#my rae of sunshine
legendofthe3divas · 10 months
Things I Associate With You: (Getting Increasingly Less obvious With Time)
The color purple (duh)
tea (yes yes i know)
seashell bracelets
Those infinity pools that look out on great views and the sides are glass (I SAID IT WAS WEIRD)
drop bears (don’t ask) (i know you will anyway)
Spotify wrapped
Olivia Coleman
cactus (the word, not the plant)
Thailand (never told u this but i got my hair braided teal and purple when i was on holiday there haha)
hugs (ur the best hugger ever)
biscoff ice cream
Sorry this is totally random but i was super bored lol. If u have questions i will answer them bc i get that this was super out of left field hehe
right okay i get the first 6 (very obvious i must say)
and yes i am gonnna ask why drop bears? i just googled them (didn't know what they were) and the images that came up looked veryyy scary? so ur saying im scary? wow im very intrigued now
now i might be being rlly dumb but autumn? my fav season is spring. we first texted in winter/spring here. ok just telll meeee
spotify wrapped, olivia coleman, okay cool nice i think i know why haha
CACTUS? NOT THE PLANT BUT THE WORD? THE WORD? explain urself pleaaseee
sunflowers. is that to do with van gogh? or am i being rlly rlly specifc rn?
i hate to admit this but i don't like biscoff icecream so whatever the link is im just saying i'm kinda against it
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grogusmum · 11 months
For the music ask: 13: One of your favorite 80’s songs 🎵😊
Oof! As a child of the 80s, it's tough to pick one!!
Okay, so I decided to choose from 1 hit wonders from the 80s to narrow the field for me
Tainted Love - Soft Cell
💚 thanks for playing with me Rae !!
Music ask game
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Pssst you are beautiful and BRILLIANT and I adore you that is all 💜😘🌿🌻☀️
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iguessitsjustme · 1 year
For this poll, unhinged does not necessarily mean bad. So things that might be unhinged that happened in a show, but were manipulative, toxic, abusive, etc. did not get included.
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northofneverland · 2 years
Happy Birthday @kagejima. You're a wonderful human being who deserves everything and I hope you are having a wonderful day. You constantly spoil me by entertaining the little scenarios I flood your ask box with and turning them into works of art. Since it's your birthday, and our chats have inspired me, despite not being a writer, I thought it only fitting to return the favour.
This collection of little drabbles is based on the Bodyguard!Sukuna HC that @kagejima and I have spent too much time thinking about. I highly recommend reading this and this to get the most out of this piece. (Also just read those posts because Rae creates the best tales from the few sentences I give her and I want her talent to be appreciated by all). Editing is not my forte, so if you see a mistake, just skip over it. *edit* to see the collection of works in this AU, please refer to this post. There is a little something for Bodyguard!Sukuna, Swordsman!Nanami and Blacksmith!Osamu.
Staring down at the assortment of trinkets and charms, Sukuna’s eyes gravitate to the little sword pendant on display behind the glass case. He’s walked past this stall three times in the past hour as part of his patrol route, and each time, he slows down just a bit to glance at it, telling himself that he’ll buy it if it’s still there at the end of the day. It’s nothing special, and he’s certain you have thousands of other, better, pendants to wear, but he pulls out his coin purse anyways and pays the vendor before tucking the charm into his tunic for safekeeping. 
Sitting outside your door is not a job that he thought he’d enjoy, and, if asked, he’d deny it, but it’s the time of day he looks forward to most. Sukuna is happy that your seamstress is keeping you company because that means he has a few more minutes to finish up your birthday gift before the two of you are left alone for the evening. The palace is abuzz with final preparations for your birthday ball, with the royal household staff tending to the needs of all the dignitaries that have come to celebrate you, and he’s grateful for the quiet at your end of the castle. It’s been a little over a week since it’s been just the two of you. You’ve been busy entertaining guests, and he found every excuse not to be stationed outside your bedroom door lest his jealousy took over. But tonight, you will not have any visitors; instead, you'll have him, ready to listen to you all night, leaning against your door, never crossing into your room, and wishing, like he has the past few months, that he was more than just a knight. His fingers deftly wrap around the leather cord as he threads the pendant and a small bell onto it before trying it off. It is crudely made, to say the least, but it's the best he can do with what he has. The glinting of jewels catches his eye, as racks of dresses and cases of accessories, made specifically for this event, are filed out of your room for overnight alterations. After seeing this abundance of wealth, his gift for you feels like dead weigh in his scarred hands. A pathetic gift from a pathetic knight, he thinks to himself, as he stuffs the necklace deep into his pocket. Perhaps, giving you nothing is better than the two lumps of metal he wasted his money on. 
He slides the leather cord over your head, the two charms dangling as they settle at the swell of your breasts. Instead of pulling away, like his mind is telling him to do, his hand slowly lifts the two charms to his lips and kisses them. 
“Happy birthday” he mutters, so softly your ears barely catch it. 
Your hands go to clasp his outstretched one and bring it to your mouth, brushing your lips over each of his calloused fingers before looking up at him with a smile that makes his breath waver. Perhaps his mind is still hazy from kissing you, but he swears that, in this moment, you have never looked more stunning. Standing in front of him, with your hair falling out of its updo, your makeup smudged from sloppy first kisses and your neck littered with faint red marks, you look like all his fantasies come to life.  
“You didn’t have to get me anything” you reply, taking a moment to examine the necklace better. Your fingers gingerly trace the edge of the blade, admiring its fine craftsmanship, before flicking the bell hard enough for it to jingle softly.
“I get the sword is supposed to be you, but what's with the bell?” you wonder aloud, toying with the metal ball again. The soft ringing seems to echo loudly in your bedroom chamber as an unusual silence settles between you two.
“It's embarrassing” Sukuna answers with a sigh; his eyes shift quickly away from your face to look at anything but you.
“And it's my birthday, entertain me. Is it... Is it so you can hear me sneaking out for snacks?” you chortle at your own joke, thinking back on all the times you’ve thought you’ve snuck past his detection, only to find him sitting in the kitchen with a stool pulled out for you. Looking up at your knight, you realize that despite the darkness of your moonlit room, you can still see that his cheeks are flushed.
“It’s so I can always find you if you're separated from me”. The words slip out of his mouth easier than expected. 
“As if you'd let that happen,” you chuckle, your palm cupping his face as your thumb rubs over one of the twin scars on his cheek before pulling him down onto your lips. 
And you both know you're right. He's in too deep. He can't give you the world. In fact, he can't give you much. But, his heart is yours to break.
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thru-the-grapevine · 1 year
Rain, Rain, Never Go Away
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Had another manic episode and this was the result?
Pairing: Seokmin x Reader
Word Count: 734
Genre: another meet stupid because why not
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When Seokmin looked out the window of his new apartment, he didn’t expect to see anyone outside. After all, who in their right mind would go out in the heavy rain that had pelted his window all night long? 
And yet, much to his surprise, there were two figures out in the park directly next to the apartment building. He squinted, trying to see what kind of crazy person takes their dog outside on a day like this. And once again, to his shock, he recognizes you. 
He’d met you in the elevator the day he moved in, arms aching with the weight of the box he was carrying. You had held the elevator doors open for him when you noticed him, politely asking which floor he needed. 
Turns out you lived on the same floor, just down the hall from each other. Seokmin nearly dropped the box (which contained all the bowls he owned) when you smiled at him. Everyone always told him his smile lit up the room, but he felt his to be dismal compared to yours. 
Returning to the present, Seokmin realized you had found a stick and were now throwing it for your enormous dog to run after. He wasn’t sure what breed the dog was, but he hoped it was friendly. 
Seokmin wasn’t sure what possessed him to get up and throw his shoes on. He’s also not sure why he decided to take the elevator down to the first floor, open the heavy metal side door of the complex, and step into the pouring rain. 
His entire body was instantly soaked through, but Seokmin didn’t care. His eyes never left you as he hurried down the sidewalk to the park like a man desperate… he wasn’t sure for what exactly, but he knew he was desperate. 
You hadn’t noticed your neighbor approaching you yet, too engaged in a fierce game of tug-of-war with your dog. Neither of you would relent, a determined fire in both your eyes. It was only when your dog was suddenly distracted by something behind you that you turned around. Your eyes widened in surprise to see Seokmin standing there absolutely drenched. Of course, you were drenched too now that you thought about it. 
Taking advantage of your momentary lapse in attention, your sneaky dog pulled a little too hard on the stick. With a yelp, you toppled right over into the mud puddle that used to be a dirt path. 
Seokmin watched you fall as if in slow motion. He dashed to your side, hoping you weren’t hurt. Your dog sat next to you, tail wagging as he gnawed on his new prize. You looked up at Seokmin, a little dazed, and accepted his outstretched hand. He hauled you up, and you realized your entire backside was completely covered in mud. 
You stared at your neighbor for a moment before bursting out into laughter. Seokmin raised an eyebrow, but couldn’t help the smile that came across his face as well. You were contagious. 
“I probably look insane,” you said, reality finally hitting you. 
“No more than I do for joining you,” Seokmin grinned. 
Your heart fluttered. What a pretty smile. “I like being out in the rain. No one else is out, so I have the park to myself,” you confessed with a sheepish smile. 
“I think I might like being out in the rain too,” Seokmin said. 
“But it is starting to get cold…” you mumbled. “Maybe I should call it a day. I could use a warm shower.” 
Seokmin shifted anxiously on his feet. You’re going in already? “Um-” he started, then clamped his mouth shut. No, no, no he couldn’t do this. 
You looked up from where you were re-attaching the leash to your dog’s collar. “Hm?”
Seokmin looked at you again, his heart hurting at the thought of you going back inside your apartment alone, without him. No that simply won’t do. 
“After we wash up, wanna go get coffee?” he asked, his mouth saying the words before his brain could stop him. 
You froze. Was he asking you on a date? Your cute neighbor with the gorgeous smile was asking you on a date?! Oh, you should probably answer him. “I’d love to,” you said, shyly looking at your mud-covered feet. 
Seokmin’s heart soared. From this day forward, he vowed never to complain about rainy days again.
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kewlgayroommate · 6 months
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kirsteng42 · 4 months
My gorgeous pal @littlemisspascal has blessed us with 1 of her incredible edits!! You know my new job is killing me as she released hours ago!!!
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meatriarchived · 7 months
What kind of warmth are you?
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sun shining on your face
you're encouraging, brave in your kindness, and intentional about bringing healing to all those you love. your warmth is obvious, but commonly misunderstood. at first glance, people may take your positivity as naivety; it is the opposite. you have seen the cruelty of this world, and that's why you choose to be recklessly warm. you find comfort in nature and love random acts of kindness. you probably remember one specific stranger really well, even though you never saw them again. but they gave you a bit of warmth that you carry with you everywhere you go. i hope you know you are that stranger for others. the kindness you give out is helping others be kind in ways you may never see. i see you, and i'm proud of you. i hope you're proud of yourself too.
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soup on a cold day
you're caring, consistent in your kindness, and quiet in your compassion for others. you offer warmth because you were cold for a very long time. and you refuse to stand by while others suffer in the same way. your kindness is not reckless. you count the costs, but you offer it anyway. you have a unique ability at reading people, and knowing when they have a pain that they are trying to cover up. your love language is probably quality time, and you're usually more of a listener in conversations. you probably find yourself taking on a caretaker role with others, almost automatically. so when people try to do the same for you, please don't flinch away. please don't withdraw into what feels like safety. there are people who are waiting to love you in the same way you have loved them. please let them.
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tagged by: @fcused tagging: everyone yoink it from me if you want uwu
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carbonateddelusion · 1 year
pretty people <3<3<3 beautiful bois and gorgeous gorls <3<3<3
#i am. having a rae moment my girl my daughter my everything...#her gf calls her her 'rae of sunshine' and rae calls violet her 'letty bug' theyre so cute im going to go into diabetic shock#BUT ALSO.. billy is so sweet... he's the kind to absolutely want kids and he has Girlboss GF...#also i dont think ive ever mentioned it but billy is a bpd king and i think that's very boyboss of him#he has a hard time with orange sometimes bc she's very nonverbal with her acts of love and not the most cuddly#so he ends up feeling like he's done something wrong and spiralling... she learns how to speak his metaphorical language tho!#billy is kinda All The Emotions Ever and orange is pretty monotone but she puts a lot of effort into learning how to communicate with him#and learning his emotional needs.. she's a very Steady person yk? she has her stuff together so she doesn't mind putting in some extra work#so her boyfriend feels comfortable around her...#i also love billy bc he's very comfy in his masculinity#blue and red are both v masculine people but billy and rae came out p feminine (billy less so)#billy's more than happy to be a model for orange's work; he loves baking and he's learning how to sew from his gf; he doesn't need scruff#and callouses to feel like a man. and i like that a lot about him#when he nd rae were growing up he had kind of a one sided rivalry with her because he felt like she; being someone who just lost her#parents; was 'getting all of the attention' so he tried VERY VERY VERY hard to be 'worthy'#he chilled out when he got older but it was pretty rough for him as a kid. he felt like he had to work twice as hard to be loved#bc rae was related to red so she had that automatic family tree tie. but he was adopted#and he was adopted BECAUSE blue enjoyed caring for rae so much that they wanted their own baby yk#he's very sweet and sensitive i love billy...#the only person who doesn't call him billy is orange and that's because she calls him william or will#this just turned into a billy ramble but </3 i love him he's a good kitty kat man
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legendofthe3divas · 9 months
for the music ask: 2, 10, 16, 20, 22, 24 <3
thank youuu!! <3
2. who is the artist you put on to cry to: to be honest i don't have one specific artist that i pick, it's mainly just my acousitc spotify playlist which is little mix (mainly), annemarie, 1d, rita ora, and a few other artists. but if i had to pick one it would be annemarie because there's SO MANY emotional songs on her new album.
10. you have to get a lyric tattoo - ahhh okay this one is hard because there’s so many good lyrics but ‘fanning myself, i’m stanning myself’
16. tell us the name of a song that most people probably don’t know but you absolutely adore: that’s hard because most songs i love everyone basically knows but there’s carnival hearts by kayla diamond (you actually put it on one of my playlists and i’ve loved it ever since)
20. which album deserved that damn grammy: probably lm5 because it’s one of their best ever albums but didn’t get enough recognition it deserved tbh
22. which artist do you hope never stops making music: well i’m going to say what everyone’s thinking, little mix as a group. they definitely need to carry on making more music, idc when just at some point
24. which song do you want played at your funeral: this is harrrd but probably cuckoo by annemarie because it’s so ME
thank you that was really fun <3
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December 8th, 2022
Never a moments peace round these parts 🤠
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iguessitsjustme · 1 year
Letting people choose the next video edit I make
The result of this poll told me that it had to be a non-GMMTV show and this poll told me that it has to be funny so that's how I came up with this list. Unlike the other polls, this poll will last a week to give as many people the opportunity to vote as possible.
I also need time to choose bands for the next music poll so you can expect that after this one. We're almost done with the polls though. Only a few more!
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varethane · 2 years
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Round 3 of Art Fight!!
Indimaru, from Black Sunshine, for @jasmine0simone Rae Vega, for @lurizonart
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kingdaddydaichi · 2 years
katsuki has been dethroned!!!!! 😯 daichi supremacy!!!! 🤸🏻‍♀️
Dom Daddy Daichi just walked in like he owns the damn place and scooted Katsu out the way like
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He’s been lurking for literal MONTHS just waiting, etching his name deeper and deeper like a tattoo on my heart. He’s just so magnanimous and wise. A true, distinguished gentleman; an altruistic, natural leader. So. Damn. KINGLY. 😍😍😍🤧😮‍💨
DAICHI SUPREMACY FTW!! ALL HAIL THE KING! (I would bow but I STAY on my knees for this man. 🧎🏼‍♀️😩)
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kewlgayroommate · 7 months
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i finished cropping icons. Now I get too edit them all :D
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