sabrerine911 · 5 years
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The Unholy Trinity and the endless Undead Enforcers sketch WIPFelt like sketching something with my Unholy Trinity.Gonna finish it at some point probably.
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doodlesfromjupiter · 7 years
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A blue boy with a blue world
here’s what I did during the stream.
you can buy this on redbubble!
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potatop3 · 6 years
Lance: “heeyyyyy so um...I was just wondering, since I have a sword now if you could help me train with it?
Keith internally: oh no oh shit he is asking me to train with him WHAT DO I DO I AM GOING TO BE DECEASED OH MY GOD! He’s going to be so epic and cute and hot and oh my god Lance is asking me to train with him. Who knows what could happen shit shit,,,he is waiting for me to answer I can’t agree but I can’t decline what if he thinks I hate him I-
Keith externally: “so NOW you want to train with me uh huh I see how it is”
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elleclairez · 4 years
Dating Kaz Brekker would include
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Meeting each other :
You officially meet each other when Kaz becomes a member of the Dregs, which would mean that you were both around ten/eleven since he is a year older than you.
But in reality, Kaz met you way before. Before his life went down-hill. When he still knew what happiness meant. The first time he saw you was during his first days in Ketterdam when he and Jordie were living a happy life. The two brothers were walking down a street, cups of hot chocolate in hands when out of the blue, Kaz stopped in his tracks. He couldn't breathe, or a talk, let alone walk. Jordie even became worried until his eyes followed his brother's ones. Jordie understood what was happening the moment he saw you. A little girl in a beautiful dress, walking hand in hand with a woman that most probably your mother. Your smile, a grin from ear to ear could illuminate even the darkest street in all Ketterdam. Everything in you captivated Kaz, from your beautiful skin to your eyes, passing by your hair, nose... Slowly Kaz came out of his trance and pouted at his brother who was clearly laughing at him. But Jordie wasn't mocking him, he was happy for his brother and said "Grow up a little before and then fall for anyone you want. But seriously, she is cute." And then started chuckling again making little Kaz pouting even more. He might have been still a child, but even years later he will always think that since that day he understood what "love" meant. Even though Kaz was only nine, he knew that no matter who you were one day he will see you again.
And see you again, he did. But not the way he imagined. The second time he saw you again was a few weeks after his brother's death. Any trace of that innocent boy went away. But the same thing could be said about you. Any trace of happiness that could warm up any cold room disappeared.
Even after everything that he's been through Kaz could never get you out of his head. Weirdly enough, you were the second reason why he kept fighting to survive, well after getting revenge on Pekka Rollins obviously.
Imagine his surprise when he sees you one day on the docks of Ketterdam, hugging your mother. It took a few for Kaz to recognize you since you were so different that he remembered. You weren't physically different, no, but your smile, the trait that Kaz could never forget, well there was no trace of it. Instead, he saw your weeping eyes and your little arms hugging your mother. It would take years before Kaz finds out that the reason for this heartbreaking scene was that your mother had to go back to your home country, Ravka since as a powerful Grisha she had to fight for her country.
Hence why you had to stay with your grandfather, Per Haskell. Your mother didn't fully trust her father, but in her defense, at that time Haskell wasn't the horror that he became years later. And plus, it would always be better than to send you to your father, but that's a story for later.
Back to Dirtyhands, the young boy didn't even know you but seeing you cry and trembling of sadness made him want to protect you from the entire world. Something that he will actually do (or at least try to) in the future.
Now, let's go (finally) to the moment when you met. It was the same day Kaz joined the Dregs, he obviously already knew who you were but it didn't stop him from losing his ability to breathe when he saw you enter your grandfather's office so that he could introduce you to each other. Not that Haskell actually cared but he still did it since he was still a little a bit of a decent human being, at least for now.
Before the relationship :
Kaz and you connected right away. You were clearly opposites but it was fine for you. You balanced each other. You with your happy optimistic aura and him with his gloomy, sad one.
While Kaz trusted you with his life, he would never show it. Not until you admit to your feelings for each other at least. Not that he didn't want to be close to you but he chose not to. To protect you. To protect you from his demons, the danger that he could bring into your life. He knew you deserved better and he wanted that for you. He knew you could fend for yourself since you were an Inferni and the smartest person in the world (alongside him obviously) but he wanted you to get away from the Barrel as far as you could. He wanted you to go to University one day, travel the world, fall in love, have a family. He always told himself that would do anything for that to happen even if it meant not having you with him.
But you were having none of that. You showed him that you wanted him, as friends, lovers, you didn't care, you just wanted for you to be by each other's side.
So Kaz started to lower his guard, and at your fourteenth birthday, he finally admitted his feelings. You were so happy that you wanted to kiss him but knew you couldn't since you knew about his phobia and how it happened. You didn't' want to bring even more pain to him that he already feels every day. But Kaz thought otherwise and kissed you. The kiss was tender, short and awkward (since it was your and his first kiss) but it was the best kiss of your lives.
In the relationship :
Considering that you were a Haskell you were untouchable and yet somehow after becoming "Dirtyhands' girlfriend" it became even worse. Before the Dregs wouldn't get too close to you but now not even one soul in the Barell would even dare to even think about you. Because if they did that could definitely expect to get shot by a certain Sharshooter or get their troat slid by the Wraith or even worse get killed by Kaz himself and that I can assure you is definitely not a quick, painless death.
A year has passed since you started dating and you weren't known as "Per Haskell's heir" anymore but as "Kaz Brekker's partner" and any member of the Dregs were expected to be ready to die for you if the necessity came. But that wouldn't even be a problem since you were loved by everyone with your kindness but also sarcasm, humour and strength. No, you were nothing of a damsel in distress, you were a fighter, a powerful Inferni, but less cruel than the rest of the Barell.
Moving to the two of you. Outside of the safety of his (well yours since you basically lived there) room or floor to be exact, Kaz was cold as ice but you knew him well, or at least thought you did, then you'd be able to see small gestures that would show how much you mean to him.
First, they say our eyes are the mirror of our soul. Well, that saying is pro en true thanks to Kaz and you. During every meeting, every walk in the city, you could always feel Kaz watching you. Not in a creepy way, no, but in a caring way. Since he knows that he can't show any emotions in the streets, Kaz will always keep an eye on you, just to be sure that you wouldn't disappear or get hurt. Kaz would never forgive himself if something happened to you.
Secondly, since Kaz is actually a softie on the inside (you can fight me on that but I won't change my mind) he will always make sure that you stay next to him, preferably with on of his gloved hands on the small of your back or if can't do that he will put his cane in front of you. In some ways, that gesture calms him down because he knows that he could protect you if needed.
Next, Kaz will always try to keep you as far as he can from violence. You are one of the only ones in the Dregs that hasn't suffered too much in your life and he wants that to stay that way. So he'll make sure to always keep you safe but since you are a Haskell you'd have to actually go into action once in a while and when that happens you can bet that he or Inej or Jesper or Nina will be by your side to protect you.
Kaz doesn't really know how to show that he cares so he'll just be protective. Sometimes it would be a bit too much and you would even fight because of it (and trust me when you fight the entire Barell knows about it) but you know that he does that only out of love so you don't stay mad at him for too long.
Now let's move on to the other side of the relationship, in the safety of his/your room Kaz is a softie. Firstly you're the only one who knows about his past, how he moved from his farm with Jordie, how that lived their first weeks in Ketterdam but most importantly how he survived the Queen's Lady Plague. The first time he told you about his past you cried as if feeling the pain that he was feeling. Since that day you became as protective of him as he is of you. No, but really, someone says something too cruel about Kaz then they better run because an angry Inferni is on her way.
Being with him also means that he actually allows himself to relax around you. It does as far that he can beat skin to skin contact but too much either. But that small hugs, kisses that you share are cherished by the both of you so much since they show how much you care about each other and it shows him that he isn't alone.
Relationship with the others :
Jesper and you. To describe you shortly, you are plationic soulmates. The two of you are so alike but so different at the same time. Your sense of humour is what actually made you grow closer and since that day you've inseparable. If one goes somewhere you can without a doubt expect the other one to follow, no matter how stupid the idea of the first one is.
Nina and you. You consider each other best friends or even more than that. In fact you are so close that while Kaz isn't jealous of your relationship with Jesper, he is constantly afraid that the Heatender would steal you from him. Funilly enough Nina has made a habit to always flirt with you whenever you see each other only to get on Kaz's nerves. Something that neither Matthias or Kaz are keen on since the two males both know what a power couple you two would be, just imagine a Heartender and an Inferni together, well even the Darkling would have been afraid. Not that any of the two would actually admit it.
Wylan is like a baby brother to you. You would always protect from anyone, would it be an unknown treat, Van Eck or even someone from the Dregs. Well maybe not the Dregs since they all know not to get on your bad side. The merchling saw you as a sister too. If he needed advice or help it's you that he would go to. You understood each other so well that people started to actually believe you were related. The only thing that always confused the boy was such a nice person like you ended falling from someone as grumpy as Kaz.
Matthias and you have a complex relationship. On one hand he felt obligated to hate you, you were a Grisha and the fact that you were with the "Demjin" didn't help your case. But with time he learned to respect you and considered you as his friend till the day he died. I mean you could not like you, you were nice and smart and beautiful (not that physical appearance matters but still). In fact Matthias cared fro you so much (platonically of course) that he even threatened Kaz that if the man ever hurt you then the Fjerdan would find a way to destroy. A threat that all the Dregs agreed to and even Kaz responded by saying that if he ever hurt you he wouldn't fight back.
To describe in one word yours and Inej's relationship you could use the word complicated. You respect each other and care for each other. You even consider each other friends, especially since Inej found out that you are the one who convinced your grandfather to pay off her debts to Tante Heleen. And yet you still have a weird relationship, especially because of. certain kerch boy. As much as you trust both of them you cannot deny that you are not fearful that one day Kaz might develop such strong feelings for the Wraith that he might leave you. But then again you two are strong and independent women so not man will in between your friendship and that is why at least once a week you can be found along with Nina and Inej eating waffles at your favourite place.
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scottsumrners · 5 years
me, in the set up: chooses moira
my team: has a hanzo, an ashe and a widowmaker (and a d.va/winston)
me, in the set up: we need a second healer
my team: ignores me
also my team two minutes later when they are getting the shit kicked out of them: we need a healer!
me, who was playing as moira but switched shortly after when he got killed thrice by the enemy’s reaper/tanks: too bad
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drthrvn · 3 years
after few months break from playing the game, today i tried to finish "spirit of vengeance" for like 15th time AND I CAN'T. HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO DO IT WHEN ASHAD SHARSHOOTERS IN THE FINAL BOSS FIGHT KILL RASS IN LIKE 10 SECONDS AND I HAVE NO CHANCE OF DEFEATING THEM BEFORE THEY DO IT. H O W
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nureyevv · 5 years
Benzaiten lives! AU
Despite being polar opposites of each other, Benten has an absolutely killer Juno impression. He finds this immensely funny and, on a multitude of occasions, has attempted to fool Juno’s closest friends.
Buddy was fooled once and only once, but the first time it happened it took her a good 24 hours to figure out what was happening. She congratulated Ben on the accomplishment, but since then he’s never gotten another prank by her.
Vespa can not tell them apart even when they aren’t trying to trick her. She’s pulled a knife on real Juno four times and accused him of being Ben. It took Buddy assuring her that Ben had been out of town on work for a week for her to believe Juno when he insisted it was really him.
Jet... no one can really tell if he falls for it or not. He treats them with similar mannerisms so even if he did get them mixed up Ben would never know.
Rita seems like she’s been properly fooled but an hour later when Ben tries to leave she says to send Mista Steel over when he gets home. It just keeps happening. Ben is starting to think he’s the one getting pranked.
Unsurprisingly, Peter can identify an act when he sees one, especially when someone is pretending to be his partner. He can appriciate the challenge, however, and will often play along until one of them calls it off.
Juno has scolded Ben about it mutiple times but he just keeps doing it. He’ll show up to meetings only to have Vespa scold him for something he had done the day before (a day he’d spent out with Rita). The stress is adding years to his life. Also, there was one day where Ben was so in character that, when Juno had caught him in the act, he had begun questioning if he was the real Juno. He has yet to live it down.
Each twin has a nasty habit of raiding the other’s cupboards. Ben hasn’t gotten the chance to have a bowl of the cereal bought with his own money in three months. Juno swears he picked up mayo at the store but it’s always gone. Why just the mayonnaise, Benten??? He’s a literal PI and he can’t fucking figure out the motive there
It’s not really his style, but Ben loves painting nails. Luckily, Juno likes to have his nails painted (and for all his sharshooting he cannot seem to get the hang of the right hand). Every Saturday they get together so Juno can rock a new color. Rita and Peter are invited on occasion and the group makes a day of it.
“Hi, I’m Juno But Cool”
Buddy will send Ben and Juno on jobs together under the same alias so while one entertains the crowd witnesses who can attest where they were when the crime takes place the other steals the mark with ease
For the more gracefully challenged memebers of the crew Ben teaches dance lessons when they find themselves preparing for a high class job that will require basic waltzing skills to get by undetected
Peter and Buddy already know most of it but the refresher is beneficial. Jet is a surprisingly quick learner while Vespa threatens to stab someone with every wrong move she makes. Rita participates much longer than necessary for her because she just thinks it’s neat
Juno opts out. Except no one, especially not buddy, is gonna risk the mission on his pride. She insists he learns before he falls on his face and blows their cover
As a result, the team discovers that Juno is... a very good dancer. Not on the same level as Ben of course, but he’s been his brother’s go to partner for long enough to have picked up a few things.
Ben may or may not fix the lessons so Juno and Peter keep ending up partners, but it’s not like they can prove it. What can he say, he’s a fantastic wingman, whether Juno will admit it or not
Ben is the only one of the ship who can match Peter’s level of culinary disaster. They tried to surprise everyone with homemade dinner one day, and, on the bright side, they accomplished the surprise part.
Not a single one of them saw the emergency evacuation coming
And the poor bread pudding definitely didn’t predict its unholy fate...
“MooOoom, Juno stole my eyepatch!”
“Ben what on earth would you need an eyepatch for??”
“We’re space pirates, duh!”
As Buddy has determined herself the mom in this situation she attests that Ben has a point
Juno nearly steals Ben’s eye to see how HE likes it
Ben 100% shares fun childhood Juno facts. Some of them aren’t even true, but it’s too funny to watch Juno convince everyone he didn’t actually wear exclusively clown shoes in the eight grade
It was sixth grade, Ben, and I thought we agreed Not to speak of it
Ben stays impressively up to date with mars pop culture while Juno lives under a rock as much as possible
Juno: what does that even mean??
Ben: oh, you know, just get bees, bro
Peter, confused and afraid: what the fuck is a bee?
Ben makes no attempts to be subtle with Juno. Peter and him being pining idiots? Fine, but he’s gonna call them out on it
It’s just the “boOoOoOnNe??” scene from b99 but in space
Juno and peter: *tension*
Ben: y’all gonna smash already or what?
Ben is a horrible influence on Rita. He’s notorious for getting to go trouble and Rita is very good at making that possible.
On one occasion they decided to hack into the wealthiest bank on Venus. They didn’t even steal anything, it was just to see if they could.
The entire planet went into lockdown for a week
Ben also has all the best Juno insight and is the proudest of everyone to see just how far he’s come. He knows better than anyone how tough the journey has been.
Or at least, these are all the things Juno thinks of late at night, when he imagines what his brother and best friend would have been like if he lived past nineteen. He would have liked it, Juno thought. Juno would have liked to have him there too. The possibilities were endless, really. Ben could have done anything. He had his whole life ahead of him.
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wonderfullyalone · 4 years
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ao3feed-klance · 5 years
Hey There, Sharshooter: Forgiveness.
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2N0bDHi
by Angel_Tortured
Hey There, Sharpshooter Bang. Wonderful partner: Tumblr @Myuca
After Allura's sacrifice, Lance is filled with guilt. He didn't love her more, he should've. He couldn't seek the closure he needed, unable to seek her forgiveness. Because he loved someone else...
Words: 4145, Chapters: 3/4, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Lance (Voltron), Keith (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Curtis (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Hunk (Voltron)
Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron), Allura/Lance (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Hey There Sharpshooter, Big Bang, Past Lance and Allura, Post Season 8, nsfw last chapter, Guilt, Hurt/Comfort, Cutting, Self-Harm, Bottom Lance (Voltron), First Time
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2N0bDHi
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alichais · 6 years
To everyone who watched VLD S7
Let us do what our savior Sebastian Stan said during an interview after Avengers Infiniti War, write what you wanted to happen on the show, write fanfics, there are other that like me do not have the gift of writing but are willing to read every single sentence you put out there to fix this, you wanted Klance to happen, write it; you wanted Kroila to get to Earth during the final showdown, write it; Romelle to be an amazing super heroine that need no man, do it!
This season wasn't what we expected, we all know that, they got our hopes up be it by having an amazing Sharshooter, a valid LGTB rep., Keith and Kroila bonding, Klance to be a thing, Adam to be alive; whatever you wanted in the show, it's now in our hands to create!
Thank you!!
Sweet dreams to those of us that did not sleep to watch Voltron.
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beatuscineris · 6 years
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here’s reno-my sci fi/ western sharshooter. thought i’d finally post him here. 
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orbturtle · 6 years
I was tagged by @vulpesinastra a while ago, I never did have a chance to do this though.. 
rules: we’re snooping on your playlist. set your entire library on shuffle and report the first 10 songs that pop up, then choose 10 victims.
1. The Rolling Stones - No satisfaction
2. The Clash -Should I stay or Should I go
3. AC/DC - Highway to Hell
4. Maitre Gims - Est-ce tu m’aimes ( I understand more or less nothing but I just like his voice)
5. P!ATD - Death of a Bachelor
6. Redbone - Come and get your love
7. TOP - House of Gold
8. Coleman Hell - Sharshooter
9. Royal Blood - Figure it Out
10. Coleman Hell - All the Monster
single or taken: single 
who are you dating: I dont think I need to answer this
full name: next
nickname: Polly
battery percentage: 86% and charging
do you miss your last relationship: I don’t think so
ex you would take back: Nah
crush’s name: Nah
iPhone or Android: Android
last person I texted: Probably my sister
last song I heard: Fortress by Coleman Hell
best guy friend: Erm..
girl best friend: Erm...
biggest fear: Being buried alive I guess?
favourite colour: Blue or Green
favourite movie: Erm.. 
favourite food: I’m not picky though pasta is always good
favourite anime: Soul Eater maybe - it’s the first one I thought of
favourite animal: my cat
height: 165 cm
dream job: I’d like to write. Preferably books. If not - translating (which I do now) is also fun
current mood: Somewhere between ugh and meh
Originally posted by shh-callate  
So I have to tag people now: @two-black-leviathans @silverkiteflier @the-disfunctinal-fairy-things @sassywarden @lawlietskohai
I dont even know 10 people, can I get away with 5?
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Taapsee Pannu says living with world’s oldest sharp shooters, Chandro and Prakashi Tomar, to prepare for her role in Saand Ki Aankh has left a lasting impression on her.Actress Taapsee Pannu says living with world’s oldest sharp shooters, Chandro and Prakashi Tomar, to prepare for her role in Saand Ki Aankh has left a lasting impression on her. Saand Ki Aankh will narrate the real-life story of…
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sarcasm110 · 5 years
Taapsee loved spending time with oldest female sharshooters
Taapsee loved spending time with oldest female sharshooters
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Mumbai, July 31 Actress Taapsee Pannu says living with world”s oldest sharp shooters, Chandro and Prakashi Tomar, to prepare for her role in “Saand Ki Aankh” has left a lasting impression on her.
“Saand Ki Aankh” will narrate the real-life story of Chandro and Prakashi, who hail from Johri village in Uttar Pradesh and reportedly took to…
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gravityrulez · 7 years
Lance being the sharshooter that he is gives me life :'D
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saber153 · 6 years
Balasar Boomhowler
I’m trying to join an Iron Kingdom’s game run by a friend of mine, made a pretty solid character backstory, figured I’d share it here for the hell of it.
Balasar grew up in the port town of Clocker’s Clove, his parent’s we’re both deck hands on a merchant ship that paid a fair well price for their work. Balasar stayed in town with an older family friend, an ex Trencher man, Dorn Baskin who would share with Balasar tales of his time in the trenches and of his brother’s in arms. Balasar loved hearing these tales when he was young and while he enjoyed spending time with his parents when they we’re ashore he would find any excuse he could to go meet with Dorn to hear more stories. From a young age he knew he would sign up for the military one day, he spend days learning from Dorn and working to save up his crowns for the trip to the capital. He worked alongside his parents as a deck hand when he was old enough, spending a fair bit of time at sea and learning the various parts of a ship. He eventually struck out on his own for a few years before joining the military, he joined a salvaging crew who used specially made ‘Jacks to scour the ocean floor for lost ships and materials. He remembered the few tales Dorn had told him about the ‘Jacks he fought beside, the large hulking masses of metal and steam that could sunder walls and cleave troops like butter, he became enamored with the sea faring ‘Jacks, even going so far as to try to learn to command them from the captain during their travels.
One day when Balasar returned home from a long trip at sea, he came home to his parents who told them that Dorn had passed away while he was at sea, they handed him a small wrapped package addressed to him from Dorn, a final farewell gift. Balasar couldn’t bring himself to open the gift for a fair bit of time, months went by before he finally opened the package to see what his friend left him and… to say goodbye. Inside there were only a few things, a small badge Dorn had of his old platoon, a single odd looking rifle bullet, and a note.
“Balasar, I know you’re not one for long goodbyes, so I’ll keep this brief. I wanted to thank you for the last few years. You’ve helped brighten this old man’s day every time you stopped by, for stories or just for a visit you made my twilight years pleasant, far more than this old soldier deserved.”
“I know you plan to join the Trenchers one day, I suppose I’m at fault for that, you always looked at me with wide eyes when I told you my war stories. What you do with your life is up to you, while it’s honorable to join up and protect those who can’t fight… I never told you how horrifying war could be, I’ve seen men torn up for gunfire, their limbs scattered on the ground after a stray artillery strike landed in their trench. War… can be a nightmare, always remember that, you will lose friends, that I sadly can promise. I know what I said won’t sway you, so I left you an old good luck charm of mine, a rifle bullet I turned into a necklace. It was given to me shortly after I joined by a friend of mine, I don’t know if it’s what helped get me through my service, but it couldn’t hurt right?”
“Your friend, Dorn.”
Balasar couldn’t stop himself from tearing up, staining the note more and more as he read his friend’s final goodbye. Gripping the bullet and badge in his hand he went to his parents to tell them he was going to join the Trenchers. He finished one last trip with his salvaging crew before making his way to enlist, taking what money he had, and the gift Dorn had left behind hanging around his neck.
Balasar made his way to the nearest recruitment office he could find, spotting the various posters on the building motivating people to sign up, his eyes gazed over the posters until he stopped on one of a Trollkin carrying a massive double-barreled gun. He went inside, signed all the required paperwork, and a short while later he was on his way to becoming a Trencher Express Sharshooter.
Years passed since he enlisted, it didn’t take long for him to go from that eager soldier ready to fight whatever threat that came his way… to a grizzled veteran sharpshooter. He still wears the bullet Dorn gave him all those years ago, he’s seen friends come and go, lost his share of spotters and trusted allies over the course of many battles. He started to lose his temper and disobey orders when he didn’t agree with them, slowly but surely, he started to earn the ire of his higher ups, but he was a good shot with his rifle, he dropped captains and leaders in battles before they even started, sowing chaos in the enemy ranks with his rifle and quick thinking. It was at The Battle of Hell’s Pass that finally got him kicked out of the corp. He had orders to pull back from the front line to reinforce one of the trenches further away from the battle., he refused. Knowing full well that if he left now he would lose more allies and friends while he was in almost no danger. He stayed, firing every bullet he had into the coming Khadoran soldiers, until an allied ‘Jack marching past Balasar’s position took a heavy hit from a Khadoran ‘Jack and toppled into his position, crushing his spotter dead and sending Balasar tumbling into the trenches below, a blow to his head knocking him out cold as the weight of the jack pushed mud and rubble onto his unconscious body. He has no idea how long he was out, he only remembers being pulled out of the mud after the battle by his fellow trenchers. He was kicked out shortly after he finished resting in the medical tent, his higher ups we’re tired of him disobeying direct orders and endangering not only himself but his now dead spotter.
He left and returned home to see his family and try to find a new job working as a sailor once more, time went on and he heard whispers about a resistance rising in Llael that needed fresh soldiers, he debated going to join up and fight again.
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