#she didn't go Through All That just to be ignored by the fanbase
tigirl-and-co · 11 months
Unpopular opinion but I VASTLY prefer art of the characters as their actual bird selves to anime boy art. I'm into HB for the world building and how the human x bird logistics play out (and that sweet sweet lifespan difference) I do not care about the pretty anime boys doing anime boy things.
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Princess Elise Propaganda
"The game she's from was relentlessly dragged through the mud for years and years and Elise took the brunt of it. She's a teenage girl who due to spoilery circumstances can't cry or else she'll basically trigger the apocalypse, AND she's the ruler of her kingdom - and gets dragged into Eggman's plot and faces a ton of danger. She basically has never been allowed to let go, or be herself, or just do whatever she wants, or even show emotion - and her arc is about her starting to try and go against that and be free. BUT because she's a human girl everyone in the Sonic fanbase hated her for more than a decade."
"she did nothing wrong!!!! people love to villify her, pit her against other girls for no reason, and make her seem as selfish as can be even though she literally spends the entire game being pretty selfless. one moment of selfishness and of wanting a friend amidst her 10 years of loneliness makes her the worst person ever, even if SHE ACTUALLY DOESNT EVEN DO IT? she still gives up everything after all that time spent alone and it's like the only thing she does that's of (bad) note the entire game. the rest of the time she's being captured (by eggman), trying to help sonic (by pointing things out during gameplay), learning to be brave and growing as a person (escaping with Amy, running away from Eggman), literally giving herself up so no else gets harmed, and just being nice overall. people also love to say Amy hates her or something even though they literally become friends in the game? even after the kiss, they're clearly doing fine, Amy hugs her after they win. hello?? i just love her a lot and people are so mean to her? she's a sweet girl, she just wanted a friend and that makes her the worst i guess. she doesnt even go through with it😭"
Amy Propaganda
"Despite the fact that Sonic has said outright that she is important to him and someone he's glad to have around, fans choose to ignore that she is shown to be a good friend and has lots of friends- Cream, Big, Tails, Blaze, Knuckles, Shadow, Rouge(? They didn't seem to get along, but she invited Rouge to her birthday), Vector, Espio, Silver, E-102 Gamma, Elise, Belle, Sticks, and again, Sonic- in favor of pretending that she is a creepy, obsessive fanatic and a stalker who forces herself into Sonic's life and the lives of those around him without ever being wanted. It's quite frankly disturbing."
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crushedgraham · 9 months
D.va x Insecure gf please? Maybe im not doing well 💀
D.va x Insecure Gf
i didn't save it on accident and it got deleted so this is my second time writing this :,) also i didnt know if you wanted hc's or a fic so i did a little of both
being with one of the most adored celebrities in korea can be hard.
even the idea of Hana having a partner sent her fanbase into a craze
so much pressure is on you to look and act like the perfect partner
and when people catch you two on a date and you don't look like how they'd imagined?
suddenly her streams are being flooded with hate comments about your relationship
"D.va could do so much better than that"
"how did they pull her..."
"she's not worthy of Hana"
you tried so hard not to give into their words but you could only take so much
eventually you were cancelling weekly dates and refusing to go out with her to replenish her snacks
you just didnt want anymore comments that validated all of your insecurities
and slowly you found yourself slipping, spiraling into a pool of self-hatred and insecurity
hana noticed, of course she did
she noticed your heavy gaze whenever you looked into the mirror
the dark circles around your eyes
how your skin was paler
how you started skipping meals
it broke her heart.
The dim light from your phone illuminated the dark room. Hana cracked open the door, letting the hallway light stream in. Her brows furrow as she looks at your form underneath the thick duvet. You've been rotting in that bed for weeks, only ever coming out to use the bathroom or shower every few days.
"Jagi? I brought dinner..."
Hana holds a tray of some food that she ordered from a random Chinese restaurant as she enters the dim room. She kicks the door closed with her foot and places the tray on the nightstand. The small click of your phone and the darkness that encompasses are the only response she gets from you.
She walks a practiced path to the bed and sits on the edge.
"I'm worried about you, Y/N....Just..Talk to me, please. I'm always here for you."
Her voice sounds so...Heartbroken. Guilt floods your body and it feels cruel to just ignore her. You roll over and you reach out your hand to the shadow of her body - you come in contact with her wrist and you stroke it softly with her thumb. Hana's pulse soothes your nerves and you scooch a little closer to her.
"Can I turn the light on?"
Your head nods against her knee and she reaches over to flick on the warm light of the lamp. Hana's eyes soften as she looks at your poor state.
"Oh Jagi...Let me take care of you"
Hana leads you to the attached bathroom, she turns the faucet of the bath on to let the water warm up and - filling it with scented oils and soap. She helps you undress from the old pajamas and you take your place in the warm bath. Hana strips out of her own and settles onto your lap, cupping her hands, she pours some water onto your hair to get it ready for the shampoo. She dribbles the shampoo into her hands and works it through your hair, making sure to gently massage your scalp.
Little kisses are pressed against your cheek and jaw - usually it's you praising Hana but it feels nice to be the one being pampered.
Once she washes the shampoo out, she rubs some more of that scented oil into her hands and starts massaging your tense shoulders. You can feel the tension melting away and you lean your head back with a groan.
"I don't deserve you, bunny"
"Hey don't say that"
She stops and when you open your eyes, you're met with a pouting Hana. Her small hands cup your face as she stares into your eyes. This is the most serious you've seen her.
"You deserve all of me. Don't listen to those incels on social media, they're just jealous that you have me all to yourself."
You chuckle at her choice of words and her heart flutters seeing you smile for the first time in a while.
"You're my player two. And no one will ever beat me at mario kart like you do. You're irreplaceable"
You roll your eyes with a big grin at her unromantic words. Impulse takes over Hana and she lunges at you, smothering your face with kisses as she wraps her arms around your neck.
"I missed you so much Jagi!"
The water sloshes from both your squirming and you two burst out into a flurry of kisses and giggles.
"Hey Hana?"
"I love you"
"I love you too Y/N"
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stranger-rants · 1 year
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I see comments like this one all the time, and it just drives me crazy because this is the damage the last season did. This is it! Anything that garnered him any kind of care or concern was pissed on, and not because the narrative revealed to us anything so horrifying we have to change how we perceive Billy. In fact, we learned nothing new about Billy. Nothing. Just Max saying he made her life "a living hell" with absolutely no evidence of what that looked like beyond what we've already seen, and Vecna using his dead likeness to hunt down Max because she felt guilty about him dying.
People who didn't even like Billy went from season three thinking that maybe Billy didn't deserve to die like that and that he deserved better to... This. This ridiculous opinion that a few words on a piece of paper are more meaningful than Billy's own words. Billy's own trauma being put on display. Eleven having an important, meaningful connection to him and being the first person to ever truly show any kind of empathy towards him. Max sitting in solitude on his bed. Us knowing his father was beating him to his father just all of a sudden fighting with Susan and leaving.
This is the damage the structure of the last season did to what they've already built up and it's something I've seen repeatedly done to actors and characters who have exited the show - straight up defamation and practical "gaslighting" for lack of a better term of the fanbase to act like things were realized that weren't and we're the problem if we recognize the incongruencies.
This attitude that because he was "portrayed negatively" (see: Vecna used his image to haunt Max and Max wrote a scathing letter about Billy to draw Vecna out) so Billy's death wasn't meant to "redeem" him just... y'all don't get it.
I don't personally think he needed to be "redeemed" and certainly not like that, but dying was all he could do narratively and apologizing was all he could say before he died. There was no other option because they had written Billy, an abused teenager who no one was going to help, into a corner. However, in ending it that way they showed with one single act that he wasn't The Big Evil Human Villain y'all so badly want him to be, even if it contradicts what The Duffers had envisioned for him. Again, I say again and again, that vision wasn't realized.
The fact that The Duffers double down on him being their "human villain" when Billy was tortured and possessed and killed in one of the most cinematic yet violent scenes wherein he actively fought the thing that was going to kill everyone, is a very poor reflection on them as writers and not on us for empathizing with Billy's situation.
Vecna is not Billy. His portrayal of Billy is not Billy. Max is an unreliable narrator in her second letter because it is literally used as a set up. The fact that you need The Duffers and/or their characters to tell you that you should hate Billy is a problem when all it takes is one simple critical look at what happened to him to realize that's bullshit.
Please, fucking think for yourselves and look at context before using poor writing choices and bad faith scenes as an excuse to ignore what happened to a character. There's actually a difference between what is portrayed and what is intended, and what they intended re: "human villain" blatantly ignores all the suffering they actually portrayed this character going through.
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puricodraws · 5 months
Here's a long post no one asked for, but I gotta get off my chest. Lots of infodumping about Kingdom Hearts and in particular the casting of it's voice talent, so strap in y'all. So something I find very interesting is the way Square/Disney has treated the character of Kairi throughout the years. She started out as a damsel character, and was hated by very vocal group in the fanbase. I myself didn't really care about Kairi any which way, I didn't find her particularly interesting and I could understand the hate for the character like... a little bit? But what's funny to me is how that perception has changed over the years. Maybe there is still a very vocal group of people hating on Kairi on some forum I'm not aware of but I feel like the general consensus on her these days is: That's our girl. We can recognize that she is a victim of bad writing and the damsel trope. She's become a bit of un underdog in my mind. Like, treat her better Square! Come on!
The issue with Kairi is that she's just a... nothing sandwich. Kairi is a sweet girl, she likes Sora, she likes to write and makes good luck charms. She's also secretly a princess and therefore has a pure heart and can do nothing wrong. She is a little bit sassy sometimes, but not too much, she cares about her friends and will jump into danger to protect them, but most of the times she is the one who needs to be protected. She's strong, but not too strong, she's sweet and easygoing, and she's boring as hell. In the games at least... She rules in the manga.
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In the game she softly lowers a bottled letter to Sora in the ocean, while in the manga she tosses it in there with all her might.
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In the game she sort of runs away when Axel tries to kidnap her but in the manga she THROWS HANDS at one of the nobodies who tries to capture her.
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Also later in the story when she is kidnapped by Organization XIII, she actually manages to escape for a bit by wiggling through the bars of her prison cell, and then throws hands at Demyx, who is actually trying to help her out. (the manga takes some liberties with the story, it's great you should really read it if you get the chance)
Shiro Amano actually lets her put up a fight and let her actually try to escape by herself when she's captured. Watching this girl be strong and throw hands without hesitation is so so great. Shiro Amano said: Girls should be allowed to go feral once in a while, as a treat. Also I would be amiss if I didn't mention this moment with Olette:
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(In the game, Olette awkwardly and weakly puts up a hand to protect Kairi when Axel shows up in Twilight Town to kidnap her, but is just ignored in the most disrespectful way.)
Anyways, back to Kairi. It's sad to say, but her original characterization is just boring. She doesn't really want anything for herself and she doesn't really have a function in the story except to wait around for the boys to pay attention to her or get kidnapped and need to be rescued. And while in recent years the writers are finally exploring her being a keyblade weilder and having her actively participate in the story, they still just can't resist damseling the poor girl, fridging her, and putting her on the sidelines while Sora and Riku take center stage. It's great to see how the fandom's perception of her has changed over the years, people are seeing how Square has been dropping the ball and are actively rooting for Kairi to get more stuff to do. Fans are creating mods of the games to make Kairi playable, are writing fanfiction exploring role reversals where Kairi is the hero and there are several notible fan comics comics that explore her character in a really interesting way.
Anyways, now to get to the actual thing I wanted to talk about: How she's casted in the English version of the games, and how the inconsistent approach to the casting feels... a little disrespectful. Having a consistent voice for a character is something I, and many others really appreciate. It shows a level of care from the creators to bring a consistent group of actors together to bring life to the world. Now, VA's being replaced in the Kingdom Hearts series is not uncommon. The series is known for casting well known actors, and actor availability and budget are problems for which recasting is the solution. For example: Billy Zane got recast as Ansem by Richard Epcar, Brittany Snow by Meaghan Martin as Namine. And then of course there are Christopher Lee, Wayne Allwine, Leonard Nimoy and Rutger Hauer, who had to be recast because they sadly passed away. (RIP, Kings)
Like, all of that makes sense. So here's the confusing situation with Kairi:
Xion and Kairi share a VA in the JP version. This is an intentional creative decision that ties into the lore of Kingdom Hearts. Risa Uchida has consistently voiced these characters in Japanese for years and does a fabulous job.
Sadly this was not the case in the English version. Hayden Panettiere originated the role of Kairi in English, but they got Alyson Stoner to voice Xion when the character debuted in 358/2 days in 2009, which was originally a DS title. Before this they also got Alyson to voice Kairi in the re:Chain of Memories dub in 2008.
These titles were likely smaller budget, which becomes pretty obvious when you look at the overall quality and presentation of the cutscenes. In Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 the dialogue was recorded in English and the japanese lipsynch animation were redone to match the English dialogue. This was not the case in 358/2 days. The dialogue was recorded to match the japanese lip flaps, and the animation was not altered at all to marry the two together. So availability and budget could have been an issue in getting Hayden Panettiere to record for these games. At the time I also considered the possibility that Hayden simply didn't want to do it anymore. It wouldn't have suprised me, because these things happen. Take Brittany Snow for example, after KH2 she got her big break in the Pitch Perfect films, and probably became too busy to come back as Namine. From 2006-2010 Hayden starred in the popular TV series Heroes, which could have impacted her availability and desire to do KH. And with the lower budget for these projects, and where Hayden was at in her carreer at the time, it could stand to reason that she was simply not interested. I should also mention that in this time period Kairi barely got anything to do. When she did show up it would be for a couple of lines of dialogue. As for Xion, 358/2 days on the DS had around 10 or so voiced cutscenes. So the amount of voice work needed for the character was notably smaller compared to one of the numbered games. So the amount of voice work needed, budget, and availability could all have been factors to why Alyson took over for Hayden during this time.
Now don't get me wrong: Alyson is amazing and is, as far as I'm concerned, the definitive voice for Xion. She originated the role and brought so much to the table. She has a wonderful voice, is a talented actress and we have no choice but to stan.
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Before long it became apparent that Alyson replacing Hayden permanently was not on the table. In 2010 Hayden reprised her role as Kairi and took over the role of Xion in the secret ending of Birth By Sleep!
So at this point it seemed that the original creative intention for these characters would be honored. Kairi and Xion should have the same voice actress, for lore reasons, and that actress should be Hayden Panetiere, who originated the role.
And wouldn't you know it, in 2012 Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance comes out for the 3DS. It's another hand held title, but the budget is lit. There is lipsynch animation for voiced cutscenes, and the amount of voiced cutscenes is comparable to KH1, KH2 and BBS. Kairi has a few appearances, but has only one line of dialogue. Same goes for Xion, while she does get a line of dialogue near the end of the game. Hayden came in to record for Kairi and Xion and it really seemed like she would be taking over the roles from Alyson.
So obviously, at this point in time it's all but confirmed that Hayden wants to work on KH, and the creative team were making an effort to consistently bring her back as Kairi and Xion. That would be a tough deal for Alyson though, was she gonna get replaced permanently as Xion? Well wait a second and I'll tell you!
So in 2013 Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix was released. It was the first in a series of HD remasters of the Kingdom Hearts series, and the collection included KH1, KH re:Chain of Memories and around 3 hours of newly made cutscenes retelling the story of the DS game 358/2 days. Days originally featured mostly textbox cutscenes. These scenes were remade from scratch and would feature newly recorded voice acting in Japanese and English. Now I don't need to get into it but... The 358/2 days cutscene "movie" is.. not very good. It's boring to watch through, which I think is to blame entirely for the way they approached it. They remade all the cutscenes true to their original appearance, but forgot that there's no action gameplay to break up hours of dialogue scenes. The pacing is bad, the action is non existent, and what's worse is that it doesn't have adjusted lipsynch animation at all. This means the English voice acting was done to match the japanese lip flaps, resulting in awkward pauses and weird deliveries of lines.
The saving grace was that Alyson Stoner was reprising her role as Xion, recording new dialogue for the cutscenes. They also reused her previously recorded dialogue for the DS cutscenes as well. So... I guess Hayden isn't taking over Xion after all? Or perhaps it was easier to get Alyson to come back, so that they could reuse some of the original voice lines from the DS version? I can't imagine that THAT would've been the deciding factor though, because there weren't that many cutscenes from the DS version that would have to be redubbed should they get Hayden back on board. It's hard to say what the reason for this was.
But I was happy to hear Alyson as Xion in the "definitive" version of the 358/2 days story. She has a pleasant voice, and she portrays Xion beautifully in my opinion.
So then KH HD 2.5 Remix comes out in 2014 and features no new Kairi/Xion content. It does feature the Final Mix version of KH2, originally released exclusively in Japan in 2007. This version had new cutscenes, which were now finally dubbed in English for the HD remaster. What's more is they they also reanimated the lip animation to match the new English voice acting! An interesting thing to mention is that at this time, Meaghan Martin had completely taken over the role of Namine, fully replacing Brittany Snow. They luckily didn't choose to redub Brittany's original lines with Meaghan. But it does result in this funny moment where following Roxas' prologue Namine's voice is suddenly different for a single scene.
Anyways, flash forward to 2017, and the release of Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Remix, which included a brand new title by the name of, and hold on to your wigs for this one....
Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth By Sleep -A Fragmentary Passage-
This was the first look at what a next gen Kingdom Hearts title would be like. You got to play as Aqua and it was wonderful and heartbreaking and cool as hell. At the end of this game a cutscene plays where after a decade Kairi finally gets to be involved in the plot again. She is summoned by Master Yen Sid to begin her training as a keyblade weilder. And she is voiced by.... Alyson Stoner??
A few years later KH3 came out, and Alyson Stoner voices both Kairi and Xion in it. She does a great job. But it's all so confusing.
It seemed so clear that the studio's intent was to get Hayden back as Kairi, and potentially Xion as well. And KH3 was the next big budget numbered title in the franchise. The casting for this game was insane, they got the full cast of Frozen to reprise their roles. Idina Mcfreaking Menzel showed up for Kingdom Hearts! What happened to getting Hayden back? I don't get it at all. This is not to shit on Alyson at all, her Kairi is adorable, and I honestly can't imagine anybody but Alyson Stoner playing Xion. Whenever Hayden picked up the role of Xion I was excited to hear her, but it never felt quite right.
But yeah, this whole situation unfolded in the weirdest of ways. For years it seemed they were absulutely set on getting Hayden to voice these characters. Was she not available to come in for KH3? Well, to answer that question:
Apparently, Hayden wasn't even ASKED to reprise Kairi.
This could of course be a situation of her representatives getting the offer from Square/Disney and choosing not to give it to her. Which happens in Hollywood, and sucks. But there's also a very real chance that Square/Disney didn't even bother reaching out and offering it to her.
Seeing how they decided to recast Hayner, Pence and Olette in KH3, even though their actors are still working as VA's and would have likely loved reprise the roles, I'm leaning to the possibility that they simply didn't bother to reach out to Hayden.
Hell, that's what she said herself.
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All in all it's an interesting series of events. It's confusing, and a bit saddening as well. I can speculate why it all happened, but who can really be sure what their reason for replacing Hayden were. Perhaps they decided to do it because they found Alyson to be a better fit for the character? I may be reading into things but there's this interview Hayden did for the release of KH2 were she talks about the recording process and how the voice directors would keep telling her to "raise her voice an octave higher and make it sound more princess like." I gotta say the way she said that irks me..... I love the way Kairi's voice sounds in KH2! Hayden has a beautiful voice, it's a bit lower and more mature sounding than your average cutie girl voice. I would have loved to hear that quality in the character moving forward. Alyson ended up doing a lighter, cuter version of Kairi in KH3. And I do enjoy how Kairi sounds in KH3. Like, it's fine, she sounds very adorable, and it's fine.
But idk man... it feels... weird. I can't help but feel as though they replaced her voice with a younger sounding one, taking away the strength and maturity of the voice that I loved so much. Effectively infantelizing her. And then of course they proceed to damsel her, fridge her, bring her back to life and put her on the sidelines for the foreseeable future.
I feel like it all ties together with how the writers see her. She's not really a main character after all, she's not a priority. After years of showing a dedication to keep her voice consistent, it was all just thrown out of the window in the end. It makes me feel like they just didn't care in the end, people would be more upset if Sora or Riku got recast, but they just assumed no one would really care about Kairi. I can't help but care though.
I just wish for a future where Kairi can become a main player in the story, and where she is allowed to grow and mature. Where she isn't used as a carrot to dangle in front of the male lead. Where she isn't kidnapped or killed off as motivation for someone else. Where she can be a girl who is not just pretty and adorable and easy going and sweet, but a girl who is strong, silly, determined and is willing to fight like hell for the things she cares about.
Where she is allowed to interact with the world around her, and discover what her place in it is. Where she can discover what she wants for herself, instead of constantly having to be something for someone else!
IDK, maybe that's too much to ask from a Kingdom Hearts game though, haha.
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melishade · 9 months
This is more of a PSA announcement if anything. A warning of people you should DNI. Like at all! Because this situation is getting so fucking ridiculous the longer I learn about this shit.
There was this Youtuber that I followed: Lily Orchard. I used to follow her for years. I started following her...between the fourth and fifth season of My Little Pony Gen 4. So since I was in high school. I followed her for at least a decade. I looked up to her and her work for years and thought she was a good role model.
I was wrong.
I've heard rumors about some of the accusations and chose to ignore it when I was younger, thinking it was slander. But it wasn't true. I had actually found out about all the shit she's done just a few months ago from @asunnycoffee and it is absolutely horrid. I mean there's:
Racism Sexism Homophobia Transphobia Brownfacing Lying Support of slavery through her written fanfics Grooming of her fans (BTW she's thirty) Stalking Harassment Hard Implications of Incest in her work Manipulations Gaslighting Emotional abuse Mental Abuse Complete and utter narcissism of this bitch. And so much more that I'm certain one of it could violate some international law.
She's like a fake liberal Catilyn Jenner. But as far as I know, Jenner didn't fucking molest her sister. Because that's exactly what Lily Orchard did to @pleasetiemyshoe AKA Courtney Orchard.
I can't believe I actually looked up to her I feel so fucking sick
Now because I am new to this and really just an outsider perspective learning about this, I'm going to botch any and all explanations of this in detail. Luckily there is a masterpost of all the shit that Lily Orchard has done in detail. https://www.tumblr.com/lily-orchard-gossip-blog/692978295298572288/a-quick-summary-of-lily-orchard?source=share
And there are a bunch of trigger warnings to this and it will be in the tags if you cannot handle it. That is fine to avoid.
But instead of Lily, ya know, owning up to her mistakes and possibly explaining her side of the story, she's done nothing but double down and accuse everyone that come out to expose her for her shit behavior as 'stalkers', 'TERFs', 'Racists' (even though she's fucking brownfacing. Which by the way, fuck her. I already deal with blackfacing enough as it is and she wants to appropriate a culture for views. GOD WHY DID I LOOK UP TO HER WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!) She will slander anyone that doesn't agree with her and do everything in her power to destroy them. And she will use her fanbase to do so. If the fans so much as harass, slander, misgender, and tell people to off themselves that have critiqued Lily in the past, she does nothing. She lets this shit happen. And usually when a creator or a person of power doesn't say anything to stop their fans from doing heinous actions, it's basically giving permission to the people to fucking do it. A perfect example of this is how Trump weaponized his own people to attack the US Capitol.
And it's not just Orchard. It's also her wife Mikaila Orchard, and a former ex now friend, Ginger. Both have followed Orchard's behavior, refused to call her out on anything and have also actively used their platforms to harass people that Orchard deems as an enemy.
And I wish I was fucking joking about any and all of this fucking nonsense, and if I'm wrong I would take it all back! But there are so many people who've come out against her and explained how much of a shit person she is including:
@as8bakwthesage (BTW check out their art it is lovely. And Sage I'm on a transformers forum if you want to join. We have fun.)
@asunnycoffee (A sweet delight. Who's 18, BTW! So Orchard is not above harassing fucking teenagers! And she's not above grooming them either!)
@pleasetiemyshoe (Her sister. She also posts pictures about cats. But the stuff she talk about with her sister gets really fucking intense. Proceed with caution.)
Lizzy Orchard (Which in summary, was Orchard former girlfriend. Orchard claimed Lizzy abused her when really it was the other way around. Lizzy was harassed and bullied off of tumblr and Orchard took her last name which is weird because why the hell would you take the last name of your abuser.
Blake (Lily threatened violence on Blake's fiancee)
Josh Scorcher (An MLP fan. He and Lily used to be friends and there was a fallout)
Patch (IDK if Patch is on tumblr or not)
Poppy and Zena
And that's from what I can remember! That's over ten people that is ringing out warning signs to avoid Orchard at all costs. If it was one person, I'd be skeptical. But 10?! 10! That should be enough to avoid her at all costs! Another perfect example of this situation is when 30 women came out against Cosby and said he SA'd them. Again, when it is multiple people telling different stories that come to the same conclusion, then it's not something that you can deny.
Orchard is a terrible, human being, and you need to avoid her at all costs, and Mikaila and Ginger. These are the names of the channels you should avoid (because sometimes she'll use other people to spy on accounts that critique her and make alt accounts herself to spy on others and make herself look better:
lily-orchard mikaila-orchard lily-orchard-fanart sucky-boi (an alt account) lexyr-kryo (not an alt of Orchard, but the user misgendered Sage and I don't take kindly to that) ginger-snap-talkin-nonsense (Gringer has been known to harass Sunny, who is 18) So block those accounts and follow the others that I mentioned above. Please boost this post as much as you can to help other people avoid them. Although there will be some heavy stuff in some of those accounts, so please proceed with caution. also there's evidence that she wrote an incest story called Stockholm
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dearweirdme · 3 months
Full disclaimer but this is gonna be a whole ass rant because I'm tired of the fact that even in the year 2024, people are still trying to shut us up when we call out HYBE and/or 0T7 fandom fuckery towards Taehyung.
Geffen, whose main fuckin usefulness is promotion, didn't even post for TWO whole fuckin days after Layover's release. HYBE had two months notice of estimated pre-order numbers from VBar and still managed to 'run out of stock' and couldn't fulfil the order that would legitimise him breaking and exceeding the record---then they tried to shift the blame to VBar, Taehyung's biggest fanbase and main solo support 😏, to the point where she had to show her receipts proving they had advanced notice of sale numbers with plenty of time to fulfil them.
Did we not all see those petty ass moments, even in the past, where staff bought ice creams for every member besides Taehyung so Namjoon had to share his own with him so he wouldn't be left out?
Or how about the fact that when a member's name is missed out in listings and promotional ads, most of the time it's Tae's? (With Jin also being treated in a similar fashion because I know some MF gonna pull the same old whataboutism on that)
Or how about the fact that the biggest group fanbases feel so comfortable with his mistreatment that they do it themselves openly, like posting BTS GROUP photos where he isn't even there, or posting BTS solo album photos where Layover isn't even there or even openly gloating about the fact that they screwed with his merch counts?
They make their derision so blatant and despise hin so clearly but 0t7 'fans' still wanna roll out in droves to defend their asses when they stay making 'mistakes' and those 'mistakes' coincidentally stay fucking Tae over
Who do y'all think these losers are taking their lead from?
Maybe it's the same company that in one of the festas gave all of the members fortune slips and only Taehyung's was used to shit on him; warning him that if that if didn't beat to HYBE's drum terrible things would happen to his career and his future would be dire?
Yes, all members have moments of shitty treatment from fans and the company but there is a CLEAR double standard on the fandom when it comes to Taehyung. The big '0T7' accounts do not move for Tae the same way they do for others and way too many are actively working against him and they get away with it because that's the line that has been normalised by HYBE.
Go look at any comment praising Taehyung specifically and damn near guaranteed that you'll find @0T7Becky underneath it talking about how we gotta praise all the guys all at once---at a rate that doesn't happen when it's the other guys getting singular praise.
Maybe we can even take a look at official content like Run eps where editors run a consistent 'joke' of Taehyung being dumb or selfish or how about the way they tooks shots at him through Tata or in one of their shitty games?
This shit is there to see and it speaks for itself but people still want to play dumb make their false equivalence and use whataboutism to shut down any discussion of it.
Anyone who says they're active on Twitter or in these fandoms, especially those who have been fans for a while, and doesn't see or remember the difference in how Tae is treated by the company and the fans is straight up lying. 400+ antis were exposed forming a group chat to hate on Taehyung and the 0T7 fandom was 🙈🙉🙊 Its not just a couple of haters talking shit; it's actual campaigns against him; ignored, enabled and even helped by the accounts that are supposed to be representing the fandom and sharing info.
One of the other members wear a hat with braids and the fandom wants to close ranks and protect them. Taehyung wears a durag and all of a sudden we're taking a 'let's spotlight that shit and correct his behavior' stance?
Like, yeah, maybe we should be letting the guys know what's up but there's no damn consistency and the collective only want a call to action if it means shitting on Taehyung.
How many times does Taehyung have to make his 'fuck you' policy towards the company clear before we actually listen to him? Not long ago, he pretty much told us that the only reason he re-signed was for the guys. It was outta his own mouth that he implied that HYBE was an 'aint shit' company.
Something in the water is obviously not clean when it comes to Taehyung's relationship with HYBE and it hasn't been for a while.
There's a reason he has so many solo stans and it's because these people have been pointing out the weird behavior towards him for a while and they've been shut down and shut up with any mention of HYBEs passive aggressive behavior towards him for years and the fact that the 0T7 fandom suddenly take a collective leave of absence when it comes to defending him, promoting him or hyping him.
So I'm not here for any motherfuckin complaints or comparisons when this fandom has operated for YEARS on a policy that Taehyung needs to be punished, held back and deserves to eat shit because at one point he was, according to them, getting too much attention, making too many famous friends (yeah, this shit really took off after Hwarang. They didn't like that Tae was being 'singled out' for acting roles) and they 'had to make it fair'
I'm sure there'll be some wanting to play delusional in response to thise but if you look for it you can find whole ass complications of how shitty HYBE has been towards Taehyung in particular and Jin. Their mistreatment towards Jin has been dismissive and disregarding. With Tae its headed towards pettiness and spite (coincidently the two members known for being the most stubborn and assertive with the company seem to be treated worse. Funny, right? but people still wanna say there's no smoke or no fire 😏)
The difference being that it's not only HYBE who treat Taehyung like shit.
You can find screenshot after screenshot of '0t7' accounts repeatedly 'apologising' and getting passes for making the same 'mistake' 20 fuckin times over and it's always about Taehyung.
Hi anon!
You put quite some time and effort and heart into this, so that’s why I’m posting this.. and also because I do agree with parts of your ask. I’m gonna cut the conversation short after this though, because from experience I know my asks are gonna be vile and messy 😑.
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hadesisqueer · 5 months
The way I know that if she's nominated again against literally anyone Chiara is the one leaving because people hate her for some reason and I don't even care anymore because I've already kinda lived through this before and I know how it's gonna end.
See, I was a fan of Natalia Lacunza and Alba Reche back in OT2018 (those two and Julia Medina were my faves). Back in the day, they shared a fandom, similar to how Chiara and Violeta share their fandom now too; actually, it's the basically the same one (Violeta was part of that same fandom once too lmao I wonder how she feels now that she's the protagonist), it's the same fans. And I remember that people started hating on them as well. The thing is that, if I recall-- neither Alba or Natalia were ever nominated. They were among the best and worked their asses off more than anyone else, and they basically impossible to nominate-- and if they weren't nominated then they couldn't be kicked out, which made some people even more pissed off (lmao). Both became finalists without much trouble. What happened then is that there was vote division (again, shared fandom, this is what's gonna happen to Juanjo and Martin fans too if they both get to the finals, just wait). And that people who disliked them decided to join forces to make Famous the winner, so Alba ended up in second place and Natalia ended up in third place (I will never forget Alba's face when Natalia ended up in third place; she, just like me, thought she was gonna be the winner lmao she deserved it the most).
Now, I liked Famous, he had a great voice and I thought he definitely deserved to be a finalist from the moment I heard him sing for the first time. But he also passed by the contest being-- ignored, practically. And after winning, people basically ignored him again. Barely anyone went to his album signature events, for example. Nowadays, the guy still works in musicals and is fine and all, but when we talk about being relevant, he didn't really become relevant: Natalia and Alba are the ones who are remembered the most from that edition and the ones who still make the most numbers. And this is what's gonna happen with Chiara and Violeta: some people hate them and insult them, but then Violeta gets out and-- she is treated like a winner, fans go see her everywhere and she literally spends six hours signing autographs on her second day out, along with being followed and loved by some of the most relevant influencers or singers of the country (including Natalia herself, and Julia Medina, and most of the 2018 edition, along with Chenoa who is one of the most iconic people from this contest—OT1 everyone—saying she sees a lot of herself in her and that she knows she'll have a great career). And Chiara's more of the same, she is also very loved already by many people just like Violeta is, no matter how many unjustified hate she gets lmao. She and Violeta are the only ones who've already got over 200k followers on Instagram (230k for Violeta and 225k for Chiara I think??) and they are among the ones with most listeners on Spotify. So, yeah, keep hating on Chiara all you want and saying you'd all vote this random contestant over her because you don't like her; everyone in the industry likes her, is one of the only ones with a proper fanbase, she has thrice as many followers as that does, and his most listened song is the one he sang with Chiara-- which is also Chiara's least listened one. I'm sure she'll be fine. Lmao.
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opinated-user · 1 year
Lily, in her It's More Mature To Accept Things Are Just Evil video: "I hate when people ask for serious and mature writing. Fandom says they want mature storytelling but they actually don't want it because they don't want everyone who's bad in fiction to be murdered. No one on Earth wants villains to be killed but me. No fiction ever kills villains (please ignore the many pieces animation pre-90's, most pre-Revival Disney movies and anime that do kill villains regularly). People who like a character I don't like are fucking idiots, no I will not provide proof. Also people are lying, they're not actually interested in why people turn to darkness. No proof, I'm just rushing the video along onto another topic and talking really quickly and hoping you never ask me for any examples of anything. People only like villains when they're white, no I will not acknowledge the many non-white villains who've had fandoms going as far back as when silent film era Asian actors who were forced by the industry to only play villains had huge fanbases, fuck history, it's definitely just AFAB white women wanting to fuck AMAB white men. I'm going to say this is not a disputable fact despite providing no proof and ignoring actual facts that contradict my 'factual' point.
Anyway murder is the 'logical endpoint' of all villains' stories, no I will not acknowledge how that blanket statement does not work in all settings. Here in reality (I say about Star Wars, as if it's real) Vader would've been executed. Why? Because I want him to be, even though it would make no sense for Luke to let Vader be executed. A good hero would automatically be cool with that even though compassion is Luke's defining character trait and Luke, Han and Leia 100% have the know-how to simply claim Vader died, put him in a new life-sustaining suit and transport him and Luke somewhere else. Fuck you, commenter who imagined compassion for someone and whose name I'm showing onscreen to shame you in front of my entire audience.
Fans are stupid. Fans who want redemptions have 'poisoned minds'. They're the same as people who simp over serial killers. Yeah I just compared liking a black-clad space wizard or crystal alien cartoon to liking someone who murdered actual human beings. No I will not acknowledge that make-believe is not real. No I will not acknowledge that I just turned to the families of murder victims and said that a kid liking the wrong cartoon is just as morally wrong as someone liking the man who murdered their actual family member in the real world, I'm just going to keep talking quickly and pretend I didn't devalue the lives of murder victims by making them as unimportant as a cartoon."
I couldn't make it through Lily's last video. Hooktube not giving her a view doesn't mean it gives me the ability to deal with this many fallacies. Unsubstantiated claims, false equivalencies, saying 'the real world' about Star Wars as if it's real, ignoring historical facts, ignoring the facts of the medium she's reviewing, erasure of the long and complex history of POC in villain roles in Western media and audience response, assuming murder works as a solution to all problems in all circumstances in all universes...
I get that talking quickly is supposed to prevent people from thinking about the things she's saying, but as someone who did debate in high school, I was taught to process things going by at this speed. And there's so many things wrong with so much of this that the speed actually makes it worse, because she piles up more and more untrue statements, opinions stated as fact, and absurd statements than I can even describe in a very short frame of time.
THIS is why your channel is dying, Lily. Your lies are so obvious, opinions so outlandish, arguments so fallacious and statements so egregiously lacking in factual basis that to a normal person, you sound ridiculous, unhinged and unwell.
That's not ableism on my part. I mean this as someone with mental health issues myself - she sounds unwell. She is not okay. She has completely detached from reality at just about every level and appears to be unable to even distinguish it from fiction, resulting in her thinking liking some cartoon cartoon is like being a fan of real-life murderers. She doesn't know real life murder is worse! She does not understand that a real person dying is worse than a fictional one dying. Holy shit, has she been like this the entire time? I watched her videos in middle school and I remember thinking they were funny but looking at this as college-aged me, she sounds like someone less than half her age who thinks they were Amity in a past life. She is on fictionkin levels of 'crimes in a fictional universe are just as bad as crimes in this one'. She called Star Wars the real world!
At this point only a full-on mental health intervention could save her. I don't think anything less could salvage her mind, nevermind her channel. She's just broken mentally in a way that I can't even take the tiniest bit of 'whew! glad I'm not her' satisfaction in because it's so awful.
Even when I was unmedicated and had manic episodes, I would not compare serial killers to cartoons. I don't know what mental illnesses she has but she needs help.
i think it's worth remembering that a lot of what LO does is purely performative. any attempt at wanting progressive politics or wanting queer people to stop hating on themselves is empty noise, they don't mean anything. her actions speak louder than words and through those we know already that LO does not care about LBGT+ people, only cis lesbians and only as long they satisfy her on the way she wants them to be.
that line about liking serial killers and liking villains is nothing but more examples of her overcompensating for liking sadistic cruel murderers and bending backwards to try to still make them the heroes. it's not what she really thinks, but it works to come across the idea of how despicable villain liking looks to her. it's there to make you forget about all the way that LO has liked and written character who have done far worse than many villains.
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jewishbarbies · 2 years
Why were swifties hating on Jake Gyllenhaal? What did he do ? I never knew they hated him so much for a song written in 2012 , I only knew they dated each other and she got heartbroken that's why she wrote that song but it has been so long since then and now I think for all we know that relationship might just have been only a publicity stunt for PR.
Her music is trash , I still can't believe I listened to her as a kid and some of her fans are just so full of hatred towards people who criticize her even after knowing how much CO2 emissions she has caused cuz princess can't use a car for a 40 minutes drive but needs an airplane to make the ride short and reach the destination in 3 minutes. I am sorry for sounding so rude and hateful.
But I feel so mad at myself for liking her as a kid , thank God I didn't remain a fan of her after an year when I started realising how bad her music was , I still appreciated her as a human being though but now I really can't appreciate her at all , I never thought she encouraged her fans to bully other artists and people who criticize her.
and as far as i know, no one mobbed his socials demanding the scarf back in 2012 either. it’s this new wave of gen z fans that have made it now socially acceptable to directly harass celebs instead of what used to happen, staying in our own lane and bitching in our own bubbles that celebs purposely avoided. now it’s so easy to get literally bullied off the internet with no proof you did something wrong, just (1) person accusing you of treating someone wrong is enough to get death threats. taylor knows this, too, because she herself experienced the beginning of it when people were calling her a snake bc of kim/kanye, which lead to her cringe “why she disappeared” era she paraded around like a merit badge. yet she’s perfectly fine letting people get the shit end of that stick, go through all the mental shit that comes with it (which she talked about in length in her netflix doc), as long as SHE considers them worthy. it’s incredibly hypocritical and, as a grown ass woman, she IS responsible for making it clear what kind of people she wants in her fanbase. she did it when she said a while back she didn’t want conservatives listening to her music but still ignores the psycho bullies and neo nazis that remain.
swifties are so fucking stupid with the CO2 thing, too. they’re like “but she loans it out!!” like okay and? it’s HER jet, it’s HER responsibility to use it responsibly and maybe not let so many people use it so often?? i myself was only so into her music because I was young and not allowed to listen to much else bc of my parents (they deemed her “safe” to listen to lmao) but now that I’m a bit older and know a lot more about how she operates, I’m so done with her and her bare minimum lyricism. if I want the kind of lyrics swifties claim her songs have, I can just listen to hozier etc. and have a much better time.
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cleverthylacine · 1 year
7. Any worldbuilding you’re particularly proud of?
Once I realised that I was going to have to make canon soup, I think I did a pretty good job of extrapolating different Cybertronian cultures out of the bits of some of the non-IDW canons I particularly like. Vos, Uraya, Kaon and Tarn had indigenous cultures that were nearly destroyed by the Quints, and then the Iaconian theocracy almost finished the job. The Convoys are a travelling people whose original city-state was obliterated.
The Chinese TV production of Three-Body gave me massive amounts of feels about what it must have been like to be a Decepticon during the period when Megatron went off his rocker and the revolution shat itself. I'd read the book but there was something about seeing the environment that Ye Wenjie lived in and how she moved through it that brought stuff home to me that I couldn't pick up from the book.
Right now I'm looking into the effects the Decepticon occupation had on Earth's scientific and cultural progress. I didn't really think about it much in the beginning beyond the fun I was having with Thundercracker's Zoom filters and Glit and Thundercracker both being on OnlyFans, but Thundercracker not really understanding that people don't go to OnlyFans to see what you're gonna do in your next screenplay.
(Glit understands this just fine and has a nice secondary income from his devoted fanbase of furries, robotfuckers, and people who knew that Kiss Players was a propaganda band under Megatron's occupation but still liked the music.)
I had taken the point from Astolat's Victory Condition that if Earth didn't get into space it was going to be doomed, because if Cybertron didn't fuck it up, the Galactic Council was going to.
But I didn't really think about how that would change Earth culture until I started watching For All Mankind, which I really love.
I started writing this because I was furious that Ravage had been killed off and annoyed that the fandom treats this character as a cat meme. About halfway through I realised that I didn't want to go as far with Atrocity Chicken as JRo and the other writers did, mostly because they couldn't decide if the Autobots were Designated Good Guys only in name or not, and that I didn't like that some of the characters I view as part of a team got broken up and put in entirely different cultures, and that the timeline was very heavy on stuff that happened 4 million years ago and stuff that happened in the 1980s-2000s, but largely ignored the intervening 4 million years.
So I've done a lot of work to make the history more coherent, somewhat less convoluted, and more interesting.
(Also I think it is ridiculous that Unicron should be able to eat planets and Primus is just a little guy. They are both just little guys, otherwise it isn't any fun.)
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onewomancitadel · 2 years
The thing is Marvel used to be pretty great. I was a fan of the comics for years before things started to go downhill. Hopeful optimistic characters were turned into cynics who didn't believe in working together anymore and various character relationships were destroyed. Characters werent allowed to be happy or get married. And writers began forcing their own political views onto characters who never shared them before. It's really gotten bad and I think you hit the nail on the head on why.
Follow up- I've seen a lot of these poeple openly admit they hate the idea of canon and don't even do research on the characters before writing them. She-Hulk was the most recent casualty of this. Not only did they utterly assassinate her character but when fans didn't like it they accused the fans of hating female Heroes...ignoring the fact that She-Hulk has existed for decades and has had fans for just as long. Theres also this underlying hatred for fandoms not just writing in general.
Oh no, I'm not discoursing about M/arvel comics, please don't waste your time trying to change my opinion on any of it. I really don't care. I certainly care about the preservation of art and challenging commercialised storytelling, though, which means that even if I have [redacted] opinions about the comics I do give a shit on some level about how that's influencing the current market.
Hopeful optimistic characters were turned into cynics who didn't believe in working together anymore and various character relationships were destroyed.
Right, so you're talking about the shift of the comics in the 90's when everything went grimdark to hold onto a narrowing fanbase? That was really when narrative cynicism crept in. Overtures to hold onto whatever narrowing fanbase have been attempted since then.
Then again, I think there's a serious disconnect between what M/arvel comics were and what the authors and readers might think they're supposed to be. Children's media is good and necessary, but trying to force it to be something it isn't whilst preserving the aesthetics of children's media is something I take major issue with. The fallout of M/arvel comics might have something to do with that, in my opinion, but I don't care enough and don't want to discuss it any further.
And writers began forcing their own political views onto characters who never shared them before.
This is something that when you say it makes people look at you funny and think you're a secret misogynist and racist, and saying it as an anon in my inbox I have to make some assumptions. I would hope the actual problem you have (which is the one I have) is that they're not very good writers skillful at writing the dynamics of political beliefs because they think depiction = endorsement and every character needs to be perfect ever and everybody needs to emulate all characters in fiction. Which, to be fair, circles back to the problem of kidult media. The question of guiding children with media versus adults is very different.
That's where things start to go wrong (and it has roots deeper than whatever transactional moral didactic purpose people think fiction has now) even back in the 90's with the comics because that was when narrative itself was beginning to errode. Lol.
I also just take issue with the idea that you can teach a perfect profound political/moral lesson through fiction because many people have different takeaways. Your political opponents probably think they're Luke Skywalker fighting the Empire. I'm not necessarily morally better for sympathising with Kylo Ren, and it's not indicative of any of my political values (I'm not literally an IRL non-political ideologue hulking sad space prince who needs a kiss) but it certainly indicates that I care about the thematic heart of the piece because I understand him.
Of course, now we're talking about how to address deeper questions in society - can deep wounds in society be solved through fiction? Is this the actual battleground? Is this where it really matters? That's a real question, I think it's hard and more complicated than people make out, but I don't want to be told what to think. In general I think not cultivating critical thinking is a serious problem and something worth thinking about. It's what leads to easy conclusions that dominate this discourse which prove dissatisfying and unstable, which leads to flat reductionist defenses because there is no other defense, and if you challenge that you're a problem. If I criticise something I think is a cash grab I'm suddenly lumped in with actual misogynists or I just hate fun or, alternatively, I'm a misandrist? Not sure. I get all of them.
Not only did they utterly assassinate her character but when fans didn't like it they accused the fans of hating female Heroes...ignoring the fact that She-Hulk has existed for decades and has had fans for just as long.
Well, yes, that was what I was trying to describe in the previous post in so many words. When idiots muddy the water with 'Rey is a Mary Sue' it ruins it for the rest of us, because the takeaway was never about learning from Rey's character or the Heroine's Journey but to realise that an unassailable point of defense was the female character defense, which I find literarily/cinematically ignorant. Then on the other side you have people saying Rey's major relationship and narrative inverse and equal whose love is redeeming and purifying is somehow unfeminist and/or stupid women romance bullshit despite the fact it embodies the thematic and mythic heart of S/tar Wars and now suddenly actually I hate everyone.
Where was I going with this? Anyway, yes, now our silly corporate production that doesn't care about art is indefensible because the currency online is social justice despite the fact we don't care about social justice we just performatively do. And people who would otherwise genuinely care about social justice will defend us, and people who don't will act like there's some great agenda that's pro-women destroying everything, and everything will be awesome whilst they tear each other apart and don't pay attention to us.
And the anon who relentlessly sent me all those asks about Knightfall being anti-men and Jaune being a simp for showing compassion and mercy and Cinder not deserving love WISHES he could rain down his hellfire on me. Cunt!
Theres also this underlying hatred for fandoms not just writing in general.
There's some element of that but you're not really thinking about why certain writers get jobs over others, and I can guarantee you nobody high-up cares about art or meaning or fans. They don't understand fanbases either, or why fans like what they like, or the psychology of fans at all, they think fans are uncritical minions who cheer at references to things they remember and stuff I guess. Iconography without meaning, sign without signified. Sometimes fans get angry but they don't know any better so you better release some merchandise and maybe make a cursory social media post about it. Lol.
Thanks for your asks and have a nice day.
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panfluidme · 1 month
Rant About Snape
So, I've fallen back into Harry Potter. I understand that JK Rowling is an awful person who does not deserve any form of respect. I am also trying really hard to separate the art from the artist. I do understand that the Harry Potter world is far from perfect and that there are many contradictions and holes and some of the things make zero sense, but I do find that the world is very easy to fall into
Now, with that out of the way. This rant is all about Severus Snape. If you like his character, ignore this and just don't interact with this post. I really don't want to argue with anyone about him, I just want to get my feelings towards him out there
Also, I'm currently rereading the books and just finished rewatching the movies, so I apologize if things aren't fully correct. My memory isn't the best and my brain sometimes mashes fanon/headcanons/fanfic with canon
Now, rant under the cut
Severus Snape is a god awful person who does not the deserve the fanbase that he has. Well I do think that him getting a redemption arc is interesting, I hate the way it's done. JK had a few different things she could've used with his character to make him a good person (which, honestly, he's not), but instead she went the "I was in love with your mother and she chose someone else" route
His "love" (I really wouldn't call it that, it's a massive obsession) for Lily is creepy. Yes, Snape was bullied, but he also was a bully in school and as a teacher. Lily told him that she didn't like that, and instead of doing what James had done (taken time to reflect and correct his behavior), Snape called her a slur and joined a group of people wanting to eliminate people like Lily. He was bitter that he was put into the friend zone (something that really only exists because men don't view women as people and get upset when a woman doesn't want to fuck or be in a relationship with him)
I don't like that in the movies (I'm pretty sure it doesn't happen in the books, but I could be wrong since it's been literal years since I last read the last HP book), Snape hugs onto her body and sobs while Harry's hurt and crying in the background. It isn't cute, it isn't romantic. It's weird and creepy and shows how little Snape cares for other people. Yes, I understand that he lost the person he loved the most, but it's still really fucked up to do that while her infant son is screaming and bleeding in the background
Snape is a petty man. He did care somewhat for Harry, but that was only because he's Lily's son, but overall, he was borderline abusive to Harry just because he was James' son. I am not saying that James is completely innocent in things, he was a bully to Snape, but Harry is not James. Harry didn't get a chance to know James
He completely disregards how uncomfortable and defensive Harry gets when Snape insults James to Harry's face. Yes, people should have told Harry about James' meaner side, but they mostly told him that James was a good person (because he was). Snape is challenging this belief and is shitting on James for no reason other than to be petty. I know deep down that Snape knows that James was a better person than he ever will be, and that's why Lily picked James over him. But there was no reason to be so rude to an abused boy who's going through hell and drag his dead father in the mud
Again, I don't remember if this happened in the books, but I hate when Snape is teaching Harry how to build his mental defenses. They're going through some good and important memories with people who are dead and Snape is over here like "getting sentimental are we, Potter?" and "I might vomit". Like, these memories are important to Harry, treasured memories with people he will literally never see again
Then when Draco cursed Hermione in the first book (I think) and made her teeth grow into large buck teeth, he looked at the crying girl and said "I see no difference". Yes, Hermione can be a know it all and very annoying (a whole nother rant, but I do love her), but there is no reason to tell a child who is already upset enough that there's no difference in her appearance. This led her to permanently change her teeth
Snape was Neville's biggest fear. Not Bellatrix, who literally tortured his parents into insanity and probably tortured him as well. Not his grandmother who seems to be a little abusive, not anything else. But one of his teachers. Someone who is supposed to be on his side and support him through school because learning is hard, especially for someone who's magically stunted like Neville is. Honestly. I wouldn't be surprised if Remus had reported this. What bugs me is that he wasn't immediately fired. If a child's biggest fear is one of their teachers, that teacher should not be allowed to teach
It bugs me that Snape gets so annoyed at Harry and Sirius for thinking life isn't fair. Both of these two had been abused. And before you say "Snape was abused too", I know this. But this bugs me because Snape is fine with Snape being mad at the world, fine with Snape holding onto grudges for decades. But Harry and Sirius aren't allowed to be mad for the exact same reason that he is? Like, that's such backwards bullshit
Then Snape outed Remus as a werewolf, which made him quit the job he so clearly loved. Yes, he made the potion that helped the transitions be easier, but there was no reason for him to out Remus like that. Remus already was struggling to get, and probably keep, a job because of a condition out of his control. This just goes back to Snape is a petty and whiney bitch (also doesn't help that he tried to nudge students to figuring this out when Remus couldn't teach and he taught them about werewolves)
He tells Sirius that he would love to see the Dementor's Kiss be performed on him, despite that he knows full well that Pettigrew was the traitor and not Sirius. This stems from him being petty and fucked up. Like, yeah, Sirius was a jerk to you, but does that really warrant wanting a front row ticket to watch him get his soul sucked out of him, a fate that's been stated to be worse than death??? I don't think so
Snape was abusive towards his students (clearly). He was willing to force feed Neville's pet toad a potion that he believed could kill it, doing so in front of the whole class. I do not care that he was abused (no one should be), but he kept that cycle going. It's disappointing that he was allowed to be a teacher with how he behaved
He made fun of Hermione for her Patronus being the same as Ron's, but then his Patronus was the same as Lily's. It can't be both ways. You can't make fun of a literal child for her Patronus being the same as the person she loves (not a fan of the Ronmione ship, but that's a whole different thing), then turn around and have a doe for a Patronus, which is the same one as the woman you "loved"
There's also the fact that he begged Dumbledore to keep Lily's family save, not caring at all about Harry or James, but wanting Lily to be fine. I firmly believe that he would've swooped in and tried to get her to marry him just days after James (and if Harry hadn't lived) and Harry's death. He does not take her feelings into account, and it's annoying
I know some of you are like "he was a spy". He only became a spy (if I'm remembering correctly) as soon as Lily's life was actually in danger. Before, he had no problems in the murder and genocide taking place because of a racist white man
Snape also created a spell that was meant to hurt the Marauders. And that spell is the same spell that lost George his ear (I can't remember is Snape was the person who actually cast that spell that took his ear, but he still created it)
He basically stole Draco's redemption arc. JK had put more focus into the creepy man's redemption than a child's. Draco, like Snape, was abused and reacted the way he did in situations because of that abuse. But, he also is shown to have a heart (something I don't think Snape has). He's shown to be scared and remorseful (i.e. the bird in the Vanishing Cabinet), while Snape's only regret is that he didn't get Lily. Draco was overshadowed by Snape, we didn't get to see how he would've grown so much if he had gotten love and care. I would've loved to see him get redeemed in the books, but Snape stole that spotlight
So, in conclusion, Snape is an abusive incel who is still bitter that he was "put into the friendzone" and wasn't picked over his bully, who was a better person that he was. This man should not be allowed to be a teacher. I struggle to find any redeeming qualities in him, and I wish I could
Genuinely, no hate to Snape Stans. He's a fascinating character, but he's also someone I just can't stand. This is all opinions and the reasons why I don't like him. Remember that I did not create this post to argue with anyone, but I am willing to have conversations as long as they don't turn into arguments. Just ask me anything if you have any questions or want to clear things up. Please don't go into my ask box or DMs to try to change my mind, because I am not changing my mind. This wasn't made to change anyone's mind, I respect that you have feelings one way towards Snape, these are just my feelings and thoughts
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atalossofwords · 1 month
Hi y'all. The brainrot took me with no warning, and I've written 5k for these two just the last two days. I've no idea how much I'll write, but I'm going to squeeze the serotonin for as long as I can lmao
Anyhow, this is a streamer/actor AU that somehow evolved into a sugar daddy AU. Till is a streamer, and Ivan is a famous actor who found him when he was a small streamer and fell in love; he's been sending donations for a good while now, but they've never communicated outside of it.
Until Till opens his PO box and Ivan's need to spoil Till is too much, at least. Then all bets are off, and Till finally starts thinking more about the stranger who keeps sending him gifts. I have a basic outline for it all, but I'm going with vibes first, since I mostly just want to write them and torture Ivan.
I'm going to be posts little snippets of what I've writer so far over the next few days, so please don't be afraid to come to my inbox to ask about them!
This was inspired by this fic! Check it out!
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Till wasn't the most famous streamer there was. Not anything near that, actually, though he thinks he does well enough.
He has an established fanbase, almost 500k of them, he's sold some merchandise and collabed with some pretty nice people. He likes streaming, varying between his songwriting and recording processes and any new video game that catches his fancy.
When he started, he didn't think he'd do this for a living. He probably wouldn't be able to afford it, being a struggling musician as he was, for once.
He couldn't blame his comfortable living situation solely on one person, no, since that would be incredibly inconsiderate of the rest of his fans, but this one Navi person definitely funded Till's move from his old apartment mostly by themselves.
Case in point.
NAVI (TILL'S ATM) DONATED $100: Hyung, how's the new house?
Till reads the donation out loud, ignoring his chat going a little crazy over Navi's donation. By now, Till is used to Navi only ever sending messages through donations. He'd be so flustered, in the beginning, and worried enough he almost disabled them. Luckily Hyuna talked him out of it.
"It's going well. As everyone can see, my studio isn't done yet," he says, gesturing behind himself into the empty expanse of freshly painted wall. At least he'd painted it black already. "but the rest is going okay. I'm really sorry for the week I had to take off, everyone."
He quickly scams the chat, his heart feeling warm as all the people watching rush to reassure him that it's not a problem, he should take care of himself, and how glad they are he managed to move from his shitty rented apartment.
"Actually, I have some news for you all." He scratches his neck, a nervous habit, and looks to the side. Hyuna convinced him to do this, so he knows it's something streamers do, but he can't help being anxious about it. "Since I moved, and this place needs some decorations, I was thinking of opening a PO box and doing an... what's it called? Unboxing?"
The chat is going crazy, he can barely keep up, oh god. He feels his cheeks heat.
"An unboxing live and then decorate my stream setup with some stuff I get. Would you guys like that?"
His chat is a mess of "yeses" and incoherent screams, and Till can't help but smile a little. He's got to say, he's looking forward to this.
The following weeks are a bit of a mess. He streams less than normal, still setting up his new apartment; he goes with Hyuna to buy electronics she swears will make his streaming better.
Dewey, his brother, goes with him to buy a new shelving unit and help him set up all his new furniture. Isaac is strangely fixated on saying Till needs rugs and other things, otherwise his apartment is "just a place, not a home, bro", apparently.
He checks in with his PO box frequently, each day more excited by all the packages he got. After two weeks he announces on twitter he'll be closing the PO box in a week since he wants to be able to open all the gifts on stream and he's already got a good amount of them.
The day after his announcement, he goes to pick up any new packages to store in his living room since he doesn't want to burden the office workers and finds a package that makes his stomach twist in itself.
It's a large box, clearly packed by hand instead of the usual post-service stamps. And it has a large sticker reading "FROM: NAVI" on it.
Till doubts anyone would use the name to get his attention, since he does treat all his viewers equally, so this really is from Navi. He wonders what is in it, since Navi clearly has money to spare and intends to spend it on Till.
"It's probably a maid dress." Hyua says, helping him lug it all to his apartment.
"It's not!" He splutters, mortified. Hyuna raises an incredulous eyebrow. "It's probably snacks, or something like that. Navi's said they travel a lot." That, somehow, just makes the eyebrow twitch higher.
"You remember what your viewers say?" She asks, hip-checking his door open. He follows, frowning a little. He always remembers what his viewers say.
Navi, obviously, since they only talk in donations, but also a few other regulars. Kirby has an older sister they're sharing the computer with; Siren started learning the guitar because of Till, and is doing well for himself; Jaewoon – with the username Till's Merch Overlord – draws and is currently suffering through art university, BonBon who has a one-year-old and listens to Till while doing his household chores.
"Yeah? I mean, there's only so many people who regularly chat. And out of those, a good part are my mods." He says, shrugging. He knows Hyuna pays someone to mod for her, but Till didn't think he'd need a mod, since he never expected to get so many views. He kept going without mods for so long that the most active members of the community ended up auto-modding the rest, at which point Till just reached out and asked if they wanted to mod, and now he pays them for it because he felt bad otherwise.
(Of course, Navi isn't a mod. They'd fit Till's criteria, but they never chatted normally, so it was kind of hard to ask.)
"Aaah, you're just too wholesome, heartbreaker." Hyuna says, sighing, the old nickname that still makes Till confused coming out with a teasing lilt. She waves him off before he can say anything, though, plopping the box on the couch and grinning at Dewey. "Hey, this one you'll definitely want to check!"
Till rolls his eyes as his brother 'oohs' and 'aahs' over the package, Isaac peering over with a pocket knife ready to pry it open. When Till mentioned opening a PO box, he insisted on checking the gifts beforehand, just to make sure they were all stream-appropriate and, most importantly, not dangerous for Till.
He was grateful his brother cared, but he was less amused by the teasing and hint-dropping they'd been doing over the content of the packages. He leaves them to it, moving to the kitchen to get some much-needed coffee.
Looks like Isaac bought bungeo-ppang, so Till fills a mug and picks one, nibbling at it and looking into his fridge. He should go buy more food, but there's a seven-eleven right across his street, so he almost never bothers stocking up. He does need to get more tea, though, since he dislikes drinking water, and for reasons unknown, his chat enjoys it when he drinks on-stream.
He finishes updating his list and walks back to the living room, where Dewey has already closed the package back up, but is holding a small parcel in his hand, frowning. Hyuna looks over as he approaches, a complicated expression on her face.
"The rest of the package is fine to open on-stream, but I think this one might be best off-stream." She says, and the lack of any teasing or barb makes him worried. She must've read that in his expression, because she grins. "Do you happen to know why this Navi person likes you so much? I wouldn't mind getting some of these myself."
Till can't help but scowl, snatching the parcel from Dewey's hands. He doesn't know Navi, not really, but they're still one of his first viewers, and they do kind of give Till a lot of money.
"Keep your hands away from my viewers, hag." He has to move fast to escape her grab, which soon develops into a little keep-away with the parcel, soon ending up with Dewey on the ground howling with laughter as Isaac tries to haul Hyuna off him, curled on himself on the ground to keep the parcel to himself.
"Ugh, you brat! Just open it!!" She exclaims, sitting down on Dewey's lap, making the older man yelp. Till huffs, but sits up to analyse the gift.
It seems to be an envelope, like many of the letters he got, but there was something inside of it, making it weirdly bulky. Till folds it open, tipping the envelope so whatever it is can fall on his open hand, and stares.
There is a pair of... earrings, on his hand.
Diamond earrings, to be precise.
That the fuck.
Till stares at it, then peers inside the envelope. Nothing weird falls out, like a damned credit card or pure gold, but a little recipe with the return address of a high-class jewellery store makes itself known. The rest of the envelope contains a certification for the damned diamonds.
Till curls up back again, head in his hands, groaning. His face is so hot you could cook an egg in it.
Navi got him diamond piercings because Till complained once, months ago, that he wanted to switch out his piercings but didn't have the money for it.
"C'mon Till! You didn't tell me you had a sugar daddy!" Hyuna jeers, and from the hiss and yelp, Dewey just dropped her. The sound of them bickering – Hyuna insisting this Navi person has to be after Till's virtue, and Dewey being insulted by the thought of someone going after his little brother like that, plus Isaac googling the store to throw fuel on the fire – is enough to distract Till form his own freakout.
He sits back up, his face still red, to study the piercings better. There are six items in total. One is a simple diamond stud, a tiny and delicate stone, probably for his second hole. A pair of bigger stones, with four elongated asymmetrical spikes, making it look like a shining star, probably for his first hole. One's a series of round stones inlaid together in a belt, forming a hoop, for his helix piercing. The final ones are two silver loops, delicate and silver, for his double auricle piercing.
He thinks if he puts any of those on, he's going to spontaneously combust.
(Later that night, after Hyuna and Isaac went home and Dewey crashed on his couch, Till locks his bedroom door and tries them on. The pair of star-shaped earrings go on both ears, the tiny stud on his left, alongside the helix, which he takes a while to get on since it is so finicky, he pierced it himself with a safety pin in high school. The hoops go on his right, looking a little lonely with just the earring, remembering Till that he really wishes he had money to get a constellation on that ear.
He's wearing a simple white shirt, ready for bed, that slips off his shoulder to show off the simple moon covered by clouds on his clavicle, clashing with the TILL tattoo he has over his neck. He turns this way and that, watching the diamonds shine, and feels almost bad for using them.
Why did Navi send this to him? What did Till do, to deserve something as delicate as this? He's not the kindest of people, he's kind of an asshole actually, all shouting and side eyes. He's not the kind of guy that can properly appreciate such nice jewellery, not the kind of person that should be appreciated like this.
Still. The diamond shines against his skin, the silver compliments his white hair. He takes most of them off, only keeping the simple snake bites. He doesn't want to somehow dirty up the diamonds.)
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part two
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okayeojin · 2 years
loona reaction to falling in love with their fansite
💌 :: fluff :: ☁️ :: some angst :: [gender neutral]
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♡ :: heejin 희진
she would try not to show it, of course, but her eyes would often unconsciously wander to you
flashing you a few v signs, and cute poses
needless to say, fans would love your fansite because of how many great pictures of her you had
sure, she did pay attention to others as well, but clearly she seemed to have a soft spot for you
she would usually also point at you and mouth from her seat "have you eaten?"
then asking it to someone else to not be suspicious
so yeah overall i think she would unconsciously give you a lot of attention, then she would realize it and would give attention to other fansites
but then go back to you TT
people would eventually start wondering if maybe you were friends or at least knew each other
cause it'd be crazy how many heart sings she'd send you
♡ :: hyunjin 현진
would initially try to be cool and reserved
and sometimes giving you a little finger heart
but eventually she would surrender and give you a show lmao a little acting performance
picture this: she sends you a heart, then turns away pretending to be shy
then looks back at you mouthing "do you like me?" while pointing at herself, then when you shake your camera up and down to say "yes" she would act all flustered
and then laugh about it
that video would make a world tour by itself and have its own fanbase
wait why do i lowkey think she'd have a secret twitter account to follow you and tries to befriend you in chat?
lowkey she would... me thinks
♡ :: haseul 하슬
deadass tries to ignore you
to the point where people would speculate you were a sasaeng fan lol sorry for you
but no worries, the issue would be solved, she'd start interacting with your fansite more
would mainly ignore you at first because the last thing she wanted was to put her group at risk and under bad spotlight because of such a scandal
and also she didn't want to put you at risk with such unwanted attention
but yeah she would get conscious about how to interact with her fansites from then on
she'd have to give them all the same attention, otherwise...
so many scenarios would be running through her mind, poor baby would be so stressed
♡ :: yeojin 여진
the exact opposite of haseul
she doesn't even try to hide it
flirts with you shamelessly
send kisses, hearts, finger guns, winks, etc
your following would grow in no time because you had the best pictures and videos of hers
she would spot you anywhere and give you attention, so cute ):
i don't necessarily think this would arise any suspicious about some kind of relationship between the two of you
she would probably get away with it thanks to her bubbly personality, it wouldn't be weird for her to act that way
she would probably occasionally try to ground herself thinking "oh but i’m sure they don’t like me, it's just their job to pay attention to me"
but she would still be happy to see you every time
♡ :: vivi 비비
tries not to show it
smiles at you and gives you hearts, but overall she wouldn't make it seem like she had feelings for you
which was exactly the goal, she could understand that neither of you would benefit from such a scandal
her heart would flutter whenever she glanced at you but she would try her best to suppress those feelings ): it was for the best
she would smile and then look away shyly while giggling, but no one would think much of it
she would be great at keeping things normal without anyone noticing too much
mainly because she understands that you only (or mostly) pay attention to her simply because that was your job
the thought of it would make her feel slightly sad but also honored that you picked her over her members~
♡ :: kim lip 김립
laughs at you
you know her laugh, right? when she opens her mouth and just- screams?
she would send hearts in your direction and then would regret it and start screaming- laughing
with her band mates turning to look at her to see what the hell was going on
you'd have to sometimes mute your videos before posting them because she’d make you laugh too
so cute
i feel like... she would give you attention, but it wouldn't be over the edge
she’s fully aware of the risks of her feelings possibly coming to light and the consequences that would come with it, but she would try to not overthink it
she believes that as long as she acts natural, it'd be okay
therefore she'd be super playful with you without thinking too much into every little thing she said or did
♡ :: jinsoul 진솔
so flirty
i know i always say this about jinsoul but hear me out
she wouldn’t be able to handle a beautiful person such as you, therefore she would unconsciously keep looking at you
the amount of winks, air flips and finger guns she would send you would be insane
her eyes would be on you 24/7
her members would have to subtly get her attention back to reality
because she literally would be in her own world
after re watching the videos you took and then posted of her (which she does btw, she goes on a mission to find your account) she would be like "well... things are getting out of control"
so she'd attempt to give a fair share of attention to everyone
♡ :: choerry 최리
this baby would try to have some sort of self control but would miserably fail more often than not
sometimes her other fansites would have to call her name in order to get her attention because
she’d always be glancing in your direction
and she’d flinch and give some of her time to other fans, smiling apologetically
so cute
doesn’t know how to behave around you TT
tries her best to give everyone a fair share of attention and poses, and interactions
but even while looking at someone else, she would side glance in your direction
smiles the widest when she looks at you
not because she didn't like her other fansites, but it would be kind of a reflex for her to do so
♡ :: yves 이브
similar to haseul
as soon as she realized she may have developed a small small (or not) crush on you, she would have an internal breakdown
because how- what- was she supposed to do now?
ignore you? pretend like nothing’s happening? what if fans caught onto her?
she’d be so scared hahah
would alternate between sometimes giving you way too much attention and some days straight up ignoring you
and you’d be like “???”
you'd probably think it was because she had a lot of fansites so she might miss a few- and you would make a bigger slogan to attract her attention
and she's be "well now how am i supposed to ignore them"
aww she tries so hard ): i think honestly she would try to make this crush of hers go away as soon as possible, but she wouldn't know how
♡ :: chuu 츄
gets jealous
i can imagine you one time getting distracted by gowon’s beauty and you briefly filmed her instead
and then moving your camera back to chuu who was like >:[
and she would pretend to be mad, telling you things like “only focus on me!” but then she would giggle cutely
although she really wants you to only focus on her.
she’s hyper with everyone to be honest, so her interactions with you wouldn’t arise any suspicion among fans
deep down she's glad about it, so she can look at you for as long as the liked and send you signs of affection whenever
♡ :: gowon 고원
this baby
kinda like vivi, she would try not to show it
but overall she wouldn’t know what to do, something like that had never occurred before ):
would be too anxious to tell anyone, and eventually when things got too overwhelming and her feelings for you only grew, she’d tell her members
attempts to protect both her career and you, not wanting you to get backlash or get attacked by weird fans
she would occasionally smile at you or poke her cheeks with her finger so you could get at least a few good pictures
but then she would turn around flustered and never turn back again lmao
so the next day you would change spots and she'd be like "wow great"
overall she would be super conscious about how she was handling the situation, etc
♡ :: olivia hye 올리비아혜
stone cold
wants you to disappear
akjhvh in the sense that she would constantly be looking at you and be flustered when you... of course, were looking back at her
because... that was kind of what you were there to do. film her and take pictures of her.
and she would be annoyed at the situation, not knowing how to handle it, especially when she realized her feelings were growing stronger instead of fading away like she had hoped
gives you some sort of attention just to be fair to all her other fansites and to avoid being suspicious or being accused of acting cold towards fans and fansites
but would soon overthink it
“was it too much?” “would the fans think something was happening?"
her mind would be spiraling
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masterlist˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
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hotaru987-the-2nd · 2 years
hiii i'm the anon who asked u about yashahime. why do u think yashahime is bad? i never watch it, that's why idk anything about it (but I've watched Inuyasha) ;-;
Personally I would just say to not even bother with watching or thinking about the terrible 'what if' scenario that was breathed into existence, BUT far be it from me to tell someone how to think. No matter what anyone says it's always best to do your own research and come to your own conclusions instead of blindly following what other people say. No matter how many credentials said person has. That being said I can give you my opinion.
However, I too didn't watch the show (outside of the 1st episode cause I heard it was OG cast). For me, personally, the moment I heard Sesshomaru had kids I had a bad feeling in my gut. I grew up on fanfictions, and I always loved reading SesshomaruxOC(ME!!!!) on fanfic.net. I lived for that shit so if there was an anime that had Sesshomaru with kids that wasn't what I really cared about. What bothered me was "who was the mother" because I had a sinking suspicion that unfortunately turned out to be true. Once it came out that Rin was the sure mother of his kids the blatant pedo/grooming(since they are trying to imply that the Inuyasha series was the basis of Sesshomaru and Rin's "romantic" past where she's a damn child. And she still is in Yashahime), that was MORE than enough reason for me to not give this show any chance.
While I have come to peace and am able to separate OG!Sesshomaru from Pedomaru it hurts that this stain can't be erased from his character. It's always going to be there. Call me basic but he was my favorite character. And I always knew there was a fanbase for SessxAdult Rin cause I've seen it on Fanfic but I was able to filter/ignore and go on with my life. But there isn't any "adult" Rin in the show. And what made me hate it more was how people still trying to justify and jump through hoops to make this pairing with a child ok. Really they just sound like dumbasses.
Outside of that reason (but what other reason do you need?) from my own research, reading articles, post on here and other websites, and hearing what the show is about the pacing just sounds awful. The characters are inconsistent, they seem to trip over their own feet to make some stupid shit they did make sense, or retcon things in their own first season. None of the OG characters are done justice (save for a few occasional polished turds in the sea of shit that is the show ie: Inuyasha protecting his girls, and some others but again I don't watch the show I've only seen clips). They erased Kagura's influence on everything (unless you count the twins powers/imagery??). Not to mention the twins don't even feel like Rin's children outside of the show telling us. No matter how many times you try to tell me the duck is a dog, doesn't change it's still a damn duck. And those kids do not seem like Rin's children at all. They have nothing similar to her at all.
Honestly if you want better information on why this show is terrible just look into the anti sessr*n tag and you're bound to find those brave souls that have actually watched the show, analyzed it and have come up with reasons backed by evidence.
Before this whole thing came out I wasn't even a SessxKagura shipper. Like I said I was always SessxOC. I remember as a child I was even jealous of Kagura because there was something romantic or at least the beginnings/potential of something between them. Never felt that way about Rin. As a child I always equated them to big brother/father, with the 'father' dynamic being my favorite with him, Kohaku and Rin.
I still prefer SessxOC because I can picture myself in the OC's place, but after the show came out I've come to embrace SessxADULT WOMAN mainly Kagura because she fits best lol.
Sorry for the word vomit. Like I said there are better posts and blogs to follow/read if you want more concise and coherent information. But if you don't want your memories of the original Inuyasha to be tainted don't even bother.
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