#self. » .013 ✦
thingsaday · 1 year
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My little OC 013 has a friend now! His name’s Emil :) 
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I hate seeing canon x canon ships with my f/o, a lot of them would be very toxic and abusive towards him and it hurts me to see him like that. People try to make the ships "canon" with information that makes no sense. And the ships are so popular i can't get away from them they're everywhere. It really hurts me to see him this way because he's my f/o and I just want to give him love and see him happy, not hurt
Can I be 📺 anon ?
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What's your thoughts on Ray and Norman's conversation after the spy reveal, where Ray says Norman should've discarded him and Norman says he would've but Emma convinced him otherwise? Was Norman really going to do that? (sorry if you've already talked about it but I missed;;)
You're good! I talked about the framing of the end of the scene here forever ago in internet time, touch on it here as an add-on to a post regarding the false belief there was a rivalry founded on the basis of a classic love triangle inextricably integrated into the core of the narrative (i.e., Norman and Ray actually dislike each other because they're both vying for Emma's romantic affection), and a brief summary of those feelings in this paragraph from this post, so my thoughts on it are kind of scattered about lol
Ray knows Norman, knows his sense of rigid morality well enough to account for him discovering his alliance with Isabella and using that to his advantage, to further push Norman away so he’ll be more comfortable with using him (he even chides Norman for not keeping his original plan to do this a secret) and so his death will hurt him and Emma less. And for roughly the entire back half of October 2045, Norman did genuinely hate Ray for his betrayal in the same way he hated Isabella, his reaction so visceral at being deceived and hurt by people he had loved all his life. He would have been willing to sacrifice Ray if not for intervention from Emma, which opened him up to directly confronting Ray and, in turn, led him to discover Ray’s true motives. He was so humbled and taken aback by the depths of Ray’s love and loyalty he returned to his original categorization of him: a dear friend who needed to be saved from his intended fate in their cruel world. Even if saving him came at the cost of his own life; even if he desperately wanted to live.
So I do believe Norman would have done it given the circumstances, and that Ray was banking on him doing so if Norman suspected him of being the traitor (and from Ray's perspective, this was the more likely outcome because of how much stock he puts in Norman's intelligence).
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It fits with Ray's meticulous planning, Norman's overall morality when left on his own at this point in his life plus his pride and ruthlessness, and the series' themes of redemption/second chances for those who genuinely work toward change and the positive influence of friendship/solidarity over isolation.
Upon discovering the truth of the house, Norman's first instinct is to grab Emma and Ray and get out of there.
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His mind is absolutely fried by what's just taken place and its implications, and he's scrambling to come up with a plan, focusing on whatever he believes is still familiar and safe to ground himself so he can shake off the emotional and mental paralysis he's in. I love how both the manga and anime convey how shell-shocked he is with the weary lines under his eyes and the thousand-yard stare he's got going on as he's floating outside himself. It's all completely understandable.
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This is one of my most-cited details about the anime taking advantage of the medium shift. Both Emma and Norman are completely shocked by Isabella being there, but it only takes Norman a second to shift between that initial shock to sorrow over realizing what it means that the woman who he’s viewed as his mother his entire life is here casually talking with demons and not recoiling in horror at what’s taken place. He genuinely loved her.
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(Chapter 6)
It's part of why he reacts so viscerally to her betrayal, another being his pride taking a hit due to being outmaneuvered by her. He's scored perfect 300s on his test since the day he started taking them at four-years-old, the first child in the history of Grace Field ever to do so. While he's never haughty or smug over this, he does find comfort in his intelligence. This undermines him in a way that not only cuts him to the quick, but also puts his family at risk, and he's determined to come out on top in this game of high-stakes wits and save them.
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(Chapter 10)
So after being dealt the crushing blow that Isabella was raising him and his siblings just to be food for demons, a few days later he's dealt another one when Krone's appearance leads him to instantly suspect Ray as the most probable and convenient informant for her. Ray was one of his two main pillars of strength he could fall back on in a time where his whole world has shifted beneath him. They had been together ever since he could remember, and he was disgusted with himself for even thinking Ray could do this. Like Isabella, he genuinely loved him too. In the face of the insurmountable conclusion he'd drawn, however, he couldn't ignore reality, not when the lives of Emma and his siblings hinged on him not making any more mistakes.
The revelation of this betrayal silently festers over the course of roughly two weeks. During that time, Ray even encourages Norman to be ruthless when dealing with his enemies.
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(Chapter 7)
It doesn't take long for Norman to get on board.
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(Chapter 9)
And while he ultimately comes to the conclusion that suppressing the adults is the better course of action,
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(Chapter 10)
the poignancy of the fork symbolism is still there: stay vigilant, stay sharp, stay ruthless. Even if it means discarding one of your best friends once he's no longer useful in the escape plan. (I'll use this as an opportunity to plug one of my favorite pieces of art on the subject by @nekokat42. It's funny how over the course of the story, Norman ends up taking after Isabella the most out of the trio on this front.)
In the same way his categorization of Isabella has shifted in his mind, so too has his categorization of Ray, and he would have stayed there if Norman hadn't sought Emma's perspective on the matter. It parallels nicely to when she acts as his moral compass in chapter 1/episode 1.
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Emma's automatic, genuine desire to save everyone quickly sobers him up from his stupor and his plan for just the three of them to escape. He's touched by this, her being far more selfless than him, and he silently chides himself for not even considering trying before resolving to make Emma's ideal outcome a reality.
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(Chapter 13)
Emma reaffirms the importance of considering the nuance and material circumstances of their situation, what the logical fallout would be for the traitor if they were left behind during the escape, and the biggest thing for Norman, striving for better instead of settling for pragmatism when you still have the opportunity to effect change on the world around you and reach an outcome you'll be happier with.
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(Chapter 14)
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(Chapter 13)
Norman being willing to use and discard Ray makes the impact of him switching his stance on the matter and later realization of Ray's true motives hit harder while also providing a basis for his actions and beliefs during later arcs after he's been isolated from the positive influence of his family.
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(The Good Place; borrowing because I like the conciseness and feel it's applicable to Norman, Ray, and Yuugo.)
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With the way the final seconds of this sequence are framed in the anime—going from a shot of a giddy yet harried Norman to a self-chiding Ray to Eugene's drawing of a trio of children—I feel like they wanted to draw attention to this aspect of his realization more than chapter 14 did where Norman's more focused on what Ray's position as Isabella's spy affords the plan. Here it looks like he's taking in the full ramifications of the choice he would have made if he hadn't talked with Emma; a future where he threw away a dear friend who had made years of impossible decisions as Isabella's sheepdog and was willing to die so that they could have one, because for Ray it's always been about Emma and Norman. What once appeared to be a selfish choice to save his own skin was actually one born out of love and loyalty, and once again Norman is disgusted with himself over his presumptions and saddened by Ray's intention to die, though at this point he hasn't seen the lighter fluid stockpiled under Ray's bed, so he has yet to figure out how he plans to pull it off. It's an ache profound enough to leave him startled and reaching to cover his mouth in its wake. One that could possibly be prompted without Norman intending to discard Ray since on top of everything else already going on he's now aware Ray plans on killing himself, which is devastating, but I think it's more poignant if he was going to go through with it.
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tag dump: blog things
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deadbrawn · 1 month
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stillsolo · 3 months
@sgterso moved & cont. from [ x ]
as soon as she knocks on his door, she regrets it, the memories of a past she’s done her best to push behind her making their way out of the cave in her mind and coming to the forefront of her brain. the cold rain beats down on her already battered body, a sharp chill that settles deep in her bones. her hands clench into fists, nails biting into the meat of her palms ; after a few seconds, she debates spinning on her heel and turning away, fbi surveillance in her apartment be damned, but then han opens the door and she’s frozen in place. 
he looks…good. she drinks in the sight of him after three or so years of not seeing him, eyes tracking the lines of his face, his expression. he looks different, yes, but good. it’s a sharp contrast from her own doleful appearance –– she barely recognizes herself in the mirror, so much so that she makes a point to avoid looking. 
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“ i didn’t have anywhere else to go. “ she feels a strange need to justify herself in front of him but stars, she sounds pathetic when she says it like that, even more so because it’s not entirely true. she could go back to her apartment but she doesn’t want any eyes on her right now. though she’s found most, if not all, of the bugs in her apartment, she can’t risk removing them and breaking her contract. even the thought of going back to wobani has dread curling in her stomach so she’s been on her best behavior these past few months. 
( and, despite not being privy to what han’s been up to these past few years, she’s always felt safe around him. )
she stumbles as he yanks her into the apartment, her usual grace gone due to her exhaustion and minor injuries. she stands in his front hallway awkwardly as he locks back up and runs off to grab towels. at the sound of chewie’s howls in the bedroom, her lips curl up in a fond half-smile ; it’s much easier to admit that she’d missed the dog than…
when he returns, she accepts the towels with a muttered thanks, teeth clenched to ward off their clattering. she remembers where the bathroom is without having to ask, shutting the door behind her and immediately exhaling when she’s alone. she’s grateful that he’d let her in, grateful that he hadn’t turned her away despite the late hour and the history between them, but this is all a bit too much. she needs a few minutes to compose herself, to get her thoughts in order. 
she strips off her wet clothes and turns on the shower. as she waits for the water to heat up, she examines her scarred skin the mirror. there’s a nasty purple bruise climbing up her side but she doesn’t feel any broken ribs. aside from a few minor abrasions on her knuckles and hands, she’d managed to come out of the last mission relatively unscathed. that’s more than she can say for some of her team members but she refuses to think about it as she gets under the scalding hot water, staying still until her skin becomes a blistering red. 
once she’s done, she clambers out and wraps herself up in towels. though han’s seen more of her bare skin than most, it’s been about three years since those days. she’s changed, more than just the dozens of new scars on her body. instead, she calls through the door, hoping she isn’t pushing her luck too far, “ d’you mind if i borrow those clothes now ? ” 
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             𝙹𝙰𝙼𝙼𝙸𝙽𝙶 𝙷𝙸𝚂 𝙿𝙷𝙾𝙽𝙴 𝙸𝙽𝚃𝙾 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙱𝙰𝙲𝙺 𝙿𝙾𝙲𝙺𝙴𝚃 𝙾𝙵 𝙷𝙸𝚂 𝚂𝚆𝙴𝙰𝚃𝚂 ,  solo heaved out a sigh before squinting down at the mess he’d made of his bedroom dresser.  he’d yanked open each drawer in search of what he once considered an everyday necessity, now turned contingency plan for a life he’d left behind.  yet, it wasn’t in the dresser.  rummaging through the bedroom and hallway closet had been a waste of time, and there was no way he would ever keep it inside his safe, locked behind a combination dial and key.  so where the hell had he put it?  not too long ago, he’d pulled it out of a storage box, held it in both hands and wondered again where the time had gone.
han’s attention wandered across the bedroom floor and touched down on chewie, who had yet to budge an inch from where he lay on his massive bed.   ❝y’know i’d carry her in here myself if i could.❞   in truth, han wouldn’t, even if he had the chance.  the passage of time erecting new barriers was partly to blame, but it was jyn’s rather hasty retreat to the bathroom that troubled him more than he’d like to admit.
was she injured?  he couldn’t recall spotting any blood on the floor, only water pooling everywhere, and he had been mindful enough to notice that her gait showed no signs of faltering.  the hallway connecting the den to the bedroom and the only bathroom was absent of a light fixture, and switching on the lights in the den had been the last thing on his mind when he made for the door.
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              ❝awh hell, don’t gimme that look.❞  han crossed the room to ruffle his boy’s fluffy head, which did little to appease as chewie only started whining and twitching in place, no doubt responding to the familiar old scent lingering on his best friend.  ❝she’s in the shower, so just give it a second,❞ he murmured softly, recognizing a pout when he saw one.  when chewie offered nothing but a pointed snort, han paused, noting the silence of the apartment.  before he could turn toward the bathroom, the muted roar of water started up and began rumbling through the pipes in the walls.
the furball released another chuff, a bit more emphatic this time.  ❝yeah, yeah, i hear ya.❞   grimacing, han hoisted himself up off the floor to serve both the gutted dresser and disheveled closet an incisive glare.  both hands on his hips, he looked around aimlessly.  it wouldn’t be long before jyn would be out and… he dove for the nightstand.  it housed his weapon of choice, a heavily modified mauser C96 that no longer left the apartment tucked into the back of his jeans.  life had changed significantly in the past ten years, but han would sooner throw out his bed than ever sleep a wink without his trusted pistol stashed within reach.  alongside it were a few trinkets kept out of nostalgia, useless knickknacks some inane part of him couldn’t seem to part with.
at the sound of jyn’s voice, han scooped up the drawer’s contents, then grabbed the clothes he had laid out on the bed.  this wasn’t ideal, but jyn had changed little in the past three years.  she barely came up to his shoulders.
             ❝got a few choices,❞ he said once at the doorway, head cocked in the opposite direction as he blindly offered an old baggy t-shirt full of holes, one she had stolen more than once, and a nicer pair of athletic shorts with a drawstring.  it took him a few attempts to get it right, and there was the very real possibility of this backfiring and annoying her, but han knew the world in which they came from, and a throbbing knuckle was a small price to pay for showing a woman respect.
❝under the shirt’s some of your old clothes,❞ han added, clearing his throat with a hint of awkwardness, though his posture remained firm.  ❝lucky you i forgot t’throw them out.❞
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aercnaut · 9 months
tag dump; general blog things
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griim · 1 year
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Tw: Suicidal thoughts, Depression, Self Harm, and Dog mention
Gemma has many things in her life that she wishes she would forget, and as much as she puts on a brave face she gets low. After fighting for so long and having found love, someone she could trust she had felt as if she could forget that past. Jordan became her life, everything that she was working for was so she could better herself for him. So they could be a family and be happy, unlike she had been for most of her life. But that hope and dream came crashing down when Jordan had been struck by a bullet, everything had gone dark for her. While he lived on in her mind, her life was a constant reminder that she should have been the one standing up getting hit by that bullet, that she was not worthy of happiness. The night after Jordan’s funeral was the tipping point, she was numb and had paced for so long, the house becoming too small for her. The silence was so deafening, she had no one to smile for or talk to. No one would understand, so after punching at the mirror she had grabbed a shard and tried to end her life. Luckily for her a ‘friend’ had come to see her, they were dropping off Nicole, the dog that had belonged to Jordan. Once letting themselves in they found Gemma nearly dead, quickly they had gotten her the medical attention she needed. This led her to spend two weeks in a psychiatric facility, once released and the scars healing she had begun to find other ways to cope. While they are not all good ways to do so, it was better than what she had done that night. When she gets low, she looks at the scars and then realizes that Jordan wouldn’t want her to do this, he would want her to fight. So she does. 
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blitso · 1 year
new tags !
0 notes
turojo · 1 year
should drop some taags
ooc. » .001 ✦
ic. » .002 ✦
rp. » .003 ✦
crack. » .004 ✦
dash. » .005 ✦
aes. » .006 ✦
musings. » .007 ✦
music. » .008 ✦
headcanon. » .009 ✦
inbox. » .010 ✦
memes. » .011 ✦
art tag. » .012 ✦
self. » .013 ✦
others. » .014 ✦
queue. » .015 ✦
i always forget one
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vtino · 1 year
ok take two 😬
#001.    ❮   OUT OF CHARACTER.   ❯    💖    gen.#002.    ❮   OUT OF CHARACTER.   ❯    💖    asks.#003.    ❮   OUT OF CHARACTER.   ❯    💖    memes.#004.    ❮   OUT OF CHARACTER.   ❯    💖    saved.#005.    ❮   OUT OF CHARACTER.   ❯    💖    edits.#006.    ❮   OUT OF CHARACTER.   ❯    💖    promotions.#007.    ❮   OUT OF CHARACTER.   ❯    💖    self promotions.#008.    ❮   OUT OF CHARACTER.   ❯    💖    starters.#009.    ❮   FREAK  LIKE  A  TRIPLE  X  FLICK.   ❯    ❤️    study.#010.    ❮   DADDY‚   MAMA‚   BUTCH  MADONNA.   ❯    ❤️    vis.#011.    ❮   WON'T  YOU  LET  ME  POISON  YOUR  HEART?   ❯    ❤️    in.#012.    ❮   MINDREADER‚   HEARTEATER‚   FEARFEEDER.   ❯    ❤️    meta.#013.    ❮   LEATHER‚   FEATHERS‚   AND  MAKE  IT  SQUIRT.   ❯    ❤️    aes.#014.    ❮   I  JUST  FUCKED  YOUR  GIRL  BEFORE  THIS  SONG.   ❯    ❤️    audio.#015.    ❮   ADORAME  PORQUE  SOY  TU  DIOS.   ❯    ❤️    in‚  asks.#016.    ❮   I  ONLY  FUCK  WITH  HOMIES‚   I'M  HOMIESEXUAL.   ❯    💕    dyn.  vvv.#017.    ❮   SHOCK  ME  AND  I  IGNITE.   ❯    📺    dyn.  vox.#018.    ❮   SHE'S SUPER BAD‚ HEART UNDER ATTACK.   ❯    🧁    dyn.  velvette.#019.    ❮   I'LL  EAT  YOU  UP  AND  LEAVE  YOUR  HEART  DEAD.   ❯    🕸️    dyn.  angel.#020.    ❮   LAY  'EM  DOWN‚   FEEL  'EM  UP.   ❯    ❤️    dyn.  misc.#these LITERALLY work on my other identical blog. new tumblr editor have mercy on me for the love of god
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astrow1zar6 · 6 months
Astrology Observations- 013
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I notice Cap Mercurys think so maturely even from such a very young age. These were those kids that always wanted to hang around people older than them. They are old souls at heart and sometimes it’s harder for them to connect with more childlike energies. People their age can see them as boring because of their serious demeanor.
Leo Risings never like to show the sides to them that make them look bad in anyway. These people have big egos so any assumption from others that they aren’t anything but great can take a big toll on their self esteem. They come off so confident but most are really insecure & don’t think they are interesting so they tend exaggerate a lot of facts about them to keep people thinking they are really interesting and amazing. (U guys don’t need ti do that people already think you are before you even speak)
Capricorn risings always look so annoyed when people are speaking to them. Most of the time they are. They have very honest expressions and when someone says something stupid or uninteresting they are more willing to show their uninterested while most are just willing to smile and take it out of being polite. This is why they can come off as rude or snobbish but really the just don’t have time for bullshit. (I definitely think Wednesday Addams has this placement) many don’t know they are being rude but most don’t have the energy to be fake if they really don’t like what the others saying. Very Real people many mistake them for being Scorpio risings.
Venus in Scorpios were probably shamed a lot for their their sex appeal/drives. I notice these people have a very provocative vibe to them that causes a lot of ppl to sexualize them ( especially the women). I’ve seen women with this placement be virgins and still get slut shamed. People always assume they sleep with mad people even if it’s not true.
Moon in 5th housers are actually very secretive about their talents. A lot are so talented but most tend to keep their hobbies and interests to themselves unless they really trust you.
When someone with Venus in the 7th house likes you they will talk about their future a lot with you. This one guy had a big crush on me and would always joke about getting married and starting a life someday ( he made it sound as a joke but in a way I can tell he meant it). Also can be obsessed with weddings. I have a friend with this placement who says she’ll only wanna get married to experience having her dream wedding lol
Venus in 2nd house women always have people buying them things bro. They don’t even have to ask and men will be buying them expensive gifts or paying for their food or trips. Definition of pretty privilege.
Mars in Aquarius like very eccentric things in bed. It’s almost like they enjoy the opposite of what should be expected in bed. Like the women would like to take normally the male role in bed and vice versa a man with this placement could like a very submissive role. The weirder and more out of place the more turned on they get. Can also be really experimental they are willing to try anything once even if it’s outlandish.
Mars in Aries are usually natural athletes. They have amazing endurance and can become pros faster than most.
Virgo moons usually have bad stomach problems or eating disorders. They are also always giving unsolicited advice no one asked for. They feel this need to solve everything but it can come off as kinda judgmental.
Mars in Pisces are usually victims to bullying. They usually have a hard time asserting themselves and standing up so they get pushed around a lot easier by stronger more dominant energies.
Cap moons are always in denial of their feelings
Mars Square Venus synastry can be really awkward at times in a friendship. Theres this bizarre sexual and touchy tension usually that both aren’t fully comfortable with. The mars person can come off a little too strong and can treat the Venus as if they own them. This attraction can be one sided sometimes with the mars person wanting the Venus and the Venus getting repulsed and distancing themselves. I’ve seen the mars person get jealous if the Venus would hang out with others whether it be other friends or family. And if the Venus is dating someone else this can get really heated on the mars end. Venus will feel the attraction but I notice it’s not as strong.
Venus in 5th house synastry is soooooo flirty. These are those cheesy cringey couples that are always acting like little kids around eachother. It’s actually a really sweet placement. This person will be able to bring out your inner child.
Venus in Libras are always crushing on someone. They jump into relationships I think faster than people with Venus in Aries the only difference is that they can maintain longer term partnerships & don’t bore as quick (even if their feelings are a little superficial). They just don’t know what to do with themselves when they are alone.
Scorpio risings I notice get really strong reactions out of people (like Lilith/asc people) their words make others blood boil even if they really don’t say anything offensive or rude. Most people are jealous of their authenticity which is why a lot of Scorpio risings are quiet and not as willing to open up. People just hate on them so intensely for the littlest things. They also have this ability to know if people are genuine or not which can be intrusive to certain people causing intense reactions. They can see thru everyone’s mask which can make other feel uncomfortable to be around them. This is why they usually have few friends and the friends they do have are as authentic as themselves. Literal human lie detectors
Men that have a water sun with a water moon are BIG SIMPS
Cancer sun women will be passively rude to you if they don’t like you or are jealous of you. They won’t straight say it but they will say little comments in a nice way that’s actually really rude. Then usually play victim if confronted
Everyone’s crush in high-school was either a Scorpio sun or a Libra sun/rising. Tell me I’m lying
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murdrdocs · 7 months
with. finnick odair
includes. fem!reader, husband finnick, filming, kitchen sex, domesticity, oral (fem receiving)
→ kinktober masterlist
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It started out as the definition of domesticity. 
There was a package in the mail, sent from Katniss and Peeta, addressed to ‘The Odairs’ in Katniss’ handwriting. Seeing the joint name made you giddy, but reading the letter from your closest friends made you giddier. 
They’d congratulated you on your recent marriage, praised the ceremony once more, and had enclosed an old video camera for both of you to document your newlywed endeavors on. 
While you had cooking and home decorating selected as ideas for ‘newlywed endeavors’, Finnick had gone a different route. 
The camera sat in his hands as he kissed at your neck, his free hand teasing at your waist. 
“C’mon, sweetheart. It’ll be fun,” came his promise, spoken lowly and close to your ear in an attempt to get you to give in. You were closer to doing so than you would like to admit, just the thought almost enticing enough to make you put the knife down, slide the vegetables out of the way, and give Finnick what he wanted. 
You refused to give in without making Finnick plead just a little more. 
You hummed, fauxing disinterest as you brought the knife down in another audible slice against the wooden chopping board. 
Finnick continued. “We could look back on it. You could see what I see; How pretty my wife is.” The term made your heart flutter, still not used to being the wife of Finnick Odair.  His hand at your waist circled around to your front, pressing flat against your stomach and pulling you flush against him so you could feel the semi he was sporting beneath his joggers. 
You couldn’t help it anymore, your head lolling back to rest against Finnick, your skull connecting with the taut muscles all along his body. 
 “What d’you say?” You could hear the self satisfied smile in his words.
You end up on the counter top, any food you were prepping pushed all the way to the side to make room for you. Your legs spread, Finnick’s head between a pair of plushy thighs, your abdomen tensing and relaxing as you controlled your breathing. You caught it all on camera, the object pointed down at your husband who licks and sucks along your cunt like it’s his favorite pastime in the world. 
Which, he’s told you as such. 
The muscles in his shoulders flex as he nudges the back of your legs with them, arms circling around your thighs to press his fingertips into the flesh. 
Your legs have lifted a bit, spreading you open even more. 
Finnick presses his tongue flat, letting it relax over the expanse of your cunt as much as the muscle can reach. He licks a long, slow stripe from your entrance to your clit, repeating the pattern back and forth until you can’t take it anymore. When you whine, the sound desperate and pathetic, he gives you more. 
The interlude of teasing has completely passed, Finnick going back to devouring you like he knows how. He releases one of your legs to use two digits inside of your greedy walls, cunt swallowing them up as Finnick pumps in a fast paced rhythm. 
He focuses on your clit and the surrounding area with his mouth, eyes opening to look up at you. Through the camera, the green is a little grainy, slightly dulled, but you can see the intensity behind his gaze all the same. 
His cheeks flushed, the tip of his nose glistening, blonde wavy hair all over the place from your grip. Your hand finds the strands again as your orgasm approaches, the camera leaning off to the side just a little. 
Finnick pulls away from your cunt and you cry out as you stare down at him in shock. 
He tuts, jerking his head towards the camera. “Keep it on me, baby.” 
You quickly bring it back, taking Finnick’s smile as a form of praise as he goes back down. Just as quick, you’re close again, back arching and muscles tightening. 
Your hand slips from Finnick’s hair, nails scratching at his shoulder as it flails around. Finnick, always knowing exactly what you need, offers his own hand to ground you, both of your fingers quickly interlocking like opposite ends of a magnet. 
When you cum on Finnick’s tongue, it’s so loud that the tiny microphone in the camera struggles to pick it up. 
Watching it back, Finnick teases you for it, his cock sliding in and out of your walls as he fucks you from behind, lips against the shell of your ear as he promises he can make you cum louder here and now than he did then.
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viatrixisms · 2 years
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hausofneptune · 1 month
[the astrology of drake v. kendrick] "don't tell no lies about me, and i won't tell truths about you"
[astro notes no. 013]
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pluto in aquarius is whooping ass on all fronts and i need to unpack what the fuck is going on between kung fu kenny and jimmy from degrassi
disclaimer: this is all speculation and for fun, don't take it too seriously. i'm interpreting these aspects through the context of the information we were given in the diss tracks. there are various ways that energy can manifest, so if you share any of the aspects or placements in this post please do not take it personally lmao
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"them super powers gettin' neutralized, i can only watch in silence the famous actor we once knew is lookin' paranoid and now is spiralin' you're movin' just like a degenerate, every antic is feelin' distasteful i calculate you're not as calculated, i can even predict your angle"
༄ let's begin by getting into drake's natal chart. for starter's, his sun is conjunct pluto in scorpio. unevolved plutonian people can be very paranoid, manipulative, and selfish in nature - all characteristics that kendrick (as well as other people in the industry) attribute to drake.
now, sun conjunct pluto isn't an inherently challenging aspect, these natives tend to be very influential figures, for better or for worse. this aspect is indicative of innately coming into positions of leadership, but unfortunately, there is a possibility for these natives to become jaded by the hardships, rejection, and loss they’ve faced in their lives and project that pain onto others. 
this placement may also indicate strife between the native and their father (or any prominent authority figure from their youth), there may be wounding that shows up later in life as power struggles in both platonic and romantic relationships. as we know, drake's parents divorced when he was young, and his father would not long after be incarcerated due to drug-related offenses. further down the line, his father would go on to say that drake's claims of him being absent were fabricated and only a gimmick to sell music, which drake denies.
these natives also tend to be very spiritual, and/or engrossed in the “underbelly” side to life and those around them. personally, i think this definitely plays a role in drake’s tendency to want to play juvenile, internet games in beef (like latto said, get in the booth, bitch!), i.e. the meek mill memes during back to back, using bot accounts to spread rumors about pusha t, posting a photo of tory lanez's funky ass after megan dropped HISS, and now kendrick alluding to drake paying people to get dirt on him.
the energy of this aspect can influence this desire to expose the skeletons in everyone’s closets (even skeletons that aren’t there), despite all of the underaged skeletons in one's own closet. this can evolve into recurring power trips and a very self-destructive outlook on life, these natives can easily adopt this “self-fulfilling prophecy” of sorts, and legitimately distrust everyone around them and obsess over keeping tabs, receipts, and "tea" on people they don’t like.
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༄ this sun/pluto conjunction being in drake's 3H, alongside his sun being the ruler of his 12H, and saturn in his 4H, all play a role in inducing his alleged paranoia, and can be viewed as a source of wounding as well. personally, i feel like the way that drake interacts with his peers and the way that he carries himself is very much defined by this sense of needing to control every narrative as to not feel like he's being subjected to the same rejection and coldness he encountered in his youth.
saturn in his 4H is indicative of a need to develop a sense of security in regards to one's family/domestic life, as there tends to be a lack of "warmth" in one's upbringing. the 4H is also representative of lineage, saturn being here could be indicative hardships regarding to the native's relationship to their ancestry, culture, ethnicity, etc. as we know, drake's relationship to his blackness and the culture in general has been under constant scrutiny since he came into the game.
and as a fellow biracial, this isn't because he's "not black enough" or because he has a white mom. it's because drake grew up in closer proximity to whiteness, and that experience has very obviously shaped the way he navigates his blackness and interacts with (and bites off of) black culture from quite literally every part of the world. it's similar to doja cat's situation, where there's an evident disconnect or internalized "shame" surrounding their black identities that very clearly hasn't been worked through. but funnily enough, when it's time to adopt a blaccent and tap into black culture to commodify it and sell it to a primarily white audience (whom of which will give attention to their work quicker than they would an artist that is fully black and/or darker skinned), they don't struggle or hesitate to do so.
so when kendrick says shit like "how many more black features 'til you feel black enough?" and rick ross calls him white (lmao), it has nothing to do with his biracial identity, and everything to do with him cherry-picking from different parts of the black diaspora to curate what is essentially a character for him, when it's clear he has no real understanding or respect for black culture to begin with.
drake also has mercury opposite his MC (and conjunct his IC), these aspects can indicate a struggle to navigate one's identity, alongside domestic, private life affairs having a significant impact on the native's character and mental headspace. specifically, it could be reasoning as to why drake is chooses to cosplay as a different version of black every 2-3 business days.
"life is hard, i know, the challenge is always gon' beat us home sometimes our parents make mistakes that affect us until we grown and you're a good kid that need good leadership let me be your mentor since your daddy don't teach you shit"
༄ i would also be remiss to not acknowledge how saturn in drake's 4H also plays a significant role in his connection to his son and (alleged) daughter.
while saturn is malefic, i do believe that if you work to develop whatever it's hitting in your chart (especially post your first saturn return), it can become a part of your life/personality where you hold the most expertise. and if we're going based off of meet the grahams, i have to question whether this is an evolved placement or not lmfao. kendrick claims that drake is struggling with his own father wound, and in turn has essentially passed that wound down to his (alleged) children by rejecting their existence, being majorly absent in their lives, and ultimately prioritizing fulfilling his ego over being a father.
༄ drake also has sun square mars, and while this aspect can grant the native with a very forthright nature and make them highly motivated to accomplishing their goals, this can also manifest as a very selfish, overly-aggressive character which can lead them to feeling isolated from those around them.
these natives can overplay their hand at times, or struggle with a lack of self control that ultimately results in their own detriment. they may also be very authoritative, and struggle in situations where they don't feel like they're completely in control.
༄ not only do these natal aspects provide context as to why drake is seemingly biting off more than he can chew, but so do the aspects in his transit chart. drake currently has jupiter and uranus opposite his natal mercury, alongside pluto square his natal sun.
all of this energy lends itself to a rushed, tense, and disorganized approach to one's communication and thought process. mentally, drake could be very scattered right now, and the seed that kendrick planted of there being a snake in the OVO camp is more than likely added pressure, especially when you consider pluto squaring his natal sun and the power struggles that adds.
with prominent pluto transits, specifically with squares, the smartest thing for the native to do is relinquish whatever control they think they have over a situation. in the context of this aspect, there's a confrontation with the ego that's occurring, and the native may struggle with finding balance in advocating for themselves and not going overboard. with drake specifically, it's evident that the lack of security in his own identity is not only a major point of contention for those around him, but it's something he internalizes and seemingly struggles with as well
personally, i think the best part of this beef is the fact that kendrick knows all of this about drake, and in proper gemini fashion, is several steps ahead of the game he's playing. telling an emotionally-stunted plutonian that you've seen every skeleton in their closet, that they have rats in their corner, that you peep the weak mind-games they're trying to play... and then telling them to call your bluff and see what happens? iconic.
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༄ kendrick's transit chart is currently being dominated by saturnian and mercurial energy right now as well. it's giving very much stern, paternal, "stop crying before i give you something to cry about" energy.
saturn is square his natal saturn, which is activating the moon square saturn aspect in his natal chart. kendrick's natal moon is in his 5H in pisces, while his natal saturn is in his 2H in sagittarius. if you're familiar with kendrick you know that he had an extremely traumatic childhood, and in his work there's an ever-present theme of grappling between the fear of losing sight of his values to maintain his sense of security, and the spiritual dedication and emotional connection to his artistry, creativity, and children.
the moon square saturn aspect makes it difficult to feel anything other than abandonment and guilt, so much so that the native may resort to wanting to feel nothing at all. and you can definitely hear these themes being explored on Mr. Morale and the Big Steppers.
both drake and kendrick obviously share similar wounding and trauma in relation to their upbringing and how that impacted their abilities to emotionally connect to the people they love, including their children, which is why i find it funny (and damn near poetic) the fact that the latest disses the two have dropped are titled Family Matters and meet the grahams. the difference between the two, though, is that kendrick is undoubtedly far less scared to sit with the parts of himself that he hates than drake is. and don't get it twisted, i don't think kendrick is this spiritually-evolved messiah (he definitely gives hotep-uncle energy at times), but i do think that he not only has a stronger sense of self than drake, he's also far more self-aware and calculated in the game he's playing.
transiting saturn square kendrick's natal saturn indicates that he's being called to maintain balance and not fall into old patterns of forgoing the obligations he holds to both himself and the people he loves on account of the pain and resentment he harbors. this transit is also impacting the way he feels regarding his career and his role in the rap game. kendrick let us know on Control that he has respect and love for his peers, but he knows he's on a different level than them.
ultimately, this transit signifies a test to remain true to himself and true to his values, and i do feel like as time passes, there will be a greater understanding as to why drake is regarded as an entertainer, while kendrick is regarded as an artist.
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madelynraemunson · 3 months
(Book #1 of the Hellfire Gentlemen’s Club series)
strip club owner!eddie x fem!exotic dancer!hargrove!reader
Chapter 020: ‘Red Thong, Party’s On!’ (Epilogue)
a/n: pov you’re back at hellfire, but this time you’re sharing the stage with eddie, stripping while he plays a song for you to dance to 🤭🤭♥️ (SURPRISE AT THE END) it’s been a WILD ride my loves, thank you all so much for the support for CMWYW. i hope we all continue to create more beautiful things together. readers, writers, artists, creatives of all kinds keep the world going round. 🤟🏼💋 all my love, maddy
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↳ chapters: 001, 002*, 003** , 004**, 005 , 006 , 007* , 008**, 009, 010, 011, 012* , 013**, 014** , 015, 016**, 017, 018, 019, 020*
CW: strip club behaviors hehe, grinding, pole-dancing, ass-shaking, all that hellfire goodness, implications that shy girl c*me on eddie's guitar
word count: 990 words
Mom always used to say, "Inside of you, there are two wolves: a good one and a bad one. Depending on which mouth you feed, one will triumph the other.”
She left out one thing, however: sometimes being bad feels so fucking good.
“We’ve got a verrry special treat for you tonight folks!” the DJ announces. “She took a break for a little while but now she is BACK… and here to stay with us, FOREVER! Put your hands together for the ONE, the ONLY — Hellfire’s Princess — SHYYY GIIIIRL!”
And the crowd goes wild.
You emerge from the side stage in your glimmering scarlet set, flipping your plump, bouncy locks around as you dip your hips to the beat. Your regular customers swoon as you blow them kisses, and the petty kisses you issue to the Hellfire Girls (they came to pick up their severance checks) leave them shaking in their stilettos.
"WOOO, HARGROVE!" Nancy cheers for you backstage, dancing to the song as she curls Nina's hair.
"LET 'EM KNOW, BABY!" Nina shouts after her.
You acknowledge them with a wink, giving one to Chrissy as well as she cheers for you on the opposite side of the stage, bouncing up and down in her sexy Hellfire cheer uniform.
“Let’s go, Shy Girl!” ‘Cherry’ cheers as she waves her pom-poms in the air. "LET'S GOOOO!"
She's hot! Can’t stop! Up on stage doing shots!
You shake your ass when the song calls on it, grinding your hips to the beat to match the lyrics as they come. The crowd hoots and hollers as you dance, showering you in dollar bills as you make the pole your bitch for the night.
“YEAAAH!” Max cheers. “That’s my sister!”
As you glide down the cylindrical silver steel, you wave to the crowd and thank them all for coming out.
“Thank you! Aww, thanks so much! OMG, how are you? Long time no see!”
But just because you’re doing your thing on stage doesn’t mean you aren’t paying attention to the happenings beneath you. Because while you have a bird’s eye view of Vecna’s Lair, you can’t help but fix your gaze on Lucas, who is dressed rather sharper than usual tonight, going up to Maxine in attempts to ‘rizz her up’.
“I see spiciness runs in the family,” Lucas remarks to her as they stand beside each other in Vecna’s Lair.
The self-proclaimed 'Dark Chocolate' shoots her an awkward wink, to which Max responds with a grimace on her face.
“Genetics wasn’t playing ‘bout y’all,” Lucas continues. "You're looking mighty fine tonight, Max."
“Thanks. I guess,” Max shrugs, refusing to entertain it. “But, if you knew anything about family dynamics and DNA, you’d know she’s my step-sister."
"Psh," Lucas scoffs. "Yeah! Yeah, I knew that."
"Course you did," she jeers. "Stalker."
“Stalker?! I thought we were friends.”
Max rolls her eyes. “Whatever this is, is far from platonic.”
She begins to strut away, giving Lucas the opportunity to race after her. And Sinclair wastes no time, pushing himself past the sea of sweaty men to catch up to the beautiful redhead in front of him.
“So there’s a chance we can be more than friends?!”
You chuckle as you watch it unfold from the stage. Then you turn to everyone else.
Argyle and Jonathan give you two stoned-filled waves hello. You wave back. Henry whose the designated bone-snapper bouncer tonight blows you a kiss. You catch it and return the favor. Mike and Will don't even give you the time of day.
You then turn your attention to Dustin who is both head-banging to the song, and holding up a lazily written message on the black screen of his phone: “I AM LOOKING RESPECTFULLY”. You can't help but giggle. It's like he's a mini Eddie.
Speaking of your boyfriend, your eyes dart back to the side stage where you meet Eddie’s gaze.
She likes to pull my hair when I make her grind her teeth.
You watch as the curly-haired, metalhead-turned-strip-club-owner eyes you steadily, situating his guitar around himself, giving the body of his NJ Warlock one more wipe down with a cloth.
He smirks to himself, satisfied at the thought that only you two know why that guitar needed wiping down in the first place. But he’s mostly pleased with the fact that, despite the long list of handsome, eligible bachelors after your heart, the passionate, down-to-earth, sexy, siren of a woman that is you, is all his.
My girlfriend's a dick magnet. MY girlfriend…
Eddie then takes to the stage, using the same fingers he’ll use to ravage you tonight to strum the chords of the sexy guitar solo of the song — you know, the song about a guy…..with a hot stripper girlfriend…..whose seducing everyone around her while she does her thing…..in that beautiful red set.
“HOLY SHIT!” someone from the crowd raves, causing Eddie’s eyes to light up like a little kid. “DUET OF THE CENTURY!”
You’ve healed so many parts of Eddie that he was too scared to explore: Love after Isabelle. Showing him that self-care is just as important as caring for Wayne. Encouraging him to find a hobby outside of Hellfire that didn't include doing payroll or grocery shopping. And healing his inner teenager by letting him play on stage with you, as he relives his glory days as the guitarist and frontman of Corroded Coffin one last time.
And as Eddie continues to strum, he stays thinking of you. He couldn’t wait to heal more parts of himself…with 'Shy Girl' Hargrove by his side.
“So,” you pant, edging closer to your boyfriend as the music draws on. "What's next after this?"
Eddie smirks. As the instrumental allows, he presses you against his body, kissing you softly against the lips before trailing all the way down your neck. Your breath hitches in arousal as he hums against you.
“Whatever you want.”
The End
SIKE! King Steve has entered the chat… 😉
(Book #2 of the Hellfire Gentlemen's Club Series)
CEO!bachelor!steve × fem!college grad!reader
MODERN AU • 18+ | BOOK #1 (e.m.)
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slight age gap (Steve is 31, reader is 23); reader goes by the nickname "Sweets"
*loosely inspired by sara cate’s salacious players club*
Summary: 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐈𝐒 𝐀 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐁𝐋𝐄. Steve Harrington has the WORST luck with the ladies. His high school sweetheart left him for another dude, his former fuck buddy is dating his roommate, and his dream girl is a lesbian. King Steve is losing hope. That is until he meets you — a newly graduated university student from Seattle — when your paths cross on a fateful night in Sin City. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas... that is until your risky business trickles over to Hawkins, Indiana, a town your best friend knows of a little too well.
theme song: call out my name by the weeknd
tag list is open 💌✨
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Winter 2024
“WATCH OUT INDIANAPOLIS — you're about to get... absolutely SOAKED!”
The booming voice of a man in Steve’s bedroom stirs him awake.
Letting out a ferocious yawn, The King rubs his eyes free of the annoying crust in the corner of his sockets, flopping around one more time before doing his routine stretch.
“Google,” Steve commands. “Turn off the TV.”
The TV immediately switches off. It’s nothing personal to meteorologist Marcus Bailey, but if Steve ever needed an accurate forecast of Indianapolis, all he would have to do is look outside his penthouse window. And that, after brushing his teeth, is just what he does.
"G'morning Indy,” he sighs happily on his balcony before going back inside.
Steve then makes his way over to the kitchen to fix himself some breakfast.
“Google,” he calls out again. “Open the curtains, please.”
Google replies:
“Opening curtains. Good morning — Steve.”
"Google, what's my schedule looking like today?" "Google, text Dustin." “Google, what is the weather looking like in Nevada?” “Google, turn on my shower tunes.”
The best thing about not living with Eddie Munson anymore, is that Steve can shamelessly sing Amy Winehouse in the shower without being hounded about it.
“We only saaaid GOODBYE, with WORDS!” Steve sings, confidently off-key. “I died a hundred times! You go back to her, and I goooo baaack toooo…”
"Scanning fingerprint...”
an automated voice announces at the entrance of Steve's walk-in closet.
The door slides open. Sauntering his way inside, Steve ventures for some slick black athleisure down to the shoes, his usual musky cologne, and some matching sunglasses (despite the gloomy forecast prediction).
Black. 🎶
Steve Harrington is ready for the day.
"Google, make reservations for 3 people at Tony's Steakhouse at 7pm please."
All Steve had left to do for the day now was grocery shop. Which was always a hassle. Because sometimes, the store doesn't have the specific brand he's looking for so the shopper has to opt for an alternate version. Or sometimes, the shopper assigned to him that day chooses produce that is nearing its expiration date making every fruit in his bag a mushy mess. It doesn't happen too often, but it sure feels inconvenient as hell when it does. There are worse problems in life though, so Steve really can't complain.
*Ring, ring. Ring, ring*
The very distinct and custom ringtone has Steve bolting across the room to answer the call. One of his best friends was on the other line.
"Yello?" he says into the phone.
"Hey, it's Shy Girl," comes a voice. "Eddie and I are pulling in."
"Pull off to the side. Valet's got it. I'll send you guys up."
A bottle of cabernet sauvignon a la Steve awaits the pair when they make their way over. Consider it a Tony's pre-game.
"GameWorld stock is up 4% today,” Steve's buddy, and owner of Hellfire Gentlemen's Club Eddie Munson announces as the two clink glasses. "I don’t have much faith in it though, figure I’ll get my pie slices from actual grocery stores. Like Meijer.”
“Everyone's always gonna need groceries,” Steve points out. "Definitely. Just don't day trade. Not now."
"Ooh, you hear that, Eds?" Shy Girl nudges him. "You gotta be careful where you put your money."
"I gotta be careful with my money, period," Eddie smirks. "You're a danger to my pockets, angel."
"Oh but you love me," she says.
"Yeah," Eddie gives in, grabbing his lover's dainty digits, trailing his fingers across hers, and rubbing the glistening rock that took up most of her left hand on the distal side. "I sure do."
"I'm just... so proud of us," Steve sappily reflects. "So much has happened over the past two years and we've all come so far."
"Yeah," Shy Girl agrees. "And it's about fucking time we celebrate."
"I agree," Eddie chimes in, raising his glass once again. "This weekend trip is going to be... one for the books."
"Viva Las Vegas," Steve toasts. "Cheers."
"Viva Las Vegas!"
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Black and red.
They're the two colors that occupy your closet the most. But of course, after graduating from Washington State University (or Wazzu, for short), you expected nothing less.
You could do with some more sequins though, you think to yourself as you pack your bags.
"What do you think of this, Sweets?"
Peering over your shoulder, you see that your best friend, Elle has started festivities early, managing to hold two glasses of champagne in one hand, and six-inch stilletoes in the other.
"Can't take the party out of the girl, that's for damn sure," you respond.
When you left Seattle to attend WSU Pullman, Elle was your only friend in business class. Mainly because the class was predominantly for dudes, but eventually you found out that you two have a lot in common.
Elle is everything you would want in an older sister figure: she is both book smart and wise, she is sexy, and she eats men for breakfast. And, now that she's about to celebrate the launching of her lingerie business (along with her Dirty 30s Era), and you're about to enter your new-grad era, you two are hitting up Las Vegas to go ham together one last time.
It's all so bittersweet. You owe everything to the Warrens, having taken you in when you were a lost undergrad. It also sucked quite a bit not having a support system after graduating high school. You and Elle were all each other has. Which makes this inevitable separation so much more painful.
"Are you sure you're okay with Vegas by the way?" you question. "I know since the split, being surrounded by gorgeous girls 24/7 can kinda be triggering.”
"Don't worry about it, love," she shakes it off. "The past is in the past. This is a new era of me."
Cheers to that. Clinking your airport-pregame champagne glasses with one another, you raise a toast to yourselves, celebrating how far the two of you have come over the past four years.
"To friendship."
"To friendship."
"To being elegant and educated."
"To elegance and education."
"And to being girl-bosses for the rest of our lives."
You giggle as you raise your glass of champagne even higher.
"To being girl-bosses for the rest of our lives," you two take a sip at the same time. "And no matter how near and no matter how far, we're always gonna be besties."
"I love you, Sweets."
"I love you too, Isabelle."
🏷️ tag list: @chrrymunson , @the-fairy-anon , @ali-r3n , @corrodedcoffincumslut , @bebe07011 , @mmunson86 , @eddiesguitarskills , @chelebelletx , @imonhereforareasonsadly , @eddies-trailer-babe @motherfckerr , @jxpsi , @sidthedollface2 , @manda-panda-monium , @elvendria , @micheledawn1975 , @hereforshmut , @siriuslysmoking , @mediocredreams @nymphetkoo , @m-chmcl-rmnc , @ahoyyharrington , @keepittoyourselftellnobodyelse @kellyxo1 @emsgoodthinkin @winchester-angel @chloe-6123 , @redbarn1995 @angietherose @kiyastrf94 , @purplewitchcauldron @kellsck @joyfulfxckery @munsons-mayhem28 @dragonfire @emma77645 @drivelikenina @livosssblog @thinkingth0ts @hugdealer @ellielunamckay @xblueriddlex @maskofmirrors @babyloutattoo89 @queenofhawkins @feral-pumpkin-energy @bl0ssomanddie
divider from: @plum98
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