#sharing accommodation
dcomeaux · 1 month
Robert Aaron Jaeger no longer has the emotional fight to outlast his grief. Less than a month ago, his wife and four-year-old daughter were in a terrible accident on the downtown streets of Seattle. The four-year-old came away with scratches. His wife, Christina, succumbed to her injuries. Under the disguise of rafting through Glenwood Canyon, Robert sets out to kill himself, but his plan is thwarted when he stumbles upon a woman standing in freezing water aiming to do the same thing.
Lilly Radford has been riddled with guilt since the day her baby died and there’s not been a day she hasn’t beat herself up about it. She finally snaps, takes her rent money, and uses it to keep her tank filled until the money runs out. With her car running on fumes, she’s forced to exit off I-70 in Glenwood Springs at the Grizzly Creek Rest Stop where she gives up and falls in the river.
After Robert rescues Lilly and later steps off the plane in Seattle, Zachary Butler lurks close to his heels, determined to kill Robert for getting him fired. Zachary is much more than a typical killer on the loose. His disorder causes him to converse with the good side of himself to collaborate on a scheme for revenge. To complicate his chaotic existence, his wife, Ethel, threatens to derail his plan.
As danger looms and a loved one becomes a victim, Robert and Lilly let down their guard and wrestle with their physical attraction to each other. Determined to right past wrongs, their self-centered past haunts them, but if they aren’t careful, they could miss the beauty lying just below the surface of their pain ... if the killer has his way.
Anger. Madness. Darkness. Murder. Obsession. Ambition. How will it all end?
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 2 months
Autistic Accommodations Can Look Like Simple Things
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Plushies/any comfort items
Headphones & sunglasses
Communication cards
Chewing gums
Fidget toys/sift fabrics
Lil Penguin Studios/Autism Happy Place
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sherinkunjumon · 2 years
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Virtual office space
Contact : 9940349971
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sapphorror · 5 months
Zim, Dib, Gaz, and Tak are actually all horribly vindictive spiteful people to more or less equal degrees, but the interesting thing is that Zim and Gaz both exact vengeance in very specific, premeditated ways, which are often wildly out of proportion but once they feel like they've evened the score they will pretty much immediately forget about whatever pissed them off in the first place—whereas Dib and Tak are both ostensibly above being ruled by petty grudges, but very obviously boiling over with a constant resentment that sends them pouncing like rabid dogs at even the slightest opportunity or excuse to make the object of their ire suffer (and if they're both working towards their own self-serving end game that just HAPPENS to involve every terrible thing imaginable befalling their enemies, well... that'll just be a happy by-product of their personal success).
I don't I have any point to make here, I just like it when these freaks are all an overwhelming danger to society (and each other)
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floweroflaurelin · 8 months
wait you said you did an animatic on your main blog! is that for traffic series’s, is it posted here?
Oh right yes I was meaning to mention this here!! Thank you ahaha
Okay so YES! I did do an animatic, it’s for Empires SMP! No it’s not posted here yet because I am kind of unsure about what do with it… Let me explain.
Over the summer I had to do a big project for school, and it was entirely self-directed with no supervision. That meant it had to be about something I’m Really Passionate About to make sure that it would actually get done. So naturally I chose Empires! I got in touch with Pixlriffs and got his permission to use his audio for a school project (he said yes, thank you Pix <3) and then, audio in hand, went nuts and roughly storyboarded out 8min of an animatic in a single night.
When getting the project approved I told the professor, “hi I am going to do an 8 minute full colour animatic in two months while taking a full course load of classes” and he said
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So the plan became to begrudgingly take a 2-3 minute excerpt of the audio and just do that for the class. And I did! And it slapped!! Full colour, rendered paintings you know and love from floweroflaurelin, except they’re moving a little bit. And Pixlriffs is there talking.
I figured at the time that once the semester was over I would paint the other 6 minutes of the animatic on my own time!! How hard could that be, right?? Except Things Kept Happening With School, and once it was over I was moving to a new place and getting sick and Tango’s desk mat took priority, and suddenly it’s over a month later with Do Those Other Six Minutes still on my to-do list.
The real kicker was that one of the Things That Happened With School resulted in me not getting feedback on the project—the teacher wasn’t able to really look at it. I got a grade, but a series of ridiculous circumstances meant that all that work was only briefly glanced at and a grade hastily entered, which was frustrating and resulted in me resenting the project a bit, since I worked hard on something I loved and it got no appreciation at all.
I’d love to share it with people who would appreciate it, which is to say, other fans!! But the thing is—as much as I want it to be Done the way I intended when I storyboarded it out initially, I won’t have the time to paint those six minutes any time soon: Huevember is in a couple weeks, and that’s a big commitment! But in my mind it’s not a complete project unless it’s a Complete Project. So I’ll put the question to you:
So yeah let me know! I’m still pretty busy but either way I want to revisit the animatic, either to paint more frames or to get it prepped for posting (something I’m not sure how to do yet).
(Also good news about Things Happening With School: I graduated yesterday!! Bachelors degree with honours, baby! Maybe now that school is behind me I can turn a new page where that project gets shared 😆)
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kusuokisser · 10 months
saiki is a total collector. he loves to collect shit. he has an island he teleports to sometimes that is full of merchandise and different things and theyre all catagorized.
he especially likes collecting fossils. something about the mortality of it all is strangely fascinating and comforting to him. he hopes that one day someone appreciates his species fossils as he appreciates others.
rambled in tags just a bit but i think its a fine addition
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gideonisms · 1 month
Having my weekly I should quit my job moment
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roitaminnah · 2 years
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oh but I hope on my wishing stars
that I could be your love -
I’ve been waiting oh so long
to be your lover
(explodes) I just think about them a lot I think they’re neat. (song is ‘to be your lover’ by the burkharts,, one of the last ones on my ppkm playlist <3)
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bumblingbabooshka · 3 months
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One of Tuvok's children - Ensign Varith [Science Track] Patreon | Ko-fi
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thedreadvampy · 6 months
My housemate is moving out in January
She told us this a week or two ago, when she sat down and, after sitting with us watching TV for over an hour, said "hey so I bought a house and I'm moving out. We agreed on 2 months notice so I won't move until the end of January."
The last time she talked in the immediate terms about buying a house was in 2021, when the sale she was working on fell though and she was unemployed so it was a "when I'm back in a position to look I'll start looking again." Since then I've occasionally asked her how she's doing on the house buying front and she's been like "oh I'm getting there financially" but hasn't mentioned anything concrete.
She didn't tell us she was looking at places. She didn't tell us she had put in an offer. She told us when the offer was finalised. A week AFTER she emailed the letting agent about getting out of her part of the lease. And, it increasingly feels like, only because the letting agent's response was that we had to agree to change the lease.
The letting agent's response (which our housemate obviously didn't copy us into; we had to follow up separately and they copied us into the email chain) also includes that when we change the lease, they're empowered to change the rent, quote, "no cap". Rent was already going up in January - there's no possibility of Sam and I paying her share of the rent.
The really fucking upsetting thing is we're not strangers. This isn't a casual "housemate we found on flatshare" thing. She and Sam have lived together literally their entire adult lives. Me and her have known each other well over a decade. I lived in her and Sam's flat when I was homeless. We were the first people she came out to as trans. We're not super close but I thought we were fucking friends. And she's literally gone out of her way to not talk to us about this for what must have been months while the sale completed - which means she's lied to my face at least once cause I've asked her about her finances in that time (cause she's in a job she hates that she only took to get the house money, so it's like. when we've been commiserating about work stuff I'm often asking 'are you almost free?'). she literally went out of her way to talk to the letting agents before talking to us about putting us in a situation where we could lose our fucking home.
And she keeps. trying. to pretend nothing's happened. Every time I've seen her since then she's not mentioned anything or apologised or anything, she just keeps chatting away and offering hugs and fistbumps like nothing's happened. Like we're still fucking friends.
All it would take for us to still be friends and to be happy for her would have been one fucking sentence in the groupchat like "hey, just put an offer in on a house" or "I'm looking at properties, just so you know, that might happen in the next few months". Like nobody begrudges her for buying a house! It's very cool for her! She's 31 she's worked really hard to get the money I would love to be happy for her! Unfortunately she decided avoiding conflict is more important than giving the people she fucking LIVES WITH (who btw fronted her a month on the rent here while she was unemployed and agreed to take on a larger proportion of the move-in cost back in 2021, if we're still holding ourselves to shit we said 2.5 years ago), so no, you are not entitled to our friendship or to going back to normal.
like if she'd been honest with us it would have been something to process but we'd have had time to figure out our next steps. instead she's left us in a position where we have to find a new roommate before she gives her one month notice, which means finding someone by the end of December, which oh look that's the middle of the fucking Christmas holidays. and she didn't tell us anything until the START of December, or copy us into her conversation with the letting agent, meaning we still don't know what the rent on that space will be so we aren't yet in a position to advertise it. Has she offered to help find a roommate? Has she fuck. Has she offered to help out by moving her move-out date? Nah, she's moving as soon as she gets the keys because, quote, "that means her finances won't have to change". SOUNDS LOVELY. NOT HAVING YOUR FINANCES SUDDENLY CHANGE. I THINK THAT SOUNDS LIKE A REALLY REASONABLE FUCKING GOAL.
Thirteen fucking years she's lived with Sam. Four fucking weeks over Christmas she's left us to figure out a way to not turbofuck our living situation. And she's got the fucking nerve to try and pretend we should be interacting like nothing's changed. Jesus Christ. What a fucking unhinged way to treat...anybody, honestly. never mind the friends-your-entire-adult-life part. literally cannot imagine a scenario in which I would buy a house without telling the people I lived with.
(haha actually this is what my parents divorced over so apparently it's not unusual. although at least my dad had the decency to tell the woman he shared finances with at the point he put in an offer not the point the fucking sale went through.)
Like we'll be fine. It's a huge city centre flat with decent rent and queer housemates, hopefully even when the rent goes up it'll be an easy sell in a city with a huge housing shortage and big queer community. We've got a couple of people interested already, sight unseen - worst case scenario we have to live with someone we don't get on with. And it's given Sam and me a push to look at our own finances and as of today, we've got a mortgage decision in principle and can start looking at flats in the area - mind, we'll be transparent upfront and tell any prospective housemates that yeah, we're looking to buy and move out in the next 6-12 months, and we'll tell them if we put an offer in, because we're decent fucking people who aren't going to spring that on someone out of the blue.
But it's been I think 2 weeks and I'm so fucking angry I could spit. It's such a fucking betrayal. And frankly you know selfishly like. I just had a breakup a couple of months ago, I'm in the middle of moving jobs, both me and Sam have a history of housing instability and this has been the first decent, stable, safe, not-mouldy not-freezing home I think any of us have had, and this is so fucking triggering and upscuttling I could just start biting. like I was talking to my friend about it last week and it's just like. Can I have One Fucking Thing of the three main tentpoles of survival - home, work, relationships - that are fucking stable right now? because shit has been In Flux lately. and at least the work and relationship stuff has changed because of my decisions. going through all that work to make myself short-term unstable to gain long-term stability has been really hard and draining and then just as I was reaching the crisis point with work stuff BOOM, IT'S HOUSING INSTABILITY WITH A STEEL CHAIR. fuck. seriously fuck this and fuck her. we're going to make something good come of it but what a deeply, unbelievably shitty thing to do.
#red said#the other thing that bugs me about it is. ok and again this is old shit dredged back to 2021 when we moved in together#but i had my housemate. and Sam had her. and each of us were really close pairs who'd lived together a long time#and we tried looking for flats as a four but a) a flat with 4 good sized bedrooms in Edinburgh is hens teeth#and b) my housemate was pretty happy to live with me and Sam but increasingly felt like a 4 man flat was going to be a lot for him#and so in the end we talked about it. and through a combination of that and same housemate being in a pretty#unfavorable position housing wise. cause she was unemployed and had shit credit at that moment.#we agreed she'd move with us and Joe went and found a one bed#and in the end that's been really great for him tbh he's a lot happier and more confident and we were pretty sick of each other by then#and so we get on much better now#but at the time it was a real heartache i felt like I'd let Joe down i felt like our friendship was over#and honestly I have never been a huge fan of living with our current housemate. even before we lived here#like when i was staying with her and Sam too. she's incredibly messy and takes up a lot of space in conversations#I've always liked her as a person but she's exhausting and often unpleasant to share space with#and there's a bit of me that's like. we bent over backwards to accommodate you when you were precarious.#like it would have been WAY easier for us to look for a 2-bed during 2021. and if it was a 3-bed I'd have rather stayed with Joe.#but we moved with her for her sake. and she left Sam to clean up their old place (and there were Literal Rats)#and she got really pissy about driving the moving van even though a) that was her idea and b) she's the only person with a license#and c) i walked all MY shit over by hand anyway and the only reason she hired the van was to move her tv#me and Sam found all the core furniture. me and Sam sorted out all the viewings. me and Sam did all the planning. Sam set up all the bills.#we spotted her for rent!we took a bigger share of the costs! because we fucking cared about her and wanted her to have a fucking home!#and she can't even do us the courtesy you'd offer a fucking lodger you found on fucking gumtree
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steelycunt · 1 year
and in the end what was kavinsky but a girl who really wanted her crush to come to her party
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kingproblem · 8 months
not to be tipsy and manic on main but I saw a post on here once about someone having to prove a disability they had to get accommodation at work and that’s like mad illegal bro 😭 No employer is allowed to ask you for any personal medical information under any circumstances. All that needs to be done in, like, a lawful work place is get a doctor to sign off on your accommodations. They do not have to know ANYTHING about your medical history, and it is illegal for them to ask you ANYTHING about your personal medical history in order to give you reasonable accommodations. And I’ve found in my own experience it is much better to not share anything personal and get documented accommodations because it will also make you a target. Stay safe out their surviving capitalism with a disability! 😭
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The Misconception of Selfishness in Autistic Individuals
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The Autistic Teacher
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I think these two should fall in love and marry each other (💜u❤️)🫶
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After competing, and later on fighting each other, for the love of the same guy who couldn’t see them for more than just soldiers—they ended up falling in love with each other and becoming the textbook definition of POWER COUPLE.
I love being able to ship two characters based solely on me obsessing over their Tfwiki bios :]
Thunderblast TFwiki
Megaempress TFwiki
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ok so in the show i’m crewing right now with the theater i work for, one of our out-of-company actors that was hired is an ambulatory wheelchair user and she’s incredible and the theater and management have made it this whole production to try an accommodate her needs through the process. Which is wonderful!
But on the part of the the theater it comes of as so disingenuous to me (especially with the way they’ve been publicizing it on social media), knowing that i spent last semester crying after every rehearsal due to the way my disability was treated and i was considering quitting theater altogether. and even going into this production the way i’ve been treated has been subpar. and it makes me so angry but i can’t talk to anyone i know about it because i dont want them to think im bashing the actor when im really just pissed at theater management.
#i think part of the problem is i’m a university fed hire#while the actor was hired out of company as freelance#and so for me it’s just another nail in the coffin about the way this theater treats their student workers#but like i was hired for two positions in this show. and i was (not gracefully) fired from one of the positions#so i could ‘focus on my other position’ and not strain my disability too much#obviously this was decided without any input from me#the stage manager who was making me cry last semester and spreading very personal information about my disability#was out of company hired as well and she is not invited back for many reasons#but when i made my complaint about the way she was treating my disability i got a ‘we’ll talk about it tomorrow and im sorry that’s happen’#only for it to never be discussed until the following semester after the show had ended#and i received a ‘we’re going to try and do better than the last show where details of your vulnerable medical episodes were shared without#your consent’#i love this actress and disability solidarity all the way#but i’m frustrated with the fact that she’s getting accommodations i could never dream of getting#while i’m still being told that my disability is too inconvenient for some jobs#we’re the only two mobility aid users to work for this theater and i’m baffled by the different reception between the two of us#i’m just so. tired. of being treated like a liability#and watching someone else be treated great by people who’ve stomped on me makes me want to never work in theater ever again
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Not people asking Celticists to do critical editions of texts because they asked us nicely to.
I would love to edit and translate manuscripts all day long, on top of working as a teaching assistant, my side job in the field that also pays me, preparing conference papers for presentation, which often includes translating Latin, Middle Welsh, Old Irish, Early Modern Irish, and Modern Irish myself, even when scholars before me have translated them (to ensure that the nuances are captured), adapting those papers to Powerpoints, arranging accommodations and flights for said conferences, playing Stardew Valley, organizing conferences/conference panels, working on my phd, working on projects that are actually publishable in the field, plotting the next Fomoire invasion of Ireland, as well as my various and assorted commitments to different groups and organizations that I am also doing without pay in order to bolster my CV so that there is a snowball's chance in Hell that I have a shot at employment, while even more senior scholars in the field have to struggle to justify their translation work. It reminds me of an article on the Celtic Students blog that talks about how the overwhelming amount of public outreach in the field, at the moment, is done by Grad Students, yours truly included.
In these digital spaces, students of Celtic Studies (predominantly graduate students) carry the brunt of the public's attention, and work to amend persistent pervasive errors or misunderstandings (such as 'did the Celts really fight naked in battle', 'were the Celts really matriarchal', and 'why did Saint Patrick commit a genocide against the pagans') that have found themselves deeply rooted in public consciousness. These misunderstandings appear to have been perpetuated by the rise of the internet giving the public access to wildly out of date scholarly publications, the Wikipedia articles on medieval Celtic literature being deeply inaccurate, and a small cottage industry of people producing exceptionally inaccurate self-published books (and ebooks) about 'Celtic Mythology' that dominate digital marketplaces such as Amazon and the Kobo storefront. 
Despite this being important work, and entirely legitimate scholarly labor, it can be disheartening when this work is not recognized as legitimate or worthwhile by senior members of the field compared to standard scholarly activities.
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