#shaggy norville rodgers
cocoabubbelle · 10 months
Watching “The New Scooby-Doo Movies” (1972-1973) + Thoughts
This series comes after Scooby-Doo, Where Are You?
I think the basic premise is that the Scooby Gang gets into a mixture of mysteries and shenanigans with various famous characters (both real and fictional)
Will I finally hear the long sought after “And I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren’t for your meddling kids!” line?
Only one way to find out.
Spoilers under the cut!
PS. Thank you to all who have messaged me with different sources in order to watch this series!! 🥰
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Seeing these messages right after I read a webtoon about a serial killer using social media to hunt his victims down (The Killing Vote. Highly recommend!) may or may not have accidentally scared the living daylights out of me before seeing you guys were just sending me potential Scooby Doo show links. 🤣
Episode 1: Ghastly Ghost Town; Guest Starring: The Three Stooges!
Fun Fact: when I was younger, I watched a collection of videos staring The Three Stooges, some of them starring Shemp instead of the more famous Curly! I thought they were both funny, but I feel bad Shemp had little to no recognition nowadays…
Is it possible to both forget the existence of and be nostalgic for an opening credits sequence? Somehow that is my current feeling.
King Kong, is that you?
Don’t recall Shaggy being the one announcing the guests with the title cards.
Man I missed looking at the background scenery. Flashing Lightning effects are great! Moving clouds are smooth! Analogous purple colors are gorgeo-! Oh wait, I’m supposed to pay attention to the Ghost Town sign, aren’t I?
Man this is hard to understand without captions. (Yes, even in my own language. Leave me alone.)
“Boy, are we ever lost!” “I think we took the wrong turn…er, about 10 miles back.” Well, that would have been helpful to know about 10 miles ago. Also, Frelma just because 😆
Is it me or is the art style slightly different? Shaggy’s face looks less like a cylindrical oval bean and more like a rounded inverted triangle.
“Hey look! I just saw a mirage!!” “At night???” Is Freddy’s voice actor different? He has a higher pitch than before.
Where did all of these animals come from?
Sign says: “Monster Ahead: 1000 yds.” Me: *turns around and walks the opposite direction.*
Random Giant Mechanical bat flies out of no where so that I am force-fed damsel-in-distress Daphne and Fraphne food.
Animation goof: Fred has the WEIRDEST expression drawn on his face while Daphne continues to hold onto him. (The latter part not a goof.)
T-Rex that is most likely an automatron is giving me war flashbacks to that time-travel dinosaur ride in Disney World’s Animal Kingdom. Though I will say I was the only kid around my age that didn’t duck into the safety of the seats when it roared into our faces 😁
Animators/Writers, I get it. You want us to ship Fraphne and have Daphne hide behind a strong manly man. But since you also put Shaggy there, I will elect to interpret this as Shaphne hiding behing the manly man that is Fred, so…😝 🩷
Scooby is part ground/prairie dog/mole confirmed??
Before the mysterious silhouette reveals our trio of comedians, I have to ask: are they the Hanna Barbera versions where they are all androids/cyborgs or something?
The Scooby Gang just watch and laugh at the Stooges flail around and try to stop the orangutan from escaping. Real helpful, I know. Also, Shag and Daph standing next to each other, so Shaphne (Am I weird for scrounging for my ship’s crumbs as opposed to the supposedly canon ship’s full course meal? Yes, yes I am.)
“HEY! AREN’T YOU LARRY, MOE, AND CURLY JOE?” Freddy, I know they’re short but you don’t have to yell out your question when they’re right next to you.
“Look, we need help!” Moe: “A psychiatrist could tell you that.” 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Animation Goof: Moe’s chin moving past his jawline. Also, Shaggy looking bigger than both him and Fred, but that could be because the animators are trying to play with perspective.
Ooh, an amusement park!
So the giant bat thing does not belong to the stooges. Early Batman cameo?
Animation Goof: Curly’s mouth doesn’t move as he speaks.
Tyronne the Tyrannosaurus Rex
Suspicious person peaking at them all through the saloon window is sus.
Frelma moment of the two of them grinning at each other and deciding for the rest of the gang there is a mystery to solve. A couple that plots together, stays together. 🩷
Rhino the giant mean looking employee of the stooges. Friend or Foe? To be determined later.
I cannot believe the Scooby Gang is cheerfully and loudly suggesting to the stooges that they FIRE Rhino WHILE HE’S RIGHT THERE.
Rhino communicated in grunts and snarls. Because of course he does.
The giant T-Rex animatronic —aka Tyronne—looks significantly different from its first appearance in this episode.
Shaphne hiding behind Fred again.
Sheriff(?) comes to arrest or escort the Gang away from the premises, but the teens conveniently ignore him to follow Scooby into the T-Rex.
Tyronne’s insides are much bigger than his outsides. Is this an animatronic or a spaceship???
The sheriff is not actually a sheriff, but the Stooges’ manager who goes by Amos Crutch. I should not suspect him to be the bad guy, but his name isn’t helping me assume otherwise.
Dingbat the little bat is adorable.
Curly says Dingbat goes into a frantic frenzy whenever Crutch is nearby. If that isn’t a head’s up for Crutch’s true nature, I don’t know what is.
Velma the first character to suddenly disappear from the gang instead of Daphne?
ANIMATION GOOF: Fred instructs everyone to go find Velma AS SHE IS WALKING BETWEEN HIM AND DAPHNE. Animators, what are you doing?????
Velma’s and my instincts about Crutch are proven right. Hello Trapdoor, my old friend~
Instead of splitting up in a way that includes the Stooge’s antics with the gang’s shenanigans, the animators and writers split them apart the conventional way : Stooges, Fred + Daphne, and Scoob + Shaggy.
Shaggy and Scoob attempt a coin toss to decide whether or not they try searching a creepy saloon: tails they go in, heads they stay out. It’s also a two-headed quarter.
Quarter decides for them via the combined laws of plot development and shenanigary and bounces/rolls into the saloon anyway.
Liking the effects for the cob/spiderwebs.
Coin falls into piano jukebox to play a song right when Shaggy and Scooby catch up to it.
Animators clearly having a ball with the keyboard. Also compliments to sound effects/music department.
Moe dragging Larry dragging Curly to the Cowboy museum.
Native American figurine placed outside of the entrance might actually be Crutch in disguise, or someone else we haven’t met yet, which brings up several questions.
Of course it’s a wax museum.
Animation Goof: Animators/Artists forgot to complete the cowboy hat for the Jessie James wax figure.
‘Wyatt Earp’ makes a move to attack Stooges.
When and where did Freddy get that flask of water?
Walking cactus from Disney’s Los Tres Cabelleros?
Passing-a-container-of-food-or-beverage-to-your-companion-only-for-it-to-be-secretly-intercepted-by-a-super-obvious-random-character-who-consumes-it-all-without-anyone-noticing-and-creating-a-misunderstanding-between-you-and-your-companion gag
Scooby sneezed so hard, he found a conveniently placed secret door to help move the story along.
I assume the orangutan escaped from his cage again.
Falling-into-a-large-container-or-pile-of-flour-and-get-mistaken-for-a-ghost gag
“What’s the matter? Haven’t you seen a FLOUR child before?”
Animation and Art style are not very consistent nor strong compared to the first series, but I will try not to be picky no promises if it gets too wonky for my taste.
Orangutan woke up and chose to be a troll today.
Shaggy tells Scooby not to be afraid of the massive and weird parade float-sized jack-in-the-box. I need a list of what Shaggy deems scary vs not scary.
“Well, I’ll be a monkey’s uncle!” Fun fact: Orangutans are technically great apes.
“This desert reminds me of a woman.” “Why’s that?” “It goes on and on and on…” 😑 (Fraphne if you like beligerent teasing/flirting(?))
Counting-on-footprints-to-get-back-where-you-started-only-OOPS-someone-erased-them gag.
Daphne has the sense to suspect that the random swimming pool that appeared out of nowhere is a mirage or hologram. Fred? Not so much.
Fraphne handholding. Also, Daphne’s common sense doesn’t extend to distrusting random man-sizes cactuses that appeared out of thin air.
Cactus man attempts manhandling but is caught.
“COME BACK AND FIGHT LIKE A MAN YOU VEGETABLE!” Fun fact: Cacti are apparently both a vegetable and a fruit (according to this site: https://wraxly.com/is-cactus-a-vegetable/#:~:text=However%2C%20a%20question%20often%20pops,plant%20in%20the%20world%2C%20Cactaceae. )
Finally we see Velma. She fell into the mines.
Three stooges nearby, as apparently are Fred + Daphne and Scoob + Shaggy. Since when did the latter four reunite?
Suspicious Indian Chief Figure drawn differently than earlier.
Stooges flee into the mine, and I am confused if the random black scenes are intentional or if the source I’m using to watch the episodes had a faulty upload.
Shaphne standing together as the Gang sans Velma try to figure out the source of the noise.
Crutch and Rhino supposedly in saloon bc ShaFrephne and Scooby see their silhouettes through the window. Color me suspicious.
What was the point of reuniting the four of them only to have Fred + Daphne fall through a trapdoor mere moments later?
Are the antagonists just the townspeople who want the Stooges and their contraptions gone???
“Scoob, have you flipped your fur wig?!”
Fred and Daphne reunited with/found Velma by landing on top of her back. Velma is the strongest confirmed again?
Shaggy’s response to finding out that the Gunslinger from Wax Museum is actually a robot? “The fastest short circuit in the West.”
Animation Goof: Moe’s voice commands one of the other stooges to put the brakes on the mining cart they are stuck in, Larry’s voice agrees, and Curly’s voice comes out of MOE as HE puts the brakes on.
Three Stooges reunite with Fred+Daph+Velma
Glowy special effects are glowy.
The power of Velma’s sneeze makes a rockslide in the mines.
“We’ll be [stuck in] here forever!” Moe: There’s no such thing as forever.” “There isn’t?” “No, just eternity. 🤪”
Frelma moment of Velma hugging Freddy from behind! (At least that’s what it looks like from her hand placement on his waist.)
The paint stokes on the background look really messy in some places.
Shaggy forgot to tone down his strength and accidentally launches the trapped Scooby from a well all the way to the mechanical T-Rex.
Okay why are Fraphlma being so weird and bobbing up and down while the Stooges do all of the hard work of digging a way out of the mine tunnel?
“Oh Shag!…Can you hear me?…” “🤨? I must be dreaming. That sounds like Fred.” “Shag?…Scooby Doo?…Can you hear me?…” “😳!THAT’S DAPHNE’S VOICE!! COME ON!!!” Look, how am I not supposed to take this moment as Shaphne when Shaggy hears Fred’s voice calling out to him from who knows where and assumes he’s only imagining it, only to come RUNNING when he recognizes Daphne’s voice calling?!
Animation or Editing Goof: The area around Fred’s mouth sure is glitchy.
I guess it’s possible for three grown short guys + three taller teenagers to stack three mining carts on top of each other and not fall as they stand in the top one. I still call shenanigans.
“Don’t move!” As he and Scooby try to find a way to help them out of the cave in. Moe: “ ‘Don’t move?’ Where does he think we’re going???”
Animation Goof: Shaggy accidentally reminds me he can do ventriloquism because he’s talking without opening his mouth for no reason.
Shaggy does the smart thing and attempts to go to the seemingly valid authority adult figures in town for help. Unfortunately, my suspicions are confirmed that the Crutch and Rhino figures we saw earlier in the Saloon are dummies (and I mean that in a non-insulting way; the figures are literally dummies.)
Animation Goof: Scoob’s finger flick powerful enough to knock one of the dummies over despite not touching it.
Unnecessary filler slapstick despite the stakes.
Animation Goof: Sudden shift in background implies Scoob and Shaggy are now outside despite no movement, no transition, and holding the same conversation without a break.
More unnecessary shenanigans. “Cut that out! You’re supposed to be thinking of a way to rescue Velma!” Weird editing that accidentally eliminated the rest of the party in need, or Shelma moment?
After filler moments of Shaggy pressuring Scooby to come up with a rescue plan, Scooby’s suggestion via charades to use Tyrone the T-Rex to dig the others out is the one Shaggy claims. #friendshipgoals everybody.
At least he gives Scooby the credit.
MOAR filler shenanigans, everybody. Tbf, neither of them know how to properly man a mechanical T-Rex. At least we see a figure-skating T-Rex.
Because the Stooges are the Stooges, only they get the honor of being plucked out of the dug whole by the T-Rex like a mother cat or dog picking up her litter.
We see non mannequin/robot versions of the Native American Chief and the Gunslinger. They look like they’re crooks. Was any hint of thieving foreshadowed earlier? I don’t think so.
Also, “Those darn kids…” instead of “You meddling kids!” 😑
Daphne holding onto Fred’s arm again in case we forgot we’re supposed to ship Fraphne or that she’s the damsel in distress.
Giant bat. Because oh yeah. That was a thing earlier from the beginning of this episode.
Artists and/or Writers of this episode. We already know you want us to see Fraphne and that the conventionally pretty girl is supposed to be clinging to the conventionally handsome guy of the group in fright/apprehension whenever ANYTHING happens.
Unfortunately for everyone, I watched these episodes from the very beginning, and seeing how Daphne was initially more plucky + her maybe accidental chemistry with Shaggy and Velma’s accidental chemistry with Fred made me biased 🤡
Broken T-Rex.
Grammar Error: Why does my keyboard think I’m typing T-Rez whenever I try typing T-Rex?
Animation Goof: T-Rex suddenly a lot smaller next to the stooges.
Indian Chief figure that was drawn differently at one point is explained via projector conveniently found by Stooges.
T-Rex is working again.
Is the guy dressed up like the Chief seriously named Geronimo?
Shaggy and Scooby drop an avalanche of rocks onto the Batmobile the antagonists’s getaway Bat car, so the bad guys are stopped via almost manslaughter. Yay?
Also, they drop them from who knows how many stories high. This makes them crash through the ceiling of the jail. Wowzers.
“It’s Crutch and Rhino!” He says as he watches the above unfold from a distance.
Also, the Gunslinger’s angular face is now changed to Crutch’s doughy one (and yes, the real gunslinger looked like the robot one up until the “unmasking”), and Native American’s skin is now as pale as Rhino’s.
The bad guys’ motivation was that somehow there was now uranium in this town. If Uranium was a mentioned plot point in this episode, it completely flew over my head.
Dingbat is now a girl all of a sudden?
Also she apparently detected the Uranium dust on Crutch and that’s why she acted weird, including when Curly was suddenly glowing.
I still prefer my original theory that the antagonists were the townspeople who didn’t like the Stooges contraptions and attempts to make an amusement park/zoo as opposed to the actual antagonists and their motivations, but the Stooges’ completed park/zoo does look fun and cute!
Look, the real sheriff!
Shaggy and Scooby are rewarded with Uranium and a superhero sandwich, which they actually share this time (the sandwich, not the uranium!)
Day 26 of no “And I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren’t for you medding kids!”
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wazzuppy · 1 year
kinda makes me emotional how in mystery incorporated, ALL of the gang are shown to feel outcast from their family in some way, and how having each other to lean on is what makes things better for them in the end.
like, daphne doesn't get along with her sisters, who constantly look down on her, and her parents are disapproving of her hobbies, friends, and boyfriend.
shaggy's parents are distant and the first chance they get they send him away to the military and scooby to a farm.
velma doesnt understand why her parents do what they do and so quickly believe in the supernatural, and in turn she feels like they dont understand her either.
and fred has such an insanely complicated and genuinely kind of sad relationship with every member of his family. the closest thing he has to a parent is the man who raised him-- and mayor jones is similarly unhappy with fred's interests and thinks he's strange-- and it turns out that not only is he not his real father, but that he's a criminal who HE helped catch. and when he finally meets his real parents after searching for them for so long (all while LITERALLY HOMELESS), they use him for their own gain.
but like,,, all of them are still so happy regardless. because they have each other. and even when they fight and break up and things are hard, they always come together in the end because they love one another so much. and that love is why they overcome the curse and stick together even after the universe is reset into an ideal world for them all. not only are they friends, but they're a family.
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hikiclawd · 1 year
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I really adored these designs made by @zibiscusloon so i wanted to draw them, I hope that's alright by you (they're just so adorbs!!!!)
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itch-my-b0nez · 1 year
ok so here’s a list of friendship pairings that i feel like are actually queer platonic relationships and/or just border on homoeroticism
Robin Buckley and Steve Harrington (Stranger Things)
Jane “Eleven” Hopper and Maxine “Max” Mayfield (Stranger Things)
Troy Barnes and Abed Nadir (Community)
Norville “Shaggy” Rodgers and Fred Jones (The Scooby-Doo Franchise)
Sirius Black and James Potter (Harry Potter)
Sirius Black and Remus Lupin (Harry Potter)
Ron Weasley and Harry Potter (Harry Potter)
and more that i cant think of rn
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thebrownssociety · 1 year
Where Are You? [2023]
Hey! My name is Roxy Goth. Like everyone else I've seen the backlash to 'Velma 2023' and it inspired me to write this. This is not a rewrite of Velma 2023, but it is mentioned. It focuses more on the gangs bond and will involve other properties from WB throughout.
I do not own any character except Gregory Goof.
It was a rare occasion that the Scooby Gang were called from Toontown to a meeting with W.B.
"Like, what do you think they want?" Shaggy asked, a bit nervously.
Velma rolled her eyes. "Probably another series."
"Like, how many more ways can we go?" Shaggy asked, as they all walked towards Mr Plotz's office. "We've been to nearly everywhere on earth, we've tried every single combination I can think off-"
"Not every combination, Shaggy." Fred said, meaningfully.
Daphne gave a short laugh and shook her head. "Oh Freddie. I keep telling you, they're not going to make a series with just you, Scooby and Shaggy. They'd be accused of sexism."
Fred frowned and said, slightly petulantly. "Maybe so, but I hope they're not getting rid of me again. Why is it whenever they want a new direction they get rid of me?"
"Don't flatter yourself." Velma said, adjusting her glasses. "They don't want me either half the time."
"Well this time, no more!" Shaggy exclaimed, throwing his arms out. "It's all or nothing. Remember?"
The gang all nodded. After 'Get A Clue' Shaggy and Scooby decided it wasn't really worth doing a solo deal again.
"Ah, gang." The door to Plotz's office was opened by the man himself. "Please, come in. We have a new director who is eager to meet you."
The new director was a Goofy Toon, one of the many background Toons that filled out the 50's Goofy shorts. This one was wearing a smart suit and a slightly nervous smile. He stood up as soon as the gang came through the door.
"Ah hello!" He stuck his hand out slightly aggressively, smile threatening to split his face. "I'm Gregory Goof and I am de-light-ed to meet you. Please, sit down."
With a slightly amused glance at one another the gang took their seats.
After a few preliminaries, Gregory launched into his vision for the show. "So, we've focused on a few of you these past years, but now I think it's Velma's time to shine-"
The brunette laughed and joked. "Well, it's about time!"
Gregory gave a tight smile and carried on. "It's going to be an adult-orientated series-"
"Wow, like, are we going to be allowed to be actual adults now?" Shaggy said, excitedly.
Gregory held his hands up. "Not exactly. You'll still be teenagers, but you - well, Velma specifically - will be investigating a series of murders."
"Murders?" Daphne said, with more excitement that was probably socially-acceptable. "Like Agatha Christie?"
"Yeah, basically teenagers in your school are being murdered and Velma is implicated in one. So she starts working to free herself, but she's slightly reluctant because her mother went missing ages ago-"
Velma raised an eyebrow
"-Daphne's an ex-friend and you two solved mysteries together when you were younger-"
Daphne and Velma exchanged a surprised glance.
"And Fred is a prime suspect in the murders-"
Fred had chosen that moment to take a drink of water. On hearing this he started choking and Shaggy had to slap him on the back a few times.
Undeterred, Gregory carried on. "And Norville-"
A sharp intake of breath from all the gang as Shaggy's eyes narrowed.
"Like, it's Shaggy." He said.
"You're still going to love snacks, but your cowardliness will be downplayed. You'll also talk a lot about how you hate drugs."
Shaggy frowned. "I do hate drugs." He said.
Gregory grinned and clicked his fingers. "See? We're on the same wave-length already!"
Shaggy gave Velma a look as if to say. 'Is he joking?'
"Also in this show you'll go by Norville and not Shaggy-"
"What!?" The beatnik nearly leapt out his chair. "Like, no way man, no way! My name is Shaggy, not Norville! It's been that way for nearly 60 years and it's, like, sure as hell not going to change now!"
"Mr Rodgers-" Plotz said, trying to intervene. "-Please, this isn't set in stone-"
"And, like, what about Scooby-Doo, huh? What? You're going to insist on calling him 'Mr Doo?' or, like, just 'That Dog', huh!?"
"Actually, Scooby isn't in it." Gregory said, casually.
There was a pause. For quite a long time. Then an explosion of 5 different sentences.
"Like, what!? How can you have a Scooby-Doo show without Scooby-Doo!?"
"Reah! I'm the star! People rove me!"
"As flattering as the idea of a show based on me is, I can't do it without Scooby-"
"You can't get rid of Scooby like that! He's the heart!"
"Yeah, who am I going to get for my traps otherwise?"
Daphne gave her husband a look. "Really? That's your point?"
"Oh, yeah." Gregory said, as if the thought had just occurred to him. "You're not doing traps in this series."
"What!? No traps?"
Gregory shrugged. "They don't fit the theme we're going for."
"Which is, like, what?" Shaggy asked, practically vibrating with anger. "Because it's sure as hell not Scooby-Doo!"
Gregory looked genuinely surprised at that. "It's not?"
"No!" Shaggy exclaimed, throwing his arms out. "Like, the point of Scooby-Doo - note the name, by the way - is that we're five friends, like, travelling around various places and most times we stumble across across mysteries. Sure, like, that might make us the unluckiest group of friends ever - that's why I'm always complaining about it 'in show' - but at the end of the day we're, like, friends and we love each other and YOU-" Here Shaggy pointed aggressively at the Goof, who clutched his clipboard across his chest protectively. "-are not going to change that! Understand?"
"Ok, Shaggy." Fred leaned across and rested a hand on his friends shoulder reassuringly. "Take a breath. We get it and I'm sure Mr Goof here isn't going to go foreword with this now he's heard our views, right friend?" The blonde looked at the Goof in a meaningful manner.
Unfortunately the goof didn't get the hint, lowering the clipboard slightly and saying, tightly. "Actually, I think you'll find that as you have a contract-"
"-I was hoping you'd bring that up" Velma said, smoothly plucking the contract out her hammerspace. "As you can see here in section D, subsection 2 it says 'the Scooby gang are required to do any adaption that Warner Bros requires as long as the idea does not go to far outside the realm of the established Scooby-Doo lore.'" She gave a bright smile to Gregory. "And I'm sure that you must agree that a Scooby-Doo adaption, without a Scooby Doo is definitely outside the lore. So-" She exchanged a quick glance with her fellow toons and they all nodded. "-We're going to say, thanks but no thanks."
As the gang got up to leave Gregory, in a slightly panicked state, got up and said. "Wait-" He knocked the table a little with his knee and let out a gasp of pain before carrying on. "-Look, it's a good deal! Don't you want to-"
"No." Shaggy said, firmly. "We don't. Like, bye." And with that the gang all headed out. Gregory looked like he was considering following them, but was distracted by Mr Plotz telling him to sit down.
Outside the gang were complaining to each other.
"Like, can you believe the nerve of that guy!?" Shaggy was saying. "A Scooby-Doo show without Scooby! What a ridiculous idea. We love you to much to ever do that to you." He assured the great dane.
Scooby smiled back and held his arms out. "Roup Rug?" He asked.
The rest of the gang laughed and hugged.
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simstagramsomeone · 2 years
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Scooby Doo: Sims Edition
Norville “Shaggy” Rodgers and his dog Scooby make a great pair. All they need is a Scooby snack.
Hair: Marso Sims
Shirt: KK Sims
Pants : Mclayne Sims
Shoes: Juis
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benjokazoo · 1 year
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So far I've had few serious characters, and Burbark is certainly not the exception. My bugbear moon druid spoke in a surfer bro accent that accidentally shifted to Shaggy "Norville" Rodgers mid sentence. Besides horrifying bandits by eating their friends whole as a giant toad, they were mostly easy-going; smoking up a storm, talking to plants and animals, standard stuff. Think my mans retreated into the woods when the party got a little too murdery.
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llycaons · 4 months
I only watch the um actuallys with brennan because I enjoy his melodrama but by coincidence ify was in the one I watched today and I had just listened to the magic tavern episode where he guest-starred so I was like *beyonce meme* IFY??!! he's so funny and I went onto his twitter and saw a palestinian superhero bodying zionist spiderman 👍
anyway I like um actually only when it's about franchises I know about. like mp100 came up and I was like I KNOW THAT ONE!!! and only one of the contestants knew it and he was describing the show to the others like ohoho how strange and mysterious okay anime isn't that weird just chill out
but the real kicker was that they were all playing a game like 'this very formal and unfamiliar name refers to a characters commonly known as something else' and it was entirely inverse for me. like they knew the 4 I didn't know and I knew they two that none of them knew. I was screaming at my phone GUYS!!!! NORVILLE RODGERS IS SHAGGY!!!!! YOU NEVER WATCHED THE OLD SCOOBY-DOO??!!! also was kind of surprised that none of them knew jughead's legal name given that this was a recent episode and riverdale had been running for a while
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I have now tried weed. It tasted bad. But was cool to smoke as an anti smoker. Vision somehow better. Also before my related % to norville (shaggy) rodgers was like 100% but now it’s 420%
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itsseaweedgreen · 3 years
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I’m re-watching Scooby-Doo and The Alien Invaders...
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fredjoneswife · 3 years
Different Mystery Incorporated members when they’re sick because it just popped up in my head
Fred: *tries to pretend like he’s not* *cries about them making traps and splitting up and solving mysteries while he’s at home*
Daphne: “oh no, I’m okay” *tries to get Fred’s attention*
Velma: *doesn’t mention it but everyone kind of knows* *still does work*
Shaggy: *getting smothered by scooby* *eating even more then he does usually*
Scooby: *getting smothered by the whole group* *has either no appetite or eats everything they could find* 
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cocoabubbelle · 1 year
Watching “Scooby Doo, Where Are You?” (1969-1970 CBS) + Thoughts
Episode 25: Don’t Fool with a Phantom
Not me trying to pronounce the flashing “KLMN” on the building as one word before realizing it’s probably an Acronym for something.
Fraphne dance for what seems like a talent show.
Is Johnny Sands based off of a celebrity?
Even without them handling it for their dance routine, Shaggy and Scooby’s taffy (it’s called toffee in the show but it’s too stretchy) looks yucky.
Monster of the week almost looks as bad as the toffee.
Velma looks comically angry at the monster’s stunts.
Johnny Sands is gone, which mean’s he’s either the culprit or the victim—oh wait, there he is.
“Come on, Johnny. The publicity stunt’s over.” She says to a man tied up in a chair. If Johnny winds up not being the masked monster, Velma’s going to look pretty insensitive.
The Wax Phantom.……Okay, yeah, no. The name doesn’t sound very intimidating (though admittedly hot wax on skin HURTS)
Ah, wax figures. That’s understandably more creepy.
Mr. Stevens the station manager, who was there earlier with everyone, including when the Wax Phantom first appeared, is suddenly gone for some reason. If he turns out to be the culprit, I hope there is an explanation as to why he was still present when the monster made its debut (such as having an accomplice or using a projector.)
Johnny isn’t helping alleviate my suspicions when he doesn’t want to call the police for risk of the studio being shut down.
“Well, it looks like we have another mystery on our hands.” Velma borrowing Fred’s catchphrase. (Frelma)
Fraphne and Shelma + Scooby split ups, because that’s always original.
Animation Goof: Daphne forgot to apply her lipstick/gloss.
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Cute angry owl is cute.
Animation Goof: Shaggy is too tall for the screen’s frame.
Mr. Grisby looks suspiciously like a color swap of one of the gang’s earlier masked culprits from the first season.
“Hmmmm, looks like Mom’s stew!” He says as he’s about to take a sip without permission before skull-shaped smiley face bubbles (yes you read that right) make him lose his appetite. Also, I have questions regarding Ms. Rogers’s cooking.
Mr. Grisby flat out admits that he performed black magic to conjure up Wax Phantom. Shelma + Scooby obviously don’t report him to the police for questioning.
Remember viewers: a) Fraphne is totally a thing because Daphne is hugging Fred’s arm; b) Daphne is totally a damsel in distress who totally did not almost bash Shaggy’s head in self-defense thinking he was a masked ghost coming after her one time.
Daphne jumps into Fred’s arms after being startled from knocking over a wax figure in the wax museum. It’s an obvious attempt at another Fraphne moment and in my opinion it ignores what moments of fearlessness Daphne had in the earlier episodes but I’m highlighting it because I like a good bridal/princess carry, mmmkay~? 🤪
We don’t see Shag and Scoob looking for a window for them and Velma to enter through after the Wax Phantom locked the entrance door because that would be too interesting.
Turning on the lights brightens the scene by 3%.
Crash-into-reunion gag. More heartwarming or painful? Depends on how you really feel about your friends, whether you or they were the ones doing the crashing, and how how hard the impact is.
“Sure glad to run into you, Velma.” “Where’s Shag and Scoob?” Am I shameless and ridiculous for highlighting these as Frelma and Shaphne? Yes. Am I doing it anyway? Yes.
You can tell which background artists actually enjoyed or overthought (thank? thunk?) their job when some of the walls of the museum are plainly colored while others look like they have a texture similar to a cavern.
When Shaggy and Scooby open the sarcophagus they somehow landed in due to shenanigans: “Shaggy! What are you doing in there?” “Like, who knows? We just dropped in to see my mummy.”
I failed to mention this earlier bc I wasn’t sure it was worth posting but those random colored screens that come with funny noises to indicate necessary/unnecessary cuts from one scene to the next are back.
Shag and Scooby get distracted by food on a display in a WAX museum and fail to connect the dots.
“Now if the Wax Phantom doesn’t drop in on us—” *cue humongous trapdoor that swallows her, Fred, and Velma whole.* Danger-Prone-Daphne never fails to disappoint.
Shag and Scoob hijinks don’t get them out of trouble this time.
Hey, it’s me from the future. For some weird reason Tumblr is giving me trouble over making this post for this particular episode, so I will be doing the rest of the points super summarized that can only be enjoyed if you read them in your best caveman voice. Even then, this site will entire/partial points that will render the rest of this post as incomplete and clunky. Apologies for the mess. Have no idea how to make Tumblr stop deleting and resurfacing my bullet points. Maybe in the future I will re-edit the post and translate what I originally had.
Apologies again.
Velms find money. Fred remember it from station. Me forgot.
Velma stop foot. Open trap door. “Velma you amazing!” “Because me angry?”
Waxy push Shag and Scoob. Want to commit murder.
Shaggy no impressed by bad guy doing predictable bad guy stuff.
Scoob and Shag no roll off conveyor belt bc that too smart.
Daphne save her man and his dog. Accidentally yes but thought still count.
Waxy chase Shag and Scoob. Fred Daphne Velma chase Waxy.
Cinderella dress. Me like.
Oh no lovey dovey chase music. Me no like.
Ok actually me like but why lovey dovey?
Shaggy’s false lashes purty.
Song: Pretty Mary Sunlight. “I tell them girls were made for kissing.” And punching. We punch too.
Loony toons physics.
It work? Yes and no WUT??
Uh oh Fred has plan.
Shag and Scoob trick Fred before Fred lure them with Scooby Snacks.
Joke on them they do plan after all when accidentally meet Waxy.
Fred does oopsy and kill Shag and Scoob with wax + Waxy???
No they alive and no burned bc children’s show.
Mr. Stevens = Waxy.
No explanation for why Waxy there earlier with Mr. Stevens in beginning bc writers don’t wanna ‘splain.
Animation Goof: purple neck Daph
Day 25 of no "And I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling kids!"
Shag and Scooby dummy word privileges deprecation privilages bc no no if someone else call them dummies.
Day 25 of no "And I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling kids!"
Day 25 of no “And I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren’t for you meddling kids!”
No ending gif bc tumblr no like me
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Hey, this review for this episode has been giving me trouble for a while now because tumblr keeps messing with my drafts whether in progress or attempting to save them because my bullet points keep getting deleted or “deleted” only to randomly pop up later when trying to write other points.
Velma accidentally opens a secret stash of money that Fred deduces was stolen from the tv station. I had to rewind the episode to be reminded that was a thing in addition to Mr. Stevens getting caught.
“Velma! You did it again!” “What, lose my temper?” That too, but Velm’s little stomp of frifrustration of their situation triggered a secret door lever so the three of them can escape.
I see Shag + Scoob tied up and the Wax Phantom wheeling them close to a boiling bowl (??? I forget if their is a more technical term for the big bucket used to hold and mix things in factories and google isn’t helping.), and conclude this guy is capable of murder.
“Not the old ride-on-the-conveyor-belt-into-the-wax
Will the hovering ghost hand ever be explained? Also, Velma being the strongest by carrying Scooby carrying Shaggy as they escape.
The Wax Phantom…
Oh wait they found him pretty quickly. Fastest mystery solved??
Even without Shaggy and Scooby handling it in their dance routine, that toffee looks yucky.
Oh hey, the goopy monster of the week looks a sma tinge less gross than the toffee. Also, Johnny Sands/the host is gone, which means either he’s been nabbed by someone with a vendetta or he’s the culprit.
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characterarcs · 4 years
No Scooby-Doo adaptation will ever top the masterpiece that was ‘Scooby Doo Mystery Incorporated’!
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hikiclawd · 1 year
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shaggy rodgers kicked out of the blunt rotation for going "uwaaa is this like an indirect kiss!? >///<"
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dollopheadedmerlin · 5 years
I like to think that I'm at least funnier than my cousin. @caninegame94
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Out of curiosity I decided to watch a couple of episodes of Mystery Incorporated and it’s the first episode and Daphne has been friend zoned, Fred is screaming gay boi at me, Velma is just tryna get jiggy, but Shaggy ain’t having it because of the DAMN DOG!
What is happening?
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