#sharkface is there too
sharkface-daydreams · 2 years
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happy Carolina gives me life 💙
finally getting around to the final lines.. this is probably going to take months to finish and you know what. that's okay. I need to go at my own pace. I think I burnt myself out last summer churning art and fic out at such a rapid pace... and now with the impending doom of having bodily autonomy rights ripped out from under us in the us I'm not doing very much creatively bc all of my energy is going to staving off anxiety, and trying to find ways to be useful with my limited resources.
so. here's a link to velocirocktor to accompany this.... and take care of yourselves 💜
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harbingersecho · 3 months
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she should've been problematic at the club
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tvckerwash · 3 months
J.D felt horrible about it, but with everything that had happened the last few months—Hell, the last few years—He had admittedly somewhat forgotten that Terrence existed.
Looking through Connie’s data, dealing with corporate civilian bureaucracy, and being “demoted” into doing menial grunt work aboard the Staff of Charon has taken up the bulk of his time since returning from Longshore, so he hasn't gone to visit the guy and offer morale support during his grueling physical therapy sessions in quite a while.
Apparently, having a building collapse on top of you and needing surgical reconstruction of a large portion of the bones in your body really, really sucked.
J.D mentally grimaced at the prospect of speaking to the temperamental man. He had been waiting to tell him about their team until he was officially discharged from medical, and only after Sharky came to terms with the loss would he even think about introducing Connie into the mix. The man's hatred of the Freelancers was, understandably, incredibly intense.
He loved Sharky, he really did, and he wouldn't trade him for anyone else, but Terrance could be annoyingly stubborn and overly dramatic, and a lack of any semblance of a proper chain of command didn't make his job any easier. The guy just didn't respect his experience and skill as an ODST like the others did, which was beyond frustrating at times.
(God, what a mess). He sighed, bringing a hand up to pinch the bridge of his nose.
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hungry-skeleton · 3 months
U should do your temple face claim, him having freckles in the art you made before makes me want to crush him like a bug with a book. Maybe add sharkface too even if he has a canon face since they're the ultimate mentally unwell duo, don't separate them
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I'm going to beat him up
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sixsobbles · 3 months
I was too busy playing I Became A Dog and completely forgot I said I'd post this.
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The Triplets 2.0 don't fit but I have done them. I'll post them whenever I post on here next I swear. Anyways enjoy the rest of PFL and CI‼️
Btw I think I'm real clever for the Sharkface design. My Insta because it has a lot more art on it.
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rubykgrant · 18 days
the worms are getting to me Rn so……..I have to ask…………………………….are georgia and utah in your Freelancers live au……………………..
We only get just little tiniest bit of Georgia and Utah in the actual series... I'd like to think in the grand scheme of things, they both kind of escaped the major problems at the ending of Project Freelancer, and with a few other people, just straight-up ditched their Freelancer gear, went into hiding, and Temple never even found them. Wherever they are, they're fine.
In the big "All the Freelancers are Alive AU", Georgia is safety-pals with Wash, they are tired of always getting run-over or blown-up! Georgia likes Simmons and Grif a lot, but will VANISH when Sarge is around, that man is entirely too chaotic, no thanks. Utah is a little more willing to experiment or explore, and likes having the chance of getting to know Church/the Fragments without all the weird rules that limit open discussion. Utah is also a very good "audience" when Tucker or Donut are razzing somebody.
In the background of my main story-line... I have a plan for both Wash and Carolina to try and look for any of the surviving Freelancers, and others connected to the project, in hopes of helping them. This also includes trying to find former "Insurrectionists", who were really just Charon soldiers, who have mostly been thrown under the bus in the aftermath (like Sharkface getting stuck on the prison ship, and being "freed" by some a-holes who would have just killed him if he wouldn't fight on their side, AND were just having him work for Hargrove again ANYWAY. man, THAT should have been a big turn-around-reveal moment for Sharkface, he realizes Carolina and Wash are the "villains", and Hargrove was the one who used him like a weapon to be thrown away when it was useless all along, so he just decides to help them go after Hargrove... but I digress).
I actually have one OC Freelancer whom they weren't close to back in the day, and don't realize they have met AGAIN. I also have an OC who was part of Sharkface's family join the group, but is more open to the idea of letting go of "revenge" (except for the real a-holes who deserve it). Wash finds the Triplets naturally, and Carolina meets up with Niner! Waaaaay down the lines, when I play with some time-travel shenanigans once more, somebody goes back to each moment when Temple captured a froze each Freelancer, but they are rescued, taken forward to a point in the future, and the frozen armor just gets filled with raw hamburger and bacon so it seems like dead bodies are in there. All the Freelancers who survived after things fell apart get to live! All of that is to say, Utah and Georgia are fine! They are happy to see their friends again and make new ones, but don't want to get all involved in more risky adventures. So, they open a bar together~
Finally, everybody who has their own versions of Georgie and Utah, with their own scenarios and ideas; you are correct~
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Sharkface: character info post
- Listen. He has two armor designs. The first one has a shark mouth painted on the helmet and looks so sick. And he has a flamethrower. And the second one is a bit more boring but that's just because he had a whole skyscraper crash on his head and survived. -
- This guy has a sick music theme and he used flamethrowers! The badass protagonists that killed his found family dropped a whole skyscraper on him! He survived and for the rest of his life his hatred of the protagonists fueled him to get his revenge! He became the thing he hated when he was willing to kill the protagonists new found family just to get his revenge! ... This Man is so funny and dramatic he painted shark teeth onto his helmet and hot a black cybernetic eye like a shark and he's got a tatoo of a shark jaw and literally calls himself sharkface. He is a super cool naritive foil for one of the protagonists who has a whole arc dedicated to her hatred and desire for revenge to kill her father for tearing apart her first found family but she was able see that her father was just a pathetic old man chasing a women he loved and lost! And then the creators DIDNT MAKE ANY COMPARISON AT ALL ABOUT HOW THEY BOTH CHASED REVENGE SO HARD THEY WERE DESTROYING THEMSELVES AND JUST KILLED HIM OFF! HES WASTED NARATIVE POTENTIAL! he got done so dirty like you don't even know. I love him and you should too he's such a poor little meow meow - This Man is so unhinged and absolutely wasted potential by the writers he deserves better - Listen. Listen. Starting with his name. It's a cool name okay. And then his armor! Matches! His! Name! When the main character meet him for the first time he is a guard and he casually whips out a flamethrower (which has a shark too!!) :3 And then! The building they are in get destroyed by a laser beam from space and he survives! And when we see him again he has the raddest tattoos…and he gets new armor and he paints it himself!! And his gun also looks like a shark! And he has a soundtrack named after him! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=p3EhUx8fTaQ&pp=ygUTc2hhcmtmYWNlIC8gcm9vZnRvcA%3D%3D
mod notes: ah...I see
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razmerry · 9 months
Rules: shuffle your 'on repeat' playlist and post the first ten tracks, then tag ten people.
Yay, music game! I like doing these. Thank you @jasontoddenthusiastt for tagging me :) and I was just thinking about Jason, too.
The Wolf - Fever Ray (anyone who follows my webcomic PATFW, this is Longest-Claws's theme song, so that's why I've been listening to it a lot!)
2. Before He Cheats - Carrie Underwood (I don't have a good reason for this... I just really like Carrie Underwood's country girl revenge songs. This one is really fun to belt)
3. Kaze wa Mirai ni Fuku - AKIMA & NEOS (This is the closing theme from the 1998 Trigun anime. I really, really like it. One of the only anime closings that I never skipped)
4. maggot belly - awfultune (In some ways, I really never stop thinking about the maggot belly Frecklewish MAP)
6. Seventeen - Heathers the Musical (This song is also on my PATFW playlist, and it makes me tear up every time because I imagine my two little gay cats singing it)
7. Don't Mess With Me - temposhark (Applestar's playlist is a really good one to listen to while I work out. It's all metal and high-energy songs)
8. Teen Idle - MARINA (Hm... another PATFW playlist song. I think I just listen to that playlist a whole lot. This one's about my character Asphodelpaw, and it also makes me very sad)
9. They'll Need a Crane - They Might Be Giants (underrated TMBG song!! Really the whole album is underrated!! Everyone go listen to Lincoln)
10. Brandy (You're a Fine Girl) - Looking Glass (I like songs where I get to do the instrumental parts out loud, like in Southern Nights as well. Do, do do do do do. Also, this song was in Guardians of the Galaxy 2 and I like that movie)
If you want to do this too, no pressure:
@dracofelin @nitethekitten @thegreatmaddu @sallytwo @1010luvr @calronhunt @orkestrell @wolfsnis @egg-on-a-legg @sharkface-daydreams
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marsoid · 1 year
bulk answering asks
bc i let them pile up OOPS
@booblampoo asked:
You, your comics, your characters and story, have helped me accept a lot of who I am which wasn’t able to do before. Thx for doin what you do and for as long you it enriches you please keep doin it.
💞💞💞💞💞💞💞 thank YOU for the support!!
@lethesbeastie asked:
Just wanted to say that your art and comic work is a huge inspiration for me, and that I always love seeing your work!! I hope you have a wonderful day!!
wah thank you, you too!!
@gribochekzhenka asked:
Hi. I really love your comic "long exposure"! I love Mitch, we are very similar in character and behavior. And I love Jonathan, he's very cute! You are the best artist I know! My girlfriend and I really like to read your work. I'm sorry, I don't speak English well... But I really want to say that you and your comics are fucking awesome!💗
hehe jonathan THANK YOU i appreciate it!
@kingdom-falls asked:
I just received my package for the Long Exposure hardcover+goodies, and I just wanted to say how awesome they all are!!! I especially love the pin since it rotates perfectly! The hardcover is DEFINITELY getting the spot of honor on my bookshelf!
aw YAY i’m so glad they got to you safely!!!!
@sharkface-daydreams asked:
i just got my copy of Long Exposure in the mail and I'm so excited!!! I love having a copy of this lovely comic to hold in my hands it means a lot to me 🥺💜
@nightsistcrs asked:
hey there! i just binge-read all of long exposure and i really love it! in one of the chapters i saw an ad for a nsfw zine, but i can’t actually find the link anywhere. is it still on sale? thanks!
the NSFW LE zine Dong Exposure was a kickstarter add-on and no longer available, sorry abt that!! if it does come back i’ll say somethin tho
@spooky-stockmarkets asked:
Will your gay wrath and the choke shirts ever go back on sale? I was looking to buy some merch off your store, but they mostly seem to be out of stock. :(((
(Love ur work btw)
agh yea i have a lot of stuff that’s out of stock rn. working to get more things added soon tho! sorry for the inconvenience!!
@lea-fy asked:
your bowser is so (animal noises) and im just wondering if u would ever draw him again. not to save humanity or anything but yeah somethign like that
HA maybe i will........ if my will to draw ever comes back from the war.........
@spookylostboy asked:
I know the physical copies of Long Exposure were from your kickstarter, and I wanted to ask if they’d be available to buy? Or were they solely a kickstarter bonus? No pressure to answer! Twas just curious :]
they’ll be up in my shop hopefully this summer!!
@fou-and-foue asked:
how does it feel to have your comic out and about as a physical product that people read and buy and own and love <333
pretty dang coollllll
@algernonsbouqet asked:
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engagemythrusters · 10 months
AIGHT my turn, 15 and 21 for Sharkface the Commando, I wanna catch this guy's vibe
okay I'm not gonna lie I haven't thought much about this guy in terms of personality yet. Maybe he's a grumpy sort? You don't get part of your face replaced without having seen some shit and turning you sour.
15: How do they speak? Is what they say usually thought of on the spot, or do they rehearse it in their mind first?
Probably on-the-spot in terms of like. A conversation. If it gets heated, he's going all in. All the grumpy in his brain is getting out. He will say what he thinks.
In terms of commando-level-conversations, like when addressing a plan or whatever, that's probably thought out before he says something. Unless it's to say "that's stupid" or something. Otherwise, he tries to think it through. Doesn't wanna lose more of his face xoxo
21: Why do they get up in the morning? 
SOMEBODY has to fight this war, and he's got the training. Might as well just make sure it's him dying, not some random civilian. Not that he thinks much of civilians. Just that they're too stupid to be fighting this war.
BUT this is just my initial thoughts. If you think he should be different, just let me know! Honestly you deserve a say in this guy lskjdf
hey wait did we name him yet. or will he be sharkface? if that's his name what would his name have been before...
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prophecydungeon · 1 year
i feel like every time i think about rvb13 i find something new to love about it (this time, specifically, it was the way doyle talked about kimball) but i end up circling back to felix in this season every time because the perspective shift throughout this season compared to 11 and 12 is just fucking wack levels of good honestly
even after the reveal in 12 we get locus positioned as the "scary" and "unfeeling" one, but 13 does such a good job with the, like, creeping horror of pulling back the curtain on just how far off the fucking deep end felix is. locus has clearly put in effort to rein in and stamp out his conflicted feelings; felix never even remotely felt anything like that in the first place. every smooth-talking threat he delivers in this season (the price and sharkface one comes to mind; i know there was another too) is so effective because it shows that he. is. constantly. constantly. running calculations to make everything work in his favor. and when he starts to turn that on locus (the fight on the bridge; 'we have our orders') is when you know with complete certainty that every time felix has outwardly deferred to locus has been another grain of sand to tip the scale his way. this man is tremendo fucked and completely unhinged and he really might just be one of if not the most baddies ever for it
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not that i need more plot bunnies but Sharkface gets 'abducted' after the Armonia fight and winds up working with the NewFeds, and finds himself in the mechanics' shop more often than not. starts helping fix stuff. Jensen's kind of scared of him at first because Jesus Christ did you see the guy's face and he's always glaring but he helps her fix things here and there and much to his confusion and distress she takes a shine to him. he manages to stop her from driving cars she's just fixed sometimes. Lopez has never been so relieved
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harbingersecho · 4 months
six fanarts thing - ty to everyone who gave me the chs!!
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boyslit · 9 months
too shy to reblog so i'll make my own post lol :3c tagged by @ladymalchav <3
3 ships: hmm. Sharkface/Locus forever of course, CaeSam naturally and recently Qingque/Gepard has been rotating in my brain like rotissierie chicken
First Ever Ship: god this was forever ago and my memory is bad but I want to say Bakura/Malik from Yugioh
Last Song: Coheed and Cambria - The End Complete IV: The Road and the Damned
Last Movie: *blink* I don't have attention span for movies. I'm pretty sure the last one I watched was like... back in June? Secondhand Lions
Currently reading: still attempting to make my way through Catching Stars by Cayla Keenan. it's really good!! the adhd is just making me its bitch
Currently Watching: rewatching Hoozuki's Coolheadedness/Hoozuki no Reitetsu <3
Currently consuming: i'm eyeballing this mushroom soup I made but I genuinely don't know if I want it
Currently craving: pudding... </3
if u want to play consider urself tagged <333
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leonardalphachurch · 2 years
kind of incoherent speech to text ramblings about tucker and felix being foils and the nature of antagonists in rvb under the cut.
I’ve thinking about felix being a foil for tucker and how he kind of isn’t actually in canon, because felix is kind of like he’s way more focused on being his own character than being an antagonist. which isn’t necessarily a bad thing I just don’t think felix has enough screen time to warrant that? and I think it’s kind of just he’s the character that the writer voices so he gets like you know special protagonist privileges. but I do think Felix could be a good foil for tucker, you would just have to focus so much more on dismantling tuckers toxic masculinity, which is something that the chorus trilogy just refused to do. because you could have it be that Felix puts on a façade of being a good guy but really he’s a horrible person who just wants to hurt people while tucker puts on a façade of being an asshole he’s a good person you just want to help people. and that could make an interesting dynamic! of tucker recognizing himself in the real Felix and being like. well I don’t want to be that. but that would require tucker actually having introspection during chorus instead of just vaguely hinting towards it and being mad and then not having any other emotions besides being cool and being mad
for tucker to see himself in asshole Felix though you would also have to re-tool Felix a little bit to act a little bit more like tucker. which also doesn’t really work with the way felix is currently written, because Felix is way more important as his own character than he is as an antagonist. which again isn’t a bad thing, we have that with wash and with O’Malley; they both exist more as like evil protagonists then they do as antagonists for the main characters, they’re not, they don’t really exist solely to bounce off the protagonists they exist for their own sake. so they’re less antagonists and more like another protagonist in the ensemble cast. but I just don’t think Felix has enough screen time for that to really be worth it with him. i don’t think we get anything out of his character that requires him to exist in his own right instead of mainly as a foil for tucker. like locus is that so much more. in season 11 and 12 locus exists for the main characters to bounce off of and then in season 13 his character doesn’t need to exist for wash anymore. it’s more like wash exists for locus’ character in season 13.
but it’s like even more awkward though because like shark face is 100% antagonist. he literally only exist for Carolina and has barely any character of his own. like you do get some but pretty much all of it is in service of Carolina’s development. which is why he gets killed off because he didn’t exist for himself he doesn’t exist for his own story he exists to move carolina’s forward. all the insurrectionists really just exist to be the bad guys. and then price exists in 13 for?? no reason at all?? he kind of exists in service of sharkface and locus but really is just for the whoa we brought back the counselor! of the first episode and to tie up loose ends. which sucks because he’s such an interesting character? do something with him? like have him you know how him exist for the freelancers! he really didn’t do anything with them he just said like oh yeah wash wet the bed— I don’t think he actually said this— but like OK you’ve done nothing why were you here.
anyways but anyway yeah there’s like a disparity of how much how protagonist vibes the villains in 13 have. and I guess that kind of was also the case in 8 with the meta and wash but the meta also didn’t really exist in service of the good guys he existed in service of wash. and in 6 also hes just in service of wash and kind of alpha too but like he was the only antagonist so it didn’t feel off. in 7 CT exists you know he’s just a bad guy for the sake of being the bad guy, the insurrectionist are just bad guys for being bad guys or for furthering Connies weird love interest. then in 15 temple, like I think temple is a very good example of how to write an antagonist that is his own character but still exists in service of the main characters. like all of his story beats are centered around and exist for the main characters but he still has his own story and he still has it on motivations, as opposed to all the other blues and reds who exist literally for the reds and blues— but like barely for the reds and blues. then genkin and chrovos are like, theyre also just kinda like antagonists but they’re so much more boring than temple because they don’t really have any characters, and the cosmic the powers also like they’re just boring because they exist for the protagonists but not even in an interesting way. like you don’t see anyone talking about CT because he doesn’t have any character he’s boring and like people still talk about Felix because even though he doesn’t really fill the antagonist role he’s interesting as a protagonist even if I think that he fails in a lot of places
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Longest Tag: 139 characters
#the full list of who i forgot or missed: vic lopez2.0 randy cunningham rogers (genuinely forgot) mcallister ghanoush (remembered but forgot
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Someone on twitter pointed out that Simmons has a Robot arm here!!!!
399 notes - Posted July 1, 2022
I cant stop thinking about that theory that tucker didn't actually sire that many children but a bunch of people didn't want to say they had sex with some random guy so they just all claimed it was Tucker bc he's a war hero and it sounds cooler
I also want to add to it that they all know Tucker never actually gets any, in fact they're all pretty sure tucker didn't get with anyone during the temple, so claiming he managed to pull 40 women in one day is their thank you gift to him
466 notes - Posted April 6, 2022
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499 notes - Posted May 9, 2022
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See the full post
848 notes - Posted April 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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You can only reblog this on Tuesday
3,739 notes - Posted April 6, 2022
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Of COURSE the todays Tuesday post was my top post
(Have to admit it's a little embarrassing that I'm in my own 'most reblogged from' 😭)
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