#send more innn
legendofthe3divas · 9 months
for the music ask: 2, 10, 16, 20, 22, 24 <3
thank youuu!! <3
2. who is the artist you put on to cry to: to be honest i don't have one specific artist that i pick, it's mainly just my acousitc spotify playlist which is little mix (mainly), annemarie, 1d, rita ora, and a few other artists. but if i had to pick one it would be annemarie because there's SO MANY emotional songs on her new album.
10. you have to get a lyric tattoo - ahhh okay this one is hard because there’s so many good lyrics but ‘fanning myself, i’m stanning myself’
16. tell us the name of a song that most people probably don’t know but you absolutely adore: that’s hard because most songs i love everyone basically knows but there’s carnival hearts by kayla diamond (you actually put it on one of my playlists and i’ve loved it ever since)
20. which album deserved that damn grammy: probably lm5 because it’s one of their best ever albums but didn’t get enough recognition it deserved tbh
22. which artist do you hope never stops making music: well i’m going to say what everyone’s thinking, little mix as a group. they definitely need to carry on making more music, idc when just at some point
24. which song do you want played at your funeral: this is harrrd but probably cuckoo by annemarie because it’s so ME
thank you that was really fun <3
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wettestnjaay · 1 year
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picture you a busy working woman, who travels most of the time, you better famous, and popular but not as popular as the family you met on the airplane,, and not just that the pretty faces you get to speak to and numbers you've given to the little ones.
nothing I think, small talk, children (toddlers)?, airplane, mentions of being famous and stuff, hookup(not rlly) flirting, the little girls being adorable :) blonde haired baby = Callie and Brown haired baby = Autumn.
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YOUR BUSINESS HAS BEEN FLOWING HEAVENLY GOOD, you been traveling around a lot, keeping your fans updated on instagrams and twitter, going to meet and greets and other famous stuff the people go to.
You were in California right now, and in the airport to fly to New York to attend some business, but lucky enough you didn't even notice a curly headed male and two toddlers coming along on the same airplane as yourself.
It were so busy, and trying to take focus you didn't notice them at all, but hey work needed to get done.
You sat by the open walkway while you allowed the other person sat by the window.
You'd been on about five different phone calls, three different papers you had written on and about 7 different times you opening up your laptop and connecting your camera to it and viewing, sending and saving photos from the camera.
You were so focus, wanting and having to get this work done you didn't even notice the whispering right across from you and the looks you were given on the other side of the plane.
"That right there is a famous photographer named, Y/N Y/L/N.., isn't she pretty?" Henry whispered to the two little ones siting next to her.
The blonde headed one turned her head fast as hell to get a good look like the pretty lady her father was talking about.
The brown haired one laughed as she pointed at you and said "Th-tat won..? da-addy.. th..tat won!?"
Henry's face full of embarrassment as he choo'd at the young girl for her to stop being loud, "Oooo daddy got a b-big fawt cruwsh on a jiiirl"
Henry looked at the blonde pointing a finger at her to shush as they laughed a giggle even more which caught her attention.
You made eye contact with the brown haired girl as she smiled and giggle at you which exposed a big sweet looking smile from you towards her.
She motioned her hands to you, a heart and pointed at her father which made you pay more attention as her dad brushed her off, "Stop that Autumn.. you going to freak her out."
You just laughed at the girl not even noticing her father just as you turned you head away.
You finally finished more of your work as you were hearing the two little ones babbling around about something,
You figured out to ignore it and mind your business as you used the tv on the seat and picked out a movie, finding dory which was you new favorite Disney show.
Before you could press play, the blonde haired toddler was in the walkway right by your knee..
You smiled at her as you questioned and asked, "Hello there princess, can I help you..?"
She just started up at you for a while before looking back at her sister and then at you.
"Daddy's innn-the t-t-toilet and.. mwe and swissy can-wt!" she complained, dragging her works before stomping her feet as she was embarrassed but trying her best.
You figured she was only about 1or close to 3, still needing speak lessons but was trying her best, you just talked to her as she was a normal child oldest to speak proper, ignoring all the mispronounces and the stuttering.
"You can't what sweetheart?" you said in a smoothing voice wanting to calm her down a bit.
She looked down at you lap for a moment seeing the route for the tv seat, but didn't say a word just pointed at the screen and back at you.
You smiled at you and question, "You and your sissy can watch finding dory?"
She nodded with a adorable pouty lips as you hand out to see if she'll let you carry her, which she gladly accepted snuggling into your embrace and laying her head on your shoulder.
You got to their original seats as you were introduced to the brown haired baby who looked quiet familiar,
You ended brushing it off and greeting the child, "Hi there sweet pea.. your sitting over here all alone like angel, could me and princess.." you paused looking at the toddler in your arms
"Mmm-my nawe iws caw-collie" she says in small pauses, which makes you proud.
"Right, Ms. Y/L/N, and Princess Callie has request to sit with you, madam." you cheered to the chubby toddler,
As she clapped her hands and nodded, "C-callie.., Aw-Autummmn!" she slurred as she point at the toddler in your hands and then at herself.
You sat in their fathers sit with Callie between your legs with the brown headed girl, Autumn was in her own seat.
Not for long tho, you quickly got on Disney plus, searching for something to put on for the both of them just as you heard babbling and cries coming from them both.
"Stawp!.. no! Stawpppp ii..it!" one called out, "nooooo youuuu stAWP!" the other yelled out right after louder
You looked down at both seeing the blonde pushing her sister off of you, trying to keep you all for herself.
You chuckled which caught their attention as they pouted loudly.
The chubby toddler had wet tears coming from out her eyes, a silent sob coming him her as you watched her puffy cheeks turn a bright red,
You put your hands out for her to grab ahold of you as you choo'd at her to not cry, "Oh no.. no need to cry sweet girl,"
"They're enough of me to go around to both of you, okay?" They both just stared at you for a while before you smiled and tickled them both.
"That's the lesson for today, sharing is caring, okay we're on the same level right?" they finally got it with the small giggles that were still coming out of their mouth, they nodded their heads at your question,
You settled Callie back between your lap again, and Autumn on your thigh as she laid her head on your breast relaxing herself.
You were surprise on there attachment on you, which caused you to wonder did they a female figure or even a motherly figure in their life to provide them.
You got your answer quickly as you felt how clingy they were if you only moved a little inch, it was as if they thought you were going to be leaving them very soon,
They ended up calming down, stop whining, clinging on to you as if you were their own mother for them to keep, but you didn't mind.
You guys problem were watching the movie for about a half of 30 minutes when you figured that their father was maybe busy with a phone call.
That thought left you mind as you felt a device slap across your thigh and stopped the young girl from trying to do a password for a phone,
You laughed, "Can I see that Callie.. I'll give it back-I promise."
She gave you the phone just as you opened it you were presented to the lock screen which was a picture of a celebrity.. but not any celebrity the celebrity whose attention you've been wanting for a while, the CELEBRITY YOU WERE CRUSHING ON FOR A WHILE NOW.
You see the picture of Henry Cavill, with Callie clinging to his chess as he held her, and Autumn's legs hanging on his shoulders as she had her head laid on top of his,
They all looked identical by the face, Henry and Autumn looking alike the most by them both having that brown curly texture hair while Callie stood out a little with her dirty-blonde but curly hair.
You were particularly drooling over the picture.. he was such a dilf, like some kind of geek god.
before you knew it, and before you tried,,
You opened your mouth to ask the girls a question just as the brown haired twin called out, "Daddy! hewwooooo daddy!"
The shock-ness written all over you face as you quickly turned your head meeting Henry's eyes as he is staring at you.
"I foo-found cruwsh dada.. see!" You eyes were turning toward him and then the children in you lap, you were all shaken and nervous.
You were trying to from sentences but nothing was working at all, you were so embarrassed-"Sorry.. fuck- this is a mistake.. uhh., I didn't even know they were yours!" you bit your lip,
The girls in your lap were laughing and giggling with those adorable toddler voices and giggles, you could feel your heart racing and your brain melting in seconds.
"It's fine, Y/N.. we seen you when we first arrived on the plane you know, I told them about you." He said as he walked more towards the seat exposing what he had in his hand, "Snawk!!"
You looked down at his hand seeing a bag of Cheetos puffs and two of the baby food puffs.
Just as you felt something missing on you lap, Autumn was about to fall as she was sliding down you lap and pass he sister.
You quickly grabbed her cradling her in your arms as you started to feel a increase in your breath, "Jesus Christ, you almost scared me princess, you got to be careful."
Autumn nodded and apologized, "Sowwy,"
Just as you felt a body slide in next to yours it was Henry, he was so close to you, most likely could even hear his breathing.
"You really good with kids."
You smiled at his words and hummed as you turned the hand with his phone to him, "Callie was close to disabling it.. so I took it."
He claimed it was fine before he unlocked his phone and gave it to the young girl who smiled and mumbled a small "Thank you daddy!"
Which made you and him smile as Autumn pouted a little puffing out her cheeks as she looked back up at you guys.
"Hi Auttie, would you like to play on my phone?" you asked move her hair before her ear as Henry punch her cheek making her move a little as she looks back up at you and nods.
You smile at her before pulling you phone out and doing you password and giving her the phone on YouTube.
You intend to look around and the two kids in your lap, you adore them, just as a voice broke your thoughts, "So, how have you been?"
You looked up at Henry who was already staring at you, smiling as you looked back into his eyes with fiery cheeks.
"I've been okay you know, this whole famous stuff is new to me but I'm working my way though you know." you replied back removing you eyes from and looking out the window.
Henry cleared out his throat before mumbling, "You very pretty."
Which snapped you right out of your thoughts, "Huh,?"
You both turned, facing each other as he tried to avoid your eyes as they were staring down at him, "I said.., your very beautiful and pretty.."
You let out a small laugh and blinked at him before smiling even harder, "Im sorry, sorry-Your an attractive man as well.. all big and strong-which!, Which is a good thing of course!"
Before he could reply back, the babies on your lap were tapping your thigh and hip like crazy to get your attention.
"Y..Y/N, looka!" one started shoving the phone in your face so you can get a better look, "You-cawn have daddy's nwumber!" Autumn called out as she showed you,
your phone on the contacts app..
Callie giggled up a storm as she showed her daddies phone with a random contact and a picture that was really recently.
A picture of the 4 of you, Callie and Autumn in your lap and Henry looking at you loveably and you looking at the Children with a very kind heart.
"Oh Jesus!", you called out as you spotted the phone, "Cal, Auttie.. that isn't Y/N's number girls."
You called to them as Henry watched you, transform into a parental figure for his sweet girls.
"There that's my number okay, you guys are going to call me whenever you can right?" you smiled at the girls in your lap.
They quickly nodded and cheered, "suwccesful mi..mmisson!" they said in sync
"Sorry about that, you can delete my number later."
"No, no it's fine, I'll keep it for whenever they want to be near you, honey." Henry said quickly as you were in shock as he kissed your cheek and let you kiss his daughters forehead.
Before you knew it the plane was landing, you left from their seat shortly after the announcement, and grabbed your lounge which you were helped by Henry as he came in right behind you.
He even helped you find a cab, and place your bags in the trunk, him and his girls were all to sweet and kind to you,
you were most definitely going to miss it, and hoped they'd call you soon.
Once you got home and gotten settled in, you notifications went off on your phone, a message from 'Dada-Henry' you smiled at the contact name before opening the message,
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^ ‘the girls said they miss you already, I miss you also.’
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You smiled at the message before falling onto your bed and hitting the FaceTime button.
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fushiguroshotwife · 8 months
i just finished unravel me and O M G
Aaron warner is the male yandere we all needed in our life's frfrfr
Aaron warner>>>>Adam Kent
#juliette please do it with Warner rn
I am in deep need of warnette smut (sos please send me it if you find it like??)
I never thought I needed Aaron warner being a male yandere so much but your honor I do
i. Need. Warnete. Smut.
I'm a fangirl in two books
Can't wait to read ignite me
Adam Kent is bitching between my lovely warnette like Adam no one needs u Hun so get out and leave my babies alone.
Aaron warner is innocent your honor !! He's just a nervous baby for his crush <3
Aaron is so precious and we love him <3
They're so cute together
I love them so much
Okay okay but Kenji's jokes? He's a cutie and a dumb one infact <3 I'll never get sick of this man <33
I need more.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannddd post !
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escapism-writer · 1 year
Can you write a fic where Y/N and Gavi have been best friends since they were children and Y/N has been in love with Gavi for years so she finally confesses but he doesn’t reciprocate it initially but eventually regrets it and they live happily ever after 🤭 can include fluff/smut it’s up to u!
As long as it takes - Gavi X Reader
A/n: I love this request so much!! Send more innn!! Also this took so long because every time I sat down to write someone interrupted me 😭
Summary: Your feelings were clear and simple; You love Gavi. Meanwhile Gavi’s feelings were blurred and complicated; Could you ever be more than friends?
Warnings: A little hurt/comfort, fluff ending, Spanish (with translations), not yet proof read.
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You and Gavi had been friends since childhood, the two of you managed to maintain your close relationship despite his fame and your travelling. As the years went by, you felt yourself getting nervous around him more often. Never thinking much of it, you tried to push the feelings away, hoping that they’d disintegrate in the back of your mind.
“I’ve got another trip to England coming up, I leave on Sunday.” You fiddled with the sleeves of your hoodie, you had delayed telling Gavi as he normally made a huge deal out of it.
“Sunday? ¿Por qué me lo dijiste? Eso es mañana!” <why didnt you tell me? That’s literally tomorrow!>
Gavi’s eyes widened, he always surprised you with leaving gifts and a reminder to somehow watch his matches, but now he didn’t have time to plan anything. You laughed at his slight panic, until he interrupted it with an idea.
“Well, why dont we watch a movie together tonight? Think of that as a leaving gift.” Gavi’s worried eyes softened at the imagine of his own idea, as he threw his arm around your shoulders. Putting on a carefree face you nodded.
“If I can pick the movie, I guess it’ll work” You gently pushed him off, hoping that the light red glow converting your cheeks would remain unnoticed. Unknowingly to you, you failed to hide it, every time. Gavi noticed each blush and glance, but chose to ignore and brush them off.
You finished laying out snacks on your table, as a knock at you door stopped you. You called out for the guest to come inside, knowing it would be Gavi.
“Hola!” The golden boy welcomed himself inside, kicking off his shoes as he walked to the lounge. After finishing your food set up, you sat down next to Gavi and started the movie.
You glanced towards your best friend dat next to you, watching the stress wash away from the day. His face softened as his eyes scanned the screen I front. You held your glance longer, admiring each feature. His messy hair was ignored to perfection, his eyebrows relaxed, his doe-eyes matched the feeling. You felt mesmerised, the more you looked the more you feel for him - if that was even possible.
“Gavi” He replied by simply humming. You felt your eyes wonder away from him, taking the place of looking at the tv screen once again.
“I love you.” Gavi brushed it off as nothing more than a friendship love. Which deep down he knew wasnt true.
“I love you too” He hums, trying his hardest to not look at you. Your face turns red at his reply, until you realise it wasnt in the way you meant it.
“Gavi, I love you. Como en Te quiero más que a un amigo.” <As in, I love you, more than a friend.>
You watched the boys reaction, his face slightly dropped. You leaned back, regretting what you just said. Little did you know, he had no idea how he felt. Did he love you? Or was it just the pure friendship he loved? His feelings were more than complicated. The two of you were left in silence to deal with your thoughts alone. As the film ended, Gavi excused himself from the sofa.
“Well, have a nice time in England.” The door slammed shut in your face. You were left, alone, is this was rejection felt like. You turned off the TV as you collapsed onto your bed, falling asleep instantly.
A light shine though the curtains woke you up from your dream. As you woke up, you felt your face stiff from the tears of the night before. It took you a moment to remember you had only a few hours to get to the airport. You checked the time on your phone, also wishing a message from Gavi would pop up at any given moment. When you realised it wasnt going to happen you threw your phone back down onto your bed, while you pulled yourself out.
As you finished packing the last few things you sighed. Refreshing your phone every moment you could, mentally begging him to message you. When you accepted that no message would appear, you left your house for the airport. The whole drive filled by nerves, you never felt so uneasy about going abroad. You didn’t want to leave the country while on confusing terms with your best friend. You really hoped that he would’ve confessed at the same time, how naive? that only happens in books and movies. As you took your seat, waiting for your plane, you opened your phone once again. Nothing. There’s no point waiting for something that wouldn’t happen. At least you thought it wouldn’t happen.
“No sabía nada que decir!” <I didn’t know what to say!> Gavi’s head collided with his palms, he loved you without a question, so why did he hesitate so much. Pedri slightly patted his back, hoping it would create a feeling of comfort.
“No es demasiado tarde para decir algo.” <It’s not too late to decide on something> Pedri sighed, not even wanting to imagine how you must’ve been feeling. Gavi’s head rose from his hands slightly. He quickly pulled his phone out; checking the time. As he quickly dialled a number, he started walking off.
“¿Adónde vas?” <Where are you going?>
“Como dijiste ‘No es demasiado tarde para decir algo’ ” <As you said ‘It’s not too late to say something’> Gavi turned his back while picking up his pace.
As he stepped outside of the building he saw the taxi he had just spoken too. The whole journey consisted of him watching the time, begging to make it before you left. Meanwhile you were getting ready to leave, lining up in the queue.
You turned around to discover who the owner of the voice shouting your name was. Your eyes met with his brown ones. So full of nerves yet willing to risk anything. You started at the boy in shock, he stood in his sweat covered jersey admiring you as he caught his breath.
“Lo siento.” <I’m sorry> Gavi pulled you into a hug, the scent of his cologne filled your senses. Comforting you, washing away all the sadness from before. You heard light sobs coming from the boy, you pulled out of the hug.
“What’s wrong Gavi?” You cupped the boys left cheek, showing him a slight smile.
“I’m sorry about how I left you.” You stood in shock, not expecting him to bring up the night before. He controlled his breathing to prevent full tears from falling.
“I love you too.” You mouth was left ajar, your eyes trying to read his expression. Only to notice the smile, and light creases by his eyes.
“Please can you keep moving?” The women scanning the tickets said frustratedly. You looked over to Gavi, before taking a step back.
“Wait for me, Pablo.” You lightly laughed, before walking onboard the plane. Gavi stood, starring as you left.
“I’ll wait for as long as it takes.” The boy turns back towards the exit, a huge sense of relief fell upon his boy as he left.
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Transmasc Wesker gives Transmasc Reader Head
Contains !!!: Implied T4T relationship because I didn't want to make them fuck more, Wesker is topping (a surprise coming from me), Reader does not have bottom surgery because I do not know much about that subject, masc petnames, teasing, and a bit of edging (will be doing a fic where male reader gets edged dw)
I do plan on learning more about bottom surgery on both genders so I can apply it to my writing, I just haven't taken the time to yet. All I know is transmascs get a tiny dick so I don't want to write about something I'm not educated on (I'm trans I really should know about this)
if you don't like any of that get out of here (if you don't like that I don't like you) (grrrrrrr) (I'm joking)
Only man I would let see me naked is Wesker tbh
tldr: reader doesn't have a t dick cus idk how they work and there's also teasing
NSFW, male reader
"Sh-shit- oh god- Wesker- fuck-!" Your back arches against the leather couch, pushing your hips out farther for him.
"Such fowl language, I'll have to fix your behavior." His tongue softly laps at your clit, two fingers curling inside of you. The way his leather gloves rubbed your walls so deliciously made you feel light headed, fuzzy, but you needed more. Him lazily curling his fingers and softly lapping at you wasn't enough.
"I-i need more Wesker...God, please." Bucking your hips wildly into the air, squirming for anymore contact from him.
He looked so pretty between your legs, eyes glowing and hair a mess, God it did things to you.
"Already begging? Pathetic. you're such a pitiful little boy." He removed his tongue to speak and slipped his fingers out of you, removing all stimulation.
"Wesker-! Pleeaseee- put them back innn-!" You let out low whimpers and gasps as he stick in 2 fingers with little resistance. They curled inside you, his hand moving at a rapid pace, rubbing against you so well.
"Filthy boy, begging for my fingers, such a slut." His mouth moves back to your clit, sending shocks down your spine. Your hand move on his own and wraps his hair around your hand, making a mess of his usually perfect appearance. His glasses have been long gone, one look up at you and you might just cum from that.
"Th-that feels so good- pl-please- fuck...don't stop that Wesker, keep going."
His takes his mouth off of you yet again, look it up at you from between your legs.
"Who are you to command me. Remember your place, pet." Tugging on his hair yet again, you rip a low growl from his throat, his tongue stars rubbing against you so perfectly, bringing you closer and closer to the brink.
Despite arguing with you he does what you ask, keeping and similar pace and curling his fingers in you. Everytime a wet squelch can be heard, it's so disgustingly hot you can only imagine what he'd do to you after this.
"Fuck- 'm cumming- gonna cum- shit.."
Wesker picks up the pace slightly, although he wouldn't admit it, he was desperate to taste your juices. To feel them drip down his chin and lips. He wanted nothing more that to taste you from the source. You we're his, and he needed to taste the proof.
Your legs shook slightly and squeezed Wesker head, thighs snapping around his ears the way he loved. The pleasure in your core bubbled over, shivering as you came on his face. You pulled away looking down at him, fluids on his face, hair looking tussled and wild, along with his eyes glowing a bright red. It sent hear straight back down to your core. You layed back against the couch, cool leather contrasting with your hot and sticky skin. Catching your breath you look back at him, feeling his fingers slip out of you and watch him lick up all your juices.
"You taste delicious my pet, but we're not done here yet.."
Wesker call me a prince and eat me out
I'll take a break from writing a bit but send in requests, the only one I'll be doing in the next day or two is @mr-bas00nist REQUEST FROM JANUARY I never posted and want to edit because I'm not happy with how it turned out (I'm sorry for making you wait pookie bear.
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murdleandmarot · 7 days
9, 23 and 25 for the edgy/misc. oc ask game? :3
Thanks for sending these innn :)))))
9. I have a whole playlists of songs I associate with Bluebelle, it’s a bit of a curse at this point. The song I associate most with her is probably “A Dangerous Thing” by Aurora, but the lyric in question is from “If I Told You Once” by Circus Contraption Band:
“One time begat twice, then third time’s a charm/Disregarded all obvious signs of alarm/Skin milky white as you lie in repose/Tattered dress stained, from the blood I suppose/So hollow and vacant, devoid of all life/Your epitaph written on our wedding night/As your muscles were twitching in their final plea/Hope you were thinking of me/Hope you were thinking of me”
Very very edgy, I know, but I adore this song and this band, and if you’re not reading past surface level in the song, it’s VERY Bluebeard coded, and that means ofc I associate it with Bluebelle :)))
23. I think the emotion most difficult for Bluebelle to process is acceptance? The notion of joining the rest of the jellicles and being a part of a community is unthinkable to her. She doesn’t consider it a reality, so she pretty much tunes out any conversation relating to it.
Process/Expressing panic is also very difficult for her, as seen with the music box. She runs, and she never speaks about it again, (not yet at least). That part of her brain completely shuts down.
Expressing positive emotions is pretty hard for her, but she’s definitely working on that one, mostly because she wants to let her friends know she loves them <33
25. HER BRAIDS!!!!!! They’re my favorite thing in the world, along with her color scheme….shes so magical….
I never want to shut up about her backstory as well, I’d yap about it forever if i wasn’t worried about being annoying lmao but…it’s Bluebeard…….its my favorite in the world…
The movie was a huge inspiration for it, and I adore the movie, so i adore the backstory
Anyhow Bluebelle is so very special to me but I should probably do more paintings of the actual cast instead of vaguely posting about a story that I’ll never write/illustrate….however comma she’s special forever and I’ll always answer asks about her even if they take a million years
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izzyspussy · 1 month
Ooh, gimme something for The Burden Easy!! Love that fic, would love to know more
Right okay. I know it's really not that unpredictable of a story and the twist isn't really a twist and regardless most everyone who has read as far as what's been published has almost certainly figured it all out by now, which is not even accounting for everyone who was around to see my initial brainstorming posts, BUT. I still wanna keep as much about the important parts of this fic kind a under my hat until they get posted anyway, because in this one case that is fun for me and I do kind of hope to have at least some people not be totally completely certain what's going on until I explicitly (ba dum tss) let them know. So instead it's a fun fact, and if you, Dennis, specifically would like a spoiler, I am willing to send you a snippet directly at your request uwu.
So innn... lmfao 9 chapters from now, Izzy gets to get gangbanged (again)! By then who knows how many times I will have done that to him lmfao. Anyway, this time it'll be all the alphas (sans Ed and Stede - for now) with him during his first natural heat. I have that as Frenchie, Jim, Pete, and maybe or maybe not Roach. My favorite part of this encounter (so far) is Izzy topping Pete from the bottom, specifically by telling him he's not allowed to come yet while already knotted because Izzy's coming first and he wants to be finished when Pete does so he can really feel it. And Pete manages to hold back, so of course Izzy tells him he's a Good Boy <3
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jack-kellys · 1 year
wait also pls do 003 for davey for scientific purposes
- @we-are-inevitable ✨
anything for the advancement of science!!
yeah send these in boys i like talking abt my silly little guys
the most canon gay guy ever!!
How I feel about this character:
STRONGLY. like more strong than in a long time even though ive always loved davey. i feel like he recently just clicked as a characterization/character to me. his conviction to the right thing initially colliding with his instinct to protect his family...and then they become the same thing? god. davey flourishing in a social environment once he gets to be in one that he feels right in and letting his prickly exterior relax for a bit. i just fucking love how sharp and clipped he can be, its so. defensive. and bitchy!! i love him.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character:
weeellllllllll jack kelly. it's jack kelly, it will always be jack, since they- are- innn-evitable! their arcs work together so fascinatingly since while davey's two convictions get to merge within the strike, jack's are forced to split- his instinct to protect is consistently against his conviction to do the right thing while davey's end up working together. like they aren't opposites but they are...something like it. they are a venn diagram
i ALSO admire spot with davey, very much. also in uksies spot basically runs off with davey and leaves jack behind when transitioning into pulitzer's office, like she's pulling him along and talking and boyy i'm not not gonna call davey flustered-looking. spavey is powerful and sexy and i believe in them.
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character:
davey and crutchie. i said this in my crutchie one but they see each other, like something about them connects very quickly- you can even use the whole "well if he's the best what's he want with me" "selling with jack is the chance of a lifetime!" as a sort of... crutchie sensing that davey needs reasons or other sources before going on jack's word. idk. they are intricate to me, they are strategic and jack's planners.
My unpopular opinion about this character:
a) ryan davey best davey, and b) ryan's davey isn't shy!! he's quieter, maybe, but like... none of davey's lines even suggest that he's timid. out the fuckin gate he's like "you buy back. right" "i paid for twenty and you gave me nineteen..." it's more like he wishes his words wouldn't come out but he can't stop himself from speaking up at every turn consistently.
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon:
"this is the truth about the moon, the facts are black and white..."
Favorite friendship for this character:
for davey, would be spot. i like them in 92sies a lot, i like them in uksies a lot... they r one step away from being unstoppable, i know it.
thanks AGAIN jac... come by anytime
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attercopus · 11 months
META   + spider society
*         send   META   +   a   word   ,   a   name   ,   or   phrase   and   i   will   write   a   head  canon   based   off   of   this   !!!
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as much as the spider-society has gotten a bit... messy, i do think kabiguru does enjoy the time he spends there with the other spider-folk... innn... in a bubble of sorts. he doesn't like talking about canon events. that stuff is awful and it gets too, destined to happen, destined to never change, and he'd much rather just conversate like going to work with your favorite coworker sort of situation. he finds it very interesting; getting to know more about universes that aren't his own, getting to see what formed his fellow spider-folk into who they are. letting the tragedies take backstage, he does like the company of the spider-society. though, he still hasn't figured out how to talk to peter parked car....
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feninina · 4 months
⋆ 𖦹 ‘𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘢 𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘬𝘴 !
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esp holiiiis, quería pasar por acá para avisar que tengo planeado publicar un fic que tengo pendiente esta noche y luego comenzar a publicar los pedidos sobre los chicos de lsdln que me han enviado!! y de paso agradecerles, sus ideas son maravillosas <33 siéntanse libres de enviar mássssss
ing hellooo, just passing by to lyk that i have planned to post a fic that i have sitting in my drafts since forever and then i’ll start posting your requests about the guys of the society of the snow that you have sendedd!! and also i wanted to thank you, your ideas are lovely <33 feel free to send more innn
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wintfleur · 4 months
🧸 nonnie needs to come backkkkk and send more stuff innn
I have a few of there asks in my inbox . . . I plan on answering them later !!!
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i23kazu · 9 months
9. what was one of the first few fics you remember reading?
11 what's your favourite genshin au?
12. what's a genshin series on tumblr that you really recommend? reblog it!
9. answered before!!
10. answered before, but 4th fav: FLORIST AUUUU
12. there was an incredibly good series called THATS A WRAP by @gekkow , but she's no longer here :(((((( i'll go look 4 more heh.
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tellerluna-stories · 2 years
ANNIE, MY BELOVED ♡ sending this in for your ask game, i hope you're having the sweetest of dreams (and that you actually slept early 🔫)
i'm curious to see your answers for: freedom + tank + traveler!!
ask game here!
freedom: if you were blessed with a vision, which one would you want to have (and which one do you think you’d actually get)?
in theory? I want a hydro vision. in reality? I'd probably get an anemo one HAHAHAHHA
tank: which character do you feel is criminally underrated?
hMMMMM this is pretty tough,,, I'm gonna have to say the standard 5-stars in general, but keqing in particular. she doesn't do the cool Snapshot Damage™️ that most people look for in a DPS, but her strength is in the consistency of her damage-dealing!! consistency >>>>>>
traveler: what advice would you give new players to the game that you wished was shared more in the community?
my advice would be: read the quest dialogue. I mean it.
as someone who is almost AR60 and has been around for every patch of the game, there is a LOT of lore and worldbuilding that hoyoverse puts into every world quest, and oftentimes they will tie up loose ends from a previous quest in the storyline of another. some of these quests are event-only (hello, scaramouche and albedo) so it's best to gather that info while it's still available to you!! the story is gonna be a lot less enjoyable if you're how many quests down the line and you no longer understand what's happening bc you didn't read the dialogue of an earlier quest (´-﹏-`;)
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violetkatart · 5 years
oho requests? jim.....othan... enjoying something he likes
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having a good ol time catching up with his sport
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bonetrousledbones · 5 years
So where’d the idea for atbb come from?? If this hasn’t been asked already of course
I’ve answered this a few times already, but not all at once so i’m gonna do it again yeet
it was basically a mix of me watching Thor: Ragnarok & Guardians of the Galaxy, the concept of going to different universes with a team full of people from all kinds of different worlds just really really appealed to me (and yea ik Ragnarok doesn’t really do that nearly as much as Guardians of the Galaxy does, but it’s the movie that kinda jumpstarted the idea so I gotta give it credit lmao)
At first, Papyrus was literally just like. a space pirate with a crew of OCs lmao,, and then I started developing the story more, because I started thinking of actually writing it & posting it somewhere, and then when I decided I was actually going to make something out of it, OCs changed to AUs. I think that was the right choice tbh, because i genuinely can’t even remember who any of the original OCs were dcfvgbhnj
But yeah, it started with me watching Ragnarok, then just kinda,, evolved from there?? For some reason this happens a lot when I watch movies lol, idk why or how but man i’m not gonna complain
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ryaniswell-blog · 6 years
The Stain
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He wrote the letter in silence, looking at the crumbled, yellow paper. It had a large brown coffee stain in the bottom right corner. Hopefully it wouldn’t take away from the point he was trying to make. ‘I’m deeply apologetic for my actions,’ he wrote, thinking to himself as he moved his pencil. He had thought very much about what he would write, why he would write it, who it was directed to. Of course, it wouldn’t be perfect. He wasn’t, of course. But neither were they. And neither was this little yellow sheet of paper, with its little brown coffee stain on its little sharp corner, being scratched and scribbled over by his little yellow pencil in his little pale hand, all in this large, frightening world that was the bedroom with the faded walls. This is where they once laughed together, cried together, feared together, sat in complete and utter silence together, the only sound being the makeshift air conditioning rattling and shaking metallically. It didn’t seem like it had happened long ago, or very recently, either. It was almost as though it was a dream, and they were only words on a screen. But no, they were his only friends. And they left, save for one. Save for one who, despite all odds, stayed. Why? He asked her many times during one of their many talks about life, death, pain, health, the universe, and if any of it were even real. “Because,” she would always say, “It was the right thing to do.” Of course he was never satisfied with the answer. He’d send letters from a different place, with a different name, hoping to get a response. It had been a short eternity since he finally got a small slip of paper back, reading: ‘Goodbye.’ Is that all they could muster for him? All of the sympathy they could muster? They looked out for each other, and they said they trusted each other, and even still talk today. But not with him. They were acquaintances at best according to them. But the rest of them, who had excluded him, were very close. How pathetic. How painful. And how dare he? 
How dare he look for answers. Wonder why. Question it all. Try and make amends. Was that not his duty as a friend? Maybe so. Maybe. He prayed to God, and he said to his loved ones, “God hasn’t answered my prayers.” And his closest family told him, “God always answers our prayers,” she looked away from the rain pounding on the window, “It may just not be the answers we’re looking for.” But could it have been what he was looking for? He found new friends, but it wasn’t the same. And the pain was still there. So he wrote the letter to numb it.
They hated him. He was disgusting, vile, a vulture circling a dead animal, awaiting a rotten, gory feast.  So now he writes this letter.
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