#self employed life
rebelwrites · 1 year
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I know I’ve been kinda MIA for a while and I just want to apologise I know I don’t have to but I feel I need to.
Since the start of the year everything has just been chaotic with me launching my F1 crochet Dinos the first couple of months was making the Dinos ready for launching on the 1st March.
However what I didn’t expect was them to be so fucking popular 🥺 I sold out in March within 9 minutes and then worked on my restock which happened on the 31st March and again I sold out within 15 minutes. I’ve now created my own website and moving away from Etsy for the restock at the end of the month. It’s only me that makes them so I’m pretty much spending Monday to Friday making Dinos and eBay has taken a back seat as my boyfriend has gone out working with his dad to bring money in.
So unfortunately I haven’t had any time to write or be active on here, I’m hoping that I can change that soon and find more time to write but I just wanted to say that Rebel hasn’t fallen off the face of the earth you can find me under a mountain of Dinos and yarn.
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falcieridesigns · 2 years
How To Embrace Your Limitations As A Small Business And Be Okay With That
How To Embrace Your Limitations As A Small Business And Be Okay With That
Accepting my limitations as a small business owner has been the most empowering thing I could have done for myself. And maybe you should embrace your limitations as a small business too and learn to be okay with that, because it will make running your business a much happier experience. Firstly, I have finally admitted to myself that, not only do I not want to play the social media game, but I…
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hollowtones · 1 month
work on any cool projects you're proud of lately? (whether you can publicly talk about them or not)
Nothing comes to mind aside from stuff I've been working on already (& you'll hear about those when / if I'm ready to show them off LOL). I realized a little while ago that I'd been stretching myself thin for too long, & it was impacting my health pretty badly, so I've been trying to ease up a little bit in the past few months.
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artist-diaries · 4 months
Hey guys, I know its been like 2 and half weeks since I've been active on here and sorey about that. I'll explain everything later but, I felt like this is too important not to share.
Did you guys know the IRS has a site for students with learning modules and assessments design to teach you the basics of understanding/filing taxes?
I don't know how good it is but I plan on going through EVERYTHING today so I'll let you know. As someone without really a foundational understanding of how taxes work, this feels like a good resource to share.
Designed for students but it doesn't seem like there's anything stopping ANYONE from just going on here and learning. It look approachable and easy to understand, with links to explain tax jargon and 14 learning modules.
Is it weird to be excited about this? I am genuinely happy to have found this tbh- here I was prepared for a day of slogging through different websites explaining complicated financial terms and this is just here.
I really hope you guys take a look, because I am kind of amazed this just exists in the world and I- at 24 have never come across it or heard any of those dumb financial gurus talk about this.
Let me know if the link doesn't work, and please please pass this knowledge along. I feel like I've stumbled on a goldmine here.
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raysdrawlings · 11 months
I was scrolling through youtube and just saw your zelink comic as a videos thumbnail
(a dub video, tho the dub was made with text-to-speech)
it's pretty cool seeing art by someone i follow randomly at random places
(oh, and they did put your blog's link in their description)
Thanks for letting me know! 😔
My current dubbing policy that I’m fine if the comic is a one-off comic, i love dubs! But if it’s a series of mine composed of several parts (Over 3) I do not want it dubbed.
I ask that anyone wanting to do a dub of my comic, please ask first!
I really wanna avoid situations where I have to ask someone to take something down they spent time and work on, cuz I know that totally sucks, and I’m so appreciative that someone likes the comic I made- and I think we can avoid all this with just a simple “hey can I dub this?”.
So please ask!! It’ll also let me know when I can watch the dubs I’m comfortable with! ✨ And I’d love to see them!
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arwenkenobi48 · 6 months
*dramatic trailer announcement voice* in a world of capitalism…and consumerist side hustles…one man thinks outside the box…
*record needle scratch*
alrighty ima start knitting *cutesy slice of life music followed by a montage of a knitting machine working*
Fr tho I’m so hyped about this
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hiveswap · 1 month
Parents will treat you like expensive vermin that theyre keeping around due to being mercyful but the moment you wanna kill yourself it's suddenly bad
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sonknuxadow · 11 months
i know the real reason most sonic characters are so young is probably because the main target audience for sonic is kids. plus teen heroes is just a really common media trope in general. but thinking about the in universe implications of this is kinda funny like where are all the adults. why does nobody over the age of 20 want to help fight eggman. are they legally required to either be evil or do nothing
do none of the adults have an issue with teens and little kids doing all the villain fighting??? maybe people who just hear about sonics adventures in passing and dont know him personally assume hes older than he actually is but then when meeting him in person are hit with the realization of "oh my god thats a child. why does a grown man have beef with him". or maybe they just dont give a shit that theyre letting the fate of the world rest in the hands of a 15 year old boy. i feel like the second option is more likely but the first option is still funny
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emieclat · 4 months
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reallyhardy · 5 months
period kicking my absolute ASS today!!!
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layaart · 7 months
Thank you for still wearing a mask! Not enough people do it at cons. I appreciate you!!
of course! I wear a mask everywhere.
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rebelwrites · 2 years
The next part of Maybe Summer Doesn’t Have To End should be finished tomorrow 🤞🏼 I’ve been busy crocheting more dinos in prep for a craft fair we now have booked for October.
Unfortunately writing now takes a back seat as we work 3 streams of income for the business (eBay, Facebook and my crochet) at least I’m not working 37.5 hours for a company on top!
On the plus side I now have
4 small T-Rexs
1 giant T-Rex (made a while ago)
2 triceratops (one made a while ago)
1 brontosaurus (made a while ago)
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fellhellion · 8 months
90s run PAD has this rlly annoying trend where he very often write a female character being in love w miguel and suddenly her entire character shrinks down to the scope of what drama this provokes and it's near continually in service to the narratives of men (Gabriel and Miguel interpersonal drama for example). even when there are actually interesting things to be mined from this angle like w lyla its like. this is a pattern w you dude.
#my GOD we lost kasey nash in the wars skdfhjkdshfkjs#like. it sucked. the fact she goes from a revolutionary to primarily a wedge between gabri and miguel SUCKS.#for some reason its like folks pretend PAD also literally wasnt writing the kronom arc where character assasination is happening#left and right to prop up dana as a martry. when like he was literally just writing that.#like im sorry i love the 90s run too and i have a lot of sympathy for the strain the team wouldve been under while corp bullshit was#exploding above their heads but like. the fact PAD appears to like. just not be fucking bothered to explain what#danas thought processes are flipping from one belief to a wildly opposing one is just bad and tbh LAZY writing#and this is happening dozens of issues before the worst irl circumstances for the team even cropped up#tunes talks critical#can u tell im on my period lmao#tunes talks 2099#like even regarding xina. i think she escapes the worst of this writing treatment from PAD but like. the fact that the dimension PRIMARILY#explored in the text w her is around her relationship w miguel is honestly really disappointing. i LIKE that dimension yes but there is so#much more to explore with her! does she have friends outside of miguel (and if not does this tie into her apparent isolation from alchemax)#how does xina operate as a relatively independant and implied self employed individual in this world of corp monopolies#she CARES about the truth and fighting back against false narratives spun to consolidate power and profit so how does this extend into her#normal life? does she know about downtown when education wise this seems to be something utterly ommitted? what does she think about it?#what kind of hope did she hold regarding angela's work?#if she believes miguel to still work at alchemax why is this not a point of conflict between them? does she fear losing him? did she give#up trying? etc etc etc there are SO many compelling dimensions to explore w her and the text keeps them#largely sublimated to background details in the art. or what we can interpret as sublimated conflicts the characters dont want to address#but in terms of what is in the TEXT i want more. i want more as someone who really loves this fucking thing lmao
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tirfpikachu · 2 months
okay not to sound like a narcissistic moron but on top of my activism book about tirfism i'm uhhhh also writing a more train of thought type book about my personal experiences with lesbianism, my chaotic love life, my trans & detrans journey, and navigating living alone out of nowhere after thinking i was with my One True Love for half a decade. and also my pets, i want a record of them all somewhere meaningful bc they all meant and STILL mean the world to me... my old dogs, cats, rats, bunnies, and just all kinds of animals. i also want to talk a bit about my mental illnesses. not too much though, cuz it would just take over the book completely and i'm not keen on oversharing too many intimate details (i'm sure it'll happen though...) or at least not to the point where it's 80% of the novel
so uhhhh yeah so, basically an autobiography... but jfc that sounds so dumb and snobby, like who tf am i to have an autobiography?? i'm just some nobody disabled dyke with a blog and a chaotic life. but i really think i'm gonna do it anyways. my ex laughed when i brought up the concept of non-celebrities having autobiographies, so i gave up on it. they never knew i was contemplating doing it, but still. it made me give up on the idea somehow. but hey, i'm single, i can do whatever the fuck i want and i think it would be an awesome journey!! i love writing about personal stuff and my writing skills are the only skills i'm fairly confident in and proud of. i don't want to only write about activism or fictional stuff. i'm tired!! i want another thing to work on when i'm not in the mood to talk abt deep shit or invent shit
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studiohromi · 25 days
What I Did Last Week: May 6-9, 2024
Here we are with another edition of “What I Did Last Week,” where I share my day-to-day life as a self-employed person. Every weekday (and some weekends) I keep track of all the work I’ve done each day, as a way to keep me on track as a full-time working artist. Fellow creatives and freelancers, whether or not you choose to share it publicly, I urge you to join me in this weekly professional accountability exercise.
I moved over the weekend, and am (more or less) settled in now. I'm excited to set up my new office space and give a lil office/studio tour once it's ready!
Monday May 6
Packed and shipped an online order.
Sent follow-up/check-in emails.
Worked on preliminary sketch for a commercial art & design client project.
Final (?) edits for a science design client project.
Met with a new science design client for an upcoming project.
Volunteer stuff.
Tuesday May 7
Social media and blog posts.
Prepared and sent a quote for an upcoming science design client project.
Website edits/updates.
Responded to new inquiry from a repeat science design client.
Had a phone meeting with a medical illustration client about an upcoming project.
Wednesday May 8
Website edits/updates.
Applied for an upcoming art market.
Preliminary research for an upcoming medical illustration client project.
Thursday May 9
Volunteer stuff.
Final (?) edits for a science design client project.
Scheduled various meetings and consultations.
AMI Membership Committee stuff.
Checked PO box.
Picked up consignment checks.
Picked up artwork from Cocoon Art Space, from the closed Recycled Art exhibition.
Packed up studio.
An invoice was paid today!
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tricornonthecob · 3 months
Me: I have been cranky all day, why have I been cranky all day
Looming tax deadlines: bonjour.
Me: ....
Me: oh, right.
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