#serennedy rambling
Serennedy hate makes literally NO SENSE. like I've been a diehard RE fan for near 14 years and shipped MANY a pairing in the franchise. But Serennedy is literally THE most natural ship to occur. Like HOW you gonna look at the chain scene or hear their banter and go ah yes: perfectly heterosexual men right there. Like their backgrounds create a lot of complexities for their dynamic and opposing personalities create enough chemistry and spice to keep them interesting while having full potential to be a very healthy pairing that both characters need and could benefit from. Theres also plenty of potential for some brutal aNGST.
I get it not being someones main ship but idk. If you ain't support serennedy, I just assume you homophobic or one of those people that gets jealous over Leon. /hj
(tbh most serennedy hate arguments i see just contain borderline homophobic statements or implications so idk.)
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mooseonahunt · 1 year
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Guess who got dragged kicking and screaming into this ship I’m lying I took one look over here and hurled myself into the Serennedy pit and I have @hamartia-grander to thank for that
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hamartia-grander · 10 months
Okay but (to me) Leon's immediate skepticism of Luis is the biggest sign that he had some level of initial attraction to Luis, even if he didn't outwardly express it. Immediately regarding Luis the same way he regarded Ada after finding out she's a mercenary implies - more than anything else, in my opinion - that Leon was not only expecting, but actively preparing for his hopes to be dashed and for him to be proven wrong in his feelings for someone, again.
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lightpinkstuff · 8 months
Real story: a redditor sent me a message asking me why I ship Luis and Leon (after I posted some serennedy fanart on the re subreddit) because they "don't really do much but banter". And I'm like?! That is literally the reason I ship them! You are describing exactly the reason why! How could you be so blind to it?! 🤣
I guess straight men tend to have different standards for shipping characters... And they probably only like straight ships too anyway
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colesabi · 3 months
all I’m going to say is Kay’s Serennedy Week ‘24 art slaps.
it’s the only thing getting me through my depression at this point.
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wisecrackingeric-2 · 6 months
I think I’ve said this before but I REALLY DO LOVE ALMOST ALL RE CHARACTERS/SHIPS THERE TRULY ARENT MANY SHIPS/CHARACTERS I GENUINELY DISLIKE you don’t have to ask me “oh do you ship __” cuz unless it’s straight up something like Sherry X Leon I’m probably shipping it!!!!! Or at least I’ll give you a thumbs up for it!!!!!!!!!!!!
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doomednarrative · 1 year
hey leon! since re4make has come out and you’ve finally checked it out, what kind of adjustments are y’all making to your plaga!leon au?
Okay okay, I've had some time to chat with Claire and Ethan about it and can actually answer this now~
So as far as the "canon" compliant version of this au (that being the one where Luis stays dead) nothing Huge actually changes much.
There's specifically Two things that have changed tho and it's thanks to the Timing of the events in the remake and some of the character rewrites for Luis specifically. Those things would be:
When exactly Leon actually takes on the Dominant Plaga that Luis gives him, and
How much context and truth Leon has going into this about how permanent it will be for him.
In the original version of our au, (linked here for anyone who hasn't read it yet) Leon takes the Dominant for himself sometime before Luis's death at the castle under the assumption that it can be removed along with the other plaga that's already inside him. Luis lies to him about this directly, not because he necessarily wants to hurt Leon or leave him with permanent consequences, but because he knows this experimental Dominant he's worked on could cause massive chaos if it falls into the wrong hands. He trusts, and thus convinces Leon, to be the one to take it himself, both under the guise of helping to get Ashley and himself to safety, but also because he trusts that if this thing has to be in Anyone's hands, Leon is the one who is the least likely to misuse it for evil purposes. That's ultimately why Luis gets Leon to take it.
With the remake though, this context has changed entirely.
It's no longer Luis lying to Leon about the permanence of this plaga or about trying to get this Dominant out of anyone else's hands. It's about the fact that they have Very little options and time left to them to get Ashley and themselves to safety. When Luis meets with Leon in the mines after getting off the elevator, he makes the offer to Leon about giving him this Dominant sample as a last ditch effort to save Ashley and himself, a way to give Leon the upper hand when he doesn't have one. They barely have any suppressants, and Ashley is already further along in the development of the plaga attaching itself to her system than Leon is thanks to an earlier injection, so they really are in a race against the clock to save her.
Leon of course refuses this offer at first, because he's not about to turn into an even worse version of the very people he's fighting against, especially when Luis is upfront with him that this is one that he can't even remove in the end. There's too much at stake in his mind for him to even consider that it might help him because of the risks involved with it.
But then of course, Krauser shows up and stabs Luis, and Leon is left facing the reality that not only is he out of allies besides Ada in this sitaution, but he really is running out of options, especially with Krauser aligning himself with the cult as well. Ultimately in the canon compliant version of events, he asks Luis for the Dominant right before his death, and takes it with the promise that he'll use it to save Ashley, even if it means the worst for him in the aftermath.
Then of course there's the self indulgent "Luis Lives" Serennedy version of this au (which I am writing a fic for :3 ) where part of Leon takes on the Dominant is because while Luis's stab wound isn't fatal this time, it's still enough to cause a lot of problems, and Leon's not about to let anyone else die on his watch. So he takes the Dominant with the intent of Both saving Luis and Ashley and getting the three of them the fuck out of this hellhole, cost of permanence be damned. And that time around Luis is actually there in the aftermath to help Leon cope with all the changes, so it's a bit less traumatizing for him overall in this version of events.
But yeah! Overall there's not actually that much that's changed, more just the timing and context of how it all goes down. It has been fun to rework it though, I think it hits a bit harder in this version because of how much harder they went on the horror aspect in the remake which I've had a fun time fucking around with~
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access--granted · 9 months
Anyone feel like dropping Serennedy oneshot ideas for my ideas bank in the replies or my ask box? Pretty please?
I wanna write them in the future, but I'm always drawing a blank on what to write about.
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bat-luun · 1 year
i want.. to write fluff fanfic. with the re4r trio aughhh-
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i literally can't stop thinking about something
i loveee re6 AUs with luis, but
death island!luis !!!!
specifically, a scenario where he saves leon instead of/with rebecca. like imagine him working with rebecca on the vaccine and delivering it to the island to save leon and the rest 😭😭
and i actually see two scenarios here
either luis is obviously alive and all, and leon knows it, and it's just, hey! my husband's here to save the day!!
OR it's a big reveal lol. rebecca shows up there like, 'a friend helped me', and it's LUIS there with her. like, i know rebecca is super capable and she made the vaccine all alone in the movie , but just imagine if it was actually a bit more complicated, so she would have to reach out for help, and who would be better than luis
i NEED to see luis and rebecca team up, they'd work so well together 😭😭
and older serennedy!!!!! omg
i just need to see older luis 😭😭 and the parallel with him delivering the suppressant in re4, and now the vaccine
i don't know what i wanted to say with this and i really didn't think it through that well, and it's rushed, but i really need to share these thoughts 😭
@silverhexrt HI SO UM. THIS ASK WAS SENT IN JUST OVER A WEEK AGO and it gave me SUCH AGGRESSIVE brain worms that I was like Oh this would make for SUCH a cute little Drabble!!!!! But then I just. Kept going. So I accidentally made a whole entire fic for you!! I really truly hope you don’t mind!!!!!!!!! ;^^/
I know this blog is more of a character analysis blog so if you or anyone else still wants to talk to me about the LOGISTICS of what Luis in Death Island would look like I’d be MORE THAN HAPPY TO RAMBLE cuz I am SO FASCINATED by how that would work character and legalities wise,,, but uh for now!! I hope you don’t mind this little thingymadgig I made!!!
Fatigue was the overwhelming sensation dragging Leon’s body down. His breathing was labored and his skin burned against the Velcro of his protective gear- far from unfamiliar territory in terms of the worst symptoms he’d survived. But this somehow felt so, so much worse.
Leon felt like he was dying. Like actually dying. Which was downright terrifying.
He hated that he even knew what dying felt like. Leon could easily pick up on the little ways his body began to shut down; it felt like he couldn’t breath in far enough to fill his lungs, his limbs felt weighed down by an invisible force, his vision was blurry… except, this time, it was his own body killing him from the inside-out.
He was much more used to- even comfortable with- the close brush of death being from the hands of a Bioweapon or loose debris crushing his body. Leon at least had some level of control in those scenarios. He could kick and wriggle and spit and cuss out whatever was holding him down until a miracle freed him and he could load bullets into the face of whatever was hunting him.
But Leon couldn’t run from his own body, no. And oh, how badly did he wanna run until his legs burnt beneath him.
Leon had only ever felt that inherent, gut-wrenching urge one other time. One other time when he was on the brink of death and freedom alike; warm tan hands and cold needles in an isolated village so far from home. Leon could’ve taken the medicine and ran. He could’ve watched the world burn from behind his lovers back as they chased windmills without a care in the world.
He could’ve faced death in the eye. He could’ve taken the blade of the knife for him. He could’ve been just a fraction of a second too late for Ashley. Oh, the possibilities.
What a weird time to be thinking about Valdelobos. Maybe it was just his oxygen-deprived brain desperately trying to connect the dots for one last dream. Like falling asleep with the TV on and having a dream about the movie you’d just watched. Arias had his own ‘inspirations’ from Los Illuminados, after all. Maybe he was just trying to think of one last happy memory to drift off to.
Leon hoped dying would be a little bit like falling asleep. He was never religious, never superstitious- but deep down he hoped that he’d be reunited with the loved ones he’d lost. Finally, finally getting the chance to feel those warm palms against his cheek that he missed oh-so dearly.
Leon sighed and let the concrete below his hands wobble a little. He could just barely make out Chris and Claire’s labored breathing from behind him- the only other thing keeping him grounded.
But god was it getting hard. He couldn’t tell if it was just the pure exhaustion or the virus or what, but Leon’s head felt so heavy. Heavy enough that it almost felt as though somebody was holding it up for him. He let himself pretend, just for a moment, that it wasn’t just his imagination. That the warmth on his cheek wasn’t his flushed skin and were instead the hands of a lover, keeping him upright and rested against a beating heart that Leon was sure was just the blood roaring in his ears.
He let himself pretend that the stroke he felt against his cheek was his lovers thumb. A lover so considerate that they’d wipe the blood off of his skin and tuck the loose hair behind his ears. He pretended that the murmuring of his ears giving in was somebody talking to him, whispering comfort in his final moments.
Leon almost let himself give in completely to the imaginary man holding him- the distant scent of leather and cigarettes felt so real, after all- but a cold prick against his neck and the immedie, cold relief of fluids beneath his skin snapped him back to reality.
His breathing came back to him in time with his heartbeat, his fingertips pulsed with the sudden pumping of blood, and…
The feeling of somebody holding him hadn’t gone away.
His cheek was still warm with another man’s hand. His nose still stung with the smell of leather.
His heart was still beating in time with somebody else’s.
Leon hesitated. He didn’t want to open his eyes. He knew he was just dreaming- that he’d look up and the vision of the man he yearned for every night would disappear like a mirage. He wanted to keep them closed and pretend for as long as possible. Until-
“Leon? ¿Corazón? Mierda, Rebecca, he’s not responding-“
Leon’s eyes opened just slightly.
He was staring down at the concrete, somebody must’ve moved him to get access to his neck easier. But he wasn’t dreaming. He wasn’t dreaming of the arms clad in white wrapped around his shoulders and the ringlets of curls that fell around his vision, shielding him from the fluorescent Alcatraz prison lights.
Warm hands went back to stroking his cheek.
Leon wasn’t dreaming.
“Leon? Oh, please wake up,”
His voice sounded so broken, so quiet. Leon had never heard of it like that. It broke his heart.
“I can’t- I can’t leave you here, not like this, not again, please…”
Leon couldn’t take it anymore. He was terrified to roll over and face the man he’d chased in his dreams for so long but he had no other option. He’d rather he disappear and it all be his imagination than hear him this sad ever again.
Leon turned his head and blinked up at Luis like a newborn deer. His big, brown eyes were wet with tears but that stupidly charming smile was unmistakable.
“Hey there, Leon…”
Luis managed to croak out, the hand against his cheek trembling from the tears. Leon reached his own shaky hand up to brush Luis’ long, grayed locks out of his face just as he had done moments before for him.
“I must be dreaming,” Leon huffed out, and Luis chuckled, shaking his head and the tears from his reddened cheeks at the same time.
“If you’re dreaming, then so am I, I’m afraid”
“I’ll take my chances.”
Luis chuckled and Leon wasn’t far to follow suit. Even with the end of the world on his shoulders- even with Dylan fighting tooth-and-nail to break down his, Jill’s and everyone else’s spirits- Leon still found time to laugh with Luis like it was autumn of 2004 all over again.
“Just like old times, eh, Sancho?” Luis gave a little sniffle, and while Leon had more than too many questions to ask- how he was even alive was obviously the most pressing- he just couldn’t find it in himself to care.
He let himself rest his head against Luis’ chest. Heart beating strong, almost as if to mock Leon for ever doubting his lover's strength.
“Just like old times, Don Quixote…”
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remembering that my old art teacher just has a serennedy painting in her classroom somewhere
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mooseonahunt · 8 months
Logging on to Twitter and seeing the same tumblr text posts I see tagged as Serennedy being used for Vashwood is such a delightful treat. I have a ship type, and it’s whatever the fuck Serennedy and Vashwood have going on.
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ugetelynx · 8 months
Ooughhh I was rereading a friend of mine’s post that I was tagged in awhile back and I’m feelin emotions again,,,
Give me a minute to just be a sad sappy fucker okay I’m emotional tonight
But like when I first created my tumblr account and started posting my serennedy stuff, I didn’t think I’d end up being surrounded by such a sweet group of people and get to interact with so many talented artists and writers. I have never been one to gain a massive following like some artists on different platforms like insta.
I always thought I’d just be that random follower who never shuts up in your notifs lmao (sorry Eric n Leto ily 😭) but it slowly spawned me becoming mutuals and even friends when I didn’t think I’d be anything more than a follower to most people and I’m now dming and interacting with people without me getting anxiety over it? It just- it means a lot to me
The serennedy community has introduced me to some of the sweetest people and it just- oughh I love all the people I’ve had the pleasure to meet. I love being able to share my art and my stupid ramblings about Luis/Serennedy to this little community and just. Yeah.
I love you guys and I’m so thankful for who I’ve been able to meet via tumblr and the serennedy community
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folyxfanart · 8 months
Hi!!! I Hope You don’t mind me sending in a random ask, but I just wanted to say that your art and more specifically your Serennedy Art Are all SO absolutely phenomenal. You’re very very talented and I know you mentioned life’s been rough for you in the tags of your most recent post, so I hope things start looking up for you!!!!! Thanks for making such amazing art <<<3333
Hi!! Oh no I don't mind at all ^///^ thank you so much for such a lovely message!! So sweet of you to notice that small rambling on the tags ;_;
Yes 2023 decided to hit me on many aspects of my life, affecting my ability and energy to post/draw or just doing things. I'm trying to get back to it because I realized it helps me feel better somehow, but process is veeeery slow.
I'm currently also into Bg3 but I'm also still into serennedy 😊 I'm craving to finish my Wips that are desperately waiting into my folders x) I'm deeply touched you think this about my art , thank you for brightening my day ;_; It means a lot to know that people still genuinely like what I do
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heathenkweer · 7 months
I'm replying in a post bc I don't want to mess up the notes on the original, but --
I will completely admit that part of the reason why I don't ship Serennedy is a) because I actually view Leon as aroace (though that doesn't mean he can't ever be in a relationship, of course!) and b) I'm contrarian and I get... uncomfortable with people claiming Luis is "obviously gay" because he "acts like it" (when honestly, the way he acts is just... very European. Especially in that part of Europe.) It's also just not my cup of tea, shipping wise!
I don't view any of the scenes you mentioned as romantic bc they just don't come across that way to me. idk how else to explain it lol. Having been around siblings (especially brothers), they just strike that chord with me.
So yeah idk if there are any real concrete answers, but I hope this rambling reply makes sense? I had a long shift at work today and we were getting ready for Black Friday, so my mind is fried, lol.
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wisecrackingeric-2 · 4 months
I noticed you like drawing resident evil characters and pokemon.
What do you think about Mimikyu and Rose Winters? I think they'd make a good pair.
HIHI HELLO!!!!! Im actually planning on making my Pokémon X RE series into acrylic standees, that’s why I’ve been posting them!!!! I had a few REALLY strong ideas and alongside RE/Luis Serra, Pokémon is one of my special interests and I’ve always wanted to make merch so I thought Hey Why not!!!!! (I’m also planning on making a series of Serennedy merch Next that should be a LOT shorter!!)) But the thing with this series is I’m only doing characters whose poses/color schemes/Pokémon I already had a clear picture for in my mind, cuz I don’t wanna force creativity/I don’t want this to drag on for TOO long so I feel kinda bad there aren’t gonna be many other popular characters included!!!!!!!
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