her cheek, you both knew that to the usually emotionless girl it was an astounding portrayal of trust and vulnerability. You were so entranced by the path the tear carved out in her skin, falling from her eyes, and trailing down her cheeks. So entranced that you realised you hadn’t said anything in reply, as you were opening your mouth, Wednesday spoke again, with in a much softer tone than you had ever heard from the girl.
 Wednesday had already walked further into the mess that were her emotions, she decided to let it all go, to let it all burst from her body in such a disgraceful cloud of colour. “I know what I am, I have never denied the parts of myself that make it hard for others to stay with me. They have never bothered me until I finally saw how it was hurting you, tearing you apart, and I noticed too late. I had tried to tell myself it was the best choice for us, we were not meant to be, your love for me misplaced and vice versa. But my love for you could never be misplaced. It has always been you, Y/n, it will always only be you.”
 “If you no longer see our relationship as a possibility, I will understand. I will love you from afar like the moon loves the sun, I will be by your side even if you cannot see me, my adoration unwavering. But.. please. Y/n, please take me back. I will be better for you, i only ask that you be patient and help me become a better person for you. I need you.”
 You stared up at Wednesday, you mouth open as you gaped at not only the words that are filled with the emotion but the way the features on her face had morphed from their impassive stare to utter heartbreak, a desperation to have you be hers again. She could no longer stand the bitter taste that filled her mouth, the sour smells the invaded her nose, that were nothing like the way you taste, the way you smelt. Like a forest ablaze in the most glorious spectacle of destruction.
 No words that you could conjure up would be bale to beat the novelists, so instead you grabbed her hands, pulling her down onto your bed. Your lips found her own as you kissed her as deeply as you could, attempting to pour every ounce of love and passion you held for Wednesday Addams. You skin tingled with a thrumming electricity when her hands held onto your waist, trying to pull you closer as if she wanted your bodies to meld into one.
 You knew dating Wednesday Addams would come with its challenges, Wednesday was Wednesday. she was difficult, stubborn and obsessive. But she was also kind, and loving.
You both fell asleep entwined in the other arms; you had spent the weeks after working on your relationship. Wednesday had learned how to have, you know, emotions and not combust, you had both learned how to communicate better. The only serious argument that had caused Wednesday to give you the silent treatment is when you had told her she would “absolutely adore” the “masterpiece” you would grace her with if she just put on your headphones. ‘Dance Monkey.’ You had made her listen to Dance Monkey, you best believe it’s still used against you in your relationship
 The natural sadist had even finally promised to stop saying she had poisoned Yoko’s blood bags. Although, that didn’t stop her from holding a wooden stake to the vampires back when she had tried to sit beside her in class before you had arrived. And if anyone ever said the vampire would find garlic cloves left outside her dorm every now and then, there would be no way anyone could conjure up any evidence to say it was Wednesday. Her hands were clean.
 Thing still can’t get the smell of garlic from his skin.
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void-botanist · 1 year
Hey! It’s Blursday!
Your characters are invited to my potluck!
Goes way overboard
Grabs something from the store on the way
Brings beverages
Puts something blasphemous in their potato salad
Makes dessert
Has been politely asked to bring plates and cups, because food poisoning does not for a good potluck make
Hey! It is now not Blursday! But the crew of the Nicea is coming to your potluck anyway.
Goes way overboard
Cady. 60/40 chance that he (and Declan) will successfully pull it off. Otherwise he
Grabs something from the store on the way
and cries about it probably. Declan was aware that this was a solid possibility and already thought about what they should get. Spinder will plan ahead and get the best thing at the good store but he's pretty much still in this category.
Brings beverages
Isabel. Literally can't go wrong being the beverage bringer.
Puts something blasphemous in their potato salad
Also Isabel. And if you call it blasphemous she will claim that it's a Gevorad system thing, and if she's lucky Rodney will help her maintain the bit.
Makes dessert
Tristan. She's a so-so cook in general because she put most of her cooking points into learning how to make her grandmama's best dessert. Bo put all of their cooking points into eating and, uh…being moral support for the extra whipped cream.
Has been politely asked to bring plates and cups, because food poisoning does not for a good potluck make
Rodney. He also brought five other things that might be useful that you definitely didn't ask him to bring, but as usual he's partly right.
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deer-trees · 4 years
A list of Addams Family headcanons that I keep thinking abt and need to put somewhere
-The entire family is fluent in American Sign Language not only for Thing's sake, but also for Lurch who uses it occasionally when he goes non-verbal. On occasion he will be too agitated or stressed to do anything but groan, but it's still more comfortable for him to have as a backup.
-Pugsley is constantly getting mail from the U.S military trying to recruit him to engineer explosives for them despite the fact that he is a child. He makes plenty of explosives, but he never sends them once they're finished. He uses it to blow up the recruitment letters. Fester helps.
-Lurch's bedroom is incredibly cramped to minimize restlessness and prevent him from sleepwalking too far at night. He used to sleep in what is now Gomez's office, but the room was so large and so easy to move in that he gathered enough sleepwalking momentum to break down the door and crash through the entire house. He now sleeps very soundly in his coffin-like room in the attic with a nice weighted blanket.
-The family actually enjoys foods colored black with activated charcoal, but only because it makes it so easy for them to ingest poison and then flush it out immediately afterwards. Medical professionals have advised against doing this without calling poison control, but they seem to survive every time anyway.
-The family had a very clear understanding of their family tree at one point, but a common April fools prank in their household consisted of someone going into each book documenting their history and changing it ever so slightly. It has now happened so many times that even those with a perfect memory of their past occasionally get confused about whose side of the family someone belongs on.
-Thing was once attached to a larger body, and it is buried somewhere near the house. Nobody remembers where, least of all Thing. He has since gotten used to sensing miniscule changes in vibrations with his fingertips and palm, which is how he hears and sees without eyes or ears.
-Lurch has had so many injuries and surgeries throughout his life that his skin is mostly scar tissue at this point. This has left him with a bit of nerve damage. When he does feel physical sensations, they're deep in his muscles and bones, but it's difficult for him to sense things like temperature or the prick of a needle since his skin is so thick.
-Wednesday collects apple seeds. Most people outside of the family think this is a somewhat odd but cute hobby, but she is trying to build a large enough collection to create a homemade lethal dose of cyanide. Grandmama is proud of her for learning how to cook.
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achaoticeternal · 4 years
Confidentiality Agreement  [Asset Protection - Part 2]
masterlist // taglist
part 1
A/N: With so many people requesting a part 2 within the first 24 hours of the work being up, I just hade to write a part. I’m so happy you guys enjoyed my Ransom work! Lots of love!
Summary: With the Thrombey clan in quite the rabbit hole, Random and Linda decide it’s best for you to relocate. Will you adjust and stay safe? Word Count: 2.9k Warning(s): Language, Shirtless Ransom, Stalking, creepiness??
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The three of you - Linda, Ransom, and yourself - sat in Harlan’s old office, attempting to discussing plans for a temporary living situation for yourself. For the past half hour, Ransom and Linda had been bickering back and forth about what was appropriate and what would work for all three of you.
“I understand that it would be efficient to have her here, but you already have one investigation going on in this house. Do you want two?” Ransom asked his mother as he si[[ed the brandy from his old-fashioned glass.
“I am not putting my secretary up in some Boston motel or hotel. The world has proven itself to be to dangerous even for a simple girl to be left alone,” Linda spoke as she scribbled words onto a sticky note, “and we still don’t know who invited that backwoods Kentucky detective.”
It somewhat surprised you that the pair could easily talk about you as if you were just another business pawn or not even in the same room as them. “Pardon me, I’m sorry, but I believe Hugh is trying to present another solution.”
Ransom’s nose crinkled slightly when you used his real name. He knew it was only because you were in front of his mother, but it didn’t settle right with him - or at least that is how he put it, “Exactly. I think that the solution is right in front of our nose and we just need to address it.”
There was a pause in the room. 
“Well, go on then,” Linda gestured at her son.
“(Y/N) needs to come stay with me. I have the room in my house, and she’s familiar with me and my habits. Ever since you put her on my tail, I’ve been more ‘behaved’. She’ll have her own room, an office, internet connection. She’ll be quite...” Ransom glanced over to you. His eyes met yours before scanning your face and returning his gaze to your eyes, “comfortable with me.”
The office fell into silence once again as Linda thought over the situation. Maybe you wouldn’t be with her directly and everything her son had said was one hundred percent true. He did come up with quite to solution.
“Fine, but you need to drive her to my office every Thursday and join her on any outings until things seem to calm down in both our current situations,” Linda’s attention turned to you and she sighed, “I guess you should go get your things gathered and pack to stay with Ransom until this all - blows over.”
                                                        -     -     -
“Mother I- I didn’t have much say in any of it. Everything just - no, I understand that, mother. You know coming home couldn’t be an option. I understand the severity of - No, she, - yes okay, the whole family needs me here still. I can’t pause my life just because some creep hid a note- Yes I understand that I was in the ER...” Your mother continued to nag in your ear as you packed your toiletries away. 
Entering your room again, you started skimming over the various suitcases and bags on your bed. Then you crossed over to your desk to make sure all your necessary technology was packed away. This routine kept looping - mother in your ear, frantically checking bags again, finding something else you mostly likely needed.
It didn’t stop until you heard a cough in your doorway. Turning, you caught Ransom leaning against the door frame, an eye brow raised in amusement at your frenzied state.
“Mother, I’ll call you once everything is settled and I don’t have a thousand emails to respond to. I love you too. Yes, tell grandmama I love her. Yes- okay. Bye now,” you hung up the phone and looked to Ransom for any relief.
He walked up to you and glanced over your face just like in Harlan's office. His eyes gave away his thought process of what to say or how to react to your current emotional and mental state. It seemed he finally made a decision when he grabbed your hand, almost in reassurance. 
Ransom opened his mouth to talk, but closed it quickly. His nose scrunched and he licked his lips before beginning to talk again, “I’ll start taking your finished bags to the car.”
                                                       -     -     -
“Do I need to give you a tour, or do you think you know your way around the house?” Ransom quipped, stepping into the modern playboy bachelor pad. Behind him, you tugged in two large suitcases, a  travel bag for toiletries hanging off one shoulder, and your laptop bag hanging off the other shoulder. Should you have made two trips to the car instead? Yes. Should Ransom also at least offered to help? Yes.
Sometimes, it seemed to slip your mind that though Ransom was kinder to you than he was to his family sometimes, he still was never the picture-perfect gentlemen. It didn’t matter if his background fit the story, Ransom never tried to be a gentleman to get further, he just learned how to manipulate things his way.
“Well, I mean, a real tour doesn’t sound bad. You’ve never given me one before and it lets you go ahead and let me know where you don’t want me to go,” You attempted to pull the suitcases over the little bump in the doorway, but they wouldn’t budge with both you and the items being so weighted down, “Can I just get a little bit of help please?”
Ransom sighed, taking both suitcases from your grip. He pushed down the extended handles and picked them up by the clothed handles. Lifting them with ease, he started walking towards the living room and you followed behind him quickly, muttering a small thank you.
“Alright, I’ll show you your room and where you can set up a small office or workspace if you happen to need it,” he set the suitcases down against the wall and you placed your bags on the couch for temporary holding. 
“Sounds good. And then dinner?”
“Sure. We can order delivery I guess.”
“Delivery? Ransom, I’m sure there’s something in this glamorous bachelor’s pad we could make,” you offered him a kind smile, “Besides, it can be some sort of payment or thank you for letting me stay with you for a while.”
The blonde smirked and shook his head a little bit, “I don’t quite mind you being here, you know that you’re one of the few people I... tolerate.”
His words caused a small giggle under your breath, “Okay, so which room will I be in?”
“Follow me,” he walked with a swagger across the floor and began to ascend the stairs. You tried to keep up behind him, but for the first time, you noticed how homey his house was. Fine pieces of art and autographs on the wall, a modern statue that fits well under the modern stairs. If there were pictures of children and a married couple as well, it could’ve been misread as a family home. Shaking your thoughts, you jogged up the rest of the stairs so Ransom wouldn’t think you were lagging behind.
“So this room,” he stepped into the first door on the right, “is my office. I really don’t use it that much, if at all. You’re welcome to set up whatever you like, however you like if you prefer a more formal office.”
“This looks like an office an author would use or sit in for hours.”
Ransom shook his head, “Harlan hopped that would be precisely why I used the office and why it’s eerily similar to his own. But I’ve been clearing out the large bookcases because I’m a man who really enjoys using his space. Let me show you the room, I think you’ll like it.”
The pair of you exited and walked across the to the second door on the left. When he opened the door, he revealed a room that looked like a hotel would book for hundreds - if not a thousand - dollars a night. The queen-sized bed had a white duvet with pillows of soft green hues.with a brass bed frame and bar headboard. A large, birch dresser was against the wall in front of the bed and had a large flat-screen TV mounted above it. One large window took up most of the wall across from the door where you stood. A brass bar lined the top and white, translucent curtains hung at either side. Outside, you could see both the woods and a lively town in the distance, yet also see the watercolor sky. It was absolutely beautiful. 
“Wow, Ransom, this is- perfect,” you were awe-struck.
“I just kind of guessed. I knew you preferred a minimalist aesthetic with a touch of chic so it kind of worked out,” He gave you a half-smile, “so, I’ll bring your bags up later, but dinner?���
“Right. Let’s go dig through that kitchen of yours and see what we can whip up?” You exited the room with Ransom on your tail.
“We?” He questioned.
You looked over your shoulder and threw him a playful smile, “Well it’s not like you’re going to be overly helpful so I’ll be cooking 85% of the meal while you help with a small 15%,” You stopped in your tracks as you looked towards his end of the hall, “Ransom, what behind that door next to your bedroom door?”
“I guess it’s what you would call a man cave. When old friends drop by and their wives are around, the guys and I hang out in there where I keep the good liquor,” he said seamlessly, “No female has ever passed through that door.”
“Ah, alrighty then,” You continued down the stairs with Ransom stalking down behind you, “I better not find leftovers that are older than a week in your fridge. Your mother will have me cleaning it out and I don’t need that.”
Both of you made your way into the kitchen. Ransom leaned against the counter by the sink and pulled out his phone. He knew well enough by now that you’d probably pick out something decent to make and wouldn’t poison him quite yet, or at least that’s how you perceived. 
“Alexa, play Two Chellos,” you called out to the AI before opening the pantry. Inside, it was well-organized thanks to one of your most recent visits. The spice rack was manageable and there was a clear distinction between his pre- and post-workout snacks. You pulled out a bag of jasmine rice and placed it onto the marble island. 
Then, you crossed to the fridge and opened its double doors. First searching through the vegetable door, you grabbed a head of broccoli for a second side to the dish. Once placing it on the island behind you, you started to search for chicken breasts, but your search came to a still. A hand rested itself on your hip as Ransom seemed to accidentally press himself against you as he reached for a water bottle above your head, “Pardon me.” 
Once he stepped away, you let out the breath you were holding in. You shook your head and took a deep breath, reminding yourself that small touch meant absolutely nothing. Grabbing the chicken and broccoli, you stepped away from the fridge and walked to the counter to begin prepping.
“Will you start cubing the chicken while I start on the broccoli and rice?” You asked, bending down to get to cutting board out of a cabinet. When you faced him again, he just seemed to look at you confused. “Never mind, just fill up a small pot with a cup of water and put it on to boil, please.” 
He set his phone face down on the counter as he pulled a small pot off one of the hanging fixtures. Then he made his way across the kitchen as you began to cut the broccoli florets from the stem. Once that was completed and the broccoli was separated into a bowl, you began trimming any leftover fat from the chicken breasts. Finally, you cubed the chicken and scrapped it into a separate bowl.
You crossed towards the sink to drop off the knife and cutting board, along with washing your hands, “Can you please get the soy sauce, honey, brown sugar, and sesame seeds out of the pantry?”
“Yes ma’am,” Ransom strolled into the pantry to get the needed ingredients for the marinade. Once your hands were clean from any chicken bacteria, you went to the stove to take the rice off the heat and fluff it. Then again, you set it to the side and placed a pan onto the gas lit eye of the stove top.
Ransom returned and placed the items, along with the bowl of chicken, on the counter adjacent to you before exiting the kitchen. You hummed to the tune of the cellos as you continued preparing supper. 
As you were stirring the chicken and broccoli in the teriyaki sauce of the pan, Ransom came up behind. His hips pressed against your lower back and his left hand met your hip. The close proximity entranced you by his warmth and his scent, until he placed a glass of white wine to the right of you. His right hand traced up your arm until his fingers rested under your chin.
With ease, Ransom turned your head to look up at him. He closed his eyes, took a sniff of the food cooking in the pan, and the corner of his mouth twitched up slightly. He opened his eyes again, “Dinner smells... delicious.”
Your heart beat against your chest and you realized how close your faces were. Licking your lips, you glanced down to his and back to his eyes before taking a shallow breath. You tried to savor what you could of the moment, but it could easily escalate too quickly, so you asked, “Would you be so kind as to grab us some plates?”
                                                      -     -     -
After diner, the pair of you decided to call it an early night since the past 36 hours had been quite an en devour. All too quickly your life had changed and you barely had time to react, much less cope. So you had taken a nice warm shower, and then slipped into some simple striped, cotton pajamas. 
Everything was peaceful. The fan blowing softly, the Alexa at your nightstand playing rain sounds, and the ease of sleep was astonishing. This was all until a loud crash, like glass breaking, echoed from the kitchen. If that wasn’t enough to only wake you, the loud rev of an engine could awaken a bear in hibernation.
In record time, Ransom was in your room, “Are you okay? Did anything happen up here?” He held a long, narrow knife in one hand as he stood at the foot of your bed in nothing but a tight pair of briefs. 
“I-I’m fine,” You responded, short of breath, 
His brows scrunched together as his mind raced with various thought before, “I’m going downstairs to check,” and he exited.
“No no no, I’m coming with you,” crawling out from the blankets and satin sheets. If an intruder was still in the house, Ransom could most likely overpower them better and quicker than you could. 
He motioned for you to stay behind him, but close, as the pair of you crept down the stairs together. Each step seemed to slow down time and make it harder to breath. This is supposed to be a safe place. Somewhere to lay low and live easy.
You both stalked towards the kitchen, lights coming on with Ransom’s call to the Alexa. Everything was clear. Any intruder was gone. 
As Ransom searched around to verify it was only to pair of you in the house, you looked around the kitchen. Something felt off, but everything still looked the same. You crossed over towards the sink where dirty pans sat when a small twinkle caught your eye. 
Once you approached the sink, the twinkle was confirmed to be a wine glass - the very glass you used earlier that night - that lay shattered on the floor in a pool of red wine. Next to the spill laid a piece of paper.
“RANSOM! Hurry!!!” you yelled out to him as tears began to spill from your eyes.
His stomps echoed at the walls as he met you in the kitchen. Once he saw the you were unharmed besides your tears, he hugged you too his chest. When he didn’t feel you relax into him, he turned his head to wheres your eyes were locked on the floor.
“Fuck!” He let you go as he knelled down to snatch up the paper. He opened it and his eyes scanned the page. He folded it back before standing and pulling you back into his chest. 
No matter how many times he shushed you or rubbed circles against your back, nothing calmed. You wouldn’t be able to relax into him until you saw what the note said.
“I- I need to read it.”
Ransom let you go and opened the paper for you to read. Wiping away your tears, you read:
Maybe a change in scenery will do you some good. You can run, but you can’t hide. Many truths are sure to surface soon
ransom drysdale taglist:
@melannie77 @heyiamthatbitch @hughrxnsomdrysdale @bval-1 @electrictaurus @princess-evans-addict @swagmonstertoes @everythingaboutnothingstuff @givemebooksorgivemedeath @widowlcver @bookgirlunicorn @wangdeasang @dumblani @anhelz @underratedmisfit @moonlightmvrvl @mrspeacem1nusone
asset protection taglist:
@thicc-daddy-evans @shygirl-00 @livingoffsavvyillusions @ms-betsy-fangirl @jessyballet @melannie77 @heyiamthatbitch @lil-lex1 @hughrxnsomdrysdale @bval-1 @electrictaurus @imsonick @princess-evans-addict @elsasshole @cheshire-salvatore-mikaelson @swagmonstertoes @everythingaboutnothingstuff @just-add-butter @insposcollective @widowlcver @sir-samus @wangdeasang @my-favorite-fics-and-imagines @underratedmisfit​ @moolightmvrvl @jianawoods @canny1902​ @aamcqueeny​
** a strike through your username means I couldn’t tag you :(
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rokhal · 4 years
Roberto and Gabriel, Our Cousins from Los Angeles
When Robbie and Gabe first arrive at the Addams house, Robbie realizes that what had sounded too good to be true (long-lost, filthy-rich distant relatives willing to hide them from the cops and supervillains and superheroes indefinitely, no questions asked), really was too good to be true, because every single one of these people is batshit insane.
The first two weeks, they sleep in the library while Gomez’s contractors knock out holes in the exterior walls to mount an elevator. “It’s no trouble, dear cousins!” Gomez bellows. “Sooner or later Granny’s joints will give out, and in the meantime the children will love playing in the elevator shaft!”
“Also, it will be so convenient to lift my African Strangler vine so she can take in the view from the belfry,” Morticia adds.
Despite being so very rich, the bedroom they eventually offer Robbie and Gabe has no mattress on the bed. Just boards covered in an antique buffalo hide. Robbie manages to convince them that Gabe needs a mattress, and they look puzzled before apologizing profusely. “A medical need--of course! We will send for one of those---those soft cushions.” Morticia says this with a slight shudder.
Robbie doesn’t ask for a mattress and moves the buffalo hide onto the floor. It’s...supportive.
After the first couple weeks, Robbie stops sleeping in Gabe’s room and circling around him like a nervous Doberman Pinscher; Grandmama Addams hasn’t poisoned them, Gomez hasn’t actually stabbed either of them, and Pugsley, Fester, and Wednesday haven’t murdered them with one of their explosive punji-stick traps. Gabe’s actually settling in nicely. Usually, normal people are scared of Gabe, because he’s in a wheelchair and he has a speech impediment and they can’t stand anybody who’s not exactly like them. The Addamses don’t have this problem. They just fucking talk with him and ask him questions like he’s a human being, and Gabe loves it. Grandmama teaches him how to feed the piranhas and leeches that live in the tank in the kitchen, and Morticia and Wednesday snag him upstairs for seances, and Pugsley grabs him whenever Uncle Fester is in a mood to teach electrical wiring, and Gomez invites him to blow up toy trains in the attic. Gabe is thriving...and he doesn’t need Robbie anymore.
Robbie might go half a day without seeing Gabe, and when they reunite at dinner, Gabe is always fine, and he’s always happy. It’s a good thing.
Robbie doesn’t need to go to work. It’s not safe for him to leave the house; he’s wanted by the police of three different states, the FBI, the NSA, Interpol, and the Nova Corps. So he hangs out with Lurch, learns how to maintain the Rolls Royce in the garage, and putters around the house, looking at the eerie paintings and the suits of armor and the stuffed carnivores and the endless racks and shelves of guns and knives and poisons.
Robbie doesn’t much care about the Addams’ weapons collections. Eli loves them.
Eli is selfish and lazy, and he also has trouble concentrating. He’d been resigned to leave Robbie in control for weeks on end, back when Robbie was working, because Eli hated drudgery, and if Eli screwed up Robbie’s job, then Robbie might be out on the streets, which was guaranteed to make them both more miserable. It took a good fight, or the prospect of a kill, to really wake Eli up and give him the motivation he needed to fight Robbie for control of the body. But now, with the Addamses taking care of them, they don’t have those considerations. And the Addams house is full of things that Eli finds fascinating.
It’s harder for Robbie to fight Eli down, and he has fewer reasons to do so. He’s so tired. And Gabe doesn’t need him.
It gets to the point that the only times Robbie is in control of the body are when Gabe is in the room, or when he’s working on the Charger or the Rolls. The rest of the time, it’s Eli crawling through the secret tunnels, or testing the knives, or trying to skim all the demonology books in the library in six hours.
And the Addamses, damn them, tolerate Eli, too. He gives Wednesday a two-hour lecture on body-disposal while Morticia sits nearby, knitting a sweater with three arms and occasionally adding commentary. Fester used to break people’s knees when he’d been a loan-shark with his fake mom; he and Eli talk shop about the enforcer business and commiserate about how horrible it is when family think they have the right to mold you into someone you’re not, just so you can be useful to them. Gomez hugs Robbie and Eli without regard to who’s in charge, and Morticia always makes it a point to greet both of them. And the whole time, Robbie can hear Eli’s thoughts from where he slumps in the back of their head, how Eli thinks they’re stupid, they’re suckers, they’re ripe to be robbed, and if this ridiculous family would ever keep regular sleeping hours, he’d murder them all and keep the house and everything in it, except then who would do the cooking?
Robbie knows Eli well enough by this time to understand that Eli’s laziness and vanity, plus the Addams’ natural deadliness, really are enough to protect them. They don’t just tolerate Eli, Robbie realizes: they accept him. Just like they accepted Gabe. Robbie doesn’t even need to be there. Who is Robbie Reyes, anyway? Gabe’s brother, Gabe’s provider, Gabe’s friend. He used to street race, and he likes punk rock.
Eli wanders into the “playroom,” where the Addamses keep the rack, the stockades, the Iron Maiden, and the other instruments of torture. He’s impressed. Robbie’s the one who actually lies down on the bed of nails, though. It’s not like he can be permanently injured, and he heard there’s a trick to it: you have to keep just the right amount of muscle tension to spread your weight over as many nails as possible, so none of them goes through. It’s something to concentrate on, and once he lies down, it doesn’t hurt that badly. Getting back up is the hardest part, because if you do it wrong, you stab yourself in the ass, and now that Eli gets the body so often, he’s become hesitant to injure it. So Robbie lies there on the nails for hours, feeling the hundreds of points digging into his skin while his mind goes quiet. It becomes a weekly thing, then a daily thing.
Grandmama’s cooking takes a bit of getting used to, but live leeches are chewier and better for him than Hamburger Helper. Grandmama’s mysterious teas stop making him sick. He discovers he doesn’t need to bleach the streak in his hair anymore; it starts growing in white from the roots.
After they’ve lived there three months, and pretty-well settled in, Gomez starts grabbing Eli/Robbie and dragging them to his office to learn some incredibly complicated dance with knives that for some reason involves sword-swallowing. Eli, predictably, takes over for this part, tossing and swinging and whirling knives and sabers, until Gomez throws a knife at them and Robbie abruptly finds himself back in control. He ducks.
Gomez grins, showing all his teeth. “Come, now, Cousin Eli. Trust me.”
“It’s Robbie now.” Robbie hands him the knife back, hilt first. “I’m supposed to catch it, right? Let me try.”
“Of course you may try!” Gomez exclaims. “More than that, you shall succeed!” He backs up ten paces, flips the knife up and grabs it by the tip, ready to throw.
Robbie feels Eli pulling at his legs, trying to move him out of the way, but he’s seen Gomez’s laser-sharp aim, he knows he’d never hurt them, and he holds the body still. He lifts his hands, relaxed, ready, palms open. “I’m ready,” he tells his cousin. “I got this.”
Gomez throws the knife, and the handle smacks into Robbie’s palm. Robbie didn’t even have to move.
“¡Olé!” Gomez claps his hands. “I knew you’d be a natural!”
Robbie shrugs, shakily. He’s not as comfortable around the Addamses as Eli is. The only times he’s himself around them is at dinner, while he’s sitting next to Gabe.
“Now that you’re out, I can teach you both! Throw it back, throw it back!” Robbie pitches the knife, trying to imitate the muscle movements from when Eli had thrown the knife with his arm, but the knife goes wide. Gomez lunges after it and manages to snag it out of the air. “Tsk, tsk. You’ve got catching up to do. No matter! Fester and I will have you trained, in time for our yearly ball.”
“Trained for what?” Robbie realizes he’d missed a few things, sitting in the back of his head letting Eli drive.
“Why, to dance your Mamushka!”
Robbie blinks at him.
“Then! You will truly be...An Addams!”
Okay. He feels Eli’s interest in the proceedings fade rapidly, and his control strengthen. Whatever a Mamushka is, Robbie is on his own for it. “I’m gonna need some more pointers on sword-swallowing.”
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bitchbrisket · 3 years
First Lines Tag
Tagged by @slightlyintimidating
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favourite opening line. Then tag 10 authors!
As all my mutuals have been tagged already, I’ll just tag a couple of people, @tara-stofse and @rapidashpatronus
I’m also going to cheat and give you a favourite line from each one, simply because the first line is rarely the best and why not be a big fat show off where your writing is concerned? Didn’t link because I am a lazy cow but my AO3 profile is at the top of my page.
1.       (The Worst Witch 2017) A friend like you – 'Get in loser, we're going shopping!'
Sometimes I come up with good titles and sometimes I desperately flail around and this was the best I could do. Most people should know what the opening line is a reference to and it was the first thing I thought of when the idea of this fic materialised.
  ·         'I know you think you're hot stuff, but Dimity can run rings around you. You have the acting skills of a potato' she icily informed a miffed Arabella.’
  2.       (Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries) An education - 'I confess, I fail to understand the point of most of them.'
Again, another crappy title but for some reason, no song lyric or poem came to me on the subject of policemen raiding a Chinese brothel in the 1920s and confiscating vibrators because they look like suspicious instruments. I did lift the first line from the script because that is partly what I based the fic on. 0/10 for originality there.
  ·         ‘The benefit of having so many deities, Lin reflected, was that there was always someone in, should you knock on the door of their shrines.’
  3.       (The Worst Witch 2017) Poker – ‘Miss Bat scuttled along to the staffroom after her date and walked in, only to halt in surprise.’
Good Lord, I’m really not selling it to you with these boring titles am I? I’ve done the strip poker storyline with the hairpins in another fandom and couldn’t think up a clever title for that either.
  ·         ‘Clothes were strewn everywhere but in front of Hecate, there was a small pile of hairpins and nothing else.’
  4.       (The Worst Witch 2017) Which witch is which? – ‘Wychwood forest was a mysterious place, full of wrackspurts and helipoaths and blibbering humdingers. Sometimes you'd even see a crumple horned snorcack galloping along.’
Yes, alright I borrowed something off the world of Harry Potter. A fic based off a post off of a popular post on Tumblr and title borrowed off Dianna Wynne Jones I think.
  ·         'Watch out for the blibbering humdingers!' she shouted vengefully after the troublesome tourists.’
  5.       (The Worst Witch 2017) They do it with mirrors - 'I've missed you.'
Very general, basic bitch kind of starter. Dial up the smut o’metre because witches are having the equivalent of webcam sex. Written for the Hackle Lemonade Challenge, prompt kink. Wasn’t one of my favourites to write but it does have one of my favourite paragraphs in a smutty fic. Beats the first line anyway.
  ·         ‘She groaned and panted as her climax finally overtook her, glad of the extra support from the solid oak furniture. None of this modern rubbish that couldn't withstand a good hard fuck. There was a time and a place for IKEA but this was not it.’
  6.       (The Worst Witch 2017) Every inch of you – ‘Ada loved it when Hecate lightly raked her nails down her back.’
Diving straight into the smut for this other Hackle Lemonade Challenge, prompt kink fic. Title entirely appropriate.
  ·         ‘While many people over the years could make it happen, it was a secret delight to know that nobody did it better than her.’
  7.       (The Worst Witch 2017) The hum of your desire – ‘Ada woke up to an empty bed.’
At least it’s promising. The story can go anywhere when you start off with an empty bed. The bed is irrelevant anyway. They end up on the sofa.
  ·         ‘Hecate Hardbroom was nothing but a meticulous over achiever.’
  8.       (The Worst Witch 2017) You’re the night sky, trying to make me see your stars – ‘Hecate had been afraid to touch.’
Throws you right into the scene and lets you know there’s going to be a bit of angst in there. I love the song I took the title from (night sky – Leonell Cassio & Julia Mihevc) and I waited for a fic idea to materialise so I could use it.
  ·         ‘Ada could feel her breathing, steady and true, vibrating through to her heart.’
  9.       (Ghosts) Hide & seek – ‘Giggling madly, she galloped up the stairs to seek out the best hiding place ever.’
With several of the ghosts with backstories we have yet to uncover, the possibilities are endless. Poor Kitty had to die young so I gave her a death loosely based on an English ghost story, using all the unsavoury incidents involving her sister. Title needs no explanation.
  ·         ‘And shimmering obliquely in the corner of the landing, was the answer. The wooden chest. The one from the latest sailing ship that had brought back all that sugar and tea and rum.’
  10.   (The Worst Witch 2017) When breathing sounds like your song – ‘She hadn't let herself enjoy it at first.’
Luckily the only way from there is forward. For the Hackle Lemonade Challenge 2021, prompt firsts. Not sure where I got the title from, it’s possible I melded a couple of song lyrics together for it.
  ·         ‘I always feel thirsty after a pleasurable experience' she said cheerfully.’
  11.   (Holby City) There is no goat that foolish – ‘Serena patted down her wide brimmed hat and set off for a walk.’
It’s an ok start to the fic. The title is terrible but honestly, its just hard to find references to goats in general.
  ·         ‘She only just realised that they were conversing in English, not French. The other woman had a London accent. Good. She could shout at her more expressively in English.’
  12.   (The Worst Witch 2017) Sugar mouse – ‘What is it?’
So many possibilities here. The title does give it away, but still.
  ·         ‘In her nightmares, her grandfather had chased her around with an eyeball on a fork.’
  13.   (Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries) Stitch up - ‘I’d like to see you operate my sewing machine, Hugh Collins.’
Another shameless ripping off from the script. But nothing else can sum up this fic so perfectly. Title self-explanatory.
  ·         ‘Were sewing machines like dogs? He wondered. Did they take on the personalities of their owners?’
    14.   (Pushing Daisies) Girls don’t want boys, girls want damn respect – ‘Her boy always had an eye for the ladies.’
What a ridiculously clunky title. But apparently I couldn’t think of anything better. The opening line is much better.
  ·         ‘Calista was reminded of the principal at school that Emerson had crushed on so hard that he'd broken every fire alarm in the school over the course of several months just to get her attention. Some things never changed.’
  15.   (Holby City) Tell us the tale of a goat – ‘Did I ever tell you about how Serena and I met?’
A solid opening there, full of potential. The title is a bit crap. No, I have no idea why or how Serena would be working on the Italian railway either.
  ·         ‘You dressed one up in a poncho and called it aunt Gertrude?’ Fleur asked eventually. She really couldn’t think of anything better to say.’
  16.   (Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries) In the gracious light – ‘Jack tried not to let their questioning stares get to him.’
Based partly on the MFMM books, I’m happy with the opening line, it sets the tone. The title comes from Shakespeare’s Sonnet VII. ‘Lo! in the orient when the gracious light.’ With that, it ties in Jack and Lin quite nicely.
  ·         ‘After all, grandmama had warned him enough about the distraction of white girls. She had said nothing about white boys.’
    17.   (Holby City) Not yet – ‘Bernie wouldn't describe herself as an avid reader these days.’
Title taken from a line in the book Wicked. Opening line is pretty generic. I basically wrote this fic because Elphaba reminds me of Bernie in some respects. Also, premonition, sorry about that.
  ·         ‘In her mind, it was Serena in that cell, stretching out her hand to Bernie and chiding her affectionately for her delay.’
    18.   (Ghosts) Filth – ‘The Captain paid no attention to Lady Button's shrewish tone two rooms away.’
Simple title, simple opening line. Very direct. It’s the ‘why didn’t the Captain and Lady Button bond over the hot gardener in Lady Chatterly’s Lover together’ fic.
  ·         ‘The Captain sighed. That husband of hers had a lot to answer for. Bastard. He couldn't have killed her by poison or anything, no, he had to push her out of the damn window.’
  19.   (Ghosts & Holby City crossover) Over the top we go – ‘He couldn't believe it.’
So many things one couldn’t believe, a pretty generic opening. The title is a WW1 reference so not the correct war for the Captain but I used it anyway. Bernie is Haver’s niece.
  ·         ‘The Captain looked pleased but there was an expression in his eyes that Alison thought hid a sob in his heart.’
    20.   (Holby City) Boobs – ‘Arthur Digby was having a terrible day.’
Title, utterly crap, I know you’ll agree. Opening line, sums it up really. I like it.
  ·         'Well, call me Da Vinci and I'll paint you like one of those French girls.'
Art wasn't Fleur's strong point.’
So what did I learn about my opening lines? It does reflect my writing style, snappy and concise. I rarely ramble for long. Are they thrilling opening lines? Not usually. Do they set the scene or the tone? Much of the time. They are certainly not the best ones I’ve ever written. Considering that I don’t love most of these last lot of opening lines, I’m going to go with which witch is which? It’s the best one of the bunch, I think. 
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mask131 · 5 years
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A happy Addams family Christmas! 
Yes, Christmas. As it turns out, there is nearly no comic strip about Halloween (outside of the Central Park one I talked previously). But there is a hell lot of Christmas strips. 
Picture 1: We see the Addams parent spying on their kids who, “still believing in Santa Claus”, making sure the fire stays warm... Several things of interest can be noticed here. Gomez and Morticia aren’t against their children believing in Santa Claus (as long as it is to roast him alive). They are accompagnied by the man of the Wall-Eyed Couple. Thing is at the top of the picture (I need to learn how you call this specific type of sort of balcony-inside-the-house). And it is one of the many strips that show that all of the mirrors in the Addams manor are apparently broken - probably to bring as much bad luck as possible. 
Picture 2- in front of a “white christmas” and the town getting ready for Christmas, Gomez disdainfully feels an “urge to be merry”. This strip is actually “problematic” because it doesn’t correspond with the other ones. Gomez’s disdain for the merriment of Christmas opposes the enjoyment the family takes in making preparations, and we actually see “regular” neighbors right in front of the Addams house, when usually the manor is a bit more... further away from their regular neighbors (and said neighbors have themselves usually more individual houses with big gardens, as in a rich neighborhood, instead of all these small suburban houses put together on the same line)
Picture 3: The family ready for Christmas, with Lurch as the Christmas tree. Seems to be mostly wrapped up in this moss that hangs from tree branches in swamps. Thing is hiding beside Lurch’s feet, and Gomez has one of his cigars. 
Picture 4-  An Addams Family Christmas dinner. And yes, it is a Christmas dinner - see the mistletoe in the chandelier? Everybody is there, except for Uncle Fester. Puglsey wears his formal “shirt and sweater” outfit. And Lurch brings a two-headed piglet. Yes, the Addams family has a... thing with two-headed beings. 
Picture 5: The famous Christmas carolers picture! Gomez and Morticia are at the top of their mansion while Lurch is ready to throw a cauldron filled with... something boiling at Christmas carolers. This was actually the first strip to ever show the Addams family mansion. Thing is there, lying near Lurch and observing the carolers... Well, if it is Thing. I saw sources claiming this character was indeed the origin of “Thing” or the original “Thing” but I don’t know if Charles Addams ever considered this being to be “Thing”... I’ll try to find more info on that. (And you can see some of the Addams neighbors, on the side of the picture)
Picture 6- On Christmas morning, the Addams kids open their presents, and Pugsley helps Wednesday decapitate a little doll with a miniature guillotine. Note that Wednesday is all dressed up while Pugsley is in pajamas
Picture 7: Pugsley and Wednesday, in pajamas, are being told “A Christmas Carol” by their father. And he seems to have a particular view of Scrooge’s greediness. (Yes, the kids have put their stockings on the chimney). As a personal note, for me who discovered the Addams Family through the 90s movie, it is incredible to see how much Wednesday smiled in the original strips. Here it is Pugsley that is the most intimidating one, with all his wicked smiles and cruel gnarls and vile expressions. 
Picture 8- Pugsley and his sister, in pajamas, spy on their mother as she prepares their own peculiar Christmas tree. A dead one with: cobwebs, a rat, a spider, a ghost, what I assume is a dead hanged Santa, a hangman’s post, a coffin, a snake, an iron maiden, an octopus (what it is with the Addams and the octopuses? They’re everywhere!), a skeleton, a bottle of poison, and of course a vulture at the top. 
Picture 9: Okay, this one is actually very funny. The Addams family dressed for Christmas. Gomez as Santa Claus, Grandmama and Wednesday as angels, Pugsley as... what I assume is an elf, and Lurch with a moose head. Fester smiles but Morticia doesn’t seem really pleased. Thing is at the top of the picture, and in the background we see a big portrait of a weird-looking man. Maybe he is an ancestor or a cousin of the Addams... but one thing is for sure: he is a vampire! Because he appeared in another strip of Charles Addams where he is identified as a vampire. 
Note that the mistletoe is hanging right on top of Morticia’s head. Maybe that’s why she doesn’t look so pleased
Picture 10- This last one isn’t so much a Christmas strip. I just wanted to add it there to complete the “winter” set. It is the cover of one of the many books reuniting Charles Addams strips. This one is “Dear Dead Days”. The Addams Family is in a gazebo in the middle of a frozen landscape. Grandmama tells some stories to Pugsley. Wednesday looks at her father holding a... white miniature reproduction of his face (is that supposed to be a snowball? Or a shrunken head?). Uncle Fester holds something... I can’t identify. And Morticia looks at an X-ray picture of someone’s skeleton. 
Look closely and you’ll see a ton of more details. Thing lying in the snow on the bottom left. Bottom right, the cemetery covered in snow. In the dead tree branches, a chain, and stuck to its trunk, the “cocoon-thing”. I don’t think I have spoken of it before, but I definitively should
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Big Hero 7: The Series
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Big Hero 7 S2
City of Monsters PT 1
*'At the private lab of 'Liv Amara, the woman is waiting by the capsule of the real Liv Amara. This has not been going at all with her plans: Not one bit had gone her way. 'Liv' groaned internally as she recalled all the gold confiscated by Nozako Mizichio, and that's because she had fallen behind her payment to the Madame. To which she and Chris learned about the healing potion and seen just how powerful it truly is. That is when Big Hero 7 just had to barge in along with... the thing..
'Liv': *Shudders* Keep it together... that thing can't talk.
* Now all that is left is this: get the herbal medicine from Cora's family... by marrying into her family. She could still hardly believe that Mizuchi Mizichio is the long thought dead son of Nozako, thus making him the current lord of the clan. But here he is, living like a pauper along with the old hag and his daughter... his daughter Cora.*
'Liv': I'm running out of time, *To the real Liv* Please, hold on a little longer...
*The doors open to reveal Chris coming back with a slight frown on his face.*
'Liv': Well? What does Mizuchi think of his new bed?
Chris: Well...
*He then went on to explain that the presents he sent to Mizuchi over time had done the opposite effect: Instead of making him curios and seek out his admirer, he chose to ignore it and spend time with his family... especially his daughter.*
'Liv': UGH! That's all he ever thinks about! Just about how his daughter!
Chris: I did look in a little bit. I think he's so attached to Cora because she's whats left of Akemi.
'Liv': Akemi?
Chris: Mizuchi's first wife... and Cora's mother... And I have to admit... She was quiet a beauty, no wonder he's not interested. If I wasn't dating Lenny and she was still alive I'd totally do-
'Liv': Chris keep your brain off your pants and focus! Of course... *Sighs frustrated* Well, if receiving gifts from an admirer isn't enough... I may just go in face to face and court him personally...
*'Liv's' face scrunches to a frown as she pulls out an old Sycorax ID card of Cora, awkwardly smiling... this girl.. this little girl had grown from a simple tool she thought she could use had now turned into her greatest adversary: if Nozako were to learn of her granddaughter, there will be no doubt the Madame would arrange that all the power and money after her passing, shall go to this little pest, unaware of her own bloodline.*
'Liv': After I get the medicine and marry your 'Papa'... You're gonna wish you were never born!
*The pressure from her hand cracks the ID before falling into pieces underneath her feet.. and surveyed by Liv Amara's capsule, the same blinking light recording for its user... Lenny frowns at the image before he walks down the hall of the castle, where the doors of the Madame open for him to enter.*
* A sunny day of San Fransokyo is passing along normal for the teen couple Hiro Hamada, and Cora Mizichio… well.. slightly normal. They two are chatting to themselves over minute events of their lifes and even potential projects they could build together. And just following behind them is a familiar, stocky, build of a man in green wearing a motorcyclist helmet. The couple passed by a bus stop when they heard soft footsteps behind them, and so when they turned around all they could see were a couple of alley cats yowling as it launches itself to some poor dude. They continue walking together and turn right to a corner... but when he tried to take a turn as well.*
Hiro: Wasabi, why are you following Cora and I?
*Wasabi yelps as he jumps back by the sudden greeting of the couple.*
Wasabi: *Taking helmet and fake mustache off* What? I haven't been-Well-
*Cora pulls out her own phone and shows the pictures of Wasabi around the places they had gone to throughout their hangout.*
Cora: The street car? Our robotics class, lunch with Aunt Cass, and even from my house!
Hiro: Whats going on?
Wasbai:... They're onto us guys!
*The teen couple blink as soon enough they see the rest of the gang come out of their hiding spots and rip off the fake mustaches off their faces. *
Cora: OK... this clearly needs some talking to...also... why didn't you bother taking proper disguises if you are all wearing fake mustaches?
*They all unanimously agree to group up at Hiro's room to talk about the older people's behavior.*
Hiro: So you all been following Cora and I?
Honey Lemon: Yeah.. and more specifically Cora.
Cora: What? why me?
Gogo: Well for one: Noodle Burger Boy trying to kidnap you multiple times.
Fred: To which leads to *Hums out Obake* kidnapping you himself.
Wasabi: There was also the fact that Sparkles captured you guys for views.
Gogo: The time you were poisoned by a yellow diamond back snake. Why did you think I went to the woods with you two and Krei?
Honey Lemon: And the fact Orso Knox took you through out the city?
Cora: Orso Knox only took me cause he thought I was gonna be hurt by Liv Amara! So it isn't technically kidnapping.
Wasabi: Even so, we're noticing a pattern and we just want you two to be safe.
Hiro: Guys, its fine, we can handle ourselves! Baymax, tell them we don't need protection.
Baymax: *Lighting belly with images of the couple in danger* That would be untrue.
Hiro: Really Baymax? Really?
Honey Lemon: And Liv Amara is out there and she's been a little to forward with you Cora.
Gogo: And we promised your dad that we would protect you...And we promised Tadashi too.
* Hiro and Cora look at the team with widened eyes before looking at each other and both recall their own promise to be by each other's side...and Hiro's mind went to the open house where Cora is screaming for help in the clutches of-*
Cora: Hiro?
Hiro: *Snapping out of it* Wh-what?
Cass: Heyn kids!
*Cass comes up to Hiro's room holding a tray of cookies and a glass of milk. She places the tray onto a space of Hiro's desk before leaving downstairs to continue working. The gang took this as a time to leave the couple be and talk later. And so after they left, the two teens are left on their own, thinking over their past kidnappings before Hiro spoke.*
Hiro: *To Cora* They're right..
Cora: What?
Hiro: I mean... they have a point. You remembered what happened with all of that!
Cora: So do you, and you were kidnapped too.
Hiro: Cora , Liv Amara is out there and who knows what's she's planning. I-I can't risk loosing you again like in the open house! I can't...
*Cora blinks before she lets out a soft smile to which she kisses his cheek, causing the boy to snap out of his melancholic frown to a surprised blush.*
Cora: Babe, whatever comes next, we're here for each other.
Hiro: Yeah.. *Wraps arm around Cora's shoulder* We are...
*'Liv' is currently walking down the hall of her building, turning her head to see how everyone's process is going. She shakes her head at Karmi's lab, at work with a set of 'viruses' that needed to be used for a cure. She should had realized how much of an idiot that Karmi was when she learned that the teen believed that viruses are living organisms rather than non-living set weapons that only attack other living cells.*
'Liv': *Wondering out loud to herself after passing through* Why did I ever give her that internship?
Chris: *Appearing right behind* You thought it would be funny.
*'Liv' couldn't help but chuckle at that.*
'Liv': Anyway, you got things ready?
Chris: Yup. It should be ready to use by the time of your*Winks* 'date'.
'Liv' nods as Chris heads out to complete his other tasks while she pulls out her phone to see that the text she sent has been replied. After reading it she smirks as she types out a response.*
Meet me at La Moulin Rouge Café at 8.
That's when she gets a response*
OK. Done.
*Later on in the day, Hiro and Cora join up the rest of the gang at Fred's patio accompanied by none other than-*
Gogo: What are you doing here Kage?
*Kage rubs his arm gingerly as he looks around the patio with the gang accompanied by his Baymax at his side. Cora steps up and speaks.*
Cora: Papa and Grandmama are busy tonight so Kage will be with us for a while.
Wasabi: Where exactly?
Hiro: Cora's grandmother said something about checking on the ocean for Orso Knox and Mothra-
Fred: Mothra? That's the name you guys came up with?
Cora: Well we can't just keep calling her the creature. And its a name she likes... Papa is...he's...
Kage: *Sighs* The stalker wants to meet up with my brother tonight.
*The gang look at Kage in surprise at hearing those words.*
Fred: Hold on, giant dad is gonna go ahead to meet up his stalker tonight?
Cora: *Disheartened and sarcastic* Yup. *Sighs* hopefully Papa could make the stalker stop it... he's been getting uncomfortable with all these expensive presents.
Kage: Well... *Clears throat* Lets just focus on now. If you try to think of something you have no control of you'll drive yourself in circles. Besides, I do recall Ice-Frost taking over night patrol while you all train am I right?
Cora: Yeah... you're right! We just need to focus on our training right now!
*Hiro nods in agreement with his girlfriend as they whisper to each other. Kage lets out a small content smile until he spots Gogo's suspicious stare directed at him.*
Gogo: *Low voice* We're watching you Kage...
Kage: *Neutral* Understood...
Hiro: OK, while we're still not thrilled about the secret babysitters service, you were right about new threats out there so...
Cora: We-
Fred: *Jumping in front of them excitedly* Did you guys make upgrades?! Tell us you made upgrades!
Baymax: Hiro and Cora made upgrades.
*Soon afterwards the skymaxes arrive carrying their upgraded suits to the foyer. Kage slightly hums, curios about how Hiro and Cora had integrated to their suits to tackle more dangerous foes. They all dress up in their suits and for the most part.. it looks relatively the same.*
Fred: Hold on... they look the same.. so whats different?
Cora: You'll see~*Sing song*
Hiro: Wasabi? Press that button.
*And when Wasabi does he got himself a plasma shield and a plasma dagger coming from both his armor.*
Wasabi: Ooh~! I got a Plasma shield and a Plasma dagger!
Cora: *To Gogo* Wanna try out your disc Gogo?
*Gogo tries to takes the disc from Cora's hand only for the blue haired teen to drop it... and turn into a hover disc.*
Gogo: Hover disc, nice!
Fred: Woah! That is too cool!
Honey Lemon: *Looking at her boots* New boots?!
Hiro: Chem boots!
*Honey lemon squeels in delight before hugging Hiro and Cora tightly. After the bubbly chemist lets go she tests out her chem boots and found to her excitement she could indeed let out any type of chemical compound by the stomp of her boots. She stomps her boots to create an ice slide to which she happily glides through.*
Honey Lemon: *To Gogo* Sweetie look! Oh boy, I can't wait until Miyuki sees this!
Gogo: I do... and ya know. It would be interesting if we three could race? My new wheels versus Miyuki's ice and your chem boots.
Honey Lemon: Sounds exciting!
Fred: *To Hiro and Cora* What do I do?
Hiro: How do you feel about head lights?
Fred: Head lights?
Cora: See that little button in between your costume's eyes? You'll see.
*Fred manages to find the button as he turns around, and soon his costume's eyes let out a bright light that had temporarily blinded the others.*
Fred: Sorry guys! But oh my god this is awesome! I need to come up with a good battle quip just for this... maybe face bright justice!
Gogo: *Using her hoverdisc as a shield* Turn it down! *Softly* Idiot.
Fred: Did Gogo just call me an idiot?
*Soon voice replays of Gogo's description of Fred rings inside his suit... and that could only mean one thing.*
Fred: Do I have-?
Hiro and Cora: Super Hearing?
Fred: This is like Christmas, and my birthday, and the human fist punches up the mirror all rolled into one! Lets jump for joy Honey Lemon.
* Fred and Honey Lemon join hands as they do indeed jump up for joy. Kage hums again, impressed by the work put into their suits. He turns to the teen couple and note somethings similar between their own suits.*
Kage: So, I see you added a lot of new equipment to their ultra suits. If I may ask, what did you two add to your own?
Hiro: Simple, We added over some of the powers Sora helped us create along with a new ultra powered magnetic disc.
Cora: My own gloves can now ooze to escape tight grips and *turns to her back to see the back plate armor sprout a shark fin* open up fins to swim through water easily. *To everyone else* And all the suits are made by a counter-bioluminescent fabric and coating!
Kage: Hmm... that is very impressive... I'm proud of you two.
*The teens look up when they heard that, but when they do Kage is by his Baymax's side talking. But even so, they heard his words clearly... he's proud of them...*
Hiro and Cora: *Slowly giving a small smile to Kage* Thanks.
Honey Lemon: Oh wait! What did you give Baymax?
Cora: ITs a surprise.
*Mizuchi is staring heavily into the café window, his eyes furrowed as he thinks about all the possibilities that could happen if he does go inside to meet his... admirer. Days. Days of presents and love notes, with poems connected to biology and marine biology. flustered as he is to receive such notes and tokens of... affection. This was uncomfortable on so many levels. Besides, as of now his focus are on his brother and his daughter. He just needs to talk to them so they never bother him again.*
Mizuchi: OK... Here I go...
*Mizuchi enters inside the café, looking around until he founds the clue the person left on their message: A bouquet of roses adorned with yellow carnations. He goes to the table and sits on the opposite side. The person lets down their bouquet.*
'Liv': Its so nice to be out on out date isn't it Mizuchi?
Mizuchi: *Shocked* M-Miss Amara?!
Mizuchi: You-You were behind-
'Liv': All those presents left on your doorstep? My apologies but I've been so busy with my schedule that I couldn't think of any other way to contact you for this date.
Mizuchi: A date... Of course...
'Liv': Why don't you sit down Mizuchi?
*Mizuchi looks at the chair before he does, his brows still furrowed as he thinks over what he should do next. This is Liv Amara: The woman who had been a bane to his daughter, her boyfriend, and their friends. He knows by know that Liv Amara is more than guilty for all the crimes she committed. But he also shouldn't let her know about it unless he risks all of their lives.*
'Liv': So.. tell me all about your week. I would love to hear it.
*At the remote beaches of San Fransokyo Kaguya is with Orso Knox and Mothra as they converse over their thoughts.*
Kaguya: That was a close one when my Cora fallen ill... her mermaid blood is of dependent of the sea as mine.
Knox: I know. At least once a month you go to the ocean and swim as to hydrate yourself and continue building white cells while you thrive on land.
Kaguya: I had hoped Cora's sudden illness was not related to it.. but I was wrong.. it has gotten stronger. More unpredictable. Now with the witch running around and Mizuchi dealing with his stalker, who knows what else could be revealed about cora's blood?
Knox: I agree, so long as that witch roams freely, no one would ever be safe.
Mothra: *Chirp*….
*Kaguya turns her attention to Mothra, who is staring down at her hands with drooping feelers.*
Kaguya: Are you alright Mothra? Do you need to sleep?
*Mothra gives out a chirp that sounds similar to a child muttering 'I don't know'*
Kaguya: Hmm... I will give my healing tea for you two once Big Hero 7 defeat Liv Amara. You have my word.
*Mothra chirps happily as she hugs the old mermaid tightly, to which Kaguya chuckles slightly while Orso Knox lets out a smile. After some discussion, it was decided between Big Hero 7 that they go out in the field while Kage and his Baymax look for any evidence to corner Liv Amara. Soon enough, they all managed to catch up with Miyuki Frost, already dressed in her super suit.*
Fred: The city was dark...but their hearts were.. light!
*Fred turns on his headlights while Ice Frost and Gogo were jumping round the roof tops with Fred. Miyuki is quick to create a puff of snow to land on safely.*
Fred: Oops! Sorry Gogo! Sorry Miyuki! But you guys have to admit, the quip is getting better.
Wasabi: *Via Comlink* Everything OK over there?
Gogo: Define OK.
*At Wasabi and Honey Lemon's side they were at the top roof of Noodle Burger Boy restaurant while Hiro and Cora are on Baymax flying through the sky.*
Honey Lemon: At least we know we're all out there for each other. *To Hiro and Cora* Now remember you two, if you guys are facing any of Liv Amara's monsters-
Hiro: That we contact you guys immediately and stay close to Baymax.
Cora: We know Honey Lemon, thank you.
Wasabi: At least with all of us out there we could catch each other's backs.
Miyuki: You got that right. So far everything is fine over-
Fred: Wait! I'm getting something!
*Fred turns up his volume to hear what Fred is hearing.*
Wendy: Get away from me! Help!
Fred: I can hear her screaming all the way across the city!
Miyuki: Then lets get a move on!
Gogo: Couldn't agree more.
*Wendy Wower didn't know what just happened. She was just locking up her building for the night when she was confronted by some fungus looking little man. When he grabbed her wrist she simply ripped his hand off her.. only for him to grow in size, appearing like a cross of his old Mayoi and his disgusting smile.*
Wendy: Let me go you fungus freak!
Sparkles: Nope, lets just focus on the abduction right now.
Wendy: I'm not going with you freak!
*Reaching for a small vial she manages to spill sodium chloride onto his hands to which he yelps in pain as Wendy takes this as the time to run. But she really should have accounted for another thing... the growl of the rock bear chimera is enough to stop Wendy in her tracks. Mizuchi and Amara sit quietly at their table as they wait for their own orders to arrive. So far tonight was not going so smoothly, for both Mizuchi and 'Liv Amara'. Neither of them could talk beyond simple topics like the weather or their work. Their talk about their work is especially brief. Mizuchi could not find an appropriate time to tell her to leave him be without appearing to be threating while 'Liv' can't make him more relaxed for her plan to work. *
'Liv': So.. how is your daughter?
Mizuchi: Hmm?
'Liv': Cora, how is she?
Mizuchi: she's fine right now. She had gotten over a very hard fever and is taking it slow.
'Liv': Oh,poor girl! Well, I'm glad she's OK. She was my favorite intern at Sycorax you know... she delivered very interesting notes.
Mizuchi: I know... How have you been recovering since the Orso Knox attack Liv?
'Liv': I'm happy to say that our repairs are finished and I am close to finding the motherload of cures.
Mizuchi: Is that so?
'Liv': yeah. It may appear something so ordinary like tea... but one look closer and it opens up a world of possibilities for this cure... it makes it seem like magic.
*Hiro and Cora are soaring through the sky the rest of Big Hero 7 try to track down the helpless victim trapped in whoever's clutches its in tonight.*
Cora: OK, its seems that Hiro and I have the best chance to catch up to save her!
Honey Lemon: But you guys are still faraway!
Hiro: Its fine! We thought of a back up.
*Hiro presses a button on his chest and soon an extra set of turbos comes flying through and ready to land on Baymax. Hiro and Cora climb down before getting back up. Once they charge up the turbos, they were ready.*
Cora: Blast off!
*And blast off they did. The extra set of turbos sped through the air as Hiro and Cora scream in a mixture of fear and delight, a scream associated with rollercoasters. Before they knew it they were all at San Fransokyo bridge where they see in front of them... a very large, stocky build of Sparkles holding Wendy Wower in his hand.*
Fred: Woah! Have you been hitting the gym?! You look jacked!
Sparkles: Haha! Thank you!
Miyuki: Never mind that! Its time you freeze where you stand!
Hiro: Big Hero 7 has beaten you before Sparkles. And we'll do it again!
Cora: You can bet on it!
Sparkles: A bet? Ooh~ Very interesting. And you are right, seven heroes and one villain... boring.
Momakase: But three villains~
*The team look around to see that Sparkles is not alone. Joining him soon are none other than Momakase, and the rock bear chimera.*
Cora: Oh no...
Sparkles: Plot twist!
Sparkles: Ladies and gentlemen! Its the entertainment event of the season! The defeat of Big Hero 7... plus one Ice Frost.
Fred: That's kind Big Hero 7 Phase three stuff, and we're only in phase two right now so-
Cora: Fredzilla duck!
*Momakase launches through the air to slice apart Fred but he dodged in time. Momakase gave a brief look that spelled out the following.*
Momakase: Once I'm done with him, You're next Bastard Child!
*The other members of the gang see the rock chimera of Bessie come charging up towards them.*
Cora: We can't get near it or our gear is fried!
Miyuki: Then leave him up to me!
Hiro: Ice-Frost wait!
*But Miyuki is already zooming forward to fight head on, turning her head briefly to tell them what she's doing.*
Miyuki: Bessie here can only deactivate tech right? Well lucky me my powers are au natural! So you guys focus on Momakase and Sparkles!
Hiro: You got it!
*Fred continues to hop away from Momakase until she kicks him on the side and is ready to strike down when Wasabi's plasma shield gets in her way. *
Momakase: Ooh~ I see you brought new toys.
Gogo: Sure did.
*Gogo and Honey Lemon choose to go after Sparkles with Gogo throwing her disc at the guy while Honey Lemon uses her chem boots to skate to Wendy Wower in his clutches. With quick thinking and a great aim from her chem bazooka, Honey Lemon freezes Sparkles while Gogo snatches Wendy before she is encased in ice along with him.*
Wendy: Nice shot Chem Princess!
Honey Lemon: Thank you doctor wower!
*Wasabi continues his sword fight with Momakase, both giving their all before Wasabi exhausts himself from dodging so much.*
Momakase: You're not much a challenge are you?
Hiro: Nope, but he is!
*Momakase turns around to see Hiro and Cora jump off Baymax while Miyuki continues to freeze and dodge the chimera.*
Hiro: Over Drive mode Omega Danger!
*And so, with his new ultra armor, he transformed into his new and improved over drive mode.*
Momakase: Oh how cute, don't you remember what happened last time? It didn't go over so well.
Baymax: With Kage's assistance, Aqua Girl built me an extra battery reserve.
Momakase:...Did you just say Kage?
Cora: Baymax rocket fist!
*And soon enough, Baymax charges forward and knocks out Momakase down for the fight.*
Gogo: Wait a minute... Kage helped you on making the battery reserve?
Hiro: I was there! Nothing bad happened.
Miyuki: Guys!
*That's when they all remember Miyuki and her fight with the rock chimera. She is clearly near exhaustion as her body starts to warm up. With quick thinking Hiro contacts Miyuki.*
Hiro: Ice Frost! I have a plan. I'll set up a trap while Cora gives the signal for you to come over where I am!
Miyuki: Alright!
Hiro runs off to the clearing of the traffic where he shoots out two magnetic discs that pin to the sides of the bridge. Cora gives the signal by having her suit reflect the light from the street lights.*
Cora: Come on!
*Cora joins Miyuki as they both run to Baymax as the rock chimera charges at Hiro. But before its very aura could destroy his upgrade, Hiro is quick on his feet and uses the magnetic pull to fly himself up in the air... while Bessie the rock chimera crashes through the gate and into the sea below.*
Wasabi: Woah...
Fred: haha! I am impressed!
Honey Lemon: *To Wower* Are you alright?
Wendy: Woweroos always are.
*That is when the ice casing of Sparkles breaks off and frees him... but at the cost of his jockey build. Now he is back to being his short, pathetic self. He quickly runs off along with momakase, who turns her head and glares at them.*
momakase: You all got lucky...
Cora: Is it really luck? Or are we just good at kicking your ass?
*The two finally leave as the rest of the team check over Wower.*
Wendy: Thanks you guys.
Cora: No problem, lets just get you home.
*After delivering Wendy back home safely, they all meet up at Fred's place to recover from their late night out as Kage now finds himself, along with his own Baymax, in charge of their rest. He remembered the shocked faces the rest of the team expressed when they revealed that their Baymax told momakase that he built the battery reservoir with Cora and Hiro. But after more reassurance and talking, they are cool for now. Chris is at the building checking over the injuries Sparkles and Momakase had gotten.*
Chris: She's definitely not going to like you failed to destroy Big Hero 7.
Momakase: Oh bite me. Where is Liv Amara anyway? You do know we are due for our payment as well!
Chris: Oh.. she's getting there.. Oh! Look at the time!
*He soon uses a syringe to inject Momakase to sleep before she could utter out a question towards him. It had been a long night for Liv and Mizuchi as they now leave the café where news of Big Hero 7 winning is sprawled across every billboard.*
'Liv': *Under her breath* Damn it you had one job!
*But she is quick to hear Mizuchi's sigh of relief... Looking closer to Aqua Girl and the man... They do look similar...what if..*
'Liv': I say you must be really proud of your daughter saving the city again, aren't you?
Mizuchi: *Distractedly* I'm always proud of my Cora, no matter what she does.
*When those words leave his mouth he is frozen still. Soon the weight of what he revealed comes crashing down as he sees 'Liv' smirk at him. She points to an alley down the road as to chat in private, to which he reluctantly followed. Once at a distance where no one would hear them Mizuchi is the first to speak, and with a dangerous glare soon growing on his face.*
Mizuchi: If you lay a hand on my daughter or her boyfriend Hiro-
'Liv': So Electro-Magnetic Alpha is Hiro Hamada? huh.. it fits. Anyway, if you want me to be quiet, then there's one little bit I need you to do... a proposal of sorts.
Mizuchi: I would rather die then be mutated by the likes of you!
'Liv': Oh no... this isn't a business proposal, I already have goons for that... What you need to do Mizuchi, if you want your precious daughter and her wittle boyfriend safe... is marry me.
*mizuchi's eyes widen in shock at her words, not expecting this to be the blackmail.*
Mizuchi: Marry you?!
'Liv': Yes... by marrying you, I can be in line for your mother's gold and power!
*Now his heart is beating faster than mach 2.*
Mizuchi: Y-You know about-
'Liv': I was admittedly shocked to learn that you are Nozako's son and that you lived your life in squalor with your family. But that can change.
Mizuchi: And what makes you say that?!
*That is when Chris hops up to mizuchi's shoulder and injects him with a paralysis serum to which the tall man falls down to his knees before 'Liv' and Chris. Chris then hands 'Liv' an object... a lipstick. After applying them on she walks up to Mizuchi and holds up his head.*
'Liv': ITs alright... by the time we say I do, you'll be wrapped around my finger.
*Morning is rising up at last as the first to wake up is Cora. She notes how she is cuddling next to Hiro with a blanket over them as they slept on their fully charged Baymax. The gang had been given separate mattresses to sleep on, courtesy of Heathcliff, while Kage sleeps on with his baymax. Cora then sees her phone with a text from her grandmother, explaining she got home last night but couldn't find her or Mizuchi. Slightly confused, Cora explained that she had stayed up all night and is recovering at Fred's house, though she points out that her papa could simply be at work already.*
Hiro: *Yawning* Hey... morning.
Cora: Good morning..
*Soon the rest of them wake up before Cora receives an incoming call... from Grandville..*
Cora: Professor Grandville?
Hiro: What's she calling us about?
*Hesitantly Cora answers the phone.*
Cora: Professor Grandville?
Grandville: Cora! Have you and Hiro seen the news?
Cora: News? What news?
Grandville: Look at Sycorax's blog right now! A new post is up and about!
Cora: Grandville.. whats going on?
Grandville: I had just gotten to work when I saw Miss Karmi muttering on about a wedding at Sycorax! I checked over myself and my god! Cora you are in danger!
Cora: W-what? What wedding?
*Hiro is quick to pull out his phone and look up the blog and immediately finds what is this post Grandville is talking about. And immediately... his heart freezes still.*
Fred: Hiro? Hiro? Cora? Whats going on?
*Wasabi turns the TV on to show Bluff Dunder on the new with a picture of Liv Amara... and Mizuchi Mizichio, smiling together happily with the border drawn with hearts and flowers.*
Dunder: It has been 10 hours since the post on Sycorax's blog has announced that not only is Liv Amara engaged to this dashing... fellow.. Mizuchi Mizichio,but that the wedding shall be in three days and invites all to join for this joyous union. Here is a small clip of this announcement.*
*The clip shows Liv Amara, held close by Mizuchi like a couple, as he looks at her tenderly before she smiles*
'Liv': I know that it is a huge surprise to learn of my fiancé, but the moment I met him I knew that we were meant to be. He is a great man with a lovely daughter.
*Cora is shaking in fear even with Hiro holding her still, with the team staring in fear as Kage could only gape flabbergasted and scared. But while their expressions are of fear, everyone else has been congratulating Liv Amara on her upcoming wedding. Karmi delighted over the fact that she could play a role on her idol’s wedding day, at the moment not caring that the man Liv is marrying is infact Cora’s father. The whole city blissfully unaware of the lives she had destroyed... and the ones coming her way.*
'Liv': *Smirking evilly* I do know for sure that in the end, we'll be one big happy family.
A.N: Dun Dun DUUUUUUUUNNNNN! Yup, didn't see that coming huh? thank you for reading Big Hero 7! Love you!
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arsonforcharlie · 5 years
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tonight’s fuck squad, i made a pie with a dick on it. last year i also made a pie with a dick on it, but this is a way better dick because i’ve improved my craft significantly. also, everyone except saida wore their Team Fuckit tees, and rhonia’s player brought me two dope patches as an epic gm bribe. (i really need a jean jacket)
rhonia, cutting the pie: “do i want dick? do i want spooge? decisions, decisions.”
first order of business, people on the boat get their beds- saida and rhonia get bottom bunks, and everyone else is a top. jokes ensue.
there was also a real good quality “i’s the bi” joke made by rhonia after i told them nobody on this ship was straight
sergei spends the afternoon talking to pashmina in the hold, where he tells her that he and reaper are getting married. maddela, making poisons in the hold, overhears.
they go hang out for a while before dinner, when they meet the ship’s captain, leonon boldart. he is pretty welcoming. tells them about the shell necklaces that give the crew gills in case they fall overboard, invites the squad to play cards or arm wrestling after dinner.
yoni tries to teach talon some morals, saida and maddela go for a walk, rhonia hangs out with sergei in the mess hall before bed
saida: “so what’s new maddela? feel like we haven’t had a rap session in a while. that’s how i talk now.”
maddela tells saida that reaper and sergei are getting married, and saida immediately goes to tell yoni
yoni, upon learning about reapergei: “so, does that mean reaper’s in our group now? because i don’t want to split the money another way.”
also somehow it was determined that the ship name for saida and yoni is sony
saida: “rhonia, we got news. gossip’s the devil’s telephone, so pick up.” rhonia: “what’s a telephone?” sergei: “it’s like a radio”
they also tell rhonia, and everyone is very excited to start planning weddings and maybe have a wedding shower on the ship and for gifts they’ll just have a whole tray of things that sergei can put into the bag of trading and oh my GOD
saida: “bobbie’s all ‘come explore this ship i made!’ and we’re all “WEDDING SHOWER!”
saida: “you didn’t anticipate this level of nonsense?” “honestly, no!”
while all this is happening, sergei gets chatting with the arm-wrestling champ, a dwarf with a tattoo that appears to move as she flexes. her name is helena, and she reveals that it is a magic tattoo and she got it at a place called the market of marvels in voight. you need to use a drop of your own blood to get in there, but there’s some dope shit in the underground market. then she soundly trounces sergei at arm wrestling
sergei: “well, now that i’ve been emasculated, i’m gonna go talk to my horse.”
overnight, the squad is awakened by a commotion, as pashmina spooks in the middle of the night. sergei goes down and uses speak with animals to ask what the hell. she tells him that she just got a really weird feeling and hated it.
yoni: “but if we wait [until we get on dry land for the shower] one or more of us might be dead!” rhonia: “but if i die i don’t have to buy sergei a wedding gift!”
sergei: “pashmina can be my mare of honour!” rhonia: “get her turned into a human and she can be your maid mare-ian!”
inspecting the hold, there’s not really anything up except that one of the boxes that had been stacked on another fell over. the box that fell was filled with spices.
maddela: “did any of the spices spill?” rhonia: “i think what she means to ask is, did someone bust a nutmeg?”
i did not kick any of these people out of my house
sergei went fishing, saida figured out the parador wand is useless and only enchanted to make people feel like it’s important on their quest, and yoni teaches talon to steal fish from sergei, prompting a puppet show that i’ve been told was adorable
in the middle of the night, talon wakes yoni, and gets her to come up to the deck. up there is an elven woman, with dark hair in a heavy blue traveller’s cloak.
“i’m just looking at the stars. they’re beautiful, aren’t they?” yoni: “they sure are stars!”
yoni, describing the time they killed jimmy buffett: “we fought back. then he died.”
it turns out the woman is desna, and she compliments yoni on how she’s trying to do good now, warns her about upcoming threats, gives her a pair of magic gloves, and then promptly yeets herself into the ocean.
meanwhile, there’s a similar commotion in the hold again. maddela examines the box of spices more thoroughly, but still no answers. the next morning, though, helena is dead.
“it’s like in anastasia, the woman who goes it’s me grandmama and throws off her coat? like that but viscerally gory”
rhonia speaks with dead with helena, and although she didn’t see who killed her, she was feeling very tired beforehand, and thought someone came in the night. a yoni flapdragon medical exam confirmed that she had been killed by a vampire
rhonia asks the grieving leonon to borrow helena’s bones, and then asks if you can remove a tattoo from someone. read a room
a precaution they all adopt is drawing the holy symbols of desna on their faces with maddela’s expired lipstick
sergei: butterfly face paint!
maddela: “i figure if i die i can be a druid, and still have red hair and tights.”
after spending a long time helping yoni prepare her spells with a wise use of nap stack, the squad is prepared to fight
saida: “can i cast aggressive thundercloud on the door down to the hold?” “yeah, just lock the party in there with the vampire. whoever comes out is your new party member.”
the vampire crawls out of her box and up the wall, prompting the use of the thor miniature with the suction cup bottom, as pictured. there’s a depressingly long plan involvin somehow gluing the box shut now that the vampire is awake? it does not work
maddela casts hold person on her and she plummets. on her next turn, she tries to use the wand of parador as a stake using her crossbow, because “dammit it just feels useful!” there’s a lot of very good cleric spells in here, though
the vampire sucks some of yoni and saida’s blood, doing some constitution damage, and then tries to escape.
saida kills her with an aggressive thundercloud, they stake her through the heart with the wand, and set her on fire and toss her overboard.
saida: “stupid bitch. poor and annoying.” “like me!”
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taradiddled · 7 years
Meredith the Ravager, AU. 
Bits of Meredu present.
Spoilers for the movie.
River Lily. That’s what Ego called her. Once, it used to go straight to Meredith’s heart, to her toes, to her fingertips, and make her feel lighter than the air she could walk on in her dreams. But when she thinks of that name now, she feels immeasurable anger, bile sliding down her throat, and the urge to punch someone harder than she’s punched any trussed up yuppy boy back home in Missouri.
She thought she’d met her match -- someone weird and otherworldly, just like her. But instead, she’d met a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Just like her grandmama warned her would happen. Sometimes Meredith can still hear the old woman’s nasally drawl, telling her to stop wearing her skirts short and to start praying to the Lord instead of the damn radio for just one more song. And when the woman’s voice intrudes in Meredith’s thoughts, she can’t help but make the sign of the cross wherever she is, and put her hands together for a quick Hail Mary.
She’s Missouri born and raised -- it’s more muscle memory than it is routine.
Only Yondu knows who Ego is (he’d always gone off on his own the deliver the kids -- all of Ego’s kids -- to the duplicitous man) and it hand’t taken him more than two weeks to learn that the bastard’s very name sparked a rage in Meredith like the wrath of the cosmic storms. One time, he’d gotten drunk on poached still and forgotten his manners, and Meredith had snatched the bottle straight from his fingers and smashed it to a wall.
Now, Yondu watches what he says -- as much as he’s willing to, and boy oh boy, that man’s not very willing -- and gives Meredith a wide berth when she’s coming down from her stormy moods.
If Meredith didn’t still have to nurse Peter, then maybe she might take up a bottle herself -- she’s certainly felt the almost tangible need to grip the neck of those disgusting things and toss her head back for a swig -- but she hasn’t had a drop of the poison since Earth, when she’d been spending her nights lying with Ego under starlight and making love down by the river, the radio playing in the background.
But Meredith stays sober. She stays angry with the man she’d once loved. And she focuses on what she can do. Which is raise Peter, care for Kraglin (her mama always said she had the maternal bone), and make sure Yondu doesn’t kill any of the crew (she knows that she has a hold on him -- something she can’t discern beyond interest, and maybe, want). 
She’s come a long ways since the scrappy girl Yondu first snatched off Earth’s surface. She’s still prone to punching the lights out of any fool stupid enough to try and cop a feel (Ravagers have a habit of not taking the hint), but thanks to watching the new recruits spar, and trying her own hand at wielding a knife (Yondu insisted), as well as a year’s worth of living in the bald truth of Ego’s lies, on this dirty, muddy ship, Meredith knows that she’s formidable.
Ego once said to her, in that deep, timber voice that used to make her knees go weak, that she was so gentle and good and kind. He’d probably rethink his words if he could Meredith now. Dressed in the grungy reds of the Ravagers, knife in a belt at her hip, and the knowledge of all his duplicity and megalomania fresh like spring in Meredith’s head. 
Yondu had said there was a chance that Ego might come to find her -- her and her baby. Peter hadn’t been born yet, Kraglin was only a month’s into the Ravager recruitment, and Meredith had been darning some socks (Ravagers had a nasty habit of getting holes in their clothes faster than any of the boys back in Missouri).
“I hope he does,” she’d told Yondu, keeping her eyes down on the sock and the needle, careful of her big belly, eight months along. “Then I can stab ‘im in the eyes.”
Yondu’s brows had arched. “Sure like to see that,” he’d commented. His eyes then went to Meredith’s belly. “Wait fer that brat in there to get out, first. Ya can’t risk it.”
Meredith couldn’t make any promises, but she’d agreed to hold off on her desire to wring Ego’s neck until after the baby was born. But once Peter was born, Meredith didn’t so much feel the urge to go out in the big, wide, open space, and track down her former lover, so much as she wanted him right there on her own convenience, so she could scream in his face and tell him to stay the hell away from her, from Peter, and never show his damn face around these parts ever again.
“I won’t let ‘im touch the boy,” Yondu had told her one day, when she’d finally bullied him into holding Peter. He cradled the baby properly, supported his head and everything.
“I know,” Meredith had said, fingers massaging the top of Kraglin’s scalp as the little boy leaned against her, fast asleep after a long day of janitorial work in the Mess. All four of them were in Meredith’s quarters (she needed her own space because of Peter, and because the crew would probably mutiny if they had to hear the brat’s squalling all the time).
“What’ll ya tell ‘im? When he’s grown?” Yondu asked, eyes on Peter’s tranquil face. Meredith knew that he’d grow up looking a lot like his father.
“’Bout Ego? Nothin’,” she answered, bitterness creeping in her voice. “Tell ‘im that his father was no-good, dirty, rotten louse of a man, an’ that’s it. Peter doesn’t need ‘im.”
She watches Yondu hold Peter, awkward and yet imposing in all his Captain glory. She thinks that, maybe with time, she can convince the blue man to look at Peter like his own. He’s already made it his business to see that Meredith’s taken care of, and even (grudgingly) let her influence his decisions as Captain.
“Far as Peter’ll know, he’s got us, an’ that’s all he needs.”
Yondu looks at her when he hears the word ‘us’. It’d been a long time since he’s been considered anything like family to anyone. He doesn’t know how to feel about it. He still doesn’t know how to feel about Meredith. At first, snatching her was just to clear his conscience, but then she’d shoved past all Yondu’s bluster and spit in the face of his temper (a metaphor Meredith taught him) and somehow got under his skin.
“An’ that’ll be enough for ‘im?”
“He’s a good boy,” Meredith stubbornly stated. “He won’t need much else.”
She’s come a long ways she was Ego’s perfect River Lily.
Now, Meredith’s a Ravager. Her boys (because Kraglin is hers now, no matter that he’s not hers by blood) are Ravagers. And her man, as she looks at him holding Peter, trying so hard to appear unaffected and stoic, is a Ravager.
Safe to say, she’s no longer Ego’s River Lily.
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Big Hero 7: The Series
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Food Fight
(Long Post)
Big Hero 7 : the series
*The sounds of a knife cutting fish is rhythmic as a young Itamae(sushi chef) named Momakase prepares sashimi for her client, Alistair Krei. She finishes it off with a special topping resembling orange fish eggs. After she was done she brings it to Krei, who is on his phone passing the time.*
Krei: My people tell me you're one of the better sushi chefs in town.
Momakase: Your people underestimate me, I am the best.
Krei: I'll be the judge of that.
*Krei pours some soy sauce in a bowl, then proceeded to put soy sauce on the sashimi, and continues to dip the sashimi in the soy sauce bowl and eats it. Momakase's eye twitch says it all.*
Momakase: You do not drown the finest Otoro in soy sauce!
Krei: How about you don't tell me how to eat OK? You work for me right?
*Krei eats the sashimi*
Momakase: Of course Krei-san, it's only that I hate to see you robbed...
*This sets off a red flag in Krei's head immediately.*
Momakase:... Of an exquisite experience.
*Momakese sets aside the table board as Krei recognizes the fish Momakase prepared.*
Krei: Wait is that the fish that's poisonous if it's not prepared properly?
Momakase: Do not doubt my skill.
*The tension is growing stronger as Krei's head is running.*
Momakase: And do not worry about the fish.
*Krei eats the second sashimi.*
Krei: Delicious.
*But soon his vision starts swimming as his body begins to feel numb. His voice slurred as he looks at Momakase*
Krei: No, wha...what's happening?
*He immediately sees Momakase's true intentions.*
Krei: You said!
*But his body fails to support him as his body is paralyzed from the sashimi.*
Momakase: Not to worry about the fish.
*Krei reaches for his phone*
Momakase: You should, however, worry about the special toxin I added to it.
*Momakase tosses her knife at the phone which pins it to the wall out of Krei's reach, but she fails to realize that he had already dialed the call for help.*
Momakase: Relax you'll survive...
*Momakase removes her knife from the wall.*
Momakase: If I give you the antidote...want it?
*Krei's tries to answer at this but is unable to.*
Momakase: And I want the prototype that lies in your secret safe...You work for me now.
*Meanwhile elsewhere, the Lucky Cat Cafe is filled with customers as Cass is hard at work serving up for them.*
Cass: Here you go, boys, enjoy!
*She serves up cappuccinos to three men with the Latte drawings of a flower, heart, and peach respectively, and the boys love the art. Cass brings another latte with the drawing of a panda to a punk girl.*
Punk Girl: Ugh, this cappuccino is too cute.
Cass: Oh thank you!
Punk girl: No, I don't do cute.
Cass: OK...here!
*Cass morphs the drawing from the cute panda to an intimidating skull for the punk girl. The punk girl's mood brightens up.*
Ignorant customer: Hello?! I ordered a berry boba smoothie but it's filled with these gross blobs!
Cass: That's the boba...
*The silence between them spoke enough*
Cass: Nevermind, I'll whip you up a blobless one.
*Just then Cass spots a blonde-haired man reading a newspaper. And immediately she recognizes who he is. Just then Hiro comes inside the cafe where Cass pulls Hiro in closer to point out the man.*
Hiro: Hey Aunt Cass.
Cass: *whispers* Hiro! Do you know who that is?!
Hiro: Turtleneck guy?..Should I-
Cass: Bolton Gramarcy! He's a top celebrity chef!
Hiro: Oh that's cool.
*Just then his phone buzzes which he picks up. The screen shows a text from Gogo spelling 'Trouble at Krei Tech!'. Hiro immediately thinks up an excuse to meet up with the team.*
Hiro: I- I gotta go!
Cass: Everything okay?
Hiro: Yeah! I just need to study...upstairs! Right now!
Cass: Oh! Go! Study hard!
Hiro: I love ya Aunt Cass.
Cass: Love you too!
*While Hiro runs upstairs to suit up himself and Baymax Cass summons the courage to meet Bolton Gramarcy. She places a plate of complimentary bread and refills his coffee.*
Cass: *Clears throat* Excuse me uh Mr. Gramarcy, I just wanted to say I am a huge fan!
Bolton: Oh please...seriously? I don't do autographs.
Cass: Umm no not- I just... I just wanted to make sure you're enjoying your meal.
Bolton: Ugh... you're one of those. Look dear, sometimes I must choke down pedestrian swell as simple body fuel. preferably accompanied by peace and quiet.
*Cass stood there shocked in silence until another customer spoke up.*
Clumsy customer: Lady! You're out of Soy Milk! Cause I spilled it all.
*Cass just deadpans over the situation*
*Currently, at the Mizichio household the kitchen is filled with the sound of food being prepared and soft singing.*
Cora: I gotten used to supernatural insanity! Enough to presuppose that life is peaceful and benign, but I'm caught on the rails of this masochistic thrill ride! And I know there something I cannot lose sight of.~
*Cora taps her feet as she flips the omelet as she hums the song. Afterward she slips the omelet onto the fried rice with beef and spinach and delivers it beside the other twin with Ochai(Green tea) where her grandmother is. Just then her father comes in and sits down.*
Cora: Papa you're here! How was work?
*Cora stands on her tiptoes to kiss her father on the cheek before she sits down on her seat.*
Mizuchi: Tiring, but uneventful.
Cora: I made your favorite! Omurice.
*Mizuchi smile brightens at the omurice his daughter prepared for him. He gets out a spoon and takes a bite out of the meal, he sighs peacefully before he turns his attention to Cora, whose hands enfolded the end of her skirt underneath the table.*
Mizuchi: No need to be bashful, your cooking is always the best. And I love the Omurice you prepared.
Kaguya: It just shows how far you've grown dear. Besides, being a good cook is one of the many fine qualities for a girl to become a bride.
*Cora blushes at her Grandmother's teasing as she looks down, continuing twisting the hem of her skirt as Mizuchi's eye twitches.*
Mizuchi: Mother-in-law now is not the time to discuss marriage, especially since Cora's only 14.
Kaguya: *Teasing* Well better now then never, she's growing up to be a young woman. It's already obvious who will be her husband when she comes of age.
*Cora's head shoots up, her ears now red as she knows who her grandmother is referring too.*
Cora: Grandmama! Hiro and I are just dating! And we're not even in any hurry to rush towards that! We want to take things slowly with our relationship.
Mizuchi: *Rubs his eyes and the bridge between his nose trying to relieve some of the stress he was starting to feel* To which I am VERY grateful for... And Mother-in-law I would prefer it if you don't mention such things at this time. Cora does not need to learn about certain things on this matter until she is 18.
Kaguya: And what's wrong with her learning before then? I know you don't like the idea Mizuchi, but it is best if she learns about all of this sooner rather than later. Especially for when she and Hiro get older and begin to explore more mature experiences-
Mizuchi: *Hissing* Mother-in-law...
Kaguya: *Sternly* You can't talk back to me Son-in-law and you know it.
*Mizuchi continues to glare before he sighs and gives up, knowing that as much as he hated to admit it, he just couldn't win against his mother-in-law. As of while Cora got a text from Hiro spelling out 'Trouble at Krei Tech! Will pick you up soon!'.*
Kaguya: Cora what is so important enough to be looking at your phone at the dinner table?
Cora: Oh um...I nearly forgot to tell you but I have a study group tonight! And a friend is picking me up!
*Cora stands up and heads upstairs to her room as she calls out to her father and grandmother*
Cora: Gonna bring up some stuff to the study group! Love you bye!
Mizuchi: Be safe, love you too.
*As Mizuchi continues to eat the omurice, Kaguya mutters to herself as she drinks the tea.*
Kaguya: That girl better tell the truth soon...
*Once Cora is in her room she dresses up in her super suit and looks out her window to see Baymax and Hiro in their super suits as well. Cora climbs out the window and sits behind Hiro, once she holds on tightly to him they both fly off. They are crossing the city when Gogo calls Hiro.*
Gogo: Hiro, Cora where are you two?
Hiro: On our way, what's going on?
Gogo: Krei ate some bad sushi.
Cora: Wow, can't there just be one day when he isn't attacked? Or being held hostage?
Fred: Just a theory but I have the feeling he'll become the next Lois Lane from Super Man.
Cora: *Disapprovingly* Fred... That is an insult to Lois Lane herself and you should be ashamed of yourself for even thinking of such a thing.
Fred: *Actually ashamed after hearing what Cora said to him* ...You're right Cora... I am so sorry. It won't happen again...
Cora: Nodding with approval and forgiveness* You're forgiven Fred.
*The three land on top of Krei tech where they head down to meet up with the rest of the team. Baymax immediately scans Krei and applies the antidote, as of while Fred plays with Krei's limp arm.*
Baymax: You will be okay. But while the antidote takes affect your major motor systems will be significantly impaired.
Krei: *clear voice* No kidding.
Baymax: Try to stay relaxed. I will rub your back.
*Baymax's fingers vibrates on top of Krei's back*
Krei: No-A gah..oh that's actually nice.
*Hiro and Cora look into the empty safe.*
Hiro: What did she steal?
*Baymax stops massaging*
Krei: That's- classified! It's top secret!
*Hiro and Cora stare at Krei with a disapproving look. As did everyone else.*
Cora: *sing-song* We can't help if you don't tell us.~
Krei:...Gravitational Disruptor.
Wasabi: An Anti-Grav device?
Gogo: And you lost it?!
Honey Lemon: This is bad.
Krei: Don't worry she only made off with half of my prototype, the other half is still secured in my other secret safe.
Hiro: Where's your other secret safe?
Krei: I'm not telling you and you'll never find it.
Fred: Found it!
*Wasabi and Fred were at Krei's bookshelf where Fred's hand was on a globe.*
Fred: These days, the only reason people have globes is to open secret safes. I mean it's pretty obvious.
*Fred opens the globe where he presses the button, soon the book shelf opened to reveal the secret safe containing the other half of the prototype.
Krei: You better not tell anyone that's there!...Pinkie promise.
*Krei manages to grab a glass of water but before he can take a sip the glass falls apart...because it was cut in half.*
Krei: Ugh!
*Cass flips the sign from open to close as she prepares for bed.*
Cass: *Yawn* Wow, what a day. Good night Hiro.
*But when she didn't hear a response, shw goes up to his room.*
Cass: Hiro?
*She sees Hiro's bed where presumably Hiro is sleeping. But upon closer inspection she lifts up the blanket to reveal that its only Mochi and a pillow. Cass is not amused about this.*
Cass: Hiro!
*Back at Krei Tech, Hiro's phone rings with the caller being Aunt Cass.*
Hiro: Everybody shh! It's my aunt!
*Hiro quickly answers.*
Hiro: Er uh..Hi Aunt Cass!
Cass: Where are you? You said you were going upstairs to study. I'm in your room and you're not!
Hiro: Uh..actually I meant going upstairs... at the library!
*Fred touches a lamp which falls to pieces because it was cut in half.*
Hiro: *Glares at Fred for a moment before going back to his call* With friends! You know like a-like a study group.
Cass: Yeah a study group.
*She was not buying it.*
Hiro: Oh uh yeah we're making flash cards...quizzing each other...eating healthy snacks!
*Once Krei is able to stand up, the entire desk falls apart because it was cut into multiple halves.*
Wasabi: Seriously, is there anything in this room she didn't cut in half?
Cass: Who-cut-what-in-half?!
Hiro: Gogo! So we can share those healthy snacks!
*Krei's chair falls down with him, because it was cut in half.*
Krei: Ow!...hmm...Now the numbness wears off.
Cass: Hiro what's going on?-
Hiro: WowalmostdoneseeyouinabitCora'swithmedon'twaituploveyoubye!
*Hiro ends the call.*
Krei: What are you going to do?
*That's when Krei realizes that he can move*
Krei: Hey! Haha I can stand!
*Just then his clothes fall off leaving him in his boxers because they were cut in half. Baymax immediately shields Cora's eyes.*
Krei: Oh...
*Cass looks at the desk where Hiro's old robot Megabot is residing next to a picture of Hiro and Tadashi.*
Cass: Bot Fighting!
*Cass immediately calls up Kaguya. The phone beeps as she answers.*
Kaguya: Why hello Cassandra. What is on your mind this evening that you would like to discuss with me?
Cass: Kaguya, I think Hiro is going bot fighting again, and he got Cora to go with him too.
Kaguya: *Sighs* I'll be on my way.
Cass: What about her dad?
Kaguya: Mizuchi's passed out. I'm more competent than him anyway.
Cass: Okay...? Meet me up at Good Luck Alley.
Kaguya: Agreed.
*Cass hangs up her phone as she marches down to grab her coat and purse before heading out.*
Cass: What is he thinking going to Good Luck Alley at night? And with Cora too!
*She then remembers something about Good Luck Alley.*
Cass: Wait! What am I thinking?
*Cass goes to the kitchen where she grabs her knife set.*
Cass: I'm not going unarmed!
*After they grab some samples from the crime scene, the team heads to SFIT lab where Wasabi is observing the pieces the criminal left behind under a microscope.*
Wasabi: I've never seen a cut like this... Not even my plasma blades are this precise!
Gogo: What?
Wasabi: Graphine blades! Thinner than paper but stronger than steel! This tech is cutting edge! No pun intended...OK OK, pun intended.
*Honey Lemon is watching the security footage they had received from Krei.*
Honey Lemon: Woah! her knife is so thin you can't even see it from this angle.
Wasabi: I told you it was amazing!
Hiro: Baymax can you put a name to that face?
Baymax: I do not have any information about that face.
Cora: Hmm...this is gonna be tricky.
Fred: No it won't! Because I just so happen to know the very thing we need to help us with this little villian-identity problem! My Dad has a state of the art bad guy data base, everyone to Fred's house!
*While that was happening, Cass is waiting outside Good Luck Alley for Kaguya to meet up with her to find the two teens. Just then she spots the old woman.*
Cass: Oh thank goodness you're here! I just can't believe that Hiro and Cora would go back to bot fighting!
*Kaguya eyes the stressed woman as she gives a secret knowing look that bot fighting is far from what they are actually doing, but keeps it to herself.*
Kaguya: *Gestures to the Alley* Shall we go then?
Cass: Yeah...wait? Do you need pepper spray for self-defense? or any of my knifes if you want?
*Kaguya shakes her head as she spins her cane around in her hand before she suddenly knocks out a nearby trash can straight into a wall on the far side of the alley.*
Kaguya: *Smirks* How else do you think Mizuchi is so afraid of me?
Cass: *Blinks* Okay then...Lets go!
*The two women walk down the dirty alley, Cass being cautious while Kaguya is fairly normal as if it were any other day. They spotted a large man throw out a smaller man out the door into the street.*
Cass: *Nervously* Nice...place...
*Kaguya rolls her eyes as if it were nothing special. They continue walking down the street until they saw two men standing guard in front of a door. Cass goes forward as Kaguya stand close by.*
Cass: Excuse me is this where the fight is?
*The first man stops her*
Felony Carl: Yeah?
Dave: What's in the bag?
*Dave grabs the bag while Cass tries to reach it, finally Kaguya clears her throat to attract their attention.*
Kaguya: Hello boys, I would appreciate if you let go of my acquaintance and return her property to her.
Felony Carl: Oh! Sorry ma'mm.
Dave: I see now, I just looked into your bag. You're a fighter, why didn't you say so?
Cass: Fighter? I'm not a fighter!
*Dave pushes Cass inside as Kaguya follows closely behind.*
Felony Carl: Come on, fight is this way.
*As Felony Carl gives her an apron with a bandanna, Kaguya is lead away by Dave.*
Cass: Wait where are they going? W-woah!
*The place she was pushed to revealed itself to be a pole which lifted her up to an arena with a crowd and flames surrounding her. She immediately sees Kaguya in the crowd in what appears to be a VIP section of the rows. Just then a man with neon red hair wearing glasses in a large kimono steps in.*
Yum Labouche : Welcome fighter! I'm Yum Labouche, ringmaster of this underground extreme cooking competition!
*Just then kitchen stands appear from the ground.*
Yum Labouche: The time has come to cook for your life! The time has come for...Food Fight!
*The crowd cheers as Cass is currently questioning every decision she's made in her life.*
Cass:...I've made a bad decision...
*As of while Kaguya is given green tea by Felony Carl as she nudges her elbow to an older gentleman.*
Kaguya: I'm not sure about you, but I believe she will succeed.
Ever Devear: Is that so? I know who she will be up against, she will be demolished before the battle starts.
Kaguya: *Scoffs* Oh please, want a bet?
Ever Devear: You're on old hag.
Kaguya: I've heard worse you wrinkly ballsac.
*While the older gentleman is glaring at the old lady, Mr. Labouch directs the audiences' attention to Cass.*
Yum Labouche: Who are you? And do you have what it takes to vanquish your enemy?
*With the spotlight on her, Cass introduces herself as a flame with her face appears.*
Cass: Well Yumm...uh... I'm Cass... hi everyone. And we're just cooking right?
*The crowd laughs as Kaguya shakes her head over Cass' naivety.*
Yum Labouche: This is no wholes barn cooking. Cheating is not only allowed, its encouraged! Are you prepared to cook dirty?
Cass: That does not sound sanitary.
Yum Labouche: Spoken like someone who's about to lose. And now, your opponent... A man who needs no introduction...
*Just then on the opposite's end of the arena, the enemy chef appears.*
Yum Labouche: Bolton Gamarcy!
Cass: *Shocked* Bolton Gramarcy?!
*Just then Bolton Gramarcy turns his attention to the woman, as of while the old gentleman chuckles.*
Ever Devear: I told you, she has no chance!
*Kaguya remains focused on Cass.*
Bolton: Wait, you're that little bird from the cafe today. Is this a joke?
Cass: Umm... I didn't actually mean to enter, I'm just here to look for my nephew and his girlfriend so I'm gonna...ya know?
Bolton: Give up? Good move, leave the cooking to the real chefs!
*The crowd chuckles and calls out on Bolton's burn to Cass.*
Cass: Oh! We'll see whose the real chef! You're about to get stir-fried!
*The crowd oohs at Cass' retort to the famous chef.*
Yum Labouche: Feisty! Time to cook!
*Both chefs run to their kitchen stations and set out their kitchen knifes as Yum Labouche announces their challenge.*
Yum Labouche: Tonight's challenge... the perfect Creme Brulee.
Cass: Oh! I can do that!
Yum Labouche: But! You must use gummy iguanas! Cilantro! And an ostrich egg!
Cass: *Confused* Whaat?
Yum Labouche: *Laughs* Let the food fight begin!
*The timer set for 30 minutes starts to countdown*
*At the same time the entire team reaches the state-of-the-art criminal database Fred's father has... But what they found instead is an antique machine complete with heavy 70's style computers and light switches.*
Wasabi: You said it was state of the art...
Fred: Well it was in 1972! But don't worry, my dad keeps the data totally up to date!
*As of while Hiro, Cora, and Gogo look over the punching cards in a pile of boxes.*
Gogo: Punching cards...really?
Fred: Yes, hello! But look at them, they'e up-to-date punch cards.
Cora: *mutters* It's actually a little fascinating that these paper cards with holes can store information...
Hiro: OK lets get started-
Fred: Woah!(X6) First, we have to let the tubes warm up!
*Fred pulls down a lever which causes the entire mansion to dim its lights except for the room they are in.*
Fred: Guess what guys? It's punch card time! Boom!
*Fred puts in the first punch card inside as the machine slowly takes in the punch card... but it wasn't the right card with the culprit's information, so Fred keeps searching through the files while the rest of the gang fall asleep. Hiro and Cora are sitting on the floor sleeping next to each other as they cuddled, Wasabi and Honey Lemon are with Baymax using his body as a mattress as Gogo sleeps on a chair. Finally Fred inserts the right one which the machine lets out a ding, signaling him they found the right one.*
Fred: And just like that, we have a match!
*The dinging wakes up the gang as it alerts them. Hiro and Cora stand up while Gogo rubs her eyes awake, Wasabi sees a spot of drool on his shoulder coming from surprisingly Honey Lemon. *
Gogo: Finally.
Wasabi: *To Honey Lemon* Uh..I believe that's yours...
*Honey Lemons sips back her drool and wipes herself.*
Honey Lemon: Sorry Wasabi...
*Fred pulls out the paper the machine printed out as he reads out loud the criminal's information.*
Fred: Her name is Momakase. She's the best thief and sushi chef in San Fransokyo! Considered extremely dangerous!
*Fred then shows the picture of Momakase in her thief attire.*
Cora: Talk about a rouge Itamae...*Yawn*
Hiro: So she's definitely coming back for the rest of that...*Yawn* Graph Disruptor.
Baymax: Hiro, Cora. You two are scheduled to wake up in five hours. You two will not get the recommended level of-
*This sets off an alarm in the young teens.*
Hiro: Oh no! I didn't realize it was so late!
Cora: Crap! Grandmama and Papa are gonna kill me when they realizes I'm not home!
Hiro: Yeah we gotta go!
*Hiro and Cora leave as they drag Baymax along to run home.*
Hiro: Aunt Cass is gonna kill me...
*As of while, Cass and Bolton Gramarcy grab their ingredients to prepare the Creme Brulee. When they go for the ostrich egg, Bolton knocks Cass' egg out of her hand as it lands to the floor causing it to break. Bolton smirks as Cass grabs the remaining egg, the older gentlemen chuckles as Kaguya glares on as they crack open the ostrich eggs and stir them white, then they chop up the cilantro with their knifes. Both are finishing the final touches as they begin to heat up the tops of the Creme Brulees. Bolton is about to throw an ostrich egg at Cass to mess her up but he accidentally knock down the flame thrower which causes the top of his meal to be...over done...complete with a melted gummy iguana. This causes a slight panic with the gentleman as Kaguya smirks. Both Cass and Bolton run to the judges where they presented their Creme Brulee. They stood in silence as the judges taste the meals and discuss. Finally they whisper their answer to Yum Labouche. His eyes widen before he regains his signature smile and goes up to announce the winner.*
Yum Labouche: Tonight's Chef Supreme is... Cass!
*The flame with Cass' face appears as the crowd cheers, the gentleman stares in shock as Kaguya lets out her hand as she waits for him to cough up the money.*
Felony Carl: She won without cheating! I didn't think that was withing realm of possibility.
Yum Labouche: Present your knifes to the victor, you hack!
Bolton: But these knifes are a gift from my Nana.
Yum Labouche: To the victor...!
Crowd: Bolton's knifes!
*Bolton bows down to present his knives to Cass.*
Cass: Oh! No that's not really necessary-
Yum Labouche: I don't make the rules. I just enforce them, take the knives.
*Cass hesitantly takes the knifes from Bolton Gramarcy, unsure how to feel about this.*
Cass: Sorry..
*As of while Kaguya is more than happy to receive the money as she places it in her purse.*
Crowd: Cass! Cass! Cass!
*Meanwhile, upstairs in a sushi bar, Momakase sharpens her knifes as Yama enters the room to talk.*
Yama: You have the Gravitational Disruptor?
Momakase: I have acquired it.
*She opens the case, but when Yama sees it he looks at the blue print and realizes that she only has half of the machine.*
Yama: This is only half of the device! You expect me to only pay you for only stealing half?!
Momakase: You hired me to get the device in Krei's safe. This is what was in his safe, so...yes. I expect to be paid.
Yama: This is useless to me without the other half!
Momakase: Then I guess you need to hire me to steal the other half!
*Yama growls in frustration.*
Yama: Fine! When you have the whole device, let me know!
*Yama leaves the room as Momakase talks to herself*
Momakase: I will... Maybe I'll let some other buyers know as well.
*Hiro, Cora, and Baymax walk towards the cafe together trying to come up with a believable story as to why they were out so late, and failing miserably.*
Hiro: OK I'm gonna need a good story. Aunt Cass is not gonna be happy.
Cora: Neither will Grandmama and Papa...so we're both screwed.
Baymax: Honesty has been shown to have significant health benefits.
Hiro: Not in this case.
Cora: What are we even supposed to say? ' Hey Aunt Cass! Hey Grandmama! Hey Papa! Did you know that we are secretly super heroes fighting crime?!' I don't even want to know how they'll react to that! The one thing I do know for sure is that if Papa ever found out about the whole super hero thing... I would be extreme under house arrest until the year 3000...
*The teens shudder in worry as they and Baymax enter the cafe.*
Hiro: Aunt Cass I'm home!
Cora: Yeah! We just returned from the library studying together!
Baymax: I do not see Aunt Cass. Perhaps she has gone to bed.
*Hiro looks into Aunt Cass' room and finds it empty.*
Baymax: Scanning.
*Baymax's scanner searches before he turns to Hiro.*
Baymax: Aunt Cass is not here.
Hiro: Oh no...She must have gone out to look for us!
Cora: And there's a possibility that she went with Grandmama and Papa too!
Hiro: They could be anywhere! Baymax suit up we gotta find them-
*Just then Cass and Kaguya enter the Cafe, catching each other off guard.*
Cass: Hiro! Hi...
Kaguya: Hello Hiro, hello Cora. How was the library?
Cora: Ummm*Looking at Hiro before answering for them both*...tiring but uneventful... Uh, W-where's Papa? Isn't he with you?
Kaguya: *Scoffs* I should certainly say not. He was completely out like a light when I left him earlier.
Cora: *Sighing in relief* Oh. Well, that's-that's good. He needs all the rest he can get after working so hard, hehe...
Hiro: Uh, yeah... wait you two were out?
Cass: Umm.. yes? It doesn't seem like a big deal...
Hiro: Do you have any idea what time it is? You scared me half to death!
Baymax: You are in good physical condition. Your approximation of 50% proximity to death is inaccurate.
Cora: Baymax, remind me to teach you expressions and the term 'figure of speech' in the later future.
Baymax: Processing. Saving 'Expressions and term of 'Figure of speech' lessons' for a later date.
Cass: Yeah, so don't be so dramatic! Sides Kaguya was with me the whole time. We just took a night out OK?
Hiro: You didn't even leave a note! Where were you? And why do you smell like gummy fish?
*As of while Mochi the cat, Cora, and Kaguya look on at the banter between Hiro and Cass, and all three are getting the familiar feeling of déjà vu as this scene plays out.*
Cass: I don't, I smell like gummy iguanas. Now it's late, so I am going to bed.
Hiro: No! we're going to talk now!
Cass: *Sighs* Fine, tell me all about you and your girlfriend's robot building study group-
Hiro: *Fake yawns* You know? It's pretty late! Lets pick this up tomorrow!
Cass: Works for me, Night guys.
Baymax: Shall I set an alarm for 'picking this up' tomorrow?
Hiro and Cass: No.
*Kaguya and Cora bid them goodnight as well and walk out of the Cafe heading for home. Cora considers asking her about what happened and why she's in such a good mood tonight...but scratches out the idea about talking about it as she realizes she was given a Deus Ex Machina by this turn of events and so wouldn't be needing to explain herself.*
*The next day Hiro and Cora are talking over the phone as they plan a strategy for stopping Momakase.*
Cora: Wasabi can distract her as Baymax restrains her hands, after that one of us has to grab the knifes from her. Without her knifes she's powerless.
Hiro: Alright, see ya tonight Cora.
Cora: See you Hiro, love you.
Hiro: Love ya too.
*Hiro hangs up the phone as he prepares for tonight's plan. Downstairs Cass is testing out her brand new Bolton Gramarcy knife set.*
Cass: Wow...Gramarcy's Nana had good taste in knifes.
Hiro: Hey Aunt Cass, I uh have another study group tonight so don't worry about me for dinner bye!
Cass: Bye Hiro!
*Hiro quickly leaves the door as Cass pulls out her phone and calls Kaguya.*
Kaguya: Moshi moshi?
Cass: Guess what? I just got the night to myself. Wanna join me?
Kaguya: Most definitely Cassandra, just go out there and make those chefs cry.
Cass: And maybe get some dough on the side?
Kaguya: Now you're reading my mind.
*The day quickly becomes nighttime as Momakase stands in her thief attire ready to break into Krei's office once more to steal the other half of the gravitational disruptor. She jumps from rooftop to rooftop and ziplines over to Krei Tech where she positions herself upside-down to the window of the office. She pulls out her two knifes and cuts out a circle to enter. She then enters the room.*
Hiro: Hey there.
*The lights are switched on to reveal Hiro and Baymax standing by.*
Hiro: Looking for something?
Momakase: Well, this is cute. You really think you can stop me?
*Wasabi charges in to attack but she dodges out of the way and knocks him to a wall where she throws her knifes to him, barely grazing his body as he quickly dodges them all before falling over.*
Baymax: Knifes can be dangerous. Especially when thrown.
Momakase: Aww see? He gets me.
*Momakae charges towards Baymax where he kneels down to avoid her slashes. When she lands Baymax's armored arm comes off.*
Baymax: Oh no.
*He falls down as Momakase also cuts off his armored foot. She then felt her sword be pulled away to Hiro's electro-magnetic gloves.*
Momakase: What?
*With her sword in his hand, Momakase pulls out her knife.*
Hiro: Uh oh!
*Momakase swings her sword at Hiro as he inadvertently drops the sword and ducks behind the desk, ducking in time to avoid Momakase's blade.*
Hiro: Ha! Missed!
Momakase: Did I?
*A piece of Hiro's helmet falls off in response. Just then Momakase turns and blocks the attack coming from her right, she spots a young girl holding her sword with a determined glare.*
Momakase: Well aren't you the spunky one?
*Cora yells out as she swings the sword to knock out the knife in her hands.*
Momakase: You're good.
*Momakase then lands a kick to Cora's stomach, causing the young teen to drop the sword as she falls to her hands and knees in slight pain from the blow.*
Momakase: But not good enough.
Wasabi: Lady! You're going down!
*Wasabi brings up his laser blades to fight blade to blade with Momakase. Momakase strikes and slashes at Wasabi relentlessly causing him to only block her attacks until she has him pinned to the door.*
Wasabi: So the knifes... graphine right? You can tell me, it's kind of my thing.
Momakase: Yes...want a closer look?
*Wasabi laughs nervously as she cuts through Wasabi's laser blades with ease... along with his armored arms.*
Momakase: You children lasted three seconds longer than I would have thought... Impressive
*She pulls out and drops a small smoke bomb. When the smoke clears the team sees an open empty safe and no Momakase. Cora stand ups still holding her stomach in slight pain as she looks out the window where she sees the silhouette of the sushi chef/thief getting smaller and smaller in the distance. *
Hiro: Now she can mess with gravity! We have to get it back before someone gets hurt!
Wasabi: OK...but that was so cool!
*Just then the entire bookshelf falls to pieces as Momakase had sliced it up in half. Cora facepalms.*
Cora: Of all the nights for Gogo, Honey Lemon, and Fred to stay home it had to be this one?
*The team set out a search for Momakase to retrieve the tech, but while they soar through the sky, Cass and Kaguya are battling out in the underground cooking competition below. Cass set out to win the challenges while Kaguya makes bets with the overconfident men and win their money. Cass' style, endurance, and refusal to cheat and sabotage others won her the set of knifes that the loser must provide in defeat. Afterwards Kaguya would split the money with Cass in return, becoming something like a manager...However this has it's downfalls too. Cora wakes up as she peers into her Grandmother's room where the old lady is still asleep in her futon mattress. She shrugs as she prepares a cup of tea for Kaguya for when she wakes up. Cora walks down the street to meet up with Hiro when she sees a small crowd of people waiting around the cafe. She goes around the other way where she uses a spare key and enters inside. Hiro is just walking downstairs as he sees his girlfriend in the dark cafe.*
Hiro: Cora?
*Cora doesn't say anything as she points her finger to the direction of the customers waiting outside.*
Hiro: Not again.
*Hiro walks into his aunt's room where he sees Cass still sleeping in her bed.*
Baymax: Good Morning Aunt Cass.
*Cass opens her eyes as she sits up in a slight daze while Baymax lifts up the window blinds to let in sunlight.*
Cass: Wha? What time is it?
Hiro: 8:45. The cafe should be open, who are you and what have you done with my Aunt Cass?
Cass: Oh relax, they can wait a few extra minutes for their coffee.
Hiro: What's going on? You're supposed to be the responsible one!
Cass: There's nothing wrong with going out with a friend once in a while to cut loose.
Hiro: Cut loose? What are you doing all night? Where do you and my girlfriend's grandmother go?
Cass: Uh..The movies! Gotta go to work!
*Cass immediately springs out to start her job, leaving a frustrated Hiro, a clueless Baymax holding Mochi, and a deadpanning Cora.*
Hiro: She has no idea what it's like to deal someone whose obviously lying to you.
*Baymax's vinyl body causes Mochi's fur to fluff up.*
Hiro: Ugh...I'll meet you outside Cora.
*As he stomps out of the room, Cora looks at Baymax.*
Cora: *Still deadpanned* Baymax? Do you know what Irony is?
Baymax: Irony. The expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect.
*Cora sighs as she walks outside to catch up with Hiro. Once they start heading to school Hiro turns to Cora.*
Hiro: I can't believe this, but Aunt Cass has left me with no choice, we have to follow her and your grandmother and find out what they're really doing!
Cora: Okay...?
Hiro: What do you mean 'okay'?
Cora: Hiro, if you lived with my grandmother, you would know it's best not to ask what she's doing...believe me...Papa learned that lesson the hard way...
Hiro: Still, I'm just so worried about her. I can't imagine what I would do if something happened to her...
*While Hiro looks down at his feet Cora gives a small faint smile as she realizes who he is reminding her of.*
*Later that night Kaguya is waiting outside the Cafe. Cass steps out and greets Kaguya, then they start walking down the street... with Hiro, Baymax, and Cora close behind. They spot Cass and Kaguya make a turn into the seedy alley.*
Hiro: What are they doing in Good luck Alley? This place is dangerous.
*Hiro and Cora hide behind crates as they watch Cass and Kaguya enter through the building.*
Hiro: What?
*Hiro rushes to slip inside with Cora and Baymax just behind him. They sneak down to see Cass putting on an apron as she is lifted up by the pole while Kaguya is directed to the VIP section.*
Hiro: What is going on?
*Meanwhile, Yama enters Momakase's sushi bar.*
Yama: I assume you got the device? The whole thing this time.
Momakase: Was it ever in doubt? One Anti-grav device with a 70 meter range radius.
Yama: Fine! I will pay you double!
*Momakase grabs the device.*
Momakase: Actually... things have changed. I'm selling it on the black market to the highest bidder.
*She then stores the device in a metallic case.*
Yama: Why you-!
*Momakase flips the poisonous fish to Yama's mouth.*
Yama: What?!-
*Yama soon becomes dizzy.*
Momakase: Ah delicious isn't it? The toxin gives it a real kick.
*Yama lands in the arms of two other sushi chefs.*
Momakase: Take him home than give him the antidote... eventually.
*She looks out through the see-through walls to spot Cass in the arena.*
Momakase: Whose that down there?
Chef minion #1: New fighter, undefeated.
Momakase: Not...for...long...
*Just then Hiro, Cora, and Baymax arrive at the top of the arena seats.*
Baymax: I detect Aunt Cass in the spotlight and Grandmama in the VIP section.
*Cora runs to her grandmother sitting beside a young man talking as Hiro heads down.*
Hiro: Hey! Aunt Cass! Aunt Cass!
Cass: Hiro! What are you doing here?
Hiro: What are you doing here?
Cass: *Confidently* Umm, winning?
Cora: Hi Grandmama.
Kaguya: Hello Cora, I'm excited to see you here. Cassandra and I are doing great...especially with all the prizes we won.
*Cora's eyes widen as her grandmother waves the hundred dollar bills in her hands, suddenly both teens' families turned their attention on stage.*
Yum Labouche: And now, back in the ring to defend her title, you know her as reigning champion...Momakase!
*Both teens gasp as they finally see the thief after many nights.*
Hiro: Momakase!
Cass: Ooh! I heard she's good!
Hiro: No! S-she's bad! Really bad! You and Grandmama gotta get out of here!
Cass: We will Hiro, just as soon as I crush her and take her knifes!
*Cass walks away.*
Hiro: No wait! You don't want to get near her knifes!
*Cora looks on with worry as she looks at her grandmother, and she sees something that made her really worried...Kaguya's eyes glared with suspicion. This meant that something is amiss and she's filled with cold determination.*
Cora: Grandmama we gotta go!
*Just then she sees a large shadow loom behind her. She turns around and sees Felony Carl holding Hiro by the scruff of his hoodie.*
Felony Carl: Sorry Cora, but it's inappropriate for you and your boyfriend to mess with the fighters.
Kaguya: *Speaks up before Cora does* Perfectly understandable Felony Carl. All I ask though is that you escort my granddaughter and her boyfriend out gently please. They are just children after all.
Felony Carl: *As he takes Cora along with him to escort her and Hiro out* I'll do my best ma'mm.
*Soon all three were 'somewhat gently' kicked out the door into the streets.*
Baymax: *Lands on top of Hiro and Cora* Oh no.
*Hiro pulls himself out as he quickly calls Gogo.*
Hiro: Gogo? We found Momakase, and you are not going to believe this.
*Cora finally frees herself as she sees Hiro just hanging up the phone.*
Hiro: They're coming right away and will be here soon. Ugh! I can't believe this is what Aunt Cass has been doing all this time! Doesn't she know how dangerous it is to be out here? Especially facing off against someone like Momakase?!
*Cora shakes her head as she looks at Hiro.*
Cora: Hiro, we need to talk.
Hiro: Talk about what?
Cora: The elephant in the room?
Baymax: There is no elephant in proximity of this area.
Cora: *To Baymax* Expressions and figure of speech lessons next Friday Baymax.*Back to Hiro* Does any of this look familiar to you? Anything at all?
*Hiro tilts his head in confusion, which results in Cora face palming and slightly shaking her head before she places her hands firmly on Hiro's shoulders and looks him right in the eye with a very serious look before continuing*
Cora: Hiro. I really did not want to do this, but you're really not giving me much choice here. But before I do this I just want you to know one thing... What I'm about to do, I'm not doing this to hurt you or to be cruel. That's the very last thing I would ever want to do to you, I'm doing this so you'll understand better. All I can ask of you before I do this is...don't hate me for it.
Hiro: *Confused, concerned and worried*...Uh, C-cora...what are you talking about?... 'Cause your kinda starting to scare me.
*Cora just looked at him for a moment before finally releasing his shoulders and took a few steps back and started to take a few moments to prepare herself for what she was about to do. She took a few deep breathes and than finally she cleared her throat and deepens her voice.*
Cora: *Imitating Tadashi* 'You graduated High School when you were 13! 13 Hiro! Bot fighting is illegal!'
*Hiro's eyes widen in shock as he finally pieces it all together. He absently sits down on the floor as his eyes seem to be lost in a unfocused stare to the wall across from them.*
Hiro: Oh my god... I sound just like my brother...
*Cora kneels down to hug Hiro.*
Cora: Yeah, you do... Wow, that...actually felt really strange to do... I really am sorry Hiro...
Hiro: N-no, no I understand and I get it...I get it now...
*There was more to Hiro's newly-found understanding than he was letting on as his mind begins to wander to all the times Tadashi had rushed in to save him from the angry bot fighters and how he would scold him for being so careless afterwards. Cora sighs as she continues hugging Hiro.*
Cora: Don't worry Hiro, once our friends get here and we suit up, we'll make sure Momakase regrets having ever facing off against our family.
*Hiro's face changes to determination as they stand up together.*
*Meanwhile, Kaguya is talking to Cass through a small earpiece.*
Kaguya: Cassandra, usually I don't say this...but be careful around this woman. This is not going to be easy.
*But Cass dismisses Kaguya's warning.*
Cass: Ah don't worry so much Kaguya. I'll be fine!
*She turns off the earpiece as Kaguya looks out to the arena with concern.*
Momakase: Hmm..let me guess... a cook at some nothing Cafe? You probably put cute animal faces in your cappuccino foam.
Cass: You wish you could make a panda-ccino like mine.
Yum Labouche: Tonight's championship challenge is gonna be...Sushi! Sharpen your knife skills chefs, this could get dangerous.
*Cass runs forward to grab the sushi but Momakase throws her knife to trip Cass down.*
Cass: Ok. Fine! You are going down.
*As that happens, the rest of the gang are suited up and ready to face Momakase. Fred is currently watching the food battle from afar.*
Fred: Woah! I never knew cooking could be so tense! I am never going to look at the sandwich in the same light.
Hiro: Baymax, scan the building for the gravity thing.
*Baymax steps forward to scan and spots where it's hiding.*
Baymax: Gravity Disruptor located.
Hiro: Let's go!
*The team runs towards the sushi bar as Cass and Momakase battle it out. Kaguya frowns as Momakase uses her knifes to sabotage Cass' work, and even then it worked in Cass' favor. Usually Kaguya never gave a second thought on the other chefs' attempt to cheat, but this woman and her ego are something else entirely... Momakase is growing frustrated that her attempts only benefited her rival. As of while Baymax opens the doors of the sushi bar.*
Baymax: It is in this room.
Hiro: Nice! This is gonna to be easier than I thought!
*But the two large sushi chefs inside beg to differ.*
Honey Lemon: Oh...hi.
*Gogo launches a punch to the face.*
Momakase: You are not as good as you think you are!
Cass: Just have to be better than you!
Momakase: Huh, we'll see about that.
*A loud thud rings on top of the sushi bar.*
Momakase: What?
*Momakase places her dish on the judges' table as she brings out her knife to cut the rope and trap Cass under a net. Kaguya's breath stilled and her eyebrows glared at the devil woman's action.*
Yum Labouche: Oof! This looks bad for Cass. She needs to get her dish to the Judges before time runs out to qualify.
Momakase: I'll be back to collect your knives.
Cass: *Struggling* Why is there even a net in here?!
*Upstairs they finally brought down the sushi chef brutes, and so they begin to search for the device. Cora runs to the sushi booth where she finds a secret panel locked from the inside. Wasabi runs forward to cut off the panel and free the box that contains the weapon. Cora is about to stand up to join the team as she notices something else...it was a blue choker beautifully decorated with gold threads, a golden medallion hangs clearly with an engraving of...*
Cora: *Softly* What?
*Cora takes off one of her suction cup shoes as she compares the symbol on the medallion to the birthmark on her ankle. They are an exact match.*
Hiro: Cora? Is something wrong?
Cora: I...don't know... I found this with the box.
*Hiro, Honey Lemon, and Gogo look at the choker in Cora's hand.*
Honey Lemon: Oh wow! It's beautiful!
Gogo: Hmm. Certainly never thought she was the type for jewelry though.
*Wasabi slices open the box.*
Wasabi: They're no graphine blades, but they do the trick just fine.
*Fred then turns his attention to the group looking at the choker.*
Fred: *Gasp* Guys! I know what that choker means!
Honey Lemon: You do?
Fred: Yeah! It's a-
*Just then the doors are slammed wide open.*
Momakase: Those! Are mine!
Gogo: Really?! Cause you stole the device!
Fred: So you really shouldn't be that offended 'cause...you know it's not yours and all...
*Momakase throws her knifes at them as Fred and Gogo dodge. Gogo lands on the floor safely while Fred is pinned to the wall.*
Fred: *Pops his head out of his suit* I'm OK!
*Momakase turns her head to the remaining five, and then she gasps as she spots the scorpion-crustacean hybrid symbol on Cora's bare ankle. Soon her eyes, once fueled by cold determination, are filling up with pure rage. She runs out with her blades in hand towards Cora with a face of fury. Cora quickly puts her shoe back on as she dodges Momakase's strikes, each time becoming faster than the last.*
Momakase: Where is he?!
Cora: What?!
Momakase: Where is that traitor?!
Cora: Seriously?! I don't know what you're talking about lady!
Momakase: Don't play cute with me! Tell me where he is! He will pay for ruining my perfect future!
*Cora slides across the floor to escape, which then leads Momakase's direction to Wasabi, who is holding the device in his hands. She quickly throws her knifes to the remaining team where Hiro redirects the knifes to Fred's already pinned body. Honey Lemon throws the ball to encapsulate her but Momakase simply cuts it and sends it flying to Honey Lemon, trapping her instead.*
Honey Lemon: Wasabi look out!
*Momakase jumps toward Wasabi as he quickly drops the device to the floor. This activates the machine where they all started to float up.*
Wasabi: It really works! It really works!
*Fred is now free from his knife imprisonment by Cora before hand.*
Fred: Woah! Cool!
*Cora tries to reach to the floor to stand still but realizes that this could be used to their advantage. As of while the crowd do the countdown.*
Crowd: Ten! Nine! Eight!
Cass: I guess you can't win them all...
Kaguya: It's alright Cassandra, it was fun while it lasted. You are a true chef.
*Cass smiles warmly at Kaguya's words but then the whole room started to float, thus lifting the net off of Cass.
Cass: I take it back! You can win them all!
*Cass flies to the judges' booth with the sushi intact as she beats the countdown.*
Yum Labouch: She did it! Haha! It's all over now with the judging! And the vote is!
*They hear a loud crash as they see Baymax and Momakase float down. Labouche lifts up Cass' arm.*
Cass: I won? Ooh I won!
Momakase: No!
*She floats down to attack Cass but then Cora swims past her and delivers an electric shock punch to the wicked sushi chef's face. Momakase holds her nose as she glares heatedly at Cora.*
Hiro: Oh no! Cora!
*Hiro then swims towards the device as Momakase launches herself to Cora. Cass and Kaguya stare in horror as Momakase brings out her knife to stab the girl.*
Hiro: Everyone hold on! Things are about to get heavy!
*Cora swims quickly to Baymax as Cass throws the net from before to stop Momakase. Just then Hiro deactivates the device where soon the gravity is set back to normal. Hiro falls down but is quickly caught by the hand by Cora who is on Baymax before she hauls him up to her. Meanwhile the crowd chants Cass' name as Kaguya stands up and smiles, her nod of approval telling all that Cass is truly worthy. Cass takes a modest bow as Momakase struggles to free herself from the net. The team are about to leave the scene when Cora points out her Grandmother walking down to face Momakase.*
Kaguya: You know, I've heard a lot about you being the greatest chef in San Fransokyo, the best Itamae the world has yet to see. A great Itamae is judged by her skills, preparation for food, how they treat their clients, and how they work with honor. But it's obvious to me that you are no Itamae...So I'll be taking this.
*Kaguya takes the knife set from Momakase's person.*
Kaguya: And this.
*Momakase's hair falls down as Kaguya than takes the blue bandanna from her head as well. If looks could kill, Kaguya would be a pile of bones at Momakase's death glare. Kaguya hands over the knife set and bandanna to Cass as she walks towards the exit.*
Kaguya: I believe it's time to go home.
*Cass smiles as she follows the wise woman to the exit. Meanwhile the team are outside the building as Gogo contacts the police.*
Gogo: They'll be here soon so we better scram.
Cora: Wait!
*Cora runs to Fred, which confuses Hiro and the others, wondering what Cora wants to talk to Fred about.*
Cora: Before, you were gonna say something about this,*Holding up the choker she had taken from Momakase's hiding place* what is it? And why did Momakase have this?
Fred: Well, again from comic books-
*The rest of to team slightly groans at this.*
Fred: I recognize this from the many plots that featured it! There are some when the villainesses are brooding over the men that ruined their lives when it's obvious they caused their own break up.
Cora: *Confused* Break up?
Fred: It's basically like an engagement ring from some rich and powerful dude, but he called off the wedding when he found out her true colors... or fell in love with someone else.
*The teams' eyes widen in surprise over learning this. Just then the police sirens are piercing through the night.*
Hiro: We gotta go!
*Everyone gets on Baymax as they fly off into the night air, but Cora's head is turning over this new information. If Momakase was engaged at some point to a very wealthy and powerful man...why did the medallion feature her birthmark?*
*The next day, the news covered the story of Momakase's thievery as Alistair Krei is on TV giving an interview. Cora and Kaguya are at the cafe enjoying their tea as Hiro walks over and greets them both as Cass cleans up the tables.*
Krei: Nobody steals from Alistair Krei and gets away with it. And nobody tells Alistair Krei how much soy sauce to use.
Cass: Wow! Can you believe that woman was a dangerous criminal?
Hiro: And you stood up to her!
Cora: Yeah! And Grandmama, you stripped her of her knifes and bandanna like it was nothing!
Hiro: Sometimes I forget how amazing you are.
*Cass smiles warmly as Cora hugs her grandmother. Kaguya pats Cora on her back as she sighs, then Cass hugs Hiro.*
Cass: Thanks Hiro.
*Just then they hear a doorbell chime as a familiar face enters the cafe.*
Cass: Chef Gramarcy? What are you doing here?
Bolton: Ummm... Hello Cass. I should say Chef Cass. First of all, I want to apologize for my atrocious behavior.
Cass: Thank you, I really appreciate it.
Bolton: Secondly I was wondering if...if you could find it in your heart to-
Cass: You want your Nana's knifes back.
*Bolton nods his head. And so Cass takes Bolton to the back room where Hiro, Cora, and Kaguya follow. Inside the storage room to everyone's surprise, sans for Cass and Kaguya's, is filled shelf by shelf with knife sets from all of Cass's victories. The ones that belonged to Momakase mounted on the wall.*
Bolton: Uh..
Cass: So...which ones are your Nana's?
*Hiro and Cora look at each other with wide eyes and gaping mouths before Kaguya shuts them close, smiling in approval of this.*
And Here is Food fight! Leave a comment and share the love! See ya!~
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